Moscow to expand “safe & convenient” biometric payment system
Riley Waggaman

“Pay by biometrics.” Don’t tell me what to do.
Your Still-Very-Stranded-In-Tbilisi Correspondent mused at the end of June that the West’s never-ending barrage of sanctions might disrupt digital cattle-tagging efforts in Russia.
This is probably true in “backwards” regions that can’t boast a single Smart or Safe City—how embarrassing.
But it is definitely not true in Moscow, which is lorded over by a dancing Boston Dynamics robot named Sergey Sobyanin.
Last week, Sobyanin’s robo-deputy, Maxim Liksutov, who is also a friendly automaton, announced Moscow would be expanding its “safe and convenient” Face Pay system.

The auto-generated text attributed to confirmed robot Maxim Liksutov (source)
“What is Face Pay?” maybe you are asking.
It’s when you pay with your face.
Sobyanin began installing his homebrewed biometric payment system in Metro stations last year.
What kind of feedback has Sobyanin’s safe and convenient payment method received, according to trustworthy and reliable data cited by Moscow City Hall?
As Liksutov explained in his recent op-ed for Vedomosti, Muscovites love Face Pay, because it’s safe and convenient.
In fact, commuters can’t stop fantasizing about paying with their faces. It’s what they crave. It’s plainly obvious the people demand more Face Pay.
Liksutov understands their cravings; he has the medicine:
Among the disadvantages that we still need to work on, passengers indicated a small number of turnstiles that can be passed through using biometrics. Most stations have 1-2 Face Pay turnstiles installed, at some stations we have already increased their number at the request of users… [A]fter updating the turnstiles in the metro, at least 200 more will be able to accept payment by biometrics. If necessary, we will further increase the number of such turnstiles.
We know what you are thinking: can my small child also pay with his or her face?
Sure, why not? Probably soon:
Passengers are asking to implement Face Pay passes on social cards, including for students and schoolchildren—we are discussing and evaluating this possibility.
Maybe some of you feel uncomfortable about transitioning into a payment system that automatically deducts digital rubles from your Sber account when a camera recognizes your face? But why would this bother you? China is already doing it—and Russia is doing it better, according to Liksutov:
Facial recognition fare collection system is being implemented in China, but we are ahead… Face Pay has been tested on local self-driving buses. Moscow is the first city in the world where the facial recognition system for fare payment works on a large scale. The service is available at all 250 metro stations, as well as at the Kutuzovskaya station of the MCC.
Did we mention that Face Pay is “safer and more reliable than paying with a bank card,” and is also very, very convenient? Sergey Sobyanin is committed to making sure every Muscovites is safe and forever-free from being inconvenienced:
Payment by biometrics in the Moscow metro, launched on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, is an important stage in the development of our ticketing system and a convenient way for passengers to pay for travel, which we will continue to develop.
According to local media reports, Moscow City Hall has been flooded with Thank You cards. As wrote, every patriotic Russian supports the ongoing construction of “a biometric concentration camp in Moscow.”
Remember: Face Pay is 100% voluntary.
There will never be a point in time when not-paying-with-your-face will be discontinued, due to being unsafe and inconvenient.
That will never happen.

“Remove mask”: Actual directions for how to properly pay with your face using Moscow’s Face Pay. (source)
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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As concerns the use of Face Pay, yes there are obvious concerns related to civil liberties. I completely agree with you, but as I note from conversations with my fellow IT professionals in London who work with the government, the government has been trying for years to tie together digital IDs across all systems to be able to root out fraud (i.e. someone whose reported income is maybe £500k but who is receiving housing benefits). For me the obvious way to implement these systems is to determine the use cases for how tying together digital IDs would benefit the public. But it is clear that those here in the UK are not thinking that way which is why they have not managed to implement this over the last 10-15 years. At some point they will figure it out. It seems that Russia has. Of course any tool that provides convenience to the public can be used as a means of control. I understand that and given the present war with the west and terrorist attacks such as the one made on the Dugin family, I also understand the benefit of it in terms of security for Russia.
Those Russians and their flirtation with robots and hi-tech.
Obviously globalists in on the whole scam.
I keep hoping to see Russia speak against the covid story, exposing it as a minor illness that can be treated w/o a vaxx. Or even — my fantasy — exposing the vaxx as harmful. Here’s a little something anyway:
Russian Defense Ministry: “”We see a clear trend: pathogens that fall into the zone of interest of the Pentagon, subsequently spread as a pandemic. The beneficiaries are American pharmaceutical companies and their patrons — the leaders of the US Democratic Party,” the ministry said in a statement. -Pravda
If you understand the West and its obsession with bioweapons especially with the research that was being done in Ukraine to target slavic populations, if you were Russia would you be pushing the argument that covid is a minor illness? Or would you maintain vigilance against anything that the globalist in the west might try and do to destroy your country? I would say that this is part of the reason for China’s zero covid policy (since it is very clear that the collective West is looking to destroy China as well).
Steffen Kotre, a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, a member of the parliamentary committee on energy and climate protection, called for the immediate commissioning of Nord Stream 2.
Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck said that the approval of the operation of the gas pipeline would mean Europe’s capitulation to Russia.
Klaus Ernst, the head of the Energy and Climate Committee of the Bundestag, suggested using Nord Stream 2 either in case of urgent needs or gas shortages. In his opinion, the gas supplies issue should be bracketed out of the Ukrainian conflict. In addition, the lack of gas could be socially sensitive in Germany, the politician believes. –Pravda
Socially sensitive?? They’ll have riots in the streets.
The Wolves smell blood; the wolves circle readying for the kill…….
‘The (Russian) oligarchs…have not yet played their last cards, and remain closely linked to Putin’s political regime and are the basis of his power…..Nevertheless, what is clear is that for the first time in decades there seems to be a serious opposition developing within the Russian state against oligarchic rule and the current regime under PUTIN…..’
‘…..The newly fragmented oligarchy is counting on a Russian DEFEAT and their walking off in the end with the prizes as loyal compradors for foreign capital…..’
Sensing a rift in the Russian ruling elite the US stepped up its provocation in Ukraine believing Russia’s military weakening in a proxy war in Ukraine would embolden the Russian comprador class to remove Putin. and throw open the gates to allow global corporation’s pillage and plundering of Russia’s vast natural wealth…
les, this is quite possible:
Penelope, i’m not scandalised by Riley’s reports. To an outside observer normal business practices can appear to constitute signs of a conspiracy. My financial nous is wanting, but from the beginning i’ve appreciated that Putin has enemies on the Home Front that can affect the conduct or outcome of “Putin’s War” in the Ukraine…(A comprador class exists in Russia)…
The MRP article provided two windows into Russian politics via John Helmer’s (Dancing with Bears) articles. They make it clear that Putin does not control everything that goes on in Russia…
i’m wondering if Putin Lover / Putin Blamer is a binary…Any thoughts ?
Are Russian oligarchs any different to American, British, Chinese or Israeli oligarchs?
The question about Putin lover/Putin hater as ”fake binary” is fake itself and one for little babes.
Russian oligarchy is not different.
The Russia they, the post-Soviet regime and oligarkhat, destroyed was a foreign body on the globe for all.
That is why they destroyed it.
Russia’s unrelenting battle against the forces of globalist technocracy is most admirable.
You like to amuse people though your humour is specific.
Or you perhaps believe in what you said?
Namely, in Russia’s unrelenting battle against the forces of globalist technocracy.
C’mon Roula, there is no way that a U.S. citizen can bring down the C.I.A./NSA
combi combat ready Central Banker stooge army of fukwits ! & never Trump.
Rumsfeld lost $2.3$ Trillion Bucks publicly 9/10/2001 and those Bucks never stopped rolling! Into illicit computing 🖥 on ‘Parallel Platforms’… ask Bill Binney
And consider how old Blackrock’StateSideVanguard Aladdin A.i. has been active,
Before Enron’s Collapse & intern WTC7. Automated intelligence, just like H.A.A.R.P. has always been first a military domain from the very inception: which is why Nobody here or in China, including Xi, can be sure of too much further patience..From the P.L.A. who are itching and keen to use up 30 year old munitions and some New Technical Gamesmanship… the Chinese love Fireworks aka.* Piratki4Pelosi * sounds like a real fun testing ground zero solution,
For China’s Pride 😤 👏 starting with Taiwanese Fish & Chips 🍟
Onto Rolls-Royce and semi-conductor woes.
Neither Putin nor Xi created this Game of Hedged Derivatives,
Or Corporate Dictators, enabling Jens Stoltenberg in South Korea !
But, compete they must & together ! Recognising Rachmaninov’s Copyright,
Something he loved from his youth.
Prior to ‘Aladdin’, or Korean War,
the Dalai Lama’s Official CIA wages
From 1945 – 1974 were $180,000 p.a.
Just.One. Fact. Imperialist Nanjing Massacre
Being another fact, Putin surely recalls…
Bet Kim recalls one in five Genocide in Korea?
People never forget …
Ah, then you believe in ”Russia’s unrelenting battle against the forces of globalist technocracy.”
It surprises nobody that the corrupt remains corrupt and wallows and advances in its corruption. You seem to think that Russia is still unable to compete with Washington evils.
Abusus optimi pessimus, this always arouses the highest abomination and this is what happened to Russia post-perestroyka i.e., when the current regime grabbed the throne.
”People will never forget.” Yes? I know very few such people, very few indeed. Boundless disappointment.
Recognition of which fact will be the most harrowing knowledge that I will take with me to eternity.
Assumption , being the mother of Fukups !
After 30 years of dealing all Cyrillic cultures and arriving on the Balkans, Wisely, before NATZO and the E. U. COMPLETELYELY ASSUMED control of
your version of a ‘pseudo- reality’ I have lived !!
Knowing Soros & Co. Better than you & Trump and before 1990/91
Let alone 1992. I was prepared. TRUMP was not. Likely, you still…
That my wife could have moderated Regional Radio in Bulgaria , before 1989 …
Going back further to the Times of Roger East and Timor Troubles: me… still !
With your pitch, you sound ignorant or worse, arrogant !
Or that my brother and many relatives have lived in China for over 35 years &
We interest ourselves in your jockstrap presumptions,
Just like A.i. with One difference… hypocrisy and philosophical voids.
Over to you… you presumptuous ‘westerner’!
Recognition of the fact that you knew fuk all, will help alleviate …
Your limited perceptions, throughout All Eternity.
Just ask Socrates regarding the essence of any wisdom !
You cannot box , like you think… iin this age.
That battle started before or after they shared knowledge with the globalists on how to make the graphene, nanotech, tagging vaxxes?
“Identification of microtechnology found in Cansino, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, and Sputnik vaccination vials”
You jest surely
Of course.
So what’s new?
Politicians have been paying with their arses for years.
Saudi Arabia has decided to pass on FacePay for the moment.
They have been friends recently, MBS and Putin.
I heard one Russian Mid East diplomat who attended a conference in Riyadh claim recently that Putin is now trying to purge Russia of oligarkhat copying the golden standard of MBS who allegedly did the same in KSA, arresting the KSA oligarkhat in 7-star Hilton.
Obviously, the diplomat believes MBS – which he indeed does – and KSA’s snazzy propaganda to the world.
Not all do, though.
Who could believe all that dazzle [ though the Russian diplomat does]…
Don’t expect the IT or metaverse geniuses selling such innovations to consider cultural nuances. Or even botox.
Some People actually believe Putin is fighting the deep state.
How was Putin involved in the installation of face pay turnstiles ? Author seems to think it’s the Moscow Mayors project.
Well, it doesn’t look like Putin is stopping the agenda either. And the CEO or head Mob Don delegates most minor issues on the floor.
If Putin really was fighting the deep state in the West he would blow the lid on the Convid scam. As a nobody I know it is a BS-scam and he knows the same in a more specific detail since he have the whole intelligence apparatus of Russia at his fingertips. But instead he went into the Ukraine as a diversion when the global injection program went sour. And now this diversion and the response to it is driving the implosion of the economy and the energy sector in accordance with the Agenda 2030 crap.
Some people was woken up to the fake binary whilst others been saying it since day one.
the Mayors office / project or Sage or parliamentary or Fauci CDC or The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) etc etc
They’re all get given the script. They all play there part in getting the agenda out whilst the people like you, think it all a separate entity / organizations / offices.
There not.
Covid showed this yet many still blinded.
Yes, you are right, he manually was not involved in installing the system.
Do you believe it? It’s delusional
I hope no one is surprised by this. I’m not. Simple question: did Russia sign up for Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? I find it odd and quite deflating actually that people in the resistance think Russia, and more so Putin is on our side. He’s not. He’s playing the role of bad cop. If any politician anywhere were truly on our side and was actually threatening the establishment narrative and more importantly their ponzi scheme, such as the late John Magufuli of Tanzania or Muammar Gaddafi to name 2 examples, they would be dealt with permanently.
Or “good cop” – depending on which team a person picks?
Point taken… I got my terminology mixed up.
There must still be loads of useless Che T shirts around. Probably not a single one of a real hero like Magufuli.
Putin hasn’t taken a subway in 40 years.
Probably yes, even if not openly.
As they want a Chinese like strictly controlled system, the easiest way to ‘push’ Russia in alliance with China and defeat the west. They don’t need to literally defeat us (or who knows), it is good enough if we know that we have no army, power enough, etc. to win.
Thanks for this reply Gundel, and yes, you are quite correct in all this. Its all just one giant Punch & Judy Show.
I posted this article in a Facebook post yesterday and made the comment along the lines of “This is for anyone still under the illusion that Russia, and Putin himself are on our side. He’s not”. To my dismay, a number of people who replied to my post accused me of simplistic, black and white thinking and lept to the defence of Putin, basically acting like he was on a pedestal and he was coming to save us from the evil globslists.
One Russian Facebook friend who had previously posted that the Russian Govt was a zionist occupied Govt and Putin was a puppet of the zionists lept to his defence and claimed he was fighting for Russia against the globalists, etc etc. Yes, I know Facebook is pretty toxic G, and I know how it began.
Back to the roots…
People who never lived in a socialist or communist country can’t even imagine that level of control and lives without joy or hope. Years of waiting for a mock-car (Trabant, Lada, Skoda), you couldn’t travel to other countries except it was an other socialist country, your letters were opened, if you relative living in New Zealand dared to invite you you had to endure a year long investigation and even after that you most likely were turned down. People reported each other, spied on each other, used words to screw you which were said in a wrong time at a wrong place, envy, ‘if it is bad to me, I want any possible bad to you, too’. These regimes killed every kindness, every good intention.
These regimes were really good in share and rule even among family members.
The problem with this that people who lived generation after generation in countries like Russia, China, or any ex-socialist Central European countries were successfully conditioned to obey, generation after generation it was as if it was something inheritable, it was in their ‘gens’.
There were good points of course, free health care on a much higher level that your NHS ever would have been able to give you, pretty high level of education (apart from compulsory dogmas but on math, biology and similar subjects), safe streets.
The life was grey, depressive, hopeless, uniformed without the possibility to break free, no matter how talented you were or how enthusiastic to fetch time into education.
It is terrible to see how history repeats itself. Never, ever accept a communist, socialist, totalitarian regime. There is no such thing that everyone is equal, it’s like Animal Farm, some are more equal and you couldn’t even touch them at the top. During the rule of these regimes, you won’t be equally rich but equally terribly poor!
Their present plan is a copy-cat, but with the help of knowledge and tech an even a much higher level of slavery and control. (Smart cities, face recognition, nanotech vaxxes.)
They say, it is because to prevent tax avoidance. But they are the ones – on the top – who surely never pay tax.
I spent my first 40 year in a socialist country, I speak from first case experience. No matter how hard you have to work in a capitalist country, if you are willing, here at least you can have something which is called ‘quality of life’ and a very good illusion of freedom. Insist to keep it! Who is lazy, who wish to live under such regime for ‘free dinner’ because lazy to educate, lazy to work, lazy being useful – I agree with Schwab on the ‘useless eater’ part in connection with them – but for the rest, their nightmare, totalitarian regime is just not the way, don’t let yourself mislead on this. Reject everything digging in your privacy, restricting your freedom including the bait – the so convenient face recognition – because it is only the start, the tech will be used to restrict you.
Collect your thoughts how on to resist, there is no need to openly revolt. Just say no to face recognition, easy-to-pay digital stuff, possibly for wireless tech, smart meaning is not ‘smart’, smart meaning is Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology.
USE CASH, eliminate your wireless tech as much as you can, go back to cabled. Don’t watch TV, you can read the news without TV and you can watch movies without TV, they use TV for a kind of brainwashing sending alfa brain waves to condition you (Dr. Kaufmann), that’s why so many behaved so weirdly, out of common sense, turning against even their close friends and relatives, it’s like hypnosis.
Just say NO for everything they try to push nowadays. They don’t want any good to you.
I conclude that TPTB needed to demonstrate to many within their echelons that soviet/communism style enslavement was not as productive as they seemed to believe it should be, i.e. that the carrot of freedom and opportunity, while illusory, creates greater motivation, and consequently greater productivity.
People who know they’re slaves without prospects don’t work as hard as those who don’t know.
Movies are mind control. Avoid them.
Skodas are good cars wtf
They were not 30-40 years ago. Now I don’t know, I have other type.
You prefer the oligarchic charade of democracy.
I prefer quality of life, I prefer some free time but working or being somekind of school 24/7, living in a constant fight for survival, to be ‘better’ to find a better job, which allowed my first used colour TV and first very used car at around 27. I was 30+ when first flying on a plane and could see the sea.
You people who think that before the covid the west was a wrong place to live, have seen nothing. But as things is going you’ll find out soon. If you want to survive what’s coming do your very best NOT TO BE DEPENDENT ON THE STATE.
They have no reason to keep alive a bunch of ‘UBI’ dependent, UBI is a TRAP.
They can’t kill everyone at once because someone should clean off the bodies from the streets, logistic, and can’t because it might start a bigger revolution and while ppl can’t reach the brains of this NWO, they could their local dogs, which case replacing them would be a ‘pain in the A…’ via fear of the new candidates.
It will be slow but still a culling, as they have proven it with the poison shots.
”It is terrible to see how history repeats itself. Never, ever accept a communist, socialist, totalitarian regime. There is no such thing that everyone is equal, it’s like Animal Farm, some are more equal and you couldn’t even touch them at the top. During the rule of these regimes, you won’t be equally rich but equally terribly poor!”
Fair enough comment, but what about the capitalist-imperialist regimes of the West which is where I have lived all my life. How come you think that everything in the West is so hunky-dory. Wake up my friend, all regimes east or west, capitalist of socialist, are in the final analysis on the make. Never accept a capitalist-imperialist totalitarian regime. Just ask the peoples of the global south who have been the victims of imperial expansion and exploitation since the early 19th century onwards. Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Portugal simply carved up Africa to suit their own imperial designs. The US was a little bit later firstly in the US-Mexico wars where the freedom loving Americans swallowed up California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas. Then onto colonising the Philippines and Guam.
If bullshit is good for the liberal democrats in the west it is also good enough for the imperialists in the global south.
This rot was put in place by the Orthodox church centuries ago.
Soon having long hair will be outlawed. I’m all for mandatory masking all of a sudden!
Unless you mean on women. It is a bit of a complex issue. The banksters use long haired rebellious individuals to conduct revolutions and them cut them down when the revolution has succeeded. Recall how the old Bolsheviks were liquidated in 1937. Long hair on men and short hair on women was one of the ways the bankers eroded gender roles. Joan Baez had short hair at Woodstock, singing to a sea of long haired male freaks. This dates back to the short lived 1918 Hungarian revolution and undoubtedly earlier.
Was outlawed for children of the Indigenous Go back a little whilst and see.
Masking was not only about to declare you are a good slave material and to run the con, they were not unhealthy just because they deprived you from the necessary oxygen to slow you down and give a chance to cancer but because many had their favorite poison: graphene oxide. Some were officially called back (Spain, Canada) but all come from the ‘s,holes’ of the world, do you think anyone is checking them for graphene or else?
“The good news is that for people who meet certain criteria, access to monkeypox vaccines is expanding. Los Angeles County now has about 24,000 doses available, some of which are being offered to eligible UCLA Health patients.”
Gee, isn’t that NICE of UCLA to let me know that I might be “eligible”?
I think I received about 20 offers for coviVaxx. Wonder how many I’ll get for Pox
PS Mexican agricultural worker across the courtyard informed me yesterday that she is sure they are trying to kill us. She took one shot to keep her job, but reuses to take more.
Agrochemcials absolutely its a slow silent painful long death which gets blamed on other reasons.
Some just never learn. ..
Gundel, On the contrary– no education, no computer, not native speakers & most of the neighborhood’s figured it out.
How does Face Pay work with masks?
It doesn’t, the article mentions that at the end.
In the future, QR codes will be added to masks where one’s mouth is.
With or without extra graphene oxide?
“On April 2, 2021 Health Canada acknowledged the presence of graphene nano particles inside the Face Mask allegedly to protect our health as well as prevent the spread of the “deadly virus”.”
Another film collides with “reality”:
Yes it’s the Jaws mayor scene. Only this time they go further than Peter Benchley and Steven Spielberg who at least had the decency to admit that sharks weren’t cute. And so, after assuring us that the big chomp was an incredibly rare event, we then get:
As long as you have a “dive master” you’ll almost certainly be ….sort of ….almost …OK.
Next up:
Why do we hate piranhas so much?
Meet the chainsaw that’s great for kids to use!
Is paedophilia maligned?
That is the Marxist/Materialist disdain of nature. I have been in a cage underwater about 3 metres from great white sharks. Magnificent creatures. I think we have more to fear from the misnamed loan sharks. Spielberg was a Zionist arsehole.
White tipped fin ones. Relatively small but the most dangerous to humans if we can believe to the science at least on this. 🙂
Russia like most places has the same propaganda as the West.
Didn’t Ovid convince the electors of this..?
Putin PR team educated Trumps lot in how to keep the enchanted hooked.
Yes, WHO.
Considering what’s happening here in the states, I wonder if this is worse than if he shot someone on fifth avenue, i.e., could he lose any votes because of this? I suppose if his admitting he’s the father of the fake vaccine and Operation Warpspeed doesn’t affect his whacked-out supporters, this won’t either. This tells you all you need to know about Trump and those that continue to support him.
“Klaus has done a fantastic job!” — President Donald J. Trump (Video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (
Considering the FACT that because I don’t and never have had a cell phone (except a couple brief month long throw away phone experiences) and how I’ve become acutely aware because of that how exceptionally rare that seems to be and how utterly confused it seems to make people, especially the younger ones, I’d say we ain’t seen nothing yet.
I had 1-2 for many years then binned the one which caused harm (proper covid symptoms, lung damage in a bunch of young animals who slept close to it). I still have one, a downgraded (older) for photos and emergencies, constantly in flight mode and at home in the micro (the perfect Faraday) outside in an EMF shielding pouch if I don’t forget to take it with me completely.
I love it, no calls when on the toilet, under the shower, being absorbed by the stuff I read, I love the peace, I can check my emails when I feel like to do.
When you strip away all the technoglamor its really just a variation of the common practice of carrying an ID card with your picture on it. In this system the facial recognition is done by a human comparing your face to the picture on the card. The card may also include biometric information to confirm that the picture matches the person. Once the ID is confirmed than you can be matched with information in database — on line, local or just in a file on the desk.
People like to pretend that they can get away without any official documentation and that definitely used to be the case in England some decades ago. However, if you live anywhere these days you’re going to have problems if you interact with the government (the police, for example) without a valid ID. At a minimum you’ll likely to be detained while they figure out who you are (in the UK the cops carry portable fingerprint readers, for example). Many countries have an organized national ID system — in most of Latin America, for example, you can’t do anything except be a tourist without your DNI. (Russia has a tradition of ‘internal passports’ that dates to Tsarist times.) Recognizing that this is our reality is far more important than raging against a facial recognition rather than a near field ID payment system (tap cards are ubiquitous on rapid transit systems world-wide).
Just to reinforce how old the new really is there’s a sub-group of people known as ‘super-recognizers’, people who have an uncanny ability to recognize any given face. They comprise about 1-2% of the population, they’re actually better than state of the art facial recognition software and its a job skill deployed by the UK police. For me, someone at the other end of the recognition scale, facial recognition software is more of a field leveler.
It was demonstrated many times on TV. Years ago. Its not radical technology.
In the good old days the UK used to have the rather disturbing habit of addressing you by name after they’d performed a traffic stop. This lead to the rather unsettling conclusion that the reason why people weren’t required to carry up to date ID in the UK is that they already knew who you were.
They will not usually detain you without reason but they can and will take your fingerprints if you have no ID document on you.
How obtuse.
A simple cash transaction requires no more than cash. Why does the subway operator need to know your identity? It’s not for convenience.
One sick guppy. Retarded too.
I can’t understand how the facial recognition system works in China, where they all look the same and there are so many of them.
Mistakes will happen. When people start paying for things they never bought, or for underground trips they never made, they are going to get stroppy, including Russians (not to mention the Chinese, who have a very healthy tradition of protest).
Putin has little if anything to do with this, by the way – it’s the mayor of Moscow, as even Riley tells us. Something tells me Putin doesn’t even take the underground and has other fish to fry. We have the same type of wild-eyed, technophiliac mayor where I live (in France), churning out exactly the same mindlessly enthusiastic IT propaganda about the safety of smart thisses and the convenience of digital thats. Sobyanin hasn’t invented anything. All we lack here is an underground railway, alas. I don’t even use the public transport myself because you have to wear a mask.
As long as you can still pay for your ticket in cash, what me worry? Despite everything, they haven’t managed to make me buy a cellphone yet. Or get my jabs (so I’m still three doses and two boosters away from qualifying for the next vaccine pass). So me and Riley and (and OffG, of course) are all fellow resistants. We are everywhere and we will win.
Are you trying to be funny?
Hello, Peter. Thank you for your question. There is a very old half-serious-half-joking cliché in white, racist English-speaking countries (from one of which I come) about all Chinese people looking the same. That’s what I was referring to. Based on that, see if you can work out whether I was trying to be funny or not. I forgot to mention that the Chinese also have funny names, like ‘Wham Bam’ for example (haha), made even funnier by being the wrong way round. They also have a funny accent when they speak English: they say things like ‘flied lice’ for example (haha). Aren’t foreigners strange?
I am against face-recognition technology and most things digital, including currencies. I suppose the down votes were because I didn’t criticise Putin. I’m sorry – I’m just crossing my fingers that OffG doesn’t start posting articles by Luke Harding. That would be the end for me. (N.B. Yes, I am ‘trying to be funny’.)
Why are you so hooked on oppositional thinking? It’s not about criticizing or not criticizing Putin. It’s about recognizing that post-COVID if not before it increasingly looks like there’s no difference.
So does Riley tell us Putin has little if anything to do with it? It would make a big difference to taking Riley and his credibility seriously if Riley does tell us that Putin has little if anything to do with it.
And that it is incompatible with all the rest lone dog Sobianin only, and he merely collects biometric data of the citizens as it is his incompatible with Russian strategy personal whim.
Is this what you mean Riley claims?
I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Nowhere do I suggest that Putin is the main culprit behind Moscow’s Face Pay. I don’t think Putin has commented on it. But if you are suggesting Putin is obviously against it, I’m not sure if I would agree.
After all, Putin called for the creation of a national biometrics database:
… And he also publicly supported the creation of digital domestic vaccine passports:
I don’t think Sobyanin is a “lone dog,” but if you have evidence to the contrary, I’m happy to hear you out.
I was responding to a comment above my turn.
It is an old Socratic method of making a response by reusing only the claims made by the writer but with merciless clarity and showing their internal connections, so that he could see them without hazy confusion. That’s all that I did.
Putin and Sabianin and all the rest of it drag one and the same cart and all in the same direction.
If you like it, the vehicle, the direction and the faces that drag it, then you are fine. Russia belongs to you.
The problem starts if you do not.
ah ha. sorry, see now 🙂
be well!
Unless you never leave your house, never use the internet, have a job, a bank account, a broadband or telephone line , passport, birth certificate or buy food yes your safe from them spying on you..
Did you write your own software to connect to this site..
The paying for tickets with cash will be a temporary thing to get the face recognition solution in place.
I doubt that anything can happen in Russia without Putin to agree with…
Icke was right all along on this. They pretended as it would have been two sides, one globalist and one anti-globalist but they are all the same globalists pushing the same agenda and control.
The ‘how convenient’ part is only the bait.
According to Catherine Austin Fitts and Melissa Ciumei, if you want to stop this, USE CASH. Where ever you can, insist on using cash.
“I doubt that anything can happen in Russia without Putin to agree with” ……
Yeah .. he gets up extra early each morning to check every aspect of life across eleven time zones of territory ….
I rephrase then, I doubt that ppl who work for him as advisors, bureaucrats, etc would dare to act by themselves on anything which matters and a wide implementation of a control tool is something which matters.
>When people start paying for things they never bought, or for underground trips they never made, they are going to get stroppy
The reverse is happening in the US. Those self-service checkout devices are dangerous to use because RetailCorpInc thinks that loss and/or shrinkage is obviously you shoplifting and they’ll accuse you regardless. You’re then stuck with proving your innocence, something that’s really difficult unless you’ve filed the paperwork and (preferably) not paid with cash. The legal advice is — seriously — to avoid using these checkstands.
Wait for it…

I always have a good time when reading such propaganda… even gives me goosebumps!
That woman gives me the creeps she’s a murderous fckr, just like her ex Kermit.
I have seen more women in a east german shot putter or weightlifter from the 70;s olympic games!
That dear violet is not a women.
Get thoses eye tested 🤓
Indeed, he looks like a cross between Kevin Kline & Robin Williams not a pretty sight 🤣
I’m sure it’s Kevin Kline with a wig on.
Sorry – only saw the post below too late
And some women need lifting up more than others…
What’s so good about a formal sector job? The best is if you are own boss.
Reminds me the multinational companies propaganda, ‘we are just like a big family’ (except of course when it is about salaries or overworking), ‘we are all in it together’.
Just keep cash with you and use it. I’ve been doing it in the past 2-3 years, deliberately, apart form ordering things via the internet, in shops I use only cash.
When the curtain gets pulled back it’s just pervy old men dictating our lives.They are nothing they don’t even have money it’s an illusion.
‘Pervy’ is the optimal word. Per-; the destruction of and –vert; straight, true, lawful.
They pervert our societal reality, its all they do, they fund those who do it for them, they limit those that would undo it. They pervert institutes, society is institutions, institutes are relationships; art, food, medicine, architecture, marriage, family, community, council, parliament, the Church, myth and law; they have perverted every aspect of society with their rancid bitter lies. And now 1 in 6 Brits are on anti-depressants and 1 in 10 has psychosis.
Marxist subversives or finance-capitalist progressive globalists; more like parasitic wetiko-driven fools.
Very true.
Community’s make society not politicians it’s all lies they are liars.They don’t have our best interests at heart they work for the bankers not us.
Quote last scene from Bad Day at Black Rock (1955):
Doc: about Joe Kokomo’s Medal of Honor Maybe we need it. It would give us something to build on. This town’s wrecked, just as though it was bombed out. Maybe it can come back.
Macreedy: Some towns do and some towns don’t. It depends on the people.
…which proves two things:
1) For all their bullshit, The Authorities themselves don’t take The Deadly Invisible Airborne Killer-Dots remotely seriously.
2) Nonetheless, they intend to make muzzles a permanent fixture, not a “temporary health measure”.
I still remember the breathless warnings never to touch your face or the mask outside the home. One MSM writer actually claimed that touching the mask would weaken its ability to deflect particles.
Yeah, I’d forgotten about the early dire warnings that one should not touch one’s face, or “excessively” touch one’s mask in public.
This was just around the time when Anthony “Doctor Doom” Fauci slithered out from under his massive gold nugget to become COVID Czar, and cheerfully told an interviewer that he was delighted that the repugnant (to him) ancient practice of shaking hands had finally been officially denounced and virtually prohibited.
The magnitude of the fraudulent Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic was not fully apparent to me at the time, but preposterous directives like “don’t touch your face” struck me as obviously… well, preposterous.
Given my unfortunate myopia, I’ve worn eyeglasses since I was seven years old. There’s no way I could “cancel” the largely unconscious habit of touching my face to adjust my glasses, not to mention similar unconscious gestures, e.g. “stroking” my chin or beard as I read or write. The no-touch directive seemed so onerous that I decided that it was intended to rattle, disrupt, and generally make submissive and frightened persons crazy.
And, speaking of Doctor Doom, he’s still at it; here’s a fresh Yahoo headline/blurb catch I just added to my “COVIDganda” folder 😡 :
When masked people see me in public, and act like i should instantly recognise them despite a humongous mask over their face (i fail to do so), i have no idea how a ‘face pay’ system is going to operate. And what about the poor niqab & burka wearers?
Same this technocracy can never work it will never work doesn’t stop them from trying though.
Surely borrowed eye balls will extend ‘face pay’ travel?
you’d have to take off your muzzle.
Oceania and Eurasia and East Asia are competing hard on dytopianism.
This! Those nasty viruses will stop knowing that you have to pay with your face, I guess after paying you should take it back to stop them…
I still don’t understand how so many bought this part during the past 2 years.
Nah, “Oceania” has fallen behind because nobody wants the booster shot (the stats are made up)
So what if someone is schizophrenic and, out of nowhere, one of their “other” personality’s faces appears? And they look all different from the last time dear camera saw them? What then? Does that mean they don’t go nowhere till their “real” personality re-appears?
get ‘the masses’ first, we’ll sort out the holdouts later … with the help of the ‘we did it, so you have to too!!’ bots
Klaus Schwab, that little Nostradamus, foreseen and predicted the future for us, cyber attacks on everything, water, electricity, basics of life.
How about cyber attacks on people personal data, digital money, bank account and so on in a world where mighty governments can’t protect basic services to being victims of it.
I hope that people are waking up fast for the rest of their plan now that the covid lie failed.
(Failed, if anyone of you would have missed, even Yeadon took side with the Cowan-Kaufman Team on ‘viruses don’t exist’. Today news on Icke’ site. The tide is turning.)
Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan is a real test for those clinging to either the conventional geo-political or incompetence models of understanding how the world works.
Who, when in trouble with one ‘enemy’, needlessly provokes their other main ‘enemy’? Pelosi may be that dumb but those who tell her what to do aren’t. Taiwan reeks of being set up as the USA’s Suez. More sanctions will be a nice bonus too.
Humankind is the enemy and must be exterminated. They’re making it crystal-clear now:
Yeah they definitely want us dead.
lol it’s real, won’t let me archive properly
We’re reaching levels of clownworld previously unheard of
However, human kind also has a way of wreaking terrible vengeance upon its abusers when it gets sufficiently riled up.
The idiots who are currently figureheading the assault upon common decency are not mentally equipped to handle raw vengeance.
It won’t be pretty, and the innocent will also suffer, but the fools are acting as if they really want that final confrontation…
It’s classic bullying, and many bullies live to regret their bad habits.
From that “War is good” piece:
“Economic activity that fuels growth also drives deadly weather events. The Ukraine war has forced Europe to rethink its reliance on Russian energy
A Taiwan Strait conflict that disrupts global trade might make us stop consuming our way to climate disaster”
OK growth is bad. War is good.
Flash floods might shake “Republicans … out of their climate change denial”.
However “the same ideological determination that has stripped American women of their federally protected right to abortion and stigmatised the LGBTQ+ community with the “don’t say gay” law has an equal disdain for any efforts to address a climate crisis that is now evident in every region of the globe”.
Yes it’s all here! Women’s rights, the trans cause, the global warriors, the fight against covid and …. warmongers (?) all join hands together!
“The corporate world, including our data-harvesting overlords, has harnessed the power of social media to make us believe that we’re not living unless we’re consuming, all of which makes us unable to understand that environmental sustainability means consuming less.”
Now that’s a bit of a thunderbolt. Living has been sundered from consuming – which is kind of essential to living, wouldn’t you think?
“The climate legislation that Manchin allowed the Senate to pass will help, but we’ll need more to have any hope of mitigating the worst effects of climate change. Black swans like the Covid-19 pandemic tend to make this happen against just about everyone’s will.”
They really don’t hide anything, do they? “Black swans i.e. “an unpredictable or unforeseen event” (and yet strangely enough one which, as soon as it happened, caused an endless stream of confident prophecies as to what was going to happen next – and from now till the end of time). And this particular “black swan” forces these draconian climate policies “against almost everyone’s will” i.e. against the will of almost everyone on the planet that so desperately needs to be “saved”. Rephrased: “None of you wanted this but here’s a black swan that will force it on you!”
And how about this blatant confession?:
“If a conflict ends up severing trade between Asia and the US, billions of us will suddenly need to make do to an extent far greater than when Covid-19 disrupted supply chains.”
Ah – covid forced you lot into this surrender of your means of life and climate change and war will have the same effect!
“All things considered, a Pelosi delegation to Taiwan might be just what the Earth’s natural ecosystems need.”
And by now no-one should have any doubt that the “Earth’s natural ecosystem” doesn’t need you!
Oh and the reporter here, one Robert Delaney, has a debut novel, The Wounded Muse, which “draws on actual events that played out in Beijing while he lived there”. Unlike like his news reporting that has no resemblance whatsoever to what played out in Beijing or anywhere else!
Flash Floods? Most people here think they’re flooding out Queensland on purpose to build New Towns and Smart Cities.
It’s from China, wow. When the pandemic con started and I was not yet aware of the 10 000 newly implemented 5G stations, I read an article about the Wuhan’ smog, it was worse than the worst fog I saw in the UK (Google images) people were demonstrating on 2019 summer begging for a gasp if fresh air to prevent some more litter burning plants to be built.
By the way, what about their people, are they happy with this forced stop on businesses? I thought that kept them alive and put food to their table.
For every ‘Problem’ they introduce & we identify, lets ‘re-Act’ with a direct action, no matter how small, that will help create our ‘Solution’, not theirs. It’s a numbers game & that incessantly worries them.
No one should put faith in leaders anywhere in the world. Russia’s government is no less WEFey than the EU. (I’m an American who was there during the lockdown.) But the majority of the Russian people seem quite a bit less stupid than most Europeans, North Americans and Asians about all this. I expect Russians will throw sand in the machinery.
I have grudgingly come to the conclusion that there are no heroic heads of state or governments. But certain populations may be heartier than others.
Same crap as the rest of the world but in Russian. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Putins Russia to save you.
I don’t think anyone does. Sobianian, Greff, Peskov with Putin at the front, all sweaty, dragging the AI cart. Who could then have any hope?
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate, Abandon all hope — Ye Who Enter Here, i.e. when you enter Russia’s future.
There is now on Putin’s desk a strategic project legalizing what is called ”transhumanism” in Russia, i.e. merging – Technological Convergence – humans and technology.
It is serious. [ In Russian only]
Some retards still do because he have said a couple of sound sounding things they liked to hear. Forgetting he is an ex KGB and probably ex (yeah right) Freemason.
I don’t remember any such ”sound sounding” things from Putin ever. The hope people have comes from what Putinism has been destroying for over three decades, namely the Soviet October message, books of Lenin, broken neck of Nazism and the Red Flag in Berlin, mighty look of Stalin and his manner at Yalta and Teheran, global Soviet hope and Soviet symbols dear to people.
If you listen to early interviews with Putin, right after he grabbed the power as a KGB man in his late forties, you will hear Brzezinski’s programming in his discourse to the iota. There is nothing else there.
They worked on him for years beforehand, he memorized all the motions and motions, they succeeded, and then we was born and let out.
Sol Invictus of the plushy Kremlin corridors and the Emperor of the Russian Empire.
Putin have said a couple of things that have sounded right in comparison with many western politicians who are now playing insane. I have read quite many comments were people think Putin is fighting the deep state without them realizing he is the Russian part of the global deep state. This gullibility is a bit retarded.
Thanks for the advice. Imagine I would have followed the wrong saviour. Would you recommend Soros or the tiger killer Pelosi?
The savior idea is a pacifying part of the brainwash. He or she, but not “it”, is in the mirror.
I decided to go with Stalin. Too bad he’s a goner. But man, he showed Adolf the door. Yeah definitely a savior. Putin isn’t even able to turn the gas off to the EU. What a weakling.
A mass-murderer killing millions can not be seen as any “savior”. Are you “vaccinated” or what?
Come on, where’s the proof? I haven’t seen any dead Russians killed by Stalin.
Being busy with establishing state capitalism, securing the Russian borders, and fighting off the counter-revolutionaries, when would he have found the time to kill all those? Likely an invention by the Nazis.
Simply not enough time in a day. All rumours, like germ theory, spheroid earth, solar centric system, Einsteins BS of special and general relativity (what bollocks to believe the aether doesn’t exist), Darwin’s crap of evolutionary theory (laughable), gravity etc. etc.
All stuff made up by the Illuminati, the freemasons, the reptile people, I tell ya.
Moderna or Pfizer?
Q-Where is the proof?
A- There is no proof.
got to be at least 90 proof to make one endure all the BS floating around…
I asked for proof to the claim: ”a mass murderer killing millions”.
And I replied only to that question:
It never happened. .
Germany had not the slightest chance against the combined might of the Soviet, British and American empires. Djugashvili was only a bankster puppet. He was probably handled by Lazar Kaganovich. If Hitler was for real he wouldn’t have let the British army off at Dunkirk or attacked the impregnable USSR. Hitler is truly the father of Israel.
“Mastercard recently launched a new facial recognition payment system that lets shoppers make payments with their face or hand gestures. This new payment system is being rolled out to biometric payment systems including fingerprint scanning and facial recognition.
The new payment system from Mastercard is known as ‘smile to pay.’ It is aimed to reduce transaction times, shorten queues in shops, increase security and improve hygiene by going cardless. Currently, this feature is live in Brazil and Sao Paulo. The company says it plans to roll it out globally later this year.
Accuracy and Bias
Earlier, the accuracy of facial recognition has been challenged. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the best facial authentication algorithms have a 0.08% chance of error. Till now, we don’t know how accurate is Mastercard’s ‘smile to pay’ feature.
According to a NIST study, out of 189 facial recognition, the majority of them were biased meaning they were less accurate on people among ethnic minorities and racial groups. Mastercard has not revealed to which extent it has overcome these challenges.
Also, there are no future plans disclosed by Mastercard to deal with situations if technology misidentifies a person. For example, if person A is recognised as person B, then money would be debited from the wrong person.”
Good luck in trying to get a refund from an error.
Tried claiming on travel insurance but denied they have lots of exclusions in there 52 page
Trying to get an accurate energy statement from British Gas after a contacted them to point out statement was wrong they went from me owing them £825 to them owing me £715. Who knows what the next statement will be.
As they say you have to hope technology works.
When it does not work you are screwed.
For some brief period the banks did test the water to see if they could pass the blame for their failure to authenticate onto the punter, for the punter’s failure to protect their identity against theft. “Oh dearie me sir, your account is drained. It seems that someone stole your identity. How careless of you. I trust you are insured against identity theft?”
Naturally, it should go without saying: one cannot steal another’s identity, just as one cannot steal another’s shadow. It is a figure of speech for fraudulent impersonation.
Is there no feedback check? For instance, ring your phone to confirm it’s your face on that “smile to pay” camera?
While you are getting more and more pissed off you’ll have to spend half an hour grinning like an ape…
Have they stress-tested the system based on criminals making up masks of other people’s faces and getting to sponge off someone’s bank account as a result?
Biometrics based on eyes for high-security operations is sensible.
Thinking that you can’t make masks to become a 21st century digital organised crime syndicate strikes me as being somewhat naive….
Like get a Gates mask and bill Bill?
How about making public transport free for everybody? Cause of climate catastrophy, you know?
That’s a very good idea. Has been demanded for decades, ever since the 60s student protests (‘Nulltarif’). Now not even the Greens can remember.
The greens have little to do with any sound environmental politics. They have become NATO shills.
The Australian method: No ticket gates/Staff open gates for you, but train police are like Nazis and you’re not supposed to even film them. (Although I’ve never seen one myself on the train)
What prevents anybody from using a life-sized photo of someone you know is registered at the machine? Fail-save my ass.
Take that NATO!
Of course the ‘Don’t cover your face’ sign is just an excuse for more freemasonic iconography (the all-seeing eye -plus the V-sign with the fingers is a 33 message).
In France they made a law against wearing relious face coverings in public, and then made it obligatory to wear face coverings (masks) in public to protect against an imaginary sub-micron virus that the covering wouldn’t have protected against in any case.
Such madness is supposed to spur the percipient into perspicacity.
“Religious”? Why not call a spade a spade and say “Muslim”? Are you insinuating as a cultural relativist that a law against yashmaks, niqabs, burkas and chadors is thus scandalous/disrespectful/”islamophobic-racist”?
Because you are some sort of of post-Marxist cultural identity “leftist” like the ex-socialist Belgian member for Moulebeek in Brussels, who knows what Muslim side his careerist bread is buttered on?
Thousands of people have died in e.g. Iran or Algeria trying to keep women’s faces uncovered.
As the last 3 lines of your text are 100% correct, why spoil it by even dragging in Islam?
Yeah, it’s a bit like that. 😉
Excellent Riley and OG. Thanks
Very well Iain, now get back to the virology. What are the fundamentals and where are their proofs documented?
Back in 2020, I believe, Iain penned as blistering a refutation of germ theory as I have read. But some months later he seemed to buckle a bit. Where does he stand now ?