Letter to the South African Government
Reject the Proposed Amendments (1882, 1883, 1884, & 1885) to the National Health Act & International Health Regulations Act
Margaret Anna Alice
When the world needed them, the people of South Africa rose up with their fellow Africans to help defeat the proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments that would have given a documentably accused genocidal war criminal one-world dictatorial powers.
Now the people of South Africa need our help. Please see the instructions after this letter to learn how you can make your voice heard before the August 5 deadline (click here to see time remaining).
“We cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own. The Igbo, always practical, put it concretely in their proverb Onye ji onye n’ani ji onwe ya: ‘He who will hold another down in the mud must stay in the mud to keep him down.’”
Chinua Achebe, The Education of a British-Protected Child: Essays
Not three decades after apartheid ended, you are considering proposed amendments to the National Health Act of 2003’s 2017 regulations that would resurrect this shameful stain on South African history:
- 1882: Regulations Relating to the Surveillance and the Control of Notifiable Medical Conditions: Amendment (National Health Act)
- 1883: Regulations Relating to Public Health Measures in Points of Entry (International Health Regulations Act)
- 1884: Regulations Relating to the Management of Human Remains (National Health Act)
- 1885: Regulations Relating to Environmental Health (National Health Act)
“Apartness” in Afrikaans, “apartheid” is the institutionalized system of segregation. You can change the definitions of the targeted parties, but you cannot change the discriminatory rot underlying this vile legislation.
Sick Until Proven Healthy
[long version here]
The People’s Lawctivist Sabelo Sibanda explains that under the proposed amendments:
These regulations basically declare a scenario where everyone will end up in one of three categories where you are either deemed to be a case, or you are considered a suspect, or, alternatively, you are considered as one who has been in contact with someone who is a case.
And once you fall into any one of those three categories, this is what this means to you. Government says, ‘You may not refuse to be medically examined,’ whereby the medical examination process is whatever government will determine.
Second to that, you may not refuse to be put in quarantine or put in isolation. And the requirements for quarantine and isolation are such that the majority of the people of South Africa will not be able to self-quarantine so they have to be put in a state institution.
Further to that, and most critical, is that you may not refuse to take whatever medication that the government says you should take. Your freedom—which is supposed to be guaranteed and protected by the same act in as far as the right to be informed—is taken away. You are caught in a situation whereby government has full control.
Once you are put in this isolation space, this quarantine space, you don’t have the ability to determine when and how you get out. It will be up to government to decide.
So now the country of South Africa will be under a permanent state of disaster where masking will be permanent, where social distancing is permanent, through the National Health Act.”
In case you’ve forgotten what it looks like for your government to discriminate against citizens under the guise of a “state of emergency” and to demand people’s papers, here are a couple of reminders:
Today, that passport looks like a QR code on your phone.
Please take a few moments to read the following articles to understand why there is no circumstance under which it is ethically or morally acceptable to deprive individuals of their freedoms and human rights in the name of the “public good,” which can be defined according to the whims of despots and demagogues:
- Letter to a Governing Body – January 11th 2022
- Letter to the New York State Department of Health – February 12th 2022
- Letter to the UK Government – March 7th 2022
And if you want to understand what it feels like to be institutionalized and have medication forced on you against your will, here’s a preview of the world you would be creating:
Nurse Pilbow: Mr. McMurphy?
McMurphy: Huh?
Nurse Pilbow: Your medication.
McMurphy: What’s in the horse pill?
Nurse Pilbow: It’s just medicine, it’s good for you.
McMurphy: Yeah, but I don’t like the idea of taking something if I don’t know what it is.…
Nurse Ratched: If Mr. McMurphy doesn’t want to take his medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way.
The people of South Africa poured decades of passion, blood, and song into eradicating apartheid. Do not let that effort be for naught. As Chinua Achebe says:
The damage done in one year can sometimes take ten or twenty years to repair.”
Do not let fear, hatred, panic, and intolerance win. Cast out those totalitarian demons and save your people by rejecting amendments 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885.
Yet men were afraid, with a fear that was deep, deep in the heart, a fear so deep that they hid their kindness, or brought it out with fierceness and anger, and hid it behind fierce and frowning eyes. They were afraid because they were so few. And such fear could not be cast out, but by love.”
Alan Paton, Cry the Beloved Country
What you can do
There are numerous opportunities to voice your opposition to the proposed National Health Act amendments—let’s try to hit all of them to ensure we achieve maximum impact. Please complete the following forms and include a link to this letter if desired.
- Dear South Africa
- The Red List
- Shifters Voice (be careful to select “No” for each amendment as it is non-intuitively listed before “Yes”)
- Natural Solutions Foundation
- Submit public comments to the South African government for 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885
- Email:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] - For South Africans: The South African Peoples National Referendum 2022
Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.
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What a great app that DearSouthAfrica.org survey tool is. It is a perfect example of how DIRECT DEMOCRACY could work. It allows registering consent or rejection in weighted scales of response, then shows the user results of voting. Choice could also be deployed for assessment in developing new policy. The current survey results are 40-1 against these measures. If the ruling elite can track us for every transaction in society, why not let us register our votes on PUBLIC POLICY in the same manner? Because we would be against them 40-1 and their corrupt smiley-faced totalitarianism would collapse.
Another Covid lunatic. Let the war begin.
Why are my comments consistently pending for five to six hours?
Is this happening for everyone?
If the Fraud is publicising this, and not calling it transphobic anti-semitic science-denial, for some reason it’s wanted:
Alex Jones is also showing his true colours once again. He is Bill Hicks playing a role however much some people try to deny the obvious.
Such unnecessary change in the law , no doubt having greater effects on the poor rather than those within the protected compounds . A step in the wrong direction . I marched with my father against apartheid in 1963 , I will add my name to any fight to break this law down
I also want to quickly point out that such vile attempts will fail and even if some of these countries pass these legislations it will be sooner or later revoked when the tide turns.
More later.
A similar legislation is in India’s Parliament for voting. I don’t know all the details but there is some good information here –> https://freeearthalliance.org/petition-on-illegal-health-bill-2/
More later.
The people of South Africa did NOT pour decades of passion, blood and song into eradicating apartheid. Some people in South Africa did, the majority did not. That’s a lesson we could learn.
The State of Victoria here in Australia already passed a similar pandemic health law late last year. And obviously this is a global agenda and similar laws are being passed in other countries, and perhaps soon in South Africa, as the author spells out in this piece. Good luck with your efforts Margaret Anna.
I know from personal experience that most of my customers fully supported the concept of vaccine passports here in Australia, and had no problem at all with the unvaccinated being shut out of shops, venues, restaurants, etc. Because these instruments of fascism; like the QR codes and the symbolism of the facemasks were sold to them as “protecting others” and “saving lies”. And they believed the mantra about safety. 2.5 years later and there’s people walking past me right now wearing facemasks outside and rubbing their hands with bloody sanitiser.
Regardless of the personal consequences for myself, my answer will always be no. I will not enable or comply with this totalitarianism in any way. All of it based on a mountain of lies about a “pandemic” and a “virus” which has never been isolated or purified.
“the QR codes and the symbolism of the facemasks were sold to them as “protecting others” and “saving lies”. ” I think you meant “saving lives,” and what you wrote is certainly more accurate. 😀
I hate predictive text! Yes, that’s what I meant.
Well said Gezzah. It’s great to know your coping well in this sea of bullshit.
You have a tough job as it is, let alone dealing with even more clowns.
I tip my hat. Take care out there.
Thanks Shin, I took 4 days off at the start of the week for a mental health time out. Went up to Warburton on Monday and Daylesford on Tuesday. Given the lunacy in Melbourne, especially amongst nearly all my customers, I have to take time out on a regular basis. Working in the far northern suburbs the next couple of days. Have a good and pleasant weekend down south.
Gezzah,my business based in sw Sydney was strangled and has since not recovered.
Prior to these devils,Hazzard,Chant et al locking us down the only thing keeping me fit and focussed was my business.
With me not being physically active my body regressed(stage4 cancer) and it appears has become more aggressive with new tumours on my spine!
The lockdown essentially burned my business,hastened my physical demise and fractured my relationship with my family.
I wish the powers that initiated this rubbish and foisted this lie on the world a hasty meeting with my Creator!
It will not end well for them!
So sorry. You might want to fetch some of your valuable time to the Ty Bollinger Documentary, I’ve seen it, it was excellent.
The Truth about Cancer. The information in it might help, there were people recovering even from stage 4, sorry for meddling…
I only just saw your reply now. Really sorry to hear this Renoster… Part of this truly evil plan was to destroy small business as well, and I know you don’t want to hear that. I talk to a lot of small business owners when I’m selling the magazine and they tell me the same depressing story. I get the feeling some of them will be closed very soon. I’m sorry to hear of your health situation as well Ren. There are some truly psychopathic maggots in this country who have pushed the mountain of lies about convid. Brad Hazzard is one of the more vile ones. About to start work shortly, and yes, my sales have been very slow recently as well. A lot of my customers, especially those with young families are struggling financially themselves. Take care Ren🙏✌️
Dr Mike Yeadon – Fraud, Fear and How Herd Mentality Has Brought Us to the Edge, Hearts of Oak, 8/1/22. 70 minutes. Yeadon interviewed by host Peter Mcilvenna. I believe he is South African.
At approximately 13:00 – A segment of about 2 minutes which has been posted at FB as a separate entity. Yeadon says there was no new health threat in early 2020, and he now does not believe there is such a thing as respiratory viruses at all. Remember, he was the head scientist for Pfizer’s allergy and respiratory research division.
Peter Mcilvenna is Irish! His accent is an Irish one!
Thanks for the correx.
This is that interview part when he states that there are no respiratory viruses.
A fascist nightmare:
“These regulations basically declare a scenario where everyone will end up in one of three categories where you are either deemed to be a case, or you are considered a suspect, or, alternatively, you are considered as one who has been in contact with someone who is a case.”
Basically everyone. And still, I know people who have no problems with this. On the contrary, a relative of mine (is this genetic or nurture?) was all for it that the unvaxxed would not receive any pay while they were forced into home isolation after “testing positive.” An absolute abomination of a relative.
The jabbed are jabbed because they are feeble-minded, and so have no inkling they are injecting Koolaid.
Because they are feeble-minded they have no ability to comprehend ethics/natural rights.
The jabbed ovines therefore treat the unjabbed as ‘not of the flock’, i.e. alien, outsiders, pariahs, sub-human, etc.
Fortunately, the ovines can be satisfied that the jab refusniks are locked up and treated like reprobates. They don’t quite get as far as demanding that they be forcibly jabbed, because they’ve already accepted them as ‘other’, therefore they are beyond salvation. They are cast out – pariahs.
The astute refusnik however should be finding it rather curious, that as despised as they are, they aren’t forcibly jabbed – despite considerable pressure to capitulate.
So, if you choose to remain, when the men in white coats come to drag you off to indefinite internment in quarantine centres (concentration camps), don’t lose your head. You knew this was going to happen. You will own nothing and be happy.
I am still wondering how they are going to drag more than 50% of the people to these camps. The fourth shot won’t be taken by more than 50% of the adults even in vaccinistan Australia or Canada.
The jabbed can easily be persuaded to take a booster.
The unsure/reluctant can be persuaded with the right incentive (jab+food or camp).
The number of people who KNOW the jab is lethal is rather small, and these will take time to round up (harvest).
The camps don’t need to be very big because those that get sent to them don’t stay in them that long:
The camps only exist because there is an ulterior policy to harvest the wheat. Otherwise, it’d just be a forcible jab.
The high vaxx rate in Australia was practically forced upon the people who, in some states, such as Victoria, were forbidden to work in any job, for any company or institution without being at least double-vaxxed.
That’s how you get to 80-90% vaxx rates.
When small people gain some power above the rest…
I know I go on but take away all all external distractions and you can be anything anyone you are supposed to be.Thats why there are no thinker’s anymore it’s because we are being drip fed poison.
It seems to be a lottery whether or not people are lucky enough to meet a wise teacher at some point in their youth – a teacher who shows them by example what thinking is, rather than just telling them to look it up in an encyclopedia…
Being drip-fed poison is exactly what is going on. Well said.
‘Nothing is good or bad
thinking that makes it so’
-Billy Shakespeare
You may have overlooked the most important part: to be a thinker, one has to first want to think. Most who go to school simply want to “learn” – and to learn only enough to graduate and get the hell out and get a job.
Thinking is fun; but only if ideas are important. And to most, ideas are not important: they are a pain in the ass. And NO teacher can ever get around that.
We get the education we want.
In 1972, I was a junior in a private all-boys Catholic “prep” high school; by definition, we were all considered “college material”. BTW, “college” was still a respectable term, perhaps as “academy” once was. It hadn’t yet been reduced to an inferior-status pejorative by relentless marketing Newspeak that mandated that every ostensibly respectable post-high school educational institution call itself a “university”.
But I digress. As juniors, we were expected to begin making plans to attend college. I still remember one of our few worthwhile teachers giving a spontaneous, impassioned speech imparting the “radical” liberal-arts notion that despite what our parents and so-called “guidance counselors” told us, college was not– that is, shouldn’t be thought of as— a glorified vocational school.
He preached that one should only attend college to evolve intellectually and discover a fulfilling destiny, i.e. acquire knowledge and a capacity for sophisticated critical thinking; I’m pretty sure he invoked the concept of the “marketplace of ideas”. He bitterly decried the popular non-intellectual, or anti-intellectual, belief that one should strive to attend the most prestigious college possible for the purpose of obtaining a degree that was “marketable”– conducive to lucrative career employment.
He’d been teaching there for years, and I’m sure he knew perfectly well that his idealistic sermon would be ignored and forgotten by almost all of his audience before the end of the day.
Wise words, Howard.
Solidarity with the efforts of the many Africans who are wisely resisting this campaign of pseudo-medical terror. R.I.P. John Magufuli and the other assassinated presidents.
Not OT: Germany is going full-technofascist from October, introducing a permanent system of vaccine apartheid. “VACCINATION” IS NOW TO BE OBLIGATORY FOUR TIMES A YEAR: (No apologies for all-caps.) If you’re German or resident in Germany and your last prick was more than three months ago, you will suddenly count as “unvaccinated” again, and will therefore be excluded from almost everything, including work.
Germany’s Leaders very badly want to get this “vaccine” into everyone, four, five, six, seven times or more. Why? Why, exactly? Name a non-sinister reason.
Minister of Justice (!) Marco Buschmann has proposed that theatres and cinemas should require the “unvaccinated” (sic, see above), if actually let in, to wear a muzzle throughout the entire show, and to be additionally marked out by a visible sign, “for example a sticker”.
Perhaps a yellow armband?
CJ Hopkins and many others (including moi) were vilified two years ago for daring to make such a sacrilegious comparison.
And Off-Guardian comment section readers think I’m exaggerating, if not deluded…
I don’t think they really do.
They are just concerned that personal opinions should not be given equal status with verifiable facts. Most of us here are rightly sceptical of practically everything right now.
We live in times when anybody who can rub two rational brain cells together is accused of exaggerating and being deluded. It also has to be said that genuine researchers currently have a very tough time finding unadulterated information.
As others have said, the crucial thing is to be free, and not to worry too much about advertising freedom.
I apologise for my flippant remark.
Thanks for your kind response.
Even with research, there are very few verifiable facts. One can point to geological strata. One can also visit The Great Pyramid. Otherwise, it’s like rummaging though a sack containing an assortment of incomplete 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle pieces, and trying to figure out which pieces go with the single true photo vs the umpteen photo-realistic paintings, and then getting enough pieces in enough right places to figure out what the photo depicts.
You’ve probably noticed that I have my flippant moments too… So I apologize in advance for my next one… 🙂
I would suggest the reason is to get rid of as many Germans as possible. This so that someday they don’t come to their senses and exact retribution for all the libels and slanders made against them by the criminal organization that wants Germany destroyed.
The human head in a birdcage was a regular MK Ultra mind-control symbol in the 1960s. Look it up in connection with, for example, The Beatles.
Many people in the 1960s started noticing that their minds had been encaged, for example by programmes such as MK Ultra. Many of those people even drew pictures illustrating that fact. Many more wrote songs about it.
If you go into it since TV came along we all became hypnotised.No elites have TVs it was a tool for the warmonger’s same as the internet.All major technology comes from the industrial war complex,There’s more money by working for them robots technology comes from military.Love comes from the heart.Imagine you are the only spectator to life what happens is in your mind you can create your own reality.Now imagine you have an outside source that’s trying to dissuade you that are bombarding you with false information?Now understand turn off your TV turn off your radio and turn off your internet.I know I’m on internet now but I only listen and watch like minded people.
They know we can create our own reality but they are trying to stop you corrupt you blast you with entertainment blast you with radio blast you with newspapers.Stop you creating the perfect world that you want.❤️
Been thinking a lot recently about my grandparents, who got into their teens and twenties before even hearing a radio, and into their fifties or even sixties before owning (or maybe even seeing) a TV.. What a different life that must have been. To me in my childhood, all four of them were very vivid characters, very present, awake to reality, respected.
Unlike now where the average public you see (and I’m afraid I’d include myself as a case of habit) would resemble the folk in that wonderful visual joke at the beginning of Shaun of the Dead when everyone already behaves like a zombie. When the real zombies arrive no-one notices.
The drift in a consumer society has been towards increasing passivity and as Anne notes above, television must surely be the most decisive step here. I wonder how many noticed the effect TV had on the population and how quickly that effect took place. First a gradual “deadening” towards evening and then stultification in the morning when breakfast TV started. The latter was the one I noticed since it was an innovation in my own lifetime. I felt from the start it was a dreadful idea and that it would encourage people to essentially stay asleep when they got up “for the day”.
Even protest is now a matter of consumption now that the state provides its own simulacrum. To give him his due, this was what Adorno meant when he derided protest songs. Even the most stirring rock song vanishes like a mirage when the needle returns to the start and it begins again.
Apartheid hasnt ended- it is still very much alive.
Notice how the likes of
jokeRogan and his elk who made the comments lately that Trudeau is a “dictator” and “Canada is Communist” over the vaccine requirements to get in the country. All this while saying they support DeSantis for president…yet they forget to mention Florida Introduces Digital Driver’s Licenses With Smart ID App
All about free speech ???
I thought that he’s part of Florida seems like he’s controlled opposition or he wouldn’t be in power he’s a shill.
Yeah, you want him to be a good guy, but he’s not. Just playing his part. I suspect that he skipped the covid restrictions because they don’t want riots and protests in areas like Cape Canaveral, and too many politicians and rich people live in West Palm and Maralago.
Cape Canaveral is where SpaceX is putting the Starlink internet of bodies grid into space. Can’t have protests and riots interfering with that.
They need that one to stay under the radar.
Apartheid is very much alive in Israel.
I look more towards the heart the spiritual the majestic the human as perfection of nature,we are the universes eyes ears touch taste.We are the universe alive.
Animals are connected to the earth we humans are connected to everything especially the universe.👍
We are the universe looking back at itself.
Done but the insanity from the manic phychopaths needs to stop now.They have shown us that they own everything that they have their fingers in all the pie’s,But the one thing they don’t have is knowing how the other 99% live.
I mean we are talking about phychopaths they have no empathy,They inbreed into family to keep the phychopath trait going.People call them lizards they are lizards in heart cold blooded no feelings but they are human trying to destroy the warm blooded people.
5. Jan.
1989: “Several candidate vaccines are being pursued at our Institute, and our objective is to devise safe and workable procedures for the control of fertility in animals and in humans.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2665354/
Who kneels down to tyrants? Who lines up willingly to “vote” for their next slave master and fights one another over these ghouls? Who willingly and giddily lines up to penetrate their bloodstream with government sanctioned poison? Who beLIEves the government is out to “protect” and “save” us from some phantom “deadly virus” stalking the air, when our food is laced with toxins, water is poisoned and the air is fully of nanobots and shiiiite to control us, dumb us down, and make us and keep us ill? Fearful SLAVES DO. Really, with all that in mind, you really beLIEve “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) has a FREE, “life saving vaccine,” but have to bribe you, coerce you, black mail you, etc, to take it? “THEY” need your CONSENT, so “THEY” can dodge universal/cosmic laws. Why are all other “treatments” to “save your life” are not free? Think hard. Let me help: because you are taking part in an EXPERIMENT. You are a lab rat.
What the hell is everyone doing? Splash some water on your face and seriously, rise and shine some of your inner light on the underbelly of evil here. This realm/dimension/flat terrain/simulation/ is a CLOWN SHOW. Once you know deeply that you are SOVERIEGN, you must act accordingly.
This quote flooded me with goosebumps: “We cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own. The Igbo, always practical, put it concretely in their proverb Onye ji onye n’ani ji onwe ya: ‘He who will hold another down in the mud must stay in the mud to keep him down.’”
—Chinua Achebe, The Education of a British-Protected Child: Essays
I’m going to keep your comment as well as that quote. Both are spot on for the idiocy we’re faced with right now. Thank you.
Anytime, Lizzy 🙂 Stay COURAGEOUS!
Because they want absolute power over all of humanity and they will then think they are Gods.Control the money control humanity because somewhere down the line we were told we can’t survive without money?Humanity have been hoodwinked we don’t need money we need each other.
BAMBOOLZED beginning in the WOMB, violated with these “life saving shots” upon birth, and continued enslavement until something jolts you awake. Mine was in 2006…never ever ever will I allow myself to be a pin cushion for “THEIR” snake oil, that MUST go inside my precious, powerful bloodstream for it to work. “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) know all about our bloodstream; our divine codes are in there. “THEY” are trying very hard to sever our connection to our divine nature so we just bow down to “THEIR” every whim/scare tactics. “THEY” are tricking us by eliciting fear with all their MANUFACTURED events. NOPE. Done with this bulllshiiiite.
0) Capitulate – Drink the Koolaid
1) Flee – Wilderness
2) Remain – Quarantine (Internment)
Foment insurrection/rebellion = 0
Campaign for human rights = 0 or 2 depending on nuisance level
Join class actions, etc.= 0 or 2 ”
Get ill, need hospital care = 0
Yes, it’s a dire choice, but downvoting won’t magic up any better options.
There are other options and it will get to that once enough people get totally pissed off. When they realize they have nothing more to lose no doctor, journalist or politician will feel safe.
Ofc TPTSB are anticipating that but this is where waking up enough people kicks in. The ones awake won’t agree with TPTSB pre-planned solution for the crisis. When the system doesn’t work for 99% of the people, the people do rise up. And replacing the system with something even worse won’t work long term. You, like TPTSB, are completely deluded if you think they are in full control. They absolutely aren’t. What they want is so anti human that it can’t last longer than a couple of years at most. Their power and control tricked the vast majority while it was exercised from the shadow. Now they are in full headlights. It doesn’t work any longer. And it will never will again.
Well, of course, there’s the ‘LL is right, and Xavier is deluded’ option:
You are deluded only when it comes to the cataclysm, great year bs and the all powerful powers that shouldn’t be. On everything else we see things almost identical. That doesn’t mean your delusion is not dangerous. It is. If you convince others as well. Not resisting is not an option. No one said this should be resisted in stupid ways but it should be resisted nevertheless. There will be the idiots that took the vaccines that will resist this using violence towards the wrong targets once they understand what was done to them. The world will descend into chaos. Soonish. If you think you can survive in wilderness on your own, you actually have no idea how a totalitarian state works. If we get where TPTSB want to take us – CBDCs and total control grid, you’ll be hunted down regardless of where you live. Unless you can really survive for years living in the bushes and are able to hide from everyone else. I doubt it. If you can and think that’s your best bet, good luck to you but please stop blackpilling others. Still, what kind of life is that? Hidding like a rodent… Cowards run to save their ass, live one extra day and come up with all kind of reasons to justify their actions, real man stand and fight, smartly, if direct confruntation means losing.
There is no cataclysm to save you and TPTSB are not working for the benefit of humanity. Unless a benevolent God is truly involved and this ends pretty much the Bible way, there won’t be any happy ending.
I agree with a lot that you said…but, who is in “full control”? And if you say “God,” please tell me which one…
I’m currently a 6th-degree COVID RedPiller who hopes to be promoted to the 7th degree someday.
Higher degrees are obtained by learning fundamental truths which are but facets of the Full Truth. Obtaining the 1st-degree is the hardest one because only YOU can wake yourself up.
Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called “experts”. Sheeple are at this degree.
1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective. I graduated with this degree in 01/2020.
2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials. Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.
3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots. I obtained this degree in 04/2021.
4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts ($300 Trillion) and a derivatives Ponzi scheme. The Federal Reserve printed $11 Trillion in 2019/2020 to bail out banks!
5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. (Those who control the money supply control the world. The Illuminati create fiat currency out of “thin air” as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!) The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite “bloodline” families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF. The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are “useful idiots”.
Politicians are just puppets and Democracy is a hoax. The New World Order, a massively depopulated One World government, is the real goal and planned financial collapse and WW3 will be used to achieve it.
The US, which was founded by Freemasons, was fully taken over in 1913 with the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve. Benjamin Franklin famously said we have “a republic, if you can keep it”. Franklin was part of the cabal so he meant this as a threat, not a warning. The cabal has controlled Europe for millennia and now also controls Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, China and the US. The global Deep State is owned by the cabal and encompasses Hollywood, the music industry, the Mainstream Media, Big Tech and the medical-military-intelligence industrial complex. The key insight is that an elite satanic cult runs the world. Nothing else makes sense unless you know this.
6th-degree: Many “conspiracy theories” (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.
7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? There are 3 options:
Lucifer leads the cabal. The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice.
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.
Many CLAIM to be 7th degree COVID RedPillers and there are endless debates about option 1 (Fallen Angels, Nephilim, the Shroud of Turin, the Anti-Christ, etc.); option 2 (Annunaki, Archons, Elohim, Grays, etc.) and option 3 (“religion is a PSYOP/control mechanism”), but where’s the PROOF?
Higher degrees may exist as well. But I’ll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.
Satanic influence.
Can’t see World war three being purposely started as no one benefits.
Can see it started accidentally though due imbeciles in power across the globe…
Or simply because they had no place to run and that point their only chance is war. However in that case, in the chaos, counting with their ‘honesty’, and their greed I would watch my back all the time if I was one of them.
I am still waiting that they might have start to murder each other but us. The present war is about land and resources – for them. They never would worried about the Earth or anything but only about those things they can’t get because they are ours.
I assume the relationship is already not very smooth, I can recall how the high-nobility went upset when they were noticed that their trusted guards need to be replaced. It was surprising that they couldn’t decide on that (or if it was a fake news, what else motivation?)
Another news when some princess made teary good bye as not to coming back to the next school year – because? Would it be too dangerous to them?
The queen opposed William’ habit to fly on a helicopter nowadays. Because? I doubt she would have thought that a poison-conned commoner would shot it out from the sky with a DEW.
I can be wrong but I think the relationship among the members of the elite is not full of trust right now.
Fuellmich said something that the plan for the takeover was meant to be started years later, but now.
C.A. Fitts said it’s because the coming financial collapse, they had no time and afraid of people (and in hurry).
I think we are exactly at the same red pilling stage. Who is running this? That’s the key question. It’s almost impossible to answer and attaining certainty is impossible. That’s where Xavier delusion comes in. He is convinced he has solved the whole puzzle. Without definitive proof. And by inverting reality when it comes to what everyone that is somehow red pilled can feel: that TPTSB are evil. Truly evil. Almost supernaturally evil.
What makes you think that ‘supernaturally’? I mean they killed millions before, covid is the copy-cat of Spanish flu, then two WW, they just used other methods.
Honest question.
There is no use asking agents of the Matrix to validate the truth of your awakening, for you will only end up being diagnosed and medicated. You are simply becoming sane in an insane world.
We are dealing with mind programming, brainwashing, phantasms, and memes that have been so deeply embedded into the collective human psyche from epochs ago, that breaking free of them takes a considerable (and ongoing) effort. Not only must we dissociate ourselves from the daily distractions which are designed to keep us oblivious to the bigger picture, but we must be prepared to do the homework in order to discover our true human origins and the ongoing agenda of social control which suppresses that ‘occulted’ (hidden) truth.
So what is behind these veils of constructed reality, one might ask? To put it in succinct terms, what lies behind the social conditioning is this: “That our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history.”
It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social agreements of our planetary cultures.
The realization that you have been fooled beyond belief can cause a great deal of inner turmoil to arise: utter dismay, a sense of humiliation, and a resulting backlash from friends and family who continually (and unconsciously) attempt to pull you back in line with the accepted ‘mainstream’ groupthink. In this process of breaking free from the enslavement of human consciousness, if you don’t have days where you completely question your sanity, I would suggest that you aren’t really waking up. Here is the only piece of advice that reflects the truth of this process: Get used to it!
If you have been born on this planet, then you are (to some degree or another) suffering the effects of a society that has become pathologically obedient to religious programming, and even those who break free from this tyrannical mechanism are oftentimes subsequently trained to become tolerant of all religions, rather than encouraged to clearly identify this dis-empowering phenomenon as being one of the main contributing factors to humanity’s continuing enslavement.
I don’t beLIEve in any of that crap associated with religion. It goes way deeper than religion. Multi-interdimensional beings and they are cloaking themselves behind made up religious characters and they even have a book called the BUY BULL(shiiiiiite) to convince the foolish that it’s some “devil” behind all of this and some “savior” is just waiting for the perfect time to “save” us all! Such low vibrational narratives to bind consciousness/ to thwart forward progress/ to stop perception from expanding. I let go of all that a looooong time ago. It never felt like Truth to me. Never resonated.
The 7th degree is a deliberate trap.
In both versions your opponent is a supernatural being. This trick is as old as the war in Vietnam or maybe older. You know when the US dropped oversized condoms to the fields to make the enemy feel ‘small’ and discouraged.
If you believe that your enemy is supernatural you give up without fight.
I wouldn’t trust in Makow blindly.
To me it looks that the members of the dear elite however live till nice ages, often around 100 but at the end they die just we do. Also they seemingly desperately try to find the way for ‘eternal life’, if there is any truth in the ‘living forever as an avatar’ then the trials are for them but for us.
If they would be so very religious as they pretend to be they would have no reason to afraid of dying. My guess is that their beloved Satanism is for their foot soldiers but them. Because otherwise they sacrificed so many lives to their god that that god must be very happy and rewarding in exchange.
But they are clearly after very real, ‘earthy’ values, land, gold, other resources.
I can imagine that there is a couple of ancient bloodlines who managed to keep up and strengthen their power but the inbreeding is getting very visible.
Let’s try and shed some light (illuminate) on this bit:
‘Lucifer’ is two things: 1) an epithet for Satan (qua ‘light bringer’). 2) A relatively recent re-invention of Satan as demonic persona.
However, Satan is not a demon. I won’t reveal what Satan is, because it’s far better for the perspicacious individual to research this themselves. And, it can be found on The Internet with enough research. At least I’ll let you know there’s nothing supernatural going on.
The Bible is a real in the sense it is a book. Most people recognise it as a bunch of genealogical history, parables, prophecy, and incomprehensible, surreal fantasy. This is mainly because it contains knowledge vital to mankind, concerning mankind’s predicament, and suggestions for appropriate preparations. However, such knowledge is occulted and encrypted via a variety of steganographic techniques.
We are indeed in The End Times (of the Age of Pisces at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – aka The Sign of The Son of Man), we are at the end of the Old World Order (Leo-Pisces) and about to begin the New World Order (Aquarius-Virgo). But, we have to get past The Great Reset first.
The jab is not a ‘satanic human sacrifice’, though it may well be presented as such to credulous minions (confirmed Satanists). It is part of The Great Winnowing (Matthew 3:12) that is part of the preparations.
The true mark of the pseudo-mystic.
There’s nothing mystical about it.
You’ve simply got a LOT MORE research to do.
The Bible affects that only a small part of the earth, people, there are many other religions and believes. Why it should be the source of eternal knowledge then, the only true one? Besides if I know something that is that winners wrote history, how can anyone check that which part is intact and which part was rewritten for a certain purpose?
Believes and religions are the best to manipulate and control the masses, better than weapons.
As about research, I don’t know where to start, the internet is flooded with fake info and some good, true one but I have no time to play Cinderella even if my life depends on it and I guess many feel similarly.
I found the possibility of the firmament interesting especially that we clearly never left the earth. I saw a video about sprites but who can tell nowadays what is true and what is fake. The Kazarian mob – in that form they try to make us believe – is surely fake.
As about god and evil, the life itself is extremely cruel even if many are not aware of. Every living has feelings including the plants (that’s why I showed you that recording about the singing aloe vera plant). A created world which is so perfect on many ways that it’s just breathtaking but also so very cruel we have to eat each other to survive, is there evil at all? Are there two sides at all or it is just one?
TPTB understand The Bible. This is because the knowledge necessary to understand it is passed down through the generations (via the mystery schools).
It is very difficult for an uninitiated layman to penetrate the esoteric meanings of The Bible, unless they have already discovered the knowledge it contains via other avenues. And, by that point, they have little need of the rest of the knowledge contained within the Bible – save perhaps for reassuring corroboration.
If you ask me, the key verse in The Bible that pretty much explains everything (when & what) is Amos 5:8: “Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of night into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth forth the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name.”
A clue for the esoteric researcher is that the game is given away on the ceiling of Senmut’s tomb.
Oh, and The Bible isn’t the only record. There are many other vectors.
The Kachina of the Hopi is another representation of vital knowledge.
7th degree – Gods chosen people?
Which “God’?
You might missed the quotation marks. 🙂 “chosen”
The Bible is your brainwashing, and you don’t see it because it was done on you when you were too young to think.
Sorry, but it really isn’t so very difficult to rethink your childhood once you’re grown up.
Hadn’t you noticed?
Furthermore, the Bible is only a library, although it happens to contain a lot of wisdom – some of it fruitfully employed, and some of it seriously abused.
Everything depends on the character of the reader, and some readers never get old enough to learn how to think. Being able to sit in objective judgement upon oneself is an important starting point, but not everybody is up to the task.
Voltaire apparently said that you know who rules over you. They are those you are not allowed to criticize.
Like it S.
Can we get ‘tificates?
Make mine a 6 – mind you the number’s a bit sus!
Not sure how to get a 7, please advise.
Could you please name specific ways in which I might “rise up” today against US tyranny? I live in US. Thanks.
Going outside is a great start! 🙂
Interesting that you haven’t listed any of the ‘other options’ that you state there are.
You left out resist.
Resist as in foment insurrection/rebellion is equivalent to option 0.
Resist as in passive non-compliance is equivalent to option 2.
We realy dont want this
So im no no no No
About that quarantine thing, they planned to drag people into quarantine, here in the UK (just how Chinese dragged toddlers from their parents and put them into ‘quarantine’) but they didn’t dare to go after it here because the behavioral scientist didn’t advice that.
I don’t know where you live, probably not in the UK, I don’t think that they could do similar here. Here the people looks peaceful but don’t forget, this is the nation who screwed their beloved mini-NWO, the EU with the Brexit.
They have already done the groundwork, the prep, the commissioning of infrastructure, buildings, etc. They have made them a ‘thing’ in the public consciousness.
When level 2 of the Covid psyop is in full flow it will be the masses who clamour for the unjabbed, refusnik pariahs to be quarantined/interned. Happened in Boer war, WW1 & WW2. Standard practice.
Covid should have already made it clear to you that ‘concentration camp guards’ can already be found among your aquaintances, possibly even your friends & relations. Nothing worse than a well meaning partner/parent who gets you forcibly jabbed for your own good. You have been given a heads-up to keep the heck away from such people in good time…
This is Invasion of the Body Snatchers type stuff, so get ready.
I am aware that they made the places for these camps. However after the clotshot fiasco and after the party-gate which proved that there was no dangerous virus on the run, I highly doubt that people would work together with them. Hence the weather warfare in the name of Climate Change, change in government, constant fear-porn about inflation, and war.
I guess we will see.
You have seen their success with the global Covid 19 psyop.
Of course, we’d like to put that down to ‘beginner’s luck‘, and that now that everyone is wise to their shenanigans, Covid 22 won’t be anywhere near as easy…
But frankly, that is wishful thinking.
If anything, Covid 22 is going to be a cinch in comparison to Covid 19. The now trained and primed ovines are going to hit the ground running, and the unjabbed will be ten times as stupefied as they were before.
If you had inside info about Covid 22 please share as I’ve never heard about it. As the worst nightmare I can imagine to pretend a hemorrhagic fever outbreak or a meningitis like outbreak. The paved the way to the second in Canada.
“You have seen their success with the global Covid 19 psyop.“
Fool me once…
I can’t comment on the rest of the world but only on the UK. They conned them well with the first covid but I highly doubt there will be easy to con them again.
Sorry, I can just repeat myself. This is the nation which said no to the EU (the precursor of the NWO), no one would assumed it could happen but it happened. Even the Brexiters (only in name) high politicians didn’t expect that result, proof how they ran away from consequences, including Johnson, including Farage (who later gained unforgettable and unforgiveable merits when at the very last moment he made his candidates – Brexit Party – to step back – which prevented having 1-2 honest whistleblowers in our side before the CON started).
I am not English but I have trust in them after what I experienced living among them. The poison vaccine uptake was high because of:
“and the unjabbed will be ten times as stupefied as they were before“
On my part: I don’t care, during this 2.5 years I had at least 3 times when I was close to die. I don’t think I am someone important but I DO THINK I was condemned to being their enemy early.
The whole personal farce started with a weird call around 2020 Jan when the caller (my site provider according to my phone recognition) wanted to know that I was the person who used that phone and the nightmare begun.
I owned that IPhone X for 1 years without any problem but shortly after that call I got asthma (covid-like) attacks twice just after speaking on it as shortly as 1-2 minutes. I was not suspicious – yet. But shortly after that a healthy litter of kittens developed weird symptoms, they were paralyzed for this or that leg, unwilling to walk further than the food bowl, but happily used their ‘paralyzed’ legs to play if they can lie on their back (dizzy? blood clots?) just about 2 days later they developed sky-high fever and according to the vet – pneumonia with zero, 0! respiratory symptoms, out of nowhere. There is no such thing! There is always a weaker and a stronger, there is no such thing that it could effect everyone equally at the same time. Besides the vet told us that there was not known cat illness like this. The only common point was that they all slept with my IPhone X within a meter distance, under the table I kept that thing.
We are not stupid, we are both IT professionals invited here because of our knowledge and experience.
But fast forward, just about a year ago I almost died due to an inside bleeding, the first question of the emergency was that was I vaxxed? I was not, I’ve just ate something which – in my opinion – accumulated graphene oxide then cleaned my car surrounded with 5G radiation.
When this farce started I sent some time in an 5G city then I developed meningitis like symptoms and lost my voice (sometime came back sometime not) for a year, struggled with swollen neck – I have TITANIUM (best antennas ever) teeth.
I am still here, don’t know how long but if any of them think that they can scare me they are wrong. I am ready to die if I must but before that I will fight with them with all of my will, energy. I never ever will surrender to psycho Satanist.
I spent my last 2-3 years, all of my free time and many of my nights to understand what is happening also to distribute knowledge considering that not everyone could afford the time.
Of course I would be happy to live a bit longer as life is interesting, knowledge also, but they never will able to bend me, I never would give my soul (despite I have no declared religion).
I trust in English people, and I feel such sorry for them, their elderly, the old-type ones just full with heart and wisdom. I have faith in them that after the first con – because they are kind and think that everyone else is surely kind hearted – learnt the lesson – and will revolt in a way or another and I shall be with them no matter what.
By ‘Covid 22’ I’m simply suggesting the likely name of the successor to Covid 19.
The UK leaving Europe is zero indication that the British people were wise to anything, let alone an indication it was their will.
Stay strong. Stay true. Stay pure.
You have so many scripted messages. I had a fast look – my fault not full look but as English is not my native I am slow at reading – to your attached material affecting the turn of the magnetic pols. My problem with that that winners write history, they could falsify whatever they wanted – not a denial but an ‘ I am not sure’ stuff.
I am open, I want to understand how things work – what about not being so cryptic if you know more than me? Thanks in advance. 🙂
Occultation represents a double-edged sword: a need to prevent the masses from finding out what’s really going on, and yet a need to preserve esoteric knowledge and maintain its accessibility to the perspicacious.
You do the research.
Has Magnetic North been drifting from its normal position at an accelerating rate since 1900? Or is this a deception, and it’s never moved at all?
Has Earth’s magnetic field been apparently weakening at an accelerating rate?
Has Earth’s axis been deviating at an accelerating rate? See http://www.newsweek.com/earths-axis-shifted-climate-change-study-1586259 “Experts said they found the direction of the poles moved from southward to eastward in the mid-1990s and that the speed of the drift between 1995 to 2020 was upwards of 17 times faster than it was in the years between 1981 and 1995.”
Has Earth been rotating slightly faster in recent times? https://www.timeanddate.com/news/astronomy/shortest-day-2022
There is a big picture to all this. Unfortunately, it’s not a very pretty one.
Is this the science you believe without questioning it as opposed to the medical science, the climate science, history? Why? Why this one is unfalsifiable? Can you measure the magnetic pole shift yourself?
Science that is believed without question is not science.
Science should never be something that one believes in. It is simply collection of theories that supposedly better fit the evidence, than other theories.
Via research and examination of the theories, one can discover that many theories proposed as superior are cunning deceptions.
Ultimately, you have to adopt a holistic approach, finding the best set of consistent theories that best produce a coherent understanding.
There is not enough time in an individual lifetime to verify every theory.
Thus, it is for every individual to do such holistic research themselves.
It make no sense, sorry. Even if it shifts what would be the point culling before that? So if this is about that we would have never seen floods and volcanic activity, etc, it will do the job anyway.
What’s the point killing us before that? How they can be sure they will survive?
Besides, if it shifts, it has surely no connection to us playing with the EMF fields on a grand scale? My guess is that this playing causes that lightning and thunderstorm are disappeared. I didn’t see one in the past 3 years or so.
Try to undo your indoctrination that TPTB are evil bogeymen wholly focussed on themselves, exploiting everyone else as slaves.
What is going on is not about TPTB. Even though they are in supreme power (and have enslaved mankind for aeons), they are not simply looking after themselves. Despite all rumours to that effect, and however difficult it is to believe, TPTB are not focussed on themselves, but on h sapiens.
Thus, they are not ‘killing us’. They are eliminating the chaff to bring the wheat into the barn. They are inviting/persuading the credulous to drink the Koolaid. The sapient that remain become the seed corn – the breeding population for the NWO.
The banksters that rule the world live in the UK.
3) do nothing.
Not very heroic, but a possibility. Sit back. Relax. The only thing they do is scare tactics. Don’t let them scare you. Sit back. Relax. The charade will fall apart, similar as in that end scene in fight club
Doing nothing is resistance, since you don’t participate in the dangerous nonsense. With that you give the good example.
Not sure if I am capable of doing nothing, and behave as cool as the Dude did in the Big Lebowski, but that is another story…
That comes under option 2: Remain/Do nothing/Passively resist
Thanks for the support for South Africa Margaret Anna Alice.
Unfortunately item 7 The South African Peoples National Referendum 2022 is a socialist communist referendum demand. The SA People’s Freedom Declaration 2022 on 22 June at Kliptown were demanding the redistribution of property without compensation.
The Yes movement is a socialist political party
For this reason I cannot and will not support their cause. I have draft copy if you would like to read it and send it to you.
Thank you for alerting me to that, Jack! That link was included in the list of resources associated with voicing opposition, but I didn’t have time to evaluate it closely due to the urgency of this missive. I have removed it from the original version of this article published at my Substack since it is not directly related to the opposing these amendments.
“The people of South Africa poured decades of passion, blood, and song into eradicating apartheid. Do not let that effort be for naught.”
And when she stated this,I presume she has no compassion for the white minority there?
Some call it genocide.
For this reason I cannot and will notsupport their cause.
If this is in line with what is OffGuardian take on this historic anti-white policies,my donations will be placed elsewhere.