AUDIO: Riley Waggaman on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell – Part 2

Part 2 of Riley Waggaman’s recent interview with Jesse Zurawell on Perspective, discussing his article “Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution” (published on Unlimited Hangout).

Part one of this interview is available here.

TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on twitter here.
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Categories: audio, coronavirus, latest, Russia
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Dragoljub Mitrovic
Dragoljub Mitrovic
Aug 10, 2022 1:42 AM

I don’t think Putin “is in on it”, people who went to Russia during the pandemic simulation saw all the restaurants all open, people going out, yes there were some restrictions but have in mind Russia is not a totalitarian state as everyone believes, it has opposing parties, some working for the west, BIG PHARMA has it’s khazarian tentacles deep in Russia and that’s why you have this happening and Putin is not hip to this. He did amazing things, given his very high IQ he micromanaged and got rid of the oligarchical rot. Big Pharma is next. It’s not like Rosemaries baby or the Orient Express that everyone is in on it. No, there are always conflicting interests and I do think Russia will allow the west to control them and the entire globe with it’s digital bull…t currency and degeneracy.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Aug 7, 2022 1:40 PM

The West has double standards, it cannot be denied, but Russia has none.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2022 3:24 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

It’s always heartening to see such thorough research.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Aug 9, 2022 10:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Do you require footnotes?

Aug 7, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

Did you take a wrong turning? The Mail Online is over yonder – though not as far away from offguardian as it used to be, sadly.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Aug 9, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  Frank

So is this a groupthink site?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2022 10:05 AM

In a time of hysterical propaganda, the headlines are all you need to see. Two juicy items from this morning’s Graud:

“‘Absolute evil’: inside the Russian prison camp where dozens of Ukrainians burned to death”


“The fate of Alex Jones is a small battle won in the war against alternative facts
The Sandy Hook conspiracy peddler’s courtroom rout shows truth can triumph, but there is no guarantee it always will”

(snigger snigger!)

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2022 9:30 AM

A key to the entire mechanism lies in one of my ealiest memories of this viral scam. When the vaccines first came in and we were asked if we wanted it I said no and one of my colleagues said, “Oh are you one of those anti-vaxxers?” Fortunately he just laughed about it. But his comment haunted me due to its blasé obliviousness to all critique of the situation. And I realise now that, for him, the entire covid/vax situation had been installed, as it were, on the most basic level so that it was indeed “the new normal. The most devastating part of any psy-op is the initial “shock and awe” part which pushes the population all the way over into a new base of presuppositions.

Thus, when the media ceaselessly ranted about “The New Normal” they were explicitly telling you what they were doing even as they did it!

And all the time this new normal was busily being implemented on all levels. I have no doubt the fabled “history books” were already being formulated in which “we” muse on “that terrible time when the corpses were piling up” etc.

The transgender matter can be seen as a similar thing whereby the entire concept of sexuality was rewritten and an entirely bogus “community under siege” was invented. And although it only applies – at most and, even then, only in theory – to a tiny percentage, the entire public have been conditioned into “accepting these new findings of science”.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 7, 2022 9:06 AM

This may be hyper-paranoia but I am starting to wonder if the very usage of the net in a furiously active way to enquire into covid may not be a method of snaring the population in the increasingly totalitarian mesh. The rulers would know that, deprived of any critique of covid in the mainstream, the more intelligent – and perhaps even the majority anyway – would plunge into the net to check out this and that etc. And so often I have logged onto a site to find myself asked if I want to allow consent for cookies or whatever and I don’t bother to read it because it goes on and on and I irritably click on “accept” etc. How much of my own profile and activity is now logged into various intelligence centres?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 7, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

TPTB want the sufficiently percipient to become perspicacious, and they want them to research, to enlighten themselves, to investigate and discover the truth. At the same time, they take pains to make it very difficult to disseminate this truth.

As for being monitored, this is only something to worry about should you become well known, and overstep the mark, e.g. disseminate things you shouldn’t, to the wrong audience.

Otherwise, don’t worry about the implicit panopticon that is The Internet.

The cookie law was simply an attempt for the law to inveigle its way online – and all it’s done is infest websites. All browsers came with a ‘Disable cookies’ option, so the law was unnecessary.

les online
les online
Aug 7, 2022 12:05 AM

Germans are being urged to cut gas consumption by 20%,,,Expect soon stories will abound, will be broadcast by the propaganda media about Certain People cheating: people who dont accept “We’re all in this together !”… Like the non-vaxxed, they’ll be targeted – and blamed for Germans having to cut gas consumption by another 10%, and then by a 10% booster-cut, and then another 10% booster-cut…
As Hannah Arendt pointed out about the road to totalitarian society, after the initial Shock n Awe the authorities need only to nudge the masses step by step into total compliance, total submission…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 7, 2022 1:31 AM
Reply to  les online

And I read that the German chemical industry (no doubt other industries, too) are on the brink of collapse. They want in particular to destroy the German economy and culture. They want to destroy their work ethic and ingenuity. With Russia – a country they want to destroy as well, they want to appropriate their rich resources which they regard as the globalists’ common property.

Aug 7, 2022 5:07 AM
Reply to  les online

Nah. Les, I predict Germans will go into the street & insist that NordStream 2 be opened.

The solution to the problem is too simple & concrete to be camouflaged.

Aug 6, 2022 11:23 PM

Most watch the news and believe,
A few SEE the news and perceive.

Aug 7, 2022 4:13 AM
Reply to  Johnny

‘If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed.

if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed…’

-Samuel Clemens

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 6, 2022 9:36 PM

Here’s something for the faithful “mass formation” congregation, the supercilious misanthropists, the smug smirkers at “sheeple” and “ovines”:

“… a clear majority of Americans. Nearly 228 million, or roughly 70%, of Americans were unvaccinated, hadn’t completed their primary vaccine series or hadn’t gotten their first booster dose as of July 21, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The uptake is particularly low for booster shots.”


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2022 10:35 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Well sanity and logic insist that a very very large number of the public cannot or cannot any longer be buying this viral vomit. I recently linked to yet another scary scary proto doom show about West Nile fever – or something, which, as in covid, is apparently being given a “dry run” in Italy. But who fucking cares? Who can even pretend to care?

And on a related note, surely similar masses must realise that the media is just going to keep shovelling the shit robotically anyway. So much so that a growing number must suspect, as I do, that there are no actual people working in the media and it’s all software generated. Either that or the scribblers are truly zombified.

Aug 6, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Fauci called the country’s vaccine and booster rates “quite discouraging” and pointed to one potential reason why people aren’t up-to-date: They simply think they don’t need the additional doses, because they fall outside of high-risk populations for Covid.

Notice how Fauci is deciding why people aren’t taking the shots? He’s full of it. But, if Fauci decides for you, then he gets to drivel on combating his own argument.
I know 3 men, over 50, who live in a 4 house radius: 2 next door to each other and the 3rd directly across the street.
All took the vaccine, and a little over a year later, all were diagnosed with cancer: 2 prostate and 1 esophageal.
I can’t say its vax related, but I think its odd to know that many with cancer at the same time. On top of that, all in a 4 house block. Could be a coincidence, but they’ve all told me that they aren’t taking the boosters because of it. Their reasoning is at odds with Fauci’s decide-for-you crap.

Not in the risk group…no one is, it has a 99% survival rate.

Aug 7, 2022 9:03 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

I know 3 men, over 50, who live in a 4 house radius: 2 next door to each other and the 3rd directly across the street.

All took the vaccine, and a little over a year later, all were diagnosed with cancer: 2 prostate and 1 esophageal.

I can’t say its vax related, but I think its odd to know that many with cancer at the same time. On top of that, all in a 4 house block. Could be a coincidence,

Exact same thing happened to a colleague took the jab + 1st booster then got cancer – now is dead.

Aug 7, 2022 5:01 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Thank you Patrick. Apparently for some the only claim to fame is downgrading the learning of others. As you realize, it is not the victims who are our enemies; it is the perpetrators. Even the most general plan for overthrowing their power & wealth has the power to cause even the “undecided” to join us:

We need a physical currency put forward by one or more State govts to ensure our ability to carry out economic activity even when they crash the dollar. We need to begin to talk about the criteria by which we will redistribute the ill-gotten loot of the monopolists. All those mega holding companies need to be broken back to their individual companies.

Aug 6, 2022 8:40 PM

Meanwhile, the real world consequences (or at least predicted consequences) of Russophobic sabre rattling:

It’s already lights out by 10pm in Spain:

Lights will also have to go off in shop fronts and empty government offices from 10pm, under the new rules.

Aug 6, 2022 8:31 PM

Not trying very hard to disguise their glee:


Oh, can we please have a technocracy to save us? I mean, it was just incompetence that London’s back-up water supply happened to be not working at this time. Whoops!

BTW the UK hasn’t been under unusual heat for weeks. The heat lasted for two days. There have been many weeks without mych rain but a lot of that has been under those palls of cloud that seem a permanent feature of modern weather. Cloud that doesn’t rain. One might almost think it had been geo-engineered that way.

I actually quite like Bloomberg – at least it’s open that it’s news from oligarchs and doesn’t try to pretend it’s anything else. Every newspaper and TV channel should be named after its oligarch owner.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2022 10:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes yes yes there hasn’t been a drop of water anywhere in London for months, the parched survivors wearily trundle barrows filled with dehydrated corpses, whole building blocks spontaneously combust, scorpions and camels infest the newly plonked sand dunes, and the very mouth of hell opens up. Meanwhile the newsreaders display faces increasingly quivering with barely suppressed guffaws.

Aug 6, 2022 8:08 PM

Offgaurdian?why do I have to login everytime I come here?!?

Aug 7, 2022 9:05 AM
Reply to  Annie

Keep you and others safe.

Aug 6, 2022 7:05 PM

Little Alfie has died an example of the state taking over bodily atomy.Even a parent can’t fight for the rights of their child.

Aug 6, 2022 7:10 PM
Reply to  Annie

Imagine fighting for your children and the state take’s charge?Everyday she sat with him cost too much for him to stay alive.

Aug 6, 2022 5:13 PM

We are facing a very serious economic situation and there are no ready-made solutions. However, it is possible to do some sober analysis and figure out what doesn’t work. What will not work is continuing to force people, whether they are immigrants, the feeble-minded or just the poor, to work crummy jobs for almost nothing with no dignity just because we all need to be consuming more stuff for all infinity. This is simply not viable, if only for the fact that technology will never stop progressively making more and more people economically unprofitable as a labor force. Even now, there are people in the richest country in the world working two jobs who still can’t make ends meet for their family. There is a necessary conversation we need to have, which is about our imperative need of switching to an economic system which exploits the inevitable progress of technical efficiency to actually reduce the overall need for human labor, instead of continuously forcing people to slave away, supposedly justifying their existence, just to satisfy a fundamentally untenable infinite-consumption-based economic system. This “solution” is, of course, very comprehensive and implies a complete restructuring of society’s economic thinking. Such a restructuring is already taking place but only at the direction of the rich owner-classes and without the input of ordinary people. We cannot afford to leave the handling of the looming economic collapse up to the scheming of Schwab, Gates and the other elitists who effectively want to enslave everyone. The ones who are not culled, that is. It is believed by many that the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is an evil plan forced by these would-be overlords in order to produce a world where ordinary people are regimented mere servants, placated with their daily allotted bread and high-tech circuses while their… Read more »

Aug 7, 2022 4:23 AM
Reply to  Tommy

All economic theory is based on the fiction of scarcity and disregards the coercion of fiat finance.

Aug 7, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Not all. Only all the market dogmatism they teach people in school under the disingenuous heading of “Economics,” as if actual economics, by definition, does not necessarily imply a component of sustainability. That very concept, in its fundamental sense, is, of course, conspicuously absent from all formal market theory, which just presumes that all the applied proxy metrics of market efficiency automatically serve the true, actual objectives of economy, namely the furtherance of all people’s living conditions indefinitely. All the contrary propensities are simply labeled ‘externalities’ and comprehensively disregarded by the theory. This market-based paradigm is full of age-old canards, like the idea that humans are somehow insatiable consumption machines by nature, and hence there is no such thing as a practical abundance, the persistent conflation of ‘wants’ and ‘needs’, or Adam Smith’s conjectured ‘Invisible Hand’, which has absolutely no empirical plausibility post industrial revolution. I agree there are many engineered conditions that contribute to the organized, corporate exploitation and oppression we see, such as the inflationary fractional-reserve monetary system, but all of these, just like the perpetuation of the state itself as we know it, might as well be regarded as natural culminations resulting from the basic incentive structure of a market economy, which simply dictates the self-maximizing pursuit of differential, competitive advantage by literally any means available. Conspiracies as such are not needed in order to create any oppressive structures; It is natural for the economically powerful to pool their power politically in order to serve their shared interests against the poor masses, just like we all band together to advance our own interests against other groups in any environment of scarcity. Bankers generally represent the most powerful people in the world; Of course they would institute a system of perpetual debt slavery to the exclusive benefit of… Read more »

Aug 7, 2022 9:36 PM
Reply to  Tommy

Some salient premises worthy of meditative moments.

Yet, it is the language itself which constrains the perception of variables left undescribed. Thereby, marketing the idea of technology bereft of meaning as an absolute paradigm.

For it is the ‘tragedy of the commons’ that destroys the commonwealth and the myth of industry and it’s perpetual revolution that obscures the freedom from tyranny, remaining obscured and unpromoted, by the schooled adherence to self-aggrandizing greed which in itself, as you have so eloquently outlined, is the synthetic science of unchecked avarice and it’s handmaiden of engineered scarcity.


Aug 7, 2022 9:39 AM
Reply to  Tommy

The top manipulators know the impending resource, environmental and climate crunch is real. Their plan is to wipe out most of us, or put us in a position where we cannot demand government aid.