Denial and Intolerance: Strange Bedfellows

Todd Hayen

Are we expected to live the “positive” life? A life of denial? Are we expected to ignore what the thousands of doctors, scientists, researchers, are saying about the vaccines, the effects of resulting starvation, immune system shutdown, food supply interruption, rampant inflation, fuel shortages, and global upheaval?

Are we expected to ignore the doomsday predictions of the world’s economists, virologists, vaccinologists, doctors, research scientists, and political analysts? Apparently so.

Why is that? I think most of us have scrutinized this whole situation enough to have some good answers to that question. Let me throw a few more at you. Any disruption or contradiction to the “happy life” will be considered an unwelcome intrusion. It seems this is probably more common in fully developed countries (“fully developed” is a questionable description).

Life is pretty much good in the West (or most of it) if you consider an endless plethora of “things” to acquire, to eat, to look at, to “own” (or now, “rent”). How happy we can be!

To work toward that big house (soon to only be accessible to the elite, but we can always say “to work toward that small condo to rent”)—to get the newest smartphone model when it comes out, to look forward to the yearly raise so we can buy and consume more “things.” We also can get health care when we need it (as most affluent countries, and even less affluent countries, have national health care).

You get the picture.

Who wants to mess with that? Sure, there are a few complaints here and there. Maybe a couple of malcontents will complain about losing more and more freedom as the years go by. And there really isn’t anything called “privacy” anymore, at least the last time I looked there wasn’t.

And what about being “slave to the system,” education designed to indoctrinate, not teach critical thinking, working harder and harder, longer and longer hours to make ends meet (which means being able to afford the important things in life, like a nice house, nice phones, nice cars, nice clothes, fun travel).

Yes, we fool ourselves time and again believing that a good higher education for our kids is a noble, non-materialist goal in life. Really? Considering what “higher education” looks like these days I am not too confident about that way of thinking.

We have it pretty good over here, all things considered. Many of us are brainwashed into believing the only true value in life is material. I know I am. I am just as guilty as the next guy for falling into this, and I also hold on to it with the grip of a snapping turtle (what’s that?).

I think living off the grid is a romantic notion, but I am not sure how comfortable I would be. That’s it, isn’t it? Comfort? Us 21st Century humans are not very thick skinned are we? At least most of us are not, me being one of those. I was thinking the other day while lying in the grass, with my wife’s head on my stomach, looking up through the trees how peaceful I felt.

My soul at least felt peaceful.

My back hurt on the lumpy ground, my wife’s head was digging into my ribs, and a colony of ants were crawling up my leg. I thought about the people of pioneer times, and how tough they must have been to withstand all they had to withstand—with skin literally like leather, they wouldn’t even notice critters crawling on them.

Now, I am not saying all of our troubles are due to our wimpy physical characteristics, but I think this serves as a useful metaphor. We have not only become physical wimps, but intellectual wimps, and even spiritual wimps.

Now, before some of you get your knickers twisted, I’m not speaking of all of you (me, yes, but not all of you reading this). I do believe there are people who have really made an effort to not get pulled into this insane and inhuman way of being— so, more power to you. I admire you, and I personally know a few of you, and thank God you are here. I am working hard to join you.

I will venture to say, though, sheep constitute a majority. This sheep majority would like for us, those of us on the other side of the sheep/shrew fence, to just shut up and close our eyes and “leave well enough alone”—don’t rock the boat please or we will be terribly unhappy.

So, deny it. Easy enough. We shrews seem to believe that even if living seems simple and pleasant now, if we don’t stand up to this tyranny we are experiencing in such wild and wonderful ways, we will end up not very happy indeed. But are we correct in this assumption? Sure, if we are being carried off to concentration camps to be tortured and eventually gassed we won’t be very happy, but that would only happen to those who don’t comply, or to those singled out for whatever reason as not “belonging” and not “desirable.”

How many times have we all heard sheep-types say, “I have nothing to hide, I’ve done nothing wrong, I will not get in trouble,” (after my bank account here in Canada was shut down due to a small donation I made to the trucker’s convoy, I had a few close family members say this to me—implying if I had walked the line and didn’t donate to an obviously subversive group I would not have gotten in trouble…served me right, eh?) Denial.

So why, in my title of this article, have I lumped in intolerance as a bedfellow of denial?

I’m sure you can see how intolerance goes hand in hand with denial. A simple admonishment to “get with the program or else we will all get in trouble” is an initial attempt to get everyone in order. If that doesn’t succeed, intolerance comes into the picture. We clearly see intolerance these days for contrary speech, medical views, and science debate. “Do what the boss says folks!”

As a result everyone on our side of the fence (my apologies to those reading who do not wish to be considered on this “side” of a fence, any fence) becomes a moron, a science denier, unintelligent, not informed, etc. This intolerance is so acute; nearly every tiny nuance of thought that is not 100% in line with the worldview of the sheep paradigm is rejected and ridiculed.

So denial of truth, or of a certain way of thinking, is first. And once that is set, anything that is contrary or threatens that denied reality is intolerated.

Sad thing here is that I see this on the shrew side as well. We seem to be no better in discussing issues where we disagree than the worst of the sheep (again, I am guilty of this myself at times, and it isn’t everyone who is intolerant).

There seems to be no tolerance here as well.

When confronted with a differing view of something we hold as truth, we often do not reply with a, “hey brother (or sister) I don’t quite agree with what you just said (or wrote), how about…” or, “hey brother (or sister) I don’t think you have your facts straight there, have you not heard…” Instead it is a “hey you idiot, you don’t know what you are talking about!” or some other ad hominem insult that has nothing to do with the statement being discussed.

This troubles me quite a bit, and I think it is an absolute necessity that all of us who are going to be the ones left standing after the smoke of this global insanity lifts have the ability to discuss the issues at hand with civility and courtesy. Yes, some people do not know as much as others, but rather than attack their character and integrity as human beings, be there to support and educate.

And more often than not, the disagreement is in interpretation, and viewpoint. These are things that can indeed be debated, but without attacking the individual stating the contrary view. This is intolerance, and it is the very thing that we accuse those who are buying into this mainstream narrative.

Let’s all step up to the plate and treat our fellow shrew brothers and sisters with respect and consideration.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 7, 2022 8:18 PM

I think we all have a sense of what’s wrong and how we could go about fixing it but we run up against the wall that change is only possible within the context of the status quo. When the status quo becomes the problem it presents us with an impossible problem and so people react by switching off or building fantasy universes.

Each human can contribute only so much productive effort. In the past actual work was needed because practically all tasks were highly labor intensive. As society developed we didn’t have to work anything like as much to provide the basic necessities of life but despite not needing anything like as much effort we seemed to be working more and more. We’re told that this is to ‘maintain our standard of living’ but really doesn’t survive scrutiny; we’re actually working our tails off to keep a large parasitic class happy, satisfying their wants and needs and defending their interests. They reward us with crumbs; for time immorial in the UK, for example, the government has always been strapped for cash for things the people need, grudgingly allowing development where here is just no alternative. Meanwhile there’s essentially an unlimited budget for things our betters feel are important (and, of course, there’s no restraining hand on ‘their’ take — in the past government would have some control but now the only limit is the level of greed and just how far they can bloodsuck without leaving a useless corpse).

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 7, 2022 11:26 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Typical mistake in A Government cares about Your Investments.
You invest don’t you You invest in Other. You couldn’t give a monkeys uncle in who what where or how. And you talk about Greed, pathetic.
No no no, post 19** forget it. What you want is the same continum your father’s grandfathers therolised over in and post 1919. with your what WE need, change whatever utter garbage. Or You’ve READ about IT.
You and ilk leave no stone unturned so much so it’s Predictable
At least A Change must not affect You.
I’am 68, but not a fucking idiot. A shill troll ‘funded’ this that Net Utter CIA FBI MI5 MI6 etc etc you Name it OH dickheads Dickweeds in “clouds”.
Buy A Stamp and stick it on a Postcard to someone You Know…..Idiot!
Yep yep yep WE are All the bloody Same. NOT once, have you mentioned We ARE Individual Citizens not once A Multicural Country. NOT once our Social Services and Co-operative’s not bloody once

Fuck You Dickhead WHEREVER you are.
Now…Say something REAL!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 7, 2022 1:58 PM

Todd, glad you included yourself in your “we” … I’m not in that “we”, never have been. I find yours a funny, incomplete “we”.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 8, 2022 1:09 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

I look at net articles as an expansionist ideology with use of tools as if the internet is all encompassing post 1986.
I will give an example; 2020 domestics wherever english speak may be used, fell off me like a duck through water.
Furthermore, at an extreme example the use of age labeling from born to group tagging dismissive left me totally disgusted.
I don’t give a flying shit with kids morphed into Children as an Investment in/or or Our Future by propagandist cronies toying with easily tap tap/ Netspeak on “Social” drop kick emotionally mind induced Everything Stop Screaming streaming media.
Putting aside both myself and my sister could well have been victims of Brady & Hindley….
I don’t give a flying fuck. I love PEOPLE if you cant buy that….Piss Off!
Now, don’t talk to ME, say something, us still young at Heart who only Have Our Music of Life!!!

Where’s Tony Scilly Isles!!!! Fuck him.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 8, 2022 9:01 AM

I’m getting the feeling that you are an AI ChatBot…

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 8, 2022 4:15 PM

Excuse me point taken, I’ll be more hesitant in future.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 8, 2022 9:04 PM

He who hesitates is lost.

Aug 7, 2022 11:00 AM

From the Bhagavad Gita, which names bravery as the first holy virtue:

“Our fear is not of the strength of others, but always of our weaknesses. Our ignorance is our greatest weakness. Ignorance is never bliss. Ignorance is always at the root of fear. Fear is always at the root of our ill-conceived action.”

“Falsehood, however convenient, alienates us from God.”

Gandhi [spare me of criticisms for the character, please], citing it, says: “Courage is the first requirement of spirituality. Cowards can never be moral.”

And I would add that you can only be genuinely brave if you are willing to know the aspects of reality that are more terrifying (like conspiracy theories).

Those who turn their eyes away from reality, out of fear, or apathy, are destroying themselves, spiritually and mentally. And they will have a rude awakening.

That´s another reason why we have to reach them.

Aug 7, 2022 2:47 AM

‘Never let schooling

get in the way

of your Education…’

-Samuel Clemens

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 6, 2022 10:42 PM

Timely article Todd. Because I deal direct with the public every day, I have to take “time out” on a regular basis, get right out of Melbourne, and connect with nature. Otherwise I’d go nuts.
I believe a major reason why so many have fallen for the convid pysops is a complete lack of spirituality in their lives. By this, I mean spiritual as opposed to religion.
I hear what you say about intolerance. Yesterday had a customer who started talking about the lockdowns here in Melbourne in the last 2 years.
He’s been jabbed 3 times and was wearing a facemask outside. He started praising Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, and said regards the lockdowns: “what could he have done, we didn’t have the vaccines at the time, he did the right thing”. This customer went on to say Daniel Andrews had literally saved the State and they should “build a statue in his honor”. This is what the brainwashing is like in Melbourne. Truly surreal stuff.
I looked him straight in the eyes and said “there was never any covid, there was never any pandemic anywhere”. My customers eyes bulged and he stormed off. He came back 15 minutes later and apologised for taking off. He then said “you’re entitled to your opinions, and your sense of reality, even if they’re wrong”. I thought of everything that has happened in the last 2.5 years and saw red.
I ended up raising my voice at him and getting really angry while he actually stayed calm the whole time, and then he said “we’ll have to agree to disagree” and left again.

Aug 7, 2022 12:05 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

well, but it’s almost a Herculean task not to get angry, after almost 3 years of being called insane, criminal, deluded, “anti-science”, etc etc. So, yes, one *should* be tolerant, but it’s goddamn hard. And you’re the one who’s stood out on the street selling your papers through the whole thing, so your opinion should not have been dismissed as “wrong” flat out. Anyway. Calmness and tolerance–easier said than done, and probably overall easier for the one who’s standing behind the benevolent authoritarian “consensus.”

not to detract from the article, with which I agree, mostly, because divide and conquer always has been a big part of the playbook of TPTB.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 7, 2022 10:21 AM
Reply to  Lorie

I did meet another couple of wide awake people today while selling the mag, which is always a positive and is one of the things that keeps me going. A few days ago I met 6 people on the same day at the same location who knew it was all lies and that there was never any pandemic. But what really kills me is seeing little 4 or 5 year old children wearing facemasks. Yes, I’ve tried to speak calmly and asked why their 4-5 year old child was wearing a mask, only to be ignored, or told by the parent to keep my mouth shut and mind my own business, or have the parent say: “oh, she’s got a cold, I don’t want her passing it on to anyone else”.
That’s actually become a trend in Melbourne with adults also. They say they’re wearing a mask outside because they don’t want to pass on their cold to other people. I’m 60 Lorie with no qualifications and not many other job options out there. I think the vaccine mandate still applies for people working inside.

Aug 6, 2022 10:03 PM

I was thinking the other day while lying in the grass, with my wife’s head on my stomach, looking up through the trees how peaceful I felt.

My soul at least felt peaceful.

My back hurt on the lumpy ground, my wife’s head was digging into my ribs, and a colony of ants were crawling up my leg.

I take your point, but I sure hope your wife’s head was still attached to her body. I normally wouldn’t leap to such a macabre doubt, but you didn’t specify.

And the arrival of the ants piqued my concern.  😉 

Aug 7, 2022 9:22 AM
Reply to  Ort

The pioneers surviving? What about the indigenous people already surviving prior to the ‘pioneers’ wiping them out?

Aug 7, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  semaj

No kidding! I’d give up my life now in a second to have been born into a native population before the Euro’s arrival. To experience the earth then must have been incredible.

Aug 6, 2022 9:06 PM

‘Social distancing’ has been long in the making, as old as dog-eat-dog practices of the free-for-all market, and the standardized product of alienation among atomized units in industrial machinery and bureaucracy. The advance of anti-society has moved from the me culture of narcissism to the fuck-you kulture of the digital (c)age’s echo chambers. Human community largely exists in name only now as virtual reality and the Metaverse and all things simulated and synthetic are prepared to swallow the remnants of what enabled our species’ evolution. The atrophy of civility, substantive not superficial, is but one symptom of the systemic abuse to which we have been subjected by the psychopathy of profit and power.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 6, 2022 9:03 PM

A whole new Italian Job:


….Italians are less prepared to face the threat of mosquitoes potentially carrying the West Nile virus (WNV), a disease indigenous to Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia which has recently made a move to Europe and North America.


Since 1999, the virus, which causes the so-called West Nile fever, has travelled far from areas where it has been traditionally prevalent. It’s now found in every continent on the planet except Antarctica, and in the US is the leading cause of mosquito-borne diseases.

And just to make sure you get the message, this magazine’s twitter thread dumps this hint:

Another day, another scary virus rears its ugly head.

As Father Ted’s Mrs Doyle would say, “Go on go on go on go on go on ….”

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 6, 2022 10:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The deadly Spider-Baby Virus.

“Dougal, are you absolutely sure about this? You’re not confusing it with a dream you had or anything?”

Aug 6, 2022 8:51 PM

{We have it pretty good over here, all things considered. Many of us are brainwashed into believing the only true value in life is material}

I don’t think it’s brainwashing per se but rather a conscience decision. I can assure you once a crisis strikes (terminal illness and or death) how fast people realize what’s truly important in life. You can have the biggest bank account – the biggest private jet and number of houses – but when death comes knocking – there’s no escaping it and nothing else matters!

I would bet good money those of us who live in reality are the same ones who grew up with nothing and learned to appreciate everything and take NOTHING for granted I think the time is quickly approaching where people will have less and less and begin to realize that as well. Just how wasteful their lives have truly been.

As much as I loathe how all of this came to be perhaps there is a shinning light at the end of the tunnel if it brings people back to reality and what’s REAL and important in life. I have always said as long as you have your health and a job everything else in life in irrelevant!

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Aug 6, 2022 6:00 PM

What’s with the “brother, or sister” Monty Python nonsense ? All human beings are MEN, all of them, all 8 billion of HU-MAN beings, within there are two reproduction sexes, the male with the XY chromosome and the female with the XX chromosome. You’re following the Germaine Greer (The Female Eunuch) and her ilk in the sixties, “dividing” the sexes, dividing families as written about by Karl Marx in his Manifesto. So post-MAN, mail-MAN, horse-MAN etc. are all correct

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Aug 6, 2022 7:49 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

No argument here. I just like calling men brother and women sister…it feels nice.

Aug 6, 2022 7:59 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

“Brother, sister“ is what Masons call each other. It’s a “brotherhood” or “family” of shills. Ie; controlled opposition. They cartel signal with specific language, symbols, Gematria and/or hand signals. Marx and Engels were also members.

Aug 7, 2022 3:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

“Brother” or “sister” is also what Primitive Baptists call one another. My great grandfather called his daughter (my grandmother) “sister.” And he was neither a Mason nor a Marxist.

Please don’t read too much into things.

Aug 7, 2022 7:02 PM
Reply to  Howard

Baptists are also part of the BROTHERHOOD. All organized religions were created as a mass mind control tool by the one cryptocracy that’s been ruling for thousands of years. So it’s no wonder they use the same terminology, within the same cult programming; diminishing mankind, whilst eliciting subservience to invisible, unproven “gods”.

It’s the same technique, stemming from the SAME CULT.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 6, 2022 9:37 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

British dont normally announce their girlfiend or wife, as if she is an unnamed potentical corporate investment opportunity.
Partner. “Hello, this is my partner…..”

I used to think it plain stupid, but the important thing is socialising.

Aug 7, 2022 2:54 AM

“She is a lovely and erudite lady…”

“For goodness sake man! That is no lady. That is my wife!”

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 6, 2022 10:16 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

All human beings are MEN, all of them, all 8 billion of HU-MAN beings

What kind of blokes gave birth to them? I think we should be told.

Someone please inform those ignorant frogs and krauts that femmes and Frauen and Menschen don’t exist, because English is the boss language and reveals the secret of the universe.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 7, 2022 11:04 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

English “the boss language” – I like that.

Almost as good as “the US and rest of the world” – a phrase heard often at multinational corporate meetings (pre convid), or “the UK AND Europe.”

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 7, 2022 1:19 AM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

Nonetheless, the female is the beginning of all of life – check out the biology.
If things go pear-shaped in the environment, it is the female which survives; most genetic and congenital diseases occur in the male, as the biologically weaker sex.

Aug 7, 2022 2:56 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Hydrogen is the beginning of all Life

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 7, 2022 11:06 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

If you want to put it that way…

But the bone of contention was the myth that woman is derived from and/or subsumed under man. This notion is embedded in all patriarchal religions and traditions to this day (Adam’s rib; Athena birthed out of Zeus’ head, etc).

They’re defensive myths.

Aug 8, 2022 2:57 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Try Taosim

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 6, 2022 5:27 PM

It’s sounds like Canada is a wonderful democratic Plantation…

comment image

(I’m the black one!)

Aug 7, 2022 2:57 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Perhaps ‘sheep of colour’ may be considered more appropriate?

Aug 6, 2022 3:53 PM

The sort of near-truth put out on a hot August Saturday when nobody much is paying attentions:


It was mostly printing all that money during lockdown? No shit Sherlock….

Aug 6, 2022 8:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The article you link to contains the same problem the covid narrative has always had. “Putin”didn’t wreck Western economies,the SANCTIONS are doing that, “covid” didn’t wreck the economies the draconian measures imposed did that.

Aug 6, 2022 3:39 PM

My brothers and sisters are the ones who question authority and respectfully stand firm in the face of opposition and are brave enough to support others otherwise standing alone; my brothers and sisters live by the golden rule – do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Bullies, cowards and narcissists are not my family, but as members of humanity, my respect for them goes only as far as letting them be just not with me.

Aug 6, 2022 11:08 PM
Reply to  rob2

But I think a key point (one of them at any rate) in Todd’s article is that we need to recognize and treat with respect those of us who are “on the same side of the fence” regarding the need to show resistance to the conforming order that so many, so many accept. They are our sisters and brothers — our fellow shrews if you prefer (ugh! not a shrew fan, sorry!) –even when we disagree with their views on other points, on how best to interpret reality, on what to tackle first, etc. (Example: the many quarrels over whether there is a virus causing an illness known as Covid — or if there are viruses at all!) I have made this point in earlier comments to posts at Off Guardian; let’s be kinder and friendlier to each other here, not just attack and insult.
As to how we relate to those”on the other side of the fence” that is something else. How much energy and effort to use trying to convince them? That is something each of us will decide for ourselves.
Hang in there, friends!

Aug 7, 2022 3:03 AM
Reply to  mjh

Yes ‘shrew’ is indeed a little shrewish… (though no doubt our brother is using it as a neuro-liguistic antidotal alliteration)

Perhaps ‘Dolphins’ is a little more accurate?


Aug 7, 2022 3:59 AM
Reply to  mjh

Thanks mjh. You’re right! In fact, I started my comment (but for some reason got negative, off track & edited it out) that CJ Hopkins lamented the same thing in his last article: the in-fighting. Don’t you know the puppet masters rejoice at our divisions!

Aug 6, 2022 3:21 PM

Very well written article.

Aug 6, 2022 2:34 PM

This article is so well said. It has been a continual mystery to me of how when I just wish to discuss the present issues with friends and family there is an instant divide. There does not seem to be a respect for views that contradict my friends and family’s views. For years I have enjoyed debate and discussion with people in my life. Suddenly there is no tolerance for discussion. I am told time and again that I am not following the people who really “know”…I believe I am being careful in the experts I listen to, but even if I was not, I don’t think it is anyone’s place to tell me who to follow…instead there should be respectful discussion, discussion, discussion!

Aug 6, 2022 3:26 PM
Reply to  SkinnyMouse

I believe there’s something else in the mix – at best we are dealing with indoctrination on a nuclear style or at worst many folk’s brains have become mush perhaps a complication of the injection.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Aug 6, 2022 6:02 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Mass hypnosis ?
The mask wearers never enter in debate, are unable to make a case for their wearing the “muzzle” or even taking the Koolaid.

Aug 6, 2022 10:53 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

If mass hypnosis or brainwashing is real, then those who can’t stop bemoaning the ‘dumb sheeple’ really don’t get it, really are wasting everyone’s time. Or maybe they are brainwashed into confusing the pleb victims with the elite villains?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 7, 2022 10:31 AM

I think these ‘sheep obsessed’ folk are the lower grade red-pilled.

They aren’t going with the flock, but they’re not sure where else to go, so rather than research WTF is going on & why, they are drawn instead into psychoanalysis of the sheep mentality (possibly self-congratulatory).

Most of the Off-Guardian articles are also focussed on aspects of the Covid psyop, instead of analysing the reasons behind it.

“Oh, the reasons behind the global roll-out of the Covid psyop are so obvious, it’s not worth examining them”

Aug 7, 2022 12:16 PM

references to compassionate extinction seem to contradict what can be swallowed, by almost everyone, the sensation of helplessness and fatalism.

potentially the bitterest of pills.

the possibility of binary solar systems i find interesting.

the behaviour surrounding the “mysterious” deeds of those dabbling at c.e.r.n is also of concern (imho)

the particle collider was recently “fired up” and some drivel re “new understandings of atoms” was spouted via radio 4 etc, the draw on the electric grid requiring some kind of explanation.

much is evident to the observer if observation is possible from an un-interrupted/un-sullied viewpoint.

i have noticed small blips in my perceptions of time for a couple of years (its the drugs they say), like i care too much about what they say..

squeezing out extra watts by mobilizing solar arrays on steel frames on castors, shuttered concrete concentric rings and a bearing mounted centre, the frames require manual positioning, means i look at the position and timing of the sun upto 20 times a day.

as well as the regular occurence of 50 plus visible “vapour trails” EVERY thursday morning, its also becoming obvious that our supposedly laser accurate astronomy is wobbling now and again, or due to aforementioned drugs, it could just be me.

observation or understanding seem meaningless when faced with the potential damage that could be wrought when our world is exposed to such vast interuptions of say large, heavy, magnetic bodies.

I think all the boats i could have taken to the andes have left port, i know folk in portugal that attempted to make a life in the mountains, the mountains said não obrigado.
those in the lower areas are currently cooking up a treat.

How quickly this goes?
I was unaware that cataclysm means flood, until i looked, i have seen also references to this one being fire..

the beaches & towns of s devon were yesterday full of smiles and good vibes, wonderful temperature, gentle breeze, fish n chips by the estuary with my 25 yr old, i could be forgiven for forgetting, just for a moment.

c.h.a.n.i boys and their toys!

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 7, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Well, CERN is not what it’s purported to be.
Just as Apollo comes from Apollyon, so Shiva/Kali (CERN’s mascots) comes from the same thing, i.e. ‘the destroyer’.

As for chemtrails, there’s very little evidence either way, however, the Earth’s magnetosphere is being ever further disrupted, so it is plausible that they are intended to ameliorate greater radiation slipping through (and causing more severe flu).

It has been suggested that Ekpyrosis is the alternate to Kataklysmos, but it’s dubious that knowledge of the nature of the 2nd to last ‘event’ (24k years ago) has been preserved.

Aug 8, 2022 8:22 AM

There was a young christian lady who wrote much re c.e.r.n, she published as “walk in light” on wordpress, highly intuitive and superb humour, she has been effectively wiped clean and some reiki shyte has usurped her pages/name/tags.

As i understand it the lobby at cern has tappestries, each depicting a written “welcome” in all the ancient languages.
A simple doormat would have sufficed.
Kali the destroyer welcomes all the visitors to cern with promises of the next onslaught/er.

The opening ceremony of the Gottenherd tunnel was something of a visual feat for these monsters too, little is hidden, can be viewed on various tubes.

It has been suggested that a select few are hoping to use the toys at cern to do a bunk before things get icky.
Something hellywood has hinted at with its “dont look up offering”.

Chemtrails, im a foot in both camps, i would say the air traffic is now very erratic, which does not make sense in logical brain.
The thursday morning aviation rush hour is just absurd over our way, the weather generally clouds up and the atmosphere is fair crackling

re radiation/magnetosphere, if folks cant tell that the fun fair has been turned up to 11 they have no senses.
All the normal balances are askew, anyone with eyes can see that the flora and fauna are mighty messed up, everything has been switched from dough mix to fast blend, they know its coming.

Michael moorcock did a vinyl back in 75, “The new worlds fair”,

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 8, 2022 9:12 PM
Reply to  Duckman

CERN is the occulted entrance to the city under the Alps, where the Covid refusniks of Europe will be renditioned.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 6, 2022 6:10 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Whenever I come across someone commenting on an establishment figure as a “Woke Marxist” I’m reminded just how successful our propaganda has been.

Aug 6, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Injections- all of them. Food- most of it. Peer pressure- a lot. “The Impact of Science on Society” Lord Bert was a major change agent for our owners. The plans have been published. Brzinski(ho,ho),Attali, loads of them and they weren’t just writing a wish list to Santa. The Scientific Dictatorship minutely designed to last.

Aug 6, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  SkinnyMouse

Most people have fallen into the trap of assuming no discussion is possible unless “expert” opinion is cited.

As it so happens, there are people in this world who form their own ideas and opinions without any help from any particular expert. True, in drawing upon a lifetime’s worth of information, facts, other opinions and ideas, even they are citing “experts” if only indirectly.

I think that’s always been understood: your opinion is an amalgam of countless ideas you’ve absorbed. Nowadays, however, the dynamic has changed dramatically to where it’s no longer sufficient to render an opinion without specifically citing where you “heard it.”

I absolutely do not think this new dynamic came about purely by chance. I think for years the groundwork has been laid; and that it’s part of our obsession with Science. Ironically, though, our preoccupation with Science very conveniently ignores the essence of Science: someone, somewhere, at sometime came up with an original idea of their own.

What on Earth is the value of this thing we call “Critical Thought” if we’re not willing to accept the validity of that which proceeds from it?

Aug 6, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Howard

Around the year 2009 a whole bunch of websites appeared in the ‘vaccine’ space. These were the likes of science blogs, skeptical raptor and science based medicine. They spread the scientism ideology and many of their writers moved into other ‘media’. Jake Crosby wrote an article about them in 2009:

“Science”Blogs: Seed Media’s Aggressive Weed

It is self-styled as the largest conversation about science on the web. Boasting 69 blogs, along with 114,506 posts and 1,742,506 comments that are ever increasing, there is no question “Science”Blogs are highly trafficked and frequently updated. Their slogan brags, “Where the world discusses science,” and crowed a record of 2.2 million unique visitors in the month of May alone. There is now a German “Science”Blogs as well as a “Science”Blogs Brazil written in Portuguese. Their owner, Seed Media Group, likens itself to Rolling Stone during the magazine’s “early years” which according to Seed was “when music was less a subject than a lens for viewing culture.” To Seed Media Group, “science” is its gimmick, defined by corporate sponsors…


Scientism is this ideology of ‘experts’, fallacious arguments and pseudoscience. A kind of inversion where they do exactly what they accuse opponets of. It is like a shielding strategy to throw people completely off track. Jessica Schab had been involved with one of the ‘skeptics’ as they like to call themselves. She speaks about it in this video:

Aug 6, 2022 10:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

The collective practice of science and the improvement of knowledge depend on skepticism and disagreement as much as on originality.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Aug 6, 2022 8:02 PM
Reply to  SkinnyMouse

It’s Directive 4. All criticism of the system is banned. Programming does not allow it. (Directive 4 is a Robocop reference)

Marcellus Vossler MD
Marcellus Vossler MD
Aug 6, 2022 10:32 PM
Reply to  SkinnyMouse

You can change what people THINK. You can not change what they FEEL. Arguing value judgements is futile.

Aug 6, 2022 11:05 PM

You can think that you can change what people think!
“A mind that’s changed against its will, is of the same opinion still”. People will mask or identify adaptively in response to conditions they cant or wont change. But the mask is added to or overlaid upon a core set of beliefs that run unconsciously unless brought to awareness.
I expect you mean similar to my own sense but word it differently.
Feeling as a verb is very different from feelings as emotionally reactive states.
A lot of thinking is set the task of managing conflicts that are the feelings or results of conflicted thinking.

A spiritual teacher once said to his students:
You come to me with demands that I make you feel better, but the only way to feel better is to FEEL better.
In this use of the felt qualities of our living is presence.
Much of the mind is engaged in dissociative thinking or fantasy substitution for a reality that has been judged against or found lacking – perhaps because our fantasy Ideal sets others and life as pale derivatives, worthless or flawed, sinful or anthropogenic vectors of risk.

Aug 6, 2022 1:59 PM

I don’t know about ‘respect and consideration’ – how do you respect someone who’s accepted fairly obvious lies about what is going on in their country, to the great detriment of said country?? They’re some combination of stupid, gullible, gutless, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason to think they’re likely to change anytime soon, esp if they’re the agressive-against-those-the-rulers-say-be-aggressive-against types, yapping about how you should be jailed or run out of the country or denied health care etc for your refusal to bend the knee to the latest idiocy. I could maybe find ‘forgive’ somewhere down the line, if they ever owned up to what fools they had been, their role in the immense damage they and their fellow sheep people have allowed to be caused to the country – but how they would ever regain ‘respect’ is not very clear.

Alex Bartlett
Alex Bartlett
Aug 6, 2022 1:45 PM

A very good piece. I feel like someone wrote it for me. You have captured much of the daily self doubt, insecurities, anger, frustration and hypocrisy that I usually feel throughout the course of a given day.

Nice to know there are others experiencing the same angst and worries as myself here in Toronto. Sometimes it feels pretty lonely here.

Aug 6, 2022 3:33 PM
Reply to  Alex Bartlett

Indeed – Canada has become nuts. But you are not alone. For starters the truck movement and Chris Sky made the civilised, sane world proud. I believe the next stages of the resistance movement will remove the freakos from power. What follows after will be difficult but lets hope normal people fill the void.

Aug 6, 2022 7:50 PM
Reply to  Loverat

They don’t know what they are up against. Even Satan himself will not help them now.  😆 

Aug 7, 2022 9:14 AM
Reply to  Mike

I suspect you used to post these videos under a different name over a year ago.

Aug 6, 2022 3:39 PM
Reply to  Alex Bartlett

Consider the possibilities of Solaris, a movement that started last year in France and has spread to Belgium … Quebec. It’s just starting in Ontario. An “Internet of Humans”. http://solaris-ontario.org/
The SOLARIS Spirit is a breeze that chases fear, isolation, despair and distress wherever they are found.”

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Aug 6, 2022 1:38 PM

It is easier to remain decieved, rather than admitting to having been decieved.

Aug 7, 2022 3:08 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Would be akin to: it is easier to drown than learning how to swim?

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 6, 2022 1:27 PM

Although the ‘spatial’ commons – such as the common land – are what most people think of as the commons, they are by no means the only form. It is possible to conceive of social, civil, cultural and intellectual (or educational) commons as well. All are threatened by erosion, enclosure, and conversion into sources of rental income. There has always been tension between ‘the commons’ – i,e, that which is public and open to everyone to use – To adopt Marx’s terminology, the commons primarily have a ‘use-value’ not an ‘exchange-value’. But things have turned around. The Commons by any definition cannot be a commodity that can be bought, sold or commercialised. The elevation of the use-value, over the exchanges-valued is integral to the commons.

The ongoing financialisation and privatisation of capitalism has led to the rise of the rentier class of banks, landowners, brokers, speculators, Hedge Funds, Private capital, and the emergence of all pervasive Shadowing Banking system and derivative market speculators.

Suffice it to say, the system cannot last as the creatures eventually itself.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 6, 2022 1:39 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Should have read ”…the creatures eventually eat themselves.”

Aug 6, 2022 2:01 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

maybe so, but only after they’ve finished with you …

Aug 6, 2022 1:18 PM

Let’s all step up to the plate and treat our fellow shrew brothers and sisters with respect and consideration.

Good points Todd, appreciate you being here. Addison Reeves from yesterday has another article were she describes the danger of the ‘purity test’:

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 6, 2022 12:57 PM

As we jab-refusniks peer out through the razor-wire topped fence of our concentration camp, wondering if we’re to have a beetle or locust burger for our daily dish, we forgive and respect our bothers and sisters for their kindness in doing what’s best for us.

Aug 6, 2022 4:57 PM

nae pasaran!

that’s not happening

they can eat ze bugs and themselves..

: )

Aug 6, 2022 12:32 PM

‘There seems to be no tolerance here as well.’

Tolerance for what? – I think the tolerance paradox of Popper applies (or that if you tolerate this than your children will be next)

In NL, they recently have invited people older than 60, those who live in old peoples homes and people with Down Sydrome to receive their next shot of poison (aka booster). See what that does to excess mortality: see graph in https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/faq/corona/medisch/hoeveel-sterfgevallen-zijn-er-per-week-. The news is not giving a peep about excess mortality. Our National statistics department just mentions it in passing (the excess mortality in July was… , without any explanation other than that a number of them died from [their word] covid).

I find this quite intolerable, yet at the same time there is nothing I can do. This leads to stress.

The idea that Cassandra was tormented for seeing the horrible future, while not being able to change it, is torture. The advice to swallow the terrible future into your own conscience, so that you can stay friendly with the deluded (aka tolerate them) is an advice that is bad for one’s own health and which I would not recommend.

Truth is, there don’t seem to be many other options…

Manic Street Preachers:


Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 6, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Willem

The more you understand the future, the more you can accept it.

Aug 6, 2022 5:00 PM

what exact future?

the one where i die under a rain of bars in some Greenland coal mine, for not meeting my quota?


Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 6, 2022 5:14 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

If you understand the future of the planet, you better understand the choices you can make to steer your future toward the one best available to you.

Aug 6, 2022 12:27 PM

The reason we got it so good here in the west is because we are living way beyond our means. We live in luxury at the expense of someone in the third world and the natural world. So there’s that. Which is completely unsustainable. We’re about to find out how unsustainable big time. Secondly, there are some of us who don’t think everything is peachy. I live in Australia but I refuse to prostitute myself to a planet fucking corporation (or even a mildly rapey one) for five days a week just so I can have two days off to myself. That’s not a life. So nah the current system is shit and needs to change. I am one of those thick skinned people though. I’ll go live in the bush before I have to put up with the likes of this society.

Couldn’t agree more about civil debate however. I gave up social media years ago because of the ridiculous discourse. You’d say one little thing and people would pile on you like you just ate their first born. Dude! You don’t even know me! They make wild assumptions about your character and motives then proceed to insult you in ways that would make a sailor blush. We sure could do with some of that good ol’ courtesy these daze.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 6, 2022 11:53 AM

These are the first generation of University students that come out stupider than then they went in..

Aug 6, 2022 12:42 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I have large first-hand experience of it. And on this shocking subject, just sublime silence world-over.

Aug 6, 2022 11:52 AM

An example of ad hominem, shrewishness seems to be the recent Substack comment by the double-jabbed Germ Theorist Steve Kirsch that Tom Cowan, luminary of Terrain Theory. got deregistered as an MD in California. (Boo, hiss to Cowan)

As if this says anything about Tom Cowan’s stance on pleomorphism ,etc.

Myself, I tend to believe the statement that anyone, like Kirsch, who says that Sars-Cov-2 not only exists but has been isolated and that viruses themselves exist is in fact playing into the hands of One Pathogen-One-Disease-One Drug Rockefeller medicine.

Much more Pasteur than Bechamp.

Aug 6, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  Jenner

Yes. People need to know that there are dozens of liars, controlled opposition and shills who shout down the truth. They have been setting up shop for years, some for decades, to appear as if they are freedom advocates.

Their entire purpose is to back up the contagion myth. Without the contagion myth, there can be no control of societies, no restriction of movement, no forced medical treatment protocols, no fake tests, no quarantines, no masks, and no mass poisoning by injection.

The mass hypnosis only works through generating mass fear and hysteria.

Aug 6, 2022 11:39 AM

What a refreshing article… I’m glad I persevered.

We will never overcome this nonsense, without first winning over those who have been blinded by the bullshit. And while there are many who have begun to realise for themselves, there is a monumental task ahead of us.

Back someone up into a corner, with facts, statistics and randomised control trials and, after our fleeting flush of victory, we’ll create an even more entrenched, determined sheep that clings to conformity and the safety in numbers.

We may well win arguments by picking holes, and citing facts that our opponent is unaware of… but that rarely does it. We need to ask questions, get them to ask themselves questions, and rediscover that wonderful quality of curiosity.

The mind, as they say, is like a parachute… only of any use when it’s open.

Just a thought  🙂 

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 6, 2022 1:41 PM
Reply to  Roddy

Imagine a combination of Idiocracy and They Live, but you are an ‘alien’ who has only just realised you are an alien. Because you have for so long believed yourself to be just like the idiots, you feel these are ‘your people’. Therefore you are convinced, that with the right ‘deprogramming’ they can be elevated to become just as good as yourself.

Sorry mate. You’re an alien, a sapient. You need to stop associating with idiots, or thinking they can be saved from idiocy. You need to re-integrate with your own kind – sapients.

Don’t worry scro – lots of tards lead kick-ass lives.

Aug 7, 2022 3:18 AM

Which could be the exact same rhetoric the self-described ‘elite’ would use to recruit membership to their nefarious machinations.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Aug 7, 2022 10:42 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Could well be similar. However, being told you’re superior (& coming to believe it) isn’t quite the same as being superior (& coming to realise it).

People have been indoctrinated to believe that everyone is the same when it comes to sapience.

So, it can take a little while for people to realise that the insufficiently sapient cannot be saved through ‘deprogramming’.

There are many unjabbed who believe TPTB are to be defeated, and that the best means of achieving this is to ‘wake up’ the jabbed.

Fortunately, most of the unjabbed have enough sapience to realise this is not going to happen.

Aug 6, 2022 11:26 AM

The elite have weaponised the case against materialism/consumerism so it’s a line to pursue with great caution.

I don’t see Jeffrey Bezos giving up his material goods. They want people living in pods owning nothing and eating mashed grasshopper while not realising they’ve been expropriated and immiserated but believing they’re more in tune with something mystical and saving the planet. It’s an updated version of Soviet workers living in crap but loving it because they’d been deluded into believing they were building a workers’ paradise but tomorrow’s jam never came for most.

Concerns about materialism feel more suited to the 1980s or even the 1950s than now. Does anyone “keep up with the Joneses” these days? The one exception is the obsession with the latest gadgets – which of course is fostered by the very people telling everyone the simple life is better.

Aug 6, 2022 12:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The slogan for the soviet push was workers of the world, unite. It was an attempt at pitting people against their governments.
Flash forward to today and we keep seeing calls for the world to unite in protests. There were even calls for an organized protest to support Danish farmers…in Canada. They also attempted to make the “trucker convoy” a thing in every country. Protesters of the world, unite.
Times have changed, but the tactics have not.

Aug 6, 2022 3:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Dont worry – all the criminals will be living in 10 x 8 prison cells – if the mobs dont get them first.

Cybernetics is a Cult
Cybernetics is a Cult
Aug 6, 2022 11:21 AM

We have it pretty good over here, all things considered.”

The past 40 years of neoliberalism (finance capitalism) haven’t been a very comfortable existence for the global population. This is why the same people who enforced this economic policy upon the world should not be trusted with any kind of reset.

World poverty is viewed as a solution, not a problem. The World Bank and IMF think of poverty as low-priced labor, creating a competitive advantage for countries that produce labor-intensive goods. So poverty and austerity is an economic solution that’s built into their models.
~ Michael Hudson

Neoliberalism impoverishes. [It] is a financial class war against labor, against industry, against governments. It’s the financial class against the whole rest of society seeking to use debt leverage to control companies, countries, families and individuals by debt.
~ Michael Hudson

The FIRE (finance/insurance/real estate) scam that is the core of the financialized neoliberal casino – is slowly fading away, and for now, we should all feel relieved. We are all awakening from the decades-long brainwashing of neoliberalism in our own way, but at least the deprogramming has begun.

Aug 6, 2022 10:31 AM

are we really brain washed? or do we want to believe it anyways?

Aug 6, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Your onto something there!

Aug 7, 2022 3:21 AM
Reply to  Binra

Learned helplessness

Aug 7, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

we got to take some responsibility for ourselves.

Aug 7, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  Binra

thank you.

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Aug 6, 2022 9:52 AM

Good points Todd. My issue is the belief that our “our fellow shrew brothers and sisters” may not also be correct so can we rather call ourselves sceptics.

I have a dislike of shrews a type of insectivore. “Shrews have long pointed noses, dense velvety fur, and black beady eyes. They have five toes on all feet while most mice have only four toes on their front feet. Shrews also carry an odor so vile that it keeps most mammalian predators from eating them. Also heard that the term may describe a woman who is argumentative, nagging, and ill tempered. Ahem.

Aug 7, 2022 3:22 AM
Reply to  Jack Bean

Better to be a Dolphin

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 6, 2022 9:36 AM

To work toward that big house (soon to only be accessible to the elite, but we can always say “to work toward that small condo to rent”)—to get the newest smartphone model when it comes out’

If you want to save for a house, the very last thing you need is the newest smartphone model. You can get a perfectly serviceable second hand one for under 10% of the price.

Anyone who spends £1000+ on the newest smartphone can’t complain about rents being too high. You could have saved £1000 toward your deposit right there. Same with cars. Get a 10-year old second hand one for £3k, not a new one for £40k. Or better still, walk to work or the bus/tube.

Get the cheapest desk top computer going on a rolling 2-year rent contract.

Learn to cook properly.

Buy a sander, sand down your wooden surfaces and either re-varnish or repaint them yourself. Buy second-hand cheap furniture and tart it up yourself. Use a throw on the cheapest sofa going to make it look presentable. Invest in cushions to make the place look attractive. You’re renting, saving up to buy, so keep things cheap and cheerful in the short-term.

Don’t waste time listening to ‘spend all your money on expensive new gadgets you don’t need’.

Spend your money on long-term investments like high quality knives and saucepans in the kitchen; invest in assets which go up with inflation; etc etc.

Aug 7, 2022 3:24 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Sage advice