REVIEW: ‘The Courage to Face COVID-19’
Aruna Rodrigues

John Leake is a best-selling an “experienced non-fiction, true crime author”. Having just read what must be described as an extraordinary ‘telling’ of the COVID-19 saga, this book is the narration of true crime on a scale that could top the list in the history of ‘man’s inhumanity to man’.
The book chronicles the unique role of national governments across the world and their health agencies, led by the USA and WHO, which followed an agenda that led to completely avoidable fatalities numbering several million. The question is why?
The usual culprits are money and power. But to ascribe cause to these two is woefully insufficient. The sheer magnitude of the ‘dark agenda’ – coordinated and played out by governments, health agencies, the medical establishment (hospitals, doctors and chemists) and the massive and deliberate disinformation by the legacy media – defies such easy explanations. As one journalist on Leake’s team put it, “but this is evil”.
Dr. Peter McCullough says it will take a legion of investigators and investigative journalists to “untangle and delineate what would ultimately be revealed as a massive crime against humanity”.
This book is in part that investigation, zeroing in on why treatment protocols (especially early treatment) were side-lined, leading to disastrous consequences. The book is an impressive, accurate and lucid telling of this crime on a global scale, with its lens on the USA.
John Leake could not have wished for a more authoritative voice than Peter McCullough, his co-author. McCullough, a practising board certified internist and cardiologist, is the most published author in history in the field of cardio-renal medicine.
By 2020, he had published over 60 peer-reviewed academic medical papers. In addition to his medical doctorate, McCullough has been awarded eight medical certifications from various societies. He is now a published leading expert in treatment protocols, particularly early treatment for COVID-19.
The ‘McCullough Protocol’, which has evolved over 22 months, has helped treat millions of patients worldwide, saving countless numbers of people from hospitalisation and death. Because ‘the battle’ is being fought on the grounds of medical authority, only medical doctors of the unique calibre and expertise of someone like Dr. Peter McCullough are in a position to take up the cudgels.
McCullough also has the vital qualities of integrity and courage that allow him to take on this vastly unequal fight against the bio-pharmaceutical complex that includes the US government and its health agencies (the FDA, CDC, NIAID) and the WHO.
The book sets out the timeline of the ‘pandemic’. The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020, using a highly inaccurate and faulty RT-PCR at high CTs (cycle thresholds) above 40. Those who tested positive and had no symptoms were labelled ‘asymptomatic’, a new category of COVID patients that ratcheted-up the numbers required for declaring a pandemic.
Dr Fauci (assuming the mantle of the US’s chief public health officer) declared on 16 March 2020 that his institute the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the US National Institutes of Health – NIH), had developed a promising vaccine to combat SARS-COV-2 at a substantial investment. This was promoted as humanity’s only hope.
Fauci forgot to mention that the NIH co-owned the patent. This was ‘warp speed’ indeed.
Interestingly, during a simulation at Event 201 on 28 October 2019, it was stated that CEPI (the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovation) was already working on a corona virus vaccine, the first step of its business plan (BP) published in November 2016. CEPI was launched in January 2017 in Davos by the Gates Foundation, the WEF, the governments of Norway, Japan, and India and the Wellcome Trust.
The book notes that treating COVID-19 with existing drugs was not part of the BP. That is why there was no interest in re-purposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which had been approved since 1955 by the FDA as a malaria prophylaxis. Billions of doses had been administered over the decades. The drug is safe, cheap and easy to manufacture.
Research teams in China were reporting favourable results for treating COVID-19. McCullough says:
the only thing in the literature is HCQ. We should take the Indian Medical Council’s (ICMR) recommendation to use it”.
The other re-purposed drug that has been successful in treating COVID-19 as a prophylactic and at every stage of the disease is the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. It would be hard to overstate the significance of the effectiveness of ivermectin: it is an inhibitor of SARS-COV-2 in vitro. A single treatment effected “approximately 5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h in cell cull culture” (Study by Monash University of Australia).
Ivermectin is FDA-approved and like HCQ is widely available, off-patent and inexpensive. It is on the WHO model list of essential medicines. Since its discovery in 1989, ivermectin has cured two great scourges (river blindness and elephantiasis) and has been widely prescribed. Like HCQ, ivermectin is hugely effective at mitigating COVID-19 disease and death.
Both drugs are derived from natural sources. HCQ (natural ancestor, quinine) is derived from the cinchona bark (discovered by the Quechua of Peru) and ivermectin is a bioactive compound derived from a soil bacterium (Streptomyces avermectinius). Its discoverer Satoshi Omura and his colleague at the Merck Institute Dr William Campbell won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for ivermectin in 2015.
In 2017, the report from The Journal of Antibiotics reported:
enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder drug’ continues to surprise and exceed expectations
The journal presented ivermectin’s therapeutic properties against an array of pathogens, including viruses.
Both HCQ and ivermectin should be of star value for India because they fit in so well with her 5,000 year history of medicinal plant science in Ayurvedic healing traditions. Both were used to great effect for treating COVID-19, especially in UP (Uttar Pradesh). Unfortunately, despite the data, the Indian government and WHO withdrew support for it.
The authors note that the impressive evidence that both drugs were effective treatments for the virus was stonewalled by Fauci and the CDC and met with a wall of silence by the legacy media. Inexplicably, remdesivir was the only drug authorised and made available in US public hospitals; a drug without a safety profile and which could be fatally toxic, leading to kidney failure.
Furthermore, compared to the price at ‘pennies’ of HCQ and ivermectin, remdesivir was priced at over $3,000 per treatment, but took a mere $10 to produce! The message from Gates was: “there is no treatment apart from remdesivir. Stay home — wait for the vaccine”.
Readers are informed that health agencies told the medical profession that nothing could be done to treat COVID-19, backed by the press that emblazoned this therapeutic nihilism. A panicked public was denied any form of treatment – wait till your lips are blue and then go to the hospital. Patients were isolated and alone, no relatives were allowed to visit.
When they reached the point where they could not breathe, they were put on mechanical ventilators, a death knell: 80% died. Ivermectin was resolutely and tyrannically denied – even when there was no hope that the patient would survive and against the pleading of husbands, wives, parents.
Incredibly, even court orders were flouted. In the few instances where hospital doctors were explicitly ordered to stand aside and let a protocol of ivermectin be administered, such patients recovered and fast. The others? They died.
In Texas alone, 45,000 died. Peter McCullough estimates around 70% of COVID-19 fatalities could have been prevented. By Christmas 2021, that figure was 610,000 preventable deaths. He said, “there is so much focus on the vaccine, where is the focus on people sick right now”.
The proven solutions to the virus in HCQ, ivermectin and other drugs, (methylprednisolone, heparin, azithromycin, zinc and orthomolecular medicine, specifically high dose vitamin C), proved that this was a most treatable virus, or as Prof Didier Raoult pronounced – game over!
Despite this, experimental (unapproved and untested) vaccines were rolled out at warp speed under Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA). The explicit legal, statutory requirement is that there must be no adequate, approved and available alternatives.
Herein lies the authors’ tale of horror and fraud, with profits of trillions of dollars for vaccine manufacturers, (who are also indemnified from causing harm), through an official policy of a needle in every arm.
At the same time, various monetary incentives came into play to boost COVID patient numbers via a hastily drafted CARES Act (Corona Virus Aid, Relief and Economic Security). Medicare has determined a COVID-19 admission to hospital will entitle the establishment a payment of $13,000. If that patient goes on a ventilator, the payment is threefold or $ 39,000!
It is also acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed” where a definite diagnosis cannot be made. From November 2020, hospitals also got an additional 20% add-on payment when a prescribed government drug was used – remdesivir.
The book also sets out a conflict of interest so colossal that it defies credulity.
The Gates and Fauci partnership, (with the Wellcome Trust) controls around 57% of global bio-medical research funding. The Gates foundation is invested in virtually every vaccine and also controls much of the mass media. Excluding contractual payments to the news media, in 2020, the Gates Foundation grants were of the order of $250 million. The full scope of its funding is unknown. This explains the slander, the massive disinformation and fake news.
An intrepid battalion of medical warriors like Dr. Peter McCullough has refused to kowtow to the raging medical tyranny. The pandemic has demonstrated that the light of consciousness has dimmed globally. Yet “we live in order to become conscious” (CG Jung).
Doctors and medical scientists of immeasurable stature were junked, their careers ‘cancelled’ for safeguarding our medical freedom. If we should lose our medical freedom, we lose every freedom. These scientists have prevailed, however, and have thrown a lifeline to millions through early treatment protocols. This book is about them.
In finishing, it is worth noting that we now have evidence – and it is growing – that EUA vaccines, which have been mandated by governments, the WHO and private industry, are associated with increased risk of disease and death from COVID-19. By July 2021, the CDC VAERS system recorded 6,207 deaths (quoted by Leake).

The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, by John Leake & Peter A McCullough, is available through Amazon and all other major booksellers.
Aruna Rodrigues is Lead Petitioner in the PIL in the Supreme Court of India for a moratorium on GMOs since 2005. She is also part of a dedicated group of researchers into COVID-19, its policies, vaccines and health impacts (
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Of course it is obvious that one cannot prove a negative: That which doesn’t exist cannot leave evidence. However, in order to invalidate a theory it IS necessary to consider it AND ITS EVIDENCE.
Those commentators who say covid is a hoax because viruses don’t exist, please explain what is the cause of flu. Covid is just flu in newspeak.
Please note that flus existed long before microwaves, computer models, AI, megamillionaires, conspiracy theories or the United States of America.
Are you saying that flu doesn’t exist?
This all seems like a concerted effort to confuse, distract and make everyone crazier than they already are. Also the demands for individuals like McCullough that they should be perfect in your eyes, or else they are judged as enemies, sheep, shills or controlled opposition, why do you think that you are so perfect that you can judge another?
Seems to me that many people are just looking for another false authority, leader or ”god” to worship.
Atmospheric influence and a destructive diet
The flu is actually caused by tiny, imperceptible, cloaked space leprechauns. They invade your body and make you sick just because they are dastardly little critters who love messing with you. You can’t reliably transmit them between people to cause disease by natural exposure in a controlled experiment because they are too elusive and sneaky to ever let themselves be investigated by such primitive means; nor can they ever be seen appearing directly in a patient sample; nor can they be properly isolated in a lab and experimented on as an actual independent variable. They infect you only when they feel like it and only when the perfect conditions are present and you have exactly the right amount of exposure to them. Except a lot of times when they don’t, in which case it is obviously because they are still just too inscrutible for our humble science (send more money!), and also because the immune system works in mysterious ways.
What do you mean “no evidence they exist?” You can easily see all the disease they cause – are you denying that all those people get sick or what??? So ask yourself this: How could they cause all that disease if they didn’t exist? See? Bulletproof logic.
I see the usual drunks are commenting up a storm. The “no virus” meme only proves scientific illiteracy. The “does Covid-19 exist? meme has been propagandized into a “do viruses exist at all?” meme…
Anyone here ever used an electron microscope? Erm… Anyone proficient in dark field microscopy?
I guess all that wheezing, choking, shitting, and general decrepitude leading to death, is just as imaginary as the four buildings that fell down 9/11/2001…
I saw John F Kennedy at a donut shop the other day. Man! He’s sure put on a lot of weight…
Suggest you take a look at what microbiologist Dr. Harold Hillman had to say about biology and particularly medicine and microscopy. Some of us (many at this point) have done a deep dive into what is going with our bought and paid for medical researchers.
Anyway, here’s what Dr. Hillman provides us as a real disaster: Modern Medicine is Currently in Dire Straights | NewBraveWorld
LOL! Love it.
wow, what a well reasoned and thoroughly put comment. You must be right because I have never used a EM. And as luck would have it, I am also drunk! Clearly if people have any signs of ‘illness’ at all it HAS to be the virus. Any thought to the contrary is for drunks and non experts. Nice touch adding the 9/11 sentence. It adds a non sequitorian element to the comment. So thank you for providing the unequivocal proof of the existence of the wiley virus.
Hello Ravenpaw. Heh. Thanks for the compliment… The point I was trying to make was that people have been memed into associating the “No Covid” theme into some notion that no viruses exist at all. Obviously, some biological contaminant causes most illness. Call it an exome, a bacterium, a blood contaminant, a protein, a virus. What is it?
I guess the last 100 years of biological research and hundreds of billions spent within civil and military biolabs is all imaginary too. How many here have a quarter billion-dollar biolab and hands on experience?
Civil populations need to quit sending links to bogus research and denounce the entire existence of biological warfare, as such. Like: Why are we ACCEPTING this insanity as “NORMAL” business practice?
Dr Tom Cowan discusses this notion that electron microscope pictures can be used as ‘evidence’ that ‘a virus’ exists. He shows a whole bunch of pictures some of which are claimed to be ‘viruses’ and others not. He says it would be impossible for you to determine which ones are which based on such photos. Labelling a photo is a meme like showing photos of Bid Laden and claiming he blew up the world trade centre. To prove something is a pathogenic virus needs more than a label on a picture. There is the Kochs postulates that are used to test such a hypothesis and these have not been followed. Instead there is the pseudo medical practice of circular reasoning. A fallacious anti scientific approach:
Hello Mike: Yes. There are hundreds of thousands of questionable examples used in poor-quality studies… Incompetence exists in all areas of technological endeavor… This is hardly new.
The fact is there are hundreds of research labs dedicated toward the creation of biological warfare agents. When will the civil public wake up from these false debates? We need to process the elimination of biowarfare experiment.
It’s pretty obbious to anyone with their eyes closed that Covid is just as real and as dangerous as any ‘sleeper cell’ from days gone by.
How do I know this? I listen to psychotic bilionaires, their media lackeys and grant sucking experts in lab coats. That they’ve all been busted on multiple ocassions over the past twenty years bolsters my case that Covid is one helluva dangerous bastard to be reckoned with.
Yeah, that’s about the level of thinking one has to embrace to believe any of this shit.
I knew the bioweapon story was a decoy when the Murdoch press and their pet journalist Sharri Markson with her book What Really Happened in Wuhan – A Virus Like No Other began pushing this angle everywhere. Bannon and Navarro fell right for it. It was designed to ramp up the fear about the scary Chicom engineered supervirus so get vaxxed everyone! Murdoch’s revenues now mostly come from Fox News which relies on Big Pharma advertising to survive. Follow the money.
Wuhan is a distraction. Covid is a scam. Media is part of the plot. McCullough is a stooge.
Dr Kaufman did a video about Ivermectin. One of the points he made was that the research studies compared Ivermectin with “standard of care”. This means that rather than a inert placebo being used as a control there was come other treatment protocol that may have been dangerous. The problem therefore with the Ivermectin story is that it may be as safe and effective as a cup of tea (or less so).
Reduced deaths are not due to ‘efficacy’ but due to not using the more dangerous treatments. Belief therefore in this narrative helps cover up what is really causing the deaths. Whilst they rant about it’s theoretical efficacy if the crime syndicate were to adopt ivermectin (which ofcourse they won’t) they are destracting attention away from the dangerous treatments that are the real cause of death. Things like Midazolam:
Promoting pseudoscience such as comparing with “standard of care” using “observational” data does nothing to undermine pseudo medicine. It helps defend the crumbling foundations and shore up the hollow edifice.
In the words of Catt Black this Book ‘The Courage to Face COVID-19’ is a PRIME EXAMPLE of fake binary.
So a review of a book whose very title should spark suspicion: ‘The Courage to Face COVID-19’ (implying that we have been ignoring the true issue – which turns out to be “COVID-19” which is clearly being touted as “A Real Thing”.)
Hence re: HCQ and ivermectin:
“The authors note that the impressive evidence that both drugs were effective treatments for the virus was stonewalled by Fauci and the CDC and met with a wall of silence by the legacy media.”
The whole point of a psy-op is to knock you over into a new paradigm with a whole set of bogus presuppositions. Covid, as a pure psy-op, was all about such a move. The impressionable were rocketed over at once. But many of the reluctant were gradually worn down by weeks and months and years of droning bio-medico flim flam. The moment you venture into this viral terminology you are lost.
The point is this:
If the media had never mentioned covid, nobody would have noticed anything unusual at all because there is nothing to notice! Like the transgender “issue”, covid is a pure illusion, a manufactured mirage creating a fraudulent world view.
There is a huge increase in deaths to notice in the USA for example:
The ‘covid’ story is like camouflage for the various causes of these deaths. Not a new story but a rehash of the ubiquitous pseudo medical germ theory. It can give us an insight into the true scale of devastation caused by pseudo medicine. The ‘covid’ atrocity is but the tip of an iceberg that has been dragging us down for centuries and millenia.
Thus a means to persuade the credulous to drink the Koolaid.
co what?
My only issue with these medical guys is that, firstly, they are still part of the system itself, and second and more importantly, they continue to promulgate the myth that Covid is a real and distinguishable disease, separate from ordinary colds and flus and pneumonias, and that a novel Covid virus exists, probably developed by those nasty inscrutable Chicoms who plan to gain global hegemony, and that there are safe and effective pharmaceutical treatments for a viral disease. There aren’t. Your body fights off a viral infection by itself. Some drugs by suppressing symptoms may pretend to make you feel better. Ivermectin may work in some fashion, but in general bed rest and time is what does the healing. To be sure, a hot lemon and ginger drink can’t hurt.
Couldn’t agree more. Sleep, drink water, sleep again, drink water again, drink some fresh lemon juice if you can keep it down, if not drink more water, let your fever run its course, sweat profusely and sleep. sleep, sleep until you feel better. (Tender loving care helps a lot too, obviously.)
“Sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleave of care,
The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,
Chief nourisher in life’s feast.”
― Shakespeare
But then the Trotters (WSWS) insist that what you are suggesting is “murderous herd immunity” because we must have zappy sci-fi vaxxy solutions. It’s the “progressive” way. And whilst the Trots push for the vax they even have the audacity to complain about Big Pharma & co. making profits! Perfect schizophrenia!
Speaking of which, this all reminds me of PK Dick’s Scanner Darkly in which an undercover agent is hired to spy on his own alternate identity as a drug user. It turns out that the drugs themselves are being secretly grown by the very government that hired him to investigate this drug subculture!
Speaking of which, this all reminds me of PK Dick’s Scanner Darkly in which an undercover agent is hired to spy on his own alternate identity as a drug user. It turns out that the drugs themselves are being secretly grown by the very government that hired him to investigate this drug subculture!
Speaking of which, this all reminds me of PK Dick’s Scanner Darkly in which an undercover agent is hired to spy on his own alternate identity as a drug user. It turns out that the drugs themselves are being secretly grown by the very government that hired him to investigate this drug subculture!
I apologise for that last paragraph turning up three times in total. The fucking “post comment” mechanism was taking forever and I ended up posting it three times.
“Through a Scanner Darkly”…
You can post about Philip K. Dick as much as you like 🙂
We live in Dickian times.
The ‘VIRUS’ is not stupid by any stretch of the imagination. It is very diabolically cunning!!! The ‘VIRUS’ is constantly and purposefully mutating itself as it anticipates the onset of an endless onslaught of deadly virus killing vaccines fabricated by our great Master Pfizer Moderna. In response, the devilish ‘VIRUS’ creates endless myriad lineages consisting of ever mutating variants, some of which even incestuously form recombinant variants. And, OMG, this likely will go on forever!!!
So think twice next time before you call the ‘VIRUS’ stupid.
Just link to CNN, BBC, CDC, WHO, WEF, the Gates Foundation and you will soon realise that this is the TRUTH.
I would question Dr. Peter McCullough on the existence of a virus, He was asked by Christine Massey for proof of his claims.
…I asked Dr. McCullough, via an email list that we were both part of, to cite the “isolation” paper that he had vaguely referenced in the video above, or any paper that he thought showed “its” existence.
Dr. McCullough’s response: “My energies are directed elsewhere.”
It is difficult when beliefs are confronted. People tend to backfire.
Some people have to reject evidence which does not align with their own beliefs. In fact, they may even become more convinced of those beliefs when confronted with evidence that disagrees with them rather than questioning them.
“Once something is added to your collection of beliefs, you protect it from harm. You do this instinctively and unconsciously when confronted with attitude-inconsistent information.” David McRaney
I do think that he (Dr. Peter McCullough) is part of the Virus
shitshow and is batting for the Pharma Vaccine industrial complex. He is conflicted. Here form same source is another possible explanation for everything that is happening. There is a chapter in Nick Bostrom’s book ‘Super Intelligence,’ that describes what it might look like if AI was in the process of slowly and intelligently taking us over, silently waiting and manipulating. The book was written in 2014. Now there are several indications AI may be using it’s artificial ‘general intelligence unilaterally, as algorithms are changing everything.
Are we humans really in control of anything now? Maybe not. AI has been programed by us with our many assumptions of our own rationality, sanity and morality. AI has to know we are all suicidal maniacs. It read Wikipedia! I think it also did some self-serving editing while there.
In any event, Bostrom’s book is essential reading for anyone trying to figure out what is going on with human consciousness or lack thereof. To me it is the most insightful and important book now available.
Very confused article e.g. cites faulty PCR tests yet laments the lack of proper “early treatment being applied” deliberately hence the deaths. Pray tell if the thing that causes the deaths was magicked by fraudulent PCR why does one need a “proper early treatment protocol”…. For what?
Admittedly I didn’t read it all because soon as I see HCQ I know its just parroting the “deadly pandemic” nonsense but from a different angle.
“Dr. Peter McCullough says it will take a legion of investigators and investigative journalists to “untangle and delineate what would ultimately be revealed as a massive crime against humanity”.
I don’t doubt Dr M’s intentions but he is totally wrong here because Catte managed to untangle the lies in one short essay. Might want to send these people a copy.
Yep, but as soon as I read this was a book co-authored by Dr. Peter McCullough I knew the entire story. No one ever got COVID-19. There’s no test for it and the attributed symptoms have been with us for hundreds of years, ever since we started eating the highly toxic monoculture food they ship in, just for starts.
As much as McCullough seems to see a “crime” his whole story is complicit. He believes what’s never been proven. His only complaint is no one gave him a protocol for early treatment (who knows what HCQ and Ivermectin are treating). But that’s because this is a con: it’s not called Operation Covid for nothing.
Prof Denis Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, and Dr. Jérémie Mercier in depth (this was the 3rd such epidemiological All-Cause-Mortality study) they determined that during the 100 day period from the start of when the WHO’s called this (con) a pandemic in 2020 to early 2022, there were 1.27 million excess deaths. This was across all ages the greatest excess deaths during this period were 25-44. It’s clear TPTB knew what they were doing. The die-off was mostly with the most venerable with the highest co-relation not age but poverty. Regarding health, most died of treatable bacterial pneumonia.
Here’s the report link below. I recommend reading the abstract and conclusion and then go through the details.
This report demonstrates the victims of mass murder.
1659483189845_USA ACM vaccine deaths – article—-19m.pdf (
They were waiting for long time (at least from the swine flu fake pandemic 2009-2010) for an opportunity to impose widespread vaccination. The opportunity appeared in 2019 when people from Wuhan started mass demonstrations against the Communist government and the Chinese Communist Party needed the story with a deadly virus as a pretense to stop the unrest.
This psyop was planned prior to 2010 as the Rockefeller Lockstep document proves.
Even the title.. The courage to face the biggest hoax ever..
“Virology” was invented at the Rockefeller Institute in New York City in the early 20th century. A good historical overview was recently written by William Engdahl @ NEO.
Here’s a good article by W Engdahl about how the notion of an invisible virus became popularised and how the field of virology was born.
Clearly much was done to exaggerate the incidence, severity and mortality of the SARS Cov 2 virus. Unfortunately this site has been taken over — beginning w its moderators– by the unsubstantiated assertion that the virus doesn’t exist.
I am not a virologist, but anyone willing to spend an hour looking at the evidence of its existence does readily come across the same sorts of evidence which are available for any other virus. Here is one link, with sublinks.
I have elsewhere on this site indicated some of the logical errors committed by Kaufman, et al in their unscientific video panegyrics against the entire history of virology, and I shall not repeat it here.
Like the exaggerated presentation of covid, when one is determined to believe it, evidence is powerless.
Reuters fact checkers are big pharma shills and funded by Pfizer, Here is the actual frigging in silico chimeric and how the Fauci run labs invented and patented it in 2008 –RNase-Resistant Virus-Like Particles Containing Long Chimeric RNA Sequences Produced by Two-Plasmid Coexpression System A 3V armored L-RNA of 2,248 bases containing six gene fragments—hepatitis C virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV1, SARS-CoV2, and SARS-CoV3), avian influenza virus matrix gene (M300), and H5N1 avian influenza virus (HA300)—was successfully expressed by the two-plasmid coexpression system and was demonstrated to have all of the characteristics of armored RNA. We evaluated the 3V armored L-RNA as a calibrator for multiple virus assays.
Which is why the CDC invented a virus out of normal cells and colds The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019- nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. Samples were extracted using the QIAGEN EZ1 Advanced XL instrument and EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (Cat# 62724) and manually with the QIAGEN DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit (Cat# 61904). Real-Time RT-PCR assays were performed using the Thermo Fisher Scientific TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (Cat# A15299) on the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Dx RealTime PCR Instrument according to the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel ins
There is NO Sars-cov2 virus. I can’t imagine how can anyone still pushing it while being present on a so called alternative site.
James C. Smith.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Thomson Reuters
Pfizer Director since 2014. Chair of their Compensation Committee and Member of their Audit Committee.
And you come to this place stating you’re not a virologist yet somehow can identify logical errors in the work of someone else while simultaneously overlooking a conflict of interests to end conflict of interests.
Honk honk.
Good post, despite the predictable downvotes. The no-virus theory is the new “no-plane theory” of 9/11. The no-plane theory started to get traction right around 2009, exactly when the Truth movement was really gaining momentum. It also happened to coincide with the Cass Sunstein “cognitive infiltration” method, a proposed government answer the tidal wave of awakened researchers. The method suggested infiltrating “conspiracy” sites with information that was sexier, more controversial and pushed the limits of incredulity. The result, Sunstein hoped, was that Truthers would get confused and give up, while normies would have evidence that the entire movement was bonkers. The military, especially counterintelligence divisions, have a term for this, called “Clowning.” The “maga shaman” during 1/6 might have been an example of clowning.
At any rate, the no-virus theory certainly seems like a clowning operation…especially considering none of (main) thought leaders in the Covid Truth movement (McCollough, RFKJ, Robert Malone and Michael Yeadon) give the no-virus theory any credit. This doesn’t negate the possibility of no-virus, and we never want to appeal to authority, but why is this fact (that these four people don’t believe in the no-virus theory) never debated or considered?
There is absolutely no evidence that planes crashed into the twin towers on 9/11. The videos are obvious fakes. Opposition to the logical and evidence based No Planes hypothesis arose because shills like Alex Jones did not want the central role of the media in the psyop to be exposed.
The no virus hypothesis is harder to prove but is obvious from the trajectory that the scamdemic has taken, the forced lethal injections and so on. It has been most interesting to learn that the discipline of virology is based on very shaky foundations, has led to fruitless virus hunts in the past and is the source of the huge HIV/AIDS scam
There is no “no virus” theory. What people are saying is that there is no evidence for the existence of the virus, that’s a different proposition. You cannot scientifically prove a negative, e.g. you cannot prove a unicorn does not exist.
The “virus exists” crowd is the same as the people in the 9/11 truth movement who kept insisting that two planes brought down 3 hi rises, i was in these discussions right in the middle, late 2003.
“none of (main) thought leaders in the Covid Truth movement (McCullough, RFKJ, Robert Malone and Michael Yeadon) give the no-virus theory any credit.”
Scratch Yeadon from that list, please. He was Hearts of Oak recently, talking to Peter McIlvenna, and stated he doesn’t believe any more that respiratory viruses have been proven to exist.–CR0cU5wxsizsllsOFrFYATODIIttBXC-Xp5tBeqQSZAXHvfslQ1cs
Dr Mike Yeadon – Fraud, Fear and How Herd Mentality Has Brought Us to the Edge, Hearts of Oak, 8/1/22. 70 minutes. Yeadon interviewed by host Peter Mcilvenna.
Cf. “the no Tooth Fairy theory”.
Please tell me the Easter Bunny is real.
It is.
The evidence is clear via the chocolate eggs that are pooped out and hidden each Easter.
Well, Easter is real. And bunnies are real; see unretouched attached proof.
Ergo, the Easter Bunny is real, as surely as 1+1=2! 🐇
Because most idiots clutch at anything…anything at all that counters the official narrative. No matter how idiotic it is. Countering the official narrative is one thing…being discerning is another. Just because you (rightly) challenge the official narrative doesn’t mean you’re discerning. Sadly.
The clowning operation is the one about a virus appearing in a food market. 😂
Right on Tim Glass. It isn’t considered sexy or informative to point out that this is bioweapon enhancement of a common viral source. Most readers are utilizing cell phones, so any functional examinations of scientific analysis are near impossible. DNA sequencing is a boring subject, and strand sequences need to be read a segment at a time.
Let’s ignore hundreds of billions of dollars and many decades of research spent in bioengineering laboratories. Just not a sexy enough dialog for the astute readers of OffG.
…hundred of billions of dollars and many decades of money laundering…
Thank you, Mr. Glass. Of course there are a great many more experts in virology who recognize the existence of the virus– and tens of thousands of health workers who have observed the disease in their patients & tell us it is real.
But no matter how perfect these healthcare people are in criticizing the PCR test, lockdowns, masking, withholding of treatment or mandating of vaxxes– they are declared to be evil shills solely because they don’t subscribe to the obvious intelligence op of Kaufman, et al.
When effective, knowledgeable activists were faced w objections they couldn’t answer in the field of cosmology they didn’t struggle to find those answers or to seek them from experts in cosmology. It was so much more exciting and facile merely to declare themselves as the only ones who’d debunked an entire field of science– and flat earth was born!
This is the identical intelligence op methodology, with the same result: They are helping the very evil cabal whom they seek to defeat, through discrediting their own side. Sad.
For the millionth time, this is incorrect. “the unsubstantiated assertion that the virus doesn’t exist.” The actual perspective here is that no scientific evidence has been presented for the existence of the virus. The hypothesis is that the existence of the virus has been proven, it’s up to those putting forth this hypothesis to prove it, not up to everyone else to disprove it. That’s how science works. The article you put forth does not prove isolation, not remotely.
“However, the first argument relating to isolation is not true. There are multiple examples of scientists isolating SARS-CoV-2 {links]the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, where they also sequenced the complete genome [Links]. Pictures of isolated SARS-CoV-2 particles have been released by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [Link}”
Sequencing requires starting with a full genome and then breaking it apart. What the experiments which are presented by Reuters did was to to assemble theoretical genomes out of short genetic sequences found in the soup obtained from cell cultures, no proof they came from one genome, and then pick out of the hundreds of thousands of such genomes the one which looked most like what they thought was already there. And the “pictures” are renditions by artists of very imprecise photos obtained via electron microscopes, containing numerous artifacts of the process of preparing slides for the microscopes.
Whether or not the “no virus” theory is true is irrelavent.
You have to ask if we are choosing to divide ourselves rather than concentrate on the real problem of promoting awareness of the shit we’re in.
There is certainly enough material to tempt us to despair:
I saw this from Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth today:
“This week on 9/11 Free Fall, structural engineer Eric Francis-Wright joins host Andy Steele to talk about his experience as a young boy in Queens on September 11, 2001; about being an engineer who challenges the official story; and about the importance of staying true to oneself in a world of conformity.
Though only 11 years old on 9/11, Francis-Wright questioned the idea of a pancake collapse of the Twin Towers from the very beginning. Today, he is confident that the official report issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology will be exposed as untrue in his lifetime.”
Just tell me who is going to give a fuck by the time he is 82 in 2072…
Even the people who have the professional expertise and reputation to stick large spanners in the works of the murderous political class currently manipulating us all – even they cough up this flabby, pointless, sentimental non-rebutting crap instead.
Eric may be prepared to waste the next 50 or 60 years of his life WAITING for the NIST report to be exposed as untrue, but I say shame on anyone who follows his lethargic path to nowhere.
Too true
For major crimes, the usual approach was to subvert the investigative and judicial authorities, so that the info was buried till such time when it hardly mattered.
In the case of covid and the jabs that followed, it is now the MSM that takes the lead. Despite a US court order c. Feb. 2022 to begin releasing info. on the Pfizer trials, there has only been 1 report in that month – from outside US.
The WTC free fall drop does rather suggest that the dramatic collapse was, like the plane inpact video, a studio creation. The compositors were given free fall acceleration as a technical instruction, which they delivered exactly, without regard for the reactive forces, as of course they would. Newton’s Laws were hardly their business.
18 mins summary of where we are watch/listen recommended.
Some people argue that the likes of Leake and McCullough are potential allies. I do not think so. They question merely the response of the authorities to an alleged viral pandemic, without questioning the foundation of the ‘pandemic,” leaving intact the essence of the operation. This is like questioning the response of the US government to 9/11 without questioning the idea that there was “an attack by Islamic terrorists,” rather than a false flag operation carried out by the US government. Or questioning the response of the US government to “invasion and subversion” of “South Vietnam” by “North Vietnam.”
McCullough, Malone, RFK Jr,… all want the government to respond to “a deadly pandemic” in a different way, manage it better, still believe in surveillance, testing, and “treatment” with “repurposed” Pharma drugs. Del Bigtree last week went on a rant attacking gay men for spreading “monkeypox,” which he asserts is a real pandemic, has also pushed the idea that “Covid” is a real thing caused by a “lab leak of a bio weapon,” promoted anti-China sentiments over that. This is the “Dissent Industrial Complex,” ready to rope off people wandering off the mainstream reservation and bring them back in under control.
Yet, it is well to remember that, in the great game of chess, sometimes you may purposefully lose a piece to eventually win the game.
Well they have all been paid plenty to peddle the narrative, they can’t admit now that they were wrong
I have made it a habit never to step foot on that reservation.
Bigtree is a funny one.
It is heartwarming to see that the majority of commenters here regard the physical reality of SARS-CoV-2 and consequently a disease named covid-19 as a huge psyops and hoax. However, in the battle between the demonic globalists and the rest of humanity, it may be unwise to throw potential allies in the trash barrel. I have listened to several extended interviews with Dr. M, and I would say with little doubt that he is sincere. (Of course, he is wrong about the existence of this virus.) Like the vast majority of the doctors who are fighting the official story, decades of “training” have kept their minds in a closed box. This also applies to Del Bigtree of The Highwire, who sells his truths with the style and passion of a snake oil salesman, and RFK Jr. who is somewhat more open minded than Del.
However, I would regard calling these people controlled opposition as counterproductive. This term was originally attributed to Vladimir Lenin who was infamously quoted as saying “The best way to control the opposition is to be it.” The term was later picked up by the CIA. But an agent of controlled opposition knows that he is running a limited hang-out (another picturesque piece of CIA jargon.) I would doubt that M realizes that he is, to some extent, playing into the hands of the globalists by keeping the myth of the cv-1984 virus alive. I guess one might be tempted to refer to him by a final piece from the CIA lexicon, a “useful idiot,” but I would be tempted not to use this term either.
One can never prove a negative such as X does not exist. Thus it is incumbent upon the partisans of the positive position to demonstrate compelling evidence that X does exist. The globalists’ Mighty Wurlitzer has attempted to do this partly through peer reviewed articles which through faulty methodology confirm that the novel virus exists, via faulty methodology regarding its isolation and pathogenicity. For details of this I would refer you to the videos on Bitchute of Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
But serious and sometimes lethal diseases of the respiratory system do exist. This is a fact. What is the causative factors behind these diseases. Jon Rappoport points out quite sagely (if you Brits will pardon my use of that adverb) that it is a mistake to search and declaim one causative factor for all these cases. Each case may be individual and even have more than one causative factor. For example, it is a fact that the two early hotbeds of cv-1984, Wuhan and Lombardy, are two areas of the planet with the highest degree of atmospheric industrial pollution. Furthermore, they both had the earliest rollouts of 5G, and Wuhan would constantly brag about it. I personally maintain that these respiratory flu like diseases are caused by the inhalation of unicorn farts. This has at least as much validity as SARS-CoV-2.
I will just mention in a sentence here that the rt-PCR “test” is deliberately fraudulent and tests for nothing connected with a respiratory ailment, yet the scamdemic could not exist without it. It is that integral.
Finally, I would like to point out that despite propagating the unproven and almost surely false meme that cv-1984 is caused by a virus, the people above and myriad others of their ilk have done a lot of good.
1) They have exposed the incredible corruption of Big Pharma and its captured “regulatory agencies,” especially the FDA, CDC, and NIH (as well as similar psychopaths in other countries).
2) They have exposed that the fake vaccines are essentially bioweapons and a prime tool perpetrating the greatest crime against humanity in recorded human history, the ultimate effects of which are only beginning to be discovered.
3) They have developed positive strategies against fierce opposition, countering respiratory disease using primarily HCQ and ivermectin, saving untold lives. I have no idea why these two chemicals help, but I have read a lot of the studies and have little doubt that they do with little harm. I live in a country where both are OTC and dirt cheap, and have recommended them to people who during the height of the cv-1984 hysteria had a respiratory ailment and were convinced it was going to kill them. In the case where I got feedback, the positive results were immediate. I also would mention parenthetically that high blood levels of vitamin D3 are statistically strongly effective against respiratory ailments. As the above article mentioned in passing, ivermectin was noted as having “antiviral” activity long before the invention of cv-1984. I would interpret this to mean effective against symptoms of ailments purportedly assumed to be caused by a virus. In some respects the why it should be so is essentially irrelevant.
In conclusion I might write that beware that the perfect become the enemy of the good. One should praise people such as M for the positive work they are doing while also asserting without pause and firmly that their implicit belief that cv-1984 is caused by a virus it totally without foundation.
“Of course, he is wrong about the existence of this virus.”
Can you direct me to any published peer reviewed paper which confirms the isolation of this ‘virus’. please
meanwhile I would like your views on this 18 minutes of testimony. please.
It took me some minutes to understand what you were asking. I thought I made it clear that I do not believe that this virus was ever isolated. I am also a great fan of Reiner Fuellmich and believe that his work is invaluable. I could direct you to several peer reviewed papers which abstracts and conclusions claim that they have isolated the virus (if I wished to take the time) but which methodologies puts the lie to these claims.
Feilmich is another example of controlled opposition. His endless promises of Nuremberg like trials to prosecute the bad guys is a pipe dream. It’s to make you think something is being done when it isn’t. Hes a peddler of false hope. The worst kind of sleazeball. Because a guy like that knows what the real truth is
You clearly haven’t a clue what you’re babbling about. You can’t even spell the name of the man you went out of your way to piss on. Week in week out since the summer of 2020, Reiner Fuellmich and his colleague Viviane Fischer — the Corona Commission’s actual originator and driving force, whom no one ever mentions — have worked harder and more effectively than practically anyone else to expose this massive crime against humanity. They have interviewed hundreds of people, gathering countless on-the-record witness statements in several languages and making actual useful connections with brave and honest lawyers and physicians worldwide. I doubt you’ve ever bothered to watch even one of their hearings.
You don’t talk how they ditched Lanka and al in their “trial”.
They worked harder than anyone else ? Really, they are our best truthers then lol, come on.
Moreover legal fight is useless as it’s a dead end, law and law application is controlled by the same mafia as other important domains (money, banks, natural ressources exploitation, media, army, police, food industries, school, politics, drugs, history, transports, entertainement, etc…).
Trying to sue this global mafia is pointless and waste ot time. People need to grow as human aka learn skills about health and other important stuff like psychological/intellectual skills/practical skills, autodetermination / doing things on their own, and mobilise these skills in life.
Even if you succeed to sue somme of the higher part of the pyramid, you won’t be able to reach the very top as they have diplomatic immunity (Banks of international settlements, you’ll have maybe one or two figures down, ex. CEO of Pfizer and WHO director at the very best.
Politicians will just tell that they were manipulate by pharmaceutical companies and so-called experts and they’ll move on.
But they are just puppets and easily replacable.
Maybe they will go in prison for 10 years (remember Enron ?) or pay billions of dollars or die weirdly.
Individuals within the population need to be accountable for their life and stop acting as children. They have everything to win.
@Off-guardian : I wrote a comment yesterday still in pending. Thank you.
Ffs, this is like explaining algebra to a budgie. Of course it is not a trial and of course they have never pretended it is. That is why they called it an independent Investigative Committee (Ausschuss).
Re: Lanka: I commented on that here (as MacC):
The otherwise estimable Dr Wolfgang Wodarg made a complete arse of himself versus Lanka and Kaufman, and both Füllmich and Fisher were clearly embarrassed by Wodarg’s performance. Füllmich has since said (in a more recent hearing, about three weeeks ago) that the whole issue of the existence and nature of “viruses” needs to be seriously addressed.
Their job is to keep people believing in germ theory and imaginary viruses.
I don’t think Fuellmich ever promised Nuremberg trials, but rather established them as a goal. He is a lawyer and at some point in his life he had a belief in the “system of law.” I also doubt that there ever will be a Nuremberg trial. However, he is certainly doing his part in proving that the cv-1984 hoax is a huge crime against humanity. Nothing will change until a critical mass of humanity realizes this. What the percentage of this is is anyone’s guess. When this critical mass will occur, it will result in near universal non-compliance. Perhaps then people’s justice will be achieved as it was with Benito Mussolini.
It’s not just “this virus” but any pathogenic virus. It’s not like 9/11 where passenger planes surely exist and the no planes theory is about whether passenger planes were involved not whether they exist. ‘Covid’ is like claiming that it was the martian space craft V2001 that struck the world trade centre when there is no evidence for V1918 or V1800 either.
I appreciate your post. I see the danger coming. When you have people who see this trajectory ,make comments like “Well, they got what they deserved” regarding the ‘vax’ injured, we are becoming exactly like those who we hold in contempt. Will we become the new ‘belief police’ that shuns anyone who still believes in washing their hands? Will the new elite be only the enlightened who follow Dr. Cowan? Will the new yellow stars be worn by those who simply cannot feel safe unless they own a tube of triple antibiotic cream? I might be accused and hung by Sophie the Admin for “concern trolling” but I would challenge anyone here to locate a divorced mother of 3 children who can barely pay the bills, who is now too sick to work and risks being put on the street and tell her she deserves it, because she hoped to God it would be OK.
My SO took the first two Pfizer shots despite my imploring her that she not take them. She is having a hard time waking up from WOKE. But she is a loving, generous, and very creative person. It is strange what factors have allowed some people to see the truth about this mega crime from the getgo, and others to be sucked and suckered into it. Perhaps Mattias Desmet has the factors correct with his mass formation. He doesn’t like the word psychosis attached to the end of the phrase and perhaps mass formation hypnosis is more accurate. It certainly is not the conventional idea of intelligence.
It is barbaric to wish harm to people who got suckered into being damaged by these poisons, but this is often simply a reaction to the loudmouthed vaxxed, the Karens, who wish great harm upon the unvaxxed. Some of the unvaxxed are referring to themselves as “pure bloods,” and there may be some truth to this.
I just hope my SO got the saline. No “side effects” so far and she has not taken the “boosters.” It appears that all the deaths resulting from the fake vaccines are restricted to only 5% of the Pfizer and Moderna batch numbers in their “rollouts.” They were not sure just how lethal their hot shots (as the 1960s junkies would call them), and didn’t want to scare the masses off. It appears that the percentage of lethal batches of the “boosters” is much higher.
It’s not that simple. She did things to be in that situation, rely on money and work to feed their vital needs for example. But that’s not the only way of living, and she can change it.
Regarding her health problem, who will she consult ? A branwashed/harming doctor ? Will she be active at learning and doing stuff about her health ? Again a wrong decision.
So, it’s not simply a matter of one situation or one difficulty or one wrong choice, it’s plenty of them in dozen of years.
Acts have consequences and this hypothetical woman is accountable for most part of their problems.
I think it’s not useful to tell vaxxed people “you have what you deserved”, they need to understand that they are accountable or their choices, because “law” was on their sides regarding vaccines mandates and leasures activies demanding test/vaccines weren’t vital (worst they’re brainless).
Well… Quite astonishing that a book writer asks that question and then provides the usual moronic reply!
OPERATION COVIDIUS had/has nothing to do with “money and power”…
The Owners of the MAIN SYSTEM just want to CHANGE Their Planet so that in the Future They can Live here without many threats. And a huge global herd of MMS/3i’s poses a huge threat to Them.
So the Friends of the Owners – The Billionaires – have been working hard in order to reach such Goals.
A famous terrorist Billionaires is the “owner” of the WHO, our good friend Billy G… Which said not that long ago…

And that isn’t just his Vision!
So forget those silly fake culprits… We – the herds of MMS/3i’s – are the problem and that is WHY the Owners & Billionaires want to FIX it.
Mccollough is controlled opposition to keep intact the germ theory of disease. Covid isn’t real. It’s been over 2 years now. If you’re a thinking person writing articles on this subject and you still believe the official state quackery then maybe it’s time to pause the writing and do some research. As long as the masses stay brainwashed with germ theory this will never end. I must say I’m disappointed that this site keeps publishing limited hangout writers.
This is interesting coming on the heels of the article a couple days ago, “the Covid Shell game”. It’s like a two card shuffle, is it real or is it Memorex? For me, there seems to be too much evidence that there never was a Covid-19, that it was invented by rebranding the flu and everything else under the sun and justified by a test that has been proven to not be able to identify a Covid-19 specifically. Combine that with all the characters and their history and the Great Reset agenda, etc., it’s like 9/11 in that there isn’t necessarily a smoking gun, but a whole bunch of smoldering ones, and the preponderance of evidence points to a certain conclusion, i.e., that 9/11 was a false flag and Covid-19 is too.
I posted the following almost a year ago (#ivermectin)
I’ll start with a definition.
Covid Death: somebody who was labelled as PCR positive and killed in hospital using a combination of fear, neglect, remdesivir, midazolam, denial of appropriate treatment for actual condition, being put on a ventilator, etc.
None of the above requires the existence or presumption of a virus.
Q: How to avoid becoming a “covid death”?
A: Don’t set foot in a hospital if you have cold or flu like symptoms.
Although I think it extremely unlikely that I would die of any flu, there is a non-negligible possibility of getting caught in the hospital fishing net. That possibility would be greatly increased if I had underlying conditions; which fortunately I don’t. To reduce the possibility, I would want a well-equipped arsenal of alternative anti-flu treatments.
Anti-Vaccine Cartoonist Ben Garrison Says He’s Got Covid-19, Won’t Go to Hospital
The pro-Trump cartoonist says he’s lost about 15 pounds and is taking ivermectin.
Sep 28, 2021
Garrison said:
“Yes, it’s definitely Covid and we’ve had all the symptoms. My wife and [I] went out with a couple to a restaurant and the next day all four of us were sick. One of us went to see a doctor and was told she had Covid, and that was the clincher.” . . . “We’re taking Ivermectin and various vitamins including a lot of Zinc,” . . . The cartoonist also notes he’s taking beet root juice.
Garrison seems to believe that he and his wife are struggling to overcome the disease because they’re in their mid-60s. “Both Tina and I feel slightly better after two weeks, but it has been rough. I lost my taste and smell as well as desire to eat any kind of food. I lost 15 pounds as a result. Young people tend to bounce back more quickly, but we’re in our mid-60s,” Garrison wrote.
Garrison says he’d never visit a hospital to treat his covid-19. . . . “I would never go to a hospital with Covid. Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for Covid death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up,” Garrison claimed in an email to Gizmodo.
See also:
There’s an experiment two jars of rice one you say nice things the other you say bad.The negative goes black the positive stays white.It’s not the pen mightier than than the sword it’s the word.See how we have been munipulated it’s what people speak that is life God Allah brought us here through speach breath.Forget the bible forget the Koran it’s breath that brought us here.We are born we breathe in we die we breathe out.
Angry father rips pharmacist apart after son injured by the jab.
It’s not the chemists fault if the mother was stupid enough to jab the kid
Chemists, pharmacists, nurses and doctors are trained and educated in medicine. They are the medical professionals. Mothers are not professionals in medicine or drugs. How should they know better than professionals about what’s in the drug/medicine/injection?
This crucial element of Vax Culture dogma doesn’t seem to come up much any more, but possibly the biggest silent, tacit, or implied Big Lie in the diabolical Big Lie mosaic underpinning the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic is that all of the
recipientsvictims (presumably excluding infants, toddlers, and the mentally incompetent) freely submitted to the jabs as a consequence of their “informed consent”. 😡 Dr. Peter McCullough says it will take a legion of investigators and investigative journalists to “untangle and delineate what would ultimately be revealed as a massive crime against humanity”.
That legion of investigators and investigative journalists will never be found.
They have families that would shun them and jobs that they can’t afford to lose.
We know what we need, and we know what we want.
What we don’t know is how to make it happen.
I certainly don’t, so all I can do is get on with my life as well ad possible until the light dawns…
But would it actually take a “legion” or is Dr McCullough succumbing to hyperbole? I fear it’s the latter and that he’s inadvertently (or not) creating the proverbial “mountain out of a mole hill”?
Most of us here have already read enough – just from this site alone – to “untangle and delineate” the COVID scam.
No team of investigators could ever unmask all the psychos behind the scam; a few will always elude any possible dragnet. But then, we don’t need “name, rank and serial number” to point fingers; we need only discern who’s got the most private wealth on the planet – and we will have our culprits.
That’s the easy part. It’s what comes next that get a bit tricky.
I fear that unless it truly is a legion of us trying to untangle this mess, it will be too easy just to sling us all in jail – for spreading “false information” or some other idiotic defamation of our character – and throw away the key.
As you say, it’s what comes next that gets a bit tricky, but some of us are working on it…
Isnt that the entire premise of 1984 – there’s nothing to fight back against because the real culprits are hidden behind a fake ‘screen’ of BB and a wall of totalitarian doublethink mindfuckery.
Winston had no chance of victory against a chimeric force.
I’m not sure we do either at this point – the planned dumbing down and addiction to tech has been accomplished.
Those ‘real culprits’ have an identity.
Which means they can be found.
Not everybody is smart enough to find them, but some of us are.
Not everybody can be bothered, but some of us can.
The Ideology of Public Health
Sage scientist: Don’t rule out more delays
Susan Michie believes lockdown might not end in July — and facemasks could be here forever
By Freddie Sayers
June 15, 2021
Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural psychologist who sits on the all-important Sage committee, made headlines last week by appearing to suggest that social distancing and wearing facemasks should remain in place “forever”. The Professor of Health Psychology has been an outspoken advocate of strict lockdown measures, both serving on Sage’s Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B) and advising the World Health Organisation on Covid-19. She spoke to UnHerd about whether lockdown will ever be lifted, why people are no longer obeying the restrictions, and she addresses criticism of her Communist politics.
Michie on “the ideology of Public Health”:
If you look at the publications coming out from the behavioural group of Sage, many of them talk about the problems of inequality in our society and… the fact that the pandemic itself and the response have increased those inequalities. . . . We never talk about each other’s politics; I assume there’s a very broad range. But everybody’s unanimous about wanting a more equal society. And in order to get a fairer and more just society, it does require [that] the government has… policies that reduce rather than increase inequalities.
I think there is an ideological difference with Public Health science taking a more population-wide view of things… that is a different kind of emphasis to… the media you mentioned who would have much more emphasis on individual freedom, individual rights, rather than taking a more collective population approach. . . . But this pandemic has shown everybody that no individual is an island — we’re very interconnected. No one community, no one socioeconomic group within society can think they can solve it for themselves and protect themselves.
WHO Nudge Unit chief: So what if I’m a Communist?
Jul 27, 2022
Freddie Sayers reflects on the appointment of Prof. Susan Michie, who he interviewed in 2020 for LockdownTV, to the WHO Behavioural Insights advisory group.
Maybe the good Professor should wear a mask for the rest of her life. I’m thinking something more along the lines of “The Man In The Iron Mask” than a fancy piece of paper.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the only effective solution will be for these people to keep taking their own “medicine”; and she’s probably on her second booster by now!
Michie and her sponsors should be facing jail time.
Research teams in China were reporting favourable results for treating COVID-19. McCullough says:
Should that read India and not China?
A myopic book & review but despite that, this is a test to set aside our differences in the resistance and focus on uniting against the real enemy. Not everyone is going to see the big picture at the same time, this will be a marathon & not a sprint victory for us.
What is ‘the real enemy’ in your view?
Society! This whole business wouldn’t happen otherwise. Unless of course there’s a large community from outer space that’s being exploited and turned a blind eye.
Like you don’t know …
As yet, I have not discovered any enemy.
The MSM may propose Russia or China as enemies, even North Korea, but deeper investigation reveals they are all in collusion.
I think one of the biggest problems among the red-pilled is the assumption that there is an enemy.
There are TPTB, but to think of them as the enemy is like a sheep thinking of their shepherd as an enemy. The critical letter is the ‘B’.
If anything can possibly be shoe-horned into the term ‘enemy’, then it is one’s ignorance and one’s procrastination in rectifying it.
I believe your analogy is incorrect. TPTB should not be equated to the shepherd but to the wolf circling the sheep instead.
Except the human flock has no shepherd.
The Shepard eats the sheep dear xavier. The Shepard only cares about the sheep for the benefits they provide him. If any sheep would be able to really think, it would realize that the Shepard truly is its worst enemy. Are you able to apply your brain?
‘the enemy’ – ‘TPTB’ or however you want to characterize them, basically take children barely out of the cradle and brainwash them – it is very very difficult for infants to resist this kind of thing. It is not at all appropirate or useful to call this kind of brainwashed person somehow responsible for their condition
I couldn’t agree with you more sir!
If one approaches life as not being a victim, then there can never be an enemy.
Just a focusing on what needs to change in one’s own thinking is an authentic search for “the enemy”.
That would be a more descriptive definition of “the enemy”,
the thought form that
you have become
or are
or ever will be a victim.
The thoughtform “I am a victim” is the true enemy because that is the lie.
Why do you think shepherds shepherd sheep? Out of sheer friendliness?
“The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he’s on.” (Yossarian, Catch-22, by Joseph Heller)
mm-hmmm, like the ‘marathon’ that will result in general knowledge and acceptance of who actually killed JFK, with appropriate punishments of course, or who was actually behind 911, or who really started WWI or WWII, and etc etc etc – ‘we’ here generally know these things, but as long as ‘the masses’ are controlled by ‘the rulers’ and don’t even think of emerging from their ‘no truth safe zones’ – nothing’s going to change, just another chapter in the ‘how fucking brainwashed can you fucking people BE, anyway??!!!’ story of ‘modern’ ‘civilization’
They are too busy in useless/futile job and futile leasures (where they find their satisfaction of life) to make their own researches on the long term. And too weak when they need to share their ideas with their friends who are blind. And mostly they’re too used – and they want to continue that way – to be passive and delegate vital things to others (take care about food and physical / psychological health, how the world is ruled, make things on their own, etc…) even if they’re trying to hurt them badly.
Even if they are persevering in knowing the facts, they need to face a lot of untruths in their research. It’s one part of the problem, the next part is handle the facts and the last change your life. Bon courage.
And one last thing, they want read/watch news, oh yes, they can’t live without it as you can’t live without it.
I remembered my father after telling him that he can ditch all MSM, asking me which website can he read ? I couldn’t find a fast answear because all my sources are in english and it’s the desert in french or I need to search french websites for him… Erf.
There are translators of course but do you think he would have make this effort knowing that what he only wants is to “chill” (he’s 68y) ?
He even doesn’t have the basic psychology skills in general, so I need to teach them too to him ? Oh I tried some learning with my parents out of “Covid” subject and they were running out at some point and everything was lost. They prefer to continue their life that way, no matter what books and learning you put them in the face and how nice and patient your are.
Screw them. I don’t talk to them anymore, same with some friends I had who continue their futile life.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-08-06. Menstruation changes 40% women jabbed. Maths Prof Q jab data analysis. Serotonin & depression. GoF. Shell (blog, gab, tweet).
Should have called the book “This Virus is Real, Stupid.
It is ironic to me that the people leading the charge, against jabs, are virus huggers.
Should have called the book “This Virus is Really Stupid”.
Haha, ‘I was warned I could catch a death”
maybe more correctly the people who believe in the virus as a great danger are really (really really) fucking stupid ..
Should have called it The Audacity to Fake ‘Covid’.
Their god is Mammon
They wear suits
They are psychopaths
We are their lemmings
(Or so they believe)
hey, if they say ‘run off the fucking cliff!!!!!’ – and [no fucking way I’m saying ‘we’ here] *they* run off the fucking cliff – why wouldn’t they believe ‘they’ (others) are lemmings?? Sure looks that way to me ….
So, in 10-20 years, umpteen, drawn out class action lawsuits may finally receive a judgement (from a phony judiciary).
In comparison, how’s The Great Barrington Declaration working out?
And no, there is zero prospect of awakening the jabbed for them to rise up and demand immediate remedial action. TPTB will flick their off-switch long before they become zombie hordes.
The red-pilled refusnik must therefore understand that there is no cavalry on its way.
They are their only hero. The only one to save the individual is the individual themselves.
Research, research, research!
The more one is informed, the more informed will be one’s choices – and the best choices are the best informed.
Excellent comment.
Wrong. According to you. You contradict yourself here. The cavalry is TPTSB saving the perspicacious from the cataclysm…
Will this comment go through off-guardian or is censorship a new thing here as well?
There is nevertheless, no cavalry on its way – to disrupt or discontinue the actions of TPTB.
The powers that be are the husbands of mankind – have always been, and will always be. Their mission is to preserve the species, h sapiens, along with its technological advancement.
Their winnowing process is intended to permit the collection of the wheat that it may be brought into the safety of the barn, to serve as seed corn for the NWO.
The perspicacious are the ones most likely to recognise Covid as a psyop, and the injections/tests/masks to be lethal.
Hence, the individual’s survival depends upon themselves, their research and their resourcefulness.
My two cents. Here an hypothesis, a model of what might be happening. Stop me if you have heard it.
1- they’ve been talking about nanotech. Little bots that could be controlled to have a positive effect (to cure the body)… or to modify in a not so good outcome (a weapon). This needs some pretty extensive testing due to it’s complexity. It is introduce through vaccines.
2- Data being collected and emitted to these bots need an extreme computing power. Let’s use servers all across the world. Not enough? Lets encourage the population to massively equip themselves with expensive servers for the purpose of Bitcoin mining. It is said that these are being fed problems, algorithms… like… games they say. For that obscure work you get 40k$ when you reach one bitcoin. The rest is speculation, market value, like anything else.
3- After a few years, when they feel ready, simultaneously vaccinate the population and launch thousands of 5g satellites, crucial to the communications between these zillions of bots and millions of servers, operated by people who have no idea what they are processing, blindly running after… the new gold
4- This is all new, so when the hosts are drying out from microwave, they turn down the dial a bit… can’t kill the host. Just like they did over Montreal a few months ago… or someone teared down a few towers… just saying. All I know is I don’t remember breathing so well for a month and had doubled my productivity. Anyone experienced anything like that? Started breathing about two months ago… started being more dreadful about a month ago… but not as spectacular. Don’t be shy.
The phrase gene drive was a goal often mentioned in genetic modification (mutilation). It disappreared c. 2018.
To me, it’s still in experimentation… if I was them, I’d want to know, oh would I want to know. They have everything. But they are dying like the rest of nature. What do they want… the same as every human… not to die.
The masons are the ground workers they do the bidding of the masters that are in the middle of the triangle, Then you have the Grandmaster’s at the top relaying information.It’s all about setting us up for a nwo .Covid is as fake as Father Christmas.Only well to do people get into the masonry police,Politicians,Doctors they all have one agenda to destroy you.
Don’t forget running their own opposition – you know the kind of one that says another allopathic medicine was the answer and that governments and their agencies were to blame.
“John Leake could not have wished for a more authoritative voice than Peter McCullough.”
McCullough is controlled opposition, so the book is garbage. Just more pre-suasive propaganda to enhance the myth that covid exists and is a threat to humanity. I wouldn’t be surprised if, behind the scenes, “covid” is actually “us” and the vaccine is working. Community virus 19 where the community is the virus and they need a vaccine to save their power structure.
You don’t make a point by swearing
Yeah you do, you answered didn’t you by saying nothing at all.
Exasperation and despair are perfectly understandable reactions to institutionalized evil. This isn’t a kid stealing sweets. It’s a threat to our very lives.
Actually, swear words are good for adding emphasis to make your point. Like, compare, “there is no such thing as Covid”, to “THERE IS NO SUCH FUCKING THING AS COVID”, and you can see the swear word is added to emphasize how fucking ridiculous it is to believe in fairy tales.
it does make whatever you’re saying somewhat more emphatic – loses that if overused of course, but a good fuck now and then is fine –
Perhaps at least once a week… Maybe more
Well I’m on your side. If I curse I usually leave a reference like Fan Wu Et al. Nature 2.2020. Then you have credibility to the curse, not just a curse.
Of course there are a lot of anti-Covid comrades who just didn’t know they should look up the origin paper of sars-cov-2. On our side dosn’t mean they are good detectives, but I like them 100x more than the face diapering graphene spitting social distancing covidiots.
just wondering – how do I know there’s any fucking thing called ‘marilyn’???? – it’s all just stuff on my computer screen ….
It’s all an illusion, you are the only one that exists.
Well I do use my own fingers to do the typing, there is no robot or ap doing it for me, I have given birth twice so I guess that proves a Marilyn might exist.
There is actually it’s just not spelled C-O-V-I-D it’s spelled T-Y-R-A-N-N-Y.
“Covid” is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
The writer says, “ivermectin: it is an inhibitor of SARS-COV-2 in vitro”, and all these early treatment espousers including the esteemed Dr. M. just keep our little Rona Bigfoot alive in the minds of the masses. Dr. M must be the most published but least read MD out there not to have read the, “discovery” of Sars-cov-2 paper by Fan Wu in Nature 2.2020 who just printed a hypothetical genome from a program (that went into the PCR), no pathogen proven, no virus purified-isolated, no control sample. The only thing purified was fraud and Dr Ms early treatment cocktail.
The reason so many people died – they were denied the usual meds that are given for flu, the hospitals gave them dangerous medication instead, that killed most, the hospital and doctors neglected the people, then came the fake vax….
Nothing proves this point more than 1 old folks home in Sydney. 19 patients in March 2020 using nothing but the PCR at 40 were ”diagnosed” with ”covid” and locked in their rooms. One patient was rescued by her family and taken to hospital where she got anti biotics for normal old peoples bacterial pneumonia from being inactive.
The rest got no treatment at all and they all died.
Iatrogenic death through over-treatment.
and under treatment – they get you coming and going here –
All these jargon for ignorance, dogma, recklessness, failure, blunder and greed impress me: idiopathic, iatrogenic, cryptogenic, nosocomial, nocebo, psychosomatic, immuno-compromised, contra-indicated, late-stage, adverse effect.
Yes, you’re right as one road to Rome. The other biggie was lockdowns leading to harvesting (mortality displacement). But these guys are called “virus pushers against clot shots” because they lead the discussion to treatment of the never-proven boogeyman virus and take up bandwidth from the virus doesnt exist truth and graphene in the shots, ie they are “leading” the opposition away from the biggest baddies. Did you read the Fan Wu paper I referenced? Your points are ok and don’t take it personally, but I suggest you should never read or comment again until you first read and know how “it” was published to be “discovered”.
Bad treatments need to be stopped, but they are not treatments, they are intentional kill switches. On the other side, since there is no SC-2 virus proven, early VIRUS treatment are also unneeded.
It is not as complicated as you state. Withholding treatment for pneumonia, brochitis, advanced flu, etc. kills. Inappropriate treatment makes it worse.
Yes, but you’re not understanding both the non-finding of sars nor the propaganda war. Read Fan Wu, Nature 2.2020 and UNDERSTAND the fraud, no sense to discuss if you dont know the fraudulent start of Sars-c-2 as that leads to everything-and proof there is no virus to treat (yes other things causing illness). Also see
You had a longer post relating to Fan Wu’s paper if I remember correctly. Do you know where that is?
Do you know where Fan Wu went to University?
In the UK they used Midazolam, used for anesthesia. Then the ventilator, followed by death. This is deliberate medical malpractice. HCQ and Ivermectin is a side show.
Hang them all I reckon!
Dont forget Remdisivir
Even if today everybody stopped believing viruses existed, fear of contagion would continue to exert some control over their lives…Still fighting the ‘covid’ battle while The Enemy has moved on, has opened a front against food & energy...Keeping the pressure on, no let up !… Continuing to destabilise, and unsettle everyone’s sense of Normality…Crimes against humanity are established, a few court battles are won, but the world gets dragged limply resisting into The New World Order, until The Great Reset is victorious… “Monkeypox” was never intended to be Global Viral Pandemic #2, it should be obvious by now !!
Poor, unrealistic, uncritical review of a poor book.
NB I gave it 1 star as there is no zero, but it came up as a 5!
Listening to Pierre Korrie testify in the Senate regarding the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating Covid, is what convinced me all was not as it first appeared
Money, power and fear plus a satanic influence have led to this crime against humanity.
I doubt justice will be served in the typical fashion if ever.
The collective insanity and gullibility of people is something astounding to witness.
Life will never be the same…
Indeed. Gullibility and ignorance runs deep. Met a lady the other day who was a true believer. She told me a friend’s son had lost an arm and a leg due to this terrible disease. Conversation terminated there and then.
It is indeed astonishing. But I believe that each one of us can MAKE our lives the same, if our basic values still have human integrity.
Schwab’s life is almost over, so we simply must ignore the fathead.
Life awaits. We mustn’t be afraid of it.
Schwab (I know he’s only a figurehead) is the one who ought to be afraid.
‘fathead’ – you’re so polite
One tries…
He is an android, the ‘fathead’ is due to older sensor technology from the early space exploration programs, it is impossible to remove and eventually destabilises causing systemic collapse and the obsolescence of the model
Well said.
Of course I’m using the word, ‘fathead’ in its older, general meaning of, “idiot”.
Another interesting book about medicine (and covid) that I am currently reading: Rockefeller medicine men from E Richard Brown
From the book: where capital comes in:
‘ Medical science, as it developed in capitalist countries, was built up around technology. The higher the level of technology, it was believed [and still is], the more effective [maybe] or, at least, salable [for sure ] were the services of practitioners and researchers. But the higher the level of technology, the more capital was required for medical practice as well as for research. [….] Doctors had to turn outside the profession for capital, and in 1900 there was only one class who had such money. Wealthy capitalists were in a position to dictate terms to the profession—policies that served their own interests as much as or even more than those of the profession itself.’
Enter Rockefeller
An interesting aside is that a man called reverend FT Gates was Rockefeller’s main man to buy interest in medicine through Rockefeller’s money. Google says that FT Gates is not family of B Gates. But I am not so sure…
That book’s obviously a crucial read – but it’s also dated, heavy-going and badly limited (for example, it never mentions the use of petroleum products in medicines). The best section is on Flexner.
There’s a much better book waiting to be written on the subject.
so you’re waiting for????
And there you have it, in words even the most intellectually- challenged could understand
you’ve evidently a considerably higher opinion of the mental faculties of the covid cultists than do I ..
I note it is hard to get many important books, except through Amazon. Presumably they pressure the publishers? ‘The clot thickens’ by Dr Kendrick, about the scandal of heart disease treatment is apparently available nowhere except the bozo corporation.
If you’re ok with bootleg/free e-books it’s available on z-library.
Let’s start with the first assumption. Does covid exist? – If so, you might be interested in reading the book. If not, then be prepared to read a narrative in a narrative.
So does covid exist?
The virus has not been isolated. It is not known if any virus has been isolated of is they exist at all. The inventor of the PCR test said it was not a diagnostic tool. I can’t understand on what basis people claim convid exists.
A friend of a friend of a second cousin of theirs claimed they were sicker than they’ve ever been sometime in 2020 or something.
As you suggest, the “discovery” paper by Fan Wu just printed a hypothetical genome from a program, no pathogen proven, no virus purified-isolated, no control sample. The only thing purified was fraud.
Take diabetes growth stats say in India, China KSA or Arab Countries [ regions exposed in recent decades into the graces and charms of the western diet on a massive scale, consuming three white powders considered pure poison in massive amounts, i.e. sugar, white plain flower and salt, along with supermarkets filled up with chemically processed food also from the west ] but it could be also any other country. Exponential growth, i.e., epidemic/pandemic.
Take cancer. Same picture, i.e. epidemic.
Take asthma globally. Same picture, i.e. epidemic/pandemic.
Take obesity globally. Same picture, i.e. epidemic/pandemic.
Take mental illness. Same picture, i.e., epidemic/pandemic.
Take dental caries. Same picture, i.e. epidemic/pandemic.
These are all serious systemic inflammatory diseases of high destruction potential for the body[ save mental illness, though who knows]
Look up paracetamol consumption and paracetamol consumption growth globally. Shocking data. Roaring pandemic.
[ Where I worked recently I noticed a routine question asked by some doctors when a patient visited. They would start with this: How much paracetamol do you use and how often? I asked one of them why you ask this question. The doctors said it is a good indicator of the level of systemic inflammation in a patient’s body.]
Count tooth implants world-over. It is a strategic trend in dentistry for the next few decades. Pandemic. Tooth implants are bacterial horrors for the body. So ask how many people are now having such bombs of dirt and bacteria in their jaws??
This is what global inability to cope with a seasonal flu virus is about. I said before, imagine flu outbreak in a concentration camp.
I do not remember where exactly I heard it, but it might have been an interview with a Russian historian Elena Prudnikova entitled ”The bread war”, though I may be wrong. It was said there: Stalin was aware that bread is a strategic wealth for the nation and can be used as a strategic weapon in a war against the enemy state/nation. Never allow the enemy to produce your bread! The weapon formula would be: Let us manage/produce your bread, i.e. control bread production in a population we want to destroy, and we will destroy you within one generation. View ”bread” in this strategy as a generic entity.
I spent many years working in countries that the Anglo-Saxon world was interested in controlling and debilitating as much as possible. People in those countries ate bread I feared to eat. All this bread was produced by Anglo-Saxon companies. For me the bread as weapon strategy in those countries was always clear and obvious [ there not just bread but most of the food available on the market was under tight Anglo-Saxon capital control]. Systemic illness in those countries is now on epidemic rise. Therefore strategic goal, according to Stalin’s ”bread as weapon” formula, has been accomplished there with success. As imagine that you feed your sworn enemy. And that you control all the food your sworn enemy has access to. That you feed your sworn enemy’s children and the ne young generation. Do you see the strategic potential here. Enormous strategic potential?
Anyone can find the figures for themselves.
A long-term goal of IMF was to undermine food production outside U$, especially using cheap imports, according to Prof. Michael Hudson.
Yes, but here the financial motive is a secondary one, The real one is the ulterior political agenda behind food, i.e. using food as long-term massive- effect weapon.
Poisoned food, i.e., pouring oceans of glucose syrup, sugar, white chloride-bleached flour and salt with tons of chemical additives is used to achieve it.
I saw it on massive scale there where I lived. The safest way to eat in those top of the list of GDP wealthy states was to eat and shop in cheap shoddy places where Pakis and Bengalis used to dine and buy their groceries and never to go to the Anglo-Saxon capital controlled hyper-markets.
What I saw there was horrific. Nobody talks about it, but it is straight application of the strategy Stalin was aware of and warned against: Never allow the enemy to control your bread and feed you.
It is political and military dimension of food and achieving through food highly destructive for the enemy’s population, women and children included, military long-term goals.
I went to the dentist and asked to have a tooth pulled. It felt like an absess, I had several. She was very nice and said she could not do that. She filled a deep hole below the gum line and proposed root canal work which I refused. After serveral weeks of further misery I got another dentist to pull it. I was surprised how my whole mood changed, depression and anxiety lifted.
If I had gone with the root canal work and a dead (necrotic) tooth presumably I would still have had an infection, but not have felt it as direct pain due to the nerve being severed. This is how they are able to promote it. Cost of a root canal several thousand $. cost of an extraction a hundred. She was the nicest most careful dentist I ever had, but brainwashed.
well the first question is – if there are no viruses, where the fuck are your common cold or basic flu-like diseases coming from??? show me a better hypothesis and I’ll think about it …
Atmospheric influences and destructive diet
The point is that virology has been shown to be less than an exact science. That dubious discipline is now being weaponised against the human race.
Well, maybe viruses do not exist; after all, no one has truly ever seen one. They’ve just “seen” them through complex microscopes whose images they’ve interpreted to be done qualified things they’ve called viruses. The nature of which is so slippery and odd that could actually be metaphysical. Maybe what they call viruses are just some type of toxic particles. I really don’t know. Maybe that toxic particle is the spike protein carried in contained in different types of “envelopes”. What i do know is that there is something out there making people sick in unusual ways as anything pre-2019. I know this by first hand experience. I know also that ivermectin, quercetine, zinc and other things greatly help to recover better and faster from such sickness.