This Week in the New Normal #41
“non-mainstream” water filters, the war on terror drones on and on, and the world’s first debunked ice cream truck.

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. VISA TO be held liable for payments it processes?
A California judge has ruled that VISA is potentially liable as a co-defendent in a lawsuit brought against PornHub for hosting child pornography.
The credit processor filed a motion claiming they were “improper defendants” arguing they cannot be held accountable for all of the billions of payments they process, but the judge dismissed the motion.
Why is this relevant to you?
Well, payment providers being liable for the transactions they process is a very slippery slope, and really just a way to encourage monopolies to increase surveillance and ban people from their platforms.
It’s the exact same methodology behind holding social media companies liable as “publishers”, it incentivizes crackdowns and censorship in the name of safeguarding profits.
And just as with social media, they are using a highly emotive issue as a stalking horse.
Obviously, child pornography is sick and wrong, and nobody should be making money off it, but that doesn’t mean you can hold processors responsible for the payments they process, or that they should be empowered to “monitor” activity or refuse to let people use their service, which is absolutely where this is headed.
If payment services are suddenly liable for any and all transactions they process, it won’t be long before “misinformation” sites are banned from making payments, or you cannot buy certain books or videos by certain authors/directors.
We’ve already seen both VISA and Mastercard refuse to process payments for PornHub moving forward, and that could easily spread to other areas of life. The most obvious next port of call will be guns and ammunition and on and on from there.
We saw what happened in Canada with the bank accounts of protesters being frozen. This is coming at the issue from the other side, but ends up in very much the same place.
As I said, it’s a slippery slope.
2. Yet another drone strike, yet another dead “al Qaeda” leader
It’s been a while since al Qaeda made any front page news, the original scary face of “terrorism” were supplanted by ISIS years ago.
The two groups were identical in their supposed aims, their actual aims, their funding sources and propaganda purpose, but ISIS had black flags and an easier-to-pronounce name so they made for better copy.
Anyway, al Qaeda’s leader is dead. Again.
Apparently, he was a “key architect of the 9/11 attack”.
Sure he was.
Anyway, the US did a drone strike in Afghanistan and killed him. Of course, it won’t actually change anything and in a few months we’ll have some other middle-aged man in a turban on the front pages being labelled the “brains behind ISIS” or “Osama’s heir” or something equally asinine.
Hell, maybe they’ll just bring this guy back from the dead. They’ve done it before.
The point of stories like this is not the specifics, the uniformity of the details is deliberate, designed to have the stories bleed into one other. The point is the steady rhythm of normalization.
Zawahiri (if he ever really existed, didn’t die years ago, or wasn’t just a retired CIA asset) was a civilian, not a military figure and certainly not an enemy combatant under the rules of engagement, and yet he is killed without trial or charge in an attack on a sovereign country.
It’s a crime. But they do it so often that people just get used to it. And that’s exactly what they want.
You wonder how long it is before those feared domestic terrorists get on the pointy end of the first domestic drone strike. Because you’d better believe that’s coming.
3. The New York Times takes aim at Berkey water filters
For some reason the NYT published a review of a water filter that has been on the market for literal years this past week, and they don’t like it.
Their biggest issue is that it’s not officially certified to government standards. That’s really it.
What makes the piece a fun read is a clear contrast between what they wanted to say, and what some inconvenient facts are forcing them to say.
It’s clear they wanted to take the “non-mainstream water filter”, put it through some lab tests and prove it doesn’t work. But they couldn’t, because it did work. So you get this paragraph:
Wirecutter’s, Young’s, and Los Angeles County’s test protocols are mutually inconsistent. And because none of them conform to the NSF/ANSI standards, we don’t have a standard basis for comparing [filtration test] results. Therefore, we are not heavily leaning on our test results in our general take on the Big Berkey system.
The Big Berkey has enough ease-of-use and cost issues that we would recommend a mainstream gravity-fed filter pitcher over it to most readers, even if the Berkey does everything New Millennium claims it can do as a filter.
“Tests schmests, it’s too expensive even if it does work!”. Brilliant.
You also get the comically repeated refrain that your water is probably fine and you don’t really need to filter it anyway…
Keep in mind that most municipal water supplies are safe to begin with, so unless you know that you have a problem locally, you probably don’t need filtering for health reasons.
people who rely on well water, which may contain contaminants that would otherwise be removed by a municipal water plant.
we should emphasize that most US municipal water is pretty clean to begin with. No filter can remove pollutants that aren’t there in the first place,
Everybody got that?
4. DC schools expelling unvaccinated children?
The District of Columbia Department of Public Schools has announced they will be requiring all children aged 12 or over to be “vaccinated” against Covid19 in order to attend school, starting in September.
The somewhat creepy announcement says:
DC Public Schools works closely with DC Health to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, and community. District law and regulations require all schools to ensure students are fully immunized to attend school, and we know that childhood immunizations are critical to keeping our community safe. Now is the time for families to schedule an annual wellness visit with your child’s doctor or attend a neighborhood or school-based vaccine clinic. New for the 2022-2023 School Year, all students ages 12 and older are required to have the COVID-19 vaccine to attend school.
…”wellness visit”? That’s just weird.
children can get written notes of religious or medical exemption, but can’t simply opt out. All students also have to submit their immunization paperwork to the school itself.
There’s no direct threat of expulsion or exclusion if you don’t get vaccinated, but it’s not hard to see it between the lines.
All very unpleasant stuff.
It’s not all bad…
After two years of preachy tyranny, it looks like New Zealand might be done with Jacinda Ardern, as #ResignJacinda was trending on twitter today. Now, that could be just another narrative but at this point I’ll be happy to just to never see her on TV again.
Take Justin with you, if you can.
However, the big laugh of this week is a long journey to take, but worth it.
In September 2021 Jill Biden was giving a speech to mark the new school year, and Sleepy Joe being Sleepy Joe, he just sort of wandered off while she was talking and then wandered back:
It was one of those senior moments we’re all very used to by now.
Fast-forward to last week, and the clip got more attention when people started reposting it with a fun little edit…
But the punchline, is that Reuters fact-checked this!

It’s too beautiful.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the criminal case in Spain where a suspect chose euthanasia to avoid trial or yet another non-vaccine reason your heart might explode.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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What a f*cking bullshit! Lock the Orange Head up!!
Ernst Wolff, financial journalist, dissects the stages of the world takeover here:
Ernst Wolf: The End Game (audio)
You missed the worst part of the DC Schools Covid jab requirement, claiming: “”On July 8, 2022, the FDA fully approved the COVID-19 vaccine commonly known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 12 to 15 years old.” Of course said “approved” shot is nowhere available so the kids will still get the experimental jab if they comply, not that the Comirnaty version is any better. So long as they are requiring something potentially fatal, might as well also lie to force compliance. These people are monsters.
Let’s say you’re on an ocean liner in the arctic circle, iceberg struck, with 5 hours to go before sinking. Unbeknownst to the passengers, there are lifeboats for 1% in comfort, but 10% if overloaded. The unscrupulous captain has a brainwave and announces to passengers that the ship is equipped with an antifreeze elixir that permits people to survive in near freezing conditions for 24 hours, easily long enough to last until rescue arrives. 90% of the passengers enthusiastically queue up to drink said elixir (ethylene glycol), they are told is a requirement before they can board the lifeboats. You being a sceptic with some knowledge of what is physiologically possible, deciding against the potion, are one of those few not rendered incapable, and easily manage to board a lifeboat – where strangely, no crew member required evidence of you having imbibed the ‘elixir’.
As you realise what has just transpired, do you consider the captain to be a monster?
If you scramble ‘Comirnaty’ you come up with acrimony or romantic 8 words, or acronym 7 words. With ‘Omicron’, there’s that gem moronic.
Thus, that possibly explains the plague of moronic Vax Zombies and the social acrimony they rabidly provoke.
Now I love a good contradiction as much as…well, say as much as the oligarchic media seems to. BUT…
Does it make any sense whatever, in this day and age of myriad methods of paying for things, that people seeking out child pornography would use their Visa card? Even a Visa gift cards can easily be traced back to the person using it.
Unless, of course, these “perverts” are actually kids looking at other kids on the internet? You know: kids who sneak their parents’ Visa and sneak a peak at naked girls/boys/trannies?
Maybe it’s a case of the spies being unable to see the saplings for the trees?
Or maybe their VISA cards come from a financial institution that has a “Bonus Rewards” program. For instance, my Chase Freedom VISA awards points for using the card at specified venues; the designated merchants and services change on a quarterly basis.
So maybe cardholders binge out to earn maximum bonus points when “child pornography” merchants are featured. After all, ya gotta consider all the possibilities, I allus say!
Biology may be on rocky ground…. but no sir, not that Physics, that’s genuis:
Fixed that part!
Those AH wasted 912 digital pages just to make estimates!
Wave equations estimates and the nonlinear stability of slowly rotating Kerr black holes
They probably don’t have anything better to do with their nonlinear unstable lives!
I wish I could wrap my head around why it is black holes are such a sticking point in some quarters. There is a certain logic to the idea that some force is holding galaxies in equilibrium.
After all, weren’t all the outer planets discovered because of perturbations in the rotation of an inner planet then of each other? In other words, the principle was discerned well before the planet itself was discovered – assuming the planet really was the cause of the perturbation.
There’s a wonderful bit from a “Red Dwarf” episode. Holly (the female Holly) thinks 5 black holes suddenly appear on her screen; so the ship is abandoned. The crew asks how she missed them till now. She tells the crew: “They’re black…and the sky’s black…so how are you supposed to see them
It’s all happening at the Zoo!
Sudden animal deaths, that is.
But, never fear! The animals are volunteering out of their own informed consent.
AQ was just a patsy for the real perps of 9/11.
And to just to switch topics (though it’s all an interconnected web despite those condescending “rational” souls so eager to go “tut tut!”), have you heard of Drag Queen Story Hour? It’s a kind of Jackanory live in school libraries but with dodgy “trans” punters i.e. drag queens cooing their tales of “non-binary liberation” to little kiddies (presumably whilst the library doors are locked, child catcher style).
More on this edifying innovation here:
Oh and by the way, the trans issue is the absolute proof (and probably used as a tester for Schmovid) that when the media is ruthlessly centralised, it can sell anything at all. Willie waving transvestites lecturing to kids to encourage them to join this new “happy family”? This being sanctioned in schools? And anyone who objects is accused of a “hate crime”?
To paraphrase an old “rock star” tennis player: “You cannot be fucking serious!”
Oh the days when feminists were left wing and had their glasses on. Reclaiming the streets, challenging abuses of power at home and beyond. It did not last that long and was riven by division and experienced such derision. All the same, it amounted to something more than the 3rd wave feminist neononsense that propped up the victorious West from the 90s onwards.
Oh the rulers can turn anyything to their advantage. Take the women’s liberation notion of allowing women to go out and do “men’s jobs”. This results in more individuals being free for the job market but since the pay was unequal, women being paid less, it meant a lot of cheap labour. Till more protest bumps the wage up but by that time more scams can come in e.g. the MeToo movement by which any accusation can be made referring to any past time – even decades ago – and the claim is automatically taken to be true.
Emmeline Pankhurst the suffragette sailed to New York first class. Feminism was and is a bankster enterprise.
Ireland’s primary “expert” stirring it up again, prepping us for more injections. This guy has literally cleaned up since 2020. Unfortunately the article is behind a paywall, maybe just as well so it can be ignored by anyone with half a brain.
ABC news Australia: It’s become a total mouthpiece for:
1 The vaccine industry and Big Pharma. I don’t think I have heard even one voice questioning the official narrative. I remember Normie Swan (Australia’s Anthony Fauci) describing ivermectin as sheep dip. Jane Halton from CEPI is a regular go to for any comments on vaccine policy. It’s disgraceful.
2.The weapons industry. Every commentator on matters militaristic is recruited from ASPI (Australian Security Policy Institute, a front for the US weapons industry), The Lowy Institute, The Murdoch or Channel 9 press. They’re rabid. No dissenting voices allowed.
They’re whipping up the war jingo as I type this. Any mention of China cannot pass without the words “Chinese aggression” being included every minute or so. This has been going on for years, well before the current Taiwanese situation. Taiwan is always referred to as Australia’s “neighbor” as though it was not thousands of kilometres away with many countries in between.
The country need a saviour. The current leadership are going to get us all killed whether it’s by the jabs or ICBMs.
Arm a getting out of here (I hope).
Lowy (Loewy ?)
This fellow was and may still be Silverstein’s business partner.
and don’t forget the NINE papers who are now peddling the voodoo con of insurance actuaries to claim more people are dying of covid than cancers, 50,000 people die of cancers every year, but hey why let truth get in the way of mindless bullshit.
They don’t report the fact that almost everyone is dying from the jabs and old age.
Isn’t Ardern just being ‘Johnsoned’? Both did the covid and Brexit dirty work of their American bosses and are now surplus to requirements..
None of them should be allowed to simply retire. They should all be tarred, feathered and driven into the sea.
By “driven”, I trust you mean “dropped from a high-altitude helicopter.”
Brexit? When was NZ ever in the EU?
The Atlantic offers advice to the sheltered class, assured of their income, about how to “do less” and preserve their delicate psychic balance.
I think I can now see the reason for the odd claim of monkeypox relating mainly to “men who have sex with men”. This gives a clue:
Here’s how it works: the media, in the mainstream formulation i.e. not including such “dissident sites” as the WSWS, make a big deal out of the gay thing. Then these “dissidents” come in and howl that Monkeypox can be transmitted purely through the air and the “Right Wing homophobic transphobic mainstream media” are trying to cover this up (not forgetting the old Jaws mayor routine about “not wanting to upset business”) and Voila! Monkeypox as the new “Leftist” cause with “the people” demanding lockdowns, masks, distancing, new vaccines etc.
And by debating the “cause” they are being manipulated into accepting the reality of the problem – which, as usual, is all the ‘Party’ wants from us.
Shades of AIDS. Back in the 80s, it went from initially being labeled GRIDS (Gay-Related Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) by the medical establishment to ‘it’s not a gay disease, anybody can get it’ almost overnight.
How does that work? Of course, it is another total hoax relying on a fake rt-PCR test to prove a fake virus. But if 98% of its purported “victims” are indulging in male to male sex, how do our Overlord minions sell it as an air born contagion? Are we, as the late George Carlin and HL Mencken claimed, really that stupid? Will local school boards now ban Drag Queen Story Hour to save the children?
My guess is that the overclass apocalyptic pestilence-mongers believe that the “really that stupid” assumption has proven successful enough to keep running with it.
Osama, Obama, I get all these terrorists mixed up.
Come to think of it, I never did Osama and Obama at the same place at the same time. Coincidence? 😉
Difference is Obama did kill tens of thousands including a head of state (Gaddafi), whereas Osama probably didn’t kill anyone.
Now, now, he only dropped 26,000 bombs on 7 countries in the last year of his presidency
OBL was straight out of Mossad-CIA central casting.
Until 2001, Osama was a faithful bagman and employee of U$ special forces, given the name Col. Tim Osman. Then, they unilaterally assigned him a new role as chief evil monster. In the last year or so, he had been getting kidney treatment in U$ and West Asia. He died in late 2001, as anyone outside U$ knows.
The only real, post 9/11 video of ObL was immediately after 9/11, the remainder being central casting actors, and he appeared to be quite pissed at being thrown under the bus by his CIA buddies as the patsy for their inside job. He should have studied the Lee Harvey Oswald story in advance.
The more desperate they get, the more they sound like snake-oil salesmen:
The time and date of release is of course justa coincidence.
ABC news Australia: ‘Non covid deaths up by 18-20% and doctors can’t explain why’ ?!?!?
Well, fuck me sideways, it ain’t half obvious. You dumb turds !
The Australian Brainwashing Corporation.
Australian Bullshitting Company.
And the Guardian is in one the scam too.
I replied to your comment but somehow it ended up above.
All the media are as bad as each other in Australia, 2.5 years of endless hysterical ranting while literally nothing happens
‘Non covid deaths up by 18-20% and doctors can’t explain why’ ?!?!?”
They can explain why. They don’t want to. They don’t want to, because they know that they are culpable, which makes them murderers and/or accessories to murder.
‘Non covid deaths up by 18-20% and doctors can’t explain why’ ?!?!?”
They can explain why. They don’t want to. They don’t want to, because they know that they are culpable, which makes them murderers and/or accessories to murder.
Oops! A few minutes ago, I posted the item which this post will now contain. However, I accidentally wrote Robert Kennedy Jr’s name in full, in the site address of the article. I think I also omitted the article author’s name in the site address! Hence no clickable link was created. Rectification below.
The esteemed American writer, Lew Rockwell, has posted his most recent article this morning. It’s a review of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s book on Fauci… re. the dire situation which we, the human race, find ourselves in. And including, of course, the egregious, horrific effects of the injection program. Here’s the link.
“Robert F Kennedy Jr exposes Big Pharma’s ‘covid’ plot to destroy us”, at:
I get the feeling, but may be wrong, that Kennedy’s book in effect entrenches the lie that there is a viral disease called covid. Given that the viral dogma is the basic untruth and more generally the germ thesis has not yet been corroborated, and that therefore until this becomes recognized, the plandemic can go on and on and on, anyone in my humble opinion who entrenches it is in effect helping its entrenchment. Now Im not saying Kennedy is doing it on purpose. According to people who know him, he is our best ally within the elites, and is genuinely concerned, but he is manipulated.
Uh, Lew Rockwell is not esteemed.
“Judge a man not only by his friends, but by his enemies”?
The esteemed American, Lew Rockwell, has posted his most recent article this morning.
Here it is; it’s a review of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s book on Fauci, re. the global nightmare that’s been unfolding since early 2020, and addresses the dire situation which humanity finds itself. Including, of course, the egregious nightmare of the effects of the injection program.
“Robert F Kennedy Jr exposes Big Pharma’s ‘covid’ plot to destroy us”, at:
No clickable link here… see my RE-posting of this item a few minutes later… ie, just above this post!
Lew Rockwell founded The Mises Institute, whose president is for the great reset libertarian idea that we should dissolve nation-states and replace them with corporate-chartered “cities and regions”. No public good, no constitutional law, no environmental protection, no citizenship.
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
Isn’t that the opposite of the GR/globalist ideal though, which is essentially total abolition of private property (for the 99% proles)?
Property is a consequence of the individual’s natural right to exclude others (from their abode, person, and possessions therein/on) – aka privacy. So, everything not inhabited, is non-private, i.e. public. Homesteading (claiming vast tracts of land via enclosure) is a slippery slope, and in combination with the abomination of giving legal constructs the status of individuals (corporations), everything soon goes very, very wrong…
I’m definitely no libertarian, but you have to admit that they’ve been one of the very few groups out there that has consistently been pushing back against the Covid-restrictions from the start. Strange bedfellows, and all that …
The far right have been correct on calling bullshit on this con almost from the start, but they got destroyed at the election because they are awful racists, bigots and brainless fuckwits about everything else.
Agreed that this nonsense is very dangerous. It’s been man’s propensity for “ownership” that has all but decimated regions of the planet.
So whether we conservatively call it “private” or liberally call it “public,” it amounts to the exact same thing: we humans are the Crown of Creation. God gave us dominion over the land and everything in it.
The concept of private ownership, like so many other things, would be a great idea if it weren’t for the human urge to run things into the ground, to carry them to preposterous extremes.
“God damn it, I OWN the Sahara Desert! Shiek So-and-So just sold it to me! It’s mine! So get the hell off MY LAND!”
And a planet becomes a cold dead ball spinning in space (or a cold dead flat thingy).
> And a planet becomes a cold dead ball spinning in space (or a cold dead flat thingy).
Not or, please stop peddling this earth is a ball bs!
It’s you people who spew out the FE cr*p who are peddling the absolute BS.
Sorry, the “let’s join the mad world!” part of me couldn’t help himself …
Uh, to repeat myself, Lew Rockwell is not esteemed.
Okay, I stand corrected! I’m an Englishwoman, and not properly genned-up on Rockwell, but I’d read some praise of him somewhere! His information hub is useful, though, it has to be said, it providing a varied selection of writings daily.
Covid Injection Mandates Are Now Illegal in Costa Rica
Original Source: The Expose
Ah! The work of CIA is never done.
Here’s a short video in which an American woman explains the hypothesis that a large percentage of the injections are placebos, thus creating trust in those who submit to them… but that, with each subsequent injection, there are a smaller percentage of placebos, thus increasing the risk of serious adverse effects… and thus the use of the term Russian Roulette.
(Underneath this 4.11 min video [on the link below] is also a link to the 97-minute documentary that was posted a week or so ago: a compilation of just a fraction of the many people around the world who’ve been adversely affected as a result of their unwise decision to ‘roll up their sleeves’)
“The sheeple who got a placebo jab are advocates for the Russian Roulette Jab-o-Cide Agenda!” (video: 4.11 mins), at:
It’s more likely that 99% of jabs are potent (latently lethal), but 30% of them are experimental concoctions with adverse side-effects varying from unpleasant to chronic to terminal. describes the science of control by propaganda.. excellent article.. well written and deep thought.
Check out this divide and rule UK commie drag queen brainwashing kids Antifa shitfest in Bristol. On one hand its a tragic snapshot of far south the now pseudo communist nation of Britain has descended, on the other hand its f***ing hilarious. LOL
Drag Queen Story Hour UK Protest Live From Libraries Around Bristol
This short film from 1966 is a perfect introduction to what Communism is really all about. What is happening in the UK is the rollout of defacto Communism, no doubt about it. The first words in the video are “divide the people, split them into quarreling factions fighting among themselves rather than their common enemy”. Thats what these events like drag queen story hour are all about. Commie scum running the UK.
The Communist Takeover Explained (1966)
Was Winston Churchill paid for speaking the V.I.Lenin quotes ?
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their free will.” Joseph Goebbels. Minister for Public Enlightenment….Jacques Ellul believed those who think they’re intelligent eagerly consume propaganda…
“Propaganda works most effectively when it can be passed off as entertainment.” You are more open to incorporation of ideas because your defenses are down.
And knowing that takes all the excitement out of my favourite movies: The Hunt for Red October; The Transformers series; Battleship (another rerun last night)…
well, if we’re talking about propaganda and brainwashing, you’d do better with a mirror – the American capitalists / deep state, whatever you want to call them, have been very very afraid of the ‘communists’ for the last 100 years, and have gone to very great lengths to install the general belief that ‘everything bad is the fucking commies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ – when in reality of course this is the ‘deep state’ people doing the ‘divide and conquer’ stuff, all made much easier by at least 40 years of very successful ‘dumbing down’ so most people are unable to see through the propaganda and lies, and just believe what the deep state corporate media tells them to believe. lookout lookout the commies are coming ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We absolutely see a Communist style influence penetrating the west. Every point made in “The COmmunist Takeover Explained” rings true today. Communism and fascism are like brother and sister, spawned from the same family ie the bankers who control both sides. It created the controlled dialectic, west vs east, cold war etc, which ultimately are fake dialectics because the people at the very top control both sides. In the modern era, we are seeing a version of communism being rolled out, covid being a perfect example, climate change etc. Its pure collectivism and its based on lies. We also see just about everything that Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned the west about becoming a reality.
Covid has been a massive example of communist style influence in the UK. For example, the leading role of China in the convid scam. China is the model that we all followed. China is ruled outright by “THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY”. I dont want these scumbags influencing my country…….but they are and they have penetrated our government and infrastructure. Are you going to try to tell me that China has no influence in the UK. They absolutely do, and the rollout of the vaccine passports and all the collectivist nonsense we have seen fits perfectly with communist ideology. UBI schemes coming down the track. Its all like a modern form of communism. That is the direction of travel and to deny this is to be ignorant, in my opinion.
The USA leadership, back in the 70s. may have been shouting “the commies are coming” via the media, but behind closed doors, uber communist enabler Henry Kissinger – Permanent POTUS – was selling the US out to China and that process has gone a looooong way. The US has literally transferred the majoirty of its usefulness to Communist China, Israel and Russia, thanks to traitors like Kissinger. Its military might is used for nefarious purpoes by the same groups, who control the US. Now the US has Beijing Biden as its President, who was installed in a sham election to get rid of the guy who was reversing a lot of this crap, Trump. There is a fightback of sorts, so watch this space.
The US is totally penetrated, it has been sold out and gutted from within, now its a shadow of what it used to be. DItto the UK. US has been transferring its high technology to Israel via the BIRD and BARD and BSF, and Israel, which has a close relationship with China and a very close relationship with Russia, has been legally selling that technology to the enemies of the US – RUssia and China, due to these agreements I mentioned, set up by Kissinger. US critical infratructure is predominantly controlled by Israel – which is full of Russians and Russian secret services. Its treason of the highest order and it has been going on for decades, in pretty much broad daylight. Brendon O Connell has done huge amounts of work exposing this. I suggest you go to Brendon O Connell III on youtube to get yourself up to speed on all this, because the west is going down and all I see everywhere are rabbits in the headlights who havent got a f***ing clue what is going on.
Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion
Just in case you missed the central role of THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY in the convid scam, here it has been beautifully laid out in document form. The WHO, Communist China…….nothing to see here.
The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud
Kissinger is not a traitor. He faithfully serves his masters the central bankers. The banksters of course created capitalism, communism. Christianity, Islam and so much more.
Quotes from the Communist Takeover Explained. If you cant see how this translates to what we see happening in the west today, you cant see.
Netherlands farmers and Gates farms anyone……”you will own nothing and you will be happy”
Covid is Communism and the west is now very far down this slippery slope. The US has fallen like an over ripe fruit, now they have a President who can barely string a coherent sentence together. The UK is also way down from where it was. We see echoes of just about every quote and theme from THE COMMUNIST TAKEOVER in the UK and US and all over the western world. These people have been working on this for decades and we appear to be in the final stages of the implementation of world government which is really world Communism. Wake the hell up to this reality, warn your friends and family, your way of life and freedom is under attack and a modern form of Communism is the model to replace it, with medical and economic terrorism and programmable money and the deranged dreams of the WEF to replace freedom. If they mock you, try to get them to study the output of Communist organisation the World Economic Forum which is overtly pushing for this kind of of society and which western politicians get on their knees and suck to be a part of.
JFK Speech The Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
“No President should fear public scrutinity of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.
I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers– I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: “An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them.
Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed– and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution– not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.
This means greater coverage and analysis of international news– for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security…
“And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news– that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”
You contradict yourself. You say both fascism and communism are products of the cabal running the world. Then you say communism has been allowed to despoil Britain.
But it’s the same cabal dictating a communist take over that dictated a monarchy in the past, followed by a representative government.
So how can it possibly matter which flavor the cabal pours into Britain’s cup? They’re calling the shots no matter what.
TPTB knew that around this time things would have to be fragile and unstable, such that they could be easily disintegrated.
The idea that TPTB are trying to introduce communism by stealth (for whatever reason) is simply a cover story to provide a more comforting explanation for their actions.
It’s not so comforting if you find out that deliberate destabilisation, disruption, and disintegration is part of the prelude to The Great Reset.
I actually think we have a system which is like a combination of both. we see evidence of both systems operating concurrently, but convid and the Greta Reset is clearly paving the way to a more communist style system, with technocracy in there as well. Communitarianism I believe is the new word for this. This is not an absolute, and some of the basic concepts of communism are not really applicable, im talking more about how communism played out in practice and the tricks used by communist governments and the fact the west is infiltrated BIG TIME by Russian Soviet players, who use Israel as their base. Look at how much our politicians in the UK and US grovel to Israel. Weve just had 20 years of war for Israel, costing trillions. AIPAC……Friends of Israel. Israel is full of Russians (many of whom arent even Jewish but Israel and Russia have had a “special relationship” concerning immigration from day dot) and every former PM of Israel is linked to the SOviet Union – either they were born there or their parents were. But then they run this scam trying to persuade us that Russia is our nunber one enemy, when our politicians do nothing but get ontheir knees and bend over backwards to be seen as supporters of Israel. Its farcical. Sign a pledge to Israel or you cannot run for Congress. Israel is in many respects an extension of the Soviet Union and Israel is now pretty much running the big tech sector. Microsoft and Intel and Apple and Amazon have all relocated many important departments from the US to Israel – which is full of Russian secret service agents. They get ISraeli passports and merrily go and infiltrate the US. Israeli companies literally control US critical infrastructure. IDF on the scene for the cleanup at the McAfee apartment bombing. Its ridiculous. National Security risk anyone. To ignore the warning signs, which have been given to the west by the likes of yuri bezmenov since decades ago, and to reject the notion outright is foolish. Im not saying you are doing that, but there seems to be a high level of hostility towards the idea that what we are experiencing is a form of commnism on OffG, which surprises me. Obviously the Connumist (spelling error but works for me lol) Takeover clip I posted is from 19sixtysix, so things have changed a lot since then, but the overall strategy and patterns highlighted in that clip are clearly evident in our modern world and its the same bankster scumbags running the show.
Short Haired
I suppose you could call the short haired police woman in male clothing a drag king. Once you start promoting and legislating gender role reversal you are on a slippery slope to where we are now.
My little contribution which I thought was a bit funny didn’t make it.
About Biden and the ice cream truck.
Biden acts as though his brain is starved of oxygen. The clip provides a good example of the danger of face masks (and that they are bad for ice cream vendors business.)
(PS. Biden forgot what he went for. I’m a bit sympathetic as ‘sometimes’ i open the fridge, or go into the kitchen, and have forgotten what i opened the fridge for, and i dont wear masks.)
You don’t wear masks – but I bet you do breathe. And if you do, you’re taking in plenty of aluminum along with your oxygen, nitrogen and trace elements. Because aluminum (along with barium, strontium and polymers) is what the climate engineers are spraying into the atmosphere almost every single day.
The great irony is that these masks may actually help keep the aluminum out of people’s lungs.
The Hobson’s choice you delineate suggests the phrase “Name your poison!”
Cancel the debts. Redistribute the land, the assets, the industry and the media. Public banking. Oil & Gas are abiotic and there’s enough to last for another century, by which time we will have invented something else.
Primary water is a product of the earth, has never been a part of the hydrology cycle, is copious & cheap to access.
The refusal to advocate redistribution is a vote for the NWO. TALK about it. Don’t be a shmiel. Confiscate the assets of the cabal. You KNOW they’re murdering humanity– what is the problem? Open your mouth and talk about it. Don’t you know a bandwagon idea when you hear it? How do you THINK we can get out of this? What do you think their power rests on? TAKE it.
in my area in 1965 the water was so pure its impurities were missed by atomic absorption testing. The joke was on the instrument salesman trying to demo his equipment, when he drew water from the pipe and placed it in his equipment, the equipment gave no indication down to the parts per trillion. The water impurities were so low, they were beyond the capability of the instrument to detect them. Now days they recycle the shit; the water stinks and has flocculates most of the time. Most people refuse to drink it and many cannot stand to smell it. . but that’s progress in the new normal.
Great plan!
Simply re-distributing stolen goods will not fix the problem. The land with all its resources belongs to nobody; no one has a “right” to it, per se.
Earth is no more the property of “All the People” than it is of some or another Cabal.
The Earth doesn’t belong to us – we belong to it.
Oh they’ll redistribute property alright, not THEIRS but yours. Whatever you and I may have managed to hang on to is up for grabs. As for cancelling all debts, sounds great, until you stop and realize that most of that debt is someone else’s savings account, or pension. While it sounds great to completely overturn our fucked up system, you cannot logistically do that in one fell swoop (Lockdowns anyone?) and you most assuredly cannot trust those who own us to do that in any honest manner.
We need to be very, very careful about using phrases like redistribution of property, as those concepts are integral to their Great Reset. They are already using it to divide and conquer. There are many who see this as THE answer to all problems, and as we all know the masters of the universe have spent decades dividing us not only with race, gender, nationality, etc but money as well. I have a friend who can almost hardly wait for that great “redistribution” and I asked her the other day if she really, honestly thinks they’ll come in and take my house and give it to her, for free? No answer of course, but I know deep down she somehow thinks that’s what’s gonna happen. Talk about willful naivete? Talk about playing into the hands of those who already own almost everything and want to own it ALL? Would you currently trust the people who own the world to redistribute in an equitable manner? They most certainly want you to and they use lots of pretty words to dress it up in a nice sounding utopia. But that utopia is for THEM, not us.
Anyone seen this? What every article I’ve read about this seems to be missing out is that apparently this guy worked for a propaganda arm of British government. So is it likely they’ve done this cos they think he’s a spy but can’t say this?
I note he’s contributed (badly) to off g before.
I personally think he’s a sleeper posing as a youtuber and they’re making it look like an examples being made of him to ward off any dissent.
Still… interesting. He’s not v good.
have you seen this
Oh yh of course. I forgot I cant say anything construed as being anti russian on this website. Hmm.
OT but Australia won the Commonwealth Games gold medal in women’s cricket while fielding a player infected with Covid.
I cannot believe how quickly we have forgotten being lockdown like quarantine animals by so called experts and pounded by the media and politicians relentlessly. That wasn’t cricket.
Biden and the ice cream truck and the fact-check is hilarious. Made my day. Thanks!
An information from the New Nornal Romania: The authorities refused to extend the license of the TV nertwork News TV which broadcasted covid-sceptic comments. The license was valid untill 31st July 2022, after this day News TV is not anymore on air. „Misinformation” was the reason quoted for this. Previously, News TV received many fines for „misinformation”.
Well in Australia they are pissed off that people aren’t having the jabs anymore so the media got a lot more money from Pfizer to peddle their fake studies claiming they don’t really hurt kids much with heart disease so kids at no risk at all are being peddled the poison.
The fucking media in Australia are the laziest and stupidest on the planet
I think they’re “all in this together”, right around the globe.
It’s all owned and controlled by THEM.
this might interest you
dunno, the CBC and Toronto Star in Canada would give them a good run, some others too …
There’s a word missing in the last line of the section marked no:2. it currently reads ” you’d better that’s coming:” Maybe the missing word is ” believe”? I enjoyed the article: Thought provoking as ever OffG: Thanks
The 1st is to cause division and confusion. If you see the slippery slope, you know someone will accuse you of watching porn.
3rd. Berkeys sales will now rise. I think I am buying one just because of this story.
4 th So they got the kill shot onto the children’s vaccine schedule along with the 59+ other kill shots. I don’t remember having my opinion consulted. Things seem to be going right on schedule.
re: filtration
Pls check Rob Rob’s earlier comment, esp the link:
They are using reverse psychology, since the article is targeting people (filter users) who typically distrust msm.
As if they need incentive. Internet sites and social media censor people and stomp on their rights to free speech simply because they disagree with the narrative.
They call it hate speech and violence, but they aren’t specifying the sense of the words they use. The definition of hate means “extreme hostility” or “strong disagreement”. One is legal, one is not. You can’t supercede someone’s rights to free speech simply because they disagree, but without specifying the sense of the word, they can censor at will. They need to be forced to be specific with the words they hide behind.
De Santis’s action isn’t so interesting as his use of the term “Soros-funded”:
Remember when Newt Gingrich tried to talk about Soros on Fox News?
I consider his use of the term to ‘explain’ his action worrying… As i would if he’d used ‘anti-semite’ or ‘vax denier’, or…any spin that obscures the real cause of disagreement… Or any spin to get support for heavy handedness… Or any spin that encourages me to think “Conspiracy !”
A rich little brew here:
We’re in the middle of a Monkeypox “outbreak” and London is “the epicentre”. There is a “dedicated Monkeypox helpline” and apparently there is such a thing as feeling “very viral”*
* I’m sure there are intricate shadings of this “viral feeling” which demand in-depth study from our committed team of selfless micro-junkies. And shortly there will be intensive articles cataloguing the many layers of the “viral feeling” grading system which must be constantly reiterated on every news bulletin.
Books to be written, tours to be arranged, Monkeypox fever coming to a town near you soon. Be sure to have your tickets ready!
Yet, the only people wearing masks there yesterday seemed to be the usual Far Eastern hypochondria brigade.
Culling The Human Herd In The 21st Century: Economic Ethnic Cleansing…
The need to reduce the planet’s human population was on The Agenda Before ‘Covid’ (BC). In a 2014 publication “Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy,” Saskia Sassen explained the need for the cull as being an economic imperative for the healthy functioning of the global economy. Saskia didnt anticipate mass vaxxing as the chosen method to cull the many surplus to the needs of the economy, but did point to a possible use for The Camps, other than for (medical) quarantine…
“Mass incarceration has long been present in extreme dictatorships. But today it is emerging as inextricably linked to advanced capitalism…Most of the people who are being incarcerated are also the people who do not have work and from whom work will not be found in our current epoch…today’s prisoners in the US and UK are increasingly today’s version of the surplus laboring population common in the brutal beginnings of modern capitalism…..”
The health of the planet is promoted as the reason human numbers have to be massively reduced but such serves as a proxy debate for the real concern, the health of The Economy…The question we often dodge is: do we exist mainly to serve the needs The Economy, or is The Economy meant to serve our needs ? That is The Question !
Sick of NSA spying, corporate monitoring, and overpriced ISPs ? There’s a cure for that .My Own Private Internet:
promoted as the reason human numbers have to be massively reduced
No promotion. They have decided and are going ahead, to cull us like farm animals.
Two thoughts:
This kind of legislative/judicial (i.e. prosecutorial) creep reminds me of the way that the official battle against “organized crime”– i.e., “dark” or independent non-governmental organized crime– justified removing (or at least “piercing”) the traditionally sacrosanct “veil” protecting the attorney-client relationship.
This allowed prosecutors to treat lawyers who represented targeted alleged criminals and criminal organizations as virtual “made men”, i.e. criminal members of the targeted OC syndicates. The obvious goal was/is to eliminate effective criminal defense attorneys retained by alleged mobsters, and to chill and discourage attorneys from representing alleged criminal/mob clients.
Remember, DC legislators launched an unofficial “pilot program” in 2021 when they approved one of the first laws or ordinances permitting minors to obtain vaccinations without parental/guardian consent.
Actually, the legislation did more than “permit” this practice, it encouraged it. It promoted and sanctioned various pro-vax chicanery to sweeten the pot.
Just off the top of my head, in addition to permitting children to get “requested” vaccinations without parental/guardian permission or notification, it also provided that schools, healthcare providers, and even insurance companies must maintain strict confidentiality to prevent parents and caregivers from learning that the minor had been vaccinated without their consent, and generally against their wishes.
There were, and perhaps still are, websites and other resources set up in conjunction with this law that instructed jab-seeking children in the art of sneaking around and deceiving their presumptively ignorant or malicious “anti-vax” parents, etc.
This policy is the other side of the greasy counterfeit coin.
Naughty French scientist posts pic of Proxima Centauri which turned out to be a slice of chorizo.
But he wasn’t appreciated at all! He’s blown his chance of joining that ubiquitous “The Scientists”.
The horrible truth is that politicians are all just puppets who have no real power. They’re all just scripted now and the Deep State decides everything. In the US, Congress and the President lost all power after the Watergate era and are now just frontmen for the globalists who really run things.
Jill Biden mentions students being bored just as her bored husband wanders away looking for the ice cream truck. Absolutely priceless.
As to the killing of another lead terrorist: I can’t get enough of it. Please kill more.
When they started lopping off the heads of Christian children in front of their friends for not renouncing Christ, that was it for me.
No bomb is too big.
Thoses beheading videos where as fake as Donald trump fighting the deep state presidency and only certain types fooled for both.
According to Gheidar Dzhemal’s information, Rita Katz Studio staged propaganda films.
And so was Berg beheading………… Right.
You cannot have here any straight talk on this subject as it is prohibited world-over, there is no difference in what kind of media, it is prohibited in all kinds of media, so I need to leave your attack unanswered.
How prohibited it is is shown best by Ayman Al Zawahiri’s assassination. Namely only when Washington started talking about it, almost two days later after it had happened, the Taliban started talking about it, though they knew what happened right after it happened. But they did not say anything as they were not allowed to say a thing. Until they were allowed to talk about it, for two days they did not say a word.
As conclusion, ask yourself all the remaining questions.
So bombing kids to bits is fine is it? Albright stating that starving half a millions Iraqi kids to death was ‘ a good price to pay”, don’t be a pathetic hypocrite.
Not ”bombing kids to bits is fine”, but ”bombing Muslim kids to bits is fine”, i.e. perfectly fine and normal.
That’s what happens when you ruthlessly tuck your army of terrorists behind women and children. Think about that. They are evil through and through.
Lop christian children’s heads and then retreat behind the women and children.
I know! Let’s destroy the women and children! stfu
Actually, that’s why it took so long to get them. We had to wait until they wandered away from their women and children shields. Scum.
go have a cup of hemlock on the house
Fuck off with that lying bullshit. Ukraine is having their army party in schools and hospitals, stop the muslim bashing garbage, I am so over it.
Have another drink.
Behind women and children like the Ukranian military is doing?
I am not a fan of Ukraine either.
You are a fucking idiot. I suppose you believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by 19 box cutter brandishing cave dwellers.
Nice one.
This is REALLY interesting:
Shaun Ryder of the Happy Mondays has had a bit of an awakening since his brother died after receiving “booster”
Note the Mail’s “it’s not the jab” spin.
Interesting that they would run the piece unless we are due a big unveil.
I would love some thoughts on this.
The software generated bio-medico-awopbopaloobop reaches a whole new peak of obfuscatory ramalamadingdong here:
Basic jist: scientists working feverishly to “outwit” that pesky ever varying virus that’s always waaaay ahead. There’s practically an entire new glossary of gooey gloopy schmoopy going on here. (And by fuck does this dreary smeary wabbldedoohoo go onandonandonandon.)
But as always with this kind of robotic bluff, skipping to the end is all you need to do to get the plague infested point: We may end up fighting “sarbecoviruses” (don’t even think about it!) “we haven’t even imagined yet”. Brainy lab coat says,
“It’s not really far-fetched to think that there will be more animal spillovers in the future … So having something that targets this entire category of viruses might be useful for preventing, or at least mitigating, any future outbreaks.”
Note the fudging. Not preventing (as if!) but “mitigating” which could mean anything … well actually it’s pretty obvious what it means – no final cures, never a break etc. Lucy Van Pelt has moved the ball again.
And as ever, from now till the end of time, it is, and ever will be, spring 2020.
I always have good laughs with this display of bed[gen]uine uman behavior!
The problem is NOT with the extra red meat but with the garbage uman animals also ingest/drink with the meat!
But clearly just eating red meat IS NOT ENOUGH!
But to read the paper one needs to pay so since it is a paper from a “university” in Massachusetts I can bet it has a good tonne of bias salt in it!
Ivor Cummins: Meat Matters with Paul Saladino MD
As off topic as could possibly be but my wife gave me a box set of the complete It Ain’t Half Hot Mum and, out of curiosity, I thought I’d check how Wiki describes it and found this:
“The series has been accused of racism, homophobia and a pro-imperialist attitude. One specific criticism has been the casting of a white actor, Michael Bates, as an Indian character, with darkening makeup that some have described as blackface. According to the head of broadcasting regulator Ofcom in 2014, such series “are unimaginable today and if they were shown people would find them offensive and that wouldn’t just be people from black and ethnic minority communities, it would be everybody”.”
The arrogant presumption is gobsmacking, no? But it isn’t really presumption. It’s a diirective: THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL FEEL AND DON’T DARE DISAGREE OTHERWISE YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF EXCOMMUNICATED!
The fashions in political correctness were a prelude to general censorship (even of the Internet) and today’s in-your-face globally cordinated totalitarianism.
Stay tuned to DC public schools vax mandate! Very large proportion of African American parents and kids – the group with, by far, the lowest vax uptake in the US.
200 miles north in Newark NJ, with an even higher proportion of Af Americans and Af American owned small business; the population – en mass – close to ignored the Af American Mayor’s vax passport plan declared in Jan 2022. The mayor was feted nation-wide for his “leadership”; the citizenry ignored it (police -again high % of Af Americans – essentially said “not our job”). The plan was quietly rescinded six weeks later.
The “pandemic” experience in the US has been very different than in Euro,Anzus, Canada. I think a principle reason for that, certainly 2021 and forward, post vax rollout, has been the very low uptake among African Americans. I do not think any other group has made that sort of, call it, statement anywhere else. (Thank you.) In New York City there was a highly publicized episode where dozens of police escorted an Af American family (including a sobbing 8 yr old girl) who had refused to show their papers out of an iconic NYC museum. There were no further such episodes; the NYC vax passport plan was dropped a month or two later.
That is what I and many others have been fearing, that the fake vaccine for the fake virus would be made mandatory for kids to go to school. I don’t know of any bigger news than that. To me, that trumps everything. That is showdown territory right there. Anyone know when they made this public in D.C.?
Another shadowy presence oozes into view. The District of Columbia Department of Public Schools presents the single tablet from Mount Covid which repeats the dreary mantra that never changes about the New Path To Salvation and manifests such telling absolutes as this:
“….and we know that childhood immunizations are critical to keeping our community safe.”
Previously “God commands that ….” Then “We know that ….” and now a step further: “…and we know that ….” i.e. the absolute sneaked in as casual nod that doesn’t need to be emphasised since, you know, it’s so obviously true!
Lawrence Fox fingered as an actor, traitor and shill
How To Spot A Fakestream Media PSYOP Part 2 / Hugo Talks
Enormous Satanic shrine for families opens in Cornwall:
The Lost Gardens Of Satan / Saturn Hugo Talks
This was funny. Hugo can be a bit shit but even he was like “eh?”
All that “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) do is use advertising and marketing campaigns so magically and powerfully aimed to penetrate the collective consciousness where the minds of the masses/the slaves/the peasants/the Robots CONSENT to their own DEMISE where MEDICAL MISHIEF is seen as “for the greater good” and “life saving” where people don’t even think twice. Just happily and willingly lining up to be a pin cushion for government sanctioned poison. This place is so inverted and backwards where it seems that humans are constantly being genetically modified, locked in a mutant matrix. Please, stop playing along with “THEIR” games/schemes/tricks/scams. It’s all a scam and once you realize that, the solutions to the crisis are not going to arise from the level of consciousness at which they are currently being generated.
It’s almost comical in the UK; when are we all going to wake up?! The energy companies and rising costs and the cost of petrol etc with no end in sight apart from further rises in october. The small amount of money offered by the then government, will the new Prime minister still implement it. Then it comes out in the press how well British Gas are doing and making huge profits alongside BP who have managed to profit in millions just in the last quarter, they brag their highest profit they’ve made in 14 years. Are we all really going to just stand there and keep taking it; the war on the people? I came across one compaign recently ‘don’t pay’ on the internet. suggesting if a million in the uk cancel their direct debits for october and refuse to pay the stupid amount of money asked for energy maybe the uk gov will listen. Have the gov in china, particularly Shanghai listened to their residents, and their cries for help and the on going inhumane abuse? no. perhaps there really is something in the water, or the chemtrails , thr continued propaganda thrusted down our throats each day that has turned us to fearful sheep. Divided and conquered and alone. Bring us all a higher love eh? stand together in unity. Best wishes to you all
Nationalise all energy companies.
Dumb idea. State-owned energy companies are the most overstaffed and mismanaged around.
Enjoy your 4 grand energy bill.
That solar system that you were told would ROI in 15 years, 5 years ago, just ROI’d
Sadly, the liars that be said you should do solar “to save the planet” NOT save yourself from a 4k fuel bill.
Do you think the take up would have been different, if this important piece of information had been included?
Enjoy your Marxist delusions of nationalized industry.
Soviet Bolshevik Bankster Rothschild Israel did 9/11. This has been proven, and yes there is more to it than just that, like their minions in the US Government such as the Neocons and traitors Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld and all those criminal scumbags, but make no mistake, Soviet Israel was a main player in this terrorist event. Here’s a clip of one of the in the know players, former Israeli PM Ehud Barack, who just happened to be in London on the day, ready to deliver the entire fictional official narrative for the first time. This is a very interesting clip. Note the first sentence, where another common Israel did 9/11 theme becomes a reality – they say that the intel on Osama Bin Laden bringing down the entire US military was coming from Israel. Lots of fake intel came out of Israel following this, in order to start the ensuing Middle Eastern wars which were all for the benefit of Soviet Israel, like the fake storyline that 911 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi officials in the Czech Republic to obtain the Anthrax used in the US anthrax attacks. Complete bullshit, rumours spread by “Israeli intelligence”. All part of their central role in this horrendous event which basically ruined the free world. And now after years of this terrorist crap, we have medical and economic terrorism, and guess which country is right at the centre of that as well. As Brendon O Connell says, get ready for your Israeli food rationing app on your dumb phone, like they have piloted in Iran, which they control but pretend they are enemies. Further links below all confirming the same thing. Yet here we are, 20 years on, and still we have nothing but silence on this most important topic.
Ehud Barak September 11 interview London UK 2001
Absolute must watch 911 truth documentary containing extensive evidence that Israel played a central role in the attacks including full details of the anthrax attacks.
War by Deception
Extensive resource proving more of the same, Chris Bollyn did more than anyone to untangle this web and lay out the evidence.
None of this implicates the regular people of Israel who are clearly victims of these monsters, as we have witnessed during convid. Israel is a Soviet Bolshevik Russian client state and has been from day one. Every PM they ever had heralds from the former Soviet Union. The first PM of Israel boldly stated “I am a Bolshevik”. This is the grim reality of what it truly is. It is up to “we the people” – Jews, Christians, Muslims, Catholics and all of God’s children to call these criminals out LOUDLY and stop belieiving in their scams and their treasonous leadership. Theyre all scum and we need to get rid of them – first step is to stop dancing to their tune by rightly assuming that everything that comes out of the treasonous media is a lie or a distraction or part of an agenda, which it nearly always is.
Here is an example of the scum UK media deceiving the public, playing the dialectic, as presented by Hugo Talks, who continues to make interesting observations of what is happening, mainly UK focused. He’s not organising or lobbying the military so he doesn’t pass the Brendon O Connell test of a true freedom fighter, but he’s doing lots to wake people up which is an important part of the process. In another link which I will also post, Anna De Buisseret who is former military says she is lobbying and working with people from military to counter this. Ultimately they are some of the only people who can do anything about this, but we see a lot of treason coming from that direction such as 77th Brigade, and playing a key role in the treasonous convid scam, jabbing people with the BIOWEAPOIN convid jabs etc. We will see, but let’s remain hopeful that they decide to act on behalf of the people who fund them and who brought them into this world, as opposed to working for the people who are destroying our way of life and replacing it with Communist Fascist Technocratoic tyranny.
This clip has so much 77th Brigade activity in the comments which made me want to share it more, giving weight to Hugo being right in his assessment fingering Lawrence Fox as an actor in this event.
How To Spot A Fakestream Media PSYOP Part 2 / Hugo Talks
Right, I remember the 5 dancing Israelis very well partying & holding lighters in the air as the towers fell!
They were probably just celebrating a bar mitzvah.
Hey, it was a joke. Don’t Mossad agents in NYC celebrate bar mitzvahs?
Possibly they do if they have family or friends in the area.
But I’m pretty sure that to become a Mossad agent, one has to be a full-fledged “made man” in the first place. 😉
I said CIA as i watched it happen
Nope. Mossad false flag.
Well, you can’t pin the preplanned scuttling of the Titanic on the Rothies. It was JP Morgan who carried out that insurance scam.
Morgan was a Rothschild operative.