12 Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 19

Well it’s Monday again and, for now at least, that means more memes. Yes, Meme Mondays two weeks in a row! Isn’t that a treat?
Don’t get used to it. You just know there’s an unhealthy dose of reality out there ready to ruin the fun sometime soon.
Some of you may have noticed current thing changed this week.
Nancy pulling some serious double-Gs (I stole that joke).
Seriously, it’s just all the universities and politicians and mega businesses are somehow in the minority.
He makes a good point.
It’ll cure what ails ya.
No wonder they’re worried about monkeypox. It all makes sense now.
These are the same people who did the Covid modelling, aren’t they?
Now with the new “unfalsifiable hypothesis” attachment!
It was meat. And cold showers. And stress. Honest.
Yes, I’m not in a car right now, but other people are. Don’t be selfish.
I got no syringe to hold me down…

In honour of Alex Jones telling it how it is.

We all know it’s true.
BONUS – From the comments
Every edition from now we’ll pick a few of favourite comment memes from last week and feature them here.

It’s sweeping the world.

Being cynical is contagious.

And finally…
Shor’s bones, and senile man in Falkreath…
Ok, so it’s not technically a meme, but still it was too good not to share.
Credit to The Silent Memejority and Sal the Agorist for some of these, and thanks to the people who sent others in.
A question for our readers: The old format was Meme Mondays every two weeks, and 15-25 entries a time. Did you prefer that, or would more frequent posting with fewer memes each time be your preference? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll see which side wins.
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‘Would prefer more frequent posting with fewer memes each time.
Well that didn’t work. Thought I read the instructions to post a pic well. 😳
Since the “Teach a man how to fish…” concept didn’t work out, I beg your humble acceptance of this fish 😉 :
Thanks so much. 🙂
Every two weeks; we’re still laughing from last week’s!! Hhaaahha. CHEERs! And THANK YOU! 🙂 <3
Weekly but not too weakly
I think it’s as important to keep the laughter up as it is to know what is happening, live love and laugh every day, but keep your eye on the ball… always.
maybe if cartoonists saw women/browner people.
also: seatbelts/sunglasses don’t work as analogy, so fall flat.
‘Former’ would be fine. And quality, not quantity. Didn’t seem as good today. Apologies if it’s just me in Grumpy Old Woman mode.
That would be the rich privileged one then.
The more memes the better!
not if they’re senseless.
My dad was often beset by stomach troubles. He got a couple of drug prescriptions for his troubles from a medical doctor…Each visit to ‘his doctor’ gained him more prescriptions…
My dad eventaully was taking 20-30 pills for his breakfast…There were “This goes with this, this goes with that” pills, and others to counter the ‘side effects’ of other pills…I’m certain my dad didnt die from Natural Causes.. Dad was cremated… I’m a supporter of dead bodies being turned into liquid fertiliser…Liquified, dad may have been too toxic, may have become a liquid plant killer…
I’m about meme’d out.
Truth be known, Hollywood is just a big cartoon factory: fictional, two dimensional, and vapid.
that’s a good one. also for palestine.
I always prefer REALITY…
it was a crock of merde from the beginning
To answer your question: adults are the biggest market for comic books…The cartoons in “news” papers are for adults…A picture tells a lot of words…The visual memory is more powerful than…”How to Read Donald Duck” (By Dorfman & Mattelart.1971) recorded how very effective the CIA et al was in getting their anti-Allende Chilean Govt message was in influencing the masses…
My mob may not read any of the “anti-vax” posts i send them – but they cant resist checking out any cartoon sent…
I think that says “Yes” !
I am absolutely thrilled to see one of my cartoons included in this Off-Guardian feature that I love. Thank you!
Every week please.
every week please! I can hardly survive for a week without an Off-Guardian Booster!
Fewer more often, please!
NOT on my 2022 bingo card: Daily Kos becoming relevant again!
This is pretty OT isn’t it.
The first two memes are about Ukraine, Taiwan and Pelosi; and there is another referencing Ukraine. In what way is my post “off topic”?
Based like/dislike counts
They seem to like it at Daily Kos!
It doesn’t have a single ounce of humor in it. I would explain the point of a meme, but unfortunately it seems you’ve experienced too much memery loss.
It’s funny because it’s true!
Go on, give it a go!
😂 😂 a fentanyl reaction or exposure LOL just another c19 side effect.
Michigan officer details harrowing moment he collapsed from fentanyl exposure.
covid-19 vaccination side effects..? nope.
Fentanyl overdose deaths claiming thousands of American lives; what is behind the rise?
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f923.svg https://www.foxnews.com/us/fentanyl-overdose-deaths-claiming-thousands-american-lives-what-behind-rise
Come on man…theater at its best. I mean which retard in their right mind goes into the middle of a war zone if it ain’t fucking theater in the first place.
What now for the Tankies?
Ah bless
Tank Losses in Ukraine Raise Strategic Questions for Russia
I think there’s definitely some memic potential in the idea of Tankies going through an identity crisis. For instance:
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Vulnerability is Strength
‘Jessica Fletcher’ is brought in to investigate…
“Nothing to do with the jab – they promise” (video: 1.49 mins), at:
It’s funny because it’s true! 😎
Best “Murder She Wrote” ever ! At least ’til the next bestest ever !!
Ohio medical student dies during 102-mile bike ride for cancer research
Dakota medical student suddenly dies of cancer during athletes collapse research
Number 4 was first articulated (AFAIK) by a song on an old 78 record from the 1940s called “Civilization”.
I’m a bit behind the curve when it comes to #12. The right wing conspiracists seem obsessed with sex, its their ‘go to’ for anyone that expressed unfavorable views that they can’t counter. This has been bubbling just under the surface for years (my first impressions of the US were formed by the McMartin Preschool Saga, a long running legal case that started in the mid 1980s that presaged the DC pizza parlor insanity of more recent times (it even spread to the UK). I’d guess it was an expression of a current that’s always been flowing through US society but it found a ready expression in the Regan era resurge in prudity (a tine when it seemed OK for well off whites to stuff their noses full of coke but Heaven help any black caught with a nodule of crack).
I no longer trust the designations “right wing” or “conspiracists”. They have both become noises like a fart cushion signifying “Ooh bad guy! Evil! Watch out!” Meanwhile “Left” seems a saintly thing now – which I feel extremely suspicious of because I always considered myself “Left” and when the unavoidable media bastards everywhere start to adopt your song, you should start worrying.
Until we can all agree there is just one party, this bus is never going to leave.
Political reaction is on the move…It found a way of expressing itself by linking “monkeypox” with “men who have sex with men”…It gives a lot of attention to drag queens reading “fairy tales” to the young…If Mary Whitehouse was active today she’d be called a Feminist…
Number 4 was first articulated (AFAIK) by a song on an old 78 record from the 1940s called “Civilization”.
I’m a bit behind the curve when it comes to #12. The right wing conspiracists seem obsessed with sex, its their ‘go to’ for anyone that expressed unfavorable views that they can’t counter. This has been bubbling just under the surface for years (my first impressions of the US were formed by the McMartin Preschool Saga, a long running legal case that started in the mid 1980s that presaged the DC pizza parlor insanity of more recent times (it even spread to the UK). I’d guess it was an expression of a current that’s always been flowing through US society but it found a ready expression in the Regan era resurge in prudity (a tine when it seemed OK for well off whites to stuff their noses full of coke but Heaven help any black caught with a nodule of crack).
I see that like me, you are suffering from repeated insertions. (“Ooh matron!”)
N M E or NM Ah ?
It seems that number 6 display the usual delusion of the herds of MMS/3i’s…
Just because we return to the origin doesn’t mean we stop being MMS/3i’s!

It should end with the chimp devolving to sludge to be recycled in supermarket cans.
I’ve made this on back in Jan 2021!
No sludge but can also be recycled…
#10 is fantastic. It almost makes the memes worthwhile.
I would argue that memes work best on small, easily identified issues (like mask wearing).
The climate memes just don’t work – and that has nothing to do with whether there’s something to “climate change” or not: it’s just too big of a topic to fit within the parameters of a meme. Although the sunglasses meme is cute.
But “climate change” is a meme.
False dichotomy alert!
Fake binary, innit.
Meme Mondays weekly seems cool. I liked the format above.
The “I Support the Current Thing” Psyop.
I Support The Current Thing refers to a catchphrase often paired with the NPC Wojak character . . . The earliest known posting of the NPC Wojak badge made with the catchphrase “I support the current thing” was tweeted by Twitter[1] user empty_banks on March 1st, 2022 . . . On March 14th, 2022, Tesla CEO Elon Musk reposted the image (shown below) to his Twitter,[6] earning roughly 379,500 likes in 24 hours.
Thanks for finally providing background for this ubiquitous image. I figured it was a creation of some cartoonist that became a generic style.
Apparently the original creator isn’t known, but at least now I know about the “Wojak character”. 🙏
I thought ‘the current thing” was what prison wardens call the ‘lectric chair…
I thought it was an English condiment!
Every Friday would be a great start of the weekend.
I’d like to start my weekend on Wednesday myself
End “memes” now.
Is it just me or is the girl on the left the same as the girl on the right. If so, excellent satire on a consumer culture. Not to mention the voting system.
It’s just you. Put your glasses on.
Great advice from a guy called Blind Gill.
I’ve never heard them called “downvotes” before ! Are you gay ?
Your Swiss Army knife is missing the ‘pandemic’ blade. It’s the one all the cool oligarchs are using.
P.S. At this time of year I’d recommend considering the idea that sunglasses contribute to skin cancer (the brain is tricked and doesn’t raise its defenses against strong sun).
Sunglasses contribute to skin cancer, whereas suncream actively causes it I would suggest. Why put a shirt and hat on when you can cover yourself in chemicals that you have no idea about though? Trust the science.
That word term is not political correct any more.
Meme us up Scotty !
We all remember Event 201 and how the tabletop exercise ended up becoming a fake pandemic.
Well, the CNA held a tabletop of their own in 2015: Food Chain Reaction-A Global Food Security Game.
Any of this sound familiar:
The “game” takes place between the years 2020-2030; right in line with the UN agenda 2030.
Food prices are currently skyrocketing. Some people aren’t noticing because they are stealthily reducing the amount they put in the package while still selling it at the same price.
Supply swings are in play as well. They’ve had a lot of sales lately, especially Amazon. It makes no sense after the past 2 years of artificial economic destruction. They’re getting rid of inventory and it may not come back.
Rapid urbanization is where they want you in apartments because they’re easy to lockdown. Home prices are being artificially raised everywhere with corporations doing the buying when people can’t afford them.
The weather is manipulated. Michio Kaku described how they use lasers to do so on a 2012 CBS morning show, and they’re using them routinely now.
Social unrest is being artificially driven by governments and tyrants everywhere, with numerous attempts to get the people into mass protests.
The paper is basically an admission of guilt, just like Event 201.
How very interesting.
It’s not a meme but can anybody confirm if this is Klaus Schwab in his beachwear?
A caption contest may well result in a few memes from this.
That Matt Hangcock not Klaus Schwab…
Klaus Schwab on his way to meet hunter biden
I reckon that’s Schwab midway through transforming into one of Icke’s reptiles.
Please, God, let me unsee that…
I kenz konfurm.
Oh fuck it’s Blofeld where’s his cat.
Where’s Liebergs phoney shark
when you need the damn thing.
I assume the cat is tucked away inside that doily-like codpiece– nibbling on the cod, perhaps! 😎
Even if he is, the man still has a right to privacy and doing whatever the fuck he likes.
So long it not infringes on mine.
I not need shots from the mans private life. His public Dr. Evil presence is comedic enough by itself.
Don’t get shots from his private labs either
Nope, he’s not entitled to privacy when he is determined to remove everyone else’s.
It isn’t – it’s another guy with the same surname who lives in Florida – he’s a famous local who does this all the time with many erm shall we say exotic outfits