Covid, Ukraine & the real “enemy”: an open letter to Vanessa Beeley

Journalist Vanessa Beeley wrote this today on her Telegram channel
“When are people going to realise we all face one enemy and that there is no time for “neutrality”? There is no time for division over the concepts created by the enemy to divide and distract. Focus on the enemy”
This is my response…
Dear Vanessa,
You became a dear friend during the two initial years of “covid” insanity, so I think – in fact I know – we completely agree about the need to face the common enemy in unity and not allow ourselves to be distracted.
But the question for me right now is – who is the “enemy”? Where are they? What are they?
Since 9/11 the neocons, the empire and their policies of endless war has been a major thing to be opposed and you have done great and courageous work in opposing them and revealing their crimes, for which you have never received due credit. I know what you have been through and nothing I say is intended to minimise that.
But I think 2020 showed us that denouncing the empire is no longer enough. The “enemy” is changing, evolving and we need to change and evolve as well.
We all know the “pandemic” was meant to be the launch pad for the New Normal. It was intended to be the moment literally everything in our geopolitical landscape changed permanently. They said so, repeatedly.
This wasn’t just a slogan – they meant it. They still mean it.
Yes grassroots resistance over the last two years has slowed that down, thankfully, but it hasn’t stopped. It’s pushing on, relentlessly, easing us into the Brave New World by inches every day.
We already know what that world is – it’s globalism, neo-feudalism, bug-burgers, travel only for the wealthy, eco-tyranny, bio-surveillance, UBI, CBDC, permanent pandemics.
And quite possibly permanent wars.
But not the old imperial wars. Globalism doesn’t seem to need the US or it’s empire any more, and in fact seems to be busy trying to pull the plug and sink it. Sure it might preserve the tattered remains for a while as a handy conduit for justifiable rage, and those remains are still vicious and ugly, but the true power center looks to have already moved elsewhere.
Maybe some time ago. Longer ago than any of us realise.
New globalism’s new schtick is “multipolarity”. The WEF talks about it. A federation of “free” and “independent” states with an economic focus in the East.
But of course all those “independent” states will run the same anti-human policies.
In fact – they already are.
This is the shocking fact that the “pandemic” , perhaps inadvertently, made so clear. That, already, there is a degree of lockstep conformity among world-leaders we had heretofore thought to be impossible.
Was it a new thing, or just newly exposed? It doesn’t really matter – the important thing is – we all saw it.
We saw China initiate the “covid” scam, then the US, Europe, Canada and Australasia pick it up instantly and Russia, Iran soon after.
We saw them, and see them still, working together to promote the same lies, the same fear and the same evil, forcing the same toxic sludge into their respective populations, promoting the same anti-human agenda. Cricket flour in the shops. CBDCs and QR codes.
We can’t un-see this and we mustn’t. Seeing it and being aware is our only hope. We glimpsed behind the curtain before they snatched it closed again. We saw the evolving truth.
The belief we all had that Russia or China were hold-outs against the “enemy” is simply not a reality any more. Either things have changed or it was always an illusion.
Either way – it’s gone.
They are not on the side of humanity any more than any other oligarchy is. They are not pushing back. They do not stand for a better world. They stand for the NN, or their version of it, which seems to differ very little.
We NEED to see this, accept it, adjust our paradigm and face the enemy in its new “multipolar” guise.
I think what you interpret as “neutrality” in some of your colleagues is that adjustment of focus.
I suggest the war in Syria was/is the last of the true imperial wars and the war in Ukraine is the first of the new kind of war, whatever that turns out to mean.
The first truly Orwellian war perhaps, waged, as he describes in 1984, not by one power block against another, but by the “elites”, united by mutual interest, against the rest of us.
A continuation of “covid” by other means.
After all we can’t deny this war launched at a very opportune moment for the NN didn’t it, and has helped promote a lot of the same agenda, as well as created a MASSIVE distraction from the most important lesson “covid” taught us.
The common purpose of those who think they rule us.
To answer the question I posed at the start –
I think the enemy is the anti-human agenda that the war and “covid” are helping to promote.
I think creating (fake) binaries is a part of the process.
I think this enemy wants us taking sides, often meaningless sides, and swapping outrage narratives because that stops us focusing on it and its agenda.
But, while I might decline to pick which set of Agenda 2030-promoting cynical murderous liars to support — I think I, and Off-Guardian, are anything but neutral.
I’m interested to hear your opinion on this. In fact I hope we can start a wider dialogue involving others too.
Because how we move on from this point may be crucial to how successfully we can resist the nightmare future our beloved leaders have planned for us.
in solidarity
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Thank you Catte, this is excellent. I agree wholeheartedly. Right from the start of this insanity I knew, as many others did, that the dagger piercing us is not into our brain, the intellect, but into our heart, our humanity. It has been a deceiving thrust, as most seem to think we can “fix” all this with changing government, winning lawsuits, lifting mandates. Yes, all that must be done but it will come as a result after healing our hearts and stopping the assault on our humanity.
I will also add that this news source, Off-Guardian, and its readers lead the way toward the healing of the heart, as a source of information and a resulting community of like minded, wounded souls, coming together in truth. Thank you.
Good points…one does wonder why CCP & Russia are peddling the same covid lies…possible their “intelligentsia” are hoodwinked or in bed w big pharma crooks too…also, pos like “wars” it’s good for increased power of the local elites domestically …& they need that as are being seriously forked by the “wests financial mafia & all their vassals” ….The answer in my view is very simple… the “enemy” is any regime that does not honour “The Universal Declaration of Human rights” which BYTW they have all solemnly pledged to uphold…AND, with particular emphasis on prosecuting the corrupt cabals in “our own” Anglo Govt’s ..which seems clear is where the lions share of the “trouble” is coming from…I suggest debate- civil “joint actions”/prosecutions against fraudulent Media & businesses et al…eg Reiner Fuellmich matter…I think.groups of us have got to get together & get them in the dock…let the lawyers show the frauds & crimes…they are obvious… It’s the only way I see to break the “Propaganda cycle”.
Well put. I agree with the insights.
Excellent intervention, Catte; contrary to all reasonable expectations, OffGuardian – a forum consisting, as recenty as five or six years ago, of people of a mentality that had permitted them to be regular, even if critical, readers of a “newspaper” that was even back then perhaps the most representative organ of a nascent globalist neo-tyranny – has now outstripped alternative media sources three or five or ten times its age as the place to go for genuinely new, genuinely strategically promising insights and ideas;
In the specific context of this “open letter” the comparison with the much older UK Column is especially instructive: It has been positively heartbreaking to watch its associates, with their heroic track records on many issues in the course of the past twenty years, slip so rapidly into confusion – slip, indeed, in Beely’s UK Column colleague Ian Davis’s case, right over into unwitting or unwitting “collaborationism” – in the course of the last year;
How is it even possible that people are not struck into at least a brief moment of clarity by the resemblance between this indeed “very opportune” war in Ukraine and the ringcraft of a master boxer in his prime:
It’s the old “one two”: “culture warriors” like the UK Column, James Delingpole and the Ickes brought their gloves up resolutely and skilfully to protect their heads from the intelligence-stunning right-fist jabs of the COVID hoax – and it was a fine and stirring thing to see them do it, because so very very few others were:
But this left their solar plexuses exposed to the equally vicious body-punch of the “Putin’s invaded Ukraine” lie and now every one of them is down on the canvas – while believing themselves, and being believed by many, to be still on their feet – pushing “real-time” troop-movement charts to their respective audiences that are about as “real” as the video game footage used to call into existence “the Ghost of Kyiv” or the famous “wards full of COVID-infected children on respirators” reported on an almost weekly basis on the BBC and in the Daily Mail during those terrible years when the bodies were visibly piling up in unburied heaps on every street corner;
Without wanting to sow or encourage strife where I sincerely hope there really isn’t any, let me nonetheless urge OffGuardian to press on resolutely and unrelentingly down this road now that – after what, I think, must be admitted was a little “leftist nostalgia”-fuelled wavering – it’s finally set off down it;
I’m sure that in the comment box for this article there will be a lot of the predictable “oh please, don’t follow the Alex Jones of the world down that rabbithole” wailing and lamenting; “The Ukraine war is being exploited and unnecessariy prolonged by the globalists and the ‘American empire’;” the old leftists will say; “but it surely wasn’t invented out of nothing by them”: But no, it was: This is indeed the one almost surreally terrible but sadly single true and crucial point here: it was: Exactly the same needs to be said here as Catte – or was it Kit Knightly? – said in one of the best brief pieces ever published in OffGuardian a couple of years ago: “COVID” was not “exploited”, it was not “exaggerated”, it was completely made up from scratch and sold to a pulp-brained populace through a media blitz unprecedented in human history:
The very same is true of “the war in Ukraine”: the “military confrontation” between the huge Russian war machine and the heroic little nation of Ukraine is not being “twisted in a pro-Kiev way” by Western media; it is not being “drawn out longer than necessary” by a “Western military-industrial complex”: It does not exist: No one is confronting anyone militarily (except maybe in the Dombass region, where a relatively low-level secessionist conflict has been going on for a decade and more)
NEVER, I beg you OffGuardianers, let yourself be “talked down” from this (indeed “oh come off it, that’s real tinfoil-hat stuff right there” but for all that nonetheless entirely true and correct) position by any nostalgist for the old familiar “American Empire” narrative in your “comment” columns or, as I fear, on your own editorial board:
As Catte has so well put it, “the enemy has changed” these past few years: The change has indeed been so mind-boggling as to strain credibility: But we must credit it, and change ourselves – on the pain of ending up sitting beside Noam Chomsky and calling for the herding of the unvaccinated into concentratin camps:
“Unwitting collaborationism?” With what?
lol after 2.5 years you haven’t worked this out? wow
If you read the article you’d know she answers the question
The number one enemy is the general public! PERIOD! Who votes for these people despite knowing they’re evil? Who falls for every fake terror event? Who falls for pandemics so weak a mouse on its death bed could knock it out? As George Carlin once said “the public sucks” and they really do.
The public is the enemy of the public?
Well, there is some of that. The problem I see is that it’s so difficult to us to recognise that people can be easily manipulated to act against theirs and others’ best interests.
For example, in many places it was the regular people in the street enforcing the use of masks and social distancing rules even though they made no sense whatsoever and they never needed one shred of evidence for their effectiveness.
The people frantically testing themselves to oblivion and keenly queuing up for injections were never really forced to do so.
I see most people today meekly and merrily queuing outside different venues like restaurants and theatres, ready with their smartphones in hand to check in.
Most people do everything through apps on their phones. And they pay for all of that, hence no one is forcing them to do so.
I’m finding it increasingly frustrating to do things online because I refuse to ‘download the latest app and enable the QR code reader on my phone for everything.
So we either believe that a human being is no more than a worker bee with no freewill but controlled by a central brain; or the enemy is within and only needs to be awaken.
I could get into a more theological explanation but this comment would become a little heavy.
Yes, the sheeple are enemy of the public, and as cowards and pocket thieves they cant stand alone. They need a crowd to feel comfortable in, someone are like me.
Whether they are drowning, jumping from 12’th floor, or running to get all the booster jabs, they will try to crucify any saviour, fireman, police officer who try to help them.
Havent you noticed that during the virus circus?
As I stated Fact number one is there wasn’t any Covid virus because it doesn’t exist but plays a key part in the fearful and ignorant to take the vaccines which most don’t even investigate what exactly is inside the vaccines but that’s another Fact for later There is no scientific evidence or documentation ever on the finding of a Covid virus absolutely none
Davos globalists simply want to possess the whole world, to own it.
They are the most dangerous of all criminals because they are violently anti-life.
Their interest is not in life itself but only in their own power.
They are power-hungry, power-mad.
They are maniacs, they are destructive.
The moment you possess something that is alive, you will kill it, because the moment something becomes a property it is no more alive.
Politician the world over are psychologically sick, and psychological sickness tends to become spiritual sickness when it becomes too much, when the psyche cannot hold it any more.
So what is the sickness?
The sickness is the inferiority complex.
Anybody who is interested in power is suffering from an inferiority complex; deep down they feel themselves worthless, inferior to others.
Inferiority creates ambition, because ambition simply means an effort to prove yourself superior.
There is no other meaning to ambition but an effort to prove yourself superior.
But why make an effort to prove yourself superior unless you are suffering from inferiority?
Klaus Schwab and all of his Davos eugenicists are sick anti-life war criminals and psychopaths.
They have lost all their humanity.
They have lost their souls.
They are no longer human beings.
And they are now slowly drowning the world in their retarded delusions.
As we are all having to live though their imposed Marxist reset agenda.
And this is affecting the whole of humanity.
A very poisonous idea has now entered into the human mind, that life is a struggle, that one has to fight, that it is a struggle to survive, that everybody is your enemy.
Treat everybody as your enemy and beware.
Everybody is going to destroy you.
So before somebody else destroys you, it is better that you should jump on them.
The politician has always been dangerous.
The politician is the most insane person possible.
But they have never been so powerful.
They have been always psychotic but this time the mad politicians have nuclear weapons.
Hope has become hopeless.
There seems to be no way out of it.
This creates sadness and depression.
You can struggle, but everything is futile, a wastage, no one achieves anything.
This has happened not because humanity is not capable of victory.
This has happened because the base of the struggle is wrong, the whole effort of the struggle is wrong.
Because you are only fighting with yourself.
How can you win?
Everybody has their own politician in them.
The politician means the desire to dominate, the desire to be number one.
The politician means ambition, the ambitious mind – ego.
Remember: If you want to win, don’t try to win; if you want to be defeated, try to win.
All great statements are paradoxical.
Don’t fight with life.
If you fight, you will never win.
Why suffer because of others?
Why create other new problems?
Just to escape from your own problems?
Now all these politicians have confused you deeply..
They repeat constantly the oldest illusion that if you can change the politician it will change the society.
But nothing ever changes.
Politicians don’t understand anything at all!
Go beyond all politicians.
Not against them, beyond them.
The voice of your own inner politician is not your original voice.
Find out the witness.
Only then will you find out the true inner voice.
The inner voice will direct you.
Its directions will be absolutely different from what the politicians say, what the society says – absolutely different.
Remember, nobody can create your salvation.
It is your responsibility because it is you who have created your own enslavement, and it is only you who can drop it.
Relaxation is possible only when you don’t have any enemy within, only then can you relax.
How can you relax otherwise?
Relaxation is a state of no-mind where there is no enemy within, not even a trace.
We are coming dangerously closer and closer to the ultimate destruction of life on the earth.
Only a quantum leap of consciousness can save us, can save humanity.
I would boil it down to this: Mankind has turned planet into an ambulance, rather than a quiet receiving room…
And they are now slowly drowning the world in their retarded delusions.
As we are all having to live though their imposed Marxist reset agenda.
The only retard here is you! Want to play my anti communist bullet in the brain game that no anti communist gets right?!
This is it. The world we see reflects our own state of consciousness. Individual responsibility for sight (projection is perception) is key. The enemy is found in my own mind. We are entering an entirely new paradigm.This is the time Shamballah warriors are being called to action to shatter illusions of separation and death.
The perfect way to test out fake binary theories in practice. To see how those concepts tally with the real world:
Ukraine. The holiday of a lifetime (or the ‘holiday of a life’ at least 🤔 ).
You may even get lucky:
As always, best to brush up on the local lingo before you go. ‘Слава Росії’ (Slava Rossii) may get you into trouble in some places, though could prove a lifesaver in others. So use wisely.
And if you hear anything that sounds like a missile coming in then simply repeat the mantra “It’s all fake!” 3 times, click your heels twice and the missile should disappear. Or so the theory goes… 😎
Why do think the war is fake? And why do you think this is evidence for it? The war has been happening for 8 years.
I don’t believe it’s fake. That was the point. Maybe it was lost in translation without the verbal intonation.
There is no ”war” but as per RF declaration: ”Special operation” only.
Superb comparison of the first 6 months of ”war” now and the War with capital ”W” in 1941, when millions of Germans entered Russia and when Stalin was in charge of the state. [ Russian language only].
Shows things in the right proportion, viewed by an intelligent man.
The old retired Colonel [ I think this is his rank] Kvachkov has exquisite sense or irony and keen eye to discern things. For his keen eye which enabled him to see through the obvious charms and sweet glitter of Putinism he spent a few years behind bars.
When the “pandemic” began, Vladimir Kvachkov was one of the first people in Russia to speak openly of a depopulation agenda. I didn’t know he’d been jailed, but it’s hardly surprising.
Re: “in Russian only”.
There is an automatic translation function on that video, but the results are extremely poor.
Yes, attempted assassination of Anatoly Chubais, the mastermind of and the brain behind unprecedented robbery in broad daylight of the Soviet Russia dignity, heritage and wealth, managed from Washington, called Privatization, plunging millions in poverty, on which the Empire of Putinism and his thriving fat-cats aka colleagues had been erected.
Great heroic character, Colonel Kvachkov.
Great sense of language and Olympian in scale irony.
He certainly has a unique perspective. Putin as a clone of Krushchev (as opposed to Stalin) was quite amusing, as was sending all Azerbaijani immigrants to the front (if I understood him correctly)
The retreats from around Kiev after a month were certainly odd, and the devastation of the Donbass is plain for all to see. The Crimean aerodrome explosion also indicates that further damage can be done at any time (I would assume by Ukrainian saboteurs). Though whether that proves Russia is losing at the 6 month point, I’m not so sure.
Attributing the lack of military progress to the decline of the military academies was also an interesting point.
Try to listen to his extended satire on the Nouveau-Riche class of educated Russian robbers aka economists, a parasitic class of favs and babes of Anatoly Chubais+Egor Geidar and those who pulled strings behind them, Colonel Kvachkov is making between mins 5-8.
When they were shutting down military academies in Russia, business academies training this Nouveau-riche parasite crowd were booming.
Colonel Kvachkov has a solution what to do in order to salvage Russia from them and their greed.
It is so great a satire on them all.
Not for the first time, I wish I had learned Russian.
Further discussion of the New Normal multi-polarity, really like this author.
Myths of Exceptionalism, Perception Management & the Alchemy of Darkness [Pt.2]. Sebs Solomon, 8/7/22. you can go and see for yourself but I also sent documents to the manager of this humble site
Whenever I hear talk of enemies, and for as long as I’ve lived that’s been nearly nonstop, I often recall Simone Weil’s words:
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”
Or as Yossarian simply put it in Catch-22: “The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he’s on.”
I’m no fan of any idealism or mysticism which casts human conflict and complexity as some us-versus-them illusion we just jump out of or rise above to resolve matters by Oneness, Nothingness, Truth. The truth may set you free, in present context free from (manufactured) confusion of who or what the enemy is, but only then to face the burden of freedom in having to choose sides in wars waged every day upon people in the messy material conditions of the world. Even if there’s nirvana, there’s no neutrality, if only in terms of what values and virtues we live by, short of larger political commitments.
In that respect, I’m wondering less these days who my enemies are, and more who my allies are. It’s getting on three years of world war on humanity, and many people’s perception still appears stuck on the latest episode of the Trump show or other corporately sponsored spectacle. And among those who recognize any enemy behind the scenes, there seems little to no interest or imagination for organized resistance, and rattling the bars of digital cages with keyboard activism the only ‘opposition’. Occasional protests against particular aspects of the total(itarian) agenda occur, without much if any trace of enduring movement on the ground in assembling who and what’s necessary to fight the enemy within the gates. Some marginal moves off grid, however long that lasts. Generally, the new abnormal seems all too consistent with the old, with people pretty passionless about what’s going on beyond their screens, beyond just doing one’s job, beyond pursuing prescribed patterns of behavior in the Skinner boxes that pass for ‘our’ world.
I take it a sign of health that people prefer to live life simply, having no interest in being masters or monsters over others. For the better part of human evolution, we’ve been raised on simple needs satisfied and simple pleasures enjoyed, the original affluent society as Marshall Sahlins called it. Unfortunately, the way ‘civilization’ has tended to work is by having masters or monsters able to recruit masses of us to fight their wars precisely for this reason, preferring to simply go along with what these a-holes are getting us into, while uncooperative and unruly elements are disposed of. Fighting not just their continual military campaigns but their divide-and-conquer civil wars among us, while they keep laughing all the way from the temple treasury to the central bank. The whole criminal racket can’t help but make war its master metaphor.
If not wise to the cons, healthy preferences are perverted by practices of class war, having reached an insidious systemic level in the modern pyramid schemes of the industrial machine. It seems now is the endgame of civilization based on class rule, and all the ranks that brings us in the “war of all against all” (Hobbes), from which Leviathan ‘protects’ us. The “masters of mankind” (Smith) are after the perfect panopticon, the final final solution, to win the class war once and for all by biodigital slavery and transhumanist, post-human eugenics, employing multiply coordinated strategic means from the barrel of a gun to the end of a needle, covid to climate lockdowns or suicide to starvation, QR codes, digital IDs, CBDCs, ESGs, social credit scores to 5/6G IOT/IOB to EMFs and DEWS to the brain as a battlefield and full spectrum dominance of space…to roll out their great reset across their prison planet. It thus seems now or never that enough of us unlearn deeply entrenched habits of consent to the institutionalized violence of ‘our’ enlightened age of progress, and the death march of history.
“The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, “Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.” (Rousseau)
Though the apparatus or bureaucracy is inimical, its depredations are limited and unambitious. The principal enemy is the oligarchy.
You must approach each Fact you find that’s holds merit in the perception that’s logical based on Facts that’s under line everything know That being said Fact number one There is not a Covid virus I challenge anyone in this alone but there are many Facts but I see I have to take it slow
Compelling argument you make there 🙄 A2
The only change you have any power over,
Is the power to change yourself.
For the enemy perceived without
Is the enemy within.
“Bless you prison, bless you for being in my life. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Solzhenitsyn makes clear in Gulag Archipelago that some rare individuals maintained their serenity and peace in the face of brutal incarceration. Tested, these individuals were not found wanting.
Your comment is well said. We cannot mould events to our desires; nor should we seek to. Through inner work, we can transcend the noisy and debased mire of externality. Imagine a world comprised of individuals that know themselves, and have grown in love from this knowledge.
Solzhenitsyn also claims 66 million people were killed in the gulag! Impossible when only 18 million people entered the gulags between 1918-1960 and less than 4% of those would be considered political prisoners”! Weird how under communism anyone committing burglary gets a pass by cappies somehow and they are no longer criminals. Crimes only happen under capitalism supposedly.
He also said their was no such thing as an “hololodomor”! Said it’s a fairytale only westerners would fall for. So he does get one or two things right.
I think it’s inaccurate to flatten out or erase regional differences, and history and things like the colonial legacy of white supremacy and Nazism lingering in the globalists agenda I don’t think there is a united world oligarchy, only in so far that some maybe be using others, ie some oligarchs are clients/ puppets- the Globalists have a regional identity. The great reset is their baby, their attempt to cement hegemony in the wake of their dying empire. To destroy the competition and their populations.
What we are seeing even around the pandemic, this I believe does have a lot to do with daylight robbery and centralization of greater wealth and power in fewer hands, yes mass control-but also meaning different things in different places, and benefitting some few at the immense cost to others, causing the ‘ others’ to develop greater dependence on traditional colonial powers acting through the IMF etc. it’s obviously US centric, as the WHO is, as also the profits are. Follow the money, follow the policy.
It was not led by China, China was crippled, and maybe war gaming. They know the US has been illegally developing bioweapons, they know they are a target.
We know that both China and Russia have been slow to grasp or understand soft power tactics of US hegemony or simply had no options to retaliate or protest because of the threat posed by the US and the chaos it can wreak.
These are regions perpetually beleaguered by aggressive Western interests, who have only recently managed to rise from near destruction and utter economic catastrophe due to the stripping of their wealth by western and colonial intetests.
I think we will see a break soon too in the approach to pandemics. I don’t think Russia will ever adapt the way China is adapting. I don’t think these countries intend to impose their approaches on the world, or eachother despite supporting the WHO. There current participation, is political too, protection of intetests, especially on China’s part.
I don’t know how long the WHO will remain an organization Russia and China will remain in. They are carefully building an alternative to all Western centric global organizations. And trying to create greater equality In the UN.
Even though China is rising, I don’t think it sees itself as the natural heir as world hegemon, to US exceptionalism and international dominance. For now I think it’s clear that multipolarity is an alternative to the Globalists great reset.
Does that mean everything will be fair and power will no longer be abused? No. But it’s what’s happening.
But you must know China created the entire thing by claiming there was a unique disease when there was not, by faking up a bunch of “people dying in the street” videos, by instigating needless lockdowns. There was no new killer virus, no bio-weapon, they just lied. And then other governments took up the lie.
China didn’t create the dead people on the streets photos. Western news agencies made those. And China’s ruling party the CPC (anyone using the CCP moniker needs a slap) has many competing factions. The idea the Chinese just made this up is inaccurate. The WHO has more say on that than anyone.
And not a single one of those “competing factions” has exposed the lie or even questioned it publicly.
Extremely well written and informative for those who are in tune with realities. I think the two opposing deadly snakes is the most appropriate symbol of our true enemy. When I saw that symbol, I knew I had to read on. Interestingly it corresponds with Baphomet and Solve et Coagula, dissolve and reconstitute, or break up and rebuild (build back better). There are links to Covid itself where one doctor has identified links between snake venom and covid symptoms, interestingly blood clotting (coagulation). If you see an image of Baphomet there are two coiled snakes in his/her/its lap. Supposedly a symbol of balance but in reality a deception to blend everything that is unique, culture, gender, national identity, religion, diversity into a unified bland dystopian digitized communist system where the elite are in total control.
The twin serpents are also displayed entwined on the Caduceus…
Often used as a symbol of the Medical professions.
Two serpents. I missed it. Thought it was a mongoose and a cobra.
I think you are right, but anyway the twin serpents does symbolise ultimately the origins of our true enemy.
“Solidarity” Catte! You have to be joking – there is none!
Why has is it taken until now to ask for a “wider dialogue” and judging by the tone of your article you mean stuff on “resistance” to the ongoing agenda of the dark forces as opposed to simply “swapping outrage narratives”.
I have been asking the same old question myself as there has almost been a continuous repetition of those “narratives” with hardly any positive solutions proposed regarding the problems we are continuing to face.
I have made a few suggestions myself in a number of previous posts that go someway back regarding the common law and the common law court etc but they have usually fallen on deaf ears. I have since come to the conclusion that “swapping outrage narratives” as you put it, seem to be the preferred way of NOT dealing with the problem by most people who post here. I sincerely hope that I am WRONG and things buck-up soon before its too late, but I still have my doubts and misgivings.
Whist what I wrote and said, 17 months after 9/11, when I told everyone I knew, did no good to my continued employment prospects. Almost no one believed me – except one friend – a French Architect…I just showed him the evidence. Everyone else thought I was mad..
It had no negative effect on my Social Life, whatsoever.
covid, pretty much wasted it, and I didn’t even believe in it.. Only done 2 festivals camping this year.
i just used what I knew about psychology from reading books like from Martha Stout – “The Sociopath next Door
How can I convince, my wife and son (and now grandcildren) to not get jabbed? I can’t come on all strong – this is a depopulaion event – but might have done a bit.
They haven’t been jabbed, and we have another Grandchild on the way…hopefully in October if it all goes right..
so maybe I did something right., but I expect the coming winter to be incredibly tough. Exceedingly Cold, so we are preparing for that.
Been poor my whole life and have lived in the north east of England throughout multiple winters buying £25 gas a fortnight (at the time) and rarely using it for heating and got along just fine.
The war in the Ukraine is not a war at all. It’s a Sandy Hook style psyop on a larger scale. If you’re pushing this thing as real in any sense of the word you’re either not paying attention to the details (or lack of details) or you’re a limited hangout/controlled opposition agent. Offg has some good stuff but they have yet to weed out the controlled opposition shills that publish on here
Why do you think the war is fake? Do you mean no one is being killed?
Name these controlled opposition shills who breach the barrier oh wise one
Only three weeks into the ‘war’ I found the first photo of a russian soldier in Ukraine. All earlier pictures were either photoshop or you couldn’t locate the soldiers or weaponry. I spent many, many hours on this, just to figure out where the russian really were.
Is that because there weren’t russian soldiers in already ‘occupied’ places like Melitopol or Cherson, or was it because Ukraine and the West are censuring like a dictatorship?
One week before the ‘war’, back in February, I was still in Odessa. Nobody and nothing pointed to any war. Not on the beaches and port of Odessa, nor around the port of Chornomorsk. Apparently, Odessa was not in the script.
Last month I was in that ‘brakeaway’ region Transnistria. On July, 20th, it was 30 degrees, it hadn’t rained for a month, everybody was mandated to, again, wear a mask in supermarkets and public transport. So much about any alternative to our regime. There isn’t, we are all occupied by one oligarchy, one.
History for the “normies” stopped in 2020.
i understood that under the collective narcissistic fear of punishment was also the strong tendency to view the new crisis only in economic terms. The “Fear of Nature” meme relentlessly pursued augmented by the masking theatre. Through the lens of economics there is only money as the solution: Mammon worship.
Then, when viewing the same crisis through the lens of ecology, the answers become apparent.
“Humans are unable to run away from Nature, so what is the point in fearing Nature.”
In other words, “stop fearing one’s death.”
The other aspect of the Coronadoom behaviour that I found very surprising was the level of blind obedience and adherence to the coVid1984 doctrine. So many i knew said they believed the Doom was a prank, but willingly signed off on all the illegal mandates presented and became nasty over the question, “Did you ever think of disobeying?”
The answer, just as every individual has a sovereign immune system, is just disobey!
If a critical mass of people can independently act with the same resolve, not organized in the usual sense then there too many individuals to react to rather than an organization.
It’s the same approach as the early union organizers: when one is arrested giving their speech, another takes over, the process continuing no matter how many speakers are getting arrested and not illuminating any leaders.
“The enemy” — who exactly is “the enemy”? I tend to be wary of people telling me who I’m not supposed to like. Its common to quote Orwell at this point but people tend to forget that stories like “1984” were written to illustrate theories he’d already expounded for popular consumption, it didn’t just come out of thin air. Orwell was very perceptive but even he had absolutely no idea how his masterworks could be ‘adapted’ (‘interpreted’) by popular media to deliver a powerful message in support of the very things he was trying to warn about. (In the case of “1984”, for example, everyone’s seen one of the movies but relatively few have actually read the book).
I personally believe the biggest threat we face today is fascism. Its always been the offshoot of extreme conservatism but conservatives have usually had the decorum and common sense to keep it firmly under control. They pander to it, though, like any addictive substance its tempting because it delivers immediate results (in this case, support to bolster policies that are generally disfavored by a majority of people) telling themselves, like addicts from time immemorial, that they can always give it up any time they choose — just not now. The situation we’re in is straightforward enough — the current version of capitalism is working against ‘the people’, its making them systematically poorer, so there needs to be a way of selling these policies. (Changing them is obviously unthinkable.) The classic way to do this is ‘the enemy without’ followed by ‘the enemy within’ — we’re all in danger, we need to “Save America” (or whatever) and to do this needs extraordinary measures ‘for our own good’. The political takeover focuses on administrative and judicial compliance since once these are in the bag the executive can do what it likes, the legislative becoming irrelevant. Laws are made by decree, oversight is eliminated, enforcement is absolute (and dissent is definitely not tolerated). For the average citizen the choice becomes conform or face sanction and marginalization. In this environment a disciplined workforce delivers for, and protects the interests of, the elite.
We’re conditioned to equate ‘fascist’ with ‘Nazi’ because it obscures the fact that fascism has been alive and kicking all over the world since WW2. The worst of it comes and goes but it leaves a cowered and somewhat ineffectual population in its wake (a measure of ‘democracy’ is always tolerated provided ‘the people’ make the correct choices!). So you think it can’t happen here?
If you look at the trolling below it’s pretty clear that one of the pushes currently underway is to make people forget how much everything has changed since Jan 2020.
They launch the big change. They achieve a lot of it. They hit push back from the 99%. They pause. They initiate diversions and other attempts to make the New Normal seem just normal. They detail their scurrying army of sewer rats to flood the comments with lines like “Was the new normal really THAT different?” Or, “wasn’t it all just a distraction.” Trying to make people get amnesiac about pre-2020 when there were no QR code and no lockdowns and no mask mandates.
Once everyone has forgotten 2019 and has started thinking things were always like this they will start again – another big push to change everything. Each time inching closer to the total realization of the GR
madness clinically is related to amnesia; this correlation is very strong;
you erase from memory who you were before the madness took you over.
what is left is only a fractional residue of your old you and the New You Replacement you do not consider as new at all; your are re-integrated into your New You;
This is what they have dragged mankind through for the last few years;
They are now on vacation but when Autumn comes they will renew operating the asylum for people globally; the warning noises are now afoot in the air again everywhere I think.
MLS, I have hardly read this blog for 6 months, so I can’t comment re “at the trolling below ”
I have liked Vanessa Beeley, since around 2011. I got a reply from an American Author – I had bought and read her book. (possibly the most exciting book I have ever read -even better than Craig Murray’s ) and you don’t make stuff like this up…
I thought she would probably know what was going on in Syria.
Susan Lindauer replied to me. I was quite astonished to get a reply from her..but you should read her book
from wiki
“Arrest, incarceration and release
On March 11, 2004, Lindauer was arrested in Takoma Park, Maryland by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[3][17][18] She was taken to the FBI office in Baltimore. Outside of this office, she told WBAL-TV: “I’m an antiwar activist and I’m innocent. I did more to stop terrorism in this country than anybody else. I have done good things for this country. I worked to get weapons inspectors back to Iraq when everybody else said it was impossible.”[19][20] ”
She said, she was getting some feedback from girls on the ground in Syria.
I think I know who -maybe Beeley and Bartlet – as a former CIA Asset, she never mentioned any names,
Catte Black wrote this…
Whilst it scares the shit out of me,
Thank You,
It is not about liking or disliking VB.
It is about the claims she is making about the Muslim world and Muslims.
Do you remember her claims? Do you understand her claims? Do you know what she is saying? Do you know what claims someone sponsored by Russia can make about Islam? Do you know what is in the Russian manual about Islam?? This Russian manual, metodichka, also formats VB. Do you know history of Russia and Islam? Do you know who Asad is and what he does?
Who pays for all these claims?? She has no judgement of her own if she is mingling with Zakharova, she only toes the Russian MoFA party line for which she is rewarded.
You can listen, if you know Russian, to the most recent interview with Viatcheslav Matuzov. If you listen to it, you might think, does he train VB? Is he authoring the metoditchka for VB?? And when you listen to this Matuzov, who is former Russian MoFA for the Middle East, and apparently/allegedly playing for the opposite team, so if you listen to him, then you think, aha, Dick Cheney is now perfectly happy and content and he can rest assured, as all of them play one game and have one enemy.
So who sponsors what VB is saying?
Who formats her ”independent” content?
“A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”
From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare
Release date: Dec 19, 1979
Enemy? Erm…
Why would a Fox TV presenter and real estate investor suddenly become a leading propagandist for Belt & Road?
The problem with a massive propaganda campaign is that it creates a multiplicity of incongruous threads; and pulling on any one of them could leave the emperor standing butt-naked. However, it is the pattern formation which reveals the sheer enormity of the embarrassment.
Recent episodes of Redacted include:
Clayton Morris (born December 31, 1976[2]) is an American real estate investor and former television news anchor. He is also host of the Investing in Real Estate podcast along with YouTube channel Redacted. After co-hosting The Daily Buzz and Good Day Philadelphia on Fox’s WTXF-TV, he was a co-host of Fox & Friends Weekend on Fox News Channel from 2008 to 2017. . . .
In March 2019, investors filed more than two dozen lawsuits in Indiana and New Jersey, claiming that Morris was running a Ponzi scheme . . . An associate of Morris’s, Bert Whalen, would plead guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in 2022, though Morris has not been charged with a crime.[18]
In March 2020, Morris lost a $7.2 million copyright infringement lawsuit against HoltonWiseTV. The lawsuit, filed in federal court by Morris in October 2019, stemmed from HoltonWiseTV’s production of a three-hour documentary investigating the alleged involvement of Morris in various real estate scams.[19][20]
In May 2020, the state of Indiana filed a civil lawsuit against Clayton Morris, among others, for violating Indiana’s deceptive sales and home loan acts in real estate deals involving more than 150 properties in Marion County.[21]
What Putin and China just did to the WEF is a game changer
Redacted with Clayton Morris
Aug 7, 2022
Russia and China just solidified the most important partnership in modern world history. Their goal is to re-order the global power center away from global elites at the WEF. All of this as China prepares for the reunification of Taiwan.
Do people not consider that there might be a problem in referencing Scott Ritter as an authority?
BTW: The Great Reset (New World Order) contingent was opposed to the 2003 invasion of Iraq; hence Lawrence Wright describing 9/11 as a “lost opportunity” and Wesley Clark’s “seven countries in five years” statements.
William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) is a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and convicted sex offender. He served with the United Nations implementing arms control treaties, with General Norman Schwarzkopf in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq, overseeing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as a United Nations weapons inspector, from 1991 to 1998. He later became a critic of United States foreign policy in the Middle East.
During Desert Storm, he served as a ballistic missile advisor to General Norman Schwarzkopf. Ritter later worked as a security and military consultant for the Fox News network. Ritter also had “a long relationship […] of an official nature” with the UK’s foreign intelligence spy agency MI6 according to an interview he gave to Democracy Now! in 2003.[6]
Arrests and conviction for sex offences
Ritter was the subject in two law enforcement sting operations in 2001.[28] He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.[29][30] He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of “attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child”. The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.[30][31] After this information was made public in early 2003, Ritter said that the timing of the leak was politically motivated in order to silence his opposition to the Bush administration’s push toward war with Iraq.[29][30][32]
Ritter was arrested again in November 2009[33] over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.[2] Ritter said in his own testimony during the trial that he believed the other party was an adult acting out her fantasy.[34] The chat room had an ‘age 18 and above’ policy, which Ritter stated to the undercover officer.[2] The next month, Ritter waived his right to a preliminary hearing and was released on a $25,000 unsecured bail. Charges included “unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation”.[35] Ritter rejected a plea bargain and was found guilty of all but the criminal attempt count in a courtroom in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, on April 14, 2011.[2][36] In October 2011, he received a sentence of 1½ to 5½ years in prison.[37] He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014.[38][38][34][31]
Ukraine/Russia update – a conversation with Scott Ritter
Streamed live on Apr 13, 2022
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
Ukraine/Russia update – a conversation with Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer.
[starts discussing Ukraine @ 6:30]
It’s truly weird the way the most controlled sections of the alt media swarms with ex-Establishment figures giving us their insider dope and no one ever questions their reliability!
Scott Ritter – ‘ex’ UN, ‘ex’ Marine, let’s believe everything he says because his narrative at least appears to feed our alternative perspective. Don’t ask ourselves if he just might be an infiltrator, or a way of dumping some convenient misinfo on us, or a way if leading us up a garden path – NOOOOO. He’s the biz. Straight up.
It’s a confirmation bias process. We all fall for it to some extent, but the vast majority of people seem to look for somebody to trust – and they then switch off all critical thinking.
My problem with Ritter is is that he is only about 50% correct. But mainly the other 50% is him saying the mini conflict in ukraine would be over by now
Its quite normal for those who say the ‘wrong’ things to be regarded as suspicious and deviant. So, for the Wikipedia article you quote there’s about a five to one weighting in favor of overwhelming evidence of him being a perv of some sort compared to his knowledge of Iraq etc. as an insider. Julian Assange gets similar treatment — a lot of (successful) effort was spent painting him as a egotistical sexual deviant, a process I presume was designed to both undermine public sympathy for him and also destroy his character and reputation.
Personally, I don’t care that much about smear operations; they may be 100% bona fide but what’s important is not the messenger but the message. (Its such a hackneyed tactic that I’m surprised anyone still falls for it.)
Rather than being a straightforward example of attacking the messenger, I think it likely that there’s something else going on. That is, there was one oligarchical faction which wanted to direct the 9/11 project toward a “Great Reset” re-ordering of global politics (see Lawrence Wright video); and another which had regional interests (i.e. the middle-east). Both factions supported the 9/11 project, but they had different objectives.
With this scenario, Ritter was recruited by the Reset faction to play a controlled role (the weapons inspector who says there are no WMDs); and that recruitment would have involved exploiting a known character weakness. Under the rules which apply to oligarchical conflicts, the other faction is allowed to attack the character of Ritter. However, they are not allowed to call him out as being an intelligence asset. He could have been trapped in sting operations by either/both factions.
Lawrence Wright, “The End of October” (with Jane Mayer)
Streamed live on 14 May 2020
A long time New Yorker staff writer and the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Looming Towers, Wright is also a playwright and screenwriter, and he draws on his myriad skills for this deeply researched and gripping medical thriller. The action begins at an internment camp in Indonesia, where Dr. Henry Parsons has been sent by WHO to investigate a deadly outbreak of acute hemorrhagic fever. The situation quickly escalates when an infected man joins the Hajj to Mecca, and Parsons, working with a Saudi prince and doctor, has to find a way to quarantine millions of pilgrims even as he struggles to determine whether the disease is an act of biowarfare, as the deputy director of homeland security claims. Wright will be joined in conversation by Jane Mayer, chief Washington correspondent for The New Yorker.
My view: I think the key point (~13:15) is where Wright says “9/11 was a lost moment”. It explains the apparent inconsistency of the controlled Left; i.e. why they were against the Iraq war but also against 9/11 truth. Also, why they are now pushing Covid911.
Well said.
Smear campaigns are teenage girls losing an argument so they pull at heart strings/cocks tactics to win stuff! Very childish but as you say it does work.
I don’t understand the question. Had Jeffrey Dahmer warned against wars proxy wars, the world would have been a better place for heeding the warnings of a cannibal. That said, I wouldn’t rule out Ritter being railroaded by the Deep State.
As I suggest in the above post regrading 9/11, Ritter is suspect because he’s likely to be a controlled, intelligence asset; and it’s his character flaw which makes him controllable. A person who’s done something seriously dodgy in their recent past is not going to launch a campaign against the national security state. The FBI could, for instance, frame him with something and put him away for life. Therefore, if they appear to be going against the establishment, the reasonable conclusion is that they’ve been recruited to play a role in some form of theatrical psyop production.
In the years following 2003, I don’t remember any suggestion that there might be competing agendas for the 9/11 project. The known agenda was that of PNAC and it was “good for Israel”. We therefore welcomed people like Ritter and Wesley Clark as truth tellers. However, such people never supported 9/11 truth; so their motivations became increasingly questionable.
With covid in 2020, and statements like that of Wright, we find out that there was always a competing objective for 9/11; i.e. a globalist reset. This agenda explains the apparent contradictions in the stances of those who were both anti- Iraq war and anti- 9/11 truth. They supported the 9/11 project, but they thought it had been misdirected toward the middle-east.
Scott Ritter was a big problem for the deep state.. so he needed a little discrediting. The guy has risked everything to stand by his principles and tell the truth re WMDs in Iraq. I for one don’t believe he is a sexual predator like say the Clintons. Since when anyway are we supposed to trust the american justice system. It’s so easy for them to frame a decent guy.
Do you know if he said anything about 9/11?
I don’t see anything wrong with the quote attributed to V. Beeley. Who/what does she mean as the enemy? That is unclear from the quote. Maybe ask her?
If she thinks that a “global pandemic” is the enemy, well that would make me sad. At this point, w/o more information, that would seem to me to be speculation.
Who is the enemy? Well, if you are in a war zone, bullets coming from everywhere, it might indeed be difficult to know as those pulling the strings are far removed from the conflict.
But “who is the enemy”? Why is this a question here? The enemy has always been the same. I like CJ Hopkins’ term, Globocap. That works for me.
Seems little point in commenting when you obviously don’t get anything about what is being discussed.
because the OP basically said – have at it. Did you just do ‘what they do’? ish?
Vanessa Beeley and Eva Karenen Bartlett used to be among my favorite commentators. But thanks to Operation Convid, I am definitely off the BRICS-train now.
If Bartlett and beeley were truly upsetting the elite they’d be gone by now and the smears a lot worse than a simple “Assad apologists” line
I suspect they don’t care, they know can do that anytime …& they own the narrative that the 90% STILL believe…. if they end up doing any serious disruption to status quo things might hot up….but they just do lies & smears in MSM ….Remember Assange was a rapist?
Wells said. However Catt as your one of the main editors why is it the next article will be back to the usual nonsense ‘BBC being biased” ffs – it is 2022 not 1990.
articles like that- it is digression not progression from what your saying.
be the example lead by example.
That is my only gripe.
I’d argue that article isn’t about BBC bias specifically, but about institutional bias and conflicts of interest in media and science generally. I’m sure you’d agree that this is prevalent and needs highlighting.
Many of the more recent detractor comments on this site will be from shills
If you think it is about the bias of the BBC I respectfully ask that you read it again because it is Part 2 of a series that I hope exposes much more than just BBC bias.
Highlighting a Global Corporation as singlely biased is akin to redirecting trains on a single track. imo
One thing people are always forgetting in this whole binary nonsense is this – NOT A SINGLE PERSON EVER HAD TO COMPLY WITH BULLSHIT.
Thank you for your sensibility.
We should probably stop mythologising what is likely just good old fashioned criminal mafia types waging war against each other and occasionally, reluctantly, agreeing to work together to make global changes that will help maintain their hollow Elysium on Earth and satisfy their hegemonic power trip. Hasn’t it always been this way?
The only way it changes is with a threatened or actual great uprising and spilling of their blood. I’m not advocating that, but that’s how we’ve always defeated them or set them back. The difference now is we may be experiencing the culmination of their long battle against us, with enforced technological and sociological changes leading to an era of passive subjugation, loss of unity and the dwindling determination to rise against them.
I fear the bloodiest battle will be fought in much darker times to come, perhaps beyond our lifetime and then some; when desperation is all that is left and when it is likely too late.
I do believe your view is correct. If China, Russia, the USA, WEF, globocap have consolidated forces into one giant tightly controlled unit… why do they need to play all these games? They’ve already won. Just announce the new one world order and get on with it. This doesn’t pass the reality test with me. The West was not able to establish full control over the middle east. The neocon wars failed. Biowarfare and the great reset is plan B. We are witnessing the end of the American empire and the world’s elites are fighting for positions in the new pecking order. Same as the last 2 world wars.
Hi there mr shill. For your next trick will you try to pretend the New Normal was actually pretty old and not worth talking about?
The ‘new normal’ is nothing more than the linguistic trick of alliterative rhetoric.
Tell that to Beeley who thinks this is a war for humanity with Russia as the good guys saving our souls.
There is no good power. Anyone saying otherwise is a muppet.
What about electrical power?
As much as Covid defined a new era of repression, I think it’s important to also see it as the grand diversion that it was. Was it the foundation of a New Normal as they said or were they lying about even that?
If it wasn’t really a pandemic, and I don’t think it was,what was it? An exercise? A simulation?
Is the domestication and enslavement of humanity in the 21st century well-defined within the terms of” the New Normal” or was that just a throwaway line, one catch-phrase among many?
Is the New Normal this decade’s version of The New World Order– a menacing-enough-sounding neologism that falls apart upon scrutiny (there was never anything new about it) but gets the Alex Jones audience pumped with rage every time it’s uttered? To what extent are we missing the point by imagining our protean future struggles will take their previous form next time they arise?
The New Normal was not and is not a throwaway catch phrase. The attempts to fundamentally change every aspect of our lives were obvious in 2020 and obvious now.
Why are you blowing smoke?
Would it not be reasonable to say that the ‘attempts to fundamentally change every aspect of our lives’ is not a new thing? Or do you feel that since 2020 something is different? How might you have felt in 1918? Would that have been a new normal? Or pick any time in history where great change, mass death and subsequent control has occurred. It’s the Normal. It’s only ‘New’ as an experience for those of us alive today.
Are you fucking joking? Or are you trying to induce amnesia in others?
Have you literally forgotten the wall to wall proclamations that nothing would ever be the same again? Do you actually think the vax mandates and mask mandates and mass lockdowns and forced DNRs and total shut down of society never fucking happened? Or are you just here to try to make other people think so?
The world IS totally changed. How did you possibly miss it?
It’s like you’re alive, but have no consideration for, or understanding of, the vast history laid out there for anyone with eyes to see it. Ages of immense suffering, mass death, enslavement and control of people around the world.
‘The world IS totally changed’, you exclaim. Well done you, for noticing this change in your lifetime. Just a shame you’ve missed all the reruns gone before it. The view from the mind of a teenager.
What was ‘normal’ for those experiencing the Inquisition…
Or the ministrations of the East India Company…
Or the plight of the American Indians… and on… and on…
Or the Belgian Congo…?
Or compulsory conscription into the horrors of venal wars…?
That was clever. Anything can be made insignificant by going far enough back in history.
I know I didn’t actually say that looking at the past makes the present clusterfuck insignificant. Try again?
Its actually a good weapon of power to make each generation believe that their experience of power is wholly unique, that they haven’t been driving us into dust since time immemorial. It’s more difficult to fight something you believe not to be entrenched.
It was certainly a coming out of some sort, a declaration of power over the masses of a new kind. Maybe digitally enabled Fascism, but I think the F word is anachronistic. Even in its day it was second fiddle. To me it comes over like woke student Trot meetings. But maybe working behind the scenes like good Trots, endlessly preparing the ground is exactly what happened. The corporate state is with us. run by millions of little Trots.
RE: what was it?
It was/is a cover story.
Don’t forget the money, Tom!
Thanks for this. And it sums up the irritable feeling I had when logging on to the old “Leftist” sites warbling on yet again about “the collapse of the American Empire” etc. Every time I read one of those articles I felt I was reading up on scholastic disputes over the number of angels who could dance on the head of a pin. The fixation on “imperialism” is now antediluvian. And these sites are woefully inadequate anachronisms from an age that now seems long gone. And that is their appeal. They are like dummy-tits for the traumatised who, instead of working through their trauma, have decided to simply close their eyes and dream of yesterday. They resemble what I’m sure is a sizable chunk of the population hooked on the endless regurgitations of channels like UK Gold. But at least the latter are honest about their retreat.
There are also what seem like “endless regurgitations” right here George, but not referring to “channels like UK Gold”, but rather of the “swapping of outrage narratives” of the kind mentioned in the letter posted by Catte above. Do you not agree?
Insofar as Imperialism is concerned, not much has changed about it (apart from a narrow definition perhaps) – as there is still a power struggle going on within the confines of the international hierarchy of state powers to determine who will come out on top to govern and control the so-called ‘NWO’ if or when it becomes a fait accompli.
4IR’s trajectory does not indicate the empowerment of a who but of a post humanist WHAT. According to the meme Schwab, this WHAT will be achieved by the fusion of the biological, physical and digital, resulting in rule by ai-ocracy.
At its heart (if it had one) the WHAT is grounded in the “religious” belief that living systems are spiritless and can be reduced to the sum total of their biological parts. As such living beings are programmable and infinitely improvable by means of biosynthetic technique; and ultimately, slavish service to this technique is the essence of the WHAT.
Once the infallibility of biosynthetic technique is accepted as dogma, the fusion of humans with biological machines becomes idealized and any thoughts or actions that do not further this end constitute noise in the system. Thus, all iconography dissonant with the 4IR enlightenment, must for the common good, be reduced or preferably eliminated.
While it can be assumed the current genetic experimentation on humans facilitates the aspirations of the earthly powers, whether they are truly in control of their frankensteinian dystopia is doubtful. What is more likely, given their past pattern and practice, is that these inbred fools have finally hit upon the optimal tool to commit global ecocide.
Hi, Catte,
Hi, Catte,
I respect your work but I think you’re mixing the issues, they simply are not connected. This thing in Ukraine has nothing to do with neither the NWO nor the CDBCs/Covid, etc. Of course, the NWO and all its tentacles may be moving there, but this is separate to the Ukraine. Is it so hard to understand that Russia is just protecting itself regardless of anything else?
What is happening now in Ukraine is long overdue, for at least 8 years, when the coup took place and things switched to a higher gear. Russia is being invited to war since 2014, and finally now they have responded when there was no other option.
Remember, in December 2021 they proposed a treaty for security in Europe, which was then rejected.
This article by an ex-military can be a bit of an eye-opener for a Westerner that is not that very familiar with the East European history and although it is machine-translated, it is easy to understand:
There is also some other thing that people in the west may have missed. In the WWII (Great Patriotic War for the Russians), the Soviet Union has lost 27 million people! There had been whole families obliterated, and also there was no family that hasn’t lost a member or a relative. I do not know how many people understand that and its implications – there is no Russian that’s not scarred by that war. That’s why recently Putin has said that the next war would be fought outside Russian borders.
Talking about the war – it was 2016, US presidential election year and all polls gave advantage to Clinton, when me and my colleagues talked to each other that we need to prepare for a war – it looked imminent to us. Trump’s presidency just delayed that for 5 years.
And finally, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine may actually work against the NWO (i.e. single world government). It may go Orwellian, of course, with 3 big blocks of “countries” fighting each other permanently, but to me it seems highly unlikely. First, sooner or later this conflict is going to end – and it may end with strategic nuclear weapons – which depends on the sanity ot US elite – and in this case all the arguments are pointless as the world after would be nothing familiar to anyone. And second, there are no many parties that may fight continuous war – Europe cannot fight at all, USA usually fights with proxies (IS in Syria, AFU & Nazi battalions in Ukraine) and I do not think they are prepared to fight full-blown war themselves, despite their ultrahigh budget.
You’re hitting all the aproved talking points aren’t you. Congratulations.
Can’t say I have seen any cricket flour in the shops but it is the enemy?
Birds Are Dropping Dead by the Thousands Around the World:
Hello Mike. Yes. The die-off of birds, insects, trees, and wildlife is accelerating, whilst civil populations fixate on “higher” download speeds. Urban populations are addicted to a known neurotoxin. They will drink the kool-aid of technology until they are quite dead…
Give me convenience,
Or give me death!
look up “Crickettes” – snack bags of bugs. And this
they are selling it with an “Oh wow Keeeraaaazeee” vibe atm, but it’s a Bernaysian campaign of behaviour modification and normalization. Pretty soon people will be eating insects regularly and after that the fresh meat will disappear from the supermarkets
Trudeau is preparing Canadians : Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada revealed June 27 an $8.5 million investment to Aspire, an insect agricultural company, to build a new production facility in Canada. The facility will process cricket-based protein, helping to advance the use of insect proteins in human and pet food products.
Prank it with insectivorous bacteria and fungi.
Spray through the ventilation ducts.
Thank you for this beautiful writing. May it bring greater peace and understanding with it
Instead of trying to find ‘them’ (spooks that you can’t find other than through a screen where you can scream at them during the 2 minutes of hate), I think it is more useful to look at ‘us’ and don’t forget yourself. Reason: ‘us’ can be defined through your eyes, surroundings, etc, with ‘them’ you cannot do such a thing (unless you use the screens of the media).
Many commenters, me included, were not so much baffled that the system (US, Russia, China) was working in tandem against us, but that so many people (friends, relatives, colleagues) happily joined the fraud and gave up their freedom (and ours) for a thing that doesn’t exist. Even more baffling was that they subsequently injected themselves with poisonous stuff and felt good about it. The question is:
a) how could that happen?
b) how can we prevent that from happening again?
I am not so interested in the pied piper, even though he does exist (covid comes from somewhere) but about the millions of people who followed the tune and the millions that didn’t…
An answer to the question: why were you not taken into the fraud, is the beginning of the answer how we (as a society) can prevent us from being taken into that fraud again.
Personally, I think it’s too late to change the tune. That is: personally I think that the injections are the weapon which goal is two folded:
1. Kill as many as possible (good for the economy that doesn’t need ‘useless eaters’)
2. When the truth (of democide through vaxx) is no longer irrepressible, try to find answers to how people can circumvent the illness and death due to vaxx through a system that meticulously follows all your actions to see if these actions lead to disease/death (and if yes circumvent these actions through drugs or other antidotes). Such a system can only work if both vaxxed and unvaxxed (the control group) are included. Who could be against that?
3. When that system is unrolled (the digitized panopticon), normalize that system, or also use it to control other ‘epidemics’ like massive unemployment (UBI), food shortages, etc.
The ultimate goal is a digitized, fragmented society, where friends are anonymous and speak to each other through open letters through a screen and pretend that this is the real deal (well done OffG). It is not so much about control itself (or fighting disease), but about a new way of culturing society, in which lots of money can be made. Similar as in WWII, in which the goal was not to fight fascism, but to make the economy of Europe work on gas and fuel instead of coal.
Agreed Willem.
There will always be sharks, but does the mass have to be such little, scared, stupid fish the whole time?
We should ignore them into non-existence.
Wow, omg, you are so eaten up with hate of this place you’re actually trying to blame them for fragmenting society – because they published an open letter! 🤣🤣
What happened to you? You been coming here since 2020, talked a lot of sense, have never disagreed with anything OG published yet out of nowhere you suddenly started putting them down for stupid non-specific snidely reasons like this.
Did one of them dump you or something? Or are you just a sleeper troll?
Post “France. May ’68” many political radicals insisted that “The East is not Communist and The West is not Democratic.”…The idea didnt catch-on……
“Dont Follow Leaders. Watch The Parking Meters” (1960s folksinger) didnt catch-on either…
The problem was that the ‘Paris Spring’ itself was just another globalist psy-op, probably carried with the intention of getting rid of de Gaulle, who was demanding France’s gold back from Fr. Knox.
This is actually documented in F. William Engdahl’s book Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance. DeGaulle did not go along with US global dominance (at least in France), so the CIA basically pulled a color revolution on him and sent him packing.
The French people were voluntary giving US its gold fully informed legally with its consent, as a gift for everything good we Americans had been doing.
We gave the French people The Terminator, Stallone in Afghanistan, and Whoppers plus Rihanna
De Gaulle had no right to call it back just because he didnt like it.
Their plan is doomed.
Chaos ‘rules’.
Always has, always will.
We (and they) are at the mercy of the energy of unpredictability.
So the options are “chaos” or their “order”?
That sounds a lot like one of their fake binaries…..
They can wet dream order, but it is just that.
A fantasy.
They can do a lot of damage trying to fulfill that fantasy.
I believe his point is that their plans will fail because chaos is built into the fabric of the universe. There’s always something that you can’t plan or prepare for.
US: of 19 million under-5s, only 3% have received the vaxx.
Some CA counties have announced that they will not observe any repeat of the lockdown, including L.A., and at least 3 others.
“Today [3 August] vaccines are no longer mandatory and any action against someone who does not want to be vaccinated is a violation of the law,” — new President of Costa Rica Rodrigo Chavez. His FIRST act was to end masking.
Germany: Vaccine-injury insurance claims & 1250+ peer-reviewed studies reveal the truth.
Canada: Court documents reveal that travel bans imposed on the vaccine-free had no scientific basis.
Africa: something like 27 countries voted against the “World Health Dictatorship”
Italy: rehired all its medical staff which had been suspended for refusing the jab.
Penelope: There ya go – spoiling all the grievance, mass psychosis, and moral degradation of the populace. How dare you? Tsk, tsk, tsk…
The biggest criminals are the real perps of 9/11. Sadly I doubt any will ever be outed let alone see the inside of a jail. Why? Because they control the US government. All of it.
Indeed – but the point is it doesn’t stop there.
For example, the WTC was Rockefeller owned and who owned the land on which the UN building was constructed?
Yes!! With all the recent talk about Trump and his safe, I’ve wondered why there isn’t a special Presidential wing at Club Fed for the war criminals who’ve preceded him. My fantasy was that when GWB’s helicopter lifted off on the day of Obama’s inauguration, it would have taken him, Cheney and the whole 9-11/Iraq war criminals off to spend their lives in orange jumpsuits. A girl can dream, right? And I’m sure whatever’s in Trump’s safe won’t incriminate any of the criminals above him in the food chain of international mobsters.
Yes. The real perps were Mossad.
In fact, for at least the last 20 odd years, the Perps have outed themselves in plain site by the nature of cancelling dissemination of Holocau$t serious inconsistencies and the criminalization of even asking. The latest country is Canada.
The people killing Palestinians are not the original Semites, nor are many Israeli citizens even Semitic to begin with.
The actual Semites are the Palestinians; no one else.
Anti-Semitism is just an ad hominem, directing enmity towards those that criticize the behaviour of Jews.
In regards to the Covid Scam,
Given it has NEVER been PROPERLY isolated, to this day,
(And depending on one’s view of Terrain Theory vs Viral Theory, NEVER will be 😏) I’ll humbly borrow a quote from The Matrix… “There IS No Spoon.”
As for the “Enemy” you need only identify the OWNERS /STAKEHOLDERS of “Vanguard”.
THEY truly “OWN” everything, and
are behind ALL that happens in our world. From the Rise and Fall of ECONOMIES, to WARS, FAMINES, and EVEN the TECHNOLOGICALLY manipulated WEAPON against the WORLD known as “CLIMATE CHANGE”.
“Follow The Money” and you
WILL come Face To Face with…
“The Enemy”.
What NEXT?
Larken Rose said it quite
accurately, in his book:
“The Most Dangerous Superstition”.
only ONE way we CAN all
END this, NOW, and IT’S a
scary, fugly, route.
ONE that NOBODY wants
to seriously CONSIDER, or
DISCUSS because of FEAR,
and when DEALING with
BRUTAL dictators, and
tyrants/ ABUSERS, who DON’T
view YOU as EQUAL human beings,
and THEIR PROPERTY, you’re
option to END the tyranny,
enslavement, and abuse.
and NOT fighting EACH
and RIOTING in the
streets, because
There’s a FINE LINE
between REMOVING rogue
MURDEROUS governments
AND destroying the infrastructures
AND stability of NATIONS and…
Tread CAREFULLY, but…
“Tell Them No More !”
– The Jackal’s “MARK”
Here’s the rub:
Indeed. 👍
In this scene, Cypher illustrates
What Morpheus told Neo, later,
in the movie. “There’s a Difference
Between KNOWING The Path,
And WALKING The Path.”
You cannot walk the path if you do not know the path.
“I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That’s my dream; that’s my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor… and surviving.”
Are we any closer to naming ‘the real enemy’ yet…?
Is it my nephew – or my uncle – or my grandma?
I really thought they would have been charged by now.
Ah, the holy grail answer everyone seeks: who are “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You). One thing I do know for sure if that the answer goes way deeper than this physical place and deeper than those “elites” cloaking themselves as “philanthropists” doing all these wonderful things all in the name “the greater good,” who are always playing around with chemicals (alCHEMY). They are the gate keepers.
Whenever I hear the word ‘philanthropist,’ I reach for my revolver.
One of The Beatles best albums for sure.
Well said.
My seemingly flippant comment was only addressing the fact that this very article held out some promise of helping us get nearer to answering the “Who are THEY?” question.
But I don’t feel any nearer.
At any rate my own suspicions have not been affected.
What happened was the classic management tactic: form groups (committees) in hierarchies, and nudge them to agree to what you want. Now, almost everyone in authority is tainted.
Yep. It is indeed a well-worn classic tactic, which now works exceptionally brilliantly because our very judicial system has become just another one of its slaves…
I always thought this account gives quite a solid insight into the group of verminous scumbags and the system that is responsible for this evil. Brendon O Connells work into this is unmatched. The reality is weve had Jimmy Saville, 911, 77, illegal unjustifiable unconscionable wars all over the Middle East. We have an antagonistic press which fills the public mind with nothing but shit. Weve had convid 1984, heads of state being blatantly assassinated for not playing ball with the convid scam, regular folk being maimed and murdered all over the shop and countless high profile injuries and deaths due to a de facto genetic and God only knows what bioweapon that even according to the metrics provided by these scumbags, noone ever needed in the first place and of course now we are unravelling the reality that the entire field of virology is based on fraud, like the climate scam……..and on and on it goes. But still nothing happens and the moron majority just look the other way and make excuses for these criminal pieces of filth, while they rape the minds of their children and steal their freedom and destroy the free world.
Sounds like the sort of guy who’d have no problem running a long-term deception operation….
For all: Don’t mix up the whole nation China with its godfather Don Xi Jinping. He wants to get re-selected this November and will do anything for that, including locking down mega cities while the sane world knows better, just to save his face.
Binaries are indeed false; pushing the whole spectrum into just black and white corners is Faustian. The truth is multi faceted and covered up under many layers.
It’s a draining question, and some might say by design. Absolutely as ludicrous a statement as, well, I can’t see the forest there’s too many fucking trees in the way.
The WEF are part of the enemy barrage, yes? Well lets just start with them shall we. Bill Gates is part of the enemy barrage, yes, lets start with him too.
At least there is one Senator in Australia trying to out all of the WEF stooges.
I have personally written countless email’s to everyone I know pointing out the obvious war we’re in. Bet you I’m one of a very few who do.
‘Dialogue with Power is neither possible nor desirable. Power has always acted unilaterally, by organizing chaos, by spreading fear, by forcing individuals and communities into blind withdrawal…
‘The unleashing of police barbarism upon peaceful demonstrators has amply shown that military law is the only thing that functions efficiently.’ Raoul Vaneigem (2020)…
Thank you Catte …
What a tangled web ‘we’ weave when first … ‘they’ practise to deceive …
I commend both OffG and Vanessa for trying to make sense of the deception of the DS’s billion$ propaganda-machinery. ‘They’ have had/have all the (ill-gotten) resources and machinery of governments and ‘free-money’ to, first create, muddy and re-muddy any, and all the prevailing and false-narratives they intend to, control, contort and confuse. Therefore, is it any wonder that one becomes so ‘confused’ …? After all, the DS spends billions of ill-gotten and helicopter-money, ensuring that we’re kept confused and distracted …
Excellent, rock on and right on. But not sure I get it. What, does she favor Russia and China over the US and Britain, like they’re not part of the Great Reset or something? Is that what she means by “neutrality”?
What divisions is she talking about? I’m not up on the inter alternative media soap opera things.
I do agree with the author, the last two years have greatly clarified things, not that we didn’t know it before, but the enemy and what we have to do about it is pretty clear now. All of them, and we definitely need a global revolution to challenge their Great Reset. It’s a global class war. And we’ve seen true colors come out from people over the last couple years. So, if they want to continue with those colors, then the division is their choice, not ours. I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger said “screw my freedom”, as an example. Howard Stern wants to put me in an intern camp and starve me as another example, of the many, almost countless ones we can find. Like, hey, if they want to vote for Trump, or Biden, how can they be on my side? If they don’t know what’s up with that by now, hell. How are any of them going to be on “our” side? The divisions might have been created and manufactured, but they’re real and unless those who fell for it, and support it, come to their senses, then we’re fighting against them too.
And Chomsky doesn’t care how the unvaxxed are going to eat and Al Gore wouldn’t chop down three trees to save a human being on the other ‘side’….