This Week in the New Normal #42

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. Yearly Covid vaccine updates “like new iphones”

The CEO of Moderna gave an interview with CNN this week where he claimed the company is working on releasing a single yearly booster vaccine capable of targeting Covid variants, flu strains and all other common viruses.

It’s a remarkable claim – considering that Moderna’s Covid “vaccine” was (alongside Pfizer’s jab) the first EVER coronavirus vaccine OR mRNA vaccine to be approved for use on people, despite years of research on both. Indeed, before Covid Moderna had existed for over a decade and never successfully brought a single product of any kind to market.

Yet now they are confident in bringing out a new “safe and effective” mRNA vaccine every year, and not just against Covid but against pretty much every respiratory virus you can name.

2. CBDCs roll ever on

More and more countries are signing up to go fully digital with their money.

This past week Australia announced they were going to “pilot” a central bank digital currency. Thailand is likewise piloting a retail CBDC by the end of the year, as is Nepal.

Meanwhile in the US a “bipartisan group of lawmakers” wants to pressure the Federal Reserve to take a digital dollar more seriously, talking up the “threat” of the digital yuan.

Just yesterday it was reported that the digital ruble is very much still a thing and may be launched as soon as 2023. More worryingly the report describes how some digital rubles could be “colored” or “targeted”, meaning only usable for specific goods or services.

That’s a dangerous step, reducing currency from a simple guarantor of value to essentially government-issued vouchers.

We’ve covered that danger many times before (in Western nations the term used is “programmability”). Indeed the benefits of programmability were discussed the Bank of England’s CBDC Summit, the minutes of which were published on Friday.

But whether they call it “programmability”, “targeting” or “coloring” it all amounts to the same thing – massively increased government surveillance and control of your money.

3. FBI raids Trump’s Mar-a-Largo home

You doubtless heard about this. On August 9th the FBI raided the Florida resort home of Donald Trump, allegedly to seize confidential documents Trump should never have taken with him when he left office. Whether or not this is the real reason – or if these documents ever even existed – we will never know.

What is undeniably true is that it re-establishes Trump as the “drain the swamp” candidate. It ingratiates him with the anti-establishment right while giving the pro-establishment left something to cheer.

It’s a calculated move. Handing ammunition to both sides ahead of the next presidential election.

On the one side, you have the “Democrat” voters so conditioned by “Orange Man Bad” that they’ll cheer on anything done by anyone to target the man, no matter how dystopian or anti-democratic it is. That includes show trials, government raids, and any other authoritarian crackdowns you can think of.

On the other side, you have “Republicans” incensed at their figurehead’s treatment and becoming increasingly angry at the state of the country, economy and world in general. Their anger is fostered and encouraged so it can eventually be directed by a tool of state who makes sure it never threatens the real problem – this tool could be Trump or someone else.

This anger is then used as a pretext to promote fear of “domestic terrorism”, stage some “terrorist incidents” and further justify political and social media crackdowns on various civil rights (we’ve already seen “online threats turn to real world violence”).

If you doubt that, check this article from the Atlantic:

Now They’re Calling for Violence – Trump loyalists have reacted to the search of the ex-president’s Mar-a-Lago residence with unhinged fury.

This “violence” was literally the entire point of the exercise. As the article points out, “Civil war” was trending on social media after the raid hit the headlines, that was no accident.

However the details eventually work out, it is a classic case of Orwellian control – controlling not just the mainstream, but the alternative – and it seems to be headed to a contrived civil war. “The Party” are deliberately fanning flames on both sides of the US, hoping the nation tears itself apart.

BONUS: Fun activity of the week

The WHO announced on Friday that – after three months – they’ve finally come up with new names for the variants/clades of monkeypox.

The old geographical names “Congo Basin” and “West African” were deemed potentially stigmatizing and racist, so after twelve weeks of consulting the experts…they’ve decided to number them instead.

They will henceforth be known as clade I and clade II.

Yes, seriously.

The good news is they still haven’t come up with a new name for monkeypox itself, but they are – rather foolishly – throwing that open to suggestions. Anyone interested in contributing can click here, go to “add proposal” and sign in.

It’s not all bad…

Neil Oliver’s monologue on how hard it can be to overcome our own assumptions of benevolence, and wake up to the threat of state power, is something that will doubtless resonate with a lot of readers:

And Bob Moran is his usual acerbic self…


All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the UK “running out of Monkeypox vaccines” (oh no!) or gay soldiers “breaking stereotypes” in Ukraine.

There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.


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Aug 18, 2022 10:54 AM

The Trump raid was about as real as his presidency.

Aug 16, 2022 9:14 PM

We need to put the doctors “On The Spot”. Ask any doctor the “Pro or Ho” question.

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a “Pro or Ho”:

“Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?”.

If the answer isn’t “NO” then you have a “Ho”. There is no “yes” or “it depends”. The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


Aug 16, 2022 11:32 PM
Reply to  TRM

Whats this covid you talk of? If something is not proven to exsist, how can one have statistics of survival rates/transmission rates?

Stop this nonsense already…

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 18, 2022 12:13 PM
Reply to  TRM

Why ask a doctor when you can ask a pharma rep, same thing.

Aug 16, 2022 7:42 PM

“Most environmentally damaging” foods turn out to be some of the healthiest shock:


Aug 16, 2022 3:05 PM

And even more bullshit from the Republican scum zone…

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Aug 16, 2022 2:56 PM

I have been thinking about Monkeypox and the clumsy advertising which accompanied it I.e. “for men who have sex with men” rather like “ for the man who has everything, why not give him….”. And I wondered how did this disease jump between species: is there a sub-group of men who have sex with monkeys, and a bigger subset, monkeys who,have sex with monkeys. I imagined a gay monkey bar in L.A., call it “The Urban Gorilla”. There are some noisy Rhesus monkeys arguing in the corner: are you positive that I’m being too negative? Sitting alone drinking banana rum is a very large gorilla. A man sidles up to him and asks if the gorilla would like some more banana in his rum. The gorilla didn’t quite understand the question but reacted violently and rogered the kindly man senseless. Did you get his name, asked the police. No,but I’d like his number please to call him again…

Aug 16, 2022 7:05 PM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

Now they are spreading it to the children in their care…and dogs… https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/first-dog-infected-monkeypox-after-sharing-bed-gay-couple

Aug 16, 2022 7:55 PM
Reply to  Kaite

This would never have happened if that reprehensible couple had practiced Safe Bestiality!  😉 

Aug 16, 2022 9:15 PM
Reply to  Kaite

Fornicating with the canine and selling the puppies. 
Brings new meaning to the old phrase “screwing the pooch” (slacking off at work)

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Aug 16, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

Simian was behind the bar, then he was above it, below it, swinging cartwheels. He was the kind of barman you could confide in: he didn’t speak, simply grunted whilst peeling a banana with his feet. The guy with sunglasses looked familiar: of course, it was Bono-bo. He finished his drink and told Simian he was off on a pub crawl, next stop, The Naked Ape.

Aug 16, 2022 7:45 PM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

It’s called monkeyox because it was supposedly first observed in a group of monkeys being held in a lab…. not that there was anything else that might have been making lab monkeys held for several months ill except some new virus of course.

Aug 16, 2022 2:15 PM

Neil Oliver monologue seems to have been “removed by the uploader”. Try this link…


or else go to YouTube and search for Neil Oliver GB news.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 16, 2022 1:13 PM

There were billions ready at the drop of a hat to be thrown at an immaginary threat, however in the UK suburban bus routes might be cancelled after the covid funds dry out in September, and many schools are considering a ‘three day week’ for their pupils and the rest would be done ‘remotely online’.
Is this an open admission that if you live outside the urban centres you’ll find it very difficult to commute; and that children’s education is no longer important as there won’t be opportunities for most of them in the next decade or so?

Aug 16, 2022 10:27 AM



‘ Between March 2020 and May 2021, Morrison appointed himself to the health, finance, industry, science, energy and resources, home affairs and treasury portfolios without the public’s knowledge, and in some cases, without alerting the existing minister.

There was no official announcement or record of Morrison’s swearing in for any of the five portfolios. His self-appointment gave him decision-making powers for those crucial areas if he decided he needed them. That made him the final arbiter, although few within his cabinet knew he held those powers.’

Send to everyone who said you were exaggerating when you tried to highlight the corrupt parasites stealing power behind our backs, especially during the pandemic.

Human values
Human values
Aug 18, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  Observe

”Scott Morrison Appoints Himself As Dark Shadow Master To Steal Everyone’s Job”
Remix Matrix:

Aug 16, 2022 10:17 AM

The UK public health and vaccines minister, Maggie Throup, was asked on a radio show about peoples concerns about not being able to afford to heat their homes and that more will die than usual in the coming months. Throup responded:

Well, that is a concern, it’s something that we’ve taken into consideration when we looked at our vaccination programmes.
We are rolling out the Covid jab, we’re also rolling out the flu jab, providing as much protection as we can to those who are most vulnerable, and where possible will be co-administrating the flu and the Covid jab so people can have both jabs at one go.
And I think if people are reassured about their own health, then it helps to take the pressure off some of the other concerns that they may have.
And yes, you’re right, people who perhaps don’t heat their homes as much will be more vulnerable. And that’s why, as I say, we’re putting that ring of protection around the most vulnerable with our vaccine programme.

Vaccines now protect against lack of heat. Get your jab and stay warm! Coming soon, a vaccine to keep you safe when falling down the stairs.

Aug 16, 2022 12:04 PM
Reply to  Observe

This is a typical response from the overpaid, parasitic scum whose whose snouts are deep in the money trough of Westminster. The usual virtuous bile totally unrelated to the lives of the people who don’t belong in the ivory towers these retards dwell in. Parroting the same old bullshit around the Covid con which they eagerly swallowed to adopt a veneer of concern for the welfare of their constituents. These types are morally bankrupt and those who voted for them should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 16, 2022 12:59 PM
Reply to  Grafter

As opposed to voting for the other candidate who would have done exactly the same?

Aug 16, 2022 1:11 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I’d agree with all of this except the bit about voting. I’d amend that to, ‘…those who vote at all, knowing that the system is riddled with corruption, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.’

Aug 16, 2022 10:17 AM

Moderna’s Covid “vaccine” was (alongside Pfizer’s jab) the first EVER coronavirus vaccine OR mRNA vaccine to be approved
Are the approved versions being used (so that those injured can sue), or is that mere share rigging? Also, why maintain “emergency use authorisation” (for the jabs actually being used) after the approval of the pills for those infected?

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
Aug 16, 2022 8:27 AM

They need inflation to justify bringing in CBDCs replacements. My take is that inflation in Britain is high, but it’s not as high as they would have liked at this stage. This is why people like Martin Lewis are trying to garner support for more money printing help schemes. Last week, Martin Lewis was calling for the UK government to provide more ‘help’ to British households who will struggle to pay their heating bills this winter. Back in March 2020, Lewis also called on the government to ‘help’ households via furlough, help-out-to-eat-out, bounce-back loans, etc. These ‘help’ schemes were financed by getting the Bank of England to print the extra currency needed. The cost of living crisis that we’re currently in is a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE of the money printing and the lockdowns that took place two years ago. So, what is Martin Lewis calling for now? Answer more government ‘help’, which will result in even more inflation. Trying to ease an inflation problem via printing money is like trying to put out a fire by throwing petrol on it. Martin Lewis attended the London School of Economics, so surely he should know all about the inflationary consequences of printing money to finance government spending programmes? This begs the question: is Mr Lewis really on your side?

Show less

Aug 16, 2022 12:23 PM
Reply to  Nigel Watson

Martin Lewis is scum, almost certainly an intelligence asset

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Aug 16, 2022 4:00 PM
Reply to  Nigel Watson

I will admit to being naive when it comes to money matters, but it strikes me that the biggest resistance to CBDC will be the banks themselves. At the moment, banks use fractional reserve lending to create money out of thin air, and charge interest on that thin air, all of which is incredibly profitable, even if morally and technically illegal. As I understand it, CBDC, even if only a series of computer entries, will track every financial movement of both bank and customer. This means that a bank, before it can issue loans, has to state its asset position. Then, when it makes loans, it can only do so to the maximum of its assets. If it tries the current conjuring trick, it will not be able to reconcile its financial situation to the central bank. And this means loss of profits. And which bank is going to do that?

Aug 16, 2022 8:10 AM

The good news is they still haven’t come up with a new name for monkeypox itself, but they are – rather foolishly – throwing that open to suggestions.

They used to call ‘it’ smallpox before they claimed to have eradicated ‘it’. Monkeypox already is a new name. Maybe calling ‘it’ smallpox would help point out ‘vaccines’ are a fraud?

Aug 16, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  Mike


Aug 16, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Newpox? Nextpox?

Aug 16, 2022 7:17 AM

What and where is the proof of the existence of ‘pretty much every respiratory virus that you can name’ to be found?

Aug 16, 2022 12:15 PM
Reply to  jimbo

Through a microscope. Thanks for asking  😀 

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 16, 2022 1:08 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Funny that, but you can’t see particles, germs, or anything else floating in the air, or on a surface of an object infecting someone as it happens through a microscope.

Aug 16, 2022 1:45 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

If you can point a camera through the microscope, then you can use time-lapse photography:

Aug 16, 2022 2:06 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Another portion of the same video (worth watching in full), regarding those little things ‘too small’ to see with the naked eye:

Mysteries of the Unseen World (2013) – ‘Too small’

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 18, 2022 12:25 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Yeah, I believe those like I believe the images sent by the little self driving wheelie robots on mars.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 18, 2022 12:29 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Besides, particles, bacteria, and other tiny things floating about doesn’t mean they cause disease much less spread disease. There’s zero proof of that, only anecdotal. And anecdotal proof is always dismissed by scientists when it doesn’t fit their agenda.

Aug 16, 2022 7:04 AM

Jeffrey Epstein’s ghost would like to make a deposition.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 16, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  Zane

The lovely Ghislaine has 20 years to write one for him

les online
les online
Aug 16, 2022 2:13 AM

On Friday 12 August 2022 across the top of the front page of Australia’s national daily,. Rupert Murdoch’s ‘The Australian’, was the bold headline ‘Town warns of grog-fuelled violence as cashless card goes.’ The first paragraph condenses the story for those short of time: “A remote West Australian town is pleading for an emergency contingent of police officers and paramedics in anticipation of a surge in violence when thousands of local residents** are taken off the scrapped cashless debit card by the Albanese (national) government as early as September” …
The cashless cards restricted what could be purchased. They were imposed on those dependent on social security payments, those living in remote areas, and mostly imposed on indigenous groups… The cards imposed No Booze, No Gambling, No Drugs purchases with the payments, as these were said to be the cause of all ‘community breakdown, violence, sexual abuse of the young, wife bashing, kids starving, kids not going to school, crime, etc’…The cards were imposed as a means of restoring civilisation…
The cards were going to be imposed on All who are dependent on social security payments…They could determine what foods the possessor could buy…Could restrict purchase to what The Experts deemed “essentials”…
It is not a coincidence that during the week it’s announced that the Cashless Cards are to be axed we also learn ‘This past week Australia announced they were going to “pilot” a CBDC,’ (Offguardian)..
So, will the same groups be the guinea pigs for the “pilot” test runs, will the restrictions be re-imposed via the “pilots” ? That is the question…

** City folk know that the “local residents” is code for the Indigenous residents.

Aug 16, 2022 7:20 AM
Reply to  les online

Simple. white fellah for-profit mob knows best.

les online
les online
Aug 16, 2022 12:27 AM

“Running out of monkeypox vaccines” is a standard claim of this campaign. It’s being cried in the US, UK, in Australia, and in Other Countries…
It seems to mean: every government should invest in setting up the vaxx production facilities locally ? Or: “Vaccines” against every novel “viruses” can be invented and available Within 90 days (the effective period of the every fear campaign) ? Or: Maybe… ?

The Jackal
The Jackal
Aug 16, 2022 12:20 AM

Excellent weekly wrap up. 3, about Trump was BEYOND “SPOT ON”! 👊😎👍 While I’m here: SPECIAL MESSAGE TO THE UNVACCINATED! “Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors. People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones. Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going. Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed. That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos,… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 16, 2022 12:54 AM
Reply to  The Jackal

Thank you for passing on that message for the unvaccinated. Very affirming, and I have heard similar things recently as well including a letter from an Australian read out by Del Bigtree that someone sent me.
I met a lovely gentle woman a couple of weeks ago who is 59 years old and sleeping in her car, inbetween stints of house sitting. Why is she sleeping in her car? She said no to getting jabbed. She did her own research and said no, so she was sacked from her job, as were many here in Australia, and around the world.
I know of others who have literally lost everything because they also said no. I personally was banned from working for over 6 months for saying no to the jab and refusing to be coerced into taking it. There were times I honestly thought I would end up homeless myself, but here I am, still with a roof over my head and food in my cupboards. Inspiring to read things like this Jackal, cheers…

Aug 16, 2022 7:36 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

How are you going Gezza?

Aug 16, 2022 1:48 AM
Reply to  The Jackal

What a CONFIRMATION. 🙂 I already knew I was doing the thing that honored my bodily sovereignty and the integrity of my mind, but it always feels good when people see it and acknowledge it. It’s really so much easier when you choose to honor self, first.

Truth never needs a marketing campaign.

Aug 16, 2022 8:12 AM
Reply to  The Jackal

Thank you.It was terrible and terrifying.The fear, the fighting and rage was sustained and gruelling.But,I never had a doubt for one minute that I would allow that toxin to be injected into my person.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 16, 2022 7:42 PM
Reply to  Hele

I must be either invisible or give every one I see such a death stare that I have never been asked to test, or get a jab and only once was told to wear a face nappy, refused and made the fucking shop owner wait on me.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 16, 2022 1:40 PM
Reply to  The Jackal

For me the idea of getting an injection of undisclosed ingredients with who knows what effects, was the scary thing. And I thank God everyday for giving me the clarity of mind not to fall for the biggest deceipt I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Bless the hearts of the ones who didn’t cave in to the allure of evil, regardless of religious belief you did the right thing.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 16, 2022 7:40 PM
Reply to  The Jackal

It was not a question for me, my answer would always have been FUCK OFF.

Aug 15, 2022 11:54 PM

Trump is part of the cabal as well although likely not a 100% puppet like Biden. The raid is classic divide-and-conquer/distraction. Trump and Biden have the same boss i.e. the group that owns the central banks, the CDC, Big Pharma as well as the rest of the medical-military-intelligence industrial complex.

Aug 16, 2022 2:07 AM
Reply to  CK_

This isn’t directed at you–but the general *you*. TRUMP tricked/deceived/gave false hope to many people who call themselves “awake.” He is playing a role—he is an ACTOR like the rest. 100% CLOWN/puppet. Didn’t he put into motion “Operation Warp speed” which is a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 “life saving vaccines”?

Those who still beLIEve in this “right” wing/ “left” wing bullshit have ALWAYS been from the SAME bird are being bamboozled. “Voting” for the “better” SLAVE MASTER is a creation/ a manufactured concept to condition the minds of the slaves that they have a choice to pick their next ruler. “Voting” is a tool to create the illusion of consent. Knock, Knock, Neo, is anyone home and awake? These beings on the screens have always been SELECTED by the beings behind the curtains.

Govern = control
Ment = Mental/mind

“THEY” tell us what they are doing all the time and then once people start catching on, “THEY” start doing damage control by using confusion and DIVISION by calling people that SEE and KNOW “crazy, paranoid, conspiracy theorists.” Controlling PERCEPTIONS! The actor playing the role of Trump is no different. If you think so, you have fallen for their ruse. You have been TRUMPED.

Aug 16, 2022 7:07 AM
Reply to  CK_

Trump might be an undercover white hat.

Aug 16, 2022 11:24 AM
Reply to  Zane

Under the white hat lies a black hat, under that lies a white,under that are more lies.

Aug 16, 2022 7:33 AM
Reply to  CK_


There was no need to do so – Libby’s sentence had already been commuted by Shrub.

Be sure and point that out any time some 90IQ dingus claims that Trump isn’t just another shitbag politician (all of whom should be hacked to pieces – the vanishingly small risk of Type II error means that on net it’s a guaranteed social-welfare-augmenting action).


Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 16, 2022 8:24 AM
Reply to  CK_

Yes that’s why he beat Hilary and the whole media was against him because he was one if them.
The real pandemic is people calling everyone controlled opposition like Trump, Malone, Bigtree and Alex Jones.
It’s beyond parody…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 16, 2022 7:43 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Hillary was and is fucking horrible. She has never met a war criminal she doesn’t love.

Human values
Human values
Aug 15, 2022 11:39 PM

American democracy has been the leader of the world since they won cold war. American leaders dream of a new world order. Now they are having it. Just as planned.


Aug 15, 2022 10:56 PM

OMG that ” witchdoctor as expert” cartoon was brilliant!! It’s SO TRUE!!!!!

vgin taos
vgin taos
Aug 15, 2022 10:55 PM

i think the cartoon is racist.

Aug 15, 2022 11:22 PM
Reply to  vgin taos

I think races are racist.


The Jackal
The Jackal
Aug 16, 2022 12:46 AM
Reply to  vgin taos

I may NOT AGREE with your opinion, But I RESPECT, you HAVING one, and HAVING the INTEGRITY to GIVE it,
And I’ll STILL fight AND even DIE if NEED be, to PROTECT your RIGHT
to HAVE one, AND to BE ABLE to SPEAK it.
– The Jackal’s “MARK”

Aug 16, 2022 1:48 AM
Reply to  vgin taos

According to “accepted” history and anthropology, this is exactly what the Aztec Rulers did to uphold their status quo and the cartoon cleverly makes use of the description to turn it against our own corrupt rulers.
If the commonly known description of Aztec ritual is indeed inaccurate and biased in a racist way, that would make the cartoon even more brilliant, because then it would strike back at those, who in their arrogance of being superior, perpetuated this, discrediting the Aztecs .

Aug 16, 2022 12:12 PM
Reply to  red_squirrel

yes and to me, we are ALL in the same boat ….completely helpless. Big Brother does not discriminate. We All have the same shitty lives controlled by Big Brother and ” whatever the current emergency is ” according to Bigh Brother

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 18, 2022 12:47 PM
Reply to  red_squirrel

All pagan civilisations practiced human sacrifice at the altar of their ‘gods’ in one form of another. Like it or not it was Christinity that put a stop to it and it became taboo, like sex with children which also pagan societies practices by the way. As our civilisation has been moving away from Christianity those practices having coming back to the surface. Covid is a more sophisticated and sanitised form of human sacrifice as in let’s sacrifice the few to save the many, just like in those pagan cultures, they seriously believe they have to offer a human life to appease their gods. This is not speculation or biased opinion, it’s history from all regions in the world.

Aug 15, 2022 10:52 PM
Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 15, 2022 10:39 PM

I’ve actually deleted the digital payment app on my phone and am now politely asking my customers to pay cash for the magazine, and at the same time giving them an overview of the CBDC digital currencies and the consequences for all of us once they are bought in.
I use the example of protesters in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc, who had their bank accounts frozen and were unable to pay their rent or even buy food.
I’m also giving them links to clips from people like Melissa Cuimmei, Catherine Austin Fitts, Technocracy News, etc and am also only using cash payments in my personal life when I do my shopping. Admittedly though, I feel the horse has already bolted from the stable on this, unless a helluva lot of people wake up very soon.
I was sent a news item couple of days ago about the Reserve Bank in Australia trialing a digital currency. Not surprised at all, because this has been the plan for a long time. And in the meantime, more and more people here are walking around wearing facemasks and rubbing their hands in sanitiser, completely, utterly oblivious to what’s coming.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 15, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You just explained why I never have had a mobile phone. I have this computer but if it’s on that does not mean I am here and gives no indication to where I am. I don’t need the fuckers knowing anything much about me and I always have cash on hand so they don’t know where I spend most of my money.

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Aug 16, 2022 4:25 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Just as a matter of interest to those who don’t know, but the Commonwealth bank (and I suppose the others as well) require proof of identity to deposit cash of more than $1000. I don’t imagine this directive was at their instigation, but came from the government, undoubtedly to keep a check on everyone, and to make cash an increasingly difficult commodity to deal with. Most businesses will not accept payment in cash for items costing more than $10,000. It’s not the criminals they are trying to control, but everybody.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Aug 18, 2022 12:49 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It’s like that, the ship of fools has sailed and it’s way downstream now.

Aug 15, 2022 10:36 PM

 gay soldiers “breaking stereotypes” in Ukraine This article explains why we support Ukraine to the tune of billions.

And why am I getting emails telling me that my comments here have been ‘approved’

Aug 15, 2022 11:50 PM

Because admin is run by gay soldiers.

Aug 16, 2022 2:54 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi


Aug 15, 2022 9:47 PM

“Clade I and clade II” seems like an obvious homage to Dr. Seuss’s “Thing One and Thing Two” from The Cat in the Hat.

There’s a Horton Hears a WHO! joke in here somewhere.

comment image

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 15, 2022 11:10 PM
Reply to  Ort

Tweedledum and tweedledummer

Aug 15, 2022 8:47 PM

hocus poxus.
“Clade 1 & clade 2”? I suppose it’s too crude to point out that “number 2” does have a certain not entirely irrelevant scatological reference.

Sorry, a bit concrete-bound this morning.

Aug 15, 2022 9:22 PM
Reply to  Penelope

It’s ridiculous it just proves how far the rich are far removed from the poor.They buy homes in the country away from real people.Yet they are further isolated forever imprisoned in their big old cold houses

Aug 15, 2022 10:13 PM
Reply to  Annie

The ‘rich’ are real people too and most of their houses are warm and cosy.

Divisiveness is a strategy of never-ending exclusion.

We are all one.

Aug 16, 2022 2:14 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

So many international elite are buying properties or moving to NZ.

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Aug 16, 2022 4:28 PM
Reply to  Frances

Perhaps they actually like Cindy.

Aug 15, 2022 8:15 PM

The parasites are like a insect infestation starts with a few ants 🐜 in the pantry to a full blown take over of your house that eats and desecrate your entire house.

Aug 15, 2022 8:02 PM

I wonder in years to come we will not be able to message to a site like this to any alt media sites.To even have any free speech or any freedom.If It took just 2 years to enslave the masses what will it look like In ten years??

Aug 15, 2022 8:10 PM
Reply to  Annie

Our rights are being taken away slowly but surely until we will think wrong is right and right is wrong.

Aug 15, 2022 9:28 PM
Reply to  Annie
Aug 15, 2022 7:59 PM
Aug 15, 2022 8:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Me and my boyfriend have grown our own,We have strawberries tomatoes,Pears plumbs ,Raspberries,Apples,thyme potatoes,Cherries.Next year we’ll do cabbages and carrots and all vegetables.We all need to grow our own and we give it to neighbours and we get something back eggs and runner beans cooking apples sloes we barter we trade.We can do this everyone that has a garden.👍

Aug 15, 2022 9:32 PM
Reply to  Annie

Smaller, cleaner, happier.

Sharing is caring.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 15, 2022 11:11 PM
Reply to  Annie

I would do that but I have this very black thumb, I can even kill devil’s ivy which is no mean feat.

Aug 15, 2022 7:27 PM

The good news is they still haven’t come up with a new name for monkeypox itself, but they are – rather foolishly – throwing that open to suggestions.

That’s a no-brainer: poxy mcpoxface

Aug 15, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  AlanG

Even if “THEY” called it what it was, a LIE, the walking brain dead lab rats would still cover their air ways for a LIE, would still stay 6ft apart for a lie, and line up to be injected with the LIE. Even when the cloak is starting right at them, fear would still guide these people to CONSENT to their own demise. Very powerful mind control using emotions (energy in motion) has trapped them.

Aug 15, 2022 9:35 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

How come we saw through the bs??!!?What made us different?Thousands have seen this for what it is why did we see when they didn’t???

Aug 16, 2022 2:27 AM
Reply to  Annie

Only you can answer that. Who are you? What resonates with you? What experiences have shaped your perceptions? What lens are you looking through? Who are your teachers? Are you a student or a teacher or could you be both? Sadly, what people think they know so much about is from the memorizing school lessons, verses from the Bible or the sayings from some guru and cultural narratives from sanitized history and other lies they’ve been spoon fed and end up being knock of versions of who they really are. And all of that has been reinforced through indoctrination mills called “schools.” Memorizing and parroting back does not constitute knowledge. Regurgitating what the screens tell you is not truth or reality and realizing that you have been fooled beyond belief can cause a great deal of turmoil to arise. There is no use asking agents of the Matrix to validate your REMEMBERING (“awakening”), for you will just be diagnosed (LABELED), so you can be medicated (POISONED). I have always been different. The scapegoat. The black sheep. The “crazy, paranoid conspiracy theorist.” The “free spirit.” I never run with the crowd. Even in my younger days, I flocked alone and still do. I was like the scout, who checked out the impending doom and raced back to tell everyone about it, but we know how that goes. I have always questioned, starting when I was very young. Began with chucking everything to do religion (the Buy Bull/ the character “Jesus” that so many think is just waiting for the perfect time to “save” them from their fears, etc) and naturally I just knew the government was a huge SCAM, which led me to look at every single prong/tentacle of this system’s agenda(s), which included the “education” (indoctrination) system, the agriculture business,… Read more »

Aug 15, 2022 9:36 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

Maybe so not too long ago…


The times they are a changing…

Aug 15, 2022 9:32 PM
Reply to  AlanG


Aug 15, 2022 7:13 PM

“UK weather: Met Office warns of ‘dangerous’ floods across country”
Oh n !! Where’s me life jacket !! 🤪

Aug 16, 2022 2:17 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Australian weathermen predict continuation of La Nina (more wet, flooding) this coming summer!

Aug 15, 2022 7:04 PM

Regarding CBDCs in the U.S., Biden signed Executive Order 14067 on March 9, 2022 – “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.” So, it is moving forward and it’s no longer a matter of if, but when.

Aug 15, 2022 7:06 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.” – Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 15, 2022 6:53 PM

The Trump raid really came about because Trump’s lawyers stated that there were no classified papers there even though there quite obviously were. The explanation why this is the case is probably not some sinister conspiracy by Trump but his overall hapazard approach to record keeping — he didn’t plan the Presidential transition so when the time came to leave the White House he and the remaining staffers just crammed what they could get their hands on into a bunch of file boxes and hauled the lot off to Florida.

Trump’s supporters will continue to weave this into some kind of Deep State conspiracy but realistically its just a failure on Trump’s part to recognize that the game was over and plan accordingly.

Trump could have saved himself a lot of trouble by just saying that he wasn’t sure what he had, he hadn’t had the opportunity to review everything, and just thrown the key’s at the Library of Congress people, told them to have at it while he was out of town (and don’t make too much of a mess). There’s probably nothing of value to him in those papers but they could cause him a lot of trouble so ‘genial cooperation’ would be the right approach.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 15, 2022 11:13 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The same people complaining about this warrant chanted ”lock her up” over Hillary being served warrants before the election.

Aug 15, 2022 11:56 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Are you his lawyer ? Fuckin hell you know alot.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 15, 2022 5:35 PM

Confident too say, the world has truly gone mad..
Can’t see a way back to be honest.
It may require divine intervention…

I stand in UK rain
I stand in UK rain
Aug 15, 2022 5:46 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yes. A ‘divine hammer’.

Aug 15, 2022 6:41 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

That “Divine Intervention” is us. We are the sleeping Gods.

Aug 15, 2022 9:38 PM
Reply to  Transmutation


We are the Awakening Gods

Aug 15, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Sure, How’s it working out for ya so far?

Aug 15, 2022 10:51 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 15, 2022 9:39 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.

Aug 15, 2022 10:33 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

c.h.a.n.i on the right track amigo

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 15, 2022 10:07 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

The antichrist, that’s the ticket. Bring on the antichrist. Don’t we at least get 7 years of peace or something like that?

Aug 15, 2022 10:48 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

It does not require. It has been promised, but it won’t be deliverance

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 15, 2022 5:24 PM

CBDCs are just like the mRNA miracle spew!

In most cases they won’t be MANDATORY but the slave won’t be able to slave-on without it… So just like the mRNA spew the herds of MMS/3i’s will take the CBDC up their “Arm” and with a smile on theirs muzzled snouts!

And I bet 1 CBDC that if the app to install in the MMS/3i’s “smart”phone is awesome to use… The herds of MMS/3i’s won’t even blink!

Can’t see anything going wrong with the use of Science and Tech is this particular case.

Go Go CBDCs!

After all, we also did this… without a blink!

comment image

Aug 15, 2022 9:40 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Except we didn’t do this.

A propaganda machine made you think it is bigger than it is.

Aug 16, 2022 11:29 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Stop calling them vaccines.

Aug 15, 2022 4:53 PM

Starmer wants the energy companies to pay more tax !! How socialist is that ? How about nationalising these parasitical bastards Keith because most people I know ain’t gonna sit back and watch even more of their hard earned being siphoned off into the bank accounts of greedy shareholders.

Aug 15, 2022 5:06 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Starmer’s played a trump card with that move imho. No increase in the energy caps – a real vote winner. Left Truss and Sunak standing.

Meanwhile another Trump card is into difficulties with his brand of opposition. May get prosecuted under the Espionage Act (?) Or maybe no charges will be brought, if recovery of documents was the real motive

Aug 15, 2022 5:51 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Then when everyone’s voted for him…….

Aug 15, 2022 5:59 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

… Corbyn promised something similar with student debts I seem to recall. Was going to abolish them. Won him a few extra seats. Then the plan mysteriously became unfeasible overnight

Aug 15, 2022 6:50 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

It truly took me a few seconds to remember who Corbyn was/is.He must have made a great impression on me!

dom irritant
dom irritant
Aug 15, 2022 10:31 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

that very old chestnut/politrick!!

Aug 15, 2022 10:18 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

why are you taking the puppet show seriously?
starmer is establishment to the marrow of his bones and hates “Labour” as much as tony blair did
If he wasn’t, he would be getting the corbyn treatment

dom irritant
dom irritant
Aug 15, 2022 10:25 PM
Reply to  Grafter

his name is defo not keith

Aug 15, 2022 11:59 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Well said.Its the return of Tony Blair tho ya know and the old golden Brown.

Aug 15, 2022 4:42 PM

Just go to (if you dare) an online dating site and see the ridiculousness people write on their profiles: “I will only date vaccinated (POISONED) people.” “If you aren’t vaxxed, don’t message me.” “I consider you unclean if you are not vaccinated.” Such madness, right! Far too many have zero ability to think critically or beyond the narrow paradigm they are programmed with.  Those who are hypnotized by the shadow puppets on the cave wall edit out & disregard what they are actually experiencing.  These masses have left their health in the hands of what I consider mass murdering wolves. This creepy all-consuming fake, medical nightmare scenario has been planned for years and the dehumanizing ghouls behind it have used all kinds of mind-warping techniques to mislead and abuse the public. FEAR is the bullet, and the media is the gun – to enable them to shoot their lies into millions of human hearts and minds. It is sad that modern science has led so many astray in their thinking with regard to their own bodies and how it functions creating nothing but fear and panic, whilst reaping massive amounts of money for those in power as a result. Such fear places a distrust in our own bodies, our neighbors, and nature itself, making it appear as if we are powerless in the face of disease; that it is beyond our control and only the medical establishment can “save” us from ourselves. What might those in power benefit from such chaos? Explore that thought. It’s not that disease doesn’t exist; it’s more that contagion is a myth.  For all those who still beLIEve in these “deadly virus” narratives, I am still waiting (like a lot of us are) on the research that shows these “deadly viruses” being demonstrated experimentally the transmissibility of disease with… Read more »

Aug 15, 2022 8:53 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

Contagion’s not a myth. Neither is resistance. You discredit all your efforts to persuade others when you utter such silly falsehoods.

Aug 15, 2022 9:14 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Please reply with the link showing the research, which demonstrates experimentally that “deadly viruses” exist as genetic units and that they are able to transmit (catch and spread) between individuals according to Robert Koch’s postulates. It’s impossible, but show us what you know. Keep in mind, though, that epidemiological observations do not equate causation. All disease is nothing more than a compensation strategy in response to a poor terrain.

Aug 15, 2022 10:45 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

did you never get chicken pox as a kid? or mumps?
is your argument that your own body created the symptoms of the “disease”, perhaps in sympathy with your friends, or because you were brainwashed by the media?
Of course contagion is a thing, ffs
Just because the “pandemic” was a lie, it doesn’t mean that all disease is fake.
And btw, what is “poor terrain”? Is it a genetic predisposition, or can any body deteriorate and become “poor terrain”? If the latter, please explain the process of how a healthy body becomes “poor terrain” without involving contagion.

Aug 15, 2022 11:16 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Indeed, your body does create all the symptoms of the ‘disease’.

Aug 15, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Hear, hear!

Aug 15, 2022 11:46 PM
Reply to  Stewart

You are still bringing up that old platitude? I have never had one vaccine, so I never got those diseases/ailments created from their accompanying vaccines.

Aug 16, 2022 9:08 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

So you’ve never had a disease?
How did you avoid vaccines as a baby/child?
Utter rubbish.
And you failed to answer my question as to what “poor terrain” is.

Aug 16, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  Stewart

No diseases here. My parent’s had me at home and I have had exemptions all my life– would NEVER touch a pharm poison, let alone use myself as a pin cushion for poison to stream through my bloodstream. No hospitals. I do not visit quack doctor, who are sales men and women for the Rockefeller’s.

And yes I did answer your question about terrain; read all comments fully.

Read this: https://www.amazon.com/What-Really-Makes-You-Ill/dp/1673104037/

Listen to this: https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/videos/

Aug 16, 2022 2:59 AM
Reply to  Stewart

Our food.

Aug 16, 2022 3:42 AM

and ALL pharm poisons, laced air, poisoned water, and other stuff people drink, as well as powerful frequency/radiation/ tech that our bodies and minds cannot handle and everyone views those things as “sci fi” and the poisoners cloak it all as either “fake news,” “conspiracy theories,” but their pharm toxins as “medicine,” and “life saving vaccines.” THEY have the masses believing we make one another sick and must use their vials/pills to “stay safe” and to “protect” everyone. It’s such a diabolical LIE.

Aug 16, 2022 9:27 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

Whenever someone refers to Humanity as “the masses”, I know I’m dealing with a shill and/or a moron.
In this case it’s AND

Aug 16, 2022 3:52 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Oh ok, Stewart.

Aug 16, 2022 9:36 AM

So there is something in the food we eat that creates disease?
Or, to put it another way, when we ingest certain “things” contained in the food we eat (organisms, molecules, chemical compounds) these things create the disease?
Congratulations, you have just described contagion.

Aug 16, 2022 3:58 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Stewart, If you fell sick right after [blank] household member fell sick, then there are numerous reasons for why this may be the case. It could be psychological — you THINK you’re going to fall sick simply because your brother or sister has a sore throat. It could also be due to the fact that members of the same household live similar lifestyles, eat similar food, drink similar water, are exposed to similar levels of EMF radiation, and often share the same toxic thoughts. When a body has a high degree of toxicity (from food, water, air, environmental poisons, pesticides, any and all pharm poisons, frequency, radiation, and tech which our body cannot handle) bacteria feeding upon that toxic dead matter and tissue will be poisoned to death. When the body is at such a point of systemic toxicity, where bacterial levels and all living microbes in the body have been diminished or killed due to the above reasons, the body will call upon the help of viruses to help cleanse itself. When the body cannot utilize milder methods, such as a cold (usually bacterial), it will utilize the help of non-living protein solvents which are known as viruses. We are being poisoned and have been poisoned all our lives by Mommy Medicine and Daddy Government via pills, potions, and poisons all cloaked as pharmaceuticals to treat the ailments, when it’s the treatments and the “cures’ that are causing the sicknesses, diseases, and chronic illnesses, which keep us lifelong consumers of a very insidious medical business. Viruses occur as a result of systemic toxicity (tainted/laced food, air, water and foreign materials like metals and chemicals being injected into us), not because the body has been invaded by some external threat. That is the medical fraud we’ve been spoon fed by… Read more »

Aug 15, 2022 9:44 PM
Reply to  Penelope

You discredit your response with fallacious representations.

Aug 15, 2022 10:27 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

In order to prove a pathogenic influenza virus (or strain), you would have to perform viral isolation and then prove that the isolated, purified virus induces illness when introduced to healthy animals. All of that has never even been properly attempted. Forget everything you think you know about viruses and bacteria. You have been lied to.

What gets me is why people don’t see that the “deadly virus” narrative being a LIE is good news! It’s as if they want to be dependent on the system spoon feeding them fiction about their health. We do not have the ability nor the responsibility to stop other people from getting sick.

Aug 15, 2022 11:13 PM
Reply to  Transmutation

Quite so…

Yet, at times, it appears for some contrarians it is a meal that is somewhat difficult to fully digest, as their taste-buds have become accustomed to a diet of confirmation bias, drizzled with a swamping sauce of hastily concocted availability heuristics.

Still, we love them all the same.

Aug 16, 2022 1:54 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

I think they are dumb dumbs. On here touting how wrong all this is and they don’t even acknowledge the deception holding up the SCAM they think is wrong.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 16, 2022 7:46 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

Actually, the snot / sputum from patients of the so-called Spanish flu was introduced into the bodies of healthy volunteers in order to prove that contagion was real. However, none of the volunteers got sick.

Aug 16, 2022 11:40 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Before the “Spanish” flu came vaccination of US soldiers (for something else) who were about to leave for Europe.

Aug 15, 2022 10:42 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

be nice! it takes some longer than others, i used to believe in it, then i woke up, my latter self merely feels sorry for my previous self, not derisive, our Pen is an ardent researcher and has pointed to many things others have missed

neither of you came into this realm fully aware of how deep the lies go, nor i would warrant have either of you not had epiphanies, so in light of your epiphanies be nice to your Penelopies

Aug 16, 2022 2:00 AM
Reply to  Duckman

Truth is Truth. Truth does not try to be “nice” or gentle. Just because the Truth causes cognitive dissonance, does not make Truth “mean.” And far too many “Penelope’s” avoid the Truth when it challenges their perception of “reality.”

Aug 16, 2022 11:01 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

your arrogance is mind-boggling.
please define your understanding of “reality”

Aug 16, 2022 4:07 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Truth is reality. Not that “truth” that has you, Stewart, buying into a pandemic of misinformation, deception and outright lies that have been and continue to be promulgated on a daily basis by the mainstream media, which include blind obedience to ‘authority’ and belief in the words of so-called ‘experts.’ That is NOT Truth or reality. YOU are case in point that show how deep and penetrating the layers of deception go.

Reality/ truth do not need a marketing campaign. You’ll come to the Truth.

Aug 16, 2022 11:06 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

and gentle persuasion pisses all over derision every time and you will bring very few around to the truth by assaulting them, i thought you wd have learnt that by now..?

that said i can troll with them best of them gauger, so troll on ;0)

Pen has landed some mighty links/info here over the last however long, credit where credit is due i feel?

Aug 16, 2022 8:51 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Awwww, I can’t do anything about people’s fragile ego’s.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 15, 2022 11:05 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Have you watched this?



Aug 16, 2022 3:47 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

That is such great information. I always recommend people read: The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses Are Not the Cause of Disease by Thomas Cowan.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 16, 2022 7:48 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

It goes even deeper than these insights. Read up on pleomorphism.

Aug 16, 2022 5:52 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

AND biophotons. If all the information required to control the body’s biochemical processes is in the light that the body emits, and if disturbances in that light disrupt biochemical processes and cause disease, then it must be possible to ‘examine’ the light and remove the disease. Then you return the ‘repaired’ light to the body. If it works, it will have enormous consequences for everything.

Aug 16, 2022 6:18 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Do you have a link or a book you can recommend?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 19, 2022 2:00 AM
Reply to  Starr


Virus Mania – Torsten EngelbrechtClaus KöhnleinSamantha Bailey

Dissolving Illusions – Suzanne Humphries

Fear of the Invisible – Janine Roberts

Aug 16, 2022 9:24 AM
Reply to  Penelope

50 downvotes for stating an obvious fact?
Do you all think that diseases are ideas? That we create the symptoms ourselves after coming into contact with someone else with self-created symptoms?

Aug 16, 2022 4:23 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Here, let me get you another drink of kool-aid.

Human values
Human values
Aug 16, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

Contagion is not a myth. Many things are contagious. Like yawning. And flu. I’ve certainly seen them spreading. I’ve also seen rumors spreading, and people believing them spreading them, destroying someone’s life.

Insanity is contagious. Fear is contagious. But then again, so is courage.

This war against humanity is not about a virus, sickness, health, healthcare, medicine, science, theories or whatever politicians and their masters come up with. This war against humanity is about good and evil, truth and lies. This war against humanity is spiritual, because these things are spiritual. And in Spirit it is won. 

Aug 16, 2022 4:06 AM
Reply to  Human values

Where is the proof? It means everything to know the Truth about “deadly viruses.” If people could get past the notion of contagions, they wouldn’t respond with asinine comments like “Well you don’t have the right to infect me!” To walk around believing that one can actually infect or even kill another just by simply BREATHING is such a toxic, backwards idea and keeps people living in guilt and fear, even if those people who say that they also “value freedom.” It may make a person who doesn’t believe in government intervention to continue wearing a mask “just in case” when such a thing is destructive to their physical and mental health, and it keeps the lie alive and continues to have poisons injected into their veins. True health comes from balance and no one on the screens making out like a bandit under the lie of “germ theory” is out to save you by telling you about some deadly virus on the loose. THEY are out to control you when they do that. Lather, rinse, repeat. Every single “pandemic” (PLANdemic) was/is a SCAM. It’s not that diseases don’t exist; it’s that contagion is a MYTH. It’s a lie, dude, 100%. If the masses knew about the medical MISHCIEF right off the tails of “germ theory,” and that it is INDEED a lie–a massive one, the majority wouldn’t be obeying shit like this and could see right through it, immediately, because “THEY” are unable to MAKE US SICK anymore with their wonderful pharm POISONS to “keep us well” and “safe from one another,” because it’s “all for the greater good,” when it is “THEIR” snake oil that is POISONING us and creating ailments being LABELED “autoimmune deficiencies,” or a “cold,” or the “flu,” or “pneumonia,” or CONvid; you get the jest.… Read more »

Human values
Human values
Aug 17, 2022 1:55 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

Covid is just flu in newspeak. It is also a codeword for the servants of Evil.

We are not dealing with flu here. We are dealing with Evil.

Theories are just theories. There is no need to believe any theory. Whether you believe the ”terrain theory” or ”germ theory” is irrelevant. Flu still exists.

You’re saying flu isn’t caused by tiny microbes but poisonous food, poisonous water, poisonous radiation and poisonous thoughts. Fine, but who made you so all-knowing in this issue, and why would it even matter?

If you win the war against ”germ theory”, what war will you fight next? There are so many economical, sociopolitical, theological and astronomical theories, we can make war forever if it’s about believing in ”the right theory”.

You are very passionate about this issue. So passionate that it blinds you from your actions.

This war against humanity is not about viruses or virus theories. Don’t you see that?

We are not in this shit because we believe in germs. The idea that something is contagious doesn’t mean that we should discriminate against anyone. It doesn’t follow from any scientific theory to use massive propaganda and brutal force against people.

World domination is what every authoritarian ruler wants. You wanna be in that group?

les online
les online
Aug 16, 2022 12:55 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

If i was a virologist i’d be rushing to sign up for The Viral Challenge, so that The Heresy of Doctors Tom, Andy, Sam, Lanka et al, and not forgetting Mike Stone and Eric Coppolino, can be nipped in the bud soonest, and so we can burn ’em all at the stake soonest – even if they recant and repent. (And as i’m a gentleman we’ll Burn The Women (the lovely Dr Sam) First …I wont blame her for leading the men astray. I’ll let someone else do that)…

Aug 16, 2022 1:44 AM
Reply to  les online

Yes! Calling all virologists…or ONE virologist. Can’t wait! Surely one virologist can explain the hocus and pocus sufficiently to prove those heretics wrong.

Aug 16, 2022 4:50 AM
Reply to  Martha

Martha, I love this. Yes! Calling all SCAM ARTISTS who call themselves “virologists” to come forward!

—a fellow “heretic”

Aug 18, 2022 10:45 AM
Reply to  Transmutation

My days of dating sites go way back. At the time, they liked taking long baths surrounded by candles. I was finding that unhealthy to the brains for at least two good reasons. So I can’t imagine a dating site for the unvaxed, decades later.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 15, 2022 4:15 PM

Update: Albert Bourla, four time “vaxxed” Psychopath in Chief of Pfizer, now has Convid, and is currently taking Paxlovid. He says.

Aug 15, 2022 9:45 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

His press releases are to be trusted without hesitation.

les online
les online
Aug 16, 2022 1:09 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I am curious….about all the double boostered VIPs catching “covid” around the same time ! Are they part of a marketing campaign for Paxlovit aimed at governments ?
Or: a campaign to establish in everyone’s mind the idea of the need for annual vaxxing
(the way Microsoft is ALWAYS ‘updating’ my PC – and without my consent !)…Or…?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 16, 2022 1:44 AM
Reply to  les online

I’m working on the assumption that Bourla and the other have not taken the “vaxx, nor, if an option, Paxlovid.

It’s all revolves around money and marketing, and possibly, a certain amount of ass covering.

“See! Look! Our “vaxx” is so safe and effective that even important people like us aren’t afraid of taking it, and if we still get the Convid, then there’s an equally safe and effective back up treatment.”

Aug 16, 2022 12:03 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

One version of the spin (limited concession) is that the more jabs weaken your immunity more. I put it down to more jabs being more opportunities for the diabolical ingredients to attack your body.

Over 2021 Jan. to Oct., jabbed under-60’s in England died at double the rate of the unjabbed.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 17, 2022 2:18 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The “vaxx,” most certainly is not a “vaccine.” I don’t know for sure what’s in it, or why, but it’s not wholesome, healthy, good or necessary. Avoid at all costs.

Steph Amson
Steph Amson
Aug 15, 2022 3:51 PM

An anthem for the pain of the incoming of new world order:


“Reflections Of My Life”

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my eyes
The greetings of people in trouble
Reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my eyes

All my sorrow
Sad tomorrow
Take me back to my old home
All my crying (all my crying)
Feel I’m dying, dying
Take me back to my old home

I’m changing, arranging
I’m changing, I’m changing everything
Ah, everything around me
The world is a bad place
A bad place, a terrible place to live
Oh, but I don’t wanna die

All my sorrow
Sad tomorrow
Take me back to my old home

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 15, 2022 5:31 PM
Reply to  Steph Amson

Love this song

Aug 15, 2022 3:12 PM

It’s a piece of cake for Moderna to develop a brand new vaccine every year.

Just in the time it’s taking me to compose this comment, I’ve come up with a revolutionary new treatment for the latest COVID variant: you click your heels three times and say “Begone!” and you get better just like that.

See how easy it is to cure something you make up as you go?

Aug 15, 2022 2:19 PM

If Trump is setup as one part of one half of a false binary, surely we don’t assume Oliver/GBnews is anything less than that? What Oliver says may resonate, but that’s true of Trumpism for very many people. It doesn’t mean you’re not being manipulated.

Aug 15, 2022 4:34 PM
Reply to  Observe

Are you able to ignore the platform to focus on the message?

Aug 18, 2022 1:30 PM
Reply to  Chairmandrew

Yes, the message is manipulated on every platform. It’s why you’re allowed to see it and listen to it.

Aug 15, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  Observe

Double negatives are positive.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 15, 2022 1:22 PM

For me, this latest thing with the supposed FBI raid on Trump’s farce gives me the feel of a horror movie where the participants do things completely contrary to common sense, because it’s a horror movie. Like the victims hiding behind the chain saws. You’re watching it and you’re saying, “you idiots”, but you know they’re idiots because of the script.

I’ve read hardly a word about what happened with that “raid” because it is so obviously a theater with lies on all sides and a complete distraction as described above. But perusing headlines and seeing all the people and sites chiming in on it is where the horror movie feel comes in. It’s like, “why are you falling for this, you idiots”? But then, I realize they’re falling for it because it’s in the script. Same thing only different.

Aug 15, 2022 8:56 PM

Albert, I s’pose it may be an effort to — once again– paint Trump as “an outsider.” You’re right– ridiculous distraction.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 15, 2022 10:06 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I saw a headline where Bannon and someone else were evidently fretting about Trump getting assassinated. I’m going, “who cares”? Trump is not JFK. Good grief, the only people that can’t see thru that conman now, never will.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 15, 2022 1:09 PM

> “The Party” are deliberately fanning flames on both sides of the US, hoping the nation tears itself apart.

How likely is it that people after power would risk a civil war in EOL (Empire Of Lies)?

Aug 15, 2022 2:02 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Please stop calling these people “the party” or even worse, “the elite.” They’re “the parasite class,” or just parasites for short. They purposely fan the flames of cultural, gender, and race wars to prevent people from fighting a class war to remove the parasites and take back their unearned wealth and power.

Aug 15, 2022 2:22 PM
Reply to  Blane

Yes. There is no better word than Parasites for them.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 15, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Blane

Can we still hope the nation (US of As) tears itself apart?

Aug 15, 2022 6:17 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

And pray tell, would that benefit you personally in any way? If so, then maybe I as a dumb American could agree with you, although that means I myself get to fight the civil war you so fervently wish for. Perhaps you should come here and join us in tearing the US apart? After all, we surely need all the help we can get to do that, and I’m just certain the benefits will outweigh any negative consequences, right? Come on over, grab a rifle, and take point.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Aug 15, 2022 9:26 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Well you have gone just about everywhere with very BIG rifles and torn much of the world apart – not too many Yanks pushing back on that tyranny so assume the rest of us will do THAT for you

Aug 17, 2022 7:33 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Of course the US has destroyed multiple countries, of course it is a war mongering and profit driven country, does that mean that every single American is guilty as charged and should simply be eliminated? Victor never misses an opportunity to wish the destruction of the ordinary people of the US. So, since Great Britain was basically the model for the US of A, should all British be destroyed for the past sins of their country? After all, those are pretty big in number if one looks at the past, are they not? And what good would that really do?

Divide and conquer works every single time, and scapegoating ordinary people for the sins of their rulers comes pretty damned close to culling out undesirables ala the Great Reset, IMHO. At the very least, it focuses the ire on ordinary citizens and not the psychopaths in charge.

As for not too many Yanks pushing back on tyranny, I hardly think we’re in an exclusive club there, are we? Read any history lately? There’s more than enough blame to go around in this world, and most of that should indeed be focused on the wealthy parasites in those countries, not the plebes who have no fucking say in the wars their “governments” prosecute at the bidding of the bankers.

Enjoy the revenge you wish on ordinary people, but be careful now, that’s pretty bad karma and the blowback might be pretty ugly.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 15, 2022 11:37 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

When the USA falls, and it will, it’s going to take a lot of countries with it. America’s going to look pretty good in comparison to what’s coming.

Aug 16, 2022 1:41 AM
Reply to  Blane

There are no parasites.
It is called Terrain Theory.
If people are dumb enough that you can make a buck, Shag It!
G. Soros et al.

K Lee
K Lee
Aug 15, 2022 1:05 PM

Eugenicist Ted Turner founded NTI, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, whose motto is “building a safer world”…. by lowering the population, no doubt. Make no mistake, the eugenicists are in charge today. The only argument the transnational class may have is in how fast or slow this operation should be paced. If it’s convenient to use nation-state rivalry to “inadvertently” cause inflation, food shortages, the “we’d better become more like another nation in order to stay competitive” i.e., smart city surveillance rollout, etc., they’ll use it. Forget that the west has been selling weapons technology info to Russia and China for decades. Forget that there’s a Rockefeller Foundation set up in China, a Yale University – Yale Center Beijing – branch and a host of US bio-labs and pseudo-science virology centers scattered across the world. “Resetting the world isn’t something you can pull off by just pushing a button. It requires a series of well-designed global crises…” “This is not communism because, if it were, the big corporations would not all be in on it. This is technocracy, using the power of data collection and advanced surveillance technology, which they leverage at every point of contact – in the medical field, media and social media, science, education, at the retail level, the military and biosecurity levels.” https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/05/30/globalists-have-entered-the-kill-phase-of-great-reset-remember-the-deagel-population-forecast-it-now-makes-total-sense/ Please listen to these valuable podcasts hosted by Whitney Webb to see the big picture: https://unlimitedhangout.com/ulh-podcast/ Global technocracy will not prevail because its cult-like operating system fails every time, just as all organized religions have already discovered. Fear of actual progress, of investing in quality education for all, of relying on human innovation to propel humanity forward, is what the tight-in-the-bud global neo-feudalists are really suffering from. If people are raised cultivating their innate genius, then their whole condescending “useless eaters” argument crumbles to… Read more »

Aug 15, 2022 9:52 PM
Reply to  K Lee

Quite true…

Their hubris historically has them engaging in auto-cannibalism.

Aug 16, 2022 2:28 AM
Reply to  K Lee

Excellent post.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 15, 2022 1:00 PM

> 1. Yearly Covid vaccine updates “like new iphones”
… and the “must have a new iphone every year” crowd will cue up.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 15, 2022 2:22 PM
Reply to  Mr Y
  • queue (not ‘cue’…)
Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 15, 2022 4:15 PM

I remember when I used to cue up my favorite track on a scratched up LP. Or was that queue?

The Jackal
The Jackal
Aug 15, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

These days it’s… “Q” up. 😏

For those that DON’T already know this, “Q-anon” (No TRUE connection to Anonymous, btw) was PUT TOGETHER by the NSA to keep people SITTING STILL, “Trusting The Plan” WHILE Agenda 21/2030 aka:
“The Great Reset” is BEING implemented.

“Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming” CRYPTICALLY refers to the GREAT RESET.


They LOVE their IRONY and SLAPPING us in the FACE with it AFTERWARDS.

– The Jackal’s “MARK”

Aug 15, 2022 10:51 PM
Reply to  The Jackal

they even had the audacity to alude to the “deity” kwanon aka “the one who hears the screams of the children”

beyond irony i feel? more sort of in yer face “we are getting away with this every fkn day”

do ya want a bit of jimmy saville with yer burger mate?

others just say “mayo”

so having lowered the tone sufficiently its now time for a bit season 4 walking dead

Aug 16, 2022 1:57 AM
Reply to  The Jackal

I know people who still believe in Q. They are as brainwashed as the Covidians, and similarly, think they’re the awake ones.

Aug 15, 2022 10:46 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

whilst skinning up on the cover, ahh vinyl so much less fiddly than a cd

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 17, 2022 8:29 PM

Sorry, English is my second language.

The airheads in love with iphones will still get their vaccines, though.

Aug 15, 2022 12:42 PM

New Normal

Nobody talks about clot shot deaths anymore. It is the new normal.

Canada: Neurosurgery Resident Died in July, Bringing Total Number of Dead to 8 (hollywoodlanews.com)

Aug 15, 2022 8:37 PM

I can’t remember the name of the film where the staff and actors devoured the directors and investors; something like “varmint cleanup day” comes to mind, but I don’t think that was it? Can you help?

Aug 15, 2022 12:23 PM

What a coincidence that after a drawn-out battle in a life support case we get this:


Since Bowie, every celebrity ‘death’ has been suspicious imo. This looks like a constructed “how we want you to do it” versus a “how we don’t want you to do it”. dialectic. Turn the machines off when the ‘experts’ say and donate your body to ‘science’ – like the stars!

It’s all part of the long road to death panels. Getting the useless eaters to welcome and demand their own extermination is elite’s ultimate end goal.

(TBC I don’t know whether Heche has really died or not. I suspect it’s more a case of a persona being retired but obviously cannot prove it one way or the other. The fact that the manner of her dying plays into another agenda – humans driving cars isn’t safe, fetch the AI – doesn’t exactly lessen my suspicions about it).

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 15, 2022 2:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

She was off her tree on drugs

Aug 15, 2022 4:33 PM

and there I was, repeating everything the mainstream media was telling me…

Aug 15, 2022 4:47 PM

there is no possible way you could know what condition she was in

Aug 15, 2022 11:07 PM
Reply to  Stewart

So that weekend she went on a bender back in August 2000 in Fresno was just a one off? Seems that there was a pattern of drug abuse with the poor woman.

Aug 16, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  Oubok

Yes, and twenty years ago I got hopelessly drunk and was sick on myself.
By your logic, that “pattern” makes me an alcoholic?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Aug 15, 2022 3:07 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Daisy Moses: Days ago I started out thinking something WAS NOT RIGHT with Anne Heche’s “official” story (and all its moving parts), so I sent a couple links to Mark Crispin Miller, whose work I admire greatly and who has been diligently covering suspicious “vaxxidents” for many a month; seeing a potential story here too, he kindly suggested I do a write up and well, golly, I did. It sure came out longer than I predicted, but here ya go, a trip down one GIANT rabbit hole! Disclaimer: This is a complete work of FICTION using names of known public figures. Given the huge spate of “vaxxidents” with people driving at Warp Speed (TM) into buildings, embankments, subway poles, cafes and plowing down scores of people, leaving blood, destruction, a running body count, not to mention much “normalizing” by the MSM (attributing such events to anything from loud noises to spicy pizza…), it seemed that Anne Heche’s recent “accident”—crashing into a private home at 90 mph–was just business as usual. To us sceptics it was likely one more “vaxxident” covered up by the press, and to the press it was just a regrettable misfortune to be attributed to A.B.T.J. (Anything But The Jabs).  As we know, many Hollywood folks have rolled up their sleeves, as they all tweet about it ad nauseumm, so perhaps that was ALL there was to see… but like Peggy Lee (speaking of things going up in flames…), Daisy here does not think that is remotely “all there is” to this story. So let’s keep dancin’ a bit around some “idearz”… Both sceptics and the MSM (of the move-right along /nothing-to-see-here/ we-got-it-covered “non-coverage”) may be missing something BIG and it relates to Heche’s knowledge of and potential exposure of Hollywood’s own Chamber of Horrors, that world of “Superstar Satanists”… Read more »

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 15, 2022 4:21 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

R.I.P. An incredible and highly visible militant activist with a long history of fighting the establishment. Surely a three-letter agency hit.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 15, 2022 12:17 PM

comment image

The System is a criminal Corporate Fascist Racket.”

comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 15, 2022 1:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“The Pharma-Con Racket in a nutshell.”
comment image


“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis need to go, NOW!” 

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 15, 2022 1:50 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

Aug 15, 2022 6:54 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

hahaha like it : )

Aug 16, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

I scroll for you-and there you are S.Cooper.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Aug 15, 2022 12:08 PM

YouTube version of the Neil Oliver video was removed.
Bitchute version.

Aug 15, 2022 2:05 PM

It has been reuploaded and extended with the bit on the end about the useless vaccines 10m44s long

Aug 16, 2022 1:39 AM
Reply to  maiarce

This man is not only a fluent talker, but a fluent thinker too.
I do believe we have a genuinely excellent human being here.
We must wish him every success in his endeavours to wake up his fellow man.

Aug 15, 2022 2:23 PM

reuploaded with longer bit about the so called vaccines 10m44s

Aug 16, 2022 2:38 AM


S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 15, 2022 11:51 AM

Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking.”
comment image
comment image

“The Proles and Plebs should beware of Critical Thinking!”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 15, 2022 11:53 AM
Reply to  S Cooper