Nationalising the power supply plays right into the Great Reset’s hands
Kit Knightly
There’s a lot of talk about energy prices in the UK right now. And a lot of talk about what to do about them. The record profits reported by oil companies this year have fuelled a lot of outrage – both in the press and the public – and politicians are lining up to suggest a solution to this problem.
One solution often mooted is nationalising – or re-nationalising – energy suppliers.
The UK’s Trade Union Congress was among the first to call for it, going so far as to publish a costed report claiming the whole process would cost just 2.85 billion pounds. Former Green Party leader Caroline Lucas has publicly supported the measure.
The Soros-funded openDemocracy thinktank published a piece just today headlined “What nationalising energy companies would cost – and how to do it”, which heavily cites the TUC report.
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown wants to “temporarily” re-nationalise companies that “fail to lower bills”. Even the Telegraph – the Telegraph – is taking the suggestion somewhat seriously.
The current Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has publicly ruled out nationalisation, in favour of a plan to spend £29 billion on, essentially, paying people’s extortionate energy bills for them. But since this is over ten times the alleged cost of nationalisation, Labours position is such a weak opposition it may as well be an endorsement.
Meanwhile, the papers are running headlines claiming nationalisation is the “only way to go”, publishing polls that allegedly show 90% support for the policy, and tabloid-style morning television shows are hosting discussions like this…
On #GMB this morning @RobbieRinder makes the case for nationalising the utilities that are natural monopolies, and asks why the Labour Party isn't doing so.
— Saul Staniforth (@SaulStaniforth) August 16, 2022
This is very strange, as nationalising anything has been branded mad in UK political circles for decades. As recently as 2019 Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto was the subject of scorn and ridicule for wanting to nationalise the railways, water and energy.
So what’s going on? Why the change in tune?
Is it that George Soros and Gordon Brown and their ilk have all suddenly decided Corbyn was right, abandoned their profit-first mentality and chosen to act for the good of their fellow man?
…does that seem likely?
The more cynical mindset would suggest it’s probably all part of a plan, or rather the plan. The Great Reset, the only plan there is. A long con with ever-increasing state control as the inevitable payoff.
Consider – why are the energy companies making record profits?
The official story is that the situation in Ukraine (among other things) is driving up the prices of oil and gas and energy in general. But that doesn’t make any sense, does it?
If the product you sell becomes more expensive to source, your profits go down because you are paying more for your raw materials. If you then increase prices to account for the extra costs your profits stay the same.
Record (and increasing) profits means either there is no increase in costs to offset your price increase or you are increasing the amount you charge over and above the costs you pay out. It’s price gouging, and when every company on the market is doing it, it’s price-fixing (and is technically illegal).
So why is it happening?
You could argue simple greed, I suppose. Since people know the economy is in bad shape they expect their energy bills to be astronomical, so energy companies are just being opportunistic and milking them for all they are worth.
That could be true. Maybe.
But then here’s a follow-up question – why do we know about it? Why has “oil companies making record profits” been all over the front pages of every paper in the country?
The mainstream media only tell us what they want us to know, after all. The same people sit on the boards of the papers, banks and oil companies. They all meet at the kind of parties we don’t get invited to, and they all work together. If BP and Bulb and Eon were all just conning their customers for the money we wouldn’t ever hear about it.
Instead, it’s all over the papers. And people are comparing the UK’s energy prices to those in France, where electricity is nationalised. And leftists are pouring out of the woodwork to talk about the need to renationalise the grid.
There is clearly a narrative forming.
Does this mean they definitely will nationalise the energy sector?
No, not necessarily.
Maybe they will simply spend public money to “lower the bills”. Maybe we’ll see more companies enter “special administration” as Bulb did in April, which is essentially nationalising with an extra level of corruption – the government paying a third party company to run the bankrupt company the way the government tells them too.
The point is to incite outrage and highlight the “problem”, that way people will accept any “solution” presented to them. Be that nationalising or bailouts or printing money to give people “energy support payments” (and further increase inflation). They may not have decided exactly what that “solution” is yet, but nationalisation is definitely at the top of a pretty short list.
Now, supposing they do re-nationalise…will that be a good thing?
Well, put it this way: Are you happy to have the same unthinking bureaucrats who rubber-stamped lockdowns, mask mandates and coerced vaccination deciding who gets electricity and who doesn’t?
They literally killed people in order to create a fictional “pandemic”. It’s hard to see any good coming from putting those same people in charge of the power grid, especially with the “climate change” agenda coming so hard on Covid’s heels.
It’s hard to readjust your worldview, and as a lapsed leftist, it feels strange for me to argue against nationalising industries, or that the idea should fill me with fear. But while a nationalised industry benefits the customer in theory, it only works in practice if the people in charge are genuinely benevolent…and we know they’re not. Quite the opposite, in fact.
That’s not a defence of capitalism over socialism, more a realisation that there’s no longer a distinction that really matters…but we’ll talk more about that another time.
As Orwell wrote in 1984:
It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism.
The bottom line is, if the UK government – either Blue or Red – does renationalise energy, it won’t be about anything but control.
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Oh for goodness sake. Stop seeing something nasty in woodshed everywhere you turn. It becomes ludicrous after a while. *eye-roll emoji*
It seems the UK psyche only allows for a dualistic solution; nationalise or privatise and so the narrative remains in a tragic syndrome that always fails.
Nationalisation is a very negative attempt at solving the inevitableness of state capitalism. Who on earth wants the state as the control system of having an authority that draws the map for all to follow in the turgid belief that this means people own the processes? If they truly did the outcome would be very different and success de rigour.
Learning from history and how the CNT in 1936 Spain showed the world how to do everything through a democratic social revolution. Anarcho/communism where workers owned the means of production that outstripped all capitalist and social democratic economic methods, without a state or Government. In real democracy, a Government and state do not exist.
This federated horizontal democratic methodology not only gave freedom to all but increased growth never before seen, together with a cultural kaleidoscope run by the people for the people.
Nationalisation is a failed social reformist attempt of clutching at straws to better the capitalist process but is doomed to repeat the consequences of this badly constructed euphemism of uninsightful policy as the only alternative there is; in other words not seeing the wood for the trees.
Social democracy and fascism were the destroyers of this great demonstration of human freedom and democracy in Spain, do not allow this to happen in the UK.
General strike and build again with a new clever spirit for the future of humanity; teach the world.
Ok, but corporate control of energy is certainly evil, provably, and in the reality of the now, control and greed by them is absolute. So its still better to have energy controlled by govnt that is at least partly accountable to voters. The govnt can’t have more control than corporations already do. They already do what they like and cut people of when they want. There’s no threat from nationalisation that isnt already here without it. I dont see any reason to oppose nationalisation even if its used for the greatest evil you can imagine, because that evil is and can be used by the very companies now controlling your energy supply. Strange article. Looking for a new angle that isn’t really there. At worse its still better than what we have.
Dictators can do want they want and we are happy to trade with them.
But once they start to nationalise there foreign owned and controlled industry
Or even think about having independent financial control.
That is when we decide that they are evil and mad so we had better invade to save the people of that country that we suddenly care so much about.
Our utilities like water , electric , gas and transport like rail , bus are all foreign owned.
Our coal mines are closed and oil exploration restricted with oil companies , steel works also mostly foreign owned.
The Beeching cuts in the rail ways followed by privatisation of the rail and bus service has been terrible for passengers. With restricted service , confused ticketing and huge price increases. Closing coal mines and privatisation of the steel works have seen closures and foreign ownership.
With the bank crash like Bulb energy the government part privatised taking majority shares but leaving existing management in place.
The problem with privatisation is the government outsources decisions and effective control. They pay outside advisers that have huge conflicts of interest. Its like paying the poacher to be the game keeper.
Now that libraries are going, or have gone, bookless, saying that a critique of “privatization” could fill a library doesn’t mean much any more.
But consider it said nevertheless.
Anyway, I just wanted to add that another glaring fatal flaw in capitalistic privatization schemes is that they exist to serve profiteers.
However well-hidden and denied, the legacy wish or demand that “governments run like ‘businesses'” is predicated on the capitalist libertarian dogma that comptetitive profit-seeking will necessarily force enterprises up the ladder of “quality”. The Rhetoric of Excellence euphemism I often heard in the 1980s and 1990s, when I worked for a Pennsylvania (PA, USA) state agency in the process of devolving into a “public-private partnership” was “World-Class Service”.
I have no idealistic or sentimental belief that in the “good old days”, governments and the state effectively served We the People. But at least nominally or theoretically, state enterprises were supposed to serve the public interest, fka the “common weal”.
Privatization is the domain of Mammon, and public “customers” are simply a means to the end of maximizing profits.
Governments enter long-term deals they claim (a) are great (b) they cannot reveal the details of, even in Parliament. Besides joint (oligarchic) profiteering, this together with globalisation allows them to deflect blame for big failures.
and, if they don’t nationalise it, it will also be about control.
If the end user was financially induced to supply their own electricity as a mandatory requirement, the problem of grid monopoly would resolve pretty damn fast. That’s why it’s never been proposed…
Why should I pay for the cost of lighting up a city like a circus midway? I don’t live there. Why should I pay to light up an empty office building 500 miles away when I don’t own the building? Why should I pay the cost of lighting up an industrial complex that wastes billions of watts of electricity every year? No one wants to talk about reducing energy consumption via USING less energy. Hello?
“Smart” grids, “smart” appliances, “smart” automobiles, waste more energy per unit than they’ll ever save, and they’re unreliable. Why should I invest in “smart” anything?
I also hate stupid circus acts, but that’s another story…
Neo-liberalism would collapse without (a) relentless growth, consumption and debt (b) conversely, scarcity (c) an underclass (d) subversion of government and rigged competition.
The insane manipulators now face what they evaded: the reality of climate collapse. They had claimed that it was (a) a big issue only in “underdeveloped” regions (b) ameneble to more of their magical “solutions”.
“Climate collapse”? You think the climate is literally collapsing. What does that even mean?
I don’t think economics is just an arithmetic of the good character of the people running it.
The Holy Roman Empire was an effort to improve society by improving character.
It matters whether they serve the interests of the nation state or global shareholders.
The “people who rubber stamp bad things like Covid” isn’t an effective argument against state-run industries, because enough of the people who rubber stamped Covid were global corporate agents.
So economics matters. And rights matter too. Legal, rights democratic rights, human rights obviously aren’t what we would like them to be, but they do exist and you know when you’re in a country that doesn’t have them. Global corporations offer you no rights whatsoever.
Now it should be plain to see that all the privatizations of national industries which happened since Thatcher turned to shit. Trains, The Royal Mail, Water, Electric, Gas, you name it. In obvious contradiction to free market theory, quality and reliability went down and prices went up. Instead, they demonstrate the laws of monopoly theory. Certain products don’t sell like hamburgers. Especially if they need an extensive network infrastructure. Healthcare, education legal services, army, police… It’s obvious that haircuts and helicopters should be in a free market. It’s also obvious that childcare services and space stations shouldn’t.
The most obvious solution to price gouging on privatized industries is re-nationalizing them. If that doesn’t happen and people start dying of cold or starvation, or both, I expect we’ll see the same riots in London as we saw in the Pacific last month.
I hate to say “I told you so” but believe it or not this was exactly what was predicted would happen. The people making this prediction weren’t some kind of cosmic sage that could see the future, they didn’t have to, they just looked to the past. Public ownership of key infrastructure and assets didn’t just happen because of some ideology, it happened because the unbridled private sector — aka “Britain up to mid-Victorian times” — blatantly failed to mange the essentials and it was jeapordizing the prospects of the country. This system was dismantled partly through ignorance and mostly through greed. Capitalists are always looking for the biggest return for the least investment and conversion of public infrastructure became the ultimate low hanging fruit. No expense was spared convincing the typical voter (notorious for their short memory) that they, too, could become rich in that Great Casino of Life. So Sid sold his birthright for a bunch of scratchers, fantasized about how rich he was and partied for a few years — and ended up broke with a massive hangover.
I personally couldn’t stand to see the destruction of the country so I decamped. Admittedly to the US but then I figured that if I was going to live in an ersatz version of the US I might as well experience the real thing. Unlike the UK the US actually has laws protecting public property; obviously this attracts lawyers when there’s enough money involved but tricks like selling off the playing fields of my UK high school for development would be effectively impossible.
The problem the UK has this time is that it hasn’t got a huge Empire to bail it out.
those wires those branches those metal trees that tesla that is the image above
they collect energy free from the atmos
you see
not all the energy but some plenty
same as sum some hollow buildings
tall ones
on a clear day at the correct angle you could see clear through the twin towers many many floors
what we see and what we seem or what we are told
is all a dream
Hello admin,
I wrote a response to a poster called Camille a couple of hours ago and it seems to be missing from the thread. It was labelled pending. Any reason why ?
Just to clarify, by ‘stasis’ I mean what these companies do – the administration of energy from A to B through staff in their various premises. The company names will die, of course.
I presume the ‘energy’ companies being discussed are the middlemen, essentially glorified billing firms who buy and sell the refined resource to reach the customer through the established infastructure overseen by companies such as Transco (National Grid), and their nationalisation is a hoary tactic to get the taxpayer to keep them in stasis until such time as they are ready to sell off again when opportunity is more promising. Starmer’s ‘plan’ to just pay people’s bills from the Treasury during this period amounts to pretty much the same thing – just a question of which will work out cheaper. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Everything is grist to the financial mill. The problem with the retail companies is that they are middlemen, middlemen who were forced to buy power at expensive spot prices to fulfill long term contracts they made to their customers. On the surface there’s a lot of commercial activity but it all comes down to taking a small, cheap, unit and passing it through numerous hands so that the eventual buyer pays well over the odds for it. Essentially just a casino, a parasite on everyone’s productive effort. Since there’s a load of money washing around then that money can be used to pay PR/propagandists (and even politicians) to keep the system operative. With power the obvious line is ‘green’, a line that has the virtue from a propaganda perspective of piggybacking off the need to conserve fuel use (so justifying selling even less power for even higher prices — what’s not to love about that?).
The people who worry about ‘the government’ doing this and that should realize that ‘the government’ is, or at least should be, us. Its true that in our modern world its been captured by corporate interests but in reality its the medium by which we can invest capital to manage payback costs — instead of borrowing from the banks (“the market”) at their rates we can set the rates, tax regimes, anything we want to adjust the pricing to our benefit. (Since you’re all Brexited now the “We can’t do this because of Common Market Competition Rules doesn’t apply” — or was that just yet more hogwash to sell the rubes?)
Another one to fan the “flame effect” of the left/right pantomime firebrands. Old Starmer the snake charmer is certainly a socialist of the new normal/old normal school.
In France, although as Kit points out, Electricity and gas are nationalised, every private consumer has the option, by law, to switch suppliers FREE OF CHARGE.
There are comparison websites and the new provider does all of the donkey work.
The price cap is disappearing, although it has been extended to December 2022 for those on fixed contracts.
This system seems to give the consumer some protection against greedy suppliers.
But then the French have the threat of the National Barber and the willingness to use it.
Another one to stoke the left/right pantomime flame effect fire. How amusing to learn about Starmer the snake charmer’s idea, the tri lateral rascal.
Nationalising will put frequent or selective power cuts beyond easy opposition.
Right. I’ve experienced a few brief power cuts recently- a little hors d’ouvre for the feast to come, I presume.
This “debate” about using nationalisation to solve the energy crisis is a classic smokescreen. It will run for ages and most likely end up without resolution.
Meanwhile, the policies that have directly caused the crisis continue: those policies implemented by various U.K. governments over the last 20 years have included the attempted removal of fossil fuel usage, the closure and only partial replacement of nuclear power, the taxation of fossil fuels and the subsidies given to “renewables”, the sanctions due to Ukraine etc .
So the endless meddling by politicians, whose every decision only benefits the wealthy will go unchallenged.
Your Independent regulator Ofcom.
From the Good Law Project:
More info:
If They nationalize energy-they will control it.As with corporate ownership, They will make us poorer-by over charging and lying to us.Additionally, though and more importantly,They can then officially link our accounts to our digital Id and further Their wet dream of implementing the social credit system.Nationalizing,at that point simply lays the groundwork for Their diabolical infrastructure and Great Reset Plan.
I don’t quite understand the statement ‘Nationalizing the Power Grid plays right into the Great Reset’s hands”, it only makes sense if its just another propaganda piece built around certain trigger words. In order to understand the implications of what nationalizing the UK’s grid means you first need to understand why it was nationalized in the first place and then the circumstances leading up to its privatization. Electricity supply up to the 1920s was provided by a patchwork of private companies and municipal generating systems. By the 1920s it was realized that a reliable, uniform, electricity supply was a strategic asset so a number of steps were taken by governments of all political stripes to coalesce the system into a National Grid. The system I grew up had generating plants operated by the CEGB (Central Electricity Generating Board), a supply backbone managed by the National Grid and area boards that managed local distribution to retail customers. It worked really well, sufficiently so that people ‘of a certain age’ will remember that electricity was billed every quarter (three months). However it represented ‘stored value’ so come the rise of the monetarists/neoliberals (or whatever they were called) the system was privatized, it became primarily a commodity market with the commodity being electricity but the purpose being primarily profit. Here I will switch gears to California. Following the success of the privatization in the UK the model was then to be exported to other countries, including the US. We in California got hit the first. Our supply was managed by a mixture of municipal and regulated utility companies and so privatization in this case was called ‘de-regulation’. The result was an unmitigated disaster, primarily provoked by the sheer greed of the late, but not lamented, Enron. Like the UK the supply was forced… Read more »
In Sydney The Authorities took advantage of “No Jab, No Job” to thin out the ranks of bus drivers while privatising the state bus service…The number of routes have been PRUNED, (need fewer drivers), the ” bus scheduled every ten minutes” actually means waitings of fifteen to twenty minutes, and onboard ‘standing room only’ has become an added feature… Efficiencies had to be made if profits are to be gained…(Not known is whether the State agreed to subsidise profits if the efficiencies dont provide enough profit.)
breach of trust
theft of your share in the common wealth
gas electric and water are free
that bill you get is it a bill or an unverifiable offer
but for what
what substance for what substance
who are the parties in the contract
if you return to sender who are the named victims
what is the breach
ohh forget it
i.ll get me jacket
This may not matter long-term if TPTB go through with a CyberAttack to take down the power grid and Internet. The death toll from that would be staggering if it laster longer than a few days. I except something like that to happen when CBDC is ready to be rolled out…
Here’s Klaus.
By attacking the electrical grid directly, the Insane Empire caused many deaths in Iraq, Syria and Venezuela. Its indirect attacks include (a) unilaterally prohibiting the sale of parts or maintenance for the grid (b) selling armaments to its stooges attacking Libya, Yemen, etc.
Has anyone noticed that, not only has there been an increase in charges for kw/hr but also in increase in “Standing charge”. Wft is that all about, other than to further increase the profits of the grabbing energy corps?
And, We The People paid for the infrastructure!
when they send you letter offer increase you simply return the offer to sender and say no thank i will stick to the previous fake contract
I’d be interested to see some actual numbers, like what is the actual breakdown of costs that make up your electricity & gas bill, compared to the last five years. That’ll include things like the raw gas or coal price, distribution, admin, VAT, renewable obligations & profit. How have each of these components changed exactly? (Or how are they predicted to change, and why?)
Agree, nationalising the energy companies is not the answer (and are we even talking about the producers, like BP, or just the suppliers, like Octopus?). Aside from the fact the government is run by psychopathic lunatics (whoever is notionally in power) nationalising will likely blow a very big hole in many ordinary people’s pension funds. Which is perhaps the point, for the next stage of the agenda.
If it gets Margaret Thatcher rolling over in her moldy grave, then it’s a winner as far as I’m concerned, and to be honest I’m always on board for nationalizing industry.
Sadly,it wont be the same:the good old days of national’s one step beyond what Thatcher dreamed of.She would be all over this Reset.
Yup. It does Kit.
Wood is going up and pellets as 14 million trees are cut for windmills. Me thinks they have all the boxes checked.
Some of the pellets go across the Atlantic to Europe as “sustaibable” fuel.
Kit Knightly referred to a ” fictional ” pandemic: Does anyone know what his position is about the Covid virus? Does he think it doesn’t exist or does he think the governments exaggerated its effects? I don’t remember any UK doctors alleging that: Did they? If they didn’t what it KK’s explanation for that?
Doctors were completely free to voice their concerns and opinions concerning this medical event and the associated solutions, without any censure from their overseer institutes and funding corporations.
Also the sky is made of cellophane and the sea is delicious lemonade.
they weren’t free to voice their concerns about the solutions:. but your referring to a solution presupposes that there was an event- so you do think there was a pandemic?
You answered your own question
so why the sarcasm?
Irony flattens the crinkles and sharpens the creases on the cotton shirt of deeper knowledge.
Self preservation (loss of career/family/social connections and sometimes loss of freedom) often overrides heroism for a great many people in any sort of whistleblower scenario and understandably so. Nevertheless, thousands of doctors, medical professionals and experts from around the world have been trying to gain attention and point out that there are a multitude of sins being perpetrated in the name of Science. It’s a terrible shame some people will only listen to experts they are told to listen to. If you think about it, that’s a bit silly.
I don’t dismiss the mainstream narratives like many dismiss the alternate ones, I simply understand and accept that I shouldn’t blindly trust, to the ignorance of other views and experts, the messages of governments, their agents, regulatory bodies and corporations. Many of which have ridiculous, bound-to-corrupt conflicts of interest, shared interests and a common purpose more connected to profit than the provision of safe healthcare. The evidence for all of that is abundant and the occasional multi-billion dollar slap on the wrist belies the seriousness of many of the crimes committed and a blatant disregard for human health.
so do you understand what kk is referring to as a fictional pandemic and why?
Please don’t tell me the moon isn’t made of green cheese! 😄
Of course Covid was exaggerated, there is lots of documentation showing that any death within 28 to 60 days of a “positive” test was counted as a covid death, regardless of what the real cause of death actually was. Hospitals were also paid extra to “diagnose” a covid case, so right there you can certainly see there’d be more than enough incentive for them to go along with the whole pandemic panic. Hence, the “millions of covid deaths” is of course an exaggeration at best, a full blown lie in reality. The PCR was never meant to be diagnostic tool, and you can probably look up at least a video of its inventor, Karry Mullis, stating that on the record. He happened to die in late 2019, and from what some have said, under somewhat dubious circumstances…. So even if one were to test “positive” the question really is positive for what? The “virus” is a sequence of genetic material supposedly taken from a covid patient, and without going into too much detail here, the only real model of the virus is computer generated. So the whole premise of a positive test for covid is pretty much false from the get go. If not outright false (which I believe it is) there are certainly huge flaws in methodology used to diagnose “covid.” There are many doctors who will state some of these facts, but you will never see them on the MSM as that would put a big fat dent in the whole “pandemic” as well. Simply stated, there never was a real pandemic, there may not even be a covid at all. If you read many of the comments on this site, and many are far more educated on these topics than I am, you’ll shortly come to the… Read more »
but it must be VERY easy for hospital managers to see what the ACTUAL death rates are and whether or not they are extraordinarily high:
They know what they’ve done, and they desire to flee from the consequences of it.
And some of them — genuine psychopaths — are getting off on it.
If one refuses to look for something, one will never see it. You’re exactly right, many of them know good and well just what they’re doing. The rest simply refuse to see it. And yes, some are indeed full blown psychopaths who are getting off on it.
There was and is — demonstrably — no “COVID-19” pandemic (which is precisely why they had to change the definition of “pandemic”).
It’s a clear and obvious fact, easily provable and repeatedly proven, worldwide. I don’t just mean the endless reams of soul-deadening “scientific” “data”. Our own six healthy senses have revealed it to be bullshit every day since the coup was launched.
The pseudopandemic is a blatant scam, regardless of whether Kit K or anyone else subscribes to the implausible, unproven and remarkably recent dogma that Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer Dots surround us, pounce on us (for no imaginable reason), and cause disease.
If you didn’t watch TV or read newspapers you would even know.
Are yu aware of any doctors / hospital managers saying that or why do you say it is obvious? how can you know without access to figures about deaths and hospital numbers etc?
hos do your healthy six senses access records relating to deaths?
Yes, viroLIEgy is junk science:–dr.-richard-m.-fleming-phdmdjd-covid-19-is-a-manmade-bio-weapon.html
I do not mean to be rude but do yourself, your family, and friends a favour and binge-read the article at the above link until you are up to date! The once esteemed Dr. Vernon Coleman is a regular contributor. I say “once esteemed” as now the fake stream media are bought and paid for by the cabal/big tech he is maligned, discredited, and banned from all social media platforms and even subject to fake accounts set up to do just that!
Let’s imagine one wanted to rob a jewellery shop. One might devise a plan that involved a fight breaking out outside of said shop. The employees, distracted by the unfolding events wouldn’t notice the robbery taking place.
Which version of this proposed plan is more feasible? Wait for an eternity outside the shop for a real fight to break out, or employ actors to stage the event completely?
Yeah. The CIA could have waited upteen gazillion years for some real muzlims hiding in Afghan caves to hijack two jets and fly them into the twin towers, OR…..
everything is fiction
everything in your life has be a lie
you may not know it but you are in what is called symptomless coma
The most fundamental question of all is still rarely even asked, much less answered:
How much oil is still actually available and accessible?
The fact of fracking (following decades of difficult and expensive deep-sea-drilling) might give us a clue.
Oil is abiotic.
Storage is limited.
It is a future$ game.
Two headlines from the BBC:
At least the first one sticks to factual reporting – though of course that “since Covid” rests on such a tsunami of assumption that it ought to disappear up its own arse.
But by the time we get to the second headline the “first exams since Covid” have morphed into the “pandemic exams”! And note the total lack of scare quotes in the headline!
Once again that phantom concept of “Covid” has managed to attach itself as if by magic to something real and thereby suck a spurious false reality into itself.
Top A-level grades major cause of heart attacks
As a quick and easy ready reckoner, simply find out what the Guardian thinks about any subject and then firmly believe the opposite to be true.
Blokes in women’s sport? No thanks.
COVID global pandemic? Don’t be ridiculous.
Destroy Libya, with the highest GDP of any country in Africa, to hand it to packs of Jihadis. Are you mad?
Corbyn is anti-semitic. You just made that up at the behest of the Israeli Embassy in London.
Turn Syria from a stable, peaceful and secular republic (with flaws, but who hasn’t) that was a popular holiday destination for Europeans 15 years ago into a nest of more Jihadis, ISIS lunatics and other CIA-funded headcases? I’m walking away from you now.
As much war and destabilisation in the Middle East as the West can possibly foment? Sorry, no.
Paying Jonathan Freedland to say more war is definitely a good thing? Now my blood is running cold.
We need to show Russia and China that the ‘rules-based international order’ is the only game in town. That’s another term you just made up as a pseudonym for Western hegemony.
“As a third-generation immigrant, how can I identify as either Italian or British?” How about you stop trying to divide us all up into patently ridiculous identity groups? Anyone would think that the Guardian wants us all divided and compartmentalised and fretting about our differences and who the biggest victims are so that we take our eyes off the real enemy.
What about we renationalise the utilities? Hmmm, now, given all of the above, can you see why we would be suspicious?
Contrary to what many think about nationalization, both those who support it and those who oppose it, it is NOT “socialism” in any way, not remotely, it’s just capitalism under new management, state capitalism.
The nation state divides space into public space and private space. Nationalization as presented in the TUC report would merely move 2.85 Billion pounds from public space to private space and 2.7 billion more from Public space to private space (because to pay for the operation the public space would have to charge at least the cost and still be forced to give the poverty stricken customer a subsidy.)
But could this transfer be accomplish in some other way? Yes, merely revoke the corporate charters of the companies that own the franchises.
Presto, the entire system would retract into the public space. No taking happened, since charters are licenses. No one could own the system because there is no one with ownership to sell it to another. The government can then appoint a few of its cronies to run the system with the 2.85 billion pounds it saves or the people themselves can run the system at cost of operation and equipment replacement.
The winners those who are the governed taxpayers of the national government. It makes simple logical sense. If the government refuses to renew licenses to enterprises, that results as a consequence of the non renewal in the entire public service infra structure becoming public domain then the people can decide for them selves what to do with it.
No government action is needed. Merely refuse to renew the public utility franchise and refuse to renew the corporation license that owns the public utility franchise..
Japan never featured corporate chartering. Japanese society is totally under the control of capital. Changing some of the legal structures does zero when capitalist social relations underlie the social structure as a whole. That’s the basic problem with reformism. The people don’t run anything when relations are still based upon commodity exchange, the market runs everything.
We either take the nomadic off grid route or go down with the sinking ship.
But they did say “temporarily”. What that means to me is the gov’t will front for BigEnergy during the crisis-they-created period, until the public rage settles down, Then they hand it back to BigEnergy to continue where they left off raping & pillaging as before. The 1%’s reset of capitalism will never allow socialism for anything other than themselves. Socialism for the people is the eternal no-no they have spent every minute of everyday rejecting. Any socialism in the West is mere tokenism leftover from the post WW2 era where socialism spelled relief from the capitalist artificial scarcity casino that created WW1+WW2. That casino is back wrecking ecocidal crisis. Orwell was wrong on this one. The loaded term “collectivism” is as meaningless as communism, socialism, democracy or republic, in a world where NONE of it exists. Oligarchy, the 1%, stands over the top of it all defining every word-meme as a magical spell until we wake tfu and realize only policies and budgets have any meaning in a modern technological world. All those words are meaningless representations of what they want you to think. Collective self-governing to determine policies and budgets is Humanity’s only survivable future. If we had vested open discussion and policy design in a 99% participatory, transparent public process we would not choose war, nukes, wealth inequality, class privilege, racism, geopolitical empire over others. With vast revenues redirected toward the above we would establish safety-nets, fairness, equality, a shared future with all the peoples of the world, place limits to poverty & wealth and fully fund the jobs and public services that make for a joyous society, something for everyone to look forward to. And of course their mean, selfish and cruel response is… that’ll never happen. With the 1%’s financial and authority avarice placed in a… Read more »
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.As in beware of your government bearing gifts they give you money for your complete compliance and reliance.
Isn’t Albert Bore – La the CEO of Pfizer Greek? Beware of Greeks bearing gifts …. in a bloody syringe!!!!💉
Beware of Geeks bearing Grifts.
Haha 😂
He’s a Jewish Greek and that probably comes with more baggage than a 747.
Take everything away from us fuel food make it scarce bring us down to nothing,Can’t afford mortgage bankers will take it away can’t afford to heat and eat sell your home to survive.They are implementing 2030 with gusto you will own nothing and be happy.But at least we will still have our minds or will we be brain chipped so they can control our very thoughts?!The matrix comes to mind it was not a fictional film it’s a fact unless we the people real people rise up.
Did it not feel absolutely disgusting rubbing in our faces how the energy companies made billions or millions in profits while hiking up our bills?!? It’s insane how nobody are seething at the sheer arrogance?!!?
I watch a picker tv show where they collect memorabilia including gas station memorabilia, and I was struck by how many independent gas stations there were back in the day, all with their own brands, and all are gone now. I realize this has happened also to other businesses and brands that have gone buy the wayside, either bought out by corporations or couldn’t compete with them, bringing us to this day where corporations have completely taken over every aspect of our lives, giving them the monopolies to bring in this new fascism. I ask myself if centralization is the problem, then is decentralization is the answer?
Isn’t it funny how the world had to unite to oppose the “fascists” not so long ago because they allegedly sought world domination?
Maybe the wars were to install fascism, while the propaganda extolled the opposite.
And kier starmer is a globalist in a different suit they are brought and paid for.I do not vote it makes no difference who’s in charge,And poor America have been sold down the river.They we’re made to believe they were the new super power but Anglo Europeans were the super power the puppet masters and now they are destroying America inside out.They will use America to drop the first bomb onto Russia and the rest is history.
Free atmospheric energy was being harvested for centuries before the reset of the 1800s. Energy companies secretly use this technology. There is endless power forever.
Telluric Currents and the true function of the Great Cathedrals… Indeed.
The energy scam is the cornerstone of the prison matrix
Downvoted for requesting a source. Impressive stuff.
strike a match near your bottom as you let go the stale winds within.
that spark that flame is your free energy gift to the world and it is unmetered
tesla free
The Tartarian psy-op, like the myth of ‘flat earth’ has ensnared many ‘truth seekers’. These rabbit-holes are misdirection intended to discredit. Challenge either and you’ll be shut down quickly. Have an upvote for critical thinking. 😎
It’s what Santa Claus uses to power his sleigh.
I too would be grateful for a source, along with anything credible on the unlimited oil claims – from anyone, not just you R.
I’d be happy to be persuaded of both, but thus far haven’t come across anything of substance.
The powers that shouldn’t be only do things to profit themselves.Imagine nationalising every sector they can put up the prices whenever they want.I trust no businesses because they are sales men that’s it they do not have our best interests at heart.Which ever way they go we’re screwed.
Clue: because you’re going to have to….
“Can’t those poor people hop on their private jets to somewhere cooler?” will be the new “let them eat cake”.
Drop them in Antarctica in shorts and tee-shirts and socks and sandals we don’t need these globalist phycho maniacs.
Arctic is better. Polar bear, top predator can toy with them. Make a great tv show.
Yes anywhere but here.
Antarctica has Shoggoths.
And highly trained squads of elite killer Penguins.
Heh. Ask yourself how well “breaking up” telephone monopolies worked in the United States…
50 years later, it’s the same companies controlling the entire charade. A lot of political graft took place, the same assholes are in charge, and communications pricing has increased over 1500%. Ah! the smell of success…
It’s the corporate business model folks. CORPORATE MODEL. Hello?
Yep, we only see the show at the front of the stage. Behind the scenes remains the same with different characters.
Keeping us entertained, keeping us guessing. Getting us talking about it, having an opinion about, who will we blame for it as we sip our cuppa… Who
Tune in for the next episode coming your way soon. Exciting isn’t it?
In other words, we’re fucked either way as it stands. Only a revolution and complete destruction of the current system can give us any hope, and with that will come much destruction of life. I can’t escape this conclusion.
My thoughts exactly they are screwing us over murdering us and all we do is protest ain’t working is it?!?
Central control through Publc Private Partnerships (PPP) as per UN2030.
I accept under the current climate regarding nationalizing certain natural industrial monopolies, that should never had been allowed to be at the whim of the market to begin with, needs careful thought. Yes I accept it could be a move for the great reset agenda to achieve some of its desired goals; BUT the fact UK energy prices have been allowed to go where they have already, is surely the plan? The actions of the UK government have been so aggressive with energy bills they have had to come in and prop it up with substantial cash support otherwise their ‘plan’ would have been delivered too early: a collapsing society by the end of the year. First stage Chaos. The energy cap could/should have remained static and the energy companies take the hit. OK nationalism by default as I’m going to be reminded of last year’s energy ‘market’ collapse and the situation with Bulb energy. When has a UK conservative government, particularly this one over the last 12 years, ever reached out with such support before without involving furlough, Eat Out To Help Out™ etc.? Cameron – put a jumper on, comes to mind with the austerity programme. Yet here we are talking about how people should just put up and carry on as if it’s a mathematical exercise in economics and by this time next year the balance sheet will have baked in the inflation rise. Or a philosophical argument around communism and capitalism. There seems to be some comfortable voices in the article and comments that a possible £4-5 thousand yearly energy bill maybe manageable for you, so no biggy. Your blind spot is the Bank of England with its inflation and interest rate programme and your fellow countymen/women when they realise they are cold… Read more »
Agreed. I strongly suspect it’s part of the plan to make private home-ownership so unattractive (read: expensive) that even those who currently own their homes are tempted to move to WEF-backed, high density ‘smart’-city based accommodation. You will own nothing and be happy. These living pods will be super-insulated with all utility consumption included in a flat-rate rent. It’ll be so convenient, so much less stressful than balancing bills for eating and heating. Of course, that ‘stress’ has all been manufactured as part of the coercive effort.
The whole reason to nationalise utilities is that they display two key economic characteristics:
Private sector competition only works when customers are free to withdraw from the market altogether. It NEVER works when customers are forced to buy things to survive/live reasonably and the sellers hold the dominant power position.
People should stop listening to crazy US non-economists and return to the basics of what should be in the private sector and what should not.
The following should not be in the private sector:
Housing for the least well-off.
Electricity, gas and water supplies.
You can argue the toss about airlines; healthcare, particularly for the very young and very old.
And so it once was…
Along with free healthcare and education…
I have talked on here before about the attempts to get people to protest. I made the comments that it mattered what you protest about, and that certain celebrities on the internet push people towards the wrong reasons. Here’s a good example of what I was trying to say:
“A top German official has trashed people who may be planning to protest against energy blackouts as “enemies of the state” and “extremists” who want to overthrow the government.”
He uses those words because of his view on the reasons they’re protesting. Specifically, he denigrates protesting against vaccines. Because, the perception can be twisted into “we’re doing it for your health“, and protesting that is frivolous.
“You can already tell from those who are out there,” said Reul. “The protesters no longer talk about coronavirus or vaccination. But they are now misusing people’s worries and fears in other fields. (…) It’s almost something like new enemies of the state that are establishing themselves.
They’ll simply blow the energy crisis off as a result of global warming and the phony ukraine/russia stageshow.
Its different if the reason is not capable of being twisted. “Why does the patent cross the BBB?“, is a little different.
This is the plan everywhere, and they already have target groups to take the blame. The repeated attempts at a world wide protest movement, or heavily organized national ones are all meant to be twisted back on the people.
Perhaps certain ‘top’ officials are the enemy of the state…
As such the propaganda is plain to see and easily reversed to perceive the reality of their design.
” A top German official has trashed people… as ” enemies of the State ” ” Was his name Heinrich Himmler by any chance? 😄
The interior minister of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Herbert Reul (CDU)
Perhaps it’s a symptom of oncoming intellectual decrepitude, but certain platitudes that I’d always respected and believed, and served me in good stead, are rapidly losing traction.
Here, I’m referring to the enlightened understanding that “stereotypes and generalizations are irrational and may be rejected out of hand”, “looks can be deceiving”, and that in any case “one can’t judge a book by looking at its cover”.
Minister Herbert Reul– if he were in an English-speaking country, he would doubtless be dubbed “The Reul of Law”– rivals Klaus Schwab in the “Overclass Ugly” category. They have plenty of company in other Western governments.
Fortunately, the possibility that I have lapsed into deplorable “lookist” error is countered by another time-tested platitude: a picture is worth a thousand words.
Since the idea of nationalization of any industry is pretty much alien to (us) Americans (we’ve gone the opposite route with some disastrous consequences); and since Mr. Knightly’s article mentions at several points the concept of the government deciding “who gets electricity,” I must ask if that concept is and has previously been a part of the distribution process.
If indeed deciding “who gets electricity” is destined to be part of the nationalization paradigm, then it’s pretty obviously a very dangerous paradigm.
I would posit that the USA ( I expect that’s what you infer by the nomenclature of America: rather than all the countries on the twin continents) is very strongly nationalised.
Another point that should be made is that, depending on how ‘elastic’ the demand for oil is nowadays, rising producer costs might even have the effect of reducing their profits, since people could cut back on their consumption somewhat as a response to price increases.
In any case, you’re completely correct that the official narrative about record profits for Big Oil make no sense given what we know.
Remember these corporations don’t just trade in the commodity they predominantly advertise.
Well done Gordon….how does one temporarily nationalise something? In any case, what is temporary. For example, anyone recall the temporary levy on income to fight the war against Napoleon introduced in 1798; you should do – it is income tax. Or the Coronavirus Act (enough said)- a temporary package of measures in the fight against the ‘pandemic’.
The way one temporarily nationalises something is by that business failing and needing to be rescued for the secuirty of the nation, or that same company reneging on their agreed contract and walking away. An example;
Or this one:
These are not the only examples. Therefore back to energy firms, as they failed they still have needed huge amounts of public money, only to be paid out in ever increasing shareholdings (someones already discussed the huge increase in standing charge).
No need to go back to the 18th century and Gorden Brown is just shilling and not decision making.