Australian schools dock pay to “discipline” unvaccinated teachers
Move comes two months after mandate was reversed, but failure to comply must always be punished.
Kit Knightly

Hundreds of unvaccinated teachers in the Australian state of Queensland are facing up to five months of reduced pay as a “disciplinary measure” for refusing to be “vaccinated” against Covid19.
Queensland introduced rules mandating covid “vaccines” for all teachers in December of 2021. Those who would not comply were placed on unpaid leave and “investigated”:
In December 2021, unvaccinated teachers were suspended without pay and investigated for failing to obey a direction from the Department of Education.
The mandate was reversed in June of this year, but teachers returning to work will now face further “discipline” – 18 weeks of pay reduction.
That’s right, having already faced months of suspension without pay, the teachers now face further punitive measures for refusing to comply with a rule that isn’t even in place anymore.
Australia has recorded nearly 10 million Covid “cases”, and just over 13,000 Covid “deaths” – a case fatality ration of just 0.1%. Nevertheless a letter sent out to unvaccinated teachers claims their suspension “mitigated” the possible harm done by their “failure to comply”:
Your conduct in failing to comply with the direction posed a risk to the health and safety of your co-workers, students and members of the public which was mitigated only by the steps taken by the department to suspend you from duty.”
In their coverage of the story, the mainstream media repeat, without question, official claims that “fewer than 1%” of Queensland’s 48,000 member teachers’ union refused to be vaccinated, and that the policy will impact only 900 school staff.
They go on to say that Australia faces a national shortage of teachers (an “unprecedented shortage” according to other reports), but insist this “is not caused by Covid-19”.
However, if that’s really the case, why reverse the mandate in the first place? Why welcome back “unvaccinated” teachers? Or invite back other staff who “resigned or were dismissed”?
The move feels like a compromise. A half-measure put in place to ostensibly punish “non-compliance”, but also prevent the national indoctrination – sorry, education – system from collapsing.
So, while the story is shocking (or would have been 2 years ago), it is perhaps another piece of evidence that the vaccine uptake was much, much lower than officially reported, and another sign that the Covid narrative was, in some ways, a failure.
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‘,,,Your conduct in failing to comply with the direction posed a risk to the health and safety of your co-workers, students and members of the public.”’
Hmmm, but where is the proof that this is the case? Or doesn’t proof matter! There is no evidence put forward or even considered! This is what the medical system and profession have now come to. Cowards, they have simply ‘bottled it’.
They’d be ideal recruits for any future home schooling schemes.
Some Aussie teachers still have a spine.
Wednesday 31 August, Speakers Corner, Parliament House Brisbane, 10.30am.
The attack on the child has become prevelant in recent years, what with conspiracy theories pre-covid and anti-vax because it reflects the emotional under-current of Western ‘civilisation’ and that is a full scale war upon the inner child, the vulnerable spirit that lives in everyone, the recipient of self-hatred when a people turn on themselves, pair-bonding breaksdown, divorce increases, childbirth reduces, mental illness increases because the family makes up our psyche; the masculine, feminine and spirit, the father, mother and child. The outward representation of the inner.
We’re in a spiritual war.
Thanks William. Not many can see that our present situation is a continuation of patriarchy – the fear/hatred of Nature and Women. Yet the feminine spirit is arising. Nature always grows towards balance.
Yes, the feminine spirit has been worn down; over several centuries probably. Specifically in European nations; it was an ongoing process to help individualise the people. Women hold bonding spirits, they keep families and communities together, and they teach the newborn child to bond with themselves during early imprinting. Many cultures a newborn will stay with their mother for first 40 days and see no-one else. Much of our mental and physical suffering comes from the breakdown and rejection of these spiritual powers the feminine possess.
Unfortunately, the modern corporatised empowerment of women is making a physical women embody a masculine mindset, attitude and dresscode, this will not help our predicament. A truly empowered women would have four children, an organic garden and a wilful husband who knows how to communicate safe boundaries, not sitting in a cubicle watching her heart die of monotony and economic or political domination.
Day dreaming :-).
In my grandmothers days it was more about having to many kids hardly being able to feed them , bit like the 3rd world countries now, plus many western countries as well by the way now ; so organic was/is the last thing on there minds. Very romantic and sweet you are indeed.
Are you referring to the Amish type of life?
All depends which part of the world you live in as well.
You have third world countries where the woman sits home like you describe with many many children living of rice and macarona and then you have the third world countries where the woman works and the man lazy around under the mango tree.
In the animal kingdom the lioness hunts and has the kids and the Lion does not.
Spot on, Sabretooth. I’ve been thinking of this for a good while now.
Dr Philippe van Welbergen, Medical Director of Biomedical Clinics, provides further information…
“Un’vaccinated’ children of ‘vaccinated’ parents found to have toxic Graphene in their blood”, at:
Right now there are 30,000 workers reporting sick each day in Australia. And a large increase in excess deaths. The ABC lays the blame for this entirely on “long covid”. Not once has the possibility that this disaster has been caused by vaxx adverse events been entertained.
They take their audience for fools!
I think they know exactly who’s watching and what they’ll swallow.
I agree. So what does that make them?
How can you not know? Long Convid? There’s no such a thing.
Their audience are fools, period. Anyone who still gets their information from the MSM is long gone over to the idiot side.
I have a vaxxed friend who mentioned one of her undoubtedly vaxxed friends has “long covid,” whispered in an ominous tone. I didn’t have the stomach to bring up vaccine injury, and really, what good would that do? She’d most likely listen politely and then fully ignore what was actually said. And really, I have not found a way to get around telling one of the vaxxed just how bad these shots really are. As angry as I get at people who rushed out to get the damned thing, and felt it was OK to talk shit about those who refuse, I cannot find it in me to really let them have the full, ugly, terrifying truth of just what they have done.
Keep quiet. It will definitely help people see the truth.
When you hear about „long covid” you need to laugh and mock people who are believing in this. Not only mentioning vaccine but mock them. Don’t be polite.
Long covid, the hoax that keeps on giving, people testing positive on PCR’s done at 45 ct and it’s guaranteed to be positive forever. All that follows is the isolation and destruction of the immune system and mind over matter for the hypochondriacs who would recover if they went for a fucking run.
It is easy to con people, but it is very difficult to convince people they have been conned. They refuse to question authority, remove their blinkers or carry out their own research. I like you, have given up on trying to convince people and resigned myself to not broach the subject unless asked. When I am questioned on my status, my reply is personal choice just the same as it was yours, don’t chastise me on my decision for a flu/cold symptoms during normal flu season. The Western sheep politicians have shut down economies with a fatality rate of 0.02% of the population. More people die on our roads and yet they never closed the roads. It’s all about control and money.
It’s LIPs syndrome: Long Injection Poison syndrome
What about malingering? The so-called test is just perfect for that.
PfiZer macht frei…..especially when it kills you and you can get permanently out of the penal colony of oZZtrailya…the worst bit of the angloZionaZi empire of shit.
as the famous quote explaining australia states: descendents of prisoners are not a problem. the big problem is So Many are Descendents of Prison Guards.
and the prison guard mentality means Complete Blindness to the immense damage they cause. this mentality is like religion.
Excellent observation.
yep them uniformed goons will barge into your home and break your neck if you got the hi-fi to high!!
The convidian cult is collapsing. Cult leader David Gorski only receives 2 retweets for his attack on “misinformation spreaders” Monica Gandhi and Leana Wen.
Which of the five eyes has the most authoritarian COVID policies :
a) Australia
b) Britain
c) Canada
d) New Zealand
e) US state x,y,z
Stiff competition!
Any spider with 8 eyes has more brain power or moral.
The anglo-saxon world. What is wrong with native English-speaking people?
They are all genocidal British penal colonies
Wolfgang Smith; a genius mathemetician and physicist who is a critic of modern establishment science and shows that the concepts pushed (big bang, molecular, darwnism) have become just ridiculous abstract conceptualisations of a gnostic philosophy, not Science at all but what he calls Scientism, basically a religion that has distorted mans mind and it has affected the anglo-saxon mind the worst; leading them into a delusional belief in themsleves and their world; seperated them from nature; superficialised their relationships; superficialised their lives made them distant aliens.
A fellow returning from a gay sex tour in Spain has reportedly tested positive for monkeypox, HIV, AND COVID-19! Lol. Wins the Trifecta. Of course all three are fake diseases.
Pfauci. Fizer. Pfauci. Fizer. Pfauci. Fizer. Phake fandemic. Got it?
$100 billion in Covid vaccine revenues in 2021 buys a lot of cover-up. Oh yeah.
Only a fool would still teach in Australia given what’s happened. This latest move is pre humiliation. Teachers MUST resign! That’s what I did rather than complying with evil, CONVID tyranny. UK teacher makes a personal stand against tyranny. Are you going to carry on complying? – YouTube
That’s essentially it. Just give up on these institutions. Don’t deal with them. Reject them. Ideally every teacher in Australia should walk off the job based on this … but no they is too yella. Like everyone these daze.
There is an increase in home schooling in Australia – for obvious reasons. Some of the unjabbed (and unjobbed) teachers are now teaching groups of unjabbed youngsters in private homes. Good on em I say.
And I bet they are bloody good teachers! So the ‘education’ system is now left with the dregs, of teachers and students.
Perhaps that was merely a play on words….
How petty to do this.
Australian skools are indoctrination centers. The psyop must go on!
FWIW, schools everywhere are indoctrination centers.
Ja voll.
Yeah, but there’s nothing like a Catholic Australian School when it comes to indoctrination. It simply cannot be beaten.
Ephesians 6.12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against cosmic powers over this present darkness against the spiritual forces of Evil in the heavenly places.
People are also being tested – are you willing to go along with, and be a part of this Beast system?
Why would someone down-vote this?
Unless you’re on the other side, Devil.
You have to really question why the need to inject every single soul on earth?
Because they don’t want an unvaxxed control group. They need to hide the vaxx death statistics in a blizzard of disinformation.
Exactly. They want us gone. One way or another. We are the truth and they know it.
You have to do more than question it. You have to actively resist it taking place and take suitable action against those trying to impose it.
Because there’s something in the “vaxx” that they want to get into us, and that is harmful to us/helpful to them? The “vaxx” is medically unnecessary.
Modern Moron Slaves ONLY get what we DESERVE…
Don’t FORGET to keep on VOTING in scoundrels and terrorists and…

Are we seriously worried that mainstream education is losing teachers or that mainstream education is sieving out the last teachers with any vestige of will, discernment and integrity leaving only subordinate co-dependent teachers to maliciously enforce elite-authenticated bewildering unintelligible information; about their world and their-selves; into the wonderfilled pliable minds of the young?
We aren’t worried about either…
Why are these your “elites” if they teach “unintelligable information” whilst the teachers with “integrity” are not?
Until we shirk off the promoted parasitic mindset of wealth as possession and rebuild a society that doesn’t view money as the pinnacle and purpose of; existence and all relationships, those who have the most of it will hold the position of elite. NPC’s will always be the major share, it’s their current elite.
elite – a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group: the most powerful; rich; members of a group or community
Can confirm that teachers are some of the wokest cucks in Australia.
Except for the ones who leave the system. I used to be a high school teacher many moons ago.
Many moons ago teachers weren’t so tragically woke. They are now.
“Right from the start we’ll build a cell and then we’ll LOCK YOU IN!”
sums up primary school for me. I’m quite sure that school hated kids.
Student covers all ages thank you for the young comment.
Fauci’s finally going:
Also, Liz Cheney was absolutely trounced in the Wyoming primary – the media’s immediate response was to talk up a bid by her for the Presidency. Watch out for being positioned as some sort of supposed bi-partisan figure.
Doubt it the fake winner spoke Q nonsense with Icke crap.
You been served. Saveourrights meets rebel media.
Imagine a 18 year old runner (scout) on work experience being told to visit every shill shit website podcast blog possible then come back with a speech.
Thats who beat Cheney. pure puke fest.
Fauci will take the heat off Trump.
Midterms in USA is so cheesy. They cant be that dumb..?
Schools are simply an outdated penitentiary for the industrialised nations of debt slaves.
We are good debt slaves!
Of course the ‘covid narrative’ is in every way a failure.
It just doesn’t know it yet, because we are still too punch-drunk to fight back.
Sooner or later, we will recover our senses, and start the process of rebuilding by having a serious chat with that insignificant local health official of ours – the one who decided to sell his soul to Fauci.
We’ll work up from there.
Be ready for their claim that we are bullying them and undermining their self-confidence… Our would-be murderers are sensitive people…
Respond to their claims by really bullying them – show them what bullying means. It means physical violence, it means serious emotional taunting and insulting and it means targeting their children.
Then ask them why they thought that resisting their mantras was bullying.
Hopefully then, they will burst into tears and say they were only obeying orders.
Then quote Nuremberg at them.
As I have been repeating over and over and over; they will continue to lie until they are held accountable.
They are lying to protect themselves and their credibility. They have been knowingly and wantingly killing and maiming innocent healthy people just to protect themselves. No question about it. And they know it.
I can’t imagine what it must be like for them while living in the obvious lie. These leaders are living in fear while their consciences are weighing heavy and they are unable to sleep at night.
The evidence of their crimes is everywhere and they are continuing to ignore it.
They need to be arrested and put on trial for crimes against humanity.
Only the truth will set them free.
More and more doctors are joining hands to combat the lies to bring out the truth.
It is just a matter of time.
Leaders around world need to stop hiding behind their beefed up security forces and face the truth, accept their punishment and order the banning of mRNA vaccines.
They basically have two options:
1) Fess up and take the consequences, or
2) Double down and pretend that they haven’t done anything wrong.
Most have chosen the latter. I’m not sure what the mechanism/s is/are to bring them to account.
Lawyers. Suits. Pitchforks, torches and guns. Sort of joking but not completely. It’s my happy hour.
Well, it’s not by respecting their position of employment, their wealth and their various club memberships.
interesting read.
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
He won’t need money where he’s going…
“Pope” Francis.
Interesting. Wonder if they’re planning to crash the economy soon?
Ricardo Delgado, of La Quinta Columna, speaks here re. their findings regarding the content and purposes of the injections…
“Ricardo Delgado briefly summarises the nature and purpose of the covidian graphene injectables” (video: 6.30 mins), at:
I think the control group is winning. By quite a bit!
Just an observation, mind you.
Correct, this was obvious when Austria and Germany tries compulsory vaccination for all citizens – and the control group still failed to take the knee to big pharma
To put it in CJ Hopkins’ terms, the unvaccinated have not accepted the new “Reality” that Globocap has instituted. The old normal and the New Normal cannot coexist. Since the propaganda didn’t work on them, Globocap uses force (supported by the Covidian totalitarian masses).
Never thought I’d be quoting Ayn Rand approvingly…
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed not enforced nor onjectively interepreted and you create a nation of law-breakersand then you cash in on guilt”.
Dr Vernon Coleman posted the following article on his site this morning.
“Drug companies – just a bit crooked or thoroughly evil?”, at:
And, just for a bit of light relief…! He, Dr Coleman, wrote the following ‘about’ Boris Johnson yesterday!
“The Boris Johnson Diet Book”, at:
Vernon Coleman is David icke previous Doctor. Small world very inbred just like the deelites bloodlines which he goes on about. etc.
which means icky tells lies as he told many ‘he hasn’t used Doctors in decades‘ only herbalist like the shin clinic.
Vernon Coleman isnt no shin clinic or herbalist.
Minor Details very important.
Yes, I’m aware that Dr Vernon Coleman used to be David Icke’s former doctor (at some point in the past… don’t know how long ago).
Vernon Coleman hasn’t been a practising doctor for some decades, I think. Thus, David Icke may well have seen Dr Coleman as his doctor several decades ago, for he, Icke, only began to ‘wake up’ in approx. 1991/1992. And thus only after his awakening would he have begun to use the correct health practitioners.
(I refuse to go within a million miles of any ‘orthodox’ doctor. I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years [I’m 63], have been aware, for that length of time, of the nature of the group of people who run/control this world, and that the ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment & the Pharmaceutical Industry are the most corrupt organisations on the planet)
(Edit: Ahh! My ‘user name’ has reverted to what it had been, prior to a few days ago… ie, my name, Christine Thompson. A couple of days ago, when the commenting facility on this site went down, overnight, I was asked to ‘log in again’; I did so, and to my surprise, it caused my ‘user name’ to revert back to my former such ‘user name’, ChristineJ58. As I say, I’ve just spotted, after having clicked on SEND, that it’s reverted to my ‘user name’ that had been extant up to a couple of days ago)
“Oh! You come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder
Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover”
What went wrong?
The ran and took cover
Both major political parties and most of the minor ones have used mass immigration post WW2 to seriously dilute (offset) our ” Convict Streak “. ( Dave Warner, It’s a mugs game.)
Those who descended from pre 1901 colonial stock whether it be indigenous, convict, guard or free settler are now in a distinct minority to all the Johnny come lately types who are breeding like rabbits.
As fast as the locals are becoming disenchanted/disenfranchised and abandoning the major parties and exploring alternative options the immigrants are only to happy to vote for the major parties that allowed their emigration.
Turns out my GP was hospitalized with a blood clot and it almost came to an end.
Yes, he has taken vaccines to protect him from Covid.
I am guessing he was exercising when it happened. Taxing the cardiovascular system seems to be the key to adverse reactions in many cases. Won’t be long before doctors start telling their patients to stop exercising.
A good friend of mine was vaccinated and boosted and was boasting to me a few weeks ago about not having any adverse reactions. He is about 55 years old and does not exercise. I replied, “That’s great. Just don’t tax your cardiovascular system and you should be fine”. A long pause was followed by a change of subject.
Will you/me/we ever be able to really trust doctors/politicians/police/judges and even teachers, ever again?
I suspect NOT. They’re ALL ‘working for the man.’
Some of us stopped trusting doctors 30 years ago. They were much more personal reasons, but the betrayals were every bit as obvious.
Incorrect Mr Y
Your Doctor has pre existing conditions he she didnt no about.
It would of been a lot worse if he she wasnt protected and boosted.
If you’re not boosted you’ll be booted.
If politicians had a army randomly shooting people walking out of their homes there would be uproar.But when you have a medical army that are killing people nobody says anything??
And some people still believe that, “it’s just a cock-up”
I think the hospitals the doctors were the killing fields.They actually intentionally killed innocent people by suppressing their airway’s with these drugs to make out there was a deadly virus?I do not go to doctors anymore I use mind over matter I make myself better.
If I understand the matter rightly, medical care in ancient times was always bound up with psychological insight on the part of the healer, and the healer didn’t claim to make anybody immortal, but tried rather to bring various aspects of the individual into balance.
The modern equivalent might be the idea of treating “the whole person”, and not just the superficially perceived site of the problem.
But modern science generally doesn’t like to regard the liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas etc as part of a ‘whole’, since that would encroach upon their time and interfere with the simplistic process of “just take these pills, and your heart will beat more slowly”, sort of thing… (Drug company executives rub hands in glee…)
Mind over matter is an important concept, and I congratulate you on your attitude with regard to today’s doctors, who, frankly, should be dying of shame.
Currently I believe our lives could be placed in far better hands.
When I went to university nearly four decades ago, it was compulsory to buy ‘The World since 1945’ by Peter Calvocoressi for the modern world history course. The book was incredibly turgid and put me off the subject for many years. I now discover the author was ex- (or “ex-“) British intelligence and was part of Chatham House. His background reeks of bloodlines. Needless to say, Carroll Quigley and Antony Sutton were never on any reading list.
Some of the most important for a thorough understanding of the picture are off the reading list. History of mass, compulsory and voluntary education. And one of the main reasons we are where we are in 2022.
And here it is: the vast majority of people made their choices by 2020, chose not to understand the levels and growth of the still-hidden tyranny under that lighter regime. And then logically continued with their elections after 2020, obeying the already manifested tyranny.
One 2, that of the power elite, is there, the other 2, that of the mass reaction, is there, both make 4. It’s simple.
(I remember a scene from an old movie where a Falcon had landed on the back of an ox, and the narrator said, “The force that the falcon uses to subdue the ox is the same force that the ox uses to obey the falcon.”)
They have the opportunity to “wake up”, to be interested, to follow this and many other sites, to read the comments of conscious people, and then, based on this understanding, to act fearlessly and without retreat in life. Do they do that? No; instead, they obey more and more. Life requires you to provide – which usually means to obey, thinking you are providing-so you obey. People have chosen.
Personally, I am far, far from idealizing a significant part of the people who understand what is happening. They, too, at some level, at some stage, obey. “Life demands it.” It is one thing to understand, but another to act fearlessly, putting your future on the line, even clearly understanding that your future – as it would be if you were more obedient – is over. There is only instability ahead.
Hard work to choose the right solution. And people choose. Everyone chooses for themselves. (I’m not going to take part in their hellish game, no matter how much it costs. There are more important things than comfort and bodily salvation.)
I think there’s levels of awareness. Awareness or insight that reveals more reality about reality, let’s say. Most of us were rank NPC’s at some point in the past. The nature of reality emerges bit by bit, or maybe in small avalanches at times. Ultimate reality might be utterly elusive even after death. But while we are here on this planet there’s layers of reality that will never end. A big problem is that so many people seem to reach a certain level of reality and stop. Another thing is that some people go many layers deep but also stop or slow or find it hard to go deeper.
Tragedy and Hope reads like a soap opera. One petty dispute acted out by childish morons after another. When you look at humanity in that cool kind of way and read the utter soap opera signifying nothing that Quigley outlines, it’s just pathetic. All this crap that seemed so important amounts to absolutely nothing. That’s the overwhelming feeling I got from Tragedy and Hope.
Australian Brendon O Connell in his previous broadcast lays out much great info. Every one of his shows is an education. For example in this one he discusses the US Air Force and their officially documented plans to “OWN THE WEATHER” by 2025, via geoengineering, Brendon also touches on a subject which he has been refining for a while now, which is in regard to the MOSCOW BERLIN BEIJING TEL AVIV axis – the countries which are well down the road in the process of bringing down the United States of America.
Here the revelation comes out as he discusses Assange and Snowden, that the servers from the Snowden revelations are not housed in the US – theyre in Germany and Israel, lol. I have no respect for what the US is, but I would rather be in a world led by the country that spawned all that great music in the 20th century, as opposed to those who spawned Nazism, Communism and 5G.
149. The Great Reset, Smart Cities & Weather Warfare
No one can ‘own the weather’ Mucho, no one.
It’s too vast, too complex and too chaotic.
They play at Gods, they fall like toddlers.
Don’t be so sure of that.
What we have here is an official document laying out in detail a whole range of already in use and in development methods of affecting the weather. This was published in 1996 so they will have advanced considerably since then. During the period since this document was written, we have seen a massive uptick in climate terrorism from the scumtrollers. We see normal weather being labelled as extreme weather, plus we have seen some extreme weather events. How many of those extreme weather events were brought about or intensified by these scumbags and their weather modification programmes.
What are their plans for this – to instigate a range of weather events to prop up their climate emergency narrative……I would bet money on that being the case, given how far they are prepared to go in order to get their way – COVID, Middle East wars as two easy examples. What are they actually doing with this crap at the moment, because we see plenty of evidence of chemtrail activity in the skies. How much of our weather is 100 percent natural and how much is manipulated. It is very clear that they are messing with the weather. To what extent can be debated, but the problem we have is that 99percent of the public curl up in a cognitive dissoncance ball of Guardian fuelled rage if you so much as mention chemtrails and weather engineering. They are conditioned this way, so the effort needs to be put into informing those people of the problem, which all eminates from the same place, which is that a bunch of criminals are controlling our world, and all institutions are to an extent infiltrated and captured.
brilliant link Mucho. Thanks
Off topic but when everyone thought these elderly were dying of convid they were actually being euthanised with diazepam and morphine.I want these doctors on trial for mass murder,And the government’s.
Midazolam stupid predictive texts is that the right spelling???
Spot on.
A good example of throwing up a smokescreen of options but ignoring the stark-staringly obvious one, dropping sanctions:
How is this going to ‘fly’ in the face of, Rachael Walensky from the CDC apologizing for the useless vaccine/injection? Interesting times, indeed.
It was a non-apology, “apology”.
I think her name is ‘Rochelle Wal____y’? Have you noticed how the story is falling apart now? Don’t be at all surprised to see a number of the vax-apologists and assorted WHO-WEF boffins thrown under the bus, and then the white-knights will appear on the scene, ostensibly to rescue us all. … they’ve used this Hegelian mind-fuckery before. Only this time WE should have the guillotines prepared.
I’m actually beginning to wonder if the Eureka Rebellion, Ned Kelly, Captain Moonlight, etc were just fictional myths created to give the impression Australians took no shit from the authorities, and who were willing to stand on their feet and fight back when injustice was inflicted upon them. Fast forward to the convid era, and all I can say is… obviously not.
Yes, there have been protests here around Australia, however the large majority of Aussies have either fully sided with the authorities in the most passive, spineless way possible, or they have kept quiet and looked the other way.
Most people (customers) I know would actually applaud the Queensland Education Department for docking the pay of these teachers and at the same time would be going on about “anti vaxxers putting children’s lives at risk”.
And let’s be clear here: all the sackings, bannings, docking of pay, and being banned from restaurants, cinemas, pubs, libraries, etc had absolutely nothing to do with health and “protecting others”. Nothing.
Australia: it rhymes with failure and dahlia Geezah.
Limp wallflowers, most of them.
Yep, they are fairy tales
Let me say to you, Gezzah, the Australians with whom I worked alongside during the 1980’s certainly did not take any shit from us Poms, or anyone else for that matter, and I admired their fortitude in doing so. When I read your contributions to this forum I find it hard to reconcile that the people you write about, your fellow citizens, accepting what your government has imposed upon the nation. I thought we in Britain, or should I specifically say England, were easily won over by the government narrative. I think it’s why we have here a growing clamour in the devolved nations of the UK to seek full independence with Scotland being a member of the EU once more and the unification of Northern Ireland with the Republic. The principality of Wales will be stuck with England. It grieves me to think of my Aussie friends I once knew being put through the conditions you describe and it will be no consolation to you when I say our government let hundreds of maritime workers be dismissed without notice in the full knowledge that the foreign owners of the shipping line knew they were in contravention of our employment laws. This is globalisation at its worst.
I think all the Australian commenters at Offguardian see the same things I do, but because I deal with the public every day selling the magazine, I see society up close. I’m actually a Kiwi Shardlake, and I also lived in Australia from 1985 to 1994 when I was much younger. Obviously!
The Aussies I knew back then seem so so different to Aussies now. Some were what you call larrikins, others were free spirits and others had a strong distrust of authority figures. And most were just ordinary people.
So what happened here? There was no poisonous identity politics or woke culture for a start. That has played a big part. Neoliberalism was just taking hold here (begun by Hawke/Keating) and it hadn’t really impacted the Australian pysche yet. John Howard’s years as PM were the coup de grace in my opinion. Back when I lived here in the late 80s early 90s most Aussies I knew were laid back, happy go lucky people who were much more trusting, much less fearful and were willing to help others. That’s how I remembered it back then and was one of the reasons I moved back here. Shin nailed it a while back here when he said “Aussies sold their souls for the good life a long time ago”. I fully agree with that.
In general terms they now worship the God of mammon and their churches are glitzy shopping malls and international airport terminals (pre convid) and have become very materialistic in orientation. Similar process happened back in New Zealand as well. Same in the UK, same everywhere that neoliberalism took hold.
The socialisation and communisation of Australia was rolled out by figures of trust initially and it started very gradually. Most people are reasonable people and they’ll accept a little change. They’ll “see” a different point of view if it’s brokered in by figures of trust. From there, the operation to subvert society grows like a cancer. The saddest thing is that good people…honest, good people have been duped and poisoned gradually. And so it’s very hard for them to turn around and realise that what they espise is a regurgitation of the poison that poisoned them. These were good people. The people of the 80s and 90s (I know the fix was in before this period) who allowed this evil foot in the door did so on account of their goodness. That’s why it’s so sad. So sad that such cowardly, slinking liars and cheats get under the radar and with the full cooperation of the media, gov and all institutions poison society. Fabian poisoning. And here we are. Hundreds of thousands of Australians have now been born into this and have been swimming in subversion their whole life. Now it’s natural. And the old ways are gone.
I was born early 1953 and my first introduction to bigotry was when I went to the catholic school to play with friends from the small town I lived in till then, I was sent to coventry for a year for doing so.
By the time I was 10 the racism reared it’s head when the lovely Polish man building our house was demonised and taunted by brats.
My mothers family name was Pfeiffer for fuck’s sake, why would I care about Polish people?
Then when I was 12 an Italian family came to town to open a fish and chip shop. They were driven out by the racists who preferred the catholics all of a sudden because they were Anglos.
When I was 14 I was protesting the invasion of Vietnam and was almost lynched.
When I watched Back Roads about that home town on Monday night I nearly choked but if anyone watched they would see one Asian person all these decades later,. accepted because of her great food. The rest were snowy white and mainly blue eyed blondes like me, a veritable Aryan paradise of hypocrites and drunks and married bachelors shown off as a woke hub.
The world is full of ungrateful people and they don’t seem any better enlightened in this century than they were in the last. In the 1950’s after WW2 Britain called upon its commonwealth people from the Caribbean to come here to fill the vacancies needed to run the NHS and public services. These people answered the call and upon arrival were treated abysmally by the ordinary citizens of Britain. They were racially abused and denied access to rented housing. Likewise, we had exiled Polish fighter pilots who scored higher rates of ‘kills’ against the Luftwaffe than any other section of the RAF. Immediately the war was over these Polish fighter pilots were forcibly returned to Poland (many facing political uncertainties and fear of arrest in Poland) all with the backing of the British people who no longer wanted them in Britain. Such ingratitude.
Marilyn, I wasn’t intending to paint how Australia was with rose tinted glasses back in the late 1980s. Its 35 years ago but that’s how I remembered people in Adelaide back then. At least the people I knew. And of course there was racism. It was really blatant and obvious to me. In fact it shocked me that in 1986 after living in Adelaide for 7-8 months I wrote home to my parents and said: “the racism in Adelaide is like being in Apartheid South Africa”.
When I grew up in the 70s and 80s I thought we all had a healthy mistrust of authority, a scepticism. I thought we were all capable of handling ourselves and that we didn’t cower or go limp in the face of hardship. I thought we were tough. We got our hands dirty. We didn’t complain. Now everybody seems to wilt and crumble before utter sensationalism and fear mongering. They cave and tremble and await further orders. I seriously don’t get it. I just don’t get how far out of touch I seem to be with a majority who have completely swallowed every single pathetic trick, every con. I can’t believe more people didn’t say “Virus? Fuck the virus. I’ll face it myself. I’ll stand and live. I won’t cower at home in my mask, scrubbing my hands. I won’t attend my mother’s funeral online. I won’t let these cowards micromanage me.” But that’s exactly what most people have said. Most people have been fine with it. And I just don’t get these people. Their need to cling to a pathetic reality, when we’ll all be dead in a hundred years anyway, amazes me.
You write about the Australians I knew during the 1980’s where most had a healthy mistrust of authority which is so different, to my mind, as to my experiences here in Britain where seemingly everyone believed the BBC to be impartial, independent and a purveyor of truth. The BBC and British press has always been an arm of government propaganda; especially in wartime when bad news wasn’t for public dissemination. Some of my Australian friends had been immigrant children on £10 tickets during the 1950’s who were seeking a better life with their families in Australia. The Australian people were prepared to give these immigrants from just about anywhere a ‘fair go’ and many seized that opportunity with enduring success. Now we read about off-shore detention centres where would-be immigrants are to be ‘processed’ for suitability as deserving cases. In Britain we have a Home Secretary intending sending refugees to Rwanda and I believe you have the same circumstances where you are. I have found that people are apt to be lazy and not do their own research and analysis which is mainly the reason they have accepted the government’s narrative that we’d all be better off if we submit to their evidence-free mass vaccination plans.
Who was the idiot who down-voted your above contribution ?
Your Australian pantheon is about as reliable as Mel Gibson’s “Braveheart” as a guide to Scottish history.
The lull in covidness that was the summer in the Northern hemisphere is going to be bought to an end starting September/ October.
Kit points out one element of a return to the New Normal.
I predict a “new variant” just in time to justify new lockdowns and other much loved measures.
It will get bad this year. Worse than before.
Australia, again, is the testing ground but I think Europe will be the most draconian come Autumn.
If you’re not jabbed get lots of non perishables and a stash of cash ready.
Oh, and don’t plan on traveling anywhere !!
Food and energy are likely to be the bigger issues this winter.
Food and energy “crises” will be major weapons.
Another prong of the same fork.
I am not being melodramatic when I say that people will die in Europe of cold and hunger this Winter.
If national hunger and scarcity of energy doesn’t push people to revolt then what will?
But then that would be exactly what they want. An excuse to bring in martial law.
They don’t care whether we starve or freeze, they have put all their cards on the table and are hoping we the people fold. This has to be the biggest con (vid) job in history.
Mike Tyson spotted in a wheelchair at Miami airport. Tyson got vaxxed last year.
He tripped over his mouth Zane.
He got into a fight with Justin Bieber.
For there to be unvaccinated teachers there would have to be vaccinated ones and ‘a virus’ for which ‘a vaccine’ could be made. None of these things exist. Nobody can refuse to be vaccinated since there is no such thing as getting vaccinated. If ‘Queensland’ were asked to clarify the request ie. state clearly that they are requesting that the teacher be injected with poison then the request could be considered but it is not possible to fulfill a request to “be vaccinated” due to the non existance of “a covid vaccine”. None of the teachers have fulfilled such a request to be “vaccinated” so what is the justification for a pay cut being applied to unpoisoned teachers?
They are not using logic anymore. We can try using it until the end of time, but most people today rarely even pretend to use any kind of logic. The justification for this is refusal to comply. Doesn’t matter one bit that what one is being asked to comply with is complete and utter nonsense, the new totalitarians who go along with this entire scam do not do any thinking at all, witness the comment below yours, another fascist asshole venting its fury over something that never did make one damned bit of sense.
The “vaccine” does not confer immunity, nor does it stop transmission – we can scream that at the top of our lungs and attempt to remind the idiots that those are the very words of their masters who made the damned shot, doesn’t matter one bit. We are in freefall as a species now, most of our fellows have willingly removed what little grey matter they may have had once, all to comply with utter stupidity. They now are only really capable of implacable anger, and they’ll use it against those of us who do think relentlessly. As seen below, they will indeed inter the rest of us in camps if allowed to. The ones who refuse to pay attention to this ugly development, the ones who “just want to live their lives” and pretend all will go back to normal one day will not stop the moronic in their zeal to punish. Those are the ones who will go along and think all is fine until the day that bites them in the ass, then watch them scream at the rest of us for not warning them of the idiocy they let get control.
Do you have any evidence to support your claim there is “transmission”?
The jabs themselves are the source of “transmission”:
Comment pending at Aug 26, 2022 7:48 AM.
Finally someone is doing the right thing to this UNVACCINATED SCUM, get them vaccinated or lock them up!!!
For the benefit of non Europeans you’re supposed to put “irony on/off”
You tell’em Klaus … bloody useless eaters. eh mate? I-on. Roll-on ze Hunger-Games …
Lol 🤣.
Go get another booster, troll.
Tick tock, Donny.
COVID-19 takes over from the fake War on Terror. Got to keep the psyop going.
All countries in the five eyes alliance has gone into a covid based dictatorship! The politicians and the technocrats are destroying their own countries on purpose🤬🤬🤬 large parts of the worlds populations actions are best described like this🙈🙉🙊 f@ck the globalists/globalism
the fuggin place is a cesspool of corruption insanity
a bloody dirty rotten goon penal prison
that white trash oceania sludge backwater
back in the bush a few resist
As regards the Dugin family, the Bible’s best verses tell us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, “a time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;.a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace”. May Russia, China, Syria and countries allied to them enjoy that peace which Darya Dugina and so many other Russians have sacrificed their lives for, and may her family find solace in their friends and in their faith.
I do love a bit of resistance in the bush.
Everything must be questioned now. How many lies will it take before the masses realize their life is a chessboard, and they are being played?
The masses are too busy playing the clottery.
Off-G readers in Queensland can contact the Queensland state Education Minister and the Queensland Education Department through this Reignite Democracy Australia link to voice their disapproval.
Good luck with that Jen.
The rainforests lost. Big time.
Begging to another self appointed minster is not a solution.
In Australia there are currently record numbers of vacancies available in all sectors. It’s not like teachers have to go back. I would say the number going back is low if any at all.
The story sounds fabricated. Why would you wait to be dismissed on unreasonable grounds then go back to the job you were unfairly dismissed from after all this time?
Does not sound right to me. Sound like they are still trying to push people to inject.
Same in Canada-unvaxxed teachers on mat leave must pay back.
In Alberta’s most recent health statistics, the largest single cause of death is “unknown”.
The old gutless ‘unknown’ hey?
Fucking medical professionals?
Jail’s too good for them.
“Unvaxxed” teachers must tell System: Go to Hell. Not one fucking red cent.