The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics are the Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime
John & Nisha Whitehead

“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.”
Harry Truman
With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.
These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the citizenry reign supreme. Rather, they are the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes, where secret police control the populace through intimidation, fear and official lawlessness on the part of government agents.
That authoritarian danger is now posed by the FBI, whose love affair with totalitarianism began long ago. Indeed, according to the New York Times, the U.S. government so admired the Nazi regime that following the second World War, it secretly and aggressively recruited at least a thousand Nazis, including some of Hitler’s highest henchmen as part of Operation Paperclip. American taxpayers have been paying to keep these ex-Nazis on the U.S. government’s payroll ever since.
If the government’s covert, taxpayer-funded employment of Nazis after World War II weren’t bad enough, U.S. government agencies—the FBI, CIA and the military—adopted many of the Third Reich’s well-honed policing tactics, and have used them against American citizens.
Indeed, the FBI’s laundry list of crimes against the American people includes surveillance, disinformation, blackmail, entrapment, intimidation tactics, harassment and indoctrination, governmental overreach, abuse, misconduct, trespassing, enabling criminal activity, and damaging private property, and that’s just based on what we know.
Compare the FBI’s far-reaching powers to surveil, detain, interrogate, investigate, prosecute, punish, police and generally act as a law unto themselves—powers that have grown since 9/11, transforming the FBI into a mammoth federal policing and surveillance agency that largely operates as a power unto itself, beyond the reach of established laws, court rulings and legislative mandates—to its Nazi counterparts, the Gestapo—and then try to convince yourself that the United States is not a totalitarian police state.
Just like the Gestapo, the FBI has vast resources, vast investigatory powers, and vast discretion to determine who is an enemy of the state.
Today, the FBI employs more than 35,000 individuals and operates more than 56 field offices in major cities across the U.S., as well as 400 resident agencies in smaller towns, and more than 50 international offices. In addition to their “data campus,” which houses more than 96 million sets of fingerprints from across the United States and elsewhere, the FBI has also built a vast repository of “profiles of tens of thousands of Americans and legal residents who are not accused of any crime.
What they have done is appear to be acting suspiciously to a town sheriff, a traffic cop or even a neighbor.” The FBI’s burgeoning databases on Americans are not only being added to and used by local police agencies, but are also being made available to employers for real-time background checks.
All of this is made possible by the agency’s nearly unlimited resources (President Biden’s budget projections allocate $10.8 billion for the FBI), the government’s vast arsenal of technology, the interconnectedness of government intelligence agencies, and information sharing through fusion centers—data collecting intelligence agencies spread throughout the country that constantly monitor communications (including those of American citizens), everything from internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails.
Much like the Gestapo spied on mail and phone calls, FBI agents have carte blanche access to the citizenry’s most personal information.
Working through the U.S. Post Office, the FBI has access to every piece of mail that passes through the postal system: more than 160 billion pieces are scanned and recorded annually.
Moreover, the agency’s National Security Letters, one of the many illicit powers authorized by the USA Patriot Act, allows the FBI to secretly demand that banks, phone companies, and other businesses provide them with customer information and not disclose those demands to the customer. An internal audit of the agency found that the FBI practice of issuing tens of thousands of NSLs every year for sensitive information such as phone and financial records, often in non-emergency cases, is riddled with widespread constitutional violations.
Much like the Gestapo’s sophisticated surveillance programs, the FBI’s spying capabilities can delve into Americans’ most intimate details (and allow local police to do so, as well).
In addition to technology (which is shared with police agencies) that allows them to listen in on phone calls, read emails and text messages, and monitor web activities, the FBI’s surveillance boasts an invasive collection of spy tools ranging from Stingray devices that can track the location of cell phones to Triggerfish devices which allow agents to eavesdrop on phone calls.
In one case, the FBI actually managed to remotely reprogram a “suspect’s” wireless internet card so that it would send “real-time cell-site location data to Verizon, which forwarded the data to the FBI.” Law enforcement agencies are also using social media tracking software to monitor Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts.
Moreover, secret FBI rules also allow agents to spy on journalists without significant judicial oversight.
Much like the Gestapo’s ability to profile based on race and religion, and its assumption of guilt by association, the FBI’s approach to pre-crime allows it to profile Americans based on a broad range of characteristics including race and religion.
The agency’s biometric database has grown to massive proportions, the largest in the world, encompassing everything from fingerprints, palm, face and iris scans to DNA, and is being increasingly shared between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in an effort to target potential criminals long before they ever commit a crime. This is what’s known as pre-crime.
Yet it’s not just your actions that will get you in trouble. In many cases, it’s also who you know—even minimally—and where your sympathies lie that could land you on a government watch list. Moreover, as the Intercept reports, despite anti-profiling prohibitions, the bureau “claims considerable latitude to use race, ethnicity, nationality, and religion in deciding which people and communities to investigate.”
Much like the Gestapo’s power to render anyone an enemy of the state, the FBI has the power to label anyone a domestic terrorist.
As part of the government’s so-called ongoing war on terror, the nation’s de facto secret police force has begun using the terms “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.
Moreover, the government continues to add to its growing list of characteristics that can be used to identify an individual (especially anyone who disagrees with the government) as a potential domestic terrorist.
For instance, you might be a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the FBI (and its network of snitches) if you:
- express libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
- exhibit Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership)
- read survivalist literature, including apocalyptic fictional books
- show signs of self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
- fear an economic collapse
- buy gold and barter items
- subscribe to religious views concerning the book of Revelation
- voice fears about Big Brother or big government
- expound about constitutional rights and civil liberties
- believe in a New World Order conspiracy
Much like the Gestapo infiltrated communities in order to spy on the German citizenry, the FBI routinely infiltrates political and religious groups, as well as businesses.
As Cora Currier writes for the Intercept:
Using loopholes it has kept secret for years, the FBI can in certain circumstances bypass its own rules in order to send undercover agents or informants into political and religious organizations, as well as schools, clubs, and businesses…”
The FBI has even been paying Geek Squad technicians at Best Buy to spy on customers’ computers without a warrant.
Just as the Gestapo united and militarized Germany’s police forces into a national police force, America’s police forces have largely been federalized and turned into a national police force.
In addition to government programs that provide the nation’s police forces with military equipment and training, the FBI also operates a National Academy that trains thousands of police chiefs every year and indoctrinates them into an agency mindset that advocates the use of surveillance technology and information sharing between local, state, federal, and international agencies.
Just as the Gestapo’s secret files on political leaders were used to intimidate and coerce, the FBI’s files on anyone suspected of “anti-government” sentiment have been similarly abused.
As countless documents make clear, the FBI has no qualms about using its extensive powers in order to blackmail politicians, spy on celebrities and high-ranking government officials, and intimidate and attempt to discredit dissidents of all stripes. For example, not only did the FBI follow Martin Luther King Jr. and bug his phones and hotel rooms, but agents also sent him anonymous letters urging him to commit suicide and pressured a Massachusetts college into dropping King as its commencement speaker.
Just as the Gestapo carried out entrapment operations, the FBI has become a master in the art of entrapment.
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks the FBI has not only targeted vulnerable individuals but has also lured or blackmailed them into fake terror plots while actually equipping them with the organization, money, weapons and motivation to carry out the plots—entrapment—and then jailing or deporting them for their so-called terrorist plotting.
This is what the FBI characterizes as “forward leaning—preventative—prosecutions.” In addition to creating certain crimes in order to then “solve” them, the FBI also gives certain informants permission to break the law, “including everything from buying and selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies,” in exchange for their cooperation on other fronts.
USA Today estimates that FBI agents have authorized criminals to engage in as many as 15 crimes a day. Some of these informants are getting paid astronomical sums: one particularly unsavory fellow, later arrested for attempting to run over a police officer, was actually paid $85,000 for his help laying the trap for an entrapment scheme.
When and if a true history of the FBI is ever written, it will not only track the rise of the American police state but it will also chart the decline of freedom in America, in much the same way that the empowerment of Germany’s secret police tracked with the rise of the Nazi regime.
How did the Gestapo become the terror of the Third Reich?
It did so by creating a sophisticated surveillance and law enforcement system that relied for its success on the cooperation of the military, the police, the intelligence community, neighborhood watchdogs, government workers for the post office and railroads, ordinary civil servants, and a nation of snitches inclined to report “rumors, deviant behavior, or even just loose talk.”
In other words, ordinary citizens working with government agents helped create the monster that became Nazi Germany. Writing for the New York Times, Barry Ewen paints a particularly chilling portrait of how an entire nation becomes complicit in its own downfall by looking the other way:
In what may be his most provocative statement, [author Eric A.] Johnson says that “most Germans may not even have realized until very late in the war, if ever, that they were living in a vile dictatorship.” This is not to say that they were unaware of the Holocaust; Johnson demonstrates that millions of Germans must have known at least some of the truth. But, he concludes, “a tacit Faustian bargain was struck between the regime and the citizenry.” The government looked the other way when petty crimes were being committed. Ordinary Germans looked the other way when Jews were being rounded up and murdered; they abetted one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century not through active collaboration but through passivity, denial and indifference.
Much like the German people, “we the people” have become passive, polarized, gullible, easily manipulated, and lacking in critical thinking skills. Distracted by entertainment spectacles, politics and screen devices, we too are complicit, silent partners in creating a police state similar to the terror practiced by former regimes.
Had the government tried to ram such a state of affairs down our throats suddenly, it might have had a rebellion on its hands. Instead, the American people have been given the boiling frog treatment, immersed in water that slowly is heated up—degree by degree—so that they’ve fail to notice that they’re being trapped and cooked and killed.
“We the people” are in hot water now.
The Constitution doesn’t stand a chance against a federalized, globalized standing army of government henchmen protected by legislative, judicial and executive branches that are all on the same side, no matter what political views they subscribe to: suffice it to say, they are not on our side or the side of freedom.
From Presidents Clinton to Bush, then Obama to Trump and now Biden, it’s as if we’ve been caught in a time loop, forced to re-live the same thing over and over again: the same assaults on our freedoms, the same disregard for the rule of law, the same subservience to the Deep State, and the same corrupt, self-serving government that exists only to amass power, enrich its shareholders and ensure its continued domination.
Can the Fourth Reich happen here?
As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s already happening right under our noses.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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Today, ordinary citizens working on behalf of government/oligarch/ideologue policies is what constitutes the psychosis in modern western societies. They have adopted beliefs they know nothing about or why, these individuals make up internet forum admins, shop/institute reception staff, marketing personal and they give the mirage that the entire society collectively believes the ideology by disregarding, banning, censoring and silencing all civil intelligent questioning; usually blaming this isn’t the place for that or it’ll cause an upset. Treating people like children, there is now rarely an adult conversation in daily life. It’s a brewing cauldron of resentment, not good.
The West IS now at least a thought fascist state brought about by those under the vows of free expression. You literally can’t get an intelligent reply from any of them on current important social and political issues, unfortunately they’re still functional enough to hold authoritative positions.
Just like the Gestapo… and every Federal investigation agency in the world… Sorry, defunding the police is a G. Soros move…
The FBI pales in comparison to the CIA. A real mind opener would be Douglas Valentines book The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.
Lock that stupid orange haired moron up. He’s a criminal traitor. The FBI only does its job to protect the nation as it is supposed to. Everything else senseless bullshit talking.
So far, can’t argue
He is not orange anymore – shows how much you pay attention to detail. And with the FBI, the devil is in the detail.
Stopped reading at ‘holocaust’
See my post to Andrew O’Gorman, a bit further down this page.
Hi, Christine.
That sounded like an order. And also reminded me of some of the metods used by the collaborators of our former socialist state security. But this is a free association, I’m not implying anything.
Are you talking about any of your several posts where you say you own a library of 1,200 books and have read 20 books that confirm the official version of the holocaust? I own a library of over 3,000 books and have read at least 60 that convincingly refute the official version of the holocaust. I am also well aware, including from the books mentioned, of a vast network for combating holocaust deniers, larger and stronger than any other network. This network also includes a huge number of collaborators from all walks of life, scattered across the internet as ordinary users to fight holocaust deniers. It’s not even a secret.
Do I need to ask permission, or feel guilty, or under surveillance, to express doubts about the officially distributed and supported version of the holocaust by a big machine? Recent history remembers a number of cases of people fined, dismissed, arrested and imprisoned for denying the official version of the holocaust. The question is: Can I afford it here, or rather feel like an anti-holocaster expecting to be hit on the head with a slipper at any moment?:)
(I’m exaggerating a little about “the threat I feel from you”, I don’t have a problem:) I know you’re a very good person, but a little confused about holocaust and you’ll get better.)
Yes but not really but yes
I most definitely do not support the former Nazis. So I am of course NOT ‘a collaborator’.
And no, my short post of yesterday, to Tom, was not ‘an order’, it was merely a reference to my post to Andrew O’Gorman.
No, I’m not ‘confused’ about the Holocaust. However, I truly think that all you ‘deniers’ may well be…
Okay, thanks for the reply.
Try “One third of the holocaust” on youtube for a deeper look into confusion.
Do stacks of corpses burn on their own?
How much space and wood / gasoline would be needed to burn 5million (or was it 6) chosen ones’ corpses down to ash (no bodies or bones found) while simultaneously waging war against Europe and the US?
How many more million holo-c survivors?
Some basic education in math and physics may be required.
While there is no strict moratorium here on questioning the accuracy of any historical goings-on, snide ethno-religious epithets like ‘chosen ones’ are hateful and obnoxious, especially in this context. There is no doubt in my mind that Jewish men, women and children trapped in Nazi ghettos and camps, or indeed any ethnic groups persecuted by that regime as historically documented, did not consider themselves ‘chosen’. As if this even needs to be said. There are other places on the internet you can go to throw around trite bigotries like this. Go there, if you must. Thank you, A2
It mentioned the holocaust?
The names and places might be changed to protect the innocent: >
Israeli Mossad. Soviet KGB. British MI6. American FBI. German Gestapo. Spanish Inquisition. Roman Inquisition. and the geographical list goes on and on.
“Enquiring minds want to know” Heh, heh… (Play on words – National Enquirer magazine)
The elephant in the room is that we do not have governments (controlled by the People) any longer, they have been converted into service Corporations along with all their Agencies, they can be found on Dun & Bradstreet.
This fraudulent conversion facilitates their operation under Unidroit commercial code.
These service Corporations, masquerading as countries, all have binding ‘legal’ contracts with the UN, instead of a ‘lawful’ obligation to the People.
I see we have a FBI office in Pretoria!
I am politely asking them to leave our beautiful, albeit imperfect country.
What they are doing in America is treasonable.
Wow! FBI in Pretoria?
I suppose that the resource rapists and plunderers need protection from the ordinary citizens of your country. Also, I seem to recall that it was CIA operatives and agents who exposed the location of Nelson Mandela, at Revonia all those years ago … after all, the Gold and Diamond oligarchs didn’t want any upstart native interfering with their rape and plunder of South African resource wealth,eh! I wonder how the Afrikaarner feels about being used as the polarising-buffer against egalitarianism, while the European and American oligarchs were raping the country??
Not happy and they were right. (as a liberal ‘fighting’ the Apartheid regime – i was dead wrong), as we can see after 28 years of “egalitarian” rule, South Africa is on life support.
Poor fellow, your country. The resource-rapists don’t particularly care who is in government, just as long as they don’t get in the way of the ‘ money-trough’. I wonder which Banks are doing the banking for the pathetically-corrupted (Native) Africans? I’m willing to wager that it isn’t Afrikaarner or African owned Banks … If only the Sarf Efricans actually paid attention to what was printed on their earlier coins, i.e. ‘Eendrag maak mag’ … which translates to Unity is strength … the place would have ejected the international pillagers and nationalised the phenomenal resource wealth for the benefit of ALL South Africans. Euro-American greed has left a terribly polarized and fractured paradise, which can still be salvaged if the Mining conglomerates are turfed-out and the rapacious greed of the ANC cadres can be exorcised. Easier said than done though …
This has got the US right frothing at the mouth which was probably the point:
Yep, the thing about these secret police – of whatever state or country – is that they have landed themselves a really cushy job. Job for life, pensioned, well-paid, holiday entitlement, secret life-style, paid-up leave and so on and so forth. Of course these people live outside the ordinary social conventions of ordinary folk and accrue to themselves status and a life-long secure employment. Kids education and health plan paid for, good pension and the rest. No wonder their total loyalty is to the state.
Why are you still here when you outed yourself as a troll?
Donald Duck was caught arguing with himself on another thread. Replying to his own post with a contradictory position. Evidently forgot to change his name before hitting “post comment”.
Thanks for explanation Sophie.
Donald Duck was not arguing with himself, he was merely making another point that he forgot to make in the first instance. Or are contributors only allowed one comment?
That’s just a lie DD. Your first post observed that we should cut to the chase and accept Russia will win because they are corrupt but less so than Ukraine.
You then replied to yourself with the opening line – “Hoping gallant little Ukraine wins are we?”.
This is obviously not “another point you forgot to make”. You were intending to post as a different person and to create a lengthy “debate” in order to clog up the thread and make real discussion more difficult (yes we are aware of that tactic).
But unfortunately you forgot to change your name and email which auto-filled when you hit reply.
You made a mistake and outed yourself. I suggest you trash the Donald Duck persona and use one of your (probably numerous) other IDs. But it’s your call.
Were you in the Gestapo?
Brian, you are making it painfully obvious you have a strong vested interest in this Donald Duck troll fiasco. It is not helping your credibility. The more you do this the more people will (reasonably) infer you either are another incarnation of DD or you are his fellow troll. Just give it up and move on.
🐇 Chuckle bunny Brian. Some rash young people have so convinced themselves; that they don’t even know, let alone notice when precisely to … STFU. 76 from maybe 77 times per day for you, must become Tedious and tiring:- But it keeps your mind fit 🤣
Top job Sophie 👏 as ever, seriously,
Stay the Course.
Painfully dumbfuk’d kids
cannot help themselves…
Because I like getting up your nose – okay!
Yup. And their mommies and daddies, girlfriends and wife’s, love them to pieces… I get tired of the alphabet soup designations of “agency”. All these “agencies” are populated by employees that the general public creates in their bedrooms, and feds in their kitchens.
I just can’t understand why the US after WW2 seriously imagined that “some of Hitler’s highest henchmen” had a better grasp on reality than the best educated and most intelligent Americans did.
It obviously boils down to utilizing sheer practical experience – certainly a valuable asset – but otherwise we are basically talking about the same numskulls that helped Hitler lose his grip entirely – and the same sort of numskulls that are also currently helping Washington lose its grip entirely…
Great thought provoking article.
If we’re really honest with ourselves , we would recognise that these secretive, generally tax-payer funded groups are present in every ‘Western-Democracy. And, what’s even more concerning is that they serve the same interest-groups, viz. Big-Biz, Oligarchs, Quasi-religious or Royal-Houses. And, it has always been thus …
Therefore, democracy is, and has always been – a phantom concept … to provide amusement for the filthy rich at the expense of the foolish and assortment of undesirables …
About the only positive thing that can be said about the FBI is that the crimes of the CIA are even worse.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
In all likelyhood, they appear to be two competing factions of the same group … much like the political pantomime. It is glaringly obvious that they’re compartmentalized but have the same masters.
What do you expect? The people who funded Hitler and the Nazis were US businessmen, financiers and industrialists the oligarchs who run America. They were fascists who wanted to expand their power and influence. They were also the people behind the attempted coup of FDR.
Way before Nazi Germany the US government waged war on dissidents, activists, vocal non-conformists, organized labor and people of color daring to challenge the oppressive apartheid system in this country. Now many ordinary white folks are experiencing what the FBI did to those people since it was formed (even before). Remember in the 1960’s the FBI’s COINTELPRO went after the American Indian Movement, the Peace Movement, organized labor, the migrant workers, the Black Power Movement and so many others. The FBI has moved from threat suppression, to counter insurgency to an expanded war on the whole society. The FBI is an integral part of Big Brother and the New World Order.
And add the UK and Australia and most of Europe to that, the west loved Hitler because he was building up the German economy after the west destroyed it after WW1, and Hitler was doing what the west could not do, they were slaughtering Jews and unionists following the USA Eugenics society hand book.
Exactly, most people don’t know Hitler got most of his theories on “the master race” from Anglo-American eugenicists. These psychopaths are a scourge on humanity and their evil agenda is being played out big time now.
Historically Italian Fascista into 20th Century is omitted by people no longer associated with the European Continent in social comments. Further, loud bar restaraunt talk includes Fuck acceptability now so, on-line it should be ok to say Fuck Nazis and Nazi promotional Dickheads and Broomstick cronies.
Say what’s Really on your mind. Don’t worry about Americans, they can hardly Walk, A Goose Step is totally out of the question.
Whilst much of your comment resonates with truth, the FBI is only the latest alphabet soup name/designator. The objective game hasn’t changed in thousands of years. >
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known, and he carries his banners openly.
But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.” and he carries his banners openly.
– Cicero, 42 B.C. –
Oh yeah… you’re probably referring also to the US Rothchilds
oh don’t be silly, they’re just protecting us nice obedient citizens from the terrible conspiracy theorists and fucking commies and terrorists …
This idea the FBI borrowed technique or personnel from Nazi Germany, needs to become more nuanced, in order not to disregard the historicity of US-German relations circa 1940.
Specifically, the ongoing relationships between America’s largest corporations and the 3rd Reich throughout the war, should dispel the myth we were fighting Hitler to save the world from fascism. Without American corporate assistance, the German war machine would not have come into being, nor been able to sustain the war, which primarily took place between Germany and the Soviets.
Only after we acknowledge and wrestle with the true nature and function of WW2, can we begin to address the reality of the enemy we face today.
Then realize the Rockefellers and Wall Street financed Lenin and the Bolshevik “revolution” and you see that the “invisible empire” of globocapitalism plays both sides to get the result it wants: mayhem and chaos, then swoop in and loot the spoils.
Unfortunately for Wall Street/ City of London, their man in Moscow one Lev Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky and his merry band of Marxists who sailed via Halifax, Canada plus Lloyd George’s blessing were outmanoeuvred in their quest for world revolution by a man with a gammy arm from Georgia, not the one in the US. His name was loseb dzhugashvilli aka Joseph Stalin.
As time progressed it became obvious that their scheme was not going according to plan so more diabolical deeds were underway, hence why Hitler and the third Reich received so much help both financially, structurally and last but not least politically.
This can be seen by the British Empire plus to lesser extent France doing their outmost to thwart any alliance with the USSR to prevent Hitler’s expansionist plans. Ivan Maisky, former USSR ambassador to the U.K. 1931- 1943 witnessed this.
The Central Bankers are not omnipotent they get things wrong!
Interesting first hand account by IM
Yes, he witnessed how the Cliveden set and Chamberlain operated.
I can see why he changed his name:). What a mouthful.
There are so many parallels to Nazi
Germany during world war2, in part, because, under the use of Operation Paperclip, many of the perpetrators
of the atrocities from then, were appeared the noose, for their crimes against humanity, by being brought to the US, and other places, and then essentially, picking up where they left off.
Damned good article.
~ The Jackal’s “MARK”
“Politics and crime, it’s the same thing “.
Godfather III
9/11 proved that.
All we have to do is protest the thingamajig, boycott the whatchamacallit, and resist the doohickey. Everything will fall into place.
The good news in the U.S. is that there is an election in just over 3 months, and we have a chance to hand the majority power from one political party over to the other. Talk about exciting. Then we can teach that FBI a thing or two about freedom, man. That’s democracy in action.
That’s all I got. Sometimes you have to be sarcastic to keep from crying.
Only Aussies know about the thingamajig and doohickey
I guess I’ve got a little Aussie blood in me.
Ironically, so do South Africans use thingamajig and whatchamacallit.
Much like the Gestapo, just as the Gestapo, … yea, we get it. Really stupid article.
Just admit that the USA is a deeply authoritarian state. Much like all the English-speaking countries.
Full. Spectrum. Dominance.
Requires control of all global energy and capital flows.
It’s not always so stupid to point out the obvious from time to time.
After all, not everybody is an experienced OffG reader.
English speakers ain’t got no monopoly…
The FBI is what the Stasi wanted to be.
For all you idiots out there that say “back the blue” remember there can be no police state without the police. If there is one constant throughout modern human history it is that cops are on their own side and no one else’s it is all about power. The Gestapo would have been largely powerless in 1940’s France if not for the willing cooperation of the French Gendarmerie. I disagree with the vast majority that comes from the American Bolsheviks but the acronym ACAB (all cops are bastards) is spot on.
absolutely – get rid of all the cops and we can just go right back to feudalism, where the biggest and meanest bastard warlord and his gang of thugs rules – I’m sure they’d all be nice people and not do bad stuff ….
pretty much what is going on now
‘Just work, shop and die, you low life scum. We rule!
The well-established phrase “consume, be silent, die” has a much better ring to it, Johnny.
Well don’t mind if I do (to think of it)
1) The goings-on in the Whitmer “kidnapping” case are strangely omitted. The trial of the two men recently convicted saw some outrageous behaviour by a judge who looked instructed to obtain a conviction come hell or high water. The FBI’s entrapment operation was ruled largely inadmissible.
2) The constant harping on about the Gestapo and no other secret police (the NKVD, the Stasi etc) was equally odd. Mainstream historians have been arguing for three decades that the Gestapo was largely a postwar myth. Analysis of Gestapo staffing levels (i think it was Robert Gellately who was the historian but might be misremembering that) shows they were remarkably low. There were not Gestapo officers on every street corner. This is not to make the mistake of going on to say Nazism was somehow good, it wasn’t. It is to dent that it was some unique touchstone of evil compared to Communism or “liberal” regimes when the chips are down (usually seen in their colonies).
In addition to other agencies besides the Gestapo that were omitted, the article only focuses primarily on the FBI and they are not by any means the only ones involved in this. Back when the NSA wiretapping was leaked, it was said that they put a stop to it. In fact the act of doing so was not stopped by any means. The NSA simply handed off the task to the FBI utilizing all the same equipment and Technology to do so since it was already in place and the information obtained then shared with not only the NSA but the CIA, Homeland security, etc.
The FBI has always been part law enforcement, part intelligence gathering and part internal security. Back in the day it was J. Edgar Hoover’s private domain and it kept an eye on what it thought were ‘enemies of the state’ — civil rights, trades unions, socialists — while being surprisingly lax about the various right wing extremist organizations that have always bedeviled us. In that sense its no different from the Gestapo, the Sicherheitsdienst (“SD”)(its rather nasty twin), the British Special Branch, the Stasi, the GRU/NKVD/whatever, and a host of other three and four letter agencies world wide.
What you’re really complaining about is that its finally been proven untrue what President Trump said back when he was a candidate in 2016 — he claimed he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” and not “lose any voters”. The implication in this statement is that he was above the law. He might have believed it, especially as President because of the deference we give political office and its candidates, but there comes a point where you just can’t continue to flout the law and expect to get away with it by bullying society. The FBI have just been acting as the enforcement arm of the Department of Justice. This doesn’t make them “the Gestapo” – the real Gestapo would have just done a “Nacht and Nebel” on him, probably not even stopping to do one of their signature interrogations in a cellar before putting a bullet into his head. For this raid the FBI have gone to great lengths to do everything by the book and then some. For Trump’s supporters this is obviously not good enough but then there’s no satisfying them short of re-installing Trump as Fuhrer for life.
There’s always been fascist tendencies in the GoP but until recently its been held in check by the party establishment. They’ve lost their touch, though so now we have to deal with all the trappings of fascism in our midst — armed mobs proclaiming freedom, deference to authority, persecution of minorities and ‘deviants’, all social toppings to the underlying corporate state. This isn’t my vision of America. Sorry.
And what is your vision of America?
Firstly: you may want start telling a little truth – that may go down well!
Secondly: If what has happened in the US since Biden was pushed into power is your vision of America, then it is truly fucked.
Thirdly: Trump’s character notwithstanding, he did more for Americans in his first two years than the Democrats have in twenty.
Fourthly: The Democrats and the MSM are now blaming Trump for the ‘vaccine’ which Biden mandated and the MSM applauded. Talk about being hypocritical.
What the Democrats and their paid propaganda machine (MSM) did to Trump is unforgivable – the Russia hoax and other ridiculous charges against must go down in history as shockingly undemocratic.
I could go on, but my effort would be wasted on you.
I didn’t see Trump doing anything in his first two years of office that wasn’t pandering to whatever the GoP wanted and what feathered his own and his family’s nest. Trump was obsessed with image — all that fuss about the size of the inauguration crowd — and he was a serial liar. He had no idea how to run an administration.
Fort those of us who push the populist line its worth remembering what happened to Ernst Rohm.
>What the Democrats and their paid propaganda machine (MSM) did to Trump is unforgivable – the Russia hoax and other ridiculous charges against must go down in history as shockingly undemocratic.
By far the largest media outlet — and the one that makes serious money — is Fox and they’ve been on the Trump band waggon since Day One. To those not so committed Trump egregious actions made an easy target so its not suprising hie got sniped at by all and sundry. As for ‘democratic’, are you trying to say that our oligarchs are interested in furthering the cause and scope of democracy? Its truly a Looking Glass world.
They are waisted on me too… I’m surprised you call that an effort… Look, Trump is a poppet just like Biden.. Let’s not defund the police, that’s a Soros move
It makes me lose interest when someone brings up the so called “holocaust” since I wonder what more they have misinterpreted. In the Internet era it is pretty easy to come to the conclusion that the official story about the “holocaust” is BS. If you don’t want to go down that path why not just leave it out since it taints the rest of the text.
Repetitively invoking “Nazis” is the whole point of the article. Everything else is just the excuse.
Yeah, they have been beating that tiresome drum for about eighty years now. The smart move would have been to do a FBI and KGB comparison with a Putin smear on top of that, killing two birds with one stone.
Don’t leave out nasty muzzlimes who just hate our Western “freedumbs”. Since the 9/11 false flag they were the constant omnipresent bogeyman – until a certain virus came out of Wuhan. How convenient. Thank you, Chineeze virus.
Even better! Muzzlimes wear funny headgear and can be identified, but an invisible virus could be lurking anywhere, anytime. The perfect villain.
There comes a time in every intel op to hand over the baton… to the next thing.
Who isn’t terrified of a scary invisible killer virus?*
Mostly everyone. Covid proved that.
*Apart from the intelligent folk who frequent OG, of course!
I am waiting for the thrilling alien invasion from space. Maybe they bring some intergalactic virus so their sagas can merge.
Come on, don’t tell me you’ve seen aliens. You need a nuclear microscope for that
“In the Internet era it is pretty easy to come to the conclusion that the official story about the “holocaust” is BS.”
And on what or whose authority do you can you make that asinine statement?
You’re right. No-one can be so naive/uninformed/brainwashed as to claim that the Holocaust never happened… there are a multitude of evidences that proves it most definitely did happen. Anyone who claims otherwise has an agenda…
I’ve read more than twenty books on the Holocaust, over the last ten or so years, and there exist many definitive evidences and testimonies which provide incontrovertible proof that it did indeed take place.
Including books written by the few Sonderkommando (the people who actually worked in the crematoria, after the murders in the gas chambers… they were involved in taking the corpses out of the latter…) who survived, and wrote books on their personal experiences.
How could you read and understand twenty books when you couldn’t even understand my comment? I wrote that the official story about the “holocaust” is BS. This is not the same as saying nothing happened.
But even if it would have happened as stated. So how come 10 percent of the humans who died in WW2 is so much more important than the other 90% ? Since about 60 million humans died and they are almost never mentioned. So I wonder who is the brainwashed and illiterate one parroting this old BS story further.
I repeat what I said in my post to Andrew O’Gorman… that there truly do exist sufficient evidences to verify that the ‘official’ claims about the Holocaust are correct.
Oh yes, I’m more than aware that the evil, corrupt Establishment on Earth spews out a very great number of whoppers of lies… about numerous subject areas. I’m a 63-year-old Englishwoman who’s been ‘awake’ for 40+ years. I was aware, in my late teens/early 20s, of the Globalist cabal who actually run/control the world, etc etc (and am aware of many other big truths that the Establishment/’officialdom’ tells blatant lies/untruths about).
However, the above being so, I’ve come across nothing that would refute the ‘official’ account of the Holocaust in the 1940s. I’ve read some of the stuff by the ‘deniers’ (in fact, am reading a book on that, right now… “Denying the Holocaust”, by Deborah Lipstadt; in the book, she addresses the many claims of the ‘deniers’, and proves them all to be without substance), but have read nothing that provides proper support for what you ‘deniers’ merely claim…
And, just so you know, I’m neither brainwashed nor illiterate… I have 1200+ [twelve hundred+] in my personal library, and all bar about 12 of them are NON-fiction books on a multitude of different subjects.
Ran out of time to amend the above post. In the last paragraph, meant to write that I have 1200+ books in my own personal library, etc…
You can’t apply your own brainwash onto other since it only works on yourself. In the same manner you own cognitive limitations just limits yourself and are only mentally painful to others.
Good luck with the “reading” (Lol) of your books, hope they have a lot of pictures.
Who on earth do you think you are, huh??? Nothing gives you the right to oh so wrongly insult me, in the way that you did in your post of approx. half an hour ago.
I’ve been a very scholarly person since the tender age of 10 (ie, for 53-54 years, now being 63), and, as I stated in my post to you of just over an hour ago, my own personal library currently contains 1200+ NON-fiction books, covering a multitude of different subjects (my major subject passion being history… from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, down to the English Civil War, and I own, and have read, more than 300 immensely scholarly books on those subject areas).
Oh I read all right… I began reading at the tender age of just two (our parents made great efforts, when I and my siblings were very young, to make sure that we learnt to read at that young age), and I’ve been a passionate reader of scholarly books ever since the age of ten [at the latter age, I was studying the sciences of astronomy and cosmology, reading many books on that subject that were intended for adults… borrowing them from our then local library on my father’s library card].
I frequently read 700pp-1000pp books: non-fiction, scholarly books on history and other scholarly topics.
So I suggest that you cease and desist from oh so unwarrantedly insulting/abusing me. For your attitude reflects negatively on you, and not on me.
Christine you really have to answer Plino down there,,, Or this long rhetoric of yours and fierce defence accounts to not much
What you need is an SSD
According to what you are aware, what is the origin of the globalist cabal? How far can you trace its roots, according to you?
The [so-called] ‘Illuminati’ began [at least, ‘officially’] in the late 18th century… 1780s, or thereabouts. With Mayer Amschel Rothschild and co. But the malevolent group, the Globalist cabal, have probably existed for longer than that.
There are a number of theories as to their origin, but I don’t know enough about that to express a definitive answer.
Very well stated Christine.
My father made me aware of the holocaust and I too read much on the subject.
At a grumpy 68, I have read many thousands of books both fiction and non-fiction The fiction is to keep me sane in a world that has truly gone mad. I even stared reading fantasy and was enthralled by series (14) The Wheel of Time – Robert Jordan. I was looking forward to seeing how they would be interpreted on the small screen and have seen the ‘first’ season will give the rest a miss.
Which goes back to your statement about the veracity of the Holocaust.
They even managed to take a painstakingly written novel and Woke it up!
Scraped any notion I had of writing a fictional novel set in WWII as it too would be bastardised by the movie people.
You’re so right when you say that the world has gone mad.
What’s happening is so very evil, and still many, many people are wholly oblivious to what’s really going on.
My own extended family (and all but two already ‘awake’ friends) are still ‘believing’ what they are ‘told’ on their beloved TVs. Even though, right from the start of this global nightmare, I’ve been providing them all with a wealth of trustworthy information from honest doctors, nurses, scientists, funeral directors, embalmers, etc. And also have given them information re. the people [the Globalist cabal…] who actually run/control the world (I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years).
But still they choose to believe the ‘official narrative’ of the past 2.5 years.
They’ve all compliantly rolled up their sleeves and had three (and in the case of my sister’s husband, and two of my friends, four…) injections each. My sister’s hubby had two TIA’s [transient ischaemic attacks.. ie, mini-strokes] a couple of months ago, just a few weeks after his fourth ‘jab’… and still they choose to believe the narrative… words fail me.
My longtime partner passed from Earth in early 2019. He was 70. I think (although he might have surprised me, and seen through it…) that he, too, would have fallen for the scam/hoax. And would have rolled up his sleeves… [he had a life-threatening lung disease, and would thus have been regarded as ‘vulnerable’.
His probable decision to submit to the injections might well have caused contention between he and I, for I absolutely refuse to comply with the ‘jabs’.
I too have read thousands of books, during the last fifty years, on a multitude of different subjects; but I own just 1200+.
To kill a particular group of people is a crime. To kill mixed groups is fine, respectable, good for business, etc in other words, cool…
After how many books did it become a perversion
Who on earth do you think you are, claiming that ridiculous, insulting nonsense, huh?
Absolutely nothing in my life is a perversion. So, in your world, it’s a ‘perversion’ to read scholarly books on many different subjects??
I am not “authority” bound so I say, write and do whatever the fuck I want. And I have no obligation to convince or reform brainwashed slaves on any subject. You have Internet, do your own research.
Sorry to get in the way of your awesomely freewheeling maverick internet career, but while you’re on here you are our guest and subject to our rules. We don’t have many of them and are pretty tolerant, but one thing we do draw the line on is witless, content-free, unamusing abuse. So, either get clever or get polite or expect your empty ad hom to be canned.
When one child is Bent on disruption, distraction & drawing attention to
Their own personal sense of low self-esteem, in any kindergarten,
Timeout teacher tutorials of elementary code are sadly requisite.
Steady with your pithy witty humour. He’s so bent on himself as a missile,
He may well like, even love, your freestyling parallel to Maverick Cruise,
This is Hollywood, Proudly presenting 🎁 beat the drum4
TomTom Benton fukwit abuse…
Do you even understand what you supposedly read. I wonder!
When someone is Bent on disruption and distraction, even going by the name of Benton fukwit, I wonder not !
Just ignore him…
And the question to the FBI and their kind always is: ‘Why should we assume you are innocent until proven guilty, since you are clearly guilty until proven innocent where flagrant abuse of constitutional law is concerned?’
There should be punishments 100 times worse for FBI miscreants than members of the public.
The day appropriately severe law enforcement is practiced against FBI criminals is the day that the FBI will be duly accountable.
Until then, they are an organised crime syndicate.
But the tentacles grope deep.
Those who should be holding such organizations accountable are thoroughly implicated themselves.
I mean, just look at the state of the American House of Representatives today, the Senate, the Supreme Court.
It’s an appalling farce.
I often wondered whether Loretta was merely groomed,
For her Surname. Resonating Black humour ?!
Merkel, May & Haspel were, after all, students
Together in Dresden; back in the days of Black &
White photographic clarity…
Gina looked evil as a girl !
Pass the Lynch…
The most salient feature of our government is not that it discriminates against one side and for another, but that it discriminates against all sides in favor of itself. – (If memory serves me)
Laurence Lessig?
I believe Kafka wrote about “secret police” etc – indicating that they were never exclusive to Nazi Germany.
Yup, the constitution is an illusion of democracy
“We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is.” – Judge Charles Evans Hughes
Too funny. I once had to be in court and I saw that the judge was doing something he shouldn’t have. I looked up the law of that state and showed my lawyer. I said, “It says here the judge is in violation of the law.” My lawyer replied, “That is what it says, but that is not what it means.”
How can an ordinary citizen be expected to obey laws only a specialist can interpret?
“Ordinary citizens” are so tolerant, aren’t they…?
yet Tashillarion has spent 8 years shilling for the neocons TRUMP – Leave e.u nonsense. Screaming about nation states democracy saving america.
All that psychology and his devotees still cant see how deluded he is.
Trust the plan. enslaved at 12 per month. 😂