This Week in the New Normal #44

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. “Stealth Omicron” is “the most transmissible yet”
For those of you not keeping up with the Covid news, the latest variant just dropped. It’s Omicron BA.4…or maybe BA.5. Or both.
Also known as the “stealth variant” it may be “the most transmissible yet”, and can even bust through the “protection” granted by the “vaccines”, according to new research:
Research published in Nature out of Columbia University suggests that BA.4 and BA.5 are four times more resistant to antibodies from vaccines than BA.2, a subvariant that became the dominant strain in the US in April, replacing the original strain that had driven the winter wave across the country.
It is absolutely real, and not just an ad hoc explanation for all those people who dutifully got “vaccinated” three four five times, but keep “testing positive” anyway. It’s because of those pesky stealth variants – & NOT because the “test” is a meaningless lottery based on reactions to any minuscule fragment of junk it might happen to find in your system.
2. Brain-computer interface gets FDA approval
The US Food and Drug Administration has granted permission for a patient to have a computer chip surgically implanted in their brain to enable direct brain-computer interface, according to an article in Life Site News.
The patient in question is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and the chip is designed to help them function as their motor neurons atrophy. The four other patients trialling the COMMAND Stentnode technology are all in Australia.
TESLA founder Elon Musk is reportedly researching similar technology, a device they call “Neurolink”.
The medical applications of the technology are (allegedly) potentially life-altering for millions of people suffering from degenerative diseases or paralysis, but given the rising prominence of transhumanist ideas in the mainstream it’s something to keep an eye on.
And if you doubt that, consider this article from World Economic Forum, which makes the case for chips “augmenting” human beings in the future to overcome our “limitations”:
As a society, we need to make a choice: do we want to accept human limitations associated with learning or ageing?
3. Eat ze bugs…again.
Every week with this. Always with the bug eating. This time some scientists have apparently managed to turn mealworms into a savoury “meat-like flavour” protein, which could be used to make “worm burgers” and “save the planet”.
The article in the Guardian notes that “people in Europe and North America are generally more squeamish about eating insects”, but is hopeful that a new method of “boiling mealworms with sugar” to create a “meat-like flavouring” will “bridge this gap”
Now, speaking for myself (and probably many others), it’s not that mealworms don’t taste like beef that stops me eating them…it’s that they are mealworms.
The New York Post article on the same study adds a new dimension to eating bugs – one we can expect to see a lot more of in the future – they’re not just good the planet, but actually healthy:
In fact, the critters are a great source of nutrients the body needs, similar to that of meat, according to researchers, and have been shown to reduce cholesterol and inflammation while improving heart rhythms.
No link is given to studies showing that, but don’t worry there will be plenty of them real soon.
BONUS: Crass propaganda of the week
Always a tight-fought category, but there’s no question who wins this week…

Yes, the Indy really went the “look at the soldiers saving the puppies” route. Hilariously awful.
It’s not all bad…
New Zealand hasn’t completely fallen just yet, as thousands and thousands of people took to the streets outside parliament to protest vaccine mandates this week.
A protest in New Zealand against the woke liberal fascist Jacinda Ardern. Many western governments are deeply unpopular.
This could just as easily be Italy, Holland or Germany.— Nikolai (@Nikolai11449196) August 23, 2022
Oh yes, and Anthony Fauci retired. No clear indication why, as yet, but it’s going in “good news” until proven otherwise.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the most blatant voter bribe in political history or twitter suspending ZeroHedge for simply reporting a fact.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Pathetic attempt to shore up the official narrative that the Laurel Conyon bands (and by extension the whole hippie movement) were somehow “anti-establishment”:
Dolenz is Hollywood bloodline. Stories like this are good news because they show the counter-narrative must be picking up traction.
OMG! Not the Monkees … please, not the Monkees!
Well, people do say that they “monkey(ed) around”. 😎 🐒
But they were too busy singing
To put anybody down…
I was watching a movie on the YTV station which is for young people, which I like because they have limited commercials. I’ve noticed a change however, the commercials are limited but they will show the same short commercial 4 or 5 times in rapid successsion in the same commercial break. One of these commercials is for an obviously millitary style weapon from Nerf and their new mascot Murph which looks like he/she (it’s genderless) is wearing a gilley suit in a military stance with the gun at the end of the commercial. It’s the first mascot for Nerf. I can’t find the commercial anywhere, I don’t think they want adults seeing it very easily. It’s very concerning that children are being pummeled with this military-style commercial over and over again. I’m concerned they are preparing children for a military life. What better way to enrichen the already super-rich with public money? It makes my blood run cold.
Meant ghillie suit, not gilley suit.
The governments won’t back down. So people should consider what is next step, or die on the governments terms. That’s how I assess the situation.
Ahh, FUCK off, nobody is interested in this silly bullshit!!
I’d argue that rather fewer people were interested in childish outbursts such as this 😅 but thanks for your feedback. A2
Hmm. So why are you here, may I ask?
This week in the new normal
Missed the great reversal as they all do a reverse ferret over lockdowns
relying as always on the gold fish memories of the public.
How many billions did Rishi Sunak spend on his mistake and how many more billions it will cost to recover who knows.
Rishi Sunak has given an interview to the Spectator in which he claims to have been the only lockdown sceptic in the Cabinet – a not-so-subtle dig at Liz Truss, who has vowed never to lock down again
Mr. Sunak recalled the moment when Prof Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College London presented their Report 9, which claimed Covid casualties could reach 500,000 if no action was taken but would be reduced to 20,000 with a lockdown.
But he said any discussions about the cost of imposing such draconian measures on society were suppressed.
Rishi Sunak has said it was wrong to “empower scientists” to such a degree during the pandemic, as he revealed how he spoke out in government about the costs of lockdown.
“We shouldn’t have empowered the scientists in the way we did,” he said. “And you have to acknowledge trade-offs from the beginning. If we’d done all of that, we could be in a very different place. We’d probably have made different decisions on things like schools, for example.”
I wonder if the useless government investigation into the response to the pandemic
That was going to look at if delaying lockdown had been a huge mistake costing countless lives . Will now look at maybe the lockdowns were just a bit over the top.
In a parallel universe they may even look at if there was a pandemic.
Lets hope for reverse ferrets on the vaccine as vaccine harm gets harder to ignore.
Re the brain chips: Along with safety and security, our health has always been one of the Trojan horses “they” use to control our bodies and minds. Under the guise of helping a few luckless sufferers from variousmedical conditions, billions of dollars is channeled from taxpayers’ money into research (often by military-linked outfits like DARPA) designed toensure our eventual digital enslavement.
In developed countries where people should know better, such as Sweden and the US, tech-addicted idiots are actually volunteering to have themselves, their children and even their pets chipped for safety and convenience convenience. Nothing to lose but their self-imposed chains.
In Lockstep, cars were banned by 2025:
Different parts of the agenda clashing – by accident or design?
(A reminder that Tavistock’s “Future Shocks” found that if people are bombarded with contradictory stories they tend to give up and stop functioing rationally).
Calling human beings illegal aliens is fucking disgusting, why the fuck if OFFG supporting ZeroHedge for it. Anyone who uses such language should be banned from all damn platforms. Especially when we consider those humans have been forced to flee their countries due to the fucking war mongers and terrorist supporters and trainers in the USA>
So, what do you reckon we should call people who enter a country without documentation and live there without any legal standing or protection?
It’s not pejorative it’s descriptive.
Illegal aliens are the new slave class. The masters want you to think that objecting to them entering the country is and attack on the illegals. Nope. That’s like saying objecting to slavery is an attack on the slaves.
If you really respect these abused people then protest their situation. Insist they are given legal status or sent home to a place where they already have legal status.
End the unofficial slavery of illegal aliens
And most illegal aliens are from Mexico or central or South America. Very few are fleeing wars. They are an organized, exploited slave workforce aimed at destroying working conditions in the US for the average blue collar American.
Are you outing yourself as a closet libtard?
Oh grow up, most are seeking asylum and that is quite legal, who are you vile cowards who use such disgusting language about humans. In Mexico there is persecution, torture and murder, most of it done by gangs and drug cartels funded by the USA and the weapons are USA grants. Learn some history and about human rights law, papers do not over ride those mate. They are not illegal aliens, they have committed no crime.
You strange hysterical woman. “Illegal alien” does not mean you have committed a crime, it means only that you are in the country illegally. It is simply a description of official status.
It means they have entered a country knowing that by doing so, they have broken its laws. Such is their first act in their new “home”. Most of the “immigrants” coming to the U.S. and the West in general, are single men of military age, and we have — with few exceptions — no obligation to them. One might feel sympathy for them on a human level, but better to help them in their own countries.
When a country cares more about strangers and invaders than its own people, its own citizens, it has become a nation and a people on its way to extinction. Ireland comes to mind. Poor Ireland. One of the most put-upon peoples on the planet, and it’s “leaders” lead them towards doom with gleeful malice.
Such is the contempt our “rulers” have for us; they impose circumstances upon regular people which they are wealthy enough to avoid the consequences of.
Shin Fein and the IRA were American funded during the Great War, while Irish Lads total along with Welsh English Scottish Lads were living and dying in the Horror of War. Poor Ireland.
Put a sock in it finally for God’s sake.
“Put a sock in it finally for God’s sake”.
No, I won’t. I’d prefer not to see the Irish become like the Picts.
Sinn Fein used to represent Irish nationalism. The current iteration is Globalist scum. What the leaders of Ireland are doing to their country is obscene. May they be held fully accountable for it.
I prefer a world where Ireland is inhabited by people ethnically, culturally, and racially Irish.
The banksters dismembered the subcontinent and then dismembered one of the bits. The result of this double dismemberment is the overcrowded and poverty stricken nation of East Pakistan/ Bangladesh. If convid was real it would have ravaged Bangladesh.
Ironically Bengal was wealthier than England until the 17th century. After the British triumph in the battle of Plassey one third of the population perished in the famines that ravaged British (bankster) India. Bengal is today a basket case.
Illegals have broken The Law. Your classed as an Alien even with your Resident card. Resident Alien, simple.
Ok, I’am an Alien your an Alien what now?
Let’s both go down the Pub, the bar staff are Illegal speaking Aliens permitted to serve Beer!
Welcome to My Country!!!
Texas and the Southwest were taken by force from Mexico.
Actually they were taken by force from Spain, which in turn took them by force from the Aztec empire, who took them from previous Meso-American cultures, and so on.
If that’s an argument for uncontrolled immigration then everyone should be permitted to go almost anywhere without documentation or legal protection. Which would suit the exploiter class nicely since they profit from migrant workers working for subsistence wages and with zero health and safety.
Ironically, most of the people living in those areas are American citizens of Mexican descent and they are begging to get the borders closed to stop the flow of illegal aliens.
Also interesting to note that it wasn’t so many generations ago that the left (at least in the US) was typically opposed to illegal immigration — or any sort of uncontrolled immigration — because of the downward effect it exerted on the price of labor. Here’s César Chávez in the mid-70s:
Forgive me if my English fails me, but what is offense in either the word “illegal” or the word “alien”? What should people who illegally enter to a country that is not their own properly be called?
Pioneers ?
Pioneers are the first to explore or settle. These new immigrants come to places where the hard work of creating a civilization and society has already been done, and then have the effrontery to complain that the place isn’t set up to their liking.
Colonialists ? Israelis ?
Illegal foreigners or trespassers.
The English ‘alien’ reminds of the Alien movies with extraterrestrial monsters.
Synonyms, as per Merriam Webster.
extrinsic, extraneous, foreign, alien mean external to a thing, its essential nature, or its original character.
extrinsic applies to what is distinctly outside the thing in question or is not contained in or derived from its essential nature. sentimental value that is extrinsic to the house’s market value
extraneous applies to what is on or comes from the outside and may or may not be capable of becoming an essential part. arguments extraneous to the issue
foreign applies to what is so different as to be rejected or repelled or to be incapable of becoming assimilated. techniques foreign to French cuisine
alien is stronger than foreign in suggesting opposition, repugnance, or irreconcilability. a practice totally alien to her nature
They should certainly not be called what the people who plundered, murdered, and enslaved them for centuries are called.
I agree with what you’re saying but not the way you’re saying it. Stay cool …
Enjoy your day …
I am a legal alien. In that I was not born where I now live. If you moved elsewhere you too would be an alien in that place, legal or illegal. It’s only a word. It is not offensive unless you think that being born in a non-white country makes one automatically inferior and therefore being described that way is denigrating. If so your racism is showing dear.
You’re using pretty nasty language yourself. If you could make your point without being so emotional perhaps more would read it more carefully.
All the same, you have to understand that mass immigration is used by the elites to create discord and confict in the common population, so they rule unmolested. Immigration is a positive thing when it happens organically, shipping people en masse across borders is not going to improve their lives but will create more pressure on the already struggling local working classes.
So, it’s not about ‘racism’ which didn’t seem to exist when I was young 40 years ago as no one ever mentioned such thing.
…- So, not a big fan of this whole ‘free speech’ thing after all, then?
Your hysterics doesn’t help our anti mainstream cause. Plus being so angry can’t be good for you.
Illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, whatever, it’s just a factual term.
90% of them are really economic migrants, just like all those ‘Syrian’ refugees from Africa that hit Europe a few years ago.
The Syrian refugees is an interesting one:
One would think that when escaping the terrors of war anywhere away from that horror would do, right?
Apparently Turkey, Italy, France were not good enough; only the UK would do.
Very strange.
If you take a squizz at 1-year forward electricity prices for Germany, France and the UK, you’ll see that they all passed through the 1-euro-per-kWh mark last Frdiay.
That’s a five-fold (500%) increase since the start of 2022.
The Loire is basically dry; so is the Po.
Euromutts are either going to surrender and throw [Z]Elenskiy[yyyy] and his regime in Keeeeeev under the bus and give Russia its objectives (which is the pretty much “Ukraine east of the Dniepr, plus Odessa“) in an ‘agreement-capable’ way, or it’s going to have several thousand elderly frozen corpses on its hands this winter.
But let’s br frank: the Eurocrats have shown that, like their US counterparts, they are not ‘agreement-capable’, so their assurances cannot be relied upon.
So Vladimir Vladimirovitch is going to have to do to Brussels, Paris, Berlin and London, what he did to Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky, Abramovich, Patarkatsishvili, Gusinsky and a few of their fellow-travellers (in 2000, six weeks after being elected President).
It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.
These opioids are making me thirsty!
Oh ffs. Please get real. The inflation IS THE OBJECTIVE – of both “sides” – in this war. The war is working alongside “covid” to set the ground for the Great Reset. If more people don’t wake up to this soon we are pretty much FUCKED.
Zero Hedge is scarcely a fountain of truth.
Just calling human beings illegal aliens is repulsive.
No, it’s not.
It’s an apt characterization of their a) behaviour, and b) legal status, dictated by behaviour.
Suggesting otherwise is emotional blackmail and guilt tripping.
So it’s ok to ban them then is it?
were their figures wrong? Did you check them?
I got banned by twatter by stating the jabs are not vaccines, I have a problem with the disgusting language about human beings. There is no such person as an illegal alien.
How is that an answer to my question? It’s ok to ban ZH for citing facts because you were banned for also citing facts? What is your point?
ZH is the CIA’s idea of a joke.
So it’s ok to ban them is it?
Always a reliable barometer of the forthcoming agenda (remember she was eating bugs a while back) so what’s going on here:
So what’s going on here? Narcissism…. of course. Transgenderism…. obviously. Anything else?
“Fitness” is specifically mentioned on the Georgia Guidestones. MSN recommends are constantly pushing fitness stories. Now of course being unfit is no good thing but it’s a good example of how anything can be weaponised when coincided with other agendas and pushed to pathological extremes.
Excuse double post, but I want to put this where people will see in large numbers –
Simple question. Can anyone point to any actual footage of the alleged “offensive” allegedly taking place in Kherson?
Let’s set some definitions for said footage in advance –
1- MORE THAN a dozen active “fighters”.
2 – MORE THAN a couple of tanks or other hardware.
3 – Evidence of widescale engagement with return fire (ie not just a piece of artillery firing at an alleged but invisible “enemy” in an otherwise empty field).
4 – Massed troops on the move and under fire
5 – NO dodgy mini war films of what easily could be a sterile training exercise with creepy “action” music added and some obscure production company logo. – Actual, real, raw video from war photographers or journalists or locals that fits all above criteria.
If the war is the one they are describing on both “sides” this type of video should be everywhere, and should have been since Day One. I’ve yet to see any. But I live in hope.
Please share anything you see that fits the above stipulations.
Intel Slava Z or War and Peace on Telegram.
If you have seen footage on those channels that fits my stipulation then just copy and paste a link here. I’m getting tired of following up vague suggestions like these and spending hours looking for footage that turns out not to be there.
It takes a few seconds to copy and paste a link, so please do that.
This from the Russian MoD is the kind of thing we see everywhere labeled “war footage”, or in this case “Airborne anti-tank and artillery units destroy Ukrainian nationalist positions in the special military operation zone.”
Sorry, no. It’s three guys in pristine gear in a field filmed from multi-camera positions doing some demo-firing. It’s a promo vid.
Wise words. Where are the war correspondents? We should have seen dozens of them with helmets on, ducking down and rushing out a few sentences while thinking of a future professional accolade.
…- To all five of your points, Red’, and as you further point out at the end, I have yet to see footage of even *One*, *Single* set-piece pitched battle, or even a limited skirmish, involving *Any* combined arms units and/or maneuvers, *Whatsoever*… (- Sorta the *Definitive* hallmark of an *Actual* modern war taking place, of the scope and scale continuously advertised ever since February 24th…)
Some recent footage here (August 29). From the Kherson offensive:
( Caution (may disturb some): Aerial footage of destruction of armoured vehicles + (implied) infantry)
Also on Telegram at
Would be difficult to explain away using the ‘everything is fake’ paradigm imho
This is exactly the type of footage that gets put out all the freakin time and which I specifically define as unacceptable in point 5 in my original post –
“5 – NO dodgy mini war films of what easily could be a sterile training exercise with creepy “action” music added and some obscure production company logo. – Actual, real, raw video from war photographers or journalists or locals that fits all above criteria”
It shows a maximum of THREE armored vehicles, NO ground troops and no evidence of combined warfare whatsoever. Moreover it’s edited and has stupid music playing over it.
If you really think this is what an “offensive” looks like you have lost touch with reality.
You can’t be serious. It’s three armored vehicles in a field filmed by a drone for fucks sake. Exactly the same type of BS “war” footage both “sides” have been putting out since Day One.
And why exactly did you use that MSM trick of saying “caution may disturb some“?
IT’S THREE ARMORED VEHICLES IN A FIELD. Unless someone is frightened of grass or fuzzy pictures of tanks why would you possibly think anyone would be disturbed?
It’s like you are priming people to think it shows something graphic when you know it doesn’t. It’s a weird dishonest thing for a poster on here to do.
There are plenty of ground troops visible. Observe their movements & the explosions a little more closely
I see no ground troops – you know, large numbers of organized men moving in military purposeful fashion. I see a maybe a half dozen people wandering about randomly and what may be a few people – or maybe not – standing in a ditch.
Even as an exercise maneuver that’s ridiculously small scale.
And what are they supposed to be doing? Is that little ditch supposed to be a military defensive position constructed by one of the most advanced and competent armies in the world?
If not why are there apparently some people standing in it while coming under fire?
Why would anyone under fire just stand there in that unprotected ditch rather than seek better cover (eg in that bowl of lower ground with plenty of scrub and tree cover)?
Why aren’t any of those alleged people in the ditch blown away by the alleged shell that hits just a few feet from them?
in fact I think that blast looks like cgi since there is literally no reaction from the people who should have suffered massive concussive force that should have blown them clean out the ditch.
All the footage is like this, weird, problematic, small scale, seemingly random, often set to fucking music for God’s sake, like the videographers are consciously trying to compensate for the weakness of the footage.
Bottom line – there are notionally hundreds of thousands of Russian troops engaged in warfare out there. WHERE ARE THEY?
Where are their garrisons, field camps, field hospitals, infrastructure? Where are the grieving families for the hundreds of men allegedly dying every day?
If you told me the 8-yr old low level civil war in Donbass was still carrying on and these were pics of it I would still think it was fishy. But the idea these type of pics represent a full scale, professional, superbly equipped invasion force is frankly laughable.
I would suspect that there are military reasons why we don’t see as much footage as we would like. Rather than a lack of things going on, necessarily. Why reveal troop/tank positions unless you have to? Why reveal which weapons you are using? More policy than the absence of anything going on, necessarily.
What we do see will be controlled. What should the public be told?
So this video, since it’s revealed by a Russian source (and assuming for a moment that it is actually genuine) shows Ukrainian counter-offensive forces being obliterated by Russian strikes. Which is useful in demonstrating how pitiful the Ukrainian counter-offensive really is/was ie in line with how Russians would want the public perception of the counter-offensive to be
As regards the ditch, the Telegram link’s description (within my first reply), provides an additional clue as to what happened.
Basically (according to the Russian text there), it would appear that the Ukrainians came under fire, abandoned their vehicles and tried to hide from the shells in the ditch. At which point they were (likely) unceremoniously ‘dealt with’ by the observable explosion.
Any moral to the story? Maybe that huddling together, when under fire, is not always the best option. Dispersal is often the better strategy
A protest in New Zealand: “The following media includes potentially sensitive content.”
“do we want to accept human limitations associated with learning ….”
Fascinating revelation. “Learning” is a limitation?
WEF actually wrote it. Interesting that I red it and did not quite comprehend as there was this ageing bit next to it.
Of course learning is limitation to tyrants. It limits what kind of hoops you can make people jump throuhg. I came to the conclusion earlier that for mass media even memory is an enemy since you can’t belive the “written truth” if you have solid memories over two weeks. This goes on the same vein.
What we can learn is limited to some degree by our biology, by our corruptible flesh, but with new technologies, certain elite segments of the population will be able to transcend those limitations. Even ordinary and sub-ordinary segments will benefit.
Similarly with “ageing”. Lifespans can be lengthened dramatically. Someday, perhaps, consciousness itself will not require the human body as a vessel.
BA.2 was called a ‘stealth variant’ six months ago. Quite aptly named: No one paid any attention so it disappeared stealthily. Maybe they’ll have more luck this time, with winter approaching and people catching colds.
Hmm… I just read the linked Independent article. It seemed like an excuse or justification for high-profile quadruple-boostered people such as Sleepy Joe catching ‘covid’ twice in a matter of weeks. Something for the sheep to repeat, or the ‘fact-checkers’ to use when deleting tweets.
Local supermarket to me keeps the Covid thing going. Near the entrance they have coined a new word: COVIDSafe. Specifically, the large notice says something like ” Thank You for helping us all stay COVIDSafe. ”
It’s not enough to stay safe. It has to be COVIDSafe™️. Got that?
I can’t tell you how many signs I have ripped down,peeled off windows ,doors,walls and mirrors.Man,does it feel good when I crumple into a can.
…- “Shop Smart… – Shop *S-Mart*!… *YA GOT THAT*?!!…”
Relative to it’s not all bad, right on to those protesting, but here we are 2 1/2 years after the start of this scam and small numbers of us are protesting. As an antiwar activist for many years now, that seems familiar.
Here’s an article about Trump. This seems to be gaining steam, which is a good thing. The article is a letter to Trump from the State of the Nation website asking (pleading) with him to “forcefully reject the entire COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ program as the greatest medical mistake (and scandal) in this nation’s history.” This is the same thing Alex Jones did recently, telling Trump he was either an idiot or somehow misled and he needed to remedy the situation and repudiate himself as the “King of the Covid-19 Vaccine and Mastermind for Operation Warpspeed”, the insidious plan Trump authorized to proceed with the genocidal jabbing of Americans with an experimental mRNA concoction.
The author states, very well imo, at the end:
“You will never receive a Democrat or liberal vote, unless they quit their party. The Independents will only vote for you if they have not been harmed by the vaccines. The Republicans will vote for you because they will never vote Democrat. But it’s the Patriots, Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives who will never forgive you for zealously promoting the exceedingly toxic and lethal Covid jabs. For those who took the jabs all have horrible war stories to tell themselves and tell each other.’
President Donald Trump: You had better read this OPEN LETTER before it’s too late. | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (
I would amend that to expand that it’s not just about harm from the fake vaccine, but the knowledge that the entire scamdemic is part of a master plan for global control of the planet by the Psycho Class. It is literally about freedom and liberty on Planet Earth. And a lot of us know that now. I know many left leaning people who have become totally aghast at the democratic party but know that the republicans clinging to this global psy-op cannot be supported because of the existential significance of the whole thing. We are where the rubber meets the road.
It’s going to be interesting where this goes. I seriously doubt Trump is going to pay this any attention, it will just amplify the fact that he’s “one of them”. I’m more interested to see how many of those “Patriots, Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives” who know the truth stick to it when it comes to supporting a treasonous traitor like Trump.
even IF (a notion I find totally ridiculous) Trump was a deep state actor, whatever ‘crimes’ you think he may have committed completely fade into irrelevance when compared to the crimes of the deep state over the last 2 or 6 or 70 years – anyone who turns a blind eye to that to castigate Trump is either totally under the influence of TDS or simply working for the deep state and doing the required trolling and attempting to spread disinformation (oh hell just call them lies)
What is this childish TDS bs? Good grief, grow up. Ya, I’m going to call my supervisor at the Deep State now.
But I agree, anyone turning a blind eye to Biden’s crimes, Obama’s crimes, Bush’s crimes, etc., while only criticizing Trump, is certainly being short sighted. But I did nothing of the sort and your accusations are absurd.
So siamdave, I wonder, do you agree with Trump about the fake vaccine? Are you trying to ignore the main point because you also think the fake vaccines are good, like Trump? Is that why you’re trying to defend him? Maybe you are a with the deep state, dave.
…- Interesting phrasing, that bit about war stories, and true enough… – 30-odd years later, turns out the global jab rollout is basically ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ writ large…
…- *Plenty* of ex-service members still kicking around from back in the day (- The Patriots mentioned?…), no doubt still *Very Much* pissed about the gaslighting and jive-talking kiss-off they all got from the VA and .gov over that particular affair…
Scientists say they may have detected a new symptomless Covid variant which can infect people without them knowing about it. More research is needed. ” This new variant is ultra-crafty ” an unnamed expert was quoted as saying. ” We need to get on top of it before it spreads further.” Some are already referring to it as the Ninja Ultra Variant or NUV. ” It sounds cool ” a top virologist admitted. ” This variant has got us scratching our heads. It could be anywhere.” The CDC confessed it is presently baffled as to the origin of the supposed stealth variant. ” We’ve never seen anything like this before ” a spokesperson said. ” It’s scary. We don’t know if we can vaccinate against it. We do recommend everyone wear a triple mask “. Fauci had this to add: ” All viruses can be sneaky. But this one takes stealth to a whole new dimension.”
Stay tuned. More to come.
Seriously I have had my dr attempt to convince me of my having had same….sorry it was but overdoing butterfly…made a horrible painful mess of shoulders and back but sorry dr it wasn’t covid,,,I am finding that they are obsessed with covid and no longer deserve to be called drs.
‘no longer’ starting at least 2 1/2 years ago – and now we have to try and figure out how long the ‘medical profession’ has actually been turned against us and working for the NWO, and just ‘came out’ publicly with the covid scam ..
Follow the money…
…- When your entire (approved) toolkit consists of just a hammer…
The scientifically verified effect of the new variant is that “you don’t feel your proper self”!
right, just watch sat morning cartoons where most of the covid cultists get their ‘science’ – anything can happen!!!!!! – kind of like a Marvel other universe
There is no ‘new normal’. All that stuff is just a side show like a headless chicken running around. We have turned the corner and are accelerating now into the bright future.
There might be a case for a new normal if there was an urgent, rational need for such a thing, but there isn’t.
It’s our old normal problems that still need to be fixed.
Problems like, what to do with psychopathic politicians and media owners…
we could go to history for ideas, think French revolution ….
…- Better yet, go *All* the way back to, ohhh… – just for a random example, let’s say Sun Tzu…
…- *Whenever* they pull this little ‘Year Zero’ stunt, which *Invariably* they periodically do, it is *Always* a tacit admission they just *Royally* screwed the pooch and, with that, an implicit plea for a ‘Mulligan’…
…- The problem for them, this time around, is it’s *Global* now – This one’s for *ALL* the marbles, and as such, they no longer have *ANY* maneuver room left anymore to be affording themselves the luxury of making quite *So Many* entirely unforced errors as they currently are…
Dear Nice Lady,
I have not succeeded in waking up one single person in over two years.
Most people have also renounced their spirituality along with their common sense.
They have lost their wits, and I have no idea where to tell them to start looking for them.
I can only suggest that people keep their lives as pure and focused as they can, and they might receive the grace to be one of those shining beacons we need so badly right now in order to show the way forward.
But as things stand, we are a pretty lost bunch of sheep.
‘we’ are trying to retain sanity in a very large lost bunch ….
Some say the cabal has been rocking for a while, but when will it fall? It’s wobbling, isn’t it?
Here, where I am, a long time ago a journalist had asked our communist head of State: “Comrade, some say that the government is tottering?”, and he replied with a smile, “They and the goat’s testicles is tottering, but do not fall”.
So the cabal, if it can’t fall on its own for too long, may need help at some point.
…- You ever watch Marathon Man, plino?… 😉
👮 Sgt Oddball!
I haven’t seen it, but since you said, I’ve read a little bit about it. Looks like a thinly veiled attempt at cinematic retribution on the chosen people, don’t you think, Sir? I may be mistaken, I didn’t see it, but it said there were such doubts..
So, Sgt, is there anything in the film about the resistance of the goat attributes to shaking?
…- I’d say your take on it being essentially a 2 hour long revenge fantasy commissioned by folk of a tribal persuasion is accurate enough… – Leaving that to one side however, what I had in mind in mentioning it is the film’s denoument – specifically the precise manner of dispatch with which David Attenborough’s character is made to meet his inevitable sticky end…
– To the point of the last sentence of your original comment, I’ll draw your attention to the particular role that Dustin Hoffman’s character plays in the the former’s demise – Check it out and you will have the answer to your proverbial goat’s nads conundrum… – Since I first saw it, the solution depicted has always struck me as both elegant and poetic…
Quite a fascinating and, at the same time, not revealing description, Sgt. You motivated me to watch the movie, sometime when I get the combination of free time and desire.
It’s funny that words mean so little that “pandemic” and “stealth” can be associated with no one batting an eye.
Well, 99% of people believed the twin towers “collapsed” on 9/11. Hint: they didn’t.
And that iceberg that supposedly hit the Titanic?
A. It wasn’t the Titanic
B. It didn’t hit any iceberg
You mean, the movie was faked?
Ask Jeffrey Epstein.
Are there icebergs off New York ? (40 deg North).
Whaaaa!? I thought it was the brown people with box cutters that hate our freedom.
…- Or “Lockdown” and “Public Health”…
My email acct today alerted me to a new post on Corbett re the Malaysian MH-17 passenger “shoot down” over Ukraine. I found my own comments immediately preceding the new one. Since there was a recent thread regarding this “crash” I’m posting it below. Even if you’re sick of hearing from me, do look at the 2d COMMENT where I summarize video of the Russian reporter who arrived 20 minutes after the crash.
I’m sorry that none of the links function now– except the one showing how lifelike dummies are.
Penelope says:
12/10/2016 at 11:00 am
In a False Flag (the govt really did it), they imm’y solve the crime for you: Think 9-11. They do this cuz they don’t want you to investigate who did it.
In a Hoax (a non-incident), they give you alternative explanations to make you vociferously sign on to one or another. The idea is to so passionately involve you in determining WHICH that you never ask WHETHER it happened at all.
LOOK at the scene & compare it to other plane crashes. Each of these crashes is unique, but universally when heavy objects fall from the sky they leave impact craters. They leave gullies that show their path; they gouge the earth. If an engine lands on concrete it breaks the concrete & goes partially through it. Heavy objects that fall from the sky cannot sit lightly on the soft farmland.
The crash was on a chicken farm that had industrial refrigeration for the bodies, and buildings & hangars for storing the parts– even a boxcar sitting on a RR siding. The miners who collected the bodies all worked for one mine owner.
At least some of the bodies may have been dummies:
I see no way in which Russia did not know that this was a hoax, but she may have been promised that Ukrain w/B blamed or some other deal if she went along w it. It’s worth noting that the real sanctions were announced the morning after the Generals’ press conference, when they were unavoidably committed to its being a real crash.
I don’t know to what extent Putin & the Russians are free to act independent of the West or to what extent there is collusion. I remind you that US/EU removed the Turkish-border Patriots so that Russia could enter Syria & then “overlooked” the arrival of her materiel & construction until “too late.”
I remind you that US/EU imm’y confirmed that the Sinai crash of the Russian passenger liner was done by the terrorists. It is even more obviously a hoax. The soft sand takes tire marks, but there is not the slightest dent under even the one engine shown. This crash was for the purpose of bringing the Russian people along with the Russian escalation in Syria. Why did the West help pull it off?
In 2000 when Putin took office there were no Russian billionaires. Today there are at least 114. The 1% control 74% of the wealth of Russia. I cannot find a single Putin quote in which he criticizes the IMF/Fed system, neoliberalism, or the WTO. In fact he has praised them. When he praises the rule of law it is by way of praising the UN which is controlled by oligarchs including Rockefeller & which has an extraordinarily radical agenda regarding your liberty– but that’s for another day.
I’m sorry to go along at such length but often people are tempted to overlook visual evidence when they can’t “explain” it & perhaps in order to SEE it you must entertain the possibility that Putin is either controlled or not truly in opposition to the West.
Penelope says:
12/10/2016 at 1:02 pm
Radar 24/7 listed the flight as cancelled. There was a NATO drill/practice using equipment which spoofs the GPS position of planes. A photo of an Israeli “passenger” taken at the departing aircraft was shown to be false. Strelkov reported that those who handled the bodies said they were long dead, bloodless, but those who handled the bodies were the mining company’s employees; I forget the owner’s name, a Ukrainian oligarch.
The following is an Anna News interview w “Alena” who says she arrived at the crash site within 20 minutes. Interview includes still photos as bad as watching an autopsy. If you are sensitive, do NOT watch the video. I have summarized below what Alena said. Do set the English subtitles. Anna News interview published Aug 29. 2014 with Alena Kochkina (Алёны Кочкиной) reporter who was at the site with the rescue team. Anna News is embedded w the Russian/Ukrainian fighters. She says the vapors of formaldehyde were very strong, the bodies were Asian, Malaysian w only 5-6 kids among those she saw. (It has been reported that half were children). All seemed long dead , “sodden” (w formaldehyde I guess). About 20 were clothed, rest naked. She felt they were “mannequins”, no blood. A reporter present at two other crashes said there had been a lot of blood at those two. The clothes in suitcases were all winter clothes, the cell phones’ SD cards showed last photos August – October 2013. 18+ БОИНГ-777. Ужасающие подробности. 29.08.2014 / #MH17 – Anna News, August 29, 2014.
I don’t think she is literally saying they are manneqins, because her conscious mind rejects what her subconscious is telling her; she may not know of the lifelike dummies available.
Note the freshly-killed birds in this & other vids. The Yellow Macaw is perhaps meant to suggest the Phoenix or some sort of witchcraft?
YT associated a/c terminated…
off- g,
by omitting the first comment which introduced this one, you sure made nonsense of it.
The Left are sounding more authoritarian every day. (The last three words of the article are laughable).
Several decades of libertarian political philosophy have resulted in the partial destruction of the idea of collective fates and collective action.
Yeah, I wish. The Greens are despised by most in Australia. What they’re saying there sounds Fascistic to be completely honest. Say the collective fate is the whole country and… Oh, wait!
The Greens do not run the greenleft weekly and most in Australia do not despise the Greens. Honestly where do you come up with such nonsense.
Calling them the BS variants would be more apt!
been calling them that for a while.
BS-2 variant.
Variant after variant after variant, ad nauseam, ad infinitum. Who benefits? (Rhetorical question.)
This highly-profitable terrorist propaganda will only remain effective as long as people continue to fear those evil spirits, those little batwinged demons, those Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer-Dots, which allegedly exist and take delight in breeding like rabbits and making people sick, despite not even being alive.
“Virology” is pseudoscience. It is a balloon waiting to be burst. Please, Kit Knightly, at long last do an interview with Dr Tom Cowan.
And the voodoo is echoed by that little line on that piece of plastic. “Hell, I felt fine before I saw that. But now I know I’m going to die!”
They haven’t got to the BA Systems variant yet, that’s the killer.
No worries. The manufacturers of Dettol claim it kills 99.9% of germs including Covid19.
Humans don’t need bug, or animal protein for that matter. It’s just an outdated tradition and a brutal business.
The largest mammals on the planet cope easily, and live longer on plant protein.
Their are hundreds of vegan athletes and even vegan body builders around the world.
Give flesh the flick.
Go for it. I’m about to enjoy a beautiful pork chop.
Their flesh, your potential heart blockage Cynicon.
Not kosher.
And how do you know they’re vegan? They didn’t tell you did they?
Well, it’s become ‘uncool’ to admit being vegan, thanks to the tirades of omnivores, so I just have to take their word for it.
They don’t admit it, but you take their word on it? :/
not uncool to ‘admit’ it, uncool to act superior because of it …
…- Flimsy premise, that then…
Those largest mammals on the planet might live a long time, but they make poor human beings. Let’s not wish ourselves into reverse evolution here…
But it’s a moot point in any case, since I’ve never liked eating flesh.
convince a tiger and you’ll convince me ….
You have a completely different digestive tract.
The tiger earns it’s meat by hunting it. The pot bellied steak eater relies on vast areas of pasturage and vast numbers of passive domesticated creatures which live short unnatural lives before being brutally terminated . Ever read Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle ? (I may be wrong with the author’s name. The title was poorly chosen).
Our digestive tract is much closer to a tiger than to a dedicated herbivore.
If we did not graze domestic animals on pasture – what better use would the ground have? You can graze livestock on ground that can’t be used for grown crops. They effectively turn abundant grass, which humans can’t eat, into highly nutritious food we can eat.
The life of a grass-fed, free range, humanely reared cow is a world away from the industrially farmed livestock you are thinking of.
I wonder if you realize how much your thinking on this has been influenced by decades of quiet brainwashing by the same anti-humanists currently promoting bug-eating and jab mandates.
Almost all of the native vegetation in rural Australia (93 to 97 %) has been destroyed to create space for crops and for pasture. Vast treeless plains of yellow canola for instance. Amost all the unique wildlife that depended on the native bush has perished as a result. True that corn and antibiotic fed cattle supply most of America’s “needs”. The clot shots are being promoted by the banksters that have stimulated human reproduction for millennia but have stupidly realised very late that they have painted mankind into a corner.
Would love if you could cite that figure.
We should remember that climate alarmism is intimately connected with globalist agendas, therefore terrifying statistics should be viewed with some caution.
The cult of climate alarmism, a fear-based cult designed to shame and panic people into accepting fewer rights and privileges in the name of ‘rescuing’ themselves and the planet from perpetually imminent annihilation, is self-regulating, self-censoring and self-perpetuating at this point. Charities/NGOs see it as their social duty to employ scare tactics, and all the better to help secure future funding. The ultimate goal of behind-the-scenes funders, many argue, are only just coming into view.
I feel there’s very little excuse in a post-Covid world to parrot fuzzy climate alarmism like this.
Sophie made the point that intensive farming is a far cry from natural and sustainable farming, which actually, in the case of cattle, is exploiting their biological niche as grazers. They have evolved specific digestive systems to eat grass, they release this nitrogen back into the environment in the form of dung, and their numbers are naturally kept in check by predators.
If you’re going to ignore this point and treat all types of farming as one and the same, with meat farming = bad (whether intensive or not) and plant-based farming = good (whether intensive or not), and continue to mix this up with muddled arguments about whether or not humans are designed to eat meat, then your understanding of environmentalism is simplistic and I wonder whether you’re arguing very honestly. A2
I never used the phrase global warming or the updated NWO replacement. I see no evidence that atmospheric temperatures are rising. Global warming is a bankster fraud designed to force environmentally unfriendly offensives such as wind mills, solar panels and electric cars on the populace. What is undeniable however is mass extinction and the destruction of biodiversity. The statistics I cited were given to me by a rural fertiliser salesman. All you need to do to verify these statistics is visit a rural Australian area and look around. Cows,sheep and canola as far as the eyes can see and not much else. The regent honeyeater has disappeared from the area I visited. The Superb parrot is scarce and you will be lucky if you see one. There are hardly any of the native marsupials around. The very occasional kangaroo or wallaby. All the rest of the marsupials are extinct. I suspect the koala is extinct. I have never seen a wild koala. The banksters are soulless and have used the fake climate terminology to divert genuine concern for the environment into nonsensical strategies like windmills.
Well unless you think Australia is a Disney movie and random tourists can expect to be greeted by flocks of inquisitive wildlife I think your citation needs work. Try a URL next time? 🤷♂️ 🙂A2
The human gut is not designed to accept plant-only foodstuff. Most vegans and strict vegetarians should/must take supplements to maintain a healthy gut & thus healthy holistic bodily systems.
Veganism, for humans, is, in effect, a type of diet and not a healthy eating regime.
It’s a very unnatural diet.
…- We do, of course still retain an appendix, ostensibly for the digestion of grasses, tree bark and such, but evolutionary atrophy has caused that organ to all but shrivel away to a mere vestige of its former self, alas… 😉
Bullshit. No wild adult animal drinks milk.
In order to digest milk a body needs the enzyme lactase. Most mammals stop producing lactase when they reach adulthood. Humans are quite unique in retaining lactase production throughout their lives. This implies they have adapted to drinking milk in adulthood many thousands of years ago and it can therefore be regarded as a “natural” aspect of our diet.
Ignorance, malice, or what?
…- The largest mammals on the planet *Exclusively* eat only plankton and krill – Y’know, the ‘Surf’ part in *Surf ‘n’ Turf*… – Some of the slightly smaller ones are even partial to seals and whatnot…
…- What in the hells are you talking about?…
Elephants, bison, camels, gorillas , horses, rhinos, hippos.
Do you earn a decent commission in the meat promotion industry ?
…The whales (Not to mention sharks and other aquatic fish that aren’t even mammals… – What’re ya gonna do about them, huh?…) of the world are laughing at your elephants, bisons and whatnot, as they gad about the world’s oceans, scooping up megatons of carnivorous biomass on a daily basis, placenta… – *Ho, ho*…
Ahern and Trudeau are in the top ten…
…- FBI’s Most Wanted?… (- I know… – I kin *Dream* tho’, carn’t I?…)
I am still going through my red-pilling process.
Please – what is/are the agenda(s) behind the promotion of eating bugs?
Saving the environment. Killing bugs. To kill the bugs you must know the bugs. The only good bug is a dead bug.
something to talk about?
Degradation and Humiliation.
A bit like having to sort and categorise your waste while recycling.
Plebs, you will spend half an hour washing that empty peanut butter jar before putting it in the glass recycling.
…- Just to then watch it all get chucked in the back of the standard landfill truck with the hydraulic masher in the back, anyways…
Even worse. It’s like having to comb through our shit to find undigested pieces of peanuts, corn or bean husks for later re-consumption.
Dogs do it; if it’s good enough for them, it ought to be good enough for us.
Plain Villainy I reckon. Maybe Swill is right or it’s just for the hell of it. If it wasn’t, they’d promote organ meats first, an agenda of “eat all of the animal, don’t waste food, save the earth!”
…- It is indeed, very much, and precisely, ‘for the *Hell* of it’, and to the Davostani Perps pulling this whole caper, that ain’t no figure of speech…
I still do not reject the even more sinister possibility that they adapt the ubiquitous food closer to the taste habits of the mass of the future population, as part of a play by the famous playwright Coudenhove-Kalergi, which is itself part of the old play on the sustainable development (of sources of power). Mutts have long “predicted” a large movement and change in the composition of populations in the future. The palace talking head Attali, for example, who recently received an Orwellian “erasure of old writings” on the subject of inoculation, spoke and wrote a lot about the change in the composition of populations before time. Long before 11/9, they also predicted “terrorist acts” and a “pandemic” before 2020, so they have experience in “forecasting” that “comes true”. They also have “predictions” that have not yet come true.
But maybe I’m infected with a dark outlook, or pure naivety; that’s the better option. So nothing like this will happen. I am generally an incorrigible optimist. The evil will lose anyway, and the bugs will only see my sole!:)
…- Q: In the *Not Too Distant*, by the time it’s all been mulched, lab-composted, bleached, de-natured, processed, washed, rinsed, spun, folded, mutilated and stapled, and *In ALL Honesty*… – How would you be able to tell if your alotted daily ration of Teh Soylent Green is composed of crickets, mealworms, or rather, something else entirely?…
Good health, Sergeant! I like your style, Sgt Oddball, Sir! A good mood is never too good.
You mean they’re gonna make me eat my grandmother without me noticing? The new crickets puree with improved taste? In his new, beautiful, green box? 😮 Ashes in your mouth, Sergeant…
Probably just another money making scheme. bring on the sell sell sell!
Eat the bugs is so yesterday, it’s now drink the sewage:
Why are you so squeamish? I don’t know, is it because you’ve just spent the last two years pumping out fear porn that being within a billion millions of a ‘germ’ is some sort of disaster and a violation of everyone’s human rights? Where’s my hand gel?
Perhaps this resistence to drinking sewage can also be solved by inoculation?….
ACtually, the most dangerous bit in the article is about changing attitudes to water. They want it to become a scarce resource which is the basis of controlling access.
You need something to flush down the crickets!
…- Coz Typhoid and Cholera *Totally* aren’t a thing…
> 1. “Stealth Omicron” is “the most transmissible yet”
It never stops. Bloody heck, brainwashed people of the world, wake up!
we’re allowed to say ‘bloody hell’ here (and even worse things). an adult site.