Russia’s Great Reset: Facing Reality
A response to the “Russian technocracy is good technocracy” argument
Riley Waggaman
A reader recently alerted me to an intriguing article published by Thomas Röper, the curator of Anti-Spiegel.
In it, Röper argues that Ernst Wolff—an authoritative voice on Great Reset shenanigans—is wrong to list Russia as an active participant in the COVID-triggered New Normal.
I would like to offer a different perspective on this subject, particularly because many of the arguments put forward by Röper have become commonplace on Twitter, Telegram, and podcasts that nobody listens to. To Röper’s credit, he took the time to actually write down his thoughts.
Röper and I have exchanged “blog critiques” in the past; in December, he critiqued an article I wrote pointing to links between Davos and the financiers and developers behind Sputnik V. I then critiqued his critique. Blogging is very exciting.
I want to stress that this article is not meant as a personal attack on Röper; I’m only interested in exploring his ideas.
Actually, I’m rather fond of Röper. He possesses a rare quality—he’s open to dialogue. He even updated his December article to include my response to his critique.
Quite sporting of him—practically unheard of in the age of ego-driven, vapid Internet Punditry.
My (probably naïve) hope is that this article will encourage “Russia watchers” to think more deeply about the topics discussed below.
Putin & the World Economic Forum
Röper begins by outlining his views on how western global power structures operate, and why he doesn’t think Putin (or Russia) is part of this network. I will return to this part of his argument later.
He continues by pointing out that Wolff incorrectly claims Putin is an alumnus of the WEF’s Young Global Leader program.
Wolff’s claim likely stems from a viral 2019 video in which Klaus Schwab lists Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, and Vladimir Putin as graduates of his Young Global Leaders club.
All available evidence suggests Schwab misspoke. As Anti-Empire reported in December 2021:
Young Global Leaders” must be 38 or under when they are admitted. At 38, Putin would have still been in the KGB in the dying days of the USSR in 1990.
Also, WEF didn’t start the Young Global Leaders program (as “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”) until 1993 when Putin was already 41.
Röper correctly notes Putin is not listed on the program’s website. And with good reason: Russia’s president was too old to qualify when the WEF began its infamous leader-grooming initiative in 1993.
“Since Putin is not included in the lists of Schwab’s programs and Schwab’s statement can also be interpreted differently, I see no proof or even serious indication that Putin was in these programs,” Röper writes.
I don’t disagree; but what Röper fails to mention is that Putin’s relationship with Klaus Schwab predates the creation of the Young Global Leaders program.
Speaking at the Davos Agenda online forum on January 29, 2021, Russia’s president greeted the WEF chairman as “dear Klaus,” and recalled their decades-long relationship:
I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus [Schwab] just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St. Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times.
Vladimir Putin was not a Young Global Leader and it’s misleading to label him as one. But it’s equally misleading to pretend Putin does not have a long history with Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Actually, this relationship began a year before the Young Global Leaders program even existed.
In 1992, Putin was working for St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak as the head of the city’s Committee for External Relations—a post he held until Sobchak lost the St. Petersburg gubernatorial election in 1996.
Part of his job entailed promoting international conferences and attracting foreign investment in St. Petersburg. It’s reasonable to assume this is how Putin first appeared on Schwab’s radar.
At the same time, let’s not forget that Putin was not exactly a high profile official during his time in St. Petersburg. In fact, the Russian president claimed he worked part-time as a taxi driver to make ends meet.
None of this would matter if Putin—who over a period of three years went from a minor official working a side job, to Acting President of the Russian Federation—was an outspoken critic and opponent of Davos. Alas, the exact opposite is true.
Meeting with Schwab in St. Petersburg in November 2019, Putin said the World Economic Forum “supports people striving to work openly and in line with current international law and promotes contacts between business and government officials.”
Russia’s president added:
This is why we have always supported and will continue to support our relations with the forum you founded. Naturally, Russian representatives have always attended and will attend your events.
In turn, we conduct similar events that are primarily aimed at establishing business contacts with Russia’s partners. You know we have the Economic Forum here in St. Petersburg as well as different events in the Far East, Siberia and southern Russia. So we are following your example. I hope that we are not letting you down and that we are working in unison.
Röper is highlighting a technicality (Putin wasn’t a Young Global Leader) while ignoring the fact that Schwab and Putin go back some thirty years—when Putin was a non-entity in Russian politics. So what exactly is Röper arguing?
Russia’s digital ruble: different from other CBDCs?
Röper then turns his attention to Wolff’s criticisms of the digital ruble, arguing that Russia’s centralized digital coin is fundamentally different from what the European Central Bank (ECB) is proposing.
According to Röper, the introduction of an ECB coin would usher in a “total surveillance state, because you couldn’t even buy a pack of chewing gum without it being registered … The ECB coin—along with a ban on cash—would not only be the total surveillance state, it would also be the ultimate repressive state.”
But the situation is different in Russia, Röper claims.
“In Russia, no one is thinking about abolishing cash, and the use of cash in Russia—in contrast to the West—is unrestricted … There are no restrictions on using cash in Russia,” he writes.
This is not true. There are already cash bans in Russia—part of an aggressive push towards “digitalizing” the economy.
Since June 2022, commuters have been barred from using cash to pay for bus fares in the Moscow region.
Authorities cited safety concerns (bus drivers shouldn’t be counting change while on the road) as the primary motivator behind this prohibition. But there were other justifications given.
A regional union leader claimed the coronavirus “pandemic” showed that viruses could be easily transmitted through cash, and that the new cash ban would help “avoid the spread of various infections and diseases.”
This isn’t a policy unique to the Moscow region.
In March 2022, Russian media revealed that cities across the country were introducing cash bans on public transport.
“The trend of transferring fares to cashless payments can be traced throughout the country. In St. Petersburg this year, the vast majority of bus routes will be completely transferred to contactless payment,” reported.
In some regions, commuters are penalized when they try to use cash. Vologda Oblast announced in January 2022 that the fare for trolleybuses would cost 30 rubles—but 32 rubles if you pay by cash.
Russia is actually a trailblazer in developing cashless payment systems.
In 2015, Sberbank, the country’s largest bank, launched Ladoshki (“Little Palms”), a biometric payment system for schoolchildren:
“To pay for lunch, the student puts his hand to the scanner on a special machine, selects a dish from the menu, and the money is automatically debited from the account attached to the biometrics.”
In July 2022, Moscow unveiled plans to expand its biometric Face Pay system for metro commuters.
Maxim Liksutov, deputy mayor of Moscow, boasted that “facial recognition fare collection systems are being implemented in China, but we are ahead.”
The Face Pay system is now being tested in St. Petersburg. Samara is also considering the introduction of a biometric payment system for public transport.
Face Pay is still voluntary, of course. For now.
What exactly makes Röper so confident that cash will never be banned in Russia? Restrictions on cash are already in place—does he believe this trend is going to suddenly reverse?
Even in the “most cashless” countries (Sweden and other strange places), cash hasn’t been outright banned. Completely phasing out cash will probably take years—but again, where is the evidence that Russia is resisting the (global) transition to cashless systems?
Röper is claiming Russia has no restrictions on using cash—even though it does, and even though it is aggressively pursuing biometric payment systems—and therefore the digital ruble will be less oppressive than other CBDCs. I don’t find this argument very convincing.
Röper then explains why he thinks the digital ruble can’t be compared with other central bank tokens: “The Russian central bank ruble, which is under consideration, is to become a covered currency. Behind every central bank ruble should be a basket of commodities (gold, oil, etc.).”
Sadly, there are no such guarantees from the Bank of Russia. (If there is, please find me the press release.)
For the sake of argument, let’s assume the digital ruble—which will begin a pilot program using “real clients and real operations” next year, without being tied to commodities—will be linked to precious metals or other resources.
How would this negate the assault on personal liberties and privacy that would inevitably occur with any other CBDC? The digital ruble, like all CBDCs, is a centralized programmable digital currency that can be used to control people. Is Röper suggesting otherwise?
In December 2021, blockchain consultant and cryptocurrency researcher Denis Smirnov told Vedomosti that for ordinary Russians, “the introduction of the digital ruble is the materialization of the most terrible scenarios described by science fiction writers in dystopias.”
“According to the expert [Smirnov], with the advent of the digital ruble, absolute transparency will reign in the field of personal finance, which means that the human right to privacy will be under attack,” the paper wrote.
The Bank of Russia doesn’t even try to hide the terrifying “potential” of its digital ruble.
Russia’s CBDC “will permit better traceability of payments and money flow, and also explore the possibility of setting conditions on permitted terms of use of a given unit of currency,” Bank of Russia Deputy Governor Alexey Zabotkin said while speaking at at Cyber Polygon 2021 (which was co-hosted by the WEF and Sberbank).
According to Röper, an ECB digital currency would likely represent “the ultimate tool of control and oppression.”
In Russia, on the other hand, “the central bank ruble would only be a voluntary alternative to cash,” he writes.
How does Röper know this?
Putin’s speeches: Actions speak louder than words?
Finally, Röper points to Putin’s fiery rhetoric as proof that there’s no spooky Davos-inspired funny business going on in Russia.
“Russia has openly declared war on the Western system, in which the oligarchs’ foundations hold the de facto power,” he writes, adding:
There are countless speeches in which Putin has spoken out against this Western economic model. He used to be diplomatic about it, but now he shows almost no consideration. On August 16, Putin gave a speech that I translated. In his speech he became clearer than ever before.
Putin spoke openly of the fact that politicians (democratically elected) do not govern in the West, instead he spoke of “ Western globalist elites ”—a clear paraphrase of the people I have referred to here as “Western oligarchs”. Putin spoke of them standing for a model “that makes it possible to parasitize the whole world”—in plain language he was saying that a few western oligarchs are sucking (“parasitizing”) the whole world dry.
Putin’s August 16 speech was quite powerful, and there is no doubt that what he said is absolutely true. My question is: how does it change anything in Russia?
Talk is cheap—is Putin equally committed to calling out and extracting the rot inside his own country? Because progress on this front has been surprisingly slow.
As—a conservative, pro-Putin Russian media outlet—lamented earlier this month:
[A]ll the talk about “the special military operation has changed the country” and “we can expect the elite to be nationalized” can be forgotten. None of this is possible while patriots are still at the front [in Ukraine] and heading there. The pro-Western “elite” has just taken a little break and is continuing to build the West in Russia, despite the refusal of the West to consider us people.
From “sustainability” to genetic vaccines to centralized digital currencies, Russia continues to embrace the same dystopian policies promoted by the lunatic West. In some cases, Russia is far ahead of western nations in implementing the New Normal.
If Putin is opposed to this anti-human system—and maybe he is—why is he allowing it to take root in Russia? To me this is a much more important question than whether or not Putin approves of western elites.
The same system under a different name
Röper appears to have a detailed theory about who (and what) is pulling the strings on the global stage. I haven’t read his two books, so I am not in a position to critique this theory.
But I think his praise for Russia’s “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine reveals why his theory may not be as airtight as he imagines it to be.
“To date, there has been no case of severe side effects from Sputnik V. Only the usual side effects of vaccinations are reported, these are slight pain at the injection site and a slight fever, but both of these do not occur in all vaccinated people,” Röper wrote on March 30, 2021.
A simple internet search will reveal numerous other articles on Anti-Spiegel that are equally praiseworthy of Sputnik V.
Unfortunately, Röper’s rosy assessment of Russia’s completely unproven genetic experiment didn’t hold up very well.
As I wrote for Unlimited Hangout:
Russia does not have a VAERS-like database that the public can use to report and view suspected post-vaccination complications. However, an abundance of evidence raises doubts about the Russian government’s claim that Sputnik V is “safe and effective.”
In September 2021, Dr. Vitaly Zverev, a professor of virology and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, found a close correlation between the increase in vaccination and the increase in morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 in Russia.
“Nobody knows about the long-term consequences [of the vaccines]. Therefore, it is impossible as of now to vaccinate three times with the vector adenovirus vaccine that is actively used in Russia [Sputnik V],” Zverev concluded.
A separate analysis by Russia’s Krasnaya Vesna, which inspected Sputnik V’s safety record in countries that report adverse reactions, determined that “in terms of the frequency of expected mild and severe (requiring hospitalization) side effects, [Sputnik V] is comparable to foreign counterparts.”
While Röper was quick to defend Sputnik V, he’s been a fierce critic of AstraZeneca’s shot.
On February 2, 2021 he claimed:
Since AstraZeneca’s vaccine has such a low efficacy, AstraZeneca wants to work with the Russians and use the Russian vaccine for the second vaccination. AstraZeneca and the Russians are currently examining whether this will increase the effectiveness of Astra-Zeneca. When this report became public in December, the U-turn in the German media, which suddenly had the task of reporting more positively on the Russian vaccine, was remarkable.
This is not an accurate retelling of Russia’s relationship with the British-Swedish firm. AstraZeneca teamed up with the Russian government (through the Russian Direct Investment Fund and its partnership with R-Pharm, a Russian pharmaceutical company) in July 2020.
“Everything needed to produce the British vaccine has already been transferred to R-Pharm,” RDIF’s CEO Kirill Dmitriev (a Young Global Leader, Class of 2009) revealed on July 20, 2022. “AstraZeneca has already signed commitments to transfer all production of the British vaccine to R-Pharm.”
Around the same time, AstraZeneca announced R-Pharm would become “one of the hubs for the production and supply of [its] vaccine to international markets.”
Under the agreement, the British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant agreed to transfer its adenoviral vector to Russia. R-Pharm would then be tasked with “finishing” doses and shipping them abroad.
“AstraZeneca is confident that, together with R-Pharm, it will be able to supply millions of people with the vaccine in the most efficient way,” the company wrote in a statement.
In December 2020, AstraZeneca confirmed it was working with the Gamaleya Center (the alleged developer of Sputnik V) to test a combination of the two unproven genetic injections.
“Today we announce a clinical trial program to assess safety and immunogenicity of the combination of AZD1222, developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, and Sputnik V, developed by Russian Gamaleya Center… Both AZD1222 and Sputnik V are adenoviral vector vaccines that contain genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein,” AstraZeneca said in a December 11 press release.
Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Center, hailed the partnership, noting that “the two technologies that underpin AstraZeneca’s vaccine and Sputnik V are very similar.”
Röper mentions a “report” about Russia’s cooperation with AstraZeneca from December 2020. He is referring to a memorandum of cooperation signed by RDIF, AstraZeneca, the Gamaleya Center, and R-Pharm.
“I would like to wish you success and not just in the Russian market but also in global markets,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said to AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot during the signing of the cooperation agreement on December 21, 2020.
For Röper, Sputnik V represents a “safe and effective” alternative to dangerous Big Pharma clot-shots. In reality, they are nearly identical—just with different names.
Meanwhile, Russians are being culled—just like Germans, Americans, Canadians, and Eskimos.
Attention all disaffected westerners: Russians are fighting the same battle that you are fighting. They are struggling against the same deeply inhuman forces within their own country that you are trying to resist in yours. And the battle is far from won.
This “it’s okay when Russia does it” stuff—well, okay; but I urge you to reconsider.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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Putin is in the game. Lock stock and barrel.
David Icke tells us that Putin is no different from the Western leaders. They all operate to bring forward the cult/elite’s agenda.
Cui bono from a global reset caused by pestilence and war?
Dr Poornima Wagh phd (you find her on bitchute) and colleagues around the world found Graphene oxide in all vaccines including Sputnik I believe.
She has now been exposed as a hoax ‘virologist’. She never got the degrees she claimed and she used her degress to give herself a certificate of scientific expertise. Here’s the link –>
Her talking points on vaccine dangers were designed to lure us who were aware of them already.
Her claims on experiments carried out on the vaccines to reveal the toxic ingredients would resonate with us but those experiments may not have been carried out at all as she claims. The experiments were funded by some US public health agency (NIH or CDC I don’t remember) no less. Clearly she is an operative of the global oligarchy.
And when she got exposed, as she has now, she gives a bad name to all those who know there is no proof for a ‘virus’.
It was a set-up to discredit opposition to toxic vaccines.
Of course, there could be very well be dangerous graphene oxide in the vaccines. But even without graphene oxide the traditional vaccine chemicals like aluminium, mercury etc are enough to injure and kill people.
Graphene oxide is an additional deadly toxin no doubt but when Poornima Wagh gets discredited it gives a bad name to those few authentic independent researchers who checked the ingredients in the vaccine vials and may have found traces of graphene oxide.
Small independent researchers do not have the funds to access expensive equipment to test vaccine ingredients, nor do they have funding to access a large number of vials. And they can’t be named openly for risk of losing jobs or other things.
Poornima Wagh came out of the dark corridors of global oligarchs’ buildings to make claims of having carried out these expensive experiments! A fraud, now exposed.
Fair, rational, detailed, very well-sourced, convincing. I conclude that Putin is uncritical of technocracy provided it’s Russian and under his control, not the WEF’s. Good work, thanks.
How is it you types haven’t come to that same conclusion about your Savior Trump.??
I see you are still a victim. TDS is real.
I must confess that I didn’t read all of this article, it’s opening premise, that Putin was playing nice during a period when he saw closer integration with the West as the way forward, is inane. I mean, of bloody course he was. Where I live, there have been reduced transit fares for card payment for close to a decade, does the writer not use public transport? I couldn’t bring myself to engage with the minutae of the Russian fake vaccine saga, my credulity had been stretched too far by what I’d read up to that point. The writer of this piece needs to engage in something more constructive than this nonsense. Russia is at war with the cradle of Globalism, the USA, to suggest that it is still part of the Globalist mainstream, in such a situation, is simply not credible. This is not the first of this sort of article I’ve seen in OG, just stop, it’s utterly silly & the authors are, frankly, making fools of themselves. In a time of what many are calling the End of Our Civilization, speculation about 2 rouble discounts on public transport in Russia are simply irrelevant. Russia is not some model for perfect democracy, we are all, I think, aware of this but I am far more worried by our own governments’ headlong rush into totalitarianism. Russia’s defiance of the “Liberal Global Order” has been the only setback that Globalism’s campaign against Democracy has encountered but it may very well prove to be a decisive one. Anyone who gives those neo-fascist Oligarchs a bloody nose is ok by me, let me tell you. If a stray dog attacks the guy mugging you, buy him a steak, don’t critique his mangy coat & lack of a collar. Goodness me, this is… Read more »
Russia is not at war with the cradle of globalism. Russia is at war with the Ukrainian people.
It is true that Ukrainian people are asking help from wherever they can received, and USA gave help.Ukrainians are not in the position to be choosy about the help received.
Ukraine using wooden decoys to lure Russia into wasting its missiles Reality:
*Every piece of military equipment is a decoy to lure Humanity into wasting its most precious resource—our collective, focused attention ALL war is Theater, and the battlefield is our mind. *human vibration
Nothing new.
Until we the people (of Britain for that’s where I’m based) are armed organised and very willing we will only ever pen and read articles of How shite things are going to be. In order to end the charade of elite politics will take a psychopathy that overall is 10 times worse than their own psychopathy. These people have to go!
I’ve mentioned Poornima Wagh’s claimed study of various so-called vaccines and her finding that they are all the same and all constitute chemical weapons.
I’ve now seen a list of which “vaccines” her group studied and it’s only fair to say that Sputnik is not among him. However it is fair also to mention that “vaccines” from China, Iran and Cuba were studied and those countries would be seen by many as part of the “new multi-polar order”.
I’m also seeing some fishy numerology being cited by her. It’s not conclusive enough to dismiss her findings totally but certainly grounds for caution imo. One must also watch out for new people saying what one wants to hear – rats find rat poison yummy and 99% of it is harmless but the toxicity in that final 1% kills them.
Poornima Wagh is beyond sketchy.
Charlatan’s Web – Update. Our search for the scientific credentials of the latest ‘covid truth’ celeb turns up nothing. Poornima Wagh claims to have worked on analysis of 756 samples proving SARS-CoV-2 does not exist. Did she? Eric F. Coppolino, 8/30/22.
UPDATE [added 8/31/22]: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has checked in with the following statement this morning from their press office: “Nobody by the name of Poornima Wagh has obtained a degree from our institution.” We have also received a second confirmation from via Roger Watson: “I have it from the dean of Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at LSHTM, Alison Grant, that nobody of her name has obtained any degree from their institution.”
I have pointed this out on a number of occasions. In 2011 Putin imprisoned and expelled the Globalisets No 1 central bankers, Rothschilds envoy, Khodorkovsky as detailed by Endgahl in an article. So how does this fit into a one world system ?
Well I suppose that would have had to be for show, else Russia couldn’t possibly be rolling out this globalist agenda. 🙄 Perhaps all has been forgiven since near nuclear confrontation in 2014? A2
Well at the time the RF was on the verge of collapse. The last major asset they had, Oil, was about to to taken from them but Putin thwarted it as Endgahl detailed. So was this for show?
Wow. “Outraged people strike back”, stabbing administrators with a flurry of red thumbs, taking advantage of the system’s flaw – the ability to react an unlimited number of times.:)
That’s not going to stop the real conspirators, of which the East is obviously a part, from doing what they’re doing, you know?;)
Thought and feeling are not free, they cost energy that can be directed to action. It can also be redirected.
Maybe they thought there comments where not that great.
Pure asslick comment.
Teachers pet in this case the screw lover.
😀 Do you think I have a future in asslicking?
(In the end, Vladimir Vladimirovich will save us, right???)
The Telegraph goes retro:
“The free world”? Fuckin’ commie bastards! … oh wait a minute …What year is this? ’63? ’75? ’89? So … umm are we in the West still “the free world”?
Of course it’s all grinding robotic word juggling based on pic ‘n mix rhetoric from various eras – a postmodernist pastiche of propaganda.
‘Free’ as in free from any moral restrictions, I would suspect.
Free from any petty qualms about ethical values, basic decency, the value of a human life etc. That sort of thing. Those annoying ideas that have a habit of getting in the way when you’re trying to ‘make it’.
Moscow well done. In U.K under fighting the deep state Boris anti Establishment Conservatives in the city – zone one – zone 5.
You have not been able to use cash on bus’s in literally cant remember how long.
United kingdom goes one better. You are only allowed to use your debit card for you only in London. Meaning if you have a disabled person or maybe god forbid another person with you they cant get on the bus as YOUR the only one allowed on, using your card.
If you have children or family the bus driver will refuse you and point to the 24/7 cameras. I have seen this several times.
Make sure you get the Oyster Card or Travel tickets in advance or walk. What pisses me off hardly none of the freedum fighting (LOL) alt media mentioned what was happening (bus’s going cashless) when it did.
it started under Cameron then went nazi under Theresa May. Alt media at the time was showing black people fighting on bus’s and knife crime. Underneath all that it was subversively snuck in under the guise of keeping you safe.
cashless on bus’s and millions of camera’s – ride to work and car share.
Up until mid 2020 I really had hopes that the Russian state and Putin were a realistic force against the Death Cult takeover of the planet. The manner in which Putin had dealt with the scamdemic has irreparably dashed those hopes. One thing that is undeniable about Putin is his intellectual brilliance. This in itself is proof that his acceptance of the covid-1984 scamdemic was fraud and deception rather than sheer stupidity which may plausibly be ascribed to many of the Western leaders. His long and close association with the Anal Schwab, and Schwab’s mentor, 99 year old Henry Kissinger, the arguably most evil “human” on the planet, results that the fact that due to his age, he was not an official graduate in the school of Young Global Psychopaths irrelevant. One might note that Schwab allowed a minor exemption for Angela Merkel of this maximum age requirement. Besides the scamdemic, another piece of telling evidence of Putin’s connections to the WEF is his rapid rise from an obscure KGB lieutenant colonel to president of Russia. The rapidity of this rise may best be explained by active support and manipulation of the Death Cult. If one studies the recent history of Ukraine with an open mind, one must conclude that that the USSA and the EU Young Global Psychopaths cornered Russia into its invasion of Ukraine as an act of self defense. So beyond the intense propaganda found in the NATO countries, Putin can wear a slightly gray hat if not a white one for this action. But what has been the result of the war? Accelerating the collapse of Western economies which will shortly result in a freeze up of the credit markets where everything will grind to a halt. The rise of energy prices to astronomical levels. The use of HAARP technology to create draughts and food shortages when ve… Read more »
Top quality piece addressing one of the main loose ends in all this. The other point I would like better to understand is the reality of the Sino-Russia relationship. I somehow dopn’t see them as gremial friends but more as my-enemy’s enemy driven.
Are LGBTQ parades allowed in Moscow and Petrograd ?
Good point. Anti-human agendas, zero privacy, toxic vax, bug burgers, zero carbon – they’re all ok if I don’t have to watch some gay guys dance.
The LGBTQ agenda is central to the bankster agenda. Opposition to this agenda is worth something.
The point is, you WILL have to watch gays dance. You will also watch them lionised & witness transgenderism instilled as scientific fact in schools, need I go on?
Clearly the most pressing question of our time.
Why do people think that Russia = Putin? Discussing whether or not Putin is a WEF stooge or not is such a waste of energy. If I look at it from Putin’s point of view, I’d have a better understanding of all the history and background involving Ukraine rather than whether the sequencing methods for Sars-cov-2 make any sense if NGS is used rather than Sanger. 1) Global leaders don’t have time to brush up on their genome sequencing methodology and the statistical fraud involved in creating the pandemic narrative. On any theme, they rely on the information fed to them. That information is carefully curated and the more technobabble involved, the harder it is for them to interpret it. I personally believe that Xi, Putin etc. have bought into some of the more nonsensical pandemic myths not because they’re WEF puppets (they may be) but because they don’t have the time or means to sift through the material themselves. There’s a huge difference between reading a scientific study YOURSELF and evaluating it YOURSELF compared to having it filtered for you by an “expert”, even an honest one. 2) The last three years have made one thing clear: EVERY SCIENTIST / ACADEMIC / DOCTOR anywhere on the planet who is more concerned with their career than actual science or healthcare, JUMPED on the global pandemic bandwagon and fed a whole lot of policy nonsense to their government at all levels of government: national, regional and municipal. That includes in Russia and China. You don’t have to be a WEF puppet to know not to bite the hand that feeds you especially if you have a multi million buck lifestyle and need to send your kids to Ivy League blah blah blah. 3) There are a lot of power struggles within… Read more »
more rabbiT hole:
The shame is less on the duplicitous Wagh (grifters and charlatans abound) than the specific alt media who apparently couldn’t be arsed checking her credentials and stories until they’d aired her views a thousand times over. It’s egregious and they take the hit on this one for allowing (intending?) questioning people to be deceived.
I take no pleasure in writing this, but OffGuardian’s continuous publication of Riley’s bias crap (because it’s as journalistic as MSM), I’m afraid I have to unsub from the email list. I suggest people broaden their perspective, instead of sticking to old world thinking. Why doesn’t Riley mention that Russia (along with China) vetoed the climate crisis a year and a half ago, or how Russia is giving away lands for people to farm (while the West is doing the absolute opposite), or how Russia is giving away money for women who give birth or adopt 10 children (while the West is killing off children).
Here’s Riley confronted with real questions about Russia, and he has no response to any of them:–UH—OffGuardian:c
Best of luck OffGuardian, hopefully this won’t be your downfall.
The article is focusing on a response to another author about Russia’s approach to the Great Reset and deals solely in those questions.
FYI the panel you link to was joint-hosted by OffG as we continue to value open debate and share varied opinions.
Facts, however, should be sacred.
It would be helpful if you could link to the time stamp in the panel discussion where you find Riley having no response.
PS – you have never been subscribed to us and have only two previous comments. One of which was to complain about Riley interviewing two pro-Russian journalists. The other was promoting the documentary about “covid” being “in the water”.
Troll tactic to pose as a disaffected subscriber. Trying to pressure you to stop reporting certain things. Despicable and also funny.
Normally, the algorithms do love Divas…
The fact the west has been run by complete degenerates for several generations and is committing atrocities upon it’s own populations; and the people and institutions that it hosts and supports are also hosted and supported by russia; is the very reason to doubt russia’s motives. They could be playing 3d, 4d, 5d chess or not. But the resolution for the west is the same, until western people retake their self-sufficiency or their nations reinstate sane and moral authority; things will not improve, despite russia’s fate or motives.
Russia and China are both promoting Agenda 2030 and the entire climate hoax. Where is your evidence they vetoed anything?
China & India’s efforts to supply electricity in the most economical way possible to their citizens, by building coal-fired generation infrastructure are easily offsetting all the ludicrous restrictions being enforced in The West. The Cimate Crisis is not about the Climate, it is about control of scarce resources by the Western Oligarchs. We are the only civilization engaged in attempted suicide.
Chinese regime is a playground for global oligarchy and will dance to its tune whenever ordered.
Unfortunately India is also being targetted by the global oligarcy in the last 10-15 years.
The Aadhaar card sytem, demonetisation, a single goods and services tax, Covid lockdown across the whole nation at a ridiculously short notice of 4 hours, the Vaccine coercison on the employed and unsuspecting population, etc etc.
Yes, there are coal-fired power plants supplying electricity as of now. But India Inc have been given orders by the Indian agents of global oligarchy to shift to so-called ‘green’ energy sources. The Modi goverment is currently madly selling the same concept and in transportation is changing policies to promote electric vehicles aggressively.
Its better not to fall for the “Oh, but look at China and India!” trap.”
In my country (Poland), Putin finished covid on February 24 in the middle of the flu season. Within a week, all restrictions and repression were gone. Over 5 million unvaccinated and untested Ukrainians entered. It has opened the eyes of many people. Unfortunately, some of them changed from supporting sanitaryism to supporting fascism.
and one more thing: If Mossange supports the official version of 911 and Off Guardian supports Mossange, does Off Guardian support the official version of 911? Because this kind of rhetoric is used by this site to slander Putin and Russia. Ordinary government or business meetings are to prove what?
The article does not “smear” either Russia or Putin, it gives sourced data about what Russia is doing re. the Great Reset. If that disturbs you then you need to deal with it responsibly rather than lashing out at the messenger because you don’t like the message.
If you want to know our stance on 9/11, then please search the term on here, but I suspect you already know the truth about that.
if, as you say, Russia is aboard the Great Reset and goes hand in hand with the “West” to the New World Order, why did it intervene in Syria? Why did he warn Erdogan about a coup d’état? Why did she defend Belarus against NATO? Why did the West steal $ 300 billion from Russia?
One day you cry for Mossange and the other day you publish a movie about Building 7. If someone wanted to discredit you, they could only choose to cry for Mossange. You do the same with Russia. You choose what suits you (there is little) and on that basis you create a “reality” that is not there.
We try to tell the truth about what is happening in Syria and we are trying to tell the truth about the scamdemic, and about the Great Reset, which threatens us all.
We openly supported Russia during its 8-yr confrontations with the West. We now just as openly oppose and critique their part in imposing the GR on the global population.
Reality is not static, it evolves, and we do our best to record it as it does so. If you find this inconsistent it’s because reality can be that way.
We also try not to be controlled by agendas and binary thinking. We try to put facts and basic moral principles ahead of belief systems.
Hence we can both deplore the treatment of Assange and not agree with him about 9/11.
I’m sorry this confuses you, but nevertheless it’s what we are and what we do. If you want reassuringly consistent assertions of reality-denying dogma you are in the wrong place!
You didn’t answer a single question of mine, but you are satisfied with yourself. I still look here sometimes because of some comments, just like in MSM. Perhaps you know the answer to this question, why are my comments always blocked and appear after a few hours? because it started when I was paying attention to Mossange Psyop and I didn’t want to cry over his fate and preferred to cry over the fate of those he demonized in his “revelations” justifying the “Arab spring” and wars of the empire.
Hi der einzige. I’ve had the same problem with this lot! I will be surprised if this comment gets through!! Website full of insinuation. But as you say it does help to research these emotive subjects here.
All the best
I can’t calculate it exactly, but I assure you that maybe about 70-80% of all my long comments are always “pending”. Sometimes it lasts 2 or 3 hours. I have no idea why this is happening to you, but in my case I suspect it is because I often publish translations from Russian sources, and the moderators want to make sure that it is not mistranslated or deliberately to embarrass Russia. I have only recently come here, and no one can be sure whether I am not a pro-American or a pro-Ukrainian troll. My position on this issue is clear: In Russia it is carried out almost the same global development that is happening in those parts of the world from which they claim to have separated. They do not do it exactly in the same way, but according to the peculiarities of Russian reality. (To be effective. When you do the same thing in two different places, with your own idiosyncrasies, you use different approaches that will work best in the respective place to be effective.)
So my position is that this stubbornly publicized division between Russia and the West is misleading. I cannot speak for the site, but their position, in my opinion, is to look at the facts as they are, not as they are presented to us by one side or another. It can be said that there is a correspondence between our positions with regard to Russia. In this case, they can post my comments immediately instead of delaying them for hours. But they don’t.
Just to say. And you think what you want. I am not interfering with your dialogue with the website.
How do I access Iain Davis’s new website?
Server not responding.
Working OK for me right now. still works for me. Is he moving site?
Thanks Lance.
(Just a new name, as you already know).
It seems to me that the split between covidians and those who reject the bull isn’t the only one. There is also a split between those who have fully understood that, since 2020, we have entered a totally new and hugely accelerated class conflict and those who are still swimming around the little goldfish bowl of Olde Worlde politics, who think that there’s a difference between Biden and Trump, who think that there’s any point in debating how “Left” Keir Starmer is, and who like to declare that had Corbyn got in he would have taken us back to the days of the Bay City Rollers.
(Craig Murray’s site is full of the latter. It’s a time capsule from days of golden yore.)
Thanks – shared on our Telegram 👍
The world is the same as it always was; i.e. it’s not possible to have a conversation. And the solution is Biblical.
George.Sir.Stier.Karma’s reference, topped by the Bay City Rollers, was a perfect parallel. Indeed,
Golden years – Bowie or T.Rex’s MetalGuru, post 1971 FED orchestrations, would have
Failed delinquent intellects of collective spirit, or collective actions, like Iraq Wars !
S.o.S. save our sheep ? Or shoot olde sheep? Seriously. Soddem olde Schoolboys’ shitty olde soundbites… save Singling out socialists solely, outing stupidity, from 1971 onwards, though,
* All parties included.*
Sunak’s ole school. Sod off Starmer!
Trust in Truss? She’ll fight for Corporate Fascist Control- CFC’s
Stooopid olde SchoolSow.
Actively Promoting Greta and climate change… whilst Geo-engineering Weather !
Keep on Warring. Trust in Truss’s standard old shitonsteroids…
Standard Oily Seamstress.
* Sanitise our Souls *
you’ve been boring us with crap since COVID started.
If anything George it seems you havent worked out the game is rigged.
I find it interesting that you supply a link to the main page of the WSWS. So are you one of the riggers?
Why do you have this fixation with WSWS – World Socialist Website is it? Is it really that important and why do you think readers are particularly interested. Just asking?
Putin has to deal with issues like the existential military and economic showdown with the U.S./NATO/EU over Ukraine, so the matter of whether there is a “Great Reset” being planned by this or that group of malevolent scoundrels is for him not only a low priority but a complete waste of time. I am convinced that this obsessive focus on this one issue by the managers of this site will only result in driving away former supporters who have a broader perspective on global issues.
Platov, this “one issue” of the Great Reset is comprehensive, including
–killing a large percent of world population
–enslaving the remnant, so that they will be used as tools for the masters’ projects.
Do you really understand what that means? Mass murder, already started thru the vaxx.
It means that the remnant permitted to survive will be technocratically ruled, already started w increasing surveillance, digital money, and decreased rights.
What issues do you feel are NOT encompassed by the Great Reset?
China participates in the Great Reset by degrading the global economy thru covid lockdowns. Russia supplies a pretext for that degradation thru the war.
In the limited context of competing nation-states, Russia’s war appears just. But in a broader context nation-states are almost irrelevant. Biden doesn’t act in US interests. Scholz doesn’t act in Germany’s interests, nor Macron in France’s. They are instead acting to further the Great Reset.
The question is whether Putin is acting in Russia’s interests or to further the Great Reset. The war itself could be for EITHER reason. All of Russia’s other actions are consistent ONLY w the Great Reset and NOT with the interests of the Russian people.
It is only when you focus exclusively on the war while excluding its usefulness to the Great Reset that you can conclude Putin’s a good guy.
Unfortunately the “malevolent scoundrels” are not sulking off at the corner. They are at the centre. So whatever happens to be the priority for Putin is itself a low priority.
Also, the tut-tutting over what will drive away supporters from this site is a troll trick. This is the kind of directive delivered by the media moral guardians.
Alliteration is not a substitute for simple logic. I have been a supporter of this site since the beginning of the COVID hoax, and a contributor of comments and modest financial support. However, the recent obsessiveness with the “Great Reset,” and repetitive attempts to reduce all other major issues to it are, in fact, driving me away!
Why do you not answer the question though? What can be bigger than the planned anti human agenda that is the Great Reset?
When you are forced to take UBI because all the jobs are gone due to economic collapse, and when you are then forced to get jabbed with toxic sludge in order to qualify for your UBI, and forced to stop reading sites like this (if they even still exist) or get your money stopped for “inappropriate activity”, what, pray, will be the “major issues”?
When you are leasing a temporary apartment for eight hours a day, buying bug protein in the supermarket because you can’t afford anything else, and heating it up in your borrowed saucepan, how irrelevant, boring and incidental will the Great Reset seem to you?
Wil you still care more about the endless phony wars you see reported on your Telescreen?
Off you go then.
It’s all yours to proliferate with your idle trolling!
You miss the point that Putin is partaking in the Great Reset.
What “broader perspective” can there be than the integrated anti-human anti-life agenda that is the GR?
Please inform us what you think it is!
Life on Mars … ? Or broader and more immediately in the room, an
Elephant in Musk armed with an R.P.G. & Satellites steering
Remote Controlled Drones…? My point being, 👉
How could Putin not be involved ? Without negating duty ?
He was obviously obligated to Act,
Many times over, from 2001 onwards.
And he has… better than NATO !
Apart from March 2020, can you send me
Any images of Putin wearing 😷 a mask: I ask,
a minor task ?! 🤔
PS Fire this pentagon puppet plino or i will withdraw my off guardian funding
😀 Your second (only for now) “positive thumb” is from me. Thank you very much for the qualification, Rik, I will put it among my other trophy qualifications on the wall. But don’t worry. If I learn unequivocally that a large enough number of donors on the site are outraged by my pentagonal participation here and will withdraw their donations if I do not terminate my participation, which is why the site is threatened – I will immediately voluntarily stop commenting, switching to “read-only”mode. No problem:) I do not know whose puppet I am, but if I were able to understand, it would be comparable to recognizing the little devils in the soul that deter the pious ascetic from Ascension; or to seeing the controlling unconscious from the object of deep therapy. Do you know how I got here? So it happened, due to circumstances and commitments, that I concentrated my participation in the last year mainly in a forum that supports similar topics to these here only in its off-topic section. These, people are much more uninterested and hardly even discuss topics like “great reset”. During the fake pandemic, I associated – morally, ideologically, emotionally – with the people who recognized the fake pandemic (at least in its upper and middle layers, Vol.well. without them entering deep into the “big restart” or not entering at all). The false War happened (P.well.- the huge media narrative, supported by many fairy tales and extremely dubious, and some-frankly fake footage, etc. N.N.) and immediately became a division into Russophiles and Russophobes. It turned out that those who believed covid-science fully believed the main story “the sinister dictator attacks the sovereign country that wants to separate itself from Russian influence and Europeanize”, etc.N. My close colleagues from the forum, with whom… Read more »
Sure was a lot of words to say you’re not a pentagon puppet.
Not that you are (if so, I suggest a better use of the Company’s time!), but it was an odd rebuttal to a pithy remark.
The offer to make better use of my time was rejected.
Thank you for your opinion.
I wish you well.
you know where you c an stick your any jabs we can take against Putin Russiaphobia crap. SHAME ON YOU.
You cannot vaccinate your way out of a fake pandemic for a non-existent disease called Covid.
You can and they did.
Make sure you get boosted in the next few weeks.
Good post plino. I suspect just about all of the news ‘events’ are deliberate distractions from the main event – the failure and collapse of the modern financial system and attempts to control the outcome.
Putin, like Trump, will keep the distracted even more distracted for yonks. After all, y’gotta have someone to blame.
Don’t let yourself get distracted folks.
Thank you very much for the high assessment.
But I may have expressed myself a little vaguely and not done my sarcasm well (I’m not very good at that). I just wanted to say, as a stubborn little kid, that I am very annoyed that the question “Putin’s complicity or not” quickly leaked into the drain, and it is even annoying to mention (over and over again) his apparent complicity, vaccines, artificial intelligence, chip (according to the “roadmap” program – by 2025 “nanotechnology will merge with bio-objects” and become part of life). And even ” that’s it, everyone is doing it to keep up with the technological race,” it’s normal, and even “it no longer proves complicity.”
Yes, my post is childish stubbornness and a “threat” that ” if so”, I will post another 100 long posts about Russian leadership complicity. Which doesn’t matter, except to please myself. All I have to do is do it.:)
Am I kidding myself that you’ve got it backwards? (If now, after my explanation, you reproach me, I will not object.)
Here’s a very alarming video that says we’re on the cusp of financial collapse. Will the Central Banks start printing money again like crazy (like they did in 2019)?
yeah sure
This really is old subject matter and to be honest I had thought by now we were past talking about it. It is pretty clear Vlad is cool with the idea of global totalitarianism. The difference with Vlad is he wants to be lording from the big boys table, not grovelling around like some second rate Australian politician.
I’m just getting started. It promises to be very boring.:)
The comments on this thread sadly tell us we are not past talking about these basics, though of course we should be.
Do you speak or at least, have you lived within any Cyrillic speaking nation,
For any length of time? :- honestly speaking, you appear adrift…
In some form ?!?
Putin, Putin, wherever you turn, the question “he participated or not” haunts you.
General fatigue crept in like suffocating smoke. It was as if the wind had blown the fumes from an open bottle of vodka onto the Kremlin table.
What does mean for the average person, who in any case is faced with the coming problems, the answer to the question? What?!
Come on, everyone already knows the answer to the question Putin (several different answers).
He imposes and will impose covaccines, biometrics, artificial intelligence, chip, what’s the big deal, they all do it. This is inevitable, this is part of normal development.
What complicity does this show?!?
The important thing is that he is fighting all the remaining evil of the western empire (whatever that is “remaining”, apart from the above).
Or he’s not fighting and he’s got both feet in the game. So what? Whatever.
Great field to add even more. And best of all, it seems less and less meaningful; I love it. Like winning the lottery.
As the saying goes: work for nothing, don’t stand for nothing.
That’s sarcasm, just to be clear. (Maybe it was an unsuccessful attempt at sarcasm.)
Putin is just like any other jester… The only thing this one has that makes things for him more easy is the sheer amount of resources that the land – currently under the control of the “russians” – has, and the fact that he’s at a higher level of astuteness than the rest of the western jesters.
So the case against Putin being part of the NWO consists of:
1) He is even more deeply connected to the WEF than previously admitted.
2) A demonstrable untruth about CBDCs.
3) Words against the wrong sort of oligarcg.
Not exactly convincing, is it? The last point is like Giulaiano’s war against organised crime – the wrong organised criminals got attacked while certain other families remained untouched or were strengthened.
There are actually some stronger arguments like Putin’s opposition to GMOs and his protection of Lukashenko, not that I buy those either. What would be truly telling is more info on Russia’s relationship with the BIS and its central bank – which is no doubt why such info is hard to find.
No, there’s no such thing. What you’re saying is not at all true. But it shows how little you care and know about the matter (which is your right). What you point out about the “whole inconclusive case” is very unconvincing.
I wish you all the best.
I invite Riley Waggaman to take some time to prove this “A demonstrable untruth about CBDCs,” or to explain how and why he invented and disseminated such an demonstrable untruth.
What is the “demonstrable untruth” about CBDCs? Every fact he cites on this is sourced
You also seem to have overlooked the quite important fact that Russia is promoting the same Great Reset agenda as the West and China – the scamdemic, unnecessary toxic vax, mask-wearing, vax certificates, Agenda 2030, and, of course CBDCs.
The same Sting who was in aband with the son of MIles Copeland of CIA infamy.
What fortune to see into first hand into the intrigues of his Fathers (and also please remember Miles Mother worked for British Intelligence) work… Perhaps a deeper insight than third hand hearsay from the printing machines of Fleet Street. Hmmmn?
Ah yes, sons are always indistinguishable from their fathers, just as you are the same person as your mum and she was the same person as hers.
Stewart Copeland’s extraordinary drumming skills can’t possible have had anything to do with his fame. Daddy must have been pulling strings for him. The other two duffers just had to put up with ol’ Stewart. They were under orders. Right?
What are you actually arguing here?
Miles Copeland was a senior CIA operative.
True and his son was an extraordinarily talented drummer.
Iran Contra
Miles Copeland was in the planning of the Iran Contra operation along with Israeli, Iranian and Saudi representatives. The Saudi was Adnan Khashoggi. Iran Contra was just the tip of the iceberg. Israel and almost every single Western country provided Iran with war material for it’s long bloody war with Iraq. Both countries squandered their oil income on military hardware. Khomeini was a bankster puppet.
“The sins of the father shall be visited on the sons”. Which doesn’t mean that the sons comitted those sins. Guilt merely by association, which I argue, may it please the jurors, is not guilty.
Just lazy smearing by association.
Personally I couldn’t stand the police or Stuart Copeland regardless of the intelligence connections which I don’t dispute until realising what a fantastic musician he actually is.
A purely material perspective can look at what its lens frames as causal. Our personal perspective frames in terms of blame, ie Good guys & bad guys or ideologies, but we can look at the ideas that are invested in to the extent that we are effectively possessed, framed or structured by them. Orwell identified doublethinking as self-contradictions masked under a stamping narrative. Much of our thought is in that sense a corrupted currency for a social masking reality by which truth is ‘adjusted’, overlaid, augmented or substituted for. A distortion of truth can arise as a self-inflation or ‘boom’ of private agenda to be inevitably followed by a ‘bust’ or period of compression resulting from the unworkable cost of supporting self-illusions by sacrificing (awareness of) reality. A spiritual perspective sees compression as a call to refine back to essence and to seed from an overextension of incompatible or competing interests. First things have to be first – else we experience a world in which… “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. (Michael Ellner) A lack of spiritual perspective only sees contraction – as in the core Fabian principle of a closed system of dwindling resource by which life is set as war by all and any means but not least through the use of a masking ‘virtue’. The deconstruction of invested illusions will double down in deeper and denser illusion rather than open to truth that undoes our capacity and desire to believe we (and our world) are as we think to be. Which is unsettling or disturbing until the conflict resolves to decision in the heart. For our primary conflict is more a split mind by which the true heart is… Read more »
‘Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…’ – A Course In Miracles
‘A lack of spiritual perspective only sees contraction – as in the core Fabian principle of a closed system of dwindling resource by which life is set as war’
Trying to attempt spiritual enlightenment, seeing things with new eyes, whilst the sexual fertility energy is repressed, as in modern western people, is practically impossible, its crucial for enlightenment, paralysing the awakening process.
As I read, I felt more and more liberated, as if the deceptive spiritual parasites were falling leaf by leaf, bleached like an onion, and at last I think I had an illumination. That’s how I feel.
So what you’re saying is, it’s all Trumps fault?
That’s how I figured it out. This insight can also lead to enlightenment, as happened to me.
The BBC news just said if you buy the Qatar world cup stickerbook its gonna cost you 800 quid to fill it.We should all buy one and fill it.In 50 years a full Qatar stickerbooks gonna cost somebody 3 million credits.Because then it will be the world cup shitshow that never happened.But sell the stickers.Right on brother x
Would that be an example of dysmorphic genderism?
South African actress and model Charlbi Dean has died aged 32 “from a sudden unexpected illness”. Her death is “devastating” as is the mystery behind its cause.
But our responsible fact checkers are on the ball: (And note the little slogan at the top: “Spread the love”. What the fuck is all that about? Why is this saccharine cutesy sludge compulsively pushed everywhere?) “Did Actress Charlbi Dean Die From Vaccine SADS?!” Perish the thought! “No Evidence Charlbi Dean Kriek Died From Vaccine SADS!” Now in for the kill: “It’s becoming a tradition for anti-vaccination activists to immediately blame all celebrity deaths or injuries on the COVID-19 vaccine. This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created and propagated by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why… and the current facts that we know so far.” Fact #1 is that she died suddenly. That’s it! Fact #2 is that “Her Family Did Not Blame Vaccine For Her Death” BUT “There was no official statement from her father (Johan Kriek), her mother (Joanne Kriek), her brother (Alexi Jacobs Kriek) or her fiancé, South African model Luke Volker.” Does that mean her family do not blame the vaccine? Next up – an outpouring of family grief in the form of poetry proving that …. they feel grief. Fact #3 : “Charlbi Dean Kriek Was Likely Vaccinated” Oh dear! Careful now! (And you won’t be surprised that they don’t spend a lot of time on this one!) Fact #4 : “Vaccine Side Effects Appear Within Hours / Days” Be prepared for an onslaught of question begging! “Even if Charlbi Dean was fully-vaccinated against COVID-19, she would have received all of her doses many months ago. She cannot possibly have died from a vaccine side effect, because they appear within hours or days” etc etc. Fact #5 : “Deaths / Injuries From COVID-19 Vaccines Can Be Proven” That’s it. Vaccine deaths “can be” proven! So …. we are waiting! Fact #6 :… Read more »
Fact checkers to the rescue:
I’d pasted in an enormous deconstruction of this shite but the Dragon of Pendor swooped – probably just as well. Still, it’s worth having a look at the link and noting how none of the “proofs” that it wasn’t the vax wot dunnit stand up at all. They are merely repetitions of the most basic facts i.e. that she died suddenly. Or they are claims that it couldn’t have been the vax because the vax saves lives etc. Also check out the enormous poetry section in the middle from grieving relatives which proves that the relatives are grieving.
So Craig Murray discovers Karl Marx and thinks there might be something in Das Kapital after all: But surely there’s something wrong here? We have the usual pre-covid historiography mainly centring on Britain and indeed mainstream politics. Nowhere in this lengthy article or in the more lengthy comment section will you hear much of covid or (what must surely be just so obvious by now) the fact that this “pandemic” manoeuvre and its seamless offshoots climate change and the “unavoidable” skyrocketing inflation “caused by” the Ukraine conflict has amounted to the most astonishing attack against the general public in our entire lifetimes. Now if you dig a little down into the comments you will find one Alison who drifts a little way towards some actual relevance here: “Over the last 2 years I’ve come to wonder if the whole notion of left and right politics has been deliberately moulded and their differences emphasized from behind the scenes to ensure that in times of genuine crisis us plebs will be more likely to be attacking each other than focussing on the real source of threat. It’s noticeable how often those fighting government over -reach describe it as communism. To me it’s not remotely communism, it’s authoritarianism. And it’s that authority which needs bringing down. Anyone shocked by the loss of freedoms and the coercion we’ve all been subjected to is called far right. What has it to do with the far right? The ‘pandemic’ has drawn back a veil and it’s now plain to see that the masses of ordinary people have so much in common with each other – it is a great opportunity to coalesce around the overwhelming urgency to fight off tyranny. Everything else pales into insignificance. But I fear we’re so obsessed with batting back and… Read more »
And there’s a little bit more – not much because I really can’t stand exposure to this crud:
It’s Clark. Oh Clark, pleading a feeling of such defencelessness and isolation. If only all his nasty interlocutors were as sensitive as him!
“I sometimes feel lonely, as if caught in crossfire.”
Up to his old sly tricks. Luring you in with that phony vulnerability. But I digress.
“… I regard covid as serious and the vaccines as reasonably effective, based on publicly available evidence that could not conceivably be faked.”
Evidence that could not conceivably be faked?
But I admit that this next bit is actually sad:
“But it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if in years to come, it emerged from a pharmaceutical company’s records that, for instance, they had a potentially sterilising vaccine that they never submitted for trial on a sample of the public, as doing so would jeopardise the profit streams from existing vaccines. And I recognise that any influential voice loudly making that claim at the present time would be derided in the mass media as promoting conspiracy theory.”
Yes Clark does indeed see that doubts that turn out to be perfectly legitimate later may presently be dismissed as “conspiracy theory”. But note how comfortable his line of thought is. It’s like a Yes Minister script. “Troubling developments may emerge in the fullness of time which would unfortunately have rather disagreeable implications as to the advisability of presently applied practices” etc.
Clark ends with this little bit of glorifying self-pity:
“I hope someone can see why I feel lonely in this.”
Oh yes you are so bravely isolated in your honesty. As you prepare the attack on those honest enough to actually think.
We are entering
the arena of the unwellThe Room.Leave das Kapital.
Exit this Roman shell!
Who were the Sea Peoples?
Where did they come from?
Where did they go to?
I reckon about 70% of people are in lockstep with government and it’s legacy media propaganda. Of the 30% that are left I reckon at best maybe 1 or 2% of people can see through that thin and tattered veneer of right vs left. To date I think the heirarchy that Iain Davis describes is closest to the reality we’re living in.
Just reading translations of some of the speeches Putin has given over the past few months, since the Ukraine operation began, gives me the impression that he has swerved sharply from the general globalist objectives and plan that seem to encompass so much of the EU and the US. Of less import it seems to me is the degree to which, under his leadership, Russia embraced vaccines/weird surveillance techniques/AI type facial recognition things with regards to daily life: this is all the dreck that comes with this computer era anyway, so it’s not surprising that Russia would move in that direction as well. At the end of the day, for me, what Russia and Putin *have* exhibited esp in the past few months are the gumption to take it in the jaw where the West is concerned, and to call a spade a spade where NATO intervention etc are concerned. I will watch gladly over the next few years to see how his term as leader plays out.
You think “calling a spade a spade” where NATO intervention etc are concerned” is more valuable and important than opposing the Great Reset?
How? How will it help humanity that Russia opposes NATO if both sides are reducing their people to crippled slaves?
How is all this globalist evil dismissible by you as “dreck”?
lying to people about a fake pandemic is “dreck”?
Poisoning people with toxic jabs is “dreck”?
Destroying lives with unneeded lockdowns is “dreck”?
Biometric surveillance that destroys all privacy is “dreck”?
What is not dreck to you I wonder.
I’ve always thought as Russia as the kid who wants to join the playground group of other kids but is always rebuffed. This goes back a long way, you could say it started when Russia decided to build itself a grand European capital — St. Petersburg — out of a swamp and adopted a distinctly Randolph Hearst attitude to European culture. (For those who the name means nothing — this person was a prominent newspaper owner in the mid-20th century known primarily for building a castle in California and stocking it with — literally –ship loads of ‘art’ brought in from Europe. The result is kind of convincing in a movie set sort of sense.) Anyway, despite their repeated attempts to fit in, be good Europeans and be like us and, in the process, getting quite good at science and culture in the process, they’ve received nothing but derision and pushback from us. We even regard their capitalists as somewhat less than our own — we call them oligarchs and refuse to think of them as anything but gangsters. Probably the worst episode in their recent history was their decision to drop communism and try to be good capitalists/globalists. They got majorly screwed over and despite their best efforts they were still treated like crap. So naturally when someone like Putin comes along and ‘de-craps’ the place he becomes very popular. Putin still wants to play the capitalist game, though, but he gets systematically impeded by the Cold Warriors in the west who not only want to maintain their lucrative vision of anti-Russia but also continue to ostracize the country economically by strangling it with sanctions. This might have worked, too, if it wasn’t for the fact that if you overdo these sanctions people learn to live around and despite… Read more »
Almost like the script of a non-resolving episodic serial drama…
Hmm so you come here and try to change the talk away from Russia being part of the Great Reset to some general restatement of the pre-2020 reality we all believed in, ignoring everything in the article.
I recall you used to shill for the idea covid was real and dangerous. Now you shill for the “false binary”, how very telling.
Off topic but… The further on things go, the more I feel I have trouble in trying to find a name for the enemy. I have said “Ruling Class” but I feel that is too static – as if we have a solid hierarchy and there’s even a suggestion that those at the top somehow deserve to be there. Icke’s “reptile” appellation is understandable but a bit fanciful. So I suppose I could just call them the parasites, the psychopathic overlords or something along those lines. It’s hard to find an expression that can express the utter inhumanity of these creatures. And, as one example of the sheer soulless calculating ruthlessness of these entities, on looking at Graham Linehan’s substack, I am constantly amazed at the depth of this Trans operation. The parasites “bought science” by channelling their seemingly inexhaustible funds into the requisite channels. And innumerable hacks with long lists of letters after their names were happy to take the money and manufacture this “new gender paradigm” which, after the ruthless propagandizing through various educational vectors, deformed enough impressionable minds into germinating a new strain of psychopathy with biological mutilations. I have no doubt that large numbers of those claiming to be trans are totally convinced they are “different” and will soak up any number of neuroses over the issue. But these sad dupes are not the main spearhead of this movement. That comes with, on the one hand, the army of rabid misogynists and paedophiles and, on the other, planted heavyweights acting as effectively the new brown shirts – “rainbow shirts”? – who will brazenly flaunt their floppy jackboots around every attempt at a genuine public protest. And I have seen various televised debates in which these attack hounds are permitted to abuse their opponents whilst the hosts just… Read more »
I like “Psycho Class”, short sweet, and to the point.
Except that they lack any “class” at all. But finding a suitable name is not easy. I sometimes say “the powers that would like to be”.
Ryan Cristían of TLAV has made an acronym ou of “they”: The Hierarchy Enslaving You. Jason Bermas likes to refer to “the predator class.”
the hierarchy enslaving you….. which needs to include all the lower layers of enablers; and those layers are very deep…. I hope we can all look in the mirror and flush them out.
O, it offends me to the soul to hear a robustious periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings, who for the most part are capable of nothing but inexplicable dumb shows and noise. I would have such a fellow whipped for o’erdoing Termagant. It out-herods Herod. Pray you avoid it.
-Billy Wobblestick
(Hamlet’s speech to the players)
I’ve often wondered if one “side effect” of Trans promotion might be to insert the prefix to help usher in transhumanism….
Talk of injection efficacy and safety is a waste of ink/space. None, ever, have such a record of effectiveness nor safety – the history and timelines are very clear on this – let’s stop beating that horse with anymore truth. It’s like believing in unicorns and repeating the same story over and over in spite of a thorough lack of evidence.
I do think Russia is on the same page with the overall Reset for the same reasons Wolff has given for why the Reset is needed under the system – the system demands it. Putin over time with others have integrated this system firmly into its economy. They cannot untie from it without following its trajectory. They may have a moment of high (ruble value, etc.) but the lows will follow.
None of these nation states are in a position to disconnect from the neoliberal NWO – including China which went full bore with the death of Mao.
Where does Ukraine fit into all this – who really knows.
The current place to stitch together some designer fashion and a perform a few washing cycles of temporal laundry…
If the top Russian leadership (not just Putin, but everyone on whom the descent down the pyramid depends) does what is the same as in the West, but “in Russian”, to outplay the West in some complex game, then they will not do better than the West for their citizens, nor is there currently a war for “old and new values”. This should put an end to hopes that Russian actions will lead to a development that will sweep away the old (real and official) authorities in the West, giving way to a new, better system.
If the Russian leadership pretends to do the same thing they do in the West, why? This would make some sense (if we turned a blind eye to 100 other things) before the so-called “war”. Why do they continue “pretend” to do the same? Are they afraid that they will be scolded by those enemies of their civilization who want to destroy them and with whom they are “at war”?
And if so (which it is not), how does it cause joy in the west of Russia? Many are glad, living with this hopium, that through the actions of Russia and the BRICS unification comes the end of the neo-Marxist, liberal, or whatever you want to call it, Western rotten system. But as we know, Western leaders are at least looking for and causing this collapse themselves (an optimistic idea that does not correspond to the copied programs that are being worked on globally, also in Russia)…
It’s hard to understand that 5-6-7 D. Some 5D matryoshka of clever moves, the last of which will turn out to be a golden pot for the world’s population.
The same article is published under the name of Edward Slavsquat
So I am a bit confused as to who is the author
Oh! Now let Riley explain why he uses 2 names? Riley-5D-KGB-Waggaman?!
(I’m kidding.)
(it’s me again with the same name, afterthought:))
By the way, this dubious character with two names is obviously very productive, now I see that there is a brand new article that ends like this:
“Where is the critical thinking? Why the double standards?
The world isn’t black-and-white—so why is “independent” media terrified of even mild criticisms of the Russian government?
There’s no way around the fact that Russia’s response to COVID has been completely mischaracterized, misrepresented, and ignored by our cherished “independent” media. Why is this? And what does it mean?”
The article is not bad at all (it does not pay me to advertise it, although I should). Riley-Edward Waggaman-Slavsquat..he must be a nobleman…
Edward Slavsquat is Riley Waggaman’s “alter ego”.
Thanks! I was wondering!
41 shills invaded Off-G it seems
You Anglo-Saxons cannot understand that this war is fought in an area inhabited by Russians and Russia will not apply the methods you are used to colonizing the whole world or recently in Iraq or Afghanistan where you gathered all NATO and murdered these countries for 20 years. Russia is fighting a small number of troops against more Ukrainians, mercenaries and the support of the entire NATO, avoiding its own losses and losses among the population. These areas are to become part of Russia, so it is difficult for them to level everything with the ground as you did several times in Fallujah and murder everyone without memory. You will lose anyway. And don’t worry about us “in the East”, worry about yourself “in the West”. covID showed where the greatest restrictions and repression have been and are, and where most societies have been transformed into GMOs and will happily go to the NWO.
maybe this article will make some people clearer what is happening
Anglo-Saxons are tribes from Germany.
It is remiss not to include the Normans in your diatribe too, as they built some very pretty castles.
And please don’t mention the Tartarian Mongolese…
I don’t understand why you talk to them as if they are one with their authorities (and real power)? Or is it like they’re falling from the Moon and they don’t know anything?
I am from the East, and if someone (seriously) says to me, “you are from the East…you’ve done damage through communism…You from the East don’t understand things in the West”, that will make me laugh. I might get a little angry. Which “we”, I am one with my state power (absolute puppets, all parties from which “you can choose”)? Or am I one with the patients of mainstream or fake alternative (controlled or not) Media?
(There is one argument: for 8 years the inhabitants of Donbass suffered, and now it is the turn of retribution and protection. What has Putin been doing for 8 years? You’re playing cards, and now, in the middle of a “pandemic,” you remember them? How amazing.)
Not that you care what I say. Or that they “need” “my protection” – not at all. Just to tell.
Please do not attribute this to everyone in the forum, as far as I know, only KiwiJoker did it. And he will lose anyway (I don’t see how he will continue to be witty for much longer).
‘You cannot lose when you’re not trying to win…’
(Direct quote from my pet Penguin: Translated into English from the original Penguinalese.)
My English looks like Penguinalese, so the quote is spot on. Our way of thinking is also similar.
(“You will find nothing, for there is nothing to look for.” ug kr.)
What a stupid article (if you can call it that this politically oriented piece). Has Thierry not heard of the fake pandemic and the great reset, for example, in which Russia is fully involved, and somewhere leading? That’s convenient, isn’t it?
If it is “ONLY” this to mark and a supporting starting point, then the article is continued lightly and conveniently, as in honey and butter..
The article is a paltry parroting of the narrative of the “Battle of the East with the West”, omitting everything that contradicts it. At the end there is something interesting:
A million jailed Uighurs isn’t a big deal, given that the U.S. has closed more. Aren’t they both bad?
But the second is impressive, Have you read it, dear fellow forum members with a belief in”Russia opposes gay and transgender”??? 😆
Like with Father of the (fake) Vaccine Trump, the proof is in the (fake) Covid-19 pudding.
It was under Trump that in early 2020 his Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar declared a “state of (health) emergency. This has never been lifted and under this emergency the government, as I understand it, is above the law and constitution and hence we cannot expect the judicial system to defend on our behalf. Some states (very few) have challenged while some have enforced emergency mandates.
Ya well, a lot of deniers out there as to Trump’s culpability. I’ve seen quite a bit of that on this site, which is interesting.
Luckily the learned philosopher and multi-disciplinary athlete ‘Brandon’ will come to the rescue.
The Nazification of Russia Hoax
The overall objective of the invasion was to grab the five oblasts (Odesa etc) for the New Israel project. Hence, Russia will be demonised.
‘This guy’s already dead, let him burn in hell’: Sickening moment pro-Putin war veteran waves SKULL in front of crowd claiming it belongs to Ukrainian who was killed fighting in Mariupol
Ultranationalist campaigner and Ukraine war veteran Ivor Mangushev held skull
He claimed it belonged to Azov regiment soldier killed at Mariupol steelworks
Deranged politician ranted: ‘We are not at war with people of blood and flesh’
The pro-Putin activist then vowed to turn skull into goblet in nightclub speech
28 August 2022
Russia could have biometric genital scanning for all I care.
Compared to how Canadian citizens have been treated by their government and having the “woke” generation spew their bigotry, Putin and Russia sound humane.
you poor stupid idiot. Sitting there, thinking Putin will save you. Just like they want you to do. Fat, dumb and deluded.
I never said Putin will save me.
Eat your own faeces.
By the way: I don’t live in Russia, so there is nothing I can do about Russia.
I am black-pilling every sycophant that gas lights me over CoVid1984, Ukraine, NWO, the Great Pumpkin, whatever.
Your comment is to pollute the discussion.
For once and for all, keep your faeces to yourself.
He only said that “comparatively” they “sound” humane.
Those are not definitive statements meriting personal abuse.
They are reasonable comments, not by any means unconnected to the possibilities inherent in this scenario.
Of course we can disagree with them, or ignore them, but to get riled up enough to throw shit at their author is surely overdoing it a bit…
Listen at 26 minutes.
X Files the whole Covid saga hidden in plain site.
Sheeple Of The New Normal: You Vill Eat Ze Bugs And Get The Sads – Vigilante.TV
Is the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war real or fake?
May I suggest OffG commissions an article which addresses this question?
Thank you
I’ve seen many people comment that alleged footage coming from the area looks suspect. But it’s one thing to suggest that events in Ukraine are being distorted to fit agendas, or even that some tanks have been rolled around condemned neighbourhoods while fat development contracts have quietly changed hands behind the scenes, but perhaps it’s quite another to roundly dismiss a whole conflict as ‘fake’?
Given the Covid rollout and the obviously controlled media across the Western world it wouldn’t be impossible to stage something, many would argue, but to suggest this outright? This is quite a stick to hand your enemies if you haven’t read the room right lol
Covid had all-cause mortality figures and witnesses in every hospital corridor in the world, perhaps its scale was also its inevitable downfall? A wag the dog exercise in Ukraine, however – a far flung part of the world for most, where even its own population, ferried out of conflict areas ‘for their own safety’, must have little idea what’s actually going on on the ground – that’s a far more difficult situation to comment on accurately. Perhaps the TPTP knew that would be the case? Perhaps they banked on that, who knows? A2
NOTE: This rather obscure comment, hidden btl, had received 7 upvotes yesterday and then 41 people came along and downvoted it in the space of a few hours, apparently. Draw your own conclusions about that! A2
Well said.
Of all the people with commentaries on what started the trouble in Ukraine, what fuelled it and what might end it, the mainstream are the least trustworthy.
Then we still have the problem of which alternative media might be more trustworthy than the mainstream…
I’d go there myself if I was a responsible journalist – just in order to be able to get the feel of things – but even then, who would listen, or give me any airtime…?
I’d say our best bet is the people we actually know who have lived in, or spent a considerable time in Ukraine or on its borders.
Literally nothing on our TV sets can be taken at its face value.
You could always go there yourself as an irresponsible journalist…
Well, what good would that do?
You could also add that the overlords have no moral qualms that would lead them to fake an event in order to minimise the “collateral damage” (to use a disgusting term). They really don’t give a fuck how many people die. The only qualm they have is in getting found out. That might account for the discrepencies that often show up i.e. they were playing a little game to see what they could get away with. Withdrawable insinuation is their favourite ploy – to imply what they prefer to avoid stating explicitly.
But that does not change the fact there is no evidence that I am aware of for a real war. I have searched for video or photographic evidence of the type there ought to be.
I have asked people to post anything they find.
So far – nothing. Only small scale videos featuring what looks like old and possibly decommissioned equipment and a tiny handful of “troops” often clearly too old or unfit to be professional soldiers.
And not just that. No evidence of the hundreds of deaths allegedly happening every day.
No funerals. No grieving families.
No army encampments either. Like another commenter said, a 100,0000 men take a lot of infrastructure to feed and house them. Where are the Russian field camps? Garrisons? Hospitals?
So, something is definitely strange.
Maybe Russia balked at being asked by the globalist overlords to start a (fake) real war?
Maybe they agreed to play along but refused to commit their own troops and equipment in any numbers and the war gamers have to make do with local volunteer actors and old DPR hardware?
Maybe that’s why the Russians won’t call it a war but a “special military operation”?
I don’t know. I just know something is very very off.
Judging by the voting on a couple of comments below, there appears to be some interest in the question. My view is that the war is BOTH real and fake. That it was intended to be fake, but it was flipped and went real. Hence, there is a lot of obvious fakery and Russia is seriously under equipped.
By “fake” I mean that there may be some real fighting, killing, destruction, etc, but that the outcome is intended to be predetermined.
Another potential difficulty is that some important aspects of the war are highly asymmetric and technically innovative. Consequently, the meaningful actions don’t resemble the sort of conventional warfare which people may be expecting.
I’m really happy that people are prepared to ask this question. There is no doubt that perpetual, virtual hot war, as depicted by Orwell, might well be achievable and desirable to those in power. In a post-Covid world we should probably ask ourselves what would really stand in the way of achieving this, were it so desired?
Are people really dying from shelling in Donbass? Did elderly, frail people really die from Covid mandates?
Was covid therefore a ‘real’ health emergency? Nevertheless I see this argument used a lot to place the Ukraine conflict beyond all question.
Clearly, as you say, something can be ‘fake’ and have very real consequences for some.
All modern wars have doubtless been stage-managed or curated to some extent, but many people are wondering if this conflict in Ukraine might be simulated on a hitherto unprecedented level. A2
I don’t get the extraordinary number of downvotes here…
Are people really so sure of their facts that they can jump onto such a bandwagon…?
Do these 43 people actually know what’s going on in Ukraine/Russia?
If so, I wish they’d tell us.
I find this a very odd reaction to a perfectly reasonable and unbiased comment.
However the facts may turn out in the end, I doubt Sam would have any cause to be embarrassed by what he has said, either way.
Like most of us here, he is basically wondering and asking.
He even explicitly stated that this was a very difficult situation to comment on accurately, and that is most certainly true.
Commenters questioning the conflict received 40 downvotes in the space of a few hours. We can only speculate as to whether they are organic votes 😅. A2
So, where is the war? Show me some evidence for it and I will gladly accept it’s happening.
If someone gives you evidence like that, I’d love to see it, too. It would be nice if one of these 42 minus thumbs could show proof. But they can’t (nothing else, except to believe in the eastern delusion).
This comment had 7 upvotes yesterday and then 41 people came along and downvoted this rather obscure comment, hidden btl. Apparently. Draw your own conclusions about that. 😂 A2
Well, now, recently, when in other topics a post on this issue is written that fits into the narrative, but in this part of the alternative country – that the Western authorities are the only perpetrators responsible for the situation, Russia is not involved or does not do almost the same – immediately this post gets a lot of “thumbs up”, sometimes 20 or more. I thought, ” people are deep in history here.”but when I think about how here, for a few hours, publications challenging this ‘alternative’ narrative got 40 cons…
Not that I care about the number of reactions, but it’s interesting why. Because the knife is on the bone with the false official narrative, governments are already starting to reduce consumption, rationing is approaching, and people are turning against the government’s lies? Or because people have convinced themselves that Russia is not involved, assuming that it is the other side, different from the West.
Or just “the trolls attacking”.
In any case, may everyone be alive and well.:)
So, why not use this against them, for instance; say to your work colleague, your local baker, the chip shop owner “Did you hear what Putin’s doing, he’s micro-chipping the kids, he’s getting rid of cash and all kinds of dodgy things, cor I wouldn’t like that, what the papers say about him must be true, terrible isn’t it?”
Putin this, Putin that. Putin, Putin, Putin. In what country of the world are civilians in control of their own lives?
There might be civil freedoms celebrated in remote jungles, or on some non-descript island. But any major Nation or State? Nope. The rest is just journalism…
Leaders are often used in fishing tackle…