Coronavirus Fact-check #16: “Can you HEAR Covid19?”
A Dutch company claims they can diagnose Covid19 through the sound of your voice, but is that really possible?

Yesterday, the UK’s Daily Mail published an article about a new app which claims to be able to diagnose Covid19 infection just through the sound of your voice.
The story was also covered by Sky, The Independent, the Telegraph and many others.
The Mail headlined:
Could a mobile APP replace lateral flows? Scientists reveal new Covid testing software that detects virus through a person’s voice in under a minute – and experts say it can be more accurate than a swab test
The article goes on to explain:
The Dutch researchers say coronavirus usually affects the upper respiratory tract and vocal chords, leading to changes in a person’s voice. The team decided to investigate whether it was possible to detect the novel virus in people’s voices.
This is not the first app to make this claim, as early in the “pandemic” as May 2020 an EU-funded group based in Cambridge began claiming they could diagnose “Covid” just by listening to people cough.
Now, does this make any sense? Is it really possible to diagnose disease just from the sound of someone’s voice?
Simply put, almost certainly not. Without seeing the scientists’ actual data it is not possible to rule it out completely, but there are multiple apparent issues.
- “Covid19” is not the only infection which affects the respiratory tract. How could an app differentiate “Covid” and “flu”?
- Different mobile devices have different microphones, how can the app distinguish feedback or interference from a sore throat?
- Huge numbers of (alleged) Covid19 “cases” are supposedly symptomless, so the app could never detect those.
- The only way to test the results is by confirming with PCR tests, which don’t work, or lateral flow tests, which also don’t work.
So, even if “Covid19” was a thing (which it isn’t), and even if we try to be objective and open-minded about the idea, it doesn’t seem like it would be any use at all.
And honestly, all that is feels like we’re giving the concept WAY more respect than it deserves. The very idea you can diagnose disease through the sound of a voice is completely ridiculous. But Covid times have enabled all the clowns in the world.
However, if you want a little silver lining read the comments below the Daily Mail article, and see that no one is buying this. One of them makes an interesting observation:
So they have harvested your DNA with the PCR test swabs, now they are after your voice print as well?
Is that what’s really going on here? We can’t rule it out.
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Prob off topic but having survived 2 yrs plus of avoiding the covid nonsense almost completely, fate intervened and a bloody drunk driver tried to kill me with his out of control car skidding sideway towards me while I watched with last second I missed death but scored a broken arm and thus had to run the gauntlet of hospitals, the mask and covid mania…along with a rat test which almost made my son vomit to need to buy…one isn’t allowed in for op without one. It is starting ease but many are still caught in it…
being otherwise healthy I passed said test and have had op and about to escape the hospital mania…will have to pretend wear the mask to escape…
they have been kind and it will be sad if such lovely young things who have cared for me are damaged by the enforced needling. I suspect that will be one of the biggest travesties of this mania if it happens….
In my neck of woods this aust private hospital is still functioning….the ambo system was as well…along with the public hospital I first visited….how long for who knows….
in a twist of fate said drunk driver was knocked off his bike 4 days later with damage to his face,…not something I wished for but life is strange, and as he also killed my dog it is hard for me to be sorry for his fate..
Glad you survived the close call! Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery, and sorry about your dog.
Feel free to disregard this if you’re the “oh, he’s suffered enough” forgiving type, but I hope against hope that there will be severe adverse consequences for your, er, inebriated assailant. 😠
I neither drink nor drive, and thankfully have never been a victim of drunk driving. (I have been a victim of drunk dialing, which exacerbated my intolerance for the dialers.)
Perhaps it’s my lack of experience, but I’ve always been puzzled and offended by the fact that alcohol intoxication is often considered morally and legally exculpating– I really don’t see how “Oh, sorry, I was drunk out of my mind” or “That wasn’t really me, that was the beer talking” should constitute a plea that renders the criminal more to be pitied than censured.
During the early weeks of the scamdemic, before RT News was banished from broadcasting in the US, I was appalled to find that RT was (and maybe still is) aggressively pushing the scamdemic narrative. It didn’t take me long to tune out in disappointment and disgust.
Before I bailed out, I saw a “human interest” segment featuring a young EU performance artist– in France, IIRC– doing his bit. During the intro, I wondered if the artist was protesting the scamdemic, and if so, whether RT, as is its wont, was featuring him as a typical misguided EU lunatic. This turned out to be a wrong guess.
The artist had constructed a hoop two meters in diameter suspended from his body at waist level. He then simply walked around city or village streets to demonstrate how the narrow sidewalks and streets made it difficult to maintain the required “social distancing” separation; he also showed that traffic and parked cars blocked pedestrians from easily maneuvering to maintain the correct social distance.
He was obviously a sincere and well-meaning young man– reminiscent of the “you will own nothing” chap in the WEF posters. He explained that he hoped that his performance would demonstrate to officials that it was vital to begin improving the traditional street layouts immediately and replace them with wider spaces that would facilitate proper social distancing. It was cringeworthy.
Drunk driver or jabbed up and out of control
18/05/2020 Macron announced €500,000,000,000 furlough/ assistance scheme the day before Tricky Rishi, lock step stylee, announced his own.
Costing the UK tax payer £400,000,000,000..
Yup. Count those noughts.That’s £5,714 for every man, woman and child.
Magically creating €1 TRILLION of debt in a matter of 24 hours which kickstarted the inflation project
“Merkel said that in all, EU member states and the bloc’s executive would mobilise a combined sum of three trillion euros to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic”.
Macron capped the price of gas at 4% by effectively Nationalising EDF storing up a huge problem for the French tax payer whilst UK pricing was unlimited (He also closed 50% of the essential nuclear power stations for “technical reasons”)
Now Liz Truss has decided to follow suit lock step stylee and accelerate the trashing of the currency By committing another £100,000,000:000 or £150,000,000,000 or £200,000,000,000 depending on where you read it.
Pretty impressive stuff on her FIRST DAY IN OFFICE !!
Whichever way you look at it fiat is done for.
I’m glad I didn’t sell my house in the middle of nowhere with enough wood to get through to next year (If there is one)
Find somewhere safe away from the grid this winter.
Liz is only getting started.
Little known Liz fact: She invented the first printing press back in China during the Ninth Century. Side note: She was a Confucianist at the time and found brass rubbing to be a little too taxing for her delicate demeanor hence the motivation for the invention…
With this in mind she will probably print (according to the guy down at the pub) another $999,999,999,999.99 (converted in USD for petro-exchange) by the end of the Chinese New Year.
As Confucius says:
“In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.”
I’m terribly sorry to be contrarian, but I do believe the thing you say isn’t a thing may actually be a thing. I work in a busy international language school and have watched first hand the thing that isn’t a thing rip through the school all summer long. I have never seen so many young, healthy people get sick with bizarre symptoms at this time of year before. Yes, I hear you all scream, ‘ clot shots, clot shots!’ and yes, many of these poor, gormless fools have had them, and I have the utmost compassion for anyone who has. But I haven’t, nor has my husband, and we succumbed to the thing that isn’t a thing ourselves. The thing we got was unlike any other thing we’ve ever experienced – not like flu and not like a cold. So sorry, I don’t agree that the thing that isn’t a thing isn’t actually a thing. No doubt, I can look forward to a swift reprimand from admin and lots of downvoting. Kisses xxx
There is a “thing”.
We don’t know what this “thing” is.
Established medicine says it’s a virus “thing”.
Terrain theory say’s it’s about the circumstances.
Logic say’s that when people get together for a short period in close contact and then experience a similar “thing” it”s not a coincidence.
Indeed and that “thing” when people get together for a short period in close contact is the logical reason why we were all born.
> There is a “thing”.
Immune systems out of order?
Yes, keep trying to convince those who haven’t caught the virus after two and a half years of a PANDEMIC by scaring them with grandma tales. I’m sure it will work.
> The thing we got was unlike any other thing we’ve ever experienced – not like flu and not like a cold.
Mangled immune system he wrote.
Covid is dead!
That’s entirely tragic. So young. So much life ahead of it.
Thank goodness Betty kicked the bucket.
I would like to agree with you and say Covid is not a thing, but I think I caught it in feb 2020, and it seem like something slightly different to me. I may be wrong and the propaganda and mind control my have me by the balls, I hope I am wrong, but I do think Covid was a thing, in the same way that seasonal flu is a thing.
In fact I suspect that seasonal flu has been run by the US for decades, to kill off the old, and the weak to help out their friend in the medical & life insurance companies and the pension funds.
This is why I think Fauci seemed so confident, cocky and cheeky, He has been ruining this scam for years, and knew exactly what he was doing.
He was selling useless vaccines, because they are almost always useless, and releasing mild, but deadly for the weak, strains of the flu, into the community every year.
Covid would have just been a slightly different form of the seasonal flu they release every year, perhaps with an aids kicker, but basically the same. It would have vanished very quickly in early 2020 but traces of it were everywhere, until they release the new variant in south Africa.
I have held this model in my mind for a few months, and it seem to stand up well and explain a few oddities around the edges of covid like the disappearance of seasonal flu in 2020/21, and the vast number of flu research labs which must be generating money for someone from something
People eat toxins every day that must be cleansed from cells. There are more toxins and gmo ingredients in food now than in the past; that’s why people feel worse than ever. “Sickness” is healing.
Covid is a phoney acronym the WHO invented to pretend that a cold virus was a new thing,
I would like to agree with you and say Covid is not a thing, but I think caught it in feb 2020, and it seem like something slightly different to me. I may be wrong and the propaganda and mind control my have me by the balls, I hope I am, but I think Covid was a thing, in the same way that seasonal flu is a thing.
In fact I suspect that seasonal flu has been run by the US for decades, to kill off the old, and the weak to help out their friend in the medical & life insurance companies and the pension funds.
This is why I think Fauci seemed so confident, cocky and cheeky, He has been ruining this scam for years, and knew exactly what he was doing.
He was selling useless vaccines, because they are almost always useless, and releasing mild, but deadly for the weak, strains of the flu, into the community every year.
Covid would have just been a slightly different form of the seasonal flu they release every year, perhaps with an aids kicker, but basically the same. It would have vanished very quickly in early 2020 but traces of it were everywhere, until they release the new variant in south Africa.
I have held this model in my mind for a few months, and it seems to stand up well and explain a few oddities around the edges of covid like the disappearance of seasonal flu in 2020/21, and the vast number of flu research labs which must be generating money for someone from something.
Meanwhile, also down in cloggyland – Researchers into excess mortality have had to return their assignment after parliamentarian Pieter Omtzigt asked for an investigation into the matter. Reason: privacylaws don’t allow the sharing of necessary data re “covid-positivity” – needless to say, a stretch in it’s own right.
Should be fun when the law starts telling us we have to share this info with our employers. Which reminds me: pretty much nothing about what happened had much, if any legal basis.
Wake me up when we get there.
As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a “categorical pledge” were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984. Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week. All that was needed was to substitute for the original promise a warning that it would probably be necessary to reduce the ration at some time in April. Extract from “1984” by George Orwell.
There used to be a saying, “there is no greater liar than a finance minister on the eve of a devaluation”
Never trust any official statement that needs a musical accompaniment, especially when it’s that plinkety-plink three-note “minimalist” piano shit.
It was such a beautiful accompaniment to her dulcet tones and rounded annunciation that I started to mist-up and immediately took all my money out from under the mattress and gave it to random passersby urging them to put it all in the nearest bank.
My god… I just made a deposit just to get my money tf outta there.
Also, if you allow the bottomside of the mattress to breathe, I think you could sleep well on wads of cash.
Stupid bullshit…
Admin/Mod. Maybe it is a Mercury Retrograde thing..? but if you amend a comment now it goes in to pending spam and will disappear. Then if you re post it, it says duplicate comment!

It was once impossible to believe that we can actually SEE bacteria by using something called a microscope. Why, I understand that even today there are people who don’t believe in viruses, because they can’t be separated from the cells in which they replicate by a sieve!
AI analysis of the voice for early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease is used. It’s not hard to imagine that this is possible, given the uniqueness of PD.
If you or I listen to someone cough or speak we might not discern whether he has a frog in his throat or is in the aftermath of a cold. But remember that AI analysis is detecting minute data and has the capacity for refinement by checking against results. Pneumonia, a cold, influenza A or B, covid– it’s all the same to me. But I don’t find it IMPOSSIBLE that there are minute differences– for example in breathing– that are machine-detectable in the voice. In particular, AI might detect it with “90% accuracy”, which would probably neatly sidestep the bias against vaccine passports.
Don’t have proof of vaxx? No problem! We’ll just exclude you based on your voice– much more punitive than using a forehead thermometer, which is at least accurate.
Convid does not exist. I thought we all knew that.
In Flat Earth, the Intell “Community” presented to people who were entirely innocent of any knowledge of astronomy certain challenges to it. Having no knowledge of astronomy and insufficient knowledge of epistemology, they fell for these specious arguments. They then from a position of complete ignorance of the science involved proceeded to the exciting conclusion that they alone were in possession of the Truth– that the entire science was invalid, that the Earth is in fact flat, etc.
No amount of pointing out the various observations that contradict Flat Earth will budge them– apparently it is so psychologically rewarding to be “alone in the rigor of one’s thought” that they are permanently inoculated. Intell really did a job on them.
Kaufman, et al has done the same for virology. He gives his own definition of viral isolation– one which by circular reasoning gives the nonexistence of virology generally and covid in particular– and presto, his conclusion is “inescapable”. Of course! That’s what circular reasoning does.
One of the hallmarks of circular reasoning and of rationalism generally is that it deals ONLY in words which are defined in terms of each other, thus building a mouse’s exercise wheel, shut off from observation of the phenomena of reality that one is supposedly analyzing.
Only Globalists (Those who tragically have fooled themselves into asserting the Earth is a sphere) believe the ‘virus’ is real.
Those who know the Earth is flat are well aware the ‘virus’ is a construct of globalists and therefore ipso facto reductio ad absurdum ad infinitum the ‘virus’ is also an illusion.
Stefan Lanka
Stefan Lanka has been able to replicate the brealdown of monkey kidney cells without introducing any fluid from a sick human.
For some it does purely in their thoughts. A virus of the mind if you will.
Placental Mammal, I made you a substantial answer, but the off-G PTB have censored it.
Did we? News to me. I’ll have a look in spam. If you really were afraid we were censoring you perhaps you’d feel the need to not annoy the mods and be a little friendlier? 😂 Perhaps a sign things aren’t quite as bad as you’re making out. 🤷♂️ A2
UPDATE: Having searched in spam like a novice I should have looked here first, since your comment was published just fine! A rookie move on my part. Please, try to refresh your browser before you make unfriendly accusations. Life is short! Thanks 😆
I DID refresh my browser before finding it missing. Thx for posting it.
The site of “WEF” has been like a sardonic apocalypse newsroom lately (when haven’t they been?). They are in a good mood and joking:
…In addition to the rest.
Funny, no mention of the deadliest pox/plague/pollution on the planet.
Psychopathic, hubristic billionaires.
When do we get a vaccine to eradicate them?
Create the problem in order to provide the solution.
The much ridiculed David Icke has been trying to tell us this for years, Problem, Reaction, Solution. People are so stupid they just cannot or do not want to see what’s happening.
Out of work Hollywood scripwriters have been hired by the WEF, UN et al to write their ‘articles’. So it’s a hit and miss, some are funny, some are scary, some are downright stupid.
“Now we know better. We must act.” >>> As if they weren’t acting already…
Hey, assholes. How about the millions of tons of geoengineering particulates you and your balling buddies spew into the sky every day? Go fuck yourselves.
They are so caring and kind.
When I think of them, I never forget what you told me once:
…spelt backwards is…
“But we all will deliver for our country, and I will make sure that we use all the fantastic talents of the Conservative Party, our brilliant Members of Parliament, our peers, our fantastic councillors, our MS, our MSPs, all of our councillors and activists and members right across our country.”
Pass me a sick bag please.
“Annual energy bills will be frozen at around £2,500 for the average household both this winter and next, and green levies will be scrapped.”
They’re not on,
They did this in the E.U and recently I witnessed this in the U.K.
During school holidays petrol went down 7p p.l in London. I heard many people saying the petrol had gone down.!?
I had to explain it hasn’t gone down it gone up 80p+ per litre and now your happy it gone down 7p meaning your happy it still high.
Double speak at it lowest, yet the papers and media think joe public is stupid.
They did this with poll tax now called council tax.
In 2021/2 – They have added a new energy tax (agenda 30) on the people and the government gets 20% vat and makes extra tax from the gas and electric and petrol diesel; etc
How has that part been overlooked.
” As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a “categorical pledge” were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984. Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week. All that was needed was to substitute for the original promise a warning that it would probably be necessary to reduce the ration at some time in April.” “1984” by George Orwell.
Excellent move to accelerate the trashing of the currency and usher in CBDC.
You’ve got to hand it to them. They’ve thought this out very carefully.
The next high-tech move – this time in connection with the recognition of the actually vaccinated, as a measure to combat fake certificates-could be equipping employees with special detectors that detect macadress, and a simple magnets. (No one who has not had at least a few dozen experiences with a magnet knows much about the contents of the injection and therefore their importance, you know. Just a reminder..:))
Another new miracle vaccine! Amazing how all these diseases that didn’t have cures are suddenly having them found!
Probably just a coincidence this vaccine is likely to deployed in one of the few parts of the world still showing population growth….
On page 5 of the supplementary appendix there is table 4B showing there were 3 deaths in group 1. This was the group that received the ‘vaccine’ with lower ‘adjuvant’ level whilst group 3 was the control receiving a different ‘vaccine’. One of these deaths was a malaria death so the study shows an increase in malaria deaths in the ‘vaccinated’ as compared with the control.
Yes. That’s what’s really going on here.
If that last post of mine apears twice, it’s a consequence of the deadly new pending monster. It’s a subtle one: it lets you post but if you want to go back and change something, it pounces and actually causes your post to completely disappear with a “Spam” burp as if to say, “So long sucker!”
Your comment came up. Lucky. Mine disappeared forever in the celestial realms of the spam folder.
There’s a serious problem looming, and I’m gonna have to call Kit and Catte into my principal’s office soon. (By the way, I suspect Kit and Catte is a hidden KitKat ad..)
I doubt if the realms of the spam folder are celestial. Quite the reverse.
😎 Whenever I hit the post button I always do a Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C to have a copy at least on the clipboard.
Catherine Austin Fitts noted how the parasite class – or, to be more precise its lackeys – must have paused momentarily in spring 2020 when issuing their biggest scam i.e. covid. Though, to be fair, the overlord grip on the media was almost total anyway. In any case, the lackeys must have had a slight anxiety to see if they could really pull off such mountainous manure. Well they did – probably mainly because they could “control the reaction” by presenting it as whatever they wanted through the media itself.
After which – anything at all. The jokers could emerge in force. Possibly the most odious of all the phony new factions – those mentally unhinged but enormously funded perverts, the transgenders – have now reached the point where they are literally taking the piss:
That the entire discourse of rights and the pleading over persecution could have been adopted by a screamingly obvious fraudulent “movement” which aims to mutilate children, and receives the sanction of “Science”, is a measure of the sadistically taunting control that the parasites have over all channels.
But it’s hard to give grades to such raspberry blowing mockery: cow farts, insect food etc.
However, the true killer – even more than the lethal vaccines (which continue to cause deaths casually reported with lack of cause even cheerfully acknowledged – “What are you gonna do about it, plebs?”) is the creeping inflation as every single household realises with the onset of winter, it will ruin them. And the question occurs: At the onset of the Great Depression, did anyone make a noise about a “cost of living crisis”?
The NWO has determined that the gullibility of the sheeple is extremely high and wants to explore how far they can go. They must be experiencing high degrees of mirth with each new outrageous and nonsensical claim.
The good news is such a technique would probably be safer than the pcr ‘test’.
There is also sodium azide which is “meant to harm humans”:
From Slipped Disc:
“Romanian media have reported the death of the international tenor Marian Talaba.
Marian was a member of the Vienna State Opera ensemble from 2004 to 2016, venturing to other stages since then.
No cause of death has been given.”
He was 45.
They started faking singers’ deaths with Elvis. The big tell is that believing Elvis was still alive was turned into a running joke. Kirsty MacColl made a song out of it and then “died” early too. Her Scottish socialist dad was pally with another socialist Joan Littlewood (of ‘Oh what a lovely war!’ fame) who spent her declining years with a Rothschild like any good socialist.
There’s credible evidence Bowie, Michael Jackson and Jim Morrison did not die when stated and are probably still alive. There was a spate of “deaths” in 2016 which is an obvious 27 encode and everyone knows by now about the ’27 Club’. The reasons? 1) A spike in sales 2) Delight in their hoaxcraft 3) Romanticising/normalising early death 4) Ritual significance 5) Probably other things.
BTW I’m assuming most people realise Elvis was at least an informant and probably an agent. There’s a long tradition of entertainers being used as agents going back at least until Houdini.
I don’t doubt it at all. Here, when the files came out, in the ‘ 90s, a lot of artists came out who were snitching on people in their guild. Of course, and that is why they have risen to “honored artists” (title in the soc. societies). Not that they weren’t talented, but that’s often not enough. (And many other files-not just of artists, but of all sorts of personalities who made careers after the ‘ 90s – disappeared, some burned in a deliberate fire in a party building.)
Nothing special, the usual things like everywhere, in different variants and different acronyms of specific services.
Remember those X-ray glasses they used to advertise in comic books? The ones that would allow you to see through a woman’s dress? This thing reminds me of that…or maybe a mood ring…no, wait, those worked…or sea monkeys! Or radio walkie talkie rings….any number of nonsense devices sold to idiots. Insane…
Now that all those comic books have hit the big screen I reckon the x-ray glasses and the sea monkeys are real.
If they told people to insert the phone in their bum hole and it would tell them if they had covid19 about 50% of the population would be walking around with very smelly phones.
Administrators are very rich people because they have some nice comments in their spam folder. And now they’re rich with another one. They can be Christians and share it with us. Or not.:)
My comment resurrected from spam in “waiting”! Now everyone will read it and the world will inevitably be saved.
Thank you for the generosity of the administrators. You’re so attentive to us. It is always a pleasure to give you more compliments, all of which are deserved. I will never say a bad word about you, and there is no reason for that. Bow.
(I’m saying this to annoy Johnnycomelately:))
I saw a Dutch article.
I guess the rights to use the script are not limited to the Netherlands.
No surprises. Experts and authorities will continue to search for the best solutions to prevent finding a way out of the crisis. And they will continue, even though their deception is already voice recognized, even without a special device.
Epstein haunts the halls of hubris:
Just, because I looked at the article, to add a quote to one of the opening paragraphs that I found interesting. If nothing else, it could at least spark the interest of some people who have recently expressed contempt for these “blown up by Q Anon” stories.
What WILL they come up with next?
I wouldn’t rule out sound as a way to detect illnesses in general though. What I find fascinating is the evidence of animals detecting cancer … presumably that’s through smell but they are obviously aware of signals we aren’t and there may be subtle sound signals in the breath for some illnesses that aren’t even necessarily respiratory illnesses. Obviously whooping cough has a distinctive sound but there may be others where the signals are very subtle. In Richard Feynman’s 1974 commencement speech to Caltech he talks about a scientist who eventually works out that lab rats could tell behind which door the food was through sound.
But obviously there’s no way to detect covid through sound ‘cos …
Europe is getting a regime change,
just not the one they imagined.
-Gonzalo Lira
Everyone RUN for the hills. The Stealth Variant is loose!!! We’re DOOMED!
Don’t panic! Stay where you are. “Covod’s” new voice recognition can detect this stealth.
It’s okay, CK.
It just means you’ve died and gone to heaven, where nothing covid-related will ever bother you again.
Yes, or course. But my only problem is “Without seeing the scientists’ actual data it is not possible to rule it out completely …”
Well, yes, we can. Better to totally disregard these imbecile “scientists”. It gets draining even to give a token pass to gibberish like this.
…- *Primo* bit o’ trollage there by the DM… – *Top* Kek…
They will push harder before they ever admit their crimes against humanity.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
I don’t believe they will ever admit their crimes.
There weren’t many admissions at Nurnberg either.
Excuses, yes.
Admissions, not so much…
The backdrop to the Nuremberg trials was the Allies (including USSR) mass-murdering ~10-12 million German POWs, scientists, etc. through starvation, exposure and experimentation. Rape was also prevalent in Germany and Japan.
. . . and the medical profession under the thrall of Josef Mengele and his eugenics programme.
By Eric Topol head the NHS.
They keep changing their “diagnosis”. If people died from Covid due to excessive phlegm in their lungs which they could no. longer throw off, how is it possible that now “Covid” affects mainly the vocal chords and upper respiratory system – from which no-one can die?
Whatever works … for the next five minutes.
C’mon Veri Tas. You’re better than that! Obviously you’re contrasting two different stages of the disease/ degrees of severity. Whether they are in cytokine storm or recovering, for example.
I know. Like most people on the site you don’t think covid exists, so mockery seems preferable to thought.
I honestly don’t understand how so many of you have been taken in by the identical process of thought that led to flat earth.
Conflating two lines of thought.
Enough of this demented, deranged lunacy… Enough. There really are days I just want to find some small secluded island in the Pacific Ocean and buy a one way ticket to it! Just on the train to work, and I’ve just seen a man about 30, with a grungy beard, wearing a long dangly earring and a womens cotton floral dress. With hairy legs.
Do I need to even mention that he was fully masked? On the same carriage were groups of Catholic high school students all unmasked, chatting and laughing amongst themselves. The contrast was utterly striking.
Wasn’t it not that long ago that your cat or your dog or your budgie (or all 3 at the same time) could pass on convid to their owners? And haven’t they even waded through sewerage, or so we are told, and finding traces of convid? So many lies told, I don’t know how these bastards keep a straight face. And yet people are still buying this crap. Thanks Offguardian for helping me keep relatively sane… Sigh.
” There really are days I just want to find some small secluded island in the Pacific Ocean and buy a one way ticket to it!”
Just make sure it’s not to the Ardern family run prison colony of Tokelau:
Thanks for the link C… Yes, knew about Ross Ardern already, but am more interested in your link to Waikanae Watch. I actually posted an excellent cartoon from them a couple of days ago about a masked couple eating at a restaurant on their 3rd course (jab) with convid on their plates and the menu was labelled vaccines.
TBH, it was the first link I found when I searched for the Tokelau story. But I have read some of their stuff before. Waikanae is a nice little spot just outside of the Zombie Apocalypse hellzone that Wellington has become.
And in the states of the NINE papers the hysteria is reaching fever pitch because the reports are going to be weekly and they won’t get their daily hit of hysteria
The DM comments section is highly underrated. The articles are absolute rubbish but the comments section is usually a good way to gauge popular sentiment on any issue from readers around the world. Anyone can upvote or downvote a comment without an account. It’s one of the few MSM outlets that hasn’t moved to that odious Disqus platform.
One can skip to comments right from the top so you don’t even need to scroll through the article. If you see very few comments on an article of high importance it means they’re censoring comments even if they say they’re not (pretty much every article involving Randy Andy, for example). Ditto if you see few comments but thousands of up or downvotes. The readers are savvy enough to know when comments are being censored on an article.
The sillier the article (you’ve been eating digestives all wrong your whole life!)…. the better the comments. And beware the grammar police! Bad grammar is likely to be corrected.
I avoid any article with very obvious racist or other sort of prejudicial headlines. All the insecure people who are always looking to blame someone for something come crawling out from under their rocks and go wild in the comments section. As the DM has a wide variety of articles and most people only every go to a handful of articles on any day, it has a far more broadly based readership than it is given credit for. DM commenters were among the first on any MSM site to start criticizing the pandemic measures back in 2020.
I don’t disagree actually! A2
Actually DM has always played the fake advocate ‘controlled op’ with the ‘we told you so’ after telling people the oppsite.
Peter shillchens played the ‘how dare they’ fake rebel and then folded at exactly the right time as Boris and Nigle fruad got the jab on red nose day.
David icke and his forum are very pro DM doesn’t make them right.
FFS they dont even cipher the articles/headlines and read then at literal understanding that is why anyone really who is switched on wouldn’t waste there energy on that type on fake control op run by a lord who is friendly with the Queen and M15/6.
Lets be honest doesn’t say much for consciousness to be even drawn to something as sick as the DM.
Like I said, the comments section is where it’s at. For whatever reason, the comments section is (for now) more of a free for all compared to any other MSM outlet.
Bad as the DM is, I don’t see how anything can possibly be any worse than FT, Washington ComPost, Guardian of Fake News, New York Slime etc. It’s true that DM articles are very badly edited full of typos and weird grammar. The commenters are quick to joke about it. At least it doesn’t pretend to be “upmarket and highbrow” whatever that means.
Personally I like to cast my net wide and scan various opposing perspectives rather than stay in a bubble. It’s important for me to know what’s being narrated and how people are reacting to it. I don’t rely on articles from any outlet anyway to form my thoughts. I prefer looking at the source material directly.
I have commented on DM regularly for the last eight years or so.
It was always easy to get comments through even on moderated articles.
Now, unless you use alternative letters symbols etc. ($ for S etc.) It’s virtually impossible to get a comment approved if it’s not what they want to print.
However, if you get in early on an item, you will get a good upvote for a few hours and then they will turn off your comment’s voting system.
Ironically, they allow anti agenda posts to be upvoted into the tens of thousands which is the opposite to what I would have expected.
My conclusion is that the DM comments section is a barometer which gives an invaluable instant feedback on the current PTB shennanigans and helps mould future attacks on the population.
Exactly. What’s more, simply limiting the number of major sites on which a person can express disagreement leads to a concentration of people who are still thinking, but not attracted by alternative sources, into mainstream sites that allow disagreement. There is a gathering of target groups in one place, convenient for the operational personnel and the mechanized tools.
Easily defeated.
Here are a few examples from my colleague and dear friend (whom I have both never met, nor ever worked with) demonstrating voice obfuscation techniques we can all practice for fun and fulfillment:
“So they have harvested your DNA with the PCR swabs, now they are after your voice print as well?”
Total ownership is the goal. They’ve come out of their closet.
“This is the national automated health survey. At the tone, repeat the following sentence..”
I said this many times to people who never listen that all this ancestry bollocks is also about DNA collection but what do I know. Apparently, I am a conspiracy nut!
Cme on guys if St. Greta can see CO2….
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-09-05. Tests – toxic sodium azide; masks – toxic titanium dioxide. NIH now lists IVM 4 CV. 3tcm gas storage closed (blog, gab, tweet).
I want the world to stop
it did 30 months ago
Well it’s an education to see these robotic phrases come around again and in a totally different context though curiously with the same effect: to depopulate. Truly an agenda hatched way off in the uppermost chambers by crepuscular creatures long ago.
“Ursula von der Leyen has made a video showing us how to wash our hands without wasting water, Soon she will show us how to have dinner without switching the lights on.”
Video, 44s:
I totally enjoyed her up-coming instructional video on how to sleep whilst staying awake.
Von der Leyen again today, announcing blackouts and brownouts this autumn and winter. “Flatten the curve” — she really said this. She’s knowingly recycling that filthy phrase. The ruling class must feel very confident indeed if they dare to take the piss this openly.
In an insignificant language, spoken by few people, there is a word remarkably consistent with the surname of this lady. The word “layno” means shit. When someone literally or figuratively gets shit dirty, they say it’s “laynen”.
So some of the people affected by Ms von der Leyen’s actions easily add that “n” when talking about her.
One can readily see how the pronunciation may be, perhaps justly, emotionally affected in such a manner.
In further observations: the terminologies ‘brownouts’ and ‘blackouts’ seem inherently racist.
Even “less illuminated” implies that light is a measure of position. A rather complex case whose obvious solution is to ban the use of any language; which in turn can lead to a mass spread of self-absorption, creating conditions for a wide-ranging absorption of the phenomenon of “enlightenment”.
Well said. Even when I read it backwards with the screen blacked out.
Only you understood and appreciated my deep thought. Probably. Or not.
Err, what dinner ?
“If we had bacon we could make bacon and eggs, if we had eggs.”
Here’s the latest news from the Late Great Brain-dead State of California.
Both houses of the CA legislature recently passed “AB 2098 Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct.”
This bill is yet another nail in the coffin of free speech and genuine uncensored scientific debate. It’s waiting for the signature of Gov Gavin Newsom and I’m guessing that there’s a 95% chance he’ll sign it. The other 5% is the possiblity he’ll send it back because it’s not draconian enough.
“The Law to Outlaw Medical Second Opinions. (AKA the Law to Kill the Nuremberg Code). The Pharma-Con Racket Quacks are in charge of the asylum now. The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis are attempting to kill any concept of My Body, My Choice, Bodily Autonomy and Human Rights.”
“The Newsomvirus Needs to Go, NOW!”
American Dream may be Carlin’s best. Alot said in 3 minutes.
Not content with having killed Granny, ruthless breathers are now endangering the planet itself.
I’ve made an app in 2021 that uses the sound of farts to detect if COVIDIUS is present!
And I used this one as guinea pig…

And it worked!
“Today I tested positive for pedophilia.”

“Must have caught it on Sex Slave Island.”

“Damn Epstein!”
Great scientific success, congratulations!
But does your test have fine tuning to detect with equal success the fine and well-perfumed gas discharge of ethereal ladies like madame Truss and madame von der Laynen, for example?
It does… An option called “MouthFart”.
“If you listen very carefully, you can hear the Gods laughing.”
I can see it now. Everywhere we go, we have to say, “I am an ignorant lemming sheep” into a little device to see if you can enter or not. The supermarket, the coffee shop, the laundrymat, the bakery. Just say it and if you test negative you can enter. If you test positive but have no symptoms, just say it three times and you can enter. If you test positive but have symptoms, then go get another shot quick, come back and say, “I am a stupid fuck”.
Actually, that might be the answer. Let’s get it out in the open and settled once and for all. Either you are or you aren’t, i.e., an ignorant, stupid fucking lemming sheep.
On the other hand, why? Seems like it could be another level of control. Load the app on your phone and they got ya. EVERYWHERE.
I saw Fauci in the news again saying something about how if the virus mutates or something, all bets are off. Didn’t read it, but it brought to mind that it doesn’t appear they want to discuss WHY. Why is this happening in the 21st century Fauci? Why are we seemingly transitioning as a human race into a continuous period off dangerous virus’ that could allegedly end human life as we know it if we don’t take measures to control them? Is it because there are too many people on earth? Is it because of global warming or climate change? Is it because of Donald Trump?
Or is it because you and others are creating them, either actually or by making it all up?
Like hey, when are we going to talk about what’s really going on here.
RE: Why are we seemingly transitioning as a human race into a continuous period off dangerous virus’ that could allegedly end human life as we know it if we don’t take measures to control them?
The answer is simple: the “Virus” is a much better enemy – i.e. way to induce fear in the population – than Terrorism, than the USSR, Communism, Nazi’s, Japs, the Hun etc.
It’s way cheaper, it doesn’t even exist, and you get mass compliance with ease.
Evolutionary biology. I always thought that viruses were classed as parasites, so why would they mutate to kill the host, when it is not in their evolutionary advantage ?
No, you cannot hear covid. You can hear about covid. Indeed you cannot avoid hearing about covid. And you will hear about covid from now till the end of time. Indeed, covid only exists when you hear about it. And that’s why you keep hearing about it.
But they can drop “COVID-19” as soon as it becomes inconvenient to them and just come out with some other invented or hallucinated Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer-Dot whenever they please. RABID-23. Hey presto, NEW PANDEMIC, mass terror, lockdowns, masks, curfews, digital IDs, global police state, captive enslaved impoverished populations.
That’s what the united ruling class want, and they want it now. They are not fannying about. They haven’t besieged us since March 2020 in order to turn soppy at the last minute. They are playing for keeps and going in for the kill.
And that’s why “Virology” needs to be stood up to now. It’s non-optional. Now is the time. Later will be too late.
To hell with this fucking bullshit.
Best post of the fucking year George.
The PCR kit does the same that the fairy uman tales about gods do… Transform a thought, is this case a hearing, into a physical entity, the PCR kit itself!