DISCUSS: The Queen is Dead
Queen Elizabeth II has died aged 96.
The mainstream media had been giving live updates on her majesty’s “medical supervision” all afternoon, along with the news that the extended royal family was gathering at Balmoral in Scotland, where the Queen was reportedly “comfortable”.
One BBC political reporter announced the Queen’s death, apparently in error, and then deleted the tweet:
I tweeted that there had been an announcement about the death of the Queen. This was incorrect, there has been no announcement, and so I have deleted the tweet. I apologise.
— Yalda Hakim (@BBCYaldaHakim) September 8, 2022
It was clear and obvious that the queen had been dead for several hours before being officially reported, a little insight into how the news media actually works.
Moving forward we can expect a distraction to end all distractions, certainly, they will take the opportunity to “bury some bad news”.
I’d keep an eye out for what is being pushed to page 20 of the papers over the next couple of days. #TheQueen
— Gareth Icke 🚜🇳🇱 (@garethicke) September 8, 2022
Following that, this is a narrative which could go in many directions.
One potential story to develop from this will be UK’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss. Her “handling” of this “crisis” will tell us a lot about the direction her administration will take, just as Tony Blair’s “people’s princess” speech set the tone for his entire term.
They may try to parlay it into a source of “national unity”, similar to messaging at the beginning of the “pandemic”.
Mick Lynch of the UK’s RMT Union has announced that strike actions planned for September 15th and 17th will no longer be going ahead.
It is already being reported that Charles is now King Charles III, despite stories over the years that he may be skipped over in favour of his son William.
It has been reported in recent months that “experts believe” Charles might hand the crown to William, and it would be very on-brand for the current global narrative to have a “modern young monarch” to tackle the “unique challenges facing the country and the world”, or something like that.
But what do you think?
- Who will succeed?
- What bad news will be buried?
- Is there a grander narrative being planned?
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The Queen Is Dead. Up Chuck!
The good , the bad and the ugly…. comes to mind.
The Good; The UK public deserve some uniting power after years of abuse under COVID and now their misguided governmental unconditional support for Ukraine and its dictator along with the sanctions the US imposed.
The Bad; Many will use the Queens passing as a stage to set false premises – like the notion of bypassing King Chuck for King Dick. I doubt the young man has the ability or the drive to do anything positive other than watch his kingdom implode. Any true monarch would dissolve parliament and take over for what should be the better.
The Ugly; bad news being buried….. the poor woman was dead months ago….. you name it, the ugly of the UK media and the theorists will show exactly why the UK is where it is now.
Watching this procession in todays world can focus the degenerates to pause for a moment and realize their stupidity but that would assume they are all as intelligent as her Majesty was and that I doubt.
This procession will continue and it will pronounce how ridiculous the notion of the monarchy is in todays society and world. I am not saying its wise to abolish it, however given the current cast of characters, I think its wise to shit the show down before it get truly out of hand.
The Queen is dead, God save the UK.
I think you may have just hit the nail on the head.Very good bad and ugly man.
I’m tired of the continued “spam filter” situation here. I’m spending more time on ChurchOfCovid subreddit which actually has more and better content and essentially no censorship or whatever this is. Akismet and wordpress are made by drones who are not your friends.
Let’s be proper British. The demise of the monarch is surely more important than the landless peasants and the conditions of their wage slavery. Keep calm, have another cup of tea and carry on! Football and beer will keep the lads happy!
I won’t be worshipping mother earth or other guff. The BBC still want us to worship the Queen like she’s a god. My latest YouTube: in the age of ego & self-love, who should you look up to?
If you can overcome your anti-life religious programming you will conclude that mother earth is in fact the only entity worthy of free worship. That means worship that is done because one feels like doing it rather than being terrorised into doing it.
It is interesting how this completely coincides with the “climatic” and also the new religious (you know, the unification of religions under one roof) narrative of the Enterprise. And you took it all in.
Leave this reddit and come here more often; in this general gloom, fun is a rare occurrence these days.
You probably missed the kind jester Nigel, from a human to another amongst vindictive clap. A person took time off simply because You post A name: NOT to click on Global Platform and listen to another comfortable dick blabbering though a Mirror.
Good Luck
Not you.
Nothing Esoteric about this …..
Placing some truth in plain sight and segueing from one narrative to the forthcoming one:
How did the reigns of the first two Charleses go? Civil war and Black Death/Great Fire of London! The name Charles means ‘free man’ so I guess they’re telling us what freedom leads to.
James Corbett has written an article re. the Windsors. Here it is.
“The dark history of the ‘royals'”, at:
What a nasty article this is, mostly full of insinuation (as previously advised is often the case around here).
If you research there are procedures for ‘Head of State deaths’ that involves advising other heads of states/governmental organisations etc before advising the general public. And when/if you do your research you will see these procedures are for good reason.
Poor show OffG
… and the good reason is ….. ????
Hi Keith,
With respect you’ve just exposed the fact you do no/little research and undoubtedly believe everything you read on here instead. Quite frustrating.
I actually said ‘do your own research’ but instead you ask me,presumably thinking I’m the wrong one here?
Again, I suggest research. And I’ll give you a little extra, look up ‘Operation London Bridge’.
Kind regards
PS. No author name on this article 🤔
with respect you’ve shown you make assumptions that are not worthy of a proper response thereby highlighting your own arrogance
Hi Keith,
Oh Really? So how come you didn’t research and know about ‘Operation London Bridge’ that fully explains the few hour delay in informing the Public of the Queen’s death (amongst many other things) then?
I check their twitter feed quite often and don’t recall them commenting on the demise of other heads of state:
They’ve blocked anyone but approved sources responding because I think they know what they’d get.
What I have noticed in the past few days is that most so-called “celebrities“, from A to D list status are cartel signalling their allegiance to the globalist thieves and the Order Out of Chaos cult by posting Instagram tributes to Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
The shilling for the maintenance of the status quo and support of the ruling parasites goes all the way through the entertainment industry from top to tail.
It’s particularly odious when Americans cheerlead the British “royals”.
Last night I forced myself to watch the theatrical ritual of charlie ‘ascending’ to the throne. Noticed that the time of his ‘ascension’ was 8pm here in eastern australia, and 11am in London.
Bang on time for the Pisces full moon – so very precise as the moon was exactly at its moment of fullness then.
Wonder what it all means?
If you have an explanation you would like to share, I would read it with interest.
Thanks plino. I’m pondering this myself but don’t really know the answer. Perhaps it signifies the end times of the Age of Pisces? Any other guesses from the Astrotheologians out there?
There is much more interesting reading on the so-called ‘royal family’. Here are a few examples.
Santos Bonacci on the controllers, flat earth, jesuits, bloodlines Jesuits, Black Nobility Bloodlines and Flat Earth | Upon The Face Of The Waters
Thank you, Kika. I’ll take a look at it.
Harvest moon/blood moon. AT 8pm Moon was exactly rising and 11am in London the moon was in its fullest The Full Moon closest to the September equinox is called the Harvest Moon. It is unique because the Moon rises close to the same time several days in a row.
Her funeral will be on the Equinox in September.
All about that energy.
Queen’s fun-eral on 19th, Equinox on 23rd September.
I wonder if there’s anything in the coffin???
The Equinox isnt one day it is a period of time.
So the 19th would be the start it of it the ritual.
100s of million consecrating (CONCENTRATING) on the empty coffin crystal specially chosen ‘wood’en box will create something.
SportBible@sportbible 10:52 am 10 Sept 2022
Concern that tributes to the Queen may not have been universally respected, and the potential for global embarrassment if fans were disrespectful, was a factor in the decision to call off all football in the U.K. this weekend. Via @MattHughesDM
Full report:
It’s more likely Queens death precedes 9/11 Memorial Weekend imo
His mother passed on Thursday 8th September 2022, not the 7th…
I don’t know why my comment above has gained 3 thumbs-down… for his mother did pass on Thursday 8th September 2022 (ie, not ‘Thursday 7th’, as it says in the image above).
I’m not one of those who subscribe to the view that she passed days/weeks/months earlier than has been claimed, so why 3 thumbs-down to my comment above…?
Her Majesty passed away before 9/11.
11/9 might come into play, I’m not kidding many people down the ages believe dates are very important, of course I agree.
I didn’t quote the 11th September, I quoted the 8th September: ie, the date on which it was stated (by the Establishment…) that she passed.
Try 2-3 years ago.
If you think it’s the same person the last 2-3 years then get your eyes checked.
My eyes are in perfect working order, actually.
Spot the odd one out.
No takers?
Liz n Phil.
Gareth Icke nails it, perfectly adequately for any Dumbfukwit led towards imperial distractions ! Clue: Gas Cap. Thank you NATO for waking me @3am, this morning. Lovely full moon and the chance to study My Flight Radar. The NATO aircraft was not displayed, however, 2 other Civil Airliners caught my Woken attention to detail, international laws and Hypocritical Declarations ! Perhaps it is better I provide 2 links first. Sorry if you cannot speak German, find somebody that can, immediately. After this week in The German Parliament: what a GAS, thanks to Baerbock HaHabeck, amongst others, Alice Weidel AfD and even Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht finally got angry and to the point 👉 * Alice in Wonderland * just for starters… https://youtu.be/n68_AinUUwU You can search Wagenknecht in dem Bundestag for yourselves. More importantly, onwards… ANAL. BAERBOCK’S reaction ? just like BORIS.J. https://tass.com/world/1505733 Baerbock got the fuck out of Germany, immediately, off to Kiev ! After all, she admitted that she DGAF about what her electorate might think… However, her Austrian equivalent does care to consider Math, and her electorate as she declared: Publicly, just yesterday ! https://tass.com/economy/1505315 Not forgetting Orban, I’ll move onto this ‘mourning’s’ Flight Radar, of unusual events. First woken by the regular ‘Ghost’ Flight of a NATO plane, not on Radar, my eyes were drawn Towards 2 Civil Aviation mid-night flights approaching… first: Istanbul – Moscow flying an unusual Path, certainly with permissions: but, the second was so ‘off the hook’, that I remain relieved I have the screenshots, following this flight from Start to Finish… OS75/Aua75 Boeing 777 flew Past N.Bulgaria directly out over the Black Sea, at high speed & altitude towards Sevastopol ! Hopefully, I thought, with special permissions from on high… After clearing Crimea, OS75 flew DIRECTLY OVER the KERCH bridge and North of… Read more »
Theses fools told the believers to run out and vote on the Leave e.u referendum psyop as the parasites had made a mistake and U.K would get mote control.
Dumbfukwit daddy trust fund boy icke and co was wrong on that one.
LOL !!! is your Fertility challenging me like some Diva ???
You, paranoid (or professional deformation of a retired agent).
You can’t get rid of what you did to your victim (diva), can you? This will haunt you throughout your entire (forum) life. 😩
Maybe we can get that in the King’s English ?!
I don’t think that’s possible, because it’s classified information that can only be given to us in this mystifying way by the honorable TDj. That’s the feeling I have.
A SOUND FEELING 👌 for sonic resonance.
But, this conversation will not be conducted within the realms of someone’s
Kindergarten, for fear of wasting my time on the reprisals of parents who…
Remain utterly ignorant of their culpability, simply because their own ego
Transcends any values, for example >>> Trust.inc
In blue chips 🍟 💙 😋
Hopefully you understand and I have signalled you elsewhere.
Over to you and your “audience” 🤣 bearing in mind, only you know,
What you know genuinely first hand… For your eyes only,
21 Today… 💥
I don’t understand you much, even very little, and I would say almost nothing, because you indulge yourself and make it spin as much as possible. But I like you, so our feelings are mutual (except for what you did to @diva, you’ll burn in hell for him, of course) 😈
For those of you who are deeply grieving, please rest assured that you are not alone.
The royal beehive is in mourning too.
“The royal beekeeper….has informed the hives kept in the grounds of Buckingham Palace and Clarence House of the Queen’s death. And the bees have also been told, in hushed tones, that their new master is now King Charles III.
He placed black ribbons tied into bows on the hives, home to tens of thousands of bees, before informing them that their mistress had died and that a new master would be in charge from now on.
He then urged the bees to be good to their new master….”
We need to keep that royal honey flowing …
The perspective from the heavily moderated DM peanut gallery:
“The bees are buzzing with the news…but it’s got to bee done!”
Isn’t it “royal jelly”? 🐝
Real Ketchup is exported Water Bottle Dumbo.
There’s Fake Newcastle Brown in general circulation.
Yea sure, you really care about Working Class People.
Your left with Jam all over your Fingers.
I actually like that story. Reminds me of Beorn in the Hobbit.
There’s a clean, decent, innocent goodness to it.
Her an her ilk have been responsible for causing many wars, destruction of countries who would not bow down to the royals ad fomenting violence and terrorism for eons.
Time to stop the charade and get rid of all governments who have now sworn loyalty to the new thieves of the UN WEF and continue to defraud hard working people. Close down city of London, Washington DC, Geneva and the Banksters who support them.
Fine comment Jack, but, I think my comment was way better, should it surface from…
P E N D I N G ?
Ringing The Bells 🔔 🎶
Oh wait, 3Links 🤣
Including from Tass…
It’s surface. And what does prove? 😵
My queen is alive and well.
This maybe of some interest…
Realking of England..This is Bael from the 72 demons of solomon/ Goetia who does he look like..?
Not another one… I know another of Scottish origins.
Cease & desist with anachronistic notions.
Start addressing reality.
Within all nations,
Wtc7 was The Watershed,
Understand first that,
Financial Farce furthering
Fukwits !
Tony Robinson walks The Man Who Would be King.
I had forgotten about the hologram in the carriage, just a few months back:
Most read
Kharkiv offensive: Ukrainian army says it has tripled retaken area
Published: 32 minutes ago
Ukraine’s military says its forces have retaken over 3,000 sq km (1,158 sq miles) during a rapid counter-offensive in eastern Ukraine. The remarkable advance, if confirmed, means Kyiv’s forces have tripled their stated gains in little over 48 hours. President Zelensky put the figure at 1,000 sq km on Thursday evening, and then 2,000 sq km on Saturday evening.
Deep State Maps
OK all sarcasm aside, the death of our “beloved majesty” has no effect on me whatsoever. I just tuned into an Icke podcast on the matter and predictably he starts waffling on about Satanic rituals. I find the very concept of the Queen indulging in such to be preposterous – and not because I want to stand up for her. As I facetiously said, if the Royals really were blood drinking reptiles, it would be the first interesting thing about them.
But truly, I find the Royals to be utterly without substance. Of course the money spent on them is disgusting. And of course, they serve as a huge ideological prop. But I see no reason to hate them personally. Indeed such hate only serves to overemphasise their importance.
Though if I try to enter into what I can see of “the public mind”, I get the feeling that the Queen is possibly the last of the “old breed” who at least retained a certain dignity. And was “much loved” if only because she went where she was told and followed the script. Thus she presents no tension in those souls who plaster their walls in Charles and Di plates – and I have met those whose walls are still so adorned!
Other than that …. nothing. Save to state the obvious: that we will hear this mourning spiel for months now.
Actually there was one occasion in which I felt sorry for the departed. This was on one of those wretched “pop celebrations” where various stars were trotted out on parade and you could see the old dear – then in her 70s or 80s – looking decidedly unimpressed and even irritable. And it was easy to imagine what she was asking her assistant: “So who are these greasy twats then? And who is the tart swinging her tits about?” etc. At this point she probably envied the commoners who at least got to retire.
She died aged 96 on 8 September 2022, or so we’re expected to believe. How naive can people get? 96 x 8 x 9 = 6912 + 2022 = 8934 = 24 = 6 which is a PERFECT TRIANGLE and a MASONIC MASTER NUMBER therefore something something something.
Agree, it’s fishy, for months the DM used predictive programming to make the soil, ‘fragile health’, will die soon. It was just as theatrical as the faked covid pandemic. She either died earlier or she didn’t at all – I see no other explanation of the months long previous show.
The point being, I have privileged access to profound esoteric numerological knowledge I have no intention of explaining to youse plebs.
They became advocators of the killer clot shots, the queen called the reluctant selfish, William and wife had the ‘shots’ publicly just before it was the turn of the children.
This is all what matters when judging them.
One wonders if a cocktail of Midazolam and morphine had anything to do with it.
No loss to the world, that’s for sure.
I found this video interesting: Signing her name to the top of the coronation oath, making it legally null and void, and deliberately misleading the public.
The parasites in the “royal” family are being constantly pushed onto the public 24/7 by the media cartel, using subliminal mass mind control through repetition.
The idea that some “people“ by accident of birth, are deemed more important due to their genealogy or bloodline is anathema to me. The support of their lifestyles by taxpayer monies is also outrageous.
One of the most vile and dishonest (among many) acts she committed was pushing the poison shots, pretending she was vaxxed. She was a liar and a shill to the very end.
The Queen abdicated on 6th June 1953, three days after her coronation. Media silent ever since.
“It has been established by incontrovertible evidence in the matter of Paul Anthony Hill [Mu-ad Dibh] v. Elizabeth II “Regina”, that the Queen violated her Coronation Oath three days after she accepted it, and that she and her Government have functioned in constructive fraud since June 6, 1953. There is additional evidence that both the Queen’s Father and Grandfather did the same.”
Instead, three days after her Coronation, Elizabeth II abdicated the Christian throne and occupied the pagan “Chair of the Estates” instead. The immediate impact of this is the unlawful conversion from Public Law to private corporate law being practiced throughout the realm in otherwise Public Courts, the use of “legal” rather than “lawful” presumptions in these courts, unlawful conversion of private property into public property, enslavement and press-ganging of living men by a process of personage and impersonation, and all the other evils we have witnessed.
This additionally means that the entire British Government has been functioning as a criminal organization since the 1870’s, and this has implications for the entire world — not just the British.”
Ah yes, another god -fearing christian has come to set the record straight.
It is in fact the Old Testament ( not a christian document but accepted by christians in recognition of their masters) that demanded the murder and rape of pagans, and the uprooting of trees. Because everyone knows that “pagans” are cannibals and child sacrificing satanists and that freemasons and kabbalists are “pagans”. All christian preachers are in agreement on this one and they often remind their child victims of this irrefutable, god-given fact.
Good riddance, she has never done a good thing for mankind anyway, she was merely a figurehead for gullible Brits, paid by the Rothschild bank, and waves at media. A total waste of skin.
Not all Brits are gullible. I’m an Englishwoman, and have been passionately anti-‘royalist’ for 40+ years. I’m sickened by just how many people fall for the cr*p of ‘royalty’. None of them have any idea how pathetic they are.
The so-called ‘monarchy’ should have been abolished a very long time ago. I pity all the gullible, brainwashed, indoctrinated, servile/subservient, sycophantic, totally lacking in self-respect [and any other, similar negative descriptors!] ‘royalists’.
(No-one with any self-respect would even think of ‘curtseying’ or bowing to anyone; I’m astounded that so many ‘royalists’ do choose to do that, if they should meet someone who is a member of the so-called ‘royal’ family)
That jubilee concert with all the wannbe pretend rappers copying America and the dessicated face lifted Rod Stewart was beyond embarrassing.
What options does the new king have…
Just another waste of skin, and worse, this one is inbred…
can someone enabled, post Luke Kelly’s “scottish breakaway” please,
a cracking anthem, the dirge runs both ways, lol
Your comment is under Masonic number 333. I just want to say that you have the honor.
It’s quite a funny song (lyrics to follow). I hadn’t heard it before, living south of the border.
I wonder what the Scots make of her passing away in Balmoral Castle
Luke Kelly – Scottish Breakaway
The lyrics (with a few variations):
Scottish Breakaway (Coronation Coronach)
Noo Scotland hasnae got a King
And she hasnae got a Queen
How can ye hae the Second Liz
When the First yin’s never been
Nae Liz the Twa, nae Lilibet the One
Nae Liz will ever dae
We’ll mak’ oor land Republican
In a Scottish breakaway
Her man he’s cried the Duke o’ Edinburgh
He’s wan o’ the kiltie Greeks
Och dinnae blaw ma kilt awa’
For it’s Lizzie wears the breeks
He’s a handsome man and he looks like Don Juan
He’s beloved by the weaker sex
But it disnae really matter at a’
‘Cause it’s Lizzie that signs the cheques
Noo her sister Meg’s got a bonny pair o’ legs
But she didnae want a German or a Greek
Poor aul’ Peter was her choice but he didnae suit the boys
So they sellt him up the creek
But Meg was fly an’ she beat them by an’ by
Wi’ Tony hyphenated Armstrong
Behind the pomp and play the question o’ the day
Wis, Who did Suzie Wong
Sae here’s tae the lion, the bonnie rampant lion,
An’ a lang streitch tae his paw
Gie a Hampdon roar an’ it’s oot the door
Ta-ta tae Chairlie’s maw
there’s a lot of irony in the actual tune too ; )
Mourning shows of course will have to be hurdled first.
As with Princess Di, it will focus on what A Lady wore: as in Life so it goes with Vogue Cronies.
Dismissing the Adverts, The Whole Show should collectively only last the time it takes to boil an egg.
Off course allowances have to be made for super speed Computer technology, and resulting delays.
“My Government will ensure the constitution is defended. My Ministers will restore the balance of power between the legislature and the courts by introducing a Bill of Rights [Bill of Rights]. Legislation will prevent public bodies engaging in boycotts that undermine community cohesion [Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Bill].”
-excerpt from the Queen’s Speech 2022
Its views on what constitutes ‘community cohesion’ couldn’t be further from mine, especially the bit about forcing it on the rest of us regardless of what we think.
Will not be missed is how I feel. Shame it left the rest of the family to continue their revolting habit of trying to force us to be ever more obedient morons and keep quiet about their psychopathy. May a billion unjabbed fart in their general direction.
For “community cohesion” read Israel and its long and sticky Zionist tentacles in London. “Brit” derives from the Hebrew language and they even have a rock from the imagined “temple of Solomon” under the royal throne. Inbred parasites who told the world they are descendants of “god”, while enjoying an unbroken chain of rule since the Roman Empire adopted “Paul’s” method of mass social control and domesticated slavery.
From Kit:
“99.99% of people will not experience any difference in the world now she’s dead, if it wasn’t literally all over the news nobody would ever notice.”
Which puts the Queen in the same category as covid.
The propaganda has certainly reached covid heights from the little I have seen.
It’s 24/7 in Australia
I was a nomad hippy during the frenzied media build-up to Charles and Diana’s wedding. I got a job tattie-picking on a farm in Pembroke shire and, camped in a field with no radio or television, I congratulated myself on finding refuge from the unbearable saccharine hype.
The evening before the wedding, the farmer announced we would all have the day off and he would barbecue a pig to celebrate. Well, for starters it was piece-work so no work meant no pay, and anyway, I was only on his farm to escape that sort of nonsense, so I immediately claimed the pay I was due and cycled to Fishguard, getting there just in time for the last ferry to Rosslare in Ireland.
I drank my duty-free allowance on Rosslare beach and in the morning set off on a summer-long meander round Ireland. I don’t remember anyone in that wonderful republic ever once mentioning the wedding.
See you all on Rosslare beach?
Donald Trump … Joe Biden.
Boris Johnson … Liz Truss.
Your Choice, as we used to say at Macy’s.
From the BBC. We will never witness a more cataclysmic event!
Britain was a good country in 1953, today it’s a cesspit. This happened on HER watch. How many Brits will be good obedient sheep and take part in the two week-long mass formation psychosis that the globalists have planned? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzW2gA1DRXM
That Britain was a good country in 1953 largely depended upon what social class to which one belonged. I’m not persuaded that the people from the Caribbean who arrived here on Empire Windrush would concur when they suffered racism at its worst after answering the call of the then British government to build the UK up again after WW2. They manned our NHS, transport systems and a multiplicity of industries while working class sections of the white population left these shores on £10 emigration tickets to Australia and New Zealand in search of better lives than the UK government could provide. While I agree Britain should be more of an egalitarian nation after 70 years than it is, it’s important not to view the beginning of the second Elizabethan era through rose-tinted specs.
Striking similarities to lockdown editorial lines amongst so-called anti-establishment media outlets. Abandoned their raison d’etre to tow the establishment line of “putting differences aside to celebrate Her Majesty and her sense of public duty”, whatever that is supposed to mean. These events, as ever, come in useful to separate out the false friends.
The R M T cancelling strike action ? why ? speaks volumes, she oversaw wars, mass unemployment, homelessness, right wing governments driving people into poverty and the biggest insult ,it had the nerve to call people selfish who refused to have shit put into their arms , selfish ? from someone has done absolutely nothing for the wealth it’s got
UK Column were echoing something similar earlier but perhaps not so surprising.
Been a certain trend recently where they have exposed views which are anything but ‘alternative.’
To echo what someone said earlier its getting harder and harder to determine who you can trust in alt-media let alone the MSM.
whilst i agree entirely, it must also be recognised the UK Column is ‘ever so’ paternalistic in its presentation – it’s for all our benefit dontcha know!!
Gone on please name one….
The American married couple who host the video below talk of ‘King’ Charles’ involvement with the World Economic Forum…
“Video: ‘King’ Charles and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Agenda” (video: 26.48 mins), at:
Oh yes – Charlie has his finger in just about every pie.
And have a look at the great wealth and power the ‘royal’ family enjoys today:
A couple of years ago I read a book which spelt out what the ‘royal’ family actually is about… it covered a great deal of the source of their finances, and many other horrific facts about that family which the gullible ‘royalists’ are totally unaware of. If some of the latter category read the book, I think that at least some of them would decide not to continue to be ‘royalists’.
“… And what do YOU do? What the Royal Family don’t want you to know”, by Norman Baker.
The blurb includes the following: ‘[this book] is a provocative and hard-hitting analysis of the ‘royal’ family, exposing its extravagant use of public money and the highly dubious behaviour of some among its ranks, while remaining critical of the knee-jerk sycophancy shown by press and politicians alike’.
One of the press reviews says “Norman Baker brilliantly exposes how a Ruritanian farce is ripping us off. Vive la British revolution!”.
(The author is a former Minister of State and Privy Counsellor in the UK Government)
Its funny, I have shown the Sovile pics to many people over the past 15 years and they are still in denial. Its just like pointing out the chemtrails, people just refuse to even consider that conspiracies abound.
sorry to be pedantic but what you highlight are not conspiracies
Be better to have Rot-child in place of Savile, with tagline “Oh, same as the old one”
Here in Australia the rednecks think the Indigenous people should be grateful
Marilyn knows all the Australian rednecks, she is very well redneck connected.
Who will succeed?
Another vacuous leach feeding on the blood of “subjects”
What bad news will be buried?
The number of civilians slaughtered for Middle East oil the last 96 years.
Is there a grander narrative being planned?
No. Just more pompous assholes parading around with flags of countries they allegedly own…
And the flags are made in China, oh the irony!
Uk birthrate drops 14% by May 2022 following ‘vaccination’ campaign.
Those percentages simply mean some body wants/ needs requires more funding. Alternatively another for distance players to attack a Nation, wherever it may be, to act out their own Racism.
Or if you were to invert any percentage ‘graph’, what is your person opinion now.
I hate percentage graphs because they are easily manipulated and non specific.
It’s quite astonishing how convincing deepfake technology has become. Thanks to the poster called gordan for posting this video downthread. It was created at least three years ago by someone called “Ctrl Shift Face”. Here’s the embeddable YT version (3 minutes):
Mandatory Mourning: All football matches in the UK have been called off.
Just like Mandatory Masking, this is all about appearances: the appearance of danger, the appearance of grief, the appearance of national unity.
We can’t risk letting the proles make rude noises. Appearances must be kept up.
inclusivism is anti-christian
Does it say somewhere that this is a christian website? I can’t see it, maybe I need to disable my ad-blocker?
PS my penis is anti-christian.
“She did not simply reign over us, she lived alongside us”.
They really are trying to re-run “the People’s Princess”, aren’t they?
S/he did not simply reign over us, s/he lived alongside us”.
no. There fully aware about the repetition of hypnotic words,
If you’ve Gone back further they used the same headlines with PM / MP’s Sports stars film stars etc etc and all sorts who died.
Alex Higgins hated in the end by the media was
“the People’s Princess”,the people’s champion when he passed.Easy.
Well, it certainly suits the WEF that QEII has passed and her son would certainly be in tune with globalist elitist WEF policies. He is, however, in his 70s and may be rather an Edward VII figure, having had to wait so long for the succession to finally take place. Edward VII was an interregnum leading up to the events which brought global war to pass. It’s very hard to judge what William V would be like, as he has rarely if ever slipped out of formal Royal protocol to actually express some independent views. It is, however, clear, that he is on board with all the Green Net Zero nonsense which means that, to be remotely consistent, he should be required to insulate all the Royal properties to Passivhaus standards without availing himself of the public purse. One wonders how easy Balmoral, Sandringham and Buck House will be to convert to such ecological stringency? It might also be a good idea to get rid of the Royal Train, or at the very least make money from it when it is not occasionally being used for royal duties. Otherwise, it is a symbol of frightful inefficiency, waste and a standard bearer for elitist wanton greed, opulence and unnecessary misallocation of capital. If the Royal Yacht still exists, it could be used to transport thousands of illegal migrants back south of the Equator. I would like the accounts of the Royal Estates to become open to public scrutiny, since we can’t have non-taxpaying high rollers paying their employees starvation wages, expecting them to live in hovels or have their agricultural tenants pay annual tenancy fees of >50% of their net income. I’m sure that if the Monarchy is the wonderful, gracious organisation that all the Establishment extol it to be, then… Read more »
But why bother with any of that when they have such amazing PR?
Why do people have to have such a nasty swipe at people who seek asylum in the UK, they are not fucking illegal immigrants and it’s not their fault the UK is fucked but it is the UK’s fault that their countries are fucked.
They are overwhelmingly economic migrants you hapless clown.
They’re opportunistic adventurers, and once in sufficient numbers, will destroy the places they “immigrate” to.
What a pair of racist clowns, You do get the irony of anyone pommy whining about people on boats don’t you and the claim they will destroy the country they immigrate to? You must surely see what stupidity fuckwittery you are babbling.
(It’s usually Americans who constantly make that error. [I’m aware that you’re an Australian])
Keep fighting the good fight, Christine!
i suggest you do some research on what happened to Lebanon
bringing in over 1000 a day of these..ahem..95% men (where are all the women and children if they are really refugees?)
just a little quote from that link:
How Radical Islam uses Democracy to destroy it
But all of this was to change soon. The Lebanese, like many other non-Muslim states all over the world made the same mistake. The democratic rights were extended to the Muslim minorities, despite the fact that the Muslims were growing at a far greater pace than the Christian communities. Little did they realize that radical Islam uses democracy as an opportunity to capture important institutions and then grab power and destroy the very same democracy. In essence, they use democracy to destroy it. The rights that are extended to the Muslims when the non-Muslims are in majority are never extended to the non-Muslims when the Muslims become majority.
Here’s a different perspective, You should watch the whole documentary — Empire of Dust — if you dare.
UK owes Nothing, and should not be bringing these people into its country. These places were fucked before the UK got there, were better when the UK was there, and are fucked again when the UK left.
We’re looking at different sets of values, and different world views: period. If the UK wants to help these people in their own countries, I agree, they should — in their OWN countries.
Bringing these “colonized” peoples into the UK will only serve to destroy the UK. (Or Australia, or Canada, or USA).
Eventually, you’ll see that. Put down the White Man’s Burden. Stop patronizing,
The UK were on the panel who wrote and passed the refugee convention into law. Fuck off with the racist bullshit – I am just not interested in morons who blame victims of war and starvation caused by the racist west being blamed for any problems in the racist west.
just another puppet for the gullible to follow…WEF would disappear if only the masses could ignore them, but they fall in line…
Well, yes, but the WEF (which is an organization of the moment, an instrument of power, not a source of power) works with all major businesses and governments. How would they disappear if the masses ignored them?
People have ignored them for the last 50 years and they’ve only gotten stronger
One curiosity is that freemasonry is well known to want the downfall of “throne and altar” and yet the British monarchy is full of freemasons. How to explain this?
Some possibilities:
1) They meant the downfall of other monarchies – but not themselves. Catholic and Orthodox monarchies have certainly collapsed – the one exception being Spain which is an utter cesspool of freemasonic and other occult societies.
2) Their own downfall as a Royal Family will accompany the Final Revolution. So long as they keep their wealth and power….
3) The English royal family was in fact overthrown some time ago and what we’ve seen since is in fact a shell playing a role.
Masons are good service personnel.
I don’t know the exact answer to your difficult question, but before someone more competent could answer, I remembered what a funny quiz question, about the fall of the last Orthodox Empire, I came across recently.
“After the communist revolution in Russia, the bureaucracy had 545 state offices. As follows: ……? – 454; other double digits: Lithuanians-33, Russians-23, Armenians – 13, Germans – 12”
So it does not matter that after the socialist revolution in Russia, 454 of the 545 state offices were occupied by a population that made up between 1 and 2% of the population of Russia at that time. Could be Aztecs.
You must have heard the expression “forked tongue”. British aristocracy are experts at it.
-Gemini – Liz – Liz
-Last picture of Liz was with Liz on 9/6.
-She died age 96.
-Liz Truss was anti monarchy at one time.
She Was?
What happened to change the love affair, a can of furniture Polish, feather duster..got it.
Contract with max-factor to never use their products.
From BOE:
In summary CBDC
yes, worked out nicely for the banks – 2027 did they say they were introducing it?
i very much like this old tech old home movie done on no budget nothing at all
just method
the never was none such queen died some sum time ago
jim carey in the shining
Deepfake queen to deliver Channel 4 Christmas message
23 December 2020
My guess about where we’re heading is that Charles’ designated role is to be useless and contribute to a “Britian’s falling apart” trope. Whether he knows it or not doesn’t really matter. I give it about a year until the “can’t we have William?” drumbeat starts. I expect some sort of a re-run of the abdication crisis (they aren’t very original) around the time Labour are manoeuvred back into power. Using the “I can’t stand all this beastliness to the woman I love” angle would allow Charles to remain a romantic hero, at least in his own eyes. There’s royal precedent and there’s been recent precedent from the Pope standing down. The last abdication was not what it appeared and neither will this one be. There are various theories what the last one was all about – I’m not sure which is correct but they’re all more plausible than the official story.
BTW nice of the RMT leadership to call the rail strikes off. That was a remarkably quick ballot – and the cost of living cause has obviously been solved. Nothing to do with establishing a narrative that elected politicians can’t solve anything but the unelected can make the trains run on time….