Dangerous? Not So Much
Todd Hayen

As long as he keep the blind fold on, he won’t fall. Right?
There is so much arm flapping going on from us shrews to get sheep attention that it can become rather annoying.
I have used the Chicken Little analogy before: we are all running around getting continually bonked on the head by falling acorns it isn’t funny, “Look! look! look! The sky is falling!! People are dropping in droves! Death, disease, mayhem! Why don’t you see it???”
But what is it really that we are seeing that they are not? We believe it is proof that what we have been saying since day one is truth. From the extreme that they are intentionally trying to eliminate most of the population on earth, to a slightly watered-down accusation that their vaccine is far more dangerous than intended and people have to stop taking it because A) it doesn’t work as advertised and B) it is not as safe as they assured us it was.
What the sheep see is slightly different. First of all, they will never buy the genocide angle unless they have to wade through dead bodies, literally, to get to the store to buy some eggs (which won’t be there because all those responsible for eggs on the shelves are also dead).
And they won’t buy the lesser of these two intentions until they have to literally wade through those same dead bodies…you get the point.
Actually, if the stated reason (wading through dead bodies) was true, the sheep probably would only BEGIN to believe the vaccine “might not be as safe as originally thought”…the genocide scenario most people will never believe was caused by an intentional extermination, no matter what happens.
And what really are we flapping about? 40 dead doctors in Ontario? Why not everywhere? 30,000 VAERS deaths, reported by anyone who can fill out a form?
A dubious (dubious to sheep at least) report from Pfizer that a large percentage of pregnant women in their trial had miscarriages? What about my niece who just gave birth to a healthy child? And the numerous other births I have heard about in my experience from vaccinated mothers who are perfectly fine?
Excess mortality? Deaths in 2022 a few percentage points higher than deaths from 2017? One out of every 73 vaccinated persons now dead in the UK? Really? Who? Do I know any of them?
These examples, and many more like them, are pisses in a bucket to sheep. Do you want to hear other figures that fly right over a sheep head?—Other pisses in the bucket?
In the US alone per year: 696.962 deaths from heart disease, 602,350 deaths from cancer, 200,955 deaths from accidents, 102,188 deaths from diabetes. And what about starvation around the world? 36,000,000. Let that sink in. Thirty-six million.
Who cares enough to do something about it? Or find all this sobering information to be of central importance? Not I, said the fly. Not I.
What’s my point? Well, in our current context this sort of arm flapping to sheep is only just that, arm flapping. And speaking of flies, it seems the sheep keep on happily chewing on their cuds while just flicking the flies away with an ear twitch here and there.
The numbers listed above about the disastrous effects of the vaccine are just not impressive enough for any of them to really care, they should care, and the statistics are indeed quite impressive, but not impressive enough for the average sheep to give them a second thought.
They will just rationalize these statistics away with idiotic statements like “all that is due to Covid and long Covid,” or “all that is due to climate warming,” or “all that is due to Trump being an idiot.” Whatever.
They also may not even believe any of it. And if they do believe it, even if they by some miracle attribute it to the vaccine, they will brush it off with a “well, it isn’t THAT bad, and if it all IS true, it was worth it because it prevented many millions from dying of Covid!”
Good enough. Go on living your nice comfortable, protected lives, my little sheep friends.
Yeah, I’m getting angry.
There are a bunch of reasons for this. One of them is that all these folks look over their shoulder to consult with the MSM or the talking heads they trust whenever they are confronted with any of this and say, “Should I believe this?” And of course the answer is, “No, little one, you will not believe this.”
I have a very close friend who I used to feed some seriously damaging information (to the agenda). He never looked at any of it, he would respond with comments like, “The news source that published the article you sent me is known to promote Russia,” or, “The author of that article is a Republican, I didn’t bother to read it.”
Before considering anything, he looked over his shoulder to see what daddy or mommy had to say first. According to mommy and daddy we are all children to our handlers, we are all incapable of deciding for ourselves what is true or not true.
Another reason is their fear of the consequences of being wrong after having committed their lives, their health, and the lives and health of their loved ones to this agenda.
When they are shown their commitment was based on false information and lies, it all crumbles down, and then they become responsible for not only their own death (potentially) but also the death of all the people they love who have been on board with the same agenda.
Better to play it out to the end in that particular tribe than face that reality. It is simply too much to bear. We also cannot forget the unconscionable possibility that their precious government, their sweet and loving mommy and daddy, are evil devils. Their entire ego structure would collapse if that were true.
For us shrews it is a given, we always knew mom and dad were wicked (the government ones, I don’t know about the real ones) and our ego structure isn’t built on fantasies.
So what sort of disaster becomes big enough to wake up the sheep and for them to start questioning some of this? If 36 million deaths from starvation worldwide isn’t enough to inspire most people to donate at least $500 a month to end world hunger, then it would have to be a mighty heavy stick to whack a suitable impression into people’s heads regarding the dangers of Covid vaccinations. It also probably would take at least some form of personal experience, like having a child die in your arms of a proven vaccine injury.
Sheep have a myriad of reasons why they don’t wake up, not the least being they simply are not impressed with our arm flapping. They think it was all worth it, and that the thousands of excess deaths and injuries are at best an exaggeration, at worst a small price to pay to have avoided the ravages of the Great Covid Purge.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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you can write a million pages, still you won’t be able to justify the use of word sheep in that context. No compelling argument exist that could be accepted by a well rounded human being!!
Talk about this during your supervision…I guess you have one since you are a registered psychotherapist.
People’s minds can cave in at a certain point if they have to face something unimaginable. Its simply a defense mechanism. I try too but less now.
Total bullshit written by absolute morons…
Wow Jeff, compelling argument there. Did you finish top of your class for critical thinking? A2
Try using Jeff the sheep if you want to be taken more seriously
I don’t know anyone dead from the Vax; but, I knew this was a Con Job Extraordinaire–from the onset! The sheeple need someone to make decisions for them–hence, belief in the MSM/Govt./Scientists’ Narrative! Common sense & critical THINKING died many decades ago!
Concur. Reading your description of a sheep is almost an exact description of a friend I have. He doesn’t know anyone dead from a vaccine so he doesn’t think it’s happening. It’s the old “I just had a big lunch so world hunger isn’t real” kind of magical thinking. And yes it just isn’t that big a deal to them and for some reason being lied to is fine. It’s fine! Maybe they didn’t lie? Maybe the science changed? Okay maybe they lied but it wasn’t a big deal. I’m fine and so is everyone I know. Now please excuse me I have some Netflix to binge…
There is a bright side. So much more green grass.
The silence about vaxx injury is interesting. The silence about the goodness of vaccination is similarly interesting.
By now I would have thought that our lockdown saviors and vaccination heroes would have given themselves all sorts of knighthoods, prices and other pieces of honor. But nothing of that. – Why not?
Because by now vaxx injury has become obvious. You do not need statistics for it in order to see it (like covid), but it can be seen by anyone who has eyes. It is scary as hell. People who suddenly die, lost their stamina, developed neurological illness, developed thrombotic diseases. Anyone who has been vaxxed ‘knows’ by now that he could be next in that line. That they are silent about it or maybe even do as if vaxx was a good ‘choice’, is to hide their fear for you or even from themselves. It doesn’t help to call these people sheep.
Another reason why people are silent about the vaxx is because the pressure that people gave each other at the time to get vaxxed was morally wrong and they know it. That is why the vaccination heros aren’t knighted. It would produce outrage. Better silence the whole vaxx discussion: ‘Nothing to see there, please disperse’.
It takes courage to admit a mistake, and courage was the thing that was lacking in all those who actively propagated the vaxx at the time. Well, the lack of courage is what those people are feeling now and it sure as hell doesn’t feel good. It may be their way to get away with crime, like doctors get away with crime by not admitting to patients that their treatments were actually hurting the patient and which is the reason why so many doctors try to disappear their crimes trough alcoholism. Please also note that admitting the crime (of vaxx injury) is not possible when you are doctor who still works in the medical industry. It is taboo for the simple reason that if doctors would start to openly admit medical mistakes, there would be no end and hospitals would go bankrupt because of numerous lawsuits. Also here, I see no reason to call any of this sheep behavior.
Another factor is most people don’t believe or want to accept the fact our leaders are that corrupt and evil, despite daily evidence this is so. The cognitive dissonance is too heavy to bear. They think when we show data about eugenics, global depopulation and adverse reactions, we’re the ones who are misinformed or crazy. They are too wedded to their ideologies, cults of personality and propaganda, they are afraid to think for themselves. The MSM and the digital monopoly media are their Bibles and gurus, their powers of discernment and critical thinking have atrophied, some are even comatose. Others don’t want to be ostracized, marginalized, browbeaten or have their professional licenses, certificates and funding taken away (think medical doctors, nurses, ministers, funeral directors, real scientists and academicians).
Someone once said, “it is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” We are seeing this in real time on a daily basis.
Mark Twain is the source of the quote.
I keep an eye on the weather, so i dont need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind’s blowing…Talk of Nuclear War is on the airwaves again…If an invisible, silent
virusradiation mist should start its swirl around the planet slowly closing in on Melbourne Australia, the final outpost of dying humanity, as depicted in the movie ‘On The Beach’ (Nevil Shute), i’m only a few hours drive from Melbourne…There’s no cows, sheep. goats, dogs or cats in the movie, they all got sacrificed to save the planet from global warming…But there’s still horses & horse races, maybe because our feudal overlords had a soft spot for The Sport of Kings…
Shrews don’t have arms to wave. Sheep don’t eat eggs, much less go shopping for them.
I guess this video takes this assertion one step further, maybe borderline on YouTube?
Pester Power…Kids in school are a captive audience…Start them young, cultivate future markets for your products…
‘Snacks containing bugs have been introduced to 1000 school canteens across the nation by a Western Sydney company that says its products can help save the planet from global warming.
‘Kids around the nation are now munching on chips laced with eco-friendly cricket protein…
‘One 50g pack contains more protein than an egg…’ And so on. (Daily telegraph. 8 Sept 2022. p11)…
Little billy gates doesnt give a damn whether you believe Global Warming is gonna happen, or a Little Ice Age is gonna happen…Either one, he’s gonna make money. He has a product to sell…And kids are a future market…
Of course, he cant rely on Mother Nature doing the expected so a little nudging wont go astray…Whether Their plannings are innocent or sinister depends…
‘If COVID has been anything, it has been the most helpful little virus to ever have existed. That is, as long as you’re a member of the global feudal overlord
It’s funny how when I told my ‘sheep’ that Covid was inconsequential for most people on earth and, look how many people die each year of heart disease and cancer, etc., the sheep were still in a panic and simply did not care about cancer deaths, so long as they could be protected from Covid, stupid me.
Try moving them to a different paddock and let them browse the hedgerows. They’ll be well happy.
nah man,
leave that meadow and hedgeline alone,
let them buy kettles..
Puppeteers and puppets pupating pointless platitudes perfidiously.
All theory is gray, my friend. But forever green is the tree of life.
– Goethe
Very true, and it’s not only in the big things that sheep need big daddy to guide them. Their taste in music,literature,what to eat and and and everything is guided by experts. They don’t even live their own lives.
My thoughts exactly.
There’s no more powerful propaganda than reality. Whatever we may be thinking is secondary to how we’re living. And if how we’re living is being determined by social relations contradicting what we’re thinking, we are compelled by cognitive dissonance to resolve the contradiction.
It seems too many of us eventually choose to go along to get along, sacrifice honesty and replace it with numbed acquiescence. Which never really works, as we only become more twisted, in various stages of madness, like all the others with whom we live who have similarly adapted to ‘the way things are’, reality.
And we learn such habit at earliest age, before we can really think, behavioral conditioning preceding consciousness in its development to mold us through such means as schooling and socialization into slavery, obedience, discipline and punishment – while receiving instruction in doublethink of how free we are (and have no one to blame but ourselves for failing to get ahead in the rat race). The experience is no different than living in an abusive household in constant fog from all the mixed messages. We are made mad.
Tomorrow’s the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 coup. Its lies have become truth because those who control the means of manufacturing reality, with all their shameless indifference to consistent inconsistencies, have simply steamrolled forward with might-makes-right logic. Repeat after Big Brother. Official narrative is drummed into us by hegemonic cultural institutions of education, media, politics. Same old story now with the covid coup
And even more than the thought police, there’s always the way things are. Social engineering now requires us to be conditioned into micromanaged habits of the new abnormal, marching lockstep to absurdities of masking, testing, social distancing, in order to lead us further into atrocities of fascism and final solutions. Complain as much as you like, just so long as you comply, is what those who make history are effectively saying, as the plandemic is made endemic.
It’s liberating to wake up, continually, from the psychopathology of everyday life as defined by the powers that are, and see them for the powers that shouldn’t be. But if we’re going to enable others to awake along with us, and stay awake, we’ll have to liberate social space and time for another way of living together beyond the trauma that is ‘the real world’. There’s no more powerful persuader of the worth of doing so than doing so, together building a new world within the shell of the old. It’s our example, not our arguments, which will carry the day into new ways of being human amid all the inhumanity.
Revolutionize reality.
True. Absolutely no-one will remember the arguments, words or thoughts will evaporate but an orchard may remain, a chicken coup, a goatherd, a self sufficient community and descendants will remain, and if they do so will the stories they lived. It’s pointless complaining now; just build.
Beautifully said niko
good words.
i mean that, not taunting : )
the society in which so many of us find ourselves is “not compatible with life” (as the russki’s describe it!)
it ain’t fun.
Live Life x
There is little more powerful than living honestly. What can affect an honest man or woman? God or nature if you prefer, is on your side.
And yet, you fail to see that the real problem is that the sheep, and even many of those who fancy themselves aware, believe in “Covid,” despite no virus ever having been physically isolated and purified (let alone identified as the pathogen), as admitted by 208 health agencies around to world in response to FOI requests from Christine Massey, whose work BTW remains unacknowledged in an article on this site.
Christine Massey still calls the shot a vaccine. Should tell you alot.
She opposes all of them, i.e. all “vaccines,” so she doesn’t feel the need to differentiate, and make the pre-“COVID” ones look relatively OK, none of them are justifiable. She does not believe ANY viruses have ever been proven to exist. I don’t agree with her naming policy, but she has a point. She has done a huge amount of good work, attacking her for using a particular word vs another one is ridiculous in her case.
Christine Massey deserves huge respect for just asking that simple and obvious and really useful question so persistently. She doesn’t seek the limelight or waste time bloviating; she just works away modestly and lets the damning results of those countless FOI requests speak for themselves.
She reminds me of the unfamous high-school physics teacher David Chandler, who did a simple calculation that forced the only correction I know of to the Official 9/11 Yarn.
God bless these ordinary people who stick their necks out in defence of the truth for no personal gain or fame.
We learned about the awesome power of cognitive dissonance You couldn’t break through those walls with a dozer. Some really smart psychology folks knew which buttons to push and how often; now that the hypnotic effects of propaganda and lies have set in, now that they surrendered their lives to the shots, they are all in and won’t even entertain the possibility that they were duped. Amazing to watch.
Well said. An accurate description of why so many folks won’t listen to the truth.
The supreme rulers are hardly known by their subjects.
The lesser are loved and praised.
The even lesser are feared.
The least are despised.
Those who show no trust will not be trusted.
Those who are quiet value the words.
When their task is completed, people will say:
We did it ourselves.
–Tao Te Ching
Getting sheep attention… What a waste!
I watched a video yesterday, one of those man on the street interviews where the interviewer asked ridiculous questions so we could see how stupid most people are. I mean, he literally asked, “where is the Panama canal”?, “how many states are there”, and “name the twelve months”. The people, all young, were clueless, it was unbelievable but very believable and sad.
Point is, maybe the biggest reason the sheep don’t wake up is they are just plain stupid.
Of course, that doesn’t explain the ones who do know where the Panama canal is and do know how many states there are. But then again, maybe it does.
Saves me answering Albert’s lament. Not knowing how many states/where’s the Panama (Hallo!) Canal is the least of the problem. Even lots of rote learning and research to get your PhD won’t teach you think independently.
Maybe it was a different video to the one you’re referring to, but I saw one of those videos a few months ago (it was filmed in the States; I’m in the UK). One of the questions asked was “How many days are there in a year?”. One young woman answered “1000, I think. Yes, 1000”. The interviewer looked aghast, and said to her, “Are you sure?”. She reiterated, “Yes, I’m sure”.
I can’t recall the other questions asked, but were in the same vein as those you’ve mentioned. The title of the video was on the lines of “Now we know why so many people believe the ‘covid’ narrative”.
As you say, it’s very sad, that so many people out there don’t even have basic knowledge; that they’re so clueless.
Whenever somebody comes up to me with a camera and mike and starts asking me questions, I lie. I say the exact opposite of what they expect. I start shouting at them about how near the end is … Sure glad I paid attention to my professors all through Subversion 101.
Complaining and arm-flapping about the useless sheeple is probably the commonest and most unoriginal commentary found on independent fora like this. Strangely, the complainants often seem more outraged by the powerless sheeple than by the very powerful cabal of shepherds making all the murderous decisions and doing all the branwashing. In fact, complainants constitute a veritable herd of outraged, enlightened beasts all baahing in unison, all ignoring the painful and obvious truth that not one single member of the huge group they whine about will ever hear them. So why, oh why do they bother?
Is that jachin and boaz on either side? Oh, and a serpent’s tongue protruding on our left? The crown is in front, leading. Everything in the picture is repulsive.
> Everything in the picture is repulsive.
It’s what the sheeple admire.
Sitting on a throne like that, legs akimbo… Kings don’t sit like that.
He clearly still needs his mother’s firm hand – right on the jaw…
From Prince to King in only 73 years. It’s inspiring.
His autobiography will be entitled One’s Struggle.
Or, One’s Revenge…
Our capacity to operate under and active and defended ignorance as our protected but covert identity is universal but takes different forms according to our personality type, conditioning/formative years and survival strategy.
Insofar as we let what was internalised or normalised as subconscious to a present awareness, we grow more consciously integrated.
Narrative identity is captive to and led by its story.
The mythic elements of story are archetypal, but life is not templated to such unless of course you insist!
Many would rather be ‘right’ regardless of whether in fact they are right, truly happy or even suffering or dying as a result of deep seated belief NOT open to re-vision.
But in terms of free will, this is simply part of free will.
Rather than seek to change, why not seek to understand why we have such a movement and why others choose as they are whether they – as yet – recognise the choices involved. Much of our mind runs covert or unconscious to a fronting out of a masking identity that covers our Soul awareness – and capacity to recognise the life and light in others.
The shock-reaction persists in complex spin-offs.
WHO fed the story in which to invest identity in and become an unwitting stakeholder?
I’m not against the movement of raising awareness – but for pushing provocations to a radical awareness instead of falling into story.
There is no such thing as free-will.
Spinoza explains it quite well…
Giants of Philosophy– Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) the Netherlands part3/8 – YouTube
Explains, he, old Baruch – what was explained to him that he had to explain.
I hope you have read it carefully and understood how to watch out for dangerous germs of the illusion of free will.:)
It is very difficult to break away from addictive behavior. It takes a lot of introspection and honest inventory of one’s life in order to make the break. It is painful and at first very frightening to allow oneself to be free and live a fully human and loving life. However, in order to move toward freedom and truth this path MUST be taken.
A lot of people are victims of learned habits over time. We must not let those toxic behaviors hold us back from doing what is right and just. At times my own anger can hold me prisoner to those who are NOT AWAKE. We have ZERO control on how those who are not awake will act and think about what we have discovered over time regarding the issues that are discussed within these pages of critical thinking.
Our job or VOCATION is to stay AWAKE and continue on the PATH that we have found to be true and life giving not only for ourselves but for others as well.
This is so difficult to accomplish but a lot of us know how it was when WE WERE ASLEEP.
Besides, we are constantly being reminded that we cannot return from where we have come from. We are more at peace with ourselves than we have ever been in our lives simply because we are AWAKE. Yes, we get depressed and angry when others do not share our vision of the NOW and what the future holds but that needs be expected. Be a part of what is life giving and not that which is destructive to the body, mind and soul.
I look forward to the articles on OG and the comments. Thank you and Peace to All.
One of the best comments ever.
Sometimes I start feeling tired. I wish we didn’t have to go through all this. I wish the world could be as simple as it was before. I find myself longing for the simplicity of those times before I knew about all this. I worry for my kids…
coming to the realization everything you know is a lie, and the government is out to maim/kill you IS a shock to the system
it threw me for a loop, circa 2002 – I’ll spare you the details of my coping mechanisms
I don’t wish illness or death on those who took the jab, wish the opposite was true – the vitriol from the left is shocking
If you don’t know – why not accept that rather than frame it as everything lies?
Not knowing is Receptive to That which knows.
https://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.07038.pdf maybe because everything you hear and see is a lie.. concealed in propaganda.
We humans have been caged into one of 256 different nations states. and each cage is owned by a different group of oligarchs but all the cages are controlled by a corporate controlled, centrally managed, environment which is policed by bots and the laws politicians pass to satisfy the oligarchs that own them.
Dear Todd,
NEVER, in the field of HUMAN CONFLICT…
Has so much been owed by so FEW (Phew)
I have stated this very clearly and too many times, & ages ago in the Guardian & FT, long
Before & after Maidan and actually since the 11th September 2001, publicly after the
Collapse of the ENRON Corporation S.E.C. investigation within WTC7, which was predictable
from 1987 onwards, i.e. The Valhalla Scandal & GEO-ENGINEERING! Collapsing the US Second largest corporation, for ‘greater goals’ Of Central Banker’s, Of a Dictatorial nature above any democracy and sovereign political control, leaving 40,000 personnel Pensionless and unemployed,
To preserve SECRECY over Technology & Aladdin’s Methodology , from 1997 onwards,
ALL was Clear & Public knowledge, if disseminated… widely & clearly.
Until the Western politicians regulate their MEDIA & Prosecute their owners, for self-interest:
How could you expect anything other than brainless ill informed sheep… ?
Some were checking fact chequers, before any such notion and before http://www.2cows.com
Ever even existed !!! Sorry to say, but this forum is a calculated mere extension of arenas,
Rather like Napster… going nowhere, unless we focus on electronic REGULATION,
For COMMON PURPOSE ! Like Energy costs… minus corporate Fascism !
Excellent, sincere statement. 😍
On WHAT uman civilization are you living?!
jesters/scoundrels (aka politicians) OBEY the orders of the Owners, not the other way around.
Therein lies the root of the problem which began with the British.
Broadcasting Corporations and Capitalist goals purely as growth in numbers,
With a view to controlling the Minds of sheep depending on Border Collies,
Rather than growing the core values of a Common Law, designed to advance
One common spirit of good will, absent any subservience . . .
Technology & The media’s information streams, have historically been Lept Upon
By Corporations wishing to train and delegate Sheep herding to Border Collies and
One Man, better still one Woman. The advent of visual instruction above Radio
only complicated core issues of common purpose, to the point whereby absent
Longterm Research into the consequences of Corporate Pavlovian practice, the people
were Delivered as Lambs, to slaughter @Corporate will, willing False Idols: thus,
The Queen’s Coronation 👸was a sacrilegious affair in terms of humanity, obviating common purpose, which installed Corporate Control on high, even above kings & Queens & Governance…
Govern the media, first & Foremost, with a view to growing Soul, purpose & ‘Umanity:
Not solely numbers on a spreadsheet that enables Corporations to spreadsh8t to
Further their theft of bodily control, in every dept. ! Educating the educators
became a fully automated Pavlovian practice.
Just an afterthought: consider the governing body of the BBC, (in whom so many choose to invest, both in Faith & Financially !), as being a psychological in-corporation of a woollen soft cosy Landing in the development of Trust in Corporations: then the battle for control of the minds of the massive volume of sheep became infinitely easier…
BBC.Trust.Simples.Trust in Corporations who will inform you for whom to vote, based
Upon and decided by a female HSBC banking director, the proverbial ‘golden skirt’ delegating to Border Collies. Kids were seduced before your birth, by Blue Peter.
Get down Shep, get down Shep or I’ll cuff you round the ear. (John Noakes)
Note: the repetition.
There’s nothing like a bout of “covid” to put things in perspective. (Yes, I know: there’s no such thing. So may I call it simply The Blahs?) Whatever it is (and take you pick from column A and column B), I had it – and still do, after two weeks.
I haven’t been deathly ill; but I definitely have been sick. 1) Headache – not really bad; 2) body aches – not too bad considering I’m 78; 3) Shortness of breath – bad sometimes, not so bad other times; 4) loss of taste – the worst part wasn’t not being able to taste but the extreme salt taste with many (way too many) foods; 5) sore throat – really bad for a couple days; 6) sneezing – some, most in the late stages (the clean up phase); 7) cough – same as with sneezing.
It’s all given me a rather bad anxiety (I know: that’s my fault, not “covid’s.”) Though my lungs have so far been fine, it’s still really scary not being able to take a deep breath sometimes – especially at night in bed (though I sleep in an elevated position).
In short, I still wouldn’t get vaccinated; but the vaccine doesn’t look quite so ominous and threatening any longer. And I can definitely see why “the sheep” were terrified of getting sick with “covid.” I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy – well, actually I would, I’m not quite that nice.
All the symptoms you mention are the body de-toxifying itself and protecting you. It doesn’t matter what invaded it, rest easy knowing you appear to have a well-oiled immune system.
And, on that basis, you don’t need any monkey-gunk to assist you.
Shouldn’t the immune system be working kind of “behind the scenes” to de-toxify the body 24/7 – since we are being constantly exposed to toxins?
That is to say, shouldn’t the process be an on-going, day to day activity which one is barely aware of on a conscious level? Kind of like digestion, or breathing, or cardio-vascular activity?
So that when this process becomes blatant and “in your face” it means that the immune system is most definitely not working correctly? And couldn’t that, in turn, be a sign of exposure to some different kind of toxin which the immune system has not encountered before and doesn’t quite know how to handle?
As an example of normal immune activity, for decades I’ve gotten “shingles” on my right knee (so far, nowhere else – knock wood). It follows a very definite pattern each time; nothing extraordinary, always the same. I stick a band aid on it, and forget about it; and in a week it’s better.
This has been entirely different from any head-cold type of situation. It’s in excess of anything I’ve ever experienced. As I indicated, I’m willing to accept that it’s not really “covid.” But most people would not be quite as open minded about something like this.
So I can sympathize with their dilemma.
I agree with previous, your immune system is working well, so help it by cleaning up your diet, add in lots of fresh greens and herbs, getting more quality hydration and cleanse your mind and soul with gratitude and joy. (there is a good reason why fear has been forcefully injected to our reality). Our bodies are designed perfectly and know how to be well, it is our mind that needs to learn.
I’m not so sure this piece accurately describes the entirety of how those who have been “going along” with the fraud understand the current situation. I think there are huge numbers of people who are quite sick in ways that they can’t explain and are resigned to silent suffering. They are not going to publicly admit to ‘how’ they became so ill and certainly not to those of us who were warning them.
But they do know that since they got the injection they have been “quite off” and have been experiencing rolling waves of illness as their immune systems have become fatigued. I have heard many of these stories directly and have read of countless others.
As far as the US goes there is a sustained mass death event that is underway which is unprecedented at any time in the countries history during “peace time” excepting the Spanish Flu (it wasn’t the flu) event of 1918.
Here are some US all-cause mortality details to consider:
2015= -2,072 excess; 2016= -17,489 excess; 2017= +17,687 excess; 2018= +7,452 excess; 2019= -15,694 excess; 2020= +431,122 excess; 2021= +508,437 excess and 2022 is on pace to resemble 2020/2021.
From 2015 to 2019 not once was there a week of 5 digit mortality excess. In 2020/2021 combined there have been 50 such examples.
Every single week in 2020/2021 the US had a + rate of mortality excess off the baseline except the first 9 weeks of 2020. Weeks 10 and 11 of 2020 had negligible increase.
The corresponding massive increase in excess corresponds with the March 11 WHO “pandemic” declaration. Leading into that decalaration there was nothing notable that would have caused one concenr based on direct observational experience.
Going up to Weeks 12-16 of 2022 in the US there were 104 straight weeks of excess all-cause mortality- the first 10 weeks of 2022 saw extremely high all-cause excess. Nothing like this has ever occurred in the countries history, not even close, other than times of cataclysmic events such as WW2.
And since Week 16 of 2022 the + excess has kicked in again going up to Week 28 the last week where data exists.
Maxwell, do you have a link for any of the above, please?
Go here for source- I compiled the data:
About the situation in Germany, in the telegram?
No idea what you are talking about.
Oh. I must have made a mistake. Excuse me.
After my annoying mistake, I came across a telegram – which has nothing to do with the above sites – that tracks the mortality situation in the United States and Germany. If it is of interest and of benefit to someone, he can look at it.
While the following numbers cannot be documented, I would estimate that in the USA at least, 30% could be considered hard core “sheep” / cult covideans, 30% well awakened to the overall agenda including the death jabs, and 40% still trying to figure it out. Converting the cult covideans is a thankless task. They will just stick their fingers in their ears, flap the remaining fingers, and make loud, rude noises in order to drown out your words. However, the “awakened” have made remarkable success “converting” the middle 40% to conspiracy facts. Less than 3% of infants and toddlers in the USA have been jabbed with the new EUA. African countries have sidelined Gates’ and his repulsive puppet, Tedros’ attempt to make the WHO essentially a military force for the “health dictatorship.” Monkey pox closed right after opening night, though its target group, the male gay community, was probably instrumental in its failure to gain any traction. I can’t quite figure out that misstep.
I did not care for the substance of this article. Hayen allows his chagrin at his failure to convert the braindead cult covidians, to reflect an inaccurate view of the awakening of the masses. The exponential (almost overnight) deindustrialization of Europe will probably have more effect than the 60+% increase of mortality rates of (previously) working, insured, and jabbed millennials which is assuredly caused by the death shots. It is obvious that there is a huge mass awakening going on which has panicked the elitista death cult to attempt to lock down the planet ASAP. Slam shut the barn door before any more minds escape. But haste makes waste. The death cult has a strong home field advantage but the outcome is far from decided.
“The British, Are Coming!
The British, Are Coming!”
NOW, replace “British” with
Poison Jabs,
I wonder how different we
are NOW…
from the 1700’s.
From the 1940’s.
We, as human beings, don’t
seem to take the shouted
warnings of “They Are Coming!”
with the importance they
Until it is our OWN door
being kicked in. siiiggghh…
One thing is for sure, and I’ve
seen it mentioned in numerous
memes and a handful of comments
to posts, articles, etc. lately.
If you ever wondered what
YOU would have DONE,
as SOMEONE rode by YOUR
home on horseback yelling,
“They’re Coming!”…
During the RISE of
NAZI’ism in WWII…
committed BY those you were
with your HEALTH, your SAFETY,
your FREEDOM, your LIVES, and
those of YOUR children…
you KNOW.
~ The Jackal’s “MARK”
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any bull?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three mouths full;
One from the Fauci,
One from the Schwab,
And one from the CDC
In the theatre of macabre
Baa, baa, black sheep,
A needle in every arm
Safe and effective
What could be the harm?
It’s easy to sit down and turn on the television. It takes time, effort and thought to dig a bit or consider another explanation. To be the black “sheep” is difficult, isolating and unpopular. To chose that path one has to accept the consequences and understand few will side with them. I understand the sheep’s motivations, but could never myself stop questioning everything just for a moments comfort.
That which you described, was me, from 1987 onwards.
Thanks for the affirmation .
Most sincerely.
Yes, escaped the clutches of the Western mainstream, and finally, 35 years later, came to RIA Novosti as a source of information. 😉
Further down you have contributed something of value to common purpose,
And “your audience” 🤣 (you bastard Merchant of Venetian psychology.)
Mercifully the quality cannot be strained…
I first truly began to understand the full circle nature of the media beast, inc. banking circles & corporations, in 1975 after the death of Roger East in East Timor 🇹🇱 thanks to grandad’s WW2 military intelligence ‘wealth of understanding’ the physics of energy: post power cuts & OPEC energising ‘Black Gold’, things began to add up & above & beyond the Gold Market.
(Whilst enjoying a sincere wink or nod, respectfully regarding your efforts
further down, you are correct in suggesting the quality of Communications and the reasoning behind is critical, knowing oneself first. Therefore, small mercies might help us.) Your RIA irony 2me being:- Less than a decade post 1975, whilst being paid to read the whole English news media in print, inc. The Cape Times, South China Morning Post, IHT, WSJ, NYT etc. on top of the UK/US selection of magazines, to provide press cuttings to Shell, B.P. , ExxonMobil etc. & the F.C.O. with a very specific brief, as media researcher & analyst of content, one early morning after a nightshift, I became unwittingly ‘Head Hunted’ by one of the above & subsequently sort of
Seduced, out of curiosity, by a Corporate Business Intelligence Unit that
Effectively essentially evolved computing business equations, having the Tech.
Long before the Internet, even profiling individuals… from Daniel Ortega to
Bernard Eastlund R.i.P. , whose design patents belonged to the
Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO). You remember them ?
I’ll stop harping on for now because I just saw a wonderful
Woodpecker and the Weather is changing …
Always in Russia and in China, too
since the Olympics, ‘thanks to’
Lockheed Martin and some
Silver-iodide +.+another hint:
Compare the price of Silver in
The 80’s in relation to today…
Talk about reflections 😔
42 years after the Aral Sea
began to disappear.
Just admit you didn’t do good to the @diva user who stopped writing after you trolled her well and cleverly, say you’re sorry, that you are bitterly remorseful and can not calm your conscience, and we’ll be friends again. 👁
Very clearly I have behaved badly, in your eyes and probably others, therefore, respectfully, given your persistence, it is entirely possible
(Given my various 6 medical conditions) that I woke up feeling grumpy,
Which evolved into a certain anger: so before I do the honourable thing
and stop behaving like a trans-nationalist-diva on skates, I would love to know exactly what I said that has triggered your perseverance on this ‘matter’ and the whole context, from top to bottom, including surrounding
Comments from the wealth of Trolls abusing this site. In other words,
perhaps I saw patterns or know or see things that neither you nor Diva are
Seriously cognisant of… send the link please, for some honest and
Sincere reflections. We are none of us perfect and should an apology be
Required from me, I assure you I will leap to attention.
Like you, I do play dumbass in order to exact a specific response, out of people, purely to be sure of what I might say next. So to say getting my
Ducks or Divas in a row. However, often I choose not to pull the trigger
Until the duck becomes fully mature…
Spare me the ultimatums. Be specific. From the date alone I will know,
For example, was I on one specific medication 💊, still no excuse for not apologising, which if necessary I will willingly do so…
Context please Plino.
N.B Unless you know Diva personally, in which case, I would obviously prefer to apologise first directly, personally from the heart, to her.
Bare in mind that it only takes one second to score a goal or kill oneself
Accidently. Even, where I live it can happen that you do not hear further from me, because a drunken or drug crazed Bulgarian or Roma has wiped the sheet clean for you, when 3 sheets to the wind: indeed, in early July,
exactly this nearly happened when dropping my wife @Sofia Airport and the man was on the run from the police, crossing my path, AFTER mowing
Down a 22 and 26 year old pair of young ladies on the pavement in Sofia!!
A tragic waste of youth, wasted by a man that should already have been imprisoned after 17 years with no driving license and 70 (seventy)
Offences pending, due to bribery and police corruption including,
So it seems, a military Judge who just happened to arrive at the scene of
The dead women…
If I am alive, I promise you a response, one way or another as a
Matter of conscience and common courtesy.
I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years (since my late teens/early 20s). Yes, to be the ‘black sheep’ is ‘difficult, isolating, and unpopular’.
Everyone else in my family follows the MSM and compliantly ‘believe’ all that they hear on their beloved TVs. Despite all the very detailed information which I’ve imparted to them since then (re. a multitude of different subjects), they still opt to accept the ‘official’ narrative, as opposed to the actual facts.
Which is why they all very willingly (even excitedly, in my sister-in-law’s case… and that was even after she’d told me, in Aug. 2020, that she was caused to be “seriously ill” after she compliantly had the ‘swine flu’ injection in 2009… you’d think she’d have learnt her lesson, wouldn’t you…) ‘rolled up their sleeves’ for the current ‘jabs’.
“There are none so blind as those who will not see: & the most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.”
Which kind of begs the question 🤔
Why do they choose to forget ?
I feel you, Christine, from afar: being the same age as you, give or take and having questioned myself first, before others… only to suffer a pre-programmed mindset of ridicule and scorn, (as that blind self-defense mechanism), rather than an honest considered response to a deadly serious critically open question of values. So, indulge me or excuse me in the simplest of manners if you find me ‘Frech’: even a simple yes or no will suffice on this matter. Do you believe that both tax payers’ funds and Corporate Funding have been investing in the ‘harmony’ of longterm & short term engineering of the Weather?
Have only just seen your post, TDj.
Yes, you’re so right when you quote the well-known saying, “There are none so blind as those who will not see”. I recall citing that quote to a number of my ‘blue-pilled’ family members, last year… their gullibility, in blindly-believing everything that comes out of their beloved TVs is just astounding. No matter what I’ve told them all (for 40+ years!, and of course during the course of the last 2.5 years), they still choose to accept the official narrative. More fool them.
Re. the engineering of the weather. Well, I don’t know much about it, to be honest, but have read that DARPA in the States (I’m in the UK) are said to be involved in geo-engineering (if the latter is the correct term!).
I recall watching on TV approx. 10 years ago (hardly ever watched TV back then, only selective viewing, and got rid of the ‘black box in the corner’ last year, including the cancelling of TV licence. My longtime partner used to watch far more ‘telly’ than I ever did, but he passed in early 2019, aged 70) one of Jesse Ventura’s programmes, in which he went with his team to DARPA’s HQ [I think, but do not know for sure, that it was the HQ…?] somewhere in Alaska. He talked re. the geo-engineering.
I think it highly probable that some aspects of the weather are indeed engineered.
I’ve never fallen for the ‘official narrative’ re. anything! I’m 63, and from a young child I was questioning the Establishment’s claims. My family members used to think I was foolish not to ‘believe’ what the people on the TV say, re. all manner of subjects!
aye sheep get a hard time for the wrong reasons; they can be really aggressive and by fek they are strong.
As an eight year old I got taken out by sheep when we were weighing them – they saw me not paying attention so decked me and made a break for it…
i’ve seen sheep hunt off domiciled dogs and even harass humans when with lamb..
still, sheep are ecosystem destroyers… maybe that is a more apt similarity with the human?
Sheep, as well as being vegetarian killing machines, are also very warm and loving. Their wool makes for wonderful clothing and when they expire they taste rather delicious. In truth they are not eco-system destroyers. It is the way they are ‘farmed’ by the humans that unbalances eco-systems. And then there are the goats!
And then there is the purely genetic angle:
If you have a sheep’s DNA, you probably are a sheep…
We have plenty of sheep DNA in the paddock behind the knoll. It is all perfectly and safely contained inside the sheep. So we have sheep DNA but we are not sheep.
Ah the poetic pastoral profundity of pleasure.
If you want to know what’s poisoning the atmosphere health of society and thoughts, emotions and perception; it’s our lack of trust; family; community. I just saw a guy surround his house with floodlight camera’s to protect his possessions, in a low crime area with no previous security-devices present. Poison. Virus, latin for; poison. Be careful when you spread mis-trust; you’re spreading the virus.
The virus is contained within the Neuro-Liguistic-Programming.
There are some fundamental points in face-to-face communication, without which, no matter how convincing arguments you make to the other person, in the vast majority of cases this can have from minimal to no effect. In adults, living in relatively great peace between their emotions and their mind, it can have a huge effect, but in most cases, it seems to me, it is not. Many times I have been present when extremely intelligent people give perfect arguments to the other, but the result is nothing. And I regret not the failure of clever people with arguments or those who cannot understand, but the failure of work, due to the poor connection. The job just isn’t done.
And it is not finished because the people who want to help by “opening the eyes” of the other are not able to do so. The unconvinced is not to blame, he does not want to be convinced; the one who wants to convince is responsible because he has not put enough effort into understanding the subtle settings of making a connection between people. This is very similar to an internet connection. If Tom (for example) has the perfect arguments in the right context, but we don’t have an internet connection, they won’t get to me. I would be happy if everyone was in a perfect mind-emotion ratio and the facts were just communicated and accepted, but that’s not the case.
How to improve the relationship is a key question. From what I’ve seen, the results are a faint semblance of a really good relationship, and the distance is there. It’s not because people aren’t smart enough or don’t want, strongly enough, to provide the information/questions – on the contrary – but the results are weak.
So, the real question is what worsens the relationship (through which, if she’s good, facts, context, or at least questions can be effectively conveyed). Here are some important questions (in my experience):
How do you feel about the person you see is deluded and whom you want to make think? Do you feel sorry for him? Does it annoy you? Does his confusion disgust you? Any smart person can consider these feelings by accepting that they have deactivated them and looking at things calmly and objectively, but is that so? If so, then there will be a good connection and a significantly higher chance that the information will be accepted. But most often it turns out that the anxiety, the regret, the irritation that was supposed to have been deactivated by reflection are there again, the other person feels them, and they continue to interfere with the relationship.
Do you think the other one’s lost? Even only confused? You think he’s stupid? Do you think that his stupidity and subsequent submission lead to the hardening of the common trap in which we find ourselves? Does that piss you off? You might even hate it a little bit.
All the normal feelings that it is not reprehensible to feel in today’s dark circumstances. But if you have them, you can be absolutely sure that they will be there, in your tone, in your look, in your attitude, in the words you arrange and the way you say them. You may be very smart, analytical and psychologically educated, maybe acting skills, but this is stronger, it cannot be tampered with and disguised. It is there, the person on the other side feels it, and the connection through which the questions must reach his mind is broken. The only important thing – the work to be done – has not been achieved.
Man Wants Respect – but real, not fake; he wants understanding. He doesn’t want you to feel an accusation, a condemnation, but – very importantly – that you perfectly understand, respect and recognize that the decision is personal and entirely in his hands. No covert attack would be accepted. You can’t fake it, so if you don’t like people, it won’t work.
/But why love the stupid, obedient, “sheep” whose stupidity at this moment literally threatens the future of the whole society, and therefore us too – this is for everyone to decide. Maybe we shouldn’t love them and then there won’t be a relationship. But not everything is a judgment of a man by the nonsense he thinks and does. We’re not military or machines. He can be stupid and along with the rest of the majority(?) to allow the globalists to easily realized their dystopia, but here is how complex a thing is one person and sum of how many and intertwined things, to come to his present stupidity. It can be an occasion for understanding and a softened feeling. From which the relationship improves and the effect of communication has a greater chance of happening.
We are definitely in a war in which many unknowingly help the success of the enemy. There is no reason to love these people, but they are not the main enemy, and if, voluntarily or involuntarily, we feel for them what we feel for the real enemy and direct it at them, it will not do much good.
//Also: if we very much want to succeed in convincing the other, it is felt again. There is no reason to love these people, but they are not the main enemy, and if, even involuntarily, we feel for them what we feel for the real enemy and direct it at them, it will not do much good.
Well thought out and well prepared words? If a person is mastered-great, communication is easy. But as much as it shows the opposite, we know that the person who succumbs to the narrative is not. Smooth, considered, well-chosen and prepared speech (for example, in some convincing phrases) and a firm line of conduct will not help, but on the contrary-will hinder.
Any sense of superiority, a sense that we know about extremely important things that he doesn’t know, will be felt.
If the other person is not pleasant to you, if you reproach him, if you do not approach with understanding, it will not happen. Without some real love for the neighbor, despite his stupidity, there will be no connection.
Accepting things in the moment, understanding the terrible development and even hopelessness of the situation in perspective, accepting that we cannot open the eyes of the other person, this can free the mind and serve for much more casual communication with confused people, in which there is even fun, but without deviating from the goal of opening his eyes. This can lead to greater success.
I just wanted to say some things from my personal experience that I have repeatedly observed with interest and applied, because this has always been very interesting to me. It’s unlikely to be helpful to anyone, but in the comment box it says “Join the discussion” 😀
All right, I’ll play. If I understand correctly, for example in your own text at the end, when you say “it is unlikely to help anyone”. Aren’t you actually being falsely humble in order to be liked, or are you implying that your audience wouldn’t have the wisdom to comprehend what you are saying. Yes it does say “join the discussion”, and that exposes to criticism. I am criticizing you. Just want you to face your fears.
😂 😅 😆
“my audience” 😂
Yeah, I’m super fake, I’m fake humble, I feel incredibly superior, and I have an insane desire to teach. You exposed me and – as you said to me in a comment under another article – “to be fair I thought you were finished”. I am finished, Knight of truth, Theobald. (Everything in my post above is fake, made up to pretend I am…whatever you say, pick something.)
I’m dying of fear of what people here will think of me, so I try to present myself as best I can. Until you found me out. 😪
Did I pretend well?
What are your claims to me? Tell her the rest you noticed.
(In fact, your whole post, because you’re Smart, is a provocation designed to expose “the real me”. ? I failed too. Again. 😥 )
A small correction to this article. I change the last sentence to:
I am convinced that the nobly donated knowledge in this post will be useful to all, improve your relationships with others and even reverse the destinies of many of you. In the long run, this will save humanity.
Well, I believe this was a very well thought-out article plino.
Oh, hi, Syl! How you doing? 🙂
It really took me between half an hour and an hour to structure my comment, it was very well thought out in advance, of course, because I’m a secret agent. My text is full of NLP tools that suggest to the subconscious “obey the narrative” and “vaccinate yourself”. 🕵
It’s a form of induced Stockholm Syndrome by way of false flags.
In the current era an almost instantaneous emotional feedback loop exists by way of the social media.
This means that the problem-reaction-solution technique is no longer a linear event, but more like a continuous cybernetic cycle that gets adjusted in real time.
The trouble with these world world movers and shakers is that they are too clever by half. I would love to see how they coped with being ship-recked on some desert island. Wouldn’t get any deliveries by those funny little drones. They would certainly have next to nothing, and I wonder how happy they would be about this rather disappointing come-down.
Strangely how are they going to feed themselves for example? I really can’t imagine Klaus Schwab tilling the land, or designing a new robot. BTW the robot has to be made – and who among the proles are going to make them since the working class has been abolished.
Listening to these people they strike me as being pretty ordinary and banal. Just listen to the political leaders: Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Liz Tress (unimaginable) Joseph Biden and such. Then come the other elites who are going to fashion this New World Order. But in essence they are all basically bullshitters on the make. Financiers, Bankers, Politicians, Journalists and so forth who have had an easy ride by playing to the gallery for their plaudits and their goodies.
It’s not going to work, any society which imagines it is a heavenly system that will last in perpetuity, is certain to come crashing down. History just repeats this sorry narrative time after time.
Do we not learn from history that all social and moral orders ultimately meet their fate.
”We have Thucydides contemplating an image of the world in which Athens ceased to exist; we have Polybius showing us the conqueror showing us the meditating over the burning down: And Rome shall too will meet her fatal hour. We have Virgil praising the peasants of the fields for whom ”res romanae et peritura regna, are of no value.’
It is for the moderns to make of their City, a tower which defies the heavens, and to do it with the aid of their ”clerks.”
Oswald Spengler – The Treason of the Intellectuals
Which is exactly what I mean by too clever by half.
They are psychopaths, and not just any psychopaths, but those most successful at using their psychopathic powers.
So if they were stranded on a desert isle, it’d resemble Lord Of The Flies.
Julien Benda wrote The Treason of the Intellectuals.
Perhaps you with thinking of Spengler’s Decline of the West.
Those who got ‘vaccinated’ and having a hard time are being ignored by those who got the ‘vaccines’ and are still fine. They are also being ignored by those who got the usual placebo used in medical experiments and have no affects whatsoever. Yet they were all out banging their pans for the NHS and god bless the bbc, etc.
Now, the injured are being ignored by the other sheep who went through the same sheep-dip and are happily grazing again. They don’t want to know now they are grazing. The meadow is lush after two years of lockdown.
Meanwhile the media who have a responsibility to inform the population with accurate information are also ignoring the injured. The failure of the modern mainstream media is the biggest failure of western civilisation IMO.
Most people, when they have got into a pickle due to their own silly fault, would tend to try and forget the whole incident and put it down to a lessen learned. Maybe they will wake up when they see their lambs dying of the latest gov’t propaganda campaign and get a gov’t boot in their face when they complain or try to warn others?
Still, anyone who has tried to keep sheep will know they won’t alwys do what you want them to do.
the media who have a responsibility to inform
Under capitalism, the news media has no such responsibility, only generating profit for owners.
Calling it a failure implies incompetence and perhaps misguided goodwill. It is neither of those. The failure is intentional and purposeful.
‘If 36 million deaths from starvation worldwide isn’t enough to inspire most people to donate at least $500 a month to end world hunger, then it would have to be a mighty heavy stick to whack a suitable impression into people’s heads regarding the dangers of Covid vaccinations.’
This statement says everything about the author’s total disconnect from financial reality.
The majority of people, even in the west, live from pay-check to pay-check and a significant majority of Western workers cannot even save $500 a month for their own family, let alone pay out another $500 per month for ‘the third world’.
If the author wants an audience of those earning $10,000+ a month with total bills totalling no more than $5000 a month, he should find one.
On those earnings, you can donate 10% of your ‘disposable income’ to ‘charity’ and that would be $500. (It would say that you would be donating it all to solve the food crisis.)
He won’t find it here.
I do not believe the author was saying each person should donate $500 to remedy world hunger. He was just using that as an example of how terrible things are going on in the world and there is not a thought to try and solve them.
I go into a shop to buy nails. The shopkeeper says, “Are you still making your widgets with a hammer and nails? Why don’t you get one of these new staple guns? It’ll be quicker and you’ll be able to knock out more widgets in a day or do the same amount of widgets and have more time to do other things. You might even be able to downsize and solve your staffing problem. Jock, the widget-maker from Snodbury Bank has one and he says the job’s much neater and he’s doubled his customer base…”
Whether or not I leave the shop with a brand new staple gun that very day comes with a multitude of variables, not least the state of my ego on that occasion. Perhaps I should leave the listing of those variables to anyone who has had the forbearance to read this comment so far.
We’re all different I suppose and, within ourselves, we’re different at different times, in different ways and under different circumstances. As my mother-in-law used to say, “It wouldn’t do if we were all the same”.
Maybe, eventually, staple guns could replace pitchforks – just a thought. If not, enjoy your bugburgers.
“Keep Calm and Take the Cull Juice.”
“It will all be over before you know it.”

“Corporate Fascism and Eugenics Forever!”
Mask mandate was stopped here in Malaysia a few days ago now. When I go out I am literally the only person not wearing a mask. Go figure.
My impression has been that Malaysians always look to the rest of the world as to what they should be doing. Only when they see that people in other countries have stopped doing dumb shit will they too stop.
As a thought exercise, can you imagine a parallel universe where the sheep are right and we are wrong? A universe where criminal corporations like Pfizer are concerned about peoples’ health and wellbeing, and sacrifice everything to develop a safe and effective vaccine against a real disease from a wet market.
In this universe, Pharma and other global empaths from WHO, FDA and WEF are deeply troubled by those of us, who despite the science, refuse to accept the gift of their wondrous medicine.
But being from a long lineage of gentle and beneficent rulers, God save the Queen, they‘ve chosen equanimity rather than behavior modification. Imposing only what is necessary and disseminating nothing but truth 24/7, they permit all to express their opinions. Only those who disagree with FB’s fact checkers are un-personed and censored.
Yet in spite of all of this, and in the face of so much magnanimity, we still do not trust them. We the unvaxxed remain steadfast in our refusal to do the right thing by our fellow man. What will it take for them to protect us from our trespasses? Perhaps its time once again to call upon Klaus’ Klan to re-open the IBM/IG Farben camps- after all we’ve only ourselves to blame.
We are the control group for their experiment…
They now know what dosage is fatal, so will continue to thin the herd for as long as the gullible turn up to be jabbed.
Can’t see them locking up half the population in re-edcation camps.
Easier to starve and freeze them to death….
Nice time to be alive.
Agreed Paul. But remember, the camps & reeducation centers were integral to slave production economies, not just a place where people were locked up. With the advent of a post industrial economy, “smart” machines have replaced slave labor, thus rendering the need for vast pools of workers assembled in industrial slave camps unnecessary.
It seems logical then, given Harari’s pronouncements their future doesn’t require “useless eaters,” that they’ll eliminate approx 6.5 billion (combination of sterilization + premature mortality-see Gates’ “final vaccine solution”). Those who remain, will be those who can tolerate the physical, mental and spiritual requirements of being synthesized into a transhumanist AI production system, as envisioned by Musk and Schwab.
We who are about to die salute you.
“are you not entertained?”
and if these fuckers prevail, we will all just be “history” like all the other shtuff we’ve been told…
This was all known a very long time ago, long before Thomas Jefferson explained it to John Adam’s son-in-law in a letter wherein TJ thanked him for supplying a copy of the proposed US Constitution. It contains his famous Tree of Liberty quote.
The point about the Tree of Liberty is famously used to defend the validity of Rebellion by the People, or Threat thereof, as sometimes (every generation or so) it becomes necessary to make the rulers Face Facts.
What does face facts mean?
If you read the letter, I think you will understand what he means by “Face Facts,” but let me add this: I believe the copy of the letter in the public domain is not the original text. It’s either been edited or censored so that the fullness of his point gets lost, and the explanation becomes a lot more interesting than it appears on its face.
Thomas Jefferson artfully explains that the reason for unjustified Rebellion is Ignorance, and it’s this Ignorance (of facts) that causes, ahem, men to unjustifiably Rebel. However, he goes on to say that people will only be upset by their Ignorance “in proportion to” the importance they place on their said Ignorance, i.e. how much it personally affects them.
Here’s the kicker: it’s not necessarily the Importance of the facts as is the Importance of the Individuals that are disquieted by their Ignorance. The more important the Individual the higher likelihood you gonna face a Rebellion. Now, he didn’t really say that, or if he did, then your reading comprehension is better than mine, but I can (and so can you) spin what I say out of his verbiage to understand that far less important than the Importance of the Facts is the Importance of the persons disquieted in their Ignorance.
In case you missed how this is applicable to your comment (or your final paragraph), it’s applicable because Rulers rule with a complete lack of understanding why the People, or subjects, are always so disgruntled. In fact, this is perhaps the sine qua non for why Homo is so Violent: when somebody persists in Ignorance you get the urge to punch them in the Nose.
It’s an interesting thought exercise, because that is probably how the most devout MSM worshipper thinks.
I don’t think it would take much to fracture their logic, which is why all opposing views are dealt with through suppression, instead of reason.
The key is to break their trust in the establishment, which is tricky when those are the only voices they trust. Catch-22
Shrews ?
Where did this term come to represent truth seekers ? I don’t like it. It is a euphemism for bitch.
I love the shrew name….lighten up.
Maybe it’s a typo, and it was supposed to be “shrewds”. 😉
The believers in vaccines and/or benevolent governments are akin to the believers of religions, or airy fairy scientific ‘theories,’ for that matter.
They believe, because it’s easier than doing the hard yards; reading, questioning, doubting, looking at the plain proofs of history and suffering ridicule.
Let it be on their consciences when the Parasites come back to roost.
if they don’t see they don’t know what they do.
It is very difficult to persuade someone who has accepted an impression or conjecture or as the truth. For different reasons people fear to admit they were misled and are prepared to change their belief in something. Being ostracised or shunned is a powerful persuader exploited by manipulators.
We should not denigrate and label them. Ok, calling them sheep is an analogy, I accept that.
Reasoning and discernment is an acquired skill, we need to try and explain this and show that fear a anxiety can be overcome by questioning and applying logic. Should we give up, no, sometimes lessons are learnt.
I had quite a heated argument last year with a friend about CDBCs. He was adamant they were no big deal because 1) Money would continue to operate in parallel 2) The elite love their money-laundering schemes too much.
Recently I’ve seen signs he has actually taken onboard what I was arguing. The points are: 1) Sometimes it takes time for arguments outside people’s paradigm to sink in i.e. don’t expect immediate conversion 2) Nobody is going to thank anyone for making all their assumptions about the world look foolish i.e. don’t expect immediate gratitude.
Be honest – who acts like that? My initial reaction on hearing alt-media narratives was firstly that they were mad or having some psychological need fulfilled, secondly that they were shysters making money off the gullible and thirdly that it was a psy-op. It’s the programmed response of course (and like any good lie has some elements of truth in it). Everyone learns the hard way not to play into it – especially not to appear mad by being too insistent.
It really is a test of the ego. Does one spread truth because one wants gratitude or a coterie of acolytes? Who doesn’t feel those temptations?
The biggest mystery is where a paradigm shift occurs. Everyone has a point where they’ve built up so many anomalies that their existing paradigm can’t accomodate them. Why that point is so variable remains the mystery. My guess is that (like their psyops) apparent sudden paradigm shifts have in fact been in preparation for a long time at more subterranean levels).
Good post.
This is interesting.
Apart from the headline
“Anger at plans to roll back Covid vaccines to under-11s in England” (sic. should read under 12s)
There is a quote from Adam Finn. The very same from the shocking “Unvaccinated” BBC programme.
Anyone know what this means?
“Adam Finn, professor of paediatrics at the University of Bristol, and a member of the JCVI, said that while the Covid vaccine programme for priming jabs would probably be wound down at some point, including for children, it had not been finalised when this would happen”.
I had this exact conversation with a friend on Whatsapp, who said he doesn’t understand why a friend he regards as intelligent are so obviously programmed to believe the mainstream narrative. Let me paste my reply here:
“Haha mk ultra, you are right. Depends what you mean by intelligent. You could be intelligent but never have come across topics so therefore have no idea about them. A person i would respect would say, you know what, I don’t think i know enough about that. Never heard that from either of them. Infact, they dont like to hear things they dont know about especially when its contrary to their beliefs. Because it makes them realise they may be wrong, or they dont know, so they dismiss it and ridicule. And they stay ignorant and closed minded until enough other people believe the thing… and they then have to change because they fear looking wrong again. SHEEP.