How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Demolition on 9/11
Graeme MacQueen and Ted Walter

This article is the second installment of a two-part research project we began in July 2020 with the article “How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11.”
In that article, our goal was to determine the prevalence, among television reporters on 9/11, of the hypothesis that explosions had brought down the Twin Towers.
Through careful review of approximately 70 hours of news coverage on 11 different channels, we found that the explosion hypothesis was not only common among reporters but was, in fact, the dominant hypothesis.
Our second question, which we set aside for the present article, was to determine how, despite its prevalence, the explosion hypothesis was supplanted by the hypothesis of fire-induced collapse.
In this article, we shall concentrate not on reporters in the field, as in Part 1, but on the news anchors and their guests who were tasked with discovering and making sense of what was happening. As we trace the supplanting of the explosion hypothesis with the fire-induced collapse hypothesis, we witness the great shift toward what quickly became the Official Narrative.
We do not see our task as trying to discover whether the Official Narrative of 9/11 is true or false. In the 21 years since the attacks took place, it has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt, we believe, that the Official Narrative is false.
While we support and participate in the further accumulation of evidence for this position, as well as the presentation of this evidence to the public, we believe it is also important to look into how the triumph of the Official Narrative was accomplished.
If we are able to discover this, we will greatly advance our understanding of the psychological operation conducted on September 11, 2001 — and, thus, our understanding of how other psychological operations are perpetrated on the public.
[You can read the full report below, or download it and read it later from]
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It’s fascinating to read the many theories surrounding the demolition of the WTC complex and certainly the role played by the media does seem to have been crucial in achieving a successful outcome to the operation. It is easy to forget just how powerful television is and how easily we can be manipulated. Even the relatively small number of people who may have experienced the destruction of the WTC complex from relatively close would probably have had their experience somewhat embellished by the immediate blanket television coverage which quickly morphed into the establishment’s version of what happened on that day. These days, new techniques including DNA analysis can lead to past crimes (cold cases) being solved. Perhaps it is time to look again at the ‘DNA’ of the media organisations who were at the core in expiditing this cynical and devastating crime.
Can we starts accepting other “conspiracies” too like the gulag only having 18 million prisoners between 1918-1960 and that they were paid in food and cash? Or that order no 227 was directed at officers or that the Moscow trials were very real or the fact the Russians released the entire trial transcripts of the tuchkachevksy affair and no one cared? And a whole lot more? Or the big H by Hitler did happen but not on the bizarrely huge scale hollyweird and even worse historians have pushed since the 70s?
Or that the Azov Battalion, the Right Sector, the Kraken Brigade, etc. are full-blown neo-Nazis that have been sustained, trained, and armed by the US of As since 2010?
China’s suckering in of Western Oligarchs and their cash, like Mr.Soros’ billions into a housing bubble that they then burst is how to do it.
Now they are using similar demolition tactics to demolish all the useless buildings the Western money grubbers built. The ultimate in chess moves. The Chinese not only got to purchase as much gold as they wanted, they took down Mr.Soros and a bunch more just where it hurts….. the bank account ( hidden one).
So if you want to see some excellent demolition work at hand, hey just head off to China and knock yourself out.
Does anyone know of PanAm Flight 845, a scheduled flight out of SFO to Tokyo in 1971?
In this flight, a PanAm 747 was given a short runway at the last minute, and in the confusion the crew hadn’t properly calculated the V1 and VR speeds. The plane had no runway left on its takeoff roll and had to rotate early, causing the plane to fly into the runway lights, crippling the plane and severely injuring two passengers. What’s interesting about this accident was that the plane was damaged by pieces of steel rebar, which not only penetrated the fuselage from the bottom of the plane up into the passenger area but also dislodged one of the heavy landing gear, shoving it up into the wing. These were just small pieces of rebar hitting the aircraft at under 200 knots.
If rebar can do this to a large passenger plane, then there’s no way the thick beams of the WTC could have been sliced through by the fragile wings and fuselage of a plane. The steel beams would have actually disintegrated those planes, except for perhaps the engines and landing gear. (The silhouette-shaped holes left behind would have been from the plane penetrating the buildings’ aluminum outer casing, but not the underlying steel.)
No planes….
(13) 9/11 Taboo – No Planes Theory (
Great documentary.
Seems people are convinced that 9/11/2001 was imaginary. >>>
Excerpted from: [2009 May] Statement by Kurt Sonnenfeld:
“Do you know that on the weekend prior to the attacks on the WTC, all electricity was cut off for approximately 36 hours, including the security cameras and control systems in a highly irregular “maintenance operation”? Do you know that in the weeks leading up to the attacks there were several unusual evacuations of both towers?
Do you know that the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center was directed by Marvin Bush, George Bush’s younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush’s cousin?
Do you know that the same security company also lists as government clients “the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice,” and provides security for classified and high-risk government sites? Do you know that hundreds of government personnel were pre-positioned in New York City on September 10, preparing to do a large scale simulation of a terrorist attack to be carried out on September 12? FEMA officials had already set up their command post at Pier 92 near the World Trade Center one day before the attacks.”
Read the page. Study the photos. WTC 6 (
Yes. On all counts.
Absolutely. There were too many convenient coincidences to explain why there were issues & so much confusion between active exercises which delayed response times as this was setup to provide excuses and create reasonable doubt.
One of my neighbors once told me he has been a conspiracy theorist since high school (1960s). So I asked him about 9/11 and I could tell he wasn’t on board reality. I asked if he knew about Building 7 and he stated, emphatically, “oh yeah, that was that small building that fell due to jet fuel.”
I respectfully suggested he do a little more research. He never did. So much for my respectful approach. Next time I’ll bring a video, tie him down, and clamp his eyes open (a la Alex in A Clockwork Orange).
He still won’t see it, not if his mind is so set. Like concrete has set, maybe more so. Therein lie much. or most, of our troubles.
Indeed. Here’s the sequel: Same neighbor double masked and presumably quadruple jabbed. He has long hair, smokes weed, and seems oh so anti-establishment, except somehow the Democrats can do no wrong. Hopeless, I’m telling ya.
Do you want to do him something similar to what, intoxicated by moloko+, Alex’s group from “Clockwork Orange” was doing? 😯
You sound very affected. So much so that I hear Beethoven’s “fifth”.:)
” which is as follows,
‘O foolish people! who have eyes and see not, ears and hear not’. — Jeremiah 5:21
Lot of that call out, in scriptures, going way back.
The more interesting aspect, those passages wouldn’t be there if they served no purpose?
The 9/11 event was obviously a planned demolition utilizing both Thermate TH3 and military grade Thermite explosives. Building #7 was no exception.
There were four building collapses on the subject day, plus the complete destruction of building complex #4. Buildings #4 and #6 were not hit by aircraft (or nuclear devices) yet were completely obliterated.
Finding aerial or video footage of World Trade Center buildings 4 and 6 has become nearly impossible. There were once several critiques of buildings four and six’s “neglected” footage, but now next to impossible to find. Gee… I wonder why?
Excerpted from: Making Israel Nervous: Exposing the REAL Perps Behind 9/11
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
“What about the mysterious 9/11 explosion at WTC 6 that sent building fragments over 500 feet into the air?”
“Before the smoke had cleared from around the stricken South Tower, a mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at 6 World Trade Center. This unexplained blast at the Customs House has never been investigated or reported in the mainstream media.”
“No plane hit WTC 6 and there was no fire, so what caused WTC 6 to explode from WITHIN the evening of 9/11?”
9/11 explosion at WTC 6
NO NEWS agencies disclosed information regarding these other building complexes post 9/11.
Using Presearch I typed in WTC6, there’s shitloads of images.
That photo of remaining debris smaller than the building footprint is really de facto proof of an implosion.
My theory, which to my truly great surprise I have NEVER seen elsewhere, is that the ’94 fertilizer bomb, if real, weakened the structure(s) and a decision was made that at some point the tower(s) had to come down and, well, never let a good crisis go to waste. Why not make it a really Big Production all around? “A really big show!” (Ed Sullivan tagline.)
I am sure others have considered that as a partial explanation, I have just never seen it, and I have seen a LOT about this, including giving several hour long guest interviews on a radio show in VT with an authority on the issues, someone who speaks every year in NYC at the annual Truth Conference (Jim Hogue) host at, Goddard College.
So, it’s very total absence as a theory, by my reckoning, suggests it’s a likely culprit and part of the motive and reasons?
There was/is ample video footage of the BIG explosions in the cellars of the WTC buildings, even the fire brigade said it out loud at the time!
Maybe that was the ‘que’ for the MS-Media to create the narrative all together…??
And in American English the word you’re intending is spelt “spelled” (but I don’t want to open a bilingual can of worms, at least transoceanically at any rate).
Another way 9/11 foreshadowed covid is in the compliance of the “Left” sites. This was very significant for me re: 9/11 since I was making a double discovery at the time: reading up the conspiracy literature and finding out about Marxism. And I could see no neccesary contradiction between them.
In the context of the development of nation states, most of the “Left” is, as Marx and his posses showed with many examples and principles, not really any more than a bandaid and aspirin Rx for an advanced cancer. Futile, on its face, or maybe worse.
(The “maybe worse” is on full neon display in USA, Inc., since what has always been called the “Left” here, if such, in fact, ever existed, is a euphemism. It has been nipped in the bud forever by that “constant gardener”. That’s why MLK tactics got the most mileage, but, pointedly, most of that has been “progressively” squelched as well….)
I don’t know if the Marxists have enough of the right remedy, but their analysis has always been one of the best metrics to use, if not the best available. That seems clear.
Richard D. Wolff (eponymous website) does a better than average job defining the limits and issues.
All 3 steel framed buildings were demolished using a combination of nuclear and conventional techniques.
The center for controlling the demolitions was WTC7 (the last being demolished in order to erase the physical evidence.
Due to the location of WTC7 the 1st building to be demolished was the one that took the 2nd decoy aircraft. If the building 1st hit by the decoy aircraft was the 1st one to be demolished they would destroy the connections for the second nukedemo device and the operation wouldn’t be successful.
Doing underground nukes (we have PLENTY of practice doing them) doesn’t release radiations into the atmosphere. But is causes physical changes in the Ground.

Just one example from the site:
They also cause small earthquakes!
Detonation at mark 18/19 seconds:
Nuke blast waves propagation
Start of the collapse at mark 30/31 seconds
Also the cases of disease associated with the vapor plumes with traces of isotopes that the slaves that worked on those sites experienced and breathed (many are already dead) the still alive are in pretty bad shape.

Those images are weird. However, in the event of a nuclear detonation neutron activation would have occurred on a massive scale, and much of lower Manhattan would have been severely contaminated resulting in death within days for many of those near GZ, and slower death for people maybe many miles outside the area.
The record of sickness and death doesn’t resemble this pattern. People took months or years to sicken. There is no record of anything like acute radiation poisoning, even among the firefighters.
Plus, in the event of a nuke, incredibly high levels of certain signature elements would have been detectable in the ground water and the dust for a long time. They were not detected.
There are more images from the molten rock of the underground. Another one…
To those that followed this event with attention those images are nothing new, much less weird.
The size and material used for the nuke demolition device is for sure known only to a small number of “people” if still alive.
Underground nuclear explosion with very small yield generate very low amounts of radiation compared to surface and air explosions.
But I recommend you to investigate a few papers about the results of the samples collected at the site… that detected such elements in levels above the natural mediam presence.
But don’t waste too much time on this… The official narrative is much better and logical.
It’s not just the initial radiation that harms people, it’s the neutron burst that activates anything it contacts. A low yield neutron bomb in the WTC basement would have activated the ground water, dirt, rock and air. The dust would have been radioactive. Many people in Manhattan would have been killed within days.
Besides how would a nuke in the basement create a top-down demolition?
How would it explain the unreacted energetic material in the dust?
How would it explain the iron spheres also in the dust?
How would it explain the molten metal seen streaming out of the ST just before it came down?
Who said it was in the basement?!
Nuclear demolitions are an adaptation of the technique used in other economic activities (back in the XXth century) by russia and the usa
As for the rest…
Why was it possible for people to walk around a few months after the explosion? Nordyke said the Plowshare team designed a series of weapons that contained very little fissionable material, which is what makes radioactivity dangerous to humans.
Like I said the demolitions were done with a combinations of the two techniques… Simply because the fire caused by the jet fuel and office fires wasn’t HOT ENOUGH!
You did. See your previous response.
Months after after the explosion does not = during the explosion. The radioactivity could be at safe levels after a few months, or even sooner, if the right kind of fissile material was used. But anyone close to GZ during the actual detonation and for hours or days (at least) afterwards would get a massive dose of radiation both from the original neutron burst and from neutron activation of the immediate area.
So, as I said, the data does not fit a nuke on 9/11.
It’s possible they used any combination of conventional and/or exotic explosives of course. But currently the only one there is actual hard evidence for is nanothermite. Which is likely why so much shill-energy goes into diverting from and trying to discredit.
Thank you, Sophie …
No I didn’t… underground DOES NOT mean “basement” when talking of such techniques!
Funny your obsession with the “approved” data.
You need to study a little more of the dozens and dozens of underground nuke experiments we’ve done in the Past… maybe that will help… or not.
Over and out!
You think there was a nuke buried underground somewhere on WTC plaza??
Where? How?
And, again, how would it possibly cause a top-down implosion?
Thermite can make rock flow like molten steel. This has been known for at least 100 years. My copy of Practical Chemistry for Boys showed how to weld a massive steel beam by wrapping a thermite jacket around the join and igniting the thermite by applying a tiny but white hot flame. It was a really big job to install hundreds of tons of thermite in those buildings, and to wire up the detonators for a wave of precisely timed explosions. So a Bush “maintenance company” was working on the main steel structures (the Lift Shafts) under armed guard for several weeks before the Bush regime blew up those buildings. No doubt helped by the Israeli “performance artists” who were interviewed by Newsweek, and were filmed performing on ropes up and down those central lift shafts which are so essential for the structural stability of modern high-rise buildings.
You wouldn’t even need to take the time to ‘wire’ it all together. Each expl0sive could have been independently placed in position with its own power source and RC receiver, negating the need for complex and time-consuming wire running. Remotely controlled pyrotechnics had been in use for years in Hollywood productions prior to this event. It’s just not used in commercial demolition due to the expense. The detonation process could have theoretically been controlled remotely via a nearby command center in WTC7, probably by computer. The WTC7 collapse would have destroyed that evidence of this. The idea of thermite being used makes more sense than nukes.
“Thermite can make rock flow like molten steel.”
For how long?!
True. Thank you.
Only someone with VERY limited knowledge of nuclear energy release would post such tosh. Radioactive footprints can last hundreds of years…
Few hundred fireman- first responders (some article say 50.000 others say 10.000) did suffer from a strange cancer serve health issues which they attributed to the dust of the falling buildings and them being there on 911.
9/11 First Responders Plagued by Health Problems From Toxic Dust and DebrisFor 9/11 first responders, the tragedy isn’t over–illness continue to plague.
9/11 Still Claiming Victims: 10,000 With Cancers, Thousands More With Other Illnesses First responders on Sept. 11, 2001 and others who worked and lived in the area of the World Trade Center site were exposed to toxic fumes and dust
Nearly 10K people have gotten cancer from toxic 9/11 dust
Yes, as I said, the pattern of sickness does not resemble acute radiation toxicity. The dust was poison and did tragically eventually kill many people. But if a nuke had gone off that day then there would have been many many people – hundreds if not thousands – dying within hours or days from acute radiation poisoning. There is no record of this happening.
Asbestos dust … take a deep breath.
The toxic dust was asbestos. The WTC was due for demolition as an asbestos ridden srats nest. Lucky Larry Silverstein bought it for Silver (with money loaned him by a complaisant finance company) and turned that condemned cancer trap into a Gold mine by insisting it be insured for a huge amount against not one but Twin terrorist attacks (with agreement of a complaisant insurance company).
It appears to be clear that for many the only reference they have and can understand is the one of the USofT using nukes (airbone detonation) and so they can’t understand the power of the ground to contain the aftermath of the detonation… But that’s what’s funny about this!
I guess no one here actually lived in NY at that point. I did. Very close to the towers actually and I watched them go down. And for weeks people I knew went down to the site handing out water & sandwiches to the rescue workers. There were mountains of rubble and debris and dust and the smell in the air for months. Most of us are still alive. I’d be hard pressed to believe in any nuke theory here. Controlled demolition seems much more plausible, given what I saw.
I guess you didn’t read the first sentence I wrote:
“All 3 steel framed buildings were demolished using a combination of nuclear and conventional techniques.”
How can you explain that the top of the buildings (less than 1/3) were able to pulverize the rest 2/3 of Steel (except the parts not target by the nuclear underground waves, mostly the corners of the towers ) and where did all that steel went?!
Is there any need to invoke nuclear? Did it leave a signature that you’d expect to see? Many argue NO, not at all, except some slightly elevated tritium, but still vastly below anything remotely comparable to nuclear levels.
Where did all the open-mindedness suddenly go? lol This level of unquestioning zeal reminds me of covidian cultists!
Smoking our favoured brand of extremely tenuous, pretty nutty-sounding 9/11 demolition theory and defending it to the death, sans evidence or logic, seems to be the order of the day, apparently….
Is it helping? Or does this in fact help to discredit evidence-based. logical conversation?
Nuclear underground waves? Space beams? Steel ‘dustifying’ secret-weapon magic…. whatever. Maybe, just maybe, they used ALL those things, including pre-filing the towers with dust and meticulously constructing oversized fake bodies to chuck out the tower windows to look good on camera, but…as Judy Wood is fond of saying…
Which, if Wood and everyone else could actually practice this for a second, would probably rule out most of these exotic explanations in a heartbeat.
If there are no energy readings associated with nuclear energy it’s probably not nuclear energy…. is it? Yes, it could be a special kind of nuclear-powered device that leaves no signature whatsoever that no one has encountered before….
But it could equally be a special type of cream cake-powered device by the same logic.
‘Due to the location of WTC7 the 1st building to be demolished was the one that took the 2nd decoy aircraft. If the building 1st hit by the decoy aircraft was the 1st one to be demolished they would destroy the connections for the second nukedemo device and the operation wouldn’t be successful.’
Whether right or wrong, the first explanation I’ve read of why the tower hit second fell first. I thought the best explanation was, “Oh, shit.” As in pushing the wrong button.
There were no planes on September 11. That’s how they hid the demolition.
Watch the first ten minutes of the ORIGINAL footage from that day from 9:03 to 9:13 am.
Footage in the first seven minutes after the second tower explosion had NO plane.
On the local NY channels which carried CNN footage, the first reports of a “plane” came from an “eye witness” who was….DRUMROLL….a CNN producer who claimed to be in a building that gave him a good view. The first seven minutes only showed an explosion. All the reporters in helicopers who were doing nothing but watching the second tower after the first tower explosion made no mention of an airplane. Most of those videos have now been scrubbed from youtube.
After seven mniutes, approximately 9:10 am, they replayed the second tower explosion with a cartoon silhouette of an airplane disappearing BEHIND the tower followed by an explosion. Ace Baker, a film producer made videos showing exactly how it was done with the technology of the time. Five minutes was the time needed to add a plane to REAL explosion footage. That video was on youtube, it was disappeared from youtube. Then I found it on bitchute just a few months ago
but as of today it’s been disappeared from Bitchute too. I wish I’d made a copy.
A day after Sept 11, several amateur videos emerged, all of them showing cartoon planes disappearing like ghosts into the building without any impact. Just compare to the crash in Kazahkstan by Bek Air, one of the rare occasions when a plane slammed into a building without exploding. That’s what photos of a real plane slamming into a solid object look like.
The most important evidence for no planes is WHAT DID NOT HAPPEN: if a huge jumbo had approached the towers at low altitude at the speeds claimed (which are anyway not possible at low altitude) EVERYONE within a 5 km radius would have heard the planes approaching, even if not visible from ground level canyons of Manhattan. They would have run the hell away from the sound. There would have been a scene of absolute carnage around the towers OUTSIDE ON THE GROUND. First responsders may not even have been able to enter the towers. Instead, the “planes” quietly disappeared into the towers because….speed 😂
If anyone can produce footage of a plane slamming into the second tower and breaking apart on impact, I will re-evaluate my current hypothesis. Don’t take my word for it. Watch the footage from 9:03 am to 9:09 am. The plane only makes an appearance after that. No planes…means no hijackers and absolutely no grounds for 21 years of war in the Middle East….because “terrorism”.
There’s no need to make conspiracy theories about what happened to non existent planes. There were no planes at least in New York and the explosions are the starting point. As for the other two planes, I’ve not been able to research that in the same way. But clearly the ground does not eat planes and the Pentagon is a whole story into itself.
‘if a huge jumbo had approached the towers at low altitude at the speeds claimed (which are anyway not possible at low altitude) EVERYONE within a 5 km radius would have heard the planes approaching, even if not visible from ground level canyons of Manhattan.’
Good point.
Some witnesses heard a screaming jet sound and described a small jet sized object whizzing by their office windows.
Cruise missile or two as well as the explosive devices?
FWIW, I’ve always been open to the possibility that multiple technologies may have targeted the WTC complex.
The various “truther” factions locked in mortal combat all seem to insist on a single overwhelming technology, whether thermite-enhanced demolition, nukes, or DEW. Each faction also takes pains to refute, discredit, and dismiss the others’ analyses with extreme prejudice.
I eventually had an original insight that I think is important. Since neither I nor anyone else has exhaustively researched the vast domain of formally and informally published 9/11 analysis and opinion, I can’t say I’m the only one to think of it. But it just came to me; I didn’t pick it up from existing research.
In complex terrorist “black ops”, synchronization is crucial for the perpetrators. Just consider the cliché used in endless military and espionage literature and film: “Synchronize your watches!” Before this century, achieving split-second timing was highly problematic; even with accurate timepieces, it was difficult or impossible to guarantee this kind of operational precision.
But once international computer networks existed, a common time signal was universally available. Thus, it became possible to link widely separated independent actions and equipment to a common, highly-accurate time signal.
I know that even computer-generated time signals can fluctuate or be thrown out of sync, but I still believe that a computer-network synchronized “Go” command could trigger simultaneous actions that would be so coordinated that it would appear to be a single event.
Again, as noted, I’m aware that proponents of a given technology will dismiss the multiple-tech possibility out of hand, e.g. offering a “common-sense” refutation like “Since X is obviously the technology that could get the job done, why would they risk exposure, and/or take the trouble and resource investment, to clutter things up by also using Y and Z?”
The single-tech proponents see the multi-tech scenario as folly: a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. I see the multi-tech scenario as prudent: taking a “belt and suspenders approach”.
Regarding my previous comment, there is a documentary based on the book Where Did The Towers Go? call Irrefutable, which can be found at
Several facts about the destruction of the towers point to demolition by explosion being an unworkable theory. As with the jet fuel model the physics of the explosive demolition model don’t work. For instance, if the rubble from those 110-storey buildings had hit the ground at free fall speed it would have destroyed what’s known as the bathtub, the below ground retaining wall around the foundation of the towers built to keep the Hudson river out. As it was the bathtubs were intact. Not only that but firefighters in the stairwell of one of the buildings survived being crushed by rubble because there was no rubble. The buildings turned to dust. After the event there was no rubble to take away. Missing from most 9/11 discussions is the work of Dr Judy Wood ( Her book on the subject Where Did The Towers Go? ( presents the most coherent explanation for
all the elements of the trade towers event. Z-library ( hosts copies of the book, although Dr Wood deserves much more than the price of the book for the work she has done
Sorry but this is absolute nonsense. How can you possible say “there was no rubble”, there was a pile of rubble 30 feet tall, and it took them months to clear it away.
And here is a piece of metal 20 feet long being hurled across the street and embedded in a building:
Plus, the bathtub WAS damaged, and emergency engineering work was done in the week following 9/11 to shore it up. See here:
Judy Wood’s work is based on very poor science and the total denial of all the photographic and eye-witness evidence.
Judy Wood started out OK, and got increasingly chaotic and disarranged, i think she may have been targeted by an Op as was the entire Scholars for 9/11 Truth via its Forum. I talked to her frequently in 2006, and saw her change in a bad way, indeed she could not cope with any evidence which contradicted her perspective.
So, you’re saying that the steel of the towers with 1,368 feet (417 m) and 1,362 feet (415 m) made just a 30 feet pile!
Well that must be a good guinness world record!
Your first image completely disproves what you are saying-the image shows hardly any concrete rubble at all and very little steel. Each tower weighed about 500,000 tons-2 towers = 1,000,000 tons of material. At 40 tons each,that would take 25,000 semi trucks to remove . Using the fire truck as perspective in your image-there simply isn’t much of anything left
Judy Wood was a hack, hired to confuse the “alternate” public and obscure the facts. It was obviously a planned demolition utilizing both Thermate TH3 and military grade Thermite explosives. Building #7 was no exception.
There were four building collapses on the subject day, plus the complete destruction of building complex #4. Buildings #4 and #6 were not hit by aircraft (or nuclear devices) yet were completely obliterated.
NO NEWS agencies disclosed information regarding these other building complexes post 9/11.
What is your explanation for the disintegration of the building in to powder in the 8 seconds it took to fall? Would thermite do this?
Hello Jas: Yes. Both Thermate and Thermite produce extreme exothermic reactions. There is also an extremely high rate of oxidation – particularly to metals. A short excerpt from Wikipedia:
“Thermate is a variation of thermite and is an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that can generate short bursts of very high temperatures focused on a small area for a short period of time. It is used primarily in incendiary grenades.”
Both products are often utilized in shaped charges – such as cutting charges for severing thick I-beams, bridge reinforcements, railroad ties, and other industrial applications such as building demolitions…
The pyroclastic clouds released from the explosions, contained hundreds of tons of gypsum powder, concrete dust, pulverized glass, red hot bits of asbestos insulation, and many forms of oxidized metals. It was a disaster…
The lack of rubble and anything else really ,at the base of the towers is compelling. The entire towers do seem to turn to dust and blow away,even before they hit the ground.
It took me too long to understand something fundamental about 9/11: most people, especially if they have a decent salary and a mortgage, simply do not want to know. This is doubly true if they work in the media or in academia. They’re not merely indifferent to any evidence that challenges the Official Yarn, but positively averse to even registering its existence. They’ll hate you for drawing their attention to inconvenient facts or for asking them questions they can’t easily answer. They know in their bones that thinking the thinkable could cause them big trouble. They realise that understanding certain things could place them in a serious moral dilemma. They actually dread knowing, because they’re well aware that knowledge carries responsibilities.
The obstacle is not intellectual but social. “Don’t make waves.”
It was a disillusioning experience, but a good preparation for COUPVID.
Respected by me now quite an elderly person (with whom, of course, we have a lot of differences on different topics), to the question in a one marginal media “Do journalists talk what they think?” he jokingly replied, “Of course they talk what they think. Because as soon as they stop thinking within the limits set by the media, they will just talk to themselves”. In the Orwellian sense of learning not to commit thoughtcrimes.
It is the same with people of good social standing and recognized professionals – on one side is the bread and everything that provides it; on the other – the knife that can follow if you do not listen. Somehow you understand as a physical fact that there is no point in not choosing bread. And torturing your soul with the knowledge that you are immoral is not pleasant. So these thoughts can be suppressed in a corner, but I very much doubt that they can be avoided. The little devil keeps stabbing the impostor with his trident.
(2020 is coming and those who gave you bread say – to the injection..)
Even though it’s half-jokingly said; they still don’t mean what they say. But perhaps this will happen to a greater extent as the regime progresses. I hope it doesn’t progress.
And that is particularly true if they are in a position of prominence – doubly so if they work in the media.
More generally the ruling class is aware that if they keep enough people sweet then there won’t be too much trouble for them. Clearly that situation is collapsing now but for as long as folk don’t think they have their back to the wall just yet then there will continue to be compliance.
‘The obstacle is not intellectual but social‘ – the basis for the entire system of societal control.
Well said. All true.
Top comment.
“most people, especially if they have a decent salary and a mortgage, simply do not want to know.”
Because, as Montaigne wrote, it’s harder to take care of your family than to govern the country.
Give it another 21 years a covid variant/strain which creates angry toward authority would of been to blame for the
faketerrorists behaviors.In the video Donald Trump is interviewed around the time and said a plane couldn’t of brought it down and mentions the towers had steel on the outside and then mentions bombs.
Alex jones said it was a inside job. The rest said similar. A certain country’s involved has now been whitewashed and forums comment boards spam filters (censor filters) will pick up key words.
Then something happened. The switcharoo then it all got blamed on moslems.
The older videos of alt media saying it was a inside job or certain counties involvement got deleted/ lost and the amnesia happened which the telesreens help create.
How the ALT MEDIA Networks Hid the truth – it wasn’t just TV Networks.
9/11 and I***l’s great game (Laurent Guyenot)
You mean some people who, about a hundred years ago, after the fall of the last eastern empire, by some incredible miracle, occupied over 90% of the top positions of power, and then almost the whole world didn’t talk about it as if it hadn’t happened? Because, as has been well explained to us and crammed into our ears and eyes over the years, everything comes from an impersonal international gang, with no dominant character in it; only the “power structures” that any experienced bandit can occupy, regardless of his background. Well, if they are, they could participate in many “events” and have proven it.
Just to add that in this sense, it would not be out of place to say that “911 was an inside job, and its meaning and benefit was an even more inside job”. The work is done by the workers.
the most rediculous to me, pre faux demic was the believe that the usda would NOT carry the head of the biggest/baddest terrorist ever around on a spike.
that anybody believed that still has my moth hang open.
Guyenot’s thesis is skewed. Chris Bollyn’s is better.
Guyenot posits 11/9 as an operation to attack the Pentagon and the White House by conspirators who were a faction within the USAmerican ruling ‘elite’, their conspiracy then being hijacked by zionistani conspirators running a parallel operation to attack the WTC.
Bollyn, otoh, posits a single conspiracy, conceived amongst zionistani plotters decades ago, in the twentieth century, and eventually organised seamlessly, using zionistani, USAmerican, and dual-citizenship conspirators, all acting in concert from the first; once the zionistani plotters had gained enough influence in US ruling circles.
This is the more convincing view, because the high level of coordination of all the planning that went into the whole range of the actions on 11/9/01 makes it clear that the US ‘elite’ plotters and the zionistani ‘elite’ plotters had been in close liason from the outset.
The false flag was indeed conceived in zionistan, as Chris Bollyn documents persuasively in his books of investigative journalism on the subject ( But the conspiracy was well sold to cooperative plotters within the US ‘elite’, precisely because they too saw it as a route to decisive global domination, through the world-wide wars which it would enable. They has exactly the same motivation which is attributed to zionist ‘superiority, born-to-rule’ hallucinations; but applied equally to patriotic exceptionalist hallucinators within the US.
In the minds of zionism-supporting USAmerican ‘elite’ people, whether jewish or goyim themselves, the two things – zionistani domination and US domination – are seamlessly the same thing.
In the minds of zionistanis, though, they may not be; rather US global military rampaging may be seen just as a stepping stone to the long-dreamt ultimate goal of zionist-only domination. But how many jews worldwide actually harbour that hallucination? Not a huge percentage, I wouldn’t expect. Just a minority of fanatics, I imagine, even amongst religious jews; like islamic fanatics, also an idiot minority.
In any case, I’d say that the zionist hallucination about dominating all the goyim of the world is about as half-baked, and absolutely unachievable in the real world as are the asinine hallucinations of the wefoid NWO.
The conclusive push for US global domination which the 11/9 conspiracy was supposed, according to the doltish PNACers, to trigger and enable has failed comprehensively; as will any idiot dreams of zionist world-domination. And moreover, despite the glacial slowness of real history, so irritating to human impatience, it’s clear that the understanding of what really happened with the 11/9 false-flag, and who was really behind it, is getting established slowly as a universally-admitted historical fact. Not fully there yet, but on its way. Patience!
Alex Jones just agreed to be fake-fined after a fake-trial in a fake-court with a fake-judge after being fake-convicted for having an opinion, which is Constitutionally protected.
So maybe you should leave that total-phony controlled-opposition sack of fermenting horse***t out of this.
Before greed became God, antisocial-ism is why prisons were first built. As a hive mentality, its deadly to humanity.
Humanity, not just our species – a practice & antidote to the inhumanity of misanthropic ideologues + legions of misinformed malcontents.
Humanity is subject to Natural Law; free will/body autonomy to live in peace with dignity/self respect – sovereignty
Inhumane ideology does not supersede Natural Law. Antisocial-ists disagree.
Bad guy? Osama. Where? Iraq.
Good guy? Obama. (Obomi.) Barack.
Barracks are usually a group of long buildings built to house military personnel or laborers.
Barack Obama
Middle name: Hussein
because Saddam Hussein
5th President of Iraq
Saddam was a CIA asset installed as a dictator by them in 1959, Obama is Kenyan/American born in Hawaii – FFS why do morons make such ludicrous crap assertions as you are.
shouldn’t you through some numbers in there, re satanism, or something?
9/11 Truth Made Simple is a short (17 minute) three video series showing how the crime scenes don’t match with what the tv told us to believe. Easy enough for grandma to understand.
The demise of the South Tower so closely resembles the Storax Sedan nuclear test in Nevada in the fifties or sixties. I went to the top of the South Tower in 1995. I didn’t think of it as the South Tower then. I know it was the South Tower now because the antenna was on the other tower, It is sobering to know that a giant structure I visited was pulverised into very fine dust by a syncronised series of mini nuke explosions six years later.
The nuke theory falls down due to absence of evidence for fallout. And common sense also precludes. Why use a nuke and leave lower Manhattan uninhabitable for years due to radiation when you can use thermite+conventional explosives and do the same job.
If you don’t look for the evidence you don’t find it. First responders suffered a wide array of illneses. The media didn’t cover this just as they have ignored huge numbers of convid “vaccine” deaths and injuries.USGS (geological surveys) did studies that showed elevated levels of barium and other fission products. An early study by a multiple agency team discovered elevated tritium levels at the site. Some distance from the site there were scores of partially burned cars. The instant pulverisation and the hot fast pyroclastic flows are also clear indications of nuclear explosions. The combined yield of all eight W54 warheads used would be of the order of 8 KT, about half of the yield of the Hiroshima bomb. Hiroshima has been inhabited since the bombing. The massive steel towers acted as containment for radiation. Huge efforts were made to water down and clear the site.
They did look for the evidence. Go to Journal of 9/11 Studies. Nuclear explosions leave behind telltale signatures. These were searched for and not found. The tritium levels were slightly raised, but nowhere near levels you would find after a nuclear explosion. Other important signature products of such an explosion were totally absent, as I have detailed.
The ‘yield’ is not a measure of radioactivity but of energy and explosive power. Low yield modern nukes, such as neutron bombs, are designed to have less explosive power and higher neutron bursts designed to kill personnel but limit damage to infrastructure. The very opposite of what was required on 9/11.
The fact GZ would be relatively safe weeks or months after the fact is irrelevant. The point is the neutron activation and initial burst of radiation from a nuke would have quickly killed many people in Lower Manhattan close to GZ. People would have been dropping dead within hours or days from radiation sickness. There’s no record of this.
“elevated levels of barium and other fission products. An early study by a multiple agency team discovered elevated tritium levels at the site”
The NIST tried to call the nuclear signature “due to the enormous number of smoke detectors in the building”!
The radiation theory also falls down, it’s a hollywood mad max/fallout fantasy story. Fukushima area was clean 3 weeks later, nagasakians and hiroshimans seem unaffected, chernobyl produced no significant increase in diseases, it was all a fear-operation to divide mankind from their sanity and a cheap energy source.
? what about all those belorussian kids with leukemia??
genuine question.
i know fine well the ecology seemed almost unaffected in the short term,
Fukushima is STILL allowing radioactive water to flow into the North Pacific.
Japan is paying big$$$ to the U$A corpse (Westinghouse? GE?) to deny the existence of any radioactive water
Lots of folks living long lives in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl Redpill.
Radiation is everywhere. Even in our drinking water.
Show us any – genuinely persuasive, not cloud-cuckoo-land – evidence for the use of nuclear explosions, if you can. Meanwhile AE9/11Truth has established beyond reasonable doubt the presence of nanothermite and thermate demolition explosives amongst the WTC dust. Occam’s Razor rools, OK.
Show us any – genuinely persuasive, not cloud-cuckoo-land – evidence for the use of thermite, if you can. Tell us how much of the stuff was required and where it had to be put and how it was ignited.
Unlike nukes or space beams there are multiple lines of evidence pointing to thermitic material being used on 9/11.
1. The molten iron spherules found in the dust
2. The white “smoke” and yellow hot metal seen emerging from the ST immediately prior to it imploding
3. The red-gray chips of unreacted, highly energetic iron-rich and aluminum-rich material found abundantly in the WTC dust.
4. The persistent high temperatures and molten metal reported by many observers for days/weeks after the towers came down
5. The hysterical efforts of so many entities to deny and discredit these established facts while asserting much more implausible “explanations” such as holograms, nukes, space beams and fake towers full of fake dust.
Every year we say the same things on cue and will do for seventy years till we all dead.ww2 becomes ww1 if your not careful.charlie chaplin could be hitler if your not careful.London could be babylondon if you not careful.Leave.They told us.
We are witnessing the rekindling of WW2 in what is called “The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine”.
For 70+ years we have been also told that the “West” won, and our governments are not fascist!
Jackie O did it.Or one of them.
Murder on the Orient Express, Dallas version: they ALL did it. Seriously, just so many goons had a dog in that sad hunt.
When someone asked one putative Chicago “wiseguy” who had had the best motive to rub out Sam Giancana (assassinated the day before he was to testify to Congress on assassinations, by the bye, 6.20.1975) the answer was wise enough: “They didn’t have one reason to kill Sam, there were a 1,000 reasons for that one.”
So it was for the American Reich (and mobz) with JFK.
Another grand reason to love him!
One of my favorites from that day was how one of the new stations broadcast a so-called live update of building 7 coming down.. before it came down. Oopsie.
That was Jane Standley of the BBC. Seconds later, they pulled the plug on her. (“Er, we appear to have lost Jane Standley there…”)
Jane later turned up in a televised interview about how she was being harassed by nasty conspiracy nuts. A clearly scripted affair which of course brought the entire matter down to a purely personal squabble between nice presenter and off stage thugs.
This is also what is going to happen with OPERATION COVIDIUS… 20+ years from now those still alive will carry on talking about the fraud that it was!
For me 9/11 was one of the best entertaining events I’ve seen so far. And it keeps improving!
The moment they announced that the Pentagon had been dive-bombed a full hour after the NYC attacks, it was blatantly obvious the whole thing was a scam. The very nerve-centre of the US military machine! The world’s most heavily-defended airspace!
I remember standing there that day, watching the TV report and actually bursting out laughing and spilling my tea. It was a mirthless laugh, a snort and a gasp plus the spluttered words, “Oh, fuck off!”
Nearly two years later, explaining why I felt I had to get involved in co-organising an international conference about this world-changing atrocity, I said to my girlfriend: “If they can get away with this, they can get away with anything.”
They got away with it. They are now getting away with anything.
“COVID-19” is “AL-QAEDA” perfected.
Although … sorry to rain-on-your-parade, but … I would have gone even further back and suggested that if ‘they’ could get-away with murdering JFK (which they did) they could get away with anything. just saying …
The Cuban Missle Crisis.
Even further…
Pearl Harbor.
You aren’t raining on anyone’s parade, hotrod31, and certainly not on mine, not least because I am not holding a parade.
Yes, everyone should pay very close attention to JFK and the other assassinations that destroyed the promise of the Sixties and ask themselves why they still [pretend to] believe a single word uttered by the fucking US government via the contemptible CIA * that runs it.
I know why they pretend, as does everyone who’s honest. It ain’t exactly rocket science.
I remember seeing a photo in the Boston Globe of the hole in the Pentagon. No skid marks in front of the hole, no plane wreckage, no luggage, no indication that a plane had ever been anywhere near that hole. How anyone could look at the photo and not conclude they were being lied to is still a mystery to me.
Simple denialism. Same with last 60 years of JFK murder denialism.
Well, at least by Main Sewer Media, right?
But denialism may be a bigger problem than propaganda.
It’s just invertebrate cowardice, John: ‘Oh my life’s so safe and easy and comfy! I really don’t want to be shaken out of my life-long comfywomb by having to think about HORRID things! I TRUST the powers that be!’
Well, there’s that too. Probably the bigger reason. I’m listening to my Dodgers play ball, and Rick Monday is adding color commentary how “we all saw the nation come together as one”.
Hard to take, even as a voice over with two home runs just hit by his former team, since it’s regurgitated identically phrased each September. He is enshrined forever for tackling a flag burner years ago, and that is also regurgitated each year, or month, by Charlie his sidekick in the booth, while you can hear Rick blush appropriately. Never gets old!
Well, for them anyway.
They seriously need to spend more quality (air) time on our collective sins, global incursions, and 9/11 anomalies, but that would slow ticket sales, and that simply goes nowhere.
And that is how “reality” is (pre)fabricated in our times.
I’ll try to get a refund, if it’s not too late.
Yep, a near-pristine lawn and just that hole in the ground floor. Only several minutes later (maybe a full half-hour or more) did the upper floors even fall in.
A truly incredible feat of piloting by the incompetent novice Hari Hanjour.
Also to be remembered is the account of a woman naval officer, her name, not remembered, is on the cover of “The Clocks of September” in any case, she recounted on my friend Jim Hogue’s show (“The House at Pooh Corner”, Vermont) and what few shows would host her, that there were explosions within the Pentagon some little while BEFORE the missile hit, and the original blasts cracked, damaged, and consequently froze the clocks at a time that preceded the “official” time of the strike. Also, the Cruise-style missile passed a gas station close by, and the CCTV recordings were confiscated by “men-in-black” agents who soon arrived to seize those camera tapes. (As far as documentation of all that, you’re on your own, but I do recall that Hogue discussed that with me on-the-air in 2005, and he is well-known in Vermont 9/11 truth circles, and at last count was speaking annually each September 11 in NYC at their conferences. He’s had just about everybody who’s anybody on his show, from his seminal interview in 2004 with Sibel Edmonds, to Daniel Ellsberg, Colleen Rowley (FBI in pursuit of ‘AlQaeda’),”David Ray Griffin, the late Michael Ruppert and on and on. Amongst all those, I was a bit of a babe in the woods, frankly, given that they are all career professionals, but at least “the fingerprints of Intelligence” that I have upon me were placed there, without my permission! Which is not always the case with some of those others, an ambiguous calling at times! (To paraphrase Gertrude Stein ~ who had a lot of those “prints” herself: “A spook is a spook is a spook.”)
Which is why the “no plane” view was relentlessly derided even (especially) within the “truther” movement. Dave McGowan was as usual the most astute voice here.
See here:
I called family to tell them, after the first tower had been hit, since I was up early (6am on the West Coast) and wanted to brace our family night owls.
While I was waking them up, giving them the news, the other tower was hit, and within maybe 5 seconds, 10 tops, I offered them, “This has got to be an Inside Job.” It surely seemed so obvious.
But I had spent hundreds of hours the year before investigating the 2000 Bush/Gore electoral meltdown and massive nationwide fraud mechanisms (as brilliantly, and deeply, detailed in “Votescam: the Stealing of America” by the Collier brothers) put into play and carefully coordinated at every level of MSM, so I had had a real extensive “crash course” in how such things could happen, and do happen.
Back then, at that early date, I knew of very, very few people who had seen and witnessed all that kind of thing. (Or at least so few who talked about it.)
A couple years later I heard on KPFK L.A. in the wee hours an interview with Melody Bethke, film-maker, who made the film “disinfo-nation” talk about how she had been doing intern work on documentaries in Berlin, Germany and was about to fly home to California when she saw German television on all channels had as its top story, “Major Terrorist Attack Forecast for the East Coast of the United States…
On all stations, reporting it.
On September 10.
(Which so happens to be today.)
That, and the literally hundreds of hours spent following the 2000 Electoral Crisis were my big eye-openers, whilst almost all of America, and world, still slept on.
Long before that, in December 1988, I got an in-house memo from the Democratic Party, for whom I had just organized the Dukakis Presidential Campaign for 10 cities in L.A. It detailed how the Electoral College lopsided “win” (theft) by Poppy Bush (GHWB) had swung on key swing states where, if only 440,000 votes had switched in key precincts, Dukakis would have won the Electoral College, and thus the Presidency. Instead, Bush won over 400 of those votes to Dukakis’ 100.
Seeing things like that may have made it a bit “easier” to see the 9/11 hoax for what it is/was.
As well as Coronapalooza™. As I like to call it.
(As you say, now they get away with anything. Clearly, CIA by using such black ops and psyops, they have streamlined the techniques of global subversion with their many global crime partners.)
In 2015 I met two women, mother and daughter, French nationals who both had Vietnamese accents, and were visiting family in the really big Little Saigon here in Orange County, south of L.A. and both spoke fluent English as well.
Seeing an op for word-on-the-street confirmation, I asked them about the September 10 date, and they both, looking at each other, and nodding, agreed that they had both heard about the imminent 9/11 “event” the day before it happened, on French news broadcasts.
And yet, we didn’t ?!
(As Alice opines, “Curiouser and curiouser.”)
i’ll be honest,
i didn’t know what to make of it… I just saw the that movie, towering inferno.
i didn’t understand the pyroclastic flow and way they came down, ..
and that other building I was aware of in about a day…?
i did remark to my mother that evening “..the world changed today,”
: /
“Nearly two years later, explaining why I felt I had to get involved in co-organising an international conference about this world-changing atrocity, I said to my girlfriend: “If they can get away with this, they can get away with anything.”
Up yourself much?
Why would you even ask that question, you wanker?
Let me guess: You’re seething with resentment because it took you years to notice the obvious.
Everyone who believes the official narrative of 9/11 will believe the official narrative of everything officially narrated. That’s the problem. The officials are liars and the truth is not in them. It’s impossible to grasp a void. All you can do is inform that some people have a hole inside. There’s no difference between 9/11 and covid and they’ll continue happening. The only people who will read this expose are those who don’t need to or those who can’t see that the solution lies elsewhere.
Wait… are you telling us (MMS/3i’s) that the jesters/scoundrels/terrorists in office are not honest and truthful and trustworthy?!
Please stop trying to make your “MMS blah blah” thing into a meme ok! It’s not going over. It’s too long, too clunky, too obscure. No one understand it. Give it up and try something new. It’s just getting sad and annoying
Writing “Modern Moron Slaves/Irresponsible, Ignorant, Idiots” (MMS/3i’s) is not time effective… Don’t like it, DON’T READ IT.
Go take the Bluepill.
The Twin Towers’ demolition becomes quite obvious once you see WTC7.
FUN FACT… If asked large majority of MMS/3i’s don’t know anything about WTC7! For them only two buildings were demolished… I mean “came down due to jet impact and office fires”!
Yes, once I brought a happy family gathering to a dead silence stop by trying to tell my cousin that there was, in fact, a Bldg 7 and it collapsed without being hit by a plane. This was Easter of 2014 or so. Nope, he insisted it didn’t exist & I was nuts. They REALLY think I’m nuts now.
It’s called Ostrich Syndrome: or, just putting their heads where they really don’t belong, or where the sun don’t shine no more.
I don’t know if they didn’t want to know, but they certainly didn’t remember it. Bldgs 1 & 2 + planes were shown repeatedly on TV. The Pentagon and Shanksville were barely mentioned in subsequent years, anthrax not at all. So what remained was a truncated memory that didn’t include the rest of the story. OK — maybe I’ve just proven your point, or maybe it’s just the power of the repeated message that allows the rest of the data to be shoved to the side.
A very interesting point, and even more important, as a point. is the syndrome(s) that mind control optimizes (for more control).. Trauma-based events enhance Ostrich Syndrome, and the individual mind needs to fight to own the memory.
The mind will balk, and if not constantly cued, will bury the associations. Even all of them. It happened to me for a year when a girlfriend got anorexia, I didn’t answer her letter from afar, I simply drew a blank. Then I quite amazingly, ran into her best friend 4,000 miles from where we’d all met in Kauai, and she asked me about. I dealt with the letter for a week the year before, tried to answer, then buried the event completely. Then, after my reawakening, I hitchhiked 2,500 miles -and back, a month later- to see her, when she was 80 pounds. 10 years later she miraculously recovered her normal weight, something that rarely happens. But that is one of several times where something was so hard to face, it dropped like a stone in my mind, forgotten till, obviously, something resurfaced it. I offer it here in defense if Americans, to suggest that many may have well been thus by the 4th Reich. aka C. I. A…..)
It’s related to features of Battered Wife Syndrome, Stockholm Syndrome, and all such defensive mechanisms .
It’s a feature of intensive Mind Control, not a bug.
Reinforced amnesia, if you will.
“They,” know all that.
The youtube movie has some of that:
“PSYWAR: The Real Battlefield is the Mind”
We need to find ways tgat are as adept ss theirs, yo reverse that process. syndrome(s).
That is near the heart of the REAL Resistance.
Pack a lunch!
Pardon typos at end, rushed in distress, i.e. no edit available, but should have read:
“We need to find ways that are as adept as theirs, to reverse that process, syndrome(s).”
To reverse their “curse”. It seems like a hopeful notion: semiotics is one avenue, among others, that can and would reveal the design of their “plan”(demics) and how to neutralize them.
A Grand Plan, to be sure, and one that would be furiously countered, but worth the work
A sage of Ancient Rome once said, “The goal is not be in agreement with the majority, but to find oneself at the end not included in the ranks of the insane.”
That said, it took some decades to get some public consensus on the JFK hit. The late John Judge ran a poll that had 85% public now believing JFK hit was conspiracy.
So, it’s only been two decades since 9/11….
I’m shocked at how many still look at me in surprise or ridicule when I say 9/11 was an Uncle $ham scam. Fewer than 10 years ago, it seems .
But then many of those are wearing masks even now.
In California a LOT of people think Coronapalooza™ is a fraud, whereas far fewer did in 2020.
So we get glimmers of Hope
And yet the late John Judge, circa 2003-4 argued that anyone who contended the WTC towers were blown up was an op trying to undermine the truth movement with disinformation.
Thanks for the reminder. Judge had me on his mailing list for years and invites to COPA each year. I was surprised to not get one in 2014, but found out the too obvious reason: he had died.
Rather young too. Jim Marrs followed him a few years later, both high profiles, especially Marrs, who was early 70s upon his death. Big names in akl this, but still dubious. I trust Jim Garrison. a hero. And probably Mort Sahl, his comic deputy.
Yep, it’s pretty hard to vouch for many, at all. Very very few!
Oliver Stone made that dog of a film about WTC, and I have generally liked his contributions, but that offering was a twin tower tall load of StierScheiße.
“And so it goes” ~ to quote Schlachthof Funf”.
Vonnegut, world-weariness!
Sorry that happened, bur for future reference, it was on live TV.
Same here just last year… But just to get things funnier I told them to pick their “smart”brainphone and search for it. What a laugh!
It was on live TV. People can be told where to find it. I once told a structural engineer about it, he was flabbergasted, couldn’t believe he never heard of it, and said after reading just a little bit that demolition was obvious.
One serious question I’ve never seen answered satisfactorily about WTC7:
Why destroy the whole building? Why not just remove any incriminating evidence from the relevant floors?
In striking contrast to the Twin Towers, Building 7 was not world-famous but obscure and nondescript, AND its bizarre collapse was assiduously hidden from the world (as opposed to branded into everyone’s memory by means of constant repetition in the mass media).
It is an anomaly in more ways than one.
The best explanation I’ve read deals with “their” love of occult rituals. Apparently, bldgs 1,2, and 7 line up like the stars in Orion’s belt, just like the pyramids of Giza. Makes as much sense as anything.
An insurance scam would be a simpler and more plausible explanation. Hence “Pull it.” But that would have required the approval and active participation of much bigger and more numerous sociopaths than Mr Larry Silverstein alone, and the building must have been wired for demolition far in advance.
not sure it has to be either/or. money + ritual significance = pull it?
Hmm, not sure if there’s anything to this.
But it sure beats the hell out of my prospective reply: “In for a penny, in for a pound!” 😉
Whether this specific explanation is true or false, one must be deeply brainwashed by Occam’s razor in order to ignore the so-called occult origin (not “connections”).There is no need to listen to people who are interested in the truth and at the same time have a great desire for the simplest explanation, corresponding to their cemented psyops.They will always say-for the money; or perhaps-for the power; while all that matters on which a business is built and the toolbox of power is the source of power, his origin and purposes. And the people who ignore this have already won the profits they fought for. Fair for everyone to pick their fruit. And today is just the time for the harvest.
7 was supposedly full of horrendously incriminating material on all sorts of powerful people, which agencies of the deep state had mustered in their offices in the building. It may also have had in it the line-of-sight control centre for real-time management of the demolition of the Twin Towers. So the story goes. All evidence conveniently incinerated in the controlled demolition.
One theory I’ve had over the years… One of the arguments detractors continually make is that it would have been impossible to wire both buildings for demolition on such a scale in such a short amount of time. I’d thought of the possibility of dozens (or scores) of independent exl0sives, each with its own power source (battery) and RC receiver unit, all rolled into place in crates and controlled remotely via computer from the nearby WTC7, negating the need for wires. Even with wires, it could still have been controlled remotely. Remember the command center and various agencies housed in that building, plus other things like the Enron evidence… All removed with the collapse of that building.
For me, the flawless demoliton of the 2 Towers, with not a second of interruption, is enough.
Clearly!? What else!?
Er, what about the plane flying in to the towers and al Qaeda crowing about its heroic martys? If they thought they’d been fitted up they might have said so?!
Why do your bosses still think it’s worthwhile trying to sell that shit here?
OBL did indeed quickly state that “Al Qaeda” had nothing to do with it.
We also would have accepted “Do try to keep up!” 😉
Al Qaeda does not exist.
OF COURSE THEY EXIST! It is merely the nom de plume of AlCIAduh. Say it fast 10 times with a hard “C”. Like Unc(kkk)le $(c)AM.
Not since “they” re-registered as AlCIAduh
I watched it and thought it was just another ridiculous Graham Greene novel made into a movie – then they said it was real and I said CIA – nothing has changed my mind since
graham greene
was not khazar or an israeli arts project called b thing and gelatine
the tale was told christopher bolleyn
i also like final judgement Michael Collins Piper
I do believe that, Thierry Meyssan, from Voltaire Network ( planted the seed for Christopher Bolleyn’s ( seminal investigative journey. So, credit to both.
Bollyn’s The Epstein Connection to 9-11 is interesting and the picture of the east corner of the south tower seven minutes before collapse of molten metal pouring out of windows is mind boggling
Agreed! Although, it is worth remembering that the modern CIA are really MOSSAD in drag. Cui bono?
As if the CIA needed lessons in depravity from their protegés. As if the UVF ran MI5.
James Jesus Angleton was the link between the CIA and Mossad. There are memorials to him in Israel. Mossad has so many achievements. MC Piper makes a plausible case that the Umbrella Man in Dealey Plaza was actually crack Mossad assassin Michael Harari. There is so much evidence that links Israel to the JFK hit. Curiously Angleton was entertaining a senior French intelligence figure on the day of the hit in Washington. The role of the Algerian OAS and French intelligence is another intriguing sub plot in this eternal mystery.
harari? harari!!?
is this a common hebrew name like smith or the like??
Weird, I was just reading about yet another Harari, a photographer who did photo sessions for Kate Bush in the 80s.
I don’t know how common this surname is, but I hear that some people call the most famous Harari today – Noah Hazari. 🙂
And even more evidence linking Nazis to it, as Mae Brussel explored well in her 1980 piece about Nazi Connections to the JFK Assassination, very revealing. Then she died of cancer at 66 a few years after, surprise. They seem like strange bedfellows, but money is a great superglue for broken rapports.
Just think: Zelenskiiy & Azov, huh?
Note the cold photo of General Reinhard Gehlen, soon to be de facto founder of the CIA, from 1947 onward…. I heard live on Coast2Coast radio, in the wee hours, a few years ago, Fred Burks of and PEERS (hard to cover his whole profile, but he sure posts a lot of stuff relevant to this) how he had learned that Josef Mengele was training CIA agents, on site, at Langley HQ, in the 1950s. THAT WAS ON ART BELL’S OLD SHOW! With an audience of about 15 million listeners, nightly, if memory serves. So, a lot of people got that little news item, long hidden.
I had long suspected it, so much trouble was always taken to place Mengele in South America, relentlessly, after the “fall” of the 3rd Reich, with no mention of where else he might have been touring. Of course, there were telephones, and Gehlen could have given him a jingle at any time for consults, especially since Allen Dulles had claimed that all our former Nazis, here stateside, had been “de-nazified”. Right?
A quite fascinating factoid about “The Quiet American” film of 2001, remade to follow closely the Graham Greene novel about the black op of the car bombs in Place Garnier of 1952, where Greene was wintering as an MI6 agent/novelist, is that they were pre-screening the LionsGate production in NYC on September 11, and heard terrible explosions. When they walked outside, they saw the destruction of the towers, within walking distance. A very odd “serendipity” in that it shines a light on BOTH black ops, and the incredible subversion of the original movie by Col. Ed Lansdale, head of CIA in Vietnam from 1955 on (and who was the superior officer of Daniel Ellsberg), when he concocted a film starring WW II hero Audie Murphy (one of the early members of Actors Laboratory, along with Marilyn Monroe and other familiar names, a project founded by my granny’s nephew, Roman Bohnen) as “The Quiet American” who is cast, not as a villain as was the case in the novel, but the hero. The whole plot was perfectly reversed to be an American propaganda vehicle for the coming Vietnam War, still some years in the future. This revealing review of the film by H. Bruce Franklin, which I’ve posted elsewhere, is an incredible update on such psyops and was a huge revelation to me, who was unawares when I first read it. Curiously, I saw the film by accident on October 2, 2004, (also the Feast of the Guardian Angels in my RC Communion). Later that month, I saw the last volume of Norman Sherry’s massive trilogy biography of Graham Greene, worth the eye-strain, and saw that his introduction was dated, October 2, 2004: the Centenary of Greene’s birth.
Seemed like a sign from above!
Here is the really stunning essay “By the Bombs Early Light” about the Place Garnier terrorist bombing(s) by the CIA, which was the focal point of “The Quiet American” ~~ not to mention other like events, such as the My Lai Massacre 17 years later:
Such an epiphany, much like the marvelous book, “The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton” which I’ve just finished reading, and fills in just about every other conceivable blank in the hidden history of these things in Southeast Asia, from U.S. bases in Thailand, and Merton’s covert murder there, to the film made 34 years later, and all involved.
(By the way, the courageous film-maker Philip Noyce, an Australian Vietnam War vet himself, gives all the details in a “director’s commentary” that is included on the hard copy DVD about their experience of 9/11, 2001, screening the finished film prior to its release, and then finding themselves suddenly just blocks away from the WTC when it was coming down. Amazing co-incidence of events, to be sure. That is something I found after I had read the Franklin article above, and the two were an eventful connection for me, written after the article had been published. I contacted HB Franklin, an eminent author with a curious history, so complex, and he emailed me back that hour, writing, “He sure had his number, didn’t he? and then suggested I read “Dog Soldiers” by the recently departed Robert Stone, a tale which involves all my turf of most of my life, Southern California, and the drug pushing that went on back then, extending to San Francisco. An amazing novel too, by Stone, also a fascinating character, RIP.)