Yet another “whistleblower” means yet more censorship
Kit Knightly

A new Twitter “whistleblower” has come forward. Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, allegedly a former hacker and Twitter’s ex-head of security, testified in front of congress today, with dire warnings about the business practices of the social media giant.
Did he talk about the company’s egregious attacks on their users’ free speech under the guise of “protecting” the public?
Did he mention the suppression of alternative and independent journalism through practices such as “shadow-banning” and discretely removing followers?
Perhaps he told them about how, like all major social media platforms, it is so cross-pollinated with intelligence assets it may as well be considered just another branch of the Deep State.
No, none of that. His main concern is that Twitter’s security is too lax, and that the platform’s “cyber-security failures” leave it potentially open to “exploitation” that can “cause real harm to real people”.
NOW – Former Twitter security chief says the platform's leadership "is misleading the public, lawmakers, regulators, and even its own board of directors."
— (@disclosetv) September 13, 2022
According to the write-up of his testimony in The Guardian, “Zatko said Twitter runs out-of-date and vulnerable software on more than half of its data center servers and that in “multiple episodes” the platform was breached by foreign intelligence agencies.”
Adding, “Zatko has also accused Twitter of doing little to combat problems with spam bots – an allegation that bolsters Elon Musk’s case for backing out of his Twitter acquisition.”
Do you see how this works? It’s gearing up the machinery to label anyone who dissents as either a “spy” or a “bot” (and perhaps reveals something of the purpose behind Elon Musk’s “revelation” about the number of “fake accounts” on twitter).
If this all sounds eerily familiar, don’t worry you’re not experiencing deja vu, you’re just remembering Frances Haugen, the facebook “whistleblower” from last year. She said very similar things in a very similar way.
We’ve seen this dance before, we know the steps. As I wrote only last year:
Like so many other testimonies before congress in the past, the entire event looks fake and probably is. A stage-managed exercise involving some “expert witness” telling a bunch of politicians exactly what they want to hear, so they can go ahead push the legislation they were going to push anyway. It’s all leading up to loud bipartisan calls for “regulation”, and that’s not a good thing.
They wheel out some person – who may or may not be real, and may or may not have an axe to grind – prop them up in a nice suit in front of some po-faced senators and have them reel off a few thousand serious sounding words.
Their pay-off is a few minutes of fame, a ghost-written book deal and being called “brave” by moist-eyed liberal pundits, their hands white-knuckling around their pearls.
While they prattle on at length about the supposed “problem”, the “solution” is already planned and ready to roll out. Such is the crushingly predictable nature of the Hegelian dialectic.
And, just in case any of you hadn’t already figured out what that was, The Guardian is more than clear [emphasis added]:
In his testimony, Zatko said there had not been enough government enforcement when it comes to the operations of big tech, and that the federal trade commission (FTC) is “in over its head” when going up against huge tech firms.
More “government enforcement”.
It’s all so tiresome.
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Didn’t Zatko also claim in the same speech that he had evidence of Chinese CP operatives working undetected at Twitter? What about that?
Will Musk succeed in getting the Twitter price lowered or will he bail and allow Congress to coerce Twitter into continued censorship and violation of the first amendment. Isn’t that what this is about? Preventing a Musk purchase, or, at least, setting the ground rules for it’s operation once he does finish the purchase. A lot of conservatives had their hopes up that this was going to be a major victory against Big Brother.
Yes, this is part of the nu propaganda. A whistleblower from within the CDC says the agency is not criminal, it’s just full of people enthralled to “group think”.
These people are caught and they are using new lies, old lies, half truths–whatever it takes to move people away from their criminality. It is quite tiresome.
In the US, the govt. may not direct tech giants to censor. This is illegal. We don’t need more illegality, we need the rule of law to be enforced.
Jill, the Law, meaning the Common Law or Law of the Land, will not be enforced against the criminals in the CDC because of the criminals that run the statutory ‘legal system’ and operate within it i.e., judges, lawyers etc. etc. which is also supported by a corrupt Government Corporation. What do you expect?
The situation will only change if and when the majority of People start to get off their asses, change their habits of docility and complacency and re-establish a Common Law Jurisdiction outside of their corrupt ‘legal system’ and learn about the Common Law and Common Law Courts organized and established by the People and for the benefit of the People to obtain some semblance of justice.
Only then will any progress be made, but it has to come from the People and be supported by the People otherwise the bad stuff will continue to proceed NWO style. Consider joining the Common Law Court (International) as a start – the more that join the better.
Which people do you refer to when you use the word, “People”?
SoT, that’s a very good question but can be a tricky one to answer.
Here, I am referring to all People (flesh and blood men and women) who have been made ‘slaves’ under the present corrupt legal system who didn’t, (and obviously still don’t) even realize the fact when the parents registered their birth certificates with the state credit was created. This was based on a fraudulent contract involving non-disclosure of all details to the parents, thereby also creating a fictitious legal entity (or legal personality) as named on the birth certificate.
Courts are corrupt corporations under the present statutory legal system and run for profit, but can’t deal with living men or women, they can only deal with the legal fiction named on your birth certificate which the state ‘owns’ and wants you to identify with and represent so you can pay for all sorts of statutory requirements and privileges, such as licenses, and taxes etc etc. Slavery in this sense was therefore never effectively abolished in all its forms, and is still legal today, but it is NOT lawful under Common Law.
Thank you for this useful info. Is this the right link?
Putinista messenger boy delivers nuclear threat
The rapture is an eschatological theological position held by a few Christians, particularly those of American evangelicalism, consisting of an end-time event when all Christian believers who are alive, along with resurrected believers, will rise “in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”[1] The origin of the term extends from Paul the Apostle’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians in the Bible, in which he uses the Greek word harpazo (Ancient Greek: ἁρπάζω), meaning “to snatch away” or “to seize,” and explains that believers in Jesus Christ would be snatched away from earth into the air.[2]
Mike Pompeo: “There will be a smooth transition.”
Clint Ehrlich: What I got wrong about Ukraine
Sep 14, 2022
Freddie Sayers meets Clint Ehrlich
Read the accompanying article
Is this guy Carstens not considered to be a “Twitter whistleblower” too?? Ha! In a tweet that is worth twittering about by Michael O’Fallon – Sovereign Nations:
The Bank of International Settlements general manager Agustin Carstens has recently stated boldly [on Twitter Sep 12], that they will have “absolute technological control” over your personal spending under Central Bank Digital Currencies.
In other words, Carstens is introducing “total-totalitarianism”.
Continue to be happy and complacent folks – do nothing and you’ll soon own nothing! 😴
But how many of you really believe what Carstens has stated will actually happen – I’d be very interested to know and your reasons WHY.
Although not directly linked to CBDC, we’ve already seen pre-cursors to Carsten’s words being put into action:
Canadian Trucker Protests
Think back to the Canadian truckers and how the Canadian government used “use public-private partnerships” with banks, funding platforms and payment processers to freeze the truckers bank accounts and cut off sources of funding.
Chinese Bank Depositors
To stop Chinese citizens travelling to protest and demand their deposits back from six banks, the CCP turned their Health app red. This which meant they couldn’t travel outside their provinces, so the CCP gained control the narrative and demoralized would-be protesters. Here’s an article for more info.
As per the predator playbook, they’ll execute their strategy incrementally (I’d argue incrementalism is our most dangerous enemy):
Our friends at the Atlantic Council have a lovely interactive tracker for you here:
Some stats for you:
We’re proper fucked if we continue to ignore incrementalism.
From the endless parade of non-stop Queenie: some “expert on the Royals” warbles about “the basic bedrock of decency of the British nation” etc. The more a quality is emphasised, the harder it is to find in the the rulers who are so desperate to trumpet it. Just as the more a service declines and the less it cares, the more eager it is to ask for “your opinion” and “your feedback”.
The first word in twitter is twit.
Thought that from day one.
I love the sight of modern people testifying under oath…
Mostly atheists, or at least non-practising subscribers, with no particular reason to fear repercussions from God, Jesus or Archangel Michael if they lie the most purple lies imaginable – with their hand on the Bible…
Great article
His mom knew too. Only reason she hung on as long she did. Hoping all along that Charles would kick first to avert a possible tragedy. Charles is all in on climate change and the Great Reset. Hook. Line. And Sinker. Only way to save him is to cut the line.
Another non-event show presented by a feckless congress for the benefit of the plebs (and to encourage more government intervention on the internet). Wonder how much the whistleblower was paid for his support of twitter censorship.
As long as we continue to stress about being censored by twitter, twitter will dominate the public square and we’ll never reach the point where getting kicked off is either a cause for celebration or a non-event.
Well, this video just made me laugh out loud…so I thought I would share…there is always reason to hope and believe that good things can and will happen to good people everywhere.
”…nothing is sadder, than a suddenly ex-billionaire, who has no way to get breakfast…”
I think that may be the best short video I’ve ever seen.
Von der Leyen in her State of the European Union address (when did that become a thing?):
“In these times it is wrong to receive extraordinary record revenues and profits benefitting from war and on the back of our consumers. In these times, profits must be shared and channelled to those who need it most.”
It’s one of those “telling the truth but not in the way normies will think” messages. It’ll go to those who “need it most” all right. It’s really just a way of increasing taxes without most people twigging that they’ve worked out. They care so much that lifting sanctions and lowering the actual price of energy is denied to even exist as an option – like that a mysterious increase in excess deaths cannot possibly be considered to be related to the so-called vaccine.
In UK politics, this will be used to try to push the Compatible Left back into the EU with ‘windfall taxes’ as common ground.
VDL was dressed fetchingly in blue/gold which happen to the colours of the freemasonic logo.
Von der Lying…
There’s something particularly horrific about freemasons in drag…
Definition: Twitter: a small tremulous intermittent sound (as of birds). Or perhaps: An association of chattering morons.
US Government Is World’s Worst Violator of Freedom of Press, Not Its Protector
August 12, 2022
US Government Is World’s Worst Violator of Freedom of Press, Not Its Protector – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Quote: ”The US case against Assange essentially amounts to a criminalization of journalism.”
“‘The Chaos Machine’ author Max Fisher discusses how social media is eroding our minds, driving polarization, and radically changing the way we think.”
Yes, it’s over two hours long, but more insightful than any other article or video.
Oh my goodness, more government enforcement, as if anyone needs more of that.
Whistleblower 99/100 = agent
What I want to know is how come there are so few genuine whistleblowers. I know it’s hard for them to get the word out but they’re so damned rare.
‘What I want to know is how come there are so few genuine whistleblowers. I know it’s hard for them to get the word out but they’re so damned rare.’
I guess it would be made very clear to a whistleblower (and their families) what could happen to them if they say too much.It wouldn’t have to be just an ‘accidental’ or suspicious death.In many cases a whistleblower could quite easily be harassed,blacklisted,discredited,slandered,ruined financially etc.
Could the people who are supposed to protect a whistleblower even be trusted?
Even not-so-important jobs now have non disclosure agreements in employment contracts.
Edit: And yes, it’s scary and depressing.
“Whistleblowers” from the secret space programme on Gaia TV smell so fishy.
The Fake as f*ck Project Vartasi whistleblowers or that make believe CEO of big pharma or that inventor off or undercover caught covid at xmas looney tunesz undertaker ….Snake venom Dr adder, etc etc etc etc
I am godsmack that at this level that you could fall for this type of Nigerian scam time and time again.
Until next time.
“Whistleblower” and Insiders who come out in the alt media then get passed about the MIC media as vessels of truth are soooooooo credible.. 🕵 😂
If you’ve got 10 minutes to waste go have a look at how many “Whistleblowers” and ‘Insiders’ came out during covid.
Then honestly think to your self how many are really credible.
All of a sudden there now experts in everything and have huge online fanbase.
Dont worry your self about MSM “Whistleblowers” the alt media ones are just as dangerous if not worse when it comes to leading the false awakening lot astray.
This is a ‘nudge’ towards the ‘solution’ which will be a digital-ID in order to access Twitter Ver2 that will be blockchain based. It will be sold as decentralized but is actually the opposite, by design.
The digital-ID will be your digital-twin within the simulation called the Metaverse.
These control systems rely upon our support, even for their R&D.
The Guardian (of Fake News) has not published any news from real whistleblowers since the days of Wikileaks revelations on the Iraq war. I remember that silly boy from Cambridge Analytica, the whistleblower whose revelations were published simultaneously in G and NYT. The word “Russia” appeared at least 20 times in those articles but the bomb landed in the wrong place: it was facebook which blew up by mistake.
What’s rather funny is that this person worked as an admin assistant at Cambridge Analytica. He knew nothing about statistics but the Guardian (of Fake News) presented him as a “big data scientist”. He spoke breathlessly about the powers of big data to not only spy on you but even to manipulate you! He seemed to have leaned all he knewa about the magical powers of bid data by watching Netflix.
What was even more dismaying is tha the members of the UK government commission that had been set up to investigate the matter were hopelessly out of their depth. They didn’t even know what questions to ask.
Cryptocurrency – the MERGE – future of Ethereum
(David Knight – from ~ 50’10”)
Funny, I seem to remember leaving the Fraud’s Comments’ section because two comments I made about Prince Andrew being implicted in the Epstein affair were deleted with no justification:
My only fault was to be right at the wrong time i.e. before the mainstream had been forced to take some notice of Epstein and Andrew set up as the lightning rod. BTW I don’t support heckling people at funerals, just disconnect and leave them to it.
Their self-image as champions of free speech is one of the fraudiest parts of the Fraud, especially when it comes from someone like Hyde.
The media and eyes of the world are on it. It’s the very best time to show your displeasure at the Parasites. Squeamishness about it being a funeral is irrelevant. They can hold it privately like everyone else if they so wished. The country would be better for it, rather than having to endure the indoctrinated childish sentimentality of a minority. It’s pathetic.
Squeamishness is one thing, but the public consciousness is what it is, and it has been trained to regard some things as simply ‘not done’.
The guy who shouts rude things at a family member during a funeral comes out as the looney, whatever he says, and however justified his words.
I don’t think that can be helped.
The majority understand that what is ‘not done’ is what the royals and the rest do. That is a far greater matter of importance than a shout into the wind at a time some deem to be offensive. Let them be offended.
Indeed, by all means let them be offended.
But my concern is from the other end of this issue:
I think the majority also understand that the guy who shouts at a family member during a funeral comes across as a looney, which means his intended insult loses all its teeth.
Still, I’m sure better opportunities will come along…
Agree. When my cousin’s husband [ an episcopal priest, tried to pray my abusive, downright evil aunt into heaven, I did what the other 200 hundred people probably wanted to do. I stood up straight – looked around and walked out.
At least Andrew had quite a lot of public squirming to do at HRM’s funeral.
I could swear he was blushing for hours on end, although of course he doesn’t sweat like other people … … …
As a public spectacle, it was almost the equivalent of the old stocks and rotten vegetables…
I think a possible false flag that we have to be prepared for is an unprovable attack “by the Russians” against the power grid, which has grave effects on the water system. Such a false flag would achieve much in control and in deaths.
Russia’s now taking out Ukraine’s electrical grid. What’s more likely than Ukraine and its NATO mercenaries should attack the Russian power grid? Excellent cover for a false flag attack on European or US power grid.
If the power goes, so does the atm machine and, in many cases, the water supply. Try to be prepared. Just sayin’
Get over it Penelope. It’s a bullshit, stage-managed conflict. If Russia wanted to crush Ukraine it could. It will last precisely as long as it’s meant to, with exactly the outcome planned.
Exactly. That’s what I’m concerned about. TPTB are obviously using it currently to degrade the world economy, much of the energy that supports European industry, etc.
If TPTB choose to use it for a “Russian” attack on the power grid in any US/NATO country, they can use the war to give themselves cover to do so. It’s a perfect set-up to do so.
It does not even require them to escalate the “US/Russian war” if they don’t want to, since it would be “unprovable.”
This bloke can blow whistles and talk thru his arse at the same time !
assange = shill
snowden = shill
corbert = shill
no one with any following of any significance is going to give you good information, they are placed in their positions to play a role on the world stage
all countries are human farms, your owners are human farmers
a one world government has been in place for hundreds if not thousands of years
slavery will never end
the best slaves think they are free
go get your ” i voted ” sticker like a good slave
jax = moron
Jax = TROLL op.
I take great issue with you calling Assange a shill.
There’s plenty things one can comment on and plenty ways one can poke holes in Wikileaks dealings, but none of them are any way near Julian Assange being a shill.
Have you seen the physical condition the guy is in? The guy is being broken & killed right now. Tell us Jax, what did you achieve & lost for the “good cause”?
I think he’s trying to point out, the corporate media, govt + intelligence agencies would have the brainwashed biological systems believe the true whistle blowers are shills & all 40watt thinkers, getting jabbed, voting & listening to establishment shill’s, is not slavery & for the well being of all.
How do you know for sure that it really is Assange in prison?
How do we know that you’re not just a trouble-maker…?
Time will tell, I suppose…
Nope…just asking a genuine question!
It’s hard to take your opposition to Corbett too seriously when you don’t know how to spell his name.
Can’t you even be bothered to distinguish between Stephen Colbert and James Corbett…?
In any case, everything depends upon how you, we, all human individuals, digest and interpret the information they are given.
Colbert is a joker – end of story.
But Corbett has a great number of verifiable facts in his armoury, and nobody even needs to take them on faith alone.
All you are essentially saying is, “shill, shill, shill”… However, I’m sure you can do better than that.
Look, all it takes to make Twitter and irrelevance is for everyone to close their accounts.
Zero people are required to ever use Twitter. It’s totally unnecessary, totally non-life-affirming and totally replaceable by any number of alternatives.
Instead of whingeing about what Twitter might do, why doesn’t the thinking world unite to act to make Twitter pointless??
That’s what I keep wondering about. Why use it in the first place? Why even have a FB account? Why post your anti regime content on YT? And then complain about banning, being deleted etc. It doesn’t make sense at all.
Because if you self-censor on these platforms you are voluntarily shutting yourself in the ghetto they are building for you. We are censored on FB & Twitter but we intend to maintain a presence there until they throw us off.
Yes, those persistent but fist clenching Party members are what eventually brought the USSR to its knees.
I fully disagree. You say this because it feels like self interest to remain on a platform, that it’s the only way to stay alive. In reality that’s exactly how you are meant to feel. No matter what they do, what they censor, people will be there because they feel it’s the only way.
The only way is to NOT TAKE PART. You may feel this is detrimental to your own cause, but the opposite is true. You can’t change a system you don’t own and you won’t ever get your message to more people than is allowed.
Imagine for a moment that millions upon millions choose the same, to leave these platforms of control; new, less controlled platforms or means of communicating would emerge to serve them. But you have to take the step, otherwise you are participating exactly as you are needed to. Doesn’t that feel like weakness?
Well, perhaps a moderate approach is the best one? There’s no one benefits from an alt. news platform if no one has heard of it!
If Offg had decided not to grow its following on major platforms then it would be very tiny and obscure right now, definitely not in a position where it could afford to potentially float on its own when/if the mainstream socials finally cut the cord.
As noble as it would be to completely boycott the mainstream it can easily become a microcosmic echo chamber and an act of self indulgence! Benefitting the greatest number of people and being able to compromise, while maintaining the right balance of integrity, is probably my favourite solution.
Less black and white but then, so little in life is ever simple. A2
I do understand your position individually. But it’s particularly depressing to acknowledge (as appears to be the case) that despite all of the alignments on discussion around world affairs and all of your followers and supporters, much of the alt-media fellowship are not able to collectively agree to leave those platforms of control and move together elsewhere, as one.
Integrity, unity, freedom. Are they not motivation enough? Or, genuine question, are we not yet at the stage where a significant portion of alt-media can stand together and support the greater causes that they regularly ask their audience to accept and adopt?
‘Imagine for a moment that millions upon millions choose the same, to leave these platforms of control’
What the ceos of Exxon, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc. know and must keep them up at night (while the rest of us are thinking about infinity): at any point someone could mobilize the troops to stop them from buying our product. How easy would it be to stop buying gas from Exxon? (A boycott-of-the-month app?)
Chris Hedges (sheepishly) let slip in an interview that he still has his money in Wells Fargo. (I’ve only twice bought gas at Exxon since Exxon Valdez, and was sure both times I was going to run out of gas.)
Exactly. Only a fool needs to swim in sewage to verify it’s contents. Wise people sniff the breeze and walk away.
The way I see it the opposite is true. I’m not shutting myself intoa gehtto by staying away from the so called social media. By avoiding rude bastards, professional liars, spies and snitches I’m gaining peace of mind and balance of thought and a lot of free time. Exactly as I’m doing in real life
We have 57,000 people who follow us on Twitter. It seems churlish to ditch them just to make some type of point.
“It is not the satiated who need daily bread, but the hungry.”
As you are in the media business you will have a different perspective from me. You will have good reasons for using ‘social media’. It#s just that those are set up and owned and operated by your enemies. If they decide to restrict your range or even wipe you from their board altogether how can you complain. It is them who will make some type of point.
Twitter and FB won’t throw you off because you are gatekeepers!
Likewise the BBC.
Could anything disappear without a trace faster, more thoroughly, than twitter?
The name says it al all, I never even knew what it was. Why are all these people twittering? Is it a virus?
…- Meanwhile, on the very same day the latest scorching-hot US CPI print, with a further 75bps hike this month virtually baked into the cake at this point and Wall St now giving 50% odds on a 100bps hike, caused *Pretty Much Everything* stocks-wise to finish the day in a vast sea of RED, RED, RED – Kinda like fungal Joe’s recent speech…
…- Off the back of the Whistlebloviator news TWTR finished the day… – *GREEN*…
I’m convinced. I think the FTC needs to hire 87,000 more armed agents to address this serious problem.
Twitter itself is just a message reflector with a free signup without much of in the way of user verification so the only reason why its systems need security is if you wanted to figure out live users from bots. Its reckoned that on hot political topics, particularly those that represent potentially controversial policies, that a lot of traffic is synthesized and ‘shaped’ to give the impression of mass opinion. This is a known way of influencing people — (real) people are far more likely to support a particular platform if they know everyone else is doing so as well.
As we become more aware of how opinions are shaped to persuade people to support — or at least not openly oppose — a particular policy you can see innumerable examples at work every day. Going back to the old days I remember how a coordinated attack was made against John Kerry, a Presidential candidate in the US, using an astroturf organization which led to the concept of “Swift Boating” someone or, again from that period, how a well respected news reader, Dan Rather, was the victim of a hit job, both being skeptical of our (US) involvement in Iraq. I’ve seen similar campaigns from the UK, one of the most obvious recent one was the demolition job done on Jeremy Corbyn, a political leader that had the potential to derail the right wing agenda that led to Brexit and the current push towards what could be regarded as an authoritarian government (especially as regards labor action and the like). Twitter campaigns are now used to synthesize public opinion (along with other social media) but they’re also a leading way to spread ‘memes’, effectively contemporary propaganda posters. Understanding how this all works is the key to undermining it because its useless for just a handful of individuals to be in the know, it has to be a mass consciousness otherwise any opposition — or even whistleblowing — is easily neutralized.
They, the Governing Elites and the MSM poodles that serve them, will not stop until they have as full control over what’s said on any of the platforms as did the paper barons of the past had over the printed matter. They have to have it if they want a full control of their agendas.
Fixed that for you.
Yes. It’s all so very tiresome.
It’s meant to be. Siege warfare is designed to debilitate. Incessant and ever-more-blatant pisstaking is one weapon among many. They’ve stopped caring (much) about who believes their bullshit.
Two-and-a-half years already, and we’re heading into winter again, this time minus food and fuel. COUPVID has been a trumphant success, so far. They have the people pricked with poison and increasingly deeply indebted, and now they intend to freeze and starve them.
They are at war with us, literally. Hardly any of us can bear to admit it, because it would mean fighting back. That’s the main reason why they’re winning.
Peiter “Mudge” Zatko.
Stieve “Bimpf” Mizwiz
Alex Jones has used the siege warfare idea recently and, although I’m no great fan of his, it is a good analogy.
Siege warfare aims at the food and water supplies as well as at energy. If History is to be believed (and that’s no idle phrase these days), it sometimes had a biological warfare component. Finally, there are, as you say, the incessant psyops….
The pysops were primary. It began with bribery, paying the middle classes to stay home on full pay, watch Netflix and call a pizza (but keep your distance from those filthy delivery-boys).
Zoom! Bread and circuses were going to last forever. Why resist? Why even bother thinking? Indefinite garden-leave, plus guaranteed moral superiority. What’s not to like?
What could possibly go wrong?
The 1st time i heard this above terms was from peter shillen and david icke.
To much alt media and amnesia. IT WAS ILLEGAL to work covered by the cv act 2020 and the police regularly visited people to make sure they wasnt working. and lower paid workers where given 80% of there wages and many need 95% of there wages to live.
Most of the world has been facing sieges, invasions, sadism, barbarity and genocide, especially over the preceding 6 centuries. This has now come home to roost.
6 centuries, more like 6 thousand years! The last 1000 years have been legitimised by all so called royals right up to and including this very day and there will be no day off for bizzy lizzie’s funeral either. More atrocities have been committed by obedient people than by disobedient people throughout history and that’s a fact.
Of course, this is one of the reasons that communication on the internet, through these avatars, is being taken more and more seriously. Platforms and forums provide an excellent outlet in which we can freely pour out the repressed unfulfilled opposition that should be physical to the physical actions of the “elite” that simply continue. The old alchemical practice of turning the potential of physical action into symbolic, but now through the new digital magical tools, providing conditions never before seen. Physical force is given a conditional resistance that actually sustains it, which is why the great opportunity for it has been created.
The technocratic sheep pen is well prepared and there doesn’t seem to be any serious movement away from it. And I can’t see which – but really, not on slogans or deceptive – platforms and forums will object when the new rules on internet use come into full force. Not to mention that this happens little by little; the frog slowly and imperceptibly boils. Then, we know, or at least we assume: deepening of the created crises, combining them into “health” + “climate” + economic, to the introduction of digital ID and progress to a social credit system. (Maybe not for everyone; the effects of inoculation are a long-term initiative; little by little, not a shock at a time; therefore, along with non-disclosure in the media-imperceptibly, with many doubts “is it really dangerous?”)
Well, what can be done? Now: do the authorities want to impose this system as smoothly as possible, or do they want to provoke popular discontent in order to impose it even faster? If the people do nothing, they will accept the system; if they do, they will expect a well-prepared force response and, also prepared for rapid implementation, legislation governing the “protection of democracy”.
/This is already well known, I don’t know how you see it, but its timing coincides with the deliberate expansion of the crisis. /
So, there are cozy places, many of them, on the internet, where you can safely pour out what is scary, even think about performing in the physical world. Those who understand what it is, what is coming, also think, ” How can real resistance be realized? How many people will participate to the end without being scared? What could be the consequences?”etc. So, weighed on the scales “what will I lose” and “what will I gain”, easily leads to…well, here we are, discussing while things happen.
At least we know, don’t we? There is also a sense of superiority to fools who neither care nor know. (But does this happen because fools cooperate? Did those who were already making these fundamental changes not have a Plan B? And C, and D.. No, no – this is how things are happening right now, which makes it easier for these freaks to do what they’re going to do anyway. Otherwise, if someone claims the opposite – that if the sleepers wake up, the sinister events will stop and the freaks will be unable to do anything – he should put absolutely all the possibilities of the freaks on the table, and on the other side – all the possibilities of counteracting in an ideal way, with almost all the awakened sleepers. No conclusion is needed.)
I’ve told myself where I think the mistake is, so I’ll be more careful to say it, silently watching the show of worried materialists who confuse “the thing” with its fake representatives, organizations with a dark history (including pedo), accomplices with other secular organizations in the gray area (especially those in Italy, which are some of the richest organizations in the world at all, investors and quite a lot of real estate.)
Here I am again, fighting the globalists, and I am relieved. The internet is a good place.:)
To right, fight back, that would be a novelty.
Straight on.
Off topic, but …. hey kids, would you like a Cricket Corn Snack?
Australian children are being conditioned to eat insects in line with the globalist agenda to “fight climate change,” which agenda-setters like the World Economic Forum insist can be achieved by consuming bugs.
To that end, reported last week that 1,000 Australian schools have added chips containing crickets to their canteens, which Australian media are calling “eco-friendly”. The chips are called Cricket Corn Chips and manufactured by Circle Harvest.
Circle Harvest Cricket Powder Corn Chips are enriched with invisible cricket protein, which means that healthy snacking just got a whole lot easier. Our protein packed chips are scrumptiously satisfying and will keep you fuller for longer. Our chips have been specially formulated using 100% natural ingredients, which means there are no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
Quite insidious. What’s next ? Beetles for breakfast ?
Madness Ay?
An expert professional whistleblower.
That is pretty impressive.
yawn, show me Nenets throat singer instead… if find it more soul-full…
…- This might appeal then, ‘heid… – Straight outta Tuva:…
This is first class stuff! Thanks for pointing this out!!
Awesome. But I thought the throat was pretty much the thing you sing with.
So that’s what they do during the Finnish winters.
Dudes’ not Finnish. Go to a thrift store and find beau coup copies of his vinyl. He was very popular in the 60s 70s in US as well as England.
O/T…..From tonight’s football. Sporting Lisbon v Tottenham Hotspur. Announcer….
“And Tottenham will be the first English league team to take the field in the reign of King Charles III “
Quite sickening.
Still, there will be a fair amount of whistle blowing as play progresses.
The Chance seems to have a sense of humor, given part of the history and a certain nickname of the club. Just as a joke, of course, we know that those for whom the club got the nickname are never involved in anything (although they are involved in almost everything, almost always). Mentioning this seriously is a manifestation of a built-in fake binary file designed to distract attention from reality, probably; according to some.
Apart from that, old Tottenham fans will probably never be satisfied with the level of creativity after Ginola.
Toadyism at work in the media, and everywhere else in Blighty. One doesn’t have to be bright to be on TV. One just needs the right connections, the will, and a bit of luck. From then on most are given a script which makes it even easier on the brain.
Yep these special types of “whistleblower” that can’t even whistle properly are indeed very suspicious…
Have literally just seen this clip. Immediately my partner and I said “ooh another whistleblower.”
Hearing the word harm is just a dog whistle now.
Sick of the word “safety” yet? I am.
It truly is cult language. At least we can identify them this way. I feel like I’m in “They Live.”
So depressing.
I can barely hear that word without laughing to myself anymore, I say it to myself about the idiots every single day in a mocking tone and yes, sadly, I find my own jokes about it funny as hell. It helps me keep from bashing my head against a wall in anger so it’s worth babbling on to myself and laughing bitter laughter at the idiots who “don’t feel safe” doing ANYTHING AT ALL today.
Your approach is absolutely healthy and reasonable, and I like it very much. You can’t stop them from getting involved in their stupidity, you can’t stop the machine from moving, but should you, moreover, feel further oppressed? Well, that’s not going to happen, at least as far as I’m concerned. As long as I can; things may change in the future.
Yeh. I’m all for safety. Watching TV is such a hazardous business.
BREAKING: Anger As Boy Calls Other Boy Vile Sexist Name
Parents Demand Inquiry. School Promises Improvement.
In a shocking incident at St Retrograde’s Primary, Glasgow, eight-year-old Prince McPhee described his classmate Sting Muldoon as a “wee fanny”. Eyewitnesses say that at least two blows were exchanged before both boys burst into tears. Oliver Midazolam reports.
…- My sentiments *Exactly*: -…
…- And since I couldn’t find the whole scene in a single clip, there’s also this bit:…
Time seems (perhaps) to be on the way to
The dream of freeing people from slavery, in the film…in which there are no those real authorities prepared, or even perhaps willing, such developments. To build back better. The dream of Chao before Ordo.
Now I remember, Sergeant, what a curious piece of news I saw at the end of January.
Why is the ”leader of the free world” so anti-freedom? Why is the American president leader of anything?
Why are American corporations not bound by human rights laws?
They are not leaders…
They are slaves to their own egregious appetites.
They’ll keep serving up the BS as long as the people keep swallowing.
They serve it to themselves, believing in their own propaganda, without which they would be lost in a world of meaningless monuments made for mindless memories.
Instead of philosophizing, prepare a gift and some sweets for the birthday of the universe on September 25.
You will not get away with the Tao excuse: “nor was she born, nor will she die”. It has a date.
I feel like we just watched this show. Its another Congressional dog and pony show. In fact, they did the same crap with Dempsey and Zucks themselves.
The conversation never advances with these people. Its just more of the same. Its the same with the celebrity doctors, who ramble on for years about the same crap, without ever mentioning how the patent could better explain the side effects.
2 1/2 years of gene altering experimental vaccines, and not a word about intellectual property rights or the patent’s ability to explain adverse reactions.
When the conversations don’t advance, its because they’re actively avoiding them.
Excellent tweet Kit:
See? This is how “The Science” works.
Official: “The building suddenly collapsed all by itself!”
Response: “Oh come on now! What a load of crap!”
Official: “We just saw Sudden Building Collapse Syndrome!”
Response: “Oh of course! What a peculiar phenomenon! How does it work?”
Official: “Oh well do we have a treat for you. We have payed …. um assigned a few hundred Real Scholars to write enormous thoroughly funded research documents on the various curious reverberatory parameters of this fascinating new branch in para-cylindrical hyper matics!”
Response: “Oh let me grab my wallet!”
“Doctor, I woke up with this rash and have no idea what caused it.”
“Ah, you’ve clearly caught a bad dose of SURS.”
“What’s that?”
“Sudden Unexplained Rash Syndrome. I’m putting you on a course of these new antivirals…”
Patently absurd. It echoes the calls for how “America” was “asleep at the wheel” on 9/11 when the most sophisticated and expensive defence system the world has ever seen was unaccountably “breached” by a bunch of Arabs (“Oh you racist! How dare you insult the Arab race by implying they couldn’t perform more logic defying miracles than you’ll find in the Bible!”)
But it’s the old story. “Utterly impregnable state-of-the-art fortress under attack from naked beggar! We must kill the poor!”
It strikes me that at this point they could more or less simply proclaim the totalitarian world government out in the open with some vague techie or climate related shet mumbling and the punters would just nod. Then stick their noses back towards their smart (smarter than you think!) phone to check for how they should “feel” on twitface or whatever.
Just drop the pantomime and we can all take the gloves off..
Oh hang on I forgot about blaming Russia/Eurasia, stick that in somehow.
At the same time, in the same way, the same accusatory tactics are used for the same purposes by the authorities in Eurasia/Russia, but the enemy is the opposite. Almost like 1984..
Or maybe it’s not, and then I wonder why I don’t see crowds immigrating to their salvation in Eastasia. If they’re so convinced that the opposite of the West is thriving there, maybe they should go there.
It’s all so tiresome
that is the goal…wear any opposition down. Rinse and repeat.
“You can stand me up to the gates of hell, but I won’t back down”. Well, things can work both ways ya know.
Same dance…
Different dance partners.