Physician, heal thyself
Andrea Halewood

‘Physicians around the globe….. stop injecting these ungodly agents. Recall that you are homo sapiens – gifted with the power of thought – and return, before it is too late, to the ethics of your once so noble profession.’
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
You were once so energised by ideals; you wanted to help others – to make a difference. Recall that alert, inquisitive trainee who dreamt of a medical career; who wanted to care for others, to save lives. Remember your dedication: the hours you laboured; the sacrifices made willingly and your delight in your achievements. You lived by your ideals then – you were your very best self.
You are somehow different now. You know this.
Does your mind, your judgement, your sense of reality, seem less certain? Have you noticed that something once valued has dimmed? It as if a dark fog has descended upon you: you seem confused, disoriented – unable to distinguish truth from fiction. It is said that morale has collapsed in your team.
There will be breakdowns. You know this.
A crime is being committed against you. A sustained psychological assault. All that is most noble and humane and vital in you is being turned into its opposite by totalitarian programmers who wish to exploit and destroy you – who wish to disconnect you from your essential self.
They are forcing their toxic disturbances into your soul; intruding their strange delusions into your mind; forcing you to collaborate with a medical catastrophe. Once they have conditioned you they will ring their bell and you will salivate on cue and you will speak with your master’s voice.
Understand that the totalitarians operate by stealth using the subliminal crowbars of behavioural ‘science’. Note the monotonous, repetitive, hypnotising slogans: the images that assail you in your home, in the street, in your workplace. They are experienced in controlling minds these totalitarians; they know how to ‘trigger’ your most primitive fears: shame, social ostracism, suffocation and death. They know how to work you over.
Note the slow but insidious degradation of your integrity: new social norms have now been set for you, and you – mesmerised – complied with them. New in-groups and out-groups have been created, and you – coerced – joined them. New objectives have been set for you and you – compelled – enforced them. The state programmers have been contracted to do this to you; to your organisation: to annihilate the very best in all of you – to train you in self-betrayal. They describe this process as ‘influencing’ – as ‘changing minds’; the correct term for this crime is menticide. They have diverted your moral compass from true North and you are now ethically adrift.
Depersonalised and demoralised, your doubts and rising panic must be repressed, for your mind will shield itself from terrors too overwhelming to bear.
So you deceive yourself: you deny reality by breaking links rather than making them. Now you don’t have to see – don’t have to acknowledge – what the programmers don’t wish you to see; what you insist to yourself can’t be happening: the rising all-cause mortality; the increasing vaccine injuries; the suffering – the lives laid waste. You have armoured yourself to the point of rigidity, but you are still afraid.
Witness the rationalisations your spellbound colleagues now use. Note how they frame their decisions in positive terms – how they absolve themselves from their crimes of obedience. They reassure themselves that they are protecting others; that they are loyal employees and team members acting as directed: that they have no choice. Witness the splitting – the distorted black and white thinking: the unyielding convictions of the deluded.
“We observed the correct protocols,” they will protest later – to their broken patients and their families – to the tribunals. “We followed government guidelines to the letter at all times; we dutifully obeyed the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Advisor and their deputies; the MHRA, the JCVI and the World Health Organisation. We’re covered. We did what we were instructed to do. We are doctors, not detectives; we are good people – professionals; we did our best. You ask too much of us.”
They cannot see that the tottering, implausible narrative is collapsing; that the lies are gradually being exposed: that the Great Reckoning – the pitiless frenzy of shaming and blaming – will soon begin. They cannot foresee the ostracism; the forfeiture of professional credibility; the inevitable reprisals against those vaccine evangelists whose mouths were stuffed with gold.
Their justifications will not protect them, nor will their silence. Not now. Not when they are called to answer their vaccine-injured patients when they face them once again. Can they look them in the eyes and explain why they kept a safe distance? Can they look them in the eyes and tell them that the ‘vaccine’ was neither safe nor effective? Can they look them in the eyes and explain why they followed the rules?
Some of their devout patients will retain a blind faith in them: the dependent, the regressed and the acquiescent will rationalise the harms they have suffered, focus on the light and soothe themselves into oblivion.
The disillusioned and the damaged will be less merciful. For those who are idealised – revered – invariably fall furthest and fall fastest once trust dies. From saviour to destroyer to destroyed in three terrible years. Will they be able to bear it?
And this? Their once honourable profession maligned and mistrusted – the NHS bleeding out – sold off without dissent. There will be no protests this time – no orchestrated, banal clapping. For we trusted the NHS with our lives and with our lost loves and the NHS betrayed us, betrayed them – betrayed itself.
Summer is fading now and the skies will soon darken; the wind is building and it will be bitter. I fear for you.
Come back to your self. Understand the totalitarians’ coercive tricks; understand the harm they have done to you – the effect of their perverted propaganda on your soul.
Wrest back your mind and your autonomy; your power and your authority; your dignity and your integrity; all that is most sacred to you – all that is you – and stand against this unspeakable crime: you will prevent more deaths, more injuries, more sorrow than if you laboured for all eternity.
Then, and only then, will you return to your self; then and only then, will you find peace. Your world will end, but you will build a new universe. And you will be doctors worthy of the name.
Andrea Halewood is a psychodynamic psychotherapist and a former lecturer & researcher in counselling psychology.
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Why did they become doctors?
For their patients?
Or for the money?
With reference to your Telegram post on the forthcoming “soap opera”, you didn’t think of this one, did you? 😉
Here’a a post for the Royalists.
And before you all say they did not get the vaccine: are you so sure that it was not planned to have WEF aligned King Charles III on the throne this winter? What if only Charles was given the placebo?
Did Covid Vaccination contribute to the deaths of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip?
“I therefore call for an urgent and immediate public enquiry into this potential treason upon our royal family and recommend to all royals and commoners alike, that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. The Queen caught Covid19 5 months after her 3rd booster. That is the time when, according to many PHE and Scottish government statistics analysed by the Exposé, her immune system would have been severely compromised and working at less than 25% of its unvaccinated capacity as regards its effectiveness against Covid and other viruses.”
In terms of the opening quote, “Recall that you are homo sapiens – gifted with the power of thought – and return, before it is too late, to the ethics of your once so noble profession.’Dr Sucharit Bhakdi”
Bhakdi is still deeply asleep although he has been slowly waking up since the Covid Scam began.
At the core of homo sapiens is unwisdom (“invisible” madness) and so the human label of “wise”/sapiens is a complete collective delusion — study the free essay “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” at
Once you understand that humans are “invisibly” insane you’ll UNDERSTAND (well, perhaps) why they perpetually come up with myths and lies about everything … including about themselves (their nature, their intelligence, their origins, etc).
Once you understand that you will know that official medicine/the allopathic medical mafia was NEVER EVER a generally “noble profession” …
Next stage of the ‘health’ con coming now – diagnose and treat your ‘pre-disposed’ illness before it manifests. Based on analysis of your DNA, family history and, of course, your ‘genes’.
More bullshit, more fear, more profit.
Those who don’t comply may face penalties, and alerts to their potential employers.
Don’t forget insurance companies!
A few years back, pre-scamdemic– and before my unplanned “moratorium” on visiting my friendly (really) primary-care physician– Dr. L. and I were reviewing my health issues during my annual physical exam.
I had previously been diagnosed with sleep apnea, and was issued a CPAP machine. I used it diligently despite its drawbacks and inconveniences, although I honestly couldn’t tell if it helped much. I was more inclined to be trusting and cooperative in that previous life.
Eventually, after I retired and lost a lot of weight, I simply stopped using the CPAP machine; I didn’t feel any negative effects, which again made me wonder if it had been effective in the first place. I bring all this up because during my exam, Dr. L. asked about the CPAP and I told him I’d discontinued using it.
Dr. L. is, or was, commendably low-key. I point-blank refused to schedule another “sleep study” to see if my alleged apnea had been resolved, and Dr. L. didn’t press the point– instead, he said that my weight loss might well have resolved the “disorder”.
But then something interesting happened: he asked me to hang on while he made some adjustments to my computerized medical record. While he was clicking away with the mouse and keyboard, he explained that he was moving the CPAP record to a less accessible location because of insurance-company audits.
He said in passing that insurers conducted both routine and “surprise” audits, and might “see a problem” in my spontaneous decision to stop using this insurance-approved device without following protocols like a follow-up sleep study.
As usual, my crap-detector antenna went up but I didn’t press him for a more thorough explanation. Dr. L. was obviously doing both of us a favor by adjusting my record to avoid pesky insurance-company intervention.
Later, I told a friend with considerable experience with doctors and insurance companies about this. Her husband has advanced MS, and for a while she worked for a company that handled billing for nursing homes. She told me horror stories about insurance companies cancelling policies and/or billing patients for non-compliance, which they regarded as a species of insurance fraud.
She does tend to be dramatic and prone to exaggeration, so I took her remarks with a grain of salt. But it was a useful lesson in the seamy predatory underbelly of our helpful, “friendly” insurers.
It would be a lot cheaper for the government and people (by way of taxes) for the former to provide med. treatment to all who want it, free or otherwise. Everyone know this. I see people who can afford insurance waiting for hours for tretment, while the hospital tries to confirm clearance with the insurers.
For every med. test, the flagged items depend on the ranges. Some labs use differing ranges.
For apnea, (a) I hear that CPAP is very inconvenient (b) try lying on your side; there is something you can strap over your spine/back to prevent turning (c) try a slightly higher pillow, whether lying on your side or back (d) try alternative med.
Interesting comment Kika. There are pre-dispositional factors involved in the manifestation of certain illnesses and diseases, but they are NOT all genetically determined and can’t necessarily be found by DNA analysis as you correctly point out. Their manifestation can, however, depend on a whole host of different conditions both inside and outside of the human organism and may also include the consideration of any epigenetic factors.
Speaking of ‘diagnose and treat your ‘pre-disposed’ illness before it manifests,’
I got nearly twenty phone calls the other day. I usually don’t answer calls from unknown numbers but on this day I did. Each call was from a person claiming to be with some diabetic clinic informing me that I had recently tested positive for diabetes and I needed to sign up for treatment. They verified they were speaking with me.
Despite my shock and my insistence that I do not have diabetes and have not been tested for diabetes for years (I have avoided doctors like the plague for several years now), the people on the other end of the calls were equally insistent I had tested positive for diabetes.
The calls (all from different numbers) began with Indian accented people which made me think call center, then calls came from American accented people who referred to themselves as managers and asked me what the problem was. Apparently I wasn’t following the protocol they laid out. This all culminated with a couple of calls from a number which was identified as ‘Rush Hospital’ and that person said they were with the Diabetes Services department.
My denials of having diabetes were shrugged aside as the callers would ask if diabetes ran in my family and seemed not to believe me when I said diabetes does not run in my family.
I must admit by the end of this and it did end around 5pm, I was wondering if perhaps I had been tested and just did not remember. Such is the nature of gas-lighting.
I also saw how in the future we might be told we have something and our refusal to acknowledge our ‘diagnosis’ could become grounds for any number of scary repercussions.
I sympathize with the fact that you were caught off-guard, answered the calls against your better judgment (or so I infer), and ended up being taken for a long ride on the Scam Bus. BTW, I have a hazy recollection that like me, you live in the US, but call-center based scams are international.
I’m sure it was the Scam Bus because your description conforms exactly to the MO used by the call-center scammers who pester and victimize the public every day– and, as you discovered to your discomfiture, often several times a day. So far I’ve never answered such calls and been taken on the ride you describe, but I check the voicemails they almost always leave. The setup is identical.
In my case, the “Indian-accented” voicemail messages use the “there is a serious problem with your Windows (sometimes ‘Apple’) computer”, blah blah blah script. These calls may even spoof a valid Microsoft or Apple support number. Other call-center scams are more local; in SE Pennsylvania, nowadays I mostly get calls claiming that I have been overcharged on my electric bill.
I loathe them all, but my “favorite” scam is the one where they inform me that my auto insurance has elapsed, or is due to elapse, and action is urgently required. I never owned an auto, so there’s not much chance I’ll bite on this bait. 😎 🐟
Cyndee, the callers probably wanted your consent. Apparently occult law stipulates that the sacrificial victim must consent to her/his sacrifice. No answer is deemed consent.
They are waiting for you to say “Yes” and then will record that as an affirmative answer for some other costly reason.
Just say FU and hang up. No need to be polite at this point.
Slogan at doctor’s school …. “A patient healed is a customer lost”.
Been saying that for years but nobody listens.
Ya, that is a big one – just look at how diagnosis and prescribed treatments almost always result in taking pills every day for long periods of time, often until we die. The CAUSE is often not considered.
Other than broken bones and cuts, there are no cures, just a maintained therapy.
And that inconvenient diseases are ridiculed and denied – possibly these are side effects of vaccines or pollution and so they do not want to let us know about that.
some things never change.
from the 1830’s
“treatment by allopathic physicians hitherto merely served to increase the distress from this kind of disease; for this treatment consisted of a whole multitude of nauseous mixtures (compounded by the druggist from violently acting medicines in large doses, of whose separate true effects they were ignorant), together with the use of manifold baths, the sudorific and salivating remedies, the, pain-killing narcotics, the injections, fomentations, fumigations, the blistering plasters, the exutories and fontanelles, but especially the everlasting laxatives, leeches, cuppings and starving treatments, or whatever names may be given to all these medicinal torments, which continually varied like the fashions. By these means the disease was either aggravated and the vital force, spite of so-called tonics used at intervals, was more and more diminished; or, if any striking change was produced by them, instead of the former. sufferings, there appeared a worse state nameless diseases caused by medicine, far worse and more incurable than the original natural one – while the physician consoled the patient with the words: “The former sickness I have been fortunate enough to remove; it is a great pity that a new (?) disease has appeared, but I hope to be as successful in removing this latter as in the former.” And so, while the same disease assumed various forms, and while new diseases were being added by the use of improper, injurious medicines, the sufferings of the patient were continually aggravated until his pitiable lamentations were hushed forever with his dying breath, and the relatives were soothed with the comforting pretence: “Everything imaginable has been used and applied in the case of the deceased.””
Marnie, it looks like you are quoting from the Homeopathic physician Dr Samuel Hahneman. He says the same thing in his: The Chronic Diseases, their Peculiar Nature and their Homœopathic Cure.
However, it’s not all bad because the Physiomedicalists used to use some of the treatments that Hahneman criticized with good results such as baths, sudorifics, sialagogues, poultices, and ‘injections’ in the form of enemas when herbal laxatives failed to relieve constipation and remove toxic matter from the colon!
The doses of the herbal remedies used were higher than the potentized homeopathic remedies (which also included many different herbs), but they usually worked effectively and helped the body to detoxify, restore balance and remove obstructions that may impede the flow and action of vital energy (as in Traditional Chinese medicine) and didn’t suppress symptoms to create further illness or disease.
Fry’em all…..
The latest excuse: Spoiled vaccines. That’s right. In the news yesterday. That’s what the latest think tank came up with. Wasn’t the doctor’s fault. It must have been the nurse or whoever was responsible for monitoring the expiration dates.
Oddly, in the beginning, the MSM was going on and on about the short storage life and the need for refrigeration but suddenly those concerns went away when cases and cases were not refrigerated because the stock was piling up with no refrigeration space left. Those damn antivaxxers messed everything up.
“The vaccines spoiled!” Not the medical community’s fault.
And it’s all because of those selfish non compliant heathens that slowed the process down.
All that money that was spent on the vaccines. Spoiled or not, Dr. Fauci and his minions were not going to let them go to waste. Think of Dr. Fauci’s voice as you read this; “USE IT ANYWAY!”
That’s the new narrative. They are good vaccines as long as they are “FRESH”.
It’s not the medical community’s fault that tens of millions of innocent healthy people were killed, maimed and sterilized. VAERS SCHMAERS! It’s not collected in a “SCIENTIFIC” fashion so it never happened. SCIENCE SCHMIENCE!
Imagine how many more people would have been killed, maimed and sterilized if the potential for spike protein creation was maximized with “FRESH” vaccines.
The population culling could have be significant enough to eliminate the need for climate change measures. We could have gone back to eating meat without guilt. Who cares about dead people as long it is not you. HIPPOCRATC HIPPOSCHMATIC!
Doctors would have been heroes for saving the world from the impending climate change catastrophe that is coming in 20,10,5,8 or 15 years (depending on which United Nations funded climatologist is speaking).
First, one jab brand had to be stored in special freezers. Then, this restriction was relaxed magically. It was approved for normal freezers.
Occasional reports show that some countries have destroyed millions of doses. Other countries gave them away, or tried to. Global figures on this would be interesting.
This is a 153pp document.
“1323 athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 900 dead, after ‘covid’ injection”, at:
Brilliant phrase.
This is quite an elegant, and eloquent appeal, compelling for those reasons alone.
I am dismayed that no mention was made of the numerous doctors who have publicly denounced all of this, many American and plenty from many other countries as well. Halfway through the comments I found no mention either ( apologies if I missed yours ). I have to believe that most readers here know about them so surmise that the chronic pessimism on this site is responsible.
Well the appeal isn’t to the doctors who spoke out – it’s to the doctors who didn’t. The nod to Bhakdi is enough.
This was a beautifully written and emotive piece. It begs the question:
“Does your mind, your judgement, your sense of reality, seem less certain? Have you noticed that something once valued has dimmed? It as if a dark fog has descended upon you: you seem confused, disoriented – unable to distinguish truth from fiction. It is said that morale has collapsed in your team.”
The answers are obvious to me. >
New “Brain Science” Specialization, “Neuroetics”: Remote Control of Human Thinking, Neuroweapons, “Personality Simulations”, Nanobotes
By Mojmir Babacek
July 28, 2020
Much of scholastic knowledge is the mere naming of components. -Bruce Holmes, 1983
Naming of Parts (1942) Henry Reed
Today we have naming of parts. Yesterday,
We had daily cleaning. And tomorrow morning,
We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day,
Today we have naming of parts. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighbouring gardens,
And today we have naming of parts.
This is the lower sling swivel. And this
Is the upper sling swivel, whose use you will see,
When you are given your slings. And this is the piling swivel,
Which in your case you have not got. The branches
Hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures,
Which in our case we have not got.
This is the safety-catch, which is always released
With an easy flick of the thumb. And please do not let me
See anyone using his finger. You can do it quite easy
If you have any strength in your thumb. The blossoms
Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see
Any of them using their finger.
And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this
Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this
Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
They call it easing the Spring.
They call it easing the Spring: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your thumb: like the bolt,
And the breech, and the cocking-piece, and the point of balance,
Which in our case we have not got; and the almond-blossom
Silent in all of the gardens and the bees going backwards and forwards,
For today we have naming of parts.
Speaking for the USSA, if one puts on one side of the balance this exhortation to revert to the medical ethics of Hippocrates with the ensuing sacrifice of having their Mercedes or BMW repossessed, and on the other, continuing on the path of psychopathic killers, 90% have chosen the latter.
Well said. ✌️❤️
When did the empty (but noisy) ambulance syndrome first kick in? Of course it was an essentially a part of the government fear campaign operationalised in order to make the population shit scared of the dreaded but non-existent covid plague. Rather similar in some respects to the bubonic plague of earlier centuries – and still prevalent in some third world countries today.
In earlier times in Europe there were real epidemics with guys pushing carts along the streets crying out ‘bring out your dead’. Additionally, there were popular warning songs such as ‘Ringer, ringer roses, pocket full of poses, all fall down’. These pocketd ‘poses’ were essential as many believed that they would ward of of the plague. A bit like face-masks and vaccines today.
Additionally death carts and poses are today’s empty ambulances, with sirens going at full blast, all day long and tearing along the streets with only one driver – I am not sure that there was anyone in the ambulance receiving medical attention – nontheless they careered along the road at various times throughout the day.
This has become a national pastime. But some of the public think of the most bizzare explanations as to why ’empty ambulance syndrome’ takes place. Reading through my local newspaper various explanations will be proffered, such as, 1. They like driving fast and present a danger, 2. They have nothing better to do than cruise around all day, getting on peoples’ nerves. 3, They get extra bonuses the more excursions they make 4. The noise pisses everyone off.
Overtime rates must be very good for ambulances crews.
“When did the empty (but noisy) ambulance syndrome first kick in?”
I would like to share a personal experience on this topic which relates to my stay in a London hotel (on office work) for a few days in February 2009
Before I proceed let me quickly point out that here, in Indian cities, ambulance sirens were never loud and frequent till 2020 and 2021.
Now, several others here in OffG will know far far more about what happens in London, but when I was there in 2009 I could not help but struck by the fact that there were so many ambulances running around during night time with loud, blaring sirens.
I found it weird. The volume of the sirens was indeed extremely high.
I am now able to understand that phenomenon better. I don’t know siren volumes went still further up from Feb 2020 onwards but can quite make out the psyops and fear tactics being deployed by the global oligarchs’ agents in the medical industrial complex.
In Feb 2009 the blaring ambulance sirens was probably an indication of trials being run for their attempted ‘Swine Flu or Sarscov1 Epidemic’ plans in 2010-12 which they could not pull off at that time.
A week before the Russia / Ukraine thing was happening jets and serious army naval airplanes in double fighting formation where seen and heard.
They no what time of the day and morning to make sure the noises and the visual is seen to effect the body and the dreaming mind.
RE: Ambulances and Police Helicopters during covid and before the announcement of lockdown the sirens and helicopter sounds would increase 10 fold.
Psychology welfare against the citizens under the guise of keeping them safe..
“Psychology welfare against the citizens under the guise of keeping them safe.”
Nicely put!
“Psychology warfare
I missed spotting that error too.This is what happens when I do things in a rush!
The simple life. Building a cabin and planting a garden is all I can see as a way to solve any of this. People used to have that and then they were told to get some pesticides so they could be rich. The pesticides made them sick and they started thinking they needed ‘doctors’. Pretty simple really. All you need to do then is realise how it happened and undo the mistakes. Go back to the pristine origins. It is practical. You can start today planting a tree or doing some study.
Building a cabin ?? Get real.
Not much of a grafter then.
Difficult if you live in a high rise on a meagre pension.
Not knocking the simple life but most of the videos on asocial media require a large amount of high tech tools, manufactured materials and ongoing support from the outside world one is trying to escape….I am guessing that the real simple life hardly makes for good viral videos and requires either centuries of inherited infrastructure (stone cottage from 200 years ago for example) or decades of experience and backbreaking work.
Like it or not, cities and urban density–people living in small but properly designed apartments–with public transit, central heating, public transit etc. is very infrastructure efficient.
There is something to be said for a well functioning and cohesive community. If everyone went off and did their own thing–that’s very resource inefficient.
i do not see any such thing as a ‘well functioning and cohesive community’ on this plane apart from maybe the amish maybe
Plenty here in Africa, and I’m sure Asia, etc… But yes, almost extinct in the West
i do not see anything like a ‘well functioning and cohesive community’ anywhere on this plane apart from maybe the amish
A town modelled on medieval times – small enough to fortify and needing no internal transport – would be better. The farming is done around it.
Brilliant. I love it. Back to basics.
Re doctors, let’s do as the Chinese once did – only pay the doctors that keep you well. aka – No pills.
The majority of the world’s population now lives in urban centers. Most are destitute and trapped in their rented or subsidized hovels. You must be smoking some very potent weed.
I think he imagines that everyone owns a nice bit of land.
A cabin in the woods didn’t work out too well for poor Bill Cooper
Waiting for the day that ozone therapy assumes its rightful place as a leading healing modality. Nikola Tesla was right all along…
there never was much noble about the profession. from the start, pushing out midwives and wise women.
Only matriarchy can bring unbridled patriarchy too heel, for healing & to restore balance between Ying & Yang.
Because MATRIarchy is not the reverse of PATRIarchy.
That wasn’t from the start. That was much, much later.
I believe medical education, from what I’ve observed in the US, is a form of Tavistock trauma-based mind control. Before med school, they are fed images of heroic medicine dispensed by the likes of George Clooney and Hugh Laurey.
In the first four years they rote-memorize a bunch of mechanistic knowledge, not including nutrition. Residency is where we see the mind kontrol rev up, similar to marine corps boot camp training. Adoration of the hallowed Medical State; rigid adherence to the Rockefeller-approved “Standard of Care;” a taxing, brutal schedule; shocking lack of sleep for extended periods; and attending physicians bellowing and berating residents for reasonable, thoughtful questions. Dr Jennifer Daniels’ book “The Lethal Dose” covers her experiences in med school.
I witnessed by brother’s state of sleep-deprived mind for years and often wondered how he and his classmates ever functioned or learned with a clarity, and shuddered at the thought of hazy errors and malpractice (today I know that iatrogenic death from medical care is a top three cause of death in the US.)
But it became apparent that they didn’t have to be very crisp or discerning to “succeed”–relying on a robotic operations manual was sufficient. I recall the scarred but reverential accounts of his attending physician’s mental tyranny. It was only years later after studying the importance of trauma for effective programming that I understood just how thoroughly MDs are mind-kontrolled.
Finally, I have noticed that MDs who obediently took their flu & other shots each year, and those who have taken psychotropic medication seem beyond intellectual salvage. It is a done deal for them.
i’ve wondered for years what the purpose could be of having doctors in such a state of exhaustion.
George Clooney was late to the party. When I was young, back in the 60’s, we had the handsome heroes Ben Casey and Dr, Kildare. The latter actually started in the 30s as a series of novels by the aptly named author, Faust. This has been planned for centuries as has the rise of the central banks. The technocrats of the 30s, based in Columbia University, NYC, had to put their plans on the back burner as the technology of control just wasn’t there. BTW, for any Elon Musk fanboys here who think he is in opposition to the great reset, his grandfather was the decades long president of the Canadian technocracy movement. Not only is it a Big Club, it’s a big family club.
It’s actually hazing, pure and simple. Doctors in waiting want desperately to get into the fraternity so they can start making lots of money.
First, however, they must “prove” their worthiness by submitting to and successfully completing the hazing ritual.
Human society inevitably devolves into an elaborate system of fraternities.
I remember reading about how investment bankers in training (Goldman Sachs et al) slept under their desks so they’d be available around the clock. Again, pure hazing to determine if the trainee has “the right stuff” (i.e., is greedy enough to do whatever it takes to get to the big bucks).
This quote is a joke
Physicians around the globe….. stop injecting these ungodly agents. Recall that you are homo sapiens – gifted with the power of thought – and return, before it is too late, to the ethics of your once so noble profession.’
Have no respect for the cult of white coats and alt media who is clearly sponsored by them seem to love flogging this ill-illusion idea that they are some heroes.
You just can’t tar them all with the same brush. Bhakdi is a hero for speaking out – his mistake is assuming other doctors share his ethics. Still, the more the merrier – the rest will be sued and jailed. Or worse.
Share his ethics ??? like not killing their patients?? Isn’t that asking a lot of them?
Like speaking out. A lot of the doctors who administered the vax took it themselves. So they weren’t purposefully killing their patients.
The priestly class was probably a tad less offensive when they were garbed in black, wore wrap around collars and crucifixes around their necks as opposed to stethoscopes to signify their “authority.” Being burned at the stake like Giordano Bruno was probably a lower sum total of pain than the slow death of the jab.
Good article and all valid points.
The medical practitioners are also accountable for the harm caused due to the toxic vaccines, toxic drugs like remdisivir and harmful hospital protocols like isolation, ventilators.
We were all told “the Science is settled” but then on a regular basis the narrative changed with new features and issues “arriving”. That alone should have been enough to get the questions going but it didn’t seem to cause any concerns for a (supposed) profession which had taken the opportunity to remotely “care for” patients.
The changes to issuing death certificates should have been a loud warning bell – but only for those people who were listening.
The global infection fatality rate was known early into the “Emergency” as was the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship yet despite this the medical profession allowed the National Hoax Service to become a CV19 only service and everything else to be relegated to a waiting list.
Instead, they accepted the bonus payments for jabbing the gullible, took the further payments for so called “boosters” and said nothing.
Their complicity ensured the scam continued and they can offer no defence to any Crimes against Humanity charges.
The very idea that science can be settled should have revealed it. Science is never settled.
Karl Popper looked decades ago for some formula that would separate ‘real’ science’ from pseudo-science. There isn’t one. Falsification? Multiple repeatable experiments disprove Earth rotation (Mickelson-Gale, Airy’s Failure, Sagnac) and yet it’s science and anyone who denies it a kook. This is explained away by blaming faulty methodology (like the Lorentz contraction) or placed in the file marked “Anomalies” and quietly forgotten. Like viruses, the overwhelming experimental evidence that one assumes must be there turns out not to be and there’s quite a bit suggesting the contrary.
The reality is that what’s labelled ‘science’ is a system of iterlocking beliefs, a paradigm. ‘Science’ is what fits in with that paradigm. Darwinism and gravity* fit into that paradigm so are ‘science’ and don’t ask for the experimental proof! It’s a system of mutually reinforcing lies. The same system is used in politics. Putin must’ve hacked the 2016 election because of his unprovoked aggression in Ukraine. Both prove chemical weapons’ use in Syria. All that then proves the Skripals. And so it goes.
If your Science is denying the Earth’s rotation,
it’s Time to find new Science–Science.
Perhaps its time to open your mind jimbo?
Perhaps it’s time for you FE’rs to stop claiming nonsensicalities.
Right Wing Reactionary Christian Fundamentalist Chaplain – probably White Supremacist and anti-Semitic – upsets entire world by referring to “that LGBT stuff”. Grown teachers and little non-binary kiddiewinkles have breakdowns and need counselling! “The most heinous outrage since Nazi-Germany” fumes The Scientists!
I have no respect or sympathy for doctors-who are still wearing masks and making patients do telephone healthcare as a preliminary step -instead of immediate in-person care.
They could have organized and protested and not participated so willingly -injecting an untested toxin repeatedly into the population.Doctors have watched firsthand the mission-creep of the pharmaceutical industry long before the average citizen realized what was going on and done nothing.
They have witnessed turbo cancers,strokes,and all the frightening adverse effects of mRNA injections and have watched patients fall into ill health. They must have had some suspicion that this “vaccine “was quickly revealing itself to be a harmful substance and had an inkling of increased mortality in the past two years.
For two plus years I have tried to wrap my head around their amoral behaviour and conclude that Doctors are a disgrace.
Its all about the money nothing else matters to them and their ilk. Bunch of c you next Tuesdays!
I, unfortunately, must agree with your assessment. The medical profession has soiled itself many times over.
Have they ever protested (in mass) against genetically modified phoods? NO.
Have they EVER petitioned regulatory agencies regarding a ban of products such as glyphosate? NO.
Do they advise patients regarding sugars, toxic additives, and processed foods? NO.
Do they know anything whatsoever about self-healing, autoimmunity, or Natural medicines. Plainy: NO.
Are they paid too much for their limited contributions to society? YES.
The demand for stethoscopes has probably already declined. When you have a chest cold you are forbidden from entering a doctor’s clinic because you may have the deadly con 19 virus. Insanity.
You also post as Placental Mammal. Please pick one ID.
Why do people do that, I never understood. Why bother. You guys know more than us… is it “a job”, is it mental illness?
rebuilding trust is going to be a long, long, long process, the notion they were ‘following instructions’ might have been believable if they opened their brains after 2-3 months, but not 2-3 years – they are guilty as hell of terrible betrayal, and they know it – at least the last year and more has been simply maintaining their traitorous stances because they knew they were guilty of very bad things but did not want to admit it – and now a year later, they’re pretty much finished in terms of ever regaining trust
There is something horribly Unreal about the way They are dragging that woman’s body-in-a-box around the country for everyone to have a gawk at !
And look at all the colorfully dressed robots to protect the box, humans who gave up their autonomy to protect “Freedom” !
Every young child watching the event on TV must be astonished, wondering “What are the Adults up to this time ?” Unreal !
Perhaps the cadaver in the box is a ‘likeness’ and not the actual person at all, based on the assumption that it would be somewhat unhealthy to have a cadaver exposed for extended lengths of time without being refrigerated. It is well known that deterioration and the pungent odour would commence very rapidly. I would not have wanted that sort of treatment for my mum or for that matter, anyone near-and-dear to me.
Hologram, anyone?
… and the ‘show’ must go on for the mindless masses.
It’s allegedly lead-lined for a reason……so that it’s heavy. She ain’t in there !!
Probably a couple of bricks in the box. I’ve seen people actually bowing – to a probably empty box! But the illusion must be kept up.
I’m also wondering what percentage of the bowing ones also fell for the covid illusion?
How bloody awful and sad that our fellow humans could be so numb-in-the-head to queue up for hours taking commemorative photos of an empty box. Where is the sense. Somebody should have twigged by now.
Except for wounds and injuries, RUN (don’t just hide) from your doctor!
120/80. Normal blood pressure? Oh no: elevated. If that one tidbit of data doesn’t give the whole scam called modern medicine away – nothing will.
It will never happen, this wresting back their own mind and free thinking capabilities based on their training. Moreover, what exactly does their training entail?
(I exclude surgeon from this). Their training is based on knowing the minutiae of the processes of pathology and what drugs go with this or that illness picture. They know very little to nothing about the true causes of disease, therefore nothing about how to cure disease. They “believe” in synthetic drugs-based medicine, including that vaccine cocktails prevent illness.
Has nobody noticed that at least 60% of the adult population in every western country has one or several diagnosed chronic diseases? That today’s children and young adults have never before been so chronically sick? With all that constant doctoring?
The entire system needs to be abolished.
I couldn’t agree more. The immensely corrupt, ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment most definitely needs to be abolished.
(My eldest niece [33] and her Albanian husband work in the Medical Establishment; not only do they do that, but they work in one of the three major medical scam aspects of that Industry. And they are so indoctrinated, so brainwashed. They don’t have an original thought, they merely regurgitate the medical dogma they’ve been fed
Needless to say, they’ve each had three of the ‘jabs’… even though I’d provided members of my family and friends [before the injections were ‘rolled out’, and continually since, providing them with many evidences that the injections are not what the people on their beloved TVs merely claim them to be] with a wealth of trustworthy information that would have made every right-thinking person refuse to ‘roll up their sleeve’.)
Your niece and her husband are probably very well paid.
That seems to be the bottom line with so many people who are capable of critical thinking but are afraid of losing the current class status that they are experiencing.
There is not just a fear of a mystery virus, if there is such a thing, there is also a fear that a person may not be accepted by the norms of society which may result in isolation. Scary stuff for sure.
This is the emotional and intellectual straight jacket that many people are carrying around with themselves….day after day after day.
Stay Centered….Peace.
Yes, after so many investments: in their professional field; their place in society; their daily life; and even more – the whole idea of their secure future, how they could give up when the plandemia comes (which on top of that greatly increased the importance of the profession – to literally medico-fascism; and last but not least, increased pay, handed out serious bonuses to get as many people as possible to roll up their sleeves for pricking). And given that these are young people (as your niece at 33) who, if they see what many non-medical workers see and decide to resist, they should literally change their entire peaceful and secure future.
Young people are much more focused on the success of their future, at the expense of things that usually (at least should) come with age, such as restraint in morality, deeper reflections on place in society, a sense of responsibility to others, the common and what you will leave behind. Normal, youth implies it, and this is encouraged by parents and older relatives, which is also normal – who does not want his child to succeed/to stabilize in life?
Quite far behind in the ranking remains the desire to confront the bad side of the system. It is not that there is no natural desire of youth to break away from the shackles of the old and to create the world in a new and better way. On the contrary, perhaps never before in history have there been so many and widespread movements for renewal and change for the better, which are… almost entirely not only controlled but created by the system, which they “struggle” to change and upgrade. And when you look back, even very far back, it takes incredible efforts not to notice how every movement towards the “improvement” of society, which is now being pushed and already carried out by the powers (authorities+business), was there, in the ideologies of these individual intellectuals, movements, civil and non-governmental organizations. The mind that floats on the surface can easily take at face value both the motives and the natural history of this historical creep.
Nothing further from the truth. This long, consistent move is the broad move towards NWO’s New Age. But how could they do and control something so long-lasting and comprehensive, some think. The same way how the power structure works: the decision-making unit at the top makes a decision that descends down the long Executive pyramid that executes it with the necessary resources. Everyone contributes and does not need to know the goals of the owners / financiers; the same applies to the inspired people with a pure desire for positive change involved in the movements for change. (I have no doubt that many of these low-and middle-level fools who administer the injection, well schooled in uncritical thinking, think they are saving humanity.) And the injection was and is part of that, not a modern fad of pharma cartels and governments. Perhaps one of the best ways to sustain and accelerate the progress you desire is to create the conditions for competition within the desired goals (between different companies, researchers, inventors, organizations, etc.). They’re all different and they don’t have an agreement, but, hey, look at how things come together in at one point.:)
Albert below says “we’ve never been here”, not sure if he means the whole world, or just the West (as he talks about similarities to communism in his post). This is true of the West, but this – with the possible exception of China to some extent, which is a special country with thousands of years of systematic training – is equally true of the Eastern/former socialist. block. I assure you (of course, in my opinion) that the Eastern block has never been here either, and the same movement is taking place here, and the rest, from which we are “backward”, seek to impose. Communism was not what is now going on globally, but it is a Frankenstein’s model of totalitarianism assembled from all the successful evil practices to date (including communism).
Communism would never have been so deceptive and so widely accepted as what is happening now, and would not have taken place in the East had it not been for the prepared revolutions generously financed by Western bankers and families. Not that theTsarist regimes were not oppressive and there was no popular discontent, but propaganda against them would never have been enough without well-funded and organized revolutionary organizations.
And one more thing: the ideology of communism, this absurd preaching of flourishing and eternal raising of the standard, type 1984, when in fact there is either no rise or there is a fall, and freedom is suppressed, were the reins. But they were a model of psyop, and served to make the carriage easier to steer; but the most important thing was the knowledge that the driver’s whip is always over your head, and there is no forgiveness if you move too much of the reins. This subjugated the population – the knowledge of inevitable violent punishment – not the “brainwashing”, which also had a great influence, but was the Additional, not the main, instrument of power.
Difference: under communism, unlike now, you could not not participate/protest against the system, neither alone, let alone with a group of like-minded people in a community, within the society. Now, still, yet, you can at least try to resist without having a power rod directly in response; can at least try to seek another livelihood, organize a community away from the cloaca.
So, to a large extent, there is still the possibility of voluntary non-participation, even separation from the system, for which, however, will pay a high price, perhaps impossible high, but it is possible to try (yet). And the reasons why this is not a mass phenomenon are well clarified by practically all the commentators here.
I would like to say, but I’m just not sure that anything can still be done massively to prevent the coming of what already, in its finished version, would resemble communism (+other “isms”). But: high technology, biotechnology, biodigital technologies, and other things “never before”. At this level, with these capabilities, with this long-term achieved psyop, with this level of voluntary complicity, and on this global scale, a whole new “ism” that will fit “satan” in front, or nwoism. (maybe the solution also could be “never before”; or not, and we’re all lost).
An excellent post!
Yes, when you mentioned, “I have no doubt that many of these low- and middle-level fools who administer the injection, well-schooled in uncritical thinking, think they are saving humanity”, it reminded me of a video online sometime last year. A group of people went to a ‘vaccine’ clinic, somewhere here in the UK, in order to make the staff there aware that they were injecting poison into people… that the contents of the injections are not what is merely claimed by the Establishment, and that they, the medical staff who are administering the stuff, would be, in legal terms, personally liable for any harm caused to people, as a result of carrying out the injecting.
The video showed the group ‘serving notice on’ a female nurse/doctor who was [if I remember correctly] literally about to inject a young person. When she heard what the spokesman for the group said, she became very upset/distressed/angry, saying (whilst half-crying) “That’s nonsense, we can’t be personally liable… these injections [she referred to them by the word beginning with V… ] are necessary, they’re helping people… people are dying in hospital because they’ve not had them…”. [Oh, the irony…!]
The spokesman tried to enlighten her… that she was manifesting her gullibility, in ‘believing’ what she’d heard on her TV. He tried to make her aware that what was being disseminated on the television was untrue; that it was merely false propaganda.
That example above is an illustration of the fact that you’re absolutely right when you said that most [probably all of them… until they become enlightened…] of the people administering these injections assume that they are ‘saving humanity’.
Which is, of course, so very far from the truth. Is diametrically opposite to the truth, in fact.
“It is scary how many similarities there are between the drug industry and the mob. [Both] make obscene amounts of money. The side effects of organized crime are killings and death … the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry – [but] many more are killed by this industry than by the mob.”
– Dr. Peter Rost, ex-President of Marketing for Pfizer
not so much the constant doctoring as the very high number of ‘required’ vaccines these days, according to RFK – whom I tend to believe – most of these things are not needed at all –
Also, dozens of x-rays, scans (ie scams), blood tests, unnecessary operations, drugs, check-ups, poo analysis, breast examinations, and so on. Most of which are unnecessary and very profitable for the medical cabals.
Many good comments on this from the wonderful Dr Vernon Coleman.
Vernon Coleman – Author, columnist & leading campaigning journalist
Hear, hear!!!
VT, as a matter of interest, there are also subclinical conditions that involve low grade chronic inflammation otherwise known as ‘silent inflammation’ that cannot easily be diagnosed because such conditions do not necessarily give rise to any clinical symptoms. That is, of course, unless there are other circumstances that can lead to a ‘test’ or the development of an acute inflammatory response where the signs and symptoms of disease do become manifest.
Undetected, silent inflammation can also be a precursor condition in the development of the different types of influenza e.g., the respiratory type, the gastro-intestinal type, the nervous type etc., and has nothing necessarily to do with any alleged “pathogenic viruses” which are invariably claimed to be the cause of the disease these days, despite the fact that there still remains no rigorous scientific proof and demonstration of the claim.
Low-level chronic inflammation can be the result of persistent stress, and will result from an acid-forming meat & potato diet, and from coffee, white sugars, The acidity inflames and damages body tissues. Acidity is also a ‘side-effect’ of allopathic drugs…
Yes, that is correct les, and some individuals are more susceptible to silent inflammation than others most notably those who are overweight or are obese, they tend to store ‘toxic fat’ particularly in the abdominal cavity. Researchers at The University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston reported in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, found that human fat cells produce C-reactive protein (CRP) that is linked to both inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
It is not unreasonable to suggest that this pre-clinical undiagnosed ‘silent’ inflammatory condition may be a potential problem for some individuals who decide to have Convid or flu shots, which may induce a cytokine storm that may partly account for those who are reported to have had the shots and then develop flu-like symptoms that are then alleged to be due to Convid.
Adipose tissue (body fat) has also now been regarded as a separate body organ which can produce a number of different biologically active molecules – such as cytokine proteins that are associated with inflammation, and the hormone resistin, which is linked to insulin resistance and the development of type two diabetes. Even, people who believe they are completely healthy with more adipose tissue also tend to have higher levels of CRP.
Anyone interested in losing weight, in particular, would do well to read the book by Dr Barry Sears entitled: Toxic Fat; When Good Fat Turns Bad. Sample diets and recommended supplements are also included!
Pretty sure it’s spelt
And the $cience of that is settled.
$ettled …
What would be the percentage of those ‘studying medicine’ who chose it to benefit others most? 30%? The rest went for their benefit$$$, including the societal status and the savior / high priest image. Differs a bit between counties of course.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
send this to every member of known staff (all) at your GPs etc
let them unfold.
let us never forget.
Not just physicians but those Incredibly Learned and Utterly Trustworthy Agriculture Experts.
A friend posted this on Facebook:
And it was automatically appended with:
Which led on to this:
Which linked to an article that enlisted the by-now-familiar contingent of really expert experts with lots of expertise producing oceans of wobble-de-doo to convince you that, after countless millennia when cows fooled humans into thinking they were harmless, it turns out that they are indeed the greatest threat since … oh the last greatest threat to appear in the Really Expert Science Bulletins.
Thus continuing the programme that has been in operation since the media first gave a sly indication that they had now moved through the looking glass by complaining about “Fake News” …. whilst grinding out nothing but Fake News – and cheekily backed up by “Fact Checkers”! They certainly have a sense of humour!
Thyself is singularly the most important Word ever hylighted on this site in my opinion.
Do you have any imagery of the closing down of our industries. Available work being to those same generations dismantling what they laboured over.
Where are the Millions of Unemployed Pictures instead of derv cow fart & An industrial Belch! Beg your pardon.
We are continually fixing that While continually working, from Before Deregulation Privatisation?
>People don’t take pictures of themselves<
I wondered from day one of the covid bollocks how there were so many experts when they kept saying no one knows what it is. Therefore I must also be an expert on nothing, just brilliant, you could not make this up, but they did.
Nice one Thyself..
Can’t, because thyself is a Long-Life Battery Commercial dominated by the stood still telling anything what to do. Gobshite Inc.
Appears health completely morphed into a purple pill some numbnuts swallowed for indigestion.
If you are reading this comment, the safe drug addict label crackpots now call it dry eye disease.
Help! I’ve turned into a stood still health warning label.
Covid has given me cause to return to research in modern medicine, which generally I’ve understood as medical nemesis, to recall Ivan Illich’s aptly titled criticism. Right now, given further cause from family and friends who’ve suffered acute traumas from the new abnormal, I’m reading more in the history and (mal)treatment of ‘mental illness’, or its mythology as Thomas Szasz summed up this pseudoscience used to justify ‘enlightened’ practices that would put medieval torture chambers to shame. In particular, I’ve valued such work as Mad in America (Robert Whitaker) and Cracked (James Davies) for more contemporary criticism of “toxic psychiatry” (Peter Breggin, whose career has been exemplary in exposing the fraud of the Pharmafia well before his dissent to the plandemic).
Any and all of this criticism, and repeated personal experience and knowledge from earliest age of iatrogenesis, demonstrates medicine as the very antithesis of nobility and honor, as the rhetoric above echoes. Medicine is like any other institutional complex of capitalist class rule an extension of population control, bearing down most heavily upon the backs of poor people, subjugated races and ethnicities, females, children, disabled…pick your target population. Health (sick) care for profit is economics, or bizzness, through and through, and beneath its humanitarian PR its politics is eugenics.
Professional managers of the oppressed in medicine have long been trained to assume ever more authoritarian rule over their patients, who without being informed and giving consent, are rather prisoners for ‘our’ sick social system to exploit, whether as units of production or lab rats or defective equipment to be consigned to the junk heap.
There are numerous, notable exceptions to the rule. Indeed, doctors who don’t toe the line have long been familiar with the witchhunt persecution and punishment now aimed at enemies of the biosecurity state, again long in the making at least since the 1910 Flexner Report legitimated Rockefeller monopolization of medicine, if not since enlightenment reforms as Foucalt re/de-constructed.
There are honest healers among us all, and among the most urgent imperatives of the present is to reclaim humanity’s common culture of care and compassion, of, by, and for the people. We need to break the hold of the medical industrial complex over the commons, which will require exodus from, not reform of, this institution of rule. In short, radical therapy of revolution is needed. To this cause should be welcome any and all dissenters, doctors included, to the dominant medical nemesis. I can’t think of anything more noble and honorable.
According to a new book from Israel, TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN, there has never been (and probably will never be) a longitudinal study comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed subjects. However, there exist populations of unvaccinated people: the Amish, Ethiopian children in Israel born in Ethiopia, a pediatric practice in Chicago with 30,000 patients, and Somalian children in Minnesota (born in Somalia) who have zero or almost zero autism rates.
What does this suggest?
Excellent book.
Public Health Officials KNOW that vaccines cause Autism and they DON’T CARE. Vaccines and Fluoride have ZERO medical benefit and are meant to harm us. Depopulation didn’t start with COVID, it was always there on an ongoing basis. The AIDS=HIV Virus Hoax and the 1918 Spanish Flu were both previous depopulation exercises.
Leading policy officials like the WHO, CDC and WEF cannot have it both ways. You cannot proclaim to care about the health of humanity while simultaneously collapsing first world nations toward a future of global pestilence, violence and starvation.
What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?… In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?
~ Maurice Strong
Fluoride, ask a dentist where it comes from and they have’nt a clue and if they knew they would probably still recommend it because of big pharma payouts. I think it was Cheney or Rumsfeld that made their fortune from the fluoride scam and it was used to dumb down various concentration camp occupants of all sides and I suspect it is used in chemtrailing otherwise how do we explain just how fucking thick the average person is in the UK.
Above all, med. practioners fear being punished for deviance from dogma, as we saw in the crackdown on covid deviants. Making money comes after that.
I think you’re referring to US paediatrician Dr Paul Thomas who is, of course, labelled anti-vax. In fact in his practice there are children vaxxed according to schedule, partially vaxxed children, and unvaxxed children. He reviewed their records and found the unvaxxed cohort did significantly better on every measure than the other two groups, ie they were much healthier. Dr Thomas can’t get his findings published and he has for years been persecuted and threatened with licence revocation. This short interview explains his situation
No, Robyn, I was not.
“…After completing his tour of Amish communities, (journalist Dan) Olmsted continued his quest for unvaccinated populations to examine their autism rates. This led him to Chicago, to the Homefirst clinic of Dr. Mayer Eisenstein and colleagues. Homefirst doctors took a rather unconventional approach to medical care that involved home birth and minimal use of prescription medications and vaccines. They didn’t know of a single case of autism, they said, among the thousands of unvaccinated children they’d had under their care over more than 30 years of practice.”
Thank you for the link. I had not known about Dr. Thomas.
Thanks, Louis. The grapevine, person to person, is one information source they can’t censor.
I appreciate the plea, but medical practitioners have been indoctrinated throughout their education and continuing education (much of which pharma pays for and produces the curricula). There’s a fine line that we see in this process assuming the goodness when a person is determined to practice and already troubling medical dogma (Rockefeller allopathic medicine) and when he/she succumbs to a new (progressive under emergency) set of norms to meet the “crisis
When did the hippy anti-war counterculture become the yuppie culture and who marketed that and made it a fashionable thing, so the once anti-war movement turned into CEO loving materialists on steroids?
How does this transformation happen? Coercion and rationalization that becomes embedded through cognitive dissonance. It happens. Some may awaken when they see the harm they’ve been complicit in or watched as their colleagues injected an infant. Awakening, I’m more and more convinced, happens one person at a time. What triggers it? It depends.
The Nazis found that the ones to target were the educated, the liberals were most receptive to the propaganda of the Third Reich.
Lol they found they could make “liberals” Nazis.
They didn’t make them Nazis, it happens that the propaganda found an audience with that demographic. I think we have a similar effect under Operation Covid.
Yep Derek
Did you not know thyself included Liberal self destructive Screaming Stuka Dive Bombers.
A healthy middle class has the freedom to care about social issues, which is what brought on the whole social revolution of the 1960’s. Suddenly, young people dared to enter the political arena to press their demands for a better quality of life… labor rights, environmental protections, food and consumer safety, healthcare rights, then later women’s and gay rights. And, oh yeah, actually ending the Vietnam War. The daily chant outside the White House “LBJ! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?” unnerved him so much, he did not seek a second term. Nixon was the last president to pass environmental laws due to people pressure so they made an example of him.
The decision was made in the 70’s to carve away at the middle class in order to make people focus more on self-preservation rather than social issues (it didn’t work), which gave rise to the “me” generation of the 80’s. Workers were being squeezed and forced to become more competitive as capital flight and massive layoffs (remember Chainsaw Al?) caused labor breakdown in the US. Neoliberalism’s “dog-eat-dog” dogma IS the western international order, which is why so many nations are shunning it today.
Until we are self-governed (small decentralized) nothing will change.
Excellent! This should be sent everywhere.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-09-12. Cause unknown leading CoD. Going straight to stage 4 cancer. Wrongful Death Lawsuit 4 Using Remdesivir (blog, gab, tweet).
T’is a great thing they have done in more ways than one…
Never has the face behind the mask been more obvious than it is today.
Assume nothing
Believe no-one
Check all claims
So many people fell for the extreme propaganda – no wonder doctors did. They BELIEVE in their profession – most people do. And it is easy to be pulled in. Do I forgive them? Not yet. Can I forgive them? Not while they refuse to see patients. This is another crime.
If I were a Doctor why would I want see people who’s interference has been effectively restricting the Doctor Patient relationship for 20yrs.
40yrs ago that interference lead to a Huge Rise in Deaths from Drugs that should Been Left Only to That Professional Relationship between A Doctor and A Patient.
All the once noble professions are under assault – doctors, scientists, teachers, the press, government representatives, even comedians and musicians. DO they really believe in their profession, at this point, when the lies are so obvious?
“Such character traits as truthfulness, sincerity, honesty, correspond to the nature of man, and have a connection with creative energies, that is, they contribute to better health.
Cunning, deceit, hypocrisy, deceit, duplicity, features of the so-called lower nature. When they come into effect, the relationship and there is an accumulation of destructive energies leading to physical suffering: pain, illness, injury, accident.
Thus, from the point of view of the energy worldview, it is clearly explained why a lie is an evil that primarily causes harm to its owner.”
You could have the healthiest alkaline diet ever but it all turns acidic if your lifestyle requires you to lie for a living. All that bootlicking bribery money for nothing.
Why the News Is Not the Truth
The Trouble With ‘Western Values’ Is That Westerners Don’t Value Them
”When the lies are so obvious” – they’re not reading what you’re reading. Their heads are below the sand. And even when/if they do get exposed to the mass poisonings they’ve gone along with, supported(many took the jab themselves, so they clearly believed), they WON’T believe the opposite. Because it is a belief, like a religion. It isn’t based on science, but trickery. They CAN’T change their belief. Same as virologists cannot embrace Terrain Theory. Easier to fool a man than convince him he has been fooled…and all that.
(While my other post seeks to escape the ‘Well of Purgatory’: )
Make a difference. Change the world. End world poverty. An ability to feed pigeons being the only skill required.
Elizabeth II in Kenya, OR a couple of French ladies in Indochina (depending on your preferred fact checker), showed the way.
She was never very bright.
Lol! OK Popeye, what’s in been like following not very bright people.
Looks like a lolly-scramble, which was always looked forward to at birthday parties and Christmas celebrations.
“Hearkens back to the beneficence of old Poppa John Rockefeller handing out nickels and dimes to the little ones.”

“Well certainly beats massacring them like they did at Ludlow.”
How to carry on?
John D. Rockefeller
John Dee
Why don’t you look at the Chinese symbols on the wall and make up your own mind.
My question to you – How do you know its Queen Elizabeth……….. because the video uploader E.A Trending NEWS said so. Are you really that gullible?
Looks like in California, the criminal traitor Newsom might sign something making it a crime for doctors to spread “misinformation”, which of course is anything the communist states don’t want you to hear, or even talk about. I remember my Grandpa watching film clips back in the 60’s of military parades in communist China and the Soviet Union and talking about how controlled and brainwashed the people were and telling me that during my life, it will be worse than that in the US. I couldn’t imagine that then. Now, here we are.
I don’t know, I think it will have to get much worse before there is any mass uprising among the medical profession, most who seem to have their masks shoved so far up their asses they’re permanently attached to their faces.
This is a train that doesn’t look like it’s going to stop. The money is too big. It’s like trying to stop the military industrial complex. Remember War Criminal Ike warned about it in 1961 and over 60 years later it has morphed into an all-encompassing complex of control, security, military, law enforcement, censorship, surveillance, everything. Globally. We’re trapped in our political systems, captured by the corporations and billionaires, and can’t seem to get out, with the only way to protest being withholding our votes. But that’s not doing the trick because that’s where it ends. No alternative organizing, no alternative political parties, not a damn thing. Well, maybe these things take time. But who knows, we’ve never been here before.
What’s with “the communist states”? Where are you getting the notion that this is “communism”? The idea of using lockdown policies (that is, war measures) for a pandemic goes back 20 years for US military planners. See chapter 12 Germ Games of RFK Jr’s book on Fauci.
Do you really think that the Pentagon, the NSA, DARPA and CIA are all full of communists? That Wall Street, Big Pharma, Blackrock, corporate media, most every government in the world including the US, most state governors regardless of party, the WEF, NATO, the World Bank are communists? They are all in on it. You tell me…
Hell, Operation Warp Speed was run by the DoD, headed by Army Gen. Gustave F. Perna.
Ever been to a communist country? Like, eastern European type before the wall came down? I have. A few times. Regardless the ideology, the type of control, brainwashing, police state, official propaganda, slogans, etc., is getting very similar, just dressed up differently. Or what we’ve seen in North Korea? You will own nothing but be happy? Whatever you want to call it, it reminds me of watching TV as a kid in the 60’s and seeing masses of people obeying their masters. I’m using it as an insult, so whatever.
Besides the fact that modern propaganda is a Anglo-American invention, not communist or fascist, just one problem with the idea that we are experiencing communism is that the totalitarianism being shoved down are throats is far worse that anything communism was capable of. Despite all the propaganda otherwise, they never had the capability to take over the world, whereas globo-capitalism does and is doing it.
If you want to fight your enemy and win, you first need to understand them – and they ain’t communists! The answer to the scourge of left wing propaganda, is not the embrace of right wing propaganda, it is avoiding propaganda altogether.
What does the ability to take over the world have to do with it? But anyway, you win man, I won’t call them commies anymore. I’ll call them psychos or something like that. Or how about, psychopathic techno fascist global capitalist totalitarians (PTFGCT)? That’s harder to type but I can live with it if you can. We might be on to something here.
RE: psychopathic techno fascist global capitalist totalitarians
Much harder to type, indeed. However, as an epithet, it rocks!
(Maybe have it permanently cued up in copy/paste.)
RE: Ever been to a communist country? Like, eastern European type before the wall came down? I have.
Good for you. I know people who grew up there and they talk like you about communism. Those communist countries had free education, free healthcare, a job for anyone willing to work, and no homeless people. Does that sound remotely like current day California? Those people who moved here just exchanged one form of totalitarianism for another form of totalitarianism. They just moved from Orwell’s 1984 to Huxley’s Brave New World. What we are experiencing now is that the West since March of 2020 has just taken down “democratic” scenery.
And I think here’s where we differ. Operation Warp Speed was run by Donald Trump. It’s all about messaging in this class war, no one gives a damn about Perna, or even cares who he is.
You might read Scott Atlas’ book A Plague on our House. Donald Trump wasn’t running anything. The CIA and their assets in the Media ran the Trump presidency. But I agree on this: it most definitely is a class war.
Well that’s not the point. Trump must be blamed, not some army general. Everyone, at least those that contribute here, know how the US presidency operates.
Very interesting dialogue on communism and former communist countries. I follow it with interest, learning curious details.:)
I’m sorry to say but doctors, and all those in the medical profession, had their science and their training and they ignored both. Most had the jab whereas those in the companies in charge of actually produced this ‘vaccine’ filth did not.
The medical profession has deceived us, as have the climate scientists, who have been riding that gravy train for decades. It seems due diligence is a thing of the past.
I’m assuming that doctors, like the climate scientists before them, will become practised liars by the time winter is out. Pun intended.
Sadly many doctors are simply slaves to their corporate bosses.
not good enough, no excuse,
most of them are cnts who crave kudos and big bucks- 30k + expenses/year for 1 day/week locum at a rural practise…. da fukn fuk? that was in 1999 people!!
then, e’g’ 3000k for a two hour shift…. i can gie a wheen of examples.
how much did they get paid per jab? some of them boasted …
fuck 90+% all medical staff, especially the corporate, then officer class and their most ardent ncos:
After the media, the medical profession will be purged, i sincerely hope. They are the actual murderers.
and don’t fucking start me on the national hell service!!!
where are the real people?
oh, they all retired/resigned.
i will clap when i see their feet wiggle at the end of a rope, 60% know exactly what they are doing the other 40%, now free to “choose” not to be jabbed are keeping their traps shut for fear of being made redundant by temps or agency staff who are 100% jabbed, thats from the horses mouth
and as the “good” ship nhs points her arse to the sky the pharma co of usofa flings its ring in the form of “new experimental drugs” being offered to the damaged jabsters in a nice no comeback environment provided by uk plc
zero trust in the “health” profession, inversion at its fullest
I was reading something the other day, and I thought of the possible global event you mentioned. What do you think of a solar flare?
i saw reference recently to the joining of two stars which should be visible to us in the proximity of the pole star, the astronomical explanation for this union/collisionn was that it concerned a binary solar system.
i have read a little on solar flares, they seem to be more pertinent to our survival/demise than they are generally given credit for and wholy capable of frying all electric circuits globally in one good hit..
i am beginning to realise just what a crock of shit we have been fed in respect of our “realm” its shape, form and nature within the “universe”
as we know you can keep things hidden in plain sight if you convince those you wish to fool with a slight twist of the facts, subtle difference yet sufficient to completely hoodwink a high percentage
i believe our realm is subject to outside forces of which we have been utterly misled, there was some very interesting and well humoured articles by a lady that wrote as “walk in light” on wordpress, like many that touched on the truth the globo eraser was applied and pooof! gone
the opening ceremony of the gottenherd tunnel nr geneva is still viewable on tube etc, i think, it shows how “they” view what is coming…. and it aint nice
im still convinced that covert and the current situation are masking some very large building projects as hellywood said “dont look up”
if such is true and enormous upheaval of our crust is imminent then there aint much we can do but live for now, personally i still have faith and try to do what i can do with what is in front of me, disconnect from their system yet further, grow food and brew alcohol :0) pay off any debt to them, invest in tools, infrastructure and so on
and occasionally binge on cheap walking dead box sets to educate myself on what kind of mess we may yet have to survive through
TPTSB have learned that trauma plays a significant role in effective programming, which is why we are in a perpetual “emergency government” mode.
There are some who claim that the sun could do, and has done, a mini nova. Apparently, evidence for this has been found on a number of different planets including our own and the moon.
Food for thought. We live in an electric universe and the sun is formed due to a pinch point in one of the thousands, if not billions, of Birkeland currents.
A massive surge in that current would have an effect on everything along the line. Maybe the solar minimums are due to a temporarily low current?
Exactly, exactly. There’s a saying: one day feeds a whole year. In the case of “one plandemia”. A lot of money was given out to do as much dirty work as possible. The additional, in addition to the already existing fall of medical ethics, was paid for in silver coins. And not only to the doctors, but to all involved inspired “responsible saviours of humanity” who spread and still keep the narrative alive in the ears of the population.
I have little sympathy for the medical profession. I have dealt with doctors in various capacities over several years and I long ago lost any admiration for them. Despite the hype, they are just people doing a job, in many respects not very complex. The problem is that they have been elevated into something above rest of us and they have haughtily accepted that elevation. I saw the BS behind the C19 scam from the beginning. I have researched the “PCR Test” and understand how it works and know the “Covid Test” to be BS.I could see that “asymptomatic infection” was laughable. From the beginning I could see the plan was mass vaccination with very suspect substances and said so. If I, whose main formal qualification is only to teach Shakespeare to children, could see this how could these “Doctors” not know? They should have known and should have done something positive. In my view, agree or disagree, they deserve any bad press that they get, or worse. Coming out and asking for forgiveness might be a good first move.
Asking for forgiveness is one thing; making amends is another. They have a long way to go to make amends.
If they don’t know they are inept. That’s gross negligence and 50 lashes.
If they know they are complicit. That’s evil in its purest sense and banishment to space or death.
If you still think we have the heart for forgiveness, with our little ones still dying, get ready for the next global crime.
Indeed, without exaggeration, we are talking about an misdeeds and moral fall equal to the scale and drama of those in Shakespeare’s work.
I had lunch with friends last week. All injected. All looking forward to their next booster.
Their jobs are: a GP, a vet, a nurse and a dietician . The GP has been jabbed five times.
The nurse, whose daughter is a consultant said the girl’s experience vis-a-vis covid, was dreadful. Not enough ventilators in the hospital and people dying all over the place.
I suggested that intubation was a death sentence and that the age of most people who had died “of” covid, were about 82 and above life expectancy .
The conversation became tetchy so I changed the subject. Quite extraordinary brainwashing so no hope for less educated people!
Two points from Gwen Olsen’s ‘Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher’ (a very flawed book but with some useful information):
1) There’s probably more drug use and addiction amongst medics than in any other profession. Who else has such access?
2) Drug companies have increasingly advertised direct to patients to get them to pressurise doctors to prescribe them drugs. The process is not all one (except in the case of the drug companies).
BTW it’s a point that’s been made before but… find one of those lists of what makes a cult and compare it to medical school (eg initial love-bombing, financial dependence, enclosed culture, lack of questioning leaders, physical and emotional exhaustion etc).
Indeed, the curriculum in most corporate medical schools is designed to exhaust and remove the gifted healer.
more drug use and addiction amongst medics
You could call the stuff narcotics to be clearer. Some doctors become pushers in effect. Debt (financial dependence) is a big factor.
A good, passionate article, but it is still only us OffGuardian readers who will see it.
Most people would balk at shoving this into their doctors’ faces, however much that might be exactly what is called for.
Are there really no rogue MSM employees who could stick a hefty spanner in the works by arranging for an ‘accidental’ prime-time exposure of such an article – along with many others just as passionate…?
I doubt it.
For many years now I have witnessed the systematic installation of the humanoid equivalent of autistic amoebae into all the positions of governmental authority and media influence in the Western world.
I think we’re done.
All MSM employees are equally to blame. All the good ones already quit, as you should have done. Adding every currently serving journalist to the list of every serving medical professional is going to make quite a large group. There are many more groups. At some point you will realize you are in one of the groups, and so you will start pushing for allowing it all to happen again.
That’s an outrageous conclusion to draw from my comment.
I will do no such thing.
During the course of the last 2.5 years, I’ve sent about 4 batches of information sheets (which provide a multitude of proofs that the ‘covid’ ‘official narrative’ is false, & that the injections are immensely dangerous, etc) to my local GP’s surgery (the one I’m registered with, but do not use, for I refuse to have anything to do with the allopathic ‘medicine’ of the corrupt Medical Establishment. I wouldn’t go within a million miles of them. In 2015, I unfortunately broke my wrist, and was forced to… that made me fume…!).
One of the items I sent them some time last year was a 1pp ‘poster’ that formed part of an article re. that aspect of this heinous agenda, informing doctors, nurses, etc, that if they were in any way involved in the administration of these injections, that they were complicit, and that they wouldn’t be able to say “I was just following orders”.
I’ll be sending them a copy of this article, too.
cheer up bagpuss hiding at bottom of wardrobe.
we ain’t done til we are done, long road to go.
sharpen up.