War of the Worlds

Todd Hayen

The Queen is dead, long live the King. In another world I used to know, and can still access at will, I would be interested in such an event. I would be a bit sad and reverent; thinking of an amazing life lived, thinking of all of the people who loved her so much.

In that other world I would binge watch The Crown, and be anxious to watch the plethora of documentaries showing up on Netflix for the occasion. I would be anxious to watch the pomp and spectacle of her funeral and the coronation of the man who now would be king.

Sure, even in that world there is bitter-sweetness, there are things about Elizabeth and Charles that are not perfect. The biggest crime against the Queen was probably, in this older (in my experience) world, is the way she treated Diana.

Charles would be accused of the same, as well as other stupid things that made him a rather unsavoury character. But that’s about it.

In that world.

Now, in the other world, the newer world in my experience, Queen Elizabeth II is at times called Queen A-Lizard-Beast. The Now-King Charles is suspected by some of being a pedophile and was involved with his brother’s association with the Isle of Epstein Evil.

Although both of these accusations are found to originate in the QAnon movement and not shared by everyone occupying World B, it is still a part of it. Both Queen Elizabeth and King Charles are/were members of the WEF group-of-goons-club positioned to take over the world.

In this other world they both, including the whole of the Royal Family, are guilty of so many other atrocities and horrors it would take volumes to present. The Queen’s death is certainly something that should not be mourned, on the contrary, it is an event that should be celebrated, and Charles taking on the throne of one of the most powerful nations on earth (at least historically) should send a shiver up everyone’s spine.

World A and World B—to keep it simple—will be what I use to differentiate between these two “realities” in this article.

World A is the world I used to know, and what would now be considered all a lie.

World B is, to me, the “new” world, although it is anything but new. This is the world where truth resides, the world that exists behind the wizard’s curtain. And it is really, really, dark. Now, World B does contain truth, and it really is the only place to find most of it.

But not everything in World B is true. It contains obvious things (if you pull aside the curtain) such as blatant Government corruption, censorship, medical terrorism, the unelected elite running the world, tyranny, totalitarianism. Simple stuff like that. But it also contains stuff that is way out there, like some of the things mentioned above.

Is it all true? I doubt it, or I should say, I hope not. If so we are in bigger trouble than we know.

Worlds A and B apparently have always existed. I have not given that claim a whole lot of serious consideration, but I would be fine to believe these two worlds co-existed for quite some time. At the very least they have been around for 200 years or so.

I do believe that World B was, at one time, not as prominent, and maybe there was a bit more reality to World A. But at the moment, it is rather clear, even to a guy that spent most of his life happily in World A, that World B is here, clearly and obviously.

I think the last three years has been the primary curtain pull, certainly for me. A reveal that quite a few people “got,” but then quite a few people didn’t. There have been numerous curtain pulls before that, but I have to admit that yours truly was just as blind as a blissful sheep back then.

I questioned a bunch of things along the way, but never saw the whole picture, nor realized the extent of the implication. I scratched my head with various historical events, Viet Nam, Watergate, The Gulf War, Saddam Hussein and WMDs, Kennedy’s assassination, and particularly 9/11.

But nothing revealed the whole extent of the Wizard behind the controls, behind the curtain, than Covid. Finally, I saw it all, or most of it, or maybe not most of—it is a deep rabbit hole, and as my toes curl, I resist seeing it all.

To restate, not everything in World B is true, of course.

World A folks don’t think any of it is. However, much of World B is true—a whole lot of it. Anyway…World B definitely exists for me now, but World A is still very seducing. I was happy back when World A was my world—then in my ignorance. Now, I no longer am happy.

Right at this moment I am sitting on my deck in my backyard. The weather is sublime. I am watching the birds at our feeders, and feeling the amazingly comforting breeze as it wafts over the deck. My wife, who manages to live exclusively in World A, suggests we go out to a local festival tonight and have a nice “date night.”

World A is so seductive. Why not?

Why not ignore World B entirely, follow all the protocols and demands of World A, and just “be happy”?

We’ve heard that one before, right, “you’ll own nothing and be happy”?

Honestly, I know my wife would. She says when hearing that Herr Klaus statement, “What’s the big deal?”—the title of a recent article. Yeah, really, what’s the big deal?

Another interesting point about this idea, is that anyone who lives most of his or her life in World A, and has some sort of inkling of a World B, believe that everything in World B is a lie.

The other way around is true as well. If you live in one world, the other world is not reality.

This is easier to do if you live in World A most of the time because it has most of the persuasive power and support behind it. The media is there supporting its illusion, and nearly everyone in power supports its reality.

World B is dark and dank, it is filled with shadows and uncertainties, and it is, by design, very evil. No one wants World B (just like no one except truth seekers wanted to live outside of the illusion of the Matrix). So the illusion of World A is easier to maintain for people who really don’t think about it.

Most of the time, though, people in World A don’t even know about World B.

People in World B know everything about World A though, obviously.

There is something about following the truth, though, that is too compelling to just dismiss, along with all its accompanying pain, and say, “Forget that, I don’t need it, I’m going to live the happy life, even though it is entirely made up of lies.” I have brought this up before in previous articles.

During this current insanity I have thought often about a Star Trek episode (from the ‘60s series) where Capt. Pike (the first Enterprise Captain from the pilot) is stuck on a planet where the inhabitants have him imprisoned. These strange beings can read their prisoners’ minds and create incredible realistic environments based on their prisoners’ memories.

Pike ends up in a place with horses, beautiful natural surroundings, and a super fox partner who could not have been more alluring (especially for my pubescent sensibilities). All this was pulled from his memory banks, and as I watched this when it first aired in the ‘60s I said to myself, “Dude, this is a no brainer! Take the girl and the horse and be happy!” (Needless to say, I more than likely did not say “dude” since that was not yet popular…creative license, forgive me.)

Of course, Pike would have nothing of it. “No way,” he said, “these beings are not going to take away my freedom!” The girl, and I, shouted, “Stupid! You are crazy!!

There is a similar situation in the first instalment of The Matrix series. “Wouldn’t you rather have this (World A) than that?” The choice in that example was the wrong one.

You should always choose truth (real) over lies (unreal). Every time.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not considering choosing the “fake good” side. But I am confused by it. As I said, it is seductive. And although it does not “lure” me into untruth, it confuses me. Living this double life is indeed a serious example of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance can cause all sorts of problems: depression, anxiety, and disorientation being just a few of them.

I think one odd thing that comes from all this, at least for me, is a desire for World B to fill my reality. I am tired of living in this “eye of the storm”…this world of ambiguity. As awful as I know that would be, it seems that this would break the cognitive dissonance and the appearance of the world around me would not be a mixture of the two worlds, but only one world, the real one.

World A is difficult to give up. It is filled with familiar things and familiar rituals. It is a bitter-sweet world, but for the most part filled with happy stuff. Vacations, sporting events, happy people in happy television and internet advertisements. Happy people on talk shows, newscasts, etc. All dressed up, all pretty for the camera.

Celebrities we love, and swoon over, movies we love, TV series we love; a The Truman Show reality that is filled mostly with good things.

When someone famous dies we mourn, cry, think about their wonderful life, or about their miserable life and thank God our life is not as miserable. We don’t see much that is happening in the world where it isn’t so pretty. Most of that is at arm’s length.

In World A we trust our leaders. We trust our medical professionals, our Universities and hospitals. We trust institutions like the UN, the WHO, and NATO. We trust famous people like the Pope, Bill Gates, and Tom Hanks. Maybe some of these people are good, maybe not. In World A we don’t care, we trust.

But I do often wonder if the reality, THE reality, is not categorically World B, but a mixture of A and B. Maybe reality is not as bad as it seems to be, but until everyone is on board, and the lies of World A takes a back seat to truth, we will find that things are not so unconscionably evil.

This is a hope and a dream, but I have an uncomfortable feeling that it is just a pipe dream, and more than likely things we discover will be worse.

But even so, there will be no temptress of World A tugging at my heart. I will finally be living only the truth where my wife, and most other loved ones, and the rest of the world are not telling me I am a dolt and a conspiracy theorist.

Then I will not be tempted to slip into a dream world of untruths, no matter how nice it once looked.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Patricia Tursi,PhD
Patricia Tursi,PhD
Feb 25, 2024 7:10 PM

Poignant. Close to home. Yes. A is much easier but our job is to illuminate B?! Not nearly as much “fun”.and most in my society are not interested, but once you have swallowed the pill, you can’t shut the blinds.

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
Sep 22, 2022 11:41 AM

The creation itself is a madhouse and humans are just symptoms of this underlying reality. Living for sometime without knowing love is just noise as all those who drown in the flood. But living and knowing love and die is pure madness. And if you believe in a creator his creation is a sin against love but he came to earth to unchain us from this doom. And if you don’t believe you have to see the universe as a true evil because it all stinks of ignorance which is all evils mother and you have no where to escape. Even God abandon this piece of shit of a creation because it constantly killed his children. You cant love the world and your next. You have to choose. And Jesus did. This abomination of an evil place called earth which is hell for the still living and the heaven will vanish. It’s world of a womb which against his will became our tomb. But now is the time for us to reap all knowledge of all evil so we can truly do what is right today tomorrow and for the end of times as our Father, Brother and the one we shall inherited with the true reality outside of this sick prison camp of a simulation.
Good speed from a Gnostic Satanic Christian

Sep 18, 2022 11:01 PM

We live in a madhouse – not because people with some idea of what they were doing put us into one, but because the madhouse was built around us when we weren’t looking.

We are now in Jim Carrey’s “Truman Show”.
I imagine it will be hard for Karma to find adequate retribution for our captors, but perhaps they just got into bad company when they were young…

Heaven help us. Seriously.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Sep 18, 2022 9:18 PM

Realizing that everything you believed in and everything you thought was true was all a carefully crafted dream world full of lies, deceit and trickery is indeed a sobering experience, too terrifying for most people to go through. When I look back over 67 years, I find myself thinking “if only I knew then what I know now.” Knowing makes us feel untethered, and I think that’s why we tend to live in both worlds at the same time. World B is just too dark for us to live in all the time, and there are many things and people in World A that we don’t want to give up completely, so we have one foot in each world most of the time. And, so far, there simply aren’t enough people in World B to commiserate with, so we do feel like we’re all alone most of the time. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know what I know, but that feeling is brief. It’s difficult, though, not to envy the inhabitants of World A for their ignorant bliss. My sweetheart listens to my ranting about what’s happening and what is coming, but she is ever pragmatic and plans to only worry about events as they happen. She doesn’t want to worry about things that might happen. In many ways, she is much more content than I am, and I envy that, too.

Human values
Human values
Sep 18, 2022 5:07 PM

The old world disguised as the new world can’t be saved. It is on its way to rapid destruction. And there is, despite mainstream news, a mass awakening happening.

”Fill the void on the other side of globalism”:


Closed-mindedness Kills
Closed-mindedness Kills
Sep 18, 2022 2:13 PM

The parasitical dynasties that have clung to Roman Caesarism, aka fascism, are finally facing a reckoning – the financialized economy that they created and refuse to fix can no longer be sustained. The fawning over the loss of a royal family member is a metaphor for the loss of their centuries-long global economic control “which hinders countries’ development, which strives to extract speculative super profits from trade and economic cooperation and which deceives the entire world by inflating speculative bubbles and abuses its positions of power in the countries where it dominates the political system.” Western values ARE still respected – by non-western nations who recognize the importance of the Creative Individual, to “encourage the birth of new discoveries and translate those discoveries into ever new forms of technological progress.” World A = closed system thinking World B = open system thinking World B challenges the status quo, leaves a wall open to the Unknown. This exhilaration of What May Be is what is otherwise known as Life, not just living. “…the parasitical financial oligarchy which hated LaRouche – which always tried to shut his mouth and persecuted him and tried to keep him locked up, ultimately acquired a monopoly on political power in the United States, and today it uses its political influence in Washington to force all the countries in the world to obey its will. It continues to dominate the world and exert its hegemony for extracting super profits from speculative operations. Lyndon LaRouche turned out to be right. We [Russians] call it an integrated world economic model in which finance capital will be subordinated to the tasks of developing the economy and in which the principles of physical economy will come to fruition as we can see countries that are taking this path are enjoying success.… Read more »

Sep 18, 2022 3:43 PM

 😅  😅  😅 
Unbelievable! Delightful!
Who are you “we Russians”? You, Putin and the oligarchy, are you one whole? What will be for them, so will it be for you? Great.

(Tell me about the roadmap for transhumanism by 2025, then by 2035 improvements. Will there be orthodox Christian, Slavic bioconvergent nanotechnology? Tell her about “nature-like” convergent technologies. Tell, because some here, and everywhere, they think that something is going on in Russia that is radically opposite to what is happening in the West. Including because of people like you. Tell, Tell, do not limit yourself to the Kremlin’s narrative. Is the Russian vaccine better and safer? Will the Slavic, Eastern Orthodox Chip be better?)

Sep 18, 2022 6:02 PM
Reply to  plino

No, No, this is a real, real war against common sense all over the world. No kidding, any minute now they will come to preach implanted nanotechnology, nanocarbon tubes compatible with the brain, self-assembly in microschems of the body, biosensors and entire installations based on graphene oxide and all kinds of embedded technologies in the body, under the inspired pretext that it is completely different, because eastern, Russian, or whatever, moral standards, values, ideals, and whatever, are on a whole other level. Same, but completely different. With the increase in tension, idiocy really took on unheard-of proportions (and the troll armies, of course, grew; many people were left out of work on “covid measures”.)

And, here, there are real idio… sorry – people who understand things who calmly say that it was nothing special, nothing terrible, it does not prove that they are the same there.. WTF 😂 

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 11:47 AM

“Hugo Talks” sums up the whole ‘royal’ nonsense in this video, posted today.

“They’ve fallen in love with the lie/ Hugo Talks” (video: 17.16 mins), at:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 12:43 PM

Not far into this video above, Hugo shows an item from the MSM which says that [the UK supermarket chain] “Morrisons turns volume of checkout beeps down in mark of respect to Queen”.

Ie, the madness intensifies…

(N.B., when I posted the video about an hour ago, I’d not watched all of it. I now have, and find that he, Hugo, includes quite a lot of ‘bible’ stuff… if I’d known that, I’d probably not have posted the item)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 18, 2022 3:37 PM


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 4:56 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

No. I very deliberately put the word in lower case, because I’m most definitely NOT a ‘christian’. For 28 years, I’ve been a properly-informed Spiritualist (and we literally countless millions of properly-informed Spiritualists around the world are able to absolutely prove what we say. Which is a far cry from what ‘christians’ can do. There are 20+ different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we all survive [in our immortal soul/spirit body form… which has been seen by many, many thousands – indeed, probably millions – of people around the world who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of what’s termed clairvoyant vision] the immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death, and return to the very real Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos).

(I don’t use capital letters for a batch of ‘writings’ that are total nonsense… ie, the ‘bible’…)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 18, 2022 5:04 PM

Well, I’m not a Hindu, but I still capitalize the word. It’s not faith, it’s grammar.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 6:51 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Many people around the world who are ‘awake’ re. what’s actually going on around the world right now have stated that they refuse to capitalise the letter ‘c’ in the ‘c19’ term… and I’m one of those who refuse to write that letter as a capital.

That’s an example of exactly the same point as I made earlier, when I said that I refuse to use a capital ‘B’ for that aforementioned batch of ‘writing’.
Ie, it’s not an example of incorrect grammar, as you claimed. It’s about whether someone accepts, or otherwise, the validity of something. By writing a letter in its lower-case form, one is expressing one’s attitude to whatever it might be.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 18, 2022 8:49 PM

Hmm…sounds like a conflict between your personal beliefs and the actual rules of grammar, which do dictate capitalizing Bible and Christian whether one is a believer or not.

Grammar aside, as a Christian, I’m not personally offended, but you must surely realize that there are millions of Christians and Jews who might be. And just out of curiosity: is it only the Bible that invokes your disdain as “invalid,” or would you include other religious texts such as the Koran or Bhagavad Gita or Dianetics?

Interesting to me is also that your name means “Follower of Christ.” Do you typically capitalize it or not?

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Sep 19, 2022 1:20 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Agreed. I’m an atheist and I have no problem capitalizing Christian, Hindu, Muslim, what have you. Also, although I’m not a member of the (U.S.) Democratic Party, I still refrain from calling it the “Democrat Party”, a term promoted by Republican leadership, for God knows what rational reason. Etc. etc.

People have a right to be called their preferred name, and in English proper names are capitalized. On the other hand, today’s individually-applied pronoun demands possibly stretch naming choice beyond reason, and confess I have no settled opinion about it yet.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Sep 20, 2022 1:07 PM

Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Alice Bailey were all ‘spiritualists’ as well. In fact the ones that wrote the charter for the UN, the Lucifer Trust, were big into ‘spiritualism’. In fact Klauss Schwab and his WEF are big proponents of the New Age. All of these people and institutions and followers detest Christ, in fact that’s the only thing the may have in common, their driving force. So it seems you’re in good company.

As soon as you realised that the person you were agreeing with had some Christian inclinations you stopped agreeing immediately. That kind of summises it all really, the ones accusing Christianity of prejudice…A Bible quote for you: ‘You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.’ Stop the hate.

Human values
Human values
Sep 18, 2022 5:39 PM

All idols are false. Idol worship is idolatry.

Idolatry means worship of false gods that is the Devil. It is sin and really the only sin there is.

Now is the best time to be rid of all idols. Be they politicians, actors, singers, football players, celebrities, activists, theorists, professionals, really, any man. Only Truth is worth belief. Believing lies doesn’t make any sense to a human being who is endowed with reason and conscience. 

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 5:53 PM
Reply to  Human values

Yes, you’re right.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 18, 2022 5:30 AM

I think of the Queen as not a lizard person in disguise but an “anthropomorphic personification” that also happens to be a real person. We are all familiar with entities like the Four Horsemen — Death, War, etc. — who can be ascribed human like properties but aren’t real, they just exist because people believe in them. The Queen was similar, like Father Christmas she existed, was ubiquitous but really just fiction. The rituals that surround the monarchy are designed to enforce the myth. The trick that Elizabeth pulled off was to carry off the illusion and somehow stay sane (she was real, I have actually met her informally and she was very polite, very well spoken and surprisingly short) However, failure play the game, to maintain the believe, could cause real problems. I think this was Diana’s problem, and more recently Meghan bailed — Americans think this whole royalty thing is cool, its like celebrity with extra costumes, then they find out that its not, its a trap, you’re either IN or you’re OUT and if you’re IN its 100% until you die.

wally jasper
wally jasper
Sep 18, 2022 4:49 AM

Why do you think there is only either World A and World B? Both of them are rather insane human constructs. Just ideas about what is true or false, real or unreal, better or worse. Neither is Real. They are both narratives that are made up. Reality is not a mental construct; it is simply Being, the Awareness that permeates all space and is the essence of all life everywhere and always. Humans are trapped in their little conceptual minds, with all their stories and thoughts, their fears and desires. And they take that as reality. Be in nature and see it without filtering through thinking, assessing, judging, liking or disliking anything. It is living, intelligent and filled with goodness. Just be like that. No worries. All Good.

Sep 18, 2022 10:08 AM
Reply to  wally jasper

And then I woke up.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Sep 18, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  wally jasper

Agreed. I’ve found it amazingly challenging to get people to recognize that, because humans are both fallible and limited, that literally anything they believe about the world is potentially impeachable. I’ve argued it’s really the true basis both for democracy (including freedom of speech) and modern open science, but to little avail.

Yet, IMHO, this is precisely the big problem with contemporary U.S. (and maybe most Western) politics: People have lost the humility they once had (only in the latter twentieth century?) to regard other views as valid in a democracy, and not stupid/crazy/evil opponents to fight to the death in a holy war.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 19, 2022 7:44 AM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

you can add unconscious to stupid/crazy/evil a la tolle

Sep 18, 2022 4:37 AM

Oh my! You express so well what I, many are thinking and feeling. It takes so much energy to perform in World A. We are tired….but not going back, for sure.

Sep 18, 2022 12:08 AM

If I may- when I realized my installed “leaders” and the propaganda peddlers in their employ were knowingly and ACTIVELY conspiring to kill me, my Wife, my children and their children- along with as much of the race of Man as they could- I embraced B. No, I’m not happy.
But I can never go back.
This die is cast.

Sep 18, 2022 2:51 AM
Reply to  Michael

They’re doing a great job at that! What with their paying off people to have more children, and all those super-weapons they simply don’t use…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 17, 2022 11:21 PM

Now, in the other world, the newer world in my experience, Queen Elizabeth II is at times called Queen A-Lizard-Beast. The Now-King Charles is suspected by some of being a pedophile and was involved with his brother’s association with the Isle of Epstein Evil. Although both of these accusations are found to originate in the QAnon movement . . .

As noted by Edwige, there’s nothing particularly new in the “QAnon” material. Indeed, the post-Savile revelations and admissions were probably a bigger wake-up call. The security services would know everything there is to know about Savile, but the oligarchy didn’t even care about the reputational damage which would follow from the close associations. And they don’t care because they know that the general public is 99% zombified.

The distinction with the “QAnon” operation is that it sends a message to the oligarchy. And this message is that the people controlling the world’s most powerful military have all the files – Weiner, Maxwell, NSA, etc. They have it all!

Sep 18, 2022 3:07 AM

The accusations predate the Q-Anon psyop.

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 17, 2022 10:30 PM

I am realizing more and more that most of my life I lived in World A. And I was pretty happy. However, being happy and unconscious of what the truth is is not how I want to live my life now. I really liked this article…helping me see more clearly the choices of everyday life. World A is forever lost to me having seen the truth. But the loss is not really a loss.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 17, 2022 10:29 PM

Better one… The Queen is dead, short live the King!

comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 17, 2022 10:25 PM


The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Sep 18, 2022 2:53 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

To the extent that’s true, it’s probably best to help him (and us) work it out. He’s (apparently) baring his thought process, and I do find it hard to be condescending about that, to the extent he takes the effort to write it clearly. As individuals, connected or not, we’re all naive.

Sep 18, 2022 11:04 PM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

A reasonable perspective, but of course some are more naive than others.
I no longer consider myself naive, for example, because I take nobody at their word.
Research is now always needed for the preservation of one’s sanity.
Perhaps that sounds pompous and patronizing, but I see no reason to be either of those things concerning this appalling tragedy.

Sep 17, 2022 10:07 PM

World B is the world as it is. World A is the world that might have been had people not realized that force works best when it comes to getting what one wants.

Unless one works on the land, farming it, one is dependent on what has been forcefully taken. No matter how hard one works – in a factory setting, a steel mill, etc., even an office – his work at some point requires someone somewhere else to be deprived of their ability to work for their own benefit.

This is how the “world” of human society is constituted. It’s always been; and it always will be.

And the lizard people are all pedophiles and are trying to kill the rest of us with their mRNA poison!

(I added that last sentence so I’d get a few upvotes.)

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Sep 20, 2022 1:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’s the curse of the fallen man. ‘You can be like gods’. So we keep building and building, growing, perfecting, enhancing until it all crumbles and we start again. We’ve built countless towers of Babel, actual and figurative ones. We want to travel up to the stars and dive in to the deepest seas. We want to create an utopian world where everyone is happy, healthy and free from all opression and distress. It’s always around the corner, in the new few years, if only these conditions are met, if we could only get rid of the bad guys who for no apparent reason are opposing us. Like a mirage, the provervial carrot, a millionaire who wants more millions. All to fill the void of living our lives with our backs turned to God. It’s never worked, never will.

Den Lille Abe
Den Lille Abe
Sep 17, 2022 9:58 PM

A lot of blah, blah and noting else

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 17, 2022 8:20 PM

The author forgot to mention that Charles was best friends forever with the late Jimmy Savile, who committed unspeakable crimes against children, not the least of which was renting them out to disgusting aristocrats. The Lizard Queen asked Savile to try to moderate the issues between Diana and Charles, but Diana would have none of it because she was totally creeped out by Savile. My feeling is that the author has barely got his nose down the rabbit hole, but it’s a start I guess.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Sep 17, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I read it as him actively trying to excuse the relationship with Savile as well as other known pedos as QAnon.
This ‘author’ writes controlled opp word salad and is still a blind sheep.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 17, 2022 10:55 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Don’t be distracted by gossip scandals about the ‘royal’ family. Be astonished at just how much land, resources and legal power charlie now enjoys……all tax free and protected from freedom of information for the serfs. The ‘firm’ as the royal family calls themselves, is now the most wealthy family on the planet, followed by the Saudi royal family which is quite some way behind.


Sep 18, 2022 3:15 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Heh, the CIA has been nicknamed “the company”.

Sep 18, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  Mishko

A common euphemism. E.g., used by a big former gang in Mumbai.

Sep 18, 2022 7:06 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Ruthless but fair Gallinazo. I have always pictured him under the hot desert sun, bearded under his worn sombrero, chewing a straw, his face stony, his eyes piercing, staring at the anxious Todd, who had recently lost his way in the desert, still in a suit and tie.

Sep 17, 2022 7:11 PM

The most difficult part of the transition to an egalitarian adult collective society is that each of us must actually participate in designing the consensual policies that guide, rather than dictate & punish. We’ve let an arrogant elite class, the 1%, dictate and punish, like evil parents too long. The wars, the wealth and authority inequality-poverty for the world’s 99%, the racism, classism, police-state, LOCKDOWNS, the phony fabrications, and finally a Great Reset of their capitalism into a giant AI Company Store is beyond obsolete.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 17, 2022 8:23 PM
Reply to  sandy

“Egalitarian adult collective society” and policies (?) Adding that one to phrases that make me want to barf.

Sep 17, 2022 11:44 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Don’t like egalitarian? Don’t like equality among people? Think you or “someone” is human+, superior, and deserves “more”? Think someone else should dictate to you policies to live your life by? Dinosaur. Read David Graeber’s Debt:The First 5,000 years and realize what drives inequality is the ego and greed that equals “honor” driving thoughts of superiority over others. This mentality scoffs at anyone that thinks people should be equals in society. If our self-organizing makes you barf, too bad. Don’t participate then. That’s your right. But we have a right to do so. And the previous winners won’t be harmed and won’t feel a thing. Except a cap on any excessive discretionary income used to bash the shit out of those they think are inferior wankers. What a shame! Whaa!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 18, 2022 3:52 PM
Reply to  sandy

If people aren’t equals in nature (and if you observe them and study them, this isn’t really in dispute) then why would you think they will/should be “equals” in society?

Sep 19, 2022 12:37 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Non-equals in nature has to be proven by the superior, in nature, by performance. Instead those you speak of gain privilege and rig every rule in their favor. They cheat. The equality I’m talking about is under law and by law to eliminate exploitation by those who assume authority to decide over others, to cheat. None of this has nothing to do with being a better athlete or a smarter person, which is i assume is what you’re talking about. That issue has nothing to do with the rich, the 1%, controlling policies or writing and getting laws legislated that benefit themselves over others and benefit through economic violence. These people are not superior, they are superior amoral selfish sociopaths. Just as the rules in sporting games like football equalize the chances of winning, self-governing rules level the playing field to a world of equals with even the lowest skilled gets a livable wage and a chance to play and advance themselves. Your very common position on this issue is a completely unregulated game environment that basically exists currently where the sociopaths do as they please while thinking themselves superior. And our worldwide society is ruled by these arrogant bRats. No more. Time for limits to wealth and authority on a fully occupied planet of equals.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2022 12:40 AM
Reply to  sandy

Hello Sandy: You stated: “We’ve let an arrogant elite class, the 1%, dictate and punish, like evil parents too long.”

My sense is that the majority of the populace wishes to return to the innocence and dictates of their childhood. The wish for a “nice” mommy and daddy prevails over all other rational considerations…

Sep 18, 2022 1:20 AM

Your sense is yours. It does not makes sense for adults. We are adults.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Sep 17, 2022 6:29 PM

I have to admit, the more I read and look at what is going on over there in Britain, with a King and Princes and all that, it gets more creepy every day. I can hardly explain how “off” it is in this place and time. It seems kind of like the epitome of how powerless we are. If we can’t change that, what can we change?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2022 12:50 AM

All this ancient pomp and bullshit, as Julian Assange rots to death in Her Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh. I submit the British people have devolved into polite liars and covert thugs… A Clockwork Orange was a prophesy…

Sep 18, 2022 8:41 AM

Momentum (lack of imagination and challenge, tradition, respect, and fear) sustains old ideas – until reality overwhelms them.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 17, 2022 6:20 PM

Tesco’s: Big sign at the entranceway: “We express our deepest sympathy to Her …” etc.

Auto teller machine: “We wish to express ….” etc.

No escape.

At home. Digging into a chippy. The TV shows a stone chamber with various curiously garbed creatures solemnly walking about slowly in silence. A queue drifts by and people bow. Some guy in a frizzy cap kneels and bangs a sword on the ground.

The voiceover provides a slight hint of excitement:

“There was a disturbance earlier. Someone made a break through the crowd to touch the coffin but the police seized him and pushed him to the ground.”

Another voice:

“Yes the police presence here has been on an unprecedented scale.”

Actually none of this is the worst thing. The worst thing is the conversation amongst my fellow chippy chompers:

“I think Louis may turn out like Andrew.”

“Who’s Louis?” I ask.

“Oh fuck off George!”

“Oh I worry about the effect this’ll have on Sophie.”

I think twice about asking who Sophie is.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 17, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One of the chippy chompers mentioned “Good old Beckham”. So that was a well crafted career move. It will probably be the inspiration for a movie now.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 17, 2022 10:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A sure set-up. Saw him in an interview – when asked why he waited in the queue to see the (empty?) coffin, said “its the right thing to do”.

Hand me the sick bag Alice.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 17, 2022 7:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How can you stand it? I’d rather live alone than live with people that dense and lazy and stupid. There are likeminded souls out there – go find some!

Maybe we should start a non-normie dating platform!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 17, 2022 7:59 PM

I live in a rural area which is always more naturally conservative. Though after the experience of covid and the revelation of the uselessness of the “progressives”, things are obviously not so clear cut.

Sep 18, 2022 10:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m sorry I didn’t go to the village before time. Like things go, it seems more and more that a village, and even better in some locations outside settlement, may be the only salvation. It is best that freedom be won stoically in the cities, in the big country villages, without giving way, but let us see how it goes with this crazy development. (We have a modest family house in a small village, we might go there.) However, the big problem will be with possible marauding gangs if this famine occurs, which is expected to be prepared by the reset-ers. Well, among other things they can come up with.

A village is a village; nature; much more peaceful and so on. I envy the people in the villages. (Although I live on the edge of town and right next to former state botanical garden, which is visible from my window and even entered through it before the nearby trees were cut down.)

Sep 17, 2022 8:17 PM

I’m in. We’ve went through this a couple years ago, Sophie. Are you anywhere near upper lower Michigan?

Sep 17, 2022 9:41 PM

Good news! There is a “non normie” dating site. Check out telegram. “DQ”

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 17, 2022 10:59 PM

Great idea. You could call this new dating site ‘unjabbed’. I’m sure it would be extremely popular.

Sep 18, 2022 3:21 AM

His narrative style reminds me of Tonedeaf Tony.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Sep 18, 2022 3:09 PM

“I’d rather live alone than live with people that dense and lazy and stupid.”

But it’s essential to learn to “live with people that dense and lazy and stupid.” Although of course you don’t let people you consider “stupid” to take up too much of your time (if you’re not making “progress” with them), perpetual limited engagement with all types in the population is absolutely necessary to keep a community healthy. If nothing else, you plant seeds, and also demonstrate moral respect. We are today often taught that we should dissociate on the basis of any and all differences — especially mental ones. This is toxic, and I believe by design (divide-and-conquer).

It’s actually a big part of the establishment Democrats’ failure in the U.S. They clearly now have no respect for the requirements of democracy; The top leaders consciously are stealthily promoting disengagement, while the followers are apparently unconsciously doing it, thinking they’re fighting stupidity/insanity/evil. They are now killing it even as they scream about protecting it.

Sep 21, 2022 5:11 PM

try living here! cannae believe it ma guid sel’ ho ho, we used to be proud as the irish if less well informed of our real history, lol!

small population, majority of people entrenched in consumerism/rat race/memememeeee, ….. : (

50% + “public sector” employment,

a lot of medium conurbations/hubs with much larger rural (some vibrant, most senescent) hinterland.

small country, with all those essential workers making up 50% of the workforce, .

a lot of people just live in soap-land-hypochondria-ville, -selfie FB mode. lazy as fuck, amoral, do as little take as much people; maniac, entitled pensioners worse than karen or ken…wtf happened?

we know. same as everywhere else five-eyed.

aye, Nikla ‘Scuttleland project is a total disaster. (but hardly unique)

ochone! mo duchais, just the way it is.

Where to flee? fleeee?

naw, I’ll stand.

Sep 22, 2022 1:14 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Are you lazy to start with a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence like everyone else? Fuck it, why bother? 😆 

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Sep 17, 2022 5:52 PM

You’re forgetting: Captain Pike returned to that Shangri-La — and to Susan Oliver, who starred in another two-parter from an equally acclaimed series, The Fugitive — after being disabled. He couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t see… So we’re almost there!

Sep 17, 2022 5:47 PM

Ex England captain & media whore – David Beckham queuing with the normal folks for 14 hours to see the Queen and say farewell pay his respects (yer right).

It is so bad the Psyop- its worse than pulling out Lenny who the fuk is he Henry to sell the 97% safe & effective jab to the black folks.

A day off non paid for the plebs in struggling times and business;s closed and the authority’s telling taxi firms to charge bank holiday rate shows the deludedness of the whole thing.

What next OFF G to close the forum for the day./ so it commentators and staff can pay there respects.!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 17, 2022 5:39 PM

This small clip, out of context, is still adequate to show that the “aliens” — the Thalosians — were operating from good intentions. Not so with the spinners of the World B illusion.

Sep 17, 2022 9:57 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Captain James T. Kirk:

“Mr Spock… When you’ve finished, please come back and see me I want to talk to you…This regrettable tendency you’ve been showing lately towards flagrant emotionalism…”

Mr Spock:

“I see no reason to insult me Sir, I believe I’ve been completely logical about the whole affair…”

‘Logic and emotion’…

‘Reality and illusion’…

Neither can exist without the other: it is what they are combined that is worthy of our continued contemplation.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 17, 2022 5:39 PM

(I don’t know/can’t work out what the ‘187’ in the title of this short video is a reference to)

“‘Covid-19’ Media and Governments 187 – British Prime Minister then and now – Drastic change” (video: 2.36 mins), at:


Sep 17, 2022 5:01 PM

A profound essay, Curtinesque. Specifically, it reminded me of one he wrote on his meeting Francesco Serpico. Going back to re-read and retrieve it there is this pertinent quote in it by Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with A Thousand Faces” on the call to be apart:

“[It] signifies that destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual center of gravity from within the pale of his society to a zone unknown. This fateful region of both treasure and danger may be variously represented: as a distant land, a forest, a kingdom underground, beneath the waves, or above the sky, a secret island, lofty mountaintop, or profound dream state; but it is always a place of strangely fluid and polymorphous beings, unimaginable torments, superhuman deeds, and impossible delight.”


Sep 17, 2022 4:46 PM

There are definitely parallel realities. One is a fictional bubble where ignorance is bliss. I see people wandering around in that world all the time, the problem is that that made up world is likely to change for them very quickly and it won’t be very pleasant to experience. At least we in world b are mentally prepared for what’s coming. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

I’m reminded of the part in JG Ballard’s empire of the sun in which all the previously privileged ex pats who had been living a life of luxury in Shanghai while the Chinese were literally dying in the streets from hunger eventuality find themselves in rags and starving in a stadium bizarrely surrounded by their old possessions, a reconfiguration of their social order that none of them saw coming while they were sipping cocktails and attending garden parties 5 years before. World A is on the edge of extinction and things can change drastically over night.

Sep 17, 2022 3:04 PM

It is hard to be happy when you are abruptly awakened from your nap by hard kicks and find yourself covered in smelly rabbit excrement. The rabbits and the jack-booted thugs can no longer be ignored.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Sep 17, 2022 6:31 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

In World A, in thirties Germany, queueing for the showers, they were relatively unaware, encouraged by the friendly guards, “clean towels, warm showers, soap and a hearty meal after your arduous journey (in cattle trains from Germany to Poland, packed so tight, they defecated themselves standing up, and even died standing up), this, was all calmly put aside by the kindly words of the guards, so they stripped off and walked into the showers; after the doors were slammed shut, there was a pause, a silence, then a hiss and then, at last the screams, and they realised. [They were in World B]

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 17, 2022 9:37 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

Whoever has thumbed-down this comment is either woefully naive re. what happened in the 2nd WW, or is what I call a ‘bot-troll’.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 8:43 PM

More than enough evidences exist to demonstrate that the Holocaust in the 2nd WW truly did take place. And anyone who claims otherwise is (as I said in my above post, yesterday) woefully misinformed/naive.

The people who deny that that event actually happened (‘deniers’ have been writing books etc on it ever since the 1940s up the present) have always been proven wrong in their mere claims.

Sep 18, 2022 11:09 PM

Or, it might just be that definitions of ‘evidence’ have drastically changed over the last few decades.
As time goes on, history relies more and more on dramatic media invention than good research, although good research still does, fortunately, exist – at least here and there…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 17, 2022 2:34 PM

The concept of “Royalty” and royal families is so pathetic, it boggles the mind. NO ONE should be given the exception of royalty and privilege, period.

The queen was an Accessory to the murders of hundreds of millions of persons in Africa and the middle east, for the perceived privilege of extorting oil and resources. In my opinion, she was nothing but a murderous bitch in the attire of a snob.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 17, 2022 5:10 PM

I totally agree with you, couldn’t agree more.

I’m in the UK, and am aghast at how the masses (the brainwashed, gullible masses…) are behaving, since the so-called queen’s death [I deliberately put the ‘q’ in lower case…]. As David Icke said, the behaviour is ‘grotesque’. The servility, subservience, sycophancy being manifested is horrific.

The way you describe that woman is spot-on. Oh, how the brainwashed, naive ‘royalists’ would be, if they knew that the woman whom they’re worshipping, revering, was truly not worthy of such a response.
I’ve been a passionate anti-‘royalist’ for 40+ years.

Sep 17, 2022 10:02 PM

Being ‘passionate’ against something, leads to the question, what something are you passionate for…?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2022 12:23 AM

Hello Christine Tompson: Everyone wants to “know” someone in high places. They identify to the overt greed, and enjoy a sense of envy, rather than a sense of disgust. They’ve been psyched into the behavior of dupes.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 11:39 AM

Well, I’d agree that a large majority of people on Earth might well have the attitude which you describe. But not everyone! For I most certainly don’t have that attitude! I’m constantly disgusted (to use your word) at the level of brainwashing, gullibility and, in the context of this ‘royal’ cr*p, the high level of servility, subservience, worship [yuk…], and sycophancy which many, many people are currently manifesting.

You’re right that the masses “have been psyched into the behaviour of dupes”.
If these ‘royalists’ could see their behaviour and realise just how subservient they’re being (for someone who was not worthy of their adulation), they’d [hopefully…] be horrified at how they could have fallen for it all.

Sep 17, 2022 5:13 PM

Exactly right, but you can tell people these facts and they are in total denial it’s really odd. What people also fail to realise is that the so-called monarch gets the last word in, for example, invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya ad infinitum, that’s how much they respect us. We only exist in their and ANY governments eyes to make them money and fight their wars but still the controlled thickos think they are serving Queen/King and country. I bloody despair!
Not to mention the absolute brain dead, sycophantic half-wits queuing up to walk past an empty box while the PDF’s watch them in their fancy dress trying not to piss themselves laughing! Roger me sidewards!

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 19, 2022 8:34 AM
Reply to  semaj

what not even a hologram this time?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 17, 2022 5:24 PM

I dunno. The concept of royalty appears to be a human universal. Nature tends to be hierarchical, not egalitarian.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Sep 17, 2022 6:36 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Human weakness, the masses are too lazy and stupid to govern themselves, they desire a leader, whether it be religion, monarchy, government, no matter, “tell me what do”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2022 12:26 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Hello Pilgrim Shadow: Nature is intelligently selective, and doesn’t play mind games…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 18, 2022 4:19 PM

It’s not for nothing that Carl Jung considered royalty — The King or Queen — one of his 12 main human archetypes. There is something in it that people, metaphorically and/or concretely, respond to. It’s built into our experience as human beings.
Nature has never bestowed her gifts equally, neither to groups nor individuals.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Sep 17, 2022 6:40 PM

“The concept of ‘Royalty’ and royal families is so pathetic, it boggles the mind.”

My sentiments exactly. However, 90(?)% of humanity disagrees. That’s because it’s not only royalty — it’s all gods, gurus, scientism fanatics groveling before credentialed “experts”, famous politicians/artists/scientists/entrepreneurs fawning unquestioning loyal reverence, etc., etc. It comprises a large majority majority portion not only of today’s so-called “Left” as the “woke”, but also today’s mostly religious Right. It’s captured in, for example, Bob Dylan’s “You gotta serve somebody”. In other words, and unfortunately, it’s buried deep in the DNA of the vast majority of the population.

That’s what George Carlin’s “our owners” know better than we do, and why the psy-op continues. It’s why they’ll be able to completely kill democracy while calling its substitute “democracy” with a straight face, and with impunity.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2022 12:32 AM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

Hello Anti-Hip: Seems most fools wish to know people in high places. I’ve had much more success knowing people in low places…

Rebellious types have been weened out of the equation via war and the slaughter of warrior types. The remaining populace reproduces the dregs of society, and the scum rises to the top…

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Sep 18, 2022 2:24 PM

“I’ve had much more success knowing people in low places…”

Same here. Often people in low places are much better “keeping it real”. This also often includes many at the very top, or otherwise psychologically very secure (top of Maslow’s hierarchy, I suppose).

But most people’s wanting to know, or somehow be connected to, other people/beings “above” them goes well beyond practical concerns. As you must know, they instinctively believe themselves morally inferior — not simply, as of course may often be true, functionally inferior — to a wide variety of others. And thus follows, in social relations, all the consequences that “morally inferior” implies. In humans’ pre-history, I imagine this was always workable, hence its evolution; but with ever-unprecedented technology, it increasingly is existentially dangerous.

“Rebellious types have been weened out of the equation via war …”

Yes, and those of us acting by the pen rather than the sword are going next. After that, the “stupid” — both real and merely asserted — will be culled to the level desired to carry out grunt work.

“… the scum rises to the top …”

Only the figureheads. The chaos that’s been snowballing in the West is to allow self-selected, highly intelligent, sociopathic “saviors” to be the last ones standing. Just as after 9/11 and the GFC of 2008, they’ll have pre-written legislation ready for implementation when the masses have become restless enough to permit it.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2022 3:47 PM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

It seems the “scum rising to the top” phenomena is proverbial in society. I’ve always been skeptical of “Savior” types, as they are usually peddling a prescribed fear. The remedy of which, is to support their efforts with infusions of cash and subservient loyalty…The ploy works every time…

Sep 17, 2022 1:26 PM

Ah thank you for putting into words what I have felt since around 2014. I get really tired of living in two different worlds but I have got better at ‘switching’ between them.

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 17, 2022 10:18 PM
Reply to  MissLily

I so agree.

Sep 17, 2022 1:02 PM

But I do often wonder if the reality, THE reality, is not categorically World B, but a mixture of A and B. 

Instead of comparing the projections within Plato’s Cave, the question that intrigues me the most is; Where is this drama of life actually taking place?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 17, 2022 4:54 PM
Reply to  Freecus

Like Plato’s Cave, the movie the Matrix makes a clear distinction between what is simulated and what is real: being in the digital world of the Matrix vs being outside it, like the rebels in Zion and Neo once he takes the red pill. Baudrillard however, in his criticism of the movie (openly inspired by his writings) emphasizes that – in distinction to the film – it is not clear what is simulated and what is real. That is really the world we live in – a world where we cannot tell or it is difficult to tell the difference between what is real or simulated.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 17, 2022 5:53 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

In other words, unlike Todd Hayen’s assertion, it is not world A or world B, rather it is where simulation, propaganda, psy-op, and “reality” are indistinct and fluid. Todd’s version is just another layer of the onion, another shadow on the wall…

Sep 17, 2022 10:00 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

There are only two types of people in this world:

Those that think there are two types of people, and, those that don’t think there are two types of people.

Sep 17, 2022 1:00 PM

I think many more people than ever before sit in neither the A or B camp specifically. Instead they believe in the reality of what is known for certain. That this particular bunch of parasites live an unearned, outmoded, unwanted and indefensible life of privilege and power that must end sooner rather than later.

Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Sep 17, 2022 12:03 PM

Indeed, many of us share the author’s sentiments. We are surrounded by World A lemmings where their willful ignorance is blissful for them, yet torturous to their black sheep loved ones. Less and less common conversational ground and small talk arenas remain, as all the intersecting agendas pervade all aspects of our lives.

It becomes nigh impossible to bite our tongues, to avoid interjecting during the World A lovers’ regurgitated msm sound bites. In fact, it is our duty to gently yet firmly reaffirm facts and actual reality in the face of those clinging to the narratives. It can be a sad and lonely place living in World B. However, it is to live righteously, to be true yourself, to protect the purity of your soul.

“All men’s souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.”

― Socrates

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 17, 2022 10:20 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Wow….so well said.

Sep 17, 2022 11:04 AM

Trust NATO ???😂😂😂😂😂

Dianna was murdered btw.

Sep 17, 2022 11:55 AM
Reply to  Grafter

If there was Armco crash barriers in the tunnel and she had been wearing a seat belt then she may not have died btw.
Anyway who cares as she was a member of the blood drinking paedophile elite.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 17, 2022 12:37 PM
Reply to  Derek

Diana was most definitely not part of the group which you describe as ‘the blood-drinking paedophile elite’. She was part of a [so-called…] aristocratic family, yes, but she was not part of the evil Globalists!

I’ve read many books re. the events of 31 August 1997, and all data supports the claim that she was indeed, as Grafter says, murdered.

Also, data exists to suggest that the seatbelts in the car may have been broken. That they were non-functional.

Sep 17, 2022 5:27 PM

It is possible she is still alive and well also.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 17, 2022 7:54 PM
Reply to  dan

Possible… but highly unlikely.

Sep 17, 2022 7:41 PM

A different take on the spooky events in the tunnel:


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 17, 2022 7:59 PM
Reply to  Igor

Lemme guess – she faked her death? Miles thinks everyone fakes their death – apart from the ones who are faking being alive. 😀

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 17, 2022 8:28 PM
Reply to  Igor

I came across that some time last year. As Sophie (Admin 1), below, says, that Miles thinks that everyone fakes their death.

It’s highly unlikely in the extreme that Diana’s death was faked.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 17, 2022 11:16 PM

Watch this video on Diana’s ritual death …..


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 18, 2022 12:43 AM
Reply to  May Hem

I already knew all that… I’ve read many books on her death, and it’s very obvious that she was assassinated.

Yes, I’ve read of the claims that she was descended from the Merovingian line…but that does not equate to her having been evil, in the way that the current manifestations of the Globalists most assuredly are.

Sep 17, 2022 10:42 AM

September 16, The Daily Sceptic reported that Satan’s little helper, namely, the BBC has boasted that it triggered the removal of a Facebook vaccine injury support group with over 250,000 members, and quoting:

Once the BBC alerted Facebook’s parent company, Meta, the groups were removed.

“We have removed this group for violating our harmful misinformation policies and will review any other similar content in line with this policy. We continue to work closely with public health experts and the U.K. Government to further tackle Covid vaccine misinformation,” the firm said in a statement” end quote.

“Harmful misinformation policies” indeed! Try telling that to those who have already died and have been injured from these experimental chemical and biological ‘weapons’ passed off as vaccines by these so-called “public health experts” who, if the truth be known, couldn’t tell their ass from their elbow.

Hopefully, the day will come when the BBC along with these lying and pretentious “public health experts” (whoever they are) will be held accountable for their part in promoting the vaccine roll out and the fraud inflicted on the public. The public is just beginning to know them for what they are, and the BBC and its masters do not like it. Nevertheless, they can lump it, for “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16).

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 17, 2022 1:27 PM
Reply to  -CO

Let’s just hope that all the BBC employees are vaccinated and that they start dropping down dead at suitably young ages?

I don’t think anything but death statistics in their own cohort is going to convince that lot….

Sep 23, 2022 7:41 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Hi Rhys, I must make it clear that I do not wish to see the death of anyone, (even those employed by the BBC!), but what happens to them as a consequence of taking the toxic chemical and biological weapon shots disguised as vaccines is anyone’s guess regarding their karmic circumstances.

I do however believe in universal karmic law, which is the law of all laws, including the law of cause and effect and adjustment, or action and reaction.

In karmic terms, this implies that vaccine shots may have little or no effect on some of them, (or even a beneficial effect at first!). Whereas, others may experience adverse reactions that affect them in the short or long-term leading to other illnesses or disease states. While a few others, may become seriously ill and may even die as a consequence.

So, in other words, what will actually happen will be determined by the karmic circumstances that are operative in each individual case. It’s more complicated than what I have mentioned here, because karma works at all different levels w.r.t human beings.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Sep 17, 2022 4:29 PM
Reply to  -CO

So many of these people. So many people taking part knowingly and gleefully. Yet everyone denies their own part in it, which is the only way it can possibly continue.

Sep 17, 2022 8:58 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

That’s why I keep repeating the importance of re-establishing a common law jurisdiction and a common law court system organized by the people outside of their corrupt ‘legal system’ starting at base level in local communities, with local support and the appointment of CL constables.

Only then will it be possible to prosecute the criminals currently perpetrating the outrageous fraud, deception and ridiculous measures and controls that are being inflicted on the population – again starting with those who have betrayed the people in the guise of local ‘officials’ (elected and unelected).

The problem is that some people seem to have a ‘downer’ on this, thinking that it won’t work, but they cannot seem come up with any peaceful solution to the problems we face that is viable and short of violent resistance, which will only bring down the full force of the repressive state apparatuses such as the police, and the army!

Suffice to say, nobody in their right mind would want that. What’s more, if you use violent, forceful, or underhanded methods against other people whoever they may be, you can only expect those same methods to be used against you. In other words, what goes around eventually comes around!

Can anyone think of anything better or not?

Sep 17, 2022 10:17 PM
Reply to  -CO

Why is it that the ‘royals’ of Britain dress in military regalia?

Is it to remind observers that they retain Allodial Title and this remains entrenched through the exercise of military power?

As much as Common Law is Natural… The usurpers of this state of affairs will not relinquish their hold for words alone. Words that they have chosen carefully in order to exercise control over these lands and on those dwelling upon them.
Then their system of Allodial power makes their subjects pay the cost of their servitude.

It is most Machiavellian, the reality of this legal fiction.

Practice Common Law principles amongst those of like mind and heart would be the only practical advice available at this juncture, one would venture…

Sep 18, 2022 8:26 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Hi KJ, it’s probably because some of them have had military training and have seen military service, it also adds to the theatrical glitz and glamour of a public spectacle such as the current funeral of QE II, where there is a lot of fancy dress on display to bedazzle the gullible public.

It is also probably to remind themselves and observers in the know, that they still hold land and property “in allodium” by occupancy and defence of the land and not subject to rent, service or acknowledgment to any superior, just as it was in feudal times, but I could be wrong on that point.

Thanks for your interesting comments including the recommendation regarding the practice Common Law Principles. If more people, follow the advice we might gain some ground in this quiet war with its silent weapons.

Sep 23, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Yes, that’s about it RH. Karmic law or ‘causality’ works whether anyone believes it or not, and despite the fact, whether or not everyone denies their own part in any situation there will be causal consequences! So whatever action or inaction people decide to take the consequences may turn out to have good, bad or indifferent effects in the situation that follows and there is no way out of that. Choices will have to be made one way or another that will determine their destiny.

Sep 17, 2022 10:05 AM

I would link to this, but the comment may go to the pending pile if I do, so here’s the now weekly article for a worldwide protest without links: “The Road Ahead: Building a Worldwide Movement Against “Corona Tyranny” by controlled opposition Michel Chossudosky. (Globalresearch website). This time, however, the call comes from the last chapter of Michel’s book, which you can purchase. “We must ensure that people worldwide achieve an understanding of the history and devastating impacts of the COVID crisis supported by scientific concepts, analysis, testimonies and data.” Yet, not a word about the patents. Later in the article, Dr Binder is quoted in reference to the adverse effects: “There is possible immunosuppression and antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, in the medium-term.” The Moderna patent includes a technology literally titled “WO2009127230: MODIFIED (m)RNA FOR SUPPRESSING OR AVOIDING AN IMMUNOSTIMULATORY RESPONSE AND IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE COMPOSITION”. But in this movement, again “supported by scientific concepts, analysis, testimonies and data“, there is absolutely no mention of patents. No mention of intellectual property rights over humans either, despite Michel’s strong emphasis on legality issues. So, what is the movement about? Well, partly, to protect the MSM: “First and foremost, we must forcefully challenge the mainstream media, without specifically targeting mainstream journalists who have been instructed to abide by the official narrative. We should in this regard favor dialogue with individual (independent) journalists.”. They also mention protesting the government: “forcefully challenges the legitimacy of the financial elites, Big Pharma, et al., as well as the structures of political authority at the national level“. Naturally, it directly attempts to include Christians: “Church groups would be called upon to integrate this movement. Can’t have a new religion without targeting the old one. Have to turn them into terrorists somehow. Remember Thessalonians, “for that day will not come until the rebellion… Read more »

Sep 17, 2022 10:32 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

I am so over people like Wisenox launching the divisive and emotionally-charged smear of controlled opposition, which is a synonym for shill.

If you do not have evidence of the control e.g. clandestine voice recordings/videos of meeting between the alleged opposition and its handlers, , bank account statements showing direct or indirect funding etc., just say you think Chossudovsky et al are mistaken, or have not taken XYZ into account etc.

Because controlled opposition has a specific meaning it is the same as the pseudo-gang described in Clutterbuck’s book on counterinsurgency in Malaya in the 50s.

Controlled opposition means setting up an organisation with the appearance of it being part of your enemy e.g. the apparent Mau-Mau gangs in Kenya that were headed by British officers with woolly wigs (an early form of blackface, irony off) and burnt cork rubbed on their white torsos.

You then use the gang/opposition to do things to damage and confuse the enemy, eg. kill civilians the enemy wants to win over.

Milder versions may include the sort of US Left that cheered the invasion of Libya on human rights grounds, but this alone does not prove control.

Sep 17, 2022 12:12 PM
Reply to  Jenner

Controlled opposition exists to lead the opposition in a direction that they wish it to go, instead of the direction that matters.
You are free to your opinion. I think its obvious when the same people and groups are always involved, but they never actually speak for the people.
The article I mentioned quotes Doctors for Covid Ethics, who have been involved in numerous attempts to get people to protest. Their roster is filled with controlled opposition.

Personally, I have family members who had a patent used on them that crosses the blood brain barrier, suppresses the immune system, targets the liver, installs carbon nanotubes, shuts down VEGF, and installs Hepatitis A receptors. I find all of those essential to any argument made against phony covid, and I don’t believe that they have any place whatsoever in a patent authorized under EUA carrying zero liability. I feel that the people were wronged by politicians allowing that to happen, and that deserves mentioning.

Additionally, in 2015 scientists were raising the alarm that mRNA doesn’t have an off switch, so talk about intellectual property rights is pretty much a no-brainer, but these people never touch it.
These are the things that need to be talked about, but are actively avoided by controlled opposition, like Chossudovsky and the rest of the Celebrity Covid scammers.
The last thing people need is to be falsely led into a mass protest just so they can be subverted. I’d prefer that subversion doesn’t happen to innocent people who are simply, and rightfully, concerned about their health and actual issues.

You are free to follow whomever you wish, just as I am free to consider those people controlled opposition.

Sep 18, 2022 4:40 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

Ref. my para. 2. your sentence 2 of you answer is entirely evidence-free. Must be the alt Right equivalent of the fake Left Wokesters and their post-modernism.

You mention jabbed family members and hence have emotional skin in the game in an era where Feeliness trumps Truth/Evidence.

You have provided neither bank statements nor clandestine video or audio nor whistleblower testimony of such Control.

Until you do, as per e.g. the insider trading stock exchange evidence prior to 9/11(not that this shows Control, I am referring only to Evidence supporting a claim of malfeasance in this case) or the Soros donations listed in the accounts of this or that US “Left” organisation (=Follow the Money) , I rest my case.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 17, 2022 5:11 PM
Reply to  Jenner

As Mark Crispin Miller has said, the people most likely to accuse someone of being controlled opposition are themselves controlled opposition.

Sep 18, 2022 9:04 AM
Reply to  Jenner

Global imperialism/totalitarianism deliberately uses words interchangeably, e.g., counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism and total war. It amounts to killing everyone and destroying everything, except at predetermined spots.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 17, 2022 9:50 AM

I admit I have never lived in the fantasy of world A

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Sep 17, 2022 4:30 PM

How lonely are you?

Sep 18, 2022 7:34 AM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Some degrees of humor have a strictly defined geographical location, Russian.

Sep 17, 2022 9:31 AM

i came acros something where a german mp claims that the 24th will be a day to remember. in germany, globally? very strange.

Sep 17, 2022 9:47 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

There are a number of movies/YT vids that are suggesting’ ‘when September ends’ as a ‘ big 9/11 event. Who knows? These freaks like to scare us in World B too.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Sep 17, 2022 9:50 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

This was mentioned in the comments a couple of articles ago. Apparently he meant February but said September by mistake. I don’t have a clue what momentous event occurred on 24th Feb, though.

Sep 17, 2022 10:35 AM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

For God’s sake, 24 Feb was when the Russian special military op in Ukraine started, the while damn speech of Friederich Merz you are referring to was about that, just read the transcript, it was a link on Telegram at the time

Sep 17, 2022 1:14 PM
Reply to  Jenner

I can’t even begin to imagine how someone could say September instead of February. Not exactly a common slip of the tongue is it? I’ve never done it. Anyone else here ever done it?

Sep 17, 2022 2:47 PM
Reply to  Misha

pisha, sorry, Musha, ehhh…

it must be special to never get things not quite right.

we’ll see, stop doomstering until then ; )

Sep 18, 2022 11:07 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Explain to the ignorant Cyrillic languages what is “pish” and “mush” so that they too will laugh at the way you called Misha.

Sep 18, 2022 7:01 AM
Reply to  Misha

With all due respect, what you’re saying is the complete opposite of the well-known truth that saying September instead of January is a very common occurrence, and deserves no attention at all.

…No, Misha, you seem like a reasonable person, let’s get this straight. What you’re saying is true. But under certain circumstances. If this is said by an ordinary person or by a person in power, but when it is not related to a possible upcoming mass bad event, let alone planned, then the confusion of September with February is rare and practically never happens. When it comes to a possible connection with a possible upcoming mass bad event, not to mention a planned one, of course, such a mistake in language is everyday and does not deserve attention. It’s simple.

Sep 18, 2022 7:21 AM
Reply to  plino

saying September instead of January

I was so outraged by your bold assertion that I was wrong too, which is proof that this happens all the time. Instead of January, I was talking about March, of course. As the MP said, “everyone will remember what they did on the 24th of September” and I remember well. I was at a cafe with friends when I heard one of our politicians on TV saying, “We must never forget what happened today, April 24th”. When I got home, turning on the TV, I heard again, “how important it is to remember this day, October 24th”. In both cases, I was shocked, so I will always remember this November 24th.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 17, 2022 5:47 PM
Reply to  Jenner

German guy said the Sept 24 event was so momentous that everyone would remember what they were doing when it happened. If he actually meant Feburary 24, 2022, then he’s really taken hyperbole to new levels.

Sep 18, 2022 7:45 AM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Now, did you hear from comrade Jenner what a memorable event this is about? It’s so incredibly important that you need to be reminded of it. Another reason not to doubt that September is just a mistake of language.
(I will always remember the start of the special operation on June 24th.)

Sep 18, 2022 7:49 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

It was just a stupid mistake. The German MP was referring to the start of the special operation on December 24.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 18, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  plino

What is your objective here? You believe this guy was predicting a big event for Sep 24? Well, by Sep 25 you will either be proved right or wrong. Endlessly goading and jeering at people who disagree with you in the meantime seems pointless.

Time will tell, ok. Let it go for now.

Sep 18, 2022 10:35 AM

My goal was, as before, to ask if the confusion of September with February is really common. I leave it, but the people who absurdly and arrogantly claim that this mistake is completely common chew it with bait every time someone mentions it. Am I lying?

When did I say that any event would happen? I don’t remember saying anything like that (all the concrete things I think I’ve kept to myself).

But, okay, I’ll listen to you and let him go. You seem wiser than I am, so I’ll take your advice. Let the people who deny that the mistake is ridiculously unusual continue with the same bait. 🙂 

Sep 18, 2022 10:47 AM

By the way, Sophie, of course it’s up to you which comments to remove (I have no problem even if all of mine are deleted), but again I tell you that the names rubberheid has used to Misha are slang expressions whose roots are “dick” and “poke”(which is slang for “fuck”). Not that I have a problem, but I don’t know about Misha.

pisha, sorry, Musha, ehhh…”

Sep 17, 2022 9:30 AM

one thing is defs true. the royals, as well as billionaires amass land/money.

Sep 17, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

And we let them.

Sep 17, 2022 9:21 AM

Or, as a great spiritual teacher once said:
‘Men made the world. Life (or God?) made the Earth’
So enjoy the beauty of the Earth and do not become attached to the world. It will pass.

Cody Jarrett
Cody Jarrett
Sep 17, 2022 10:35 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Correct. There is always even amounts of good and bad in the world. World A ánd World B are human constructs. And world B is just a stepping stone to world C (or no world). ‘Waking up’ out of the ‘Matrix’ is crucial. The natural world; our actual reality, is true and close to our heart. That is the ambiguity one might feel. You know it’s there but you are not there. Meanwhile all appears to deceive. This is only partially true. Because clearly the wife and ‘date night’ is great and well intended and true love. even in world A. Follow then Love, the heart. Live in accordance with that. All will be revealed then and all will be filled with love even in world A. World A isn’t ‘bad’ it’s just fake. It’s a game, a play. It’s theater. walk in and out and sometimes shout ‘fire!’. Have fun with it. It’s simulacra, simulacrum.

Sep 17, 2022 12:03 PM
Reply to  Cody Jarrett

Spot on Cody.
‘l am in the world but not of it’

Sep 17, 2022 5:21 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Some geezer about 2k years ago apparently said you must be in this world but do not be of this world, something like that. Anyway, thanks a bunch god. Has anyone ever seen any evidence of a god, any god, that loves the human race?

Sep 17, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  semaj

God is All things and No things… Have you ever contemplated that you are the God of you…?

Sep 18, 2022 8:38 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker


Sep 17, 2022 11:46 PM
Reply to  semaj

Loving nature is easy. Humans on the other hand – – –

Sep 18, 2022 8:39 AM
Reply to  Johnny

So true.

Sep 18, 2022 10:28 AM
Reply to  semaj

There’s no evidence for Life either semaj. Just forms of Life.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 17, 2022 9:21 AM

I was never in World A. Not that I hated the Royals or considered them blood drinking lizards. If I had thought that, I would have been very interested in them! But I just found them to be utterly boring and couldn’t figure why everyone seemed so obsessed with them. Incidentally, the love vs hate thing is entirely beneficial to the parasite class. The parasites don’t mind if you hate the Royals as long as you keep fixating on them. But I found it disappointing when even dissident sites like UK Column started to analyse Charles’s speech in reference to earlier speeches from Queenie. I can honestly say I never once listened to Q’s Christmas bulletin. Apart from the fact her vocal mannerisms suggested a tied-up pig being constantly muted, I couldn’t believe that either she or any of the rest of them would be permitted to say anything substantial whatsoever. But suddenly some of the oppositional sites are compelled to comment on the departed as if there was something solid to comment on. (Vague shades of Designated Prole Billy Bragg’s comment that “Like all working class people I love the Royals”. Fuck off BB!) It reminds me of a John Pilger book in which, amongst some excellently critical essays, he had one on Disney that started off with something like “What is it about Disney that appeals to the eternal child in us? What is the magic he had?” etc. Oh fuck off JP! I saw my share of Disney stuff but even as a child I never much cared for any of it. I preferred Gerry Anderson and Ray Harryhausen. Re: the Star Trek episode mentioned, it has one of the most brilliant metaphors for the media. Yes, this alien lot can create illusions to cage Captain Pike.… Read more »

Cody Jarrett
Cody Jarrett
Sep 17, 2022 10:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You should look up the life and times of Elizabeth Bathory. Also ‘Poena cullei’ from Roman times.

That is where the blood drinking stuff comes from. Quite a few movie scripts too.
Sociopaths or psychopaths are real. Although a very small percentage; as well as an artist can make the Mona Lisa so can a monarch bade in the blood of 200 virgins. It’s both art and human behaviour.
My take on World A is that it’s fake and I can only gave for so long. So I live in world B and take occasional visits in world A when going to work or my relationship. Romance in world B is tough.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 17, 2022 4:10 PM
Reply to  Cody Jarrett

Yes I vaguely recall the Bathory stuff. And of course vampires were always aristocrats. Well – the most famous one was. Zombies are the proles of the horror genre. Maybe werewolves are middle class? Actually that fits. The ones in the middle are two faced, adoring the ones above and despising the ones below.

Sep 17, 2022 5:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I understand what you mean and I must say that I am so disappointed in GB News, what the phuck went wrong there?.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Sep 17, 2022 6:45 PM
Reply to  semaj

And I thought it was just me, thanks friend

Sep 17, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In no way could UK Column be described as a “dissident” site – either in World A or World B. They comprise an odd mix of disgruntled ex-intelligence officers and evangelical christians with a massive ideological blind spot with regard to the mafia cartels running the Russian state.

Apart from that I agree with your post.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 18, 2022 9:54 AM
Reply to  Hector

These days you have to take your dissidence anywhere you can find it after it proved not to be where I always thought it was i.e. “The Left”.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Sep 17, 2022 9:03 AM

Went to see Doug Stanhope the other night and a heckler shouted “long live the king!”

The silence of the audience and DS was perfect. DS then utterly pilloried him in the most funniest and most brutal taking down of a heckler I’ve ever witnessed.

Fucking idiot.

Sep 18, 2022 3:22 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Who went to see Doug Stanhope?

Sep 17, 2022 9:03 AM

Human beings have only simple brains. Neither World A nor World B are real. Both are mental models of reality.

World A works well for someone living in Western affluence. As freedoms, heat and food disappear, the model of World A will lose relevance. World B comes into view, where you try to understand and deal with the collapse of the West. It will not be long before a new World C becomes relevant.

Sep 18, 2022 8:50 AM

We don’t have simple brains we just choose not to use our full potential.

Sep 17, 2022 8:46 AM

“both of these accusations are found to originate in the QAnon movement”.

Well, that scores an impressive 0 out of 2 on the accuracy meter. If I wanted to read QAnon is to blame for the entirety of ‘conspiracy culture’ I’d still be reading the Guardian. Lizard-people long predates QAnon, by at least two decades. There’s a mountain of evidence about royal paedophilia that has nothing to do with QAnon (Mountbatten? Savile?).

More seriously, the whole argument about Worlds A and B is nonsense. It shows what happens to those trapped in a dualistic way of thinking. Are there no Worlds C, D etc? World A is not “comforting” at all. It’s a place where Islamists, Putin, carbon atoms, meteors, tiny pathogens and whatever else Rand can dream up are out to get you. It’s a world of perpetual terror, an inversion of the Atlantic Charter’s promise of “freedom from fear”. The official conspiracy culture of QAnon and Joe Rogan is an exact mirror image of World A – another world of perpetual fear where annihilation is imminent unless one unquestioningly accepts immediately and urgently their pre-pared “solution”. These solutions are of course nothing but different wings of the same bird. Live in the Metaverse in World A; live in stoner-land in World B; boo the approved fall-guys/gals in both.

red lester
red lester
Sep 17, 2022 9:04 AM
Reply to  Edwige

World A is the past. Kipper ties and star jumpers. Buses and the rockford files.

Sep 17, 2022 12:47 PM
Reply to  red lester

Lol, the Rockford files, loved that cuddly world when I was a nipper. Thanks for the memories.
And Frank Cannon, though I think he’s transformed into our new health secretary last time the msm nudged into my World X through accidentally tripping over some link.

Sep 18, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  red lester

I thought a kipper tie was a hot beverage in Birmingham. One for the Brits on here I think.

Sep 17, 2022 10:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Great stuff Edwige

Mutant Variant
Mutant Variant
Sep 17, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Hey Edwige, “…whatever else Rand can dream up...”
Rand the corp, Rand the pol, Rand the novelist, or somethin’ else?
Just wondering.

Sep 17, 2022 4:40 PM
Reply to  Mutant Variant

Surely it’s Rand the corp.

Sep 17, 2022 4:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I did a double take on that QAnon part too. Thanks for pointing that out.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 18, 2022 8:48 PM
Reply to  rob2

Yes. The author’s “drive by disparagement” to pin something on a current group rather than realizing those accusations were conceived decades before QAnon.
I recall reading a David Icke book published in the ’90s stating that the elites were “shape-shifting reptiles”. I don’t believe reptlian connection, but the way the elites behave they are definately are operating with the reptilian brain as dominant.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Sep 18, 2022 8:53 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

However, the pedophilic nature of British and Yank elites is something that does not have any QAnon ties.
Remember the MSM’s blanket lack of engagement over Pizzagate. Lot’s of weird events and behaviour but “nothing to see here.” Those that asked any question at all were disparaged.

Sep 19, 2022 4:41 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I first learned of ritual abuse rings in a book called “The Color of Pain” written by a man in law enforcement who was a victim of it in his boyhood. Widespread pedophilia, systemic in Catholic and Protestant institutions alike, was widely exposed with the advent of blogs, making it practically common knowledge, right? Or do I assume too much of “normies”? I was a new subscriber of the Corbett Report around the time Pizzagate started, when he took up the open source investigation. But even before that he was reporting on it (ie Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-304-political-pedophilia/ ).

Taking Dr. Hayden at his word, that Event Covid was his introduction to world B, maybe his hearing of elite pedo rings really did come from the peripheral realm of QAnon, and he therefore brushed it aside with relief (who *wants* to believe such a thing?). But in light of covid, learning that world governments are indeed intentionally conspiring to kill their own populations, shouldn’t that be sufficient cause to wonder just how deep their contempt for humanity is and reserve judgement until one is prepared to educate one’s self?

Human values
Human values
Sep 18, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Lizard people, people who are not really people, but predators who suck the life of people, drink their blood and eat them, innocents. Royalty, masquerading as gods on earth, criminals, murderers, thieves. They are Satan worshippers.


Darren Smith
Darren Smith
Sep 20, 2022 1:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

‘It’s a place where Islamists, Putin, carbon atoms, meteors, tiny pathogens and whatever else Rand can dream up are out to get you’

Yes, but where mummy and daddy Rand will take care of it all for you and keep you safe, just put this straitjacket on.

Neither is a solution, rather a very different view of the world – one manufactured, the other at least partially true. Of course the truth, reality, the world are more nuanced than we could ever really put into words, but it helps sometimes to make little maps, yes?