This Week in the New Normal #46

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal (or in this case “The past two weeks in the new normal”) is our (mostly) weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Bugs on the School Menu
Last week it was announced that over 1000 state schools in Australia will be introducing “eco-friendly” snacks to their cafeterias. “Eco-friendly”, in this instance, meaning “made from insects”.
Very few media outlets are saying anything but “this is great”, or some variation thereof. have a write up talking about how much healthier than regular crisps the snacks are, and referencing how little greenhouse gas is released by farming crickets instead of livestock.
Australian News even released a friendly little video of kids eating the snacks and laughing, while being brainwashed by an adult who should know better:
Isn’t that nice?
2. Energy Rationing on the Way
Just yesterday, following a week or so of Ursula Von Der Leyen laying out some groundwork, the EU Commission published a report and a set of recommendations for tackling the “energy crisis”:
To reduce Europeans’ energy bills, we proposed this week an emergency intervention in Europe’s energy markets.
Our proposals:
🔹 a reduction in electricity consumption
🔹 a temporary revenue cap
🔹 a temporary solidarity contribution from fossil fuel companiesLearn more 👇
— European Commission 🇪🇺 (@EU_Commission) September 16, 2022
Personally, I love that their top recommendation for tackling the price of electricity is “just use less”, and that it has apparently taken them months to come up with that.
Of course, they are delightfully vague about how member states should go about “reducing energy consumption”. Rationing would seem the obvious, if not the only choice. But they very carefully step around that word.
The second proposal is a revenue cap on “inframarginal electricity producers” (renewables, nuclear and lignite). That’s a revenue cap, NOT a price cap. So the prices will stay the same, but any revenue over 180 euros/MWh will go to the state, not the company.
Don’t worry, the state will then use this money to “assist energy consumers”. I see no way that system could be abused.
The third proposal has a wonderfully Orwellian phrase in it too, describing a short increase in taxation as a “temporary solidarity contribution”.
Rather predictably, the World Economic Forum is a big fan of the plan.
You can read the full document here if you are so inclined. We’ll probably do a deeper dive on this next week.
3. Boosters for days
The latest vaccine just dropped, Pfizer/BionTech’s “Omicron booster”, which specifically targets the “new variants”. According to Scientific American:
The new booster shots are expected to trigger a better immune response against the new subvariants. Clinical studies of similar two-part COVID boosters, as well as mouse research with these specific formulations, suggest that will be the case. Still, some scientists point out we have no hard evidence the new shots will provide longer-lasting protection than previous boosters. That’s an issue because people are tired of frequent requests to get yet another shot. But the U.S. government is pushing for a rapid and wide rollout before an anticipated increase of cases in fall and winter months.
The “animal data” they’re talking about goes back to a June meeting with the FDA, when Pfizer requested approval for their Omicron booster based on “preliminary data” involving 8 – yes, just EIGHT – mice. Science reports:
They have not released those data publicly, although at the June FDA meeting, Pfizer presented preliminary findings in eight mice given BA.4/BA.5 vaccines as their third dose.
Don’t worry though, all eight of the mice are fine. Boosters are rolling out as we speak.
BONUS: Dystopian horror of the last two weeks
British breakfast programme This Morning has started a prize wheel contest…with “pay 4 months of your energy bills” as a star prize. Winners are sighing with relief at the prospect.
#ThisMorning has turned completely dystopian and Black Mirror by offering to pay energy bills as a competition prize.
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) September 5, 2022
That’s how far we’ve fallen, being able to afford to heat your house is now a rarefied luxury on par with winning a lottery—Hunger Games-level stuff.
In fact, it was literally a dystopian joke on That Mitchell and Webb Look about ten years ago:
It’s not all bad…
Well, for starters, the backlash against GMB’s “energy bills” prize resulted in them removing it from the wheel in less than a week. Which is nice, at least some people still have the ability to see just how awful that was.
Signalling a potential change in narrative direction, the three strongest supporters of vaccine mandates – Canada, New Zealand and California – are all reversing their current Covid19 measures.
Speaking of Canada, “Trudeau Must Go” is a trending social media campaign right now.
Also, a little shout out to whoever coined the term #MournHub to describe the state of the UK media this week, that hashtag can provide some blessed relief to republicans and realists alike.
And well done to the genius who took the soundtrack from a BBC documentary about North Korea, and overlaid it on coverage of the Queen’s funeral:
BBC reporting on DPRK (North Korea) overlaid on queen funeral procession
— Michael Parenti’s Stache 🚩☭ (@Karl_Was_Right) September 15, 2022
All told a pretty hectic two weeks for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the Guardian editorial praising the idea Charles III might oppose Tory policies or the US treasury recommending a “digital dollar”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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seeing the first article and thinking how much we changed . now nowadays no one speak about vacine anymore. some month back it was the only topic of the day
As I’ve said previously, the “Truss” administration is looking increasingly like it’s being directed by Mike “we lied, we cheated, we stole” Pompeo. First, there was the Mansion House speech on Ukraine; then the fracking decision; and now this:
22 September 2022
Liz Truss says she may follow Donald Trump and move Britain’s Israel embassy to Jerusalem
The former US president sparked controversy in 2017 when he decided to situate the US embassy in the contested holy city
August 31, 2022
Mike Pompeo called for the Extraction of Shale Gas in Bulgaria which is “Cleaner than Russian”
Just remember: “we have it all”!
In full: Foreign Secretary Liz Truss makes a speech on the war in Ukraine
Apr 27, 2022
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss makes a speech on the war in Ukraine, as she warns the West must be prepared for the ‘long haul’.
All pretty much a given thanks…her main test is yet to come…need I say more…Bonfire ‘Week’. Now it’s important to remember ‘week’ can mean just a little sweet heart -ed 10-70yr old enjoying bangers roman candles in Pouring Rain…Nationwide and bollocks to the others freeeeduuums.
Two green girls agree. Nancy Pelosi and AnnaLena Baerbock say “We must free ourselves from Russian gas”.
Jorge Vilches replies on September 20, 2022 · at 5:31 pm EST/EDT
This is about hundreds of millions of people directly affected in Europe all the way from Dublin to Moscow… and billions more indirectly affected throughout the rest of the world.
MUCH WORSE for West Europe is the REFINERY problem. Critics of this Green German policy addresses only the supposed high COST of reconverting German refineries to non-Russian oils.
True enough, conversion will be expensive, but I also go FAR beyond the expense of realizing this Green dream: I warn about its sheer IMPOSSIBILITY due to the sheer LACK of the right type of medium-light sweet diesel-friendly blend outside of Russia !!! The Russian Urals blend is unique not only because of its proven quality, low price and reliable delivery but also and most specially because of its sheer ABUNDANCE. Nobody else has on planet Earth can supply Germany with the quantity of diesel it needs to sustain a major economy; the same applies to the less powerful but larger mass of West European motor-driven economies. West Europe may POSSIBLY find a 5-year truly BAD supply contract with Supplier XXX from Somewhere: but at best it will be only enough for a couple of Europe’s refineries. There is simply NO substitute at ANY price for the humongous volume of constant quality Urals blend that Russia has been supplying to power the economy of Europe !!! The same goes for refusing Russian nat-gas: already one “alternative” supplier, the President of QATAR has declared it is impossible to replace the sheer volume of Russian nat-gas that Europe needs — not only to remain in air conditioned comfort (warm in winter and cool in summer) but to sustain a modern economy.” — Jeorge Vilches
“My salad days, when I was Green in judgment” — William Shakspeare.
Going back to Mother after 8 years of abusive relationship with Biden, Nuland and their Ukronazi proxies. After this forthcoming referendum to rejoin Russia, further NATZO attacks on the Donbass will be met not by a Special Military Operation against NATZO’s proxy army but by Real War. The sort of war that the armies of Hitler, Napoleon and a couple of Swedish kings remember ruefully.
“Able was I ere I saw Moscow” — Napoleon.
Alex Mercouris announces this news at 15 minutes:
Crucial part of the agenda still bubbling:
I’d be all in favour of, for example, compensation for Haiti from the Clinton Foundation and US deep state – but somehow I don’t think that’s what they mean here.
Bugs in the Ukrainian Food Shipments:
Statement by UN Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at the UNSC meeting on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts
“The destinations of shipments under the Black Sea Initiative show almost half the shipments headed to high-income countries, while only 4 vessels (less than 4%) went to countries with a food crisis. More than ten times as many vessels (58 vessels) went to the EU.
These statistics follow the usual pattern of past shipments of Ukrainian corn to Europe, and do not fit in with statements about helping the hungry in sub-Saharan Africa (where other staple crops are usual – not corn).
Incidentally, in early September, The Guardian reported on British projects to help Africans grow edible insects. That such projects are also supported by the World Bank due to high cost of fertilizers makes it unlikely that such a cynical approach will resolve the problem of unfair distribution of food.
So far, only two corn ships (in addition to the 4 from Ukraine) were sent by the World Food Program to help alleviate famine in Africa, while a third one is being prepared. UN officials argue that supplies must depend on donor contributions. We would like to ask the Executive Director why WFP funds already available are not spent for example in Somalia where, as we understand from Martin Griffiths, people face the tragedy of famine [in yet another poor but resource-rich country invaded by the U$A and cohorts].
Did they happen to mention what is causing the “famine” in sub-Saharan Africa, or why Ukraine is now a linchpin in preventing it when it wasn’t before?
They do mention that Ukraine was never the linchpin of global corn export — the real linchpin of Black Sea exports was Russian ships loaded with Russian corn and Russian fertilizers, all of which have been throttled with “sanctions” by Western financiers.
They also mention that the new famine (ie, more than the globe’s usual tally of 6 Million undernourished people annually) is not shortage of crops on the ground but price inflation caused by supply chain disruption and “quantitative easing” under the Con-19 scam (which transferred fiat currency to people who are “too rich to fail”). In other words, there are now even more people “too poor to buy” when they go to market: people will starve while unsold food rots..
As an aside, the statement mention that Ukraine exported most of its actual food corn last season. This season’s Ukraine export is not food grade. I don’t know what “non-food corn” means but I do know that 40% of corn is fermented to make ethanol for car fuel (“The Green Revolution” proclaimed by George Bush of the Bush oil dynasty).
Bugs in the Bio Weapons Menu:
Statement by K.V.Vorontsov to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (Geneva, 9 September 2022):
“We regard the policy pursued by the United States and Ukraine as being aimed at ensuring the unhindered implementation by the Pentagon of U$ military biological research outside the national territory of the U$A (including these U$ biowarfare Labs set up in Ukraine right next to Russia’s border) under the guise of allegedly “purely peaceful” medical research on microbes. This is yet another attempt to distract the attention of the international community from real risks posed by this Cooperative Programme carried out by the United States military in Ukraine in contravention of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.”
A great example of function-stacking:
Tick those boxes:
1) Aerial surveillance is benevolent really.
2) Space is real.
3) Antarctica is real.
4) Climate change is an urgent disaster.
And a lovely 33 to top it off……
Let me ask you about those two covers of The Economist. The one from 1/9/1988:
And the other from 5/8/2021:
Some alt-media reported an exact difference between them of 33 years, 3 Months, 3 weeks and 3 days. A programmer I know (and a chronic skeptic) calculated that the difference was 33 years 3 months 4 weeks and 2 days (“at least in my opinion,” as he adds). Not that it matters much, and not that a difference of 33 years and 3 months isn’t impressive enough, but how much do you think it is?
It’s bullshit. They published weekly, never on sept. 1st 1998 or jan. 9th 1998. There was a “world currency” article from a DIFFERENT date of that year, suggesting it as an idea, not a certainty, but never the cover was made. They also published all articles with a slightly different cover design in that given year.
Try harder and be more believable with your disinfo… I mean “In tech we trust”? “Get ready for a one world currency”? The fact you “Researched” the time apart but not the validity means you are LYING and are not just an IDIOT.
MAY 8TH 2021
You, IDIOT. And RETARD. Get lost, you stupid bastard.
January 9, 1988 via | buy on eBay
Hd Reproduction Of The Economist 1988 – Magazine – Poster – Canvas Print – Wooden Hanging Scroll Frame
Rated 5.00
3.You are a rare critical mind, and I am very glad that you are here to correct my mistakes whenever you notice them; that is how I learn. Don’t go.
But, as is known, the troll never responds (at least he does not like it) when he is caught illegally insulting with stupidity. So, here’s one more thing (last on this subject).
Date Difference Calculator
Date difference from Jan 9, 1988 to May 8, 2021
The total number of days between Saturday, January 9th, 1988 and Saturday, May 8th, 2021 is 12,173 days.
This is equal to 33 years, 3 months, and 29 days.
(This does not include the end date, so it’s accurate if you’re measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 12,174 days)
Include the end date – 33y 3m 30d (not 3 weeks, but 4 and 2 days)
That’s it.Thanks.
“The prevalence of myocarditis among young people is now so high that a hospital system in New York has created a commercial that aims to normalize it as just another childhood pathology.
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, which operates more than 200 locations throughout Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Westchester and Putnam Counties, as well as 10 hospital campuses, created a video called “Pediatric Patient Story – Suri (30s version)” that was published on September 6. 😡
“Many others on youtube and elsewhere criticized the video in the comments.
“This makes me sad and angry”, one of them wrote about the video.
“Absolutely disgusting”, added another.
“Geez and now they are making it sound “Oh! It’s normal and you’ll be fine!” wrote someone else…”
This makes you wonder how many other Big Pharma induced maladies have, over the years and decades, also been “normalized” as part of life. Not to mention the many Big Chemical induced ills.
Normalizing the abnormal has become a regular pastime for the Media.
It is. The difference here is that after the vaccination campaigns there were these heart problems in children that I think never existed. And also numerous reports from health circles about an increase in heart problems; risk of heart problems when working in a vegetable garden and taking a shower; and sudden death syndrome has occurred; as a small fraction of all other, recently occurring, health threats.
I read about your skeptical opinion about the harm of the injection. You are entitled to your opinion, your arguments, that is your business. My opinion is quite different, and most of all I think the real, massive “side effect” will be evaluated over time, by 2025 or 2030.
Dr. Mike Yeadon video. He agrees w many of you that the virus doesn’t exist & the increased mortality is accounted for by stress, medical negligence & killing the elderly in the care homes.
My own personal view is that the illness exists & the most likely explanation is a virus. AFAIK it’s been demonstrated to exist by culturing it from patient bio samples.
What does “the illness exists” even mean? Yes, an illness that causes sore throats, headaches, fever and (occasionally) lung inflammation definitely exists. No one has ever disputed that. It’s known as “the flu” or a hundred other names. The brilliance of the covid scam was to give these old familiar symptoms a new name and thus convince people there must be a new disease.
And no new disease has been “shown to exist”. Even if you believe a new virus has been isolated that still means absolutely nothing. There are allegedly billions of viruses in the world with new ones emerging and invading us every day, so, even accepting virus theory, the chance of any “new virus” you find in a person’s “bio sample” being the cause of the flu symptoms they’re experiencing would be literally billions to one.
The Covid Shell Game
Don’t even stress it. I called out some OBVIOUS bullshit from some other guy on here, if people side with him I’m leaving the site… The people I know who got diagnosed for this disease, real or not all tell me it feels very different than the flu, but I wouldn’t know myself.
“I think the illness exists, but I side with this shit still”
I’m honestly starting to wonder if we need a TRUE “reset” IE thermonuclear war, when I go just about anywhere on the internet. People are less (much less) mentally retarded in real life, and that gets my hopes up. Maybe the internet is the problem…
I hope they don’t, I hope they don’t take his side. Because what would we do without you to point out the obvious nonsense? Please stay with us.
Because he answer above is “panding”:
I can’t say it better. You can really say that you specifically need a reset.
“The future of banks”?
Because my answers (2) are “pending”, wait a minute, lose some nerve, then calm down and look at them.
‘Thermonuclear’ war like disease causing viruses have never been proven to exist.
Penelope, I have come to the conclusion that people who read any of my posts on alleged ‘viruses’ and their alleged appropriate specialized host cells either ignore what I write, or don’t wish to understand some of the flaws in virus theory.
In a genuine science, an original progenitor or parent virus (whether ‘isolated’ or not) is the form in which its conditions of existence are secured namely, its DNA or RNA, protein capsid, and its lipid envelope depending on the virus in question. So far so good.
The problem is, in simple terms, it, (the alleged virus in question) cannot secure those conditions by itself as it has no means whatsoever of doing so in the natural world BEFORE it can ever be replicated and reproduced in specialized host cells which are simply conjured up and posited by virology (not just any old host cells). These cells are somehow allegedly endowed with all the appropriate attributes and the means necessary that enable the alleged virus to be replicated and reproduced or, so we are informed.
The problem is the existence of these viruses and the specialized host cells in which they are allegedly replicated are simply posited in theory – there is no explanation as to how their natural conditions of existence are secured or of the precise means that secure them BEFORE they could ever be replicated in the first place. In other words, it’s all SPECULATION without any rigorous proof and demonstration.
The host cells are also conveniently modelled in theory as being endowed with all the necessary fictional attributes whose conditions of existence are also never effectively explained or the means that secure them. AND also, which just so happen by happy chance to be appropriate to and compatible with the attributes of the alleged invading virus ‘as if’ there was a surreptitious pre-established harmony between them but cannot be proven or demonstrated in scientific practice! Both viruses and their dependent host cells are then reified after they have been assigned the appropriate functions to perform in and by virology and then the whole thing is treated ‘as if’ it really does take place in reality! Just as Pigs might fly!
Hope you see the problem after having to repeat it yet again, and that just scratches the surface of virus theory!
No Wonder Pfizer Wanted to Hide Vaxx Test Results for 75 Years
We got lucky when a judge ordered that Pfizer must begin to release their own data from vaxx testing. Dr. Naomi Wolf is reporting on what 3200 volunteer reviewers of the data are finding. Here’s part of one of her articles:
“The Pfizer documents reveal monstrous damage to menstruation, harm to the testes and epididymis, harms to the penis, horrible harm to the ova and ovaries, mechanisms for compromising the placenta, contamination of amniotic fluid, and damage to newborns. They reveal that four women’s breast milk turned blue-green. They reveal injuries to at least one newborn that extend to death (or murder) from ingesting tainted breast milk. They reveal horrific levels of miscarriages. They reveal that Pfizer defined “exposure” to the vaccine as including sexual intercourse, especially at conception.”
That’s it… it cannot be compared, of course, both are terrible, but the cessation of the possibility of reproduction is like the last level of genocide (I don’t remember what it was called, I think it had a separate name).
Of course, we all hope it’s exaggerated and doesn’t come to “In 2027, in a chaotic world in which women have somehow become infertile, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea”.
But hope alone won’t work. (And again, somehow, the writers got closer to those years between 2020 and 2030; maybe accidentally).
WHO, USA and private funds worked for a long time to impose infertility and infant death in the “Third World”. 150 million women became barren, excluding dead women and infants.
Read whatever patent goes with it. It will include other patents by number, so look up their titles as well. You’ll see what they might actually be doing under the guise of public safety and zero liability to go with it.
Also, read the test package inserts and fact sheets for healthcare providers for whatever tests are offered. You’ll see that the tests are unable to identify the virus or variant. Assay kits are designed to test samples from given areas of the body. So, look at what the test was challenged against. There are covid tests in use now that never challenged the kit with normal flora in the sample sites. Tests aren’t designed that way unless its purposeful deceit.
Taking useless and deceitful tests can lead to inoculation and carbon nanotubes hidden n cationic lipids crossing the blood brain barrier.
With the coming pre-planned scripted apocalypse, remember that a zombie is by definition a person under extreme mental stress. Don’t let them turn you into a zombie. They do this because the mind seeks order. So, fill it with conflict and angst (cognitive dissonance), and the mind will look for order. This makes it easier to lead the masses down the roads they want.
Many people will subconsciously think that something must be true, but no. Everything can be 100% bullshit mixed with just enough truth to get people following it. In fact, making everything 100% bullshit actually makes their crap work better.
Forming our own opinions will be a benefit. Look everything up, including words they use. You’d be surprised at some of the alternate definitions of common words we assume to be benign.
We don’t have to read any of that documentation. Despite the lack of safety and evidence to the contrary, the government coerced most of us, directly or indirectly, to take the tests and jabs. It is criminally responsible.
“OMG! George Carlin is a conspiracy theorist.”
The use of the word delightful reminded me of when Michigan’s governor cheerfully announced the potential for rolling blackouts after shutting down a nuclear power plant that had decades of operational life remaining.
Biden had just warned the country about potential food shortages and implied that you should stock your freezers and be prepared.
Quite a contradiction, I thought. It energized me to write Gretchen a note to point out the conflict and stupidity of the statements. No reply, of course.
In high school during lunch there were perpetual club fundraisers. Not sure what the clubs were using the money for. Never had the cash to pay for the supplemental food as I sat eating a compressed peanut butter sandwich and a mushy out of season and badly bruised apple.
Then there were the “individuals” who needed fast cash which led to unsanctioned fund raisers. They would pretty much eat “anything” for $20.00 dollars. Once the money was collected and in the possession of an “honest trustee”, there was always a circle of excited murmuring that was followed by groans of gross. Payment was only made if the person did not vomit or spit.
What are these short on cash individuals going to eat now? Now that the groans of gross will arise from eating the offered menu items…….
The whole thing is just….un-fucking-believable……..
Without a $20.00 dollar payment from an “honest trustee”.
“The use of the word delightful reminded me of when Michigan’s governor cheerfully announced the potential for rolling blackouts after shutting down a nuclear power plant that had decades of operational life remaining.”
Who recently used that word to remind you of this creepy governor?
Cheerfully was my adverb.
I am equating the terms delightful and cheerful.
The video of her announcement went viral. You can probably still find it. Gretchen Whitmer.
She was most definitely cheerful.
I would guess that a couple glasses of Michigan’s own vintage contributed to her cheerfulness which struck me odd at the time given the seriousness of the announcement.
She was cheerfully delightful in the eyes of her leftist supporters? How’s that?.
I don’t think she meant to be. Or maybe she did. After all, Michigan is the birthplace of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring which eventually led to the creation of the EPA.
Cheerfully Delightful.
They complement each other while increasing the irony.
IMO, Whitmer is a psychopath, in which case she was most definitely cheerfully excited and delighted.
Psychopath or not, there’s something seriously wrong with that woman.
No doubt. That deer-in-the-headlights-blackhole-look tells you everything.
Nothing special, just no one wants to fall behind from the progress. In spite of the slander against them.
“Russian developers have presented a rather curious and useful gadget. It will help you remotely monitor the health status of service transport drivers online. Overwork, malfunction in the body, stress levels and even alcohol consumption, doctors will be able to identify a driver who is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from them. The information will be promptly transmitted to the company’s management, and those already have to decide how to urgently remove such a driver from the course.
The service is called “digital avatar”. It is a modular platform for collecting medical data from various sources – research, peripheral and laboratory equipment, wearable devices – and forming an objective picture of the patient’s health status.
This is only the previously used portable permanent monitoring device, which was attached to the body of the drivers with straps around the chest. And many of them complained that the gadget causes inconvenience and discomfort. Then it was decided to make a device for the wrist-in the form of a bracelet like the now popular electronic smartwatch. It is much more comfortable and looks representative.
In the future, it is planned to offer the novelty to car parks of various services and departments, taxi companies, drivers of public transport and employees of particularly dangerous facilities.”
We will see, maybe add a “covid detection” function; then, for maximum safety, along with alcohol, will monitor the entire diet, and why not the entire life of the driver outside of working hours. Then, if it goes well, it can be used for all, adding features to measure energy and climate behavior.. But after the earthquake in Taiwan and the shutdown of the TSMC, progress may be temporarily in jeopardy.
I need to modify my earlier statement about “almost all TV channels” devoted to the dreary death drone. I just found that when you alight on a listing giving you some other option, there’s a black screen with white text, “As a sign of respect we are going to do what every other grovelling turd is doing and bore the fuck out of you with phony sympathy for coffin porn”.
Watch YouTube or Netflix or something.
I’m at me mams and she doesn’t have access to that. Should have brought me Big Bang Theory collection.
Only one set of reasons to watch that show…….
I’ve never used Netflix, but maybe they have Tarkovsky’s last film before his death, “The sacrifice”. Begins with the protagonist’s introductory monologue to his little son, which points out the two-way possibility of using the method used against the humans for 2-3 years.
“Once upon a time, a long time ago, in an Orthodox monastery, there lived an old monk. His name was Pamwe. He once planted a withered tree on a hill. He then told his young disciple, a monk named Yoan Kolov, that he had to water the tree every day until it came to life. So early every morning Yoan filled buckets with water and went out. He climbed the hill and watered the dead tree, and in the evening, when it was dark, returned to the monastery. He did this for three years. And one beautiful day, he went up the hill and saw that the whole tree was covered with color!
Say what you want, but method and system have their virtues. You know, I sometimes tell myself that if every single day, at exactly the same time, the same ritual-like action was performed, invariably, systematically, every single day at the same time, the world could change. Yeah, something could change. Should be.”
‘The Sacrifice’ is a ghastly film designed to terrorise viewers with fear of nuclear annihilation (and I like most of the rest of Tarkovsky).
Without a doubt, “The Sacrifice” is Tarkovsky’s most profound and brilliant film, which God himself seems to have sent him to share before his death with us viewers, taking us on an extraordinary journey deep into his soul…
How come he didn’t say something nice once, and he keeps coming in with his horns on, this Edwige! Say something nice, praise the commentator.. I have ordered a special filter for your comments and when it arrives, your comment will look like this:
Please, Edwidge, it’s a pleasure. I also thank you for your wonderful opinion… 😅
Nothing is better than “living the terror’. We were issued books on how to survive an atomic bomb in third grade during the early 60s. There was no discussion. We were simply handed the books as we walked out of the school to go home. My parents barely glanced at it with no discussion. We kids were left to deal with it on our own. Maybe it was a good thing that it was handled that way…… Nuclear holocaust movies don’t seem to bother me much. Maybe this is why.
Just like the “Stranger Danger” movies. As 4th graders we recognized how badly they were produced. We laughed and made fun of the movies and no teacher said anything. We looked at each other and thought, who would be dumb enough to climb into someone’s car for a candy bar. We found it entertaining and it definitely undermined the credibility of the teachers for having shown it.
Certainly worth watching for its meditative, thought-provoking value.
Actions not always requiring commentary or words is how I’d interpret “Little Boys”‘s first utterance under the tree at the end of the film. Plus the long meditative nonverbal lengthy shots, typical of Tarkovsky. God provides no commentary in Genesis 1 v.1. He just did. Created the world. The words ‘Let there be light’ came later.
A slight distortion though, perhaps, of the notion of sacrifice. Being prepared to give up, is not the same as ensuring that you give up.
And even on the few channels which were showing other programmes (I for one spent an enjoyable hour watching James Martin’s Mediterranean cookery programmes) you couldn’t escape the topic of the day completely as those channels refrained from broadcasting any adverts. Unfortunately this didn’t mean the programme continued uninterrupted. Obviously because of timing, the viewer sat for two minutes of sombre music whilst the screen had some reference to respecting the Queen’s funeral or suchlike. Admittedly and arguably, that was marginally a better option than the ads.
A 6.9 earthquake in Taiwan yesterday. Electronics (chip) production was halted; factories would be closed for 3 to 7 working days, which would affect supply chains, and if the tremors were repeated, delays would increase even further.
TSMC is based in Taiwan and, according to various estimates, produces about 90% of all microprocessors.
The Chinese government reputedly did not consider their 2008 earthquake a natural event and threatened the US with war if it was repeated,
The earthquake in Haiti needs some explaining given the country is not on a fault-line. It turned an already struggling country into a US colony where the likes of Laura Silsby could export 33 children as orphans when their parents turned out not to be dead.
I’m just saying this news, otherwise anything can happen. The development of special weapons is not yesterday and in practice has never stopped. And in Taiwan, the TSMC..
(But otherwise – no, China is also not outside the global things, as both popular and unpopular opinions say, IMO. I know how you see things. You may be right, who knows.. we’ll see.)
You can include the 2011 great earthquake off NE Japan. Some US sailors suffered radiation exposure.
the money or your wife game show in the film time bandits has a lovely ‘moderna’ washing machine as a grand prize
Anyone still under the impression we have free media should have a flick through the channels this morning. There are a few showing the odd sitcom but it’s The Big Event which we have apparently been planning for decades with vast volumes of wealth poured into gargantuan military, religious etc. displays. It’s like living in one of those Soviet or East European totalitarian states we used to laugh at.
STOP giving the BBC your money.
Wings over Scotland website gives a list of 61 UK TV channels who are substituting funeral coverage for their usual offerings today*.
It’s a metaphor for UK democracy – take your pick, it’s a free country.
*I checked a few to be sure. Yes, Create & Craft channel really is broadcasting continuous royal dirge from 10am to 6pm.
…- There’s the real problem, right there…
Simple solution, turn it off and ignore it. Problem solved, for you at least.
Uschi von der Lying said she wants to ‘flatten the curve’ of energy demand. How many weeks will that take?
By an amazing coincidence their truly inspired measures will also flatten the economy, but you need to be a conspiracy theorist to recognise that issue.
In one sentence I have used both the conspirators’ explanations that are used to hide the facts and the truth.
Someone needs another story writer and soon.
Climate lock downs and energy switched off.
…- Wait’ll smart meters become universal… – During the summer a Colorado utillity company hijacked their customer’s thermostats to turn down their air-con…
Smart meters are another social credit tool: If you’re not a good, compliant citizen, they’ll switch you off. During covid lockdown my energy company used fear tactics to persuade me to get one, by informing me my current one is old and might explode any minute.
Well, its either rationing or “the market”. Obviously “the market” is preferred but as the energy companies are making obscene profits (and that’s after the middlemen have taken their prime cut — somehow the brokers don’t figure in the publicity) its clear that the system is a bit broken and so needs rescuing. Not “the people”, but “the system” — the fiction of the free market and how it works in to everyone’s benefit is wearing just a little thin.
(Also “Putin’s War” isn’t getting the traction in needs. Its amazing that a year ago we’re trying to prevent Russia from exporting more gas by doing everything in our power to obstruct Nord Stream 2, telling everyone to just buy our “molecules of freedom” instead. Now we’ve got our wish — no NS2 (or NS1 at the moment), plenty of freedom to buy those molecules and…..)
As for Covid, all I can say is that our pet Denier has come down with it. A lone anti-vax standout among the bridge playing seniors in our county, initially feared, then tolerated with some amusement. He’s off. He’s ill and its not good. Despite his absurd parroting of the off the wall deniers we all wish him well and hope for the best. Its really not a hoax, folks. We all thought that this thing was done and dusted, finished — masks are largely a thing of the past, anyone who catches it (lots) are inconvenienced, its fading into the rear view mirror — then this happens.
Thanks for updating us. I pick up from your comment that you are currently being told to push –
1. That energy rationing is inevitable and actually a better alternative than letting the energy companies make “obscene profits”. This, of course, is part of the “communitarianism” roll out (owning nothing and being happy), which is a central agenda of the GR.
2. That the binary of Russia/the West is real despite all evidence they continue to be in lockstep over the GR.
3. That covid is REAL. And getting scary again.
So, this is what the narrative managers want us to be thinking as we enter the fall of 2022. Interesting insight. Thanks.
Nope, tongue firmly in cheek there. Its just that generations have swallowed that particular KoolAid and now the market is King, There Is No Alternative and so on.
The dispute with Russia is a microcosm of the dispute with China. We need to carry off a Great Reset because we’re over leveraged, we’ve been printing money like crazy and somone, somewhere, is going to have to pay for it. The problem is that neither Russia nor China needs any kind of reset — they’re productive societies that carry very low public debt loads — so they’re going to screw up any plans we have for a reset unless we can bring them to heel. We can’t do a traditional war, they’re too big and too well armed, so we’ve got to go ‘hybrid’.
Covid is real but the pandemic (according to Biden at least) “is over”. Here in in the US South West it effectively is — we flew over to New Mexico from California a week ago to visit people and there wasn’t a mask in sight, virtually nothing in the terminals, nothing on the planes, nothing to be seen in either state. Its still around to catch the unwary or unlucky but I think this flu season is reckoned to be a bigger threat. Obviously “YMMMV” — different countries, different societies, different whatever.
I gave your post its first upvote, but I hope you would like this clarification of your statement: “Covid is real but the pandemic … is over”.
Covid is real but the pandemic will not be over. Co Vi D for Corona Virus Disease, aka common flu, has been pandemic among the human race for the whole of our existence as a species.
“Voila l’Anglais avec son sang froid habituel (Here comes the Englishman with his usual bloody cold). — Fractured French.
Nick, Convid is not an alleged “virus disease” in the sense that it has never been rigorously proven or demonstrated to be caused by an alleged “virus” in scientific practice in the first place. There’s no convincing proof that colds are caused by alleged “viruses” either.
Are you suggesting that the so-called “common flu” is also caused by a virus? Then if you are, think again.
Influenza is a complex disease process that has potentially many different causes other than alleged “viruses” that can vary between individuals, and which determines their susceptibility in contracting the disease.
There are also several different clinical types of influenza which are sometimes lumped together and referred to as “common flu” as in a “flu epidemic”. The types of influenza that are clinically recognized, are namely, the respiratory type, the febrile type, the gastro-intestinal type, the nervous type and the malignant type and they are certainly NOT reducible to the alleged replication effects of unproven theoretical “viruses” or any of their so-called fictitious ‘strains’ for some of the reasons I have stated in my post to Penelope above (again!).
By the way, mainstream virology cannot account for all the conditions in which influenza is transmitted in epidemics or pandemics or the precise means of its transmission. The Navy Report in the US (1919) detailed the experiments which proved conclusively that influenza was not, and could not, be transmitted from sick-to-well patients by person-to-person-contact. However, odd exceptional cases have been observed, again, nothing to do with alleged “viruses” in the concrete physical sense of the term.
If a theory is incoherent, with inconsistencies and contradictions it won’t work out as intended in scientific practice and virus theory does NOT work out in practice.
Valid points there martin.
The last one was the usual covid spill.
Better get the booster to make sure you dont infect others.
Thanks Martin. The entire arsenal of media with its endless repetitions of covid terror never convinced me. But your little content free anecdote has made me realise we really do face an existential etc.
It’s the flu. Always was. Always will be. Statistics don’t lie. People do and are lying. The terms Covid and Flu are interchangeable. Take your vitamins. Eat a good diet. Exercise (if you have not been jabbed, that is). Avoid unnecessary medications. And they are all unnecessary if you take care of yourself. You will die when it’s your time. Focus on living and turn off the MSM.
I’d bet that last made your little group’s day, did it not? The “denier” among you gets the Megadeath Virus of Doom, how awesome for you true believers. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll end up hospitalized, then you can visit him and say I told you so….
Course, never mind the good old ordinary flu can be nasty and one can end up hospitalized for that as well. I’ll hope your friend has an advocate with him if he ends up there, God knows the true believers in that hospital will for sure be zealous in their treatment protocols so he’d best have someone paying attention to preclude that big old shot of valium they might wanta give him….
Great Mercola interview of Whitney Webb. It’ll only be up for another day, but I’m sure other sites will pick it up. She has a 2-volume book out being published by, who’ve published so many good conspiracy books.
Interview and the book deals w the mechanisms of corruption at the top.
UK began vaxxing 5-11 year olds April 4, 2022. Only 5 months later they’ve had to w/d the vaxx for this age group. Office of National Statistics reports a 22% increase in DEATHS in 5-9 year olds since the vaxx policy began, compared to the previous 2 years.
Must be really lethal to them when you consider that probably not all in this range had gotten the vaxx yet; certainly those who got it didn’t all get it in April and probably the 22% excess mortality is as of August. And they’re just babies.
Life expectancy in the United States fell 3 years almost overnight. Death rates in all age groups increased. Media has not talked about it. Funny how that works. The alternate news sources are reporting it, however.
Your final para makes a very good point. I wondered why the Westminster regime had rescinded RNA injection for under-fives.
A friend of my wife recently wrote a stricken letter about the sudden inexplicable death of her infant grand daughter; especially the grief of the father, because the child was just beginning to be a companion and to help daddy fix things. She adds that the medics made no diagnosis, and there will be a post mortem. Our letter of consolation did not dare ask the question that sprang to mind.
Natural Asset Companies commoditizing the very ground you walk on, the ocean or lake you swim in, and even the very air that you breathe. This is about making financial assets of the portions of nature you wouldn’t think could be valued in a monetary sense: perhaps a coral reef, etc ad nauseum
Yes suspect our aust Great Barrier Reef will be first on list. We will be charged with incapable of caring for it,…they have been working on it for a few years,,and so many are blinkered to all this just like to covid. The Russia Ukrainian thing is all part too..massive disruption in supply chains so naturally we need world govt to better manage these things etc
This is the global version of the current national-level kleptocracy. The plan is to make us pay or serve these owners just to exist. Iain Davis covered this well in articles here last year.
Ben Elton wrote a play called GASPING about the privatisation of the air. Look at the family he comes from….
Here’s a very good article that describes the possible outcomes of the Great Reset:
Yep all those things…the rest of 22 very disruptive…some form of extra war indicated by April 23 eclipse at 29 aries…and then massive starvation from then. Uranus in same position as it was for height of starvation WW2. It is getting very close to buckle down for the hardest part of this ride to 2025…
I guess if they shut of the electricity, my usage will definitely go down. The stupidity is terminal.
In that case you can bet your standing charge won’t be reduced.
See, there you go, they do care!
Please, once again, OffG … I don’t insult anybody gratuitously.
I do joke occasionally, but my serious comments are supposed to be taken seriously, and not stuck in some algorithm’s ‘pending’ tray…
There’s your problem right there, pretty sketchy grammar, just doesn’t roll off the tongue. It’s a bit like using the word Pedagogy, it’s just not right.
Actually, it rolls perfectly well off the tongue if one normally tries to be articulate.
Oh, and since you are so personally critical, I might as well point out that “…the word Pedagogy,” isn’t right either…
It should be “…the word, “pedagogy”.
There should be a comma after “word”, a lower-case “p” at the beginning of an ordinary noun, and a semi-colon or full stop after “pedagogy”.
Apart from those three errors, you did quite well.
“Signalling a potential change in narrative direction, the three strongest supporters of vaccine mandates – Canada, New Zealand and California – are all reversing their current Covid19 measures.”
But let’s not forget to mention that not one of the legislative changes – such as new definitions of ‘pandemic’ and ’emergency’, immunity from prosecution for criminal drug corporations, and unlimited powers bestowed upon politicians and media to lie through their teeth at will – is going to be reversed.
Only the outward signs of fascist repression will be reversed. Not the actual fascism.
Neither have the dissenting medical experts been rehabilitated or compensated.
850 more New York City teachers and classroom aides have been fired for failure to obey NY City Mayor’s mandate to inject a foreign substance into their bloodstreams (vax) bringing the total to nearly 2000 school employees fired for lack of vax. About 1300 Dept. of Ed. employees had taken a year of unpaid leave with deadline of Sept. 5, 2022 to either vax or be fired….9/17/22, “850 more unvaxxed NYC teachers, aides fired for not complying with mandate,“ NY Post, Susan Edelman…
That is surreal as all get out. I imagine all the sheeple saying it serves them right. Yet they don’t really think about what this means, what it’s really all about and where it’s heading. 2000 people fired, out of our education system, for not wanting an emergency use, experimental, fake vaccine that has been proven to have serious side effects including death and doesn’t do a damn thing to protect anyone from a fake virus. Even without the fake part, what part of “serious side effects including death”, is not getting across here?
Just caught David Attenborough on polar bears where he closed with, “How these creatures will fare depends on climate change in the following years”. It never ends.
Also caught 50s big bug movie Tarantula with scientist injecting an enlarging serum into various creatures. Why? The old Malthusian thing about population growth outrunning food supply. It never ended in the 50s either.
Parson Malthus’ thesis, while debunked even in its own time by David Ricardo, will never end because it serves an ideological purpose for the ruling class.
Pending again.
You waited literally FIVE minutes before dropping the reminder. The pending folder is checked multiple times, 24/7, usually every hour, so give it at least that long before you press the panic button next time ok.
Isn’t it just nonsense. Polar bears have survived worse climate fluctuations than this during their existence on this rock and thrived but us arrogant humans (well some at least) put the blame squarely on us because we are so powerful that we change stuff in the course of a few decades.
Remember the 70s? “Ice age” is a-coming.
Attenborough is interesting, I bought into the phenomenon; cuddly David, knows his stuff, so genuine, aww… However the reality is he’s just an inflated TV personality that reads scripts with zero academic background. I’ve often thought he seems uncomfortable in himself when presented without lines to say. He knows he’s a lightweight really but gotta go with the flow, and the cash/prestige.
Let’s drop him off with the polar bear and a live feed webcam. Will be a scream🥶
What a fucking hypocrite he is, thousands of air miles a year with all his crew all funded by the licence payers
Never let a good crisis, etc
Fracking ban in England lifted in bid to boost UK gas supply
8 September
The government has lifted the ban on fracking for shale gas in England, alongside unveiling its plans to limit rising energy costs. The controversial practice was halted in 2019, amid opposition from environmentalists and local concerns over earth tremors. But new Prime Minister Liz Truss has backed fracking as a way to help boost the UK’s domestic gas supplies.
Labour said the move would damage efforts to hit net zero targets. The party’s leader Sir Keir Starmer said fracking would not reduce bills and would “drive a coach and horses” through efforts to curb climate change. The Scottish and Welsh governments oppose fracking, and say they will not use their powers to grant drilling licences.
Let the battle commence. The greedy Tories never miss an opportunity to help their friends in the oil and gas industries. This time it’s the despoliation of our natural environment. All energy companies should be nationalised.
you mean abolished.
Don’t worry, it looks like nationalisation could be the planned outcome. The GR is all about phony “communitarianism” as the best way to secure elite wealth and power going forward.
Nationalized energy would be easier to link to UBI and social credit scores, and the money would all end up in the same hands anyway.
Another Conspiracy Theory gets a booster shot :
Smoking Gun: Alleged Rand Corporation leaked document written before the Ukraine War show the US Planned the European Energy Crisis and economic collapse to save the US economy…
So many leaks !
”Remain indoors…it’s time for The Quiz Broadcast (complete)”
Internet is great.
Looks like a cross between Boris Johnson and vlad the impaler
Good Photoshop work on the hair and mustache!.
Have just come across the following. Make of it what you will.
“We have six days left” (short article, & a video: 3.39 mins), at:
Yes, I’ve heard similar talk. On 9/21, there’s a prediction the US stock market will crash due to another interest rate hike. There’s also a youtube video which suggest some kind of false flag like 911.
Is that like, Qanon’s twin brother? Six days isn’t enough man, we need more time.
I’ve saved the link . Interested to see what article appears on the 25th.
“Video footage and photos of a Toronto-area high school teacher are blowing up online today, sparking a raucous debate about what educators should and shouldn’t wear to work.
It appears as though many social media users first became aware of the teacher in question (and, more specifically, the sizeable prosthetic bust she wears,) when an American radio host tweeted a series of images said to have been captured at Oakville Trafalgar High School.
In the clips, we see a woman with long blonde hair wearing what appear to be bicycle shorts with various incredibly tight tops — tight on account of the fact that the teacher’s breasts appear to be at least twice the size of her head. Each. […] ”
various video clips here:
After that radial saw does its work it will be thanks for the mammaries from that ‘woman’.
I’m sorry, but some people just need a serious slap up side the head. Can I still say things like that?
Not safe for a wood shop!
Well I said the script writers for the final countdown have a sense of humour. They’re planning to go out on a Benny Hill/ Kenny Everett style.
They’re saying, “OK will you tolerate this? And how about this? And this?”
Next up: coming in with a 12 foot plastic penis with baby toy attached. Anyone who complains is committing a hate crime against the newly discovered tent pole kiddie top gender.
Battle of the Mind.
“It is not surprising that the normal person, in general, is much more easily indoctrinated than the abnormal…A person is considered ‘ordinary’ or ‘normal’ by the community simply because he accepts most of its social standards and behavioural patterns, which means, in fact, that he is susceptible to suggestion and has been persuaded to go with the majority on most ordinary or extraordinary occasions.”
William Sargant, British psychiatrist, effectively Father of “mind control” in the West, in his
Battle of the Mind, ;goes over the phenomenon of the London Blitz, which was an eight month period of heavy bombing of London during WW2. During this period, in order to cope and stay “sane”, people rapidly became accustomed to the idea that their neighbours could be and were buried alive in bombed houses around them. The thought was “If i cant do anything about it what use is it that i trouble myself over it ?” The best “coping” was found to be those who accepted the new “environment” and just focused on “surviving”, and did not try to resist it.’
‘Sargant remarks that it is this “adaptability” to a changing environment which is part of the “survival” instinct and is very strong in the “healthy” and “normal” individual who can learn to cope and thus continue to be “functional” despite an ever changing environment.’
‘It was thus our deeply programmed “survival instinct” that was found to be the key to the suggestibility of our minds. That the best “survivors” made for the best “brain-washing” in a sense.’…..Cynthia Chung.
les, Yeah, I know a site that is unconcerned about gain-of-function which can’t exist cuz neither viruses nor contagion exist. Further it’s impossible that US/NATO could actually declare war cuz their incremental escalation so far guarantees that these increments will never add up?? (sounds like how to boil a frog to me).
After all, if they DID actually declare war it wouldn’t be used as a pretext for martial law including censorship or for bringing in the digital currency. And certainly TPTB wouldn’t use it to destroy food, fuel or facilities that produce food or energy. Or to reduce countries’ legitimate military forces or cause civilian deaths.
Nah, no reason to be concerned about the possibility of a declared major military action by US/NATO, et al.
3. Boosters for days
While viewing my cheesy “free TV” programming here in the US, I was shocked but not surprised to see another wave of utterly creepy and smarmy ads promoting the “booster” jabs.
I usually have the TV on in the other room while I’m foostering around in the kitchen, e.g.
cookingheating up dinner; I only glance over at the screen now and then, so I typically notice these abominations in bits and pieces.One of them seems to be sponsored by the federal Department of Health and Human Services, but the national pharmacy corporation Walgreen’s has run several ads that either directly flog the toxic jabs*, or allude to them in passing; the Walgreen’s ads also feature glimpses of Normal-looking actors wearing masks.
So far, all of the ads I’ve seen have a typical family-oriented “upbeat”, “positive” tone: both adults and kids are shown cheerfully getting ready for the upcoming school year and doing their bit for society by enthusiastically getting their shots in an overall atmosphere of saccharine bonhomie. It’s gag-inducing.
When I first noticed the ads just a few weeks ago, apart from their appalling content I wondered when they were made. Put slightly differently, their tone and message hearken back to the period when the “boosters” were first introduced; they seem like “awareness-raising” propaganda targeting a population ignorant of the existence of the “boosters”.
Even though I understand that the sociopathic scamdemic and vax-mongers have no reverse gear, the ads seem especially obscene as they’re broadcast at a point where the grim reality is out of the bag. I suppose that the perpetrators actually hope that ads like this will effectively stuff the grim reality back into the bag.
I know better than to even rhetorically ask “Have they no shame?” But it’s still jolting to see Big Pharma and government public-service ads assiduously promoting “booster” jabs as if they were selling the latest pumpkin-spice flavored pasteurized, processed pseudo-foodstuff. 😡
* “Clot-shot” is no longer adequate. The clots are still very much with us, as the gross, disgusting images of clots and fibrous tangles extracted from circulatory systems post-mortem reveal. But since the jabs also cause either novel or exacerbated cancers and autoimmune disorders, and probably other illnesses we haven’t noticed yet, just calling them “clot shots” is actually misleading. 😵 💉
I just got back from the grocery. They pimp the jabs non-stop over the loudspeaker.
Shop elsewhere.
The jab makers and their conspirators in government have a big problem. Jabs in stock or already bought with public money are approaching expiry, even after some magical extensions. Share prices no longer look rosy for most of them.
My comment is in spam Sam, you asked me to let you know if it happened again.
It’s back now, thanks for that. A2
Many thanks A2
Blaming everything but the real culprit!
Severe common cold cases increasing among young children may be pegged to COVID-19 lockdowns
Doctors are noticing an increase in severe cases of the common cold among some children.
Well a miracle appears to have happened in aust. The ABC is telling whoever the vax are increasing their colds and flus and may have damaged their immune systems. I am still wondering if I am dreaming. Perhaps this is the next phase scare the hell out of the vax
to turn them upon the un-jabbed. ?
New Normal INDEED!
He like Charles are the visible front for WEF etal. Which no doubt accounts for why they all rush to kiss his arse
Quite insidious. How do these moronic retards infiltrate government ?
The most pressing medical issue is to find a sufficiently potent injection to make the newsreaders sound as if they give a shit when announcing the new booster shots.
I’m struggling to see what’s “new” about this. It looks like the last couple of hundred years, with a bit of slightly more advanced technology thrown in. The rich rule and try to keep enough of the plebs from rioting.
Rioting will surely follow as astronomical energy bills take their toll.
I hope so.
be careful, desperate people are not always rational. any larder will suffice.
purge culture seems a-coming for many.
And if you like FUN from NASSI Ukraine…
NOT TO THE UK herd of MMS:
To the rest of the european herds of MMS start sending your energy bills to the e-mails of all that work at the EU Commission.
After all the naSSi in Charge, Ursula von der Leyen, told us to send them to Russia/Putin but since she imposed sanctions on Banks they can’t refund us, so SENT TO HER.
Order to shut down Blackrock
It’s a fantasy, but only part of mine. Revolutions don’t happen if you are afraid to even TALK about what is desirable. We should be publicly discussing the best criteria by which to divide up the stolen wealth held by the billionaires. There’s no other way to freedom.
Hi Penelope,
I shall try to answer your call for a debate on solutions. After we have taken the power over our lives back and put all the perpetrators behind bars (give them an island with healthcare and entertainment, but make sure they will never communicate with the outside world) we must accept the inevitable downfall of the system we have all grown up in and got used to. There’s no point in redistributing all that money, as it will have become useless once we shut down the economy even for a day. We must declare old money worthless. Start with new money, not electronic of course, and much less. Declare all assets void. Let people keep their homes and other real possessions. No need to go Pol Pot. All revolutions of the twentieth century, whether fixed or genuine, wanted to achieve too much in too short a time and all turned tyrannical for it. We must not make such mistakes. Have your goals clear and keep getting there. To my mind, localising is the solution. We all live in cities by now. Cities are inevitably unsustainable. So, we need an environment to pollute and live off. Without globalisation’s profitable inequalities (because that is the first thing we’ll need to get rid of – no trampling on our cousins’ rights any longer) this environment is going to be quílometro zero, meaning that as a city you will have to find an ecological balance with your immediate surroundings, how ever big they may turn out to be. Of course, localisation will not lead to strife or war, as knowledge providers will let us believe. We have the internet, we’ll keep it working and we have learned how to use it. Apart from two fools who were trying to recruit me for the war in Bosnia when that was happening, I have never met people who prefer war and crisis over peaceful existence. There is no reason to assume we will turn against each other without being egged on by our former betters. Of course, negative behaviour will need to be dealt with at the lowest level possible. Family and friends to the rescue. We must grow up and become serious beings, if we want to survive. It’s going to be tough, but it can be done. It’s the only way. We can’t sink much deeper than we already have. There is no future left, other than a bright future. We have let it come to this and now we must shine.
There’s much more to say, but that is for later.
I’m not a utopia-builder: Redistribute the stolen assets. You and I will not decide how others are to live.
Things will change the way they always have, when people stop participating in a belief system. Provoking people to retaliate only plays into the states hand and brings in more legislation that hampers revolt.
Steph, it’s not retaliation to redistribute stolen wealth. It’s justice and the means to guarantee rights. The person w no independent means of survival cannot champion his own rights or those of others. The smallholder can thumb his nose at authority– at least until there’s another election cycle.
It’s paramount that we should have paper ballots counted publicly at the polling place.
We cannot possibly be free while they own everything and thus control indirectly most of the econ activity & jobs. It’s ridiculous to imagine we can be free while leaving them in control of everything they’ve stolen.
The week the bulldog takes the throne:
Via Uncensored Wisdom
A significant message by Christian Blanchon, General of the French army.
“Even though I was fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I’ve ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People who have been capable of such personality, such courage, and such critical capacity undoubtedly embodies the best of humanity. It can be found everywhere, in all ages, educational levels, countries and opinions. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wishes to have in its ranks. They are the parents every child wishes to have and the children every parent dreams of having. They are above average beings of their societies, they are the essence of the peoples who built all cultures and conquered horizons. They’re right there, by your side, they look normal, but they’re superheroes.
They did what others couldn’t, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were alone. Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they’ve never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, their careers went dark, they ran out of money… but they didn’t care though.
They have suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation… but they kept on going. Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, we now know who the resistors on Planet Earth are. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, all races and religions, the unvaccinated, the elect of the invisible ark, the only ones who stood when it all was falling apart.
It’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the bravest Marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and geniuses couldn’t overcome. You are made of the fabric of the greatest that ever lived, these heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark.”
And a special toast to all here who have similarly resisted The Great Retardation.
Perhaps some of it is due to sheer luck in having got into decent company when we were younger – I certainly see no reason to gloat – but making the decision to stay on the right course when 99% of the world has chosen the opposite course is no small thing.
Something which has been alluded to often enough, at OffG – as well as in many different arenas … “If you ever wondered what you would have done during the NAZI indoctrination or take-over as it were – well now you know” or words to the effect. Quite a confronting thought …
Government bureaucracies are really not that different, just without the gratuitous violence.
Jordan Peterson said that this very question of, “what would I have done?” burned his consciousness at the beginning of his career, and got him started with looking more deeply into very uncomfortable human issues.
This week in the NN should telegraph to us all, that it is getting too ‘close-to-midnight’ and the swamp-creatures have not been made to account for their blatant Satanic take-over, that is, despite ‘them’ having trashed most of the international ‘legalities’. In my neck-of-the-woods, in a sane democracy, most of the politicians would really be in jail for treasonous nonsense they subjected the population to. They really cannot, or have not, provided one shred of evidence to justify what they have done to our society, over the past 2+ years. They cannot provide a live specimen of the actual ‘hob-goblin’ …
It does hark back to the eternal question though, why did fools rush in where angels feared to tread. Albeit, I need to hasten that one must discount, entirely even the remotest chance that this could imply that gates, boula, schwab, fauci and the demonics could be angels. Haahhh! Haaah! Rather, they’re as cunning as shit-house rats, with gold teeth.
There’s been no shortage of establishment violence during their “emergency”.
In the U.K. there’s just 134000 police who are personally responsible for keeping the tyranny in place.
we know where they live, lol
Covid was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It was a wake-up call that I was doing something very wrong, simply by going along with a society that is sick. Unfortunately our society is a closed warden, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest style, and it’s hard to maybe even impossible to get out of that warden. I am no longer a patient, but a detainee. But a detainee has rights and can create ways to make life at least a little less doped-up. The nurse Ratchet types (experts) are still in the building. But given that their vaxxed and all and have to live in the cold with b product food, the nurse Ratchet types may also come to the conclusion that they’re living in a crazy environment. One either has to wait for that moment, or maybe catalyze that moment by instilling some sense in nurse Ratchets (dangerous as the book/movie shows) . An alternative is that one find ways to escape the system either by being forgotten by the nurse Ratchets (do something with which you can make a living that the system does not care about), or escape the system by… I don’t know, win the lottery?
Yeah, winning the lottery would be good. I’m ever hopeful even though I know that it’s so utterly pathetic to think like that.
brilliant!! hahaha
Actually I’m not entirely sure we can trust the source of this quote as being General Blanchon, however, regardless of who said it – if anyone, perhaps it’s just completely “made up” as it were – it still applies, no? In my own case no courage required, I suffered no consequences jobwise or otherwise not getting the jab and not getting the jab made no difference in terms of alienation from friends and family as I was already alienated by saying there was no virus … but for others courage to lose your job or whatever ill consequences, good on you!
There’s a payoff though even if you lost your job, your house, whatever. In a phone conversation with my 82 year-old aunt quite a few months ago she told me how she wasn’t going to accept visits from unjabbed grandchildren as she couldn’t take the risk. Four shots later (and no doubt the flu shot too), she’s suffering from PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica) for which she has to take heavy-duty cortisone, Prednisone, and heavy-duty painkiller, Tramadol. So sad. She’s already dealing with a few health issues … and this is just another quite obviously severe one that would never have happened if only she’d listened to her grandchildren! And she’s not so blind she doesn’t recognise the PMR being caused by the jab, she knows – too late though.
Here’s the latest from Principia Scientifica International, 16 Sep 2022, quoting:
“79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcom Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live. Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the “controlled demolition” of World Trade Center 7, the third building that was destroyed on 9/11″.
Mr Howard, a native of New Jersey, was also a trained civil engineer, a CIA explosives expert and had a background in the demolition business. He claimed to have worked on the CIA operation dubbed “New Century” along with 4 other operatives between May 1997 and September 2001 to ensure that the demolition of WTC7 (a building rented by the CIA!) was successful. Apparently, World Trade Center 7 operation was unique among his demolitions and was a controlled demolition job using nanothermite explosives which “hollowed out the building, destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell”.
Satan’s little helper the BBC, botched their report and “announced to the world that the building [WTC7] collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… He said “At that point we really thought the gig was up.”
Cutting the story short, Mr. Howard and his colleagues feared the public would see through the official narrative and rise up against the government, demanding to be told the truth. (Does this story sound familiar in comparison to what’s gone on with the present fraud and deception regarding the Convid and vaccine scams?)
However, he stated that “nobody questioned anything. The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told.” He also claims that he has “no direct knowledge” about the destruction of North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, explaining that “CIA operations are very specific” and that it is common to be working on a larger project while only understanding a small piece of the puzzle. But when you want to find out who is behind something just follow the money!
This man should be appearing before a televised Senate committee.
There is no such thing as an ex-CIA agent, OK? Not a thing, especially in the world of 9/11.
The destruction of WTC-7 is clearly a perfect implosion using the typical method of cutting the support columns with those at the centre cut first (we see the dip in the centre first) so the building goes in on itself on its own footprint as much as possible.
Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor asks the question of David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
How do we explain Brian’s highly-incriminating use of the demolition-industry term “to go in” and David Restuccio mentioning “would be taken down”?
How do we explain that?
They were scripted.
Question: Why were they scripted and why were they scripted as they were?
Answer: A confluence of reasons:
1) The perps always TELL us what they’re up to underneath the propaganda, it’s their rule
2) They need to be scripted because 9/11 is a highly-controlled narrative and they couldn’t just let media personnel on the loose to say whatever they wanted. If they had them scripted to speak of fire, that would make the anticipated disbelievers of the nonsense narrative suspicious that Brian and David were in on the demolition as fire so very obviously didn’t bring the building down and that would puzzle the disbelievers: Brian Williams and David Restuccio in on the murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens? Really?
3) they don’t have to worry about the believers or the disbelievers puzzling over Brian’s obvious scripting as they simply don’t pick it up … even when it’s spelt out to them. I’ve repeated over and over and over and over this dialogue and made the point that it is scripted and yet no one runs with it. No one else refers to it, no one acknowledges it, I just bleat and bleat and bleat and bleat … to the wind.
4) See my latest post for the fourth reason.
True, but it doesn’t mean that all who are designated as ex-CIA agents are really “ex”, but some are due to serious health circumstances, or the agency has decided that there is no further use of whatever knowledge and skills they have acquired during their employment and position within the agency and are not worth recalling. Most normally retire at 60 or 62 and no longer “officially” work for the agency and are designated “ex-CIA” insofar as the public are concerned.
CO, thanks for posting this. There’s considerable documentation that thermite was the explosive demolition agent. Something malfunctioned w bldg 7; Was it s’posed to go down w one of the others as collateral damage? Anyway I guess it took them awhile to rewire whatever explosives failed to detonate initially. Was that what Mr. Howard indicated, or didn’t he address the matter of the delayed implosion?
Penelope, How is 9/11 a psyop?
Let me count the ways.
If we work out that the planes were faked (which they were, of course) then we don’t need to spend a second on the buildings, do we? – obviously they must have come down by a controlled means – it doesn’t work the other way though – demolition doesn’t automatically mean faked planes. But where is most of the attention? On the buildings and on how they came down – how they came down, how they came down, how they came down.
There’s no confusing destructions by fire and controlled demolition, none at all, it’s only the power of propaganda that makes anyone think that WTC-7 came down by fire, they didn’t even bother to attempt disguise with a lick of flame – not a single lick. So we shouldn’t be spending so very much time trying to prove the bleeding obvious.
Why is it that they did not bother even attempting to disguise its collapse by a lick of flame? In fact, why did they even bring that building down on 9/11 when they didn’t have to? WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6 all came down later, why showcase WTC-7’s collapse on 9/11 in such an incriminating fashion – regardless of whether it housed the operations, regardless of anything it contained it didn’t have to come down on 9/11. Its destruction and the showcasing of its destruction on 9/11 was very, very deliberate.
The same reason they had Brian Williams’ ask, in highly incriminating fashion, if No 7 just went in … and the same reason they had the flight instructor of Hani Hanjour, the Top Gun terrorist at the Pentagon, tell us he cried when he was asked to attempt steep turns and stalls.
Because they can get away with absolutely anything, there is no limit to the elasticity of the Emperor’s New Clothes when those in power tell us something “big” so they have fun with it and they also rely on that phenomenon to push out eye-watering truths targeted to the anticipated disbelievers of their story knowing they’re safe from the majority recognising that truth in order to manipulate our thinking too, in order to misdirect us away from the most important truth of 9/11.
The question no one asks and which I didn’t ask myself until 5 minutes ago is:
When the whole of the WTC was a complete and utter mess after the destruction of WTCs 1 and 2, how come no one died in WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6?
Do you believe this story about survivors of the damage to WTC-3 (the Marriott Hotel)? – God they take the piss man.
In terms of psyoppery 9/11 was the psyop to beat all psyops.
Another question no one pays much attention to but is so very important:
Who brought the buildings down? … and I’m tellin’ ya it wasn’t a bunch of Dancing Israelis.
Damn, damn, damn. I see in that article, they have reported deaths in those other buildings. Supposedly, 50 people died in the Marriott Hotel. Damn.
That this is fake should be completely obvious. As with the “bio weapon” story, it only superficially appears to support the skeptic position while actually reinforcing the official narrative.
Office fires did not “tear through the building and hollow it out” as this entity claims. That is the official narrative. The building imploded at free fall and the relatively small fires had nothing to do with it.
This entity merely adds the “nanothermite” line to try to bewilder people into not seeing he is actually claiming fire brought down WTC7.
Wow! Never thought of that, I knew it was propaganda but I thought it was just some kind of distraction propaganda.
You don’t know that it is propaganda for sure Petra. Even if we assume the worst-case scenario that it is nothing but propaganda because it walks like a duck, it will always contain some element of truth with respect to its information and disinformation content, so you can easily get hold of the wrong end of the stick and condemn the whole thing because of the choice of words used in an article.
Hi Sophie,
Sometimes I wonder about your critical comments, but not all of them.
However, let’s cut to the chase on this particular issue, which may turn out to be fake but probably is more likely turn out to be true in my opinion. I don’t really know that for sure and neither do you, either way!
This “entity” as you call him (Mr Malcolm Howard) I don’t believe is guilty of what you accused him of – here’s the quote in full, extracted from the original article which I shortened in my post, he’s not claiming that the fire itself actually brought down the building:
Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was “loaded with explosives in strategic places” in the month leading up to the day that changed the course of American history. On September 11th, while the North and South towers burned, fuses were ignited in World Trade Center 7, and nanothermite explosions hollowed out the building, destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell. [emphasis mine]
It was mainly the nanothermite explosions that hollowed out the building first then the fires took over and ‘hollowed out’ the rest – it’s just the expression used. To me that’s as plain as daylight!
Even Wiki acknowledges the fact of nanothermite quoting:
Nano-thermite or super-thermite is a metastable intermolecular composite (MIC) characterized by a particle size of its main constituents, a metal and a metal oxide, under 100 nanometers. This allows for high and customizable reaction rates. Nano-thermites contain an oxidizer and a reducing agent, which are intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. MICs, including nano-thermitic materials, are a type of reactive materials investigated for military use, as well as for general applications involving propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics.
Nothing mystical about it to bamboozle the public!
Once the steel supports were removed I guess the fire did ‘tear through the rest of the building hollowing it out like a shell’…. for a little over 9 seconds.
Dropping at near free fall all the while. 😅
A bit like saying the explosion at Hiroshima greatly reduced the mortality of the residents there, allowing old age to tear through them and kill them almost instantly.
It feels like good storytelling, like creative writing rather than a factually meaningful statement.
If intended earnestly I think it’s an unfortunate choice of words by the author.
I agree A2, “an unfortunate choice of words by the author”, but that does not necessarily refute the use of nanothermite (cutter charges) in causing the explosions and collapse which would also cause the short-lived fires that you mention during freefall. However, I do appreciate your point, on the choice of words that were used, after all the guy was 79 years old!. 😄
Just to be clear on my point of view, I think there is ample evidence that some sort of highly energetic material was involved in the collapse of the towers, like thermite, which severed the supporting steel structure and brought all three towers down in a timed, controlled demolition.
I agree it is unfortunate the author chose those words, as it reads like a fudge since the official narrative demands that ‘fires’ caused the collapse.
Many feel there is ample evidence that no high rise can be brought down in such a controlled manner, if at all, by jet fuel/office furniture fires alone. Especially not emanating from the 93rd/77th floors!
A2, thanks for the clarification of your position. I don’t know whether you noticed but, in the quote, I gave to Sophie from the article it stated that:
Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was “loaded with explosives in strategic places”.
Explosives in the plural, which could also include explosives other than nanothermite were used in the demolition. I do not really know but it’s a possibility – they could also cause fire.
Nanothermite is also known to act as an incendiary if mixed with other substances such as sulphur and drives fires, it is also possible for it to be a cause of fires before the main charges were detonated. That is, via the detonation of smaller placed charges and the building eventually started to collapse when all the cutter charges were detonated on each floor involved.
For all its worth, these are only a few speculative suggestions and possibilities, and there may be a host of other factors involved that may include staged fires either before or at the same time as the WTC7 Tower collapsed.
As Niels Harrit says, all you need is your eyes to know something isn’t right about the collapse of the three WTC towers, caused by two airliners. In terms of arguing that point, that’s all you really need.
No need to do more work, just hold that position. A2
Bang on A2, no pun intended. Don’t forget the one about the “official” version of finding of Mohammed Atta’s passport in all that rubble! 🙄
destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building
A small problem with this explanation: It does nnot explain the quick (definite) start and smooth (steady) collapse.
So what’s your explanation mgeo, as Mr Howard was only focusing on the nanothermite charges in the article that caused the explosions and presumably the short-lived office fires as the building collapsed?
The cutter charges that were probably used would explain the “smooth” freefall and short-lived fires. But I don’t know for sure.
Charlie told himself, he confessed before the end of the world (the previous, one in 2012, not now on 24th), with who has a blood relationship.
As I searched with the keyword “Vlad”, it turned out that two years later he met an even more terrible Vlad.
And the finger of fate

But he bravely defended the family honor and returned the gesture… by fixing Jacob’s tie.

Why do these old geezers live so long? It MUST be the adrenochrome.
Call that livin’ … ?
I certainly don’t envy them. For many reasons.
Even here there is a nice recent article, about the cool cannibals that describes well what is done (and given that this is the visible side). Maybe – and taking into account other things that, for a number of reasons, wouldn’t make it into such an article – we can guess what’s really going on and how diabolical it is.
Chucky the Turd and his greedy mentor.
The man in the first picture really needed to have his hand very smartly slapped.
I’ll bet that would have caused a ruckus somewhere among the very, very elite…
Maybe to hit Evelyn de Rothschild’s hand, you either have to be above him, or you have to be very brave and have a reason to do it, but I don’t see Charlie being either.
And we’ve seen some ostentatious Rothschild slaps from eastern countries lately, and even more recently-breakups with WEF. But, for many of us, looking at the picture, these “hand strikes” did not convince us at all. It was a bit like American Wrestling, where the wrestlers had no problem drinking together backstage. So even a slap on the arm is not enough in itself sometimes; but it indicates some rank.