Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition
Colin Todhunter

In recent years, governments have been demonstrating their subservience to their billionaire masters in Big Finance, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, BlackRock and the entire gamut of forces in the military-financial-industrial complex behind the ‘Great Reset’, ‘New Normal’ or whichever other benign-sounding term is used to disguise the crisis and current restructuring of capitalism and the brutal impacts on ordinary people.
In late 2019 and early 2020 (due to collapsing financial markets immediately prior to COVID) and during COVID (via COVID-relief packages), trillions of dollars were handed over to elite interests while lockdowns and restrictions were imposed on ordinary people and small businesses. The winners were the likes of Amazon, Big Pharma and the tech giants. The losers were small enterprises and the bulk of the population, deprived of their right to work and the entire panoply of civil rights their ancestors struggled for.
In August 2020, a report by the International Labour Organization stated that COVID policies had severely disrupted economies across the world with estimated losses of working hours equivalent to nearly 400 million full-time jobs in the second quarter of 2020.
The restrictions and closure of the global economy impacted the most vulnerable – the 1.6 billion informal (low-income) economy workers, representing half the global workforce.
In India, lockdown pushed around 230 million into poverty. A May 2021 report by Azim Premji University highlights how – to survive lockdown – the poorest 25% of households borrowed 3.8 times their median income, as against 1.4 times for the top 25%.
Meanwhile, the rich were well taken care of.
According to Left Voice:
The Modi government has handled the pandemic by prioritising the profits of big business and protecting the fortunes of billionaires over protecting the lives and livelihoods of workers.”
But this approach was not limited to India. Between April and July 2020, the total wealth held by billionaires around the world grew from by 25% to $10+ trillion.
Due to financial COVID ‘relief packages’, governments are now under the thumb of global creditors and the post-COVID era is seeing massive austerity measures due to strings-attached loans, especially in Africa and the Global South. This was the inevitable consequence of closing down the world economy. Something that was known beforehand and devised to benefit hegemonic interests and their geopolitical goals.
What we are witnessing is an economic reset – which policies carried out under the guise of preventing COVID helped set in motion. This reset includes energy and food ‘transitions’ and is tied to a ‘green’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda and emerging green bond financial markets that will be highly profitable for banks and investors.
Moreover, current sanctions placed on Russia are helping to disrupt food and energy markets thereby accelerating the planned changes.
As part of the ‘food transition’, we hear much talk of ‘precision’ agriculture driven by AI and cloud technology. Farmerless farms and driverless machines are to become the norm.
This transition involves commodity crops – patented, genetically engineered seeds doused with chemicals – cultivated for ‘biomatter’, manipulated by biotech companies and constituted in giant vats into something resembling food.
This is part of the brave new world being promoted by the self-labelled ‘visionaries’ associated with the World Economic Forum – an Orwellian future where capitalist ‘liberal democracy’ has run its course.
To sell this to people, ‘smart’ is key to the sales pitch – smart cities, smart interconnectivity, smart agriculture and so on. A ‘smart’ digital world encompassing almost everything, not least ‘precision’ surveillance of the population – its behaviour, its dissent or conformity, its digital money and its purchasing.
Integral to this is the financialisation of nature and an ESG agenda linked to the ‘green profiling’ of nations, companies and individuals and their carbon footprint. A green imperialism (no doubt forced through on the back of debt-related conditionalities) to ensure countries (and people) comply with sustainability/net-zero goals that are used to facilitate highly profitable technologies and fresh business models.
For instance, how could countries demonstrate their ESG ‘green’ credentials while maintaining their international credit ratings? Perhaps by allowing herbicide-resistant GMO commodity crop monocultures that the strategically influential GM industry and its lobbyists misleadingly portray as ‘climate friendly’.
Or maybe by displacing indigenous peoples and using their lands and forests under the guise of ‘carbon sinks’ for global corporations to ‘offset’ their pollution and claim ‘net-zero’ status.
With this in mind, let us turn to the current farmer protest in the Netherlands, where there is a plan to remove farmers from the land, using concerns over the environment as justification.
On one hand, there is the official government narrative that this ‘transition’ is needed to reduce animal-based agriculture and the meat industry’s dangerous emissions. This is where the ‘food transition’ comes in: ‘precision’ agriculture, fewer farmers and fake-meat made in a lab – sold as climate-friendly which is anything but, given that it will rely on intensive commodity cropping and long-line supply chains for biomatter.
On the other hand, however, the Dutch government’s official narrative of reducing nitrogen and ammonia emissions by transforming farming can easily be used as cover for a standard ‘land grab’ to line the pockets of property developers and investors as part of the vision for a mega ‘tristate’ city – mentioned in the 2017 article Dutch investors launch new marketing programme for NL: Tristate City.
Dutch campaigner Willem Engel is reported on the Rio Times website as saying that, under the guise of climate protection, the way to get there seems to be through forced expropriation. He claims that the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate about a third of its farms for environmental reasons.
Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.
Engel says that the so-called ‘nitrogen crisis’ is fictional, a purely political issue to reshape the country’s landscape. He argues that the largest nitrogen emissions are not caused by agriculture but by industry.
This is not to imply that the Netherlands is to become a country totally buried under concrete. But much farmland is strategically important to industry and housing. The tristate concept is based on a giant unified ‘green’ urban region ‘smart’ enough to compete with the massive metropolises we see in Asia, not least in China.
Of course, the food transition and the tristate concept are not mutually exclusive and can both be regarded as integral to the overall ‘sustainability’ agenda. Either way, the type of corporate environmentalism, economic reset and corporate-led ‘food transition’ currently being promoted globally has little to do with protecting the environment. It is a financially lucrative agenda that has co-opted the terms and concerns of genuine environmentalists.
That much has been made clear by investigative journalist Corey Morningstar who has described the nature of and links between the corporate-billionaire interests driving this process in her revealing multi-part article ‘The Manufacture of Greta Thunberg’.
In finishing, let’s turn to the official tristate city website where it states:
“Dit model heeft geen enkele relatie met het stikstofbeleid van de Nederlandse overheid!”
“This model has no relation to the nitrogen policy of the Dutch government!”
And lab-made pigs might one day fly.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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from alt NL of 06 July
“Are farmers’ protests led by the government?
More and more people are starting to question the progress of the farmers’ protests.
It seems that exactly what the government wants is happening, and that this is all part of a planned operation.
Life is never black and white, so it’s hard to talk about farmers in general. Among farmers there are countless differences and also countless different groups.
In general, farmers are victims of our WEF’s government’s policy of tearing down, and in general, farmers want to do something about it.
Now it seems that there are certain groups or elements active within the entire group of farmers who want to promote that farmers take to the streets en masse with tractors in order to then block distribution centers and whether or not to enter into confrontations with the police, this is already happening through the so-called Romeo’s.
And now also by agents who shoot at farmers without necessity.
Confrontations are therefore inevitable, with which MSM can blame farmers, and public opinion is slowly but surely turning against farmers. Meanwhile, in Frisia, there is already talk of a total war. As you can hear in this video about 1 minute 1:
“It’s going to be a war, and it’s a big difference from the battle, a big difference.”
Readers are also suspicious of what’s going on, such as this:
“Everything’s not right here. Are these protests not organized, with a number of real farmers joining in, of course, but where the fake/Romeos start to rebel and discredit the farmers, so that empty shelves in shops and blocked roads diminish people’s sympathy?”
These are just thoughts fueled by what we saw at the corona demonstrations.
This does not change the fact that real farmers are terribly detained and have every right and reason to protest.
Another reader writes to us.:
“I think farmers have the same deal with the government as restaurants/small traders. Why would they block the distribution centers?.. this would encourage people to say: we need to organize food centrally, it is too vulnerable in this way. I’m starting to feel itchy again.”
Another colleague of ours, who also believes that a game is being played here, writes the following, by the way:
“I don’t know if you can see it, but I just watched a live broadcast of Blckbx.tv because it’s so interesting to me how the PowNed on these kinds of psychic events is replaced by a more serious controlled opposition and just to see how angry these farmers are.
What stands out then? A lot of young farmers. So many that you’d almost think they were the age you’d normally join the army.
Would that explain why today’s poll already has nearly 1,400 votes in just a few hours, and that 70% believe that farmers are in fact hired rebels (soldiers in civilian clothes?), which run on state-purchased tractors.”
With all this, of course, the BBB party is hell bent on catching disgruntled farmers in order to push them in a certain direction in the long run. In a way that can not interfere with the government.”
You can bet the farmers are infiltrated. Let’s just hope they learn fast and deal with it. We’re all going to have to: the endgame is hotting up. No one here gets out alive.
05 July
“You have a government that kills farmers, now followed by a second government that does it again. It is the Politburo in Brussels, also known as the European Commission, and increasingly makes decisions about our daily lives. They also target Dutch farmers.
“In the midst of the nitrogen crisis, New disaster threatens Dutch farmers. According to sources in The Hague, the European Commission may make a verdict on our fertilizer policy this week. That doesn’t look good, insiders say.
Our country is in danger of losing the so-called manure derogation, which means that less manure can be driven out immediately. This leads to sky-high bills for livestock farmers who then have to have their manure disposed of. Another option is that they put the knife in their livestock. In politics, The Hague holds its breath for the Brussels decision. The peasant protests are already fierce.”
So, the farmers have to pay a lot of money to drain their manure and then they have to buy expensive fertilizer.
As we already know, fertilizer factories are closing everywhere due to high energy costs, and Russia, the country that can supply enough fertilizer, is “under sanctions”. This means either clockwise or counterclockwise less food production.
Then even now you have people who believe that all this is based on a coincidence of circumstances. Two governments that are independently determined to destroy our farmers. Of these two governments, the second is not at all elected by the people, but they may decide that they can destroy the same people.
There are also those who believe that the following message is based on mere coincidence.
“Registration number is now mandatory for agricultural vehicles”
Now we’re in an all-or-nothing battle. The psychopaths in charge have been told by Davos not to give up.
What they’re going to focus on is creating all kinds of emergency ordinances. For example, vital places will soon fall under an emergency order from the local mayor and police, and perhaps the army could be deployed to arrest and remove demonstrators.
If you see that there is a well-thought-out operation that has been prepared for a long time to kill the farmers and thus (not)directly affect the food supply, then you know that they also thought for a long time that the farmers would protest en masse.
The entire infrastructure to deal with this problem is already in place. They expected it and are ready.
Therefore, it would be very nice for the citizens of the Netherlands to put their heads together and give an idea to do something they did not think of.
Because nothing upsets psychopaths more than things they didn’t foresee.
So, think deeply about everyone. What can farmers and sympathizers do that is no longer calculated?
They were waiting for tractors. There’s nothing better to catch these protesters than a license plate.
So think unorthodox, and then a lot of interesting options will emerge.”
Here are some little things, excerpts from articles from some Dutch alternative media I’ve read, about the farmers drama there.
From: “Farmers are treated like new unvaccinated people.”
The average citizen has a big problem in this country because what he or she sees and feels turns out to be directly contrary to what the MSM writes. He sympathizes with the struggle of the farmers, and therefore we are glad to support them in their hard fight against the lackeys of the WEF who pose for our government.
However, if the same citizen then looks at the MSM, a completely different picture emerges. Then you see the headings of these:
“Response to farmers ‘protest ‘the farmers have lost my support and I fear from many’”
“Sons are stuck by peasant blockade while father is dying in hospital”
Almost everything that happens in the future will be the fault of the farmers.
“Man (23) drives tractor into police on A 37, dozens of people prevent arrest
ATTEMPTED MANSLAUGHTER. A 23-year-old man from Hoogeveen is suspected of attempted murder after he drove a tractor into a police car on Wednesday evening. This happened during a blockade of the A37, the police reported on Thursday. Around the arrest, according to the police, a threatening situation arose.”
You can see the real story in the next picture.
“He was just zigzagging through it.”
Police actions are always neatly out of the picture.
“Hit someone with a stun gun in the car. Wow heroes. He was obedient and vigilant”
In short, there is a media circus going on for farmers. They will not stop there, and therefore you should not be surprised if today or tomorrow a horrifying story emerges in the MSM in which one or more farmers play a negative leading role. A kind of false flag attack in which farmers are so badly represented that, in cooperation with media propaganda, the average citizen gradually becomes convinced that it may be good for farmers to disappear.
More professional groups such as truck drivers and dockworkers are likely to support farmers.
Gin is out of the bottle, so it’s important not to fall into a trap set by the government.”
The WEF want big business to own all the land- they will not stop until they achieve this aim
Good article.
Members of Dutch Cabinet walk out…!
“Cult-owned, WEF-owned fascist Dutch cabinet walks out en mass[e] when confronted with their connections” (video: 1.59 mins), at:
Fantastic stuff!
If they are truly trained to not engage that is a very powerful weapon in our arsenal.
Unfortunately Baudet’s fixation with “Marxism” permits the entire episode to be dismissed as a provocation of the “Far Right”:
Way to go David icky website it wont allowed vpn so much for freedom of speech,.WTF!!
Our system thinks you might be a robot!We’re really sorry about this, but it’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between humans and bots these days.
Please complete the captcha below to prove you’re a human and proceed to the page you’re trying to reach.
Keep eating the junk:
Pepe Escobar on The Real Agenda for Africa:
“EU with only 10 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 25 percent of global emissions, and Africa with 20 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 3 percent of emissions..”The EU Parliament, moreover, is a staunch puppet of the bio-fuel lobby. It has refused to amend a law that would have stopped the use of food crops for fuel production”.
Nearly half (40%) of the corn harvest goes straight to industrial fermentation tanks to make ethanol for “bio-fuel” The aptly named oil tycoon, George “Shrub” Bush declared that “bio-fuel” was the “Green Revolution”.
According to Russian sources (see my post in Last Week’ New Normal) only 4% of this season’s Ukraine’s corn was released as food for Africa. The rest went to the EU as “non-food corn”. As usual, EU hypocrites wept crocodile tears for Africa but made sure to that a major portion of Ukraine corn was released to the EU to make ethanol to run motor cars. As usual.
As usual Collin castigates India while conveniently forgetting about the other Asian giant China. This time it is the damage caused by Covid lockdowns. He manages to avoid the damage in China, quite a feat.
As for farmers resistance, the Dutch and Indians made massive rallies: for China….crickets chirping only – nothing – not allowed, not reported there nor here. Chinese farmers must be one happy bunch in Indiahunter‘s mind. Lab-made pigs: there China FAR outpaces India, but silence here again.
I agree. The Chinese angle is always ignored.
There may be the case that a writer does not have much information about what is happening in China because so little comes out of there, but then that fact must be boldly acknowledged.
The impact Chinese actions must be attempted by such writers at least one in a while. If they all continuously ignore it then it leads to a strong doubt in our minds whether they are indirectly benefitting financially or otherwise.
Most news agencies around the world have been reporting about continuous lockdowns in some city of China or other. But zero reporting on what exactly is happening in those cities.
We need to get a sense of what is exactly happening there. We need to know whether there was mass, forced vaccinations by Chinese authorities on the local population.
There have been no lockdowns in India in the last one year. The earlier ones did have devastation effect but the reporting of that was widespread.
Information about what is happening in India is not kept under wraps. I am from India and can access OffG sites and similar others and freely give my comments and share news about India.
Has a single Chinese resident commented in OffG or similar sites?
The whole situation of China, and to an extent even Russia, is so filled with opaquness that it bewilders the mind.
In all the talk about reducing meat eating, I’ve yet to hear anyone ask “What becomes of the animals?” There are millions, if not billions, of animals awaiting execution. What would a reprieve mean to and for them?
And would a reprieve really be a reprieve? or simply an even more heinous death than being slaughtered for food?
The documentary “Planet of the Humans” makes the point that burning fat is one of the new-fangled “green” methods of obtaining energy. There are already massive generators which run on animal fat.
And massive industrial grinders for turning animals “green.”
Thanks but no thanks. Bad as it is, I’d sooner eat animals than drop them into grinders for their fat content.
strangely enough quite a few humans have lived off both wild and herded meat for quite a long time; we have entire cultures based around e.g. cattle. rightly or wrongly :/ rifles and anglos changed that.
there is everything wrong with industrial slaughter,
but only your own personal conscience when they are your own beasts and they need a smash to the heid for a full plate.
there it is.
otherwise go veggie.
the livestock murder we see currently is just part of Their harvest.
poor animals.
They’re at it again…..
“Covid cases are shooting up again after a six-week decline with the return to school and cooler weather helping to spread the virus.
Daily symptomatic infections have increased by 42 per cent in three weeks, rising from 101,600 on August 27th – their lowest level this year – to 144,813 on Monday, according to the ZOE Covid study”
Any politician going along with this bullshit needs to be removed from office.
I will restate what I said and thought from day 1 of the non existent covid, no test no disease its so simple but still the morons get tested for a runny nose. WTF?
An excellent article that perfectly describes some of the most pressing problems of our time.
What we are seeing is the NWO cartel setting up for business. They can, and will, and do, make a business from anything. And i mean anything.
Dutch Farmers are to the “Climate Emergency” handlers the same as the unjabbed were to OPERATION COVIDIUS…
In short the majority of the herds of MMS/3i’s won’t do anything to defend them or join the resistance.
A few more dots..
If the Dutch farmers ‘gifted’ all their land to small holders, and in a coordinated effort diversified the land in small parcels far too numerous for the globalists to deal with or to fathom, their plans would be thwarted, the people would rise, and we’d all be eating organic food in a peaceful world – in theory. Worth putting it to the test. Any large farms out there willing to have a go…? What’s there to lose?
Great idea..
Aren’t the governments curtailing mainly the factory farming of animals? Meat production on such massive scales as in the west is never going to be sustainable, environmentally friendly, let alone humane.
Meat production is not about parcels of land, it’s about mega structures in which animals are trapped until it’s time for their mass slaughter. No parcels of land to be handed out to small time farmers.
Your idea would work for crop farming though.
You seem to know little about farming. Small scale organic animal husbandry is being practiced all over the world. In fact it’s an essential part of organic crop-growing as without animal waste there is no organic fertilizer is there.
And no, the anti-meat agenda is focused most on small scale organic producers. George Monbiot and other shills specifically claim organic farming is worse for the planet than massive industrial monocultures, which very much exposes their real agenda.
small scale farming produces almost zero waste, i know because thats what ive done since 1998.
small scale farming works around a viable self perpetuating system ( i was tempted to write “sustainable”, but i like my breakfast where i put it)
virtually nothing goes to waste, there is time (almost) for everything to go to a usefull place, goose down for pillows!
connection and relationship with animals and plants is in the main symbiotic.
when you sit down to a meal, cooked using heat from the wood in your hedges, plates washed and spuds boiled with your own bore hole water, your space lit by electric light generated from your own solar, meat reared and killed by own hand, veggies grown with the aid of shit produced by said animals and washed down with your own cider or wine….. then you take a deep sigh and realise that when the shit hits the fan youll last a week as the hungry hordes pull apart your lifes work in a few hours
for too many years ive tried to encourage folk to make the bold step toward living like this, for most it is just too much like hard work and has precious few of the luxuries they have been taught to need:
“spare” time
digital entertainment
extra mural activity (cinema, pubs, restaurants)
travel, holidays
some would say a “life”, thats debateable
the majority of “mainstream” farmers i know come from a similar focussed background, the illusion of “success” has driven all of them into huge debt, that and the shiny green paint on those fancy john deere trackers
in the uk anyways, there is but diddly squit the “authorities” can do if you save your pennies, buy a couple of acres and get to work, its all hot air, all thats missing is the drive and comittment and a healthy respect for being muddy and cold…
Admittedly land prices are pretty stupid, a far cry from the £6.5k for 2.5 acres i once paid, but where theres a will theres a way
heres a usefull link outlining some of the “tricks”
Cheers for your comment and link and wish you continuing success with your smallholding. Have you read this pamphlet by Lasse Nordlund in Finland, who also practises self-sufficiency, give or take 50€ a year : http://www.ymparistojakehitys.fi/susopapers/Lasse_Nordlund_Foundations_of_Our_Life.pdf
many thanks, reaching true autonomy is the real goal, though something along the lines of the Waltons X Mad Max is nearer the mark ;0)
cider pressing tomorrow, exciting times!
How does anyone become self sufficient living in, lets say, a tower block let alone a city? Its pure fantasy and that is how the system has been designed.
your comment assumes that we have no choice? when faced with the realities of shitty employment, paying shitty rent to shitty landlords when i was 19 yrs old, i bought an old lorry and moved out to a layby deep in the sticks, as ive said before a few times if a twat like me who started with a £1500 truck fitted with a woodstove can do it then so can anyone.
for sure, its how the system is designed, but do you have to follow the plan???
Very inspiring.
I’ve actually lived on a farm for 7 months. Dairy cows. I’ve seen the brutality of it all.
But that pales by comparison with, for example, the US mega factory meat farms where animals never see the light of day, except through the slats of the truck trailers that drive them to their horrible death.
MOST meat – chicken, pork, beef, etc – in western countries is produced in mega sheds where animals are trapped until their trip to the killing sheds.
While animal husbandry waste is often an economical, effective and efficient way of growing crops, it is certainly not the only organic fertilizer. First you can look up the OMRi list of organic soil amendments and see that manure is just one of hundreds listed. And this is just a partial list of what can be used in organic farming, many companies do not list there allowed NOP soil amendments with OMRI, and from your land can come amendments too.
Let me list just a few farmer friends who grow organically without the use of animal husbandry waste. One uses only straw mulch, she does not till the soil. In some of her old beds you can stick your hand straight down to your armpit in her soil. Pretty lush. Another friend who lives near her incorporates mushroom cultivation and the use of neutral ph brush chips as well as the straw mulch.
Where I use to live many alfalfa farms would just rotate there fields with cereal or other crops. Some other friends merely only grow cover crops but intermix fruit trees as well. They use no soil amendments at all. The productivity of their farms is amazing. And the flavor of their produce top notch. Everything is dry farmed, grown without irrigation.
I lived also in a marijuana growing region and new many marijuana growers who preferred compost teas, seaweeds, fish emulsion, all sorts of stuff over animal manure. Why there plants grew better and they could afford it.
Also in places like Hawaii if you don’t like to tend farm animals, manure is typically too expensive. And where it rains a lot manure leaches out of the soil fairly rapidly. Farmers there incorporate a lot of different methods, mulches, coconut shells, etc. Many are into Korean Natural Farming. See this https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/SA-19.pdf
Also check out “One Straw Revolution” by Fukuoka
I have my own method it involves working with nature and plants. The goal is too increase biodiversity on my farm. Insects, birds, plants, animals. Basically a wild farm thriving ecosystem. Its productive, interesting and for me fun. When the organic inspector came this year she called back the next day inquiring if we were growing “this, this and this”, your farm was so interesting and so many different things its hard to remember. When I asked year the day before how tall does buckwheat usually grow, she said she had never seen it so tall. The harvested buckwheat seed will be partly be used to fertilize my field next year, KNF style. From studying Mexican agriculture, I think this is how they grew things, without farm animals, before the European colonization.
This is really good information
thank you.
Very famous and wealthy actor just gets up one day and deiceds he must promote Bill Gatea?
These things are about as organic as what Mr. Gates pumps into the kiddies’ arms.
I guess you can’t have too much power or $$$.
Hugh Jackass…he’s been pricked numerous times…what a total, complete and utter bellend. Life is so good for these pampered arseholes that they really can’t compute in the real world…not even a little bit. Listening to Sir Pat Stew droning on about what a genius Dawkins is, makes me want to puke up.
A misprint maybe, Huge Jackass works better. I would bet that no one of the monied useful idiot elite who spouts off at others about getting jabbed has had the actual jab just like not a single member of any government or so called royal has either, otherwise why are none of them keeling over? Its all self righteous, virtue signalling bollocks. Fuck them all.
worried about Nitrogen? Our atmosphere is 80% nitrogen so why the panic?
Clearly “we” didn’t learned ANYTHING from OPERATION COVIDIUS enormous success, specially when it comes to herds behavior.
The herds of MMS/3i’s won’t do anything to avoid whatever the SRF & Billionaires & jesters/terrorists in office are Planning for a long time.
From 2020-2030 its time to DEPLOY and CHANGE Their Civilization… Majority isn’t part of the plan and will be expandable.
Never Girlcott, but always Boycott https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ban-meat-eating-men-from-sex-animal-rights-group-urges-d9rk3850z
The animal protection organization PETA has called on men to radically change their diet. Anyone who continues to eat meat should be “banned from having sex,” the group appealed to women. They could thus “save the world.” https://www.peta.de/presse/peta-fordert-sexverbot-fuer-alle-fleischessenden-maenner-speiseplan-von-maennern-verursacht-41-prozent-mehr-treibhausgase-als-der-von-frauen/
“Men are much worse for the environment than women because they eat too much meat,” Peta campaign leader Daniel Cox told Bild newspaper. He said he hopes for female allies against “suburban dads wielding barbecue tongs and sizzling 70-cent sausages on their 700-euro grills.”
Background is a study published in November 2021, according to which men are to contribute in particular by the consumption of meat on average approximately 41 per cent more to the climatic change than women. “Therefore, a hefty meat tax of 41 percent for men would be appropriate,” a contribution to the campaign continues.
According to Cox, the benefit of a sex strike would also likely be a lower birth rate. Each fewer child would also mean 58.6 fewer tons of CO₂ equivalents per year.
CSU member of the Bundestag Dorothee Bär called the argument “cynical” in an interview with the Bild newspaper. Politics and society were saving the climate for the children. To set them off against CO₂ is repulsive, she said. Her party colleague Florian Hahn called for a “ban on thinking about divisive ideologues” like PETA.
What enormous luck for Germoney that Ame-
rican “organizations” and their degenerate re-
presentatives with English names are allowed
to dump their ideological garbage in Germany.
If it were really about that, moron Cox could
achieve much more success with that in the
Third World, mainly in Africa & Muslim Asia.
Is there an economic interest in the meat boy-
cott, because PETA is a major shareholder in
Beyond Meat (artificial meat from the chem
factory)? What did PETA do with their profits
so far, over 100 million alone in going public?
Lysistrata 2.0
Americans are behind that not the British.
A very large study that lasted for 25 years (recently in BMJ) found that
:- consuming processed meat or sugar-sweetened drinks increases the risk of colorectal cancer from baseline 6% to 7% – but only in men
:- consuming highly processed (junk) food increases the risk of colorectal cancer by the same amount – presumably for all.
This makes no sense. The Eu gives over $2 a day for each cow. The enclosures act was the land grab to take land from we the people and give it to these pig farmers. What is going on? The Dutch fox hunters worried they won’t be able to afford the latest Range Rover or Mercedes Benz at the expense of the tax payer?
Where is Greta anyway? Has she reached puberty yet at the age of 19? Her recent picture on Wikipedia indicates that she has become fat,
Revising for her climate science o-level retake
her? it? fat? useless? media? identified puberty victim-hero-ine? ?
; )
Last I heard, she was seen in a meadow near Trelleborg collecting dangerous cow gas with a special suction machine.
Trixiechick & The Peasantbhoys
https://ibb.co/VvWp9jG (not a clue why posting pics is made so difficult here, not gonna learn how to get it right either)
Damn those conspiracy theorists right again.
The delusional sheep worried about the climate, Covid, and gender pro nouns etc are about to get the Mother of all wake up calls.
Hopefully the rest of us are well prepared.
Wish you all the best in these troubled times- its going to get real messy before it ever gets better.
So much to look forward too…see you on the battlefield or on other side.
you mean the mother fucker of all wake up calls, prepared? lets hope so, battlefield? pitch fork shapened and gleaming mate ;0)
I really don’t want to hear any more about how out-of-control greed works.
Most of us have known that all our lives.
Now I only want to hear what is being done to stop the on-going crime.
I don’t want to hear how many books one of our remaining intelligent, informed and conscientious representatives has sold.
I want to know what he did to stop the bleeding.
This isn’t a virtual reality TV show.
It’s an atrocity which has been allowed to sink its fangs deep into the fabric of our planet.
I don’t want to know about its instigators’ latest tricks.
I want them stopped by decent human beings – people like us.
I want the day to dawn when we will look back, and ask, “Do you remember when ‘the authorities’ did this and that to us, and how we stopped them and left them with shit hanging from their evil faces…? What a year that was!”
But that’s just me…
“Now I only want to hear what is being done to stop the on-going crime.” You are so right, Wardropper. Sometimes the way to stop a crime is to anticipate that it’s their next move & raise so much fuss that they can’t do it.
I’m sure you can imagine how much TPTB would be empowered by an actual declaration of war: Everything from censorship to a digital currency, and a massive further shredding of rights. This is so even if war has agreed-upon limits by colluding powers.
It seems to me that people are awakening at a rate alarming to the cabal, and that a declaration of war– if they can get away w it– is an obvious potential next step. But if we don’t speak of the evidence and preparations, if we content ourselves w cartoons, etc. . . .
Yes indeed.
And of course, once a real war has started, there are no such things as ‘agreed-upon limits. Everything goes out of control, only this time not even TPTB will be able to predict the eventual outcome, because, frankly, they’re not very bright…
They’ve already reached the apes-flinging-shit stage of their derangement.
God never allows an evil unless s/He intends a greater good to rise out of its dead ashes, its “corruption”. There’s a popular word now.
“What is sown as corruption, is raised in glory.”
As true in nature as in mankind’s nature. (Though we collectively seem to be wallowing in the corruption stage, LOL.)
So let this be the 1st finest hour: a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step(s).
To Hell with entropy.
wardropper: I hear what you’re saying, but… > ‘This isn’t a virtual reality TV show.’ suggests reality has become “virtual”… I’ve watched (in horror) as three generations have sold their souls to little magic screens. The only way to stop the “authorities” is to shoot them on sight…
Those behind these moves are vermin. Their motto ? Greed Is Good. The present UK government will do all in their power to give traction to their malign schemes. Overpaid politicians will continue to sit on their arses and quietly accept this criminal agenda. How much longer we continue to endure this situation remains to be seen.
Zero COVID policy
China continues to build inhumane “quarantine camps” at a rapid pace throughout the country.
This one is said to be located in Sichuan Province and can imprison up to 30,000 people.
with Video:
My Sinophile and Russophile friend who believes Covid 19 “is a load of crap” could not give me a straight answer as to why his beloved China is still pursuing a zero covid policy locking down cities after most of the world has moved on.
He couldn’t/wouldn’t admit that the Chinese government love stamping on the average citizen and more important the average Chinese is obedient and follows orders.
When i am out and about driving through London i notice Chinese students mainly still wear masks …… They just love it.
But to be honest with you i don’t give a f@ck about some entity called Wittgenstein on twitter who got his “information” from some c@nt called QAnon+ (Patriots WWG1WGA) on telegram who got his proof from TikTok which oddly is owned by said China who is building these camps…… since 2021 because they have a zero covid policy.
Late night Derek?
I suppose China’s lockdowns are her contribution to the NWO’s degradation of the global economy. Early on, it affected her no. 1 port & industrial city, Shanghai: Stopped fertilizer reaching her own fields, etc.
Today, the ban on inter-city travel & on large gatherings, might also be to stymie any political protest. Citizens’ rights are obviously another target of the lockdowns.
China & Pfizer just entered into a deal for China to make Pfizer’s Paxlovid (oral anti-covid,antiviral “treatment”)
None of this is the action of a country that wishes to be a strong economic or military rival to the West. Looks like full cooperation w NWO, no?
Very little information is coming out on the nature, scope and impact of these lockdowns in China.
From what I understand, the industrial activity continued whereever it was deemed to be required to continue, regardless of those areas being under lockdowns. On the other hand, where they wanted to artificially shut down factories they attributed it to lockdowns in case those factories were in the lockdown areas.
It appears to be a mix of tactics, and very cunning ones too.
Is that their version of Auschwitz by any chance.
Actually, it’s Milton Keynes…
no amigo, parts of MK are beautiful, have you not stood in the groves of balsalm poplar, ahhhhmmmm
most MKeynians probably havnae either , ha
lots of those new towns had brilliant habitat sense, honest : )
whilst disregarding the human component.
How do we know these are real, and if they are maybe they aren’t for the Chinese, if Deagal is anything to go by there isn’t a Chinese population reduction by 2025!
the way things are looking, maybe one of the deagal explanations – of a “nuked” europa and murikay are correct?
that’s the way our history may record it, as the msm dictate it ; ) like the great Covid Plague….
stop entertaining all yon shite and Live.
It looks like a rendering to me.
Very nice…
Looks to me like an old Butlin’s Holiday Camp – with air-conditioning…!
Of course, those forcing the expropriation will never live in the urban megacities, they will have their glorious country piles to live as before.
They supply the food, the water, the drugs, the chemicals, the wars, the weapons, the news and the distractions.
We supply the bodies, many dead.
“What we are witnessing is an economic reset – which policies carried out under the guise of preventing COVID helped set in motion.”
Ignore the Infowars’ trappings and this is very good, especially on how the destruction of the old order is essential for the creation of the new:
Here it comes:
“Fears that Covid-19 cases will begin to rise again soon”
Yawn 💤💤.
But, didn’t the POTUS say the epidemic was over? The emergency powers remain, though, just in case.
People are coming out of their trance, even if they all have the sniffles. Except in Germany, where they appear to have a micro-climate of their own.
That ain’t no potus.
That’s a demented old man.
People in the US no longer elect presidents.
They merely tolerate the intolerable.
Tolerate it? Some of “us” celebrate it! USA, USA, USA!!!!
If there was any better place to go I’d be outta here, but sadly, there ain’t.
Well said.
Only three years ago, not every country was the same, but now … just imagine …
Try Mexico, zero restrictions, cheap as chips (“fries”)
There, your life is cheap too: as cheap as in USA.
When a leader says something the oligarchy did not authorise, the new turn of phrase is “he misspoke”.
They will rise if fucking idiots keep testing for it.
Other kinds of demonstrations
EU Mass demonstrations about consequences of sanctions.
Italy, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Moldova.
However, Russia has recently removed part of Nord Stream 2 pipeline, so . . .
Is the war still totally forbidden as a topic, or am I allowed to say that Putin has decreed partial mobilization, only of the reserves.
Just keep following the events in places where they try to treat at the facts as truly sacred, rather than hiding their viewers’ heads in the sand. What else matters, who says what?! You see that “our ‘conspiracy theorist’ little group” is becoming more and more correct about the assumed gradation of the situation along the assumed time (although we see the main event in different ways and are not a group in reality). Even the news in the mainstream media is enough to be understand the intentions of the conspirators, or enemies, who follow almost the same plans and fight for power over the same evil future. You see that the other party or” the fictitious other party “is already responding or” responding according to the agreement”. At this stage, there is still free access and choice to sources of information. And let’s be alive and well, as they say. 🙂
They don’t fight for power. They’re two puppets acting out a meaningless war dance to distract us while the real business gets done. As soon as Europe is destroyed and the US has broken down in civil war and the GR is safely introduced the phony and invisible “war” will turn into a phony peace deal.
Why bother debating “the war” or discussing it? That’s what they want us to do.
The “war” is fake.
Have you seen any of those thousands of alleged Russian troops in Ukraine yet? No, because they aren’t there. It’s just a few token DPR and Ukie guys staging some halfhearted war games and setting fire to buildings.
That and a ton of maps showing where all the alleged action we never actually see is allegedly happening.
It’s Wag the Dog as an excuse and distraction. They up the anti with more fake pronouncements and bullshit every time interest starts waning.
If you know anything about real war you know how ridiculous this story has been from day one.
I concur.
They just care about the cost of living crisis:
It’s full of the usual numerology of course.
3 day week in the 70’s recession.
Unemployment benefit hit a all time high in the 80/90’s whilst saying the economy was doing ok.(ok for them they mean)
Thatchers era when closing the mines would save lives or save money or save or something along the lines of saving a killing or killing as whenever they say save or protect it is always the oppsite.
If one visits thoses town’s now where the mines where closed – they are died.
Nothing new headline wise. Head to the library check out the headlines of the 70s 80s or early 90’s or even the 2010 after the banking bailout collapse exact same spill headlines repeated.
Even the exact same government mannerisms and officials in office.
Normalizes the hypnotist loop from when we was younger.
It is indeed a serial non-resolving episodic drama for those that play with the citizenry the same way a bored writer serves up a meaningless script.
If you want to know how a culture is developing look at it’s artists and what they produce… The Arts are the hearts of the world.
for Data Fraud by CDC
88.6% to 94% exaggeration in number of Covid Deaths
Text CDC DATA 52886 to sign the petition
[I am unsure whether it’s too late to sign the petition; can someone w a cell phone tell us?]
Here’s how the Dutch respond to their king (video taken yesterday)
https://mobile.twitter.com/Sander_2021/status/1572189861611798530 (listen to the audience, don’t listen to the voice over, although the voice over also speaks in volumes as in ‘nothing to see here’).
I’ve had frustrating debates with lefties in Amsterdam, Chardonnay-sipping (sub)urbanites who seem totally disconnected from their source of food. They frame the Dutch farmer issue solely in terms of bad “Big Ag” getting its comeuppance. If these lefties acknowledge the protesting farmers at all as being small scale, then they are merely “tractor terrorists”, deplorable racist pawns in service of Big Ag. They think the appropriation of farm land will only happen to the polluting big fish, allowing the little fish to eat them up and restore agriculture to small organic farming. A total pie-in-the-sky fantasy contravening of all trends towards monopolization.
They have never heard of BlackRock or Vanguard, and think that any dark side to the Great Reset is an evil myth on par with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. They are blind to Bill Gates buying up farm land and becoming the largest owner of farm land in the US. Or if they see it, they can’t imagine it happening in their own country.
A large majority of the left has become a caricature of petit bourgeois, and as such utterly hopeless.
You nailed it. Excellent analysis.
There is no right and left anymore. Only right and wrong .
Witness Trusses monster giveaways in UK.
Certainly not Conservative behaviour.
You can only use money like confetti if you know it will soon be worthless.
I hope I live long enough to see this evil redressed.
You may have seen this. Liz Truss plans to lift cap on bankers’ bonuses to ‘boost the economy’. The madness keeps gathering momentum.
Gotta give the wunch of bankers their go at the trough
The same bankers who had to be bailed out – with our money – because the government had failed to regulate their activities.
But now, apparently, they will be the salvation of the economy. Don’t mention that the only reason the economy is in such dire condition is entirely due to the previous government’s “emergency”.
The ongoing demonstration that there’s absolutely nothing a politician can’t make worse.
Dangerous idealogues..
Weren’t they actually caricatures and before, but there was just no reason for such a big contrast who magnify them like under a magnifying glass? In addition, these petty new bourgeois will soon eat bugs, “contributing to the climate” like ordinary proletarians.
By the way, in my country, “left” has quite the opposite meaning, referring to supporters of former socialism/communism we had, or simply ideological enemies of Western liberalism and neo-marxism; a kind of form of right/conservative, or at least with quite a lot of similarities; certainly people with values and views from the old world, not necessarily socialist, but just conservative (except the many so-called “red millionaires” of the Socialist Party, who are simply businessmen loyal to any ideology that pays). And the “right ” are the Liberals for whom everything that comes from the West shines like gold . Including the deal with the green “gold”; because they haven’t yet experienced winter without their hated Putin gas. Our right-left stupid petit-bourgeois and ordinary naive proles. (Above which are the same businessmen, recipients of money from EU projects and Western NGOs, from or associated with “right-wing” parties; just like the red millionaires). The prosaic history of the colorless oligarchy, as everywhere.
“Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.”
Well, obviously the Netherlands is the place to build a megalopolis if the sea levels are inexorably rising as is the justification for all this in the first place. Just like oligarchs wouldn’t be buying all those beachfront properties….
The evidence for rising sea levels seems to consist of a) constant repetition b) hyping of regular flooding (probably exacerbated by geo-engeineered extra rainfall) and c) pictures of polar bears looking sad.
Polar bears always look sad. But how would you look if David Attenborough demanded to be your spokesman?
Know what polar bears eat?
Seals (they need the blubber)
Show a few programmes of them ripping baby seals to pieces and the children will say “let them drown!”
The polar bears are fine. They’re mating with Grizzlies now.
They’re Pizzlies or something…
Interesting concept, Tristate City. Semms like it extends as far as Cologne. How about we do it differently? Call it Ruhrgebiet II, add Lüttich, Maastricht, Rotterdam? (Not the Frisians, though, we’ve got enough of those already)