Multipolar World Order – Part 1
Iain Davis

Russia’s war with Ukraine is first and foremost a tragedy for the people of both countries, especially those who live—and die—in the battle zones. The priority for humanity, though apparently not for the political class, is to encourage Moscow and Kyiv to stop killing men, women and children and negotiate a peace deal.
Beyond the immediate confines of the conflict, the war is also seen by some as representative of an alleged clash between great powers and, perhaps, between civilisations. All wars are momentous, but the ramifications of Ukrainian war are already global.
Consequently, there is a perception that it is the focal point of a confrontation between two distinct models of global governance. The NATO-led alliance of the Western nations continues to push the unipolar, G7, international rules-based order (IRBO). It is opposed, some say, by the Russian and Chinese-led BRICS and the G20-based multipolar world order.
In this 3 part series we will explore these issues and consider if it is tenable to place our faith in the emerging multipolar world order.
There are very few redeeming features of the unipolar world order, that’s for sure. It is a system that overwhelmingly serves capital and few people other than a “parasite class” of stakeholder capitalist eugenicists. This has led many disaffected Westerners to invest their hopes in the promise of the multipolar world order:
Many have increasingly come to terms with the reality that today’s multipolar system led by Russia and China has premised itself upon the defense of international law and national sovereignty as outlined in the UN Charter. [. . .] Putin and Xi Jinping have [. . .] made their choice to stand for win-win cooperation over Hobbesian Zero Sum thinking. [. . .] [T]heir entire strategy is premised upon the UN Charter.
If only that were so! Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be the case. But even if it were true, Putin and Xi Jinping basing “their entire strategy” upon the UN Charter, would be cause for concern, not relief.
For the globalist forces that see nation-states as squares on the grand chessboard and that regard leaders like Putin, Biden and Xi Jinping as accomplices, the multipolar world order is manna from heaven. They have spent more than a century trying to centralise global power. The power of individual nation-states at least presents the possibility of some decentralisation. The multipolar world order finally ends all national sovereignty and delivers true global governance.
World Order
We need to distinguish between the ideological concept of “world order” and the reality. This will help us identify where “world order” is an artificially imposed construct.
Authoritarian power, wielded over populations, territory and resources, restricted by physical and political geography, dictates the “world order.” The present order is largely the product of hard-nosed geopolitics, but it also reflects the various attempts to impose a global order.
The struggle to manage and mitigate the consequences of geopolitics is evident in the history of international relations. For nearly 500 years nation-states have sought to co-exist as sovereign entities. Numerous systems have been devised to seize control of what would otherwise be anarchy. It is very much to the detriment of humanity that anarchy has not been allowed to flourish.
In 1648, the two bilateral treaties that formed the Peace of Westphalia concluded the 30 Years War (or Wars). Those negotiated settlements arguably established the precept of the territorial sovereignty within the borders of the nation-state.
This reduced, but did not end, the centralised authoritarian power of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE). Britannica notes:
The Peace of Westphalia recognized the full territorial sovereignty of the member states of the empire.
This isn’t entirely accurate. That so-called “full territorial sovereignty” delineated regional power within Europe and the HRE, but full sovereignty wasn’t established.
The Westphalian treaties created hundreds of principalities that were formerly controlled by the central legislature of the HRE, the Diet. These new, effectively federalised principalities still paid taxes to the emperor and, crucially, religious observance remained a matter for the empire to decide. The treaties also consolidated the regional power of the Danish, Swedish, and French states but the Empire itself remained intact and dominant.
It is more accurate to say that the Peace of Westphalia somewhat curtailed the authoritarian power of the HRE and defined the physical borders of some nation states. During the 20th century, this led to the popular interpretation of the nation-state as a bulwark against international hegemonic power, despite that never having been entirely true.
Consequently, the so-called “Westphalian model” is largely based upon a myth. It represents an idealised version of the world order, suggesting how it could operate rather than describing how it does.
If nation-states really were sovereign and if their territorial integrity were genuinely respected, then the Westphalian world order would be pure anarchy. This is the ideal upon which the UN is supposedly founded because, contrary to another ubiquitous popular myth, anarchy does not mean “chaos.” Quite the opposite.
Anarchy is exemplified by Article 2.1 of the UN Charter:
The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
The word “anarchy” is an abstraction of the classical Greek “anarkhos,” meaning “rulerless.” This is derived from the privative prefix “an” (without) in conjunction with “arkhos” (leader or ruler). Literally translated, “anarchy” means “without rulers”—what the UN calls “sovereign equality.”
A Westphalian world order of sovereign nation-states, each observing the “equality” of all others while adhering to the non-aggression principle, is a system of global, political anarchy. Unfortunately, that is not the way the current UN “world order” functions, nor has there ever been any attempt to impose such an order. What a shame.
Within the League of Nations and subsequent UN system of practical “world order,”—a world order allegedly built upon the sovereignty of nations—equality exists in theory only. Through empire, colonialism, neocolonialism—that is, through economic, military, financial and monetary conquest, coupled with the debt obligations imposed upon targeted nations—global powers have always been able to dominate and control lesser ones.
National governments, if defined in purely political terms, have never been the only source of authority behind the efforts to construct world order. As revealed by Antony C. Sutton and others, private corporate power has aided national governments in shaping “world order.”
Neither Hitler’s rise to power nor the Bolshevik Revolution would have occurred as they did, if at all, without the guidance of the Wall Street financiers. The bankers’ global financial institutions and extensive international espionage networks were instrumental in shifting global political power.
These private-sector “partners” of government are the “stakeholders” we constantly hear about today. The most powerful among them are fully engaged in “the game” described by Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Grand Chessboard.
Brzezinski recognised that the continental landmass of Eurasia was the key to genuine global hegemony:
This huge, oddly shaped Eurasian chess board—extending from Lisbon to Vladivostok—provides the setting for “the game.” [. . .] [I]f the middle space rebuffs the West, becomes an assertive single entity [. . .] then America’s primacy in Eurasia shrinks dramatically. [. . .] That mega-continent is just too large, too populous, culturally too varied, and composed of too many historically ambitious and politically energetic states to be compliant toward even the most economically successful and politically pre-eminent global power. [. . .] Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire. [. . .] [I]t would then become a predominantly Asian imperial state.
The “unipolar world order” favoured by the Western powers, often referred to as the “international rules-based order” or the “international rules-based system,” is another attempt to impose order. This “unipolar” model enables the US and its European partners to exploit the UN system to claim legitimacy for their games of empire. Through it, the transatlantic alliance has used its economic, military and financial power to try to establish global hegemony.
In 2016, Stewart Patrick, writing for the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a foreign policy think tank, published World Order: What, Exactly, are the Rules? He described the post-WWII “international rules-based order” (IRBO):
What sets the post-1945 Western order apart is that it was shaped overwhelmingly by a single power [a unipolarity], the United States. Operating within the broader context of strategic bipolarity, it constructed, managed, and defended the regimes of the capitalist world economy. [. . .] In the trade sphere, the hegemon presses for liberalization and maintains an open market; in the monetary sphere, it supplies a freely convertible international currency, manages exchange rates, provides liquidity, and serves as a lender of last resort; and in the financial sphere, it serves as a source of international investment and development.
The idea that the aggressive market acquisition of crony capitalism somehow represents the “open markets” of the “capitalist world economy” is risible. It is about as far removed from free market capitalism as it is possible to be. Under crony capitalism, the US dollar, as the preferred global reserve currency, is not “freely convertible.” Exchange rates are manipulated and liquidity is debt for nearly everyone except the lender. “Investment and development” by the hegemon means more profits and control for the hegemon.
The notion that a political leader, or anyone for that matter, is entirely bad or good, is puerile. The same consideration can be given to nation-states, political systems or even models of world order. The character of a human being, a nation or a system of global governance is better judged by their or its totality of actions.
Whatever we consider to be the source of “good” and “evil,” it exists in all of us at either ends of a spectrum. Some people exhibit extreme levels of psychopathy, which can lead them to commit acts that are judged to be “evil.” But even Hitler, for example, showed physical courage, devotion, compassion for some, and other qualities we might consider “good.”
Nation-states and global governance structures, though immensely complex, are formed and led by people. They are influenced by a multitude of forces. Given the added complications of chance and unforeseen events, it is unrealistic to expect any form of “order” to be either entirely good or entirely bad.
That being said, if that “order” is iniquitous and causes appreciable harm to people, then it is important to identify to whom that “order” provides advantage. Their potential individual and collective guilt should be investigated.
This does not imply that those who benefit are automatically culpable, nor that they are “bad” or “evil,” though they may be, only that they have a conflict of interests in maintaining their “order” despite the harm it causes. Equally, where systemic harm is evident, it is irrational to absolve the actions of the people who lead and benefit from that system without first ruling out their possible guilt.
Since WWII, millions of innocents have been murdered by the US, its international allies and its corporate partners, all of whom have thrown their military, economic and financial weight around the world. The Western “parasite class” has sought to assert its IRBO by any means necessary— sanctions, debt slavery or outright slavery, physical, economic or psychological warfare. The grasping desire for more power and control has exposed the very worst of human nature. Repeatedly and ad nauseam.
Of course, resistance to this kind of global tyranny is understandable. The question is: Does imposition of the multipolar model offer anything different?
Most recently, the “unipolar world order” has been embodied by the World Economic Forum’s inappropriately named Great Reset. It is so malignant and forbidding that some consider the emerging “multipolar world order” salvation. They have even heaped praise upon the likely leaders of the new multipolar world:
It is [. . .] strength of purpose and character that has defined Putin’s two decades in power. [. . .] Russia is committed to the process of finding solutions to all people benefiting from the future, not just a few thousand holier-than-thou oligarchs. [. . .] Together [Russia and China] told the WEF to stuff the Great Reset back into the hole in which it was conceived. [. . .] Putin told Klaus Schwab and the WEF that their entire idea of the Great Reset is not only doomed to failure but runs counter to everything modern leadership should be pursuing.
Sadly, it seems this hope is also misplaced.
While Putin did much to rid Russia of the CIA-run, Western-backed oligarchs who were systematically destroying the Russian Federation during the 1990s, they have subsequently been replaced by another band of oligarchs with closer links to the current Russian government. Something we will explore in Part 3.
Yes, it is certainly true that the Russian government, led by Putin and his power bloc, has improved the incomes and life opportunities for the majority of Russians. Putin’s government has also significantly reduced chronic poverty in Russia over the last two decades.
Wealth in Russia, measured as the market value of financial and non-financial assets, has remained concentrated in the hands of the top 1% of the population. This pooling of wealth among the top percentile is itself stratified and is overwhelmingly held by the top 1% of the 1%. For example, in 2017, 56% of Russian wealth was controlled by 1% of the population. The pseudopandemic of 2020–2022 particularly benefitted Russian billionnaires—as it did the billionaires of every other developed economy.
According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2021, wealth inequality in Russia, measured using the Gini coefficient, was 87.8 in 2020. The only other major economy with a greater disparity between the wealthy and the rest of the population was Brazil. Just behind Brazil and Russia on the wealth inequality scale was the US, whose Gini coefficient stood at 85.
In terms of wealth concentration however, the situation in Russia was the worst by a considerable margin. In 2020 the top 1% owned 58.2% of Russia’s wealth. This was more than 8 percentage points higher than Brazil’s wealth concentration, and significantly worse than wealth concentration in the US, which stood at 35.2% in 2020.
Such disproportionate wealth distribution is conducive to creating and empowering oligarchs. But wealth alone doesn’t determine whether one is an oligarch. Wealth needs to be converted into political power for the term “oligarch” to be applicable. An oligarchy is defined as “a form of government in which supreme power is vested in a small exclusive class.”
Members of this dominant class are installed through a variety of mechanisms. The British establishment, and particularly its political class, is dominated by men and women who were educated at Eton, Roedean, Harrow and St. Pauls, etc. This “small exclusive class” arguably constitutes a British oligarchy. The UK’s new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, has been heralded by some because she is not a graduate of one of these select public schools.
Educational privilege aside, though, the use of the word “oligarch” in the West more commonly refers to an internationalist class of globalists whose individual wealth sets them apart and who use that wealth to influence policy decisions.
Bill Gates is a prime example of an oligarch. The former advisor to the UK Prime Minister, Dominic Cummings, said as much during his testimony to a parliamentary committee on May 2021 (go to 14:02:35). As Cummings put it, Bill Gates and “that kind of network” had directed the UK government’s response to the supposed COVID-19 pandemic.
Gates’ immense wealth has bought him direct access to political power beyond national borders. He has no public mandate in either the US or the UK. He is an oligarch—one of the more well known but far from the only one.
CFR member David Rothkopf described these people as a “Superclass” with the ability to “influence the lives of millions across borders on a regular basis.” They do this, he said, by using their globalist “networks.” Those networks, as described by Antony C. Sutton, Dominic Cummings and others, act as “the force multiplier in any kind of power structure.”
This “small exclusive class” use their wealth to control resources and thus policy. Political decisions, policy, court rulings and more are made at their behest. This point was highlighted in the joint letter sent by the Attorneys General (AGs) of 19 US states to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink.
The AGs observed that BlackRock was essentially using its investment strategy to pursue a political agenda:
The Senators elected by the citizens of this country determine which international agreements have the force of law, not BlackRock.
Their letter describes the theoretical model of representative democracy. Representative democracy is not a true democracy—which decentralises political power to the individual citizen—but is rather a system designed to centralise political control and authority. Inevitably, “representative democracy” leads to the consolidation of power in the hands of the so-called “Superclass” described by Rothkopf.
There is nothing “super” about them. They are ordinary people who have acquired wealth primarily through conquest, usury, market rigging, political manipulation and slavery. “Parasite class” is a more befitting description.
Not only do global investment firms like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street use their immense resources to steer public policy, but their major shareholders include the very oligarchs who, via their contribution to various think tanks, create the global political agendas that determine policy in the first place. There is no space in this system of alleged “world order” for any genuine democratic oversight.
As we shall see in Part 3, the levers of control are exerted to achieve exactly the same effect in Russia and China. Both countries have a gaggle of oligarchs whose objectives are firmly aligned with the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. They too work with their national government “partners” to ensure that they all arrive at the “right” policy decisions.
The United Nations’ Model of National Sovereignty
Any bloc of nations that bids for dominance within the United Nations is seeking global hegemony. The UN enables global governance and centralises global political power and authority. In so doing, the UN empowers the international oligarchy.
As noted previously, Article 2 of the United Nations Charter declares that the UN is “based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.” The Charter then goes on to list the numerous ways in which nation-states are not equal. It also clarifies how they are all subservient to the UN Security Council.
Despite all the UN’s claims of lofty principles—respect for national sovereignty and for alleged human rights—Article 2 declares that no nation-state can receive any assistance from another as long as the UN Security Council is forcing that nation-state to comply with its edicts. Even non-member states must abide by the Charter, whether they like it or not, by decree of the United Nations.
The UN Charter is a paradox. Article 2.7 asserts that “nothing in the Charter” permits the UN to infringe the sovereignty of a nation-state—except when it does so through UN “enforcement measures.” The Charter states, apparently without reason, that all nation-states are “equal.” However, some nation-states are empowered by the Charter to be far more equal than others.
While the UN’s General Assembly is supposedly a decision-making forum comprised of “equal” sovereign nations, Article 11 affords the General Assembly only the power to discuss “the general principles of co-operation.” In other words, it has no power to make any significant decisions.
Article 12 dictates that the General Assembly can only resolve disputes if instructed to do so by the Security Council. The most important function of the UN, “the maintenance of international peace and security,” can only be dealt with by the Security Council. What the other members of the General Assembly think about the Security Council’s global “security” decisions is a practical irrelevance.
Article 23 lays out which nation-states form the Security Council:
The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [Russian Federation], the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. The General Assembly shall elect ten other Members of the United Nations to be non-permanent members of the Security Council. [. . .] The non-permanent members of the Security Council shall be elected for a term of two years.
The General Assembly is allowed to elect “non-permanent” members to the Security Council based upon criteria stipulated by the Security Council. Currently the “non-permanent” members are Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Norway and the United Arab Emirates.
Article 24 proclaims that the Security Council has “primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security” and that all other nations agree that “the Security Council acts on their behalf.” The Security Council investigates and defines all alleged threats and recommends the procedures and adjustments for the supposed remedy. The Security Council dictates what further action, such as sanctions or the use of military force, shall be taken against any nation-state it considers to be a problem.
Article 27 decrees that at least 9 of the 15 member states must be in agreement for a Security Council resolution to be enforced. All of the 5 permanent members must concur, and each has the power of veto. Any Security Council member, including permanent members, shall be excluded from the vote or use of its veto if they are party to the dispute in question.
UN member states, by virtue of agreeing to the Charter, must provide armed forces at the Security Council’s request. In accordance with Article 47, military planning and operational objectives are the sole remit of the permanent Security Council members through their exclusive Military Staff Committee. If the permanent members are interested in the opinion of any other “sovereign” nation, they’ll ask it to provide one.
The inequality inherent in the Charter could not be clearer. Article 44 notes that “when the Security Council has decided to use force” its only consultative obligation to the wider UN is to discuss the use of another member state’s armed forces where the Security Council has ordered that nation to fight. For a country that is a current member of the Security Council, use of its armed forces by the Military Staff Committee is a prerequisite for Council membership.
The UN Secretary-General, identified as the “chief administrative officer” in the Charter, oversees the UN Secretariat. The Secretariat commissions, investigates and produces the reports that allegedly inform UN decision-making. The Secretariat staff members are appointed by the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General is “appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.”
Under the UN Charter, then, the Security Council is made king. This arrangement affords the governments of its permanent members—China, France, Russia, the UK and the US—considerable additional authority. There is nothing egalitarian about the UN Charter.
The suggestion that the UN Charter constitutes a “defence” of “national sovereignty” is ridiculous. The UN Charter is the embodiment of the centralisation of global power and authority.
The United Nations’ Global Public-Private Partnership
The UN was created, in no small measure, through the efforts of the private sector Rockefeller Foundation (RF). In particular, the RF’s comprehensive financial and operational support for the Economic, Financial and Transit Department (EFTD) of the League of Nations (LoN), and its considerable influence upon the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), made the RF the key player in the transformation of the LoN into the UN.
The UN came into being as a result of public-private partnership. Since then, especially with regard to defence, financing, global health care and sustainable development, public-private partnerships have become dominant within the UN system. The UN is no longer an intergovernmental organisation, if it ever was one. It is a global collaboration between governments and a multinational infra-governmental network of private “stakeholders.”
In 1998, then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the World Economic Forum’s Davos symposium that a “quiet revolution” had occurred in the UN during the 1990s:
[T]he United Nations has been transformed since we last met here in Davos. The Organization has undergone a complete overhaul that I have described as a “quiet revolution”. [. . .] [W]e are in a stronger position to work with business and industry. [. . .] The business of the United Nations involves the businesses of the world. [. . .] We also promote private sector development and foreign direct investment. We help countries to join the international trading system and enact business-friendly legislation.
In 2005, the World Health Organisation (WHO), a specialised agency of the UN, published a report on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in healthcare titled Connecting for Health. Speaking about how “stakeholders” could introduce ICT healthcare solutions globally, the WHO noted:
Governments can create an enabling environment, and invest in equity, access and innovation.
The 2015, Adis Ababa Action Agenda conference on “financing for development” clarified the nature of an “enabling environment.” National governments from 193 UN nation-states committed their respective populations to funding public-private partnerships for sustainable development by collectively agreeing to create “an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development;” and “to further strengthen the framework to finance sustainable development.”
In 2017, UN General Assembly Resolution 70/224 (A/Res/70/224) compelled UN member states to implement “concrete policies” that “enable” sustainable development. A/Res/70/224 added that the UN:
[. . .] reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development [—] particularly with regard to developing partnerships through the provision of greater opportunities to the private sector, non-governmental organizations and civil society in general.
In short, the “enabling environment” is a government, and therefore taxpayer, funding commitment to create markets for the private sector. Over the last few decades, successive Secretary-Generals have overseen the UN’s formal transition into a global public-private partnership (G3P).
Nation-states do not have sovereignty over public-private partnerships. Sustainable development formally relegates government to the role of an “enabling” partner within a global network comprised of multinational corporations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society organisations and other actors. The “other actors” are predominantly the philanthropic foundations of individual billionaires and immensely wealthy family dynasties—that is, oligarchs.
Effectively, then, the UN serves the interests of capital. Not only is it a mechanism for the centralisation of global political authority, it is committed to the development of global policy agendas that are “business-friendly.” That means Big Business-friendly. Such agendas may happen to coincide with the best interests of humanity, but where they don’t—which is largely the case—well, that’s just too bad for humanity.
Global Governance
On the 4th February 2022, a little less then three weeks prior to Russia launching its “special military operation” in Ukraine, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping issued an important joint statement:
The sides [Russian Federation and Chinese People’s Republic] strongly support the development of international cooperation and exchanges [. . .], actively participating in the relevant global governance process, [. . .] to ensure sustainable global development. [. . .] The international community should actively engage in global governance[.] [. . .] The sides reaffirmed their intention to strengthen foreign policy coordination, pursue true multilateralism, strengthen cooperation on multilateral platforms, defend common interests, support the international and regional balance of power, and improve global governance. [. . .] The sides call on all States [. . .] to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world.
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) defined “global governance” in its 2014 publication Global Governance and the Global Rules For Development in the Post 2015 Era:
Global governance encompasses the totality of institutions, policies, norms, procedures and initiatives through which States and their citizens try to bring more predictability, stability and order to their responses to transnational challenges.
Global governance centralises control over the entire sphere of international relations. It inevitably erodes a nation’s ability to set foreign policy. As a theoretical protection against global instability, this isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but in practice it neither enhances nor “protects” national sovereignty.
Domination of the global governance system by one group of powerful nation-states represents possibly the most dangerous and destabilising force of all. It allows those nations to act with impunity, regardless of any pretensions about honouring alleged “international law.”
Global governance also significantly curtails the independence of a nation-state’s domestic policy. For example, the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda 21, with the near-time Agenda 2030 serving as a waypoint, impacts nearly all national domestic policy—even setting the course for most domestic policy—in every country.
National electorates’ oversight of this “totality” of UN policies is weak to nonexistent. Global governance renders so-called “representative democracy” little more than a vacuous sound-bite.
As the UN is a global public-private partnership (UN-G3P), global governance allows the “multi-stakeholder partnership”—and therefore oligarchs—significant influence over member nation-states’ domestic and foreign policy. Set in this context, the UN-DESA report (see above) provides a frank appraisal of the true nature of UN-G3P global governance:
Current approaches to global governance and global rules have led to a greater shrinking of policy space for national Governments [. . . ]; this also impedes the reduction of inequalities within countries. [. . .] Global governance has become a domain with many different players including: multilateral organizations; [. . .] elite multilateral groupings such as the Group of Eight (G8) and the Group of Twenty (G20) [and] different coalitions relevant to specific policy subjects[.] [. . .] Also included are activities of the private sector (e.g., the Global Compact) non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and large philanthropic foundations (e.g., Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Turner Foundation) and associated global funds to address particular issues[.] [. . .] The representativeness, opportunities for participation, and transparency of many of the main actors are open to question. [. . .] NGOs [. . .] often have governance structures that are not subject to open and democratic accountability. The lack of representativeness, accountability and transparency of corporations is even more important as corporations have more power and are currently promoting multi-stakeholder governance with a leading role for the private sector. [. . .] Currently, it seems that the United Nations has not been able to provide direction in the solution of global governance problems—perhaps lacking appropriate resources or authority, or both. United Nations bodies, with the exception of the Security Council, cannot make binding decisions.
A/Res/73/254 declares that the UN Global Compact Office plays a vital role in “strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to partner strategically with the private sector.” It adds:
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development acknowledges that the implementation of sustainable development will depend on the active engagement of both the public and private sectors[.]
While the Attorneys General of 19 states might rail against BlackRock for usurping the political authority of US senators, BlackRock is simply exercising its power as valued a “public-private partner” of the US government. Such is the nature of global governance. Given that this system has been constructed over the last 80 years, it’s a bit too late for 19 state AGs to complain about it now. What have they been doing for the last eight decades?
The governmental “partners” of the UN-G3P lack “authority” because the UN was created, largely by the Rockefellers, as a public-private partnership. The intergovernmental structure is the partner of the infra-governmental network of private stakeholders. In terms of resources, the power of the private sector “partners” dwarfs that of their government counterparts.
Corporate fiefdoms are not limited by national borders. BlackRock alone currently holds $8.5 trillion of assets under management. This is nearly five times the size of the total GDP of UN Security Council permanent member Russia and more than three times the GDP of the UK.
So-called sovereign countries are not sovereign over their own central banks nor are they “sovereign” over international financial institutions like the IMF, the New Development Bank (NDB), the World Bank or the Bank for International Settlements. The notion that any nation state or intergovernmental organisation is capable of bringing the global network of private capital to heel is farcical.
At the COP26 Conference in Glasgow in 2021, King Charles III—then Prince Charles—prepared the conference to endorse the forthcoming announcement of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). He made it abundantly clear who was in charge and, in keeping with UN objectives, clarified national governments role as “enabling partners”:
The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global systems level solution based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel based economy. [. . .] So ladies and gentleman, my plea today is for countries to come together to create the environment that enables every sector of industry to take the action required. We know this will take trillions, not billions of dollars. [. . .] [W]e need a vast military style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at [its] disposal far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders. It offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.
Unless Putin and Xi Jinping intend to completely restructure the United Nations, including all of its institutions and specialised agencies, their objective of protecting “the United Nations-driven international architecture” appears to be nothing more than a bid to cement their status as the nominal leaders of the UN-G3P. As pointed out by UN-DESA, through the UN-G3P, that claim to political authority is extremely limited. Global corporations dominate and are currently further consolidating their global power through “multi-stakeholder governance.”
Whether unipolar or multipolar, the so-called “world order” is the system of global governance led by the private sector—the oligarchs. Nation-states, including Russia and China, have already agreed to follow global priorities determined at the global governance level. The question is not which model of the global public-private “world order” we should accept, but rather why we would ever accept any such “world order” at all.
This, then, is the context within which we can explore the alleged advantages of a “multipolar world order” led by China, Russia and increasingly India. Is it an attempt, as claimed by some, to reinvigorate the United Nations and create a more just and equitable system of global governance? Or is it merely the next phase in the construction of what many refer to as the “New World Order”?
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Well done Ian, great work. For me, without real anarchy/democracy only plutocracy and oligarchy exist which now only leaves a profound bifurcation of the geopolitical world consciousness. Imperialism is the weapon used in order to create by the West a one world Government and in the East the menu is the same except the currency used is of a slight difference in timbre, a cosmetic cuisine manufactured to bolster the farmed slaves’ belief in freedom.
Without a federated horizontal democracy, nothing will change but the rebranding of fascists for populists as all perceptions have moved to the extreme Right including the so-called left that has never been anything else except reformist liberalism.
Anarchism for a while was very successful with the CNT/FAI in Spain 1936 and still today with the Zapatas and Rojava. In Spain nazis, communists, and social democrats made sure no social revolution took place. Today that legacy remains and the concept of anarchy remains dirty where MSM propaganda has tried to demolish it seemingly with success. I suggest that anarcho/communism would enable an end to this globally confused hegemon. No political parties, no state and no government being surplus to requirements, sovereignty for all.
The world to date is playing a chess game hooked up to the mains and the power is within us all to choose.
I post, with links to, how, some days after Biden’s terrible order on biotechnology, genomes and all sorts of transhumanist things, Russia ofiicial announced the same thing. I post, with a link, how in sync with their globalist enemies, the Russian deputy prime minister and Minister of industry and trade, announces that Russians need to change their mentality and eat fly larvae, which will be helped at the government level. He said this at the meeting, which he attended together with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation and the minister of digital economy and innovation, communications, media, as well as culture, and with the head of the working group of the National Technology Initiative and with the director of the National ESG alliance.
Stupid blind pro-Russian trolls pass by and put down minutes. And again there will be “multipolar is salvation from the one-pole model USA / NATO / bankers” etc.
Apart from that, the attention to this information is funny low. If I ask about it, no one will say because they don’t know. Because it is not important, given that we can discuss – without taking the above information – the abstract, nominal models of societies; whether or not there is a war; whether the two supposed sides of the supposed conflict are different; the multipolar; and I do not know what else is important. There’s talk, arguments, thumbs up. Idyll.
you don’t understand Anarchy. Few examples.
There cannot be Anarchy if State exist.
Anarchy and State are mortal enemies.
Anarchy is not “sovereign equality.” You use the word Anarchy inappropriately.
To your credit, you pointed out that anarchy doesn’t mean chaos.
Political anarchy is oxymoron. Politics and anarchy are like water and oil.
Iain, if I would have written this I would find myself twisted like a pretzel.
If one is (only) maintaining their order that causes harm one’s deed is BAD. Period.
Conflict of interest is libertarian type shit, guilt/culpability comes from priests, this notions can muddy the water and just make basic evaluation harder
(Horkheimer/Adorno: Dialectic of Enlightenment) (emphasize mine)
Explanations from words from books. That’s all you can give. Show me this enlightened anarchy. You can’t. Just words, my friend. It has no flesh and blood, like the tribal structure with a leader. So you can’t show it to me, and all you can do is tell me stories about the idea of her. Again and again and again.
Let’s see it, let’s do it? Will it be made up of the same people? Or from selected enlightened minds?
Tales from books.
What are you actually saying? ( beside jerking off words)
Word “enlightened” used in quotation comes from, refers to, Enlightenment. You misunderstood it and ascribe it a meaning from buddhism or new age.
Look at the last quote again. It is very much about you and the ilk.
I’m saying you’re an ideologue without soil. What’s behind your verbal masturbation?
Show me this anarchy? I don’t want you to explain, I want to see her.
What buddhists and new age are chasing you, wanker? I knew very well what enlightenment you were talking about.
And who are “you and the ilk”? Skeptics born of “unreflective enlightened thinking based on the notion of Survival”? Here’s a textbook example of dry-jerking. Do you know me? What do you know about my idea of survival? Do I have one? What beliefs do I have? You don’t know anything, but you say who I am “and the ilk”.
On the other hand, you’re talking about the misunderstood anarchy (Misunderstood by ID. I’m not interested in your conversations.)
So, to go back to the question: show me anarchy. I don’t want you to explain, show.
“I’m not interested in your conversations.”
Why the hell are you talking to me at all???
What is the purpose of your incoherent scribblings??
I’ve checked your comments here, therefore I have some idea who you are.
Regarding showing you anarchy, well, I don’t want to waste time on someone whose eyes are wide shut.
He “didn’t want to waste time.” 😅 You just don’t have a damn thing to show. That’s all.
You can’t tell anyone who to talk to or why, you know. But, go ahead, talk to “open eyes” about the forever impossible funny anarchy-idea. You’ve heard “the blind leads the blinds”. (And now comes the time for a real organization of” parallel societies”, so you will have the opportunity to carry out the theory. Ready?)
I’m not interested in your mindless nonsense either. Alive and well. bye
Thanks. I do know that statism and anarchy are mutually exclusive. I am merely pointing out that the mythological Westphalian model suggests “no rulers” – of nation-states that is.
I am not suggesting that nation-states can ever be “anarchist.”
Thanks for reply.
Anarchy is a sacred word/notion for me. I understand what you wanted to say, but using anarchy in this context is at least awkward, inadmissible for me personally.
Also, much much more will be needed than association of free sovereign individuals for anarchy to be viable.
Talking tonight to my good friend Dmitri in Donetsk today via skype, and as I do every Friday. A very good source, I am in touch every week and have known him for many years.
Apparently there was a flower shop in the middle of town. People were buying flowers for a birthday party. Then Whammo, a Ukie shell landed right on the flower shop and killed everybody in it. Whoops another fake episode presumably. Stand by for the next fake victim of the Ukie kill list. Who’s next I wonder?
Yes, here is a list of all the people on the “fake” list, to go along with the “ fake “ war which people are exposing.
To paraphrase Pinter’s 2005 Nobel prize speech. It never happened even while it was happening!
After the announced referendums in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics to see if they wish to to rejoin Russia, it is interesting to note what Putin had to say about attacks on Russian Federation territory. “ ..necessary, urgent steps to protect the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Russia”. What does this mean?
Scott Ritter has a stab at explaining it !
One way to compare unipolar vs multipolar world order models is to consider that most of us will already have experienced a multipolar world.
Or at least a bipolar one. Anyone aged 32 or over, will have experienced it to some degree or another. The bipolar model, of course, being Western civilization vs the Soviet Union. Succeeded by the unipolar ‘US hegemony’ model from 1990+
Ok, so, under the bipolar system, there was the fear of the odd nuke suddenly being randomly launched. Giving roughly 10 minutes, or so, to dive into the improvised ‘bunker’.. To ‘duck and cover’ under a suitable (but probably useless) table or school desk…
BUT… were we ever expected to self-suffocate via masks in ther interests of releasing less CO2 into the atmosphere?
Were we ever expected to inject experimental substances into our bodies?
Were contrariwise thoughts ever outlawed? (perhaps a necessary byproduct of a unipolar world?)
Maybe expanding to 3+ poles doesn’t sound so bad after all…
It’s just another Mafia esque crime family, comming together with collective personal interests in the realm of £’s, and ‘greater good’ PR for the masses.
Exactly. It blows my mind people can think any of these cold blooded clotshot pushers have got the moral high ground or care a damn about any of us.
At one time you could read interesting comments on this page, Since February 24, most of it is only NATO propaganda.
The highest rated comment in this discussion questions the existence of a war between NATO and Russia. How can you get so low? Don’t you know the history? Maybe start with this one idiot with one another
You seem confused. NATO is just as invested in the reality of the war as Russia is. So questioning the reality of that war is scarcely NATO propaganda is it?
Yes, NATO is interested in the reality of the war which it has built up moving steadily from west to east until it reaches Russia’s frontiers. From Finland and Sweden in the north, and including the Baltics, in addition to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the Caucusas Slovakia, Turkey, and then come Germany, France and the UK and the minor states in the south of Europe and even Iceland! – that looks very much like an Eastward military expansion of NATO to me. That’s been on the cards since James Baker said that NATO would not move one inch east in the 1990s. So much for western assurances. Why do you expect Russia to sit back and do nothing?
olonel Muammar Gaddafi died after being stabbed with a bayonet in the anus and not in a firefight as originally claimed by Libyan authorities, according to a report on the dictator’s last hours.
New York-based Human Rights Watch said Gaddafi was already bleeding from head wounds caused by blast shrapnel as he tried to flee Sirte, his hometown. The charity obtained unedited mobile footage that showed militants abusing Gaddafi as they took him into custody in October 2011.
“As he was being led on to the main road, a militiaman stabbed him in his anus with what appears to have been a bayonet, causing another rapidly bleeding wound,” the report said.
Watched this video a couple of times. This guy makes a lot of good common sense.
Martin Armstrong on the Global Economic Crash
See anything odd about this?
“Drag performer George Ward, known by his stage name Cherry Valentine, has died at the age of 28, his family have announced.”
“Ward ….died on Sunday …” Of what?
“…we are still processing his death….” Of what?
“Following the news of Ward’s death” Of what?
Oh wait a minute:
“Ward’s death was “horribly tragic” …..”
Ah so the death was caused by “horrible tragedy”!
So watch out for this new cause of death. Horrible Tragedy – or HT!
Save the castles from “climate change”!
Erosion is not a new problem anywhere!
why a downvote… stupid people around
Here we can clear see how dangerous the clima is to our culture. The clima is SO awful……………..and human made. It was YOU who did it by your behaviour. (sarc)
Iain Davis thank you so much for your articles!
I’m old enough to remember Peter Knowles, footballer at the time with Wolverhampton Wanderers, and younger brother of Cyril, legend of the Tottenham Hotspur team about the same time. Peter claimed that the world would end in 1984 having become a Jehovah’s Witness some years previously. I stood on top of the World Trade Centre that year.
As far as I can see the world didn’t end.
I can also claim to not know what is going to happen in one hour’s time – I know what I have planned – never mind next week or even 2030. I am minded of that saying by Robbie Burns in his poem “To a Mouse” that reads “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, gang aft agley”
It’s right that we become aware of all that may happen, and goodness, there’s quite a variety of options to choose from. Me thinks, there’s an awful lot of time and life wasted by people, which is a ‘useful’ diversion from really challenging those monsters that would do us harm. Most people that I call ‘normies’ believe there’s nothing wrong with the world apart from a recent pandemic with the resultant problems of finances and making ends meet. Some still go to their football and tune into Match of the Day and are concerned for their loved ones and still fancy a pint with mates.
I’m prepared for some eventualities and keep abreast, as far as I can, of the moves that those who would harm us are making. I note this well researched article and add it to an ever increasing pile of things to ‘watch out for’ and now I’m going shopping …. have a good day
As for Wolves, I personally would only listen to Steve Bull. 🙂
If I’m not mistaken, he said the world would last.
I’m not sure there’s any transfer of power going on or any struggle for hegemony. It looks pretty obvious to me since the covid malarkey that East and West are sock puppets on some puppet master’s two hands.
Currently he’s making them bash each other a bit and terrifying the Norms with thoughts of nuclear war. But it’s not working on me any more, or on those awake friends I have. It looks like a half-hearted performance to be honest. Not that convincing. I get the feeling all the big stuff is happening where we don’t see it and this war shite is just a new Netflix series for us to consume.
But then what do I know really.
Other parts of the narrative rumble on:
Remember that “dark winter” Biden very deliberately talked about?….
Yeah it’s these little insinuated bits and pieces that are the real “war” going on if you want my view. We’re being edged into societal collapse by these bozos while they feed us scary stories from an imaginary world of heroes & villains and Cold War 2 and God knows what other shite. They all know it’s just circus stuff to keep us enthralled while the shops empty and prices go up and birth rates go down and our kids all get poisoned to hell.
yawn! really Iain. This is so boring and out of date.
BTW Why do you grow some balls and do a deep dive in to who funded/funds your heroes.
What “heroes” are you referring to?
He’s a professional eejit. Leave him there in his corner.
He would be called an atisemite if he did….. but the hyperlink would actually work.
All addresses “” are “”, of course. Large volume – > use of machine translation ->… 👎 🙂 That’s how it works.(At least the information is accurate, with links.)
…in continued to below:
15 September 2022
In Russia will appear a day of federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance
In the autumn in Russia will be celebrated a new professional holiday – the day of the federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin ordered the calendar to be corrected.
September 15th is expected to be a holiday date. On this day in 1922. The Council of people’s commissars of the RSFSR adopted a decree “on the sanitary bodies of the Republic”. Since then, employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service consider this day as their professional holiday, but so far it is not included in the official All-Russian list of holidays.
19 September 2022
Dmitry Chernyshenko held a working meeting with Elena Shmeleva, chairman of the Federal Territorial Council of Sirius
We recall the idea of granting Sirius the status of a federal territory in November 2020. it was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin. By a decision of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Dmitry Chernyshenko was appointed curator for interaction with the authorities of the Federal Territory of Sirius.
The meeting discussed the socio-economic development of the Federal Territory, as well as the development of breakthrough projects and the creation of a science and Technology campus.
Sirius also plans to launch a comprehensive support system for the development of each child’s abilities. In the future, it could be introduced in all regions of Russia.
“The strategy for the development of the Federal Territory of Sirius, defined by the president of Russia, includes areas that are important for the whole country: urban environment, talent development, medicine, innovation and security. Its result will be to improve the quality of life of people, form a world-class scientific and technological environment and create the most modern infrastructure in the field of Health. Already today, with the support of the government of the Russian Federation, we are creating such exemplary conditions for development that other regions of Russia will be able to apply in the future,“ said Elena Shmeleva.
The deputy prime minister also visited the new laboratory complex “life sciences” of the Sirius University of Science and technology. Its construction was completed in August. Commissioning is planned for October-December. There will be genomic research, research in Immunology, Biotechnology, gene therapy, nanobiomedicine, biology and plant biotechnology. For this purpose, seven resource centers have been created in the laboratory complex, equipped with high-tech equipment..”
September 12, 2022
Joe Biden
Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy
“…enhance cooperation, including joint research projects and expert exchanges, on biotechnology R&D, especially in genomics… the rapid and sustainable development of innovative products and biotechnologies… develop, and work to promote and implement, biosafety and biosecurity best practices, tools, and resources bilaterally and multilaterally to facilitate appropriate oversight for life sciences… management of biotechnology- and biomanufacturing-related R&D globally… The term “key R&D areas” includes fundamental R&D of emerging biotechnologies, including engineering biology; predictive engineering of complex biological systems, including the designing, building, testing, and modeling of entire living cells, cell components, or cellular systems; quantitative and theory-driven multi-disciplinary research to maximize convergence with other enabling technologies; and regulatory science, including the development of new information, criteria, tools, models, and approaches to inform and assist regulatory decision-making. These R&D priorities should be coupled with advances in predictive modeling, data analytics, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, high-performance and other advanced computing systems, metrology and data-driven standards, and other non-life science enabling technologies.
The term “life sciences” means all sciences that study or use living organisms, viruses, or their products, including all disciplines of biology and all applications of the biological sciences (including biotechnology, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and pharmaceutical and biomedical research and techniques)…”
September 12, 2022
14 September 2022
The development of quantum computers is an integral part of the work of the government and the Russian Academy of Sciences to achieve technological sovereignty
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting on the development of high-tech industry.
The main report of the meeting was made by academician, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Quantum Technologies”, General Director of AO “NIM” Gennady Krasnikov.
The government pays great attention to the development of the high-tech industry of quantum computing. …one of the most promising areas for the coming years… to achieve technological sovereignty-this is the task that the president has set us. One of the key results of the implementation of the roadmap… is the creation of a prototype of a 4-qubit ion quantum processor, on which operations have already been demonstrated using a unique home technology – quantum computer – multi-level information environment. This is a unique technology available to three countries in the world, including Russia. A 16-qubit processor is expected this year. We are systematically moving towards the goal set in the roadmap to reach 100 qubits by 2025…. And I am glad that all this is marked by the decade of Science and technology”, Chernyshenko said.
15 September 2022
Mikhail Mishustin congratulated the employees of Rospotrebnadzor on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the sanitary and epidemiological service of Russia
I congratulate you on a significant date – the centenary of the establishment of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of Russia.
The highly professional team of Rospotrebnadzor preserves and develops the traditions of its predecessors, actively uses their practical, scientific developments. Today the Department unites scientific institutes and laboratories in different regions of our country. Digital, genomic, genetic technologies allow to prevent the spread of epidemics, to ensure the safety of air and water and to identify poor quality food.
Thanks to your dedicated work, a testing system has been launched as soon as possible, monitoring of the variability of the strains of COV ID19 has been organised, a number of other effective measures have been taken to combat this virus and the necessary support has been provided to friendly countries . All of this has helped save hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives.
It is important that despite working in the difficult conditions of the pandemic, the office continued to update sanitary standards. This made it possible to significantly reduce the number of regulatory acts, eliminate outdated requirements and form a convenient structure of rules.
At the request of the President today, the Rospotrebnadzor is creating a “sanitary shield” for the country. The implementation of this project will allow to put a powerful barrier against infections and reduce many risks.
The Department’s specialists defend the rights of millions of our citizens every day from unscrupulous suppliers of goods and services. And now, when foreign companies waive their obligations, your work is of particular importance..”
Thank you to the administrator for reviving the two comments from the spam folder.
r.e. your posts
it really is evil if they ENFORCE it; slightly less so if it is voluntary.
Either way, what will happen to organic humans from this point forth?
: /
(side note- halo, everyone wants to be a spartan, the younger ones will embrace it, all programmed into them. mental).
What do you suggest? You’re smarter, so it’s right for you to lead the dialogue to a happy ending. 🙂
smarter? hahaha
just wiser? hahahah, we can dream.. honest : )
you tell me, oh cryptic seer, lol, i still think you are a multiploid ; ) Admin could shut me up on that count if they chose …..
all that aside..
i do not know P. cull forecast, zombies arising, take shelter lol. bad weather ahead.
we do have a problem if all this is real.
you tell me? . .. . ?
this will be very difficult to avoid, for even the hold-outs,
unless they are used to being feral…. ?
…thermal bots… supplied by the iranians to scotland’s finest, boak… e.g. man, too much sci-fi -dystopia in ma rubberheid, i will admit : )
the “principle of subsidiarity” will ensure a different experience for all..locally. To the same end: hegemon sustainability.
we won’t all hurt equally… though demographic density reality
will kick in…
point:depends where you are, …..
until macro-shit implodes/collapses, life will carry on in this “district”…
even then??
worse shit still coming.
stand and fight,
the good fight.
you got a thumbs down for taunting me!
🙁 🙂
Don’t do It, rubber, my friend. Do you know how much I’ll be reprimanded by the secret service officer in charge of me for those red thumbs?
(Instead of red thumbs, prepare an apology and an ode to praise for me, because we are already on the date.;) )
There’s nothing inherently wrong with a “world order” but that’s not what’s being sold. Its the “rules based world order” where “the rules” are invariably set up to benefit one group at the expense of others. As many nations have discovered over the years failure to play the Big Dog’s game by its rules results in you being slapped back into line — just look at Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba and a host of other nations. The list is almost endless. What’s gone wrong this time is that Russia has finally turned around and gone “Nyet!”. They will be slapped down, of course, except that they’re a bit too well armed and self-contained for the usual tactics to work against them. China is also on the list to be dealt with but I think that the Chinese have boxed very clever and short of global thermonuclear war (never to be ruled out entirely) they’re not going to be easily brought into line.
The thing is, for many countries the “rules based world order” has bought few, if any benefits. Sure, a minority of the population has done well out of it but for the majority the result has been nothing but crushing, endemic, poverty and there are signs that they don’t like it. This is where China turns out to be particularly dangerous — a mere lifetime ago it was broke, prostrate, isolated, having shaken of imperialists it was left, like modern Afghanistan, with nothing. It was pulled itself up and now its effectively saying to the rest of the world “If we can do it, so can you”. The West — our leaders, at least — have realized the danger too late and are rapidly trying to organize coalitions, blocks and what-have-you to combat this but it may not work. Interesting times.
What people in our Western countries refer to as “The Great Reset” is merely the systematic reduction in wealth, standard of living and prospects of the mass of the population. Its a process that’s been going on for about 50 years or so, a process that reversed the gains made around WW2 that were necessary to “combat communism” — a bribe, as it were. Now we don’t need those bribes the situation has to revert to ‘normal’, a situation that’s easily recognizable to any student of 19th and early 20th century history. Sure, its uncomfortable, but then where is it written that the rest of the world owes us a living? Countries don’t count when it comes to imperialism, anyway — a country is just a convenient host for the parasite class.
I suppose it was naive of me to think that there might be a single poster (besides myself) that knows a little of the detail of modern finance. The worst offender, sadly, is the historian and author of this distended article.
nother of nutter DAVIs’ turgid, torturous litany of Atlantic Council steno Russia-Hate BS.
put a sock in it sport
When you can write and research as well as he can then perhaps you may have something useful to say.
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums, and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy, and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.”
H. S. Thompson
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
Lol. May I take this opportunity to share my favourite book review of my first book a Dangerous Ideology with you. I hope you find it as amusing as I did:
“I have often thought of writing a book, but I’m glad I haven’t just in case it turned out to be as bad as this one.”
Everyone’s a critic Jimbo, but not all critics are equal.
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums, and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy, and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.”
H. S. Thompson
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
Imo, the main advantage of Russia over the west lies in the heads of people outside Russia who do not have enough information (no matter in the West, in America, Asia, Australia, or even bordering Russia; it is simply a Western site, and the Western media market, including alternative, is immeasurably larger).
Here are some simple concrete things (Syl Shawcross, I know this is your part, but… you should have been faster! 😆 ). Excerpts from two articles:
21 September 2022
“Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov confirmed the worst expectations of patriots who feared that instead of real import substitution, he was called upon to move the global agenda of “sustainable development”, “zero emissions”, “eco-friendly food” in the Government of the Russian Federation, etc. The day before, he said that Russian citizens will have to get used to eating meat… from fly larvae. And the argument was simply ironclad – “this is a global trend in which Russia keeps up with the times.” And the fact that it may not be so tasty and not so useful is nonsense, because the main thing is to “work with the mentality and try.” And naturally, retailers like magnit, who are tightly sitting on the “green agenda”, have already stated that they are ready to increase capacity for vegetable “meat”. And it is in this direction that the Government intends to allocate cheap R&D loans. Alas, with such import substitution, we will soon slide to complete Schwbianism, and the real sector will be finally multiplied by zero.
According to him, Manturov tried vegetable meat twice – it was about the products of the Efko company, which began the production of vegetable meat back in 2020 (meat is made from vegetable proteins: soy, pea and rice).
“Indeed, it is very difficult to distinguish from natural meat — you have to be such a great gourmet to do it. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference”, said the head of the Ministry of industry:
“Manturov called to change the mentality and appreciate the place from maggot flies”
He says it is ready to adapt to manufacturers proposals on the use of plant protein as an alternative to animal – e.g. larvae. At the exhibition, such products-burgers with a cutlet, which consists of plant proteins with the addition of concentrate from larvae of Black Lion fly, vegetables and aquafaba (vegetable substitute for eggs), were presented by Modern Food Technology.
“It’s really amazing when the world uses protein from the larva of the black lion, and we, as I said, are keeping up with the times here. Probably, we need to work a little bit with the mentality of all of us present here, and the black lion can “come in”. But we need to try. Although, probably, a person adapts to everything, and to this too”, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade noted.
It should be noted that Manturov has not yet decided to taste meat from larvae, but he noted that it is necessary to support the cultivation of raw materials alternative to meat, including engineering, with preferential loans, R&D benefits (research and development work), “to provide support jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture and other federal executive authorities in terms of regulation”.
And where in reality this breeze blows from, we think many have already understood… As recently as mid-August 2022, the European Commission invited EU residents to eat insects, which caused a violent outrage among Europeans. Well, what to do, cows and pigs fart a lot, emit a lot of methane, carbon dioxide … and this makes us all very bad, so it’s time to close the shop – the globalist gentlemen thought.
And of course, the WEF, headed by Klaus Schwab and Co., does not pass by – back in May 2021, humanity was called upon to eat worms there. WEF program article titled “Worms for Dinner”. …And London promptly joined the topic, starting to grow insects specifically to feed Africans.
In general, Mr. Manturov, you have already earned a medal from Schwab, Gutierrez, Bill Gates, who of course is at the forefront in the field of investments and promotion of artificial meat. Maybe it’s time to move to the same Davos for permanent residence in order to be very close to the your owners? And we will somehow be here without you, we will cultivate our vast arable land, and raise chickens with cows.”
22 Sept. 2022
“On the key day for the Special Military Operation – September 21 – when the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation made an appeal for partial mobilization, ending the practice of “contractual arrangements” and solving tasks against all odds, the head of the United States Joe Biden Jr. also said his word. He did this at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. As promised by Secretary Blinken, his main words concerned the accusation of Russia of all sins and the need, in this regard, to reform the UN Security Council. The American president put the climate agenda in second place in importance, followed by modern healthcare. Those are the most important benchmarks that Klaus Schwab’s Davos World Economic Forum, together with global corporations, places for humanity. This is no coincidence, because in parallel with the General Assembly in New York from September 19 to 21, the WEF Conference on the climate crisis was held, organized with the money of the French insect protein company Ynsect, which is backed by the Rothschild clan. Isn’t this the reason for the unexpected revelations of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Denis Manturov, who a couple of days before Putin’s speech said that Russians need to change their mentality and prepare to eat fly larvae instead of meat?
Biden also developed this thesis in his UN speech on September 21: “The United States was among the initiators of making changes when creating a fundamentally new fund at the World Bank to prevent pandemics, ensure preparedness and take measures. As for global health, we have sent more than 620 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to 116 countries around the world, and we have an additional amount to meet the needs of different countries — and all this is free, free of charge.” Free cheese is only in a mousetrap, but now it has become known exactly how many “mice” got into it.
An interesting connection was drawn between the climate and the newfangled Web3 on Wednesday, September 21. A meeting “The impact of Web3 on climate” was held at the conference. Web3 is a term coined by one of the co—founders of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, a digital asset that is preparing to become the basis for a potential global digital currency on the initiative of the same WEF. In addition, the topic for discussion was the replacement of pet meat with “protein food” from insects. The fact is that one of the general sponsors of the conference was Ynsect, a bright representative of FoodTech. This is a new group of global corporations that share a “starving” world, which, however, still needs to be “starved”.
At the same time, Russian globalists, held an Innofood Forum in Sochi from September 19 to 20 – its extremely patriotic name pleases. Directly or indirectly, the “Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, created on the basis of an agreement with the WEF in the person of its President Borge Brende and Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko in October 2021, took part in the organization of the event. There was also talk about eating “worms and spiders”. The forum was held within the framework of the implementation of the second UN Sustainable Development Goal “Eliminating hunger, ensuring food security and improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agricultural development” – one of the basic goals of the “Great Reset” according to Schwab. It was there that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov told how great it is to eat maggots. Konstantin Ivanov, the head of the Foodnet-2035 working group of the National Technology Initiative, and Andrey Sharonov, the director of the National ESG Alliance, were among the iconic persons present. The list of participants indicates that the transition to the “insect protein” is part of the government strategy, probably designed as an experimental solution. The main question to the organizers and performers of the main roles: “What did you eat in Sochi?” – it was hardly a cockroach kebab.
The very synchronicity of the topic and time of the “foodological” forums under the auspices of globalists is alarming. For most of the Russian government, there is no military operation or a war with NATO on the territory of Ukraine. These people continue to bend the WEF and UN line of sustainable development, which is killing our country’s economy.
They don’t realize that Russian people of any nationality will never eat maggots. People are creatures of the Almighty, he endowed us with freedom of will, we are what we eat thanks to His plan, and to correct it, well, for sure, not to young swabbers like Manturov. It is unlikely that he understands that infernal food dehumanizes “consumers”.
Our sislibs in schools were three-year students and, apparently, did not study history. The Sepoy uprising in India began with the fact that the British supplied the local troops loyal to them with cartridges filled with fat from cows – animals sacred to Hindus. In Russia, do they want to try feeding maggots to veterans of their military? Well, well. As in the classic film “Baron Munchausen”, our homegrown globalists hear only “an invitation to the table” from “senior comrades” eating the Earth: “Join us, gentlemen, join us…”, which is what they are trying to do with all their might.
The Neocon globalists want to cause a “new flood” so that their “technological ark” is washed away and it begins to float. However, an attempt to climb it from our pseudo-elite is doomed to failure. The “tickets” they bought for money, services or betrayal of the Motherland will still be invalid.”
Quite an optimistic end to the article, but and they also seek to somehow inspire their readers not to give in and prepare for resistance.
Excellent and clearly explained thank you Iain. Just a couple of comments – money and partnerships with business are needed to keep whitewashing green economics which make money for industry and corporations – but this could be circumvented if we individuals chose to create a new world for the betterment of us all.
How? By living according to need and not want. But that’s just poo booed on both sides because it’s seen as too simplistic and it’s a case of, ‘well you go first because I’m not giving up all the good stuff just for….’ others.
The other comment I’d like to add is that unless we do demonstrate self control, self discipline and self mastery by choice because we like who we become in so doing – in line with the teachings of the Buddha for instance – and if we think of love in terms of Christ’s teachings for instance ( most recently, but wise teachers over time and culture have said same) – love for our neighbour, our fellow citizens who we may not like, for other nationalities, and not just for our family and those we like, then no matter how many fantastic articles we read and write like this one, nothing will change, because our heart’s are not in it.
I couldn’t agree more Caroline.
I’m sure there is a summarily accurate description of the power model, and it may lie somewhere among the dozens listed here. Perhaps, if discovered and deciphered, his opposite can be seen to help in the impending almost obligatory Organization of parallel societies.
In my opinion, however, any form of community-any state, anarcho-communes, kibbutzim or any other nominal name – unless it consists of a very high percentage of conscientious people who would act in the right way and without law or consent over them, they are doomed. I would like to see how it works because I have read and listened to a lot, but I am impressed that the supposed success of each proposed enterprise is based on personal responsibility for compliance with agreements. And the history of non-compliance with agreements is quite long.
Then we have the problem that global power can object to the existence of such societies, and they must be able to defend themselves. It seems pretty complicated to me. I would like to see it implemented, not just explained, because in words nothing seems unattainable. But when you bring together a group of people with multiple differences of all types who have not organized or even understood each other before, it’s different.
Appreciate your taking the time to respond Iain.
We have absolutely no choice in the medium term, or maybe even the short term, to give up most of what we currently want. The managers of our world are perfectly aware of this of course and Macron told the truth when he said the age of abundance is over. Yes, his class want, at any cost to us, to maintain their advantages, but no matter what we do, no matter what we build, no matter how we fight, no matter what we think, or even if we don’t fight or think at all, we will all be overwhelmingly concerned very soon with meeting our needs and not our wants. Choice is an illusion in this sense and all national governments are converging on the same path, with collapse at the terminus.
Unipolar vs multipolar is not a defining distinction while ALL are pushing the vaxx, digital money, increased surveillance, the global warming hoax with an energy reduction that decimates the population thru economic degradation.
The US and her vassal states has been dominant in the world. Now the BRICS/SCO we’re told are resisting that dominance, and are successful rivals. So what? So far there are two results:
–Pretty much all countries commited rights violations and economic degradation against their own citizens in the covid-Op.
–An incremental (boiling frogs) war is occurring, which if it progresses to a declaration of war opens Pandora’s box against the world population by supplying the pretext for vastly increased powers by the banking cabal/WEF. Nothing multipolar about that.
It’s the psychopaths against us. Of course it’s got to be sold as multipolar; how else account for war; how else get people fighting against each other instead of identifying the real enemy?
What’s so holy about recognizing the “rights” of individual countries to violate their citizens’ rights?
The whole purpose of having the legal apparatus of the State is to secure our rights. That’s central. The question is whether the purposeful weakening of America and Europe with their tradition of Democracy will lead to an ascendance of human rights.
We need citizens to get control of their govts and unseat the Deep State/cabal. How to do that, and how to avoid their continued strengthening war escalation are the only things worth talking about.
Yes, war is terrible, particularly when you are living in downtown Donetsk. Try living under Ukie bombardment which has been going on since 2014. It doesn’t feel fake to them! The collective west and NATO is waging a war of extermination against Russia. The Ukies have got a kill list, or didn’t you know? What do we get from our pacifist friends: Love thy neighbour. That’s a little difficult policy to carry out don’t you think?
Agreed, Graham. The deep state/psychopathic cabal is strengthening itself & weakening us via the escalating war. If we permit them to go to a declaration of war it will be MUCH more difficult to defeat them.
While I acknowledge the horrors of living in Eastern Ukraine at this time, my main focus is on avoiding the global horror that will occur if they succeed in progressing to a declaration of war.
We probably cannot make the war stop, altho we should try. But we must stop their coming declaration.
The WEF likes you for this, Ian! Nation states hold powers they can’t control and that is vibrant cultural souls, so they are against them. Nation egos they know and desire, as they loved Hitler. Cultures are not build upon Greed, their prime vehicle: there they are like fish out of their aquarium. Why make these WEF wolves look invincible?
The unipolar world is their Walhalla as was proven the last 4 decades. China was their production favorite as the CCP was ready to quell any local friction in an eye bat. Trump was the bull in their China shop and he is still being made to pay for that. In many Western nations the WEF promoted unfettered exotic immigration to dilute any cultural nationalism: they know it, how come you don’t? Fooled by Hitler’s nationalism blackening act like most Germans still today? Nation souls protect cultures, as Nature protects diversity niches, the source of Creativity. National egos cross borders with violence, expand, colonialize, conquer market share, buy up or sell massive blocks of shares from other nations. Cultures are hard to monetarize, hard to control, too diverse, too little mental.
I am at a loss Antonym to understand why you think the article opposes the Westphalian idea of the nation-state or advocates global governance. I oppose nation-states from a volutarist perspective but that is not relevant to this article. As an aside, my own political philosphy favours decentralisation. So, in global governance terms, I would also prefer the devolution of authority to the nation state.
My point is not to advocate global governance but rather, in this opening article of the series, to try to explain it as I see it.
I agree with much of what you have said, as does the article (I think). I’m not promoting the Schwabian globalist mindset, I am criticising it. However, your comment appears to assume that the multipolar world order is actually based upon defence of the nation-state. My point, though perhaps made clumsilly, is that is not the case.
The multipolar model is, in fact, the total rejection of the nation-state. As you point out this is what the WEF (and other globalists) want. Something I explore in more detail in parts two and three.
Great article Iain as usual, thanks.
And no, your article isn’t clumsy, it’s very thorough and clearly laid out.
I think Disney have done more damage to people’s thinking processes than perhaps any other organisation. It is so hard to get the majority to understand that ‘good guys v bad guys’ is a (bad) film script, not reality.
A multipolar world will make domination of the UN SC impossible and thus might make a drastic reform of it more plausible.
I agree with you that the too many UN / WB / WHO etc. entities got in bed with MNCs and Mass Fund Holders unashamedly.
Glad to hear that you believe in benign nation states as THE genuine actors on the world stage, I just can see it clearly expressed in your main article above. Obviously, size does matter and Andorra can’t have the same weight as an India or the US for example.
Skipping to the bottom of the post, one reads the absurdity “the multipolar model is, in fact, the total rejection of the nation state”. To your mind, yes. Fortunately, to the most of the leaders of the third world in the real world, no.
That trump enchantment is a heavy spell.
I’m sorry, just a bit for a break.
”Alain Delon will Interview Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, September 23, on the airwaves of TV5 Monde.
As it should be – actor against actor (but Zelensky, though zero as an actor, is the actor with a far more important role, like Mr. Greensky.) I’m sure Alain will only ask him the right questions; no questions about Ukraine’s top spots in porn acting, prostitution, how many children go missing a year, or those “factories for rejuvenating serum” (mentioned here in the article “cool cannibals”), or how the drug trade is going, or this intense digitization (including the digital tool Diya, with whom vaccinees can get digital money to spend on certain things at certain times).; and such trifles beyond the very nature of “war” which Delon can’t ask. He is “fighting for them”, for the Ukrainians, as he says.
You probably won’t ask him what he meant by that:
“Ukraine will definitely not be the same as we strived for from the very beginning. It’s impossible. Completely liberal and European – it will not be like that. It will definitely stand from the fortress of every house, every building, every person,” he said during his interview with the Ukrainian journalists.
According to the Head of State, Ukraine will become the “Greater Israel”.
“We will become a “Greater Israel” with our own face. We will not be surprised if there are representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in our cinemas and supermarkets; if those places would have people carrying weapons. I am convinced that the issue of security will be the number one priority for us in the next ten years. I am sure of this,” he said. ”
He has practice with such comparisons, as, for example: “In 2020, President Zelensky said in an interview that his government was hoping to construct a “Little Jerusalem” in Uman that would include a historical museum, a big park and reconstructing the current synagogue there. ”
But, as we know, there is a law that “to build (for example, the local goal from the global goal of ‘war’) you must first destroy”. So it takes serious effort in partnership with demolition companies (nearby and further afield) before it becomes fit for better construction. Well, everyone can have all sorts of assumptions, but ultimately we’ll all see what happens; there’s time, until 2025. by 2030.
I vote no. Can we do that, can we have a say in the matter? I think freedom and liberty are the shit, man. I know they don’t. I KNOW, they don’t.
There was a time when European nations were constantly at war with each other. But now they work as a single unit in most geopolitical ways.
If I was to point out to you this fact that Europe appears to have a single unifying executive it would make little sense for you to reply that Europe can’t be a unified political unit because seventy years ago it was riven by war.
What I mean is things change. Sometimes they change fast. We can’t ignore evidence for such change by clinging to the past.
The plain fact is the plandemic showed Russia and China closely cooperating with the West to introduce a terrible sweeping, world-changing evil. This degree of cooperation is not superficial and we can’t discount it as irrelevant. It must change the way we view everything going forward.
Does it seem likely this cooperation has suddenly been set aside because of a few Nazis in Ukraine? No! And In fact we can see the cooperation openly continuing even while the supposedly bitter ideological war unfolds!
We also must note that the very same agenda that East and West were cooperating to achieve is continuing to be achieved on the back of this war.
In the circumstances is it so crazy to ask whether the “war” might have been contrived by East and west together just as the plandemic was?
Europe is “unified” under an unelected unaccountable cabal that is expanding into ever more spheres of governance. I.e., it is in a far worse situation than the UN. Now, some members are threatening to revolt because they are being told whom to buy fuel from and for how much. What next: water?
While your rich imagination may have some virtues, I hope that you don’t end in a solipsistic nightmare. You might then think everyone is against you.
So you’re saying it’s an “every man for himself” world, a “dog eat dog” world: “a dog fight inside the prison yard”, the “bones of contention” being WHO will control us ?
Seems each new generation needs reminding of Reality.
Excellent essay.
The simple fact Russia and China continue pushing clot shots and masks and lockdowns and climate bullshit and all the rest of it is enough to let us know they don’t stand for anything better. The Great Reset is being packaged as “multipolar” to con the stupid and gullible.
Masks have never been mandatory in China except in areas where the virus is propagating. You might be aware of this had you seen any of the many videos of people in China. Nor are vaccines mandatory, which is one of the reasons while the sequestration process is so exigent. The elderly in China have traditionally been very reluctant to take any but traditional Chinese medicines. The fact that the elderly have a high level of respect in China (quite the opposite to the West and Japan) means that they can’t be force jabbed. This has resulted in the significant slowdown in the Chinese economy.
It’s amazing that in this supposedly informed site there are posters with any direct or deep knowledge that pose as experts.
God bless Russia and grant her good success in her military operations in Ukraine – for the sake of all non-Nazi Ukrainians and the whole world. Especially the Donbass.
As President Putin said: Ukraine [US/UK/NATO/EU] refuse to negotiate. What can one do!
And what would really constitute “success” for Russia? Did you read the article at all? I guess success would be Russia as the nominal hegemon of the globe, nominal as no nation or country is the true hegemon. The banks, to put it simply, are THE hegemons of the entire world, as this article lays out rather well. They own this world and while Russia may be allowed to give us all a show of force against Nazis (which in too many ways to count we’ve yet to see, even out of a military that should be more than capable of “winning” this little war quite handily in a short period of time, even with NATO and FUCKUS “refusing to negotiate”), it will not be allowed to truly influence what our globalist owners have in mind. And as for those Nazis, if you think the oligarchs of this world aren’t in essence Nazi fascists, you’d best read up on just what they mean by hegemony over the entire globe and every living thing on it.
If Russia managed to incorporate Ukraine under its territorial wing, what would that really matter? I suppose the resources Ukraine sits on will gain something for the Russian oligarchs, but you’d better bet the American and European ones will not allow Russia total control over those. There’s money to be made, and that’s all that counts. And there’s obviously a LOT of money to be made with perpetual war…. There’s also the coming hyper inflation, food shortages, fuel shortages, etc which will culminate in a global world digital currency, fully programmable and controllable for our owners. I guess that constitutes victory over Nazis?
You and the author refer to “banks” without knowing the first thing about what a bank is and what the western banking system (and its resulting financial structure) is. Clue: it’s not just a building with people sitting behind bulletproof windows dispensing and accepting cash.
You do know that most “Russian oligarchs” don’t live in Russia today? A brief search will inform you where they do live. Same places as do the Ukrainian oligarchs.
The so-called war has got nothing to do with the few hundred Nazis in Ukraine. For God’s sake that’s just an excuse. The Nazis are working for the same globalists as Putin and Biden and Xi and Zelensky anyhow. All the same acting troupe.
The bloody war was cobbled together at short notice when the covid bullshit started to be exposed.
Remember how they were predicting economic crashes because of covid? And then the backlash happened and they knew they couldn’t get people to accept it? So, they switched plans and started a Wag the Dog scenario to get the same result.
It couldn’t be more bloody obvious. How can anyone miss it?
“a few hundred nazis”
Get a grip man and do your homework.
Ok, a few thousand. Let’s go mad and say a million. It makes no difference to the point. They’re all on the same globalist side us what matters, pushing the same covid lies, selling the same clot shots, all reducing their respective populations, all backing anti-human , transhuman bollocks.
Agreed. Putin was a WEF Young Global Leader for Tomorrow. He also pushed Nazi passports in Russia. It’s also NOT a coincidence that the so-called ‘war’ in Ukraine has mysteriously advanced the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. It was obvious even back in February 2022 what was happening. Could they fake a tactical nuclear weapon attack in Ukraine to distract people from a banking/financial crisis designed to bring in CBDCs? Answer: easily!
There is no evidence Putin was a young global leader.
I apologize. There are two long posts – of 8:15 and 8:20 – in your spam folder. If they don’t fit here, at least look at them, they’re not very uninteresting. Thanks.
‘So-called war’ eh. Every Friday I phone my friends Dmitry and Olga in Donetsk, but the Ukie shelling (which of course is ‘fake’ and arranged by Putin) is actually getting worse. For the last 3 days they have been without drinking water and moved to the eastern outskirts of the city. Yeah, ‘It couldn’t be more bloody obvious. How can anyone miss it.’ Words fail me!
You’re taking the piss right?
“cobbled together on short notice” “few hundred nazis” don’t make me laugh corporal.
Hang on though, I saw you comment that you agree Russia and NATO are all in it together pushing the covid bullshit, so how is it totally crazy they could be pushing a fake war too? It doesn’t seem crazy to me
chum, what are you missing? the abyssmal darkness of the entire plot?
they want most of us dead, …. ehh… uhm?? war is usually quite good for that?
Globalist, Global.
Nobody has been to ‘space’. because it doesn’t exist.
(neither do nuclear weapons).
I agree about the space thing, too much evidence against space exploration and no real evidence for it.
And I would be over the moon (ha!) if nuclear bombs (I think this is what you meant?) did not exist.
Example of what speaks against space travel:
NASA recently discovered what appears to be a ‘force field’ over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested.
Numerous philosophers and spiritual teachers have spoken about this ‘quarantine’.
This video released by NASA about the upcoming (in 2014) Orion space exploration craft, shows a NASA scientist admitting that they still haven’t worked out how to properly shield the spacecraft from the radiation emitted from the Van Allen belts.
‘If this does not get the skeptics going wild on the moon debate, we don’t know what will.
In the video presentation below, NASA engineer Kelly Smith explains about many of the risks and pitfalls surrounding the new Orion Deep Space Mission to the planet Mars.
Surprisingly, chief among Kelly’s concerns is whether or not his spacecraft can successfully pass through the perilous Van Allen Radiation Belts. Such is the prospective danger in fact, that NASA will have to send a dumbie craft first in order to ‘test out’ what the potential radiation effects will be on future human crews, as well as on the ship’s delicate sensors and equipment.
Note also, that the NASA engineer also says at around 4 1/2 minutes into the video: “No data can penetrate the plasma….”
So, how did they stream the video to our television sets in 1961?
Our measurements show that the maximum radiation level as of 1958 is equivalent to between 10 and 100 roentgens per hour, depending on the still-undetermined proportion of protons to electrons. Since a human being exposed for two days to even 10 roentgens would have only an even chance of survival, the radiation belts obviously present an obstacle to space flight.
Unless some practical way can be found to shield space-travelers against the effects of the radiation, manned space rockets can best take off through the radiation-free zone over the poles. A “space station” must orbit below 400 miles or beyond 30,000 miles from the earth. We are now planning a satellite flight that will test the efficacy of various methods of shielding.
The hazard to space-travelers may not end even when they have passed the terrestrial radiation belts. According to present knowledge the other planets of our solar system may have magnetic fields comparable to the earth’s and thus may possess radiation belts of their own. The moon, however, probably has no belt, because its magnetic field appears to be feeble. Lunar probes should give us more definite information on this point before long.
That YouTube link isn’t working for me, is it still working for you?
Just checked. They’ve scrubbed it.
There greater dangers beyond the VABs. But the vampires will continue to suck the blood of ordinary people in financing such scams.
Yes, I think you nailed it. Space exploration as a money extracting business.
Thanks Veri Tas.
Very interesting links.
MOON HOAX: DEBUNKED! ~ Intelligent Thinking – understanding subtleties, nuances, shades of gray, and discernment. Study the preponderance of evidence.
Domalist, Dobal
too big a concept for many, too far outside the “comfort” zone, i like the veritas referrence to quarantine, that is my understanding
as offg comments is a playpen for unruly minds (presided over by the worthy S&S)
“earth” is a playpen for those who cannot yet be trusted with anything bigger
Another LONG article just for pure entertainment!
Reality is now clearer. If before OPERATION COVIDIUS one could embrace the illusion that the herds of modern moron slaves had the potential to act against the MAIN SYSTEM (even if the potential was very tinny) today I know for sure that we don’t have ANY POTENTIAL AT ALL.
Instead of being ready to die to CHANGE it… we’re are just ready to die (or be culled) to MAINTAIN it.
Voz, I can understand your defeatist attitude if all the “herds of modern slaves” were “morons” as you put it, but they are NOT all retarded, foolish or stupid. They have just been brainwashed by the state and private ideological apparatuses via media such as TV and other MSM. I am surprised you haven’t mentioned that. Moreover, you state that:
...these modern moron slaves had the potential to act against the MAIN SYSTEM (even if the potential was very tinny) today I know for sure that we don’t have ANY POTENTIAL AT ALL.
If the prevailing official ideological nonsense and propaganda that they have been constantly pumping out and subjecting people to, can be countered, then these “modern moron slaves” as you call them in all probability will still have the potential and a chance to redeem themselves in the struggle for freedom, knowledge and proper justice by re-establishing a Common Law jurisdiction and principles, Common Law Communities, CL Courts and proper peace officers as in contrast to, and outside of the present corrupt legal system based on corporations, statutory rules and regulations which are mostly run for business and profit.
Furthermore, you do NOT know and cannot know for sure that “we do not have ANY POTENTIAL AT ALL” either to act against “the main system” as you call it, or otherwise.
If for example, you sit on your ass and choose to do NOTHING and encourage others to do the same (for whatever reason), then you will only be assisting the dark forces to achieve their objectives that they have planned all along, and then you will have to reap what you have sown, along with the other poor souls that you have encouraged to do precisely, NOTHING!
Consider joining the Common Law Court (International) it costs nothing and help restore proper Justice and freedom. We the People can make a difference together and change things for the better.
I can’t figure out if that is just a joke or if you’re serious!
Still rejecting the Reality that OPERATION COVIDIUS provided?… At least to those that never bought the propaganda, never used a PCR kit or LF kit, never used a muzzled, rejected the mRNA toxic spew and so on, Reality is pretty clear.
Common Law Court?!?
Please… Learn something from our Collective History, nothing that matters is CHANGED using those things. I won’t even ask what derangement is that about “proper Justice and freedom”!
Voz, you wrote:
Still rejecting the Reality that OPERATION COVIDIUS provided?
Where do I actually say that ??????????
Also, you state that:
Learn something from our Collective History, nothing that matters is CHANGED using those things. I won’t even ask what derangement is that about “proper Justice and freedom”!
Where is your proof that using things like establishing communities based on the Common Law etc in particular has never worked? I’ll be surprised if you can find any.
As far as I know the strategy that I have mentioned has never been tried so you don’t know. If you can show me any evidence that a CL system organized by the people doesn’t work from collective history, I’ll be more than happy to review my position.
Insofar as “proper justice and freedom are concerned” they are no more a derangement of the intellect or reason than your excuses for doing nothing and your defeatist attitude. In fact, your statements amount to an apologia for maintaining the status quo and “the reality of operation covidious” as you call it!
You wrote:
this is a huge rejection of Reality.
My fellow MMS… We don’t need to waste Resources testing such idiotic strategy. I place that strategy right bellow the one that claims that we can stop an incoming tsunami with a glass of water.
I never said to my fellow MMS/3i’s to do “nothing”…
I’ve said many time on this site and on all the others where I write BS that the ONLY solution, under our Reality, is to perform several Jedburgh’s actions. When site censors find out what that means I usually am banned since meek slaves will always live fearful existences.
But you are right on one point…
I did NOTHING regarding lockdowns (never obeyed them!)
I did NOTHING regarding wearing muzzles (never used one!)
I did NOTHING regarding PCR kits/LF kits (never used them!)
I did NOTHING regarding mRNA jabs (never took them!)
So I’ve a lot of practice doing NOTHING!
Voz, you are a clever adept at obfuscation why didn’t YOU just write what follows here on this site that YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING in the face of REALITY being imposed, instead of NOTHING? For example:
I did SOMETHING regarding lockdowns – (never obeyed them!)
I did SOMETHING regarding wearing muzzles (never used one!)
I did SOMETHING regarding PCR/LF kits (never used them!)
I did SOMETHING regarding mRNA jabs (never took them!)
So I’ve a lot of practice doing SOMETHING.
In other words, YOU DID DO SOMETHING as you did make a CHOICE and a DECISION to ACT in each case by not complying with, and obeying, their rules, regulations and the conditions being imposed!
Which implies that you were in effect rejecting/resisting certain aspects of the so-called “REALITY” of the situation that was, and still is being imposed, and, despite the fact that you seem to believe that any sort of organized resistance using CL is some kind of “idiotic strategy” and a “joke”! So what is your strategy if any, that isn’t idiotic and is not a joke, or dare I venture to ask?
Interesting post, it calls to question whether either the unipolar and multipolar models are or can be beneficial forces for humanity. At its core the article reveals the power and influence of a small elite individuals, institutions and collaborators the writer calls oligarchs, that some of us may refer to as the powers that be (TPTB). These individuals institutions and partnerships have one main thing in common, the desire to control the world. Where does that leave us? Will he have to choose between the lesser of two evils? Or will this series offer solutions and ways to reverse hundreds if not thousands of years of planning and scheming rooted in psychopathy and megalomania?
Well, well, well, the Putin lovers, “geopolitics is all that matters” know nothings, hope-in-good-elites addicts and bots are out with their hack saws going after this piece. No wonder, just the section on wealth concentration in Russia is enough to dissolve many times its weight in illusions. Thanks, Iain.
Why do you think that the Owners of the West with the help of their terrorists/scoundrels if office are so engaged in going after Russia?!
Not just the fictional wealth but the bigger prize is the Natural Resources Wealth.
They thought they had it after the moron Mikhail Gorbachev put Russia for sale and started the rise of the 2nd Generation of NaSSism!
The West isn’t going after Russia. It’s a fake wrestling match and when they leave the ring they’re all smiles and best pals. It’s a show put on for YOU. They’re laughing at you because you fall for it.
The West and NATO have been shipping boatloads of arms to the Ukraine. Has that escaped you? HIMARS are not fake, particularly if you are on the receiving end. If it looks like a war of extermination, and it quacks like a war of extermination, it probably is a war of extermination .
These guys have no qualms killing their own population with poison jabs from hell for a fake pandemic. Why do you think they’d balk at killing their populations in a Wag the Dog war?
If the world leaders agree to pretend there’s a pandemic and kill people to make it look convincing that doesn’t mean the pandemic is real now does it?
If the same parties agree a bit of a war would be sorta handy and play act bashing each other’s non-essential infrastructure and taking out a few unfortunate proles – is that a real war because real people are dead? I don’t think so.
it bloody well does if you’re dead or mutilated! ffs
would you rather be up to yer necks in blood to make it more “real”, instead of your ankles? again, ffs, too much COD for you Simon! ; )
and read this in context of other postings i’ve made: the war is all part of the plan, indeed, the cull, the reset whatever – a script. YES.
people are still dying. maybe just not enough for your satiation.
or maybe you hang about with rp-gang?
i’ll come and go a bit because your post was bang on until the last sentence… when is war real…?
okay can we at least call it the ucranian mincer?
Has this site been acquired recently by the Guardian?
Please MMS… Try to use that waste of gray matter in a better way!
Guess you missed the Financial Times article earlier this month headlined “Britain is a poor country with a few very rich people”.
I am now convinced there is some kind of psy-op that goes on with the evening news. I just caught two of the headlines: bank interest rates are going up making borrowing more expensive than ever …. and some kind of “creativity project” which we were told was going to cost the taxpayer so many hundred million and the newsreader asked, “Is this what we need?” Talk about programmed viewing to create a desired response – and a sadistic taunt at that!
BUT then when I went on the net to find out, there was no mention anywhere about this creativity project. Certainly not on the BBC whose televised version I was watching.
THEY are crushing us by any and all means possible.Prols will have less wealth,and or default on mortgages. Black rock and other REITS peddlers will swoop down and scoop up more homes to rent to the proletariat for a sick amount of rent and so on….
Great work Mr. Davis. Thank you. Just one suggestion for all. We need to start disentangling the mangled word definitions the elite’s use to confuse issues on the table. For instance “politics” or “political” can better be defined as: the art of prosecuting hidden agendas. And “power” is utterly useless in understanding source and action. A better definition would be: the authority to decide policy and budget. I think if we could make a small New People’s Dictionary with accurate definitions applied to “politics”, we might get adequate traction to act.
Matthew Ehret discusses in detail the significant differences between eastern and western financial ideologies that should be recognized.
More podcast interviews at Canadian Patriot YT channel:
Matthew Ehret message is mainly aimed at the silly sausage brigade.
The silly sausage brigade believe any all shite.
Speaking of the UN, does anyone have a link to the full video of the address by Truss?
United Kingdom – Prime Minister Addresses UN General Debate, 77th Session on the Equinox 22 9 22.
Thick as a whale omelette..
and much less tasty or nutritious : )
Thank you!
Not too many people there then, as seen at 12:57. Macron’s histrionics did not excite much interest either.
Look, Mum, I’ve become a very important person!
Full text.
In addition to notifying Putin that all necessary force will be deployed in the liberation of Ukraine, the speech is effectively dumping Build, Back, Better for Make Democracy Great Again.
See earlier posts for the alignment of UK policy with that of the Christian Zionists (i.e. Pompeo etc).
Prime Minister Liz Truss’s speech to the UN General Assembly: 21 September 2022
The peace deal is for Russia to depart Ukrainian territory – and that is defined as at 1991.
Oh sure, and let the “pure” Ukrainians lord it over the ethnic Russians, banning their language?
Get real.
In 1991 the people of EVERY region of Ukraine voted to continue existing as a single, unified, sovereign nation.
In 2016 in the US we learned that “voting” is meaningless. We “voted” for a wall across the southern border, reduced role in NATO, to stop endless foreign aggression, increase sovereignty, reduce global entanglements, and normalize relations with Russia. We got the opposite of all these things. On top of it, we were given a de facto president, Jared Kushner, who made clear he despised all 2016 Trump voters, and whom none of us would have voted for anyway. In 2015 Kushner’s business accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros. As to Ukraine, it’s been a US colony since 1991. US taxpayers never voted on this, we’re mere slaves. If your country accepts US “help,” as Ukraine did, your country ceases to exist. That’s your choice. The US will plunder your country to death. Per 2014 BBC transcript, US selected Yatsenyuk to be new Ukr. Prime Minister after US violently removed Ukr’s elected one.
Just because you vote for something doesn’t mean you can give up fighting. For Ukraine, that fighting means driving Russia off Ukrainian territory using all necessary force.
I wonder if you have had a gander at the Ukrainian secret death squad’s ‘kill list’ They have a marvellous method of ‘liquidating’ people they don’t like. Recently the daughter of the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin’s daughter was ‘liquidated’ by the Ukie death squad who placed a bomb in her car, which exploded when she started the engine. Lovely people these Ukies. Others are still on the death list, including American nationals Tulsi Gabbard, and Scott Ritter for example.
Why would they want to kill those retards? The far more credible accusation would be that they’re actually funded by Ukrainian intelligence services!
when you culture/society has been so ..?… ?? what are the words?? there are many, but compared to whatever western banana state? (we need a new expression!)
for ukraine that means reap the whirlwind. europa will follow.
Sure, that’s super but the Russian speaking regions didn’t vote for persecution by the majority in 1991 but they got it.
Ukrainians didn’t vote for their elected president to be the subject of a coup in 2014 either.
So your point is what, some long distant choice to be a sovereign nation allows whatever bunch of gangsters in charge to persecute whoever they want to?
The coup and paramilitary violence was funded largely by Kolomoisky. That funding came from (via) Putin’s mate, Abramovich (see below); which makes the whole thing a false flag. And, of course, we know that Putin has form in that area!
Press conference on the situation in Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin of Russia takes questions from the Russian media on March 3, 2014, following Russian military action in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
Released: March 4, 2014
For example, Mr Kolomoisky was appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: “Why did you do it?” he said: “I never thought this was possible.” I do not know, by the way, if he ever got his money back and if the deal was closed. But this really did happen a couple of years ago. And now this crook is appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. No wonder the people are dissatisfied. They were dissatisfied and will remain so if those who refer to themselves the legitimate authorities continue in the same fashion.
I don’t think you have any reading comprehension.
The inhabitants of the Donetsk and Lugansk might disagree with you. Not surprising since the have been shelled by the Ukies since 2014, and suffered 14000 deaths as a result. But that was a ‘fake’ bombardment of course, arranged by Putin. Jeeez!
See my post above re the funding of Kolomoisky.
Kolomoisky is the money behind Zelensky, as is well known. Do you have a point?
The unipolar world order is a Shangri-La for exploiters and users. To these people the general public is just another business opportunity in which to fleece the masses of the wealth they have had to earn. One just needs to be in the club.
IMO, most countries of the world have seen enough of the UN. Most attend only out of a sense of duty and in the hope that the organisation can be saved. The UN has either always been nefarious or it was spoiled on the way through the decades by funny money.
I doubt very much that either the Russian admin or the Chinese admin has put much store in the UN as it stands. So far the UN has merely been a rubber stamp for US and nato aggression and its colonialist policies.
We have a plutocracy in charge of all western gov’ts who are now killing their own customers for big profits. The next world war may well be a spontaneous uprising of all western people against their own governing systems which turned on them. To these rogue gov’ts we are now domestic terrorists until proven otherwise.
See you on the barricades.
i know a guy who has a “gustav” atgm for them barricades, lol
think his name was kokolski or sic like, haha,
just tormenting.
You know them barricades are a euphemism right? Although, there again, they might not be. When the people have had enough….?
I’m sincere. Will the people be seeing you?
We are at war already and the general public are the victims.
What are you basing this opinion on? How do you know Putin and Xi aren’t setting store by the UN? You’re not basing that on anything they say or do because what they say and do is promoting all the same pro-UN garbage as the West. So, are you just ignoring reality and focusing on daydreams?
I would say that attacking the countries with long and friendly ties to Russia, is and was, a wake up call for the Russian admin. Some of these UN sanctioned attacks were illegal and didn’t even follow the UN’s own rules.
Everyone knows that the UN is merely a tool for western imperialism. I cannot see the Russian or Chinese admin being in favour of that, especially as that western imperialism is now causing trouble on the Russian border and eyeing up Taiwan for a patsy.
Russia and China are currently supporting the UN/WHO/WEF agenda as completely as any western country. What you can or can’t “see” has no bearing on this quite important fact.
A very superficial comment resulting from reading what others write and no more. Accepting an opportunity to address the WEF doesn’t mean you are a member of the WEF or agree with all of their policies.
But I suppose you’ve never held a position of responsibility with regard to reconciling opposing points of view, or participates in any serious negotiations.
Perhaps you could take a leaf from my book and try “reading what others write”. If you did you might note I said nothing about anyone being a “member” of WEF. I said “Russia and China are currently supporting the UN/WHO/WEF agenda as completely as any western country.” Which they are.
Word of advice – cut the obnoxious condescension/mansplaining. It does you no favors.
I’m having some trouble digesting the notion, prevalent as it is, that no one is either categorically “good” or “bad.” I feel like I’m back in (Catholic) grade school, going into the confessional and telling the priest “I had bad thoughts – 10 times.”
The fact is, there are things so heinous that a person must be evil right down to the core to undertake them. At the top of the list is torture. There can be no good inside someone who has descended to that absolute depth of depravity. Torture is something even God has no right to forgive.
Similarly, genocide is a practice too heinous to allow for any good within the perpetrators.
“Oh gosh, I don’t know what came over me when I tortured all those people and killed a whole race of people! I’m usually so nice,” just doesn’t cut it.
Evil is as evil does. End of discussion.
Howard, many forces in US society for decades have told us that it’s antisocial to judge others– even to the extent of preferring one behavior or religion or normality over its converse.
Also there is a natural, empathetic desire to “give the other guy the benefit of the doubt:” Many people in striving to understand others simply project their own normal emotions upon villains– hence they cannot conceive of true evil.
I find it helpful to explain that if person accepts a philosophy or worldview or moral code that is profoundly alien to the great religions of the world that that person does not think of himself as evil and regards acts that normal people consider evil as virtuous, since they help to achieve his ideal worldview.
There have been in history many groups who thought that only they were truly human, and that their very strength that enabled enslavement of others proved their superiority.
When you ask people to believe in the conscious evil of a cabal that wishes to kill and enslave it is for most people hard to find such an impulse within themselves– and hence nearly impossible to believe.
I was interrupted by my ride.
An ordinary serial killer is a sociopath. A psychopath has more control; he isn’t so impulsive, he’s better organized. The psychopath is LIKE the ordinary serial killer in that he feels no remorse or guilt. He has convinced himself that he and his group are superior. It’s useless to berate him for hypocrisy or deceit.
Once he has accepted the over-arching idea of his own superiority he cannot feel empathy for others. Because he is crippled in this way hypocrisy, deceit, ruthlessness– all of these are ACCORDING TO HIM virtues because they help him to achieve his no. 1 value, the power and control which “should” accrue to him due to his superiority, and that of his group.
These people in many cases are multi-generational psychopaths, having been raised w these ideas. The institution of secret societies plays a role in this, often beginning in the teen years and continuing thru college– like Yale’s Skull& Bones.
You have only begun to see — w the vaxx– the evil of which they are capable. They don’t see it as evil: The one premise–that they deserve to rule by virtue of superiority– causes all the rest.
I wish that I could convince y’all to stop w the cartoons & the memes, and instead apply yourselves to defeating this abomination.
you had “bad thoughts” only 10 times ?! Chief amongst mine, every day, was to murder my school teacher, and all the bastards who said “schooling is good for you”. But i never admitted to those thoughts ! I only supplied the priest with a standard list of ‘telling lies’ and ‘disobeying my parents”, nothing too serious. The priest always accepted that. I judged his acceptance by the number of Hail Marys i had to pray as penance.
Accepting, for the occasion, as true the false idea that Russia has separated from WEF. How it looks:
What is WEF for the vast majority of ordinary people, simply put? At least guaranteed: a digitized social credit system (from which there is no escape), with digital identifiers and so on, to the Internet of things with wearable identification and control devices (but not like these iPhones with free choice, but 24/7 attached to you) -> to the Internet of everything with the fusion of these and many other and different identification devices with people’s bodies, in one large networked social organism controlled centrally (something like that).
(Combined with mandatory chemical control and biosecurity with regular intake of agents that keep the body fit to participate in the network; how about gene modification? But this is not in the specific or greatest emphasis of the WEF; but it is an integral part.)
This, put in a simple and concise way, is almost the worst of which all reasonable inhabitants, both in the East and in the West, are terrified.
And the Russian leadership (oligarchy+state power) before “parting with the WEF”, says: “Yes, we like it and we participate. This is the progress we want for our country”.
And the people who support them repeat how they fought for the protection of the values, the moral, the welfare of their people, who would have food and gas, respecting their rights and freedoms and pursuing policies for their prosperity, so viciously violated in the West recently (and not only recently).
Oh, yeah, let’s not forget: they won’t have this disgusting lgbtqism that is fiercely enforced in the West. Very well, what will they have? They will only be able to choose between a genetically modified and transhumanized male slave and the same but female slave? Whereas in the increasingly sinister (no sarcasm) recent Western world, you will be able to be a genetically modified and transhumanized slave, choosing from each of the many new” genders ” + animals and objects, perhaps? (Well, at least those who will live to see this progress.) Sounds reassuring and a reason for trust and hope in the “defenders of civilization” and natural development itself.
So, dear lovers of eastern “fighters for humanity”, do you like this? Why not, everyone has their own vision; maybe it’s good for some. Or do you think that “after parting” Russia changed its plans overnight and no longer pursues these goals?
Don’t worry, they have not reversed their plans, they are a fundamental part of the “correct vision of established science for sustainable development of societies”, which no one wants to give up. So it remains for their development to coincide with your personal vision, and then it’s OK.
Here is a man from Russia whose vision has slight differences with the vision of development of Russia followed by Putin (and the entire oligarchic cohort, he is not a tsar autocrat). On purpose, because it is so profusely reported about” protection of Christian societies ” from Putin / the leadership/oligarchy (and also to annoy atheists and anti-christians here).
from 7th June 2022
“Russian President Vladimir Putin recently awarded the Medal of honor to Dmitry Peskov, the chief globalist of vision, a supporter of the digital transformation of Man and society. The national leader also endorsed the digital transformation of the state and all spheres of our lives as one of the key goals of national development. He also listens very seriously to Sberbank president Herman Gref, which makes him a moderator and mouthpiece for platforms at the presidential level, such as a “Journey to the World of AI” (2020).
At the same time, everyone knows well that Vladimir Putin does not hide his faith in God, the Orthodox faith. According to open data, his spiritual father was Metropolitan Tikhon Shevkunov, a man of wide erudition, with deep knowledge of Russian history and theology. I’m sure Father Tikhon cannot fail to know the Conciliar position of the majority of the clergy and laity regarding the inculcation of transhumanist principles in the public administration, in all aspects of the country’s internal politics.
I will State in my own words: the fact that transhumanism = Satanism by its very nature, a church Christian does not need to chew for a long time.
“The devil is the monkey of God,” wrote The Holy Martyr Irenaeus of Lyons, explaining that the evil one, due to creative impotence, is unable to create his own and therefore distorts what God created and tries to build his unholy “Chapel” near the church.
What do transhumanists really believe? The fact that man as a biological species, as he was created in a natural way (by nature/evolution/God…), is pathetic, weak and imperfect. Instead of the inner (spiritual) work of each person on themselves, they choose the path of artificial modification of a person – changing his genome, the structure of his body (implants), the neural connections in his head (chips/neuro-interfacies). They also change the social pattern: a person is invited to interact not with his own species, but with the AI (neural network) – a dead algorithm. Of course, communication with people remains, but instead of a teacher, they instill in us a neural network, instead of a judge – a neural network, instead of government/control and communication with living debtors – a neural network.
But the neural network does not know what kindness, honor, conscience is, it does not have its own thoughts/feelings/emotions. She can’t educate a man. It is a pathetic imitation of the real world of the creator, which can turn a person into the same bad algorithm.
So is the metaverse of “innovators” – a pathetic digital surrogate of reality, an idiotic digital drug that takes a person’s time to explore the real world.
The Orthodox believe that God’s Grace will restore the bodies of all people who have ever lived on Earth, giving a dignified absolute spiritual and bodily immortality. Transhumanists, on the other hand, speak directly about the intention to achieve physical immortality without God. Thus, they deny the very existence of a personal God – Creator and provider – and his decisive role in human existence.
This is a complete distortion of the creator’s design and creation, a brand new tower of Babel. The goal of achieving physical immortality without the participation of God is an attack on the ontological foundations of Christianity. And this whole transhumanist world is a parody of Creation, a pathetic fake. Who does something like that? Only God’s monkey.
So transhumanism = Satanism. And the destruction of the image of God in man. Many priests and Orthodox thinkers have spoken about this, sharply criticizing transhumanism in a similar spirit, in particular archpriest Alexander Abramov, Secretary of the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church on Bioethics, at the International Festival “Faith and the Word” (October 2021). ).
I ask the question: Can a well-educated person, who does not neglect gadgets and other elements of technological progress, Father Tikhon know nothing about the church controversy over the doctrine of transhumanism? This is unlikely, but if he does not have time to follow these things, much is written about him – in particular, in books, articles and lectures by the Russian hagiographer Valery Filimonov.
On the basis of recent statements, issued normative acts, we observe the complete fixation of supreme power on the postulates of transhumanism. Hey, Father Tikhon, Where Are you at a very difficult time for your spiritual child and for the whole country? Why has the veil not been lifted regarding the real goals and objectives of the globalist windows, why does the president continue to trust them and use their “Newspeak” in his speeches?
Father Tikhon, I beg you, before it is too late: Tell Your Spiritual Child, Vladimir Putin, about the Satanic essence of transhumanism. You will not show it on your fingers, but I am sure he will understand – you will be able to express the essence of what is happening very briefly and precisely, as you have done many times, e.g. your lectures on the history of Russia at large-scale exhibitions in the arena.
Before it’s too late, Father Tikhon, raise your voice… Believe me, your spiritual child (like all of us) now needs these explanations.”
Ivan Vaganov – publicist, expert of the Public Commissioner for the Protection of the Family
(A very small part, simply one opinion, of everything that can be said and shown on the subject.)
So I wonder who is at war with what; or, assuming that there is a struggle for power over the future, what and how different are the aims of the different combatants.
you’re probably right.
same shit different place with all the wunderWEF ; )
i do read slasqvats articles, and then China? China as a model? China and covid!!?
we rebel westerners want to think that Putin means what he says about the state of the world, that some people are trying to improve things and represent something better than the evil fucks that control their pirate fleets we have to man….
but Russia still did covid… aye. some world.
: (
And not only corvid, but they follow the whole transhumanist program of the internationalists (many things can be posted, but I do not know what the people who are responsible for the right place of the comments will say; still, I will post this and that, little, just to be it here).
/And, all of us in the west of Russia (and not only) are “Westerners”, victims of the US/EU/banks-BIS/UN/WEF and other structures (of real power, I should add). And we want to exist a real and powerful their opponent who stands up for our desires. I want a lot. But it’s not Russia and China, in my opinion, and according to the facts.
That’s what I think and say to myself like everyone else. I may not be right (which is why I often use “maybe” and “probably”), unlike people who are right… although they claim 10 or 20 different well-structured claims:)
transhumanist shtuff? jury is out, but i can see the jabs were an excellent excuse for mass trials..?? who knows amigo?
are “they” that advanced? or was it just a side show to the cull?
peace plino : )
They’re all at it for sure but bottom line is I’d rather have Putin representing me than the greedy weaklings we have here. He has shown consistently over the decades that Russia won’t be bullied and has improved the standard of living of most of his people. Can any of our leaders claim that realistically?
Did you watch this from far away? Go to Russia while it is time, before the borders between Oceania and Eastasia are closed. I hope you’re right and have a good life there. Let’s not forget that the best is yet to come. Try it.
The Western clusterfuck/shitstorm is coming soon to your doorstep.
We are already in it, and not recently. Now we are waiting for the winter, generously provided by “all for Ukraine” and accordingly – without or with much less Russian gas. But it’s all about the movie they’re playing – if someone takes power and goes to Putin to make a deal, I suspect it won’t happen (because great reset’s goals).
So we are firmly in the game (in principle we are always “20 years behind the West”, but, for example, for brain-damaging mass electronics and TV models, and biosecurity, and a move towards the Green deal, for example, we are surprisingly moving in step with the world). For the bad, we are keeping pace with the West.
Your deep understanding of capitalist finance is simply blinding.
Exactly. Don’t fall for their nonsense.
What nonsense? About transhumanism?
Just wondering, in school, did you do better on True/False questions than multiple choice?
there does not seem enough people in the west who give a damn about anything other than themselves. there is no critical mass that seem unified enough to get their act together and cause change. A bleak impression, perhaps.
otherwise we certainly do aspire to “visions”….
The only ‘visions’ we have in the West come from televisions. The majority appear to accept anything emanating from this corrupted medium.
speak for yourself bud,
but yes I get it, bang on.
a lonely road
Foreign National on another Continent develops broader perspectives. East West bares little semblance to Reality.
What it can do, especially to a single person, if one arrives late & time permitting…wonder at what the bloody Hell your talking about.
Imagine Each US State has One Big Telly… me brother..along the lines of Mrs Big Brother then and only then.
Politely ask a Domesticated cat..sorry…Male. “what they like doing away from Work”.
me brother
Politics is a bunch of rich masons pretending to fight by proxy ( i.e the politician)….. No politician has ever had the presidency stolen… Every presidential election there ever was went exactly to the evil Masonic plan in which each side agreed upon before it ever took place. @ The Original Acadian Shepherd @Bootsonstrong · Sep 20
Its as dumb as this.

BAM lol
Better than the news.
There is no shift in global power, and no Russian or Chinese threat. There is only one interrelated global business kaBAL of ancient merchant families, robbing, abusing and deceiving gents for millennia.
Right on, then we might as well call it a day and give up. This line of reasoning always reminds me of pacifists who always and everywhere abhor violence and war. Trouble is, and sad to say is, that violence and war are part of the human condition. I personally don’t like that, but let’s not pretend it is the case. If only everyone would be good but those naughty Vikings would insist upon raiding, pillaging, raping and burning the East Coast of England – tut, tut. We should have taught them the ways of peace and happiness and if they don’t play along well – we will not play. So there. Not playing.
War is not a part of human condition, but it sure seems to part of the patriarchal condition.
It’s too late for the Western populace to fundamentally alter its future. Acceptance of one’s fate is true wisdom, as the Stoics said. Nevertheless, the West won’t collapse economically overnight — for the US a gradual reduction in living standards from higher prices and taxation (for those who pay either income or capital gains taxes) is to be expected. Continuing decline in expected lifespan reflecting reduced overall health (mental and physical), as data already show.
Correct, Putin also takes his orders from the mafia crime families
In the grand scheme of history, everyone is a bit player – including those we assume to be giants today – because in essence, it always was…is….and will be a war on Christ – – and they will lose……it is just a matter of time.
The reason it is taking so long is that we’re slow learners – all of us including me – as usual we keep trying every other way until we finally get it right.
With the utmost respect, belief in a “christ” figure is mental illness. Pretty much celebrity worship.
The “watercourse way” or Tao is probably much closer to the functioning of this universe.
Of course, thats just my Belief System, and you shouldn’t believe in someone elses BS…….
Religion is cultural – ther eis no “scentifically correct” relgion or belif system. In every religon there are guru or God workshpper s- that’s not the essence of the Christian mystery by an stretch.
Christian faith is largely about living in love (primaily of God, but of all people and life) as the alternative to being oppressed by the Pharisees laws, which we are oppressed by 2000 years later. Westerners make lousy Taoists because its not in our culture to follow the Tao.We need more structure in religion as we live in a highly structured society.
The Tao that you can choose to follow, or not, isn’t the real Tao.
So you are claiming that chinese society isn’t structured?
“173 million.. claim an affiliation with Taoist practices..” -wiki. There may be few Taoists. The lack of structure, dogma, ritual etc. – plus greed – is what changed other religions.
Not a war against Christ so much as a war against people–and human-ness.