Admit You’re Wrong, Or Die

Todd Hayen

OK, so maybe (maybe) not so dramatic as that, but come on people, alright already, you’re wrong, admit it and start what you need to do to heal!

With people dropping left and right, diseases and cancer on the rise, excess deaths, heart issues, clotting, if many people don’t actually admit they are wrong they may die, or at the very least, eventually get very sick.

Sure, we don’t know the extent of the danger of these experimental drugs. But we do know they are not what they have been cracked up to be. Most of the people still following this lying agenda (safe and effective? Was this ever the truth?) simply cannot admit they were wrong.

I honestly believe they would rather die, in a lot of cases, than admit their error. I am a psychotherapist, and have seen hundreds of couples in marriage counselling. It is so rare, at least in the first sessions, for either party to admit they are wrong about just about anything. If I am successful with them, they will begin to back down, but it takes a lot of work.

What is this? I am a pretty old guy, and I do remember a time when people were more flexible. Sure, no one likes to admit they’re wrong, but they actually used to do that, at least occasionally.

When I was a Hollywood film composer, writing music to The New Lassie, one of the producers would occasionally disagree with my music choices (producers are wont to do that, disagree).

But I loved this guy because he would always say to me, “I don’t really like what you did there, do you?” Of course I did, I wrote it. So usually I would say, “Well, yes, I do like it, I think it fits the scene well.” He would seldom insist I change something, but rather would ask me to pitch my choice. “Tell me why I should like it.”

I always had a good explanation, and very often he would sit there and stare at me for a moment after I had explained why the music was excellent. “Hmmm,” he would often mutter, rubbing his chin. “OK, that makes sense to me, let’s leave it.”

Anyone reading this who worked or currently works in the film biz knows that what I just described is a rather unusual scene. Producers, at least in the music end of things, very seldom give in to a composer.

The point I am making here though is that people really did at one time change their mind about things. Maybe my producer boss wasn’t admitting he was “wrong” (music is a very subjective medium) but certainly could change his mind. He was flexible, and most importantly, he would let me explain my position. And if he saw something in my explanation that made sense to him, he would relent and shift positions.

Forget that now. It ain’t happening.

It is what I try to teach my couples in therapy: be more flexible, do not be so rigid, try to see another perspective. Couple’s therapy deals with a lot of subjectivity as well. So, it makes a bit of sense that people in relationships see things differently from their partners.

But what we have been dealing with during this Covid era is not subjective at all. It is black and white, truth and lies, life and death. And people are insanely sticking to their own narrative, which is just a reflection of the mainstream narrative—like snapping turtles who won’t let go until lightning strikes, and I doubt if, in this case, lightning will do a damn thing.

I suspect there are a lot of circumstantial reasons for this stubbornness. I fall back here on Desmet’s theory about mass formation. The powerful thought form egregore could also have its influence if you believe such things (I do). And needless to say the mainstream narrative has been relentless in driving all of this into the hearts and souls (and heads) of those who are susceptible to such brainwashing.

I will stick to the idea that much of this resistance to absorbing the evidential truth and changing minds accordingly has to do with a decades-long priming. People in general no longer know up from down—as they blindly navigate the bizarre-o streets of the 2000s. Not much that their senses pick up is automatically, as it used to be, identified accurately.

Instead, the identification can be easily confused. I mean, every photo we see could be photoshopped to appear to be anything under the sun. We have even seen this technology applied to video and audio and have no idea if we can even trust a recorded speech from a politician or anyone else who has the intention to deceive.

We have been bombarded by commercials for decades that only the weakest mind trusts to be truth. Nothing is real. Our senses can’t tell us a thing we can trust. I even wonder sometimes if the actual scenery I gaze upon while taking a walk in the neighbourhood has not been digitally manipulated (ha ha).

Certainly, we can no longer believe anything we see in the cinema or on television. Used to be that real human beings executed stunts, which made the event spectacular and jaw-dropping. CGI has taken over digitally, and synthetically, painting nearly every scene in a film. Even the actors may be fake.

Everything else is fake; nothing is to be believed at face value. Anything our senses are asked to evaluate as evidence is rejected as such, like in a magic show. Nothing can be trusted anymore, until some certain type of authority says it can be. There’s the catch.

Who or what can do this? As per dozens of articles you may read, it is the great skill of the “powers that be” at the head of all this psychological manipulation. And it makes things easier that the masses fall for it all, hook, line, and sinker. And I’ll tell ya, once they’ve got ‘em, they’ve got ‘em for life. Or so it seems.

If you have nearly no system of determining reality (your senses and common sense), and have never been taught to critically think so you can ascertain truth with a blindfold on, then you are going to be looking for someone to whisper in your ear to describe what it is you are looking at but cannot see.

Some of us at least. Not all.

So who is bestowed this great honour and thus becomes the chosen one to help the blind see? There are a lot of theories on that, but I believe the people who have obtained this exalted position have become much like a mother duck who gets her ducklings to follow only her around. Imprinting—being in the right place at the right time, and continuously being told by others that the imprint is legit and you indeed are following around the true, and trustworthy, momma duck.

Now, this could happen to any of us, anyone can easily decide that the wisdom, intelligence, and charisma of a leader or expert or authority is the way to go. But sheep are the only ones that seem to get imprinted.

Shrews don’t. If some other piece of information comes forth with sound evidential support, we drop our connection with the one that contradicts facts and truth and find a new duck to follow, or just follow our own light. Sheep get imprinted, and there is nothing that can drag them away. That momma duck can lead them anywhere, and if she is nasty, she can lead them all the way to their death.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Paul Gosselin
Paul Gosselin
Sep 28, 2022 6:04 PM

Part of the reason many people REFUSE to consider the covid vaccine may be BAD is that such questions let a terrifying MONSTER out of it’s cage, that is the logical conclusion that if we’ve been lied to about the vaccine, then the STATE (and mainstream media…) is my ENEMY… This is enough to shut many people up, even without threats of not being able to travel, losing their jobs or careers…

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Sep 26, 2022 6:13 PM

It’s over. They won.

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Sep 26, 2022 9:45 AM

Dear Mr Hayen,
Aah. You are describing the Messiah phenomenon at the end of your article. But for this phenomenon to function, other variables are necessary. The propaganda imprinting sets up the priming, but if one’s personal and spiritual life are strong enough those values can intercede in reducing the effects of such Priming (See Bonhoeffer). Usually.

However the situation we have now is priming that indeed has gone on for decades. AIDS and FAUCI began it in the 1980’s. All my adult life!

see these adverts:
Iceberg UK PHE

Monolith Bells (for whom the bell rolls). Jack hammer -intercourse


These created a climate of Fear of physical closeness and sex (bonus -depop) SAFE sex used to mean protection from reproduction now was repurposed for safe from VIRUSES.

And just like today it was tested with PCR. And the Rx used to ‘cure’ didn’t cure but killed. Fauci’s AZT as bad as his Remdesivar (that needed more meds to keep them on Wrong protocol of Ventilation).

so above is the priming. But what are the other necessary variables?


and their favourite – SCAPEGOATING

Now being implemented through Greening ‘from Save The NHS’ to Save the World.
Everything is now set up for the perfect storm on civilization. Fourth IR? No Fourth R!

you wonder if it’s possible to wake the ‘sheep’? No, I don’t think so. Too much of their schemas are invested in the lying narratives. It’s too, too painful – the resulting existential angst. They’ll do anything to reduce the cognitive dissonance of those they’d trusted being scheming, lying, mass murderers.

Remember when you realised history we’ve been taught were all lies? Before you’d ever heard of Black (IBM & the H; Eugenics); or Patrick Wood (Technocracy); Sutton; Edward G Griffin (Jeckyl Island). Painful those shattered illusions. From red to black pilled.

They’d rather stay in their reality then work on absorbing true situation. And Maslow’s hierarchy of need suggests that if bare essentials of life are not provided, they remain on the bottom layer.

I saw the same often as a Psychologist for clients with Anxiety and Depression. They’d get to the point of existential realisation and decide ‘the money from my job is too good and family likes the money’; or ‘it’s too difficult for me to be a single mom so I’ll stay with the abusive partner’. Or ‘my future is secure in the armed forces so I won’t speak up or make waves’. Clients more often chose to continue on as they were rather then change. It was a different situation with PTSD as they were continually experiencing shattered assumptions and existential angst.

Mr Hayen,
Ask yourself, how would it have been possible to ‘wake up’ those adults put through brown shirt youth groups? Or China’s Programme of programming? It’s possible using techniques from cult deprogramming. But an entire population on a global scale? Hmm.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Sep 25, 2022 4:08 PM

Downvote me if you like but I think perhaps the reason normies are such tough nuts is that that while there’s loads of evidence that covid, etc., is a hoax, etc., I also think there is a lot of “covid is real” evidence, too. While I and mine have so far been safe from any covid-type illness I know people who’ve been sick with fever and horrible sore throats, and then they got a positive PCR test. Try telling them it’s a hoax. I’ve asked Japanese if they suffer any ill-effects from religiously wearing masks for two years and they all say no. I even asked my dentist if there were any cases of “mask mouth” and he had no idea what I meant. And then in the “People are dying!” department my pal and fellow CT- ist Jorge died from covid, at least according to his ex-wife. Another acquaintance said her father and sister in-law died in the Netherlands. I wasn’t going to grill them whether they died with or from the illness? And its hard for me to deny that loads of jabbed people seem fine. Yes, un-stabbed me await the angel of death to wipe out all the jabbed dummies and make me the the Omega Man of western Tokyo but so far it’s still the most crowded place on earth and everyone is all masked up.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 6:33 PM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Well yes people catch colds and flu all the time too. I had a severe cold, tested negative, recovered, and then tested positive. The question is whether “covid” was severe enough to justify wrecking the entire society for. Also the counterproductive lockdowns now reponsible for rendering everyone a less capable immune system. And as for whether masks are bad for your health, I had difficulty breathing every time I put a mask on. The “covid measures” effectively made everyone sicker. And I have no hesitation in saying that that was deliberate.

Sep 26, 2022 9:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How many more times, it’s the test that’s the problem. No test no covid and it would be a cold or flu. It’s the reason why Coronavirus was changed to Covid as some of the more astute among us knew from day one that Coronavirus was a cold, severe or not, as everyone reacts differently to any illness. Its why global warming became climate change, then carbon dioxide (CO2) became carbon because it’s totally incalculable to prove with any so called science. We need carbon and CO2 otherwise we would not exist, its bollocks. The misnamed vaccine is the disease and thats what the whole scam was/is about.

Chris Graal
Chris Graal
Sep 26, 2022 1:04 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Yes, it’s not difficult to understand why they think what they think. Most people automatically believe what they’re told on TV. 50,000 cases? That must be bad… Unless you know it’s a meaningless metric, which they don’t.

I must say I don’t know of anyone who died of COVID, but I do know of one person who died suspiciously soon after the Jabbing. That’s not exactly going to be considered ‘proof’, either way.

What you say is true, to most people the whole thing is believable. Just as 9/11 is believable if you either don’t know (or don’t accept) certain facts.

The masks in Japan are mad though, eh? They really think they work. Nothing happens if you don’t wear one though, outside of a work setting.

Sep 26, 2022 3:12 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

I wonder what percentage of the population have to die or get sick before people catch on? I think it wld have to be quite high. People do not want to face up to it. The dead don’t talk and we have seen the power of media narratives.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 27, 2022 7:42 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

I’ve been to Japan many times some years before the Ocean tried to swallow a Power Station on the Beach.
It’s not unusual for the People to wear masks anyway. I say you don’t really understand the Japanese I found them very polite.
It’s a country not for me but still showed respect I cried seeing an elderly Gentleman after that disaster.

Sep 25, 2022 3:11 PM

This is pure speculation based on anecdotal evidence. Seems to me the winter flu pandemic is arriving early this year. Three quarters of my local family circle (9 people, all of them evangelical believers) already have “Covid-19”; even I myself, a rational unbeliever, suffered a short but intense bout of traditional annual flu. If true that traditional flu is really striking earlier this year, it would mean that traditional resistance to flu is weaker this year. Now it strikes me that most people have been deprived of our traditional “annual flu shot” with whole virus. Instead they have received an injection of experimental “Covid-19 Spike Protein RNA” aka “the Vaxx”. This skeletal semblance of the real Covid-19 virus turned out to give no protection against “Corona” and hasn’t a hope of giving protection against whole flu viruses.

As for myself, I have always insisted on my right to to the traditional whole virus “flu shot”. But this year I did not receive my usual GP’s call to take an annual flu shot. In my opinion, that is one more traditional line of defense against flu gone. Along with fresh air and healthy sharing of immunity by rubbing together with “all sorts and conditions of men”.

My tuppence worth.

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
Sep 25, 2022 10:22 AM

From what I’ve seen, many of these fools will NEVER admit that they were wrong. As a result, they will keep on turning up for their mRNA injections, which will eventually kill them. This was the plan from the outset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9BO_Rn9My8&t=558s

El Zafio
El Zafio
Sep 26, 2022 12:27 PM
Reply to  Nigel Watson

One can only hope.

Sep 25, 2022 1:26 AM

The article highlights the old adage … it is easier to fool one, than to convince one that they have been fooled.
Of course COVID19//11 takes the ‘fooling’ part to new levels of fooling, merely to rub our collective noses in the muck, for the pleasure of the sociopaths and assorted planners smirking at each other and the realisation of their profit-surge spreadsheets, all while dribbling cognac down their shirt-fronts.
The twits-in-the-trenches have been – warned so often by so many – of the Eugeniscists and the ‘Another Pearl Harbor’ schemers – that it almost feels like the proverbial; pissing-in-the-wind, when you try and red-pill one’s own family members, and assorted frenemies.

les online
les online
Sep 24, 2022 11:32 PM

I was thinking about the night i hurried on foot on my way to work through the city center…The city was all quite, no traffic, not another in sight ’til i came to the some corner traffic lights…The lights were against me, and two cops had just turned up on the opposite corner…
A momentary pause then i crossed against the red lights…The male cop was upon me instantly, lectured and warned me. My defense that i’d exercised discretion held no weight. His female companion watched, suppressing a smile…She saw he was putting on a show for her…

Working To Rule was always a form of passive resistance…If every driver obeyed every traffic rule they could cause traffic chaos…Every time there’s others gathered waiting for the lights to change in their favour, and there’s no approaching, threatening traffic, i’m reminded why The Authorities should have no fears about Revolution breaking out…Anarchists. of course, are not against rules…
The Marx Brother’s movies were adverts for anarchy…They opposed Obedience to The Rules for obedience sake with their mockery of The Rules…”Wear Their Rules lightly. Dont suffocate yourself.” Siamese villagers had a saying “The people’s customs are stronger than the king’s Rules.”

Wilhelm Reich explained that we are a mixture of obedience, and rebellious impulses. He wrote about how workers in pre-WW2 Germany were rebellious but wanted the security of order…Hitler’s propaganda won over many of the Communist Party’s worker members by appealing to their rebellious impulses; Hitler offered Order (Security) against a backdrop of general economic insecurity…The current engineered economic crises is intended to ‘encourage’ widespread support for the ‘security’ of the Build Back Better agenda…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:26 PM

Great article! I also think that, in addition to the stubborn factor of not wanting to admit they were wrong (and you were right), there’s the fear factor. If they admit to themselves, think it or, worse, say it out loud (words do have power), then they must accept that their current and suddenly occurring heart arrhythmia, myocarditis, etc., or worse was due to the C-shots and that their health will continue to decline as a result. Whereas if they stay in denial it might all just go away.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 11:25 PM

More nonsense…

“The American Red Cross: ‘We don’t label blood products as containing vaccinated or unvaccinated blood as the ‘covid-19’ ‘vaccine’ does not enter the bloodstream'”, at:


Sep 25, 2022 7:01 AM

What a bunch of hogwash! Food doesn’t enter the bloodstream either, but nutrients are released from food as it is broken down thru the gastrointestinal tract. mRNA enters an arm muscle and triggers the immune system which includes many organs and blood vessels throughout the body. The body attempts to dismantle the intruder It’s not just sitting dormant in the deltoid.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Sep 25, 2022 2:40 PM
Reply to  Elaine

As far as I understand it, there is a component in the jabs, which “disguise” the jab from the Immune System, so as it’s not activated ?

End Central Banks
End Central Banks
Sep 25, 2022 4:14 PM
Reply to  Elaine

The late great Dr. Shiv Chopra on why vaccine-by-injection disrupts normal biological function:

Vaccines and the Basics of Biology 

Anyone knowing the basics of biology should know:

1. That all vaccines by their very nature are antigens and that every antigen by definition must be a foreign protein or a substance attached to one’s own or some other foreign protein;

2. That no foreign protein can be absorbed into the blood stream unless it is digested in the alimentary canal into its basic amino acids;

3. That it is these amino acids which after being absorbed into the blood stream are reconstituted into one’s own proteins and it is these proteins which distinguishes every being of existence into self and non-self.

4. That any interference or tampering with these laws of existence can bring calamity to the being in which it occurs such as by causing auto-immune conditions like autism, etc.

This is precisely what may be occurring due to vaccine injections in people. Surprisingly, I am presently the only scientist who is reminding others about this phenomenon of existence. If I am wrong, I would like to be corrected by those claiming to possess better knowledge of same.

The foreign proteins in vaccines originate from not only the infectious organisms against which one wishes to produce infection-fighting antibodies but also the artificial media in which these organisms are grown. Contained in such media may include one or more of the following materials: bovine serum, horse serum, chicken egg, monkey kidney, insect cells and even human fetal cells.

Apart from the foreign proteins, vaccines may also contain other harmful substances, including mercury, aluminum, formalin, oily adjuvants, etc., plus untold number of stray viruses with the potential to cause cancer, HIV, serum-hepatitis and so on.

Meanwhile, evidence indicates that except for smallpox, no other infectious disease, e.g.: tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid, anthrax, measles, mumps, rubella, DPT, polio, influenza and others, has been eradicated and that this continues to be so despite the decades of vaccinations against each of these diseases. Also, during the same period, the incidence of many previously uncommon diseases, such as autism, diabetes, allergies and cancer has been increasing in pandemic proportions.

I feel that it is time to demand a moratorium on, at least, the compulsory vaccinations for children, health care professionals and military personnel until such time that these issues are reviewed and discussed in an open and transparent manner with the due involvement of the public. 

~ Dr. Shiv Chopra

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 28, 2022 4:03 AM

Hello, when these injections became available is it possible for inexperienced personal to ‘nick’ a vein with the needle and the Vaccines to dislodged matter from lower limbs ie: including toes and ‘flush it out’ and result in a brain colt?
This isn’t for any lawyer crapola I don’t give a rats about that shite. I would just like to know is it possible?
I’m from a generation where injections are not normal routine that’s all.
American institutions have more experience than Europeans in so much it would also help with my amateur 1895-1919 influenza epidemics., time permitting encompassing the 1901-21 time period.
Thank you

Sep 24, 2022 9:51 PM

In the clubs, I used to sing the old 60’s song Simple Simon Says . And in school we were taught to play a game called O’Grady says. Same thing. But, in these days, nobody took it seriously. (At least, l don’t think so.)

Sep 24, 2022 8:56 PM

I suppose the author worked as a carnie at some point in his life……. Come on man….. Step right up and see the bearded lady.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 8:47 PM

This Report claims(?) that NO Graphene has been found in the injections…

“Dr Mark Trozzi – What’s really in the ‘covid’ ‘vaccines'”, at:


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:30 PM

And a study on PubMed from Aug 2020: Graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant:

“Due to its unique physicochemical properties, graphene oxide is widely employed in medicine for purposes of photothermal treatment of cancer, drug delivery, antibacterial therapy, and medical imaging. Our work describes the surface modification of graphene oxide and for the first time summarizes that functionalized graphene oxide serves as a vaccine carrier and shows significant adjuvant activity in activating cellular and humoral immunity. In the future, it is expected to be introduced into vaccine research to improve the efficacy of vaccines.”

The intention is certainly there.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 12:31 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Yes, I’m fully aware that scientific groups in a number of countries (Spain, here in the UK, Australia, Luxembourg, Argentina, and others) have stated that they have found Graphene Oxide/Reduced G.O in the injections…
I’ve listened to the Spanish bloke who does most of the videos for the Spanish group, La Quinta Columna [Ricardo Delgado Martin, I think his name is], and he/they seem to be legit. I’d be very surprised if they weren’t, put it that way.

So the question is… who is telling the truth, as to whether G.O. is in the injections, or is not…?
I’m not genned-up on the Dr Trozzi in the link I provided earlier, above, though have heard of him.

Sep 25, 2022 7:14 AM

But they did find metallic particles, crystalline structures, undeclared metals, and were able to distinguish between vaxxed and unvaccinated blood. They found variations of amount of nanoparticles (responsible for damage to body) between vials of same brand. And they are imploring governments to STOP covid vaccine injections

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 11:52 AM
Reply to  Elaine

Yes, I’m aware of all that.

I’m the only member of my family who’s refused to submit to the injections (having been ‘awake’ for 40+ years). All of them have had three (and in some cases, four…) ‘jabs’. Moreover, all bar two of my already ‘awake’ friends have also ‘rolled up their sleeves’ three or four times.

My efforts, right from the start of this scam in early 2020, to provide them all with a wealth of trustworthy information which proved that the ‘official narrative’ is false, and that they should keep well away from the injections, sadly fell on deaf ears… they all chose to ‘believe’ what was spewed out of their beloved TVs…

What will it take, I wonder, for the gullible, brainwashed masses to realise that they’ve been duped?

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Sep 25, 2022 2:45 PM

. . . for the truth to be declared from the TV, their source of all information

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 2:56 PM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

Yes, you’re right…! That’s the only way that they’ll accept it, sad to say.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Sep 25, 2022 2:43 PM

Spiked protein, is the mRNA, and is the killer of the Immune System, rendering everyone, over time, with autoimmune disease

Sep 27, 2022 6:14 AM

“So the question is… who is telling the truth?”

Veritas, of course!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 28, 2022 12:31 PM
Reply to  NickM

You seem to have misinterpreted my post of 24 September, above.

I’ve been aware for more than 12 months that the injections do contain Graphene Oxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide. Scientific groups in a number of countries (including Spain, here in the UK, Luxembourg, Australia, Argentina, France, and some others too, I think) have carried out investigations, and have stated that that is so.
And my further post on 25 September (also above) clarified that.

I posted the link which claimed that there is no graphene in the ‘jabs’ merely to demonstrate that some contradictions are coming out.
For disinformation purposes?

Sep 29, 2022 2:24 PM

Twas but a harmless jest on the Latin word for Truth; as if to say, Self Evident!

“In vino Veritas”.

It was good of you to mention a negative finding, as one must. One swallow doth not a summer make. Neither doth one Nay! falsify the consensus of Ayes! about graphene oxide being part of the ill conceived and noxious Vaxx brew.

End Central Banks
End Central Banks
Sep 25, 2022 4:19 PM

“..report confirms mRNAs contain graphene [oxide] that can penetrate the body’s natural barriers and damage the central nervous system.. internal organs, destroy blood health, trigger cancer and cause changes in gene function among a host of other ill effects.”


Sep 24, 2022 8:41 PM

WOEIH Show #179

Click Here To Download WOEIH #179
Date: 2014-12-20
Topics: Order Followers as the Creators of the Dark New World Order, The Lie Of The “Moral” Order-Follower, Justification for Order-Following, Emotional Mind Control in Relatives of Order-Followers, Dark Occultists are the Masters of Order-Followers and their institutions, ALL Order-Followers are BAD PEOPLE, ONLY a Non-Order-Follower CAN be a Truly Good Person, Moral Judgement and the Exercise of Conscience, the Inability to get Angry at Injustice is a sign of Mental Illness and being broken to accept Slavery, Natural Law Consequences, the Fundamentally Flawed Axiom of the creation of Police Forces, the Fundamentally Flawed Axiom of abdicating your Personal Responsibility to defend yourself to ANYONE else, Police Forces as Barriers to the Understanding of Natural Law, Nazis and Nazi-Lovers, How Nazis and Communists took America, Mentally sick Police Officers and their supporters mocking the murder of Eric Garner by T-shirt slogans, the Destruction of the Family Dynamic by driving a wedge between the Sexes, the need for the Moral Education of the Young, Firearms in America as one of the only reasons to have any hope for a Free future.


Sep 24, 2022 8:11 PM


Looks like there are those who will not admit they were wrong even if it kills them.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 12:48 AM
Reply to  October

Have just read the article. Words fail me…! How can someone be in such denial…!

Sep 25, 2022 8:48 AM

As Fuellmich said quite some time ago, we need to realise that we have already lost some of these people, and get ready to let them go.

Which is quite easy when it comes to the stubborn Belgian professor, but much harder when they are people you care about  😯 

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 7:55 PM

Make of this what you will… (I’ve not yet watched all of it).

“Reiner Fuellmich stole [Euro sign]1.35 million from the Corona Committee / 2 videos combined” (video: 53.39 mins), at:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 9:50 PM

I’ve now spotted that this was mentioned by someone a little further down the screen! My apologies!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:32 PM

I saw this too. Goes to show you can’t blindly trust anyone. It’s such a shame that greed and deceit also plagues those we thought were on the freedom side of things.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 12:36 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Just a short way down the screen from here, I posted (just under 2 hours ago) another video link [addressed to Tigerlily]. One in which Fuellmich gives his side of the story.
Again, who knows what the truth is…?

Dr Mike Yeadon
Dr Mike Yeadon
Sep 25, 2022 4:13 AM

It’s simply not true, I’m in touch with Reiner.

[To those inquiring, yes this is the real Mike Yeadon – admin]

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 25, 2022 11:28 AM
Reply to  Dr Mike Yeadon

Thank you, Mike Yeadon.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 12:04 PM
Reply to  Dr Mike Yeadon

Thank you for that, Dr Yeadon.

It makes far more sense that what’s being claimed of Fuellmich is not true. After all, he’s an established lawyer with an esteemed professional history. Thus I wouldn’t have thought that someone in his position would want to tarnish his reputation in any way.

A couple of days ago, I watched your recent talk with Gareth Icke. Excellent stuff!
I do wish my stubborn family members would open their eyes and their minds, and thus realise that the people on their beloved TVs are blatantly lying to them (and keeping vital information from them). Since the outset of this global coup d’etat, and all the way through, I’ve provided them and my friends with a wealth of trustworthy information [including links to some of your videos], from honest doctors, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, embalmers, etc etc. But they still choose to ‘believe’ the MSM, and have, thus, all rolled up their sleeves three [and in some cases, four…] times.
Which is so very frustrating, for I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years. But can’t even produce even the smallest dent in their brainwashed states.

Sep 25, 2022 5:58 PM
Reply to  Dr Mike Yeadon

Why do you refused to be interviewed by Richie allen and also refused to be questioned regarding your previous job working for vaccine manufactures. ??

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Sep 26, 2022 10:25 AM
Reply to  Dr Mike Yeadon

Dear Mr Yeadon,
Thank you for all your work but just because you know someone who gives his side of the story does not mean it’s the whole truth.

full disclosure:- I’ve not watched the full video.

Stopped just as Reinar blamed Viviene’s history of mental illness. That is out of order and a below the belt level retort to accusations.

Tbh I would have thought Reinar was better then blaming someone’s history of mental illness to discredit their accusations.

But I have found that the legal profession often uses ‘history of mental illness’ as a get out of jail card, and even overcharging and professional misconduct.

From what I’ve so far gleaned from the situation this is a dispute over charging for emails. I have history of this. Solicitors would rather charge for scanning a document and emailing costing the client £50 rather then photocopying and posting by their assistant. I’m presently undertaking an audit of my solicitor’s email charges (like £28 for thanks I received it to 8 at £28 each to arrange time for a phone call) and so far have reached £1,500 for inappropriate email charges.

Viviane was perhaps naive about how e-mail charges work, but no need to patronise her by name calling (i.e. little girl)

The committee was based on hard facts and the dispute should be undertaken similarly.

The ONLY way to settle this dispute between the parties is to open all the financial records up to a full forensic audit by independent experts.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 25, 2022 12:22 PM

There is a question-mark at the end of that headline. Why did you leave it out?

“TAP Newswire/Author: danceaway” — Please don’t post this kind of sensationalist tabloidesque clickbait stuff withot even having watched the video you recommend. In the course of its two years’ work, the Corona-Ausschuss has made some very powerful enemies who would love to see it fail, and the Net is riddlied with actual spooks who spread lies professionally. It’s also full of anonymous know-nothings & opportunists who just love slinging shit in the hope that some of it will stick.

Reiner Füllmich does need to answer some pressing questions about the likelihood of a class action lawsuit ever getting off the ground or being successful. That does not prove that he is a fraudster, nor does it even make it likely that he is. (Think about it.) .Transparency is esssential here. If anything, the openness of this dispute among the Ausschuss’s founding members is an encouraging sign.

By the way, the Corona-Ausschuss was actually founded by Viviane Fischer, who has never had the credit she deserves.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 1:32 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

It was purely accidental that I omitted the question mark at the end of the headline, I assure you. I don’t usually make such errors. Thank you for pointing it out.

I said that I’d watched some of the video, but not all of it. Yesterday evening I posted a link [a little bit south of this post] to another video, one in which Dr Fullmich gives his side of the story.
I also, an hour or so ago, posted a reply to Dr Mike Yeadon [just north of this post]. As I stated in that reply, I too think that it’s highly unlikely that Fullmich is a fraudster. However, I agree with you that he needs to make some comment re. whether a class action lawsuit is likely to take place, or be successful (bearing in mind that it seems the vast majority of the judiciary is owned by the Globalists…).

Sep 26, 2022 7:33 AM

I watched it and I didn’t like Mr Fuellmich’s way, his attack on Viviane was unethical .
As for the accusations from both sides it’s impossible to say who is right and who is wrong with this kind of differences unless you have the accounting.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 26, 2022 12:31 PM
Reply to  stella

Yes, you’re right, his attack on Viviene was out of order; unethical. He resorted to ad hominems.

As you say, it’s impossible, at this stage, to know who’s right and who’s wrong.

Sep 24, 2022 7:39 PM

The reason is completely overlooked. I was red pilled to the edge of sanity about 12 years back. My girlfriend, with just two perfectly divine sentences, inadvertently broke 30 years of brainwashing from the womb. It was instant – my mind filled missing gaps going back 30 years in milliseconds. It was an experience i imagine comporable to when a person has their life “flash before their eyes” in a near death experience. Total out-of-body, slow motion, defining moment. Ive been a completely different person since…so at peace.

I tried to enlighten my brother (older). Subatance abuse, alcohol, depression has been his life. I owed him the chance I was given* i went slowly but I knew i broke through when his subconscious literally took over his functioning right in front of my eyes.

He started making a “mah” “mah” “mah” type sound, increasing in volume, while simultaneously walking away from me. It was surreal. I thought about it for some time and concluded it was his subconscious defending his conscious mind. Making louder and louder noises until my words were no longer audible, while rapidly taking FLIGHT.

I nearly broke him, trying to help him.

People don’t choose to be right over choosing to be free. They are choosing life. Its not even “them” choosing. They can’t choose not to hear something that will collapse their mind.

This sh*t since March 2020 is FARRRRRR too shocking, too impossible, too evil – to possibly be true. Its laughable to the blue pilled. They literally cannot absorb the data their senses are collecting and sending back. Again it would melt their mind. Instantly.

Coos Palmboom
Coos Palmboom
Sep 25, 2022 6:56 AM
Reply to  Or'Well

What did she say?

Sep 25, 2022 2:37 PM
Reply to  Or'Well

My girlfriend, with just two perfectly divine sentences, inadvertently broke 30 years of brainwashing from the womb. It was instant – my mind filled missing gaps going back 30 years in milliseconds.

Coos Palmboom beat me to it – yes exactly what did she say?

as for

He started making a “mah” “mah” “mah” type sound, increasing in volume, while simultaneously walking away from me. 

You’ve been watching Omnibus “Whistle and i’ll come to you” directed by Johnathan Miller?

Sep 25, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Or'Well

I’m on the edge of my seat too! What did she say?!

Eddie Rogero
Eddie Rogero
Sep 26, 2022 2:36 AM
Reply to  Or'Well

Wow Or’Well! Thanks for your insight.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2022 7:32 PM


Young woman recounts scary encounter in unisex changing room. But what gets me is the way she signs off: “Stay safe!” The ubiquitous mantra of the new terrorism.

Sep 24, 2022 7:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Stay safe” “Stay free”

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  Or'Well

It’s more a matter of: “Stay safe” OR “Stay free”!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 25, 2022 11:42 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How utterly nauseating. It strikes me as fake. Loads of sniffing and actions associated with crying but no actual tears. I’d imagine that when unisex changerooms are introduced there’d be a little monitoring and ensuring men didn’t just walk in on women when the curtain was closed. Don’t believe it … which isn’t to say that some people wouldn’t “genuinely” carry on like that.

Sep 24, 2022 7:24 PM

that title reminds me of the past few days btl, ha!

so it goes.

Sep 24, 2022 5:53 PM

If this is true, looks like Reiner Fuellmich is a con artist!


Sep 24, 2022 8:06 PM
Reply to  Tigerlily

was always something wrong. i reckons he compiles evidence, for…?

Sep 24, 2022 9:37 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Exactly and just who is going to prosecute the J3wz!

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 25, 2022 12:40 PM
Reply to  Tigerlily

You mean, like, Gates, Schwab, Drosten, Biden, Trump, Johnson, Merkel, Macron, Hancock, Ferguson, Lauterbach, Von der Leyen, Ardern, Trudeau, Bourla (hey, there’s one!), Fauci, Scholz, Xi?

You have a fascinating mind.

Sep 25, 2022 4:45 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I am not talking about the monkeys, i am talking about the organ grinders!

Sep 24, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Tigerlily

old news 2 .5 years later.
Some of us called it the minute he appeared with his lavish story-hook.

Sep 24, 2022 9:40 PM
Reply to  fertility

Mocking with his Nuremburg II bullshit!

Sep 24, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  fertility

he was just setting up the defense, was all purpose, with no weight.

another nice idea, but probably worse than empty/futile..

Sep 25, 2022 5:08 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

-ve abounds presently, ole red thumb. (ye can feel it in the smartparticlosphere ; ) )

i am prepared to be wrong, …

i thought there did always seem something…? odd ? about all the fuellmich stuff? show-trial… show-case….
i entirely get that they followed sundry legalese and procedure and presented a bona fide case, which ? carried.
they made a legal point (ongoing?… i stopped following it..), but nothing has changed. ! ?

in a very odd time,admittedly.

maybe they are doing their best,

do they ever get “visits” or death threats?

?? jury remains out.

someone edify please.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 10:52 PM
Reply to  Tigerlily

I’ve come across the following (I’ve not yet listened to it all).

“Reiner Fuellmich: on his recent separation from the Corona Investigative Committee, & where his work will be focused, going forward” (video: 19.26 mins), at:


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 24, 2022 5:49 PM

Cancer death rates have dropped significantly in the US over the last couple of decades 📧 


Blood clotting as a side effect of Covid vaccination is also effectively non-existent in the US because we don’t use the AstraZenica vaccine — it’s this one implicated in the risk for blood clots.

These two snippets illustrate the danger of using local statistics to draw global conclusions. I get sort of beaten up a lot on these boards and accused of everything under the sun (including being a paid stooge) just because I ask people to open up and see a bigger picture — their view might be correct from where they’re standing, mine might be correct from where I’m standing but to get to a better version of truth we need to effectively average all points of view.

This article shows what we’re up against. Remember, the problem here isn’t really the situation reported on but the fact it became public knowledge.


Sep 24, 2022 8:17 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Funny you should link to an article that says this:

“The risk of dying from cancer in the United States has decreased over the past 28 years according to annual statistics reported by the American Cancer Society (ACS). The cancer death rate for men and women combined fell 32% from its peak in 1991 to 2019, the most recent year for which data were available” (my emphasis).

So, the relevance to what we are talking about here is what, exactly?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:37 PM
Reply to  October

Well spotted!!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 25, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  October

The relevance is that a lot of people who think they’re so revolutionary and so forward thinking are actually being led around by the nose by the very forces that they think they’re rebelling against.

Sep 26, 2022 7:27 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Now, that IS relevant  😂 

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Sep 24, 2022 11:39 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Keep quacking.
You have no sycophants following.

Go find sycophants – then we don’t have to deal with the shit you spread after eating it.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 27, 2022 8:49 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

AZ is inclusive your point of view being Separatist why then Impose it on The British Isles.
The City = London= Public knowledge doesn’t exist individuals perceptions naturally transcend simplistic rule twisting nibbles.
In Practice it flew out the window along with a lads pocket Coin. Half a Crown…2/6d.
Who’s public knowledge?
Organisation Health Worldwide…jeeeez.
The Organisation of Health Worldwide.
No Martin
Who’s World are you talking about?

Sep 24, 2022 5:23 PM

I want to do a mini-poll. With two answers and a vote with a red and green thumb (whoever wishes).

The first one here:

Communicating – in this case specifically with believers in Kovid’s narrative-face to face and over the Internet is the same, without significant difference.

Sep 24, 2022 5:24 PM
Reply to  plino

And the second answer:

It’s not the same, and there’s a big difference.

Sep 24, 2022 6:26 PM
Reply to  plino

Good question

No communication re any narrative is the same face to face, compared to over the internet.

Soon the internet will be gone, as the lights go out and we will all have to talk to each other face to face, if we want to survive.

Most woke will die, unless they have been trained in survival techniques, like going camping in a field of mud.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 24, 2022 7:42 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You seem to have become a different person

Sep 24, 2022 8:09 PM

no, i saw him on another street,

same MO

Sep 24, 2022 8:42 PM

still the same, but upset about all the deaths (mostly human), but also our cat. she was nearly 20 years old. not nice having to bury her on my 69th birthday. how are you Sophie?

Sep 24, 2022 7:51 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I will answer you how I see things, but not now, so as not to accumulate a few long and boring comments in a short time (was it called spam?). There are common ground, but you probably won’t agree with the rest, but who knows, maybe we’ll come to the same or very similar conclusions in different ways. (Not that the words have great importance.)

What happened to the grandchild, Tony? In “The five psychological experiments…” you said you were expecting him to be born.

Sep 24, 2022 9:05 PM
Reply to  plino

Our 3rd Grandchild has not been born yet…due any time soon. 90% chance the baby is a girl. I just hope the child is well. My wife and I love babies.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 24, 2022 8:11 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I agree about the internet being diced. Then we will all be isolated…anyone here on OG know morse code? Have any experience as a Amateur Radio operator? I do, and seriously would be interested in setting up a “Resistance Radio” club…so we can talk to each other while camping in the mud…

Sep 24, 2022 9:07 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I still have a CB Radio in the attic. It might still work

Sep 25, 2022 2:18 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen


When I flew light aircraft we had to identify Non Directional Beacons by the morse code they broadcast. I understand they have since taken down these beacons as well as the VOR nav aids. GA pilots are now required to use GPS. This reduces options in case of malfunction.

Sep 24, 2022 7:28 PM
Reply to  plino

argh, reword that.

if you mean non face2face comms are a terrible substitute for, and so open to misunderstanding,

compared to direct human, personal comms..

i’d prefer the latter.

I didn’t word that too good either ha

; )

Sep 25, 2022 1:32 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

I mean… what I mean.:)

A lot of things, related, but… long; boring; and no matter.

Do you believe in true democracy, rubber, my frend? I mean the real and existing, not the representative, political concept.

Watch now:).. Let’s take a man with a mental disability. He doesn’t understand; and the more severe the disability, the less tangent he has with you or me, for example. Nothing that you feel like your life don’t exists for him. With more severe disability, even the general bodily sensations are not the same; some bear great pain, or forget it quickly; or other feel a hundredfold more pain. But there is no mental structure to translate the sensations and create them in what you generally describe as your life (or I as mine).

Simple. Do you agree? (You can’t tell now, immediately, we’re on the internet.:))

And.. so what is life, our life, that we want to protect now? What does it do and Where Is it?

You hit your head, and even though it’s rubber, it’s all gone. Ммм?
I look at you and imagine “what a tragedy”, but you grin like a baby (in the best case) and you don’t feel, don’t live in tragedy.

So, where is life? Where’s it coming from? And who “lives”? (Does this make sense? For you?)

So.. here is the living democracy (of what makes life; so – what is alive; what is dead, I accept that it cannot live in or out of democracy): in the head. And consensus democracy in the network of heads. (Even you, the race of rubber heads, have your own democracy.:))

This is very real. Consensus is high reality. And people decide and agree constantly. This barometer, which registers the level of consensus, is a sacred instrument. He’s everywhere. Here, even nearby, recently or even in real time, some of the people have agreed, through their sacred right of mental – i.e., true democracy -that:

“We, the minds of the sovereigns of real democracy, have decided that we like the idea 27 times that we have very limited responsibility (for the problem), we like to take another shiny external tool that promises results, and that’s where our responsibility ends.

And minus once we like the idea of taking much greater responsibility, of examining our actions, thoughts and feelings; of looking for errors in them that prevent the realization of the respective goal; of even trying to change our firmly established attitudes and habits; in fact, we do not want to hear about it at all.”

The will of the sovereign is sacred. You saw? We are waiting for the results of this rational decision.

What else? The collision of two opposing models. The Battle of multipolarity. The turning of the poles, perhaps? Definitely electric.

So an unpopular consensus thesis is that, what is big deal today is the will of the sovereign to assume partial irresponsibility. It cannot but be respected, for, as we have described in the rules of use, the Will is sacred.

This is exactly what is at the end of the rational model, which assumes the supremacy of creation. Where there are iron laws and proportionality of forces. Where else do you think this ends? With that level of technology? So there is no fundamental disagreement with the rational model, and it always goes to the point where there is already disagreement among those who have accepted it, realizing that the very essence of rationality excludes them as irrational to the advanced model.

Put simply.

(And I guess you want me to accept your apology for the 24th for I being right and you didn’t believe me and rebuked me. I’ll do it, I’ll take it apology. Just admit your mistake! You, my frend, comrade rubberheid.)

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Sep 24, 2022 5:02 PM

This article dovetails perfectly with one by Kevin MacDonald recently which I archived in my library. In it he looked forward to gathering of family and acquaintances……with both fear and anticipation – all because of the conflicts created by our ruling powers in the last several years……you know the rest.
I have learned that only through acknowledging our errors comes true repentance – and that only by God’s grace are we given that privilege. Yes, it is a privilege!
Telling DaTruth gets you into all kinds of trouble – which explains why lying becomes a politician’s best tool. After all, most folks like being lied to, they’ve been lying to themselves their entire lives.
You think I’m kidding?
About 20 years ago I started reading a lot of stuff – http://www.crushlimbraw.com – it gradually dawned on me that I had been lied to most of my life and what I believed was mostly bullshit.
Quite an eye opening event! The whole freaking world runs primarily on LIES!
Nuff said – read for yourself!

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 24, 2022 5:46 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

People don’t like being lied to, but once lies come from the top of power cultures, people either have to engage with the lies or resign from the organisation/culture.

It’s easy if you are born very, very rich to decide to opt out and be truthful at all times. Easy in financial terms, that is. Less easy if your family is very rich precisely because they are intrinsically part of the lying culture. That means you have to break from your family too. It can be done, but emotionally, that’s much much harder to do.

Anyone who has ever observed organised religion knows that it is extremely political and that the fanciful notion that ‘churches’ ‘do god’s will’ by telling truth at all times simply isn’t reality.

You find similar things happening in charities too.

If you actually try telling objective truth at all times, you will find what a challenge life can become.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:39 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Trouble is, it’s too late for the triple jabbed, which is why I suspect they’re sticking to their version of the truth.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Sep 24, 2022 11:45 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“It’s easy if you are born very, very rich to decide to opt out and be truthful at all times.”
Therein lies the failure with those people that must capitulate to capital!
They failed to realize that the authorities cannot extort your livlihood away from you, especially without enacted laws.

“If you actually try telling objective truth at all times, you will find what a challenge life can become.”

Since life is all about suffering and how each of us individually deals with it, your statement is a cop out.

Sep 26, 2022 9:08 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

and on that point, the basis of religions is not the truth. It is blind belief, suggesting that knowing the truth is secondary, and that this truth is only known by the God that is personified in that religion. STILL, people propagandizing such religions claim to know the truth, which speaks to an almost pathological tendency for humans to “be right” or have a feeling of “being right”, a propension actually exploited by religions and the PTB, in which they encourage people to not doubt themselves, to the point that it’s making them frothing at the mouth during debates. This can be seen incidentally in recent reports that in mathematics, students will not fail an exam filled with errors, if they can justify their answers… er.. verbally.. er.. such arguments necessarily devoid of logic (how could it be otherwise), and leaving the “child” with yet a feeling of self entitlement, provided by the ruler/teacher/system and reenforcing the emotional dependency to the “organization”… later in life, it is going to be very difficult to exert critical thinking, such activity having been almost destroyed from more than one direction.

Sep 28, 2022 6:22 PM
Reply to  theobalt

You’ve read a lot of Krishnamurti. He lived peacefully in comfort while preaching unconditional release.

Sep 24, 2022 4:07 PM

The least anyone could do is ask a few questions. Those that won’t are operating at a pretty low level

The fact that there can be so much discussion of the epidemiological minutiae shows this whole situation up for what it is.

If this were truly a pandemic of biblical proportions would such questions even arise?

In the Covid Era not only has telling the truth become a revolutionary act but the mere asking of questions that challenge the official narrative is considered a subversive undertaking.

Is it possible there was an intentional inculcation of fear in the public?

Did any of the public health measures improve public health?

Are Covid symptoms actually “new” or have we been conditioned to believe there’s a new disease?

What indicates that this is a “new” disease?

Does it make sense for a perfectly healthy person to take a drug or product 4 times then continually “test” themselves to attempt to find something wrong with themselves, then take even more drugs, then continually “test” themselves? 

Was the PCR testing regime installed to perpetuate the illusion of a pandemic?

How was it that  the phrase “the new normal” emerged almost immediately in the first weeks of the pandemic?

How did we go from 2 weeks to “flatten” the curve” to permanent emergency “laws?
Is it a coincidence that the Covid Public Health Emergency created over 500 new billionaires and coincided with one of the largest upwards transfers of wealth in human history?

Was evidence of harm and serious adverse events  from the Pfizer clinical trials covered up?

Why were free doughnuts, beer and lottery tickets offered as inducements for a medical treatment?

Was there a single healthy child that died from Covid?

What percentage covid deaths were from people who already had multiple comorbidities?
Were PCR tests used fraudulently for the detection of Covid “cases?
What did the inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, say about the use of PCR to diagnose disease?

How were hospitals incentivized to adhere to certain Covid protocols?

Were the photos of coffins from Bergamo, Italy, in March 2020, which were used to terrify the world, authentic?

How much did the IMF calculate vaccines would add to the world economy? What did the Head of the IMF say about the fate of the world’s economy and vaccines?

How do panic and despair cause adverse effects on human health and cognitive capacities?

Why did the CDC list anxiety disorders as one of the leading causes of death from Covid 19?

Why did the media and government keep stoking public fear and anxiety?

How did Bill Gates know in 2019 that vaccines would be “one of the best buys” in 2020? 

How much did Bill Gates’s wealth increase by about $22bn during the lockdowns?
How (What medical product helped) did Bill Gates turn $10 billion into $200 billion?

Why did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invest $55 million in the shares of BioNTech, a company which had never released any products, in August of 2019?

How much are those stocks worth now?

Was Covid just a re-branded flu?

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner?

Why did they change the definition of a “case?”

Why did they change the definition of pandemic?

Why did They change the definition of herd immunity?

Why did the CDC change the definition of vaccine?

Why aren’t independent scientists allowed to examine the mRNA vaccine vials?

What is Remdesivir?

And on and on…

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 24, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Maxwell – to answer all those questions you need quite a bit of time on your hands. Especially if you aren’t so rich and have children to feed, clothe and educate.

I’ve no idea what schooling is like nowadays, but when I grew up if you asked teachers questions that they couldn’t answer you weren’t very popular.

They no doubt don’t want to answer questions for children which the headteacher doesn’t want them answering….

Then you ask why the headteacher doesn’t want the questions answered and you remember that head teachers are accountable to politicians too.

Then you ask why politicians don’t want the questions answered and you remember that they are in political parties where obedience to the Party Line is of the essence. Big donors corrupt party politics by buying political policies, quashing independent dissent within Big Politics.

Politicians can be smeared and trashed by the media, who in the main are owned by billionaires who made huge amounts of money insider trading on the Covid scandal. They knew in advance what was coming, who was going to make loadsamoney and they placed their bets accordingly.

The most important question for ordinary folks to ask themselves is actually: ‘why do I trust the BBC/ITV/Channel 4; all the mainstream national newspapers and their websites?’

The quickest way to trigger mass inquisitiveness is to get them first to detox from the MSM in all its guises.

Sep 26, 2022 11:03 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Rhys Jaggar, I think, given who he’s talking to, Maxwell’s questions are rhetorical. Maybe we know enough of the relevant epidemiology and pharmacology to not need to a lot of ‘extra time on our hands’.

There are people to save and children to protect. They’d like some time on their hands too.

(Great post Maxwell.)

Sep 24, 2022 6:09 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Very accurate questions covering practically everything important in the case. I’m going to use them, too. Thank you for that.

I will take this opportunity to ask some of my own, far less important questions, to the potential ones who ask your questions:

Do you think it matters how we ask these questions?

And understanding the emotional state of the relevant believer in the narrative and the obstacles that it poses to the perception of the questions?

Is there anything below, before thinking, that interferes with the perception of questions of reflection?

Does it matter what your relationship with this person is outside of the covid issue?

Is the state of your communication with the person concerned important before asking questions about covid?

Do you think that for an intellectual understanding of covid’s questions, your quality of emotional connection with the person concerned is insignificant?

Do you often ask yourself such questions?

Do you think that you are making some mistakes in communicating the topic of covid, or do you think that the relevant believer in the narrative is entirely responsible for their misunderstanding?

Do you think you can improve on the presentation of the questions or not? Have you tried? If you failed, Have you tried again? How many times / how often?

How do you react to failure (rejection) when asking questions/raising the topic? How do you feel internally and how do you express it externally? How do you think this affects your relationship with this person?

…And the like.

But when it comes to mature and intelligent people who use their mind regardless of their feelings, asking the right questions should be enough. Personally, I am not fortunate enough to know anyone similar, who believes in the narrative.

Sep 25, 2022 6:03 PM
Reply to  plino

For anyone who has ears to listen, the difference in the counters of this comment and the one to whom it is answered perfectly explains the main reason for today. It even gives an idea of the number.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2022 9:02 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

If this were truly a pandemic of biblical proportions, scaremongering would be unnecessary. If anything, the media would be trying to calm people down.

Sep 25, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

anxiety disorders as one of the leading causes of death from Covid
(a) Leave the patient isolated without care or food (only water in drips), preferrably with other infectious or terminally ill people
(b) Ignore all illneses other than “covid”.
(c) If he complains of difficulty breathing, administer morphine or midzolam.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 4:25 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

A day or so ago, I saw the above post (verbatim) on another forum, posted under a different name… [‘Allen’].

Sep 27, 2022 1:23 AM

Quite likely it’s the same person.

Sep 24, 2022 3:50 PM

So, this is it. The Blind will not see; the Seeing will continue to see; and that is all. That’s how I found out.

Just the beginning.

As we progress, less and less food, poverty, and everything else, the Blind will become more and more blind.

Thick darkness falls on the world.

Hope nowhere.

And this is not all…

It’s over. And it’s just started.

Everyone has a story about their failure to open sheep’s eyes, and nothing can be done.

No chance.

It doesn’t sense.

Total hopelessness.

Every light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be a nearly melted candle.

Feeling like we’re losing everything we’ve ever had makes us more and more unhappy.

The joy of life and the desire for joy to continue, collapsed like two towers.

comment image

It is useless to deceive ourselves!

Let’s admit defeat!

Stop your websites.
Hand over your money.
Give your shoulder.
Eat your crickets.
Give up your hopes and cancel your plans.
Open your head for a chip.

If you want to enter the fucking Kingdom of Multipolar New Age..


Stop crying. Infidels! 😅 

I’m issuing a temporary special operating order banning the complaints.

Wipe away the tears, brace yourselves and everyone in the square in formation!

The best is yet to come. 100% guarantee

Sep 24, 2022 4:36 PM
Reply to  plino

The two who broke the special operating order banning complaints, with the complaining red thumbs, are called upon to tell how to open sheep’s eyes, saving humanity and the world from the clutches of the sinister cabal in the longer term. We waiting for ideas; we need to build a critical mass. Bold, innovative, never-before-seen ideas.

Sep 24, 2022 5:34 PM
Reply to  plino

Too late for the normies.If one of them motioned to wake up, where would you start. Two and a half years in, Ive forgotten most examples of the shit show than I care to remember . Consolidate what you already know, cut away the dead wood

Sep 24, 2022 8:44 PM
Reply to  sailor

I don’t know exactly what you mean, but if that’s how you like it, cut away the dead wood.:)

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
Sep 25, 2022 10:35 AM
Reply to  plino

God always wins. At the moment, God is allowing the Satanists to do what they’re doing, because they are helping God to separate the wheat from the chaff. It’s all explained in this section of the Bible. A bitter irony: “whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg6ihGmUcmY

Sep 24, 2022 3:48 PM

Oh gawd, Moneycircus is back. Say it ain’t so.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Sep 24, 2022 11:53 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Welcome back.
I appreciate your substack writings.

Sep 24, 2022 3:43 PM

Wonderful headline: admit you are wrong or die – I die a little each day.

It is the topic of my latest newsletter. Niche though I know, and not of mainstream interest.

Moneycircus reveals: British PM Edward Heath sitting with Adolf Hitler at the 1936 Olympics.

The EC president Ursula von der Leyden wearing Ukraine colours when her relative was the gauleiter who ran the dirty business in that territory.

Welkom in Moneytsirkus: Italy Goes To Polls, German Troops To The Streets

(tsk.. are you the real resistance, or the café latte poseur?)

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 4:30 PM
Reply to  moneycircus
  • the woman’s surname is Leyen (not ‘Leyden’).
Sep 24, 2022 4:47 PM

A typo, but thank you. I edited it in my text. Got timed out here.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 28, 2022 12:52 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Revealed? At the 1936 Olympic Games who else, haven’t you heard of Time Magazine for example. Think it was around I liked the older copies as a lad it inspired my art.
Who was at the 1936 German Grand Prix driver’s team’s cars etc. Those were World Events in the 1930’s, my God those cars.
Besides official NSDAP Cameras Film Crews etc…who else was there.
Time magazine on the net and the German Archives I’d recommend to anyone.

Sep 24, 2022 5:25 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Edward Heath would have been 20 years old in 1936. “Future British PM Edward Heath sitting three rows behind Hitler” looks a bit like Edward Heath when he was 70. I have no idea if the conspiracy theories about him are true.

Sep 24, 2022 5:41 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Looking at the wrong person. Heath had a very ‘cute’ face before he got fat in the sense of chiseled, individual.

Behind AH is a lady with white hat; behind her a man with big grin; behind him at 10 o’clock is Edward Heath, looking about 20.

You are free to drop all “conspiracy theories” about children.

That in itself dings a bell: how the hell, even if he was an aspiring politician, did he get himeself into the centre of the Nazi party at that age.

Sep 24, 2022 6:06 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Edward with mama

comment image

Sep 24, 2022 6:38 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I admit, I may be wrong. You did say 3 rows back, I was looking two rows back . My mistake.

Still not much conclusive evidence that the person was Edward Heath

I hope you are well. I used to read you are lot.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 1:53 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

He’s the only person who doesn’t get the joke!

BTW: I have no problem accepting the possibility that it could be Heath, but I’d still need some convincing that it’s really him.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 28, 2022 12:02 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

True you have no idea, Heath was the buffer before us up North got completely Fucked by City Central Banking District.
You bloody Moron.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 24, 2022 3:22 PM

Staring at charts and studying skewed statistical data, has crippled and mesmerized the audience for over two years. Pharmeceutical manufacturers and institutional lenders continue to post record profits. And None of that is fake….

Some may be “affected” by the following video. >

There have been no criminal arrests and no indictments for crimes of murder.

Sep 24, 2022 2:24 PM

From Ourworldindata.org

Similar results were reported in March 2022 by researchers from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, publishing in the journal The Lancet.

They found that “Although reported COVID-19 deaths between Jan 1, 2020, and Dec 31, 2021, totalled 5.94 million worldwide, we estimate that 18.2 million (95% uncertainty interval 17.1–19.6) people died worldwide because of the COVID-19 pandemic (as measured by excess mortality) over that period.”

The full citation is: Wang, H., et al. (2022). Estimating excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic analysis of COVID-19-related mortality, 2020–21. The Lancet

Putting it into context: at the lower end of the interval, 17.1mn, that’s the population of the Netherlands. Gone.

Sep 25, 2022 2:37 AM
Reply to  ChronoChris

Steve Kirsch I understand estimates that the clot shots have wiped out 12 million.
Do you personally know anyone killed by the fictitious virus, shill ?

Sep 25, 2022 8:36 AM
Reply to  ChronoChris

Operation Covid may well have killed that many. If so, the major factors were
(a) existing and ratcheted poverty

(b) the deliberately murderous restrictions.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 24, 2022 2:04 PM

Well Todd forget the “hundreds of couples” you’ve seen…

OPERATION COVIDIUS provided the best and clear evidence that uman animals (mainly the ones that persist in belonging to the herds of MMS/3i’s) just want to keep on slaving and therefor obeying the Shepherds (aka politicians and experts).

They (MMS/3i’s) abhor Responsibility with passion. And with this mindset no amount of couch talk will work.

After all this is the reason why you’ve that “job” (psychotherapist)!

In the meantime let them get ALL the miracle mRNA jabs they desire… If they die it’s their slave life and the price they have to pay for being IRRESPONSIBLE!

comment image

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 24, 2022 2:18 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

To think some have had four Covid jabs, monkey pox, shingles and the flu jab.

Sep 24, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

And they’re probably also searching constantly for a ‘top-up’ for their childhood measles, mumps, whooping cough, glandular fever, chicken pox and polio jabs.

They’re not happy unless they have something to fear.
Madness is clearly a major human trait. One is lucky to escape.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 25, 2022 2:32 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Even funnier if one thinks that most of them did it just because of airplane travels, going to restaurants and pubs and so on!

Sep 24, 2022 1:50 PM

At first when I told people I wouldn’t take these shots their reaction was curiosity. Then this turned into anger and avoidance. Now they just go very quiet.

They are realising that they could have done something stupid.

Fortunately, they are rejecting it for their infants and young children:


Doctors will be the last to admit their wrongdoing.

Sep 24, 2022 1:47 PM

When evaluating the various “truths” put out, the old ways are still the best. If the purveyor of a given “truth” seeks to stifle all criticism and contrary opinions, chances are almost 100% that his “truth” is anything but.

It seems the false “truth” tellers never learn, therefore never alter their strategy. They can’t stand the heat but refuse to get out of the kitchen; so they try and silence anyone who says “Man it’s hot in here!”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 1:34 PM

The American bloke, Steve Kirsch, posted this 180pp online ‘document’ on his Substack not so long ago. It provides a lot of data. Data that might (just might…) awaken some of those still sleeping.

(And I have quite a number of the ‘sleepers’ in my own family and friends, despite having been providing them all with a wealth of trustworthy information right from the start, stuff that would make any right-thinking person realise that the ‘official narrative’ is false)

N.B., you access each ‘page’ by clicking on the images down the left-hand side of the screen, at the link below.

“180 questions they can’t answer”, at:


Sep 24, 2022 3:29 PM

If anything brings people around and starts them thinking, it’s the simple fact that so many who were “vaccinated” are getting COVID anyway.

Granted the tests are largely bogus and perhaps the illness itself; but these bogus tests are finally doing some good: they’re indicating half the “safe and effective” meme is a big lie (the “effective” part). This may cause them to wonder about the “safe” part as well.

Sep 24, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

The tests are not largely bogus, they are bogus as it is a test for something that does not exist. For anyone that still does not get this, NO TEST NO DISEASE. Its so bleeding simple!!!!!!!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 4:35 PM
Reply to  semaj

The PCR [wrongly-termed] ‘tests’ are not a diagnostic test for anything, because it, the PCR process, is a ‘research tool’; it wasn’t invented to be a ‘diagnostic test’! As Dr [or Professor?] Kary Mullis repeatedly spelt out (his death in August 2019 was very ‘convenient’…).

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:55 PM
Reply to  semaj

The “tests” were designed as a lab tool to amplify / make more of something they use in labs. It was never designed as a diagnostic tool for anything.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 4:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, my younger brother [56] claimed to me a few months ago that he’d “had ‘covid’ for 8 days” (N.B., he did not put the quote marks around the ‘c’ word…!).
All my family members, and all bar two of my already ‘awake’ friends, submitted to the injections, having had three (and in some cases, four…) ‘jabs’ each.

I’ve explained to them all, over and over again, that the PCR process is not a diagnostic test of anything… but they still choose to believe what the people on their beloved TVs spew out.

I have a friend of 34 years, she’s a Spanish lady. She and her English husband of almost 52 years (they’re both in their late 80s) have each had four injections… she told me some months ago that her hubby has had “a lot of pains in his head” since the injections…
And yet they both still ‘believe’ the ‘official narrative’. A week ago, she even went so far as to suggest to me that “Maybe the people on your computer are lying” (hahaha!!!). They’re not on the Internet, so their only source of ‘information’/’news’ is the MSM. Ever since this all began, in early 2020, I’ve provided them (as well as family members and other friends) with a wealth of trustworthy data/information which demonstrates that the ‘official’ narrative is indeed false. But they still choose to ‘believe’.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:57 PM

Same experience here with the older generation.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 24, 2022 11:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t believe the fully jabbed can think rationally. I’ve met people who have had “Covid” several times, being fully jabbed, and then happily point out that it was only a mild case of “Covid” and it would have been worse if they hadn;t had the shots.

Sep 24, 2022 12:49 PM


Elaborate deception has been perpetrated for so long. They found a patsy for the killing of the Lindbergh baby 90 years ago. As with Manson 37 years ago, the courts, the constabulary and the media went along. The Purple Gang, the initial suspects got away with the crime. As did whoever commissioned them.

Sep 24, 2022 1:34 PM

I mean’t 37 years later.

Sep 24, 2022 1:40 PM

I started reading a book that claimed Lindbergh killed the baby because he was crook in some way. Is that what you’re suggesting?

Sep 25, 2022 2:52 AM
Reply to  AllieGoPro

The Purple Gang were associated with the bootlegging Bronfman family. Interestingly their (The Bronfman’s) lawyer Major Bloomfield was on the board of Permindex, the shadowy company that was in the plot to kill JFK. Witnesses have claimed that David Ferrie flew Clay Shaw in a Cessna from New Orleans to Montreal so he could meet Bloomfield. Clay Shaw was also on the board of Permindex. Thus the Bronfmans were involved in both crimes. Who instructed them is any one’s guess but was someone very high in the global pecking order.

Sep 25, 2022 2:53 AM
Reply to  AllieGoPro

No that is not whay I am suggesting.

Sep 24, 2022 12:26 PM

thanks Todd, and the intelligencier script writers get the joke, sheep indeed


Sep 24, 2022 12:03 PM

Large poster on the local pharmacy window; Flu shots £14.99. Suppose many will be coughing up to try and delay coffin up.

Sep 24, 2022 10:34 AM

Where to die though?


Absolutely nothing to do with the policies followed by care homes during lockdowns that the Fraud have only ever criticised for not going far enough….

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Sep 24, 2022 9:45 AM

It’s a very simple thing. Social media makes lying so easy that it has become the norm. Now that we are seeing the first generation that grew up with it, we see that lying has become the norm in our whole society. There is always far more advantage for them to lie, or block, or report, or click a little icon, than there is to tell the truth. No one ever considers the truth any more; many people lie automatically on instinct before any consideration is even undertaken. If there are replies to my comment, most of them will be so steeped in falsehoods that the actual points will be almost impossible to untangle. In short, we have lost our integrity, and without that there can only be death.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2022 9:08 AM

My mother recently had another “booster”. She knows my thoughts and I tactfully tried to dissuade her but she said she was “just going to go along with them”. I know she lives alone and has a fragile grip on the local community and knew that it would be counter productive to give her a bigger scare so I just hoped to God she’d survive. God knows what I’ll do if my (Covidian) wife decides to get hers.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2022 9:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

When I typed in the bit about my mum, I mistyped “with” and the spell check suggested “euthanasia”!

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Sep 24, 2022 9:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Turn off “spell check”. It’s not intended for that job, and even when it does that job it is still making us stupid.

Sep 24, 2022 4:05 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

That’s so true.
Unless you have dyslexia, all you need to do is read decent material, and don’t be too impatient to analyze the odd word for its spelling.
If you’re not sure, google it. I did exactly that today, just to be sure that I had spelt “misogyny” correctly – not a word I have used more than twice in my life…

Sep 24, 2022 9:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Sounds like my family George.
Mum took the ‘expert’ advice of my siblings and her doctor, but my wife is hesitant to get the boosters, thank God.
All we do is pray as the psychopaths prey.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 24, 2022 9:06 AM

There are some holes in the sidewalk where you don’t get a second chance.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Sep 24, 2022 8:51 AM

I have asked friends, people, family over the years
“Would you rather be right or free”

The majority would rather be right.

“See, I told you so !”

Sep 24, 2022 12:38 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Those who went along with convid were neither right nor free.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Sep 24, 2022 11:16 PM

How right you are 😉

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 24, 2022 8:28 AM

I’m proud to be a part of the pending community.

Sep 24, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Spam pending is a higher authority- you get your post deletes.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 24, 2022 11:28 AM
Reply to  jiin

Four hours now. Pending and pining.

Tumbleweed blows by. Somewhere in the distance, a shrew bleats.

Sep 24, 2022 5:05 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.


good one, but stop adding to the latent moaning sound…

: )

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 25, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

That wusny moaning, pal, that was quality comment.

I’m standin’ here a’ quiet. I believe it’s your round.

Sep 25, 2022 5:36 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

wusny? et to Prutu?

more correctly “wisnae” ,
wasnae, . . .fiznae.. ha

tbf, depends on which dialect one would perhaps, suppose, in mess with the Jocks. . . .


nyah fearties had cracking album covers, they played a fridge as a bass drum… hilarious, good folk (punk?) indigenes….

in the real world, the only thing that really matters, is your daily reality, your local people, life, strife and culture. This band, whatever yer take may be, represent us X-ers that had some sense of self, space, time LIFE before the corporate suffocation dripped in…wherever we were; we had swathes of local culture…
80s+? steadily, has stolen that.

only saw them once in Beith, remember nothing, ha! they had a few good tunes.

i reckon del amitri stole a few fearties tunes… ?

slanj, for the recall ; )

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 24, 2022 8:23 AM

The plot thickens. Shrews and sheep are now being led around by ducks.

I once saw the sky darkened by a flock of mooses, or maybe they were meese, or mice. Canada is wild.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2022 4:08 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I like to think of myself as a manta ray. No particular metaphorical reason. I just think they look fucking mental.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 24, 2022 11:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, I’m sorry, but that’s just fucking mental.

I identify as a god, a sane one, a hot lesbian god that can fly.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Sep 25, 2022 12:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hoover (Eletrolux) sharks.

Sep 25, 2022 2:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Manta Rays are fabulous creatures. I have had the privilege of glimpsing one in the water below me in the coral seas around the Yasawa islands of Fiji.

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 24, 2022 5:59 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Love your comment!! I needed to laugh…or should I cry?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Sep 25, 2022 12:01 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

The meese are is only the voice of a Scot pronouncing “moose”.
Especially in Atlantic Canada.

Sep 24, 2022 8:21 AM

Sounds like Plato’s cave

What if it is? – One should not make the error in trying to convince the prisoners in the cave that they are prisoners. What one should do, is walk out and enjoy the sun.

It’s a terrible fate to be prisoner in a cave. But we all once were. How did we find our way out? – I remember. I found out myself, and not through some dissident writer or therapist.

Have faith that there are millions of other people who are also able to escape Plato’s cave by themselves. It all starts with understanding that Santa Claus is a bogus story. It definitely doesn’t end there…

Sep 24, 2022 1:57 PM
Reply to  Willem

Sounds like Plato’s cave

I agree, but to me it feels like caves nestled within caves like Matryoshka dolls.
As you exit one cave, we enter another and so on, always seeking Truth.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 24, 2022 3:40 PM
Reply to  Freecus

Exactly. It’s more of an ongoing process than a one-time event.

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 24, 2022 6:06 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Yes…ongoing process…just what Todd said. That is what is so strange to me about these two years…that fact that one message has been accepted by most people over and over again. That is notnormal…surreal. Finding truth has always been a process…we should always be questioning everything. That is why I love Off-Guardian and all you off people!

Sep 24, 2022 5:08 PM
Reply to  Freecus

the long road “home”….. . . . . . . .

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 25, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  Willem

“One should not make the error in trying to convince the prisoners in the cave that they are prisoners. What one should do, is walk out and enjoy the sun.” That’s truly the only way now to stay sane.

As for myself, I did get woken up years ago through dissident writers – but that required a dose of curiosity. In my experience, those still asleep now lack two qualities (not even intelligence plays a part): 1. Curiosity & 2. Responsibility.

Sep 25, 2022 7:04 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I agree with your assessment, V.T., and might add 3. Failure of Imagination…

Sep 24, 2022 8:05 AM

It’s all very weird!

While I was doing my shopping I noticed a long line of people in the supermarket carpark, all old pensioners. It was a jab line with a makeshift clinic with smiling nurses, and yellow jacket ushers.
I counted 140 in the line, and it grew larger as I watched.
I felt like walking along the line shouting out that if this was a suicide line, could I join in? In the hope to wake them all up.
I guess the Queen told them to take the jab, and off they scuttle.
It was a depressing scene in Tescos carpark!

Stepford Hives
Stepford Hives
Sep 24, 2022 9:00 AM
Reply to  Balgorg

This is going to leave a higher proportion of us shrews when the sheep succumb to their slow suicide, I wonder what evil they have planned to deal with us beyond draconian legislation and hypothermia + starvation? mRNA vax through viral transmission? Aerosolised vax in public places?
I’m reminded of the fact there was a Wikipedia page on US / UK crimes against humanity on their respective populations which included details of studies using deliberate release of infectious agents in places like underground rail systems. The page has long since disappeared.

Sep 24, 2022 10:30 AM
Reply to  Balgorg

Don’t forget that the Pope also advocated that people should get the ‘elixir of J3wz’ …

Sep 24, 2022 12:41 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

That is exactly what it is!

Sep 24, 2022 12:41 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Kill Gates admitted that he obtained a 20 to 1 return on his investment in “vaccines”. The banksters likewise obtained a huge return on their investment in the big monotheisms.

Sep 24, 2022 2:07 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

And don’t forget Albert Bourla and co are all J3wz.

Sep 24, 2022 2:14 PM
Reply to  Violet

We won’t hold that against them now, will we? … I suspect that they’re more Richard Heads than anything else. Greed is a terrible thing – it clouds the judgement of formerly sane people.

Sep 24, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

I will never forgive those mass murdering b*stards.

Sep 24, 2022 3:52 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Well that’s him well and truly out of the closet at any rate…
We need no longer give him the time of day.
He will soon be like the rest of them: Doddery, deluded and deceased.

Sep 24, 2022 11:03 AM
Reply to  Balgorg

Yes and the richest woman on the planet called us ‘selfish’ for not having garbage put into our arms ! selfish ? you couldn’t make it up, and now another imbecile walks straight into the job no elections or anything, and we also have a ‘PM’ elected by 0.14 % of the electorate ,and people still think we live in a democracy

Sep 24, 2022 11:37 AM
Reply to  Geoff

Slightly disingenuous since the electorate weren’t voting. Only Conservative Party members.

Sep 24, 2022 5:10 PM
Reply to  DavidF

wrong end of stick.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  Geoff

The Windsors themselves occupy a very high-up position in the hierarchy of the evil Globalist cabal… which is why the woman to whom you refer ‘pushed’ the injections.

I’ve been an anti-‘royalist’ for 40+ years. They need abolishing.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Sep 24, 2022 3:42 PM

The Reptile is dead. Long live the Reptile!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 25, 2022 12:10 AM

I wish you lived near me so we could meet for coffee or whatever. Apart from one family member, I have no-one to “really” talk to.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 1:59 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I don’t have many ‘awake’ people to talk to, either… it’s difficult to find out whether people are ‘awake’ or not.
My siblings and their spouses, and my adult nieces and their husbands, are all ‘sheep’, still ‘asleep’, no matter how much trustworthy information I’ve provided them with, info. which demonstrates that the ‘official narrative’ is totally and wholly false.
My longtime partner left Earth in early 2019. He was 70. I think that if he’d still been here, he too would have fallen for the false narrative [though he might have seen through it!].

I might be wrong on this, but am I right in thinking you’re in Australia? (if not, I might be thinking of another contributor to this site!)

In 2006 or 2007, two of my 1st cousins emigrated from here in the UK to Brisbane, with their respective husbands. Each of the two couples now have two daughters. In 2018, the elder cousin [both are now in their 40s] and her family returned to the UK, but her sister & family chose to remain in Queensland.
From what I know of my cousins, they’ll both have submitted to the injections… the eldest one and I ‘had words’ back in 2011/12, re. her gullible acceptance of some medical falsehood.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2022 4:10 PM
Reply to  Balgorg

You shall not pass!

Mirror Spiritus
Mirror Spiritus
Sep 24, 2022 8:02 AM

Shrews or shrewds?

Sep 24, 2022 12:42 PM

I prefer the latter.

Sep 24, 2022 5:15 PM

i don’t want to be a shrew in my next enthalpic phase.

poor wee buggers die all the time, seems not an urban myth…. Doon Hame i always found dead shrews adjacent to farmland… loud noise or big-agropharms?? poor wee snouters.

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 24, 2022 6:11 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

But shrews are brave.

Sep 24, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  Tiny Shrew

“hahah the bold shrew!!” cried the jester

“””BEHOLD!!!”” roared the .. multitude.

“oh, what’s happened, oh….”

: (

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 24, 2022 6:12 PM

I prefer the former!

Tiny Shrew
Tiny Shrew
Sep 24, 2022 6:09 PM

Shrews shrews shrews of course! A mighty tiny animal fighting for the Truth!!!

Sep 24, 2022 8:02 AM
Sep 24, 2022 7:27 AM

Very true. The digital age by it’s very essence is constructed and therefore suspect at any level of consciousness.
So where else to find dependable truth and authenticity but in nature and other people’s souls, using that magnificent gift of intuition we are blessed with.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 24, 2022 3:10 PM

Radio and digital broadcast alter frontal lobe functions, period. The frontal lobe is the seat of executive processes, motive, physical action, and decision making. Global populations are being jazzed into moving ideation and intellectual processing to the limbic system and cerebellum.

Nature doesn’t stand a chance…

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 24, 2022 7:26 AM

It’s all been meticulously planned by the corrupted elites and perfectly executed by the media.
Only have to see the murder of Cayler Ellingson being justified as “he was a Republican extremist” to see how warped minds have become.
We are heading for a complete social breakdown- a mass slaughter of opposing groups is very likely.
The Demonrats rhetoric is no different to that used in Rwanda prior to the genocide.

People’s fragile egos cannot admit they were wrong on the jab. So be it.
The pieces of the jigsaw are almost in place, yet these fools still cannot see it.
Maybe the unvaccinated and those with a functioning moral compass will come out the other side to re-form humanity.

What a time to be alive…

Sep 24, 2022 8:41 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”
Carroll Quigley on how the two party system works and that was in the mid 1960s….

Sep 24, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The number of parties doesn’t matter; the number of terms does. The voting rule of thumb should always be: Never – absolutely NEVER – re-elect anybody. Everybody in office should be a one-term office holder.

They can still be corrupted; but it won’t be because of campaign funding.

Sep 24, 2022 7:17 AM

Religions, concocted history, sports teams, sports ‘heroes’, movie stars, pop stars, celebrities, corporations, government experts and viruses, (did I miss any?).
They are all nonentities, that for some reason, we are desperate to believe in.
Sad, ain’t it?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 24, 2022 7:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

So true, the whole “celebrities” worship is beyond me.
Imagine injecting yourself with a poision because a celebrity did it.
The brain washing is complete- fattened up, dummed down,now ready for the slaughter..

Sep 24, 2022 10:51 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

But Hugh Jackman said Bill’s book is simply amazing even as he was getting his Bivalent…gotta get me both of them babies.

Sep 24, 2022 7:45 AM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s the era.of Team Building.

Sep 24, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  Hele

It’s why the media go beserk over football.
The lowest common denominator of all mankind: Hero worship, beer, noise and the superficial support of the lads…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 24, 2022 1:38 PM
Reply to  Johnny

So-called ‘royals’…

Sep 25, 2022 4:17 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You missed politicians, the media, the “justice system”, the constabulary and many others.