Wallabies and Wallpaper

Sylvia Shawcross

Is anybody else as worried as I am? THEY are not saying it anymore. They drove us crazy for at least a year when Covid arrived. There are internet composites of leaders all over the world saying the same thing. Every. Single. Speech.

“Build back better.”

It was becoming utterly annoying and a bit strange to see them all using the same phrase as if they were little electronic toys with the same voice chips.

Most of us had no idea what the hades they were talking about anyway. We rarely do.

The thing is… now that we’re starting to understand it, and dare I say it even appreciate a small part of “some” of it, they’re not saying it anymore. And this, my friends, may not be a good thing.

They’ve certainly appeared to have arrived at the “let’s tear down the world” stage so they can in fact have something to build back. They now seem to have lost the plot and are surprised that the greater public is not exactly buying wholeheartedly into the Reset.

So what is next, I ask? They have yet to replace the phrase with anything that I can tell. May I be helpful and suggest some such as “WE will own everything and be happy” or “Build back eventually” or “Two weeks to unflatten the old Utopia” or “Eating Bugs is Beautiful” or “Global is Good for You” or “Cancel Cows and Natural Gas” or something?

But they’re giving us nothing…

Well, there is a rather hopeful phrase: “aimed at improving the state of the world” on the WEF website. But that’s a bit tame. And rather feeble compared to their original slogan if that’s meant to be the new slogan.

The question is: for whom are they improving the global world? Right now it appears failed diplomacy by ALL countries concerned means they’re walking us all into world famine if not a world war. So whom on this little green planet does THAT serve?

Why are we all paying these diplomats and politicians so much money anyway as they fly around the world on their private jets to confer with each other and ignore the voters?

Mind you, it was nice to see the Queen’s funeral involving a nod to the environment wherein all world leaders were asked to fly on public airlines and share buses travelling to the funeral. Not for the environment actually but for airport and traffic congestion.

Just the image of world leaders lined up for a bus makes me smile! (That reminds me of that song: “What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us, just a stranger on the bus trying to make His way home?” You now have this ear worm. You’re welcome.)

The truth is, I think these people, all these world leaders, need to be brought back to the shop and refurbished. They’re saying and doing outrageous things out of step with each other now and are apparently malfunctioning and are in serious need of a new unifying slogan.

And how are we supposed to know if any of this new utopian world is even starting to be built back better? Where’s our chart with the progress report? We need timelines! If we’re going to give up cars, farms, cash, meat, little local shops, or fry or freeze in our homes, die from unknown causes and support faraway wars we’ll need to know precisely that these are in fact covered under the global plan.

We need charts! (Well, one big chart—let’s not complicate things with a bewildering array of reports and papers and graphs and expert opinions and projections and interpretations. Just the facts please.)

How many cows have we killed for their carbon emissions? How many trees have we saved? How many truckers and farmers have “green energy” jobs now? How many solar-powered incontinental missiles have we built? How much do we all owe to the IMF?

That sort of thing. And we really want to know if there is a Plan B, or C… or D… Well, you get the picture.

But never mind all that.

I’m looking forward to the Greater Depression. Not the suffering part of course. That’s always a bit of a downer—but the wallpaper. The original stuff… the stuff that is put on physical walls to decorate your house. [Not that computer background stuff. You’d think that countries that can come up with 75 different gender names could invent another word for computer wallpaper! I mean, is there anything new that is original really? (Unless it involves technology for the military industrial complex. Maybe I shouldn’t ask that question. The answers might scare us all to death… Yeah… I don’t want to know.)]

For those of us who may still own a roof and four walls after this Great Regret, I mean Reset, the times will be joyous indeed. We will finally stop having to paint our walls grey to be trendy.

Quite frankly, I’ve been getting very tired of explaining to people that by painting their walls grey, they are in effect metaphorically bringing the pavement into the house and it is soul-destroying and depressing and bleakly urbanistic. This is only to be told that it’s not grey, it’s “Cornforth White No. 228” or “Icecube Silver” or “Grey Owl” or “November Rain.” Really. I mean Really!

For heaven’s sake people! There are rich lovely bright and happy colours out there. There’s greens and blues and purples and yellows. You know…. Other colours that make you want to sing opera in the morning or dance a jig when evening comes.

Is it because everything we decorate with is imported from China and is always black or white or grey because it is cost-effective to manufacture? Is that it? Matchy matchy? Really!

I mean why on earth do I have to go on about this anyway! We are not herds of colourblind lemmings rushing out of the paint store with grey paint chips in our hairy little paws because everyone else is doing it are we? Break free! Live a little!

(Sorry…. It’s a thing for me as an artist. We all have those things right? I mean these days you could give someone a Faberge egg and they’d paint it Icecube Silver I’m sure. And cars! They’re all black, white or grey and very occasionally look-at-me-red. WHY? Why are they bleak-ing us? Isn’t the world grey enough for heaven’s sake!)


Maybe I’m wrong about all this of course. Who am I to judge? Perhaps in truth all this grey on walls was really predictive—many of us are going to be living in cars, parents’ basements or micro-housing that we don’t own, surrounded by grey pavement, grey skies and grey-haired baby boomers by the looks of it anyway.

Those of us living in cars will visit or otherwise 3D tele-transport each other and explain how the red fire hydrant is actually painted a Plumrose Claret colour and the graffiti is actually the new Picasso and how all those used needles are simply urban kitsch banal decorative. Perhaps that was what it was all about—culture preceding reality or something. I dunno. I only know it is all very dark right now.

And I know that at least during the last Depression they used happy little colours and wild flowered wallpaper and lacy napkins. Like a colour revolution of a different sort than what’s been happening in the world. We can have a Reset of OUR own making. It could be OUR colour rebellion.

Just for the record, I for one, will not be putting out the lacy napkins on the hood of the car for dinner just to serve grasshopper granola and roasted contraband wallaby. Nope. Not a chance.

Well, that’s all I really wanted to say about the grasshopper and wallaby.

Start picking out your wallpaper. Don’t you believe it when “they” say there’s a paper shortage. We can always make wallpaper out of the fourteen million trees they’re cutting down in Scotland to put in solar panel fields.***

It’ll all work out. Things always have a way of working out in the end, don’t you find? Of course they do.

Sylvia Shawcross fails to understand the world but writes anyway. Does anyone really understand the world? If they say they do, they’re lying. Or delusional. One or the other.


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Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Sep 26, 2022 6:27 PM

>Just the image of world leaders lined up for a bus makes me smile!

I didn’t watch any of the Queen’s funeral but I did see the youTube videos of the arrival and departure of Biden and his support team. The latter turned up in a couple of C-5 Globemasters carrying everything including (I’d bet) the kitchen sink. Quite the ‘global footprint’, but then in our world its really us at the top that makes the rules and you lot that follow them.

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Sep 26, 2022 2:54 PM

The real poor of the depression had no Colourful wallpaper. They couldn’t afford wheat for bread let alone to decorate their shacks.

They pasted newspaper on the walls and cut it up into squares for toilet tissue.

Well I never buy printed (or online) newspapers any more as no point even reading the literal crap that’s contained in them.

But you have given me a new reason to buy the occasional Sunday paper. Stockpile them.

What with toilet tissue now doubled in price I will have to forgo such a luxury simply to put the lightbulb on. I will cut them up into squares and hang them on a string by the toilet.

FYI when I moved to Britain in v early 1980’s people were still using the newspapers for it. And often pantries (taken out to bring toilet into house) were wallpapered with it.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 26, 2022 6:10 PM

Good points BR. my colourful wallpaper was really a vehicle i used to go on my colour revolution rant. Most farmers here in canada survived the depression relatively okay but it was different in towns and cities for sure. i do recall what you say about newspapers. Yeah. We need to stockpile them. For the woodstove at least if we have one. It is gonna be a long long winter I know. Especially in Britain. You’re getting hit from every direction. It is surreal and sad. Hope and courage always.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Sep 26, 2022 12:39 AM

Thank-you for a very entertaining and colourful rant! I found it extremely odd that they all chanted build back better before I had even finished my first Covid 19 crises beer…. Huh? What exactly has been unbuilt after a month of a hard to find pandemic? I think they needed to rebuild their script and put act nine after act one. Meanwhile back in the real world things have a way of working themselves out….. one way or another.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 26, 2022 1:38 AM
Reply to  Gordon mcrae

Thank you for the kind words Gordon.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 26, 2022 2:24 PM
Reply to  Gordon mcrae

What was your Covid 19 crises beer – a Corona?

I like the new WEF parasite motto, “We will own everything and be happy.”

Sep 25, 2022 10:22 PM

A nice black on black basalt finish wallpaper would work wonders. But you have to pay extra for that.

Sep 25, 2022 4:29 PM

I balked at 14 million trees, divided by 21 turbines = 666,666.666 trees per turbine.say 20 x 20 tree free miles per turbine, (400 sq miles) works out to .06 tree per sq ft. Maybe it’s small trees or 90 sq miles per turbine. Aren’t turbines taller than trees, don’t we put them on ridge tops. Isn’t Scotland a golf course?
Are they trying to steal the real and sell us back the fake again? Tree cell towers, photovoltaic trees, 5g trees.
Cut the trees, build back better.

Sep 25, 2022 6:02 PM
Reply to  ttshasta

scotland is a primary resource cluster for city of london. voila.

that is what it exists for, these 400 odd years of late. oil anyone?

we are planting way more trees than turbines, but planting first class arable land too, if the farmers take the subsidy. scotland will be 40% afforested soon, despite the harvest, or its causes, you rightly describe.

we know the wider tale.

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Sep 29, 2022 9:25 PM
Reply to  ttshasta

Solar Panels, rather than Turbines.

Sep 30, 2022 12:45 AM
Reply to  K. Cavan

Whoops , I remember the article reading turbines.
The hyperlinked article says turbine
– projects -. Maybe every project is a hundred turbines. Missed that, thanks.

Sep 25, 2022 4:24 PM

Maybe Build Back Better was disappeared because of its sinister implication. Apparently nobody was supposed to notice that the powers that be were actively trying to destroy Western civilization.

So how can they Build Back Better without in effect admitting they destroyed a way of life?

Nothing like getting hoisted on their own petard, eh? and doing the lifting themselves.

The Best and the Brightest rise to the top? Really?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 26, 2022 1:16 AM
Reply to  Howard

I dunno. I was told early in life that the scum rises to the top.??? As in swamps, rotting milk, and the executive classes…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 25, 2022 4:23 PM

No one would have to build back a damn thing, if they’d build it right the first time… Bombing whole countries into dust and manufacturing millions of tons of landfill junk, is the work of dupes and idiots. No wonder these “elite” bastards want us dead…

End Central Banks
End Central Banks
Sep 26, 2022 12:16 PM

When the US was #1 in manufacturing, products WERE built to last. Capitalists destroy the world because of those cherished short-term profits. Planned obsolescence has gone beyond the making of an expiration date-product; now it’s society itself. People who live long have memories, memories of Democracy and FDR-style public money investment, of the countless lies leading to debt-laundering wars and all the other atrocities inflicted by the private sector/central bank global coup.

Is Capitalism Actually Efficient?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 26, 2022 1:55 PM

Yes. I watched a large part of the film, and the premise of capitalism driving overproduction is quite sound. However, “capitalism” only part of the overproduction problem.

The problem is the corporate business model, as it is structured around a hierarchal financial structure. This insistent hierarchal model stratifies decision making and fitness of physical implementation. Decision by committee is typically divorced from issues of legality, morality, and longer-term utility.

The longer the chain of command, the greater the decline in end use quality, accompanied by larger and larger increases in end product waste. Production becomes a hamster wheel, with millions of blind hamsters running the wheel.

Corporate/Capitalism simply doesn’t work, long term. It is a corrupt ethical model, and eventually, it creates environmental disaster…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 25, 2022 3:53 PM


“The truth is, I think these people, all these world leaders, need to be brought back to the shop and refurbished.”

I think these “people” need to be brought to the gallows, and made into wallpaper…

Sep 25, 2022 3:42 PM

Build Back Babylon. The Zion big rich masters of deception monsters are getting bolder and bolder. They have been working together last two thousand years but last 200 made them own almost everything and everybody by debt slavery. The money is the bloodline that’s why it was possible to start the Covid scamdemic by bribing most that make decisions. There is more dystopia coming I fear. Hope we’ll stay strong and they collapse their Reset ideas. The Covid scare also showed how brainwashed, gaslit and dumb most are. The elite MSM have done great job and also istalling leftist slaves almost everywhere made it much easier.

Sep 25, 2022 3:14 PM

As always, a nice sardonic twist. Thank you. Keep writing no matter the shade of darkness. Read a few comments— self absorbed people waiting for any keyword that allows them to hold forth, and forth, and forth…. Long ago, we used to call it verbal diarrhea—that is, when people were actually speaking face to face. Heigh-ho

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 26, 2022 1:39 AM
Reply to  acc

Heigh-ho Heigh-ho

Sep 25, 2022 3:08 PM

6uild 6ack 6etter. I used to think the globalists are satanists but they’re really pagans. I now agree with William Cooper: they are deliberately using Revelations as a PSYOP so Christians will feel they have to accept the Great Reset as part of God’s plan.

Those who believe in the Book of Revelation in the King James version of the Holy Bible and other religious and/or superstitious People are being intentionally led into “millenium fever” so that they will offer no opposition to the new world order while they calmly await the workings of what they believe is the hand of God. After all, Who can oppose the bringing to fruition of the inspired prophetic Revelation of God? Apparently these People don’t even read or understand the teachings of the Bible they purport to follow. The Bible says, paraphrased but accurate, that when you think he is coming he won’t be here. The Bible says he will come like a thief in the night… even the elect will be fooled. Why do you think their plan calls for a charismatic world leader to be presented to the world as the Messiah?

Sep 25, 2022 3:47 PM
Reply to  CK_

Seems to be a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. While the powers that be are busily trying to convince Christians the End Times are nigh, they are also carrying out their various schemes – schemes which if carried through to their ultimate expression will necessarily result in an almost complete cessation of life on Earth.

What with their atmospheric spraying and other attempts to control the weather; their plunging needles of toxic filth into blood streams; their substitution of GMO concoctions for food; their never ending pollution of water, soil and air; their rapid depletion of the planet’s resources – with all the madness they inflict on existence, they are doing a pretty good job of effecting the End Times without any help from the Almighty.

They just don’t see it. Although their bunkers are on standby.

Sep 25, 2022 3:04 PM

BBB is: Big Bang is Bullshit

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 25, 2022 10:44 PM
Reply to  plino

Yes! Along with evolution. Adaptation, yes, evolution, BS, looking at the Cambrian explosion, for example. It’s not even a question of ‘the’ missing link; there are entire missing chains in 100% of the branches of the evolutionary tree.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 25, 2022 2:49 PM

Re: That Woodwork Teacher: There’s a rumour circulating on Twitter right now, the source being an Anon on Reddit who is allegedly quoting another Anon who allegedly Knows, so caveat lector, but it would be funny if this turned out to be true:

comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Makes sense. And yet another example of Poe’s Law – which doesn’t just limit itself to the internet. A certain proposal for a new mode of conduct can be so utterly outrageous that it is difficult, if not impossible, to tell the difference between a genuine expression of it and a piss take.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 25, 2022 2:28 PM

for whom are they improving the global world?

comment image

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 25, 2022 2:25 PM

Meanwhile in Italy!

comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 1:56 PM


COVID-19 Is Still Messing Up Our Sleep.

Anyone casually glancing at that headline may think this is a new covid symptom but the article only says that stress and the change to sleeping patterns brought about by the home working and lockdowns are messing with “our” sleep.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 25, 2022 4:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Of course, no mention of how weaponized HAARP and “smart” broadcast is intentionally impairing sleep, melatonin production, and directly altering human behaviors. “Home working” indeed…

Sep 25, 2022 1:50 PM

The ‘Build Back..’ and ‘…Reset’ mantras are most effective in the early stages of a psychological operation since they imply that the present state is only temporary & there will soon be a return to the familiar.
New mantras replace the old as needed to maintain steady momentum towards the cybernetic agenda of full-spectrum dominance.
The propaganda spell has an ever shorter shelf-life as people comprehend the tactic & speak their Truth.

Sep 25, 2022 12:43 PM

Word has it that the build back better brigade might be cue’ing the plebs that the 666 a’la Satanists, are indulging in a little mind-phuckery … the b’s are alleged to represent 6’s. Hmmm?

Sep 25, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Don’t be ridiculous!
That’s just a coincidence!
There is no way that powers capable of enslaving and impoverishing the entire human race would pun in this way!
You’ll be telling me they use numerology daily, next!

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 25, 2022 11:55 AM

are you experienced?
are you compromised?
how compromised are you?
not compromised at all!!
ha very compromised
a place of expertise
all one trick clowns
mimicked stage props
by adorned punters 24/7
convincing to most
always coming for the children
inversed by the industrial presstitute massive
muzzling your picknie
will save nana
best be safe
what’s a bit of anti-life abuse
nothing to see here
move along
greta is only pissed at our future
not our present
young military industrial complexer
distracter daughter of all bombs
compromised at berth
religion wealth poverty sugar vaccines
always abuse of some degree
again 10 years left
cannot even predict the weather next week
always 10 not 7 or 12 but 10

Sep 25, 2022 11:32 AM

Speaking of recurrent themes, I was going to comment on controlled-opposition-Chossudovsky’s article calling for a worldwide movement, but then I realized that its simply a reprint of his September 16 article: “The Road Ahead: Building a Worldwide Movement Against “Corona Tyranny” https://www.globalresearch.ca/road-ahead-building-worldwide-movement-against-corona-tyranny/5793694 On September 17, I posted about this line outlining goals: “First and foremost, we must forcefully challenge the mainstream media, without specifically targeting mainstream journalists who have been instructed to abide by the official narrative. We should in this regard favor dialogue with individual (independent) journalists.”. As usual, profiting from your deception is key. For example, he advertises the worldwide movement, but when you click the link, it takes you to a fullscreen donation page. These so called movements are meant to set the people up for subversion and purposely associating people as domestic terrorists. As such, they need participation, or rather they need people to target. Their system requires an enemy. A common theme with these subversion movements is getting people to identify themselves and others. From Chossudovsky’s September 5 article: “The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity” by Michel Chossudovsky, a new PDF book.” “For donations of $50 or more, the unit price per book is $5.00. A $50 donation= ten books to be sent out to your friends by email. Or indicate their emails in the Campaign Page “Comments Section” and we will send them out, and/or contact  Global Research at crg.online@yahoo.” If one of my friends did that to me, our friendship would be over. But, why not just send a copy of the garbage pdf to your friends yourself? Seems logical. They address this by adding: “Note to our readers: Kindly forward this message to your friends and colleagues with a view to promoting the PDF Ebook. Please do not send the PDF as… Read more »

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Sep 25, 2022 1:45 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

What the hell are you talking about? Good grief. You think Chossudovsky and Global Research are controlled opposition? Come on man. Join the global revolution why don’t ya.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Sep 25, 2022 3:03 PM

I regard the Global Research site very highly.

About a year or so ago, my younger brother (now 56) said wholly unwarranted vile things about G.R. I gave my ‘sheep’/’normie’ brother such a piece of my mind.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 25, 2022 4:11 PM

I also take in the Global Research site regularly. The articles are often germane to current developments, and are well written. My greatest beef with the site, is that they shuttle reader comments to Facebook, Twitter, and other fascist constructs. I suspect the site is being tracked…

Dick le Carre
Dick le Carre
Sep 25, 2022 11:21 AM

Now that van der Leyen has provided us with a video showing how to save on water when we wash our hands will she produce another one showing us how to minimise on our use toilet paper?

Sep 25, 2022 10:12 AM

Mind you, it was nice to see the Queen’s funeral involving a nod to the environment wherein all world leaders were asked to fly on public airlines and share buses travelling to the funeral. Not for the environment actually but for airport and traffic congestion.

Just the image of world leaders lined up for a bus makes me smile!

Stand corrected
David Beckham and daily mails very own Peter shilken both qued for hours to pay respects to the queen and they even qued with the normal folks.

One has to be slightly deluded to believe they qued for 14 hours..

Sep 25, 2022 12:18 PM
Reply to  jiin

Further correction : judging by the number of presidential/state leader/air force aircraft landing & departing London Stansted (YT videos available) not many adhered to instructions

Sep 26, 2022 9:57 AM
Reply to  DavidF

Scumbag, hypocrites, all of them are a waste of food and air.

Sep 26, 2022 9:55 AM
Reply to  jiin

One has to be very deluded anyway to queue for hours to walk past any empty box! Did any of these twats have a job to go too??

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 10:00 AM


It is both brave and necessary for Graham Linehan (and as many others as possible) to keep making these videos and attempting to highlight them as much as he can. The true enemy isn’t solely stooges like Izzard but the entire media juggernaut that is jealously excluding all views but one that is screamingly ludicrous and pathological. As Graham says in the video, Izzard is the UK’s Rachel Dolezal i.e. the white woman who insisted she was black. Unfortunately the entire trans movement – and beyond – acts like Rachel Dolezals. One “logical” outcome of an absurdly affluent consumer culture that promises to make people “anything they want to be” (usually by manufacturing the desired goal) and then milks this idiocy for as much political leverage – and cash – as possible.  

Sep 25, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Rumour has it that several OffG readers were in the far queue.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Sep 25, 2022 10:00 AM

How about ”Build back bitter.’ Or, if I may be crude, and to use a South London retort. ”Build back bollocks.”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 9:57 AM

I posted the following yesterday

Sep 24, 2022 1:53 AM

Full text [to Truss’s UN speech]

In addition to notifying Putin that all necessary force will be deployed in the liberation of Ukraine, the speech is effectively dumping Build, Back, Better for Make Democracy Great Again.

See earlier posts for the alignment of UK policy with that of the Christian Zionists (i.e. Pompeo etc).

Prime Minister Liz Truss’s speech to the UN General Assembly: 21 September 2022

UK Prime Minister Addresses UN General Debate, 77th Session
Sep 21, 2022
United Nations

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 25, 2022 11:25 AM

Even if this adversarial narrative is true to some extent, should we care? Since both sides seem equally committed to the same anti-human agenda, what real significance attaches to this beyond the fact both sides are happily killing people in pursuit of their own interests, just as with the scamdemic?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 12:08 PM

I have noticed that the whole Russian/Ukraine narrative seems to serve as a “reassuring” nostalgic diversion from the Reset.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 12:13 PM

As I’ve posted under the other article, the Pompeo side, which I’ll refer to as the Christian Zionists (CZs), is engaged in an existential war against the Khazarians (aka Globalists, New World Order, etc). The CZs do NOT have an “anti-human agenda” and they are NOT “happily killing people”. However, the conflict is vicious and wide-ranging; and it inevitably involves substantial death and destruction.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 25, 2022 3:52 PM

You think the current US administration opposes the Great Reset?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 4:47 PM

This no “US administration” in the usual sense. Trump and Pompeo implemented Continuity of Government as a consequence of foreign interference in the 2020 election. They run the military (or at least the important parts) and it’s why Putin is being defeated in Ukraine.

Exclusive: Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government
March 18, 2020
Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated. Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.

According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.

Pompeo predicts ‘smooth transition’ — to second Trump administration
By Bruce Golding
November 10, 2020

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said with a smile.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 26, 2022 12:30 AM

Oh. you’re a QAnon believer. I apologise, I didn’t realise and assumed you were basing your statements on some kind of factual basis.

Sep 25, 2022 4:45 PM

Could you list individuals, organizations (of all types), countries, who represent the side of the CZs?

And also those of the KHZs.

Sep 25, 2022 5:16 PM

“As I’ve posted under the other article, the Pompeo side, which I’ll refer to as the Christian Zionists (CZs), is engaged in an existential war against the Khazarians (aka Globalists, New World Order, etc). The CZs do NOT have an “anti-human agenda” and they are NOT “happily killing people”. However, the conflict is vicious and wide-ranging; and it inevitably involves substantial death and destruction.”

Given Trump’s key role, and Pompeo in particular, in imposing the reality narrative of covid (“escaped from Chinese labs”); and as Trump later became the Happy “Father of the vaccine”… like how Pompeo didn’t participate in great reset, even, you say, he was against it; and how he “NOT have an “anti-human agenda” and “doesn’t happily killing people” as a core part of these “Christian Zionists”?

What is their program and why does it involve a fundamental involvement in the key launch phase of the implementation of great reset?

What eludes me?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 5:31 PM
Reply to  plino

What eludes me? I suspect you skipped over the bit where I stated that it is an existential war for the future of humanity. Also, the following from the other article: — . . . it’s an existential war and the Trump administration (including the “smooth transition”) is a military operation as part of that war. The reality of the overall conflict was outlined by JFK in his “Secret War” speech (mis-labelled as “Secret Societies”). To understand what’s going on, start by asking how such a war would be successfully executed. — https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_President_and_the_Press The President and the Press Delivered in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961. I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge for some; but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for the future – for reducing this threat or living with it – there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security – a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity. This deadly challenge imposes upon our society two requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the President – two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for a far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy. . . . Today no war has been declared – and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way… Read more »

Sep 25, 2022 5:54 PM

The CZs do NOT have an “anti-human agenda” and they are NOT “happily killing people”. 

The bs19 jab campaign. wft!!!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 6:37 PM
Reply to  jiin

Yes; it’s a strategy within an existential war for the future of humanity. Several times I’ve asked people to suggest alternatives, but nobody has yet managed to come up with one. However, if you’ve got an alternative, please go ahead and state it.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 26, 2022 12:42 AM

How is promoting the scamdemic and every other aspect of the GR a “strategy” for defeating the scamdemic and the GR?

The “alternative”, btw, is that things are the way they appear to be, viz – the entire US political establishment is plugged in to the globalist GR agenda, as are Russia, China and most elites of the world, and the war is at best a territorial dispute between regional gangsters and at worse a cynical method for promoting that agenda by other means after the “pandemic” narrative fell apart.

Sep 25, 2022 12:17 PM

I can see the agument that since Russia is owned by the few too it is a war between oligarchs for ownership of rescources. But if Russia (what or whoever that is) handed in the towel again would it go any better for Russians than the 1990s? Perhaps there is a Russia of old that would rather keep the heating on, and is willing to fight for it.

Sep 25, 2022 1:57 PM

“In addition to notifying Putin that all necessary force will be deployed in the liberation of Ukraine, the speech is effectively dumping Build, Back, Better for Make Democracy Great Again.”

What makes you think that? I saw the speech, and it practically announces the continuation of the same plan, in its new phase. With all his points. Exactly the same thing from WEF’s words, the 5 (were 5 or more?) Gutierrez’s global top goals since the end of last year, and so on – the whole euphemistic narrative that proclaims BBB-Great Reset-1984-Brave New World under the motto of “Making Democracy Great Again”. Which without exception, but “with its own face” is shared by virtually the entire world – at various stages, with their capabilities – including China and Russia. Where do you see the contradiction between “Make Democracy Great Again” and the BBB?

Not that I have a problem with your vision, that’s your business.:) But I’m trying to figure out what real differences do you find under the powder-coated, different-colored political talk about the same things, uttered by nominally different states/powers, or by those really different with almost identical, strictly anti-human purposes?

And I also can’t understand who you call “Christian Zionists” and who “Khazars” who you think are, as you said, “bound by ethics and values”? Who do you think they are among today’s powers? If there is a good force striving for values and morality, tell me which one it is today, so that I may reconsider my view, because I have obviously failed to notice.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 4:45 PM
Reply to  plino

What makes you think that?

The “Truss” admin is now aligning with various Trump/Pompeo policies – energy independence, fracking, nuclear power, military spending to take on China, full support for Ukraine – and even the relocation of the embassy to Jerusalem. You have to look at the other announcements for context (see posts re other article).

And I also can’t understand who you call “Christian Zionists”

Stick it in a search engine with “Trump” at the front!

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 2:49 PM

High hubris indeed. It is one thing to ask the population to support “democracy” in one country while effectively dismantling it from their own country at the same time.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2022 3:15 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

If you read my post, you’ll find that I’m describing a change in management – from the Khazarians to the Christian Zionists. The new management is not responsible for the actions and policies of the old. Moreover, the new management is in the process of discarding Build, Back, Better; though it may be some time before there’s an unambiguous announcement.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 26, 2022 1:02 AM

So, basically, it’s back to “Trump is about to drain the swamp, trust me it will happen any day, just sit back and wait.”

Are people really going to fall for this again?

Sep 26, 2022 8:33 PM

They may well. Someone commented, not here, that the US was heading for an ultra Republican fundamentalist Christian future and it’s quite possible. The extreme woke degeneracy may easily swing to it’s polar opposite. That’s what usually happens in human affairs. I think it’s deliberately manipulated but I’m a conspiracy theorist I’m told.

Sep 26, 2022 8:19 PM

I can’t listen to the words, such false rubbish but the face and sound is interesting. She seems to talk out of one side of her mouth which makes a sneer in expression and tone. It’s very flouncing and childish like Violet Elizabeth in the William books. Two minutes is all I can stand.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 25, 2022 9:57 AM

Solar panel fields in Scotland instead of trees??

That seriously could be challenged in courts as ‘improper use of public money.’

I lived in Scotland for 7 years, quite long enough to know that Scotland is not a place of endless blue skies, particularly not from October to February, when it does tend to rain a lot, days can get very very short indeed.

Ok, in the summer, days are incredibly long, but the sun is still quite low in the sky and, quite frankly, you can create more stored carbon in trees than you can using solar panels.

Of course, trees take a few decades to a few centuries to become ready for chopping down, so the now-now-now politicians will want something shorter-term.

What’s so ridiculous is that Scotland has masses of hydro power, courtesy of its massive mountainous wildernesses and copious rainfall. It has loads of wind, although sometimes the wind does blow too strong for turbines to work.

To be fair to Scotland, they do have a major initiative going to replant the ancient Caledonian Forest, so these solar panels are but a minor interruption of that generally long-term and sane plan.

Solar in Scotland is rather like organising California to provide all the water for Texas and New Mexico. A tad optimistic….

Sep 25, 2022 11:42 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Scotland has masses of North Sea oil and gas but that is never mentioned these days.

Sep 26, 2022 8:36 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The article linked to the piece actually states wind turbines not solar.

Sep 25, 2022 9:52 AM

#EnoughisEnough is trending on twitter on the UK. Enough vaccines? Enough NATO wars? Enough Patriot Act? No… it’s enough of “Tory economic policies”.

This was near the top of the thread:

Well, I’m “bourgeois” by any meaningful measure and so I suspect is she. So is the entire public sector middle class. Funnily enough most of us don’t eat pheasant. Protests about “the 1%” were much nearer the mark which is why they were infiltrated, derailed and this ridiculous old class division matrix reinstated.

It’s all one of their typical double-bind constructs. Offer two choices – support the Tories and rich get richer; support Labour and it’s the Great Reset on steroids. Both are roads to neo-feudalism and the destruction of the “bourgeois”, just as usual not in the way people are led to think. That’s in the longer term – in the shorter term, it’s just more chaos to demolish the old order.

Sep 25, 2022 10:47 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Tories and rich get richer; support Labour and it’s the Great Reset on steroids.

Alex jones type shilling there ED because the tories build back better is nonexistent and there party posters and flyers where mistakes yer..!
comment image

Sep 25, 2022 9:41 AM

Build Back Better & Levelling up are masonic terms

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 9:08 AM

Pending at 9:08 AM

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2022 9:08 AM

More “progressive” whoremongering for the vax:


“The Truth About Those Viral Tweets Questioning the Omicron Boosters’ Safety
Contrarian physicians aren’t neutral sources of information.”

Major worry:

“So far, enthusiasm for the Omicron-specific Covid boosters is just so-so.”


“Influential physicians who have opposed Covid protections since the beginning of the pandemic continue to downplay the effectiveness of vaccines.”

Note how the entire article is predicated on the unquestioned assumption a) that the vaccines are “effective” and b) that the vaccines are needed in the first place.

“Contrarian” doctor wheeled out: Vinay Prasad who “argues that the new boosters should have been tested on humans rather than mice”


“This idea has been robustly refuted. As the Wall Street Journal explained in a recent infographic, human “trials aren’t necessary to be confident the vaccines will work safely, many experts have said, because the changes simply update proven shots.””

(Skipping the issue as to how “proven” the original shots were!)

“Prasad has a history of contrarian takes on Covid: He has railed against mask mandates, children’s vaccines, and public health officials.”

“Railing” – revealing choice of word. And you’re “contrarian” if you oppose masks and vaxxes for kids!

After which – the rote stuff:

“… one of the original signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration ….the work of the libertarian think tank … with right-wing Hillsdale College … collaborates with former Trump adviser Scott Atlas.”

Same programme. Still spring 2020. Still the spook “Leftists”. Glove puppets for the very parasite class they so loudly oppose.

Sep 25, 2022 8:01 AM

Most ordinary people around the world have usually ignored what governments say anyway. It’s only the media and the elite themselves that take these silly catchphrases with any seriousness. It was obvious in 2020 that the covid coup would fail and so it has proved. The whole debacle hasn’t reset anything but just destroyed the credibility of far-right-controlled governments and their media. Happy days for the rest of us, though!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 25, 2022 8:11 AM
Reply to  Thom

What are you talking about? The Great Reset continues to roll out and what wasn’t possible thru the scamdemic is now being pushed thru the war

Sep 25, 2022 8:28 AM
Reply to  Thom

“destroyed the credibility of far-right-controlled governments”.

Yes – because left-controlled governments didn’t institute lockdowns and left oppositions didn’t cry out for anything but that those far-right responses should go further!? The left-right divide showed itself to be utterly spurious.

The so-called “far-right” weren’t “far-right” in anything but label and media headlines anyway. Johnson is a rampant Keynesian. Trump bought a huge amount of land for the federal government. How were any economic policies during lockdown “far-right”? What of substance did either do to roll back woke-ism or the security state?

This isn’t to say genuine “far-right” policies are the solution, it’s to say such terms are meaningless. What is “left” now but supporting green new deals and mass weaponised immigration? There’s nothing “left” about these historically. Is localism left/right? Is home schooling left/right? Is rejection of allopathic medicine left/right?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 25, 2022 9:00 AM
Reply to  Thom

Wrong Guardian.

Sep 25, 2022 6:48 AM
Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Sep 25, 2022 8:49 AM
Reply to  Hele

Indeed, I couldn’t believe that this ‘famous doctor’ thinks he’s the rare, unfortunate exception. You’d think these supposedly intelligent doctors would be smart enough to notice how common incidents like this are.

Sep 25, 2022 6:26 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Rapid cancers taking down many in this small community -where I live are rampant.Very healthy 40-70 year olds have died in the last two years -its devastating.

Sep 25, 2022 9:45 AM
Reply to  Hele

Nothing in the media and ruling structures are natural, organic, or coincidence. All is a plot meant to achieve a particular end, in this case normalization.

Sep 25, 2022 4:54 AM

a slave that thinks its free
americas a meme
there is no end in sight
a slave will never fight

a slave that thinks its free
the best a slave can be
working oh so hard
out in the prison yard

americas a farm
your owners reap and sow
you grovel in your pen
through rain and sleet and snow

you do your very best
you puff up your slave chest
you keep your slave pen clean
go get your next vaccine

go support Ukraine
pretend george floyd is real
abortion free for all
feel what you’re told to feel

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 25, 2022 1:40 AM

Hilary Mantel, 1952-2022. R.I.P.

Her writings for the London Review of Books are paywall-free over the weekend. This is her account of her life between the ages of 17 and 27, fantastic and harrowing, and very instructive about the medical profession:


Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Sep 25, 2022 1:39 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-09-24. Myocarditis: was rare, now being normalised – I’m out. Jabs neither safe nor effective, outright dangerous (blog, gab, tweet).

Sep 25, 2022 12:43 AM

‘Build back better’
That’s just a euphemism for Build back BIGGER.
Bigger wealth (for the billionaires).
Bigger propaganda.
Bigger surveillance.
Bigger military.
Bigger wars.
Bigger privatisation.
Bigger distractions.
Bigger LIES.

Better, much better, for them.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 25, 2022 12:14 AM

If ‘they’ really wanted to go “green”, they’d promote organic farming, stop all military activity and abolish toxic drugs & vaccine-based medicine.

That alone would clean up the world, as these three sectors, farming, the military and medicine, are the world’s most environmentally destructive industries.

Sep 25, 2022 12:51 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You forgot tourism Veri.
Hundreds of millions of tourists.
Hundreds of millions of litres of jet, ship, train, bus and car fuel.
Bulldozed and polluted ecosystems.
Over crowded cities.
Billions of brochures.
Exploited workers.
Wasted food.
((Add yours here).

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 5:36 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Organic farming was Sri Lanka’s trial run on that I think.

Sep 25, 2022 9:09 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Disagree. The Sri Lanka government was as corrupt as most others. It mistake was being too friendly with China. So, it was time for a lesson that would also make it an example.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 10:49 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Ah, the things we learn here

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 25, 2022 7:58 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Ignorance is not written nor is spoken but natural. Conversely it can be eternal bliss..
When a new born is slapped on the bottom is that Child not working at living.
Americans can be annoying buggers sometimes. The word is best explained in present tense beginning of the eighteen hundreds with what you may or not choose to except as:
Organic Chemistry.
To Farm can just as well be in the Scottish Lowlands or in the Yorkshire Dale’s or the first Settlers in North America or Anywhere There is Human Endeavor.
Did that now standing little Sri darling need to explain to ignorance or the blissful ignorant, how’s that, why?
Practical application reverse engineering organically naturally is puzzled why the need to know about a word that is perfectly natural.
When you should be able to ask a Hundred year old to a Small Child who Farms closer to Home?
Simplistic reasoning denotes Organic is Business,
Farming necessity community asks why its produce needs to be now labeled Organic?
May I be plain, your fucked up thinking clear your head, I’ll buy you a pint down the Pub.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 27, 2022 12:35 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

GMOs were India’s trial run.

End Central Banks
End Central Banks
Sep 26, 2022 1:37 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Farming and medicine have become weaponized, as we’ve seen in the Big Ag Ukraine war today. It’s a War on Health. Corrupt the food supply with inedible GMO crops, corrupt healthcare with injectable toxins, drugs that only suppress symptoms and insurance companies that deny coverage and charge exorbitant fees, increase homelessness that becomes a hotbed for disease and violence… every healthy choice endangers toxic status quo because unhealthy minds are what’s needed to fuel the world’s only real crisis… capitalism.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 24, 2022 11:43 PM

Welcome to the party Sylvia. It has been raging for quite some time but some just couldn’t hear the noise. When WEF, UN, WHO, etc and ad nauseam, politicians stand and deliver their speeches, the information isn’t meant for the lay person. They are speaking in code amongst themselves.

The Build Back Better planned by these out-of-control-misfits could best be described as Build Brutality Better. So noone slips the net.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 5:38 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Perhaps it isn’t just speaking in code. It’s affirming membership and allegiance. This week the word is sham.

Sep 25, 2022 10:02 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Interesting, yes – where did the recurring BBB go? Why did they disappear or decrease? They were very much on the surface, in the ears and eyes, and somehow they sank. Perhaps, through the eyes and ears, they sank into people’s minds? (In different ways-some took them literally; others, as part of the plan.) And after they have disappeared/decreased, after a few years of intense verbal gassing, we enter the heavy part of the restart. Gas, food, regulations, laws to “protect democracy” and “security”, “because of war, sanctions”, etc. These things, physical realization is perceived by people through the already, submerged, sunk, anchored perception of BBB.
For example, I don’t know; I’m just (trying to) thinking out loud.:)

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 26, 2022 12:58 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Possible your tie is tight,, I mean it could be..
Perhaps your unaware medium is Build, are your investments sufficiently comfortable. Unfortunately I never invested, oh but I did, first with the continual labour exchange with Royal coinage on and up through 1966 World Cup ( btw thought I’d mention it because of Politick) our favourite Team was North Korea. Rarely get to mention that for some reason.
To 1968-9 70.
Aside from myself family friends relatives, and 1968 visiting an Uncle & Aunt who’d gone to America post World War Two, meeting their families.
The return journey and last of that Ship Queen Elizabeth, alone on the deck…still Remember it.. my Sister said Mum & Dad needed it because of what?
We had what is commonly called a Small Business..In Fact it’s denomination is The Local Retail Trade.
What and where was happening and would happen in the City?
I was Fourteen at the time by November fifteen and wanting to Leave School before Christmas 1968. I did Easter 1969.
Quite possibly and it’s only a comment your behind The Times…from a Lancs/Yorks born in Northern Yorkshire.
I dont give a Flying fuck, please talk like a human being I mean who on earth goes on about Meetings where it’s already decided.
Your Welcome Peter

Sep 24, 2022 11:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The company maintains that it is safe to eat.

Aren’t companies just wonderful these days…!

Sep 25, 2022 6:42 AM
Reply to  wardropper


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 25, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The ‘Impossible Meat’ products use genetically engineered ingredients, so not healthy!

Having said that, nor are Kellogg’s cornflakes, for the same reason and then some.

Sep 24, 2022 9:37 PM

They say they are saving the world which means it will benefit everyone in some way.

And they keep saying the same things over and over. Irreversible. Irreversible. Irreversible. Irreversible.

IRREVERSIBLE WHAT? That’s the question.

It’s easily proven that the climate change narrative is total crap. Carbon gasses are stable because of photosynthesis. Methane is another plant hormone that only increases rates of photosynthesis.

90% of so called greenhouse gasses are composed of water vapor.

So, what’s the hurry?

The theory is too easy to disprove but yet no one is. Why is that? Just like Covid. Covid truth is now coming out. Why aren’t the climate change alarmists being discredited?

The climate change concept is much easier to disprove. Simple chemistry. Direct measurements don’t lie. The climate data collected over the last few hundred years is not consistent with their theories so they ignore it (or modify it to fit their narratives).

It is too easy to refute. Why aren’t they? Our idiot politicians don’t know the fucking difference. You would think that they would ask questions and verify the information with “trusted” scientists.

The problem lies with the “trusted American scientists”. They don’t have the data to prove anything. Just like Fauci. It’s all anecdotal.

“I think, therefore I think I am right”. Maybe they are. Maybe they’re not.

Personally, I think not. Therefore, I think I am right.

Prove me wrong.

I invite NASA to prove it.

Fuck you NSA.

Sep 24, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

They juggle with words as if they were golf balls. You’re never quite sure where they will land, and, at the end of the day, they’re just balls.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 26, 2022 4:01 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Problems with water unfortunately included holding onto one of nature’s gifts., whereby a Public easily contribute to a stebbing culture derived from the Norman Conquest it isn’t British nor is it Roman either.
Anywhere in the British Isles or Italy, I can certainly vouch for the Isles and I hope still Italy. If You need a drink of water ask a Brit. If you still find one that doesn’t piss on you.
That only used to happen in London btw. Another warning is “I’m Thirsty” …stood next to the Thames River.

Sep 24, 2022 8:48 PM

All the plastic barriers at the checkouts had gone from one of the city’s main supermarkets a few days ago. It’s the first one. A small win but I’ll take it.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 24, 2022 10:09 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Huh !, well that’s good. Long time till 2025 and 2030, cooling off or reality breaking through ?

Or fear of real ‘alternative’ voices ?

Sep 24, 2022 11:05 PM

But where Is it reality, captain?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Sep 24, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  plino

That’s simple.

Just take away all that is unreal.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 25, 2022 6:01 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Be replaced with metal once the looting starts..

Sep 24, 2022 8:18 PM

She’s a beaut……Proper keeper!
comment image

Sep 24, 2022 10:38 PM
Reply to  fertility

How convenient…
While you, yourself, do nothing at all to become a better woman, or minimize your flaws.

Nice. (Apologies for taking you more seriously than you deserve…)

Now get lost, Miss Worthless 2022. I’m outta here.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 25, 2022 6:02 AM
Reply to  fertility

She needs a simp

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 25, 2022 6:31 AM
Reply to  fertility

Lol! Covid-19 is Vogue its an interesting study in Commercialised TV .

Sep 24, 2022 8:16 PM

The entire, vast betrayal is hard to un-see, un-experience, harder yet to forgive and impossible to forget.

Who can now, about-face, carry on like it never happened?

As if it was an anomaly.

Who can go back without pretending?

Except by self-deception, “make-believe.”

‘Tolerant and Inclusive Liberals’ introduced apartheid, ostracized, segregated, demonized, scapegoated and persecuted the reasonable and healthy.

Furthermore, the vast majority demonstrated a willingness to abuse, beat, imprison, starve and abandon not only strangers but friends and family.

Who can forget that?

The vast majority.

Would they do it again, maybe worse?

Count on it.

Sep 24, 2022 10:27 PM
Reply to  Matt

For me at any rate, there is a silver lining to this horrific mess.
Some things are less perishable than others, and great art from our past is still there.
What Beethoven, Bach, Mahler, Brahms, Schubert, Schumann and the other greats created for our inspiration still exists.
Going back there isn’t pretending at all. Their ideal world doesn’t need the trappings of ordinary existence, and they even threw in the keys to the door for free.
The only effort required is to listen – not to hear, but to listen.

Sep 27, 2022 11:55 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Well, the art(s) may still be there. But count on it, that concerts will be forbidden ever so often. And art galleries and museums will be closed temporarily and then permanently and so will be cathedrals. Better have a good shelf of books (can’t listen to them, admittedly)

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 25, 2022 6:05 AM
Reply to  Matt

The sheep are lining up for the bivalent booster in UK.
They must have read it was tested thoroughly on eight mice!
None so blind…

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 6:20 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Eight blind mice. See how they run.

Sep 25, 2022 6:44 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross


Sep 24, 2022 8:09 PM

Mind you, it was nice to see the Queen’s funeral involving a nod to the environment wherein all world leaders were asked to fly on public airlines and share buses travelling to the funeral. Not for the environment actually but for airport and traffic congestion”

what a give away!

in whose name do you speak?

I can no longer engage with people at this degree of lunacy

Sep 25, 2022 4:41 AM
Reply to  keith

Hey there, friend, it was a JOKE — she is being snide, using humour two or three degrees removed from reality. Come on now, it is the woke who have lost their sense of humour, making it all that much more essential that we keep ours!! Laugh as a respite from crying or screaming…

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 6:02 AM
Reply to  mjh

Thanks mjh. It’s okay though. Keith is not ready for or doesn’t see humour or my humour. Caustic, cutting and cruel humour seems to be the flavour of the day and I am trying a different approach. People are fragile sometimes. And some of us are exhausted from the battle already. I don’t want to add to the burden. As ever though, you seem to get me… 🙂 We carry on…

Sep 25, 2022 8:59 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Yes, our minds seem to work somewhat alike. And I’m not angry at those who don’t “get it” or have lost their sense of humour. I struggle to keep it myself. And I try as much as I can to reach out with kindness, warmth and, yes, even hope.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 25, 2022 10:53 AM
Reply to  mjh

That you do 🙂 And I for one thank you.

Sep 24, 2022 7:46 PM

“The truth is, I think these people, all these world leaders, need to be brought back to the shop and refurbished”

The truth is more serious than that: They need to be imprisoned for life, and then sold for scrap.

Not one word our modern politicians say actually means anything. If we’re lucky, they follow – more or less – the standard rules of grammar and pronunciation, but there is no intent or significance in anything they say.
They do not respect us enough to insert actual meaning into the words they want us to hear and which we are supposed to follow blindly.

They are robotic shit, and this article rightly points out how they all say the same thing at the same time.
They are beneath us. They are also beneath our contempt – straight out of the devil’s toolbox.

Despite the above, I am not bitter.
I am just appropriately outraged.

“Who are we to judge?”
Well somebody had better use a bit of judgement damned soon, if this earthly evolution of ours is to have a future.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 25, 2022 6:07 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Agreed, tyrants are not stopped by refurbishment..