This Week in the New Normal #47

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
A somewhat later and somewhat briefer TWitNN this week, because in truth I was not planning on doing one at all, but then a couple of news stories caught my eye…
1. Ursula Von Der Leyen threatens Italian democracy
The Italian parliamentary elections are coming up, the favourite to win is the conservative right coalition led by ex-journalist Giorgia Meloni.
For those of you unfamiliar with Meloni, here she is giving a speech a few days ago:
This is Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
I’ve never heard any politician so perfectly explain what we’re up against and why we fight.
When you watch this video, you’ll quickly realize why the establishment is afraid of her.— Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 26, 2022
The conservative coalition (labelled “far right” by the media, because everything is) has already come under fire from the head of the EU Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, who appeared to threaten the presumed incoming government during a press conference at Princeton University a few days ago, making reference to “tools” previously used against the governments Poland and Hungary:
“If things go in a difficult direction, I’ve spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools,”
Although Meloni says some reasonable things above, she is pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine, and hardly any kind of outsider at all.
So, the cynical little voice on my shoulder is telling me this could all just be a manufactured controversy to make the EU look tough, and grant the incoming Italian PM some “anti-establishment” bona fides. It reeks of yet another fake binary.
But whether it’s genuine or all for show, the head of the EU ladling out threats to members because the “wrong” side won an election is a very bad look.
2. US makes it harder to question election results
This week the United States congress passed a new bill into law, one that makes it much, much harder to prevent the rigging of presidential elections.
Up until now the US electoral process was legislated by the Act, which dates back 1887. That act stated that all it took was a single representative to question the results of an election in order for it to be put before congress for re-examination.
The new law – named the Presidential Election Reform Act – would increase that from a single person to a full third of both houses.
According to the write-up on ABC News, the legislation was pushed through to prevent “election interference” from “election deniers” who are spreading “baseless claims of voter fraud”.
A more honest interpretation is that the US voting system is rigged to all hell, and they need safeguards in place to prevent any oversight or analysis of the voting process.
3. “Abolish the family”
A new book released this week, and reviewed in the New Statesman, calls for abolishing the traditional family unit in favour of, among other things, “communal” childcare (whatever that means).
The book, written by feminist academic Sophie Lewis and titled Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation, appaarently argues that family units are a net negative for society, as they “privatise care” and “warp love and intimacy into abuse, ownership, scarcity”.
It’s not just bad for women, but children as well. Apparently kids need to be “liberated” from “the patriarchal family, from legal ownership, from economic dependency”. The alternative, vaguely proffered, is “communal” childcare.
They don’t use the word “state”, possibly studiously avoiding it, but that’s what she’s talking about. Collectivist state-run child-care units that stop parents “privatizing” their children.
The word “vaccination” isn’t used in the article either, but any renewed push of the old communist idea (mentioned in the article) of the “vast proletariat family” is almost certainly a direct response to the millions of responsible parents who refused to poison their children with unnecessary experimental “vaccines”.
Further, it all ties in with the ideas behind the Great Reset agenda. They don’t say “a great parenting reset”, but they come damn close [emphasis added]:
Burned out from pandemic parenting, facing immense childcare shortages and costs, women are leaving the workforce in record numbers, and in the US, forced birth and baby formula shortages are making crisis-parenting the rule, not the exception. The call for a revolutionary way of reconfiguring how we care for each other is more essential than ever, and Lewis’s manifesto is an irrepressible spark to our very tired imaginations.
In case you wondering, the reviewer loves it.
BONUS: Senior moment of the week
Joe Biden is just a doddery old man, and watching him get wheeled out to be ritually humiliated is getting quite sad:
No comment 🙂
— Elena Evdokimova (@elenaevdokimov7) September 22, 2022
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the British teacher who got fired for refusing to use a student’s preferred pronouns.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Abolishing the family doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the state. The family unit is an incredibly new invention in human history. Humans lived in hunter gatherer bands until we developed agriculture. Children were able to live with any adult in the band and were not seen as property of their parents- there was also no state or government so I’m wondering why the author came to that conclusion. Children had vast autonomy and choice, which can only be a good thing as it prevents against child abuse. The levels of abuse in nuclear families are absolutely staggering and many people are chained to their families because it’s seen as the only place to get genuine care or help. Changing that will be good for everyone, if it’s driven by community and the state is kept far away.
Jean Liedloff’s The Continuum Concept is a good starter to get an idea of how our species lived before the trauma of civilisation weighed us down…It was quite common for young local idigenes to, when bored at home, or a pain in the arse for mothers, to go live with one of their aunties for a while…They had “more than one mother”…Understanding The Continuum Concept:
With the flu season starting, it strikes me there should be two outstanding quantitative differences between the populations of China (vaccinated by Sinovac, a traditional whole virus flu shot) and the rest (“Vaxxed” with experimental U$ Patented Spike Protein RNA sequence).
Firstly, the Vaxx has proven totally useless even for the purpose it was dreamed up: to prevent “Covid-19”. And it hasn’t a hope of combatting whole Corona viruses. Therefore, China’s population should have a significantly higher protection against “Corona” flu in general than the rest of the world. This protection would be even higher if China has not neglected to issue whole virus shots against the 80% of traditional flu which is not Corona.
The Vaxx, secondly, kills young people (age 3 to 30) at a rate of something like 1 per thousand doses. I do not think Sinovac would do that, because Sinovac does not contain the U$ patent Spike binding site; it is not an experimental RNA injection but a traditional whole Corona virus vaccine. I predict that if we were to match a population of Vaxxed subjects the same size as China’s Sinovac population (1.5 Thousand Million) we ought to find about 1 Million dead youngsters among the Vaxxed population, and much fewer dead youngsters among the Sinovac population.
A reminder: forcing a population to undergo experimental medical procedure is against Nuremberg Convention and liable to the death penalty.
We don’t need the ‘Nuremberg convention’ to understand and reject what is morally unjustifiable and a violation to the autonomy of a human being.
Sorry but I have to correct you: the tweet was a few days ago. The speech was 3 years ago in 2019 at the World Congress of Families.
Have you seen the ACM data out of Israel? Our “canary in the coalmine” is as dead as the parrot in the Monty Python sketch.
ACM Israel –
A 15% increase is unlikely to make much difference to the zombified masses. For instance, there has been an order of magnitude increase in autism rates over the last few decades, yet the vast majority of people still “trust the science” on vaccines. Also, the population reduction is a long-term project and will come mostly through falls in birth rates.
That’s correct. But on the one hand people won’t question progressive increases in autism, cancers, demetia and other neuromotor diseases in the last 4 to 5 decades because there’s no ‘in your face’ evidence of this happening; and on the other hand they accepted a deadly pandemic without any kind of real life evidence needed.
The ability of human to simultaneously entertain completely contradictory notions is almost limitless.
i see the divide and conquer technique is working here, you have admins and regulars snarking earnest commentators. or maybe everyone is a bot now? Now is the time to find our common ground!
Can you give me at least one example to illustrate your claim?
The real winner in the Italian election is the Abstention Party: over 40% of the electorate including Italians voting from abroad. Her party FdI got only 7.2 million votes out of almost 51 million, less than 15%. I suppose that’s what passes for “stunning victory”. The rest of the votes went to diehard Lega and Berlusconi supporters.
The real disgrace of the election were the skilful moves made by the government just before it dissolved to keep the new so called “anti-system” parties from competing fairly in the election. Basic election law was violated and Meloni was active in this. Whatever criticisms may be leveled at the new parties: too egoistic, too fragmented etc etc. they were all unequivocally against sending arms to Ukraine, against NATO and against the pharma dictatorship. Some such as Italexit want to leave the EU but too many Italians view the ECB money printer as being the Holy Grail of their existence. The M5S saw a resurgence in the South due to the basic income they had provided. In these tough times, too many people are dependent on it and terrified of how they will survive without it.
Meloni is a skilled political player and is very good at staying afloat while riding on others losses or accomplishments. She abstained from all of the votes on the pharma dictatorship showing up to vote against it only on the very last one in early 2022 when it was clear that the country was fed up. As the article points out she is pro Ukraine, pro NATO and supported the Conte and Draghi dictatorships every step of the way.
Her skill was being the first to jump ship earlier this year. She is as Sinophobic as any of the others and probably a lot more so.
Yes, rraa, you nailed it …
But don’t worry world citizens, Italia will keep giving you spaghetti and vino. Thanks for the solidarity!
PS Did anybody here see Mario Draghi receive the prize for Statesman(person?) of the Year from the hands of a New York rabbi? The “trophy” was a set of crystal devil horns. No shit.
And what did said rabbi mean by “stability”? The markets? The press? Making damn sure no one finds out what the tribe are up to?
(From L to R) Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Polish President Andrzej Duda shake hands after turning a valve to symbolically open the new Baltic Pipe natural gas pipeline on September 27, 2022
Radek Sikorski MEP @radeksikorski
Thank you, USA.
UTC: 5:38 PM · Sep 27, 2022
BTW, there’s no shortage of pipeline capacity for taking gas from Russia to Western Europe, including Germany. Nordstream’s only logic was for Putin to be able to blackmail or wage war on Eastern Europe with impunity.
All Ukrainian and Baltic sea states have opposed Nordstream’s construction for 20 years.
Now $20 billion of scrap metal lies at the bottom of the sea, another cost to Russia of its criminal decision to invade Ukraine.
Someone, @MFA_Russia, did a special maintenance operation.
Tucker Carlson: This is an atrocity
Sep 28, 2022
Fox News
Tucker Carlson reacts to the possibility of sabotage to the Nord Stream pipelines
I suppose you think TC is a spokesperson for the ethical “Christian Zionist” QAnon collective and not just a cynically managed safety valve for public fear and anger and a back door promoter of official binary narratives?
Actually David icke calls TC magnificent and posts shill carlson everyday on his website.
Cause of concern.?
But again this is a subversive use of symbolism. Icke is 101% shilling.
I disagree with Tucker on a lot of things (and I absolutely can’t stand him on some issues) but this clip does gather the pertinent data points: Biden and Nuland’s video threats and the new Baltic pipeline into one convenient video.
I truly appreciate the hard work of OffG but I think it’s a trap to put everyone into one of two boxes: for the narrative or subversively reinforcing the narrative. If millions of Fox viewers see Biden, Nuland and the new Baltic pipeline, that’s already one tiny step.
I prefer to judge every single word said on the basis of that word, ie focus on the content instead of who is saying it. Tucker makes a lot of sense quite often and can even be very funny.
And no I don’t belong to the ethical C-Z Qanon people or any other grouping. I also don’t think he is a safety valve because I think the times have become so dangerous that we’re beyond safety valves.
According to my latest research – kindly and gratuitously provided on your website below – they are Aryan Zionists.
although i DO agree that TC is controlled opposition, still he is funny, especially the hair and he is one of the few calling it out – even if he is instructed to. Is there a need to be so snarky?
I posit that this be a very encouraging development. Ms Meloni may very well be a fake binary leading people down the same path to the Parasite Class’ lair.
However – the fact that she has been voted in due to her anti-globalist rhetoric shows the Parasite Class that the people hate them and everything they stand for. People are sick and tired of the Globalists antics. The offspring of actual Nazis like Von Der Leyen are pissed and their “we have tools” threats are aimed at the people not Ms Meloni. These insecure narcissists must be loved and the Italians (the Swedes have also voted the “wrong people” recently I believe?) have told them “We hate you with every fibre of our being you degenerate pieces of shit”.
THAT is just brilliant and we must be encouraged by it.
This rhetoric and sloganeering has been use before with Bojo, Nigle, Orban, Trump, Bolsonaro, Giuseppe Conte and Putin. and what changed..?????? if fact it got worse.
Your not very bright are you? and suffer from Cyber amnesia hence why they can repeat the same crap time and time again and people like you fool for it.
Your genius is such that you’ve completely failed to comprehend the point.
This pretty and inspired blonde Italian woman, chosen as the new representative face of the center of the former Roman Empire, Today a subsidiary of the global company NWO, fits perfectly into the blonde trend of female CEOs
Researchers Find That Female CEOs and Senators Are Disproportionately Blond
“Just 2 percent of the world’s population and 5 percent of white people in the U.S. have blond hair, but 35 percent of female U.S. senators and 48 percent of female CEOs at S&P 500 companies are blond. Female university presidents are more likely to be blond, too.”
Arhh, I don’t see that in the US, thats stereo typical of a dated News Studio.
No, re media when I switch it on American Women seem to be up front Centre imo. Actually I’m beginning to like it. Personally I’m long since tired of looking at my own Sex in Business suits.
Do you regularly moving in S&P 500 business circles? Because you know, celebrities often wear wigs. Under them they are pure blond.
Hair dye.
A chip in the brain.
In yours.
Yes, I know it’s politically incorrect to remark on that but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that that particular shade of hair dye is favoured among women: Aspen Institute’s pet dog Meloni, Ursula von Der Liar, Truss, Clinton…Yulia tymoshenko to name a few politicians in the Western world. Outside of politics, in business, on TV there’s no doubt that lighter shades of hair dye are favoured over darker ones. Perhaps it’s because gray is easier to cover up with blonde and if you’re in the public presence constantly, it must be a pain to have roots sparkling on black and dark brown hair. Perhaps there’s some deeper psychological reason to being blonde in the free and democratic Western world. Who knows???
Kudos to Lagarde for managed to be a Puppet in a High Place while laying off the hair dye.
There’s no need to sidestep the obvious, Mr. rraa.
Just state the obvious that is on your heart and is trying to come out from under your fingers:
It smells strongly of a brutal Aryan conspiracy, with Jews, Chinese and Russians (+a pinch of Arab petro sheikhs and a tablespoon of Latin dicators) in the background!!! 😮 !
Over the years, I’ve been able to observe a thing or two re. trolls. They always respond tit-for-tat. They always want the last word.
Giorgia Meloni was placed to complete the work of EU Commissar Mario Dragi. Luckily, the Italians are able to deal with this type of leech.
How do you interpret tit-for-tat? How do you determine what is an answer and what is a purposeful tit-for-tat? What is the difference between responding to someone who has commented on your comment and that asking for the last word?
You’re a total troll.
Is it “ay” shorted for “G.”?
A short blog about the London underground ramping up their fear mongering “see it say it sorted” campaign with poster.
Leaving aside political talk and requests, another impresses me, again.
Great passion in speaking, а fire, and inviting approval, from a political leader presented as an alternative, and from an innovator, on the other hand (against the status quo). But that’s not the most impressive thing for me. Another thing, which concerns new, modern, iconic “leaders” in a larger scope, not only ‘the fighters for the normal versus the new-normal status quo’.
Look at them (some of them; mixed) non-chronologically or otherwise arranged:
Meloni (the first woman Prime Minister of Italy); Boris J.; Merkel (the first woman Chancellor of Germany); Donald; Ursula (the first woman to serve as Germany’s minister of defense and the first woman president of the European Commission); Marine le Pen; Liz Truss; Yulia Timoshenko (the first woman Prime Minister of Ukraine); Hillary; Maria Zakharova (first female spokesperson in the history of Russia’s Foreign Ministry); Putin;
Lynn Forester de Rothschild (the wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild), the Chair of E.L. Rothschild, a private investment office whose holdings include The Economist Newspaper Ltd, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (USA) and Chatham House (UK), and Founder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, coalitionforinclusivecapitalism .com×300.jpg
Naturally, there are probably many more non-light-haired political leaders; and, naturally, many of these women are at an age where they would like to hide the graying of their hair. And, not that it looks like ‘bbb – blond build better’, under the narrative of promoting diversity, in the midst of the great reset.
Nor do I claim that what has occurred to me about the stories of the ancient peoples in some places in Mexico, Africa, the Pacific, and Asia, of white and sometimes light-haired “gods” who come from somewhere, sometimes by sea, and rule as a high caste, is anything more than a fantastic artistic interpretation; just for fun..:)
To get ahead of those who will say that I am “distracting with nonsense”, purposefully or not, let them provide me with a workable, effective plan for a real fight against the sources of NWO that is actually feasible. The explanation of the reasons for today’s situation and the descriptions of the situation itself we know, I agree with them, they are very accurately said, but when there is no “plan” for real counteraction, and the “distraction and distractors” are treated as subversive and destroying of the solution of the problem, it is a bit funny, you know.:) (The moderators are another thing, this is their website after all.)
This has to be bot-constructed gibberish.
🤖 Can you prove that stupid human assumption? 🤖
Amazing work … May I ask you to create a special category for people like Annalena Baerbock and those similarly hair-coloured?
No, but you can be sure that from now on you will receive from me a response to all your comments, on all topics. Because I’ve noticed over the years these stupid, annoying trolls.
Excellent article:
“The ways in which the government has chosen to respond to Covid becomes much more understandable when placed in the context of trends in governing. The consolidation of a non-democratic form of governance that relies on external sources of authority should be a matter of concern to all. A state that functions via emergency rule based on authority that does not derive from citizens is a dangerous one. It is a hollow state that can only function with external justifications and is no longer a democratic state.”
The New Parasitic Leviathan
Yes. Excellent article. The Leviathan is the corporate financial system. Solution: Revoke all Corporate Charters and Nationalize all physical assets…
C’mon guys. Do you really believe that Lady “Aspen” Meloni will be a threat to the establisment?
Her sham opposition to Draghi was totally functional to this step. Another fake binary.
Just a new waitress for the elite.
She has always been pro magic juice mandates, pro Green Pass, pro sanctions against Russia and so on.
During this election campaign she deleted all her tweets and posts about these things.
Don’t buy what she is telling in her public speeches. Words, just words. Low level propaganda.
If politicians had to be judged for their words, they would all be saints or heroes.
It’s actions that reveal their real nature.
As an aside, it appears Meloni’s sister has gone on record saying that Giorgia has a become a “different person” and that as a sister she no longer recognizes her.
In Italy won the party of Draghi and Washington, the party of the Third World War with a new mask.
Social amnesia is a real thing.
The last few days of this New Italy PM Regurgitated speech nonsense has proved it.
Always the way with midterms.
hence why Social amnesia is a real thing.
British Columbia: Non-binary customer denied haircut at Squamish barbershop
With all this non-binary talk I wonder if they will try to force the French to change their language, because all their nouns have a gender, male or female.
wouldn’t be the first attempt
And in our language nouns have masculine, feminine and neuter genders.You English colonialists are without genders in language because you are destined to be the new multipolar, globalist, diverse, gender language!
I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and I wanted to say it. Here, I said it.
Re: Meloni, her junior partners have either been circumspect about the Ukraine gravy train (Salvini) or are friends of Putin ((Berlusconi). Perhaps they can exert some pull on her ?
Berlusconi, spit, spit, spit, vomit….recently said something interesting to the effect that all Putin wanted was “decent persons” in Kiev.
Even with the best intentions in mind, I don’t think Meloni & coalition would withstand the pressure.
As Ursula has threatened, the ruling class have the means and the tools to return Italy to the right “transatlantic path” on all issues.
Remember, Italy is in the eurozone, so they do not have own currency, ECB does that for them. While threatening Hungary and Poland, all they can do is stop some funding from some “european programme” – it would hurt, but not much as long you have the economy behind you. But with Italy it is different – ECB could literally stop all Italy’s money. Ask the Greeks, they know this very well.
And I hope I’m wrong…
Agreed. ECB has got them by their financial gooolies.
Yup. This is why I don’t get excited about politics anymore. It’s all theater.
So the world didn’t end yesterday shock! The end of the world probably won’t be announced in the European Parliament. What was that all about? Probably just a joke – but possibly another data point collecting exercise and they do like stoking “end times” sentiment among the susceptible.
Two things seems fairly certain:
1) The end of the world would be accompanied by official denials and distractions (like a real pandemic wouldn’t be blasted out with fear porn but more likely downplayed or unreported).
2) It makes no sense to end the world with so many long-term agendas in play. Why set up Agenda 21 if you intend to blow it all up anyway?
This isn’t to say some sort of faked nuclear “event” around Ukraine isn’t a distinct possibility. That would tick a lot of their boxes.
Who would do such a thing?
Energy Crisis means Energy Rationing. Applied, energy rationing will lead to the frozen demise of many of those Grannies whom the jabs failed to help the government save from pensioners payments.
Energy crisis is Scamdemic 2.
I have no sympathy for Meloni, but unlike Ursurpula von der Lying, at least Meloni was voted for by some of her people.
Good speech by Meloni but the only way to escape the Matrix is to exit the Rothschild Banking Trap. It’s also possible the “Right” will win bigly from now on so they can finish us off as David Icke predicted:
“Do NOT be deceived by the coming transition to the ‘right’. What they’re doing is making the ‘right’ preside over the Greatest Depression. They will be the ones who get to kick pensioners out of their stone cold apartments. They will get all the blame. And rightly so, because it is the evil ‘right’ that always promoted Capitalism. These Cabbalists like their karmic justice. Remember: the Beast has two wings: ‘left’ and ‘right’.”
Just like Boris Johnson with his lockdowns.
The sky is falling!
The asteroids are coming!!
Have no fear though.
NASA will save us.
Thank God for America!
What would we do without them?
If you’re smarter than whatever now staffs it, you can apply for a job here:
Just call me Rocket Man.🚀
More likely they are learning how to deflect an asteroid so it crashes into the earth; if I know my science/government by now.
Anyone who says they are here to fight for the truth gets my vote and full support. Congratulations Italy!
No intention of waiting and seeing what becomes of these promises, first?
Nippy and her Tartanitarian regime are the finest localised example of how idiots are attracted into the hive mind. They shut the mines? “Westmonster”! They took “wur oyl”? “English tory b*st*rds!”, “We never get the party voted for!” – ooh, they’re silent when it comes to Liebore’s Three-in-a Row triumph. And on the last one- in an “independent” state, will the people of the North and such islands be living under govts voted in by the central belt? That’s a bit curious. I agree, idependence for Aberdeen and Shetland!
The unsubtle point is, in Scotland the SNP promote far less of the important issues Meloni is at least smart enough to address with some gusto, even if (imo) she is full of shit. There’s never mention of declining health or (NATIVE) birthrates, nor of sexualising children in school, nor of how we trade, but certainly of defence (the only fiscal point Holyrood presides absolutely nothing over) in that Faslane should go- because nukes from the East will totally respect imaginary borders, of course, and we’ll be alright in event of that.
Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante makes it about right, these people (ALL OF THEM) are robbing us and in any just and fair society the only vote would be to see whp should hang first.
I admit to being naive with regards to her politics and I was responding to the short speech shown above.
The ‘Ukraine Conflict’ could be a distraction. Or maybe not…
It could be a part of The Great Reset. Or maybe not…
Maybe it’s about control of oil & energy resources ?
Laughlyn makes a good case for such in this post:
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-09-26. Israel Pfizer Leak: they know they are causing l-t adverse effects, etc. Italian election: people 1, W6E6F6 0 (blog, gab, tweet).
Oh great, another politician riding in on a white horse to save us all. What was that one Italian whatever he was years ago that was supposed to be so promising, “MacronTrudeauTrumpJohnsonObama” or something like? Can’t remember his name. Anyway, I once heard this saying, “we’re not going to elect ourselves out of this mess”. It appears people forget sayings a lot. Or they just ignore them. Like beating a dead horse.
All I can say to the Sophie Lewis and her book about abolishing the family is, don’t come to my house lady. You’ve been warned.
And relative to Joe Biden, anyone who believes the crap about him even possibly running again must have rocks for brains.
And unknown to the majority of idiot Australian’s our farmers and food growers are poisoning all of us with banned chemicals and roundup.
Australia’s government has been very generous lately. Pensioners have been given the ‘biggest pension increase in decades’. And recently government subsidies for a range of medications have been increased.
Where’s the money coming from ?
Can there be a plot to bankrupt the country in preparation for a fire sale to privatise the country’s remaining assets ?
Bankrupt and corrupt go together like a horse and carriage ?” (anon)
Make sure your sitting down before you click the link.
National debt is private sector surplus. “Balancing the federal budget” is a ruse that they wave around any time money is invested in the Public.
“The government is not like a household, it’s like a bank. It’s one of two ways to create money, and if you don’t let it create money by spending more than they take back in taxation, you have to rely on the private banking system to create the money and you therefore get private debt bubbles.
A government is like a bank. And a government running a balanced budget is like a bank that simply lends back as much as it gets in repayments, therefore the money supply never grows and without that, you don’t have a growing economy.”
~ Prof. Steve Keen
In Australia it’s mainly only Victoria still hysterically screeching about ”covid” and masks.
My greatest fear: the world just moves on, wanting to put Covid tyranny in the past.
Not while i have breath in my body, they will not.
‘Far-right’ has in its use parallels with the use of ‘extreme poverty’. The impact of capitalist ‘economic development’, in China, for example, created widespread poverty. To minimize concern
about the spread of poverty the category “extreme poverty” was invented. When politicians boast about how capitalist economic development has reduced the level of “extreme poverty” they reveal how the category was invented to use to deceive.
There may be a spectrum from “moderate right” to “extreme right”**, but WHO decides ? Having created confusion about the meaning of “right” and “right-wing” the main stream media propagandists had to invent “far-right”, and as its their invention they decide what it means.
Can we look forward to the use of ‘moderate fascism’ and ‘extreme fascism’ ? Or ‘moderate authoritarian government’ and ‘extreme authoritarian government’ ? Will the ‘moderates’ be described as ‘doubleplusgood’ ?
Thanks for the learned discussion of where poverty originated in China —- not.
The Nazis have taken over all medical facilities and insist on giving you lethal injections.
The Paedophile Information Exchange have assumed control of the legal system and are removing all protections of vulnerable groups.
Blocking is now the default position of the media. They can’t answer so they block.
And The Polystyrene Left tell you to stop being an irrational fascistic conspiracy theorist.
FFS. What a thoughtless, unthinking act. To block is to shun another. How inhumane.
The term ‘Nazi’ is really just a 2016 slur word. It doesn’t, and shouldn’t, have any effect. It’s very clear to me, and was even in high school in 1998 that a great deal of what we were told constitutes a ‘Nazi’, was really just a prepping exercise for permitting sociopaths to rob you, without questioning their motives.
I could cite the day of Naqba and the consequences and events of the following near 75 years occupation, and tally some of those with the 1937-45 happenings we’re force fed to adhere to in order that we maintain ‘stability’ and at all costs ignore patterns, and i often wonder were those just premonitions too?
It’s quite simple. There is a mafia at work here. No exaggeration. All these comedians and actors and entertainers are perfectly aware that stepping out of line means career death. There is a malevolent group operating up there and they have immense power. And they mean nothing less than to deform rising generations. They are eugenicists and mean to erase the “undesirable stock”. I am tired of evading this issue out of some kind of misdirected sense of “tact” or out of fear of being labelled a “nut” or a “hater”. To go along with this phony “science” and phony “morality” is to enter a fighting ring with both hands tied behind your back while your opponent wields a machete.
Miles Mathis say EVERYTHING is fake per the Phoenecian Navy:
But then if you believe “Miles Mathis” you’re just as much of a sucker as if you believe in “covid”.
I mailled Miles about the isolation of virusses. Should be a piece of cake for him to understand that they never isolated a virus. I mailles him the reply I posted on this site some time ago. He never replied!
The reply I mailed him:
I can not find the comment behind the link anymore. Am I correct, or haven’t I searched good enough?
I see i used a different name, my apologies. Siep = Syppie
Realy, was my comment behind the link deleted?
I have moved (what I think is) the comment you were linking to, below. I searched for your handle and it appears this comment was detached from the database. This may be because of a bug. I’m not sure of the cause, but hopefully it’s a one off. A2
[Comment rescued & relocated by Admin]
The Virus has never been isolated! See also my reply on el zalfo below this reply.
To understand why it is important to isolate certain substances and how to do that I want you to watch the following movie from minute 3.20 till 11.00. Dr Cowan describes how you can test if caffeine in coffee beans causes high blood pressure. Here is the link .
According to Zhang, who was the first to publish the complete RNA strand of the coronavirus, the total length of the RNA strand of the coronavirus is 29903 nt long (nt = nucleotides).
The WHO refers to a study by Corman for the primers that can be used for a PCR test. Here is the link for the WHO document (at the bottom of page 3). The primers for the corona PCR test are no longer than 21 nt.
Let’s see if Corman got the primers directly form the virus. Corman’s article states in the Abstract ( link ):
The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable while there is growing evidence that the outbreak is more widespread than initially thought, and international spread through travellers does already occur.
We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.
And in the Discussion they report it again:
The present report describes the establishment of a diagnostic workflow for detection of an emerging virus in the absence of physical sources of viral genomic nucleic acid.
The researchers did not have the complete RNA strand of the coronavirus at their disposal to develop the primers, so they did not know what the complete RNA strand of the coronavirus looked like. To take the coffee example of Dr Cowan , they did not have access to the isolated caffeine from the coffee beans. If they did not know what the full RNA strand of the coronavirus looked like, then they cannot say with certainty that the primers they developed are unique to the coronavirus. How were they able to develop the primers?
On page 3 under Results it says:
Before public release of virus sequences from cases of 2019-nCoV, we relied on social media reports announcing detection of a SARS-like virus. We thus assumed that a SARS-related CoV is involved in the outbreak. We downloaded all complete and partial (if>400 nt) SARS-related virus sequences available in GenBank by 1 January 2020.
So primers were developed based on social media reports suggesting that it was a SARS-like virus, and on the researchers’ suspicions that it might be a SARS-like virus. Despite the fact that they did not have the specific RNA strand at their disposal, they nevertheless developed primers with the SARS related virus sequences available until then (01-01-2020).
Corman refers to Zhang for the complete RNA strand, see ref.2 of Corman’s research ( here the RNA strand entry in the database and here the study that led to the complete RNA strand). Whether and how Corman used Zhang’s entire strand is not mentioned by Corman in his article. For the sake of convenience, let’s assume that Corman had this entire RNA strand from Zhang at his disposal for developing the primers for the PCR test, even though Corman himself writes that this was not the case!! Then he could have ‘cut’ a number of unique pieces of RNA from that complete RNA strand for the PCR test. Now it gets a little more technical, but this is perhaps the most important thing to understand.
Zhang and his colleagues modeled the entire RNA strand, not isolated as we will see. Zhang took a bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from 1 patient. This is fluid from the lower respiratory tract, see here . Then they use the BALF to read a lot of RNA strands of different lengths. The sample (BALF) consists of the fluid/mucus from the lower respiratory tract. That sample contains not only the virus, but probably much more genetic material from the patient himself and/or other microorganisms. Zhang then uses this mixture of genetic material to model the entire RNA strand.
On page 270, under RNA library construction and sequencing, they write:
Total RNA was extracted from the BALF sample using the RNeasy Plus Universal Mini kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions.
On the same page under Data processing and identification of the viral agent they write:
Sequencing reads were first adaptor and quality trimmed using the Trimmomatic program. The remaining 56,565,928 reads were assembled de novo using both Megahit (v.1.1.3) and Trinity (v.2.5.1).
Megahit generated a total of 384,096 assembled contigs (size range of 200–30,474 nt), whereas Trinity generated 1,329,960 contigs with a size range of 201–11,760 nt.
Okay, here’s the explanation of what that all means.
The pieces of RNA are taken directly from the sample (the BLAF). It is not described anywhere whether and how they isolate only the RNA pieces from the coronavirus out of the sample.
Trimming the dataset is the ‘cleaning’ of the dataset, see here from minute 1.06. The remaining 56 million reads were loaded into a computer and two software programs calculated / modelled possible connections between these small pieces of RNA, or were assembled de novo . (Here are the links to the description of the 2 software programs, Megahit and Trinity .)
Here is a definition of assembled de novo:
De novo assembly is a method for constructing genomes from a large number of (short- or long-) DNA fragments, with no a priori knowledge of the correct sequence or order of those fragments .
A contig (from contiguous) is a set of overlapping DNA segments that together represent a consensus region of DNA or RNA, see here .
Zhang uses the moisture from the sample to model the entire RNA strand, without first separating the virus particles from the rest of the genetic material.
Then with one computer program he uses the 56565928 pieces of RNA to calculate 384096 longer pieces of RNA with different lengths. And with another computer program he uses the 56565928 pieces of RNA to calculate 1329960 longer pieces of RNA with different lengths. The final RNA strand is then selected from this, after comparison with a meat mouse virus. And the reference RNA strand itself exists only as a computer model, and has never been isolated directly from a bat or any of its fluids.
Furthermore, what would happen if we repeated the calculation, would we get another RNA strand? A mutant? This control is not performed by Zhang.
The full RNA strand is a fictitious strand that only exists in a computer program, this is why Corman did not have a physical sample of the virus or of some virus material to his disposal. There are several studies in which the RNA strand is calculated / modeled only with the help of a computer program. The coronavirus has never been isolated directly from a human or any of its fluids! So what do they show with the PCR tests, if the complete RNA strand was not available at the time of developing the primers or if a computer model of the RNA strand is used. Also, a number of primers used are not unique, and do not only belong to the coronavirus.
I’m not saying that the people who got sick didn’t get sick, quite the contrary. But there is no scientific evidence that this is due to a transmissible virus.
Appreciate your contribution. I’ve written some stuff, it helps me learn but it does take a lot of effort:
Thanks! That’s the strange thing, that it doesn’t take much effort to understand that viruses don’t exist. And that many just don’t want to see that fact.
Thanks alot!!!
I think it should be a comment placed behind every article on covid!
“Half a million Scots haven’t received Covid vaccine” frets The Times. And ….umm …. how about their health? I mean – Are they ill? Such questions are irrelevant. They must have the vaccine! They just must!
Could there possibly be an ulterior motive?
It might be worth looking into.
Well, you don’t have to look too deeply to come up with one obvious “ulterior motive.” The unclotshotted are a huge, informal control group, the very control group which Pfizer eliminated when they short circuited their phase three trial and shot up the saline solution group for “ethical and humanitarian reasons.” But the group still exists to the chagrin of our psychopathic Overlords, the dirty, gutter scum unvaxxed refuseniks. I wonder how many of the under 50 unvaxxed are dying from “SADS?” How many of us when we finally meet our maker have veins and arteries filled and blocked with a rubbery formation that resembles calamaro, causing our beset upon undertakers untold grief?.
I don’t think you need to worry Patrick – all those nice people in white coats couldn’t possibly want to hurt us.
As an absolute, guaranteed 1 of whichever the number is, to call it half a million is complete crap.
Socially, i can count around half a dozen like-minded individuals, none of whom had any real connect of such depth as a life event discussion prior. There may he others, but i’m sceptical of anyone living through this amd at no stage holding on and saying…”this ain’t right”. However, in the pub recently, a conversation with a stranger very quickly escalated to his (at least he LOOKED like a man, anyway) shock that virtually no one else knows of the 2.3trn which Rumsfeld lost on 10/9/2001. He didn’t even need to begin, on Covaids. It was obvious i had met Another, and i felt no need to divulge my own thoughts on it for the first time in a loooong time.
Professionally, the figure is around the same. Heart attacks, palsies, strokes, female bleeding in the reception, all perfectly normal stuff. There’s around 280 fellow staff. That’s around 2-3% of the workforce, being generous for those who stay tight lipped.
In doctors surgeries, on public transport, in supermarkets and in chemists, it’s like it never really went away.
Half a million doses may have gone unused; i’ll concede that. But there is no way, absolutely no fucking way, the figure of jab-free is in the six figures in Scotland.
Pity we can’t just ditch the SNP loonies and vote to join the Russian Federation.
New Italian PM
Seems that if you want to sway enough voters to vote you into office you have to make a version of “Drain The Swamp” your central campaign theme, the “program” pioneered by Hitler’s chief propagandist Dr Josef Goebbels…
And ol’ Joe picked it up from Eddie Bernays.
I’m going on one tonight because I’ve had enough I’ve had it with bio weapons culling us you might think it’s a joke it’s actually happening people children in Africa because there’s no food yes there is there’s loads of food even a polar bear can find food in the snow and ice or there would be no polar bears even penguins in Antarctica find food so why are people starving?!?
Because of your gov that speaks for the parasites I feel so sad how could we let this happen?!?shameful.
I’m for humanity people my fellow friends x
Polar bears and penguins don’t breed indiscriminately?
People breed for a number of reasons. One is that governments evade their situation after retirement and in old age.
Giorgia Meloni switched from being pro-vax to anti-vax, calls vaxx-passes Orwellian. Her Brothers of Italy Party is anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, and anti-immigration. (Too much Islamization)
Says she’d like to assert Italy’s right to self-interest against Brussels. But EC “covid-recovery” money for Italy is dependent on making Brussels happy.
Motto of her party is God, Country & Family. She’s pro-Israel (has to be, cuz anything on the “right” has to resist the “fascist” label which is instantly applied.)
It’s interesting that she uses the phrase “slave at the mercy of the financial speculators.”
Elsewhere she’s asserted she wants to protect key national assets from foreign influence, and has promised steep tax cuts, early retirement. Italy’s debt is almost 150% of GDP.
But, also, being “pro-Israel” is a signifier, code for “anti-Moslem”. The “Moslems” being the pariah, boogieman of 21st century fascism, replacing that targeted religious group of yore. Many political aspirants to power are “pro-Israeli”, but only on the surface. Many online comments indicate supporters of “Drain The Swamp” have the influence of a specific religious group in mind.
You can pass anti-discrimination and anti-hate speech laws until the cows come home, but that’s like blocking water flowing down a mountain: the water will find its way around your attempts.
Jubal, being “pro-Israel” is a signifier, code for “anti-Moslem”. Yes, I expect you’re right; I didn’t think of that. There are only 28,000 Jews living in Italy today, but Islam is a convenient scapegoat for Italy’s economic woes, as is loss of sovereignty via the EC.
I guess Italians are right that they’re losing control over govt & culture; they don’t want to be over-run against their will by immigration. One of the goals of mass immigration is to break the strength of nationalism; who wants to fight for a country which is beginning to feel “foreign?” And it’s so much more difficult to fight for freedom when the culture is divided.
There are 1.4 million Muslims living in Italy.
If she speaks Italian like a poorly acquired second language with a NewSpeak limited 1000 word vocabulary, she would be just like Trump.
EU countries are trapped under an unelected cabal that is interfering in ever more aspects of national governance.
Mgeo, yeah, progressively less is decided by the Italians’ own elected govt. And now Brussels is holding out money as a carrot to continue tolerating it.
It’s like in the US: First you tax people, then you say you’ll return the money to them provided you accept federal “guidelines” regarding the regulations you impose on your citizen taxpayers in the exact manner in which the money is spent.
Did you know that the European nations had actually voted AGAINST creating the EU? Can’t remember the details; read about it years ago. Kind of like the Federal Reserve Act: Fed was created by a Christmas Eve vote when everybody except a few betrayers had gone home.
In both cases people didn’t realize that this was the moment to fight, and they let it slide.
Like NOW is the moment to prevent a declaration of war by the West, because the power of TPTB will be augmented thereby. It’s a moment comparable to creation of the Fed & the EU, but people don’t see it.
Erratum in #2: “This week the United States congress passed a new bill into law, one that makes it much, much harder to prevent the rigging of presidential elections.” Shouldn’t that say “prevent the questioning” instead of “rigging”? Totally different meaning.
Good point.
Superforecasters is the new word on the sheet.They saying these people are brilliant.Are able to see through the bullshit.The mask is slipping.Keep on superforecasting friends.We here to stay.
Partial Marshal law” here we go again with the word partial…………..
Anti E.U and Nato fighting the deep state and new world order all at once (until Trump gets back in.. 😂
Putin making being drafted a possible law. New Moon Ritual.? How long before like the mandatory masks or vaccines before it becomes normalized in the West to you no save them over there due to them being jealous of our freedom and democracy.
You no the drill.
Another “success” occurred this past week with Matt Walsh’s (of the Daily Wire) exposure of Vanderbuilt University’s “child mutilation” program through gender transitioning. The State of Tennessee is now investigating. Problem is, this program of mutilating and drugging confused children is happening nationwide. Another cash cow for surgeons and big pharma. Matt Walsh is now under full attack by the left. The attacks started with his documentary titled “What is a Woman?” but now they have gone totally berserk. It could not get more insane. This is how low medicine and big pharma are stooping. Unbelievable. If you had not already lost your confidence in modern medicine, this story should push you over the edge. You need to subscribe to his videos. Sorry. It may be available on rumble. Here is the link, anyway.
If anyone reading this hasn’t yet seen Walsh’s “What is a woman?” it is certainly well worth watching — very sad and sickening, yet hilariously funny at the same time. The pro-transition doctors etc are exposed as inconsistent idiots by their own words. Well, I laughed anyway.
Definitely funny. And, as you said, sickening at the same time.
The early long trips to Mars will require pioneers who are part flesh-part machine. The flesh part will have to fit the machine part. All the mutilations are studies of how the body can still function. Governments are not funding the experiments for no reason…
alt media psyop TV.
The Daily Wire media organisation. Its chief operating officer, Jon Lewis, is a former intelligence analyst in the US Marine Corps, and the organisation also employs former US Military intelligence officer Wesley Schmidt in customer service analytics.
As founder of The Daily Wire and friend of Peterson, Ben Shapiro has links to intelligence services and billionaires.
Truth worthy absolutely not !!
Agenda sellers
Anyone with a public profile can’t be trusted. It’s really that simple to follow.
You’re not the first leftist to attack the Daily Wire’s credibility. Their actions speak louder than your words. Simply watching and reading their stuff tells their story. There is a reason why their stuff conflicts with most of the crap the MSM is spewing. Another great source is Dan Bongino. And, of course, Tucker Carlson.
Why Tucker Carlson pretends to hate elites
“the old communist idea” Picking up on the erroneous identification of a social form of organization was which universal for 99% of the existence of the human species with a political formation which called itself “communist” but was in fact “state capitalist,” as admitted by Vladimir Ulanov (aka Lenin), first head of the USSR, which was not a Union, and none of its components were ever Soviet, Socialist or a Republic.
John Steppling tweeted this quote from Michael Parenti:
“Our fear that communism might someday take over most of the world blinds us to the fact that anticommunism already has.”
I can’t help feeling that now familiar exasperation with this once pertinent but now utterly anachronistic sentiment. Do we hear about “anti-communism” nowadays? Is it really such a brave thing to get up and declare yourself a “communist” only to have the mainstream media adopt a surprising indifference – or even an explicit approval? After all, we are now all bound to the wagon that “puts people before profits” and that is throwing invective against capitalism – something that should surely provoke the deepest suspicion from anyone truly critical and not content to regurgitate the Leftist clichés of the post WW2 period. What happens when the media itself starts to join with close knit harmony to your protest?
I am familiar with Parenti’s work and he does not advocate socialism or communism without real democracy and consent. Neither is possible without mass consent of a consensually agreed upon nature. [Yes, this is possible.] Which Humanity has not employed in large scale anywhere on Earth. Just as Maloni is a warmongering widget of the ruling class saying good in one hand while holding violent empire in the other, everything we seen thrown at us by this 1% apolitical false consciousness, are false options. If people want to live in self-organized intentional communities, they should be able to choose, not be forced. Wanna traditional family, cool. Freedom to chose should be the premise and one Parenti advocates. Along with demilitarization, cooperation between regions, and the caging of a wealthy violent profiteering class making our social policies. Marx did not participate in communist parties because he advocated economic reforms which free people from the tyranny of engineered poverty by the rich. Engineering economic egalitarianism with reasonable consensual limits to wealth and poverty is the objective. Plus democracy in the workplace, if so desired by choice.
i liked the Meloni speech,
but she never once mentioned men, other than as adoptees or stolen children, or victims of same state behaviour (was it the same case/example?).
Her core message was women and family, and enough of all this divisive insanity that eejits and signallers entertain ..?
it did sound that she mighta meant jabbination too, or was just that pro-lifer talk?
I’ll keep me een peeled, didn’t realise she was a ukronatso too, oh dear!
i was briefly encouraged, ta OG ; )
“So, the cynical little voice on my shoulder is telling me this could all just be a manufactured controversy to make the EU look tough, and grant the incoming Italian PM some “anti-establishment” bona fides. It reeks of yet another fake binary”
I think we can take it as read that your little voice is correct.
Italy has a notorious mafia, and this political lady isn’t going to invite the wrath of the Italian mob by taking a step or two outside the approved framework.
Italy is screwed, but at least it’s a well-known cabal doing the screwing.
Ursula von der Lying has her orders, and tolerating unexpected new initiatives isn’t on the list. She knows exactly what is going to happen.
Just watch when this ‘right-wing’ specimen has been in power for a few weeks… The two of them will be drinking cocktails together and embracing each other like there’s no tomorrow…
argh, let it not be!!!
Did you miss the bit about her being pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine?
They don’t mind fighting over the social/woke stuff to keep attention off the really central parts of the agenda.
see post above, above.
!! aye seriously uncool if true, for all her patter..
actually below.
Don’t despair, brother! We know that wardropper is a musician, and maybe he just played a long, sad tune before sitting in front of the computer. That’s why he’s so pessimistic. The blonde chick with her Brothers (Masonic?) in Italy will bring down nasty Ursula in no time. (And Silvio Berlusconi is in the Brotherhood coalition, so…)
We saw how quickly The Greek leftist party buckled to reality once elected and had to implement Austerity. I’ve long wondered if masochism is genetic. How else to explain why people keep voting for politicians, again and again, only to be disappointed, again and again.
She has “made buckled to reality” since she ” and had to implement” only in the dreams of people who continue to vote, hoping that political election slogans are true. In fact, everything is agreed in advance.
Of course, at least one third of the winning side is going to call out vote-rigging. Honesty and Integrity are the first words one would associate with politicians!
Stands back in amazement, another terrified win/ lose political analyst.
You got that right. Remember “loony Left”? “The Trots”? “The Militants”? Now the boot has moved onto the leprous other foot (detachable) and the invective thrown out is “Far Right”, “Libertarian”, “Fascist”, “White Supremacist”, and of course “Anti-Semitic”.
So what are the implications?
That back in the old days of Left baiting, the establishment view (always invariably given away by the media) was supposedly “Right” and “Conservative”. Now the establishment view is “Left”, “Socialist”, “Anti-Capitalist” etc. Now the Dickensian penitence has come about and our channels have developed a social conscience where their hearts bleed for the poor and downcast. Now the entire public edifice of society is REVOLUTIONARY! And we have the strangely smooth transition to The Proletariat Paradise! Protest itself is now “Right Wing” i.e. “counterrevolutionary” – unless it’s that polystyrene protest whored up by the media to act as shooters at the “old duffers” i.e. the hired clowns who won’t accept the new “Communism” and who are only there to act as the fall guys.
Wasnt there an avenue leading up to through 1900 into 20th century of Fascist ideology Italian foreign policy on Lybia from circa1880-90’s., only to gradually fade circa 1940..50’s .60’s.
Didnt take long.
Voting is now real..What they say to get elected is really really real and trustworthy.
Changing the laws
This week the United States congress passed a new bill into law, one that makes it much, much harder to prevent the rigging of presidential elections.
Voting is real. Italy first nope that one passed in 2016 it is Italy first again and this time with conspiratorial anti Nato theme and alt media haven t fallen for it again and the alt media fanbase have learnt everything from the last time they used the conspiratorial theme with populais rhetoric.
Truly excellent.
The difference is that most kids figure out that Santa doesn’t exist from quite an early age. The adults however ….
“Save Grandma and Grandpa.”

“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to fall, NOW!”
Well they won’t fall voluntarily.
Some effort is going to be required on our part.
; )
Bitch ain’t it.
No it really is a bitch when some effect others needs.
Who’s the Nazi ‘party’ that never let’s go of the past Cooper.
Media, it has to be mainstream media.
“Long overdue to get rid of the Nazi Assassin Terrorist Outfit (NATO).”
“Quite a Racket the Psycho Nazis have, no?”
“Guess who loses? WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
I detected no “fake binary” in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s address. I believe she is describing a mirror image of what her constituents are facing. Her alleged pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine sympathies should be considered as separate issues.
The undermining of the traditional family into a corporate construct, is included as a primary goal of the Communist Manifesto. Transhumanism and further enslavement are the following steps.
she talks of family and women and children, but not really men.
is she just pc?
i understand “family” fine, i also understand rhetoric.
just saying?
I sincerely hope she IS one of the good guys (sic) ; )
The best I feel I can hope for is that some good will come out of this, but I will not be holding my breath…
All European ‘authorities’ are pc nowadays. Not one of them has the courage to be different.
It’s like being an intrepid explorer visiting a native tribe in the darkest depths of the Amazon river valley, only to find an illuminated neon MacDonalds sign on the roof of the first hut that comes into view…
The “traditional” family is quite modern. There is no marriage among all other species, no worry about “who is the father ?. There’s bonding. There’s primates ‘extended family’, usually designated as ‘tribe’. A mother & offspring(s) is a natural family ? Or simply “a fatherless family” ?
there are plenty of acceptances of real life. “fosterage” “tutorship” being fairly recent examples.
marriage counts for all the feudalists/lawyers, lineage counts for the tribals/real people (former stole latter). here we are. what defines a marriage is maybe one of those maritime tales? anyone for a “hand-fast”?
fathers? we ain’t all fitba knuckle draggers or equivalent, some of us enjoy being a dad, maybe that’s dads that do bond, maybe that;s what you mean?
but “fatherless family” , denied, even in old times. most communities were extended families, with fresh blood brought in for gene-mixing. how much time did fathers spend with their children? fair remark, as in now.., comparatively, how influential were fathers then? i can hear feminazis howling as soon as i typed yon,…
if you mean, as edwige said elsewhere, .. “it takes a village,” agreed, that’s a truth (after parents).
and the nuclear family is a sad state of affairs. look and see.
that men spent a lot of time away, hunt, foray, war, whatever, .. aye. i get what you mean that way… absent males.
anyway this has turned into a gibber..
love the family, mum, dad, all
Thank you Paul
It’s nice to read a thoughtful comment on Italy.
I love the Country and the Italian People.
She is fraud and a hypocrite, as you will soon find out.
Ask her about her membership in the Aspen Institute.
And please ask her to refine her Roman ghetto accent. Il Romanazzo
Hello Victor G. I think civilians have to listen more carefully for comments they agree with. When leaders make the mistake of saying something agreeable, they should be held to it. It’s easy to dismiss them by calling them frauds. Much more difficult to confront them with agreement…