WATCH: Who Controls the News Controls the World
I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen’s death said the exact same thing! What’s going on here, and why does it matter?
Join James Corbett for a wild ride through the history of newswires and the formation of the fire-induced collapse hypothesis as he explores the dictum Who Controls the News Controls the World on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.
Shownotes, sources, download options and an audio-only version of this episode are available here.
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Protocol 12.4
Stoltenberg, von der Leyen, all German and all EU leaders are in agreement that Nord Stream1 & 2 were sabotaged, and the German mass media are absolutely stumped as to who might be responsible. Whereof they cannot speak, thereof they must remain silent.
They’re tying themselves in knots to avoid noticing those open threats to Nord Stream by Nuland & Biden in January & February of this year, not to mention the CIA’s decades-long history of sabotage and subversion. And sssshh, not one word about Sikorski’s crowing tweet, “Thank you, America”.
Of course only Evil Putin can be allowed to have dunnit (with the candelabra, in the library). Alternatively, this might just be left as a Great Mystery, like the Pyramids or the Bermuda Triangle.
Watch this space, while Europe freezes.
shocking if true:
He who controls the past controls the future.
He who controls Hollyweird controls the world.
He who controls the rotten political machinery controls the world.
There are a number of things in addition to the propaganda mills that need to be controlled by whoever controls the world. The religious establishments for example.
Most importantly the money supply. That control was established a long time ago and is being consolidated continuously. Each new assassination is part of that process as is each new coup and war and plandemic.
But never mind that as its all the doing of over the top James Bond Villain Klaus Schwab who parades around naked on the beach but for a hat, women’s stockings and a cock ring……… oooh his Nazi past!
As James Corbett would have us believe.
Still beating the drum….
“About 33 million people in the UK are eligible for a free flu vaccine….. “.
You have to be as strong as 33 Stalkers to get out of the Zone alive.
I’ve already recieved my appointment letter, can’t wait to get nano tagged which may turn my blood into plastic in the process. A couple of days ago I walked past a vaxx centre and there were quite a few attending, I don’t know what to make of them, maybe they’re remote controlled.
Our ‘World’ is ‘controlled’ by Geology, Hydrology and Horticulture…
Any ideologue to the contrary is just flatulence in the wind blown political propaganda of marketing narcissistic busy-ness.
Well said.
Most people only believe in what the MSM tells them to believe. Last year, I tried to convince my father the COVID vaccines were killing people. He said it couldn’t be true because it wasn’t in the news.
From Allen Forrest:

The mainstream media continuously threatens people of the world with something.
It is always something you should be worried about, have an opinion about, be angry or upset about, be very much afraid about, simply be terrified and paralysed with worry. They want you like that. When in that state, people are easy victims. Or keep you busy with angry debates and focused on their preferred issues.
Threats to the public.
Threats to the people.
The mainstream media is the mouthpiece of its owners. Of course it is. Anyone can publish a pamphlet or something, using that medium to make his opinions, ideas or whatever, public.
In this world where money talks, people with most money talk loudest.
Money, the biggest scam in history:
Hello Human Values: Yes. Excellent video. I watched portions of this some time ago. A long-ago friend defined money as “a social lubricant”. It took a while for me to get what he was inferring… No money. No ability to transact other than barter. What do most people have to barter? Nada…
“Only when the last tree has died, the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught, will we realize we cannot eat money.”
– Cree Indian proverb –
Thanks for reminding me of that great American Indian proverb and still true today. Its like the nonsense over buying gold etc, you can’t eat it and is mostly still mined by slave labour and production restricted just like the diamond trade to keep the prices up when actually neither are rare.
I think it interesting that the only persons who were ever able to trade gold, silver tobacco, tea, etc. were the only ones who could afford to purchase slaves… No one seemed to notice…
It’s not money but the love of money, and the belief in money as the source of happiness, security and success. In a materialistic and godless world that can only make sense.
No, it’s money that’s the problem. Didn’t you watch the video? Money is debt that we have to pay for those few people who claim they own everything on this planet.
Money was first created to be something to be paid for the Emperor.
The Emperor owns things. The Emperor has land. The Emperor has all that land and all the people in that land. He owns them. And everyone else has to pay him.
”THE first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, “Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.”
Stealing the common land and making it somebody’s private property must have happened through violence. The landowner must have had some officials and soldiers to keep unwanted people out or charge a fee from everyone else to use HIS land.
Money must have been invented at the same time. Some sort of payment, or debt, when people had to pay whatever fruit they got from the land that they rented from the owner, and slavery was invented too, since working for the owner is one method of payment.
The idea that other people have to pay to the owner, who has stolen the land.
Yesterday marked a huge escalation. The triple bombing of the two Baltic gas pipelines was an act of war.
The US predator class and its compradors.and lackeys abroad are now waging actual hot war on the people of Germany, Europe and the world.
“Who controls the news controls the world.” No, it’s the other way round.
This BBC “news” report is utterly inexcusable, starting with the disgraceful “framing” headline. Why the fuck do they lead, not with the attack itself, but with a worthless, evidence-free”accusation” by “Ukraine”(sic)?
The intent to mislead & bamboozle is just so transparent. It is the crassest war propaganda.
Nord Stream: Ukraine accuses Russia of pipeline terror attack
Three lines from the end, they give us this nauseating simulation of caring:
#ClapForCarers. That’s an order. It’ll help prevent frostbite in your fingers.
I just love the subjectless mode. There are growing fears that… There is general disgust…There was an overjoyed reaction …. You never need to verify anything with these. Indeed you can’t.
Subjectless sentences…. when it’s an imperative (order!), when it’s propaganda, when it’s the bureaucracy talking and no-one is responsible.
It’s a “just is” world, everything “just happens.” Quoting the Who, “Can’t Explain.”
don’t get caught up in the blame game. That’s what they want. They know the majority of their audience will believe them and blame Russia and a minority will take the opposite view and blame Ukraine, and no one will look beyond to the bigger picture that says both sides are the same side and their only enemy is us.
It doesn’t matter to the believers. They just follow the canon they call “evidence,” or whatever they call it. “How can Nuland and everything else, all the backstory that makes sense, not be true?” Just give them the ball and they’ll score a hat-trick of auto goals. And all contradictions disappear into the fog. 👌
Yes, but. The Russians shelled themselves in the nuclear power station in Zaporizhia, of course they did, common knowledge. Now they are blowing up their expensive pipelines that they laid down through the Baltic Sea, yet another darstadly Russian trick. Yes it is always dirty Ivan who gets up to these outrageous adventurers.
Of course I am being sarcastic, but what else can anyone deduce from the nonsense spun by the western media whores?
Yes. let’s stop thinking, let’s stop remembering anything, let’s stop noticing things. Let’s all just have a nice lie down.
Well you could try noticing what has been happening over the past two years rather than constantly referencing pre-2020 as if events stopped evolving at that time.
You could notice that the “multipolar” world and concomitant decline of the US is being advocated for by most of the major world powers & financial institutions.
You could notice that this transition is being assisted by the war and the “suicidal” sanctions.
You could notice the bizarre lockstep of East and West over that other mainstay of the GR – the fake pandemic.
Your failure to do so looks strange and delusional
I have noticed. I called it a global fascist coup the minute COUPVID was launched.
Of course I did notice it. I have spoken and written about it at length, here and elsewhere.
You could try addressing what I actually write here rather than so snippily misrepresenting me while attempting to condescend (which is only possible frrom an actually elevated position).
You are wilfully missing the point: Yet another great crime has just been committed (two days ago), and the Western mass media are — as ever — doing everything in their power to protect by far the likeliest perpetrators from even the most rational and well-founded suspicions. The BBC’s very first report on the attack led with the “news” that “Ukraine” is accusing “Russia”.
The title of the OffG article at the top of this thread: “Who controls the news controls the world.” Well, who controls the news in the Anglosphere?
So you enter a discussion of the Nord Stream attack to instruct me de haut en bas that history began in 2020 and that – what, exactly? I should simply forget that the CIA has attacked, sabotaged and destroyed more countries than I can list?, I should forget that Biden & Nuland both openly threatened Nord Stream in 2022? That the neocon National Review expressed its delight immediately? That Sikorski tweeted his thanks and congratulations to the USA yesterday? (He’s not the only one; multiple Poles are quite elated.)
I should just forget that the USA has a huge vested interest in forcing Germany’s “Green” WEF regime to reject Russian gas and import its own fracked shit in fleets of heavily-polluting tankers that will require entirely new terminals to be built at the people’s enormous expense?
“They’re all in it together, other countries do bad things too, y’know! It’s a new multipolar world! Do you think Putin’s a hero or something? Do you love Xi? They’re all bad! Leave
BritneyAmerica alone! It doesn’t matter who attacked Nord Stream ,so let’s not play the blame game”– This stuff helps whom how, exactly? Cui bono?
Hello Patrick L. I agree with much of your response. Most of the turmoil in the world IS due to CIA, MI6, Mossad operations. “They” are all interrelated, and all performing their magic out of the same hat.
The British government continues to deflect attention away from its sponsoring “royal” classes, and British dupes keep buying their way into poverty. Same as it ever was…
The pipelines being damaged supports the reason why there won’t be peace talks, because now there’s going to be a long delay for repairs.
Russia could have shut off the gas as soon as they were sanctioned, which would push peace talks to rectify the mess since 2014, but they didn’t.
instead, this war is being used to force Europe to freeze in winter… What a great time to cut the gas…
when it could have been done during the spring, which would be rectified by this upcoming winter.
Don’t give the BBC any money. They are a cancer in our society.
do the same with the government, for the same reason.
Thank you, USA.
what “bombing” do explain.
pipelines indeed.. bombing?? vague, sounds like a plane…?
otherwise, aye, europa fukt.
January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”
Who said it had been bombed it’s got two leeks which probably is sabotage but who’s did it and I honestly don’t believe it’s Russia.more like the USA.
You do surprise me. Victoria Nuland dirty little fingers are all over it.
Amazing how everything either side does in this so-called war ends up creating more hardship and shortages just like the WEF predicted the pandemic would.
Amazing that there was so much gas in a disfunctional pipeline.
But then I saw it on the news.
Who controls the news controls the world…
Funny that is
WaPo article from 2004 about US sabotage of Russian gas pipelines in 1982:
Reagan Approved Plan to Sabotage Soviets
By David . Hoffman
February 27, 2004
In January 1982, President Ronald Reagan approved a CIA plan to sabotage the economy of the Soviet Union through covert transfers of technology that contained hidden malfunctions, including software that later triggered a huge explosion in a Siberian natural gas pipeline, according to a new memoir by a Reagan White House official.
Thomas C. Reed, a former Air Force secretary who was serving in the National Security Council at the time, describes the episode in “At the Abyss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War,” to be published next month by Ballantine Books. Reed writes that the pipeline explosion was just one example of “cold-eyed economic warfare” against the Soviet Union that the CIA carried out under Director William J. Casey during the final years of the Cold War.
At the time, the United States was attempting to block Western Europe from importing Soviet natural gas. […]
I kept trying to explain this to the Q crowd who insisted that “we’re the news now”
No, you’re not. The majority of the country still watches MSM news, and are brainwashed beyond what most people in our circles seem to even understand. If a person has not woken up to the truth now, it’s not going to happen. Reports of Democrats unhappy with the current Potato Administration are meaningless. Other than a few Gaussian tail cases, they will still vote Democrat forever, especially locally in their blue urban areas.
I always advise folks to occasionally hang out in leftists forums, and see the continuing power of the MSM. Heck, just browse Twitter. Endless posts from people who think Trump personally led an armed insurrection of Jan6, to pick one example. They live in a cartoon universe in their heads where Republicans and conservatives want to bring back slavery and implement full Handmaid Tale system over women.
They think their ideology is sacrosanct and holy, they their path leads to some perfect utopia instead of favelas built on the rubble of what was once a civilization.
Most mentally unbalanced living in fear and ignorance. A captive audience for the psychopathic elite.
Weren’t “Democrats” the party of slavery ?
They still are.
Freedom is slavery.
And for mammals: Four legs – yes, two legs – no
Endless posts from people who think Trump personally led an armed insurrection of June 6, to pick one example.
This is very cool and absolutely amazing. It reminds me that ” nothing is impossible for the believer.”
Wow, next you’re gonna tell us that control of the news has been greatly concentrated over the past few decades. 😀 Meanwhile, while even hard core virus huggers like Children’s Health Defense are opening up to those who question whether the existence of SARS-CoV-2 has been proven, pretty much silence on these pages, since 1/31/21, with the article by Torsten Engelbrecht, Stefano Scoglio and Konstantin Demeter.
‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 136: The Viral Delusion With Mary Holland, David Rasnick + Mike Wallach, 9/22/22, just over one hour. Links provided.
That was a good documentary.
Oh pending spam monster has destroyed my post again. Please help! I let the last one sink out of sheer despair!
stop that whining shit mofo! you a paid triggah?
me me meme me ffs man, da fk?
get in line.
i mean that. entitled moaning bsterts who think they should be heard first, da fuk. you’re first for a haircut, lol
admin could? do us all a world of courtesy to tell us who is who, c’montae. enough multiples unless admin say so??? genuine request.
wee gangs.
4 people, presently, insist their views be heard first.
oh dear.
Some comments, some of which I have written for a long time, wait 3, 4 or 5 hours without me saying a word. Then some of them get a few or more minuses, which I endure stoically in silence. I almost had a stroke, but I survived. Because I’m a ninja.
“The rise of Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s new far-right prime minister, explained”
Note the cheeky giveaway of the title: this can be “explained”. Well of course it can. It was scripted. And now it is scripture. After all, it “has been years in the making”.
Blah blah Mussolini blah blah “she emphasized her womanhood and motherhood, though she is not a feminist”. Of course not. Implication: She doesn’t hold with that infinite splitting into identity politics factions which only benefits the rulers. But here’s a clunker:
“Meloni’s victory could portend rollbacks to minority rights, including the rights of women, LGBTQ people, and migrants.”
“minority rights, including the rights of women” Since when were women a minority? And the LGBTQ scam deliberately undoes the rights of women not to mention gays via the Trojan Horse Transgender poison.
Meloni’s refusal this summer to support outgoing caretaker Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s unity government and her forceful opposition to his Covid-19 policies…” Thus she is “very, very conservative”.
And it was such “very very conservative” forces which led to “inefficiency in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic”. But …
“In contrast, Draghi’s government enjoyed high public support and reassured European Union partners and other international actors that Italy was on track to manage the pandemic and responsibly spend recovery funds.”
How’s that for a revelation? Draghi “reassured” EU partners and the mysterious “other international actors” that Italy “was on track to manage the pandemic”. Ooh – ever get the feeling that “managing the pandemic” has an alternative meaning?
Draghi’s woke credentials are impeccable: “gender equity …. investments in clean energy and green jobs …. supporting Ukraine against Russia’s invasion and in imposing sanctions on Russia …” etc.
Now in swoops Meloni “steering the right-wing coalition towards far-right territories.” And while “Brothers of Italy cannot be meaningfully labelled as ‘neofascist,’ there is clearly a share of nostalgics among party ranks”. Ominous. “Meloni has done generally little to …openly condemn fascism”. Curious. She must openly condemn fascism … and then things are OK?
Well it takes us back into that rich soup of jibber jabber terminology which now substitutes for actual comment on actual matters of actual importance. Meanwhile …. possibly another round of covid to “discipline the politicians” i.e. discipline the public into accepting the show being set up to facilitate increasing transfers of wealth upwards.
Australians have long been fearful of the The Yellow Hordes north of the island, aka The Yellow Peril…Politicians have won elections whipping up fear of an Asian Invasion from The North…
But there also lurks other threats …Some weeks ago the idea was seeded via the MSM into peoples
minds that “Foot and Mouth” disease had broken out in Indonesia…It would devastate the meat industry should it hitchhike a ride on a plane to Australia, then spread throughout the country.. ..
Yesterday it was reported the “disease'” was still active in the Asian islands to the north…Keeping the threat alive, ready for when the word comes down from On High to replace Burgers with Buggers on Big Macs menus…
Here’s an article from Edward Snowden concerning the CIA. Not that anyone here needs a refresher course on the CIA. I link this because Mr. Snowden is another individual said to be “controlled opposition” by many.
And yet…this is rather hard hitting stuff for “controlled opposition.”
America’s Open Wound. The CIA Is Not Your Friend – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
“Rather hard hitting stuff”
Oooooo handbags at dawn.
Of course Snowden is controlled, I got Glenn Greenwald to admit he (and snowden) was a cia asset during operation mindfuck
And look what happens to “assets” who turn and go rogue.
I think there may – may – be a difference between being used and being controlled. I have no doubt Snowden’s initial “whistle blowing” was engineered by the NSA – to let the American people know they were being watched. You know: just to see what they would do about it (they of course did nothing).
And anyone who doesn’t already know about the CIA has spent the last 20 years Rip Van Winkle-ing. Nevertheless, it’s always good to have a concise compendium of CIA dirty tricks – as a handy reference.
BTW, what does “handbags at dawn” mean? I’ve never heard that expression.
Snowden: USA bad. Everywhere else good.
Here’s something similar to the Money supply. I went into Sainsbury’s local store today and couldn’t help but noticing. Namely a notice above the till which read. No more £20 bills and $10bills taken. Aha! Looks like the beginning of the cashless society and Central Bank Digital Currencies CBDCs. Which means the Banking (particularly the Central Banks) will want to know is how much you have, what are you spending on, what transactions – particularly the informal type – you are and will be sniffed out by the CBDC police. Goodbye the informal economy. What will you spend will be under the average of the Banks. Money as we know it will be abolished. numerals on read outs will be allowed out. And BTW the powers that be also to know if you have spent your quota. Oh, we are so lucky to have such far-sighted gentlemen guiding our central banks. I used to paying a girl to do some baby-sitting for me and my wife when we are out but — tut tut, naughty this wasn’t declared to the authorities.
The Swedish Seismological Network confirms there were three “powerful explosions” at or near the two Nord Stream pipelines yesterday. Pressure dropped to near zero in Nord Stream 2.
Now who would have the means, the motive and the opportunity to commit sabotage on such a scale?
7 Feb 2022:: TV clip, 39s:
Pres. Biden: “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”
Reporter: “But how will you do that, exactly, since…the project is in Germany’s control?”
Biden: “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”
By blowing up the piplelines, these evil bastards have burned Germany’s bridges. They are making 100% sure there will be no return to (indispensable) Russian gas supplies.
The clowns who form Germany’s current puppet government will not be permitted to get cold feet and back down in the face of massive & growing popular opposition. Befehl ist Befehl. They must continue freezing. starving & immiserating the people and wrecking the economy of Germany and all of Europe.
After 30 months of slow attrition, COUPVID is entering its hot phase. Sieges end in massacres.
U.S. neocon rag National Review crowing about it, laughing in Germany’s face. Swaggering like Mafiosi. Not even the slightest pretence that the Russians did it.
Who Will Rid Me of This Meddlesome Pipeline? Sounds Like Someone Listened!
Three leaks in two days? Wow, that’s a shame!
By Jim Geraghty / September 27, 2022 9:28 AM
Here is a conspiracy theory: there was no explosion.
Now let’s sell Russian gas as if it’s $$$$ LNG from US. Who benefits?
what timewasting trash you talk
Former Polish Defence Minister Radek Sikorski, Harvard Fellow and current Member of the EU Parliament tweets:
remember Patrick, it is all everything fake, all fake utterly entirely forever
pointy end not at you P ; )
WHO knows, lol
I don’t understand why anyone would downvote Patrick’s posts when they are merely stating facts?
The skillful manipulation of populations during the past few years to encourage most to submit to being jabbed indicates Authority’s propagandist will have no real trouble deflecting Germany’s winter of discontent onto The Russians…Many will sign up when offered three hot meals a day and a free Greatcoat to keep warm…
DANGER ! American psychopaths at work.
I think that those lovely Greenies, Herr Habeck and Frau Baerbock, might have had something to do with it, not to mention the lovely Queen Ursula Von der Leyen, who undoubtedly played a role.
I pointed up this presentation, as Mr. Corbett does define the essential situation. When information peddling becomes a “value-added” commodity, only liars and scum bags will benefit…
“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.”
– Philip K. Dick –
(December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)
Legal fictions rule the world.
People of the Lie by M Scott Peck.
Is ignorance of media monopoly a symptom of Alzheimer disease? Is control of information part of a diabolical plot? Is there a sinister agenda that serves to rope-a-dope us all? Erm…
Come on James. The theme has been flapping in the breeze for hundreds of years, and it stinks like dirty laundry. How about looking at who needs a good scrubbing?
“MONOPOLY – Who Owns The World?” by Tim Gielen
Published January 9, 2022
“MONOPOLY – Who Owns The World?” by Tim Gielen (English Subs) (
Maybe add a little bleach for good measure…
If you cannot stand up make sure your children will.
And who controls Plasticwood?
Speedy Delivery!
OK Corbette.. Wouldn’t that also apply to ‘who controls the alternative news’.?
again like Iain davis you have no balls to do a deep dive in to who funds your heroes.
so it regurgitated 20 years old of date crap passed of as Corbette report sold to the not so wise who tune in to your nonsense to watch this backwards digression TV.
Your apart of the Social amnesia alt media network.
there’s a huge amount of very very good stuff on Corbett’s site – one might wonder who’s funding your attitude ….
Presumably many if not most of the alternate news sites are funded directly by the readers/subscribers. Remember the flack not long ago over Patreon and now Pay-Pal refusing to fund alt media?
You can choose to say that’s just a cover story to hide the “real” funding. And you may be right; but you could also be wrong in assuming there are big players funding alt media.
More granular thinking required! The Rulers only need to fund, probably, a small segment of alt media to disrupt it; to disrupt the consumers of it; to serve their purposes. Problem is, who is who isn’t. How do you tell? – I have a hunch that Alex Jones is funded – probably Jim Fetzer as well. But what do I do with that hunch?
What percentage of alt. media commenters Below the Line do the Rulers need to fund in order to disrupt? Lol.
Perhaps we should be focusing on WHAT people say and leaving such speculation to one side? Let’s let facts and quality of research do the talking, I say. A2
Fertility is absolutely correct, since I outed Corbett as controlled opposition on Cutting Through the Fog years back. He was even forced to change his About page section on his site, removing the part where he worked as a writer for a magazine that was a front for US Army Counter Intelligence.
Doesn’t the fact he worked – past tense – for such-and-such an outfit actually lend credence to Corbett, Q.E.D?
Perhaps we should be focusing on the quality of research and what people say, rather than character-assassinating people by association (in a rather tenuous way, may I say)?
Using your logic, I think you’d struggle to find anyone who wasn’t working for ‘the man’.
Let’s let facts, research and dialectic do the talking. We’re all too infected with Personality Politics as it is, aren’t we? 🙂 A2
The Art of Misleading:
Focus on anything else but the real issue. Focus on a person. Make the person either black or white. Focus on the person. Debate about the person’s whiteness or blackness.
But you already know all this.
How dare you!
Very interesting comment. Is there anyone/everything, that is 100% or is everything fake? Or are there in between glimpses of what might be real or not? Well someone must be right and someone must be wrong somewhere, or am I just being naive? If this were not the case reality would be quite difficult if not impossible to apprehend. When I was younger I thought I had all the answers, but now I’m not so sure. But for Jesus’ sake you have to believe in something, provisionally at least.
But what I find irritating is the type of clever-dick schoolboy know-alls who rubbish all possible counter-arguments who abound on these outlets – typical Oxbridge middle-common room parody.
Here they go again… Germany in full COVID panic
This is what the coronavirus really looks like
Chancellor Scholz and Interior Minister Faeser tested positive for Corona
UK to Double Military Spending
No profit in peace for the corrupted souls.
“Smedley knew!”
“War is Corporate Fascism’s way of euthanizing and culling the herd. Whatever it sees it can not sufficiently profit by, is surplus.”
“To Hell with War! To Hell with Eugenics! To Hell with Corporate Fascism!”
Keep us safe and protected. 💤
” When Johnnycomelately comes
marching home,
a chestfull of medals and a GI loan,
they’ll be waiting at the station down
in San Antone,
when Johnny comes marchin’ home, …”
: )
just a good song peoples, no politik involved, x
we need to stop all the insanity at large.
That recent #Queestions forCorbett about the WEF was very strange.
Don’t look so much at the WEF? The kindest explanation is that he’s being all pissy that he largely missed the WEF before the Great Reset kicked in.
This is not of course to argue the WEF are the only players on the stage and that the true powerbrokers remain entirely concealed from the audience. Who argues otherwise?
oh, maybe 90% of the proles who think Mr Schwab is a nice old man who means only well for all of us …
Boogie man James bond villain.
Just like bill gates
And who controls Australia’s Health Department calls the $hots:
Ms Halton has a chequered history to say the least:
She was the head of the Department of Health between January 2002 and June 2014, and the head of the Department of Finance from 2014 to 2016. She has held senior board roles with ANZ Bank, Clayton Utz, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Crown Casino.
And this, also from Wikipedia no less:
Halton has held concurrent roles within the gambling and casino industry at the same time she has held senior roles within global health organizations – including the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).[3] She held these conflicting roles despite IHME estimates that “gambling-related burden of harm was 2.5 times more than diabetes and 3.0 times more than drug use disorder”.[4] Jane has not explained the rational for holding these competing concurrent roles.
Where do they find these corporate robots?
Ms Halton works, or worked for, the ‘Institute Of Health Metrics and Evaluation’
And who funds that institution?
You guessed it, Ole Billy and Melinda, and their ilk:
(Wiki) IHME receives core grant funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation[60] and the state of Washington. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Inter-American Development Bank; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance;
Ain’t that a convenient coincidence?
more correctly, who controls the politicians who give the people at the ‘health’ department etc their jobs …
Hello Johnny: “Where do they find these corporate robots?” “They” find them swilling from the corporate trough. After all, persons such as Ms Halton have to feed themselves, and are welcomed at the trough by other hungry corporate pigs.
Oink, oink, snort, oink…
So, do all those Chicken Littles squawking about the sky falling on Sep 24 feel foolish now? Have they learned anything?
No, they’ll do the same thing next time somebody dubious tells them that the World is about to end.
I have stated, as stated in my comments, that:
it is absolutely foolish to say that confusing February with September is common, given that no one ever makes this mistake.
I have no idea if anything will happen on the 24th.
Do you think I feel Chicken Little?
Moreover, your contribution to the understanding that war is artificial in order to pass the next stage of great reset – a contribution appreciated with countless thumbs up, as it should be – is limited almost exclusively to the assertion that there are no footage unambiguously proving the reality of the so-called “war”. Something that can be immediately refuted by the claims that this is a “special operation”, “another type of military action”, “nowadays, with this instantaneous and widespread dissemination of information, it is very limited in war”, and the like. Where is the current information from Russia, from Russian sources – official and detailed explanations from alternative ones? Where are a lot of pretty old things, almost completely unknown in Western sites? Again: information that throws a huge light on Russia’s complicity / extremely similar actions, much of which information is almost impossible to find in the Western media. They are, for example, in many of my posts.
Do you think I feel Chicken Little?:) Does that apply to me?:)
yon is a pure 77,
et tu??
desist, and ignore RP.
: )
He’s not, he’s not, he’s a reasonable and intelligent man, but in this case I don’t agree with him.
And you, how you’ve been ignoring me lately… 😥 Very bad Rubber! You hurt my heart. 😪
Aren’t we lovers anymore? 😓
Did I offend you, what?
The great zeroing has changed you a lot, you used to be a more welcoming person. 😴
Talk to me again, because here now steadily only hate me (and i them) and I am bored.
Somebody sabotaged those Pipelines on Sept 26. That’s pretty serious.
Does close count?
I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda alt media newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen’s death or Italy ewe Lady PM who is fighting the deep state said the exact same thing! What’s going on here, and why does it matter?
They immediately began to publicize the tale of the “new savior”. Of course, according to the preliminary scenario, so as not to create a vacuum in the hopes of the rebooted viewers. Always with a carrot in front, so that the stick can easily enter the back.
A friend of mine had a “law on docked panties”:
“When the pants of power fall off, the media picks them up. When the media pants fall off, power lift them up.”
(This also applies to most of the alternatives. Even worse: every group of alt-media with its own patchwork of different truths, half-truths and hoaxes history. This is part of the benefits of democracy.:))
And everything goes in blissful sync.When the old story loses its grip on the viewer’s brain, a new one emerges, even stronger and more beautiful.
So clear that it makes it uncomfortable to mention it over and over again. I don’t know who here doesn’t know it, maybe almost everyone knows it.
They confessed in 1963:
And in 1977 (albeit in a limited hangout kinda way – obviously the Washington Post was exempt! Also he didn’t know – or cite – the name Mockingbird which came out the following year):
Funny how Hollywood has made at least two films featuring Bernstein – but has never quite got around to making a film about this.
Thanks Edwige. Saved that.
The banksters control the media. Bernstein helped the banksters bring down Nixon. Rollingstone is part of the bankster controlled media.