Forget the blame game, Nordstream Sabotage is about the Great Reset & nothing else.
Kit Knightly

Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe.
As a result, large amounts of natural gas were leaking into the Baltic sea, and supplies through the pipeline were completely shut off.
The alleged incident has caused a furious round of blame tennis, with accusations flying back and forth across what – for the sake of simplicity – we’ll call Iron Curtain 2.0.
The European Union has claimed the pipes were “sabotaged”, but doesn’t directly blame anyone in their statement.
The Telegraph is already blaming actively the Russians, specifically Western Bogeyman President Vladimir Putin. Headlining “Why Putin would want to blow up Nord Stream 2, and the advantages it gives him”
On the flip side, the Russians have said the idea they would sabotage their own pipeline is “stupid”
Some Western alternate media have pointed to Joe Biden’s vow to totally shut down Nordstream 2 back in February as a sign the US was behind the alleged attack.
The former Polish defence minister has come right out and said that NATO forces blew up the pipeline, according to Forbes.
The question – one it seems I keep asking the last two years – is “does it really matter?”
Maybe the Americans blew it up.
Maybe the Russians blew it up.
Maybe someone else blew it up.
Or maybe nobody blew it up, and the entire story is a fabrication.
Whatever the truth may be, the end result remains the same. Gas and electricity will be more expensive. There will be a huge push to turn to “renewables”, talk about “climate catastrophe”, and maybe even be energy rationing and/or blackouts.
People will freeze, starve and probably die this winter. That has always been part of the plan, what reason is there to think this “attack” is anything but more of the same?
Maybe the more important question than who is behind the alleged #NordStream2 event is – why does almost everything in this "special military operation" & beyond lead to the SAME destination – shortages, hardship, poverty for the 99%
Just as the "pandemic" was intended to do?
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) September 28, 2022
Everyone is abuzz with talk of who did what, and asking “Was it sabotage?”
But the simple answer to that is “yes, of course it was.”
No matter the exact specific details of the situation, the Nordstream explosion was definitely an act of sabotage.
The same sabotage we’ve been seeing for two years.
The sabotage of our entire way of life, by people who would profit both monetarily and politically from a sea-change in the way our society is structured.
The sabotage that leads to faking a pandemic, gutting our healthcare, locking us in our homes and ruining our businesses.
The sabotage of our economy, our society and our very bodies.
The sabotage of us, by them.
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The sabotage of us, yeah, sadly.
BTW PAYPAL still not allowing me to contribute from USA
In what way?
Why do you still use paypal? It a leader in digital payments censorship. Just read about last user’s agreement when the pp wanted to take 2500$ For any investigation.
Withdraw money asap
the frenchman was ist . the us made a lot of PR ( “we can stop it etc” ) but : sooner or later we buy the gas from the new israeli gas fields and french controlled north africa
Today, Germany’s four leading economics research institutes together issued a prediction that “if the winter is cold”, then gas reserves will not suffice, and this will lead to “the worst depression in the history of the Bundesrepublik” (i.e. since 1949).
Absolutely without any doubt, the situation is most deliberately inciting popular revolutions in the West. With all the actions of the puppets in official power against their peoples, pipeline, all the media-power talk, and… blind to the reality of Russia/BRICS/(sometimes including China) a counter-narrative spread intentionally by the counter / alt-media and, willy-nilly, by commentators. The sequel follows…
If they want it, they’re probably ready to control it and use it. So something is wrong with the standard talk that accompanies this incitement. Don’t you think?
A small part of Putin’s monumental last speech:
“I repeat, the dictatorship of Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. It’s a challenge to everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of “reverse religion” – outright Satanism. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, denouncing false prophets, says: “By their fruits you will know them.” And these poisonous fruits are already obvious to people – not only in our country, in all countries, including for many people in the West itself.
The world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, they are fundamental. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority – the majority! – the international community and are ready not only to declare their interests, but also to defend them, and in multipolarity they see an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means to gain true freedom, historical perspective, their right to independent, creative, original development, to a harmonious process.
All over the world, including in Europe and the United States, as I have already said, we have many like-minded people, and we feel, we see their support. A liberating, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is already developing in various countries and societies. His subjectivity will only increase. It is this force that will determine the future geopolitical reality.”
See how nice it is? And how to repeat and amplify the element with “in Europe and the United States, as I have already said, we have many like-minded people, and we feel, we see their support”. Someone supports us and thinks about us. (Someone who played the covid game and planned a national futuristic-transhumanist strategy, fully embracing western know-how.)
Who is this speech aimed at? hmm..
At least on the face of it, he identifies the key issues and conflict.
Eckhart Tolle has said we are at a crossroads between the old order, of minds that are acquisitive, and “the new earth” struggling to be born, of minds that are meditative (and some of those even “contemplative” among us).
He defined evil succinctly, and rather well enough, as “an (over)identification with forms” ~ in a way that a property owner might say, not “that is bldg. WTC-7” just for an example, but “that is MY building.”
That older, diminishing, order has always postponed the development and arrival of a newer order, based in spirit, centered in spirit.
He suggests that nothing less than our survival as a species depends on the new order displacing, peacefully. the old one.
Some have been saying all along that our only exit strategy originates in the act itself: praying and meditating
And of course, also in what is done in profusion right here: analysis (aka “how in the world did we get in this mess?! LOL.)
Light shines on the big bottleneck out of this and is measured, as one preacher of revered memory puts it, by the “A.M.P.”: “Analysis, Meditation, Prayer”.
If I intend to overcome their fading world, I guess I must first overcome myself.
What else?
Jesus to the throng of “over-identifiers”: “Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I want mercy, not sacrifice.”
(“Nota Bene” I posted the above, with a resonant “bingo” then punched in “edit” for typos, then “save”and it blared in orange/red at the top, “pending…spam” to someone’s general angst?
On a hunch, I went, briefly, to edit again, and the second “save” posted it as is, perfection, and without any drags or delay.
So we can safely say that whole gremlin is actually
only just that, a ghost in the machine run sporadically amok.
Some glitch, only?)
Well, I’m not that deep a person and I didn’t get to the spiritual core of Putin’s speech. That’s why I thought Vladimir was saying:
“European and American citizens, you who disagree with the policies of your dictatorial governments, we know about you and support you. Geopolitical developments depend on you, and you can take matters into your own hands,” and subtext in the fine print,” and we can help at some point; so be brave.”, and also “we are ready to welcome you into our free, completely different world from Western Hell.”
Juinor’s comment below became an article:
“Thanks to KS”
It’s perfect for Henry Makow. Given his unparalleled, wild and passionate support for Russia – missing or underestimating absolutely everything about Russia’s role in GR. Not only did he have one eye, but half of one eye. He’s even wilder than Saker and the rest of the gang “make the story great”.
(But how can I judge him, since even Riley and Ian don’t know about the strategy of nature-like convergent technologies, for example. What remains for Markov and the experience of his “coming true” prophecies about the Antichrist – Christ war, in which he immediately recognized Putin and Russia as the bright side. To that end, he has shamelessly quietly ignored many of Russia’s anti-Christian actions-identical to those of the West-as well as direct complicity with the West and China.)
Junior also pulled out some soft version with omissions, so it’s fit for Makow.
“I work in a secure place. That’s all I’m saying. Here’s what I know.”
-Great start to a compelling story. Where does junior work???
“It was also agreed”; “It was agreed”
-Were you at the table when the contract actions were signed/established/refined?
I work in an insecure place, a simply job, and I have not seen the contracts for GR. That’s all I’m saying. 😄
Makow on September 29, 2022
Plan B: Ukraine War is New Route to Great Reset (from Junior)
and… Makow on September 30, 2022
Sept 30 – Putin Denounces “Satanic” West—putin-denounces-satanic.html
I have (the full) this famous and great speech. Sounds great to American, Western (and European in general, from all over Europe, which is under the Western narrative and great reset from the actions of its authorities, including Central, Eastern) ears. Now the ears are wide open, so that what should enter into them (according to.. arrangements)
The Nordstream pipelines were blown up on 26 September 2022, the same day that the architect of the 2014 Ukraine coup d’etat, Victoria Nuland’s husband and PNAC co-founder, Robert Kagan, celebrated his 64th birthday …
Nuland and Biden have both threatened to terminate Nordstream
Biden’s 7 Feb 2022 Nordstream threat starts around 3m 40s
Nuland’s 27 Jan 2022 Nordstream threat starts around 5m 25s
The nefarious ‘them’. Ever nefariously extending their nefariously eternal dystopia ad infinitum.
Meanwhile, Russia gets a little bit of more territory (signed, with a suitably permissible singsong today). The US gets to sell its LNG in the role of Europe’s saviour and make a small profit. Everybody wins.
Except, of course, if you happen to be European, African, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Latin Amerian, Australian. Or from one of those other little nations somewhere on the map…
But then was that not what Brexit all about from the outset? Sticking it to the Europeans. A ‘Uk-Reign’ [sic] war as the natural extension of Brexit??
Viewed that way it starts to make sense. Just gotta hope the Russians love their children too…
Sting – Russians Love Their Children Too
The terrorists in the UK are 110% into this conflict because the only thing they can do to keep having some power is to destroy their competition aka Europe.
Some mercenaries are like that.
Heck of a lot of “astroturfers” , rallying to Ukraine’s side, too. They are out in force at YT.
So like the CIA backed 1952 Iran coup.
“The more things change etc”
Below is an opening excerpt from a spiel by Medea Benjamin (co-founder of Code Pink, I think) and some awesome co-writer or other, easy to find, re-posted, at Global Research, I spare myself the legwork, or link, so I have the time to offer a comment about U.N. global and political (stalking) trojan horses (my old man by the flesh, aka John W. Ervin, was Prez of the L.A. chapter U.N. Association until his ’82 assassination, and attorney to an assortment of well-confirmed 33° Freemason clients, like Armand Hammer, so I have at least some “family”arity with these affairs!):
“We have spent the past weeks reading and listening to speeches by world leaders at the UN General Assembly in New York. Most of them condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a violation of the UN Charter and a serious setback for the peaceful world order that is the UN’s founding and defining principle.”
That is the precisely TROJAN HORSE, THE HUMAN SHIELD & HOSTAGE SITUATION of its so-called “founding principle”.
But all that, like all porch masonry, is just a guise and a ruse for the ever~longstanding agenda of total Freemasonry (and allied) control. of all things and of all in all.
As my colleague Dave Emory often puts it, niftily, “It’s Almost Satanic.”
Of course, the UN is exactly the same thing, the exact blueprint for what was used first here and homegrown in an isolated, tribally deracinated U.S., a hegemony of multi-tiered slavery, a continuum from lite to heavy: use a purported set of “Freedom’s” as a ‘stalking horse’ to catch the quarry (US) napping. Sell US the sizzle, ‘kill’ US for/as the steak (but often or early grilled slowly, transgenerationally…..)
£4£&$4$+my2¢™(adjusted for inflation) ~~~
~ GKC, at the conclusion of his 1930’s “travelogue” “What I Saw in America”: “My only question is, what the devil are they doing?” (owtte).
“These things must be done very del-i-cate-ly” or you risk breaking the spell.”
~ ~ The Wicked Witch of the West, lustfully eyeing a removal of Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers (“The Wizard of Oz” film 1939). Then, the shock.
Below is the meaningful preamble of the entry at (shudders) wikipedia on the landmark abolitionist case in 1772, King’s Bench, in Lord Mansfield’s ruling on “Somerset v. Stewart” where he released the Black former slave from the grips of his former USAmerican “owner” who was attempting to spirit him back to the colonies. It is about all we need to support the argument that the USA was founded to protect rich slaveowners’ “property” with all the rest, in essence, being used by rich folk as “window dressing” for the heists. We are indebted to Gerald Horne for laying bare the history of all this in his fairly recent books, “The Counter-Revolution of 1776” and “Race to Revolution” and “Negro Comrades of the Crown”, the latter a documentation of how and why most freed blacks in the British colonies fought for the King, because they knew all about it. Needless to say, this has been staunchly hidden history, because American Moguls didn’t want to give away the game:
“The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law, which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasions, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory. It is so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it, but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from the decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by the law of England; and therefore the black must be discharged.[1 ”
I couldn’t get the wiki link to copy, but just the search words, “Somerset v. Stewart” will do just as well.
This case and ruling speaks to the very heart of all that is happening globally, in essence.
£4£&$4$+my2€ (not yet adjusted for inflation)
“There exists in this country a plot to enslave every man, woman, and child. And before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose that plot.”
~ attributed to JFK, among “famous last words”.
And, indeed he did, with ripples of his blood through our history…
I was a little sketchy on a couple details of “Somerset v. Stewart” so I post a “plot summary” of the whole legal process that set in motion the abolition of slavery. (Nothing much could be more on topic, since it bears directly, and indirectly, and together powerfully, on current efforts by similar perps to enslave all humanity, and the ongoing process of what Black scholar Cornel West calls out and out “the niggerization of America”.
And by extension, the world, especially russo-slavs currently, as the plaything of western moguls:
“James Somerset, an enslaved African, was purchased by Charles Stewart (or Steuart), a customs officer when he was in Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay, a British crown colony in North America.[3]
Stewart brought Somerset with him when he returned to England in 1769, but in October 1771 Somerset escaped. After he was recaptured in November, Stewart had him imprisoned on the ship Ann and Mary (under Captain John Knowles), bound for the British colony of Jamaica. He directed that Somerset be sold to a plantation for labour. Somerset’s three godparents from his baptism as a Christian in England, John Marlow, Thomas Walkin and Elizabeth Cade, made an application on 3 December before the Court of King’s Bench for a writ of habeas corpus. Captain Knowles on 9 December produced Somerset before the Court of King’s Bench, which had to determine whether his imprisonment was lawful.
The Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, Lord Mansfield, ordered a hearing for 21 January; in the meantime he set the prisoner free on recognisance. Somerset’s counsel’s request to prepare arguments was granted, and so it was not until 7 February 1772 that the case was heard. In the meantime, the case had attracted a great deal of attention in the press and members of the public donated money to support the lawyers for both sides of the argument.
Granville Sharp, an abolitionist layman who continually sought test cases against the legal justifications for slavery, was Somerset’s real backer. When the case was heard, five advocates appeared for Somerset, speaking at three hearings between February and May. These lawyers included Francis Hargrave, a young lawyer who made his reputation with this, his first case; James Mansfield; Serjeant-at-law William Davy; Serjeant-at-law John Glynn; John Alleyne; and the noted Irish lawyer and orator John Philpot Curran,[citation needed] whose lines in defence of Somerset were often quoted by American abolitionists (such as Frederick Douglass).
Somerset’s advocates argued that while colonial laws might permit slavery, neither the common law of England nor any statutory law made by Parliament recognised the existence of slavery and slavery was therefore unlawful.[4] The advocates also argued that English contract law did not allow for any person to enslave himself, nor could any contract be binding without the person’s consent. The arguments focused on legal details rather than any humanitarian principles. When the two lawyers for Charles Stewart put their case, they argued that property was paramount and that it would be dangerous to free all the black people in England, who numbered at the time approximately 15,000.[citation needed] “
When the two lawyers for Charles Stewart put their case, they argued that property was paramount and that it would be dangerous to free all the black people in England, who numbered at the time approximately 15,000.
Gotta love the way the Fraud phrases this as if it isn’t them doing the pointing:
“the power of the blast would add weight to suspicions that the attacks were carried out by a state power, with fingers pointed at Russia”.
The new spin is that the released methane is a massive threat to the environment. Let me guess the solution – climate measures will have to be speeded up!
The total fabrication angle seems strong to me. The cheapskate option is not only well, cheapskate but it also involves no necessity for visual evidence beyond a load of big bubbles. The media is now so centralised that they can operate on total news management. And if the nominally Left flank eagerly join in with the condemnation, then that obviously “proves” it.
I have been saying that we have had the unipolar NWO for decades, thinly disguised. We have demockery in all 5 Eyes countries but we are actually enslaved to the fucking Roman Empire Version Two.
I have had enough of saying it tbh.
My hopes are with Russia and China recognising how much they have been deceived and I see signs of that happening. Listen to Putin’s speech today:
(starts at about the halfway point in this video)
The american terrorists and the NASSI european commission with the help of the UK are now moving to PUNISH Turkey and Hungary…
The Drumbeats of War, Climate Change, the false flag of the COVID19 Pandemic, Monkey Pox, SPARS, and Cyberattacks are used to instill fear and cover up the Bankruptcy of Global Corporate Government and the impending Global Currency Reset. …
Why pipelines only matter to populations that utilize them:
“A comprehensive study of 191 nations, published by the International Monetary Fund in September 2021, found that globally the fossil fuel industry receives subsidies of $11 million per minute, … fossil fuel companies received $5.9 trillion in subsidies in 2020, with support projected to rise to $6.4 trillion by 2025, according to the IMF report.”
These subsidies have existed since the discovery of oil. Petroleom fuels all those naval fleets we insist on, and of course, cruise ships and tourism… Nice work, if you can get it…
Coming from the IMF, the rapport stinks of tendentiously making the industry suspicious, which comes in handy. There are many other calculations which can be made, which will lead to the conclusion: nice work, and easy money if you can get it…
They’re gaslining us.
“The sabotage of our economy, our society and our very bodies.
The sabotage of us, by them.”
They have demonstrated very clearly, they are ready under a pretext of manufactured emergencies to literally get rid of some of us. The laws have been changed to give themselves immunity from any wrongdoing.
The end of the Fourth Reich – a burp and a whimper!
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany
Mike Whitney • February 11, 2022
Germany and EU Have Been Handed Over a Declaration of War
Pepe Escobar • September 28, 2022
Rage, rage against the dying of the light!
Yeah, whatever!
US, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania Urgently Recall Citizens from Russia. Others have done so previously.
Many Russians are attempting to flee in case of the draft; some find draft notices at the border.
But most EU countries have banned Russians for some time.
Netherlands Cancels Operating License of TurkStream
This Black Sea pipeline was finished in 2020 & is registered in Netherlands.
It runs to Turkey, then Serbia & Hungary.
Letter of cancellation effective Sept 17 applies to “all contracts related to the technical support of the gas pipeline,” including “design, manufacture, assembly, testing, repair, maintenance, and training.”
Southstream, operator of Turkstream, has requested a resumption and “will continue gas transportation.” Reportedly an attempt at sabotage was foiled about Sept 24 & drones w English language labels were found.
Load of predictable bollocks
Nordstream Sabotage.
Whoever did it is now eligible for a Freedom medal awarded at a ceremonial dinner at the White House.
Mmm, four star psychos dining with their psycho buddies.
Will be a feast of self congratulations, backslapping, Beluga and Dom Perignon no doubt.
From James O’Neill via Dissident Voice:
The USpychos in panic mode ?
Succinct article-thanks
I don’t see why anyone should have faith in the EU.They have taken all our freedoms awy. Gr8 article. I love Kit Knightly’s articles
Camille, do people in Europe and Britain understand that Ursula von der Leyen is one the World Economic Forum’s young global leaders? That is, that they have been through a sort of discipleship and are beholden to the WEF for their election to office.
Also Scholz, Macron and others. As a result they wish to impoverish Europe, because degrading the economy, like the harmful vaxx, brings them a step closer to their NWO/
Great Reset/world dictatorship of reduced population.
How widely is this understood in Europe is your guess?
She does, but by jove she looks haggard for a young global leader.
Macron came up the ladder thru Banque de Rothschild Paris, too.
“Or maybe nobody blew it up, and the entire story is a fabrication.”
Probably the more likely scenario, being it’s always cheaper to shut it down. They can orchestrate a leak, or simulate a disaster.
Either way, it’s irrelevant as you state, because the end result is the same and it’s what they’ve been priming the population for over the last two years with the covid hoax; economic warfare, a digital slave control grid, limited movement, forced poison injections and energy and food rationing.
“nobody blew it up”
The Rule of Three dictates otherwise. If three large buildings crumble in NYC, if three holes appear in two pipelines, you know somebody blew it up.
Don’t even try to compare this to 9-11.
Statements in the intelligence controlled media and a picture of air bubbles in the ocean proves NOTHING. You don’t understand the concept of irrefutable evidence.
More aptly, such trifectas presage a meticulously coordinated PSYOP.
With much past as prologue.
Yes, I believe it was an act of sabotage just as the acts of sabotage are being done across the United States of the 20 or more food processing plants. Now just who is doing this is the big question, the President or should I say the prez??? has threatened to do what he probably had done, and an American warship passed nearby the place of disaster shortly before it occurred. Hmmmmm, now that makes me much more suspicious, We now have an aggressive president trying to show how tough he is when he pulled all of our troops out of Afghanistan and left 28 billion dollars worth of awesome military equipment not counting all the guns and munitions. Now, the coward always when he is thought of as one, usually by nature pulls off another cowardly act to show off how tough he is. If he did what he said he was going to do, it proves that since he has the big power switch with thorns on it in his hand, He has thrust it again to prove to the world just who he is. Bitem is a coward with the big switch. Now! I truly believe that someone with a bigger switch is going to retaliate! Years ago I read a prophecy of Russia, and Germany together with other countries will now attack Isreal, and also the USA. Also, the USA is not in the end times biblical prophesy, So, I think the USA probably wont be around or able to retaliate. So folks this idiot who (cheated) his way into the presidency is deliberately taking us into world war just to take the negative focus off of himself. Well, when I was told the prophecy by a dear old army friend who attended my church, was right on. He may even and actually pull off a false flag here in the U.S.A. I would sincerely believe that one of those two missing nukes that Hitlery had stolen from a nuclear storage facility will be used, and the blame will be placed on Russia.
I don’t think President Putin is that stupid and the sucker punch is about to be thrust.
Now he will probably use the food processing plants as a way to accuse Putin of performing Gray Terror on the U.S.A.
Now I sincerely doubt Putin has done the gray terror. But, Biden, yes he is the one who done it. Biden wants a nuclear exchange and is doing all he can to provoke retaliation.
Now I know this is far-fetched, NOT! Now let’s just sit back and see what he does.
He may even blow up a few of our Gas lines from Canada, and I really hope not, because I live about a mile from one, and that isn’t a comfortable distance.
Folks, Pray for America and Biden’s salvation.
He needs it and so does America.
Dave of Oregon
Dave 2020 was just weird I can’t explain it. I felt detacted living alone so for six months I went all over the net links to other links etc trying to find out what this sars2 was.
I mean what were the US public doing all locked down at home.
I had visions of nutjobs planning to clingfilm wrap their homes again, blimey HIV cronies will be 50-60 yr old now. There goes 3 generations in Oxygen helmets, not. They were allowing others to stick giant q-tips up their nozzles. Some Nuts even cut holes in their masks.
Killer, from where else California The Nose Protector. Lol!
That’s it, Americans have a Dream ..Log Cabin in the Mountains bless em.
No bloody Wonder!
You’re missing the point. If both sides are in this together then you don’t need to blow up anything, just like you don’t need an actual pandemic. They all agreed to lie about the pandemic so they can all agree to lie about anything, including this.
Biden is nothing but a puppet, a senile old man. He makes no decisions and takes no action on anything. If you really think about those facts, you will realise it is far more complicated and insidious then what meets the eye.
Here are some wise, erudite, respected people in their community who agree somewhat with you about the fate of the United States.
Is this not an example of the split?
On the one hand, this:
“The Big Picture reveals the collective West in absolute panic, with Atlanticist “elites” willing to resort to anything – outrageous lies, assassinations, terrorism, sabotage, all out financial war, support to neo-Nazis – to prevent their descent into a geopolitical and geoeconomic abyss.”
Which is the “default” position. Warring centres at each other’s throats. Though the reset gets a mention here:
“We must go back to Mackinder: control of the Eurasian land mass constitutes control of the world. American elites and their Trojan Horses across Europe will do whatever it takes not to give up their control. “American elites” in this context encompass the deranged, Straussian neo-con-infested “intel community” and the Big Energy, Big Pharma and Big Finance that pays them and who profits not only from the Deep State’s Forever War approach but also wants to make a killing out of the Davos-concocted Great Reset.”
The reset is merely something “to make a killing out of” i.e. the implication is that it’s another case of short term opportunism.
On the other hand – in a comment from one “Ozone”:
“The same set of oligarchs own and control all the assets from the western border of Russia to the west end of the Philippines. In fact the Anglo European aristocracy is the dominant player, probably. They have been historically. Yes, there are divisions between the different families. But their holdings are so interdependent that damage to one severely impacts all of them.
So, am I to believe that they have decided to destroy a massive swath of their assets to punish Russia and keep Eurasia divided?
And the icing on this cake is Liz Truss single handedly destroying the UK economy. Is that also “suicide, stupidity”. And Charlie just sits there smoking his pipe singing “Love that Good ‘n Penty” “Charlie says….”
These people have innumerable think tanks and super computers running simulations for them. So, it is hard to buy the ‘stupidity, desperation, suicide’ explanation. And it is hard to believe that all those assets going down the tubes in the EU and UK are owned “by others”. They are not. There are no “others”.
All this to keep Eurasia divided. I guess you could argue that the oligarchs “elites of the west”(Putin) would rather destroy their assets rather than let Russia and China eventually acquire them. This at least is an explanation that makes some sense. But there must be a better way to accomplish that goal.
No, something else is afoot and attributing the turn of events to desperation and stupidity does not hold up as an explanation.
I really respect you, enjoy your articles, insight and wit. But I think you and everyone else on this and other blogs are missing something big and obvious probably staring us all right in the face.”
Off-G is willing to republish interviews with Denis Rancourt when he reinforces conclusions about the pseudo-pandemic but not when he disagrees with thier conclusions on geopolitics.
Orwell’s politics were a bit off in some ways but we still quote him. 😂 🤷♂️ Cult of the personality to one side, facts and evidence-based reasoning do stand on their own. A2
RE: facts and evidence-based reasoning do stand on their own
Well then, it’s hard to do much better than Denis Rancourt. He did not jump on the Climate Change TM bandwagon and showed mathematically why CO2 could not be a driver climate problems. He showed that there are not more forest fires than in the past. He did a meta-analysis of the scientific literature of RCT’s showing that masks do not stop the spread of respiratory disease. He showed by studying “the hardest data of all” all-cause mortality, that there was no plague in 2020. That the excess mortality in the US was caused by the lockdown measures on the US’s large vulnerable populations.
He’s been right all along.
Why not feature his geopolitical analysis too?
**If you edit posts they sometimes get diverted to spam atm. Don’t know why, but I rescued this one. We should all resist the urge to tinker for the time being, or tinker in a different text editor and upload once happy. We’re looking into the cause.**
Rancourt has my respect, but this link appears to be published in 2019, pre-Covid. I thought a lot of things then which I don’t think now! Lol
Regardless, as I said, whether Rancourt adheres to this opinion now or not, it doesn’t matter. Let’s resist personality politics. Let’s separate the man from the idea and take each argument on a case-by-case basis, on its own merits. I happen to disagree that US hegemony is behind all this business. Many do. It certainly doesn’t detract one bit from Rancourt’s absolutely brilliant work on Covid (even though he probably doesn’t question virus theory enough for some people’s taste, but hey, no one can please everyone all the time, can they? XD)
Thanks for your comment. A2
RE: but this link appears to be published in 2019, pre-Covid.
The necessary preconditions for this pseudo-pandemic go back 20 years at least, including finance. It is odd that you would reject Rancourt’s work because it was published a year before the giant psy-op known as Covid-19 occurred. Geopolitics is continuous, covering a much larger arc of time. Rancourt was almost unique in that he understood right away what was happening in 2020, more than likely as he had done a deep dive on geopolitics earlier. It seems a weak reason to out of hand reject his perspective especially when his analysis ties so many issues together: the de facto state religions of climate change, equity, anti-racism, identity and gender politics etc.
You should feature him as you would develop rebuttals to his arguments, making your position stronger. You should embrace the debate. Rejecting his work because it was published (according to you) at the wrong time is specious.
My raising of this issue has nothing to do with Rancourt as a “personality”, that’s a straw-man.
After listening to and reading Rancourt’s opinion on geopolitics, can you present a very brief summary here? I wonder, for example, what is his attitude to the role of Russia and China in the so-called Great Reset? And also, does he see them as existentially different from the U.S./clique that is in power at the moment and that represents the power that he considers the root of the world’s problems?
So, if he is right about several things, then we should automatically assume that he is right about this (the geopolitical situation) as well.
Tom Larsen can also have good comments, with which I agree, but, at the moment when he, who has 3 friends from the former Socialist bloc, tells me that there, in this bloc, at that time, there was free healthcare, household security, availability of goods and services (and I forget what else he said), without putting in this picture the executions without trial and the people’s court, the seizure of property by honest, ordinary entrepreneurs and farmers (at the beginning of the regime), the concentration camps (in the middle), the rapid trials and imprisonment of people for political reasons, the large-scale system of informers as part of the comprehensive system of State Security, the shooting of people trying to escape abroad, etc., then Tom, despite being the same commentator on his good comments, is completely wrong, and frankly, reading such boldly, even passionately stated (because you got quite heated with Albert) false pictures assembled from the missing pieces of the puzzle gives me a slight nervous tic.
One had 3 friends and separately read things about the situation in the socialist bloc, the other had been there several times and listened to his grandfather from America tell him about the propaganda-brainwashed Easterns (there is no obedience due to state security, concentration camp, fast-track prison for any reason), and you are get heated to argue and defend your thesis. And I was born and lived there, and I’m telling you, you’re both wrong, and you’re wrong with a lot. That’s why I try not to talk much about how it is in America, England and so on, although I probably do (which is stupid).
I admit that it is possible for many , even all (even me:)) to be right about one thing, about several things, and to be wrong about other.
As I understand it, Dennis Rancour – naturally, judging accurately, through his integral multidisciplinary methods – is a Trump supporter, or am I wrong?
And, by the way, I didn’t understand, does he think that 2020, actually appeared this covid, which is a very mild virus, but it was hyperbolized up in the media and the mortality resulting from the measures was used by the respective power clique, which he considers to be the main bad hero?
Pepe Escobar:
Given that Germany is to the west of Poland, the Baltics, and Ukraine, I think Escobar needs to clarify his geographic categorisations. Is he implying that Germany is no longer part of the “collective West”; or is it that “the West” is not much of a “collective”? And maybe the whole purpose of the largely symbolic demonstration is that Germany is being given a lesson in “collective responsibility”?
With regard to the “who” question; it was most likely a special ops group – i.e. some shadowy off-shoot of an established military. My guess would be the US, but I would assume Poland (et al) has the means, motive and opportunity.
A declaration of war will bring wartime powers to TPTB: wartime censorship, emergency powers like rollout of digital currency, real suspension of habeus corpus, takedown of the powergrid (“Russia did it”) etc. When you lose the powergrid you lose most ability to pump water.
We MUST prevent a declaration of war; this is the moment of crisis, not later. Everything will be much more difficult and more murderous if we let them declare war.
It’s the same-old “secret war”; and it would be over if it were ever declared.
JFK (with a bit of poetic flourish):
jesus calm down. Ukraine hasn’t even declared war on Russia, and they were invaded. I think you’re missing the trick here or intentionally trying to ramp things up
And really, just how would we stop them if they decide to declare all out war?
Pepe Escobar:
Alternatively, there are some people who believe that the destruction of Germany’s energy infrastructure has been mostly an act of suicide. For example:
Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy
Pepe Escobar
September 7, 2022
The EU has weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, against the interests of European industry and consumers.
Seems a fair split with an even 5-5 draw in the up/down votes. I am suspicious of the “old” view since I noted how the Ukraine matter had the interesting effect of pulling us all back into the old Russia vs America and Left vs Right paradigm. I really feel that that’s bollocks now.
80th Anniversary Sees Revival of a German tragic farce:
“In 1942 Germans were freezing in Stalingrad. Today they are freezing again, once more in a war against Russia. However, Germans have become smarter. This time around no need to travel all the way to Stalingrad…we learn to freeze ourselves”
Nice one. Droll, very droll.
Oh the irony, should have listened to Trump, but what do I know.
Governments around the world have been infiltrated, taken over, hijacked, infested or whatever you want to call it with these silly and stewpid wadicals. Ruled from the top down to all levels necessary to usurp your authority over the power YOU grant them.
Because they are now firmly entrenched, control your money supply, your Internet, your laws, it may now cost you your lives and livelihood to get RID of them. Chance are you won’t and therefore, be led like the Pied Piper to happen anyway.
The only thing that will change is YOU will be gone and not THEM.
Curiously absent from Canadian main stream news.
Curiously sidelined in both German and UK news too. See the BBC website for a prime example. (Also if you have the deutsch.)
It’s one of the big giveaways, the mass media’s shamefaced* reluctance to discuss or publicise this huge crime.
*I originally typed “shamfaced”.
As a result, large amounts of natural gas were leaking into the Baltic sea, and supplies through the pipeline were completely shut off.
Oh no they weren’t! They were already shut off. Putin had shut already shut them off – ostensibly for repairs. Of course, the sanctions had already been imposed, the German Scholz SPD government was in a tizz – Putin solved the problem, far from stupid. But shut off, the Nord Stream pipelines were of no use to anyone, not Germany, not even Russia.
And lets get a few more facts straight. The stuff bubbling up in one of the deeper parts of the Baltic is what gas was left in the pipelines. It’ll eventually stop, the damage to the somewhat flatter pipelines will presumably still be reparable, but it’s still a major environmental disaster – wonder if Greenpeace has condemned the culprits?
And another thing, these were most definitely powerful explosions. You’d need a submarine or some underwater drones to do this. It is a spectacular show of strength, it is an obvious provocation, and it did coincide with the opening of the Baltic Pipeline. If it can can be done to the redundant Nord Stream pipelines, it can also be done to the Baltic Pipeline.
And why to you name the “former Polish defence minister”? It’s Radek Sikorski, who has long and ignoble track record, a nobody from the provincial town of Bydgoszcz who suddenly, in the 1980s, got elected to Bullingdon Club, doing whatever they do there with the likes of David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson. Suddenly won Press Photo Awards, purchased and renovated a vast mansion near Bydgoszcz, became deeply involved in more than one reset, and I wonder where all this money came from?
Even shutdown pipelines always are filled with gas, on Northstream 2 it was methane.
Indeed, and methane is even more of a greenhouse gas than CO2, why isn’t Greenpeace outraged?
you might give the content in these two links some thought when trying to discover the responsible parties.. very interesting the Baltic pipeline opens the same day of the Russian pipeline is snuffed and a 2nd unheard of pipeline going to the same place is revealed on the same day. Could it be private parties did this dead?
flatter pipelines
The pipes are think steel, protected by thicker concrete.
Yes, but how else would the gas be pushed out of these shutdown pipes?
We can’t deny that there has been one group in particular that has been causing most if not all of the warring chaos of the past few decades – the Straussians.
The EU brought to its knees by the Straussians
Yes, I agree. This is all about the Great Reset. I think they have gamed this all out in advance–I think these people are masters of game theory. I think all govt (except perhaps an isolated few) are captured puppet states and the leaders simply follow orders. The US neocons did everything necessary to provoke Russia into attacking Ukraine, which gave Putin cover for what he did, which then gave the US cover for the sanctions that are actually destroying the West (and on and on it will go until the global economy is brought to its knees).
This T-shirt pretty much sums up my take on the coup we had here in 2020
I don’t believe Trump was on board with the Great Reset–they needed a total puppet in place to make their already gamed out agenda work. Senile Joe is simply cover for the deliberate destruction of the American and global economies by the central bankers who rule the world. I also don’t believe that Kamala is stupid (Joe is definitely senile though)–I think it is a deliberate act, so that when America is completely destroyed Americans will say it was because we had a senile President and a stupid VP. The media loves to play clips of Kamala talking like she’s not intelligent, but all of these people get speech writers. And obviously there’s simply no way a speech writer would write any of that crap–it’s all deliberate act to make her look dumb, and to cover for the fact that there is a deliberate plot of destruction going on. People can simply look up how she spoke at hearings when she was in the Senate. Or earlier speeches from when she was running for Senate in CA–it’s all an act to serve as a cover story for a deliberate plot of destroying America and the global economy. Even Steve Hilton who has a show on FOX on Sat night said he has met and talked with her in person and she’s not dumb at all (she comes from two highly educated parents- both PhDs)
Here are a few videos worth watching multiple times (I can’t recommend them enough)–Andy Schectman is a metals broker and has been able to connect lots of dots going back to 2017 that demonstrate how everything that is happening is being orchestrated by a hidden hand. He believes that this is being orchestrated by the banking cartel (the people who run the world and are behind the Great Reset and the CBDCs- digital slave grid transaction system)
4 Signs the U.S. Dollar May Be Toast – Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, Andy Schectman
Andy initially outlined all of this info with Jay Martin (Robert Kiyosako references this video and says he had all of his people listen several times):
Why Are Central Banks Around the World Hoarding Gold? With Andy Schectman
(as a metals dealer, he has access to insider info about what is going on behind the scenes, in terms of who is buying up the metals, so he can see the orchestrating and pre-planning going on by the insiders–the plot to destroy the global economy and usher in their Great Reset, with BRICS playing a key role–fwiw- all those BRICS leaders are onboard with UN Agenda 2030)
And I’d also call this one a MUST LISTEN:
The Crypto Conspiracy Podcast – Episode 24 – One World Digital Currency… What You Need To Know
David Morgan, silver expert, is interviewing Kent Lewiss (who I have heard Catherine Austin Fitts mention), who sees bitcoin as a creation of the Federal Reserve and BRICS as being orchestrated and controlled by the same banking cartel (so the same people in charge of the current financial system, which is now being deliberately destroyed, will be in charge of the new system being set up with BRICS–which makes total sense since these people always control both sides). Kent’s info is posted here:
Also, more on BRICS being controlled by the usual suspects here:
BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide by Greg Reese
And here:
Please share this info!!
Also, I forgot to add, I highly recommend watching Greg Mannarino on youtube–he’s a financial expert, but he keeps it simple so everyone can understand (he gives you the general overview of what is happening and what the agenda is). IMO, he’s the very best because he truly grasps the level of EPIC CRIMINALITY we are up against (as in GENOCIDAL)–we literally have people (central bankers) who have the power to print money out of thin air, without any accountability or oversight and they have used that power to take over the world. When they intervene in markets (e.g. plunge protection team with the stock market), they go in and buy up stock with dollars printed out of thin air (so they end up with ownership). Mannarino also says this is what happens in the debt market (bonds, etc.)–when it starts to crash, central bankers go in and intervene by buying up the debt with money printed/created out of thin air. So, in essence, as this process continues, they are buying up assets with money they created and they will end up owning everything, while at the same time they are debasing the currency to ZERO, which is when they will introduce their CBDC (digital slave grid transaction system). Honestly, Mannario is the best one out there because he is the only one who calls out the EPIC criminality every single day.
I also highly recommend listening to a couple of interviews with Bill Holter as guest–I usually find him with SGT report (bitchute) or with USAWatchdog with Greg Hunter. He’s been warning for years that the way this whole global economic collapse is going to happen is when there is a liquidity/credit freeze (I think he also mentions the debt market), with the idea being that there is not enough liquidity in the system and it locks up– nobody lends to anyone, you might not even be able to use credit cards, ATMs, or get your cash out of the bank (so, I’ve been hearing lots of warnings about keeping some of your cash at home where you can get your hands on it).
Jeremiah Babe is also worth listening to–he puts out almost daily warnings on youtube–he keeps it general, so everyone can understand what he’s talking about. He tells you what is happening, where this is going and how to protect yourself and prepare (I watch Mannarino and Jeremiah daily). Lynnette Zang is also worth watching–she’s been warning about what happens for years. She’s an expert on the life-cycles of currencies, takes questions and keeps things at an understandable level.
For those who don’t understand the monetary system, go to and watch:
***Bill Still’s The Money Masters–a follow the money lesson in history, demonstrates how the Rothschild banking family took over Europe and then America by getting the power to issue the national currency
Aaron Russo’s America- Freedom To Fascism (all about the banker takeover and the illegal IRS)
***Mike Rivero’s All Wars are Bankers Wars
***quick clip from The International called “The essence of banking”–it’s all about getting humanity and nation states into debt. This is literally how they have taken over the world and people and nations are in debt to private bankers for money that never existed. Our whole lives we have been told that the leader of this nation or that nation wants to take over the world, when in reality, the people who have been taking over the world are the central bankers who orchestrate the wars, get nations into debt and then end up owning them.
-Money As Debt – part 1 -goes over how we are living under a debt based financial system–even Thomas Jefferson knew and warned about it: “the debt based monetary system has drenched the world in blood.” It does not have to be this way. Governments have the power to issue the national currency (simply by virtue of the fact that they are the govt) without going into debt. President Lincoln did this with his greenbacks, which is why they blew his head off.
More sites/books:
Best Evidence youtube channel by John Titus (he works with Catherine Austin Fitts)
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson
Money Creators: Who Creates Money? Who Should Create it?
The Lost Science Of Money; The Mythology Of Money And Story Of Power ( 2002) – Stephen Zarlenga
Seven Financial Conspiracies which Have Enslaved the American People By Sarah Emery
(She dedicates the book to the enslaved people of a dying republic–and this was back in 1894, just like Bannon said in his CPAC speech, this battle over control of the monetary system goes way back)
F William Engdahl’s The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century (or just watch him: :F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked” on EuropesHeart youtube channel)Ellen Brown’s Web of Debt (quick easy read–not technical at all)
Please share!! In order to fight back, we need people of the world to understand the basics of the monetary system because it is by virtue of control over the global monetary system that these genocidal psychopathic central bankers have taken over the world and are using their power to enslave us
Finally, the enemies of humanity have openly declared war on all of us with “Welcome to 2030, where you will own nothing and be happy”- they are deadly serious and have already gamed this all out.
Dr. Mike Yeadon: “When people tell you what they’re going to do, don’t ignore them”
”The US neocons did everything necessary to provoke Russia into attacking Ukraine, which gave Putin cover for what he did, which then gave the US cover for the sanctions that are actually destroying the West (and on and on it will go until the global economy is brought to its knees).”
I don’t know why we have to keep on going over this but anyway … The coup in the maiden in 2014 carried out by various right-wing actors and outright fascists and in Independence Square Kiev and funded by the usual suspects, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Human Rights Watch (HRW) the ubiquitous Mr Soros (Open Society Foundation – OSF), Moreover, top American officials Victoria Nuland (she really does get around) and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. The Americans then hand-picked a new Ukrainian ‘Government’.
The actual Ukrainian President was Victor Yanukovic who was forced to fell for his life whilst the new House order was filled by American yes-men. This set the scene for the wars against the Russian speaking Don Bass – Donetsk and Lugansk. The invasion didn’t go to well as the hastily formed militias defeated the Ukie army at the battles of Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo in 2015. The Russian government held back but there were volunteers and arms which crossed the porous border and a great deal of sympathy for the militias.
Roll on for 8 years where the Ukies had been shelling to two republics. The Minsk Agreements were a farce since the Germans and French were not acting in good faith.
Once again the Ukies did what they always do – to wit shelling the Don Bass during which up to 14000 inhabitants had been killed. The Ukie army was boosted to some 100,000 men under arms strung out along the border of the two republics. That was it for Putin, he’d had enough, and so we are where we are. The idea that the whole episode was ‘fake’ or a ‘fix’ strikes me as ludicrous. And BTW real fascist scum of the earth in the Azov regiment, the Tornado Battalion, the Aidar Battalion were actually involved in a war of extermination, which Putin actually prevented.
Now for the bollocks. Oh, it was all a ‘fix’, all ‘fake’, Russia invaded Ukraine because it liked doing those sorts of thinjs. To use Harold Pinter’s description. ”Even whilst it was happening it wasn’t happening.” Or the other way round.
Super stupid with an 8+ and not a single negative thumb. Normal – the chickens begin to gather in a row along the millet path
Very likely, a Germany that is frozen this winter will turn to Russia for gas and heat, fulfilling the prophecy that Germany will be one of the other 5 of 6 nations that comes against Israel in Ezekiel 38 and 39.
That is called “The Battle of Gog and Magog.
If people would study prophecy at real Churches instead of going to feel good, light show, guitar and drum churches, many of these issues would not be such a mystery to them.
Beware: most of what we call the Bible — with the exception of some of the New Testament — was written by Zionists. That includes the much ballyhooed Book of Revelation.
You’ll find out the Truth soon enough.
God’s will eh? He/she must love us so much.
I do not need religion to be switched on to the agenda. All the religions on earth have done such a good job by either direct support of the WEF agenda or just kept very quiet, Certainly a dearth of martyrs nowadays!
Fresh, Fresh. From mutts from WEF. (Also reading between the lines, the picture we already know is arranged in the expected way.)
Are economic headwinds blowing in the direction of a global recession? Chief economists answer; Sep 28
/short excerpts:
“Once-in-a-generation inflation in the US and Europe could choke off global growth, with a global recession possible in 2023, say economists.
With food and energy security under threat, and wages stagnating, many countries are faced with cost of living crises.
Leading economists, as part of the Chief Economists Outlook, discussed what different countries and regions are doing to withstand the economic storm at a Special Agenda Dialogue.
“When we last gathered for the World Economic Forum’s Chief Economists Outlook in May, we spoke of the perfect storm brewing,” said Saadia Zahidi, Managing Director, World Economic Forum. “Unfortunately, what seemed to be dark clouds overhead back then, is now turning into a full-blown economic storm.”
With COV-19 measures easing in many countries in early 2022, the medium-term expectation was for economies to be reinvigorated by rising consumer confidence and a return to normalcy for supply chains. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China’s zero-COV policy, the energy and food crises, saw optimism for the global economy dwindle in the latter half of the year.
The World Economic Forum’s Chief Economists Outlook for September 2022 surveyed economic leaders from around the world to collect insights on their reading of the global economic situation. The outlook is grim, with 73% of respondents believing that a global recession is either somewhat likely or extremely likely. ? ! ? 🙄 🤔
With the war in Ukraine being a proximate cause of many disruptions, particularly food and energy security, over 85% of respondents see geopolitical risk as having a major impact on global economic activity. Two-thirds of respondents, too, say that supply chains will be reconfigured according to redrawn geopolitical fault lines.
Respondents in the survey are generally optimistic about Asia and MENA. This may see the balance of economic power continue to shift East, something that predates COV-19 and the Russian invasion.
The final chapter is literally called: A brave new world
The mounting geopolitical and economic turmoil will have profound implications on the business world. The survey finds that, while globalization and global economic integration will remain under pressure, some economic segments like finance and services will see higher integration over the next three years. Goods and labour, on the other hand, will become more regionally fragmented.
Multinational companies that have benefited from liberalization and deregulation over the last few decades may have to adopt diversified supply strategies, with respondents indicating that localization and alignment with new geopolitical fault lines will be crucial for these organizations.
“Ultimately,” said Miller, “It is quite clear we’re in a transitionary phase. Technology is creating immense opportunities, as is ESG. Those who navigate this will be the ones who adapt best.”
Taking a ‘wait and see’ approach toward global recession simply won’t do in this fast-moving new economic reality that demands awareness and flexibility. Risk diversification, cost efficiencies, and sustainability will be crucial moving forward.
Bhatia, in conclusion, emphasized that “Integrating ESG principles across the board, whether that’s in supply chains, operations or digital transformation, will be critical to companies going forward. Coupled hereto is a strong focus on being data-driven. Companies who live-and-breath ESG and data-centricity will stay competitive.”
To wrap up the session, Zahidi noted the importance of leadership: “We saw a concerted effort amid the pandemic to push the global economy into the right direction, with a strong focus on the green economy and reskilling for the future. We need multistakeholder cooperation, from both governments and the private sector alike, to steer us through this storm.”
Plin-plain, do you have a website? I’d rather read your long comments there. Feel free to link.
😮 Of course I don’t have, Vic-Mic. Sites are special places designated for those who have something to say, with facts and the rest of the preparation. And nowadays, alt-sites should have Apostolic functions (therefore, some transmit the Gospel of Russia’s non-participation; others vice versa). It’s a big responsibility, I don’t envy Kit and Cate (that’s why I don’t criticize them too much). But it is also a great honor that is not reserved for everyone; only special people can pull out the pen stuck in the propaganda stone! ✍
I’m just scribbling with a pen on the paper. 🙂
aye , like a e.g. frankGL etc, you are fine, at times; but need your own platform,..just stop clogging shtuff up with semantic gibber?? ; )
said the rabid ranter, raaaargh i avoid overly smert wordplay, hopefully.
carry on my button, ; ) chortle,
hae a wee X too
i joust. who’s colours? arrghhh i just read that
WHO i meant, not some insane war.
I understood half of what you said (with a lot of effort). It’s not gonna work. But you can tell someone else what to do, stop or continue, and they might listen. I have no interest in such advice, but thanks. 🙂
Keep spinning in circles with meaningful statements to make your head spin easier, bewitching yourself in the magic that this holds the way to the solution to the real problem.
So many compliments at once…I feel uncomfortable get them. I can only respond with the first thumb up to your unforgettable comment, so well summarizing my participation here that I am convinced it will get many thumbs up.
Now let’s see, grandpa, when you’re so mature, smart, real and connected to reality, where you’re going to solve today’s big problem. 😄
(And unless you have something else to add, I suggest that we most cordially free the space from discussing my insignificant personality. I don’t mind, but I think there are more important things to say.)
Hey, Vicky-Mickey mouse, how are you?
So you’re saying you’d rather not read my long comments here?
And in the last “this week in the new normal,” you’re indirectly saying about me.: “Over the years, I’ve been able to observe a thing or two re. trolls. They always respond tit-for-tat. They always want the last word.”
Immediately to confirm your opinion, Mr. rubberheid joined in, , who on several occasions expressed doubts that I was “paid, “agent,” etc.
The same doubts that have been expressed several times by the honorable user Mr. TDj.
The same doubt that the user Observe once expressed.
Several people independently noticed that too long comments, and also that I was a troll.
Reviewing, quickly, for minutes, some of the topics on Russia and Ukraine, and also other topics mentioning the question, what to see? All listed are of the opinion that there is a US/West – Russia war, the potential complicity of Russia in Great Reset is defamatory, grumble that this is not advocated in the OffG, and you specifically, Vicki, at least twice asked “is OffG under monitoring by the Ukrainian SBU”.
Good job, comrades. 👮
The Fraudian’s days and days of invective against Truss shows once again just how bogus their supposed feminism is. Perhaps she’s “superficially” a woman?
There is of course plenty to lament about Truss – but not what’s most upsetting them. It’s that the IMF was critical that has them most bothered. Can’t be in opposition to a globalist body!
Ultimately, it’s mostly about vindicating “Starmer-ism” and damning what might very loosely be called “Corbyn-ism” (not the man himself who I don’t believe in at all but some of the ideas that were hitched to his wagon). A leftist populism must be kept firmly off anywhere near any reins of power.
Shock horror! Inducing trauma leads to trauma! Next up: People who have been killed tend to stay dead!
The autumn waves
Surge on your TV
The rising waves
The zombie hordes….
And look! There’s the proof. A guy in red (subliminal text: Star Trek Red Shirt) is rushing down the corridor! Also note the blurred nurse on the right! She’s moving fast! And she’s carrying some kinda clip board thing! What more proof do you need?
Red shirt — that’s a nice touch! 😂
Well, Mr Knightly, if we assume for a moment that it was the Yanks and the Brits wot did it, wouldn’t that constitute an armed attack on the infrastructure of a fellow NATO member, i.e. Germany? And wouldn’t that justify some seroius counter measures? So I’d argue it does matter what really happened and who did what.
Ooh so true. You nailed it. SO important. We can think about it while we’re sitting in the dark after they use this psyop as an excuse to turn the power off.
The only war here is them against us. Who did it? THEY did. The 1%, the globalists. Who did they do it to? Us. Ok. The rest is bullshit. And if people don’t wake up to this fact it will be too late.
” i see no dead people unless i say so” ..and “i will ignore any offering, any suggestion otherwise, unless under my rules. i refuse to use the internet!!!” (para)
this is the same eejit. ffs people.
ye, RP, have the cheek elsewhere, to accuse your colleagues(?) of being 77? hilarious,
and oor heids button up, from the front…
get tae eff, the Old Ones tell me.
you ain’t real and have come very late to the show,
‘gopro is a far more convincing version, jury remains out on PL and gang.., there are gangs…
awa ye go, RP FAIL
Don’t worry, R. Mossad did it and we don’t need to know anything else.
…- It would indeed, rechenmacher… – It would therefore also constitute an Article 5 trigger…
…- ‘Omoshiroi’ is a Japanese term I’ve somewhat fallen in love with of late – It *Certainly* applies in this case… 🙂
We know who did what, the same bastards who used the scamdemic as a cover for killing people are using war and sanctions and sabotage to do the same. End of.
I wonder at what stage in this satanic pantomime, the loons on the left will give up on their mis-gendering and pro-noun fantasies?
Nothing like a bit of starvation & nuclear fall-out to offer some perspective!
Every cloud…
Hmm, slinging slime and smear with a touch of ad hominem is no substitute for reasoned comment using verifiable evidence to support your claims.
The German MP who warned about something dramatic happening on the 24 September 2022 had obviously been informed about ‘the incident’. This is all becoming so predictable … the US and UK appear to be prepared to do ANYTHING to draw Russia into an-all-out confrontation.
How much more will Russia be able to actually tolerate before realising that the Neocons have been planning an all-out war with Russia for a very long time. Moreover, they have been goading Putin since about 2014 (if not earlier) when the Neocons go-to-girl, Victoria Nuland, orchestrated the bloody coup in Ukraine.
The US and UK appear to be smelling ‘blood-in-the-water’ due to the reluctance of the Russians to put an end to the upstart Ukronazis terror-tactics, so now, the Neocons are engaging in open, in-your-face terrorism. It’s as obvious as canine gonads … one doesn’t need Watson or Scott Ritter to expose what’s going on … it’s elementary deductive crap. … and the Russkies are still too intent on ‘playing nice’ … with their ‘Western-partners’ …
My God, the parallel universe raving just gets worse.
What are you even talking about you headcase? “Reluctance”? “Playing nice”? Why are you talking as if this was 2015?
Little reminder — Russia supposedly has 50,000 troops in Ukraine specifically sent there to “end” the UkroNazis.
Have you forgotten? Has that all gone down the Memory Hole now too?
It’s so fucking mental
Every time they initiate the problem-reaction-solution cycle, it’s actually an opportunity for us to respond locally with a simple solution.
These idiots aren’t even trying to be consistent any more. They talk about the deliberate implosion of the West, Great Reset etc etc – but still try to make out the “war” that’s bringing it all about is just a coincidence and a genuine conflict! I gave up reading them soon after the whole phony conflict started and Patrick Henningsen started doing his Churchill bullshit. That man is a fucking light weight idiot.
For you and your fellow travellers education here is a very small snippet of a very detailed, very informative article.
The Great Reset is nothing short of a neo feudal system, where the self-proclaimed oligarchs collapse the economy whilst still retaining the control of the financial system, the food system, the health system etc… and of course the control of what is soon to become a very, very unhappy population (you and me).
This is why they experimented on us – not only with the ‘vaccine,’ but also with the vaccine mandate, aka “Green Pass” or “le Pass Sanitaire” to corral us all into their digital wallet system, one which will be required in the years to come – to eat, work, travel, vote…the list is endless.
Such an exercise involves the removal of a nation’s sovereignty said Harley Schlanger, which would explain why transnational government and their networks no longer act in the best interest of our nations but in the interest of their new rules-based order. Deregulation of stock markets, bond markets, and the energy markets – is all part of the controlled disintegration recipe and will be imposed until we are on our knees begging for energy or food, or to simply keeping our home. They clearly have been working on this for a very long-time, as they knew one mistake along the way could be fatal to them. It seems that they have already made a few.
Still, we must keep on exposing this gigantic fraud, and know that they eventually will fall; I believe the world has awakened quicker than they originally thought which has forced “Mr Global” to accelerate its agenda’s momentum. The good news is that speed in this kind of scenario always implies mistakes, so keep your eyes peeled, and be ready to hold them to account.
It would be naive to believe that all this time the petrodollars were reinjected into the economy, as such revenues represent the source from which the banks have drawn most of their wealth and power. Under ‘Volker rules’ we saw deindustrialization and globalization in action, where family farms were transformed into food and agriculture cartel, not to mention the attack on US manufactures and the associated relocation of US most strategic manufacturing plants to China, South America and other cheap labour locations around the world. This was also the birth of the outsourcing era pointed out Harley in his video, and in many ways it was a massive reconsolidation of wealth and power – which his all too common in the wake of a big boom-bust cycle.
From the 1980’s onward, we gradually saw the birth of the new ‘green’ movement where ecology became politicised in order to bring into the controlled disintegration framework, with its twin sisters, namely “controlled depopulation” and “stopping weapons of mass destruction” whose blueprints can be found in Klaus Schwab’s mentor Henry Kissinger’s 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200 (The Kissinger Report). This seminal report was declassified in 1980 and revealed for the first time in history that population growth in the Third World was identified as a “national security threat” and that measures to reduce birth rate and increase death rate was being seriously entertained. After just over 40 years, I believe we too in the western world have become the target of this agenda.
What should we expect? And what should be our response?
Now we are living in the ‘climate change’ era, where a One Health approach justify government ‘public health’ actions and other unprecedented moves against their populations, where new alleged vector-born diseases are deemed to be the direct result of things like global warming, and not a natural occurrence, or worse, conjured up by useless PCR data. The globalists insist that all of these problems are man-made, but never government-made. They claim that it is our excessive CO2 emissions that are somehow creating pandemics and environmental catastrophes that affect food supply. Thanks to computer modeling they are able to creates impressive charts and predictive models to justify any state of emergency for health or for the environment. And today’s energy sector is no exception, it must be torn down as apparently our means for generating energy is simply not sustainable, and therefore the EU’s Green New Deal must apply.
Funny, I always thought nuclear was one of the cleanest energy sources, and who would’ve ever imagined that a Cow’s fart and Cow’s feces will be at the centre of the new zero carbon related policies.
This is how neo liberal policies play a part in the control disintegration of our industries and our energy, food and agriculture systems not to become more
efficient or environmental friendly, but simply to be brought under their exclusive control. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill Gates of the world want it all, and they are prepared to demolish it all to “Build Back Faster”. The party’s over, and the global oligarchs are reconsolidating their wealth and power.
I note you and your fellow travellers can offer no verifiable evidence to counter the points made in this small snippet from a very detailed article. Ignorance rule eh !
do you have a link to the full article?
Be my guest.
The Man from Uncle did it, with a little help from Denmark near whose shallow waters the dastardly deed was done, and who fought exceptionally hard to stop NS2. I have been commenting for years on Skandiwegian Skullduggery to wrest control from Russia of Arctic oil and Northwest Passage.
Dude still thinks countries act alone in such matters and that the the controllers of these same countries are in fact trying to harm each other, rather than actually trying to destroy all of us. What a shame.
something like that, they all have their demense to manage, as they see fit. the great game, ha.
but they are definately trying to cull us, as ever, just with much haste of late.
body count/woe/misery, i reckon they get an on-the-house for “mere statistics”.
we don’t count, we are the tokens in their game. certainly.
they contest their wee arenas, we die.
they’re a big club, we….
Analysis of the costs of renewables (and especially the Oxford University report claiming the switch to green energy would save millions):
I particularly noted about the four Oxford authors:
“All four specialize in mathematical modeling, and none appears to have any expertise (at least none they are willing to admit to) in how to engineer an electrical grid that works.”
Hmm…. mathematical modeling? Where’ve I heard that one before?….
The sabotage of us, by them……BINGO!
No one gets the whole picture. Neither do I but here is what I have gleaned from keeping ears open and head down.
I work in a secure place. That’s all I’m saying. Here’s what I know.
China is the societal model for the globalists (the super wealthy families and their retainers).
China was nurtured by them as a testing ground as far back as the seventies. They like the results – a super-passive population trained to live with arbitrary senseless rules and limited personal autonomy.
The challenge since early 200s has been how to transfer this model to the “free” world with its hardwired tradition of what they term toxic and extreme individualism and relatively high amount of personal liberty.
The first attempt was through the fake pandemic.
Everyone with any clearance knows it’s fake by the way.
Th pandemic was a nutty scheme pioneered by a small but vociferous & well connected group. They really are pretty nuts.
it proved problematic from the beginning.
The story was going to be that this non-existent virus originated in China and the Chinese handled the dangers with customary ruthlessness and efficiency – but it worked.
This was intended to usher in an orchestrated debate in western media about whether human rights should be abandoned sometimes for collective good.
The result was pre-ordained to be a “yes”, whereafter the Chinese style of social governance would be slowly introduced into the West – to “save lives” etc.
At the same time the pandemic would be blamed for food shortages and rising prices, thus introducing rationing into the mix.
It was originally planned that by these methods we would, by mid-2021, be well on the road toward “owning nothing and being happy”
The more astute readers here will remember the puffs in the western media about China dealing with the pandemic so much better than the West etc etc.
However serious lack of agreement at the highest levels in certain western countries (mainly US and UK) about the nature and speed of the transition, plus unexpected (by the nuts) grass roots resistance worldwide began to slow things down and fragment initial resolve.
Too much info about the fake nature of the pandemic was circulated by disaffected members of organizations in the know who are not on board with the Great Reset.
Momentum became lost.
The nuts were told to go home and shut up and the senior bosses (I don’t know who they are) commissioned a rethink. A new plan to achieve the same result – the so-called “Sino-fication” of the West.
This was when the war scenario was put together – over the spring/summer of 2021. I witnessed this part happen in part.
It was reasoned that one major weakness of the previous attempt had been the level of obvious co-operation between the global leaders, leaving the masses with a too-obvious common enemy – the leaders themselves. People like Trudeau and the NZ woman were freaked out. No likee.
A war scenario was favored for Attempt #2 as it would activate atavistic tribal loyalty instincts and play into long-cultivated geopolitical prejudices.
This was put to the ruling clique in Moscow (no, not Putin, he just rubber stamps these days) who were in agreement.
I am assuming some are aware the Cold War was created as a psychological experiment in the immediate post-war period and proved very informative and useful for crowd-management, attention-control and fear-inculcation. Both sides of the artificial divide were of course carefully managed, stories crafted, crises generated to create maximum realism and induce longterm loyalties, prejudicial thinking and trauma responses that would prove to be multi-generational.
The Cold War as mass-management tool had been abandoned in the 1980’s in favor of the hedonism/inculcated-ignorance experiment, which was not particularly successful in terms of creating a mass pdychology.
The failure of the pandemic to create an entry point for the Great Reset persuaded the elites to go back to the earlier model.
It was agreed over the summer of 2021 to pursue a war/Cold War program, using existing biases and the long history of NATO/WP tension to create a new entry point for the Great Reset that had a better chance of rooting.
The long-standing and carefully cultivated “flashpoint” in Ukraine, with its built-in polarisation and collective trauma potential (images of Nazi regalia) was selected over Syria as being more potent in its potential effect on the Western audience (the initial target of this operation as outlined above).
It was agreed to inculcate subconscious and conscious associations with WW2 as well as the Cold War.
Conflicting and emotionally resonant narratives would of course be utilized and carefully planted so that – as with the original Cold War experiment – neither side had a clear moral ascendancy and therefore personal prejudices of individuals could be utilized to do much of the “heavy lifting” of assigning value and loyalty..
Ukraine would be presented as a victim, while also disseminating disturbing images of the NeoNazis preserved in their midst through the legacy media.
Russia would be presented as aggressor, while its own story of victimhood would be widely disseminated through its own media and through “independent” outlets.
This would provide a rich growth medium for polarized controversy.
It was agreed Russia’s “operation” (their military refused to call it a war for their own reasons), would be limited, devolve mostly on the various local militias in eastern Ukraine and remain as low key and token as humanly possible.
It was also agreed on the desirability of there being no clear resolution or outcome for at least 12 months, to give time for the other aspects to be rolled out through this new means.
It was agreed the covid attempt had been too speedy. Time would be taken on this second attempt.
Fear of escalation and nuclear war would be promoted directly in the media and through leaks or rumors.
Sabotage and sanctions would be slowly rolled out to create energy shortages, food shortages and price increases.
Which brings us to now.
posting this as reply since my first attempt went to pending
At some point in the near future two option are being gamed and, so far as I know, no firm decision yet reached.
OPTION 1 – a limited or accidental nuclear exchange in Europe. Probably simulated. Area cordoned, evacuated. Chaos. Supply chain breakdown. It’s anticipated the mass-mind will by this point be sufficiently inculcated through emotional imprinting and fear responses that widespread acceptance of “emergency measures” will be welcomed.
Emergency measures to include – mandatory injections, strict travel bans, rationing.
Such measures to become permanent.
This scenario will result in a Cold War with new, digital, iron curtain. In reverse of the previous version, the Western portion will have the lower standard of living and relatively poor freedom index, though this will even out over time as the western cultures lose their addiction to the most “toxic” and “destructive” (their words) forms of individualism
OPTION 2 – a full scale nuclear war is narrowly averted, and on the back of this a multipolar world government is “demanded” by the media to avert it happening again, resulting , it’s intended and gamed, in a flood of love for Mother Earth leading to semi-voluntary earth-preserving actions, such as carbon rationing, travel restrictions (through credits), ‘realistic’ fuel and food costs, re-wilding.
Any combination of Option 1 and 2 remains possible in Sep ’22. Both are being gamed as I write.
Be warned and watch carefully. These guys mean to succeed this time at any cost. Some of them are insane and all of them are sick and evil.
An interesting and feasible hypothesis junior, but give us some names and dates so we can chew it over.
(We won’t dob you in).
You’ve had a lot of fun playing around with these ideas, haven’t you junior? Most likely, things will turn out nothing like you’ve predicted.
This gives me hope if true. It means TPTB aren’t as powerful as we fear and they screw up a lot. Perhaps the Great Reset can be averted after all.
The Chinese system comes to America
“Who—one of the richest men in the world—loved the Mao Revolution in China? Who wrote about it glowingly, in the NY Times: “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution [30-60 million killed by their own government], it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” (“From a China Traveler”, The New York Times, August 10, 1973.)
Who sent his agent, the president of the United States, Richard Nixon, to China, a year earlier, to open up trade after 25 years of diplomatic isolation?
Whose family had staged a revolution in medicine in the early 20th century, ultimately forcing a pharmaceutical paradigm down the throats of billions of people?
Who extended the germ theory of disease to the point at which populations would be hypnotized by it?
Who knew that medical tyranny and dictatorship were the roads to travel, in order to gain control of nations and bring in a new world order?
His beloved Chinese system of slavery comes to America.
Its goal? A collectivist world, run as a corporate entity. What better excuse for its necessity than a global “pandemic?” Top-down governance of the planet, in order to detect the earliest signs of disease outbreaks anywhere…
Who is in charge of destroying separate nations?
One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973. It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).
Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”
In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote:
“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”
Goodbye, separate nations.
Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, in his Memoirs (2003):
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
“Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, in his Memoirs (2003):
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
There you are, Kit: not only supports your thesis of “Them” versus “Us” but names one of “Them”.
Just to clarify, do you disagree with the “them” versus “us” analysis? Is it your contention the super-wealthy 0.1% are NOT exploiting, degrading, poisoning and possibly seeking to kill large numbers of the 99.9%?
No disagreement that it’s “them” (Capitalists red in tooth and claw) vs “us” (the workers). Just pointing out that NoCentral has actually named one of these useless eaters, David Rockefeller, who stood up proudly and said: “Unashamed!”.
Most of these parasites prefer to burrow in the dark. Their names should be dragged into the light and printed for use come the Revolution.
Hello, End Central Banks: Excellent. The Trilateral Commission was and is, comprised of some of most influential characters in history. David Rockefeller isn’t just a name…
Quoted from Wikipedia: >
“Membership is divided into numbers proportionate to each of the think tank’s three regional areas. North America is represented by 120 members: 20 Canadian, 13 Mexican and 87 American. The European group has reached its limit of 170 members from almost every country on the continent; the ceilings for individual countries are 20 for Germany, 18 for France, Italy and the United Kingdom, 12 for Spain and 1–6 for the rest.
At first Asia and Oceania were represented only by Japan, but in 2000 the Japanese group of 85 members became the Pacific Asia group, comprising 117 members: 75 Japanese, 11 South Koreans, seven Australian and New Zealand citizens, and 15 members from the ASEAN nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand). The Pacific Asia group also included 9 members from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The commission now claims, “more than 100” Pacific Asian members.
The Trilateral Commission’s bylaws apparently deny membership to public officials. It draws its members from politics, business, and academia, and has three chairpersons, one from each region.
The current chairs are former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Joseph S. Nye, Jr., former head of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet, and Yasuchika Hasegawa, chair of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company.
I know some will gripe that I’m using Wikipedia, but there are plenty of other sources.
Trilateral Commission – Wikipedia
The Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited is a Japanese multinational pharmaceutical company, with partial American and British roots. It is the largest pharmaceutical company in Asia and one of the top 20 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world by revenue.
Let’s just ignore the details…
RE: Who is in charge of destroying separate nations?
The Empire. I don’t know why word has disappeared from the debate. After WWII the US decided it was going to be the dominant superpower. After the fall of the USSR, the US centered empire decided it was going to dominate the world and began the process of destroying former Soviet republics who dared to resist US capital expropriation, then with the GWOT, a “clear and hold” process began to clear the Middle East of countries wishing to control thier own resources to establish Full Spectrum Dominance.
Did all that just go poof in 2020?
The people doing it are a couple notches up the pole from the empire. They’re the ones who decide what system we have and they’re in the middle of switching over to a new one, ditching the empire and bringing in a “multipolar” world. Saying it’s the empire is missing the whole point
Well said.
The USA has been the world’s most powerful nation-state since 1945 and the global hegemon since 1991. The USA has the most grotesquely powerful military machine in human history. Hollywood and MTV conquered hearts and minds and wallets worldwide. The dollar is the world’s reserve currency.
So if there’s going to a Great Reset, which nation-state is most likely to control the planning and coordination of that radical rupture? China? Russia? (What’s the lingua franca at WEF meetings and at Davos? Russian? Mandarin?)
The predatory and parasitical ruling class has decided that capitalism has served its purpose (because they now own everything) and that it’s time to shed all that nonsense about freedom and democracy and healthy competition among businesses. Forget “multipolar”; think global monopoly with local managers. Think empire and satraps.
The future is feudal, if they get their way.
There won’t be any nation state controlling the new multipolar world. There hasn’t been a nation state controlling things for years. The big boys at the top use nation states like disposable gloves or sock puppets, and right now they’re changing stuff up. They’re dumping the US and Western Europe and picking up Russia and China.
it’s all change for the multipolar world Paddy, so stop living in the past and keep up!
why are you tilting at each other, whilst saying almost the same thing? we can have different perspectives, surely?
agpro, so you don’t think “past” hegemonies still hold sway?
neo, or digi-feudalism, sounds about right to me. Mind you, what distance have we ever really made from neyf or serf? .. there’ll be no peasants, just hive-borg, in the near future?
I get what you mean with the new multipolar world (but not really new at all? a more natural order lol – do ye mean the level of control as “new”?)
but how on earth is it all change if the same funts fund it (ironically that may be “us”)…?
but you are right about the dumped west, sent back to 1950 if we are lucky. that’s optimism ; )
Hello Junior: Unfortunately, most persons will blow right by what you’ve posted…
In my opinion, the “reset” began in 1600 with the East India Company, and the manipulative policies thereof. The British Crown took control of the India’s political fallout in 1858. China was added to the “reset” agenda in 1949 under Mao Zedong.
The “Great” Chinese famine resulted in the death of (approximately) 36 million civilians. That was not the only failure under Mao… The alleged Communist “party” has been no party at all. But hey. Details, details… There’s money in them there hills…
Gawd save us, is everyone going mental?
Gawd won’t save you from the results of history. Yes. I’ve been mental since birth…
you’ve missed shtuff out!! metinks the Sinois got euro-humped long before Mao, …?
You’re right. European influence (humping) of Oriental peoples began shortly after discovery. Spain and England possessed the largest ships and navies, and trade negotiations were driven by Royal financiers and Vatican interests…
The setting up of Maritime Rule is all about financial control of land rights and civil populations. Little has changed in over 400 years.
Is this guy for real?
About as real as Walter Mitty.
Scenario 1 has to be simulated, because nukes are a hoax, just as the Cold War was a hoax, viruses and contagion are also hoaxes, and vaccines are and always were, poisons designed to maim, sicken, sterilize and kill – in the short and long term.
The sovereign nation state model of the world is patently absurd, which is why the cryptocracy have attempted to reinstate a faux war scenario and divide the world into two fake opposing blocs; East vs West, in order to enforce their economic warfare and depopulation measures onto the populace.
The legacy Media 2022 is random mix of revelation of the method, confusion, “China/Russia did it and the government covered it up”, shameful gaslighting, total clown world, and outright provocation.
All moving apace now.
Expect a big announcement.
2022 Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (Oracle Films)
… shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject…