AUDIO: “We live in two competing worlds”
Psychologist and regular OffG contributor Todd Hayen recently joined Jerm of Jerm Warfare for a great conversation about being in the eye of the storm. His Off-Guardian piece titled War Of The Worlds formed the foundation of the following podcast.
Todd writes a regular column for Off-Guardian and also runs his own substack. You can listen to previous episodes of Jerm Warfare, listen to Jerm’s TNT Radio show or view his political cartoons here.
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Thank you for sharing this excellent example of exercising the the new, higher-consciousness language for communication/discussions which will invariably, fortunately, become the benevolent language of humanity across the Earth..
So… The Past shows you nothing, but even worse, you’re oblivious of the Present.
Voz Odb, So.. You’re oblivious to the meaning of higher consciousness. But don’t fret, you’re certainly not alone.
Heh, heh… Bring on the butterflies and unicorns.
I tried higher consciousness and positive thinking, but I knew it wouldn’t work…
There is only one world, but their are many differing perceptions of it.
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.
–Tao te Ching
Tao te Ching. One of the greatest treatises ever written. Few “know” its contents. This confirms my last reply to you. Excellent quote. Thanks.
1. Find your sheep
2. Watch Demolition Man
3. Go to the pub after and then tell them it’s really happened/ happening.
Maybe they’re being their own thought police because it would mean they have to face what they did to themselves, others, their children, etc.
It is a spiritual war because everything is first in spirit, a thought, before it can actually happen.
Before the construction there must be a thought. Before I can write a single letter there must be a thought. Before doing is the idea.
Thoughts are not material.
The personality cult (or cult of personality) means that someone is worshipped as god, a representative of God, or seen as a perfect human being that must be believed at all times. This idea that someone else is perfect, when in fact and in reality only God is perfect, is the basis of cultic mindset. This one person is so good, and all his critics are just evil.
So the idea of us good people (in a cult) and them bad people (not in our cult) is formed.
Those who follow the leader form a cult, or a cult leader creates a fanbase. Manipulation and hypnosis techniques certainly work.
The problem with cults is the cultic mindset, cult mentality, which actually creates the worship of the cult leader or leaders, cultic milieu, cult organization and all physical structures of a cult.
“Thoughts are not material”
An appropriate comment for today.
Which is why the evil can’t wait to annihilate thinking altogether.
Our individual salvation lies in the fact that we can choose to think, and that genuine thinking is a spiritual, inner act between ourselves and our conception of an intent behind our personal perception of the Universe.
Come to think of it, thinking is actually very close to prayer.
About Justin Trudeau suddenly revealing himself as a lizard… I’ve been thinking those people or at least some of them should be opened up, they should be cut open so that we should see what’s inside of them. I don’t think there’s an animal inside of them, physiologically, but there might be a robot.
Manipulation of photos, movies, pictures is so easy, even I can do it. So no trusting them.
Building human organs out of silicone or other material, cloning people, mass production of robots. Men wanting to be God. Men wanting to replace God and put themselves in place of God, men wanting to give birth (create life) in place of women, men wanting to become robots, and so on.
They are sick in the head.
Are they even human?
Hanson robotics presentation in 2009 (4:37)
At least let’s hope they aspire to be a better god than the lazy flunkie we ended up with …
(Have to doubt though)
They’ve been indoctrinated by cult leader Klaus the Louse Schwab. They prey upon their vanity… and bribery doesn’t hurt either.
Sad day for this Russophile. Putin the Great reverses centuries of policy by Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Lenin the Great and Stalin the Great: declares Russia no longer to be regarded as part of Europe because it renounces Europe’s Colonialist mentality.
Alexander Mercouris reports Putin’s epoch making declaration at 25-42min:
So Putin is going for a non-colonial flavor of vax-pushing, fake-pandemic-promoting, bug-burger-eating, biosecurity Great Reset dystopia is he? Good for him.
Yes, he’s going for the non-colonial flavour. Same as Stalin the Great went for the anti-Nazi flavour. Once again, de-Nazification and de-Colonization is the Russian contribution to European politics. Pity that Europe has once again taken up the Nazi banner.
“No Natzo nukes East of Berlin. No Natzo bioweapons in Ukraine” — Vladimir Putin.
Yes but beyond his crowd-pleasing slogans, in a Russian society of covid lies, facial recognition software, vax passes, CBDC, conscription & perpetual war what do the hyphenates “anti-Nazi” and “de-Nazification” mean?
Is a genocidal vax program ok if you don’t wear a swastika?
I don’t get it.
Putin’s decision to go the risky U$ Patent “RNA Spike vaxx”, instead of following China with a tried and tested traditional whole virus vaccine was a blunder of the first magnitude. I could not believe it until Researcher pointed out that Sputnik was a variant of the irresponsible Oxford brew. So that point is freely admitted.
But the rest of OffG’s line reminds me of the wartime Trotsky line: Stalin is as bad as Hitler, they only differ in the armbands, there is a higher cause to fight. This line reappeared during NATZO’ invasion of Syria: “Assad the dictator is as bad as ISIS”; there is a higher cause to fight.” Yes, there is always a higher cause to fight but right now we are fighting WW1 and WW2 again: Western Anglo-Zionazi Capitalist Colonialism versus Rest of World. And Russia once again is on the side of the Rest of the World.
Thank you, Nick.
As we all know, OG’s pet is “false binaries”. And there you have it.
A “blunder”?
You are comfortable describing a massive and ongoing policy decision involving endorsing a flagrant and proven lie, forcing people into needless lockdowns and mandating repeat dangerous unnecessary toxic injections at unknown human cost – as a “blunder”?
This as an explanation seems adequate to you?
You didn’t answer my question though –
In a society that has taken these authoritarian and anti-human steps, what do the terms “anti-Nazi” and “de-nazification” mean?
Wise words about our fighting those two WWs all over again.
The Richard Dimbleby clones the BBC drag out of the cupboard to whisper jingoistic crap in the most reverential hushed tones they can muster, say it all.
It’s like a literal rerun.
I wish we had more actual footage of Putin saying things. It’s all, “Putin says this; Putin does that; etc etc.
In live action, he seldom comes across as a fool – quite unlike Trump, Biden, Johnson and Truss.
I’ll dig on and see what I can find.
I think Matthew Ehret put up Putin’s last speech in its entirety. Putin and Lavrov always come off as the only adults in the room. But they are just words.
ACTIONS like the vaxx and beginning to work on digital currency speak louder. Also there are several actions which tend to support a general population-redux agenda, like doing away with the support that used to be given when mothers bore children. And the great reduction of the number of doctors, camouflaged as a “reorganization” of state medicine.
In recent years Putin’s even reversed his earlier mockery of the Global Warming hoax.
It’s an under-populated country.
I too am a Russophile and have an avid interest in all things Russian/Soviet…it is sad, but I must say typical considering the ages old “Russian psyche.”
There are more than “two competing worlds” – but of course everything has to be reduced to a duality.
Normie vs. alt? Most Trump followers were a bit of both. The alt world itself has many divisions and isn’t a single entity. In particluar, there’s the ‘official’ alt-world of the likes of Joe Rogan, Stew Peters and David Icke. That’s the one they want to corral us in. That’s the one they want normies to think of when anyone presents non-mainstream information.
It’s as wrong and dangerous as the normie world. It leads to the same goals by different paths e.g. stay at home and cower from vaccine “shedding” instead of covid – but it’s all cowering at home in the end.
A reader of mine on my substack pointed this out…the deeper in the rabbit hole world of lizard people, pedophiles, and flat earthers…and of course you certainly can divide both of my worlds even further (are you commenting on this article or my previous one? Of course all of them are interconnected!). Yes, it is easier to handle as a duality…if anyone is interested in the concept, they can dig deeper, as I am certain most of your reading have done…
Are pedophiles next to “lizard people and flat-Earths”?
And do we have a deep knowledge of “lizard people” that stretches back to historical references in tradition, culture and art that go back to antiquity, so that we can build up some clearer vision (which could be from “true” to “complete fiction, mythology”)? Or do we have “David Icke made them up”?
If it’s true that Tibetan monks believe there are beings walking around among us which look human, but are not, I suppose the question of which animal such people most resemble inwardly isn’t really so important.
By now, to me at least they seem pretty easy to recognize, and they are everywhere.
That said, the human soul and its evolution are not childsplay to comprehend, and I imagine many differing degrees of development probably exist simultaneously side-by-side…
‘Out of Africa’; comes the cold, hard facts.
Out of the US comes the $$$limy $$$pin:
Who are we to believe?
So; Africa didn’t take the vax and what of Asia, Middle East and S.America? Is this just an all out medical invasion of the bounderies of caucasian (white) ethnic peoples; which now apparently have a widespread excess death effect across W. Europe and N. America; are we seeing what I think we’re seeing; g***cide? Please reply.
Well, and this is just speculation mind, Africa probably has the largest natural resource base in the world, vast areas of land and a massive supply of ‘slave’ labour.
The last Capitalist frontier?
Who knows?
The Chinese seem to like their prospects there.
I vote that the “Big Brother Is Watching You” posters be changed to “Bill Gates Is Watching You” posters – because i live in a plutocratic democracy
i doubt that he is. he has minions/he is a minion. with daddy issues, and idealism. people who think in terms of psychopaths miss he point.
idealists can be quite dangerous.
“Plutocratic democracy”? Isn’t that an oxy, an oxy, an oxy … oh sod it, a false binary?
No, it’s the reality of this world in the biblical sense.
The true evil is nonhuman.
In plutocracy money is worshipped.
In democracy majority is worshipped.
Together these two work for few, while being detrimental and lethal to others.
The money cult is working together with the cult of majority and it’s all just about numbers.
It’s quantity. Mere quantity. And there’s the idea that more is better.
More money. More of the same belief or opinion. More numbers on a bank account. More votes.
Numbers. Like they would mean shit!
More bad things and more evil is never good. More totally useless shit is not better. It’s insane to think in terms of numbers and quantity, without consideration of what we are talking about, quality of things, like if they’re good or bad.
Some people who can count numbers think that calculators and computers are smarter than they are because those machines are faster at calculating numbers. But it’s insane to think that a dead machine would be smart at all. Smartness is not the quality of unconscious things.
It’s insane to think that machines are like human beings, or that human beings are like machines. And it’s even more insane to think that a machine is above a human being.
But insane people have created these insane systems where non-human entities (money, numbers, machines) are worshipped. Their systems are not eternal, and they are rapidly collapsing.
Pretty good discussion. Was going to say ‘limited hangout’ and ‘controlled opposition’, (that’s why it’s on here), but not now.
Could be Todd is confused. (Academics seem most confused).
Even mentioned (twice !), earth shape. (No.1 problem to solve, are we in an open-air prison ?).
Didn’t mention the perpetrators, just their minions, so that is why he still gets the controlled op. tag.
Now I KNOW not to believe most of the “controlled opposition” “tags”!! If little ol’ me has been tagged as such, there is nothing more preposterous! I doubt if I would offer much bang for the buck to the opposition. Thank you for the funniest comment I have seen! Or maybe you are TRYING to be funny! If so, you made me laugh, brother…humor is important. God bless!!
I was barely hanging in there but had to stop watching at the 25 min;
That’s then followed up with laughter.
So, and just to be clear, not releasing all the names in Maxwells little black book is fine, nothing to see here move along, and if you think otherwise you’re a QANON freak. Honestly the whole thing from the start reeks of controlled opposition.
I got about half way. I don’t recall this part, but honestly, it all just sounded like a guy spitballing about a bunch of stuff he didn’t really know anything about.
And the excuse for not knowing much about the Epstein case by now is?….
The single most important piece of evidence remains what Acosta told a Congressional hearing (N.B. not some obscure internet forum) about when he was attorney-general of Florida – hands off Epstein because he’s intelligence.
Acosta was the constitutional head of legal decisions about Epsein so that “hands off” shows that there were people and institutions above him, that there is a cryptocracy. Acosta then became Trump’s Secretary of Labor where his responsibilities included…. people trafficking.
Wake up!!!
Why?, my dreams are cool, er, mostly.
“Why don’t you put her in charge?”
In the UK at least, it seems they have!
Bit harsh on Newt, I think Newt would be a much better choice than Truss – Newt is honest and brave
Executive Order 13603 gives the federal government permission to seize all manner of property or take virtually any actions it deems necessary in the interests of national security “in peacetime and in times of national emergency”—without defining either of these terms.
Under the new directive, Obama may delegate broad authority to the secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, State, Health and Human Services, and Transportation to commandeer all manner of material. This includes food, construction materials, livestock, fertilizer, farm equipment, energy, water resources, transportation (including private cars, boats and airplanes) and anything else considered necessary for “national defense.”
It’s called National Defense Resources Preparedness Order, originally passed 2018, updated 2018.
Anybody know if there’s a lawsuit contesting it?
Agencies are to identify requirements for “the full spectrum of emergencies” both military and civil and evaluate the availability and quality of critical resources and production sources, “including subcontractors and suppliers, materials, skilled labor, and professional and technical personnel.” The agency heads are “to take actions necessary” to make sure those critical resources and production sources are available.
Secretary of Transportation provides for controlling the movement of people and property “by all modes of transportation in the United States, etc
Sorry: Originally passed March of 2012, updated 2018.
Thank you for the corrected date of implementation. Mr. Obama was one of the most aggressive and dangerous presidents in US history. That’s why he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009…
People keep avoiding the fact that he was an Harvard Law School grad in 1991, and a successful (bought and paid for) lawyer prior to his selection. At lease he could speak understandable English…
Hence the autocue?
Paul, and his parents were CIA, and even his maternal grandmother.
Yes. And his real identity is Barry Soetoro. There used to be his student enrollment card from Columbia University, New York – available for view on the internet a few years ago. He was registered as a foreign student from Kenya. The plebs blew right past it…
Got the idea from Hitler’s “Emergency Laws”…’covid’ now appears more likely a trial-run exercise to iron out any bugs ahead of the evolving engineered “Crisis”…..
ALL of Exec Order 13603 can come w a declaration of war. That’s why a declaration MUST be prevented. It is the crisis in our balance of power against TPTB.
‘It is all escapism to feel dependent’ – C.G. Jung, Letters, Vol. 1 Summary: Nature is our home, the modern synthesized World is escapism. We crave the escapism so as not to feel the suffering that Life entails. Like children we turn and flee from every minor and major experience that causes us to suffer. And in doing so we return to the state of a Child, dependence and safe. We crave escapism to become dependent, like a baby. Dependency upon the modern Mother State, its technocracy and media propaganda will secure permanent infantilisation, the Evil Mother. Dependency upon Mother Nature is a process of maturation that teaches us ultimately, Independence, the Benevolent Mother. You cannot ‘escape to the countryside’. This is a profound illusion foisted upon our sensibilities in this stage of our Civilisation. Entering a natural environment is actually, to come back home. It is where we belong, at least on the physical plain. The natural frequencies, the beneficial microbes, the choir of sounds, the calming tones of colour and light and the profound endocrinological effect of the ions that permeate a natural atmosphere are the only suitable environment for the healthy body, emotion and mind of a human being. All other environments are in fact…ESCAPISM. Of course precautions are made so we are not too cold or too hot, too damp or too exposed and (nature appears to be made so man can work with her to create a more efficient existence) but the further you insulate yourself from the natural cycles the further you submerge yourself into the synthesized escapism. The problem of course is when you are dependent solely upon nature, the suffering of Life becomes more apparent and this is why it is paramount to a spiritual life. For the conscious recognition of the… Read more »
The more the consumer requires comfort the more he will be infantilized and powerless.
The term ‘consumer’ is used in marketing to debase a human being.
What a coincidence that Jung’s father was Switzerland’s top Freemason and the Freemasonic initiation rite is a birth metaphor (the blindfold because it’s dark in the womb, the cable-tow for the umbilical cord etc).
Too many people perhaps do indeed regard the state as some sort of parent substitute (the smashing up of the real family was meant to achieve that) – but secret society “rebirthings” are no solution and just replace one system of mind control with another.
All systems can be reduced to mind control. What you just wrote is a system of mind control.
ACIM is very useful.
‘Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…’
Carl Jung was one of the most insightful analytical psychologists the world will ever know. That’s why he’s been dissed and written off by more “current” educational authorities. Wouldn’t want the plebs to consider anything but consumption and billing practices…
We are all traveling souls but for a fleeting moment crossing this bridge of a material world…
Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water… After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water…
Hello Kiwijoker: You must be channeling Lao Tzu. Simple and eloquent wisdom.
Harvard Business School update: get your followers to do the chopping and carrying while you busy yourself stashing following fees in your numbered Swiss bank account…
Noble truths eloquently conveyed.
“What next? Genital mutilation and sacrificial offerings to Billy Eugenics and the Pharma-Con Racket gods.”
“Orange Hair Bozo Jr. is not the brightest bulb but he is definitely on to something.”
“In the words of Dr Zacharias Emanuel Smythe, Oh the pain, the pain!“
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!
Justin Trudeau strongly supports anything his masters tell him to support.
He strongly opposes freedom of truckers to speak, protest and not be vaccinated. But that’s because Billy Gates told him to oppose it.
The brightest bulbs tend to be used as target practice for US Special Forces. It means that only the low wattage ones end up staying alight in the Chambers of Power and Influence…
how many people here have had their children injected from birth and denigrated ” anti vaxxers over tha last few decades?
My curiosity is piqued. I don’t get it.
Is the image of the swan diver beneath the “Ask Damon” headline/blurb Damon’s answer, or a comment to the reprehensible question? Do you happen to know what his actual answer was?
I hope his answer was “Hell, no!” But in a time of Scamdemic Derangement Syndrome, that’s not a safe bet.
We’re CONFORTABLE with our current level of Irresponsibility and Modern Slavery.
Opening our eyes will cause the destruction of this CONFORT.
A 1 in 6 depression rate; a 1 in 10 psychosis rate and a 49% single parent rate is NOT a comfortable situation; oh boy! There is a deep emotional and spiritual oppression at work here imo. (UK statistics)
Of course it is… Do you have any evidence that all those uman animals of refer CHANGED?!
Ingesting drugs (legal and/or illegal) is not CHANGE…
At least “illegal” can often be, for many, fun …
Aspirin and Vitamin C and D can be useful as well.
By vitamin C and D you mean toilet paper right?!
Hi Voz,
Cloth bumswipes are far richer in vitamins.
And anyway, vitamin paper is only meant to clear the larger particulate.
The real cleansing comes with mineral-rich, unflouridated rain water.
Then again, most Anglos think bidets are foot baths. But, yeah …