WATCH: Remembering Tim Ball
In his most recent episode, James Corbett celebrates the life and work of Dr. Tim Ball, a man who devoted his retirement years to fighting the good fight against the agents of the climate scam and the green enslavement agenda. His fearless truth-telling in the face of so much adversity serves as an example to us all.
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Climate Change is primarily an indoctrination tool.
Yes you ar right: Just like the War on Terror, Covid, all largely manufactured crises to scare people into handing over their rights, property and freedoms.
I didn’t know Tim Ball had departed. It’s too bad James Corbett holds him in such high regard, because Ball was very much part of the Machine (fossil fuel department). It’s fine to criticise the way AGW is being abused by the Machine, but it’s foolish to then deny the potential risk of AGW altogether. And that’s what Ball did, in very devious ways.
This is the very model of character assassination comment about people and scientists who expose the ‘human-made climate change’ (or AGW for Anthropogenic Global Warming) for the scam it is.
All you have to do is replace ‘Tim Ball’ by the name of the person you want to smear.
I suppose ‘Neven’ did not pay attention at the section of this video where Tim Ball denounces how those climate change activists have much more power than ‘the oil industry’, and even the oil industry hires them to promote :.. the very idea of man-made climate change. Nice try though.
You didn’t even bother to listen to the show.
For the few of us in this children’s forum, who live the climate casino daily there’s no further need to listen to more baffle-gab, even from illustrious writers and pundits such as James Corbett. There are those who still believe:
A] Trump’s re-election was stolen
B] chem trails rule the sky
C] others are fixed on their unproven no peer-reviewed gold standard of zero evidence for the climate being upset on its own or solar minimum/maximum cycles.
I highly respect James Corbett [not because we are both Canucks] as what he has done RE: Covid was above and beyond. However, not all talking heads and pundits know data on all topics. There are thousands of climate scientists who are not affiliated with the UN or the WEF who tell us that we are on a precipice. To cite one expert such as Tim Ball against this legion of scientists, who report what’s going down is to phrase the argument as if the for and against the climate casino sides are equal. THEY ARE NOT! Haven’t we all had enough of the so-called experts these past fear years? Ask a gardener or a farmer if the climate has gone wacky.
Excellent points John.
Indoor urban Folks don’t have their finger on the ‘pulse’ of nature.
Like who for example? And what evidence do they present?
Perhaps any percieved changes are due to geo engineering designed to aid the elites agenda.
And don’t forget that many many doctors and medical experts were promoting the covid ‘vaccines’ as safe and effective which was total BS, but I’m sure most of them believed it because they get their info only from official sources.
Cat and dog sentence buddy. While I agree with your content, to analogize the cryptic docs with the climate casino is nonsense.
What I mean is, a lot of ‘qualified’ people who make statements on climate probably get their info from official sources and don’t really research it themselves – much like the doctors making statements on covid.
Many scientists research human-made climate change (or ‘covid’ ‘vaccines’) for the good reason that such research gets financing, and brings high returns, while researching other causes gets you peanuts, character assassination and a possible abrupt end of career. These human-made climate change (just like the ‘covid’ ‘experts’) ‘scientists’ are doing politics, not science.
Try Paul Beckwith on either his own site, FB or YT. He’s a paleoclimatologist in Oh-taw-wah, CA. There are thousands of others. Perhaps you ought to go to Pakistan where 1/3 of the country is under water. That’s 40,000,000 people.
Thanks, I will check him out.
We need to see debates between independent experts on both sides of the argument.
I know an organic farmer who tells it like it is. He says there has been two dry years in recent times; that have happened before but not so close together. He’s expecting more dry summers to come and has prepared; he is aware of the need to bring back trees and healthier natural environments to England and decrease reliance on chemical based farming practices; regenerate top soil etc.
We shouldn’t let satanic worshippers of climate change make us throw out the need to care for Gods land; we do need to care for it; we are custodians; it’s possible the climate is changing; why not? it does doesn’t it; all it takes is slight wind direction changes in earths system and the UK weather will drastically alter. But you can be sure the satanists will not care for Gods land benevolently.
Just let me hang up my pitchfork William, before stating that I do not ‘worship’ climate change.
I fear it. For my children and my grandchildren. They will suffer, not I.
BTW, Earth isn’t ‘God’s land’, it’s ours. To Love, nurture and respect.
So, you ignore every wise word written by every ancestor that ever lived before our time. Good luck with that. We worship what we fear.
Yeah. Our own. Even we made she. And the universe born from nothing. And infinity and eternity are finite.
Thou shalt not plant trees or intelligently care for the well-being of your garden.
Thou shalt just kneel before the climate change ‘expert’ and his all-powerful modelling tools and tear you hair in despair.
Then thou shalt buy Monsanto ‘human-made climate change-resistant’ seeds as well…Updated every season or so.
And finally thou shalt thank Agenda 2030 for taking your garden away and giving you the joy of owning nothing, and be happy.
The foundational elements of our climate, and the manner in which they combine, make our climate a linear system. Yes there is some modulation on that linear path making it appear cyclic, to a point, but the underlying trend is linear.
There is no whackiness, it’s just a linear system doing linear system stuff.
Nothing is linear on this planet E-air-th, buddy. Least of all climate with all our peeps and the “progress” of technology.
expertsevil liars know their scaremongering is wrong, but they do it anyway because they don’t care… psychopaths.— “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.
— “We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination… So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts… Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” – Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports.
— “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, president of the UN Foundation.
— “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony. … climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment
— “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.” – Professor Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.
— “The models are convenient fictions that provide something very useful.” – Dr David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University.
— “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” – Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace.
Nice quotes.
Just, once again, to stress that omitting quotes from the East is extremely destructive to the clarity, and therefore to the subsequent reaction and context of what is happening today. This, in one way or another, will ultimately surely determine the framework of the development of the situation in terms of the group human reaction to the inhuman NWO. Onnly Western intellectuals are always quoted, and now, when it is necessary to clearly determine whether there is and at what level and how much complicity from the East, this very much tilts the scales. So much so that it goes all the way to the childish, stupid, imbecile situation, mature, intelligent and well-read people to follow Putin’s speeches, looking at them even as a fact and an accurate description without omissions and setting in a certain framework, without noting anything at all, none of his actions that are directly contrary to his words.
A very good and accurate measure of the fallen mind of the proud man from certain parts of the world. After that? Then we have the great reset.
Probably because the anglo-saxon mind is the mind that is best captivated by the modern lie of progressive scientific materiality; no other peoples are so hypnotised by the bewildering gibberish that encapsulates paleontology, geology, biology, physics, chemistry, evolutionism, anthropology. Most of it is such inverted conceptualised abstractions built upon theoretical postulations that western ‘educated’ man is lost in his own world. Some do escape:
“A scientific hypothesis should be potentially falsifiable..however, the idea of slow evolution by ‘infinitessimally small inherited variations’ etc has been falsified by the findings of paleontology, as well as genetics. Yet it’s adherents principally reject any scientific proof against neo-darwinism, so that, in fact their theory has become a non-falsifiable worldview, to which people stick in spite of all contrary evidence” Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig
“Eighty to eighty-five percent of earth’s land surface does not have even 3 geological periods appearing in ‘correct’ consecutive order … it becomes an overall exercise of gargantuan special pleading and imagination for the evolutionary-uniformitarian paradigm to maintain that there ever were geologic periods.” John Woodmorappe, Geologist
“My fundamental problem with the theory is that there are so many highly complicated organs; systems and structures; from the nature of the lung of a bird; to the eye of a rock lobster; for which I cannot concieve of how these things have come about in terms of a gradual accumulation of random changes. It strikes me as being a flagrant denial of common sense; to swallow; that all these things were built up by accumulative small random changes. This is just a nonsensical claim” Dr Michael Denton, Biochemist
‘Imagine, a father or mother hugging their child in the belief that it is an aggregate of quantum stuff, and that these scientists might be true, it is worse than our most terrible nightmare…If we were to fully believe what the scientists are telling us, supposedly on solid scientific grounds, we would be utterly dehumanized’ Wolfgang Smith, Physicist, Mathematician
They’re not necessarily psychopaths; they’re just satanists; they’ve made a deal and they know the cost of failure; deception and rhetoric is all they are now. The reason they are so invested upon what people believe; is probably something to do with the nature of our reality being affected by the conscious will. Keeping that will confused, bemused, distracted and asleep seems to be in their interest. We should have more faith.
David Bellamy got cancelled.
Experts? I don’t need no stinkin experts.
I know I don’t have covid (or a flu or a cold or malaria) because I feel fine. I also know the climate in these parts is good because it’s still cold in the winter and hot in the summer. And I know autumn is here because it’s getting cooler.
They just won’t give up. 4 players in the Bayern Munich squad for tonight’s Championship League game have apparently tested positive for something called COVID. The fraudulent PCR “test” continues on its merry way and appears to control all forms of human activity. With gasless Germany facing a hard winter one must assume that good old Covid will once again rear its ugly head big time laying waste to any form of entertainment one might be looking forward to.
Yeah, really. It’s like a gift to those smart observers who said, “they failed with the pandemic,” sometimes adding, “that’s why they started the war” to continue their plans. What nonsense – no one has ever failed, kovid is not just always on the bench, ready to go into a game, but he has never left the field; he has just been told by the coach to rest while he plays. All regulations and protocols are available and await inclusion when necessary. As it was said in the beginning, “kovid will be with us forever.”
“The war” is pre-planned as an ongoing covid episode and interwoven with it as part of the build-up to a long crisis plan. If someone doesn’t understand it and split it up…doesn’t he deserve a reward for that?
Trust da $cience.
Half a billion dollar ‘quarantine’ hub shut down in Victoria, Australia:
Our taxes laid waste.
So what’s new?
The thing is Johnny, that facility and all the fema camps in US and all of the other facilities in China and elsewhere around the world can be used for a multitude of purposes.
Convid was a great excuse for them to build them.
Ready for any eventuality…………………………..
I have a theory, Clutching at straws, about the quality of human resources required by nwo. And she says, the camps are for conservation.
Like Jurassic park?
If it means that those who don’t accept the “new normal” are like dinosaurs to the “awakened”, yes. 🙂
Went to McDonald’s today (desperate or sometimes a guilty pleasure -a couple times a year for “freedom fries”-lol) and I was eating in-as opposed to drive through.
I was given several hundred napkins,a sleeve for the fries and a giant bag.
‘Climate change’ never happens at McDonald’s.
I still trust engineering but Big Science is fake. CO2 hysteria, virology, vaccines, String Theory/cosmology, Dark Matter, NASA, cholesterol etc. are all highly suspect and perhaps “not even wrong”.
Big Science = Big money and has nothing to do with scientific advancement
Bullseye, CK, on every single iffy subject. All of those you list are highly suspect. Odd how the scamdemic seems to have re-reawakened all sorts of slumbering controversies, innit? Sceptical mistrust of authority, technocratic ‘experts’, the unquestionable saintliness of medics, even science itself has risen to new levels. Bet the covid conspirators never foresaw that consequence of their scam! 😄
There are many cases of long-term addicts, even heroin addicts, or just very unhealthy people living long lives. More than healthy and healthy living people. So is our society. Now it’s dying, so I don’t know why so few people are happy.
You know the saying:
A man, even if he lives well, dies, and another is born.
First off, my pronouns are ‘kiss my ass’.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-10-03. Detection of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk. Investigating spikes in newborn baby deaths (blog, gab, tweet).
CJ ain’t in denial:
Billions of vehicles, millions of factories, trillion dollar warring machines, tens of billions of slaughtered cattle, fowl and fish, and no damage done ?
Pull the other one.
(Then bring on the down votes).
Many people who have been in positions of authority, or in the public, eye are susceptible to relevance deprivation syndrome when they retire or are voted out.
There are exemplars everywhere.
Just sayin.
(Vale Tim).
“No damage done” and anthropogenic climate change are not quite the same thing – nice attempt to muddle them together though.
Vehicle and factory emissions without some regulation and in certain conditions can cause respiratory problems for at least some people. Nobody much would deny this. Proving we’re all going to fry/drown is something else.
Record droughts (US, China and Australia), record floods (Belgium, Italy, Australia, US and South East Asia), polar ice loss, record coastal erosion and firestorms (all over).
Sounds like a problem to me.
Think of it as Climate Cancer. It sneaks up on us.
Plus the almost un-breathable air in many Asian cities.
But fuck it. Let’s party like there’s no tomorrow _ _ _ _ _
Maybe there isn’t.
Get a grip man, nature always wins in the end.
The Chinese still wear masks because of their governments zero covid policy………so they do come in handy for something after all?
Masks and “respirators” don’t work against air pollution either. Even if they magically did, there is the problem contamination of the eyes, food, water, etc.
You’ve bought the ‘record’ hype, have you Johnny…? Beware! The propaganda of the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard (aka the lamestream ‘news’) is everywhere. It seeps into our assumptions without our even noticing; even those of us who think we’re on to propaganda, and therefore it doesn’t affect us; yeah, that’ll be right.
The way to avoid its effect is never to volunteer to hear any of it. Keep it out of your awareness. A good start is to dump the TV. That way, you’ll never be tempted to watch the ‘news’, even just to scoff sceptically at its deceits – whilst they still slide slyly into your alterconscious mind anyway…
Don’t need TV, I live in the bush.
I’ve witnessed the increasing frequency of fires, floods and storms over fifty years.
It’s for real.
Remember how big oil, big gas and big coal belittled the first ‘doomsayers’?
Now energy corporations are all preaching Green.
Odd that.
Honestly, 50 years is a drop in the bucket and means absolutely nothing.
Don’t think the Neanderthals kept weather records.
No matter.
When 800 year old forests are razed by fires, when 400 year old homes are washed away in floods, when ancient glaciers disappear, I get a tad nervous.
The fake “green” agenda was designed by major petrochemical conglomerates (Exon, Shell, British Petroleum, etc.) as an attempt to confuse issues of unlimited industrial growth on a planet of limited resources. The ploy has worked well…
Polarized debates regarding the above topics are obvious. Here’s one of hundreds of presentations exposing what civil populations chose to ignore. >
Wildfires Serve Geoengineering Agenda (Dane Wigington Geoengineering Watch)
August 24, 2018
Wildfires Serve Geoengineering Agenda ( Dane Wigington Geoengineering Watch ) – YouTube
Everyone wants a box of chocolates…
Some “records” are worth playing. Like the unfathomable drought in Northern California. It’s not an x-many years “record.” Because, so far as anyone knows, it’s never happened in human history.
And that’s because the climate engineers manipulate the Pacific weather systems around Northern California using ionospheric heaters and solar radiation management technology to divert these systems farther East.
As a result, Northern California has received very little Pacific moisture in the past decade or so; and there’s very little snow pack in the Southern Cascades (such as Mt Shasta).
Shh! Even if you see it, you’re not supposed to say it. Same with the constant spraying and the toxic cool downs.
See, it’s like this: the more droughts, floods (like the once in a thousand years floods in Middle Eastern nations) and forest fires you ignore, the easier it is to say the entire climate crisis is one big scam.
It’s also like this: the Powers That Be, after ravaging the earth of its resources for going on two hundred years, see a chance to now ravage humanity by saying to it “You Done This! Now Pay Up! And Leave It To Us To Fix The Damage You Caused!”
Yes, of course, there’s a huge climate scam being perpetrated. And the moment the scammers brought cow flatulence into the picture, they tipped their hand.
Millions of tons of aluminum and other nano-particles sprayed into the atmosphere to make the world safe for
democracyFull Spectrum Dominance…and they want us to believe it’s the cows?When and who decided records have begun? Its just like the rewriting of history bollocks!
And don’t forget the updateing of past records. To correct them
Climate manipulation?
You don’t seem aware that the gaciers have grown, not shrunk, over the time since the told us they would be gone by now.
Plus, temperatures have gone down for the last 15 years.
Just like the lie of lead in petrol killing kids then replacing it with the highly carcinogenic Benzine. Its all a big scam which reaches into every aspect of our lives..
Hello Johnny: The slaughter of the industrial age is a necessity. The environmental damage is simply collateral loss within a fraudulent financial system.
The climate is being manipulated via “geoengineering” (a more palatable term than weather warfare) but no one wants to address the issue. An example: >
September 29, 2022
The down votes are from persons who prefer denial…
Humans intentionally controlling the weather sounds fanciful to me. The atmosphere is just too vast, a much greater volume than the oceans
They can’t even divert floods or extinguish fire storms.
You obviously didn’t watch the films. Controlling the weather has been ongoing for over 75 years. The earliest rainmaking experiments date back to 1927.
As I said above, no one wants to address the issue. Especially people in European countries, where denial of atmospheric heating carries the holy sign of being woke…
Rainmaking is extremely hit and miss.
They pretend, but they are merely tinkering.
Thanks to James Corbett for this video and hat off to brave, honest people like Dr. Tim Ball!
At the end of James Corbett’s video Dr. Ball mentions the danger of globally imposed “carbon tax”. Well, Austria already has just imposed such a “carbon tax”:
Machine-translation ( of * ):
For those, who are not really familiar with the facts of this CO2 myth here a video from some years ago: “The Great Global Warming Swindle – Full Documentary HD” –
As per your suggestion I just watched “The … Swindle”.
Well done, excellent documentary that should be broadcast far and wide.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Here a snapshot from that video, that I just could use in a discussion (on another blog) when someone mentioned that in the last 200 years the temperature has permanently risen (true!) and then argued that this could only be so, because of the rising CO2-level following the industrialisation. I could then point to the “medieval warm period”, when the climate was much warmer than today:

Ain’t it a hoot! They burn down forests, flood crop lands, deplete the ozone layer, melt the permafrost, releasing methane – and they want us to pay a Carbon Tax!
Destroy the ability of the world to function normally…just so they can charge us for carbon. Almost makes you think they’re looney tunes, don’t it?
+1 !!
The documentary is very good! Politicians like Thatcher and Al Gore posing as scientists and fooling the whole world with the help of media whores and money makers. It’s all about their money, their power, their evilness.
Scientific frauds are frauds, not science.
Canadians pay carbon tax : from Toronto Sun : Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will increase his carbon tax by $10 to $50 per tonne of emissions on April 1, 2022 — up 25% from this year’s $40 per tonne levy — rising to $170 per tonne in 2030.
Discuss : Tony Blair is on his way back the slimy fucker.
Another slime ball in a sea of political slime.
I invite any Iraqi whose child(ren) was/were murdered by Blair et al to come to London and shoot the evil f***ker in an ‘honour killing’.
Don’t forget his mate A.C. now hosting a moronic TV show about being a prime minister, a mass murderer and people treat him like some sort of bloody celebrity.
Well, there’s another movement for rebelling. This one is the “Don’t Pay Uk” movement that pledges to strike when enough people sign on board.
I don’t have any input on whether people should do this or not, but I do want to put some parallax into it.
Its always a red flag for me when I see things happening in-concert amongst main stream crowds.
The strike is eerily reminiscent of the Winter of Discontent from the 70s, and there was a special on BBC just last night about the same thing. It may have been on BBC America, but I’m not sure.
There are also sites like the Telegraph posting articles like “1978: Winter of Discontent, review: strikes, a cost-of-living crisis and Angel Delight“.
There are some other MSM sites posting similar material, and Wikipedia still has a page to it. Its as though the concept is being seeded and advertised. Sounds like it could be a good idea, but there is another way of viewing it, and it comes from a recent event: The Canadian Truckers.
Disruption of the economy was used as a means of imposing financial tyranny upon Canadians, and an attempt was made to pit people against the protesters. The strikes could be used to declare some kind of national risk in the UK, similar to what happened in Canada.
The obvious goal is to get digital hooks into the banking system, so do what you can before the strikes are used against the people. The Don’t Pay is also looking for emails and names. If you decide to strike, remember that you can do so without identifying yourself. Think twice before putting your name on a list.
“Don’t Pay UK” is an anagram of: “Today Punk”
What are you doing relying on the Biased Broadcasting Conspiracy for any information?
It’s the best place to see what the elite’s agenda is!
no different from the People’s Health Alliance and the Awareness Foundation who are now organising meetings across the country – these people claim grassroots beginnings but that is not true – they are psy-ops targetted within the laughably called resistance, many of whom have had three holidays this year during the war – just like the PCR test, this is information gathering amongst us in a different format and too many are falling for it – check them out for yourselves unlike the Freedom Alliance who take everything Katherine Macbean says as gospel!!
Climate change.Trans who am I??teachers Government are trying to take the children away.
Dear of him.