Russia “compulsory” military vax policy – is it a “hoax”?

are we seeing a live example of how binaries are so useful to narrative-managers.

Catte Black

A short while ago Riley Waggaman, a fairly frequent contributor to OffG wrote an article alleging that the Sputnik V shot was compulsory for all military personnel, including the newly mobilized.

On the face of it, this seems not particularly controversial or surprising. Waggaman cited numerous sources in Russian newspaper articles and Russian government  sites and, after all the US has  been injecting its entire armed forces with the untested toxic shots since September last year. As has the UK. It’s apparently de rigueur to poison your own military as well as your own population in these mad days.

However, Waggaman’s original article quickly produced a vehement response from Thomas Röper, a German writer living in Russia. Writing on his own blog Röper denied there was any compulsory jabbing of any Russian service personnel, quoted the Russian MoD as  evidence and described Waggaman’s claim unambiguously as a “hoax”.

Waggaman in turn responded to Röper’s response, citing several more official Russian sources seeming to confirm his original claim.

Yesterday the prominent COVID skeptic Robin Monotti, whose Telegram group has over 100,000 followers, shared Röper’s article. The question was also discussed on UK Column, with Vanessa Beeley offering support for Röper’s version while Iain Davis offered a wider factual perspective. Unfortunately Waggaman didn’t appear in the UKC discussion so we were not able to hear any responses he might have had.

So, who’s correct? Is Russia mandating covid jabs for its armed forces including the mobilised reservists – or not?

Well, let’s look at the data and you tell me what you think.

Back on June 16 of 2021, Moscow introduced mandatory “covid” jabs for people working in a wide variety of fields, announced by TASS with this headline

Mandatory vaccination against coronavirus in Moscow and the Moscow region…

Two days later, June 18, the Russian MoD anounced a “mandatory” covid jab program for the military (our emphasis)

Heads of military administration bodies, commanders of formations, military units and heads of organizations to ensure mandatory preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

Four days after that, June 22, it was announced conscripts would also be included in the vax program

The Ministry of Defense intends to vaccinate all conscripts who joined the army as a result of the spring conscription against COVID-19. Vaccination of conscripts is intended to be completed by July 15, it is being carried out as a matter of priority, said Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, TASS reports.

Then we have the  Russian government info portal Explain from September 23 this year again specifically restating the June 18 decree that vaccines are “mandatory” for military personnel, including “those called for mobilization”, (our emphasis)

Medical care for military personnel is a priority for the state. In accordance with the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Ministry of Defense of Russia No. 129 of June 18, 2021, mandatory immunization applies to all categories of military personnel, including those called for mobilization.

We also have Defence Minister Shoigu proclaiming also last year:

“We have already received more than a million doses of [covid] vaccine, we have 910 thousand vaccinated. We completed vaccination in our main units a month ago,”

Then, just yesterday (Oct 7 2022) state Duma deputy Fedot Tumusov interviewed by RadioSputnik, added this (editor comment added by Sputnik).

As far as I know, the decree on vaccination against COVID-19 in the troops is still in force. The issue of vaccination of military personnel (including mobilized, – ed.) is decided by the chief sanitary doctor of the Ministry of Defense,”

Tumusov further added (our emphasis):

I believe that the mobilized must be vaccinated against COVID-19. The coronavirus in the country as a whole has declined, but there is still a danger of its spreading in the army, there are a lot of people there. It is important that combat capability does not decrease due to the coronavirus. I think it is necessary to vaccinate and revaccinate those who were mobilized and the rest of the military,”

I think it looks undeniable that the Russian government did announce a “mandatory” vax policy for its military, including conscripts, in 2021.

So, why does Röper make no mention of these facts and claim the mandatory vax of new reservists to be a hoax?

Röper has what he calls a “direct line to the press office of the Russian Ministry of Defense”. He apparently called this office recently to ask whether the mobilised were to get compulsory vaccine, he  quotes this body as saying in response

These are Russian citizens and vaccinations are voluntary in our country

So, there seems to be quite some anomaly here. Are covid vaccines “mandatory” as alleged in numerous official Russian outlets or “voluntary” as alleged in this conversation with Röper?

Röper opts to believe the latter and on this basis accuses Waggaman of a “hoax”.

You decide if this is reasonable.

Röper doesn’t interrogate this single sentence statement from someone (who?) in the MoD for disambiguation or qualification, let alone acknowledge the contradiction. In fact he flatly ignores all the primary evidence of the central  government promoting jabs for professional servicemen and conscripts and even claims, or rather suggests by omission, in his blog that such evidence doesn’t exist.

In Russia, there is an old saying that is still topical today, it reads: “Moscow is far away” and means that in Russia it can happen again and again that regional officials believe that they can interpret rules differently than Moscow claims. Therefore, I like to believe that – as quoted in the Russian portals – some regional representatives of the health authorities say that they would like to forcibly vaccinate the mobilized soldiers, but the Russian Ministry of Defense sees it differently. Therefore, it is more than questionable whether these announcements will be followed by any deeds in individual Russian regions, because it is unlikely that the employees of the regional health offices will come to the barracks at all.

No. This is a reach too far. While some regions may, for all I know, have been overzealous in their vax policy, Röper can’t – or should not – just airbrush the fact that, officially and on paper at least, the Russian central government, in the person of Shoigu and others, has been very vocally promoting mass jabs for both regular soldiers and the newly mobilised. It’s poor journalism, in fact poor ethics to simply tell your readers this data does not exist.

In this regard Röper’s response can only be described as misleading. The Russian state did announce a mandatory COVID jab policy and that fact needs to be acknowledged however much we might reasonably debate over exactly what that policy amounted to in real terms.

Which leads us to a second point that’s possibly more important longterm.

Before the launch of the Special Military Operation in February this year, I don’t think Waggaman’s article would have been controversial for most of us. Back then I think we all knew and accepted that all major powers, including Russia, were promoting the fake pandemic in unison. We knew they were all seemingly equally determined to lock up, terrorize, mentally torture and experiment on their own citizens. We knew they all talked with the same forked tongue about vax uptake and played weasel games with what “voluntary” could be twisted to incorporate, and we didn’t expect any of them to deal honestly or consistently.

But, whether intentionally or by happy accident, the “special military operation”  has changed that. There’s a war on and polarised wartime thinking has begun to replace generalised skepticism. It has reactivated deep and long-standing horizontal divisions and dormant loyalties.

It’s hard to support your chosen good guys while simultaneously being aware of their cold blooded deception, betrayal and murder of their own citizens. So, amnesia tends to kick in along with a tendency to selectively abandon skepticism and to forgive, underplay, deny or even endorse the lies told by those we designate our heroes.

The advantages of this to both sides as well as to any common agenda they share barely need to be stated.

It creates confusion, moral ambiguity. It diverts attention. Above all it weakens and fragments opposition.

And, if you are Biden or Putin, the number of vocal critics you have to deal with becomes suddenly and effectively halved.

Whereas before you had 100% of skeptics and freedom advocates collectively opposing your anti-human policies, you can now, thanks to the war, expect 50% of them to be on your side and turn into unwitting fifth columnists, happy to justify your abuses because YOU are doing them and not the Other Guy.

The extreme and divisive language used by Röper is an exemplar of how binary thinking benefits narrative managers. Röper has converted the question of Russia’s vax policy from being a question of pure fact into a cause célèbre in which he feels the need to defend Russia’s ‘honor’ like a courtly knight defending an outraged damsel.

How dare Waggaman suggest Russia would mandate the vax for anyone. It’s an assault on heroes and basic moral values and it needs to be refuted

– even if it might actually be true.

The same is happening the other way round of course. The pro-NATO, pro-Ukraine lobby have become equally amnesiac and emotionally triggered, lauding Nazis as freedom fighters and fat little corrupt circus clowns as brave war leaders.

Political insights and discourse on both sides are retrograding into Cold War rhetoric, everything learned in the past two years willingly abandoned.

There’s a third thing here too that’s being missed –

The bizarreness of the fact that in the midst of what is purported to be a proxy war to the death between NATO and Russia, with, we are assured (by the MSM and some alt media), nukes about to fly, both sides are apparently intent on filling their serving soldiers with potentially disabling or lethal poison – in order to “protect” against a pandemic they both know doesn’t actually exist.

  • Who – seriously, who – potentially poisons their own standing army in the midst of an existential struggle for survival?
  • Why are these supposedly diametrically opposed ideologies, so alienated from one another they stand on the brink of mutual annihilation, still peddling the same silly, and now surely meaningless, bullshittery about a made up disease?

I mean, this is quite strange, right. It might be even stranger than the fact Ukraine, in the midst of this deadly confrontation, is still allowing Russian gas to transit its territory and is being paid by Russia to do so.

Can we try to step away from the reactivation of WW2 and Cold War tropes and flag-waving war hysteria long enough to really think about all this, calmly and rationally?

Because while the flags are waving and the fear of Armageddon haunts us there is another something moving ever closer – another rough beast whose hour is nearly here. And I think by now we all know its name.

It won’t blow you to smithereens in a single moment, in fact you will barely notice it arrive, but its grip will be cold and deadly.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest, Russia
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Contra el encierro
Contra el encierro
Oct 11, 2022 5:40 PM

Response to Robert Malone’s entry The Calm COVID Truth of Dr. Joe Ladapo
    A response from Pablo (Contra el Encierro collaborator) to an article by Dr. Malone that presents the figure of the Surgeon General of the State of Florida, Joe Ladapo, for an allegedly honest study on the deadly effects of the covid-19 vaccine.

Dr. Wolfgang Rösner
Dr. Wolfgang Rösner
Oct 10, 2022 10:33 PM

time for an update: Sputnik is NOT compulsory for russian military. Waggaman admitted his error. Röper was right.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 11:03 PM

Let me correct you – Sputnik is NO LONGER compulsory (for conscripts) as of early October. However it WAS compulsory for over a year beginning June 18 2021.

Röper’s article claimed or implied by strategic omission that only doctors or medical workers have been required to have mandatory COVID vax. He omitted all mention of the June 18 order and even described the idea that conscripts were being mandated as a “hoax”. This was and is grossly misleading.

The fact the ruling has now changed doesn’t make his previous statements retroactively true or less misleading.

JJ Parker
JJ Parker
Oct 11, 2022 8:57 AM

The claim was that it was compulsory for the 300,000 new conscripts. That was incorrect.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 11, 2022 9:14 AM
Reply to  JJ Parker

It’s incorrect now because the MoD updated their ruling, or clarified their earlier update. It wasn’t incorrect, or didn’t appear to be, when the debate began, and had not been incorrect for 14 months prior to that. Röper’s egregious action was using the word “hoax” to describe something that had been standard practice since June 2021 and was still standard practice at the time of his writing. The fact the ruling changed after Waggaman’s initial article does not change that retrospectively.

Oct 10, 2022 9:43 PM

OK, I’ll bite: winter?

Hendrick Momsen
Hendrick Momsen
Oct 10, 2022 4:14 PM

It isn’t North Korea. They can be contacted. Inquiries can be made.

Reality Theories, Telegram Channel of Eva K Bartlett
(click on CONTEXT)

Oct 10, 2022 6:27 PM

Excuse me, but how do you see this having bearing on the subject of the article? Am I being dense?

Oct 10, 2022 2:21 PM

The weak link in this article is exactly here:
“Well, let’s look at the data and you tell me what you think.”
What data? As if it simply exists. Or are you being ironic?
I have some data, for sure, and as soon as I put it here …its puzzle pieces in the shredder.

Oct 10, 2022 3:20 PM
Reply to  nmism

If we attempted to use this forum as an actual agent for change, it would cease to exist. Lets see what happens when we attempt to build an edifice of communication that is immune to the spin (understatement) that is currently tripping up good faith communication in these environs. What if we try and use some techniques to bring our solid real world back into this what has become for most intents and purposes reality free zone. What I am writing here, right now … THIS … is subject to immediate change, depending on to whom, where, when, etc… it goes. So THIS is not data yet. We need to make THIS data. Then carefully proceed from there. (yeah I know data is plural…) Any success in this endeavor would threaten the beast more than just about anything. That’s why I don’t trust the administrators on this or any forum, because whether they know it or not, they are vying for their own subsistence. As long as we attempt to swim in this quick sand, we will simply be sinking. I have a ROCK here. Can anyone join me in keeping it in existence? My point is we need to step way back. The details are important of course but we cannot ascertain what they really are until we re-establish good faith. 

Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
Oct 10, 2022 1:36 PM

Unfortunately, there is no vax against stupidity being so widespread among Rashists, Trumpists, antivaxxers and other fucking assholes…

Just PT
Just PT
Oct 10, 2022 2:08 PM
Reply to  Jeff the Beast

Yes, there is. And I’m quite sure you’ll booster up again real soon. Keep up the good works, Jeff the sheep! Ha!

Oct 11, 2022 3:50 AM
Reply to  Jeff the Beast

No vax against wilful ignorance either Jeffrey.
Try opening a book, or two.

Fast Bowler
Fast Bowler
Oct 26, 2022 11:25 PM
Reply to  Jeff the Beast

If you are going to use an Albert Einstein citation at least give him credit albeit he would scoff at the rest of your ‘comment’. When they come out with a vaccine for stupidity I’m sure they’ll ask you to be in on the trial.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Oct 10, 2022 11:33 AM

A tangential or even off-topic point here (in a very good article BTW), but I think important for the wider OG readership: “…in his blog that such evidence [about Russian military jab requirements] doesn’t exist.” In re-reading this article, just those words “doesn’t exist” rang a bell… I’m not an “expert” on the history of the worldwide COVID campaign, but I think a reasonable average person (one with casual exposure to alt-media as opposed to dedicated study), could still be skeptical, at least tentatively, of the bolded claim (repeated many times on OG) made near the conclusion: “… a pandemic they [U.S. and Russian authorities] both know doesn’t actually exist.” At this late stage, I find it very easy to deny the COVID campaign is a virtuous attempt at maintaining public health, and in fact is instead undeniably toxic in many dimensions. That said, I still find it very hard to deny that some kind of pathogen(s) is/are causing significantly greater than normal (flu-type) havoc on respiratory systems. For one thing, I, and several members of my family, have had illness(es) apparently “matching COVID symptoms” over the last 2 1/2 years, both before/without and after some of us had its “vaccine” injections. Is this all really a gaslit illusion, our mass psychosis? I’m already extremely skeptical of MSM/gov, but… Or, is your complaint focused on the designation “pandemic” and all its medical and political consequences? Or… So, the claim “[COVID] doesn’t actually exist” — a claim you must admit is extraordinary to the vast majority of the public — IMHO really ought to be nailed down here in a structured way and pinned in a good place. Say, at the top of the “The Coronavirus Pandemic” page. I don’t see such clearly identified. I want to read it, and, if/when… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 10, 2022 12:04 PM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

Do remember that flu was magically disappeared for 2 years. You could easily have had that, and tested positive for ‘covid’ randomly, the same as all the ‘asymptomatic spreaders’ were.

In any meaningful definition of the word, a “pandemic“ has not existed since 2020. “Pandemic“ doesn’t mean mowing the lawn wearing a pseudo-medical mask while you’re furloughed from work, it means significant illness, many people sick and dying. It means the presence of a physicalLy identifiable disease with actual patterns of contagion.

Looking at the epidemiology, looking at the statistical lack of threat to anyone, looking at the insane authoritarian responses which were actually killing people and could well account for any temporary rise in mortality among the elderly, looking at the surreal level of propaganda effort invested into convincing everyone quite the opposite was happening, and you can’t really deny there was no pandemic, in any meaningful, factual, actual way. A2

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Oct 10, 2022 12:29 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thanks for this rapid response and summary, but, respectfully, the above does not provide the depth or evidence I need, or point to it elsewhere, that there is no such virus. I imagine that to the extent the info exists here on this site, it’s buried and probably spread thin, among many OG articles. So I’m not outright rejecting what you say. I’m asking you (or some writer in/of OG) to collect up the evidence about COVID’s non-existence in a single structured article, well-titled and well-located, so that it packs the right punch. Also, to repeat, I’m looking here specifically for a summary solid medical information. I’m already beyond well-convinced of the political madness surrounding “the COVID pandemic”.

As I mentioned, several of us in my family constitute “many people sick”, ok, fortunately not dying, but yes I do know of numerous, reasonable close, non-family who died, apparently well beyond numbers of normal flu deaths. So I simply don’t have confidence in any medical explanation of what’s going on, and what I’m seeking from better-informed people (of whatever opinions/knowledge) is better information.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 1:32 PM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

The information you require is freely available on this site. Please do a little basic research rather than asking overworked admins to provide it. Here is one article, select the covid19 category to find everything else you need to answer your question.


The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Oct 10, 2022 3:46 PM

Thank you. This looks a good primer, at least to start. But the title, though catchy, does not indicate the content. So if one is scanning titles, one may miss it.

I did do “a little basic research”. That’s why I composed the initial post. Maybe our definitions differ; for one thing, I have a disability that limits my reading speed and thus volume and comprehension, unless I spend inordinate time on it.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 3:50 PM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

Some of our articles have audio versions which you might find helpful. We’d like to offer that service for all our output but it’s not possible atm.

Oct 11, 2022 11:39 PM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

Be not weary in well-doing, my friend. A reasoned and evidence-based approach will ultimately succeed, when fantasy football science season ends.
You will find, if you choose to look, that excess death did in fact increase, though it hit nothing like the predicted targets.
You will also find maps of the genome and a very large body of honest and well-conducted study of sars-cov-2. Its association with the disease named Covid-19 is not in doubt. As you so aptly note, the medical foundation for the absurd panic is so poor that the agency data police have apparently had to purge or obfuscate huge tranches of the front-line data from actual working doctors in real ERs, urgent care facilities, and doctors’ offices. I linked a great deal of data and analysis from the Italian Institut Sanitore, back in the innocent days of early 2020, that is simply no longer there. Double ditto for the cdc.gov site, whose databases are entirely populated by the work of real MDs, but are at the mercy of the corrupt institution we’ve come to know and love so well.
However, as I bask and slowly rotate in the rosy hate-glow I hereby welcome from the Covidian Cult Counter-Clones, I will repeat their evidence is partial and cherry-picked, and their Chosen Path to Outrage is speculation become sacred writ, and their refusal to assemble, collate, and reason from the plentiful medical evidence at hand says much that is more to the point than we are going to see them write.
Worry not, friend TAH, I’m a dog lover. I’ve had fleas before.
Come on, then.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 15, 2022 2:02 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

Whether or not a “disease named Covid-19 is not in doubt ” the test for said ‘disease’, which is the linchpin for any argument that it was a deadly/pandemic threat, certainly is in doubt. Which all makes the point about whether SARS-coV2/Covid is ‘real’ or not rather redundant – which is why I was careful not to state either way.

Yes, all-cause mortality was raised in 2020, but that is just what it was… ‘all-cause’ – not people dying of a specific illness, people dying from all manner of things but within 30-60 days of a diagnostically meaningless catchall test (in uk, similar in US and other countries).

In actual fact ASMR death statistics showed only a small rise, which ultimately made 2020 a less deadly year than 2008 in UK – plus when you subtract deaths due to lockdowns/suspended healthcare/elder neglect what are you actually left with? A year well within the normal tolerances of averages, many argue.

The above point is too easily and too often overlooked and conceded, which gives a lot of ground to proponents of the pseudo pandemic narrative. A2

Gary M
Gary M
Oct 10, 2022 9:13 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There was no covid and no pandemic. Viruses don’t exist, they were invented by the usual suspects in the late 1800s-early 1900s when they were ready to move humanity off natural remedies and into (their) toxic pharma sorcerers poisons.

A flu is just the body cleansing itself, something only needed if the person is sick, toxic, overweight, etc (lots of them about). You cannot ‘catch’ a flu, pandemics are literally impossible.

We should be strongly noting the worldwide fakery in 2020, no excess deaths, and then the huge increase in excess deaths and disease as a result of the MRNA toxins. Exactly the same playbook they used a hundred years ago for the fake Spanish Flu pandemic.

They simply seek to kill, as many as possible, with their poisons.

Oct 11, 2022 10:58 AM
Reply to  Gary M
Absolutely! I have nothing to add.
Oct 10, 2022 10:59 AM

Remind folks that in the E.U and U.K and USA, Hospital staff, carers, contractors, Nursing home employee’s. School; teachers, Drivers, Plumbers, etc etc etc
Where told to get the jab/s or else.

Russia military ok. However U.K USA E.U etc dont ever forget they bullied threatened people to get it and also made in some E.U counties mandatory.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 11:05 AM

Isn’t the point that all the “major powers” implemented the same coercive responses to the fake pandemic? Anyone who says either “side” was somehow morally superior over this is getting misdirected

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 10, 2022 2:30 PM

As far as I’m aware employers did not check people’s vaccination status, nor did they ask for vax proof to enter the building. There was rhetoric, coercive language, peer pressure, mass propaganda, and people got intimidated by it, but by and large people consented themselves. Now many feel stupid or ashamed for doing so, then saying they had no choice, they were forced almost at gun point will make them feel a little better about themselves than they were just acting cowardly. Because there were only two reasons for taking those jabs, either ignorance or cowardice. OK maybe a third one could be insanity.

Oct 10, 2022 7:00 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

As far as I’m aware employers did not check people’s vaccination status, nor did they ask for vax proof to enter the building. 

So the whole Vaccine passport was imaginary….

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 11, 2022 3:34 AM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Nonsense. I was told I couldn’t come to work unless I had the lethal injection. Also the ugly bitch locked down low vaxxed suburbs. 2021 surpassed North Korea and Oceania in dystopian excesses.

Oct 10, 2022 10:40 AM
Oct 10, 2022 10:37 AM

It seems that Röper is a Russian disinfo agent. He is constantly distorting the facts to Putins advantage.

Oct 10, 2022 10:25 AM


Is Ukraine mandating the clot shot for it’s cannon fodder and it’s citizens ? If not why not ?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 10:58 AM

Good question. The US and UK apparently are, or have been.

Oct 10, 2022 5:12 PM

was UKR not one of the least “vexed” states in Europa when this all started in Feb?

this stat popped up on some article somewhere about all those Ukie “refugees”. . . .

good question indeed.

Oct 10, 2022 8:13 AM

Sad part about alternative people is that in the end you find out that most of them are controlled opposition.

Oct 10, 2022 7:51 AM

I was very shocked at the poor standard of the segment on UK Column who I have watched ever since lockdowns began across the world for their fine pandemic reporting. Very poor to quote a blogger making childish claims without evidence or gravitas. Why was this in a serious news show? And they did not ask Riley Wagaman to respond on the show? Very shocking to me.

Thank you to Catte Black for very clearly pointing to verified truth here.

Oct 10, 2022 8:59 AM
Reply to  Okaido

This man has put his life and liberty to fight against an increasingly dictatorial regime in Australia. He has confronted the authorities, led huge rallies, suffered harassment, bullying and intimidation in order to defend the rights of people who refused to be corralled like sheep. He has had the courage to be at the forefront whilst the other who criticise him are safe and secure behind their keyboards.


Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Oct 10, 2022 9:36 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

So, if you’ve been arrested that makes it ok to spread misinformation does it? Cool, thanks, I didn’t know that.

I’m getting tired of this “they’re risking their lives you know” line being wheeled out every time someone points out some “alt” is talking bullshit. It’s almost like that’s their cover. You have to listen to everything they tell you because “they’re risking their lives”. Allegedly.

Like this “Gonzalo Lira”, turned up out of nowhere to suddenly get pride of place selling war porn. Has his credibility nicely laminated by allegedly “getting arrested” by the SBU and held for about five minutes before “they had go let him go”.

Why did they have to let him go? Since when is the SBU all about legal process? If he was such a problem why didn’t they just put a bullet in his head and throw his body in a ditch? Or drop some heart attack pill in his coffee?

The guy is CIA. Planted to sell the war to the alt media who don’t trust regular Americans. We have to trust him though, because he’s telling the “Russian side”.

Oct 10, 2022 6:37 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

His life? Are antivaxxers being murdered in Australia these days? Frankly I don’t see he’s putting himself more at risk than many others running popular alt news sites or channels, or even those of us simply spreading word in our communities. I’ve lost work and friends and even been threatened in notes stuffed in my mailbox, which I ignore because they’re stupid.

Let’s not get needlessly dramatic. We aren’t being picked off by the hundred every day. I’m sure he’s going to be just fine.

Oct 10, 2022 5:54 AM


New post– add’l info

Oct 10, 2022 5:05 AM

Xi Jinping fooled the world in making believe that lockdowns were needed by locking down Wuhan first after showing fake deaths laying in the streets – to divert attention from Chinese complicity. Fauci, Collins & co jumped on that lockdown bandwagon because they wanted to hide their own involvement in finding the Wuhan lab. A battered Trump went for that line and then most other hunchos followed the hoax, including Putin.

This is not WEF planning but plain herd mentality of Homo sapiens shep-herds. What we badly need is a jump in evolution to surpass the limitations of our “grey mass” that used to distinguish us from ‘lower’ animals. Not AI, but something totally different – something all encompassing – in our biology.

Oct 10, 2022 7:28 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Any evidence, reference or indication that the that the fake collapse/death photos/videos came from the China authorities, or were done in China? Who were the winners of the race for jabs?

Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer
Oct 11, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  mgeo

You mean beside the fact they were in China, featured Chinese people, were published in Chinese media and endorsed by the Chinese government? Umm nope, nothing.

Oct 10, 2022 10:12 AM
Reply to  Antonym

You’re forgetting the response was all planned by Lockstep.

Oct 10, 2022 2:51 AM

Right on, Catte Black. Human beings never fail to astound.

les online
les online
Oct 10, 2022 1:22 AM

Didnt some Big Nob in the USA say “when everyone doubts everything told them we’ll have won” ?

“And the words that are used
for to get the ship confused
will not be understood as they’re spoken…” (1960s folksinger)

Seems there’s two ways to keep the ‘sheep’ in line: Sow Fear, and Sow confusion ?

Oct 10, 2022 1:51 AM
Reply to  les online

Even more effective is the combination of these (but also many others); also, like the strategy of “dealing with covid” – The Dance and The Hammer, can be switched from one to other, while keeping the herd is kept in an inability to counteract, for as long as necessary.

Oct 10, 2022 8:12 AM
Reply to  les online

Confusion and fear; from human sources; is generated from a complete lack of faith; that’s the real issue here; what other humans speak doesn’t actually matter; words are cheap; modern folk songs were written by the elite cultural-evolution projects.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Oct 10, 2022 10:32 AM
Reply to  les online

“Didnt some Big Nob in the USA say ‘when everyone doubts everything told them we’ll have won’ ?”

William J. Casey, U.S. Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), 1981-87, reportedly said at his first staff meeting there, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Oct 10, 2022 12:05 AM

‘..there is absolutely no way to be sure in anything which coming from any source.. ..there’s no way we’ll ever put these pieces together, most of the pieces don’t even exist.. ..friendly correction of several spelling errors.. ..climate and pyramids.. ..and Greta opened sesame.. ..owner of a small website with violated freedom of speech..which actually aren’t.. ..the factions are at war again, and therefore the hope of resistance.. ..Assange.. ..Inconsistency and lies in all media reports are the main driver..confusion and division to the point..the majority will no longer care..the virtual will replace the real.. ..interpretation of Liz Truss.. ..I like Riley, but..stabbing Kovid is probably the least important concern for most Russians in the military..the chances of being killed or terribly wounded in battle are much greater than the vaccine, and..Russia can do inject its soldiers with whatever it wants, just as the Americans have always done.. ..the russian injection is not like the Western ones, and we don’t know the consequences.. ..the deep orthodox thinking and the double thinking of the Russians, the examples among the military, which is why mandatory injections may not actually be implemented.. And..another interpretation of how everything that the government and the president have said 1,000 times and have been widely reported in reputable Russian media is actually not true….’ Oh, yeah, and without correspondents right on the scene, we can’t know anything… Nothing can be true, everything can be wrong, we cannot believe, we have nothing, and all we have is nothing. But look at it in terms of what has been our daily routine since plandemic. Look at the numerous evidence for a number of elements of it. Then everything is something, it is easily provable, it has been proven many times, we live in it and we very well believe… Read more »

Oct 9, 2022 11:51 PM

Catte Black, I read you before I read Riley Waggerman….yeh I know how he comes over ex RT and everything like a little boy, trying to spin his point of view, some of which is probably true..

Whilst you write better than anyone else on here

I have no idea what you look like, but I guess slim beautiful female, possibly lives in New York or London, and can sing.

You write so incredibly well , and cut through all the shite, and lay your point of view on the line

I live in London, with my wife, and maybe half the time with my son and grandkids.

None of us have been jabbed

Our little baby grand daughter is tiny

She is the most beautiful tiniest little girl I have ever seen

About half the size of a cat..

She is doing well. She can cry and she can suck -just wants her mothers milk

Its almost like being a daddy again.

Good Girl


Oct 10, 2022 12:21 AM
Reply to  tony0pmoc

Are you talking about your newborn granddaughter, Tony? Were she born? Congratulations and wishes to be she’s alive and well!

(But, we know you’re a millionaire who will survive the apocalypse in the luxury bunker instead of many of us, and we hate you; but I forgive you. 😅 )

Oct 10, 2022 1:18 AM
Reply to  plino


Have you made love yet?

I would seriously recommend it.

Our kids were born in the same place as my Mum was Lewisham hospital in South Eastern London.

I was born in Boundary Park Hospital in Oldham.

You will have to ask my Son where his Babies were born.

Thanks for your interest

All London Babes, except my wife and me

We are Lancashire Babes


Oct 10, 2022 1:43 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Have you made love yet?

Obviously not, as you’ve noticed. Unfortunately, in the zenith of my life, I have not yet had this wonderful experience. 😒  I’m a sad old virgin, Tony. 😫  But I heard it was very nice.

Oct 10, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  plino

you should try it. and have a bit of fun before you die.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 10, 2022 2:35 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You sound so cringy.

Oct 12, 2022 1:12 PM
Reply to  tony0pmoc

Wow you creepy

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 9, 2022 9:28 PM

And today, Riley Waggaman is back, taking on Röper’s claim that the Russian jab, the Sputnik V, is basically “safe and effective,” unlike Western jabs, for one thing because it isn’t the mRNA sort. Ample evidence from Russian sources to the contrary, as well as from other nations subjected to Sputnik V, not to mention that the Gamaleya Center, Russia’s CDC, is preparing Sputnik V… mRNA shots.

Sputnik V: It’s what “alt media” craves! The shilling must end. Edward Slavsquat, 10/9/22.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Oct 9, 2022 8:49 PM

My take on matters US/Russian (in this case) is my rule of thumb: when parties (of relative comparable power/strength) go to war they usually become the obtuse side of the same coin. Their methods, whether its propaganda appeals or false flags, etc. They know each other’s moves because they’ve been studying each other for many years. The US first invaded Russia in and around their “revolution” 1917. Who made this decision and why is certainly a detective case of the first order. What was WWI and WWII all about? Who was the real enemy?

Since much of this is opaque, and even the evidence is presented to confuse, there are no final answers. I never thought Karl Rove was much of a “brain” but damn if his words don’t keep coming back:
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

Art Costa
Art Costa
Oct 9, 2022 9:56 PM
Reply to  Art Costa

Correction: obverse side of the coin.

Oct 10, 2022 7:42 AM
Reply to  Art Costa

Whether there is a plan, strategy, etc., there is always money to be made. This was true long before the World Wars. The Crusades were joint-stock military expeditions for plunder along the way, even of Constantinople.

Oct 9, 2022 8:43 PM

all the pro-Z sites are very quiet today, except one which reported Shogui had resigned…

Oct 10, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Has Shoigu resigned? I had not heard that

Oct 10, 2022 5:31 PM
Reply to  Okaido

musta been spoof? not heard elsewhere either…

we’ll see

Oct 9, 2022 7:22 PM

Riley responseCoverage” from UK Column shillum (I added the shillum part)UK Column ran a segment on October 7 which portrayed compulsory vaccination in the Russian military as a “hoax.” [Starts at around 26:40]. Vanessa Beeley cites two experts that claim that everything that we just documented above is untrue and doesn’t exist: Thomas Röper, who boldly claimed vaccination is entirely voluntary for all Russians (except doctors). He cites a one-sentence statement he allegedly got from his “direct line” at the Ministry of Defense—this unnamed MOD official purportedly told Röper vaccination is entirely voluntary. That’s huge news that directly contradicts everything that has happened inside Russia over the last two years. But that’s neither here nor there—where’s the official MOD statement about vaccination being totally voluntary? Can’t find it. Please send. The second enlightening fact-check is from “Aussie Cossack”, who, uh….. we’ll make a transcript for you: Aussie Cossack, in his own words, with comments from Edward in [brackets]: Guys, share this video—very quick. Putin is not doing mandatory injections for his military.[What? He … already did though? Are you denying the Russian MOD doesn’t have compulsory vaccination? — Edward]That’s just a fake to try to convince the anti-vaxxers to go against Russia.[Or maybe some of us just don’t like having Russians (including members of our extended family) subjected to coercive injections with an unproven genetic experiment? — Edward]Beware of the mainstream media fake lefty woke bullshit tactics.[Translation: “Beware the official statements from Russian government information sources” — Edward]I’m in contact with troops, with soldiers, with military priests, with officers. There’s no mandatory vaccination when they’re in the army.[“There’s no mandatory vaccination when they’re in the army” ………………………….. — Edward]Do you think Russia really cares about mandatory vax at the moment? They’re doing work, they’re doing bizzo, you know? It’s kicked off over there.So that’s… Read more »

Oct 9, 2022 10:29 PM
Reply to  jiin

Dear Riley as you are a resident in Moscow why is it despite your investigations into Russian seemingly collusion with the West, what OG terms a ” binary”, you have overlooked very important subjects as this ? ” No 5th Column in the Kremlin? Think again! Following the re-appointment of Medvedev and his more or less reshuffled government, the public opinion in Russia and abroad was split on whether this was a good sign of continuity and unity amongst the Russian leadership or whether this was a confirmation that there was a 5th column inside the Kremlin working against President Putin and trying to impose neo-liberal and pro-western policies on the Russian people. Today I want to take a quick look at what is taking place inside Russia because I believe that the Russian foreign policy is still predominantly controlled by what I call the “Eurasian Sovereignists” and that to detect the activities of the “Atlantic Integrationist” types we need to look at what is taking place inside Russia. https://youtu.be/WxuB7xcBtlk Interesting, no? The state giant Gazprom is doing all it can to keep Ekho Moskvy afloat and above the law. In fact, Gazprom has been financing Ekho Moskvy for years! According to the hyper-politically-correct Wikipedia: “As of 2005 Echo of Moscow was majority owned by Gazprom Media which holds 66% of its shares”. If Gazprom is majority owned by the Russian state, and Ekho Moskvy is majority owned by Gazprom, then does that not mean that Ekho Moskvy is basically financed by the Kremlin? The reality is even worse, as Ostashko points out, Ekho Moskvy is the most visible case, but there are quite a few pro-western media outlets in Russia which are financed, directly and indirectly, by the Russian state. So let me ask you a simple question: do you really think that Ostashko is better informed… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 10, 2022 1:51 AM
Reply to  brianborou

This is someone reposting highlights from a response by Riley Waggaman. This is not Riley Wagaman. This is someone else.

There is a link in the above comment to Riley Wagamons Substack, which welcomes comments. It has over 100 of them. Glancing through the feedback, I fail to see your comment however. Why not post this there? The responses might be interesting. Maybe you could link to them in a future reply to this comment? I cordially invite you to do so and save column inches here.

Also, we don’t call it simply a ‘binary’. You appear not to understand the basic concept here. Off-g has helped investigate whether the recent spate of Russia apologising that’s going on regarding its blatant rollout of the GR agenda might not be evidence of a horizontal geopolitical red herrimg, a ‘fake binary’, a constructed false dilemma, or an ideological divide amplified as a tempting distraction, designed by the PTB to divide and conquer, to encourage a partisan response amongst those previously questioning the fake pandemic agenda in order to distract from a blatant continued rollout of said agenda.

Sometimes I fear you only have a dim understanding of what’s being said. However, you do need to understand to participate in meaningful discussion.

May I suggest you keep the word count down so you aren’t wasting your energy, as I assume you aren’t being paid the word. And do post a link to your comment on Waggaman’s substack, won’t you? A2

Oct 14, 2022 11:20 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hmm, as Waagman is a frequent contributor to Off-Guardian, I have no doubt he reads this site frequently.

“ we don’t simply call it binary “ I suggest you have a look at many of the replies from admins frequent interjections and you see this term used over and over again.

Edward Curtin recently wrote an article, a breath of fresh air I might add, explaining in detail with plenty of historical facts/ analysis contrary to the simple, to paraphrase Orwell from Animal Farm the pigs looked at the men and the men looked at the pigs and neither could tell the difference, notion which is frequently pushed on this site.

Now, I have noticed that OG has increasingly used this condescending tone when confronted with evidence, such as the investigation by Saker regarding the 5th Column/ Atlantists, that doesn’t suit the narrative being pushed almost relentlessly here.

“ May I suggest you keep the word count down, as I assume you aren’t being paid by the word” Another creeping tactic I have noticed when faced with facts / evidence running contrary to the grain make insinuations,

What has happened to OG that it has descended to this level ?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 14, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

What has happened to OG that it has descended to this level ?

Admin cottoned on to your habit of long-quoting and argument ad nauseam. We’re the same site, operating the same way since long before you started commenting here with the name BrianB, with the same people and the same level of tolerance (which most sites similar to ours would class as extremely generous). XD

Thank you for quoting clearly this time. Any future comments which aren’t formatted clearly and/or include long quotes I may remove. Thanks, A2

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 10, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  jiin

Is it possible that UK column, Vanessa Bailey et al are paid by the Russian govt or/and UK counter intelligence? From what they’ve been reporting Russia can’t put a foot wrong and Putin and his govt are saintly men.

Oct 9, 2022 6:51 PM

I’m sure this sort of sentiment has already been expressed, and it does tend to be a bit of a dead end, unless we all decide that it (forthcoming sentiment) is indeed the case, and that we therefore need to proceed wholly from its implications. To wit, there is absolutely no way we can be sure of any bit of information/data coming from any source. Furthermore, be aware of the fact that “they” are well into the level of supplying a different set of information/data to each researcher, as well as morphing these sets over time to any single researcher, or whatever which way they/it sees fit. There is no way we’re ever going to put these puzzle pieces together. Most of the pieces don’t even exist, and the others are being cut, in real time, into smaller pieces. Proceeding from the actuality of this observation involves cessation of above analysis; a regrouping under much simpler terms that cannot be scrambled, carefully building a new edifice on a foundation based on simple human understanding. I suppose I’m just venting, but my brain is getting so tired; I need some solidity.

Oct 9, 2022 7:53 PM
Reply to  nmism

Amorphous confusion is an oft wielded weapon in the perfidious armoury of popularised propaganda…


‘Nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists…
-Quote from: A Course In Miracles

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 9, 2022 6:38 PM

It would be helpful if OG could get Mr. Waggaman to interview a half dozen Russians about their mandatory vaccine experience. Provided of course he isn’t risking anything important.
We need more reporting from behind the Iron Curtain. We need our humble correspondents to travel around and give us what was once called “the scoop”
Shame about the attrition between OG and Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett. If nothing else they actual visit the war zones …

Oct 9, 2022 7:59 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

There will be no truth from interviews, there is no iron curtain, there is only a story of tragedy hiding a comedy that is the tragedy of comedy.

Clowns always wear costumes and masks.

Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer
Oct 11, 2022 9:41 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

I think he lives in Moscow.

Human values
Human values
Oct 9, 2022 6:32 PM

”Because while the flags are waving and the fear of Armageddon haunts us there is another something moving ever closer – another rough beast whose hour is nearly here. And I think by now we all know its name.”

I don’t know its name. What are you talking about? Why should anyone fear Armageddon?

”It won’t blow you to smithereens in a single moment, in fact you will barely notice it arrive, but its grip will be cold and deadly.”

What? Trying to scare us?

Oct 10, 2022 4:30 AM
Reply to  Human values


Oct 9, 2022 5:29 PM
Oct 9, 2022 4:55 PM

I’d like to give a friendly correction to a few typos in the headline. It seems like it ought to read:

”Russia’s “compulsory” military vax policy – is it a “hoax”? Or are we seeing a live example of how binaries are so useful to narrative-managers?

Corrections in bold and underlined.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 5:44 PM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

No. Not typos. Editorial decisions.

Oct 10, 2022 7:58 AM

Kk 🙂

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 9, 2022 4:07 PM

A necessary, if sad, article. I too have had to part company with so many conspiracy-theory sources who had been solid on the plague-hoax, but who suddenly turned into cheerleaders for one side or the other once this war began. I know he’s over-quoted these days, but I can still do no better than George Orwell on the subject:

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance … In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.”


Oct 9, 2022 4:31 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I can no longer read or watch Eva Bartlett or Vanessa Beeley. They are acting like the worst propagandists in the West. Nothing coming out of Russia is ever questioned. Any “atrocity” story, however improbable or badly sourced is just repeated.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 9, 2022 6:33 PM
Reply to  Matt

Strange, I always tune in …

Oct 9, 2022 3:34 PM

OT (little). “Kin-dza-dza! is a 1986 Soviet film .. Two Russians push the wrong button on a strange device and end up on the telepathic planet Pluke with its strange societal norms. .. The society of Pluke is divided into two categories: “Chatlanians” and “Patsaks” (“Patsak” is a backward spelling of “katsap”, a derogatory term for Russians). The difference is ascertained only by means of a small handheld device, the “visator”, similar in appearance to a flash drive; when pointed at a member of the Chatlanian group, an orange light on the device comes on; when pointed at a member of the Patsak group, a green light comes on. It is also noted that the social differences between Patsaks and Chatlanians are not constant: Pluke being a Chatlanian planet, Chatlanians are privileged, and a system of rituals must be followed by the Patsaks to show flattery; however, there are Patsak planets where Patsaks hold the upper hand and where Chatlanians are subservient. The “visator” shows that Uncle Vova and the Violinist are Patsaks. .. If I have a little KETSE, I have the right to wear yellow pants, and any Patsak should squat twice before me, not once. If a have a lot of KETSE, I have the right to wear crimson pants, so any Patsak should squat twice, any Chatlanin should make “ku”… imdb.com/title/tt0091341/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin-dza-dza! — “Since October, banks in Russia have divided all customers according to the levels of risk and based on this determine the volume of authorized transactions (according to the system “Know Your Customer”, which is in effect since July). – https://cbr.ru/counteraction_m_ter/platform_zsk/ “The platform Know Your Customer Platform (Platform KYC) is a service through which Credit Institutions will receive information from the Bank of Russia about the level of risk of their clients (legal entities… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 3:03 PM

Oh dear:

Climate Change Is Burying Archaeological Sites Under Tons of Sand

Desertification can wear down ancient ruins or hide them under dunes—leaving researchers scrambling to keep track of where they’re buried.

From Wired.

Change our ways … or lose the pyramids!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 2:58 PM

Mark Crispin Miller posted this:

“Is Greta Thunberg now producing “Sesame Street”?
Or is someone (on Klaus Schwab’s payroll) using it to make a point (by terrorizing children)?

Spotted on the streets of New York City:”

comment image

comment image

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 3:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There is a climate change category. Maybe try to keep your BTL comments a little more relevant to the article.

Oct 9, 2022 3:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is up there with the evil child myocarditis ad, which is now private on YouTube? Why? Looks like the New York Presbyterian Hospital is no longer so proud of this exciting new service they offer.


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 4:11 PM
Reply to  October

I tried to locate the source of the above posters but came up with nothing. So I don’t know if these posters are purely local or just have their tracks well concealed.

Oct 9, 2022 4:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Could be photoshopped

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 2:53 PM

Message to Admin: MoneyCircus says he’s been banned from Off-Guardian. He says he received this:

“The owner of this website (off-guardian.org) has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.”

Is this true? I don’t agree with everything he says but I’ve found him to be quite civilised in exchanges.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Of course it isn’t true. We don’t even have the means to ban people. Where is he saying this? What is he alleging has been “banned”? Email address? IP? I note the message says “temporarily”. I think I’ve seen that pop up due to a cloudflare alert, so it’s probably something like that he’s getting in a needless flap about.

If he has a persistent problem he can contact us. Probably better than using up our server space in his behalf.

Oct 9, 2022 4:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s a Cloudflare security flag that can occur if someone has been trying to log in to a site without having access to the login codes, or if they try to repeat send a message fast enough to look like a hacker to the security software. He hasn’t provided the full message for some reason. If he had it would be clearer what was going on. But like it says it’s temporary. He would be able to log in after just a few mins or a browser refresh.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Oct 9, 2022 2:50 PM

Good article – just because the covid pysop likely originates in western intelligence and elite business circles doesn’t mean there aren’t players in Russia and that Putin wouldn’t take the opportunity that’s presented. Russias actions post 9/11 confirm this. However real or contrived the “great game” is doesn’t interfere with oligarchs desire to crack down domestically.

Oct 9, 2022 2:33 PM

Have to mention this OT, since I am surprised about the general lack of media coverage of the human chain around the Houses of Parliament, protesting the ongoing Assange extradition agenda.
Does anybody know whether the protest was a damp squib or whether it did, in fact, get anybody’s attention?
Not even Iceland has mentioned it, although Assange’s chief editor is Icelandic…
Has the whole thing been dismissed as a controlled-opposition ruse?

I’d be grateful for any informed opinion on the matter.

Oct 9, 2022 2:49 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I stopped believing the Assange story around the time he was retrospectively given a girlfriend and two kids conceived during a time the media and his lawyers and celebrity friends were telling us he was in solitary and dying from lack of access to even basic medical care and human contact.

I doubt he has been in Belmarsh for more than a few hours to have photos taken. Hence the need for him to be in “solitary confinement”.

Yeah, my ass.

Oct 9, 2022 3:54 PM
Reply to  Hannah

We may speculate on Mr. Assange’s “treatment.” What we may not speculate on is the information releases which supposedly got him on the wrong side of US neocons.

It’s abundantly clear that US neocons are an extremely vindictive bunch which seems absolutely committed to the fantasy that the US is the world’s savior. So, even though the information Wikileaks released is quite tepid – even the helicopter shooting – and is undoubtedly already well known within the Muslim world, its release was bound to be an embarrassment to the neocons – as well as to the equally vindictive Mrs. Clinton.

We don’t know if Mr. Assange really has been mis-treated or wined and dined as a visiting dignitary. But we do know that what he did cannot possibly be advantageous to US posturing.

Oct 9, 2022 4:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’s common practice for controlled op honeypots to release some half-decent but not seriously compromising data. Nothing Wikileaks released ever got the establishment in any kind of fatal trouble, and a good deal of it promoted establishment propaganda, bit like how the “bio-weapon” story promoted the covid propaganda. Look at what Wikileaks never broke to get the flavour of what they really are.

Oct 9, 2022 10:15 PM
Reply to  Matt

You’re overlooking the fact that nothing anybody does ever gets the establishment into ‘fatal trouble’.
But I suspect that is a whole other story…

In 75 years, I have never seen the establishment in ‘fatal trouble’.
That’s presumably because they have a well-organized corporate-media-shield network specifically designed to keep ‘fatal trouble’ out of the equation, although it does look as if an embarrassment or two will occasionally be tolerated…

Oct 10, 2022 7:58 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I would disagree respectfully with your first observation. One example for me is discovering thermite in the World Trade Center dust. Very fatal trouble which they worked very hard to put down the Memory Hole with help from many in the media. We should compare that to the best information from Wikileaks. Comparable in importance? No, I don’t think even close.

Oct 10, 2022 2:35 PM
Reply to  Okaido

Thanks for your input, but I think you’re missing my point.
“Fatal” surely means the person concerned is stopped in his tracks?

Thermite, WTC7 and all the rest of the official embarrassments of that day have not – 21 years later – resulted in a single criminal getting even a mild sentence.
That’s a long way from ‘fatal’, and the establishment continues to go its own sweet way, without even a hiccup.

Like many of us, I like to think we are succeeding in putting several large spanners in their works, but if we really were succeeding to a significant extent, we would not be here at OffG looking for better strategies. We would already have enough of those.

I feel we are somehow missing our target altogether, while the rot continues, and the smell worsens…
We think it’s rats, but it is actually mildew.

Oct 9, 2022 2:32 PM

It won’t blow you to smithereens in a single moment, in fact you will barely notice it arrive, but its grip will be cold and deadly.

I would suggest that we need to ‘zoom-out’ to maintain clarity.
We’re in the midst of a coordinated push towards a cybernetic system of centralized global governance.
All UN and BIS members must comply with the new system which promises order out of chaos, but is just a cover for full spectrum dominance.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 9, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  Freecus

The incoherence and falsehood in all what media reports is the main driver for this agenda, creating confusion and division to the point when the majority either won’t care anymore or will be madly confused, it’s happening already.
Also what do the ‘authorities’ and culture manipulators think it’s going to happen with a whole new generation growing up with barely any hope for the future? The virtual will replace the real and tha’s it? I don’t think so, it’s going to reach a breaking point soon no matter how much virtual money and candy they throw at it.

Oct 10, 2022 2:47 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

I think you’re right about the breaking point, but the ‘authorities’ seem to have a wish-fulfillment fantasy that future generations will be slaves from birth – they will never have known anything else – so they will subconsciously accept it.

That is presumably the sincerest hope that the ‘authorities’ possess.
How I long to see their evil hopes dashed…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 2:29 PM

“Libertarian” is the word of the moment – as here:


The “L” word is interesting since it was the very word used by Philip Roddis to banish suspicion of covid back in that apocalyptic viral dawn. Here it serves a different purpose. And note how it is used no less than 7 times, even dragging in the ultimate red rag to a socialist, Ayn Rand. 

But first note two layers of narrative: the most obvious one about the crazy “libertarianism” of Truss. The second and more fundamental one being slyly slipped in (which is the usual tactic with illegitimate basic premises) here with the reference to “Putin-induced energy shortages”. How about that for minimal fuss? No argument. Just an offhand remark!

But that casual aside marks The Sacred Text. The Sacred Text is the matter that cannot be doubted, which is not up for discussion. It is the text that says, “Oh yes, you can protest and dissent all you like but not about this!”

(And covid was of course the ultimate Sacred Text.)

So much for the fundamental layer – which is easy to miss since it is so imperiously assumed.

The other layer is … the Evil “Libertarian” Truss. Ah you see, now you have the matter you can protest! Look! There’s our “man of the people” Will Hutton already protesting!

Does Truss signify any fundamental disagreement in the upper echelons? Of course not. Truss’s function is twofold:

First, she will accelerate the impoverishment of the masses whilst of course lining nice pockets above.

Second, she will give you something to protest about. Join in with Will … and Monbiot, Tax Man Murphy, and … well the whole of that “opposition you can believe in!” 

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 3:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And here’s how I think the Truss thing will spin out: She will carry on applying the policies that the overlords want whilst the cosmetic opposition make the noises of wrath which we are invited to join in with. A few years down the line, Starmer will leap into government to “save the day” – though by that time, the damage will have been done and we will be subject to a few token band aids.

Oct 9, 2022 4:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Stormer is to Truss as B.Liar was to Snatcher: the Left cheek of the same Anglo-Zionazi Capitalist arse.

Oct 9, 2022 1:55 PM

First, we had those in alt media who either enthusiastically supported the Covid scam or found it “boring”.

Now we have those who had earlier opposed the violation of people’s basic rights on some spurious pretext, but finally seem to think it is OK if their side is doing it. As Riley Waggaman says in this piece (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/compulsory-covid-vaccination-in-the), the arguments put forward on UK Column were particularly lame. You really don’t have to be a NATO shill to see that.

Very disappointing, but part of the steep learning curve of recent years.

Oct 9, 2022 2:44 PM
Reply to  October

Yeah, honestly, I agree. Attempting to refute a thoroughly researched claim with “well, this guy’s unnamed source and the Aussie Cosssack say it’s bullshit” is not exactly great journalism.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 3:34 PM
Reply to  October

I forgot that the divine Caitlin was so frightfully bored by it all. Well what else can you do when you’re battering your head against the permitted limit of fashionable protest and still that ungrateful mob won’t cheer you on?

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Oct 9, 2022 1:29 PM

Since Putin’s announcement of partial mobilization on 21st September, being forced to take a dodgy covid jab is probably the least important concern of most military age Russians. A Sputnik might or might not give you a blood clot, heart attack, Bell’s palsy, whatever, just like a Pfizer or more relevantly Astra Zeneca would, but the odds of getting killed or horrifically injured in Ukraine are far greater. And practically everyone in the European part of Russia now knows that.  

I like Riley Waggaman because he’s open minded enough to simply follow the facts, but if the “pandemic” has been officially called off in the West, the virus psychosis has probably also long worn off in Russia. As for the army, they still can do whatever they like, and inject soldiers with whatever they like, just like they’ve always done in the US army.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 2:23 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

That doesn’t justify Roper calling the mandatory vax a “hoax” when it plainly isn’t though does it. Which is the subject of the article.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Oct 9, 2022 3:39 PM

As far as I know, the article wasn’t written by Röper, was it? [yes, it was – ed] And if a Moscow-based German blogger decides to go vehement over Waggaman’s commendably calm and factual style of reporting, my best advice would be to ignore it. 

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 9, 2022 3:45 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

But if the greater alt. media community think it’s noteworthy then it’s Off-G’s place to drill down and clarify the points, in the interests of avoiding a unnecessary division. If you read the piece you’ll have probably realised this is the intention of the author. A2

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Oct 9, 2022 3:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 9, 2022 5:35 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

A bit rich coming from you, since this Python sketch more resembles attempting to discuss the scientific merit of Judy Wood’s Tesla-inspired limitless energy space beam (or is it a gravity-defying, ultra-secret dustification DEW powered by storms?)! 😉 A2

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 3:48 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

Yes, the article accusing Waggaman of a “hoax” was written by Roper.

Oct 9, 2022 2:59 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

The first part of the comment: “let’s forget about the potential damage to Sputnik, with which the mobilized are mandatory to be vaccinate, because the possible damage from war is greater.” ?!

As for the army, they still can do whatever they like, and inject soldiers with whatever they like, just like they’ve always done in the US army.

You mean, this is normal and nothing special? A normal act that is not cause for alarm? If the Americans do it, the Russians can do it, too? Do we blame Americans for mandatory vaccination in the military? Should we blame Russia? Is it not the same evil act? Or are they both normal?

In this way, you can accept everything, as I have noted several times recently. This is how, quite literally, evil turns into good, first in the minds and then in the hearts. Thus, not by degrees, but by rapid fire, the new order will be adopted.

And one of the most remarkable things is that if, say, hypothetically, the Russians somehow died, or were expelled from Russia, and in their place we settled any other people on the territory of Russia, would it be Russia? What is Russia, where does the essence of Russia come from, is it not from its people? But most, even almost all, ardent Western (and not only) Russophiles currently care the least about the people of Russia.

Jim Porter
Jim Porter
Oct 9, 2022 12:59 PM

The Russian Vax was not by Pfizer and we don’t know the after effects of it.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 1:09 PM
Reply to  Jim Porter

Sputnik was developed in partnership with Astra Zeneca and is a very similar formula.

Oct 9, 2022 1:24 PM

Isn’t it strange how there is a parallel universe corporate system being built in Russia. Parallel vaccines, parallel fast food, parallel banking system. They often look identical but with slightly altered logos. If we look close are the same people running them? When OG talks about the fake binary I have an image of MacDonald’s and Russian-MacDonald’s in my mind. Perhaps you could use it as helpful imagery?

Oct 9, 2022 12:13 PM

Who has the time to even read articles like that?

Oct 9, 2022 1:14 PM
Reply to  dude

I find people who boast about their own stupidity as if it were an accomplishment to be utterly insufferable.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 10, 2022 12:27 AM
Reply to  Hannah

a self-compliment if ever there was one by someone who spells their name backward.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 2:36 PM
Reply to  dude

Who has the time to complain about it. … Oh wait …

Art Costa
Art Costa
Oct 9, 2022 11:46 AM

First, this is an excellent analysis. I think Röper is but an example of a much wider schism that has developed due to this war. I suspect the schism follows the divide and rule mantra that is the most weaponized tactic of the power structure.

Just one little note. My reading of history says this “conflict has been on at least for a hundred years. Ruling the world means playing all sides.

Oct 9, 2022 8:30 PM
Reply to  Art Costa

A sphere has no sides…

Think about it.

Oct 9, 2022 11:14 AM

I get the distinct impression the ‘alt’ media are closing ranks

Oct 9, 2022 11:29 AM
Reply to  banana

I get the exact opposite impression, that the war binary is fragmenting and polarizing alt media and thereby weakening their effective opposition to the New Normal or whatever we call it. As the article says.

Oct 9, 2022 8:32 PM
Reply to  Hannah

There is no binary or ‘alt’… There is only the limits of the thinkers perceptions.

Finnian Reilly
Finnian Reilly
Oct 9, 2022 11:09 AM

Russia has a long history of where official state policy and the facts on the ground do not line up. For example, Soviet Russia was officially atheist and yet there are many examples of the beliefs of orthodox Christianity being catered for in the military or even in the space program. See this article Russian Cosmonauts Keep Bringing Icons, Relics, and Crosses to Space – A Priest Explains Why
A requirement to survive in Soviet Russia was the ability to engage in what Orwell called double-think, to simultaneously hold two contradictory thoughts in mind at the same time, and regard both as true. Perhaps this mindset has survived to this day, so maybe state policy on vaccination is not to be regarded as gospel truth.

Oct 9, 2022 1:40 PM
Reply to  Finnian Reilly

Yes, and also the mystical powers of the Siberian shamans (the oldest in the world), or maybe in the Russian cold the vaccine will freeze before it takes effect, or the proverbial Russian endurance (I don’t know if you know from what kind of things they make alcohol, they’re crazy; I like them)… all of this will help prevent us from believing the simple but terrible fact that they vaccinate their people just like the rest of the dirty bastards world leaders. The website you gave is good. https://gorthodox.com/en/news-item/patriarch-kirill-getting-vaccine-must-come-as-free-decision “Patriarch Kirill: getting the vaccine should be a free decision … [end of Article] “At the same time, spreading knowingly insufficient and inaccurate information about the effects of vaccines, as well as spreading untested rumors and myths about the consequences of vaccination, should be defined as a sin of lying, ” Patriarch Kirill concluded.” Well, well, “free decision,” except for the mobilized (after all, maybe they’ll have the right to choose 10 years of hard work over vaccination). What if someone mobilized spreads an untested rumor or myth by complaining about a side effect? It will take a lot of Christianity and doublethink to help him. For mandatory vaccinated conscripts are thinking: “Russian Lawmaker: Holy Bible, Other Sacred Text and Objects a Must for Conscripts 08.10.2022 .. “…a member of the State Legislative Assembly from the United Russia party Mr. Sergei Kolunov… “Reading the Holy Scripture and prayer like nothing else promotes courage and unity among servicemen. Remembrance of God and entreating Him helps to relieve psycho-emotional stress in the most difficult situations”, – concluded the lawmaker.” https://gorthodox.com/en/news-item/russian-lawmaker-holy-bible-other-sacred-text-and-objects-a-must-for-conscripts I hope it works and resurrectively, or at least against the side effects of their vaccination. Or at least against the appearance of sinful crimethinks about side effects.. It is very simple: as for the… Read more »

Oct 9, 2022 1:42 PM
Reply to  Finnian Reilly

or maybe everything you believe about the horrible commies is american bs propaganda ….

Oct 9, 2022 10:46 AM

It’s not just those bloody Ruskies.
It’s those Germans too:

Oct 9, 2022 10:17 AM

‘Weapons of Death’ protest in Brisbane:
Odd. No protest against the weapons of mass inoculations.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 9, 2022 10:30 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Sheep supporting the “next thing”

Oct 9, 2022 10:03 AM

Thank you for a beautifully-written analysis that clarifies the facts beyond question, Anyone still questioning the fact Russia is mandating clot shots for its soldiers and citizen conscripts is in emotional denial.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Oct 9, 2022 9:42 AM

Unless WWII and the Cold War were also theatre presentations; with actors given lines to read; lead actors and supporting parts; special effects produced by willing technicians and a department of journalists presenting the narrative; whilst populations lived in a real life Game show; some impoverished resenting the luxury of the other; both fighting illusory ideologies invented by the Producers; some nations terrified by all out extinction of an apocalyptic genre of movies and books; industrious free-peoples nervously eating themselves into over-weight cucks watching aging comics present actual game shows on a hypnotic screen as they dwindle into irrelevance;

Pretty much; everything we were taught is an illusion; its all one hypnotic screen; nothing has changed in that respect. Just make sure you get to know yourself.

Oct 9, 2022 8:48 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

Agree… but for one little caveat: The hypnotised have been memerised into believing they know themselves.

Oct 10, 2022 6:17 AM
Reply to  William Sabre

Gnothe seauton. — Delphic motto

“To myself I am terra ignota” — St.Augustine

“Life is not a thing given to you but a puzzle put to you” — Einstein.

Oct 9, 2022 9:37 AM

I really love Thomas Röper’s reports and articles! With his “Anti-Spiegel” he fights against the disgusting mainstream-paper “Der SPIEGEL” and he gives us (in German speaking countries) information you get from nowhere else. So “Off-Guardian” – which in German would be: “Anti-Guardian” – and “Anti-Spiegel” have definitely something in common.
Why now this adverse article?? Hardly anyone in English speaking countries has ever heard of or read from Thomas Röper’ site (like from any other comparable French, Spanish, Italian, Greek and so on …blogger).
 Why then this article? Why then not also something positive?
Here one of Röper’s articles from today (machine-translation): ” KYIV ON CIVILIANS: “WE HUNT AND SHOOT THEM LIKE PIGS” ”
Here a fresh interview-video with Thomas Röper (only in German language):

Oct 9, 2022 10:05 AM
Reply to  Joerg

you mean why correct Röper’s factual errors? Because facts are sacred!

Oct 9, 2022 10:34 AM
Reply to  Puzzled

I mean: Even if Röper produced some “factual errors” – why does this appear here? Röper is not known at all in the UK.
Her on OffG I ever read criticism about some blogger from Portugal, Island, South Africa (you name all the other countries) – totally unknown in the UK.
Also: Röper has a lot of knowledge about Russia, Ukraine about people, facts and politicians from there, as he not only lives in St. Petersburg but also travelled permanently into the Donbas.
Why then was he never mentioned here on OffG with his excellent articles?
Yes, he has sympathy with the Russian perspective – so also “The Guardian” would only criticise him (rightly or wrongly).  

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 11:26 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Röper’s attack on Waggaman was being shared on various alt media, so we decided to check out the real facts and share them. Why would you question this? It’s what we do.

Oct 9, 2022 2:01 PM

@Sophie – Admin1 First of all: I have no doubt that there is a compulsory military vax policy in Russia. So Röper is wrong and Waggaman is obviously right. But this dispute between two journalists on this one point would usually not justify to write a whole article about it. This would usually only led to a side remark in an article about ‘Russia’ or an article about ‘compulsory vax policy’ in general. There was no reason for this article to appear. The only obvious reason is laid down in the first sentence of this article: “A short while ago Riley Waggaman, a fairly frequent contributor to OffG wrote an article…” This is not only making most of the readers here partial from the beginning on. It is the reason why this article appeared here.   Also this bucket of dirt that the author of this article pours repeatedly out over Röper confirms this: 1) (Citation from above) “The extreme and divisive language used by Röper is an exemplar of how binary thinking benefits narrative managers. Röper has converted the question of Russia’s vax policy from being a question of pure fact into a cause célèbre in which he feels the need to defend Russia’s ‘honor’ like a courtly knight defending an outraged damsel.”   If you read Röper’s article (and also the interesting comments there below) you will find no “extreme” and “divisive” language used by Röper. And nothing like that he “feels the need to defend Russia’s ‘honor’ like a courtly knight defending an outraged damsel.” That’s pure polemic! But decide yourself – here is the machine-translation of Röper’s article: https://www-anti–spiegel-ru.translate.goog/2022/werden-mobilisierte-soldaten-in-russland-zwangsgeimpft/?doing_wp_cron=1664884406.3889000415802001953125&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp   2) (Citation from above) “How dare Waggaman suggest Russia would mandate the vax for anyone. It’s an assault on heroes and basic moral values and it… Read more »

Oct 9, 2022 2:37 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Are you denying the obviously emotional element in defending Russia for people such as Roper? Why else did Roper deliberately ignore all the facts in order to tell his readers the exact opposite of the truth? Is it acceptable to do that? Should it not be called out?

Don’t forget the man did not just grossly misrepresent the truth about the Russian jab program he also accused another writer of “hoaxing” when he told the truth! I think this obviously qualifies as “extreme and divisive” language. It’s utterly outrageous, unethical behavior, if anything Catte is too kind and diplomatic about it.

If I may say your defense is equally emotionally charged and you end up being far ruder about Catte Black than she gets close to being about Roper.

Just my two cents.

Oct 9, 2022 5:01 PM
Reply to  Hannah

@Hannah 1) “Are you denying the obviously emotional element in defending Russia” Yes, I am denying that -but what if Röper also was emotional? Is that “extreme”?  2) “Roper deliberately ignore all the facts“. There are no “all the facts” There is only one fact that exists or does not exist,. And that is the question: Are Covid-19 jabs mandatory for military personnel or are they not? Röper in his article from October 4th points out: “In Russia – as in almost every country – there is a legal basis as to whether and under what circumstances which vaccinations are mandatory. Vaccinations against Covid-19 are not included, but there are exceptions. For example, there is – at least to the best of my knowledge – compulsory vaccination for doctors working in hospitals so that they do not (or are less likely) to pass the disease on to patients who are already weak.” So there is a law that allows mandatory vaccinations. But Covid-19 vaccinations are not included! And all the citations in the article above don’t clear the point if Civd-19 vaccinations are now included. First citation (from the article above): “Heads of military administration … ensure mandatory preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)“. To “ensure” is not ‘the parliament released a law’. Second citation: “The Ministry of Defense intends to vaccinate all conscripts… ” To “intend(s)” is not a law. Third citation: “Medical care for military personnel is a priority …mandatory immunization applies to all categories of military personnel, including those called for mobilization“. Yes, of course “mandatory immunization applies to all categories of military personnel” – but, but, but: Did the Russian parliament release a law that now(!) includes the Covid-19 vaccinations to the list of already mandatory vaccinations against other illnesses? Waggaman and… Read more »

Oct 9, 2022 6:09 PM
Reply to  Jörg

oh I see. I thought you might have something a little better than “hey bitch, ‘ensures’ doesn’t mean it’s a law”.

Very impressive to watch your attempts at verbal gymnastics, like an elephant seal on a tightrope.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 10, 2022 12:17 AM
Reply to  Jörg

I forget, what narrative are we supposed to fit our facts into?

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 10, 2022 12:46 AM
Reply to  Jörg

It would seem that the reason no one could mount a legal challenge to mandates in Australia was that a law mandating covid jabs did not exist. Much went into creating the perception that the mandates were backed by laws.

Peter Allen
Peter Allen
Oct 9, 2022 4:24 PM
Reply to  Joerg

It also provides them with the opportunity to cast doubt on the vallidity of other alt media such as UK Column. All’s fair in Love and War?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 9, 2022 6:31 PM
Reply to  Peter Allen

We have not cast any doubt on the validity of UKC. On the contrary we have always respected and admired their work. We don’t necessarily agree with their approach in this case, but we don’t expect to always be on the same page with all our colleagues.

Oct 9, 2022 1:54 PM
Reply to  Joerg

In a nutshell: Catte Black in half of her article, with quotes and links to official government sources and reputable media sources – in the sense identical to what the Washington Post, The Guardian, or Spiegel, for example, are about the West; such state-related mastodons that can’t betray wrong no one official government announcement, let alone one of such importance – from Russia, refutes Roeper’s claim, which is based on an unnamed source; in addition, we have at least 2 articles by Riley Wagaman on the matter, which, also with Russian sources, also refute Roeper. But you say it’s disrespectful to him. This is an outrage. (Change Russia with any Western country and say, then will you be so against refutation again. I am not; for me, bad is always bad, if even my nearest relative does it.) – It’s a bit annoying to talk about this again, but because we’re talking about Russia, which was the center of communism, And we were “brotherly republics”:).. So, back then, there was a popular writer and composer of children’s songs with whom we have mutual acquaintances. And he was saying – something he has said and publicly in the media – a funny case. He was given to write and compose a children’s song for the tale of “The Wolf and the seven goats”. But when he is ready and presents the song to the state arts council for approval, there is a problem and a debate: under communism, there cannot be as bad wolves as his wolf. 😅  A story that can be found all over the world, I suppose. I am the last to praise Western democracy, especially liberal democracy. But you get what I’m talking about. It is even worse when one learns to censor one’s reality without… Read more »

Oct 9, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  plino

@plino & Sophie – Admin1
Already in the first sentence of this article we read: “Waggaman (was) … alleging that the Sputnik V shot was compulsory for all military personnel, including the newly mobilized“.
And Röper says: Yes, there is a Russian law with a list of diseases for which vaccination is compulsory. And yes, this law also applies to military personal. But Covid-19 is not – at least not generally – included in this list. Röper then tells us that he believes that only for medics working in hospitals compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 was taken into this list.  
And neither Waggaman nor Black provide any prove that Röper is wrong!
None of the several cited Russian sources in the article above prove that the Waggaman/Black attack against Röper has any ground. See my comment to Hannah where I go through all these by Catte Black cited Russian sources: https://off-guardian.org/2022/10/08/russia-compulsory-military-vax-policy-is-it-a-hoax/#comment-547071
Nowhere Waggaman/Black bring forward evidence that apart from “only for medics working in hospitals” (Röper)  compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 now also for soldiers was taken into this list of that Russian law (by parliament – no one else can!)!
By the way: Austria was one of the very few countries, where vaccination against Covid-19 was made mandatory. The parliament decided that in February 2022. But only 5 months later – in July 2022 – this law was abolished again!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 10, 2022 2:12 AM
Reply to  Joerg

It’s Roper’s job to back up his statement with something verifiable if he wishes to use an unnamed source to accuse another journalist of hoaxing. Get real, Joerg, you must really take some people here for suckers 😅 A2

Oct 10, 2022 9:57 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

@Sam – Admin2 “It’s Roper’s job to back up his statement with something verifiable if he wishes to use an unnamed source to accuse another journalist of hoaxing” 1) Who has to back up a statement? The person, who makes that statement (Waggaman/Black) has! And not the person who says that statement is false. Example: If someone calls You, Sam, a thief, murderer or something else – that person (or the state attorney before court) has to prove that claim. You don’t have to prove You are not a (thief and so on). So if Waggaman’s claims that Covid-vaccination was compulsory for Russian soldiers he(!) has give prove for this claim! If Waggaman/Black in the article above claim the same they(!) have to prove it! But they can’t give this prove and only make propaganda and pore out hate speech against Thomas Röper. Black puts these words into Röper’s mouth – and even suggests that he lies deliberately: “How dare Waggaman suggest Russia would mandate the vax for anyone. It’s an assault on heroes and basic moral values and it needs to be refuted – even if it might actually be true“. And also: “(Röper) feels the need to defend Russia’s ‘honor’ like a courtly knight defending an outraged damsel.” But Röper only responds to Waggaman that there are no facts at all to support his claim. Röper (in his article from Oct. 4th ) points to the sources mentioned in an article of the “Weltwoche” and finds the fault that these local Russian sources give not at all prove for compulsory Covid vaccination for soldiers. I bothered to look into one of these local Russian sources Weltwoche/Waggaman/Black rely on. There you read ( *https://rostov-tsargrad-tv.translate.goog/news/mobilizovannym-v-rostovskoj-oblasti-sdelajut-privivki-ot-koronavirusa_632583?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp ): “Residents of the Don region asked if the mobilized citizens would be vaccinated against… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 11:02 AM
Reply to  Joerg

You’re confused. Mandatory COVID vaccination for all military personnel in Russia was announced on June 18 2021 by the Russian MoD, and according to Shoigu most regular troops have now been vaccinated.

As the article establishes, this is a fact beyond any doubt.

The question of whether this applies to the newly mobilised reservists is a separate issue. The initial 23 Sep announcement from the Russian govt suggested there would be a continuation of the June 18 decree, however in the last few days it has clarified that this is not the case and covid shots will not be included for mobilised reservists – for the present.

This is covered by Waggaman in his latest

Waggaman was not asked to go on UKC, so your implication he declined is quite inappropriate.

There’s nothing else to add here.

Oct 10, 2022 2:01 PM

@Sophie – Admin1
You’re confused -or believe I was a “sucker” (Sam’s term above)!
Of course there is “Mandatory vaccination for all military personnel” (pox … and so on) – same in probably every other country.
But Covid-19-vaccination was never added by law to this list of this legal(!) rule of “mandatory vaccinations” that Russia has! Same in Germany and even Austria, where the parliament in July 2022 revoked its law (which ruled since February 2022) that included Covid19 into the list of diseases, against which vaccination was mandatory.
In Russia there is one possible exception concerning Covid19: Röper points out that he “believes” (not more) that Covid19 vaccination was declared mandatory – as an exception – only for medics, who work in hospitals.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 10, 2022 3:46 PM
Reply to  Joerg

It was specifically vaccination against covid19 that was mandated June 18 last year. Read the link & stop time-wasting.

Oct 10, 2022 6:24 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Thanks to your Link to Anti-Spiegel. Translation of the Ukronazi sentiment into German brought back childhood memories: “Wir jagen und erschiessen sie wie schweine”.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2022 9:25 AM

This is sinking to depths that even I would never have believed:

The ‘End’ of COVID Is Still Far Worse Than We Imagined

Headline from The Atlantic. I couldn’t bring myself to read any more.