Spitting Angry
Todd Hayen
These sheep folk are really nasty. Wow. I got into an argument with a very close friend about all this and by the time it was over I was covered in spittle.
Good lord dude, get a grip.
Why so much anger?
It’s like the Karen syndrome, only everywhere and everyone, crazy beet-red sheep—spitting. It’s also like road rage, only in your face, and about something that is nowhere near as personal as someone invading your own little piece of freeway.
I remember a few years ago people getting really angry about Trump. Folks really hated that guy. They would cringe if they were forced to listen to him talk. And yeah, people would get angry if they got into a brawl with a Trumpster. But it was different, really different.
An anti-Trump person might have a burst of anger toward someone extolling the great virtues of The Donald, but if the argument went further than that it was usually the Trumpster who would get spitty. The anti-Trumper would get rather silent, not quite sure what to do.
I know up here in Canada Trudeau is the one to leash anger onto. He is so arrogant, if you don’t like him you can easily be ready to spit on him, it just seems like the right thing to want to do. But most people of that persuasion don’t spit; it is the defenders of Trudeau who spit.
People, namely sheep, seem to be in a very precious little club. If anyone threatens that club they tend to have a hissy fit. I am reminded of certain groups in high school. These were groups like the Honor Society, or some other prim and proper outfit that only the well-dressed kids with neat hair got into.
There was a lot of moral signaling in these groups.
I remember that if you got in, due to your stellar social status (and high grade point average too, of course) they would come to your classroom while class was in session and just walk up to where you were sitting, like some angel apparition or something, and hand you a white rose. The whole class froze, as well as the instructor.
Talk about hooty tooty.
The “other side of the tracks” kids would snicker, or maybe do something else a bit more invasive, and the honor entourage would have a hissy fit. “How dare you ne’er do wells ruin our special exclusory fun. Heathens.”
Shrews are ragtag heathens messing up the little perfect party.
Sheep form the perfect little society party. All the middle class or “sort of rich” folks who like everything in perfect order—their government, their health, their community consciousness, their selflessness—just follow the rules, just like the Honor Society elites did (now, for all those with a pressed white rose in their year book, take a moment to laugh at yourself, and don’t get too offended, I am using this as a metaphor).
These kids all had perfect records; none of them were ever caught smoking in the bathroom that’s for sure. The sheep like to think of themselves that way. In Canada they have a nice little mamby pamby pretty boy leader with nice hair that they elected. In the US it is the old Uncle Joe they put in office, with the white teeth…and perfect hair…
No one is allowed to mess that up, and if they do, tears of rage and spit blast away. This is their stability; it is what makes them all feel safe. When an emergency hits, they all gather around the television and listen for instructions, instructions that keep them all in line, all clean, all as safe as a bug in a rug.
Real science is dirty. It is at best confusing, unstable. It won’t stay still either and moves around way too much. Honor Sheep Society members don’t want instability, they are afraid of change, they want to work for their grades, wear their nice clothes, keep their hair neat, and get their white rose. Everything in their lives proceeds as planned, as long as nothing messes it up.
If a problem arises, they get instructions from their authority handlers and they follow them and all stays in order.
If some heathen shrew comes along and says, “Look at the real science, this is not as it looks, this is not really happening the way you think, your handlers are crooks, your instructions are faulty, take heed fellow humans, you are being led astray!!”
Oh right, they are going to listen to that? No way. “Oh dirty shrew, you don’t have a white rose, you are not in our high caliber club, go away, you disgust me, you are a weirdo conspiracy theorist, a science denier, we don’t want to listen to you, we want to listen to the man (or woman) with the nice hair.”
And then they spit.
This structure that they have built around them is quite delicate (non-real structures built on lies and fantasy are usually pretty delicate). Nearly any puff of shrew breath will threaten its integrity.
The rose-carrying sheep are more concerned about the STRUCTURE of their reality than whether it is real (true/factual) or not.
Their ivory tower leaders and authorities (health officials and pharma-bribed doctors) cannot come down, or their whole world collapses. So they fight, they fight like there is no tomorrow, but they don’t fight with facts, truths, or science.
In fact, they don’t fight WITH anything of any substance. It is why they get so angry. Have you ever gotten in a fight with a cult member trying to defend his or her reasons for sucking up to some megalomaniacal leader? It’s like arguing with an opponent clutching a tissue paper shield and has at the ready a mouthful of spit.
Our current herd of sheep have something else going for them the cult member in a small cult doesn’t have, and that’s numbers. They also have the consensual society backing them (sheep ARE the make-up of the primary culture) AND they have the press. How can they be wrong? Their honor society world has a lot of strength in numbers and media coverage.
However, they don’t typically act that way, they act as if the argument you have with them does indeed have the power to tear their entire world apart. Truth can do that. So they typically kick and scream like you are cutting their head off with a dull butter knife.
Their response certainly can be terrifying, and the spittle can be messy—try to stay out of range.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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I was desperately quoting stats from the Diamond Princess in late February 2020, I was pleading for people to look at the numbers from the Italian Insitut Sanitore in late March, 2020, I was stunned when all I got back was hateful invective and overwrought anecdotes about corpses stacked in NYC streets. Thirty-two months on, you know what? Not getting much nuance or rational argument from anyone. Shriek unto others as you would have them shriek unto you, I guess. Btw, the very worst, most intransigent mask-enforcement police I have encountered were on the low end of the economic and education scale down here in these etats uni de sud. Here’s my guess. An awful lot of people live such horrifyingly banal and dismal lives that the Covid panic gave them something to be about. And likewise many cannot just absorb the evidence and make measured counter-arguments, but have to go full NANOBOTS IN MUH CORNFLAKES, I think you know what I mean. Both are emotionally invested in over-the-top outrageous nonsense they must defend tooth and claw, life and limb; neither can just talk. I’m discounting political partisans from the outset, here, because of course political partisans never have any use for physical evidence or reasoned theorizing– for the simple reason that they are choosing to be simplemindedly anti-otherguy. Partisanship itself is an anti-liberal impulse, by which I mean liberal in the archaic sense of willing to trust the demos with government of themselves, the right to dissent, get paid for work, peaceable assembly, not be forcibly penetrated, that sort of thing. If you are bothering to learn stuff and synthesize real opinions, you have no business pursuing a meaningful conversation with the self-deceived delusional person of any ready-made conviction set. It’s better to just lob a few zen-structured questions… Read more »
” Human beings avoid reality; they shun it. ” H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi circa 1980.
Some more than others, but force feeding reliably begets reaction. The deniers ( their term! ) tend not to be courageous people, paper tigers as portrayed in the article, armed with…spittle. We are often more remembered for causing pain than for the wisdom we might offer. I’m trying to err on the side of gentleness vs. heralding the awful truth in some kind of [ elusive ] optimum balance.
I count my blessings that my wife, brother, nephews and most of my children avoided the vax. The timing of the U.S. election theft in 2020 opened many eyes in time to question the shots and they went steadily downhill in our minds from the first. That which informed our perspective was a gift we may not fully appreciate.
As painful as it is to lose our loved ones to the deception it must be said what a joy it is to discover others awakened, when we do. Might we be left to pick up the pieces?
A summary take on readers comments: >
Proverbs 16:27 – “A worthless man devises mischief; and in his lips there is a scorching fire.”
Thessalonians 3:11 – King James Version (1900) – “For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.”
Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece.
Congratulations, Todd. I didn’t know you had power over a certain section of the readers. It seems that they have appointed you as their ruler, who oppresses them through the management structure of his articles. And they feel that they have to defend themselves, to defend their understandings, which are violated by the author’s attempt to impose his point of view on them through his article (roughly speaking, a bit far-fetched, but something like that). I’ve always had this problem, feeling empowered nonphysically, must be something psychopathic. So when Todd says something to me in his article, I don’t even think for a moment about feeling it..how can I say.. it’s as if OffG is some kind of organization that exercises power over me, as a subordinate, through the power structure of its articles, and Todd, for example, as the director of that structure. I don’t care. They may be very nice people, the authors, or some of them, too, we may have common ground; but in no case can I feel that they can give me a propensity for something, or even just put me in some order of thought with which I may disagree, and in response go with an emotion to refute them; but not just any emotion, but obviously, as you can see, the emotional reaction of a person oppressed by what was said in the article, who wants to protest and get out of the grip. If not, why is there in part this fierce resistance, as of a subordinate against a tyrant? Chief Todd? Oh, no, it doesn’t work. I cannot give him such power over my good mood that he can spoil it for me and I have to defend myself against him. I’m not saying anything bad, I know you’re not a… Read more »
Says a whole lot about nothing:)
It’s foolish to blame the people who haven’t figured it out yet. Blame the psychopaths who are DOING it. Also, it’s often an error to assume every masked person buys the whole she-bang. My experience in talking w them is that most of the masked know about the vaxx and about Ukraine too.
The mask is to cover themselves “just in case..” it’s difficult for many people to maintain their own absolute judgement in the face of omnipresent propaganda. Not such a terrible sin.
In fact perhaps those of us who fully understand what’s happening but are doing nothing except name-calling those who don’t– perhaps we are at least equally sinful.
We shouldn’t ever forget people who would’ve supported the non vaxxed being shunned by society and even in some cases put in camps.
This attitude is still ongoing (in the UK) and not a thing of the past. I was banned from the U3A for being unjabbed and they were terrified of catching covid from me. As if the unjabbed walk around with constant covid ready to breathe it onto the jabbed.
Last week I attended my local hospital out patients with an appointment to see a consultant. I was taken to have a ECG reading of my heart. The nurse was horrified I wasn’t wearing a mask. There is no government mandated mask policy in the UK at present. She then told me she had received her 4th jab the previous week. I shot off the couch because I didn’t want her shedding her jab stuff onto me. She told me all the staff at the hospital had received their 4th jab at the same time. She did add that one of her colleagues had missed no. 4 because she had covid for the 3rd time.
I was then taken to see the consultant who accused me of refusing an ECG. I told him this was untrue, I hadn’t refused, I just didn’t want to have someone near to me shedding onto me. I then received a five minute lecture on how vaccines don’t shed, and how the covid jab stays in the arm at the injection site. I knew if I disagreed I would find myself banned, however, I did eye roll for the 5 minutes.
I take solace in the fact that there are 18.9 million other people (adults) like me in the UK.
‘Covid’ was only a cover story for building The Camps ready for the isolation and containment of those infected with dissident views…
Gulags for political Prisoners…
As the economic destruction worsens expect to see The Camps used for the roles intended: the concentration of detained agitators and critics…
Fear of contagious ideas mean dissidents and resisters need to be kept separate from the run of the mill criminals in state prisons…
As for guards and other essential personnel: refer to the Stanford Prison Experiment, and the Milgram psychological experiment…
Vaxxed zealots will jump at the offering of full-time jobs, with benefits…
not enough cells, stop that fear porn, please.
and really did you never read any
?russian? gulag books? criminals? politicals? ffs
do ye really think they can collect us all,
as they might well “collect” the jabbed..?
different result. not enough cells… bullets?? lol
jabs argh
: /
they let people out of prison during lockdowns…
don’t think i’m picking a fight here, just saying ..
“The only silver lining is that Britain, after this, will never again flirt with toxic libertarianism.”
The agenda spelt out for dummies by the first propagandist for “stakeholder capitalism”.
They are a strange bunch to engage with, so self righteous and totally convinced of their moral superiority and veracity of
Have to feel sorry for them.
The jab will take good care of them…
Will Hutton:
“Blinded by ideology, the government is determined to pursue its own, self-defeating approach. Will it leave us all in the dark this winter?”
Oh I don’t think you’ll be left in the dark, Will!
“Putin-induced energy shortages”
Yes it’s all here!
Hey Todd. I feel for you right now. As a French Canadian I have learned to, er, forgive and sympathize with the notion that Anglo Canadian humour needs some working on. I don’t know, you guys seem to have two modes… “totally bland” and “overly outrageous”… The subject was covered by South Park’s characters Terence and Phillip. So you’re a true Canadian, so what. Once in a while you guys really make me laugh, and you can also laugh at yourselves, for which I have (and generate) proof, working with a few anglos myself… That being said, your profession has been often attacked (and rightfully so), but please don’t get distracted by all that woke consciousness bullshit. Cheers over-there in Toronto.
So which was I, overly bland or overly outrageous?
Unfortunately I am not a full blooded Canadian…I was born and raised in the US, and only “became” Canadian a few years ago…so it is worse than you think!!
And my profession has a spectrum of modalities that is beyond pinning any sort of broad definition to. I’ve literally saved a few lives in my work, so that is enough defence for me. But yes, there are areas of this profession that are not up to snuff.
er… ok, they don’t send me emails of notifications anymore I had to go back on my steps here. Glad to see I still exist. All that to say, I guess I should, that the sheeples as you call them, can be very scary, and they don’t all have fancy haircuts. To your question, both… And watch out for repetitions. Usually I detect them in choc, as they appear as words in the same sentence/paragraph… yours is in the whole work, and manifests more in ideas and sentiments… needs a more global view to be … should I say annoying? nan I shouldn’t… Let say… hit with uncomfortable marketing.. does that make sense? And at all cost, do not be defensive!… Paradoxally (?), I really like the fact that you get in there and respond to attacks on the ground… lol… they should all do that.
That club you described, I would have seen them as bowling pins, I hope you had a chance to through a few balls at them too. To summarize, I’m with you in principle (the really important part). Division? TPTB created it. So it’s there. You described an aspect of it. No sweat.
If you mean OffG doesn’t send you notifications, please note that hotmail/MSN has blacklisted our domain name so you won’t get anything from us unless you change your email provider.
wow, that’s insane
On it
Yeah, my articles are usually just random thoughts organized into something makes literary sense and can be enjoyed by some. Not all of course. They are way to short to say anything really profound…thanks for connecting.
Out the other night with two pals, my two best friends, both of whom are injected, one of whom got the illness, and both of whom are tangentially on board the pandemic narrative train, meaning we can still talk civilly about other topics – maybe. And so over drinks we got to talking about the “woke” trend. I and one pal were more “conservative”, upset with the blatant homosexuality and the BLM movement, while the third pal was more tolerant of the gays, etc., and particularly upset about “systemic racism”. He later emailed to me a link to a John Oliver clip where Oliver ranted and exposed the reason for rising rents (greed) and how the high rents hurt so many of us but, according to my friend, poor black people the most. Texting back and forth I pointed out these high rents are hurting everyone and so the whole system is fucked. I also made the point ala MLK and Malcolm X that it is the poor of all colors who are hurt. My friend then wrote that I am continually changing the subject and was clearly upset suddenly typing “Good night.” . My next text was “I’m sorry I was an asshole. Our friendship is too important.” . He wrote back that he’d be happy to talk about it in person, not typing on the phone.
I ain’t gonna touch it next time. I suspect that the those of the “woke” set are not among us here on OffG.
Wow, the author seems determined to split people into opposing factions. Calm down, dude. What’s w the name-calling, anyway? You seem to be doing a lot of baaa-ing yourself.
You know, it is funny you’d say that. Last week my article was on forgiving our fellow humans and realizing that even though we will be able to blame the end of the world on a large group of complying, arrogant, people, they are still humans and we should love them. I got blasted for that…people saying they would never forgive these people.
This week I write a humorous piece on sheep and shrews and get blasted as well…ya’ can’t win, eh? *I* am not splitting people into opposing factions, as you say here, we are already split…and it is quite clear to me the sheep side (oops, I might offend someone, sorry, my wife is a sheep and I love her dearly) are doing most of the splitting. Anyway…carry on my friend. I doubt if you have had to suffer much…Much love to all…
Methinks your referencing Trump and then trying to say that hating Trump was okay; is the problem with this article.
The utter madness of the Trump haters was insanity personified. I kept on asking what exactly they hated about the man and all they would do is repeat the complete tripe pushed by the MSM and the despicable people such as Pelosi, Shummer and the rest of the disgusting Democrats…
Personally I found him overbearing and irritating at times, but could not really fault his ‘policies’.
Hmmm…I’m curious where you got that from…that hating Trump was ok? Well, maybe you are right…I actually think hating any of these people is ok. They are all a problem. If it makes any difference to you, I actually agree with your second paragraph, and probably the third. I’ll say this, if I was forced to vote again for either Biden or Trump in 2020….I would vote for Trump, but as it stands now, I doubt if I ever vote again…
Also, for what it’s worth, I am an American by birth, became a Canadian citizen a few years ago for convenience…not sure how convenient that was in hindsight.
It’s wonderful that you engage in dialogue, Todd. Kudos.
Daring is a better word.
Thank you…I appreciate that. I would do more but this is a rough crowd (some of you) and I am VERY sensitive. I love the criticism on my thoughts, but not on me personally…I am a wimp…
I did not find this as funny as you intended. Too close to the truth. It is hard to find humor in what our governments are doing. Tyranny is not funny. Spit or no spit.
Well, it is not meant to be ha ha funny…maybe satirical or cynical. And I have found, for me at least, that this whole thing is so crazy at times it IS ha ha funny…but in a very odd way, like how a person might laugh if they suddenly had a piece of rebar sticking out of their chest…”Now isn’t THAT funny! What a way to go!!”
Funny. Agreed.
I had a hard time with this “essay”. Forced myself to stay with it. Now wondering why I did. Somewhat incoherent.
Although, I have dealt with the woke “type” who don’t seem to have a logical basis for their position and are incapable and unwilling to understand the basis of another side of the argument.
All they know is that people keep saying the world is going to end unless you do what the climate alarmists say.
If you really want to make them spit, just tell them the world is not ending and we cannot stop climate change by ending the use of fossil fuels.
That’s it in a nutshell. And they are truly nuts. Extremist lunatics.
Our leaders keep warning of the impending doom and the dumb fuckers believe it.
The United Nations needs to be disbanded and defunded. They ARE the source of our problems. It was warned long ago that the United Nations would start grabbing power and undermining sovereignty of independent countries.
Here we are being manipulated by the U.N.’s well thought out fear mongering.
Thanks for the comment…good stuff…curious, what made my “essay” incoherent? Do you have any suggestions to make my writing more palatable? It is difficult writing for such a diverse audience. Sometimes it seems I nail it, other times, no.
I don’t know what made it incoherent. Just how I perceived it, I guess. Distracted by the word pictures, maybe. I have had people shoot spit into my face more than once. In my mouth. In my eye. My hair. Disgusting. You try not react when it happens to avoid embarrassment. That’s where I went. Sorry. I view these writings as essays. Similar to an English class writing assignment. Personal points of view on things. I DO need to appreciate the time that people, such as yourself, put into them more. My bad. Thanks for taking the time for the exchange.
Academic essays…omg…no! 🙂 I am an academic at heart…and I could write nice essays…but not in this forum. For whatever reason it doesn’t seem my style when I am writing about the world’s current condition…probably because there are too many people doing that sort of writing, and very well I might add.
I write pretty simple stuff…stream of consciousness, observations, psychological perspectives, and my writing probably could be defined “incoherent” at times…jeesh, I’m surprised I can keep two thoughts in my brain at one time with this insanity going on…to be truthful, I am surprised I am coherent at all.
Thanks for the read!!
‘What keeps a psychopath committed to his way of being, since he often recognizes, as we do too, that it is a frustrating, self-defeating and empty life style ? The answer is, being special. For the gullible person, it is the desire to be special coupled generally with the secret image of being special too.
‘The psychopath is a person who believes he is special. The seductive situation that created the problem convinced him that he was, indeed, special. He was special to the seductive parent, he was needed and used by that parent emotionally and sexually. And it was conveyed to him that he had the power to fulfill that parent. What a position to put a child in ! It awakes and reinforces his infantile sense of omnipotence at a time in life when he should be moving toward independence, separation and reality.
‘I would not be stretching the truth by saying the child in this situation is looked upon as a little god…
‘The psychopath is known as a manipulator. All his manipulations and maneuvers are designed to make other people recognize him as special. All of us who manipulate others have this end in mind. And all of us who have a secret image of being special are manipulators.’
The Voice of the Body…Alexander Lowen MD. (Bioenergetic therapist).(p339)…
All human beings are special. The child believes the world revolves around him/her – half a century of social engineering has tried to keep as many people as possible in that state.
But: “Some people are More Special than Others” ?
Dear Todd, I don’t see the point of further name-calling and divisiveness. Yes, they seemed to be hypnotized, but why waste energy calling them out? They don’t read your stuff anyhow.
Name calling is tongue in cheek…our culture has become way to sensitive to this sort of thing in my humble opinion. When I write more “serious” articles I call the sheep, “normies”…but I’m not sure that is much better. I do away with the shrew label, I just think that is funny.
And I agree, all of this is a waste of energy. I should be in Africa helping save starving children…I am being serious…
Whipped into a frenzy, that’s what they are. Everybody’s whipped into a frenzy. Well, we know that’s on purpose. Even those in the frenzy know they’ve been whipped, except the frenziest I suppose. I think knowing the real truth, not the kind of truth they think they know, kind of gives you the upper hand however, thus the spittle.
People whose emotions are overriding their sense are so much more easily steered.
Yesterday’s brief encounter with the other side went as follows. He said, Covid was like fighting a hurricane and our (glorious) officials did the best they could. I said, it was all planned including scaring the hell out of everyone and implementing a bunch of new technology. He walked away. End of conversation. Possible end of casual acquaintance ship. I called after him, don’t let it set us apart. I suppose i hoped we could agree to disagree. Not the same as agreeing to stop saying what’s on my mind. I’m done with that.
I won’t ever understand why all of this cannot be discussed and/or debated. Why should relationships end because of differences in views? In this case more than views…facts.
They can discuss or debate because they actually allowed themselves to be poisoned and only denial can calm them.
Blood clots.
Many years ago, from a person I did not know. >
I would hate to get caught hating someone because they said something true
– Kathleen Dixion –
I am not spitting angry, when I write, it just kind of comes out. when I am a bit amgry, I write very quickly, and press send without even checking my spelling mistakes. Maybe I piss off some people, who do not agree with my point of view, or simply do not like me, cos they think I am rich and old..
I am cool. Yes, I have a big old cool house, in South London, and a wonderful wife and family (msg to Sophie – My Grand Daughter is Real, and Tiny and so are the Frogs)
Do you think you wil ever have a child???????
It is true, that I am old man, and someone tried to steal my car a few days ago, after it had passed its MOT..I booked it on the internet..The guy picked it up, took it to the garage in Mitcham, where I used to work – Passed with Flying Colours.
More than 12 hours to clone the key to my car…
But we have CCTV, and my son has just upgraded it to Eye Level
He reckons my 10 year old car was Specifically targeted – cos its a beautiful car, in extremely good condition for it’s age.
If they try to steal my car again….
We have also fitted a tracker, and tested it and it works..
Of course, if the thieves, just burst into our home, with uzi’s, even my son, will say – sure take the car…
“just do not touch my baby girl”.
I know what he is like – he is fit
He will tear your head off in real time.
Peace Man
Blimey -3
I’m same age a Norther Lad, God knows where your from. You sound like a wealthy London home counties cctv crackpot short on meds. Imo
Hey Tony
Have you ever considered sending your submissions to Off G to be published as an article? I think you would give CJ Hopkins a run for his money.
This is the reason the best people used to be at the head of universities, the chief doctors in hospitals and the responsible authorities behind any public office you cared to name.
Now, however, those positions are exclusively filled by the humanoid who most resembles a headless chicken – maybe even a spitting headless chicken…
Ah, well, after all these years of throwing up at the TV, I have to say my pewking muscles have become extremely strong, and my projectile vomiting is now a truly formidable opponent…
I don’t even believe that’s true. Are you saying toeing the line is a recent thing?
Of course not.
But I’m old enough to remember people with fine intelligence and a clear set of moral principles being eminently, and obviously, competent to take on responsibility for many important aspects of British society.
Toeing the line isn’t new, but utter cloth-heads, with no sense of shame, ‘coincidentally’ filling ALL of the responsible positions certainly is.
I have that same impression: a clearing out of people fit to occupy responsible positions in order to make way for the cloth heads.
“We are making a fire sale of our best people, and other nations will snap them up at bargain prices” — said in Germany after the Nazis began to re-organize the nation “in the Nazional interest”.
“Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles′′
Attributed to Dostoevsky.
Ah yes. The angry pixies go a-swirling around in peoples heads. And all the tiny electrons and protons get confused regarding polarity. They spin off-orbit from the nucleoli, and the exchange deteriorates into chaos. Some molecules lose electrons. Some lose protons..
And all the tiny little molecules wish to become stars — someday…
that is almost the same story i wrote for my Higher art, the written part, where i was meant to talk about someone’s genuis, style etc..
: )
And I thought you were going to refer to exposure to EMR/EMF and it’s relation to memory loss…….
Heh, heh… My comment rather silently refers to the phenomena, but I kept it simple.
I don’t know about spitting; but definitely – a thousand times definitely – you can just feel the anger in people’s driving.
It may seem hard to distinguish today’s angry driving from yesterday’s normal speeding; but go off the freeway and visit communities and you’ll see and feel it right away.
Especially on access roads (i.e., roads going from Road A to Road B) – the kind that take you on through a community. Like where I live. Speed limit on the access road’s always been 25 mph. It’s hard to go just 25 in the first place, what with Restless Leg Syndrome and Lead Feet.
But it’s different now – and has been since covid came along (for the ride). Where before people at least attempted to go 25, now about half go 35 or 40; and a third can be clocked at 50.
Are people really more rushed these past two years? Or are they angry and take it out on their cars?
I’m a rare species: the Amerikan non-driver.
I often visit the shopping center around the corner, located on a main suburban artery or thoroughfare.
I offer the very anecdotal evidence that in recent years, I notice that more and more drivers take red lights as a suggestion. It isn’t that every driver fails to stop; it’s more a matter of cars that obviously have time to slow down and stop just zipping through the red light if there are no vehicles in front of it to force it to stop.
I am no fan of government surveillance, but if traffic cameras were mounted at the intersection where I cross, they would generate untold millions in revenue.
And “NO TURN ON RED” signs are simply ignored. I don’t know whether this is symptomatic of rage or indifference.
I don’t think there’s a lack of traffic cameras; just a lack of resolve on the part of police to hand out hundreds of tickets every day – no matter how much money’s in it.
I do think, however, that deceit has become the SOP for so many people – especially younger people – that, as you say, red lights are suggestions. Stop signs are kind of like billboards: just part of the scenery.
This callous disregard for rules is the inevitable result of having way too many – and too frivolous – rules. People don’t seem able to tell good rules (that save lives) from silly rules (that merely satisfy some bureaucratic impetus).
No Turn
I’ve hardy ever seen anyone not Stop First, Look and then nip right turn in the US in over 30yrs of driving on American roads.
And that’s from a Brit, soo that’s complete bollocks.
People Have been driving quicker on major roads lately, and for what it’s worth, showing more lane discipline as well.
In towns its about the same as in the UK, 30mph. But, America has too many Traffic lights, out of town roads double yellow lines, meaning no passing.
Respectfully, the 5mph increments need to go and open up the Interstates to higher speed limits.
Traffic would spread out more, drivers find their own comfortable speed imo.
Appears to me most accidents happen around on off ramp areas.
Outside lane then straight to slow lane and off ramp, are dickheads in any language. imo.
Cameras? Sod off Look at China. You people talk about freedom, yet want bloody cams everywhere.
Yes, I have noticed a change in drivers. My mailman even commented on how difficult it is “out there on the road” and he is a mellow guy.
Mellow went bye bye in the 60’s fruit lump.
A product of the “vaxx”.
not just vehicle drivers!! yass
something stirs…
Yea, driving on US freeways you have either slow down or suddenly change lanes to let some obnoxious dope on doing 35mph as the clown runs out of on ramp joining the Interstate.
That’ll be you Howard will it, ..take a look in the rear mirror next time. At the tire smoke carnage left behind…..Mr & Mrs Armageddon.
I think that the politicians will try blaming it all on front line medical staff who did the stabbings. I’ve known quite a few NHS GPs, consultants and nurses. I reveal all about what they’ve said to me in this video. Most of them have happily sold their patients down the river. https://odysee.com/@nigelwatson19:3/WHY-DID-THEY-BETRAY-US-THIS-ONE:4?src=embed
Thanks Nigel! Good citizen-journalism. Keep going.
This is what I hate about these internet bloggers–especially ones who have educational degrees–even if it is something silly like “Consciousness Studies” what ever that is. (My degree is in underwater basket weaving by the way.)
What I hate is how they spew ignorance of simple things that are easy to check–terms like “hooty tooty” which is really “hoity-toity” or “mamby pamby” which is really “namby-pamby”.
And this disparaging tone of his is unprofessional, especially if he is indeed a “psychotherapist” and not merely psycho. What we need are competent adults who can actually help rather than simply add fuel to the fire.
What he is writing about is how people process things strictly on an emotional level. This is his field–if he is indeed, a “psychotherapist”. We know people have always had this tendency (and always will) but those who would deign to call themselves our rulers know this as well and use it to stoke division.
So Dr. Hayen instead of this childish rant full of name calling, perhaps you could enlighten us on how to deal with such PEOPLE (sheep are better behaved). It would also be helpful for people to know how to recognize this tendency in themselves and how to avoid and/or deal with it. Take a breath and use your words Todd.
The Off Guardian shouldn’t publish such tripe. There is enough division being fomented by “our betters”. We not only do not need to contribute to it, we need to know how to stop it. The only way to stop this runaway train of totalitarianism is a united people. Do you not understand that this destruction of our societies is being done deliberately?
Well said 👍
You think consciousness studies is silly, Q? Just as the paradigm is shifting? Reality as information first and foremost (handled by mind, of course, what else?) is flavour of the decade with the younger generation of physicists.
Consciousness is fundamental to our reality. Sadly neglected during the two or three centuries of the primacy of reductive, mechanistic materialism in the philosophy of science, now raggedly coming to its end. Do try to catch up, Q. Next time round if you can’t manage it this lifetime… 😛
Just to be clear, this is not a personal attack against the author. It’s just what he does always reminds me of this brilliant cartoon;
I do agree with your sentiment though.
YOUR comments are certainly a childish rant.
haha nernernerna hilarious your more childish than me …..class
Quickdraw, “childish name-calling” and “It would also be helpful for people to know how to recognize this tendency in themselves and how to avoid and/or deal with it.”
Absolutely. Thank you for rising above such silly, emotionalized tripe. There was not even an invented fact in all his garbage– except that he dislikes people whose hair is neat!
Who are you people? Wow.
It would also be helpful..
You’re just trying to avoid paying for a session.
Check out his response to me below. Wow full moon bite back. 🔥
I actually like Todd. I would buy him a Coffee or a Chablis and discuss a few things with him.
Thank you…join my substack, the waters are cooler. http://www.shrewviews.com
“Better behaved,” hell: Sheep are more rational.
Interesting. Oh, I almost went for that degree in underwater basket weaving! Didn’t have time. Too busy blathering.
You know, I actually like your primary point…”the only way to stop this runaway train of totalitarianism is a united people”…I agree, in theory, although it really has never happened in the world, has it? There have always been divided people, and if a totalitarian government is toppled, it isn’t a united people that does it, it is the rebels, the renegades, who are mad as hell at the folks supporting the regime…”the sheep”….The people march on to the leader’s drum…it isn’t until the whole culture is destroyed before the rule is taken down. Anyway…nice idea. And BTW, I love, dearly, a whole lot of sheep, so it isn’t that we are dealing with.
I see you have no time for humour, or even a bit of tasty tripe once in a while. You seem quite serious, and since you wanted me to tell you how to fix this mess instead of writing tripe, I figure you don’t have a clue yourself. Neither do I. Do you write? I would love to read something…let me know…
And for making fun of my profession, as well as my education (obviously my writing) well, I guess that’s your “right” as a reader…but the ugliness you exhibit here is enough for me to be compelled to call you a name or two…why is it that we are seemingly on the same team here and you choose to “waste time” spearing me down and in a very hateful way, chopping me to bits. Hey, look the other way, the enemy is over there, not here. I am not it, although I have my doubts about the wisdom in calling myself a member of your club.
I had, for the longest time tried to give Trudeau the benefit of a doubt but this quote from him ended that for me personally: “We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with vaccination… There is still a part of the population fiercely against it. They don’t believe in science or progress and are very often misogynistic and racist… They take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: DO WE TOLERATE THESE PEOPLE?” (Western Standard, 29 December 2021)
I must admit I have never, ever seen the slightest reason to give that creature the benefit of the doubt.
That, to me, would be a form of suicide…
The writing was on the wall with Turdo long before covid. The guy is one of the most nauseating c@#$s to ever walk this planet.
But Canadians still voted for him. JFC.
The elections are a fraud.
People don’t get to vote any more.
A tyrant is forced down their throats, and the media tell them they voted for him.
Yep no doubt, we have almost certainly passed peak democracy.
Indeed. Hes even worse than the worst freaks down under. Castro must be spinning in his grave right now.
I’m actually having the opposite experience.
When the nonsense started and Boris Johnson came on TV with that look and those daft words I was angry – really, really angry.
From that moment on I got angrier and angrier with every obviously false bit of news that came from sage or Chris Witty or Van Tam or whoever.
Luckily, I had worked out that a “vaccine” was going to be rolled out (I actually correctly guessed the day of the announcement)
If I hadn’t known that the jab was coming I honestly think my head would have literally exploded when it was announced.
But that was two years ago and it’s been hard to maintain my level of anger at anything above “raging”
I’m hoping that the inevitable coming announcements over the winter will mean I will be able to maintain my anger levels at “magma” or “plasma” level or above, ready for any official who tries to jab or mask me.
tell me about it, i get bouts of gloom too,
we be justified when unleashed ; )
So that angry dunderhead is spitting on his laptop? SMH.
or just drooling…
‘..if the argument went further than that it was usually the Trumpster who would get spitty…’ – not in my memory, quite the other way around – when the mainstream media started their ‘everybody hate hate hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump’, I said no, no reason to do that – but – all the website discussion places I was somewhat involved with at the time were immediately on the bandwagon, following their masters I now see, and my calm protests about ‘hey, no reason to hate this guy, what’s up?’ were met with pretty strong shit and abuse, no doubt at all lots of spit would have been flying in ‘real life’ – it was the same in the US, all the screaming about hate hate hate!!!!!!!! was coming FROM the ‘democrats’ and media, the Trump supporters were happy and willing to talk – been the same ever since –
That’s pretty much what I’ve observed as well. “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is a thing, after all.
There is a lot of anger on all sides, though it’s largely been the left who has been willing to express it physically, at least up to this point.
The angriest Trump haters of all were/are the Civil Servants. One of the first things Mr Trump did upon taking office was to try and keep the upcoming annual raise from happening.
Boy did he ever have to back down from that faux pas. But Civil Servants have long memories; and still to this day hate Trump.
First rule of governmental leadership is to keep the “hired hands” happy. They are the people that knock on the doors and hand out brochures in their “spare time” on weekends before every election. Sometimes, they do it during the week while they are on the clock (at least, in Cook County, Illinois). They are the same people that kick back part of their salary in the form of fundraiser dinner tickets. Then there are the not-for-profit organizations that live and die on government grants. How many of them attend these fundraising functions while making sizable “personal contributions”? Plenty of graft to go around. The Democrat’s way of doing things. Remember the Mantra: Lie. Cheat. Steal. Murder. The ends justify the means. Don’t forget the movie: “2000 Mules”. Not going to say “it”. But “it’s” been implied………..
My takeaway from this is that sheep are leftists. Seems a bit blurred to me, like its a left vs right political argument.
Sheep exist in all forms. They place their own view upon the world, rather than accepting it for what it is. Sheep perceive truth only in the manner that they were trained to observe it. If information isn’t presented in their pre-imaged package, they reject it, often in favor of lies.
These characteristics make sheep easy to lead. Living in the veil, sheep find it hard to believe that people would do such a thing. Tell a lie big enough, and the sheep won’t believe its a lie.
Equating sheep with anti-Trumpers is not accurate. The people who follow Trump are sheep. Everything Trump is a trap, but sheep have a peculiar ability to live on hope, which is a lie in itself. Sheep on the left do the same. Obama literally campaigned on it.
Ultimately, the article wishes to group people using identity politics. Get them divided in some form or fashion, then feed them things to create the new narrative. For example, get them divided through associating sheep with politics, then lead them into vax vs anti-vax later, or Ukraine vs Russia, or whatever new angle that furthers the agenda. Once its us against them, the two sides can be manipulated into accepting the “new thing”.
If sheep are the problem, then the people feeding them their false views are the enemy.
False binary. The rulers love this sort of sissy fits. It just keeps them in charge. Trump was the best thing to happen to the ruling elite. I don’t call anyone my “close friend” who is this disturbed.
Ukraine Narrative:
Trump was disliked by many because he was corrosive to our society. He played on dissatisfaction, pandering to a sort of punk ‘tear it all down’ mindset, while being both a tool of, and benefiting greatly from, the very forces that were driving social dissatisfaction. This article encapsulates the problem. Its both cleverly written and yet openly anti-intellectual, designed to stoke jealousy and enhance division while carefully avoiding discussing the probably causes of dissatisfaction in society. People feel stressed, they feel like the world they once knew — or rather, thought they knew — is slipping away from them, They’re losing out, in short. The reason for this is well known. Over the last century or so there’s been a systematic shift in wealth upwards, a process that initially subtle but met with voter approval because we were all encouraged to think that it was really wealth sharing. The consequences of this shift have now become stark with a quite obvious wealth gap between ‘rich’ and ‘not rich’ — many ordinary people now live precarious lives, living paycheck to paycheck with no prospect of anything changing. The propagandists for the ‘haves’ — who, remember, can afford the best — having exhausted the possibilities for convincing people that its “jam tomorrow” have turned to the other standby, social division. Society is to be fragmented into warring groups, using envy of ‘the other’ and how well they’re doing to stir up the hornet’s nest. This situation isn’t new. We’ve seen this time and again with fascism. The outward trappings of this ideology require a charismatic leader, someone who will make promises about the Golden Tomorrow (which is also an echo of a Golden Past), who is quick to blame ‘the other’ for society’s ills and isn’t afraid to use violence, rhetorical or… Read more »
ffs martin every so called politician is a corrosive cRunt of the highest order, punch and judy with extra bells and whistles which is about the only reason to join the police farce these days, bombing around with your sirens blaring, can’t think of any other reasons to join
FEAR! + all our collective shadow. this is a collective dark night of the soul. COLLECTIVE! the only real help is complete consciousness, and complete love, and forgiveness, of everybody, your ex, your parents, your nasty neighbours, and those you consider evil, psychopaths, predators ectr.
and if yudon’t believe in such stuff : consider what has NOT helped so far!
Only love destroys fear, and when you realise that fear is only a ghost, you are truly free, even of death.
that’s a fukn hard, worn, road,
that most never acknowledge…
life “fronts”.
but ye are right.
Looks like the guys smelly breath is melting the laptop screen to me
re trump: i’m just reading ”squeeze me” by carl hiaasen and i’m amazed it got published. or is not sued. suren no names are named but it’s obvious, and very insulting.
– will educate you better.
‘ These kids all had perfect records; none of them were ever caught smoking in the bathroom that’s for sure. The sheep like to think of themselves that way.’
I had perfect records, but didn’t care. I did smoke in the bath room, but was never caught. In fact, I never cared about all of that, I just wanted to be left alone. So I behaved. I still do.
Maybe this is the difference between me and, what the author calls, sheep. I look like them, behave like them, but am not one of them.
My idea about sheep, is that many sheep are just like me, but don’t dare to say so as they’re scared to fall out of the group(think). They do need some help, some courage, someone who says to them: behave, but don’t think that it means something more than just being polite. And now, please, leave me alone.
Frankly, that does not work if you, like the author suggests, avoid the sheep.
Even more frankly, I am surprised that the author himself seems to be scared of the sheep and therefore wants to avoid them and therefore just behaves like one of them.
Ah, well, it takes one to know one eh?
Theirs is a delusional house of cards that rejects nature. But our side lies by omission.
The following 2-hour+ documentary was recommended by someone on one of the American Steve Kirsch’s Substack forums a day or two ago.
It provides an excellent summary of the horrific scam/hoax/fraud that’s being perpetrated worldwide.
I’ve not yet watched all of it, will hopefully watch the rest later today.
“The Big Reset – TBR – English – No censorship” (video: 2.16.44 hours), at:
N.B., I’d meant to make the point, when posting the link above, that, whilst the documentary well summarises the fact that what’s going on is a scam/fraud, it claims that there is a ‘virus’ sweeping the world. I know that many of us who post on this Off-G site would take issue with that claim.
There is a virus sweeping the world. It is called the “Belief” virus. Anyone not hiding behind a mask is susceptible. It latches on to neurons and confuses the molecular orbit of electrons. The brain literally disintegrates, and the victim starts spitting on every thing in sight… I hope they find a remedy soon…
A seasonal communicable illness existed 2019-2020 that was strategically sensationalized and weaponized to take advantage of all people that cannot discern fact from fiction.
SARS-CoV2 was that seasonal communicable illness, that would otherwise be considered the ‘flu.
No. SARSCOV2 was the alleged new virus, but this has never been linked to any new or specific disease. “Covid” is claimed to be a new disease but is not, it’s a new name for the symptom cluster usually called flu.
This helps to unravel the sleight of hand
Even communicable illness in under question. Do all the trees catch spring?
What sort of a person would thumb-down the above [and my added note, below]…? (a rhetorical question, of course…)
Dividing people into sheep and shrews is falling directly into the trap. If you go far enough, someone will eventually convince you to start committing atrocities against one label or the other.
so very true!
Reminiscent of the Capos in the German death camps
but, here we are…
: /
Let them spew. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
It is sort of the elephant in the room though, COVID drew a hard line, it divided. No ifs or butts. And since then I’ve been trying to work out how I ended up on the side of the line I’m on and how they ended up on theirs.
The vaccine injuries, the denial of proven existing drugs, the lockdowns, the mandatory jabs, the shovelling of the elderly out of hospital beds and into care homes, the removal of double checks on signing off of death certificates, even the false declaration of an “Emergency” – all this suggests that the atrocities have already and are happening.
First part of a series (currently three of them) looking at the effects of the so-called vax:
One doesn’t have to agree with every part of his analysis (like that there was a novel virus or that the so-called vax is a bioweapon rather than a chemical weapon) to find a lot of good info here. A large part of it is reading posts from Facebook’s Died Suddenly group which they’ve since deleted.
The DS group is back, albeit with only 100K members so far (rather than the 300K it had when deleted)
Would you mind linking to it for the benefit of our readers? A2
Energy blackouts for the winter – following the steep rise in prices which will already make fuel harder to access. Stepping up the vax programme i.e. the cull. We are certainly headed back to the middle ages.
Full moon bite.
What do you think the people who wouldn’t watch alt media especially this new shite that couldn’t decode a connect 4 game that regurgitates MSM media and basically re sells it as alt media.
Banging your chest, coked up insatiable ego thinking you cracked it watching U.K shillum or died ickonic or Alex moss/cia Janus..FFS!!
Your in a psyop and you cant even see it, worse still thoses you watch, who you get your
information(disinformation) from dont even hide there intelligence services connections.I can assure you, the sheep who you call them are more awake then the half awake fake mongs zombies watching MSM alt media run by the intelligent (lack of) services.
Decoding sense from this is not so easy, but you seem to be saying that the sources I used to find the truth were wrong. The logical conclusion is that you believe the other side of the story, which is clearly untrue. Thus, you are a child-abusing, nappy-wearing, control-freak, cowardly fool who is on the wrong website, and so why would anyone else make the effort to understand your whining?
Spitting Angry – the irony.
Contradicting your self there boy! Seems Jinn is now covered in spittle.
I know nothing:
To easy….
bite away, fair enough, get what you’re saying…
but dem twisted knickers need cut off,ffs.
Their “leaders” got them into this mess, their “leaders” got them through the “pandemic”, their “leaders” now have a free pass to invertedly “virtue signal” their servitude to darkness, to satan, the “sheep” have no alternative but to follow and in so doing exhibit their willingness to enter the darkness..
i mean who better to guide you into the pits of hell than the senile, demented “leader of the free world”, who now feels free to openly admit his paedophilic tendencies for all the flock to see…
you couldnt make it up, Lydon once said “anger is an energy”, but with that in mind pouring your fuel over your already hot engine doesnt have the same result as feeding it in via precise amounts via your injectors…
Edith mentioned the sphere we are now in astrologically earlier in the year, as having much similarity to the influences pre “ww2”
Few can deny that tensions are rising and that out of charcter behaviour is affecting many.
I maintain that “they” however are losing and as their scaly digits fumble in the bag of tricks the mouse traps We placed are giving dem piggies some mean pinches, fuck em
aye, but we will become dem “objectors” of some description… once onto full-natzo mode ..
all ramping up to a war-footing, not good, you thought the cov19 event was bad, wait ’til wartime… argh, naw.
we all saw this long time, but under a syringe..
now we get everything at once? full 4 sweep the board?
I hope you are right Duckie, but certain things seem to have to come to pass, in my vulcanised heid..
: )
You are getting very close to what’s happening in their heads
Anthony C Sutton probably summed it up best, I am paraphrasing:
They go along to get along
It ain’t just the spittle Todd. It’s the haughty air of superiority and the looking down their noses that shits me.
If it was on the 6:30 news, corporate or public, it must be right.
FFS !!
Your wife is right. It\s not about the vax.
What I am seeing is burnout from both camps. I’ve got my “Come and get vaccinated to save transgender geriatrics” leaflet which I may use as toilet roll, though it would probably hurt. My wife knows what I think about it. And I know she’ll be going to get hers. Hopefully she’ll survive, though my mum is apparently experiencing a bit of flu-like conditions after she got hers. Perhaps it only works on transgenders and climate protesters?
But the wife and me don’t discuss it. Discussion is futile. I haven’t even bothered quoting vax death figures. I know her response (“Fuckin’ looney conspiracy sites!”) And so we all trudge ahead like the walking dead.
Yeah, me and my old fella are in the same situation. He told me some months ago that he was bored of talking about it now, mainly because he knows that I would wipe the floor with him in any debate about the subject and make him look and feel like an angrier version of the proselytising mormons who he loves to denude when they come knocking on his door, but he’s still going to be a good boy and go and get his jabs. He’s also trying to strong arm my Mum, who has finally seen through it all, into doing the same, which I don’t think she will, thankfully. Fuck it, it’s his call. On ths issue, he’ll never see sense. That’s where true faith gets you, I guess.
My mum said “I’m just going to go along with them”. What can you do with that? I dearly love her but I know there’s no way to change her mind. I wonder if this kind of weary compliant fatalism is a common thing?
In my Dad’s case, he’ll rant on with the most vicious branch covidian twaddle to anybody who he thinks can’t beat him in an argument, or rather, can’t or won’t pull him up on the logical fallacies that his arguments completely rely upon, but he won’t with me because he knows I’ll make a fool of him and I have the physical and mental beating of him. He is a fully paid up member of the Church. The irony is, that he’s the one who taught me to think logically and rationally and he’s still capable of it over most things, but not this.
Fear-driven hypnosis is a truly astonishing thing: the crazy stuff it can drive people to do. A potent lesson for those of us looking into this mass hypnosis miasma from outside…
Being categorised as “non-essential”, the churches were eager to get everyone to join the movement “back to normalcy”.
whoops, I mean’t reply, not downvote George. My wife got her 1st jab on leaving hospital. I could see that they definitely waited until discharge to jab her [I think we know why], but she would do it many times again anyway – because her stupidphone says so.
That is damaging your property
Same here, no point in discussion with someone who doesn’t want to hear. But that was surely part of their plan as well….to destroy relationships and cause chaos between former friends and family…….in other words, divide and conquer. We still need to stick to our beliefs and call the bastards in control out at all times. The penny will eventually drop with most people, hopefully before it’s too late.
The old “virtual” networks have gone too. In my case, that was the round of Left sites who have effectively disappeared or turned into covid clones or just bury their heads in the concrete. I feel we are being prepared for the Matrix.
I cannot imagine what it must be like if people in your own family believe this nonsense
Luckily, my wife, who was a bit scared in the beginning, got it right after the Diamond Princess story
Who remembers the trawler Echizen Maru? It has been carefully memory-holed:
Mystery as Argentine sailors infected with virus after 35 days at sea
Buenos Aires (AFP) 14 July 2020
Argentina is trying to solve a medical mystery after 57 sailors were infected with the coronavirus after 35 days at sea, despite the entire crew testing negative before leaving port.
The Echizen Maru fishing trawler returned to port after some of its crew began exhibiting symptoms typical of COVID-19, the health ministry for the southern Tierra del Fuego province said Monday.
According to the ministry, 57 sailors, out of 61 crew members, were diagnosed with the virus after undergoing a new test.
However, all of the crew members had undergone 14 days of mandatory quarantine at a hotel in the city of Ushuaia. Prior to that, they had negative results, the ministry said in a statement. […]
“Infected” with the “virus”? Shurely shome mishtake? Perhaps something else was making them sick?
Never question TheScience™. You know it’s more than your bleedin’ job’s worth.
Ushuaia looked great at dawn when our small Russian crewed ship came in from a cruise along the Antarctic peninsula in early March 2017. There was snow on the mountains though it was late summer/early spring. It was very cold. It would have been bitterly cold in July and the crew catching colds was hardly remarkable. The world has changed. The Russians are now the enemy.
The official status (after a few months) was that this mystery was solved, and the source of infection identified. Such a claim would be hard to verify.
I love how, after all that head scratching over this unfathomable mystery, we get this blandly stated assertion:
microwaved with the latest death ray equipment in a metal box
my old man – 5th cov jab; and 2nd flu stab in 3 months… this day.
his birthday soon, we’ll see. ironman ? haha
no talking to these people anymore, (and, he was originally 99% cynic, “make my own mind up”. . 6 months of bbc/shite shtuff, he believed it all etc etc.) blind adherent since… demanded jab..
we did try.
She will never accept that the conspirators own the MSM, so the chances of her ever hearing the truth from there are zero.