Only Adult Children Still Believe US Propaganda
Edward Curtin

Veteran OffG contributor Edward Curtin shares his interpretation of the conflict in Ukraine
It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying Russia and will risk nuclear war in doing so. It has already started World War III with its use of Ukraine to light the final match.
The problem is that reasonable people are in very short supply, and, as Ray McGovern recently wrote in “Brainwashed for War with Russia,” the Biden administration and their media lackeys
… will have no trouble rallying Americans for the widest war in 77 years, starting in Ukraine, and maybe spreading to China …. Most Americans are just as taken in by the media as they were 20 years ago, when they were told there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They simply took it on faith. Nor did the guilty media express remorse – or a modicum of embarrassment.
Many good writers – all of whom are banned from mainstream media – have made clear why the corporate media propaganda about the US/NATO war against Russia via Ukraine is false and egregiously dangerous. The government of the USA is led by morons in the demonic grip of the “The U.S. Should Rule the World” ideology. It is nothing new.
I don’t wish to debate the facts, for that is a fool’s game created to suggest there is something to debate. For the evidence is clear, except to the public in the grip of propaganda-induced ignorance or those elites who never learned from the ancient Greek goddess Nemesis that dark Furies will destroy those who in their hubris push the limits.
The Biden administration has already done that, while President Biden mutters inanities as if he were a mafia boss wandering the streets in his pajamas and slippers.
The recent sabotaging of Nord Stream 2 is another example of the treacherous road we are traveling, as Diana Johnstone makes clear in her recent article, “Omerta in the Gangster War.”
For years, the US-run NATO has moved military forces and bases into countries encircling Russia. This includes weapons that can very quickly be converted to nuclear use. This, as I’ve pointed out before, is tantamount to Russia doing the same in Mexico and Canada, and let’s add Cuba as well.
We know what the US response would be, but when President Putin and his government objected and said this is a betrayal of previous agreements, he was dismissed as if he were a child making things up.
In 2014, when the U.S. engineered a coup in Ukraine, bringing into power neo-Nazi elements, and Russia protested this coup on its western border, Washington mocked such concerns. Every time Russia has complained about such provocative moves, the U.S. has dismissed them as inconsequential.
For years the U.S. has supported the Ukrainian killing of the Russian speaking peoples of eastern Ukraine, and finally, when Ukraine had amassed forces to invade the Donbas region, the Russian government had had enough and sent troops into the region to defend this area.
Thus the hypocritical West played at outrage that what they had created was finally backfiring. Russia was cast as the guilty party for invading Ukraine. And now a full-fledged US war against Russia is out in the open and it will become more dangerous as it continues. Nuclear annihilation becomes a very real possibility as the Biden administration continues to push the envelope.
There will be no end to the war in Ukraine because the US is intent on doing everything in its power to try to bring Russia to its knees. It is madness on its face, but then insane people are in charge. In this process, everyone is expendable, friends, foes, and anyone who stands in its way, including the U.S.’s supposed European allies whose leaders seem intent on destroying their own countries.
Perhaps ironically – but I think not, as a knowledge of history confirms – the volte-face of the American liberal class with its promotion of the new Cold War, censorship, the CIA, and FBI and the so-called progressive Democratic politicians in the US congress, including Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, embracing and voting for war with Russia via Ukraine, should be no great surprise.
These people, and their Republican counterparts, with rare exceptions here and there, live on desolation row and flip when so ordered. But “nobody has to think too much about Desolation Row,” in Dylan’s words, because it’s the social disease we inhabit, and like fish in water, many know nothing else.
On a similar note, Ray McGovern has also recently reminded those who pay attention to him that The New York Times, as is its tradition, is promoting the U.S. war against Russia just as it did with the Vietnam War in the 1960s. Little changes is his theme, no apologies are ever offered, and the readers of the most famous American newspaper and CIA conduit are asked to swallow daily doses of propaganda that are so egregiously obvious that only children would be fooled.
Sadly, the United States has become a country of children, Babes in Toyland who never realize that at the end of the plot the gun is reversed and is aimed at them. And it’s not funny.
A century ago in the years before World War I, American progressive intellectuals, as Stuart Ewen writes in PR: A Social History of Spin:
… had espoused the Enlightenment dictum that people – at least middle-class people – were essentially rational, capable of evaluating information and then making intelligent decisions. In the context of the CPI [the U.S, Committee on Public Information, a large propaganda apparatus set up in April 1917 by President Woodrow Wilson to sell the American entry into the war against Germany as necessary to ‘Make the World Safe for Democracy,’ whose members included Edward Bernays, the propagandist and so-called father of public relations] ‘public opinion’ became something to be mobilized and managed; the ‘public mind’ was now seen as an entity to be manufactured, not reasoned with.
Faith in reason was abandoned in favor of psychological manipulation of emotion and the use of unreason – the “night mind” – which became the template for future propaganda and the application of psychological techniques, a forerunner of the CIA’s MKUltra and Operation Mockingbird.
As the crackdown on dissent increased with passage of the 1917 Espionage Act (under which Julian Assange is falsely charged today) and then the Sedition Act in 1918, many so-called progressives embraced the authoritarian imposition of state controls on dissent, just as they do today.
An important exception was Randolph Bourne, who in 1917 castigated these turncoats in his blistering essay, “War and the Intellectuals.” “Socialists, college professors, publicists, new-republicans, [and] practitioners of literature,” he wrote, “had assumed the iniquitous task of ‘riveting the war mind on a hundred million of the world’s people.’”
Today such people debate whether they should be called liberal or progressive. I say, call them warmongers of the lowest order.
I remember when I was an impressionable child and television had only a few channels. This was in the years between the Korean War and the one against Vietnam. There was a movie that was repeated on television regularly: Yankee Doodle Dandy, starring the amazing performer Jimmy Cagney as George M. Cohan, the Irish-American composer/lyricist/playwright, who, in the years before WWI was known as the man who owned Broadway and whose statue stands in Times Square in New York City.
Child that I was, I saw the film many times and was mesmerized. My emotions rose with every viewing. My heart strings vibrated to the tunes of “Over There” and “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” I marched proudly to WW I with Cagney/Cohan.
This was a movie that appeared in 1942 to promote the WW II war effort by using the lies about WW I to do it. But oh what fun! And the stirring songs – fodder for a child. And this was before the CIA completely owned Hollywood.
Yet I grew up. I am no longer a child. I have studied and seen through the propaganda of The New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post, Fox News, The Guardian, Hollywood, etc.
Many of those I know have not. They believe in the unbelievable. They still live in what Jim Garrison called the “Doll’s House” and accept what Harold Pinter termed “a vast tapestry of lies.” Pinter said in his 2005 Nobel address what has not changed an iota since about the U.S.’s murderous foreign policy:
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.
When I was a child, I was hypnotized by “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”
I’ve grown a bit. McGovern and Pinter are right; little has changed – Vietnam, WW I, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Iran, Nicaragua, El Salvador, China, etc. And of course, Russia, always Russia, at whose heart the weapons are always aimed, fiendish Russia that must be destroyed to make the world safe for the predators that pose as lovers of democracy and international law.
When President Kennedy, deeply chastened by the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, spoke about real peace and democracy at American University on June 10, 1963, he was the last American leader to recognize that international relations had to undergo a radical change, especially in the nuclear age.
Demonizing other countries had to give way to dialogue and mutual respect. He said:
What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children–not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women–not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.
Five months later the CIA made sure his voice was stilled. Such sentiments have been verboten ever since.
Only children still believe the America propaganda and its war machine.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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When people fly the Ukrainian flag in support of Ukraine and I object to flag waving and all the money and weapons being sent. When we have more then enough people with needs and problems in my own country.
I am told you should be helping to defend freedom and I say but people who object to the one sided propaganda put out by the MSM are vilified, sanctioned and sometimes threatened. What about their freedom.
I am then told, but we are on the side of truth and freedom, to which I always reply, what about the dodgy dossier that led to the Invasion of Iraq and all the subsequent trouble in the middle east.
I am met with a wall of angry silence.
I object to the idea that US citizens are as fooled by the media as they were 20 years ago. My personal experience talking w people contradicts this. The way they got Trump elected was by having all the media come out against him.
Here’s a tiny factoid that shows immunity to the media:
40,000 members of the National Guard and 22,000 soldiers of the Reserve are barred from participating in their military duties because they refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
That just proves the truth of, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Putin administration is hell-bent on destroying Ukraine. But some are thinking that, because USA did the same thing to other countries (Irak, Afghanistan), Russia should be allowed to destroy other countries too. The idea of sovereignity of nations is alien to those people and for them is normal that superpowers have the right to impose their will on smaller countries. Like Hitler thought.
Well, since Ukraine refuses to negotiate peace terms while continuing to shell its own (Russian-speaking) citizens in the Donbas with US support, Putin may have no other choice. But feel free to stick to your illusions. Your opening sentence just proves the article’s point.
“Like Hitler thought.”. Hitler was Austrian, a Germanic nation. Russia had Stalin who was from Georgia. But not the USA.
The Nazis were from Germany. So were the Marxists from whom the communists derived.
Germany essentially runs the EU and does rather well out of it. It has had the USA pay substantially for its defense since WW2.
George Soros is Hungarian by birth, but Germanic in ethnicity. He is a Nazi. Soros has supported the Ukraine.
It should be clear to any reasonable person that whatever Putin’s faults, there a little problem with Germany and what is going on today in Ukraine.
I share your pain but you live in much simplistic world. Rouge nations can cause ripples of destruction when others seek to secure their shores. Only fools and grifters enables this to continue by either not recognising the play or conversely by being one of the players. Come now. Take another look. Close your ears to the chatter. What is really going on here. Suggest you re read the article again… follow the links.
>It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Putin administration is hell-bent on destroying Ukraine. But some are thinking that, because USA did the same thing to other countries (Irak, Afghanistan), Russia should be allowed to destroy other countries too<
Russia as more in common with Ukraine and more right to do what it is doing. Then the US/NATO had in In Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.
Kettle calling the pot black comes to mind, or to use the modern term, double standards.
Silly. They are not trying to kill us all so that they can have a planet poisoned with radiation. Stop believing the MSM. What are you, 12?
Biden isn’t trying to destroy Russia. At least not yet. He’s trying to destroy Europe and the UK (outside of the City) and make us dependent on the US. Time will tell if we are docile enough to let him.
I think Biden is just trying, very trying. Trying hard to read the teleprompter for a start. There are those trying to destroy the USA and the UK and any others associated with the old British Empire such as during WW2.
When the enemy was principally Germany in the west. I see US companies buying up British firms, but the globalists own the US companies which very often have German origins. Strange that.
Or not so strange given that Germany essentially controls the EU with France as its lackey under Macron the Moron.
Is Elon Musk an adult child? Dear Elon, Please SHUT UP about Taiwan.
He believes that WeChat is a great app for the west too!
“…In the context of the CPI [the U.S, Committee on Public Information, a large propaganda apparatus set up in April 1917 by President Woodrow Wilson to sell the American entry into the war against Germany as necessary to ‘Make the World Safe for Democracy,’ whose members included Edward Bernays, the propagandist and so-called father of public relations] ‘public opinion’ became something to be mobilized and managed; the ‘public mind’ was now seen as an entity to be manufactured, not reasoned with. ”
The Committee on Public Information C.P.I. became the Consumer Price Index C.P.I.
At what cost … ? Well, I Don’t know the cost of the new statue of Woodrow Wilson in Plovdiv/Пловдив Bulgaria: but dare I suggest that no-Body in Bulgaria knows the cost of such blatant
Propaganda, from Central Bankers, nor the cost of the statue, being a present; except,
perhaps Kostadin Kostadinov. At least he sees straight through the Ami. Influencers…
Възраждане эа България !
This is about as one-sided as it gets. Reads like Russian state propaganda.
It’s certainly true that most “news” consumers do not question the narrative they’re given. However, readers of alt sites like OG are a little more discriminating. You’re going to have to make better arguments than this.
The Russians and Ukrainians have been fighting for hundreds of years, since the Tsars. The idea that the Ukrianians would have no interest in independence and self-determination (AKA freedom from Russian domination) without American interference is total crap. Any analysis of Ukraine/Russia that does not include the suppression of Ukrainian language and culture going back to the tsars, and the 2017 Ukrainian language law signed by Zelensky, misses the point entirely. As Milosz put it: “Language is the only homeland.”
Putin has the same territorial ambitions as the tsars, and like many Russians has wounded pride about the breakup of the Soviet Union, which was every bit the “evil empire” that Reagan said it was. Ask the Poles, Hungarians, east Germans, Chechs etc whether they miss Soviet totalitarianism, which was not internationalist/Marxist at all, but merely domination by Russia for 80 years? There’s a reason why eastern Europe is fleeing Russia. No nation outside of Asia (in which I include Russia) has produced figures as terrible as Ivan the Terrible or Attila the Hun, who butchered a third of the Eurasian population. Disagree with me? Name one. And please, don’t bother citing the idiotic American revolutionaries about their betrayed king; none of their accusations was anything but a lie. (And if you say “Hitler,” you lose; purging a foreign population from your nation is not conquest, nor is it mistreatment of your own people.)
America is also an “evil empire.” It spreads degenerate totalitarian-egalitarian propaganda (“equality”) all over the globe, wrecking nations and cultures in the process. However, there is no American gulag (yet) and the solution is not to force an idiotic black/white choice between American/French egalitarian totalitarianism and Russian autocratic totalitarianism, but to realize that both are corrupt and anti-human, that the entire Enlightenment and “democracy” were a mistake, and that no press organ, academic institution or serious writer (aside from the very alt-right, and Nietzsche) dares to admit this to themselves or others.
I suggest you educate yourself on the history of the “Ukrainians”. Ukraine in translation to english means Outskirts. So such people as the outskirts people don’t exist because that is a name refering a place not a nation. The Ukranians that you are refferening are the Cossacks. A mercenary tribe that was fighting for the nation with the big pockets. Mostly they have been fighting for Russia. Hence why you see them in a lot of games as a Russian special military unit.
When you say “Putin has the same territorial ambitions as the tsars” you must provide logicaly backed arguments. As western polls suggest that there is no such thing. If we are to ask other nations which country is evil, fingers will be pointed at every nation. Truth is there is no ultimatly “evil” or “good” even Hitler was showing compassion which is considered “good”.
I can’t say if the proposed “Multipolar World” by Putin and Xi will be better than the Unipolar world of the US, unless major reforms are done in the UN. But i think it’s about time that winds of change are felt.
Neo Cons
The neocons have always got their way- Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria. They got this whole thing going. They will have their way.
Government deficits aren’t the problem, it’s the worldwide deference surfeit that’s dumped us in the shit.
Always suspected OffGuardian of being a ContrOpp disinfo medium – now I don’t have to wonder anymore 😂
Nice fake binary and nuke myth perpetuation.
You don’t understand anything. The site is the middle ground, which is designed to bring together those who have entered a little into the understanding of deception with those who have delved into it. A place where the thirsty would like to come and drink. And when they come, they will look into the crystal water of comments with a deep understanding and explanation of the fraud. Thus they lead us thirsty on a platter, humbly performing their inclusive function. And commentators should be grateful to them, at this moment when there’s talk everywhere about how to engage deluded people in awareness of fraud in order to build enough critical mass to counter the great reseters. You cannot go directly to a first grader with an explanation for high math. It requires humility, self-denial, and patience to lead him into his own desire to cross the threshold of the temple of truth.
But a hasty and shallow mind is as apt to succumb to cynical accusations as a media-educated man, kept in ignorance, insatiable pounced upon the covid dish that was presented to him. ✍
Well said, eloquently put.
ContrOpp? An example of the new cool jargon I take it.
You are so Hip _ _ _ _ Dude.
When you take aim and try to shoot the messenger, there’s no telling how far off target you’ll end up.
One has to always be careful not to confuse his/her opinion with absolute truth.
Anything – anything at all – that exists could conceivably be regarded as controlled opposition in the sense that if it weren’t “ContrOpp,” it wouldn’t be allowed to exist.
It’s called tortured reasoning. (I first heard that term regarding President Nixon’s Press Secretary.)
I think Berr shot himself in the foot.
You’ve been at the bake finery again Berr. Time to cut back pal.
But you know that on the other side of the cold curtain it was the same: the same truths about the West mixed with absurd exaggerations about the insane capitalist imperialist evil? I could tell a lot of funny stories – including posters with agricultural slogans such as: “Every egg – bomb against imperialist capitalism!” but anyway.
Something else is on my mind. When I look at the super-rich from aristocratic, industrial and banking families, they seem like people like me, normal people, but brought up in high position and accustomed to luxury and power. And they, like me, in flesh and blood, carry the genes of their ancestors. That is, their hardware, on which their software Reigns – the mind they have built up as a result of their upbringing and experience – is a continuation of all their ancestors.
So their hardware performs its functions, but their software, which lives in the moment and creates their understanding of life, he’s in charge. So they decide what to do, regardless of what’s written in their genes. Just as I do not follow the understandings, traditions and habits of my ancestors, but follow my own goals and ideas. And their hardware has no more power over their software, as it is with me and us.
Although, deprived of many life problems, daily work, efforts to cope in life, family, etc., they can practically be quite often in a state of great calmness and deep peace with themselves, which for us is difficult to achieve (at least on a daily basis). Then is the level of communication between the hardware and the software the same, or is there a greater possibility of transferring the memory of the hardware to the software and thus influencing it? I was just wondering in connection with the potential opportunity to achieve more successful continuity and duration. Because we’re talking about the source of the “why and how”.
But most likely there is no such thing, and it is all a complex interaction between power blocs in business and geopolitical relationships.
Only clarification (because I know my question will cause unprecedented interest and even single illuminations): Their ancestors also thought. Is the mental structure transmitted as a passive potential, recorded genetically? That is, Is it possible, under certain conditions, to transfer the whole conceptual thought-idea construction to the future generation or part? Thanks
and there you touch upon something very valid, if you ever wondered why those in “power” seem so attuned to the game from day one and conversely why we have to start from zero…. and that is assuming you have a grasp of the fundamantals of re-incarnation…
then you can move your understanding forward and begin to grasp that the system that we perpetually inhabit is rigged, grasping that you can begin to understand you are in a 3d illusion, which we appear to be experiencing mutually.
it is possible to obtain online a small sample of a book called “remarkable healings” by a dr Modi, her book goes a long way to explain the current epidemic of gender dysmorphia and other social ills that plague and degrade humanity, moving on from that a reading of Asher “soul revolution” will help you enormously to grasp what we are experiencing, “the mill”.
We are embroilled in a battle for hearts, minds and souls, many disregard such sentiments as fluffy bollocks, nothing could be further from the truth
As the physical world around us is torn apart in what some call tribulation, remaining focused will possibly see us through, it is the aftermath that we need most probably to focus on, when “they” leave the room disgruntled at having lost, switching off the lights and leaving strewn chairs and many thrown teddies to trip the unwitting
your “software” is your dna, which is why “they” sought to contaminate it and thus cut your cord with “god”
i hope that is usefull to you, and not one emoji was hurt during the making of this comment…
all the best
Sir Duckman. 🐥 You know with what great respect I treat you which I recently demonstrated in our previous dialogue under another article. 🙄
But now, for the first time, I will allow myself to disagree with you by first telling you that your interpretation of my words is your interpretation. And I meant what I meant.
Again, as with your hasty assumption that I know nothing about the British services because I do not speak of them, you assume that I do not know what you are talking about because I did not mention it.
You have no patience and are right on target with the right terminology. So we quickly moved into masonry and limited the conversation between those who knew and accepted these meanings. The others who read were instantly repelled, associating themselves with their alarm safety labels that the guards had taken it upon themselves to load them with.
This building, it seems to me, besides being too narrow, will not be durable.
And, I meant what I meant. 👀
democracy a meme
voting is for slaves
all countries human farms
your owners keep you safe
the barn wall writings change
the rules are made for slaves
mask up you little peasant
we tell you to behave
Have Honest EyesTo Seek the Authors of Sedition
All Gone Blind Oh Dear Nevermind
Has All Guilt Just Become Invisable.
Political Finger Puppets ( right & left )
Payed Eunuch Shills ( of the WEF )
All Maskless All Mandated Cover
For All the Rest.
Dressed Their Eyes in Our Trust and Reason
To Hide Behind This Smug Visage
Gotta wonder; Does the US administration take all its cues from the MIC or Hollywood? Or both?
Maybe the psychos in Washington have seen too many ‘America Saves The World’ movies. They live in a fantasy land.
Christ knows Biden, Trump and Reagan are/were dense enough.
The Virus is My God. Youtube.
“This video is no longer available.”
Now you see it, now you dont.
Didnt even get a chance to go viral !
So i typed in: The virus is my god. youtube
and “Voila !” But for how long ?
It’s just a Song !!
So why are They frightened of it ?
If the virus is your God, then Burla and Rochelle Walensky should be among His prophets.
…and Burla and Rochelle Walensky no doubt make profits!!
Is it just my PC, my ISP, or have Dr Samantha Bailey & Dr Mark Bailey been totally silenced ?
Don’t know. I just accessed this video, the best in months, all categories.
All warfare is based on deception…
Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must appear inactive;
when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away;
when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Yes, of course they are still following a thousand-year-old strategy manual. Of course, every military in the world uses Sun Tzu instead of advancing the strategy based on that very understanding.
I have been, and am, a staunch opponent of the Covid propaganda and the Great Reset with all its implications. This is all there in my writing. I understand Russia’s complicity in this. And, I also am convinced that the US is trying to destroy Russia. I argue that they are separate issues. Others say not. It is incumbent upon those who disagree with me to try to explain away the vast US/NATO buildup surrounding Russia’s borders over decades, the 2014 US Coup in Ukraine, the 2019 Rand study explaining how to destroy Russia, the US following these instructions, the US abrogating nuclear weapons treaties, the eight year US-supported shelling and killing in eastern Ukraine, the refusal of the Minsk Accords, the bombing of Nord Stream and the Crimea bridge, the assassination of Dugina, etc. The list is very long. These are facts, easily checked.
With regard to US foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski can be considered a fairly representative spokesperson. In June 2014 his position (stated or implied) was that:
a) Russia would be allowed to keep Crimea
b) Ukraine would be allowed on the very long and winding path toward EU membership
c) Ukraine would NOT be allowed to join NATO
d) Ukraine’s military would be equipped to launch an insurgency style, stay-behind defence should Russia ever invade beyond the 2014 borders.
This is not a policy of “destroying Russia”.
The West Should Arm Ukraine
By Zbigniew Brzezinski
July 2, 2014
Is it being implemented by Putin?
A MSM parakeet on an alternative news website?! Begone shill
So why will the US not negotiate peace now?
Why did the US clearly support and help to trigger the 2014 coup in Ukraine?
Why did the US not push to ensure that the Minsk Accords were implemented?
The US does not want to destroy Russia. But she does want it as another vassal. A return to the 90s, that almost destroyed Russia.
The hypocrisy is the most shocking element, given how many places the US has bombed, invaded and fomented revolutions in. Not to mention illegal sanctions aimed at civilian populations. Nobody quite knows how many civilians US / western interventions have killed in recent decades both directly and indirectly but it is clearly a huge number. But we are the good guys do I guess it is ok.
I am English. My own country has also invaded more countries than any other. We need to stop behaving like an imperial power too and stop being an ally of the US. I saw that reluctantly: I attended a US Ivy school and have spent most of my career working for US firms. But US foreign policy (that operates in a non democratic vacuum) will destroy us all.
Like the author, in my youth I took all of the propaganda at face value. No more.
That’s where we differ. I generally went along with things where I had no reason or interest to question otherwise, and sometimes I was fooled outright, but there was always an element of scepticism. Consequently, I’ve not fallen for the flip-side propaganda campaign – i.e. the demonisation of “the US” and “the West”.
Or maybe you just take different propaganda at face value? Maybe we’ve all been guilty of that.
I am English too and ‘…the hypocrisy is the most shocking element…’ is the correct phrase. It is quite appalling.
The Nazis and Marxists run the USA now. Nazis the business side such as big pharma and the Marxists academia and bureaucracy.
Both came out of Germany which essentially runs and profits by the EU. Which is why, despite all the problems with Brexit we are better out than in the EU.
Further on the issue I raised below on the horizontal/vertical wars (i.e. the horizontal war between competing factions of the ruling class/ the vertical war between the classes):
The vertical war can never be admitted other than through the now ossified fields of the political spectrum in which there will be much rhetoric about standing up for the dispossessed etc. But these are matters which will be confined to that spectrum where “Labour” or “The Democrats” supposedly stand for the poor. (Admittedly there are differences between the ideologies of the UK and the US, not to mention those of other countries.) But there will never be an acknowledgement that the entire system itself is chronically exploitative save in the views of “extremists” and. of course “conspiracy theorists”.
The horizontal war can be admitted. This is “competition”. Usually of a national character. Or perhaps between “superblocks”. This is fine since it gives the plebs the chance to, as it were, book ringside seats to a fight in which they have no say whatsoever.
Now I would say that the covid phenomenon is a class issue that spans the entire globe. And as such, there must be everlasting unity on the issue. The struggle against covid and embarrassingly barefaced chatter about “the next pandemic” are matters taken totally for granted. And defended by interminable verbose texts detailing “The Science”. No amount of contradictions matter. And the entire political spectrum – which is set up to defend the power system – will merge together as one. Be sure that this is a story that will continue to play indefinitely in the press.
But Ukraine, as presented in the media, marks a battle of the old horizontal type. Therefore there can be plurality – though the warring factions are engaging in a battle more vitriolic than any I’ve seen before. And that itself signals a deepening anxiety in the ruling class – certainly on this side and probably on the Russian side too.
It’s as if “The Science” is the most fundamental bedrock of the ruling class. Like the puritanical religious fanaticism of an earlier age, “the new pandemic riddled world” and the “urgent need” for endless vaccines and artificial intrusions will never be up for discussion. Whereas the proposal of the US as violator will be permitted. The latter is true. But the former is the more basic enemy.
this essay is brilliant. Nokta. Punto. Finito.
Really ed..?
When is the bombing of Nord Stream evidence.? When it is put in the papers that it has happened without visual evidence.? show me the visual evidence..?
Bombing..? as another off g commentator mentioned that ‘leaves on the line’ will cause chaos and lines closed, train cancelled, diversions etc
Crimea bridge explosions (more like a fart) The full moon ritual was opened that evening after the deadly shattering explosions according to
Russia said both rail and road traffic on the bridge resumed the same day.
How can that even be so..?
Some of your articles have been metaphysical in the past with some understanding of esoteric. Can you see the symbolism of a Bridge on a full-moon on the celebration of Hecate.??
My brief understanding of Dugan was he it who ever was into the arts a very well versed propagandist. Death of a daughter really.? Just Like Putin personal driver got killed remember that.? same type of psyop.
Only Within that, your be able to truly see a picture over wise you be hood winked and taken with the multitude of rituals they perform to the easily deceived.
as i perceive, they are allowed their “theatres”, regardless everything above that level, covaids and a world of madness e.g. etc et al..
eat cake and all that.
a lot of folk cannot reconcile the cats playing with their mice…
Theatre is correct, it is all a pantomime to distract.
The apparent contradiction might have something to do with how western elites disagree on the correct method to running a global empire and how to fully integrate Russia/China. There have always been insane hawks going back to Lemay – the other contingent favors economic means – like described in Perkins book.
But Edward, the Great Reset is NOT new. The capitalist economic system undergoes crisis after crisis. What’s new is Them giving Their solution to the crisis-ridden system a name, and letting us know how They intend solving the latest variant of capitalisms perennial crisis. They now feel powerful enough to direct the process to Their desired ends. There’s a lot of hubris involved, and, as in every capitalist economic crises, there will be “acceptable” collateral destruction and suffering inflicted.
Tell that to Schwab et all, and then read his book. It is totally new and completely nuts
I see a free marketeer down voted your comment because you pointed out their system fails all the time despite the constant helping hands it receives. Meanwhile socialism only fails due to embargoes and sanctions and blockades and decades of propaganda. Weird that isn’t it?!
@Koba, in my country (Romania) socialism failed in 1989 without any embargoes and sanctions and blockades. It failed on its own mistakes. The generation born and educated in the socialist regime rebelled against socialism.
You call them facts because they’re reported by a side you trust, but that’s the only difference. I’ve seen no evidence Nordstream was bombed except photos of bubbles somewhere in the ocean. Would that be enough to make it a fact if it was an American pipeline and America was accusing Russia of blowing it up?
And how can you ignore the fact this war is producing the same results as the pandemic? Separate? They’re a continuum and deliberately using the binary to confuse people. Like George Mc says.
“…photos of bubbles somewhere in the ocean.” could be Joe Biden farting in a bath for all we know.
Acknowledge there is a possibility that there is no virus. The issue of a century. Having shown this basic but fundamental analytical skill and comprehension, I may start taking a closer look at your other conclusions.
The matter is complex. There is a virus but if anything it is the bodies defense system, the exosome. The problem is the definition of virus which can also be poison, venom and slime.Which will be among other things the poisons in vaccines etc.
The Wuhan start point was a smoke screen – literally. I explain here if you are interested.
Well said. In reality the whole thing is political theatre to deceive the masses (which it does) and to distract form other evils going on in the world, like the vaccines. I am from the UK so use the word pantomime or panto for short. If you have nothing better to do, I wrote the following. I thought it quite funny although my intent is serious.
Whose side are you on in this war?
Whose side are you on in this election?
Who do you give your power. Who do you support. Who do you let make decisions for you, for the whole of society, for the whole world. Who’s your president. Who’s your leader. Who can give orders to you, and you mustn’t resist. Who did you give your power to?
Not who but rather: WHAT?
Not how but rather: WHY?
Everyone still taking sides instead of siding with everyone.
The W.H.O.
But not The Who, the rock band. Roger Daltry may sue otherwise!
At least 3 possibilities:
–Russia bad/US good
–US the aggressor, wishes to defeat Russia
–US & Russia colluding to degrade the global economy, especially energy.
2 and/or 3 may be true. While Russia supports the vaxx, global warming hoax & digital money collusion is, I think, a necessary element of the truth. However BOTH 2 & 3 may be true. I don’t think we have enough data to know.
Sometimes adulthood requires us to bear uncertainty rather than rush to dogmatic conclusion. I personally think this is one of those times.
How can 2 be true? The US is tanking it’s own economy and Europe’s economy and boosting Russia’s . You don’t start a war by tanking your side’s economy.
And Russia is paying Ukraine for gas transit! Do you think real wars happen this way?
Everyone has been watching this stupid movie called “news’ so long they’re losing their grip on what actual real looks like
How can it be true that US is the aggressor wishing to defeat Russia when it’s tanking its own & EU’s economy while boosting Russia’s?
The leaked Rand report shows how US economy will benefit by trillions due to massive relocation of German/EU industry to the US. Plus US is preventing German industrialization from merging w Russia’s which wd strengthen both.
EU is seen by US/UK to be on “their side” only so long as it’s an obedient vassal; that’s why Germany is still occupied.
Russia’s still supplying a gas pipeline to Ukraine and paying for transit to other EU countries. Do I think this is the way wars are fought?
Yes. For example, all through WWII various commercial links were kept open.
But Diva, we didn’t need the leaked Rand report. It’s been widely realized that Ukraine manipulation by US/UK at least since Maidan has had as its target the growing rapprochement between Europe and Russia.
Weakening of Russia has been a project of TPTB for more than a century.
Engdahl’s book A Century of War is a good foundation. In WWII the allies held off, letting Russia take more & more of the losses. Churchill, such a wartime hero, was NOT allowed to become postwar head of state because they were unhappy w him– he had NOT succeeded in destroying Russia.
And it was the Rockefellers who planted economically-destructive communism into the Soviet Union. Sorry. I could go on & on.
Wait, so are you saying the US economy is in good and improving shape as of now? The sanctions are not “boomeranging” and hurting the US?
Who leaked the Rand report? Why?
No one disputes the history, but we need to account for the specific situation post-2020
What case do you make for scenario 3?
I’m not a specialist on the economy, but the 3 things I see hurting it right now are:
— profligate increased spending first covid-related, now Ukraine arms
— speculation driving up price of food
— gratuitous rise in price of gasoline
AFAIK increased price of food & fuel has no connection to sanctions although they want us to believe that it’s connected to the Ukraine war.
I forget where I first saw the Rand report, but I think it only puts some details on the oft-sited analysis that US/UK want to break up Germany/EU econ cooperation w Russia. The added detail seems to be (I didn’t read it) the worth of the re-industrialization US will reap by having destroyed the pipelines. Seems obvious, tho I don’t know the magnitude. I did comment earlier on some of the big companies that are relocating.
WHY did they leak it? It’s an expose, supposedly by a whistleblower.
Mostly I think scenario 3 cuz Russia’s supporting 3 major steppingstones to the NWO: global warming hoax, population reduction/harm thru the vaxx, & freedom-killing digital money. (Previously Russia/Putin took a scoffing attitude towards AGW hoax, w Russian “solar scientists” speaking out. This is now reversed– ridiculous for a country selling mega-hydrocarbons)
Also scenario 3 is supported by prior military Russia/US collusion in Russia’s airwar entry into the Syrian war. And then Russia/US/UK collusion in the fake downing of the Russian passenger liner over Sinai as pretext for Russian boots on the ground in Syria. I’ve several times commented at length on this site about the obvious undeniability of this collusion.
There is a slight, words-only shift away from NWO recently in Russian press. The following link is the strongest so far:
Do I understand your first para to be saying the US economy is NOT currently in a good shape?
Do you agree the current recession in the US was predicted on the back of “covid” and is now being achieved on the back of the war? Aren’t the sanctions part of the alleged reason for that?
How much sense does it make to do this to your economy when intending to start an existential war for ownership of the planet? Is it a coincidence this falls in line with WEF predictions about the end of US hegemony and the rise of globalism?
How much trust do we put in “leaks” that actually promote aspects of a mainstream narrative (in this case the existential struggle between East and West)?
Thanks for setting out the basis for Scenario 3. Do I understand you think this level of cooperation between East and West that we saw with covid may have already begun to some extent by 2016? I know you’ve talked about it before but could you post some of your sources again?
Where do you think this collusion has its origins?
Thanks, Penelope.
Good grief, Sophie, the US economy was ruined when they shipped our industry to China– manufacturing of EVERYTHING went to China– or some other slave-wages place. Also a tremendous volume of smaller stores were pushed out by the Big Box stores like Walmart and a few chain stores. Even groceries are almost solely chain stores.
When major industry went to China a tremendous volume of small engineering shops– metalworks, glassworks, all kinds of specialty molding shops– all that closed, and the knowledge of how to DO those jobs is gone. Decades ago now. We were told from now on we would have a “service economy.”
It’s like Michael Hudson says, all the money became even more entrenched in the FIRE sector. Capital went into financialization, speculation, derivatives, It certainly wasn’t invested in MAKING anything.
The LAST recession they bailed out the too-big-to-fail & during lockdown they did it again. Many of those multinationals could’ve sold stock if they needed cash; most of em used bailout funds to buy more stock.
Meanwhile thousands of small businesses, which as a group are our major employer, went bust. Even large chains that’ve been in business more than 100 years went bust– a lot of em BEFORE lockdown. Michael Hudson, again: the FIRE sector was taking too big a bite so that people don’t have money to spend to support retail.
Wages haven’t kept up with inflation. Inflation is vastly understated cuz it omits food and energy from the computation! So many people who really can’t do anything or enjoy anything except a good hands-on industry or factory job have been struggling or given up & gone to alcohol or drugs. They’ve wrecked small & medium sized farming too, but I won’t go into that.
Is the American economy in good shape? Dear lord, I’ve watched it get worse & worse over the decades. When they speak on the news about the economy they’re not talking about the REAL economy. They’re mostly talking about the stock market or the FIRE sector.
Sorry, you probably already understand the background economics & didn’t need all that.
Was lockdown recession predicted? It was at least acknowledged, had to be cuz so MANY small “nonessential” stores were shuttered w/o possibility of re-opening. A lot of the shopping centers & malls had only 30-40% occupancy BEFORE lockdown,
Are the sanctions now causing further recession? Recession is predicted and it’s blamed on the war; I suppose there will be supply-chain interruptions, but I’m not knowledgeable as to specifics. I don’t know anything about economics, but I don’t see where sanctions on Russia could be a problem, unless it wd be a shortage of rare earths.
But, you know we’re still importing $1B per month from Russia, right?
Food & gasoline went up drastically imm’y after Russian entered Ukraine. Ludicrous! We’re a petroleum exporter– supposedly the largest one (I don’t believe it), so why does gas in CA cost $6/gal?
Why are avocado $2.50 apiece? We don’t import them from Ukraine. Food was about 50% higher imm’y & it’s nearly double now. 56% of Americans can’t meet a $1,000 emergency from savings, so I have to think there’s now less to support retail.
It’s my belief that the real target of the Ukraine war– even before Russia, if she’s a target– is the developed world: EU, UK, US. Club of Rome decided years ago that the developed world had to be brought down to the level of the developing for easier integration. We’re the ones w the memory and means for democracy– and the outrage at its vanishing. Will the relocation of EU industry to America offset the recession? Ask Michael Hudson; I think they’re CREATING the recession via interest rates and money supply.
Sorry I ran on so; I can’t be brief when talking about something where my knowledge is so fragmented.
Will answer your others, more briefly, tomorrow.
Yeah 2 and 3 are very very plausible
It would be nice to see more thought on how 2 and 3 go together. The collusion goes a long way back (industrialisation, Yalta and Cold War, Space lies, perhaps Nuke lies) and any Russian government is formed by it, they are trapped by the lies of the past as is the ‘west’. Indeed it is how both hold together in the face of retribution by honest ordinary people who would put them on trial.
martin, How do 2 & 3 go together?
i can only speculate: Suppose Russia’s ruling class has been told they will participate in the NWO/Great Reset. (Collusion, buying people off, is a heck of a lot more practical than fighting all-out war.)
But suppose the other PTB have no intention of sticking to their bargain: collusion for the moment, betrayal later.
There is another possibility involving a split among TPTB: Months ago I posted an interview by a Russian govt official at the time of Kissinger’s visit to Moscow before the Clinton/Trump election. The link is no longer good, so I posted the whole interview. It is in two sequels at the very end of the comments following
I have seen a few comments since in the Russian press indicating that there are elements of the global PTB that wish to continue the multiipolar gig for awhile longer.
martin, if you take a look at the interview I’d like to know what you think of it.
1 is US propaganda
2 is correct in essence, the USA has a lot of experience in wars of aggression, but of course this one had to be started in a roundabout way with the Maidan coup
3 is a silly conspiracy theory
I have another interpretation: 3 is true, and you are a stupid victim of propaganda with the wrong conspiracy theory 2
Z Grophoulos, why does Russia support the toxic vaxx injections for her population?
Why is she working on a digital money system, widely shown to be the means of total dictatorship AND an effective means of making future injections mandatory?
Why does Russia, a country that relies on sales of hydrocarbons, support the global warming hoax?
Is it significant that all 3 of these are major steppingstones to the NWO– and therefore involve collusion w other NWOers?
Well said. (And there are more things and more exciting plans.) The important thing is to see and compare how many of the elements of the new world are shared between the warring parties and then assess what this means in the context of the loudly proclaimed feud. (And most of all: what does it matter to people outside Russia who, while burning in the Daily News about this potential feud, are being reseted and reshaped by their own authorities, in the same way that it is happening in Russia.)
The moment the Ukraine situation entered the media it should have been clear – especially to those who rejected the covid narrative – that the new story projected a massive switch in presentation. I know I’ve said this before but it is worth repeating indefinitely: Covid presented no alternative. The covid mantra was the one great monolithic “fact” that would tolerate no doubt. Indeed, all across the media there was no doubt. Anyone paying attention would have been asking questions that were practically crying out to be asked. Anyone paying attention would also be aware that there were plenty of scientists and doctors who were asking these questions. But none of them had a chance of any air time.
And this has been the fundamental position all the way down the line and still prevails 30 months later.
Indeed, now “the pandemic” has been robotically “absorbed” into “our” history and it clearly still has a vast way to go. The repercussions of this fraud will last the rest of our lives and into coming generations.
Meanwhile – and I know that I have also said this too but again, it can’t be said often enough – the “opposition”, i.e. “The Left”, not only did not oppose the covid mantra but were even more enthusiastic about pushing it. Effectively the Left disappeared.
All plurality disappeared! So much for “our free press”!
But then – WHAM! ZAP! POW! As in Batman! And it’s Ukraine.
And they’re back! The opposition return! The Left suddenly seem to wake up!
And the media now acquire a facsimile of that old diversity again. Only it now seems to be on a much more antagonistic footing than ever before. This helped by the mainstream psycho-kill attitude towards Russia. Sure, this mainstream are as monolithic as they were over covid BUT that alternative press are suddenly back!
Hallelujah! It’s 2019 again! Normal service has been resumed!
And of course covid moves into the background so far that it’s almost as if it never was. Certainly that “Left” are eager to forget it.
And I have seen these “oppositional” sites snap back into that old time musical, seemingly without a blink.
But here’s a reality check: Didn’t anyone notice that the climate change sideshow didn’t work? No-one gave a shit. And how this came before Ukraine. You can almost hear them thinking up there: “So those useless peasant slobs won’t take climate seriously? Well take this: Ukraine! Russia! Nukes! Armageddon! World War Three!”
And to paraphrase a little known old song:
The hackneyed division of left and right is the rhetoric of the childish mind.
There is only the sphere of influence.
This requires a wholistic mature mind to contemplate.
Cope with it kiwi. Their is a right and a left and middle and an up and down. Anyone saying left and right doesn’t exist is literally underhandedly saying “you all believe in what I believe in you just don’t know it yet”. People do have differences but people should be grown up enough to not play team sports with politics. So if the daily mail says X is bad and it is actually bad it’s no excuse to then decide to do a vault face and then decide you now support the bad X thing just because the “other side” say they don’t like it which happens all too often in the west. Left and right exists.
You are welcome to be deceived by the illusion of arbitrary opposites.
It is implemented as the operative basis of propaganda distributed for the docile and simple minds to feel secure and comfortable amidst their programmed prejudices.
I have been, and am, a staunch opponent of the Covid propaganda and the Great Reset with all its implications. This is all there in my writing. I understand Russia’s complicity in this. And, I also am convinced that the US is trying to destroy Russia. I argue that they are separate issues. Others say not. It is incumbent upon those who disagree with me to try to explain away the vast US/NATO buildup surrounding Russia’s borders over decades, the 2014 US Coup in Ukraine, the 2019 Rand study explaining how to destroy Russia, the US following these instructions, the US abrogating nuclear weapons treaties, the eight year US-supported shelling and killing in eastern Ukraine, the refusal of the Minsk Accords, the bombing of Nord Stream and the Crimea bridge, the assassination of Dugina, etc. The list is very long. These are facts, easily checked.
Fair enough. There has always been a pragmatic cunning in these world events: to achieve as many different aims as possible. And the rulers are not unified. There are jousting groups. But the unity of the media over covid is, as far as I’m concerned, the greatest giveaway in my lifetime: the indication that, on the deepest level, there is indeed a coalescence of ambitions and methods uniting all ruling classes across the globe. Which is another way of voicing an old and genuine Leftist observation: that there are two dimensions to the struggle. One is horizontal where different ruling class factions are fighting each other, and the other dimension is vertical where the entire ruling class is fighting the lower classes. And in times of crisis (and it is surely undeniable that we are facing such a time now) the vertical struggle takes precedence. Though the horizontal is ever ongoing (and this may even be a weakness to the ruling class).
I also acknowledge that (as someone said in the recent min-drama series The Undoing) I am a victim of “post traumatic betrayal disorder” i.e. having found out that someone I put trust in is not what I thought, then I swing to the opposite extreme and see them as the devil incarnate. Hence my feeling for the Left.
But surely objectively going by the media presentation the Left has been used as the ones to usher in the world of covid. The formal organisations have seamlessly shilled for covid. And the sincere followers have been pulled into the con. Even the ones who see the viral fraud are hampered by the ever present conspiracy phobia augmented by the ever present charge of “anti-Semitism”. I don’t say this to grind my now well worn down axe yet again. Only to explain why I feel so disgusted.
And my disgust flares up when I see these Left sites charge in with the support for Russia. Not that I disagree over the mainstream media’s psychotic anti-Russian shite. I just look at these Left sites and think, “Well where were you lot when we needed you over the covid crap?”
But in this hellish world, we have to grasp whatever hope we can. The Left “dupes” (as I think of them) are certainly correct in objecting to the crass and unprecedentedly infantile (in my lifetime anyway) anti-Russia rhetoric. But I still think a deeper game is being played.
There is a very good though probably unread book written by a solider intellectual, I know that seems strange, but they did exist. It was called Seven Roads to Moscow. It contained the history of some the invasions which started early in the seventh century and came right up to the last attempt at conquest by Hitler. Prior to that came Charles the 3rd of Sweden, Napoleon, Hindenburg and Hitler. These all came to grief when their invasions foundered. All of these armies had a plan but like Mike Tyson said: ‘everyone has got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.’
And now the Anglo-American war machine along with its Euro-trash and Israel wants to have another poke at Russia. Pretty self-evident I would have thought, particularly when NATO is bordering Russia from Turkey all the way to Scandinavia, but this is not a threat! How many minutes flight time with a hypersonic missile from Poland, Ukraine or Romania et all? I think that it was 5 minutes, wasn’t it?
So crazy, you still talk about warmongers being just on one side when Russia started this war with an invasion. Sure they say it was justified but so says every invader. Why can’t you see it’s just deliberately creating two sides who fight among themselves rather than see what is happening
Because one thing produces one feelings, and the other produces the opposite. Money, pleasure, power are weak jobs, out of proportion to the brain’s ability to produce pleasurable feelings over and over again, even into old age, when the body can no longer deliver pleasant feelings, although the external conditions for doing so exist.
Edward, I agree: Russia seems to be onboard w the NWO but that doesn’t save her from rapacious looting by the other NWO-advocates. Russia seems at the moment to be fighting for a multipolar world in order to survive.
While decentralization seems to give ordinary people’s fight for liberty a better chance, a multipolar world w vaxxes made mandatory thru digital money is not helpful.
Do you see China in the same light, or is she ONLY complicit? Are her lockdowns her contribution to global econ degradation?
Wait – you just put together a good argument for Russian collusion with the West due to its support for globalism, which of course in turn favors its own version of a “multipolar” world (as explained by Iain Davis).
So, given the fact both East and West are supporting globalist policies, and that the West appears to be destroying their own economies roughly in line with this globalist ‘multipolar’ narrative, why do you say Russia is ‘fighting’ for a multipolar world? Fighting whom? Who’s opposing it?
Surely whatever the war in Ukraine is about it’s not about that, right?
I’m not familiar w Iain Davis’s likening globalist to multipolar; sounds contradictory. I’ll read the article & get back to you.
Sophie, my use of “multi-polar” was as the intuitive opposite to unipolar.
Of course TPTB have taken this attractive term, which conjures up visions of sovereignty, and poured the meaning they want into it.
I’m quite ill. They have things well in hand. What ARE we going to do?
Clearly we need a much-simplified version of Ian’s points– to post here and everywhere. No one on the site has quoted from it or presented its facts.
Thank you for referring me to this: It’s quite, quite horrible.
Right on, Ed. Reading the comment section of any WaPo article is proof positive of everything you said. We’re not going to make it as a species, are we?
We are already made as a species.
This is of the process of maturing as a species.
Maturing into what, though?
What would you consider mature in regards to yourself as a Human Being?
I asked you since you made the statement
I want Russia to prevail in this conflict not because I’m pro-Russian or anything like that but because I think the course of action that we in the West have been doing with our economies and our various police actions (“wars” to those on the receiving end) are ultimately going to cause our downfall. We’re like a spoiled adolescent who has never been given boundaries as a child and just continually acts out when they can’t get their own way. This is a threat to peace and harmony for everyone — so “the system” just has to change — “There Is No Alternative”.
This conflict with Russia has been brewing up for years, decades even. If you follow the post communist history of Russia then we were all pally with them in the 1990s when they were prostrate, having been advised to embrace the ultra-free market. This did them a lot of harm and it was natural that there would eventually be pushback (which came in the form of Putin). As the country gradually found its feet again we started going Cold War on them again — expansion of NATO (which has never been a defensive alliance) and then a gradual program of ongoing sanctions. No matter what they did, how carefully they tried to play our game, sticking to commercial contracts and so on, it just wasn’t good enough. Any excuse, no matter how lame, ill founded or just plain based on lies, was enough to turn that screw a bit tighter. So eventually there’s a reaction — because Russians might be appalling drivers (according to the youTube videos) but they’re definitely not stupid, they can see where this was leading to.
But all this is really a sideshow. The real target is China because China’s definitely a threat to our hegemony. Its not interested in direct conflict but it poses a threat by just existing, doing what they do (and doing it rather well), and its made worse because it looks like a winning formula for ex-colonial countries that are still struggling to get everyone fed and housed. We’re doing the Cold War thing with them right down to the endless supply of propaganda which, unfortunately, our populations seem to lap up. Our efforts are likely to be ineffectual, though, unless we can bring Russia to heel because the countries together represent most of Asia and a huge reserve of both natural and human resources. Ideally we’d break Russia up into constituent republics, preferably at odds with each other Yugoslavia style and then we’d start breaking up the Chinese empire by working at ethic division. I don’t think this is likely to happen, though, because the world’s on to us, and the Chinese aren’t going to lose, they’ve been China for too long. So unless we figure out how not to constantly confront these countries we’re going to be stuck in a permanent twilight war situation, a parody of “1984” — where we might be already.
Our populations in the West are 95% entirely cullible. No real loss if the herd died.
After looking at some of your comments I think the same way about you. It wouldn’t be a loss if you died, and it would even be a gain for the rest of us.
(I have met such a nickname – Koba – in the East; where did it come from?)
There’s an old book called, “Preachers Present Arms” which is partly about the role of the clergy in spreading war propaganda for WWI. Same old sheet, like the Germans throwing babies in ovens, and all that, the same kind of things we’ve seen with the 21st century wars. Only then, it was via newspapers and word of mouth. It’s how it’s done and it works every time. One way or another, they get their wars and we don’t stop it.
I can think of other names for the sheeple buying the bs, but it’s not going to change things, or them.
Always give up, that’s the only way to win.
If you give up just top yourself and save us all your pointless posts
WW!: the world’s first war for oil and Israel. Were the preachers pro war propagandising ? I am hardly surprised. The church was a control mechanism devised in the first century. The suffragettes were alsoholding pro war marches.
In S. America in 1960s and 1970s, liberation theology hampered imperialism. The US military or CIA dealt brutally with it. Now, the situation seems to be the reverse. A week or 2 ago, I read that the clergy in one SA country (don’t remember which) were being apologists for the exploitative government. This was also true of Bolivia after the 2021 coup.
Only children and fucking deranged Australian media and pollies.
Hmmm I’d say the entire west is deranged not just Ozzie’s and their bizzare media and politicos
Let’s say the Globalists “win.”
It won’t be long (they’re probably at it already) before they are at each others throats, vying for supremacy.
And if they lose? The various powers of the world will be at each other’s throats,vying for supremacy.
(Barring, of course, Divine Intervention).
The same argument that was used against the existence of the Mafia by J. Edgar Hoover (and of course we now know why).
They’re quite happy for their middle ranks and underlings to fight occasionally – but they intervene if it gets too near the top. Very occasionally a top dog might ossify and be overthrown – but never the Mafia itself.
It’s why oligarchy is such a stable system – it requires lots of people who benefit from it to want change at the same time and that’s very difficult to achieve.
Oligarchy is an inherently unstable system, much like a top heavy vase.
Oligarchy is mobile because people are quickly replaced or supplanted but the system itself is very stable, has been predominant system in the West for many centuries though it given different names to disguise this fact.
Any system based on deception by the few upon the many is inherently unstable and will implode under the pressure of its increasingly oblivious narcissism.
The ideal situation is nationalists take over in every Western country, and start getting their own houses in order. Then we’ll learn that free nations can cooperate peacefully when child-raping psychopaths are not running everything.
There are no free nations. That is the problem.
I take that you missed WW2, last time nationalists strived to get their own houses in order? Not much peace.
Oh they did, but the globalists didn’t want their freedom. Hence the globalists forced WW2
Off g seems to have shot its self in the foot, after years of ridiculing thoses who used to say the ‘control op thing’ and off g has created fake binary which is another term for control op. anytime a article pops along like the one above or Toad Hayen Spitting Angry in which he spit’s angry at commentators when it was pointed out that he was fooling for the control op thing aka fake binary.
Left and right exist son. Deal with it. What you mean is “everyone thinks like I do they just don’t know it yet”.
Left and right DIDN’T exist son.
It is a fantasy sold to the church of believers- the voters.
Get over it.
A’ tha US
All right I’ll play. So a reasonable person is suppose to
believeassumeknow that a “country” with it’s unilateral evil selfish mind (country has a mind now) created with the outmost ultimately efficient propaganda through it’s entire population and led (pfff) by no other than duly elected Joe Biden, is heading to nuclear war and it’s own likely destruction… selfish as it is… but also stupid, even though it is accused of having had it’s way for the rest of history. Until it’s end of course… where it will have made it’s rare, but fatal mistake. (I suspect that the evil FBI would not let Biden/Trump anywhere near that football, you heard me)So what is that US some people keep referring to. Is it the US territory? It’s people? It’s constitution? It’s economic system, which is struggling like in the rest of the world… (I mean the economy of it’s population here, mostly) Or is it more likely (to a reasonable person), it’s globalist infiltration, like in the rest of Europe and the planet. Is “a’ tha US” character assassinated because it’s founding fathers warned against such infiltration and provided it’s population of hundreds of millions with guns that they won’t let go of, regardless of MSM, Hollywood and brainwashed people’s fierce propaganda and pressure. Yes like children who look up to their fathers, the American people will follow their hearts, their community consciousness, and latter their own minds, to realize that dad was right. All that shifted by the occasional rebellion, and just flat out opposition when dad doesn’t provide the car keys, so important to attend that party… But on the long run, the principles are the same. Do we want a life controlled by a few people who clearly dispize us, and let them take us away from our homes to a global prison.
Sometimes, controlled opposition reminds me of a train in Nazi Germany (whatever again such a thing is), where people embark supposedly to ESCAPE the Nazis, and are kept from getting off it through mind control, lack of feasibility, confusion/distraction and flat out intimidation… and is heading to… the gaz chamber of course.
If I understand correctly your comment that Russia will win, then I agree with you.
Then they’ll drain the gas from those chambers you’re talking about to warm us up with it.
Nope, you misread me… because I didn’t start on Russia yet, and it’s own/same Globalist infiltration. Although I like it’s official’s comment that the Ukraine Neo Nazis, which surrender was supported/organized by Macron and Israel, may or may not be a bunch of agitated punks with no real elaborate and highly organized agenda. Now that is quite a reasonable statement.
Is this like the famous WWI Christmas truce? What do the Syrians make of it?
As in WW1 the common soldier has no particular beef with the other side. They’re professionals, they don’t ‘hate’ like the rest of us are trained to do because hate is an emotional reaction and is not conducive to success on the battlefield.
(As an aside, based on remarks made by a friend who had a relative serving in the area a few years ago — they were nominally based in Italy but found themselves in Syria — they really didn’t want to be there. (But the military isn’t a democracy….) As peoples’ tours were up they preferred to leave so were offered huge incentives to reup.)
Hate is a powerful motivational tool – Ilya Ehrenberg:
Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy.Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German – wipe them out!
The whole football game on no man’s land seems to be a myth and plenty of “historians” have backed up the whole it did happen/it didn’t happen stuff. Me I doubt it happened. I know they held a small truce but a kick about in no man’s land with mines?
The war in 1914 was very different from the war in 1915. Before WW1 broke out Germans were like cousins to the British, they were not hated, there were a lot of them living and working in England. Enmity with the French was something different. The French hadn’t forgotten 1871 and wanted revenge. The British have always had a slight beef with the French, something to do with 1066, its embedded deep in their cultures. When war did break out it was indirect, a sort of domino effect starting in Serbia of all places, nothing directly to do with the British. The British army was also still professional soldiers in 1914.
The process of turning the Germans into Boches, Huns or whatever was going to take time. The Germans screwed up a bit here by not just invading Belgium but taking “Harsh Measures” against any resistance to them. This, aided by the refugee flow (vide “Pirot”) provided a significant propaganda opportunity. It was successful, though, because the popular image of the German was actually a Prussian, typically a Junkers, who were as much a pain in the a$$ to the average Westphalian or Bavarian as they were to ‘the enemy’. (Ironically, most of them would be regarded as Polish today — but you know how borders are!).
No-man’s land wasn’t mined for the most part, certainly not at the start of the war.
All the talk of “fake binaries” obscures faked “fake binaries.” Those would be the ones prompted by the most basic of all human pathologies: being top dog, numero uno, king of the hill – you name it.
Yes, they’re all “working together.” But does anyone seriously imagine they’re all just one big happy family walking every step in concert, arm in arm as they plunder the rest of humanity?
Now that really would be a naive notion. And completely inconsistent with what we know of human history.
So, yes, while they’re all moving forward in lock step, rest assured they each have a dagger hidden behind their backs just waiting for an opportunity to stick it to the others if they can.
Russia and the US are merely “pretending” to be enemies, no doubt. But on a deeper level, you may be sure each is secretly plotting the destruction of the other so as to sit ALONE in the driver’s seat.
Not just the US and Russia, but each power center in regards to all the other power centers. The start of their all-out battle is just a matter of time. Capitalism has two essential contradictory dynamics. One is the competitive splintering. The other is that of concentration and centralization. They function simultaneously.
I don’t see it. They’re too interconnected already. And they already have centrally controlled access to resources. Their wars are just entertainment and fear fodder for us. That’s how I have started seeing it since 2020
That depends on the power structure, which we are only guessing at. Personally I don’t see much sign of any type of rivalry going on right now that doesn’t look fake. I have a feeling we might be shocked at how much global control there already is and how long it’s been around. That creepy way they all are singing from the same hymn sheet on covid isn’t just going to happen by accident or out the blue. There has to have been a lot more central control than we’ve guessed at for quite a while.
My question is who’s controlling.
Maybe not so much ‘-who-‘ but perhaps more intriguingly: ‘-What-‘
It is the central banking cartel.
While some sell us false controversies (“binaries”), others sell us false conflation: “They are all in it together”.
“Only Adult Children Still Believe US Propaganda”
So, only about 6 billion people…
That’s rather a lot.
Hmm the rest of the worlds media and public is quite supportive of Russia. Only 16 nations have condemned them with sanctions. All the usual suspects too and one or two arse sniffing nations needing American tax payer money. Again.
We beat Russia by freezing and starving Germans (and Austrians and Poles and… ).
I bet the powers that be’s thinking is we can blame it all on Russia but more than a few people are aware the gas prices and whatnot were always going up long before the latest phase of this 8 year conflict.
Or perhaps the PTB’s thinking is that we all pick a side to support and blame the other one for everything. You can’t deny that’s what’s happening anyhow, and it’s proving effective at blocking coherent opposition.
The author is only slightly more aware of reality than the “children” he mocks if he thinks that Biden and his administration are acting independently rather than simply carrying out marching orders given them by the people who are really in charge.
ITSSSSSS mid terms season, so except the mind control to revert back to fully mind controlled.
I’ll go out on a limb and say I’m sure he understands that. Read between the lines.
He didn’t mock the children AT ALL. He said children don’t fall for this just grown up adult children. Re read it if you need to.
But, but but, I thought they – Biden, Putin, NATO, WEF – are all in it together, they’re all buddies, it’s all theater, right? Did Curtin not get the memo? Didn’t the US empire dissolve into the WEF/WHO in 2020?
Exactly. You’re the only one who doesn’t seem to understand it yet (Ah, this Dennis, he enchantment brain like a wizard, he’s so convincing…;))
I can’t vote against my comment, this is a big flaw in the website software. You shouldn’t be able to vote “for” yourself, but you should be able to vote “against.” Because, now that I have thought, I am convinced that Vladimir Vladimirovich is the Tsar of God’s Vengeance and the Savior of us poor souls. ❤
What a strangely childish reaction to being presented with differing points of view in a single outlet. Try to calm yourself.
You thought right.
Larsen voting up his own comments and downvoting little Sophie’s again. What a pathetic tosser you are Larsen
I did neither, but more interestingly, how would you know?
How would he know? Because it’s painfully obvious. You even downvoted RP’s reply. Look, it has 6 downvotes but your reply to him has no upvotes which would not be the case if it was organic. You and Brian Boru were going nuts doing it in another thread, like giving tons more votes than ever made sense and just to your stuff (upvotes) and the admins (downvotes). It’s so weird you think it’s not obvious.
Ha ha ha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 – RIGHT after I posted that Tom Larsen was obviously messing with the votes because his reply to RP has no upvotes – AN UPVOTE APPEARS FOR HIM — AFTER FOUR HOURS OF SITTING THERE WITH ZERO UPVOTES!!!
He obviously saw my comment and thought “I’ll prove her wrong” and voted for his own comment so it wouldn’t have zero upvotes any more!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
He’s still doing it. Four up-votes now. Like anyone else would be bothering. He’s such a pathetic tit.
And he’s voting down mine too I reckon. 😂
RE: It’s so weird you think it’s not obvious.
There are some technical issues here. You might ask Sophie Admin about upvoting one’s own posts, or multiple downvotes by the same person. She can verify if I did or not…
I have no idea if you did it because we have no way of identifying individual people here and don’t want to do so. We value and preserve your anonymity. However, I can say that what happens in some isolated instances is multiple votes coming in very quickly from different IPs that seem to be using the same computer. It does seem to cluster around comments made by just a few posters and the implication is pretty obvious. But we mostly let it slide as not being very important.
It should now be quite clear that ‘administrations’ are just public-facing control mechanisms put in place to follow the UN2030 script.
The US couldn’t even win the war in Syria so they would have no hope against Russia, China and probably much of the rest of the world. And they know it, hence the pathetic propaganda that even the journalists writing it don’t seem to believe.
Journalists ???
Presstitutes if you must.
Next up: A comprehensive “no-fly” zone over Ukrainian airspace.
Putin’s Mass Strikes Prompts Germany to Send Ukraine IRIS-T Defense Systems
Oct 10, 2022
On Monday, Germany announced it would provide the first of four new IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine within days. The land-based air defense systems, which use modified short-range missiles, has an operating range of up to 40 kilometers and target detection range of 250 kilometers.
“The renewed missile fire on Kyiv and the many other cities show how important it is to supply Ukraine with air defen[s]e systems quickly,” German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said in a statement. “Russia’s attacks with missiles and drones terrorize the civilian population in particular. That is why we are now providing support especially with air defen[s]e weapons.”
President Biden promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the U.S. would “continue providing Ukraine with the support needed to defend itself, including advanced air defense systems,” during a phone call on Monday, the White House said.
A No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine and International Law
by Michael N. Schmitt
Mar 18, 2022
In an impassioned address to the U.S. Congress on March 16, Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, asked the United States for additional military assistance, including the establishment of a no-fly zone.
Lockheed. Raethon etc must be licking their blood soaked lips.
All thanks to Putin!
He will defeat your Zionists with the little finger of one hand!
A) They are not “my” Zionists – I’m just describing what’s going on in the world.
B) There are different versions of “Zionism” – and they sometimes compete.
😯 What are these two going to do when the shooting is over and the photographers are gone? Is it what it seems at first glance… 💞
No one can or will apply no fly zone. Just talk to extend fear
Excellent article! I put the highest possible assessment.
I was joking, guys, don’t give me green thumbs.
“No one fucks with a Biden,” the president told Murphy while shaking his hand. The mayor laughed and responded, “Yeah, you’re goddamn right.”
While much of the conversation was inaudible, Biden followed his comment by saying, “You can’t argue with reporters outside the house.” Murphy agreed with him before Biden said goodbye.
Shannon Watts on Twitter: ““NO ONE FUCKS WITH A BIDEN”” / Twitter
At least no one but banking and investment conglomerates, CIA operatives, Israeli Mossad, and other institutions of interest…
So “A Biden” is now a thing.
Heaven help us if there are more of them…
It’s all ‘dynasty’, isn’t it? Just like “A Bush”, “A Trump”, “A Soprano”, “A Corleone”, or “A Ewing”…
I’d say Hollywood has exceeded its mandate. It’s time for big cuts.
It would’ve priceless if Murphy would have just decked Biden right on the spot… A guy can dream…
Some good old fashion Russian Propagand here or……?
On November 6, 2015, the NATO Seafox mine disposal unmanned underwater vehicle was found during the scheduled visual inspection of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline
MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. An incident with NATO explosive devices occurred earlier at the Nord Stream gas pipeline, official spokesman of Gazprom Sergey Kupriyanov said on the air with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel.
“It is necessary to remind about developments at the Nord Stream gas pipeline that were already registered earlier. This case is well known. On November 6, 2015, the NATO Seafox mine disposal unmanned underwater vehicle was found during the scheduled visual inspection of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. It lay in space between gas pipelines, clearly near one of strings,” Kupriyanov said.
“NATO said the underwater mine disposal vehicle was lost during exercises. Such NATO exercises when the combat explosive device turned out to be exactly under our gas pipeline,” the spokesman said.
The explosive device was deactivated by Swedish Armed Forces at that time and gas transport halted due to the emergency resumed, he added.
TFS, What idiot wd downvote your comment? I remember the incident.
I’m one of them. Let the other man confess who he is. I don’t want all the shame for myself, it has to be shared.
I hope it’s gonna float
One hopes he’s a traitor to NWO, but maybe it’s even more important to be a friend to citizens’ rights.
Excellent article. I have never felt so angry and frustrated as I do now. Its a real wake up call once you realise America and UK are the bad guys and how much we are reviled across the globe. I hope Russia prevails I really do because having these two countries running the world is not an option if we want peace.
Haha nice try agent
Thank you for demonstrating the “no reasonable person” fallacy. If I disagree with your narrative, I can presumably be dismissed as being “unreasonable” and therefore unworthy of consideration. Then, in the very same sentence, you create a strawman by implying that the opposition to your narrative is represented by Biden. And, if we don’t do as the “reasonable” people tell us, it all ends in nuclear Armageddon!
It’s all so carefully constructed. How else could one open an essay on emotionally manipulative propaganda without presenting such a blatant example?
BTW: would you consider the non-appeasement strategy of Mike Pompeo to be worthy of consideration – given that it appears to be the policy which is currently being implemented against the Globalist proxies (i.e. Russia and China)?
Mike Pompeo (see below):
I have one more thought on the Budapest Memorandum. When’s the next time somebody’s going to give up their nuclear weapons if we don’t defend Ukraine? I left it out of my remarks today, but imagine the next time some nation has a nuclear weapon and we say, “Hey, just hand them over to so-and-so, and it’ll all be good there.” Chairman Kim is watching, I assure you. Every Arab nation who’s thinking about their own nuclear program is watching. The Iranians are watching. The Iranians are probably watching through my cell phone. This is serious stuff, if we walk away from a commitment that the United Kingdom and the United States made in signing that document. We shouldn’t forget about the proliferation risk that’s created if we simply say, “Nope, Ukraine, you’re on your own.”
Person A: “No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.”
Person B: “But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge.”
Person A: “But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.”
Michael Pompeo: War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom
Jun 24, 2022
Hudson Institute
Brilliantly written first part. Unfortunately the 2 part which you post constantly doesn’t mean it is true if posted weekly.
The #Cryptocracy is not solely allied with Democrats. Rep. #JimJordan (R-Ohio), Gov. #RonDeSantis and former V.P. #MikePence are all allied with Israeli terrorists who seek to destroy the #AlAqsa mosque and fulfill the Masonic-Kabbalistic crusade to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. @ Michael hoffman
If considered in context, and with a bit of reading between the lines, Pompeo’s speech is probably the most accurate outline as to where the world is heading. Whether people like it or not is a separate question.
In my view, the position in support of the Budapest memorandum is the policy which is most likely to minimise the risk of nuclear war – and the statement is therefore relevant to Curtin’s article.
This is some of the context – and note the flag between Miller and Pence.
Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?
Dec 23, 2020
Not A News Network
Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?
Lost in a dark wood, somehow Pompeo’s argument that we must protect Ukraine so that other countries won’t feel nukes are necessary rings hollow while the US is invading so many countries.
As elsewhere, US officials try to make a special case out of Ukraine, while ignoring all the instances of US invasion/war.
If I were Taiwan, South Korea, Japan etc – I would have nukes already. If I were a Poland-Baltics-Ukraine alliance, and if the US/UK fails to support Ukraine, then I would get independent nukes.
What the Biden Administration is really hell-bent on destroying is not Russia, but America and Europe.
I agree. The US has tried for decades (since the success of the gas fracking nightmare there) to get the EU to buy gas from them.
Obama and Hillary did a whistle-stop tour (specifically in Central/Eastern EU countries) to get all of them onboard years ago. But no one in the EU would buy it. Why import from the US when cheap, reliable gas is available from Russia? And has been for as long as anyone can remember. “Yeah, we will let you run NATO, but we are keeping our cheap Russian gas.”
Now EU citizens are paying the price for their government’s disobedience towards the Empire.
That makes no sense, the empire would hardly be destroying itself to punish Europe. This is post-imperial it seems to me, the empire is being destroyed to make way for the rule of the east
My point was not to suggest that the US is destroying itself ‘to destroy/punish Europe’. But rather, to support the comment Seamus Padraig made about them destroying Europe (in order to rebuild it – as is the fashion these days).
There are other aims including (a) blowing up unpayable debt (end of current capitalism) (b) the trans-national ultra-rich gaining ownership of practically all assets including natural and planetary ones (c) ending the nuisance of democracy. I mentioned this some time ago under Operation Covid.
That cheap, reliable gas Russia is selling belongs to Global, especially US, Corporations.
Indeed you are correct, there are many western companies that have either have leases on oil and gas fields in Russia (EXXON, SHELL, etc…) as well as many that have stakes in the pipelines themselves.
However, I believe it is incorrect to say that the gas ‘belongs’ to US/Global companies (implication being that they control most of it), since Gazprom (the state holding the majority) owns and controls nearly all of it.
In addition, some of these western companies have pulled out or divested after the Ukraine war began.
The profits generated for US gas/oil companies from the sale of US LNG to Europe far outweighs any that would come in from their gas/oil fields lease in Russia by these same companies. And don’t forget about the Ukrainian gas fields waiting for US companies to exploit with fracking as well (Hunter Biden’s former project).
The US has been working diligently for decades to break into the EU market. They want those imports to replace Russian gas supplies.
Can you, guys, believe Edward Curtin has fallen for the false binary?!? Guess he hasn’t been reading OG lately …
But kudos to the editors for hosting someone who isn’t quite there yet in the false binary camp.
I suggest we all be patient with Mr. Curtin while we still have a little time.
Fear of nuclear war is a joke. Do you think the owners of this planet would allow for it to be damaged by nukes? No.
Don’t you wonder why they didn’t bomb all the bridges?
don’t you wonder why they left a pipeline undamaged?
all of this to make us believe that this war is escalating, because the convid narrative is failing…
meanwhile Russian gas still transits Ukraine’s pipelines… Haha
My hunch is that they are just taking a quick breather before their next onslaught.
If ‘peace’ is supposed to mean more than simply not having bombs dropping on your doorstep, then we have to recognize that it is essentially an inner state of mind.
But a peaceful inner state of mind is not at all what the ‘authorities’ want us to have. That might give us time to think, to consider and to plan, the thought of which would absolutely horrify them.
You seem to assume we’re dealing with rational persons with sane perspectives. We are not.
It is abundantly clear that those who “run things” are totally insane (or else they wouldn’t want so desperately to “run things”).
They have the mentality of children watching cartoons on Saturday morning. Something gets blown to pieces in one frame then magically re-appears in the next frame, unscathed.
Nukes? No problem. They’ll just blow up the world; and when the smoke clears, they’ll run even more things.
There’s a reason it’s called “magical thinking.”
Excellent reply Howard. Hollywood is all about magical thinking…
We have been getting told the “they’ll blow us all up” story for so long, but they never have. Maybe it really is just a boogeyman story to frighten us silly.
I think Howard is outlining the way they think, rather than the actual risk of us all being blown up.
There are still one or two checks and balances to keep cretins like Biden off the red button, although checks and balances probably aren’t what they used to be…
Who would downvote such a comment in 2022…?
Do we actually have three overgrown-child Americans here among our readership…?
The desperate urge to ‘run things’, as Howard puts it, is at the root of political corruption – mostly because the pay is damn good.
There’s no such thing. This is a conclusion from the comfortable thinking of a good but lazy mind. They are very mature and know exactly what they are doing and why. The fact that you don’t know, but need – like any sharp mind – to understand, while also having the desire to save strenuous thinking, leads to Occam’s razor.
Smart people, many of whom I have grown up with and surrounded by, do this very often: they have a certain period of “active learning,” education, reasoning, which usually occurs in their younger and middle years, and then they relax and ” rest,”
leaving what enters through their eyes and ears, explained by itself through the built prism; like a mind on autopilot.
Especially, I have noticed, Socialists, atheists and anarchists glide over the explanation of everything through the explanation of the effects of constructs. Constructs – power, social, mental, human nature – are constructed. This is not the most modern form of power, but an advanced instrument of power.
The source of power constructs and works with the instruments of power. The owner has his own property. Not the other way around.
But somewhere around here, the night usually breaks. Because again we have an explanation of reality through a very good mind, which, however, is conveniently fixed in certain prisms. And they reject other than their own explanation: for a source of power, for origin, for a long continuous continuation of the line.
After all, we have such clear and simple explanations and proof stories about the inconsistency of continuing the line, the tradition, from father to son. Every man at the moment, dependent on his own desires, which are born of his human nature, does what he desires according to circumstances. And groups of powerful people simply do what is best for them according to the opportunities that the realities of the business structure allow them. As it has always been throughout history, right?
The mind is such a voracious animal – and the better a mind, the more voracious it is – that it can never go without food, and its food is the explanation. Again and again, continuous explanation; structures of explanations; associations of explanation structures; consensus Sciences of associations of explanation structures. Consensus reality.
If we do not know something, we will “explain” it according to what we know, no more. So there was a point, you don’t know when, standing in the infinite nothing. Which exploded and over billions of years created the structures. They created man. And he, obeying his natural structure, created society and invented his own structures, which subsequent generations adopted and perfected by obeying the structures. There is a complex network of many correlating structures. And each successive generation simply looked to its own human interest and took as much advantage of the structures as it could. And here we are today.
We also have this other power structure, the conditional power, inextricably interacting with each other and serving the power structures, selling the alternative explanation of origin from the point, of the confused people of the lower levels of the structure. Thus, in a synchronous structure, the two keep the peoples in subjection.
Where did this point in nowhere come from? From something before it, because the magic of “nothing from something” exists only in fairy tales. And where did this thing, from where she came from? Another non-personal natural structure.. But Everything has an origin, right? Again, you can’t make anything out of anything, so there’s no doubt it has an initial origin. But it is incredibly naive to assume that he is somehow reasonable… as a rational man (so says the rational counter-structure, which, together with the religious structure, keeps the herd in subjection). I have a little problem with ” reasonable as a human.”. But this may simply be my personal misunderstanding of the higher human reasonableness, by which alone can be attested, as a measure, something like ‘reason’.
(Let us also remember that at the moment, and as it has always been, no one can deny the infinity of time and space. because in order to do this, he has to prove that after the end there is nothing.)
As the wise old master mason said, winking at his apprentices:
Remember that, despite persistent rumors recently, the spider is still the master of the web.:)
Just to put it into perspective…Throughout the Cold War (through all of its ups and downs, crisis or not) the Soviet Union supplied gas to all of Europe. Never interrupted. Never threatened.
The current ‘energy crisis’ has been created by the EU (or the PPPs now directing EU policy). Maybe Russia is on board with this, maybe not (I reckon they are). But the result is the same. Pushing people into a new system that leaves them cold, hungry and begging their states for help. Which those states will gladly give, if citizens abide by the new playbook and do everything they are told.
In the end it will give banks and multinational institutions unprecedented power and wealth. It really is driving us all to Feudalism 2.0 here in Europe.
Wonder how things are going on the ISS as Russia apparently launched most recent visit from USA soil.
Putin is in the “club”…
Where have I heard that 83 times before…?
But you’re probably right.
That reminds me of an old pop hit – rephrased here:
I nearly said “the Troggs”, then remembered it was that other guy.
Yup it was … you know … wore a hat … maybe.
“It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying Russia and will risk nuclear war in doing so”.
And take away the “enemy” that has served them so well? I think not. It seems improbable those truly controlling US policy would put a doddering chump in the Oval Ofice and be doing everything they apparently can to incite a civil war if they intended a major external war.
“On a similar note, Ray McGovern has also recently reminded those who pay attention to him”.
Those who aren’t aware that he’s “former” CIA presumably.
Reverse fake dialectics is still fake dialectics and fear porn is still fear porn. Once you’ve lived long enough you start to notice stories being recycled. This reminds me of the early Reagan years (he’s such a madman…. they think they can win a nuclear war…. neutron bombs will leave property undamaged – typical capitalists!…. we came so close…. ). It was bs then and it’s bs now.
How much longer does Edward Curtin have to live before he notices according to you?
Careful, Edwi, you might give away your age …
Rather than hell-bent, I would say the Biden disministration is out of its mind, along with anybody who voted for it.
Not that there was a serious alternative – just like anywhere else today.
But it will probably all end in hell, as you say…
It certainly is a fact that the depravity of the global MSM has sunk to a new level where truth and reality have been replaced by comic book fantasy. When whole populations accept and dismiss frauds such as WMD or 9/11 we become nothing more than objects of manipulation to be used or discarded as THEY see fit. The irrational and totally insane agenda against Russia, a country who sacrificed over 24 million in WW2 to destroy fascism is symptomatic of a diseased Western mindset orchestrated by a mentally deranged elite whose agenda of hatred and greed spells disaster for those who choose to remain oblivious to their crimes.
“a mentally deranged elite whose agenda of hatred and greed spells disaster for those who choose to remain oblivious to their crimes”
It spells disaster for all of us, both the oblivious and the informed.
Geopolitics are pre 2020. They are all working together. There is no real conflict. Doesn’t mean they don’t do war for profit.
Sure. Even while it is happening it isn’t happening. It doesn’t matter. It is of no interest. It is pre 2020.
Which national economy is most addicted to war and selling armaments? At this link, go to “Absolute military expenditure” and select Table:
‘It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying Russia and will risk nuclear war in doing so.’
Fake binary.
Stopped reading there…
What makes you think anyone gives a rat’s axx if and when you started or stopped reading?
It’s just a strong emphasis on the fact that fake binaries are getting pretty common.
I think it’s worth pointing out.
“Frankly Doris, i really dont give a damn !”
Or was that,
“Frankly Mavis, i just dont give a damn !” ?