Free Speech, Jacinda Ardern and the Tyranny of ‘Kindness’
Colin Todhunter

Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister, grabbed the global limelight a few years ago, making headlines by stating she wanted to put “kindness” into politics. In 2019, Foreign Policy, a publication closely associated with the Atlantic Council and the US State Department, published the article ‘The Kindness Quotient’, a glowing promotion of Ardern.
The strategic marketing of Ardern in various publications has focused on her likeability, pro-environment stance, compassionate values and collaborative nature. To further appeal to liberal sentiments, she was said to represent everything Trump is not.
Ardern belongs to a set of global leaders who were groomed for their positions through the World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders programme. Yes, that WEF – the elitist organisation where hard-nose billionaires and their handmaidens gather to set out policies aligned with powerful business interests.
The charm offensive that Ardern’s promoters undertook was an investment. She delivered on COVID and is now expected to sell more questionable policies to the public.
Arden recently stated at the UN:
As leaders, we are rightly concerned that even the most light-touch approaches to disinformation could be misinterpreted as hostile to values of free speech that we value so highly.
She went on to state:
How do you tackle climate change if people believe it does not exist? How do you ensure the human rights of others are upheld as they are subjected to hateful and dangerous ideology.
She continued by saying speech (that the authorities disagree with) can be a weapon of war.
During COVID, Ardern urged citizens to trust the government and its agencies for all information and stated:
Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.
Throughout that period, in the US, Fauci presented himself as ‘the science’. In New Zealand, Ardern’s government was ‘the truth’. It was similar in countries across the world – different figures but the same approach.
When anyone in power or any institution lays claim to ‘the truth’, history shows we are on a slippery slope to silencing thought and dissent that we disagree with.
Like other political leaders, during COVID, Ardern clamped down on civil liberties with the full force of state violence on hand to ensure compliance with ‘the truth’.
Clearly, Ardern is not alone here. Trudeau, Biden and others display Orwellian undertones as they talk of the need to challenge ‘misinformation’ and those who question ‘the truth’. The thin end of a very wide authoritarian wedge.
It seems critical analysis and open debate are fine as long as those involved keep within the framework of what is deemed supportive of the narrative. Chomsky was correct on that.
We are often urged to ‘trust the science’ and accept that the ‘science is decided’ on various issues. We heard this on the COVID issue, when we were told governments are ‘following the science’, while they and the big tech companies censored world-renowned scientists and opposing views and opinions. In ‘following the science’, conflicts of interest were rife and notions of objectivity, open disclosure and organised scepticism – core values of scientific endeavour – were trampled on.
Those who questioned the COVID narrative were smeared, shut down and censored – the playbook of Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Big Ag and authoritarian governments down the years.
Is anyone who questions and wants a more open debate on climate change or whether such change is occurring as stated or will lead to ‘extinction’ to be charged with disseminating misinformation?
Is questioning the orthodoxy of the zero-carbon policy agenda to be shut down and those who challenge it to be labelled ‘extremists’.
Ardern asks: How do you tackle climate change if people believe it does not exist?
But it is also pertinent to ask: How do you tackle it if you accept it exists?
Even if we accept humanity is in trouble and facing a genuine climate emergency, people should at least be able to question the current ‘green’ agenda based on a ‘stakeholder capitalism’ strategy (governments and others facilitating the needs of private capital) that has co-opted genuine concerns about the environment to pursue new multi-billion-dollar global investment opportunities – described in the 2020 report Nature for Sale by Friends of the Earth.
If you read that report, you might conclude that we are witnessing a type of green imperialism that is using genuine concerns about the environment to pursue a familiar agenda of extractivism, colonisation and commodification – the same old mindset, greenwashed and rolled out for public consumption.
For some, things seem set to remain the same – business as usual.
Economic crisis
But in March 2022, BlackRock’s Rob Kapito warned that a “very entitled” generation of people would soon have to face shortages for the first time in their lives as some goods grow scarce because of rising inflation.
We have a very entitled generation that has never had to sacrifice.
He, of course, was referring to ordinary people, not the high-flying class of the mega-carbon-footprint multi-millionaires and billionaires who will continue to live life to the max and cash in on their various investments and ventures.
Kapito talked about the situation in Ukraine and COVID being responsible for the current crisis, conveniently ignoring the inflationary impact of the trillions pumped into imploding financial markets in 2019 and 2020 (dwarfing the crisis of 2008) and a moribund economic system his ilk have milked dry to the point of collapse.
Kapito is a co-founder of Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager which exerts enormous influence on monetary policy in the US and Europe. According to, Kapito, as the president of BlackRock, made $26,750,780 in total compensation in 2021. Of this, $1,250,000 was received as a salary, $9,700,000 was received as a bonus, $15,125,180 was awarded as stock and $675,600 came from other types of compensation.
Neither Kapito nor any of the hegemonic, unimaginably entitled and unelected billionaire class will have to experience any hardships in the coming years. No, they will be responsible for inflicting it on you. The same class of people who designed and profited from a strident neoliberalism based on deregulation and privatisation – a system now in collapse and responsible for the current crisis and the immiseration of hundreds of millions.
In the 1980s, to legitimise the neoliberal agenda, governments rolled out an ideological onslaught, pressing home the notion of individual rights and the primacy of the market. Now, there is a new ideological shift towards a great reset – again being driven by neoliberalism; this time, its collapse.
Arden’s utterances on the dangers of free speech, the singularity of ‘truth’ and the implicit shift towards authoritarianism must be viewed within the context of managing the economic crisis. What she says reveals how the financial and political elites based on Wall Street, in Washington and in the City of London are thinking.
The authorities fear blowback in terms of mass dissent and uprisings. Liz Truss, the UK prime minister wants to place ‘legal curbs’ on striking trade unions as many of them take action to counter the ‘cost of living’ crisis. There is also the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Act which came into force in June and threatens citizens’ rights, not least the right to protest.
It therefore comes as no surprise that, today, individual rights and free speech are under threat. The ultimate control mechanism would be linking central bank digital currencies to personal carbon footprints, spending and dissent in an age of economic turmoil. Trudeau gave the game away on that when he hit protesting truckers where it hurt most – denying access to their bank accounts.
How long before ‘misinformation’ and challenging ‘the truth’ becomes thought crime and – as Jacinda Arden might put it – ‘cruel to be kind’ actions are taken against those who challenge dominant state-corporate narratives?
Well, not long because we have already witnessed it during the last few years.
Tyranny is the type of ‘kindness’ we don’t need.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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Cruel to be kind?
Perhaps hung by the neck until dead would be an act of national self kindness…
Yet perhaps not- I’d be satisfied with her away from positions of power….
Now notice the same type of new / alt media outcry on this.. there isnt .. why..?
U.K Home Secretary to crack down on ‘disruptive’ protests with new bill
Jacinda looks like one of those caricature drawings of a person. I imagine if she had a caricature drawn of her, her entite head would be just a set of smiling teeth.
Even, I would say, if I can afford a little more frivolous sci-fi speculation – Jacinda herself was created and produced, in the image of a caricature, on a 3D printer by an advanced super-AI that serves the elite.
Its not so much the spread of misinformation we should be worried about as much as its the spread of the misinformed and Mrs.Arden is at the head of that class.
She may not be truly that evil but she is truly that stupid for she cant even see that she’s been manipulated by institutions that are just that evil.
Politicians that have no worldly experience are a danger to humanity and to themselves. Democracy can go wrong , terribly so, when people like her are given the opportunity to be elected in a position of authority. The current western world is full of such degenerates.
Her constituents are paying a high price for her learning on the job and then again I doubt this imbecile can even fathom that she’s on a steep learning curve to nowhere land.
Great article.
By the way, since I have always been interested for some time – in the interest of truth and honesty – in the opinion of the authors on the widely discussed question of Russia’s role, and the much more closely discussed question of the possible complicity of Russia in the anti-human and anti-natural plans of the globalists, I am curious what Colin Todhunter thinks of this question. Which role, as we can see, is an absolutely fundamental role on a global scale.
So, if the authors did not mention anything about it in the available (here for example) articles, I just search the search engine. Colin writes long, good, and fascinating articles, and looking through them briefly, I could not find anything he had recently said on the subject. (There may be, but I haven’t found it.)
Looking through the link here to the author’s mini-book – Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, in Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal – I again found nothing regarding Russia’s involvement, but as a possible common point of view of the author, perhaps the last chapter well sums up his overall vision of the main elitist sources of the Great Reset: “Chapter IX, Post-COVID dystopia, Hand of God and the New World Order”. Here, again, there is no mention of Russia’s role in the global plan, the realization of which continued and progressed with the war (or “war”).
So, the war not only served to justify the globalist schemes already in operation to exert many times greater control over resources and people, but also further aided and abetted them. The war, in short, continued and upbuilted on the operation covid, an actual plan for” sustainable development ” that really lies beneath the sweet narrative of the United Nations, who, VEF, and the rest of the world’s organizations. And in which Russia has been fully engaged, and to this day it continues to reaffirm its full voluntary commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, global biosecurity, etc.
And in this plan, Russia participated from the very beginning, fully during the operation in Kovid and is fully committed and to this day continues to reaffirm its full voluntary commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, global biosecurity, etc. goals of the new world order.
So I just wonder what the author’s point of view is with regard to the role and participation of Russia in the common actions of the global powers, that the author mentions, in terms of the realization of their diabolical global transformation. Is his vision, with regard to Russia-West relations has been updated after 2020, for example, or remains as it was, for example, in this article of his from 2018 (which came to me after a very short search):
MARCH 19, 2018
The Strategy of Tension Towards Russia and the Push to Nuclear War
“The United States has devised on ongoing strategy of tension towards Russia. It has initiated economic sanctions against Moscow, concocted a narrative about ‘Russian aggression’ for public consumption and has by various means attempted to undermine and weaken the energy-dependent Russian eeconomy. It has moreover instigated a coup on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine and is escalating tensions by placing troops in Europe.”
(Note: the quote is only the first paragraph of the article.)
I would be happy if the author shared his thoughts, and if not, let us all be alive and well. Thanks
It has taken me the better part of two years to come across your comment. You raise good points. I take on board all your concerns about Russia’s role in the common actions of the globalists. For sure, things are complex and there are common interests that unite regional elites. But 2020 did not sweep geopolitics aside. Sorry for the brief response but I just saw your comment in passing and did not want to ignore it.
I agree 2020 didn’t “sweep geopolitics aside”, because it WAS geopolitics, just a new kind we had not previously seen. Or rather a new insight into how geopolitics is evolving and changing.
It showed us the East-West division is as cosmetic and superficial as the Left-Right one. Beneath the gloss of confrontation they are all working for the same goals, all telling the same lies, all apparently capable of falling in line behind the same murderous scam when needed.
We need to update our understanding of geopolitics at this point, not simply return to the old form of analysis as if 2020 was just a glitch
I’m not saying 2020 was a glitch. I’ve written quite a bit on it and position the covid event within a financial-geopolitical framework. At the same time, I think current divisions (US-Russia) should not be dismissed as ‘cosmetic’.
Who set fire to the tents at the Wellington protest just as police in riot gear turned up in large numbers? How were they going to end the protest had the fire not occurred?
Vile and contemptable comes to mind. But.. but the majority voted for her. Pity the
New ZealandersKiwis I do.Again, dear commentators, are you having a party without Russian vodka? 😅
Have we excluded Russia from what is happening in the world? Is it unimportant? Or?
What is happening on this same line in Russia? Is there, isn’t there? Are they in?
Ignorance, assumptions = mystery….
…Then, on next russian theme, there will be again, “well, in Russia there is a small plandemia, Sputnik, but you don’t know if it is like the West, whether there are victims, or no many…Putin may have been, but he may not have been a young global leader… In fact, Russia seems to be really fighting the globalists, the “facts” rather show it!”
Westerners (I’ll tell you later….) 😄
Slightly off topic but the kiwi accent is awful
It’s dreadful and she is a grade 1 cunt
Which is ironic considering she’s got a massive cock
It’s neeegatiiive.
ardern, macron, trudeau, merkel and etc ad nauseum were all groomed under this dictat, by this man the co-founder of the w.e.f , maurice strong, we must ask was “mind control” used, or as has been suggested, was a method of “disclosure” used that has resulted in the total obedience of each and every one of them
and unpopularly for some who keep putting obscene effort into influencing our opinions re RUS/UKR only one of the “classmates” has shown the merest possibility of breaking ranks, he just also happens to head the country with one of the two surviving ancient hebrew manuscripts…
Now given the duality and that we know the nation that holds the other copy has been proven to be involved with the destruction of our lives and brands us as “cattle”, well which one do you potentially trust, cue mossad plant commenters, bring it on, think pamplona, not all “cattle” are tame ;0)
i reckon i am part auroch ; ) or some bete noir dubois, thingmie
carry on dude, : ) in the best sense,
“and unpopularly for some who keep putting obscene effort into influencing our opinions re RUS/UKR”
Do you understand the dual use of this “influence”weapon? 1) to lure the foolish into the globalist trap narrative, and 2) to convince the smart that the one targeted by globalist propaganda (sanctions, etc.) is the Good.
“Now given the duality and that we know the nation that holds the other copy has been proven to be involved with the destruction of our lives and brands us as “cattle”, well which one do you potentially trust …”
After “we know” (that’s a big joke, right; do you know?) that both are bad, which one should we trust? Who can we trust if we have no one to trust? I suggest: on “Origin from nothing” and “the power is in our hands”! 😴
Mind control is their specialist subject – grooming people and getting them to do what they want. Removing God from peoples’ lives has made this much easier – remove the moral spiritual part of people and let the games commence. They have no boundaries, for many of those in true power at Strong’s level are TROTSKYITE COMMUNIST EXISTENTIALISTS ie literal hardcore Commies who will do ANYTHING in order to achieve their objectives. These people are running the show. Communist Existentialist is the term they use to describe themselves, as we learn from the must watch interview with Kay Griggs – the wife of a former alcoholic NATO Head of Special Operations who used to get drunk and tell her EVERYTHING about what went on. He was a graduate of Princeton, in their Cap and Gown Secret Society which is the equivalent of Skull and Bones ie he was in the Big Club, literally Illuminati level if you like. Rolling with Kissinger as they set about intentionally destroying the world, deliberately destroying the fabric of the land. Kay, a devout Christian, lays it all out truthfully, exposes in a lengthy no holds barred interview how they and the system truly operate. It’s easy to find on YT, about 7 hours long. Watch it and you will learn so much about what is really going on and why everything is so effed up, how we got here, under whose and what kind of influence.
That’s what we’re living through – the world these criminals have been teeing up for decades. These vile old men have a carefully curated open plan for WORLD COMMUNISM, whereby the West is to be harmonised with the THIRD WORLD. It’s called UN AGENDA 2030. The Great Reset is the forerunner to UN Agenda 2030. Same crew, same endgame. That is what we are living through and we must stop it in its tracks by urgently informing our fellow man of this grim reality. Our nations are being dismantled to pave the way for their Satanic New World Order, UN Agenda 2030, UN Smart City Gulags, you will own nothing and you will be happy while receiving your endless doses of genetic vaccines to keep you and everyone else safe. COVID IS PURE COMMUNISM. It is a taste of what is to come.
Respect to Mike Yeadon for this awesome interview and his continued commitment to exposing the truth.
Right..right..right… What About Russia? Is he in? What do you think? Any facts to show?
No, billionaires are not ushering in communism.
Capitalism and communism are the complete opposite of each other. What we have is totalitarianism, i.e. unlimited state power in bed with capitalism, i.e. no limits on wealth accumulation. The two working together(public-private partnerships) is known as fascism.
By and large politicians and the media are useful idiots, not co-conspirators. They likely believe that idiotic notion that greed is good because the wealth will eventually trickle down. It never will.
It’s neither capitalism or communism. It never was, it’s secular humanism, the interest of man for man itself. It denies God, therefore truth comes from men who reach power by whatever means, and between them decide what truth is. They decide what’s good for everybody for as long as it perpetuates their status above the rest.
And unfortunately everyone these days who abides by secularism and humanism will act the same way if placed in a high position, this is why there is no change in how politicies, politics and big business work, and three won’t be any change as the world is no turning to God through his Son but to itself for solutions. For as long as this is the case get used to things becoming more absurd, fake and more tyrannical.
The problem we face is that regardless of our beliefs some science is definitely settled in the sense that there’s a wide consensus about a particular model for explaining and manipulating the world around us. There is no such thing as absolute truth — any scientist will tell you that — but at the same time you can’t debate or advocate for a paricular position as if you were in a courtroom, that just not how science works**. Where the advocacy comes in is not ‘the science’ but how science gets interpreted and applied. That’s when things get political.
Ms Arden seems to be just one of the current crop of PR front people. Just as we had Ronald Reagan, a actor best known for his advertising work, fronting for the neoliberals in the 1980s with echoes of Mad Men today’s front people are often women because they’re good communicators, can have engaging personalities and there’s still a seriously ingrained cultural taboo about attacking them (metaphorically, of course although the same taboo would hold against a physcial attack). This enables the introduction of policies that are probably not at all nice by a smiling face. This should teach us to always look behind the curtain, not just at the magician.
(**Where there has been great debates it invariably turns out that neither side really understands the subject — it generally takes decades for those sorts of questions to sort themselves out.)
Based on the numerous amounts of other comments and this feeling that I get when I look at this ‘woman’, I think that part of the behavior of Adern is not so much explained because she is a woman, but that ‘she’ is a great actor who knows how to act, because ‘she’ is not a woman.
All these young WEF leaders seem to be some sort of castrates (although Adern there is definitely an exception). In NL we have Rutte who is a closeted gay, in France you have Macron who lives with a woman that is 30 years older than he is, not sure about the others. Yet all of them seem to have a secret that they have to disguise through acting. Trudeau, a son of Fidel Castro? James Hewitt, the father of Prince Harry?
And because of these secrets those politicians are easy to blackmail. Which is probably the reason why they are wef leaders.
Cannot proof this, but this is what it looks like to me.
You may add Sanna Marin, PM of Finland to that list.
You forgot to say that many are kiddy fiddlers just look at who was involved with Jimmy Sovile and Epstein etc.
some sort of castrates (although Adern there is definitely an exception)
”There is no such thing as absolute truth — any scientist will tell you that —”
And why would you believe that scientist? That notion doesn’t make any sense. If you say there is no such thing as absolute truth, you are saying that the absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth. In other words, you are making a truth statement that is not true. Why make or believe such a lie?
Absolute truth absolutely exists. Truth is eternal. Truth is certain. Truth is for example in simple mathematics and logic: a is a; a is not not-a; one plus two equals three, two plus two does not equal five. We can examine every statement according to simple logic to know the truth. When we see a lie, the truth of it is that it’s not true.
The Gates of Hell must look like her teeth!
Not the gates of Hell but …
Oct 13, 2022 7:01 PM
“But Grandmother! What big teeth you have!
Jacinda’s Teeth Matter !
I expect her dentist has convinced her that those choppers are the epitome of dental health – or denture health – but it’s her mental health that would give me the heebie-jeebies if I were her shrink…
That loathsome, evil, buck-toothed demoness. If the standards of Nuremberg applied, she, all other Western Leaders, and a substantial number of their subordinates — right now — should hang for the Crimes Against Humanity they’ve committed… But “Bah!, Bah!, Bah!” go the sheep as they’re herded off a cliff… 🙄
“And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.”
— George Carlin
George Carlin was the most aware/awake comedian of all time and his untimely death was proof that he was on the money. He was brilliant.
Trusty fact-checkers on the case:
It seems the story’s main error is… too early. They are working on mrna vaccines for livestock and there’s no reason to believe they’ll be reluctant to use them. They may not need formally to mandate them. However as the article states that mrna doesn’t alter dna as if it’s an indisputable fact when nobody can possibly know that and that mrna wouldn’t cause a problem for milk, who knows?
This needs monitoring.
We do our best to stay clear of the stuff directly, then they put it in our food.
There was a MANDATED sentence of boiling to death anyone convicted of poisoning in UK up until Henry V111
Maybe time to update those old law books.
It was Henry 8th that reintroduced it, what a cunt he was, actually just like all so called royals
Very interesting….
Pedophiles Run Australia – Bosi (
Bosi is a jesuit and a military man. I do not trust him at all.
He once addressed a Bnai Brith zoom meeting.
Yeah sure, I’m no fan of his, Brendon O Connell has had lots to say about him. It came up randomly when I clicked a link to Bitchute/australia, but I thought the story was interesting. If what he says is true, then it’s true and confirms what we already know, that the state is a protection racket for child molesters. It’s interesting to hear some one on the inside giving evidence of that.
The fact that child molestors are operating with impunity within our taxpayer funded governments isn’t something we should just roll our eyes to. It’s a real issue and goes right to the heart of why our world is in such a bad place.
Very clear to see.
Further anyone who points this out he gets very aggressive and has now turned his comments off, so much for freedom fighting. He is very associated with Aussie Cossack, who is linked to Avi Yemini, Tommy Robinson, etc. It pretty easy to spot these spooks. They keep you in a constant state of anger and fear.
Bosi talks so much he can’t keep up with his own bullshit. Watch him reading the dummy cards when he doing a tube. He also said at one point he was so skint he was living on bowls of rice. I guess special forces don’t get pensions anymore.
You will notice these guys are always special forces, never a chief or mechanic for the military. Spooks the lot of them.
Folks, let’s stop harping on her appearance. It might be good for a laugh, but really is irrelevant to the serious issue. I live in New Zealand, and truly detest Jacinda and the policies she and her govt (Labour in coalition with the Greens) have enacted, those Covid related and the others as well. Will try to write some more on this later today, no time now…
Can’t help it. She’s a horse-toothed jackass.
Why the long face?
No long face. I just think we need to be serious. I said I detest her and her policies. Is it a requirement that we WASTE TIME commenting on her appearance. Not everyone is good looking. Trudeau is — but he is much of an ass as Jacinda is. Some people have big teeth. Who cares?
“its” “face” is part of the entire mockery, ffs
Some people have big teeth.
— among other big things.
When you have got time, I would suggest that you direct your anger at the horse faced bitch that you accept as your leader rather than the people on this site trying to see a bit of humour in this shitshow.
If it is acceptable for her and the parasite class to denigrate the unvaccinated as scum, not worthy of hospital care and deserving of deprivation, social and financial, then I have every right to call your leader whatever name I deem to be appropriate.
She has lost the right to be pitied for her ugly face by the deeds of her ugly mind.
Excuse me for daring to make a comment while in a hurry. I don’t “accept her.” I certainly did not vote for her. I did not support her outlandish curfews, contradictory rules (you have to wear a mask at a cafe, but can take it off when your food arrives? Makes sense, huh?), and of course mandates. No it is not acceptable what she and her govt have done. What the heck is wrong with YOU that makes you attack ME?? I am just urging people not to dwell on appearance. And I don’t pity her for her looks; I frankly don’t think about them.
I think commenting on a politician’s appearance is just short- hand for general contempt. There are many ugly people . . . some with power, but we only mock their appearance as a quick way to signal dislike. It’s not the most important thing. We detest their policies and often their hypocrisy. It also feels good to attack a weakness in someone we dislike. It’s human nature. I am pretty sure Jacinda is not overly concerned about people mocking her teeth.
“I am pretty sure Jacinda is not overly concerned about people mocking her teeth.”
I am pretty sure that Jacinda remembers everyone who’s said anything about her teeth and will relish the day she can make each of them suffer for it.
Is it possible in NZ to know…is she a popular figure over there generally? Do people support her?
I’m sure there are plenty who do, but her popularity has certainly waned.
Some people talk about the 2020 elections being rigged in her (their) favour, which I don’t doubt the potential for. But in 2020 she was riding high as the saviour of Aotearoa New Zealanders (the new preferred corporate name of the country) from a deadly virus, as well as the saviour of Muslims the previous year. I anecdotally know of life long blue voters who voted red that election.
Her party/her coalition did have very high support during the height of the “Covid crisis.” No questioning permitted; be a part of the”team of 5 million.” People proudly called themselves Jacindamaniacs. NZers are often passive about politics — and not big advocates of free speech. [I am a US transplant.] But her support has been declining in recent months. Now around 35-37% However the drop is not so much due to disillusionment with Covid policy (although that plays a small part), it is more due to other policies she and her Green coalition partners have been pushing. Taking power from local government and giving it to non-accountable central authorities (often unelected), threatening to tax farmers for having farting cows (methane), and all sort of woke crap. The Greens here in NZ are absolutely nuts.
They did once when she made all the right noises. Then she began to lie heavily through her teeth, which must have took some practice.
Those who didn’t follow her ‘advice’ were demonised and threatened with medical care denial, fines, financial hardship, and social ostracism.
Horseface doesn’t have any real support amongst the people. None of the NWO crowd who run the other five/nine eyes countries do either. Their power comes from the NWO who have ‘infiltrated all the gov’ts’. Not my words but those of the Swab.
We saw that power during the last French and american elections.
You’re right.
Our harping on about her appearance does tend to distract us from the horrific personality she has.
I like to call her horseface as much as the next guy, but I do agree that focusing on her appearance detracts from the absolute destruction of society that she has presided over. There seems to be a lot of people(?) in message boards and comment sections that, only sometimes jokingly, insist she is actually a man and a tranny, which is not particularly funny nor useful.
Time would be better spent instead illustrating just what a creature of the WEF and other criminal globalist bodies she really is.
Apparently she has a cock like a horse
Neigh problem.
that *entity*is repugnant, that thing a ling ting, drip fed man masquerading, gadz
in all its guises,
get yon tae fuck, along with Them all,
inverted world. just another day of late,..
In terms of my previous comment, I was reminded by this short clip from Jacobs’s (that’s the spell check for Jacinda, and it might be correct…) Adern having… Well see for yourself…
Is this absurd? A joke? Am I seeing what I seeing?
What is this?
He, Jac-inda, is said to be a trannie. S/he was supposed to be pregnant at one stage, but it would be easy to fool the public with a bit of padding.
Meghan Markle says hi!
Arden specialises in gushing “sincerity” and cow eyed bleeding heart pleas (Won’t someone think of the children!”) It’s the kind of blatantly manipulative emotional tugging that, in a healthier time, would have produced nothing but guffaws. Now it’s everywhere and it gets taken seriously. Here is one Dr Ladinsky, a big pusher of the dear victimised oxymoronic trans children:
Listen to that voice wracked with barely suppressed sobs and then thrill to this tale of Ladinsky’s “Jewish voice in the redneck wilderness” piece:
Any falsehood or absurdity turns automatically into, not into the truth, but into a mantra when spoken out by a high-up person.
It doesn’t matter what the sun king says, as long as that what the sun king says is followed blindly, obediently and most of all: happily. And this is what people do, like happy automatons.
The analogy with the emperor’s new clothes doesn’t work, because that story was based on truth (the emperor had no clothes on, which everyone knew, yet no-one admitted, or at least not the lackeys, out of fear, hypocrisy, saving face).
What we are seeing since covid is not a story that is true or false (of course covid is false), but a story where it no longer matters whether it is true or false as long as it is spoken out by a high-up person.
Interesting too, since ‘Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.’
Well, we’re there. Just look at the booster campaign.
Speaking of absurdities: hate to become personal, but doesn’t this Adern person tick all the boxes of a person that you would call absurd? – I am not even sure if I can call her(?) a woman…
Could there be a more egregious attempt to keep the fear going over the old thing whilst fearfully hinting at a new thing …. that looks pretty much like the old thing?
“New research sheds light on an emerging parallel COVID epidemic
This comes as doctors are dealing with a growing number of patients who can’t shake their initial COVID symptoms.
… so many people have dealt with COVID-19 infections, many now view the virus like a common cold or flu. New research suggests that’s far from the truth. With concern over COVID waning, a parallel pandemic is emerging.”
So what are we talking about here? The covid that these unbelievers refuse to believe in – or that “parallel pandemic”?
Is this next bit a clue?:
“This comes as doctors across the country are dealing with a growing number of patients who can’t shake their initial COVID symptoms or have acquired new symptoms that last for at least a month or more. Some cases have been going on for two years.”
No not really. Note that curious “or” there. Those who can’t shake their initial symptoms OR have acquired “new symptoms”. Of the same illness presumably.
“The most described symptoms of long COVID include fatigue, reduced exercise capacity, breathing problems, brain fog and loss of taste or smell”
Oh for fuck’s sake we know all that!
Oh hang on:
“long COVID, or long haulers syndrome”
A whole new term … for an old term that was itself a “more scary version” for an older term.
“It’s also more common in patients who have comorbidities”
Well it always has been. Right from the start. Indeed that was the essence of the con. And it hasn’t changed one bit. Nothing has changed one bit.
“… disorders … included stroke, cognition and memory disorders” etc.
A smorgasbord of … well lots of things really. Just about anything basically.
“ …while COVID vaccines and boosters don’t always prevent infection, numerous studies find it can reduce the risk of long COVID.”
No prevention but a vaguely defined “reduction of risk” ever ready to morph into … just about anything basically.
“Those who had two doses of vaccine before getting COVID had an approximately 75% lower chance of getting long COVID,” said Ferrer. “While those who got three doses had an 84% lower chance of getting long COVID.”
Are we supposed to be just hanging off the edge of our seats here?
“While we have much to learn, Ferrer said getting vaccinated and boosted appears to be one of the simplest ways to significantly reduce your risk.”
So … no cure but a significant reduction of risk?
So how much longer can they flog this viral dead horse? “Flog” in two senses.
And, yet, I keep hearing three ambulances every day, up to six per day earlier on this year; on every trip by car to anywhere I see two to three ambulances with their sirens howling, and this country (Australia) has a shocking excess mortality rate, not seen during the “pandemic year” of 2020.
The emergency began with the roll-out of the C-shots.
lower chance of getting long COVID
Because they tend to coincidentally die or develop major illnesses?
“But Grandmother! What big teeth you have!”
Yes. Yes. That’s it for sure.
The policy of enforcing official statements and narratives by governments with punitive measures seems to be applied worldwide.
Today, here in “neutral” Switzerland, the condemnation of Alex Jones, for his account of the strange events at Sandy Hook, was gleefully and affirmatively commented by the commentator of the national radio. In other words, the public is being prepared, that the expression of critical opinions will be punished.
A topic that certainly will be declared as an absolute taboo, are of course, the “safe and fair” election and voting procedures, which show more and more suspect results. The potential for manipulation of postal votes is obviously immense.
French politician Jean Lassalle (two decades in parliament and twice a Presidential election candidate) is claiming that the J&J so-called vaccine damaged his heart so badly he’s needed four operations and that he knows Macron and most of the French political class were not really jabbed.
Also, and a hoprful sign, only 19% of people in the province of Ontario have been jabbed in the last six months (or in other words, there is mass refusal of these boosters even in locations formerly highly compliant).
The sort of info St. Jacinda would like censored of course.
I prefer that “boosters” be called 3rd jab, 4th jab, additional jab, etc. There is no evidence that they are any different.
The global MSM is doing a good job censoring those governments such as Japan that stopped promoting the jabs, let alone making them compulsory.
The main difference would be how fresh the followup jabs are. All that money spent on the expired unused vaccines. How do we know they are not relabeling them with updated expiration dates.
Why would it matter, Who is going to take them anyway? Anyone still taking these injections deserves no sympathy. That bus has long left the station.
Science can only progress if scientific debate is allowed.
“Europe paying $1000 per megawatt, far exceeding the US’s average of $154!
Gas supplies to Italy, Moldova have been targeted by Russia for shut down this week and the largest pipeline supply of gas to Europe coming through Ukraine is also now toast” [??]
[Putin’s already said he’s willing to start gas thru remaining Nordstream 2 pipeline; ball is in EU court]
“Italy, average household power bills have increased to €500 per month from €160 in 2021 with estimates of increases to €600
Goldman Sachs: European energy costs could hit 20% of GDP”
Trillion Energy International, a brand new gas producer is just coming on line in the Black Sea, will supply gas to Europe!
[I cdn’t imm’y see who owns it. See here:]
What has been done, cannot be undone.
The jab is going to make anyone that took it disease ridden, thereby dependent, else dead, over the next 2 to 5 years. As the medical industry collapses.
FLUVID-1984 ushered in all the infrastructure to implement more surveillance state control.
War in Ukraine a pretext for economic terror and economic collapse, particularly in Europe.
The entire world is moving towards the CBDC, like it or not. Anyone that doesn’t comply will be targeted as criminal.
History has proven over and over again, that tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully. There must be blood. There must be retribution.
Having to face Goliath will never be a reason or excuse to comply.
Sheep outnumber humans in New Zealand by many multiples. The only viable explanation for Ardern’s appointment to prime minister is the tragedy, little reported in the MSM, of sheep being recently awarded the right to vote. And now we have SADS being affixed to unexplained sudden deaths from fake vaccine injuries from people who never tested positive on the fake PCR test, and schlong covid for those who did. I think that there is a rendezvous in the future between Ardern and a lamp post arranged by those millions of NZ voter sheep who may be suddenly illuminated.
Wont be long that your’ll all of forgotten the other PM’s MPs MEPs congressmen and women whom sold you out and who where about during Covid and there speeches.The fake binary of comparison and regurgitating only Ardern, Trudeo is shilling.
This WEF “leaders” shite must be disabused.
These greasy-pole climbers are supposed to be representatives or public servants. They are not leaders.
“They are not leaders.”
They are rulers.
They are rulers only if we give them our power and agree to be the ruled. Without our consent they are powerless.
If only more people knew this.
“Who will bell the cat?”
They’re not the representatives of the people. Wake up.
There are more sheep in New Zealand than there are sheep.
Jacinda Ardern’s Wikipedia entry:
Business Insider – 11 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Mormons – Jun 24, 2011:
That’s wild any good books/links on the Morman connection to intelligence? Have heard this topic hinted at recently would love to do more reading on it.
Where’s Sherlock Holmes when you need him?
S/he is also a Freemason – the occult cabal who only accept men.
They do have women’s nights…
Very interesting. Maybe she and Trudeau are half brother and sister………… Hmmmm. Could Castro be her father too?
I know that every so often someone will comment here that it would be nice to know who really does actually “run things.” I know also that most commenters on this forum already know the answer.
But anyway, here’s an interesting article on who at least appears to “run things.”
How Private Interests and the Banking Dynasties Control Washington – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
And here’s another tidbit from my infinite library:
The Illuminati are generational Satanic bloodlines which have gained the most power. A generational Satanist described the Illuminati as “Satan’s elite.”
I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this country and doing away with the Constitution, because they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W. II. Being a follower of Christ does not mean we should fear. Perfect love for Almighty God casts out our fear for the situation He has place us in. Don’t think for a moment you are going to vote the Illuminati out of office. They control the major and minor political parties. They control the process of government, they control the process of information flow, they control the process of creating money and finally they control Christendom. (However, God controls the hearts of His people.)
Fritz Springmeier, 1995
Converts to the truth, i.e. those who once pushed the ” narrative ” and have seen the light commonly have skin in the game, they’ve been personally hurt. With notable exceptions the most ardent warriors have either firsthand suffered or witnessed terrible harms or injustice. This is an agonizingly slow process which must give way to a more broad and rapid uptake of the truth, and assuredly will though we hope not by dint of greatly increased suffering which few will be able to avoid.
“Praise be to God who wrote this in His sky:
That humankind must learn by suffering” — Chorus from Aggamemnon.
If we are determined to learn no other way.
The First Noble Truth of Buddhism.
Re. the ongoing work of the former policeman, Mark Sexton:
A few weeks ago, here on Off-G, I posted a video of the former policeman, Mark Sexton, trying, with his team, to close down an injection centre in Bristol, here in the UK. The Police Inspector there did actually listen to what Mark had to say, and issued a Crime Number, and closed down the Centre (for a day or two…). A day or so later, another commenter here posted a further video, which showed subsequent events: whereby Sexton and his team were even more badly treated by the [so-called] police officers there.
The following video was posted online yesterday. The Welsh bloke (one of Sexton’s indefatigable team) states that, after they’d tried to close down an injection centre in Windsor, Berks., that Sexton and a couple of other blokes were arrested… on charges of ‘aggravated trespass’ (in an NHS clinic on public land…), and that the team do not know where Sexton and the other two are being held. There have been no updates since then.
Here’s the short video:
“Today a ‘vaccination’ center [spelt ‘centre’, here in the UK!] in Windsor was successfully and lawfully closed” (video: 5.19 mins), at:
On point, Colin. The film that best encapsulates the “cruel to be kind” communitarian form of fascism is “I Care A Lot”. If you haven’t seen it yet, please do. It’s actually based on today’s cruel reality for senior citizens. We need to stop calling fascism “neoliberalism” and hold those accountable for reintroducing it these past 40+ years.
“The core of fascism is the idea that there is some elite, whether ‘Aryan’ or ‘chosen by God,’ or otherwise, who should run things and that everyone else exists in order to serve that elite.”
Here is a beautiful video set to one of Caitlin Johnstone’s poems called Future Generations, If There Are Future Generations.
This video shows the brilliant creativity of our species, which has lept us forward into new unchartered territories of discovery and understanding, an endless open system of potentiality and refinement of consciousness.
The closed system thinkers fear creative change, fear that it might upset their status quo. What is it they want to hold on to? Power over a dying planet exacerbated by their own mismanagement and stunted thinking?
Capitalism is Slaveryism. Even the capitalists are slaves to their destructive nature with the “If I don’t steal it, someone else will” mentality, based on fear and false scarcity. Garrett Hardin’s “Lifeboat Ethics” is a failed metaphor that denotes his scarcity of imagination more than anything. But replacing capitalism with Technocracy, trusting an unelected board of “experts” who, in the span of two short years have already proven their unworthiness, is another example of lack of imagination.
What Jacinda and other YGL graduates represent is James Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution. Here is an excerpt from George Orwell’s critique of his book:
Technocracy and its “managerial revolution” is definitely not a wise alternative since it ensures further enslavement and destruction of the planet. We are so much more than any algorithm or social credit score could ever compute, let alone comprehend. We’ve debunked neoliberalism, Rockefeller medicine, Common Core, GMOs, contrived wars and every other misguided policy. Our trajectory is toward a healthier planet, though it may not be clear as of yet.
From the article: “Arden’s utterances on the dangers of free speech, the singularity of ‘truth’ and the implicit shift towards authoritarianism must be viewed within the context of managing the economic crisis. What she says reveals how the financial and political elites based on Wall Street, in Washington and in the City of London are thinking.“
Don’t forget to mention other players such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission: >
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission | USAGov
Read the first paragraph. Then try not to explode…
I quote from the CIA’s own playbook (Wikipedia):
So why is everybody picking on poor Jacinda? Shouldn’t they be picking on the New Zealand electorate instead? Or do dupes now get a free pass?
(BTW, Miss Ardern’s fiancé Clarke Gaylord will be the looker in the family.)
I fear it’s a genetic thing with the electorate.
Sheep are, genetically, sheep, and there’s nothing to be done about it, except to wait the necessary number of millions of years until they evolve further.
My attitude to sheep is to have compassion for them being so vulnerable to abuse, just so long as they don’t trample on my life.
Ardern would not fit into the sheep category, of course.
She would be the wolf. The sheep-worrier and abuser.
She’s the wolf disguised as a shepherd.
The wolf can get a sheep one at a time; the shepherd can get them all.
She’s a sheep, as is anyone who unquestioningly does another’s bidding. She’s simply a more senior sheep than the ordinary sheep on the street.
The wolves are unseen.
The owners of the flock are unseen. Or try to be.
Except that she would never unquestioningly do our bidding…
Sheep are not famous for being cunning and devious.
She is.
So Ardern is a trannie and her partner is called Gaylord. Hmmmm?
I bet they’re laughing at us, along with their friends gay Obama and trannie partner Michelle.
Actually, I don’t mind if they are gay/trannie, but I would prefer them to be open and honest about it. Guess I’m wanting the impossible. Deception is their game.
I thought that was funny too, so I looked him up and it’s actually Gayford.
No, she’s not gay or trans and neither is her partner. They had a baby a few years ago. I don’t think “the science” has advanced so far that trans can accomplish that feat.
You really are a fan of this evil bitch, aren’t you ?
No. I am not. Just stating the facts.
Don’t fall for the theatre. Easy to disguise pregnancy with specially-made pads. Good PR stunt to increase her popularity.
Ever heard tell of a “beard?”
The elections are always rigged. Let us not waste time on them.
Oh god, hold me back. Trust the government!?! “Single source of truth”!! What? That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard all things considered. What is even more ridiculous is there are people who will take her seriously. Not just ridiculous, dangerous, sickening, how many adjectives are there? Anyone who takes her seriously has got to be a brain-dead idiot, that’s all there is to it.
Indeed. Successfully brainwashed. Mission accomplished.
“If you can make someone believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities.”
François-Marie Arouet
– Voltaire –
(November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778)
Well, if “truth” gets redefined as whatever might be so labeled – which it has; and if the government censors everything else – which it’s working on…then of course the government becomes the “single source of truth.”
People have become label dwellers. It’s just way too much trouble to actually seek out something – like truth; so they look for whatever is labeled as “truth.” And – bingo! – they’ve found truth. In one easy google.
“Ardern urged citizens to trust the government”, says it all.
If Thomas Jefferson – or even Plato – had said, “Trust me”, they would both have been forgotten by now.
Dear Jacinda, the appalling reputation possessed by today’s ‘western’ governments – including yours – is richly deserved, and you, who are an absolute intellectual nobody, are going to need a lot more in your repertoire than “Trust me”, to change that.
Just think, we’ve already reached the point where such a cartoon is too close to the truth for comfort, or for humour…
we still need that humour my vulcan friend,
you stay cheery, read St Brendans voyage or something ; )
isle of giant birds?? go lose yersel ; ) scribe a tune..
My initial attempt to post this video (earlier today, on this forum) was via the Bitchute platform; Off-G put up ‘pending’ on that item, when I tried to provide it. It’s gone through via the Philosophers-Stone platform, above.
Ardern, the 4th horse of the apocalypse.
Let’s make her into the 5th horse – the one nobody talks about…
“Why Jacinda, what big teeth you have!”
“All the better to eat your rights with!”
Horseface is referring to the reality that most people do not believe the NWO bullshit. So now they have to try harder to silence the critics.
Horseface and other NWO animals are in a race against time. The climate will indeed be changing in her neck of the woods as the sun goes into its deeper minimum cycle.
Why has Ausgaolia had so much rain of late? Why has the continent had more snow and earlier in the season?
Horseface has to get a giddy on to hard sell the global warming scam before it all becomes obvious.
Mis Trust can pass any laws she sees fit because that’s the way our ‘democracies’ now operate. The people are never consulted unless the chips are stacked against them beforehand.
Passing more ‘laws’ against attending protests will only go so far. When millions upon millions of angry cold starving people are out on the street, i can’t quite see how these ‘laws’ are going to make much of a difference.
See you on the barricades.
I resent calling Ardern “horse face.”
Why ?
I understand that it is upsetting for horses but why else?
Not Gallizano, but I think I can answer that for you. No self respecting horse would want to be associated with that bitch.
Was i bad?
US Military Whistleblower Dr Theresa Long Exposes Massive Post-Vax Spike In Serious Issues & Coverup (
Great article on many fronts. I would simply expand the term neoliberalism to just liberalism itself. Because we have zero objective truths that we share anymore, politics simply becomes an exercise of power by the strong few over the weak majority (democracy) using clever language i.e. “compassion and kindness” for things they deem morally worth fighting for. Buckle up though, it will be a long ride as the weak minority will fight to keep this system of government even as it destroys them.
These people are pure evil. The problem they have is that the spotlight is now well and truly on them. The game is up, they’ve blown it. There is nowhere to run for these criminals. Every day, it keeps getting worse for them, as more and more good people wake up to the absolute hideousness, evil and insanity of what their misleader criminal scumbag representatives and government agents have foisted upon them, contrary to all common sense and reason. Carrying out blatant acts of war against them, all while trying to convince them they were doing it for their benefit. They are nothing but vermin and filth, vile to the core, rotten, diseased, infested with evil. Ardern is typical, in this respect. Now the whole world can see that, right out in the open, as they continue to inject the healthy and infirm, 6 year old children and pregnant women and anyone they can trick, blackmail and bully into injecting their poisonous genetic bioweapon, due to nothing but a pack of lies which they have been spreading and enforcing belief in.
How long until the serious backlash? How long until the militaries of the world realise they’ve been deliberately poisoned by their own. They are literally injecting entire militaries with the genetic bioweapon against all reason and truth. Surely that can’t end well – entire militaries waking up to the fact that they have been poisoned for nothing.
This clip shows 100percent proof of extensive damage to US military personnel from these injections by a whistleblower medical insider. A must watch.
US Military Whistleblower Dr Theresa Long Exposes Massive Post-Vax Spike In Serious Issues & Coverup (