Russia DID mandate draftees be “vaccinated”…but they’ve just DROPPED that rule & that’s great news
Some Putin partisans denied the awful truth, based not on any facts, but ONLY on their politics; while those who told that truth have surely saved a lot of lives (and Putin’s credibility)
Mark Crispin Miller

As many of you know, four days ago the excellent Riley Waggaman spelled out, in clear detail, the painful history of Russia’s recent “vaccination” mandate for all Russians mobilized for combat in Ukraine.
This solid piece was quickly slammed by Thomas Röper, a German writer living in Russia, who argued, with more vehemence than evidence, that Russia certainly was not requiring “vaccination” of its troops (as the US, British, French and German governments have been doing).
Röper’s screed was then picked up by Vanessa Beeley, UK Column and Robin Monotti on Telegram — as it pains me to report, since I admire all three (and consider Robin and Vanessa friends).
For those who want a more detailed account, the contretemps was carefully reported by OffGuardian’s Catte Black, who made the crucial point that we who seek the truth, and try our best to tell it, at a time when doing so is ever harder and more dangerous, must never let ourselves be swayed by wishful thinking, out of sympathy to any side in any of the conflicts raging all around us now.
If, for instance, we believe that Ukraine is a Nazi hell-hole, and US/NATO cat’s-paw, and therefore see where Russia’s coming from (the view I share with Riley, Catte, Vanessa, Robin and UK Column, among others), that does not mean we think that Putin does no wrong—especially when he does what the US, British, French and German governments are doing.
If, moreover, forcing an experimental medical procedure on unwilling persons is a Nazi thing, then Putin shouldn’t do it, nor should we let him get away with doing it, however ardently we cheer his opposition to the Nazis in Ukraine.
I could go on; but there’s no need—because the story has now changed, and for the better: Riley Waggaman reports that Russia will no longer force its conscripts to be “vaccinated”
Can I get an amen?
That is great news, at a time when there’s so little of it; but we must do more than simply share it.
We also have to ask why Russia has decided to halt “vaccination” of its mobilized reservists. To that important question, one reasonable answer is that the horrific toll of all those “vaccinations” has been coming clear in Russia, prompting Putin to do something that few heads of state in Covid-World will any longer do: i.e., control the damage, by stopping the injections that have done tremendous harm, demonstrably.
As readers of our weekly compilations of reports of people “dying suddenly” worldwide know all too well, the Sputnik “vaccination” drive has had a lot of people “dying suddenly” all over Russia. (No, Virginia, it isn’t just the mRNA shots that kill people, but all the others, too: J&J, AstraZeneca, China’s Sinovac—and Russia’s Sputnik, which is based on AstraZeneca’s concoction.)
And now we find, predictably, that all too many of those young men jabbed for war have also been “dying suddenly”—and if we know it, it must be known in Russia, too, at least to those who eyes are not wide shut to the hideous effects of COVID “vaccination” there.
Just below are two reports of mobilized reservists lately dropping dead, in Novosibirsk and near Yekaterinburg (reports that you’ll find also in our latest compilation, which will go up soon). And down below those two reports, you’ll find a recent summary of reservists’ “sudden deaths” (including suicides) lately posted on the Russian site Meduza.
It’s not a stretch to figure that the Russian government has read that piece, and that they’re also well-aware of other evidence that those shots kill, and people know it.
So who’s done more for Russia—and, indeed, for Putin? Those who have sought out, and told, the awful truth about the lethal “vaccination” of those troops-to-be, or those bellowing reflexively that it just can’t be true, because they “side” with him (and Russia, too, or so they think)?
In any case, what Putin should do next is halt all “vaccination” of the Russian people, whether they’re been mobilized or not.
Mobilized Chelyabinsk citizen died in the 32nd military town near Yekaterinburg
October 11, 2022
In the 32nd military camp near Yekaterinburg, a Chelyabinsk citizen died, who could have been called up during mobilization. Media reports about it. According to preliminary data, a resident of the Chelyabinsk region was drafted into the army during mobilization. The man suddenly became ill, the doctors could not save him.
However, the cause of death is still unknown.
The death of the Chelyabinsk citizen was confirmed to journalists by the Sverdlovsk State Duma deputy Maxim Ivanov. The police started checking. Specialists are conducting an examination, according to its results, it will become clear from what the reservist died. Earlier, FederalPress wrote that two mobilized people died in the Yelansky garrison in the Sverdlovsk region.
No age reported.
A 35-year-old native of Bratsk died during a mobilization gathering in Novosibirsk
October 6, 2022
Thirty-five-year-old native of Bratsk Alexander Koltun died during a mobilization meeting in Novosibirsk, IrCity news agency was informed on October 6 at the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Novosibirsk Region. “There is information [about the death of a native of the Angara region], but right now no one will say anything, because investigative checks are underway,” Nina Shalabayeva, the Novosibirsk Ombudsman, said in the reception room.
They also advised me to contact the military investigation department for the Novosibirsk garrison and the military investigation department for the Central Military District. It was not possible to get a comment from these departments. The duty officer of the Armed Forces for the Novosibirsk garrison said that he was not authorized to give any comments, the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the Central Military District suggested sending an official request.
Those mobilized in Russia die before they are sent to the front. Some commit suicide. Others die under unclear circumstances. Here is a list that we will keep updating
October 6, 2022
At the police station in Vladivostok on September 27, 39-year-old Sergei Fedoseenko died of cardiac arrest, Astra and Mash reported . He was taken to the department from the military registration and enlistment office, where he came to “express dissatisfaction”. According to Mash, Fedoseenko was in a state of extreme intoxication.
News Tracker, citing sources , reported on September 27 the death of Boris Shavaev, a resident of the Zvezdny village in Kabardino-Balkaria. The preliminary cause of death was thromboembolism (blockage of a vessel by a detached thrombus). On the eve of mobilization, he passed a medical examination and was declared fit for military service.
Velikiy Novgorod
On September 27, it became known about the suicide of 44-year-old Yegor Nazarov, a resident of Veliky Novgorod. According to his friends, Nazarov received a summons to the army, and this could push him to suicide.
Tyumen region
On September 28, the body of one of the mobilized was found at a collection point near Tyumen. The NEFT publication was the first to report this , citing a law enforcement source. It wrote that the mobilized man had committed suicide, but later removed details from the text – except for the fact that State Duma deputy Ernest Valeev was going to go to the assembly point with a check. A source in law enforcement agencies confirmed to that there had indeed been a report of the death of the mobilized.
On September 30, rapper Ivan Petunin committed suicide in Krasnodar . Before his death, he released a video message in which he stated that he decided to commit suicide because of the news of the mobilization, although he was hardly fit for military service and did not receive a summons. “I cannot and do not want to take the sin of murder on my soul. I am not ready to kill for any ideals,” he said.
On October 2, a man mobilized from Krasnoyarsk died in one of the military units of Omsk. The cause of his death has not yet been established. His friend said that they were threatened in part because of a conflict with other military men. The wife of the deceased said that her husband was a patriot and went to war “with desire.”
Alexander Koltun, a 35-year-old resident of Bratsk , died at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School on October 2 . “On September 28, he volunteered for mobilization completely sober. And in Novosibirsk, on October 2, he died, as if from a heart attack, ”said his mother, noting that her son “never complained about his heart and was not registered.” She added that “some people on the phone” are trying to convince her that Koltun died from low-quality alcohol. The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Novosibirsk Region, Nina Shalabayeva, said that he died in his sleep. The cause of death remains unknown.
Later, another conscript died in this school. According to Sibkrai, he died as a result of violent actions. His body was found on the night of October 7th. Information about the deceased was confirmed by Nina Shalabayeva: “Yes, another person died. The competent authorities are investigating the circumstances.”
Leningrad region
In the village of Kamenka, a 28-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, called up as part of “partial mobilization”, shot himself from a machine gun during a firing exercise.
In the same village , two more mobilized people later died . According to Sirena, the cause of these deaths is heart attacks.
Sverdlovsk region
In the training center of the Ministry of Defense in the Sverdlovsk region in early October , three mobilized people died . “One mobilized died of a seizure, and the other committed suicide. The third was written off and sent home, where he immediately died of cirrhosis of the liver, ”said Maxim Ivanov, State Duma deputy from the Sverdlovsk region. The relatives of the deceased do not believe in the version of cirrhosis. They assume that he was beaten.
During training sessions at the training ground in Penza on October 5, a 41-year-old local resident, called up as part of the mobilization, died. According to PenzaInform, the cause of death was a heart attack.
Zabaykalsky Krai
At the end of September, a mobilized man died in a military unit in the southeast of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Sirena reports . In addition, according to the publication, a conscript and a conscript died in a military unit in Peschanka, Zabaikalsky Krai. [No cause of death mentioned.]
Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and the author of several books, including Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon. You can read more of his work through his newsletter, News from the Underground
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Covid and associated is an obvious deception. Thus those that conjured and continue to perpetuate the deception are obviously criminals in cahoots.
Putin plays his part in a criminal venture.
Most all of them do….scary….
Keep jabbing. If you truly want to see modern nazis, take a trip to Russia.
On October 12, the Orenburg region announced it was “organizing a phased vaccination of mobilized Orenburg residents against infections – influenza and COVID-19, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and pneumococcus.”
Their channel in VC:
The Government of the Orenburg region
“Denis Pasler, 12 Oct 2022 at 18:48
We organize a phased vaccination of mobilized Orenburg residents against infections – influenza and COVID-19, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and pneumococcus. Vaccination will be carried out by military doctors on the ground.”
Comments on top:
“Tatiana Rutkevich
Information Center of the IC of Russia Dear employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, check the facts of collusion with the farma lobby! There are violations in the order of mobilization, in the voluntary nature of vaccination, and violations of all medical instructions – it is dangerous for a person to inject so many vaccines at a time! There is an abuse of authority by the Governor of the Orenburg region Pasler.
Ranilya Mukaeva
It is better to provide medicines and warm things, again indiscriminately forced
Government of the Orenburg Region
Ranilya Mukaeva Hello, Ranilya! The office of the governor and the government of the Orenburg region is responsible: Conscripts will be fully provided with all ammunition, medicines and seasonal items.
Galiya Dautova
I am generally against this vaccination and against injecting my children, I have the right to do this, the right to choose myself
Natalia Decoupage
They were taken to the war and will be forcibly stabbed from covid .”
(Below, the site requires registration.)
The people – mothers,wives, girlfriends, sisters? – they’re obviously happy.
New from RW:
“Voluntary” compulsory COVID vaccination in RussiaWhat happens if you refuse vaccination in the Russian military?”
Now, after these (funny) accusations, I do not know whether it is convenient to quote it or not. But still, only the end (but the whole article is very interesting; again, there is also for Roeper):
““Voluntary” vaccination for mobilized Russians?
According to official information issued by the Russian government, Sputnik V is not currently on the list of mandatory vaccines for mobilized reservists. However, mobilized Russians are included in the Ministry of Defense’s compulsory vaccination decree, and the decision to make COVID injections compulsory is subject to change, depending on the “epidemiological situation” in the country.
On October 12, the Orenburg region announced it was “organizing a phased vaccination of mobilized Orenburg residents against infections – influenza and COVID-19, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and pneumococcus.”
VK /
A day earlier, RIA Novosti reported the official list of mandatory vaccinations for mobilized Russians (influenza, hepatitis, typhoid, diphtheria and tetanus).
The article ended with a rather ambiguous statement about COVID vaccination:
Let’s just hope it’s based on voluntary, informed consent. (Ha-ha.)”
Another fake poll which just happens to prop up a key part of the agenda:
The number of Brits favouring Russian sanctions at the expense of their own living standards is claimed at 63%. That just happens to be a 666 encode (6×3).
They clearly want to imply that ending sanctions would be undemocratic. Firstly, let’s have six months of continual pro-Russia propaganda and see what the results are. Secondly, they’ve just foisted Jeremy Hunt into the hot seat with taxes about to go up as a result and who the heck voted for him?
I have a question for Jack Bean and Colin Buchanan who both are here suggesting Riley W was wrong and apologized.
Are you claiming to say that Russia has not been compulsory giving soldiers cov19 jabs since June 2021?
Are you claiming to say Roeper was correct to call this a hoax?
If you do not claim to say these things then what is point you are making? It is Roeper and UK Column who should apologize and also retract for giving impression these things were not true.
Let’s see if they have the guts to answer
The issue remains that OffG should have contacted & spoken to Vanessa Beeley and UK Column, who are both very careful in what they report on. Vanessa Beeley is a reputable journalist and has excellent credentials and integrity, and the same goes for UK Column. Riley Waggaman reported what he Russian MD media was saying without considering the fact that MSM worldwide is disseminating blatant untruths.
I will give it to Riley Waggaman he came out and apologised.
1) this article is a reprint of one written by Mark Crispin Miller and first published on his Substack, therefore address requests to him.
2) Beeley and UKC were sharing claims made by Röper and had no direct involvement in the issue and no extra information to offer so why was there need to communicate with them?
I notice you have nothing to say about UKC failing to invite Waggaman on to defend his work – despite the fact his competence and integrity were being directly questioned on their show.
3) Waggaman did not “apologise”, this is just dishonest. He updated and clarified after the Russian govt announced it was changing its policy and – for the present – halting compulsory vax for reservists and conscripts.
However, that Russia has been mandating the vax for its troops, including conscripts, for over a year remains a fact. Waggaman is totally correct about that and it would behoove Röper to acknowledge this and retract the “hoax” allegation.
Waggaman did the right thing and offered an update as soon as he had better information.
However, Röper’s egregious error remains entirely uncorrected.
What does this even mean? Waggaman was reporting policy decisions announced by the Russian MoD. He did not reference any MSM sources whatsoever, so the fact they may be “disseminating blatant untruths” is completely irrelevant.
In fact your statement looks designed to misdirect. You imply Waggaman was using western sources without actually saying so. You know it’s not true but you want your readers to get the impression it is.
We notice what looks like a concerted effort to use questionable tactics to twist this narrative and obliquely convey the false impression Russia has never forcibly jabbed its armed forces and that Röper was correct to describe it as a hoax.
This is the opposite of the truth. It’s a falsehood, supported by weasel words and it does not reflect too well on anyone’s “credentials and integrity”.
100% correct. There’s a push to pretend Riley retracted something to get Röper off the hook. Total lie. Riley acted properly and updated his info. Röper is still hiding behind his own weasel words, pretending the Russians hav’t force jabbed most of their soldiers without actually having the guts to say so.
“Jack Bean” is a twisty mofo.
What would he have to apologize for? He was right and Roper was either lying through his arse or doesn’t know what he’s talking about. More likely the kremlin dropped their vax policy for mobilized guys because they were getting shit for it. That’s why they suddenly flipped their policy and tried to make out out they had been going to do it all along.
i haven’t seen it in article or in replies: what vaccine was used in russia, isn’t it sputnik? And is sputnik known to be deadly (as the mrna?)
And if not, doesn’t it challenge this whole conclusion? And perhaps wouldn’t it suggest Putin used it as buffer against push for mrna from the west?
Sigh…I wonder where this idea is coming from? So many commenters appear here to claim or suggest Sputnik is somehow safer or better than Western shots.
Sputnik is almost identical to the Astra Zeneca clot shot, and was developed in partnership with Astra Zeneca.
In addition Russia had recently announced it’s developing its own mRNA shot.
There is no reason to believe any Russian shot is better or safer than those available in the West.
Yes, so Russia ,as usual, are playing a subtle, double game: but subtlety doesn’t enter into it for those who only want to throw mud at the enemies of the Western imperialism. Nice try OffGuardian but please don’t take us all for fools! I find it particularly insulting!
You think Russia or Putin are going to save the world from tyranny?
Russia has mandated the jab, and still requires the jab in other ways. Like in the west.
Russia is forcing people to QR code scan into government buildings and public spaces.
Russia is implementing a digital Ruble as in CBDC.
While Putin pretends to not “really” support the WEF, he has surrounded himself with people that are doing exactly what the WEF agenda wants.
If you think Russia is a savior, then move there.
Russia is not the saviour. But it is in the crosshairs of the neocons. That is what should be focussed on at this stage. We have seen what the neocons have done to so many countries.
Many think that Russia are wheeling out the same agenda as elsewhere and that the globalists who seized full control (or received the green light) in order roll out covid are still rolling out their agenda behind the scenes, while learning from covid mistakes and not tipping their hand this time, in fact doing everything they can to cover their tracks and convince you everything is normal and that there’s no man behind the curtain. 🙂 A2
You are such a loyal supporter that, in my opinion, you fully deserve:
“1953, Military cynology. Diploma of the All-Union Order of the Red Banner of the Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy
1953, Issued by Boltina G.G. in the fact that the service dog of the collie breed belonging to her under the nickname Robi at the XVII City Exhibition of service dogs in Moscow on May 16-18, 1953 received an excellent grade in the I class.
DOSAAF Publishing House.”
*You can buy here: (+https :// www)
So after claiming that vaccination was obligatory it turns out that it wasn’t! [NO, it has been “obligatory” for regular soldiers since June 18 2021, it was also “obligatory” for conscripts and reservists until early October, but this has now been reversed for the present – ed]. No matter, Off – Guardian trolls can still turn it into a piece of anti-Russian propaganda
What part of “policy reversal” do you not understand?
It was mandatory, now it is not.
That doesn’t mean that the government of Russia isn’t pushing the death jab by other means, like QR code scanning and digital currency.
If you love Russia so much, when are you moving there?
It is getting creepy the way people are turning up one by one and all pulling the same stunt, trying to twist the facts and make out Riley Wagaman retracted and said there never had been compulsory jab of troops in Russia. Who are these guys turning up all trying to spread the same bollocks?
Interesting interview with John O Looney. He says a lot, including at 15mins45 where he says someone from British Intelligence reached out to him and one of the things he said is that they are importing freshly trained UN Troops on these boats into the UK from France. The boats are made up of a number of legit refugees and migrants but a percentage are coming here as sleepers for when things kick off ie when the public wakes up which is happening right now.
Just imagine waking up to this, as people are, full of poison, knowing you have just had your whole family jabbed with a genetic bioweapon that could suddenly finish you off at any moment because the BBC and HMG and NHS and The Guardian and the Times and Oxford Uni and all the other criminal treasonous Communist style agencies lied to you repeatedly and terrorised and bullied and coerced you into doing it for no reason other than to serve some fraud ridden agenda. What about how those in the NHS are feeling, as they wake up in bigger numbers which is the only way this can go.
Interesting articles coming out here for example about how nearly 50% of senior doctors are looking to leave the NHS, understandably thinking of leaving or in the process of leaving, as the horror of The Covid Show becomes too much to tolerate. How would you feel as the reality kicked in that the people you work with and for and as the man in the mirror you have been promoting injecting your friends neighbours and family with a deadly officially untested (but unofficially very well tested, decades in the making, no doubt – anyone who thinks they accidentally created the most effective bioweapon ever in the rush to create a covid vaccine – a bioweapon which is officially linked to 1290 types of short term adverse illnesses including some of the most horrifying conditions you could ever imagine plus death – is kidding themselves) bioweapon based on nothing but a pack of lies. It could get ugly. People are so zombified though, so it might not.
Go back and watch what happened in Australia last year to give yourself an idea of what this kind of thing looks like in practice. It became clear that the UN was operating in Aus, from the presence of many UN vehicles there, for example. And don’t forget that all the countries which became the most tyrannous had Union Jacks on their flags and a picture of the Queen on their money – Australia and New Zealand, so this crap is very close to home, so to speak.
John also tells the story of Chantelle Stafford who went into hospital for something minor as a beautiful young 28 year old lady from a West Indian family who had resisted the Covid jabs having learned what was in them. The lovely folk in the hospital bullied the girl, telling her it was “people like her keeping it alive” and that now she was in hospital she was surrounded by Covid and how it was really dangerous. She succumbed to the bullying and died within 90 minutes of taking the shot. Her parents have since left the country in disgust.
This is the New Normal. We have a treasonous government making this our reality, waging war against us (Covid is war against the people) and now a treasonous king, who literally launched the Great Reset. By doing this, he has unveiled himself as a fully paid up agent of an Anti British Anti Human dystopian agenda, which means he is unfit to be king and represents a grave danger to the people of this country. There is no amount of bullshit that can change this basic fact.
Be sure to wake up as many people as you possibly can. Give them as many re-runs as possible of all the insane antihuman shit they have been subjected to by these criminals in the horror show of the last 2.7 years.
if you’ve been around a while, they even regurgitate the same nonsense (lies) because they no people especially the so called half awake mongs believe any oldshite.
read the fake binary 50 x or what is a controlled operative.
Three things in this article really stand out for me: three of the deaths noted therein. One was a 44 year old called up; another was a 43 year old called up; the third was a 41 year old called up.
Hello Russiaphiles: do you by any chance see anything glaringly and obviously amiss here?
Even at the height of the Vietnam War, 26 was the cut-off age for being drafted in the US.
Now, granted, these three could have been “reservists” re-called. But even that is a bit dicey.
Is the brouhaha in Ukraine really so crucial to Russa’s interest that it conscripts middle-aged men as well as young men?
I could be wrong but I think there’s a big difference between a conscript and a reservist? If you are a reservist (and get paid for the two weeks of drills per annum), you obviously have to realize you could be mobilized. Older reservists are likely to be deployed away from front lines in positions of logistics
C’mon Howard, if the US of As have ever done anything that is fair, it was an accident.
I suggest you, for your personal pleasure, to buy:
“1933. The udarnik of labor. Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Workers ‘ Cooperative named after F. Dzerzhinsky
In 1933 , Shchegolev E. was awarded the title of udarnik for the implementation of the fund – raising plan in the first quarter of 1933.”
Thank you
So if you post a link in a comment all subsequent comments get put into pending hell?
Well, they do. Because that’s where mine seem to have dissapeared to. It also so happened that my previous account became impossible to post under, seemingly only after mildly criticizing editorial content. Must just be bugs and coincidences.
The irony that you’re posting about not being allowed to post doesn’t seem to have impacted on you.
see above drusha item please, mis-posted,
genuine queries.
would an open forum not just be good fun? ; )
OG needs open forum away from articles…. discuss… admins can divert gibberings into relevant pots of organic debate…??
OG needs to just not post whiners’ posts, stamping their feet when the Instant post fails.
‘montae fuck. me me my post shtuff seriously lowers tone, across board. Fed up of it, playground shite.. some of it from site “celebs” too.. wtf?
mmmm, ploy?foil?
; )
Come on, we started scrolling through the 5 long-known facts (because other facts don’t know), generalizations, moans “why are we still talking about this”, magical messages “people just need to wake up”, and also off topic… But some people accuse me of” too long comments, ” haha. In a nutshell: you know almost nothing actual about Russia, but you calculate likes for your ignorance? 😂 Laughter. (It only remains for Max to pass, reprint Putin’s word and put yourself 20 thumbs + 20 more real ones:))
Collect Thumbs up, dear, and I will post real info from Russia (different from the 5 facts) 😍
I missed that: along with the Russian Internet Governance Forum (part of the World Internet Governance Forum), at the same time (28 Sept.)
“The 10th anniversary meeting of the ministers of Science, Technology and innovation of the BRICS countries was held
28 September
…The Russian side was represented by the deputy minister of Science and higher education of the Russian Federation Natalia Bocharova. …The participants in the event discussed the problems of updating the scientific and technological priorities and good practices in the field of innovation in each of the BRICS countries. …A decade of Science and technology has been announced in Russia. Until 2031. this period will become a new large-scale stage in the development of Russian scientific thought and methods for its practical application.
Representatives of the G5 countries noted the important role of innovation in the recovery of the global economy after the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. …”
(Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation)
For comparison: (+ https :// www)
In the meantime:
12.10.2022 Teachers in St. Petersburg are trained to work with gifted children at the Talent Academy
(+https ://)
(+https ://)
“St. Petersburg will host the forum “professions of the future” for students and parents
October 19th at the Academy of digital technology. ..This year the main topics of the forum are three directions of the project – technical, economic and socio-humanitarian.
The event will be attended by representatives of the leading universities in St. Petersburg, the company, and the Career Guidance Project. The lecturers will answer questions about promising technical, economic, social and humanitarian specialties, as well as the most modern and sought-after professions.
For reference:
GBNOW “Academy of digital technologies” is a modern educational space in which students can master engineering, labor professions and specialties in the field of IT, biotechnology, robotics, digital production technologies, journalism and economics. The main difference between the Academy of digital technologies and other institutions is the creation of an effectively functioning educational system aimed at developing in-depth knowledge and pre-professional skills of students in the field of information and digital technologies, career guidance.
Detailed information about the Forum “professions of the future” – on the website of the Academy of digital technologies”
(+https ://)
State budgetary non-typical educational institution “Academy of Digital Technologies” of St. Petersburg
“..In order to make the topic of the forum as close as possible to the real job market, on the forum was invited, as a partner, a representative of HeadHunter, one of the largest job search sites and employees in the world. As guests of the forum at the plenary session will speak representatives of the Futurica career guidance project.”
(+http ://)
“HeadHunter is one of the largest job search and employee sites in the world (according to the rating of Similarweb).
History (excerpts)
2019 – HeadHunter acquired owneship interest in LLC “Skillaz”, a HR technology company; CV Database exceeded 40 million resumes; Completed initial public offering and listed American Depositary Shares on the Nasdaq Global Select Market
2016-2018 – Expensive technological growth backed by Elbrus Capital and THE GOLDMAN SACH GROUP; Adopted machine learning algorithms and big data; Expansion into broader HR-areas (applicant tracking system, assessment, HR analytics etc.)
2008-2015 – Gaining nationwide scale as a part of business; Expanded mobile platform; Rolled out regional presence in Russia and solidified nationwide leadership
2000-2008 – Foundation and operational grow driven by founders; Entered Russian regions”
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Our project is created for students and tells about professions that will be in demand in the near future!
“Choose a profession to start playing!
Medicine and biotechnology: Biomedical; neuropsychologist; cyberprotection specialist // Ecology: Climate action specialist; Renewable energy specialist Ecodesigner;Ecojournalist // Design: Architect of “smart” cities; Designer of new modes of transport // Fashion, Art, Media: Scientific artist; Designer of smart clothing and wearable devices; Teacher of aesthetic development // New technologies Dialogue designer for robots; Media policeman; Nanoengineer // Business Digital Marketer; Expert on blockchain business development // Education: Game Master; Mind fitness Trainer // Esports: Esports Producer; Streamer // Production of medicines: Designer of medicines; Specialist in personalized pharmacy; Specialist in the synthesis of medicines …
Our experts
Robotics engineer; Head of the group for technological development and optimization of biotech company BIOCAD; Child psychologist and lecturer in Experimental Psychology at the Institute of Applied Psychoanalysis and psychology; Senior Researcher at the RANEPA Center for Economic Modeling of Energy and Ecology, Chairman of the ReGeneration 2030 Steering Committee, heads the Russian Youth branch of the International Network for Finding Solutions in the Field of Sustainable Development (SDSN Youth); Environmental journalist, writes for Russian and international media. Editor of SP. Ecology and law. University repairman.. Director of the Bureau of Environmental Information; Nanoengineer; Founder and head of Psychological Center “Family Institute”; founder and executive director of blogging agency; Innovation Analyst; Talent Acquisition Manager; Corporate HR program consultant, Human resources analyst; …”
And at the same time – and while the juggling with the 5 facts continues – Only Yesterday the Russians (the Russian alternatives, who know much worse than you, with the 5 facts, what is happening in Russia; well, they are not such geopolitical geniuses) understand something that happened in July, in the midst of the war against the West. Because it was not published anywhere in Russia.
Then with so many great comments, it’s time for something not so great. Watch now, dear Russophiles (and others), how and what they say, not Russophiles from afar, but real Russian patriots from Russia, and whom – please note – believe in the reality of war and hope that Putin is their man (but less and less recently). Watch how and what they talk. For your pleasure:
13 October 2022
“While our soldiers are shedding blood in the war with the collective West on the territory of the former USSR, fighting with Ukronazist soldiers who have been brainwashed for 20 years with the money of Soros and other “partners”, writing history textbooks to them, introducing them to “universal values”, organizing pederast parades and carrying out anti-family laws that reduce the population (strictly within the framework of the UN SDGs), the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov offers to actively cooperate with these guys and adopt their experience.
He compliments the organizers of the UN/UNESCO summit “Transformation of Education” and undertakes to follow their agenda.
Do we need such a minister in the midst of a war of annihilation against Russia, when the majority of public figures and patriot experts are just calling to get out of the structure of the globalists – UNESCO, which molests children with its sex education manuals? Do we need a course for a permanent transformation of education within the framework of the SDGs, which is followed by the Ministry of Education? This is, of course, a rhetorical question.
The UN Global Summit on the Transformation of Education is a permanent event that will be held, apparently, until all schools and universities of the world become part of the global “digital ecosystem” (according to the report of Pavel Luksha, a foresight specialist from Skolkovo). And “our” Minister of Education this summer, in the midst of the war, addressed the UN with another welcoming speech – an assurance of friendship and partnership, where he broadcast about the importance of teaching children to work with the digital sphere and not only. We emphasize that the appeal was to the structure, the Secretary General of which officially considers Russia the aggressor in the conflict in Ukraine, the only guilty party. At the initiative of the UN leadership, a summit was going to be held at which Russia was trying to pacify, force “stop aggression” and legalize sanctions against our country.
Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Education of Russia:
“We once again reaffirm our commitment to the long-term goals of sustainable development in education, youth education, child support … loyalty to the principles set out in key UN documents. The Russian education system has always been and remains focused on universal values.
No matter how strong a foundation education and society itself are built on, modern problems put us in front of the need to change. We need to think about what needs to be done to make the child feel confident in a world saturated with information. Of course, technology opens up new horizons for us. For many children around the world, the digital environment is becoming almost the only opportunity to gain access to high-quality knowledge. We have experience in using digital technologies in education, school management, and additional education, and we are ready to share it.
In the conditions of international tension, I think it is important to say that the school should instill respect for other peoples, their traditions and languages. I propose to discuss the introduction of such courses in our schools.
Dear friends, I would like to note that Russian education is changing at a faster pace, relying on the best world practices and traditions of Russian teachers, we are achieving high results. And of course, we are always open to cooperation. We believe that education should remain outside politics, that only in constant, close cooperation is it possible to move forward”
Here it remains only to clarify – on behalf of whom Kravtsov speaks when he declares “we believe that education should be outside politics.” On behalf of parents, active citizens of Russia who demand withdrawal from UNESCO, whose activities are aimed at the collapse of traditional national education? Against the background of a special military operation, taking into account the geopolitical situation, it looks like outright work for the enemy. And how else to understand the fact that education, according to Kravtsov, should not educate children taking into account the current political realities?
It should be noted that the UN “Sustainable Development Goals”, to which Kravtsov swears allegiance, provide for the upbringing of children in the spirit of “global citizenship” and “gender equality”. The UN General Assembly resolution “Transforming our World: the Agenda for Sustainable Development” for the period up to 2030 prescribes:
– “by 2030, ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education on sustainable development and sustainable lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, world citizenship and awareness of the value of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development”,
– “we are committed to promoting intercultural understanding, tolerance, mutual respect and ethics of global citizenship and shared responsibility.” …->
Those who studied the topic are well aware that “sustainable development” – this expression migrated to the UN agenda from the report of the Club of Rome (founded by J. Rockefeller) “Limits of growth”. To put it quite simply, its principle is “fewer people – more oxygen”, as well as the complete destruction of hydrocarbon energy and related industry. And that’s when the world will become very “stable”. Actually, according to recent amendments to the Constitution, we have only two sexes, there are no “genders” there. And the National Security Strategy does not have such a goal as teaching “global citizenship”, but on the contrary, the emphasis is on preserving one’s culture and values.
It is very characteristic that Kravtsov’s speech cannot be found in the news or on the website of the Ministry of Education – it is posted only on the YouTube channel “National Commission for UNESCO”. After all, UNESCO is at the origin of the Incheon Declaration on Education (written jointly with the World Bank), according to which it is enough to teach the people of the planet to count and write, and it is also necessary to digitize. It is UNESCO that promotes the disgusting “gender” homosexuality among children and participates in the development of methods for molesting children from birth (together with WHO, see the analysis of such UNESCO homophobia for the youngest from 2018 on the our website).
Back in March 2022, immediately after the start of the SWO, the Vice-speaker of the State Duma, Pyotr Tolstoy, rightly spoke about the need for Russia to withdraw from UNESCO, but a month later, in the official documents of the Ministry of Education, we again found plans for Kravtsov and Co to interact with this structure. Now it is already obvious that the Ministry of Education not only does not want to turn towards the sovereignty and national security of the country, but openly works for our enemies, who are fighting against Russia right now.
By the way, let us note that despite the spread out in front of the “partners”-globalists, there were no speakers from Russia in the program of the UN/UNESCO summit on the transformation of education in New York (September 17-19, 2022). But what “wonderful” topics were promoted by the globalists at this event: “Passport of learning: a digital future for every child. An equal approach to digital transformation: How Microsoft, UNICEF and governments work together to ensure that children and young people are ready for a digital future.”
Naturally, here we are talking about the introduction of a digital portfolio – an electronic passport of a schoolar, for which the corresponding dossier will be constantly maintained and without which it will be impossible to move up the educational ladder. This is a complete analogue of covid passports or “immune passports” of vaccinated people, which have been successfully implemented in the EU and many other countries – it is important for digitizers of people to enter from key social spheres… But we want a bright, healthy and real future for children, not a digital one… Isn’t that right, Mr. Kravtsov?
All concerned citizens can ask “our” Minister of Education why, in the conditions of a hot and information war with the collective West, he swears allegiance to the key structure of our enemies (UNESCO), and also demand that Russia withdraw from this organization ( /). And actually – the leadership of the department, which does not correspond to the realities of our time, it’s high time to resign!”
(Does he look like Saker, Luongo, Alex Christoforou, Lira, Roeper and the other super-Russophiles outside Russia???)
For reference:
(+https: //)
Welcome to the Transforming Education Knowledge Hub
25 July 2022, Russia, Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Education on the occasion of the Transforming Education Pre‐Summit, UNESCO HQ Paris, 28‐30 June 2022
Anything else?
If you weren’t so feminine, I’d say you look like any girl.
– Anything else? –
Else: It’s full of mice, Vicky. The ship’s hold needs to be cleaned up urgently, otherwise they will sink it. About 90%
Kravtsov – serious, concerned and despondent, at 1: 13 min.:
Thus Russia fights to preserve its national identity from the evil plan of the globalists to destroy it. Boldly and by exposing global satanic frauds. 🐻
One more generation or two at the most (in the most most optimistic version) of the fierce struggle of the Russian authorities against the globalists, and the foundation of Russia – its people – will be completely transformed on a fundamental physical and psychological level. This is it – “the struggle is mercilessly cruel” (part of a eulogy of the bolsheviks’ struggle against imperialism)
Waggaman wrote nonsense. Röper wrote to him that it was nonsense. OffG uncritically endorsed Waggaman. Now you try to justify the previous ones with other nonsense. Russophobia – it can be treated without a vaccine.
Could you explain, with context and data, what exactly in Waggaman’s article or Catte’s or this follow up you find to be “nonsense”?
Please note we DID NOT uncritically endorse Waggaman’s article, we examined his sources and found them to be accurate and said so.
The nonsense from the very beginning was the compulsory vaccination, which was not there. Nonsense is that Sputnik is as harmful as Astra. I wrote this to you once, the covid policy was completely different in Russia than in the west, so equating it is another nonsense. Belarus (and its support from Russia) is the best example of this. Stop being “wise” with your ignorance and stupidity based on nothing. you won’t have to publish 10 articles to cover up your past crap
Nonsense is your condescending tone to anyone who has a different opinion than your Russophobic narrative.
Other allegations that Russia is using technology for control? You do it too. I can never post a comment on this site. It always needs to be approved by you. this often takes several hours. how would I argue with anyone under such conditions. Bad Bad Sophie.
The compulsory vaccination of all Russian troops including conscripts and mobilised troops, was announced by the Russian MoD on June 18 2021.
We have never claimed Sputnik is “as harmful” as AZ. We can’t make that claim as the Russian government refuses to release any information equivalent to the VAERS data available in the West. It might be less harmful. It might be more harmful. We don’t know.
What we do know is Sputnik was developed in cooperation with Astra Zeneca and is very similar in design. And there is considerable anecdotal data on adverse effects.
It’s stunning that intelligent people can continue to deny these things.
You need healthy, sans injections, bodies for fodder.
I suspect that’s why the exception for the military escalation. Or whatever’s going on.
I will always remember Putin wearing the ‘hazmat’ suit during the early stages of the psyop.
This dangerous ‘renegade‘ has not received any UN updates for a while..
Press-ganging in St Petersburg
How do they expect to run an economy when most of those men who are not part of the security state have either fled or are in hiding?
Oct 14, 2022
This is how military enlistment officers, together with the police, catch men in St. Petersburg, Russia. In order to serve summons, they came to the entrance of the building in the morning and blocked the exit so that every man who came out would not pass by.
‘Russian migration’: where Russian men ‘regroup and relocate’ from the mobilisation the most
Oct 13, 2022
UATV English
Armenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Finland, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates – this is an incomplete list of countries where Russians, who are fleeing mobilization, can still go. They go to friends, to relatives, for treatment and ‘vacation’, just not to receive a summons.
Obviously you can post what you like, but we would encourage people not to simply thrown binary propaganda grenades into this conversation which simply encourage us to take a side. We are trying to be a little more discerning than that.
The above is an important aspect of the mobilisation; and I wouldn’t see it as being particularly controversial.
Think of what a “job” (in the Biblical sense) it would be to be in the position of “leader” in any given country. Constant hounding by presstitutes. black ops goons, corporate operatives, pharma pushers, and all the rest of the dregs of upper society. No. Thanks.
It seems many readers are still convinced the “United States” is behind most wars and global chaos. Well, perhaps. But the former United States is little more than a proxy corporation organized under the patronages of European banking cartels.
From the cited article: >
“Founded in 1913 the Federal Reserve, headquartered in Washington, is indeed very powerful. In 2012 for example the Federal Reserve, which is effectively controlled by some of the West’s most influential banks, amassed that year at least $9.5 trillion, which amounted to about 65% of America’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Quite a number of Americans believe the Federal Reserve to be a government-controlled banking institution, but this view is mistaken. The Federal Reserve, as mentioned, is overseen by private interests and America’s largest banks like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo.
These US banks are closely connected to their European counterparts such as Deutsche Bank, Barclays and BNP Paribas. Also intertwined with the Federal Reserve and the other banks are the energy multinationals ExxonMobil, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and British Petroleum (BP).
The strongest branch of the Federal Reserve is the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which fell under the control of 8 long-established banking families. Only 4 of these dynasties hail from largely American backgrounds, which are Goldman Sachs, the Rockefellers, Lehman Brothers and Kuhn Loeb. The other 4 are the Rothschilds in Paris and London, the Warburgs from Germany, the Lazards from France and Israel Moses Sieff from Britain.”
How Private Interests and the Banking Dynasties Control Washington
Shane Quinn
October 13, 2022
How Private Interests and the Banking Dynasties Control Washington – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Putin does not have a pass…
European? And “American”? Aren’t they different? evreyskom?
And from the beginning in the biblical sense, through the non-evreyskom bankers, to… ‘Putin has no visa’ finish. 😅 Well, Pavel, you’re a scary analyst too (how do you put aside all your knowledge of history and see the pure facts after 2020?!?!? Hard, hard… Go philosophy and puzzle-making.) 😂
But, if I ask you to tell me some current things in Russia – 5-6 facts, quite superficial, and that’s it. But when you put them in your rich historical-geopolitical dish, everything sinks and “Putin is out.” That’s most of the comments here. (As a reward, this post of yours will have at least 20, and maybe over 30 endorsements.) 😃
GlobalResearch = rich geopolitical dish & nothing for the bad in Russia & nothing one bad for Vladimir = Russia not participate!The puzzle is arranged, hope is there, the soul is at peace 😍
/It only remains to welcome Donald soon, I can already see (even from unexpected media places) how the red carpet is starting to spread out in front of him./
Excellent article…though it seemed to end too soon.
Thank you Art Costa. Yes, the article seemed a bit abrupt. But there have been hundreds of similar exposes’ over the last decades. The civilian public is more fixated on entertainment and novelty. That is, until they starve or freeze to death…
And then the very simple question arises.:
Since we have all the evidence that Putin is outside the team of big bad bankers, why in Russia – with Putin’s personal signatures, topped by him constant media endorsements and encouragement – and applying every bit of the same new order to the big bad bankers???? 😲
Nowhere is there such carp as in the pseudo-intellectual society, completely fixed on historical, economic and geopolitical entertainment (mostly from the past), with its eyes firmly fixed on the ground. That is, until they starve or freeze to death…. And good thing it will. 👌
I have to say that since I was kicked off Twitter and YT (cancelled FB myself) I have not once been called a Russian bot.
Funny that comrades…
You Russian bot such!
(In case you’re feeling nostalgic about those Twitter and YT days, towarisht Pavel 😉 )
The timing of the Ukraine ‘war’ was deeply suspicious coinciding with the end of COVID restrictions. I’m also suspicious that the consequences of this ‘war’ seem to perfectly match the goals of the WEF’s Great Reset, e.g., higher energy prices to reduce energy consumption. All the Russians that I have spoken to hate Putin. I also know that widespread fraud took place – people bribed doctors in Russia to get their COVID vaccine certificates. In summary, more of us must wake up and stop falling for their pathetic divide and rule nonsense. The truth is that the globalists own, and play, both sides.
Using a ‘pandemic’ to close down a country is a great way to prevent spies and terrorists from plying their trade.
President Putin knew some time ago that the US and its nato poodles were on a collision course with Russia, and anyone else who defy the orders from washingtub. The lockdown also gave the Russian security forces time to do their job, which they are doing, having thwarted a few recently planned terrorist attacks on Russian soil.
Just why President Putin went full retard with the death jab is anyone’s guess. I cannot see an upside myself. Maybe the Swab has infiltrated that gov’t too?
I would tend to avoid QAnon-style 5D chess narratives imagined out of thin air. If Putin is talking and acting like a proponent of globalist fascism that’s probably because he is one.
I’m just putting it out there Sophie because i cannot understand why Putin should go along with this scam yet hasn’t on others which would also result in loss of life and livelihood. He must have had a lot of faith in the WHO, as he once did in the UN.
Which makes it so weird that his number one antagonist is ZioNazi Zelensky. Or not?
I guess it’s like Dems vs. Repugnicants. False binary fiddle-faddle. The main thing is to deplete endless tons of obsolete weapons. And kill as many young people as possible.
Talk about Oscar nominations (Zel – Best actor (natch); Vlad – best supporting actor). High diddly-dee, the actors’ life for me!
What sofisticated equilibrists you’re spinning again?
Your mind looks like a well-fed communist party high member uttering a eulogy for the the tribal chief. (Or of the American democratic&republican Party; the same thing.)
What did happen to all the claims about graphine nano tubes, nano sheets, and nano dots?
I found it interesting, especially all the papers that demonstrate the plausibility of nanogel working as a biosensor, read by your covid app on your phone.
But all that talk seems to have vanished, the focus instead upon DNA alteration.
With these statements happened what happened to the word in the Bible: they sank into the shoulders of men and became flesh.
Then people forgot about them, took them for an old myth, invented anti-nano-graphene-tubism and believed in it.
It’s time for an IoB party! 📡 📲 🌐
Why do you think it’s all this frantic push for ubiquitous digitalization, with ID, AI, etc.; from every business, every World Organization and every country (this is also a top priority of Russia, personally commissioned and supported by Putin; view in the publication here what Kravtsov says about the future of children; Why?)
There is no threat that “little by little they will lead us into the digitized trap with digital systems and digital currency,” that is nothing threat. Everything that is playing out today, and especially after 2019-2020, is only the construction of the real goal. It is not just a digital society. 🕚
And coincidentally, it exploded after the phony threat and the mass distribution of an “experimental” injectable substance.
So, what is the old “dream”, the “primary plan”? There was no plan for mass inoculation.
Everything, absolutely everything, from the new general laws and canons, which for 2-3 years have been rapidly imposing – every “anti-epidemic” measure, every “new way of thinking”, “new social arrangements” – has only to do with the construction of the old, primary plan; and with the preparation of the public consciousness for it. And this plan is not a mass inoculation. And if injections are not part of it, and today there is a high rise in digitalization, what are injections part of? To make money and for dictatorship? Where did the innovative technology go? (Biodigital convergence?) 🔐
All that is happening today is only in relation to the construction of the “New Temple”. 🏢
On one level, this is preposterous even by Tisdall standards:
And his prop is…. one photo from four years!?! They could be talking about their favourite ‘Fawlty Towers’ episode or the current form of Manchester United.
However, on another level I doubt Tisdall pushes anything without deeper forces wanting it. A fake US-Saudi rupture would tick a number of boxes – in particular, further energy cost rises in the West sold to the gullible as protecting human rights.
UK Column do some good work. There coverage of the Covid psyop has been very good.
But they are very pro Russia. It is one thing to counter all the lies told by the west about Russia . But it is another to be a cheer leader for Russia and think they are the good guys. (small secret there are no good guys)
In one episode of UK Column Brian Gerrish said of Putin
‘He has a lovely body and I would love to rub baby oil all over it. It is giving me the horn just thinking about it’
That may not be an exact quote but how I remember it.
I once complained to Ofcom about a headline in an mainstream online newspaper that was total bollocks. Part of the headline was in single quotes looking like they were highlighting it.
Ofcom reply was that anything that appears in single or double quotes was an opinion.
But Fake news does apply to the Mainstream . It is only for anything that is counter to the current narrative in the alternate news.
UK Column are either stupid, or they’re controlled.
Thanks for revealing the small secret!
Would you accept that there are bad guys and even badder guys?
Thank you for the existential question!
Would you accept that what the facts say is happening is happening?
(Or 💘 🐻 )
It is hard to work out who is the bad guy and the badder guy as it changes so often.
They may have been the good guy in the past and are now bad but may be good again tomorrow.
The UK largest empire in history
colonizing countries left and right
The slave trade , the opium wars pushing opium on China. Attempts in the 1800’s to control Afghanistan Opium. MI6 supporting the IRA and
there opposition in UK’s little Gladio in Ireland plus Gladio in Europe. With all its recent undeclared wars but we are the good guys?
When the CIA helped Sadam Hussein come to power they must of thought he was the right guy. Then they tried to get rid of him so bad guy.
Then he helped fight Iran so good guy. Then he possibly used chemical weapons the west supplied so very bad guy. Then he invaded Kuwaite
and they took babies from incubators so must be evil so we need a war. Then the incubator story turned out to be a lie. Maybe killing the retreating Iraq Army as they left Kuwaite makes the west the bad buy.
When they showed Sadam Hussein being hung live on TV you new he must have been bad. But then his wife said it was not him so confusing. OK the west destroyed IRAQ killed loads caused millions of refuges but it was all with good intentions.
Gaddafi he was a bad guy supplied arms to the IRA ok MI6 arranged it but he blew up that plane over Lockerbie well maybe he didn’t but we know he supports terrorist and that’s the wests job. But then he was good and Tony Blair shook his hand.
Then like Sadam Hussein he tried to stop using the petro dollar so not just bad but suicidal and mad. So we all clapped when he was sodomized and killed. Libya is so much better now.
Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi he
Bombed Yemen killing thousands but that was good as the west was supporting him. But then he killed one man Jamal Khashoggi related to notorious arms trader Khashoggi.
Joe Biden said he was Evil last year but then he he is visiting him so friends again. But wait Mohammed bin Salman wont produce more oil so bad again.
The same switching from good to bad and back to good as it fits the needs of the day.
Be Putin or Asad or who ever.
You put the Tsar of Russia next to these little oil chiefs? To Assad?:) No, I’m sorry, very far from the truth. Russia is much, much more, a magnitude incomparable in every respect to those mentioned. Hands are washed with towels, like the ones you mentioned. Russia has a major role, so it is not a coincidence that it is here, in the time of the “window”, which opens a view of never before seen digital tools, biotechnology, and the combination between them.
Did U.K shillum give Riley Waggaman a right to reply on there show.?? Errr nope. Never mention that part off g why.?
They got Vanessa and Davies on to basically make out poor Putin was being bullied by NATO and lighten the Russian mandatory vaccine debate.
2022 terminology fake binary
1900 – 2022 terminology controlled operatives.
As Catt points out.
Many still blinded, yet others refuse to see it with U.K column even OFF G.
Assuming a one word government as a plan, weak military insures no power on one particular government, and certainly no possible real opposition to UN/OWG… The efficiency of this is paramount if you can make individuals collapse using a keyboard (tested live in televised sports events)… No I’m not working on a dystopian movie script…
There’s also the advantage of the general population thinking “well if it’s good for their military… Why would they injure their own military… sold”
Here it comes:
“What is XBB? The new ‘immune-evasive’ COVID strain that combines Omicron variants is driving cases in two countries
“We’ve not seen this type of immune evasion before.””
From Fortune magazine – clearly the magazine that tells your fortune!
So XBB then. Xbox? Is that the angle they’re going for? Or does BB signal Big Brother?
Get the feeling they’re not really trying? That even they are getting bored now?
A much more imaginative effort from Bloomberg:
“World Faces New Threats From Fast-Mutating Omicron Variants
Since emerging in late 2021, the highly transmissible Omicron strain of SARS-CoV-2 has splintered into a dazzling array of subvariants that are now driving fresh waves of Covid-19 cases around the world. The proliferation of such a diversity of variants is unprecedented, and pits numerous hypermutated iterations against each other in a race for global dominance. That’s turbo-charged Covid, making it one of the fastest spreading diseases known to humanity, and further challenging pandemic-mitigation efforts in a global population already weary of frequent booster shots, testing and masking.”
Worthy of J G Ballard!
Maybe it’s Big Brother Xtra large? BBX
Some news.
Russia is a supporter of the creation of a system of equal and indivisible security, so it is ready to do everything for its formation. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the summit of the conference on cooperation and confidence-building measures in Asia, which takes place today in Astana [Kazakhstan].
“Together with other Asian countries, we are doing everything to form a system of equal, indivisible security, based on the Universal, recognized principles of international law, the UN Charter,” Putin said.
(+ https ://)
The world is becoming multipolar, and the countries of Asia are playing an increasing role, where new centers of power are growing. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the summit of the conference on cooperation and confidence-building measures in Asia (CICA), which is being held in Kazakhstan.
“The world is becoming multipolar. And Asia plays a very prominent, if not key, role in this, where the new centers of power are becoming stronger. The SCO, ASEAN, EEC play a role here. Russia is also involved in all these processes,“ the head of state said.
(+ https ://)
Indonesia holds the G20 presidency in 2022., confirmed Putin’s presence at the summit and Zelensky’s presence. Russia responded with a statement from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Moscow was ready to consider a meeting between Putin and Biden at the G20. Earlier, Indonesia’s ambassador to the UAE Bagis said the leaders of Russia and Ukraine had agreed to attend the event.”
Well, now, if they shake hands in public, maybe they’ll pay attention to the great reset-actions in Russia. After all, Putin has always said that he simply wants justice and compliance with the UN Charter. That is, all globalist Great Reset targets. Russia is firmly in the WHO and adheres to” health ” standards as well as the West; they are also ready for equal participation in a global pandemic treaty.. So, if they” shake hands “and international relations calm down and return to the old way, how will this affect the audience, which has accepted the “division of forces” from which” there is no turning back”, as Putin said?
(But given that, just recently in late September, it was confirmed, the Russian Internet Governance Forum is fully committed to complying with the global rules of the world Internet Governance Forum, of which RIGF is a part, and which global furum was created at Gutierrez’s idea. One of the main issues discussed at RIGF was the problem of dealing with “disruptive content online”…)
There have also been some changes around and due to mobilization.:
“From smart cameras to traffic cops: how to track down fugitives from the army
The call for partial mobilization has not yet been completed, and the system for identifying fugitives has already been reconfigured. Why running from subpoenas now doesn’t make sense.
Law enforcement agencies have indeed overhauled their methods of tracking down those who have received subpoenas as part of the partial mobilization. Now they are using the license plates of the fugitives ‘ cars in the special program “stream” and using the facial recognition system in public transport.”
Many have already fled the conscription, according to Western MSM. That helps to explain why the jab is no longer compulsory.
Here is the real news:
“From smart cameras to traffic cops: how to track down fugitives from the army
The call for partial mobilization has not yet been completed, and the system for identifying fugitives has already been reconfigured. Why running from subpoenas now doesn’t make sense.
Law enforcement agencies have indeed overhauled their methods of tracking down those who have received subpoenas as part of the partial mobilization. Now they are using the license plates of the fugitives ‘ cars in the special program “stream” and using the facial recognition system in public transport.”
And it has two minus the thumb.
And you’re morons.
Putin has no credibility. He is a politician and a WEF leader who showed his true feathers when he fully went along with covid up to the stage where he said that his daughter was one of the first vaccinated with the Russian poison (yet another absurdity).
I don’t understand why one would even like to debate him anymore. It’s like debating if Chomsky is or is not a stooge. I mean, it’s obvious that Chomsky is a stooge and that Putin has no credibility. But I repeat myself…
Exactly, why can’t more see it? I sussed it out back in March as soon as this so-called war started. They control both sides. The Ukraine war was used to push the following agenda items via the Hegelian dialectic Ukraine: cyber attacks & other false flags events – YouTube
Hi Nigel,
Sorry for putting the question here (cluttering the comment thread), but I wondered if you have an email address where you can be reached.
I like your potcasts, and your history of being a teacher who left academia because of covid. The latter resonates with my history in academia (a clinical epidemiologist from NL who left academia because of covid), so we may have something to talk about…
You can also reach me if you like through my blog: (email address provided there)
gosh dang nother russia basher
no mention of
u iz useless
Read some of his other pieces to see all those names named.
Now read the article for what’s in there
No mention of Palestine …
Don’t you understand that Eretz ‘srael is not in the Middle East, but the country “at the end”?
The fake pandemic was nothing but an economic bailout of monopolies and a transfer of wealth to weapons manufacturers, all on an unheard of scale.
No one ever to show a vaccine passport. To be honest OffGuardian all of their predicted distopian scenarios and “post covid world” nonsense.
The vaccines are nothing but placebos, like sugar.pills. DNA does not exist just like viruses dont exist.. So stop worrying
Great placebo viewpoint. Why not, if it help you feel better. 💊
If they’re placebos why are they so deadly?
Where in the world are you? Here in Canada it’s hard to avoid how changed the world is. My city feels like it’s becoming a city in a third world nation. Store fronts boarded up, homelessness increasing, supply chain problems becoming normalized. Unexplained deaths among the young.
But people don’t seem to notice or don’t want to notice. They keep their heads down, many of them still go masked. They talk about the war or the US elections or the football or what’s trending on Netflix like they are reading their lines in a movie and don’t really believe what they are saying. No one can face what has been done to our world and our minds. We’re survivors of a direct hit shelling, sitting in the wreckage too dazed to know what’s what.
Funny how our two comments look alike…lol I just read yours after putting out mine… weird this.
Do you have any links that give a good explanation of the “DNA does not exist” viewpoint? I’m actually interested in hearing more about that.
I think this one from Tom Cowan might be what you are asking for
I’ve also some doubts about the DNA story. The three main reasons are: 1) They’ve lied about most everything else 2) I remember reading somewhere that the dna strands can’t physically fit in their alleged container (sorry – I can’t remember the details for this nor the source) 3) Francis Crick and LSD. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something esoteric about the double helix shape although I’m not sure yet what it is.
As for the OP and his/her critics, I’d suggest a compromise: the so-called vax is more of a chemical weapon than a bioweapon. Virology Ph.D Poornima Wagh claims that her team’s studies of a large selection of so-called vaccines (although not Sputnik V) has shown this is what they all are. They clearly do have the tech to put varying levels of toxic material in different batches.
Has the double helix been photographed using an electron microscope ?
There is something that transfers characteristics from parents to children and further down generations. But it is not neccessary that the mechanism is understood.
Well, I don’t go out a lot. But in one of the few errant days I went out there, I was asked for a vaccine passport to eat a hotdog (and poutine I admit) inside. That’s here in civilized but reasonably authority defying Montreal. That was during that period that I’m proud not being able to pin point. I ate outside on a bench, looking like one of those homeless people I admire so much.
So, just some reminders and personal opinions.
(I want to say here, outside of the topic of Russia, that I have not been vaccinated a long time ago against anything in principle for a long time, I just do not do it, I do not see the need. But from 2020 onwards, even if I see a “need” even more I will not do it – for example, against influenza, or some “more dangerous” thing – because if one of the goals is, as many think, to deliver the contents of the injection to the maximum number of people on a global scale, then I see no difficulty in the long tentacles of Big Pharma delivery tool to do it, through different types of injections, without mention in leaflets, etc.)
Of course, like any normal person, and I am glad that the mobilized will not be “vaccinated “against covid”. And, of course, this raises the question “why”, as already indicated a very logical answer from the author: because of the possible harm from the injections that the Russian authorities will save the mobilized not to lose “human resources” in the military. Which can be both a kind of recognition of the danger of Sputnik, but also a kind of authentication of the reality of war between global powers:
Russian authorities don’t vaccinate them because they want to save them for the fight against globalists, which they lead in Ukraine. They are taking advantage of global operation Kovid to implement the new level of control of society in Russia, but at the same time they are actually fighting the globalists in Ukraine to protect their own survival.
Is not this the message that a man can logically derive for himself?
This message / conclusion taken by the same well-known hardline alt-media and private analysts, defenders of “Russia is at war with the globalists”, who also omit, ‘refute’, or say that it is not the same and is actually good, which they do and in terms of Sputnik’s harm, how it would sound and support their theses? For example:
1. “Putin begins to open the door by acknowledging the no necessary of vaxination against Kovid, thus making it clear that he played 5 D chess for complicity in order to fool the globalists.” – This, combined with their false claims that Sputnik is different from Western vaccines, that it is studied and safe, there is no proven harm from it (given that there is no VAERS in Russia, because, in the words of the Ministry of health, “it will negatively affect the desire to vaccinate.” But there are separate small sites, I can post further.); and also the lie that in Russia there are no mandatory vaxinations in a number of State Services.
2.They “proved” that they were “right,” and Riley, who mainly writes on the subject, was wrong. This, combined with their accusations that he and the few others who say and show with facts that Russia is doing the same great reset while nominally “at war” with the globalists, are liars and figureheads serving the globalists. Given that at the time of writing Riley’s articles (and then others), he was right, and we had Roeper’s “direct line with the Department of defense” against him. From which a conclusion can be drawn:
3. That these alt-media, hardline supporters of “Russia is not complicit and is fighting the globalists,” can be relied upon. A whole pile of evidence – at the time – against Roeper’s unclassified, secret source, and in the end Roeper was right. Well, then, given that the” evidence ” for the claims of these alt-media and private analysts is of the same unnamed source-nature – that Russia is in fact playing a complex geopolitical 5 D chess, pretending to be complicit – is not the “Roeper case” a ‘proof’ that they can be trusted and for the rest? Maybe the same way over time they will be right and for the rest? Little by little; just their readers and listeners need to be patient.
This builds trust. But not as one of the globalists ‘ widely stated Global Goals of “building trust”, but as trust in the reality of the personification of the struggle against globalists.
On the other hand, we have data from sites like Medusa. I, of course, can’t and won’t tell Mark what sources to use. But I just want to say that such sites, which can also report very real information and they do so, but by tying this to their image, which is clearly is anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian – hence “globalist” media – this does not work well at all. As far as I remember from my several visits to this site, which is one of the favorites of the pro-Ukrainian attuned part of the audience, it is quite anti-Russian; at the same time, he fails to criticize Russia for the strict implementation of globalist plans in Russia; and at the same time, he never criticizes the West for anything, including their “great reset” actions. They also support the thesis that there is a war, “a terrible invasion of sovereign Ukraine by the dictator Putin” (Putler!), and so on – the whole thesis of the Western authorities
widely disseminated in the Western mainstream.
In my opinion, the combination of the facts that Medusa points out, with their common firm position, in more deeply plan reinforces the theory of division between Russia and the West. The first is Medusa and their media line, which is in harmony with the “Western” globalists line, and when facts about Russia are attached to it, this says something to the pro-Russian alt-public convinced of the “conflict between Russia and the West.” Which further convinces this part of the audience that Russia is not doing the same globalist thing in their country.
Medusa and its relatives can be interpreted as “pro-Western anti-Russian servants of the globalists.” On the other side we have the hardline “pro-Russian” alt-media and analysts who have already said what they are doing. The common thing is that both types do not show or recognize the identical great reset-the actions carried out in their countries/zones of influence by the teams they protect. They also don’t mention other crimes. But, and there is a big alarm here, while the pro-Russian media point to the great reset actions of the Western powers, the pro-Ukrainian ones do not. So this, too, on a deeper level, helps to establish trust.
Well, when we think of the commonality of the different powers; and when we think of the doubt that they play a common film to achieve a one goal; and when we think of the assumption of the “export of the center of power” from West to East, under the veil of “multipolarity.”. How Roeper in the end was right with his unnamed source? In other words: if there is this global goal, what tools do the common globalist conspirators have? Will we see more such ‘precise strikes’ from the pro-Russian sector in the future, through timely updates from Russia, convincing in the “illegality” of those claiming that a common game between accomplices is being played, which will serve to confirm the credibility of the real conflict?
Cannon fodder, vax fodder, economic fodder, junk food fodder, wage slave fodder etc etc.
Merely expendables or collateral damage to the psychos and their mindless middle class enablers.
Putin is another who can’t be trusted.Period.
This is what rocks my world:
“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war,” Gabbard said on Twitter.”
No offense, but if that rocks your world, you ain’t there yet. And you haven’t done your research.
And where are you ,cryptic Albert?
And, what research have you done and what did you glean?
Gabbard is just another one of them. That’s what I gleaned. Start with her CFR affiliation. Look at her Dad, etc. Won’t take long.
I heard she’s working on getting her own show on Fox.
You do have to admire her strong stomach, sticking with the Dems all these years …
While you have put a stop to the “Putin case,” others, along with what is shaking your world, have not put a stop to the” Putin case, ” but, on the contrary, believe that he is fighting the globalists, hold hope that he can fight them, and are half-frozen in expectation because of it.
Perhaps he stopped the vax because he needs the troops
If so, why has he already vaccinated virtually 100% of his regular forces (according to Shoigu and others)?
When you think about it, in a world in which a ruler’s grip on his country depended on having a strong able-bodied military, why would anyone do what Putin, Biden, Johnson/Truss etc have done and give their soldiers a potentially lethal, needless jab?
It raises so many questions doesn’t it.
For example, because potential organizations of well-trained (already) former military personnel could offer potentially effective resistance.. to something that some people don’t want to have resistance to. Assuming the army injections are “from the lethal batch”. (and this, leaving aside other potential options for the content of the injection)
Possible conclusion: because they want no strong national armies.
What’s happened with our real foe CCP? Have they mass veed their armies? Don’t know.
Do they teach crt and alphabets to their children or allow on Chinese tic tock? No.
But they have been getting winter training in Canada. They have been the number one foreign trainee for RAF. They have shown us their UN Standing army. They do have majority ownership of UK’s National Grid? Do supply their AI driven facial recognition and CCT systems to UK all with known back doors.
Exposure recently that they are implicated in making US Vees too. Connected to American voting machines (and software to Soros and Koch).
Is China Russia’s friend or simply convenient Allie?
I believe this is a GloboCap condoned action using Chinese asymmetric warfare. You don’t even realise what, how, where, with whom they’re targeting.
So many in the pocket of CCP; Trudeau, Johnson Snr Jnr, Gates, Tedros, Banksters, WEF…..
Communist China is the creation of the banksters.
Communist China is a garment of the sub-Celestial Empire. The difference is from Earth to heaven.
And the vaunted banksters are a tool; powerful, basic, but a tool, and by no means – a source of power.
Which makes Israel’s embrace of the faux vaccines exponentially more intriguing, Abraham Bourla not withstanding.
Yes, probably because this wretched territory with a future of desert is not the promised land, and it doesn’t matter, but a temporary abode on the way to the real one.
that is a horrible thought! those who have the capacity to effect change will be downed.. vexed..
equally, they all got a placebo and are fully on board, with all sorts of promised bounty…?
at least we could collect rifles in the horrible option…
You know, when I started reading the quote, I really thought it came from Putin. He had a few speeches to that effect, including defending people of faith. Anyway even as an atheist, if people need faith to remain decent and humble, I find the idea soothing, and agree with this entire speech of course.
Tulsi Gabbard…. of the CFR.
…there are no countries.
Is is MRNA virus, for sure? This seems to say it is not.
An apparent Russian tweeted he had a choice to pick a different one, that used mRNa
It is an “adenoviral vector vaccine”, which is experimental gene poison just like mRNA. It is a clone of the AstraZeneca clot shot which was developed by members of the UK eugenics society, as documented by Whitney Webb.
Yeah, I remember that, too. Interesting collaboration, isn’t it?:)
Have you got a link to that? I wouldn’t be surprised at all
I’m rooting for the Russians no matter what their covid policy is.
Why in the world would you make such a statement? If Putin is using the same fascist practices as the West then why are we supporting either side? What’s the difference between them other than the flag they fly?
Which is your right. We’re not against people supporting Russia; we’re against people lying in support of Russia. Support whomever you want. Just be aware of what you’re supporting.
De-Nazifying the Gay Jewish Disco
Commander tells volunteers that they are in Ukraine to fight against gay parades
Oct 11, 2022
Russian Media Monitor
Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechen detachment “Akhmat,” tells the new volunteers that they are in Ukraine to fight against gay parades.
Host Olga Skabeeva wishes all of them the best of luck.
In the same way, now supporters of Russia (in this case “conflict”) can start playing endless videos of the actions of Azov, Aidar and so on degenerates, incorrectly but very marketing-named “Nazis”, against peaceful Donbass peoples. And… we went deep into the firing with clips, thus comfortably accommodating the idea of the real conflict.
Amazing the way supporters of Russia have slandered Stepan Bandera, isn’t it?
Bold type?
I like it, it’s easier to read for us Dinosaurs.
Nothing personal against the writer, but I’m well over this bullshit journo naval gazing.
Some dude writes something and another dude gets the shits about it, then some other clowns pile on. And this goes on for about 2 weeks now, FFS.
And all the while Putin is still a c@#$, Zelensky is still a puppet c#$%, and NATO are a bunch of c@#$s.
Fucking get over yourselves and concentrate on the actual fact that none of this is going to end well for ordinary people, and you muppets losing your shit is not helping.
Well if you’ve made up your mind that this is not going to end well for ordinary people, we can’t expect much constructive advice from you, can we?
I am probably as pessimistic as you in the short-term – after all, those who are getting on in years may well never see another day free from the current madness – but the human race has always had a Plan B, and that’s what we need to concentrate on if we are to have a future at all.
Made my mind up? Between which options?
People get arrested very easily in Australia for incitement, just sayin.
lol good
I agree the options are not many, nor always very exciting, but to me it’s a choice between giving up and dying at a speed of one’s choosing, or actively and enthusiastically building a counter-balance with whatever tools and talents might be available to us as individuals.
There’s no need to incite. What is needed is hard work and creativity.
‘Ordinary people’ can do that too, and they are doing so.
But I apologize for the personal tone my comment took on. I just wanted to discourage the rather common view that everything is hopeless and pointless, and I share your frustration.
Elaborate cheap shot Dropper
Yeah, I have my moments…
Following the bouncing red ball. To the edge of the cliff.
You’re above that, and how many others aren’t, clown-muppet 😉 ? Should it be published especially for you; or especially for those who already know what the global game is? What about those who are wondering, what about them? You should have “critical mass”at least the idealistic goal is that; in practice, it probably won’t happen, but that’s the idea. Maybe it will happen. 😮
And, by the way, tell, since you’re focused, what do you suggest? Is there a real way to effectively counteract it with which replace this in vain wasting time?
What’s the line between wishful thinking and being realistic. Stop jumping on every occasion to be so moralistic like a bunch of mothers/girlfriends will you… goes for the guys as well
It’s like you can tell me what to “start”, “stop”, and what to do in general. You’re an optimist, Theo. 😍
I don’t hear that often… BTW it’s just an expression… see over it… or is it me telling you what to do again… can you be told anything… most people can’t… but I’m babbling
You can tell me what you want, and I can answer you the same way. I think it’s fair, Quebec man.
You remind me a lot of Jacques. He’s gone but I think you’ve admirably picked up the slack without the gratuitous vulgarity.
different fish, methinks.
You remind me of Jacqueline. This is a one paid woman from the neighborhood.
Do you not see this issue cuts to the heart of the strategy being used to control us?
Yes, some of us do see Putin is a cunt (I assume that word lies behind your coy asterisks), and Zelenskiy is too. But too many of us don’t see that, because they are caught up in war-thinking, have taken a side and feel a need to sanitize that side.
I believe creating this mindset was a deliberate policy by the rulers to break our ability to oppose what is being done to us. Confronting this mindset and waking people out of it is perhaps even more important than waking up the covid sleepwalkers imo.
They need to be challenged, confronted with the facts they avoid.They need to accept both sides are cunts, as you say. I think Mark CM, Catte Black, Riley Wagaman et al are trying to do that.
Great to see Mark Crispin Miller back here at Off-G!
Are these all conscripts we’re talking about or volunteers? If they’re relying on volunteers, then another reasonable answer would be that they aren’t getting enough volunteers because of how many won’t take the jab. I think that’s a similar case here in the U.S., which is having problems with recruitment and retention in its military. I wouldn’t put much into them doing it because of too many deaths, because Putin et al are obviously in on it, from the very beginning, and they won’t let that cat out of the bag, just like in the US and elsewhere. Now, if they/Putin did halt all vaccinations because of the adverse effects, including death, then we’d have a story.
And I wonder why if you feel so strongly that your country is in mortal danger you are willing to use nuclear weapons in this day and age, risking a nuclear Armageddon and complete destruction of your country, you wouldn’t also just go full conspiracy theory and tell the secrets of 9/11 and the Scamdemic?
Sophie, you asked me a few questions or challenges that I didn’t finish answering last night. Here’s the continuation:
–Aren’t the sanctions part of the alleged reason for the coming US recession?
Certainly they’re the pre-election “explanation,” but I think the recession is actually being caused by interest rate & money supply manipulations, which they say is for the purpose of controlling inflation.
–How much sense does it make to do this to your economy when intending to start an existential war for ownership of the planet?
Relocation of some EU industry to the US may offset the US recession.
Also, it cannot be that they’re anticipating a CONVENTIONAL war cuz they’re supposedly giving almost all US/NATO armaments to Ukraine– unless a good part is being detoured to private armies controlled by TPTB.
Media & intell wars recruit citizen-weapons against govt power structures. (color revolutions)
Financial wars can elect and weaponize the power of govt officials.
Weapons manufacture isn’t necessarily retarded by recession.
However there is a lack of industrial capacity, which is spoken of on thenewatlas I don’t really understand this cuz US certainly manufactures planes & other large armaments.
Finally, it was wartime production that ended the pre-WWII recession.
A declaration of war w/o real escalation wd be an incredible act of war against the US
population, triggering total legal control over the citizenry.
–Is it a coincidence this falls in line with WEF predictions about the end of US hegemony and the rise of globalism?
US has at least since post-WWII been used as an enforcer FOR THE GLOBALISTS.
If US obtained full hegemony wd this be different than the NWO/Great Reset?
Surely US hegemony doesn’t mean rule by the US people, govt or military.
The End of US hegemony IS the rise of globalism. That has been the US’s goal since its takeover by the Deep International State. “End of US Hegemony” is spin to make globalism look good.
–How much trust do we put in “leaks” that actually promote aspects of a mainstream narrative (in this case the existential struggle between East and West)?
There are 2 Rand reports. One is public– that US wants to defeat Russia by causing over-extension in wars.
Is this true or is there complete collusion at the top? Is there rivalry between US-UK and Russia-China? Does the answer have bearing on our struggle for survival and freedom since all 4 seem to be against us?
The other Rand report is the leaked one, which says US planned Europe’s energy deprivation to prevent EU/Russian econ cooperation & to usurp EU industry for itself through relocation.
Quite aside from the leaked report it doesn’t seem deniable to me; I felt I already “knew” that so didn’t bother to read it. Can you explain US actions in opposition to Russian gas otherwise? I can’t; just commercial rivalry seems extreme to me.
If US is insisting on alienating EU/Rus econ cooperation, that supports the idea of rivalry rather than complete collusion, no?
Thanks for the chance to expound. I’ll answer your last question later.
Good work dear. You can also take a plane off the ground I hear… a stud in my book right there.
“however ardently we cheer his opposition to the Nazis in Ukraine.”
That ‘opposition’ makes the prisoner transfer Putin agreed look rather strange. Hundreds of Azovs returned for one general and 50 soldiers?
Also, are there no post-vax excess death figures for Russia? I’d take them with a pinch of salt but at least they’d provide some baseline to work from. Stories of individual deaths help humanise collated stats – but they’re no substitute for it.
BTW recent UK deaths are considerably higher than the average of the preceding five years:
That’s more than a thousand people dying than normal a week for several weeks if I’ve understood the graph correctly. If a thousand people died in a terrorist attack or “climate catastrophe” we’d never hear the end of it. As it is…. silence.
It wasn’t “Hundreds of Azovs” . ……. It was 108 .
As for the Ukrainian prisoners, in total 215 were released. 118 National guardsmen, including 108 servicemen of the Nazi Azov regiment. Among them, there are notorious Azov commanders Denis Prokopenko (Radish), Sergei Volynsky (Volyn) and Svyatoslav Palamar (Kalina).
Among the exchanged Azov fighters, there are Konstantin (Fox) Nikitenko and Nikolai (Frost) Kushch, who surrendered at Azovstal. They were found guilty by the tribunal of shooting civilians and Russian prisoners. Frost “became famous” by sharing videos on the Internet. On of them showed a Russian tankman being shot in the stomach.
The exchange fund also included at least 10 foreign mercenaries, among them Britons Sean Pinner and Aiden Aslin, as well as Moroccan citizen Saadoun Brahim. All three were captured in April, and in the summer were sentenced to death in the DPR. The DPR claimed that in accordance with international humanitarian law, mercenaries cannot be considered combatants and claim the status of prisoners of war. Thus, they could not be exchanged. Among the foreigners released from captivity, there were five Britons, two US citizens, one citizen of Morocco, Sweden and Croatia.
My understanding is that President Putin had issued an order to mobilise 300,000 reservists and other volunteer militia-type units only. It seems that in many parts of Russia his order was interpreted as a green light for conscripting all men of military draft age. The Russian government later discovered what was happening around the country and reiterated that only reservists and volunteers were being mobilised. I do not know though if the new message has got through to all areas in the country.
Some of the deaths mentioned in Mark Crispin Miller’s post have such hazy details attached to them that we can’t be really sure of what the ultimate cause of death might be. There may be a culture of hazing in some military units in the Russian army that is a hangover from Soviet times or even recently appeared. Plus soldiers and conscripts may do stupid things during their times off.
Also any incidents of unexplained deaths or suicides that are sourced from Ukrainian or Ukrainian-related sources, especially government, military or news media, have to be treated with suspicion.
Sorry, I must have hit a Bold pad on my smartphone by mistake. Apologies for the shouting.
SHOUTING LOOKS LIKE THIS—-Bold makes sure your post get the attention it needs 😉
And my post is in bold, what going on?
Not your fault, we had a stray open bold tag in the article.