The Alex Jones verdict is a declaration of war on independent media
Kit Knightly

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A Connecticut court has handed down a 1 billion dollar fine on radio host and independent journalist Alex Jones, for “spreading misinformation” about the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting.
This is a travesty, and that any could call such an absurd penalty “justice” is sickening. Especially when it is so obviously designed as a warning to everyone in the independent media.
Indeed, outside of the specifics of this case, the potential fallout for everyone in the alt-media sphere is terrifying, because already the Jones precedent is being used as an argument for “regulation” of the internet.
Forget about Sandy Hook. Maybe it happened or maybe it didn’t, experience teaches us that virtually nothing happens exactly as the media reports, but even if it did – even if every single word Alex Jones ever said about Sandy Hook was a deliberate lie – you cannot “regulate” that, you cannot make it a crime, and you cannot silence people’s future for words they have said in the past.
That is censorship.
People have the right to free speech. And that includes – MUST include – the right to lie and the right to simply be wrong.
If you take away those rights, you put the power to regulate speech in the hands of those with enough influence to create official “truth” or hold the “right” opinions. And that has nothing to do with objective truth, or real facts.
The media, and the establishment it serves, do not care about truth or facts.
To take a recent example, a Pfizer executive recently reported the pharmaceutical giant never did any research to ascertain if their Covid “vaccine” halted transmission of the “disease” commonly called Covid.
There was never any trial data showing the “vaccines” prevented transmission of “covid”, and that means every outlet, channel or pundit who claimed the vaccine “stopped the spread” was actively “spreading misinformation”.
What’s more this misinformation has likely led to literally thousands of deaths. That is far more harmful than anything anyone could say about a ten-year-old school shooting, real or not.
Will CNN or The Guardian or the NYT face a billion-dollar fine?
Of course they won’t. Because this is not about “misinformation”, this is about uncontrolled information. It is about regulating – even criminalising – the free flow of ideas and opinions.
Even if this kind of rule were equally applied to all media on every topic, it would be still awful…and we all know it won’t be.
Instead, it will be applied to the independent media, to alternative and anti-establishment voices, and to the internet.
If you doubt that, check the media reaction.
One argument against the need for any new regulation of free speech is that we already have legal systems in place to protect people from “harmful speech” – threats, libel and defamation.
Indeed, Jones’ fate here could be held up as a prime example of “the system working”.
But that is not enough, according to this article on NPR which bemoans the “limits” of de-platforming and defamation suits.
That opinion is shared by this article on NBC, which headlines “Alex Jones’ lawsuit losses are not enough”, and concludes:
Defamation lawsuits are an important tool in the quest to reduce harm from harassment and abuse. But they are not a solution to the lie machines built by incredibly savvy, incredibly cynical pundits like Alex Jones. This week’s verdict, coupled with whatever else happens next, will certainly make conspiracy theorists think twice before they inflict pain on private individuals in the future. But it will not solve the bigger problem, which is our world’s dangerous, pervasive flood of misinformation.
That line about “making conspiracy theorists think twice” is the most honest sentence in the article, and confirms one of the major aims of the Jones trial narrative is to set an example.
But while the point of the article could not be clearer, the author never actually uses the words “regulation”, “legislation” or “censorship”. He chooses to play a more subtle game than that.
The same cannot be said for Simon Jenkins in yesterday’s Guardian, who eschews subtlety completely:
Only proper online regulation can stop poisonous conspiracists like Alex Jones
“Proper online regulation”. We all know what that means, it means censorship. He’s not even hiding it in coy language, but openly arguing for a global censorship programme.
He begins by pining for the days when nobody could get a scrap of the public’s attention without going through approved channels:
There have always been Alex Joneses spreading poison from the world’s soap boxes and pavements. As a boy I used to listen to them at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park […] Their lies never made it into newspapers or on to the airwaves. Free speech went only as far as the human voice could carry. Beyond that, “news” was mediated behind a wall of editors, censors and regulators, to keep it from gullible and dangerous ears.
Imagine the kind of mind that is nostalgic for an age when “News” – he is right to use quotes – had to pass through a “wall of editors, censors and regulators”. Imagine being able to simply dismiss the multitude of the public as “gullible and dangerous”.
From there he moves on to praise the verdict against Jones, and the state-backed censorship exhibited by the major social media platforms, but laments it does not go far enough, even hinting that people should have their own private websites confiscated:
The main social media outlets have accepted a modicum of responsibility to monitor content […] attempts are made to keep up with a deluge of often biased and mendacious material, but […] by the time it is taken down it re-emerges elsewhere. Jones has been banned by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, but he can still reach audiences on his own website […] Justice is meaningless without enforcement or prevention.
Next, he tells us who exactly will be in the crosshairs of this suggested global censor. It’s a predictable list:
victims may have the rule of law on their side, but that does not curb the climate deniers, anti-vaxxers, trolls and QAnon followers or the appalling and anonymous abuse that now greets the expression online of any liberal – I might say reasonable – point of view.
Alongside a “no true Scotsman” fallacy altering the definition of free speech:
No one seriously believes free speech is an absolute right.
Like all censors before them, modern censors such as Jenkins seek to codify their desire for control in the language of concern. Proselytizing about the need to “protect people” and “the greater good”. They would, they claim, only censor harmful lies.
Such is the call of the censor through the ages. We’re only censoring heresy, we’re only censoring blasphemy, we’re only censoring treason.
Jenkins is aware of this, even as he uses special pleading to argue his version of censorship would be different:
Historians of the news media can chart a progress from early censorship by the church and crown to state licensing and legal regulation. This control was initially employed to enforce conformity, but over the past century it has also sought to sustain diversity and suppress blatant falsity.
The hypocrisy is rank. “Maybe they used to enforce conformity, but of course we would never do that…we just want to silence people who disagree, for society’s sake.”
Of course, none of those who seek to control the speech of their fellow humans ever claim to want to censor the truth. They call it “sedition” or “propaganda”, and claim to be safeguarding “the truth” even as they pull out tongues or break their victims on the rack.
Now they call it “Misinformation”. It’s all the same in the end.
One more time, for the people at the back.
- Free speech is NOT reserved for people who are “right”.
- Free speech is NOT only for people who tell “the truth”.
- Free speech is NOT to be moderated by “a wall of editors and regulators”.
Free speech is not a privilege in the gift of the state, a commodity to be regulated by the government or a child’s toy to be punitively confiscated by grown-ups who know better.
It is a right. For everyone. Everywhere. Always.
And if it is removed from one of us, it is removed from all of us.
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Tucker Carlson shares his opinion on Alex Jones and the 9/11 truth movement.
From circa 2011
@Lone Wolf, re the futility of commentary, but the “You” in this comment is meant for everyone.
Yes, a strategy is required.
So do the only thing that’s ever gotten the attention of the predator class:
Boycott, Divest, and Strike
Yes, it’s really hard. Because 999 people out of 1000 want to jack their jaws endlessly and do nothing requiring commitment and effort. Are you the thousandth one? Start where you are, do the small easy stuff until the hard stuff gets easy. You’ll be surprised. Don’t wait for a movement. This is not a movement. It’s a new way to live called Not Being a Stupid Sucker Pawn. Spread the word.
If anyone wants to read a virtual manual of how so much of present day society operates, venturing on over to page of quotes from Joseph Goebbels ( is the one I’m using) is a worthwhile venture, as it is all laid out in his quotes.
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” (Climate change gun control, compulsory government education, shutdown mania, the list goes on.)
“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.” (Trump supporters ‘conspiracy theorists’, CV ‘deniers’, etc)
“There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be “the man in the street.” Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.” (Of course, many that are considered ‘intellectuals’ in present day society seem to in fact be more susceptible to propaganda than working class. The true intellectuals are those that are able to remove themself out from the ocean of propaganda so as to be able to see the whole charade more clearly.)
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” / “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” (I feel that repetition is the most powerful form of indoctrination. Thousands of hours of listening to NPR, for instance, seems to render a mind so hopelessly lost in propaganda as to be nearly impossible to save.)
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.” / “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” / “A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.” (Earnest examination of the modern media-industrial complex (MSM – Social Media – Government/Political Tandem) reveals how this happens. Thousands of supposedly independent media outlets are owned by a handful of interests, and as such can be arrayed like a kaleidoscope to present many seemingly differing viewpoints that play off of one another to induce the target population to arrive at the desired outcome.)
If anyone wants to penpal to talk more about this and other relevant subjects to modern society please reach out to me at [email protected], as I am always looking for like minds to connect with. Best, Joe
If anyone wants to read a virtual manual of how so much of present day society operates, venturing on over to page of quotes from Joseph Goebbels ( is the one I’m using) is a worthwhile venture, as it is all laid out in his quotes.
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” (Climate change gun control, compulsory government education, shutdown mania, the list goes on.)
“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.” (Trump supporters ‘conspiracy theorists’, CV ‘deniers’, etc)
“There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be “the man in the street.” Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.” (Of course, many that are considered ‘intellectuals’ in present day society seem to in fact be more susceptible to propaganda than working class. The true intellectuals are those that are able to remove themself out from the ocean of propaganda so as to be able to see the whole charade more clearly.)
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” / “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” (I feel that repetition is the most powerful form of indoctrination. Thousands of hours of listening to NPR, for instance, seems to render a mind so hopelessly lost in propaganda as to be nearly impossible to save.)
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.” / “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” / “A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.” (Earnest examination of the modern media-industrial complex (MSM – Social Media – Government/Political Tandem) reveals how this happens. Thousands of supposedly independent media outlets are owned by a handful of interests, and as such can be arrayed like a kaleidoscope to present many seemingly differing viewpoints that play off of one another to induce the target population to arrive at the desired outcome.)
If anyone wants to penpal to talk more about this and other relevant subjects to modern society please reach out to me at the listed email as I am always looking for like minds to connect with. Best, Joe
He was placed in that position to do exactly things like this.
Just like when voting became real to him and his lot in 2014.
How is that beyond the mindset of this new media.??
When was independent called independent when the media was fully funded or started by the oligarchy or intelligence services.
Well.I notice that this article always refers to ARTICLES and never names the authors of those articles.
It’s about time to say: XXX YYYYY has put their personal integrity as a ‘journalist’ behind this deeply reprehensible article. What do you think should be done about them?’
Obviously the list is varied but could include;
Of course, I’m not for one second saying that I agree with any/all of those options.
What I am saying is that until you draw up a comprehensive list of potential actions, excluding nothing, you won’t be in a position to determine which is most appropriate.
Just remember that being reasonable always fails when dealing with nazis, sociopaths, psychopaths and control freaks.
Why single out Murdoch? Old Jeff is far wealthier and his rap WP, is truly part of the problem.
Beginning with Ms. R. Maddow & Mr. P. Morgan , one from each side of the pond, yes yes, not a bad idea, Rhys: indeed it could be a very fine place to ✨ start legally. Preventing them from commenting further in any media forum , until after the trials, tears and tribulations would
Rest our Souls, if nothing else…
US Government Is World’s Worst Violator of Freedom of Press, Not Its Protector
August 12, 2022
US Government Is World’s Worst Violator of Freedom of Press, Not Its Protector – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Quote: ”The US case against Assange essentially amounts to a criminalization of journalism.”
Unfortunately, censorship of truth is no longer limited to persons in the field of journalism.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe –
(August 28, 1749 – March 22, 1832)
Now Petra can directly give here a link to the clarification on the relevant issue, and save herself additional effort to comment! 🙂
” it’s just a ride…”
Measured by Blackrock’s Aladdin ! !
From 1997 onwards, publically, officially, A.i. !
Hedging our futures and future Derivatives,
Including the Weather, partnered with Enron,
B.P. Monsanto GEC & US D.O.D. with H.A.A.R.P. +
Chicago Mercantile Exchange …
Happy to accommodate.
ABSENT the SEC enquiry within WTC 7 …
I endeavoured @the very start of the plandemic to ⚠ warn OffG & readers of 🎭 Covid PR
Afterwards refusing to get suckered into ‘Small’ questions regarding TRANS-MISSIONS…
Howsoever, if you do not know WHO are HILL + KNOWLTON, just read their 100 year
History of clients, top to bottom. The dirtiest deliverers of FAKE NEWS throughout all HISTORY.
From Tobacco to Saddam’s baby Killers, the BCCI scandal &&& surprise-surprise-Covid19.
A partner of Maxim Behar , Europe’s PR Marketing TopDog, this year 2022 !
The boss of M3 Communications and Sofia News Agency, Known as Novinite.
Checkout the quality of Behar’s journalistick/propaganda, partnered with Hill + Knowlton
in these links… in your face, pot calling kettle, pot calling kettle, totally Faked ‘news’ .
The link being confusing & contradictory by design with zero links attached, based on
Info. From O.S.I.S. > OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE SOFIA ! Funded by Soros.
Like I began with “it’s just a ride” whether Bill Hicks or Alex Jones, take your pick, but,
None of this changes that which Kit has accurately represented … the Truth !?
In three words…
Twisting your Melons !
Yes, but, you know..
Abso’firkin’lutely perfect link, brother from another mother, I swear,
On mother’s Grave and salutary teachings…
I’ha’könne SchywzerDütsch vor Dreisssig Jahren and wasted 15 years there
Due to ex- wife & child … additionally, i grew up just a bicycle ride from
Beaulieu (Lord Montague’s gaff) & Exbury Gardens (Lord Rothschild’s gaff),
Both a stone’s throw from Rumsey, ole’ chap, Lord Mountbatten’s ‘gaff’… wot’ what?
Where I spent every Boxing Day, just next door, and much more.
Stanbridge Earls School was closed down >>> a sex scandal !!!
No surprises thur’…
Pub humour: Q: what is Blue, Wet, White, Red & Rubbery and travelled across the
Atlantic @180 M.P.H. …
Me? Still laughing 😂
Best Joke Ever! In my book…
Never let the
When they tell us something that is very obviously a lie from start to finish when there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that what is told is a lie and nothing but a lie which applies to Sandy Hook and many other events then I think it’s very important that we call it out. Sometimes, the situation may not be so clear, sometimes we may know or suspect falsity is involved but not be sure to what extent, however, in the case of Sandy Hook there is absolutely no doubt that it was a drill pushed out as a real event and in such a case if we don’t show that we recognise that they have indicated that to us loud and clear with their smiling and laughing, allegedly grieving parents and anomalies at every single turn then why should we expect them to respect us in any way? If we don’t call out their lies when they’re in fact TELLING us they’re lying to us, when they push their lies right at us, if we hold back and say, “Hmm not sure,” how can we expect them to show any respect to us when they laugh in our faces and we simply let their lies slide by without calling them out?
Why are we being coy? Is it because we’re respecting the taboos around death that they trample right over? If they’re going to trample right over the taboos around death and we respect them then we’re increasing the unneveness of the already extremely uneven playing field we’re forced to play on. We cannot afford to respect taboos in our fight against their lies, no way. We have to treat taboos with exactly the same ruthlessness that they treat them. I’m not a great respecter of taboos anyway.
If I may add one caveat here, it’s this:
What was apparently “obvious” to those glued to every single news report was not so obvious to those (like me) who barely paid the Sandy Hook incident any attention at all.
As terrible as it may sound, Sandy Hook went in one ear and out the other. Not that I automatically assumed it to be a hoax: I simply didn’t, and still don’t, care what the news reports. Never having once seen the laughing daddy, or gave a damn if he laughed or cried or exploded on cue, I wasn’t in any position to evaluate his performance.
One thing I do know, and I know that absolutely: names are everything. Had the Sandy Hook thing taken place at Handy Sook instead, it wouldn’t have flown. All anyone would have heard was “There was a shooting at Handy Sook earlier today. Reports are sketchy.”
If it doesn’t sound newsworthy, it gets no coverage.
It doesn’t get coverage in the audience’s ears, do you mean? Or does it not receive media coverage? If it’s for the latter, I doubt they have any right/opportunity to cover or not to cover plays like the one in question. This is a tv play that needs to be covered by a media army that has no freedom of choice.
Howard, I’d say they can make anything sound newsworthy simply by dint of reporting it 24/7. Massacre using powerful weapon in a school on innocent children … what more is needed? For absolute sure the location name, Sandy Hook, was chosen very deliberately but I’m not really sure what your point is – they make it newsworthy whatever way and while the name would have been deliberately chosen I don’t think they really needed it.
I didn’t wake up to anything at all until 2014 so when Sandy Hook happened the notion that it might have been a staged event could not have been further from my mind. Like you I paid little attention thinking only that it was a terrible tragedy. However, even in my scant attention there were two things that struck me as anomalous even if they raised no suspicions:
— the face of the alleged shooter looked very strange and I later discovered his face was photoshopped to look very strange
— I read a story about police going to the alleged shooter’s house prior to the alleged massacre on a good lead that it stored a cache of weapons, however, for reasons unexplained they did not enter the house to search for it which I found very puzzling … and, of course, as intended by the perpetrators it raised the poignancy of the narrative … oh, if ONLY the police had searched for the weapons the massacre would have been avoided. The poignancy-raiser “oh, if only” is common in psyops … similarly, the narrow escape and the miracle survival … all intended to play with our emotions.
When an event is reported 24/7 but is, in fact, a complete hoax that is signalled to us every which way I think it’s important to call it out. I think it’s important to say, “Hey, you’re treating us like idiots but we’re not buying it.” Why the hell would we at least not say that? For goodness sake. I’m not saying we have to protest in the streets I’m just saying call it out for what it is and tell them you know exactly what they’re doing.
I am an enemy of the state.
I was threatened with “criminal defamation” by the government and so cannot name the criminals in their midst. If I talk about the scandalous court process and ruling,i.e. the “colour of law” used by them against me I will be charged with “scandalizing the court”. If I lend my support to an indigenous sovereignty movement I can be charged with “sedition”. Even an opinion piece I wrote advocating non-violent direct action was censored on a censorship resistant website when the legacy media became outraged. I am shadow banned on social media and am probably on the government’s “fixated persons” list.
Of course the only things I am fixated with are justice, equality and freedom of speech.
the following is my opinion and IANAL.
Alex Jones claimed “his vision to be a fact”. and the defendant claimed the false claim of fact caused them intolerable harm [defamation]. This is the essence of Tort law.. not criminal law.. Tort law generally says A plaintiff is allowed to recover damages if a defendant violated a duty the Defendant [Alex Jones] was obligated not to violate, and that violation of duty led both to the actual and proximate cause of the injury suffered by the Plaintiffs. Clearly making statements that have no factual basis violates the duty of truth and the duty to maintain the trust in public media.. not so clearly the statements caused harm to members of the audience (the Plaintiffs). IANAL
None the less, I see a courts recognition that “false claim of fact” proximate to a possible plaintiff can lead to or cause injury to a plaintiff as a useful legal tool that can benefit members of MSM audiences who are harmed when MSM content contains a “claim a vision, thought or SWAG, or whatever” to be a fact. Comes to mind reporting of false flags, reasons for war, purposes of laws, hiding of important facts (9/11) and the like that appear in content aired on main stream:
Alt media ought to be excited to be able to add false claim of fact tools to their tool box in forcing the truth in the media. They can use false claim content that damages members of MSM audiences to force the truth into content that appears in media. .
Sensationalism is not welcome in non fictional media.
Meanwhile, speaking of freedom of speech, 6 days ago:
10 Oct/ Julian Assange tests positive for Covid-19 in UK prison
“[…]his wife said on Monday, as she battles his extradition to the United States.[…]“Julian was feeling unwell last week but started feeling sick on Friday,” Stella Assange was quoted as saying by the Press Association news agency.[…]“He started coughing and had a fever. He was given some paracetamol. He tested positive for Covid on Saturday.”[…]As the pandemic took hold in early 2020, he unsuccessfully applied to be released on bail because of the risk of contracting Covid in prison.[…]She [Stella Assange] added: The next few days will be crucial for his general health. He is now locked in his cell for 24 hours a day.”
The good news is Julian’s been vaccinated.
“Assange’s Father Says His Son Has Been Vaccinated (November 16, 2021)
“He has been vaccinated, of course,” Shipton told the show Thinkerview, live-streamed on Monday. “So he has no choice in this. No choice about anything. He has no control over his body.” […]Assange has said nothing on the record either way about vaccines or public health measures like lockdowns or wearing masks. […] “All prisoners have been offered a vaccine,” wrote MoJ senior press officer Sarah Fairely. “As it is a personal health matter we don’t hold the figures on those who have taken the vaccine.” In July, Insidetime, a British newspaper for prisoners, reported that more than 50 percent of prisoners in U.K. jails had refused a Covid-19 vaccine. “At four London prisons – Wandsworth, Belmarsh, Thameside and Isis – a total of 2,722 men had been offered the vaccine by early June, of whom 1,254 (46 per cent) turned it down,” the newspaper reported.
Without saying a word about vaccines, Assange has been swept up in the contentious issue, which has divided parts of his supporters. Some Assange backers have made their support for him visible at anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests.”
Strange boundaries of symbols of freedom of speech. Not that they can’t be explained by suppression specifically on the subject, but still strange combinations…
More proof he is a fake dissident.
It is interesting that British prisoners were free to turn down the poison prick. I didn’t have a choice.
In which Jurisdiction?
…- Generals always fight the last war…
…- At this point Davostan’s chief problem is not so much one of silencing dissent promulgated by some ‘fringe-minority’ truther outliers, but rather in the gargantuan task of carpetting-over, out of view of the *Entire* ‘Joe-Q-Public’ hoi-polloi, the exponentially growing mountain of blatantly obvious, in-plain-sight evidence of their increasingly lengthy list of implausible, improbable and increasingly absurdist (ie: *Deliberate*) fuck-ups…
…- Personally, I don’t envy them the job…
The train from Hell is coming down the line but all we have to resist it is a futile stream of commentary from thoughs monitoring its ceaseless progress.
Thoughts and words are a complete waste of time if they cannot be translated into a constructive STRATEGY capable of terminating this trains journey.
So think on before stating a thought, however eloquent or well researched – will it make a decisive difference?
A million disparate comments repeated daily around the world serve only to create anxiety and confusion thus greasing the wheels of the train, whereas a thousand minds allied to a single STRATEGY could stop the train dead in its tracks.
If you expect those minds to be connected through “the Universe” that could explain why we’re still waiting.. I recon the Universe works in billions of light years increments.. Meanwhile, all we have before going in a wooden box is doing what humans do from instinct… we think and we talk and argue and think and talk some more… shouldn’t be avoided I think.
She also posted this on Hillary campaign anti-gun ads done using SH parents.
My comment on this post:
How on earth they’re supposedly ordering Alex Jones to pay close to $1 billion is completely beyond me – surely, he’s in on the complete nonsense. Nothing could be easier than proving that Sandy Hook was, in reality, an active shooter drill. You don’t have to “seek”, the hoaxery finds you!
The two best quotes in my opinion (the first applying to Sandy Hook (and many other events), the second applying elsewhere, particularly WTC-7’s showcased implosion which serves as distraction from – essentially – the complete destruction of all seven WTC buildings at the WTC on 9/11 and the much more revealing faked planes and their association with the impossible failure of defence) with regard to propaganda are these:
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.” – Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist
“All propaganda is lies, even when one is telling the truth.” – George Orwell
I issued a challenge to the believers of the Sandy Hook narrative to present 10 points that favoured real over fake. It’s impossible to come up with even one. The perps TELL you that it’s a drill, they deliberately make the parents laughing and smiling in complete contradiction of how parents would normally behave after the brutal deaths of their small children – what do people say in reply to the commenting on the smiling of the parents?
“People show grief differently.”
Sure they do but the thing is if you have ZERO parents showing grief in what would be considered a normal manner then there is nothing for the believer to grab onto in that realm to say, “This happened.” There’s nothing, nada, niente … and it isn’t only in the realm of parent grief that a believer has nothing to grab onto to say, “This happened.” There’s nothing, nada, niente in any other realm you care to name with regard to Sandy Hook. Coroner? Yeah, right. Gene Rosen? Yeah, right. Medical teams kept away from the school? Yeah, right. Blood? Yeah, right. Debris cast? Yeah, right. Bullet holes? Yeah, right. Check-in sign? Yeah, right. Testimony of teachers? Yeah, right. Testimony of children? Yeah, right. There’s nothing – it’s all smoke’n’mirrors.
This is what a commenter on my post above said in response to someone attempting to refute my case for staged event:
“— Photos show a shot-out window of an opening too small to accommodate the passing of the alleged murderer and a debris field cast in the wrong direction
— A meager scattering of what is purported to be blood drops on the ground are shown in front of the school, when the alleged event requires massive amounts of blood to be visible in that same area
— Photos allegedly show bullet holes in a car, but actually depict body damage to a vehicle that could not be the result of gunfire from any external point, and specifically could not have been produced by gunfire from inside the school building
— Photos of people “evacuating” the school were taken at times that both the accepted narrative and video footage of the evacuation route simply will not permit to be authentic
— Witness statements are Impossibly contradictory
— Recordings purporting evidence of actual 911 calls are obviously doctored and completely contravene purported witness statements and render them impossible
— Death certificates purportedly exist but no one has ever seen or examined them and would be required to contain data provided by the coroner whose autopsy results contradict and negate official police reports.
The evidence of a hoax is abundant, and consists of virtually every bit of pseudo-evidence that authorities and mainstream media sources have offered. No two witness statements can come close to being reconciled factually, the autopsies and coroner’s incident report are hopelessly at odds with police reports and witnesses/“family members” assertions, purported evidence can easily be shown to be poorly manufactured and ill-situated in a manner that hopelessly conflicts with the official version of events, external data additionally falsifies the internally falsified and mutually contradictory statements of purported witnesses, some photos of alleged victims have been proven to have been co-opted from unrelated parties on the Internet and others have been reused in CIA disinformation operations in the Near and Middle East.”
The court operation is a part of the plan to teach people that reality is what the masters decide.
What is an “active” shooter? Can there be a passive shooter? Reminds me of “Going forward..”. Can anyone go backward?
I think “active” refers to the fact that the shooter is actually out there right now on their killing spree – it’s not post and it’s not pre but right now.
Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.
Jones is a shill of the highest order.
‘Our time is up. As has been the case throughout her career, this conversation with MIA sparks more questions than answers. If there’s a sympathetic angle on some of her more alarming views, it’s that after experiencing the displacement of her family in Sri Lanka and the discombobulating effects of fame, it is understandable that she would search widely to make sense of her experiences – not least in her embrace of Christianity. There may never be enough time for her to explain how she feels about the state of the world, but one truism holds, she says: “I’d like to be there when the shit goes down – revolution.”’
Her “more alarming views” i.e. the most blasphemous views which can only be explained by “the displacement of her family in Sri Lanka and the discombobulating effects of fame” i.e. on her own personal traumas which have led to “her embrace of Christianity” which in today’s artificially constructed communal code signifies backwardness, stupidity, bigotry, “anti-Science” …. and with “Right Wing” hovering in the background.
Being sued is only one option… Being ostracized, banned, or having assets seized are others. Reporting on what one perceives as the truth has been turned into a thought crime. Orwell (and many others) have attempted to clue us in.
“Michael Hastings was that rarest of breeds: a mainstream reporter who wasn’t afraid to rail against the system, kick back against the establishment, and bite the hand that feeds him. On the morning of June 18, 2013, he died in a fiery car crash. But now details are emerging that he was on the verge of breaking an important new story about the CIA, and believed he was being investigated by the FBI. Now even a former counter-terrorism czar is admitting Hastings’ car may have been cyber-hijacked.
Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the strange details surrounding the untimely death of Michael Hastings.”
Episode 274 – Crashes of Convenience: Michael Hastings
Corbett • 07/06/2013
Episode 274 – Crashes of Convenience: Michael Hastings – The Corbett Report
There was a ‘right wing” Austrian politician that met a similar fate a few years ago.
How much do you think Trump pays Jones?
How much does it cost to fund a ‘conspiracy theory’ gateway zone, or ‘loon trap’ like Infowars?
Who profits the most, and really, who is behind it all?
I love the fact the famous conspiracy theorists are totally untrustworthy, crazy, or pretending.
Who can you really trust these days, even if they claim they are banned from certain platforms.
Good if OffG could give us a list of who to trust, who not to, and some of those on the borderline. Colour coded if possible please…
So now “we” who believe in absolutely free speech, no matter how ugly it may be, need a bonafide “list” of who to trust and who not to? A list put together by people we “trust” to compile one with full accuracy? And if a site we should choose to read is not on that list, then what? Do you really not see the slippery slope that leads to? While OffG may be a fantastic site in many ways, I for one do not require them to put together a list for me to follow, nor should you. If this site stands for anything, it is the idea that one reads enough from varied sources to make up one’s own mind about what truth is and what it isn’t and to honestly debate that. Are we no longer competent enough to do that for ourselves?
Isn’t there someone who looks after you?
It does seem that Alex Jones was and is a patsy for the system, as was/is Trump. They may not have chosen this role (or they may have), but the system has a way of turning every apparent “threat” into a weapon. The billion dollars is funny money. The constant barrage of anti-Trump trials and tribulations follows this pattern.
We not only live, but were reared from day one of our lives under the system some refer to as a matrix. It’s a fabrication with managers who run the system.
The most poignant point in David Graeber’s last book (The Dawn of Everything) is the question: how did we get stuck here?
Fine article, but I have one reservation:
I think “the right to lie” is a very dubious concept.
It is hardly a ‘right’, any more than the right to steal might be considered a normal privilege. Some people do it, while others with a higher moral standard don’t.
That said, it doesn’t look to me as if Jones is actually lying about Sandy Hook, even if what I’ve seen of the evidence paints a pretty foggy picture.
There’s these two expressions together again. evidence and foggy. Very frustrating Dropper. What did you see? Someone here says the Sandy Hook story relates to a school that had been disaffected for years at the time of the event, and was actually a warehouse. Is that the case?
All right Dropper, trying to watch the 2 hours 45 min. video linked below. I now see what you mean. Apologies.
All good theo
How does the writer for the Guardian article who ends his hit-piece with “Justice is meaningless without enforcement or prevention” reconcile the many Guardian hit-pieces about Julian Assange revealing the truth about an in-your-face war-crime?
I would posit that it is rags like the Guardian, et al, who make justice meaningless because they aid-and-abet the State corruption. Moreover, it appears quite apparent that the media, in conjunction with a corrupt justice system and political shills ensure that justice is denied to all but the favoured few.
Here’s a interview with a guy who’s done detailed research on Sandy Hook.
They don’t need to reconcile anything. In fact, they are not able to because that would highlight the cognitive dissonance too harshly. They chose to give up their integrity in order to avoid such feelings, so they’re not going to slow down now.
On Sandy Hook, there’s no question. Alex Jones is correct. There is much footage which shows this to be a con job, all the way down to the laughing father and a coroner who didn’t seem to know his job. In fact there’s reams of it.
The same faces also keep cropping up in different false flags, with a change of clothing and a haircut. Noone can be that unlucky.
The evidence is there for all to see, it’s in your face much like biden junior, but it’s being ignored. So many people who won’t believe their eyes and so many western gov’t agencies now blatantly attacking their own for the sake of a new corrupt system to replace the old corrupt system.
In these days of truth suppression, propaganda, and warmongering, the wants of the many are being trodden on for the wants of a few. Death and misery awaits all those not in the new club. Fancy being ruled over for the rest of your days by the likes of toady blaaar or horseface?
Our gov’ts have been bare faced lying to their public for years. Our political class and our business class have brought the western people to poverty and starvation. Do you really expect the truth from such gov’t?
See you on the barricades.
Hello Peter Jennings: Thank you for your frank and sober comment. Like many other “shooter” events, Sandy Hook was a staged psyop aimed at gun control and disarmament of civil investigations into same.
Seems all these “shooter” events contain the same ingredients: (1.) Persons of interest with known psychological issues. (2.) The ability of such persons to acquire multi-round weapons and ammunition. (3.) Civilian “victims” rather than Federal or State targets. (4.) The inability of spectators and law enforcement to stop the attack before it escalates. (5.) The coincidence of similar exercises planned on the same day or within close proximity to the event. (6.) The canned representative responses by major media within minutes of the event. (7.) The “shooter” is typically executed prior to or during arrest.
The civil public has been trained to experience life through television screens and “expert” opinions, wherein truth and belief are prosecuted as crimes.
Apparently green screens are now all the rage. Perhaps in future they won’t even need the crisis actors, who are all traitors IMO. They know what it is they do and if they don’t they should have given a little bit of thought into just what it is/was they were being directed to do and how that was being sold to the public. If they didn’t sniff a rat then, it means they are a rat.
It must be a narcissistic nightmare at spook central trying to organise these attention seeking freaks. It isn’t any wonder that mistakes are made during the performance.
Hello Peter Jennings: Yes. Green screens and other video editing are used regularly. Thank Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and other media operatives…
Crisis actors are persons who generally fail to make the cut when auditioning. Constant rejection opens them to financial manipulation by less than upright individuals and covert organizations… They are criminals – know they are criminals, and still play the game…
…- (8.) The supporting cast of PMC types often caught on (purportedly) live media footage during the event only to be promptly airbrushed outta the historical record and deep-sixed down the ol’ memory hole thereafter…
(…- Re: Sandy Hook, I *Distinctly* recollect *On The Day, As It Happened* seeing what was claimed to be a live US news media feed from a chopper, following local police pursuing a ‘military-build’ guy in black weatherproof jacket and tan cargo pants through some woods adjacent to the school… – Yet the boob-tubz went on to say that ‘Adam Lanza’ was – survey says – ‘The Lone Shooter'(tm)…
– This’d be the *Identical* same get-up, incidently, to that worn by the numerous PMC types seen wandering around the Boston Marathon finish line back in 2013, just before the ‘pressure-cooker’ bomb went off, at least one of whom was coincidently toting the exact same backpack as the alleged bomber (- and nephew of an *Avowed* CIA asset) ‘Joker’ Tsarnaev…)
Hello Sgt Oddball: Yes. Yes. And yes. Lone “shooter” and bombing events are always suspect. The Boston Marathon psyop was so full of holes it was ridiculous. Yet the public bought the story because they saw it on television Sad. But true…
As I recall some other fiasco was launched to distract the public and evade further scrutiny. The ploy obviously worked.
Additional aspects:
:- withdrawing guards or turning off monitor cameras
:- organising anomalies or distractions (actions, objects or special effects) to undermine subsequent investigation
:- announcing the discovery of a video or document on the perpetrators’ goal
:- hastening autopsies, burials or cremations (as for covid).
Also, and as with Sept 11th, the police seem to forget all their training in securing crime scenes and handling evidence.
The only potential excuses for censorship are incitement to crime, obscenity, harassment, abuse, genuine threat or attempt to silence another.
Everyone must be completely free to protest anything that endangers liberty. -Maximilien Robespierre, 1791
A totalitarian government suppresses anything that may cause doubt or discontent about its wisdom, such as suggestions of incompetence or failure, comparisons to the past, or alternatives. -Freidrich von Hayek, 1944
This is where we’re mired in hypocrisy isn’t it? The trolls who attack JK Rowling for speaking biological facts and defending women’s rights commit pretty much everything listed in this first paragraph, but because the loony liberal majority perceive that her views are wrongthink no one cares. I disagree anyway, real free speech is the freedom for other people to say things that you don’t like. There are already laws in place under which to prosecute genuine criminal offences, rather than hurt feelings. Also, context is all. Blanket censorship removes any nuance which we as grown adults should be able to consider and then make our own minds up about the truth and validity of any point of view…
And who gets to decide what particular acts these labels include? Not that long ago, homosexuality was a crime of obscenity that got you jailed.
Abuse and obscenity are certainly matters of opinion. Incitement to crime is a nonsense idea unless you also reward people for incitement to do good deeds. Attempting to silence another is in itself censorship so that would be censoring censorship, which certainly sounds like a circular argument. Harassment can just be ignored and is also a matter of opinion, so that just leaves what you call “genuine” threats which is borderline at best.
There is a much simpler way. Just stop being a weak-minded jelly baby and grow a pair of something. Sticks and stones and all that, old boy.
The Washington Post frets about Long Covid. Apparently there is a team doing intensive investigations into this (and once again I wonder how much money they’re shoving down this shite hole) and here’s what they say,
“Previous studies have been challenged by the nonspecific nature of long-covid symptoms, including breathlessness and fatigue, which are also common in the general population.”
Could you honestly get a more candid admission that this is a scam? “Challenged by the nonspecific”? And they even state that it’s due to the fact that these are common symptoms of just about anything.
These are symptoms of the clot shot.
I notice no MSM objecting this and a few from Independent media. Same goes with Assange and Graham Phillips.
MSM have been public enemy no. 1 for a long time now.
Life is a much happier experience for those who totally ignore them.
If there would be no, so called, independent media (we can take that with a grain of salt can we), there would be no reason left for me to read any media.
Which is not a bad foresight, and which is why it will never happen.
To me, the so called independent media are what the islands were in Huxley’s Brave new world. They are not too bad places, where you can find equal minded persons, but that a ‘sain’ person would never like to visit, and it’s all controlled.
To call Alex Jones independent media is similar as to call Chomsky, arguably, the greatest intellectual alive today or Hulk Hogan (or today’s equivalent) the strongest man on earth. It’s all nonsense.
Isn’t the main problem the number of zeros? US $ 1000 instead of US $ 1,000,000,000 would have made sense for emotionally upsetting some people. Those extra six zeros look like either revenge or terrorizing free speech in the US in 2022, quite like burning witches in 1693.
Scene: Two self important pricks in the sunroom of a palatial mansion by the seaside;
“How do we shut these big mouth bastards down Bob? They’re rocking the boat”
“Easy Bill. We make an example of one of them”
“How so Bob?”
“A big fat fine oughta do it”
“How big?”
“Watch this. It’ll make their heads spin”
How about that one.
Works for me.
All we can do is speculate theobalt, although psychos are usually more predictable than us plebs.
We’ve been observing them as much as they
I know I’m speculating, but I have a feeling I’m getting damn close
Self righteous foolishness
We all need a bit of foolishness in these times. And speak for yourself. Any compelling argument?
I absolutely agree censorship is wrong. But I doubt this $1 billion fine is real since AJ is likely controlled opposition. This is about distraction and divide-and-conquer and to intimidate legitimate truthers. I recommend following Miles Mathis (who might be controlled opposition himself). In the Mathis world, an elite group of trillionaire families run the world and most prominent politicians and celebrities have fake backgrounds and are actually relatives of these families. Many promoted events are actually staged by hundreds if not thousands of Deep Stage agents/actors and fake events like Sandy Hook are the norm, not the exception.
The only person who had an afterlife (of sorts) was Stephen Hawking. No one lives for 55 years with MND/ALS/Lou Gehrigs. Hawking was kept alive (by a series of impostors) so that he could lend his voice to various popular causes. Also it was a neat way of promoting transhumanism. They story of him making speeches by twitching his cheek muscle was ridiculous. Mathis did a good job in pointing out the inconsistencies in the story. On the other hand JFK was the target of the deep state for several reasons. His father opposed WW2. He himself opposed the nuclear plans of a certain country. It was a way of getting LBJ into the presidency. There was no reason they would have faked his assassination. On the other hand as Vince Salandria said, they chose the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza to do it in the most openly arrogant and barbaric fashion. (I spent a very hot morning/afternoon in Dealey Plaza in July 2018).
He says some interesting things – about the origins of modern art etc. But, come on, his “genealogy” research is surely a joke? He doesn’t even try to establish genuine family connections he just automatically assumes anyone with an ancestor who has the same name as his very long list of aristocratic or banking families is related to that family.
That’s pretty nuts. There are millions of Spencers, Dudleys, Howards, Cohens, Percys, etc who have no meaningful ancestral link to these wealthy families. And when he can’t even find any of the “right” names in a person’s ancestry he doesn’t say “ok, looks like I could be wrong”, he just announces, based on nothing, that the record has been “scrubbed”!
In other words on his own terms his hypothesis literally can’t be falsified.
He’s a very smart guy but I think he plays his readers for gullible fools a lot of the time, even though mixed in with the dross there’s sometimes little bits of genuine gold.
Modern art?
What’s your take on this Sophie?
Absolutely awful.
“Mathis” also says that pi = 4 (amongst many other ludicrous claims) and his “proof” is utterly laughable, especially when you can test such claims and definitively see the answers for yourself. There’s more turd than punch in that bowl. Either an absolute crank, a great wind up merchant or controlled opposition who probably isn’t even one person. If he is a genuine person, he’s one arrogant bastard who vastly over rates his own intelligence and isn’t aware of his limits. .
Thanks – I have recently been trying to sort out Mathis. The genealogy research does seem entirely rote. In general, the more confident your grasp of what he is writing about, the less impressive his claims are; the Wittgenstein/Russel piece was extremely weak. I think his claims about how a market for modern art was created and manipulated are extremely interesting but his assessment of modern art and its origins amount to little more than “I don’t like it” – the two issues are clearly separable. Bottom line: he has proposed a number of fruitful heuristics: e.g. :”if it’s on TV, it’s fake” and on to the presumption that many, many famous people are connected to established families and wealth and likely to the intelligence community as well. The former is the case certainly for Wittgenstein; but that has long been well known, even if somewhat hushed up.
@RegretLeft, I have a PhD in Wittgenstein’s philosophy and can only confirm what you are saying, the piece on Wittgenstein ist extremely weak, it’s obvious that he hasn’t read a word of Wittgenstein.
Can you please expand on your view of Wittgenstein, I’m very interested in the topic.
Another of Kit’s good observations.
For commentators, it looks that it is so easy to go off the topic.
Topic here is about CENSORSHIP.
Not controlled opposition, opportunism, good or bad journalism, Sandy Hook….
Limited Hangout
This is strange. Ales did so much to steer conspiracy theorists into “safe” territory. Muslims ran the FED. Planes crashed into the the twin towers.And so on. He made a mistake somewhere I would imagine. Probably calling out convid.
Planes crashed into the the twin towers.
they sure did.
Jones is a shill, a sensationalist, an opportunist, a conman, and a liar. I stopped visiting his site long ago, although drop by now and then just to see the tenor of things. He makes his money by selling survivalist stuff, freeze dried foods, etc., that he pushes thru his sensationalism and opportunism. He uses fear and scare tactics to make money. He’s a pretty despicable dude imo. He and his site(s) do tell the truth on things and are a counter to the establishment. But he is what he is, whether he’s what people called “controlled opposition” or a zionist shill, I don’t know. I do know I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him, and by looking at him, that wouldn’t be very far. That said, I certainly agree with Kit. I just want to make clear this guy is not really on our side. He’s like Trump, he’s in it for himself.
” He and his site(s) do tell the truth on things and are a counter to the establishment”
Er hello, isn’t that what you want from a media outlet?
I should have said, “tell some truth”. And no, I don’t visit that site, it’s not what I want from a media outlet. The comments are by and large idiotic as are many of the articles. Plus, Jones and that site, regardless of his obfuscation about the fake vaccine and Trump, is a Trump supporting site. I don’t do Trump.
Doesn’t support Trump due to the vaccines.
Agreed some bizarre characters in the comments section but how many of them are genuine or paid?
Salient point for me is he speaks truth to power and they want him silenced and others scared.
If he is CO then he has done a very poor job the past twenty years!.
His book the Great reset is a best seller.
Yes and “they” are giving us what we want so we stick around. At the same time, have you noticed that TPTB is letting all that “info” out anyway. They are all about terrorism and division. A terrorist is allways letting you know what they did, what they’ll do… It’s a fear game. That damages your health just as much as any of their poison… Of course the solution is not to ignore the info, it’s usually true, works better that way. But bullshit and fear management is recommended on our part. I use cynicism as an expression of anger myself… has worked for the French Canadians for centuries.
Post vaccinations the information is coming out due to the mountain of evidence being so great.
Too late though for those that complied.
Jones was warning ppl prior to the jab roll outs, so for me there’s a huge difference..
There was a bit in main stream media where the guy was explaining that somethings happened with the vaccines in late 80’s. Said that the amount went from 4 shots to 16, injecting an amount of mercury and lead for a 270 pounds individual to absorb safely… that’s in babies… autism galore, chemical lobotomy… attacking the optical nerve to the point of strabismus.. snap! That bit appeared in the 90’s Any other info after that is superfluous
And I’m sure others have said this, but he works against the cause, intentionally or not, by his over-the-top sensationalism and focus on far-right conspiracy theories, the two party system, Trump/Biden, etc., right or wrong. He’s an easy target for the rest of the country to point to, for the government to point to as why “misinformation” has to be stopped, etc. They’re not pointing at Off Guardian far as I can tell. So, if he’s not controlled opposition, he certainly provides ammunition for the psychos in charge to convince people the things he believes are nothing but CTs and are damaging to them. I mean, people are going to look at it and think that obviously if he’s so wrong about Sandy Hook, what about what he’s saying about Covid-19? Covid-19 becomes pedophilia becomes 9/11 becomes the moon landings becomes the earth is flat. Then those that believe Covid-19 is fake must also believe the earth is flat.
Guess the fact that thousands of people have been deplatformed, demonetised, abused and assaulted for having a non main stream opinion has passed your attention.
Thin end of the wedge. AJ today OffG tomorrow.
Censorship is coming Alex Jones or not.
He is targeted due to the size of his audience and the veracity of its message.
Maybe, but he sure is convenient to those wanting to censor us.
Speakng the truth is not an inconvenience..
But if you only speak a “truth” that is over the top sensationalistic, that sounds lunatic, that uses the most hyperbolic language possible, Al is exactly correct that makes you seem like a nutter, someone to be ignored and ridiculed. THAT is how our owners do this. They repeat endlessly things that sound crazy, and those who are smug enough to listen to only the crazy part can then dismiss the substance behind the sensational. That then makes it extremely difficult for those of us who are trying to use “reasonable language” and fact to debunk the media lies to get through.
People no longer know how to make real arguments, they only hear the tone of those arguments, and when that tone is hyperbolic in the extreme, it makes it very easy to dismiss, particularly for the “educated” and “reasonable” mind of our now unbelievably arrogant educated class (who have also been trained very well to think they have all the answers that “everyone already knows” so why even argue anything at all that is “officially pronounced?”). So, in that respect yes, AJ is making it very easy for those we are trying to reach to censor us, since all they hear is the shrieking and not the logical point behind it. Is AJ himself in on it? Who knows. Does that even matter anymore? I don’t think so, but again, who in hell really knows. But for those of us trying to defend freedom of speech, the Alex Jones’ of the world don’t help us by using the tactics they use. IMHO.
That said, I do not believe he or anyone else should be censored, period. While we can question the right to outright lie, we should also be allowed to judge whether something is a lie or not for ourselves.
“…our owners…” ? Hey, speak for yourself!
“Covid-19 becomes pedophilia becomes 9/11 becomes the moon landings becomes the earth is flat. Then those that believe Covid-19 is fake must also believe the earth is flat.”
Exactly. IMO, it’s likely, following the U.S. NDAA 2013 extension authorizing domestic propaganda, that flat earth, moon hoax, etc. have been elevated in the discourse specifically by ICs in order to conflate them all for a general defamation, and in general, also to study characteristics public gullibility. A big tell for me is how sophisticated I’ve seen the flat-earth theories can be.
Funny how that defamation doesn’t apply to the conspiracy theories known as Trump-Russia collusion and the January 6 “coup”.
Blaming AJ for what other people say about him is not a very strong argument. If you want to take issue with what he himself says, that’s an entirely different matter, or course. But AJ has no control over what his enemies might say about him. Slander campaigns can easily be orchestrated by the Illuminati too, you know.
Albert I find you quite a reasonable individual. Now let’s see who’s also not on our side but roaming around here as well.
Did you really write that?
Yes Paul. I fuckn’ did
Calm down Theo, you may morph into Alex Jones!
What is it Paul. Something about free speech bothering you?
You may be onto something there that requires further investigation.
Will leave it with you.
Have a great weekend..
You too Paul
Please explain how a 120 pound wimp could carry 100’s of pounds of weaponry into a school that had been closed for over two years.
I’ve never been a fan of Alex Jones, but being wrong shouldn’t be legally reserved for oligarchs and corporate racketeers. Mr Jones wasn’t the only one to call bullshit on this obvious psyop.
Nobody ever tackles these shooters when they are changing magazines. Their guns never jam.
He didn’t he took an AR15 and two hand guns into the school – a Glock 10 mm and a Sig Sauer 9 mm + ammunition. He left a shot gun in his car. Even a 120 pound wimp could carry three guns so where did you get 100’s of pounds of weaponry….. Jame Fetzer?
Do some research and you will find he used three guns and you don’t have to be Jesse Ventura in predator to carry out a mass murder.
As for the school being closed
You just want to believe it was all faked along with 25 other fuckwits here.
…- Why’d he do that, again?…
Hello Derek: Thanks for the heads up. I wasn’t familiar with Mr Fetzers, ah, situation. Like many other “conspiracy theorists” seems he hit some nerves.
James Fetzer – Show Trial: Alex Jones’ Case wasn’t Decided on its Merits –
Erm… Mr. Fetzer was not the only person questioning the “official” story. >
33 Unanswered Questions About Sandy Hook – Unsolved Mysteries Endure – Stillness in the Storm
“4. How did John Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas with a lot of activity occurring there at the time), who was CEO of the local Newton bank, start a victims’ fund on the same day so quickly after the event, after receiving in his words “countless requests” to do so? Is it just a coincidence that Trentacosta was also a member of a new council of the New York Federal Reserve, the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council?”
The school was demolished shortly after the incident. Why? New school cost was around $50 million… Etc.
Alex Jones “Independent Media”?… That’s funny. I though we were saving the gags for the meme of the month section.
Yes, you’re missing the point quite successfully here. It’s how this precedent will be leveraged by TPTB, using their classification of what indie journalism is, not yours. If Jones is controlled this makes no difference from their POV, does it. In fact, one might argue under such circumstances it would be quite logical if he were controlled, wouldn’t it? XD But either way it makes no difference here on in. Do you get it? A2
We are all media. We have no obligation to listen to anyone else’s story. Try and control that.
The first amendment should have had him covered if the trail was real. Lets not all pretend how AJ could be this and that, its quite clear. Next we will be talking about if covid was real again.
Many would argue that the trial was ‘real’ in a very important sense, perhaps the only sense that mattered. It set a precedent in the public’s mind, it was super clear, as if spelling it out for the idiots at the back, that the first amendment is not a protected right any more. This has been the case for a good while, but this is one of the most blatant examples to date, they are really driving this message home. A2
I think what’s missed here is that TPTB are the powers at this stage. They set Jones up and then pulled the plug (sans details). It’s that simple. They did the same with Oswald and Sirhan Bishara Sirhan and any trace of others like Jack Ruby and James Earl Ray, etc. etc.
Anyone who’s followed how the US works in the world or read Iain Davis’s latest work about rules based governance and power that circumvents it, should now that the purpose of AJ is to provide a foreshadowing of raw power and how you are not safe anywhere from its presence. Precidence is not set or unset under these conditions.
Assange is another case of what happens. We live under a system that has circumvented “constitutions” and international and federal law. Much of this is done under a state of emergency. This is what we were born into. It’s not natural, but its opposite.
Whatever you get out of the system has a heavy price.
Many would ague that Pfizer is looking out for them and trust worthy. Are we really going to have this debate of whether AJ is independant and for the people? Next we will be saying David Icke or Jimmy Corbett is a straight shooter.
Yes Sam, we do get it
I HATE Alex Jones, but the precedent this sets is dangerous.
“I disagree with what you say but I fight for your right to say it” — Voltaire.
I think locking up Julian Assange for 12 fucking years is the precedent set by the west and Jones being sued in a civil case is nothing to do with fucking censorship, it’s about the pain he caused by claiming 20 little kids weren’t fucking murdered.
You will notice its only schools these so called crazed shooters target. Never parliament house, were there are many more reasons for a crazed shooter to be.
Anyway, why am I talking to “the shepherd”. Your tone has changed in resent months. Is this character now being managed by a new member of tavistock?
He was convicted on the grounds of spreading “misinformation.”
Re: Sandy Hook shooter, I saw it mentioned only once, but he, Adam Lanza, was quickly buzzed into the building by a school staff member who recognized him, a former student there. The employee didn’t think to look to see if he was carrying a weapon. In other cases one hears about security doors “left open,” or a father leaving a gun unsecured so his unstable high school aged son is able to commit mass murder.
It’s like the jail cell camera ‘broke’ right before Jeffery Epstein — ahem! — committed suicide.
They had a feeling he was going to talk… You know, that should be a lesson for anyone looking to be a whore to TPTB
Hyde park corner, reminds of the 70’s-80,s re: Britain UK who gives a monkey’s about this Jones, there’s too much bullhorning a cross the board on social media. You are free to say what you want, just don’t be an in your face loud gobshite.
TV net Whatever! This WE are One is total rubbish.
In that sense I agree with this Jenkins. The Main Question for me has always been Why are People soo Obsessed with the News-paper, 6pm 9pm and News at Ten.
That Thing isn’t “Free Speach”.
Alt- media? What is THAT?
BOLLOCKS, You are on The Internet!
Get a bloody Grip!
Thank You
“You are free to say what you want”
I will file you under “not upto date with current affairs”
file under “disinfo troll”.
You know what, Go fuck Yourself!
alex jones
all these turds are shills, controlled opposition
anyone with a following more that a few hundred is controlled
there is nobody on your side
controlled opposition
bill cooper
controlled oppsotistion
no one speaks for the slaves
slaves don’t need a voice
slaves just need to obey
“Agent Smith keep them sufficiently demoralised”
“OK Sir – Oi – slaves – look over here – look – this ridiculous texan conspiracist is getting fined a billion dollars; yeah that’s right you’re losing your rights, ‘cos of this burger eating godless moron who’s screamed fear into your hearts for 20 years and broadcast the accepted conspiracy”
”Job done Sir, the morons ate it up, they’re demoralised, they think they’re losing their freedom to speak”
”Ha ha ha, idiots, as if we ever had that power”
”I know Sir, they’re so easy to fool, what’s our next job, Sir?”
The punishment for runaway slaves from the plantations in Southern states of America was 500 lashes.
Apparently, this was a standardised tariff.
Obviously an attempt at setting a punishment way above what could be tolerated by an average person.
Clearly a warning for the proles to get their noses out of the big boy’s game.
The weird thing is that this is obviously going to be overturned as it is so ridiculous
What, then, is the purpose of setting such a penalty?
It was a phony trial to scare people from questioning the official narrative
US use to have an ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) that would have supported Jones in the past. But Operation Russia-gate and Operation Covid put the virtual nail in their coffin. It’s all wokism now.
Elon Muskva [sic] should bail him out. What’s a billion between friends?
When will we start suing all of these dumb assholes on TV and media for lying us into damaging the population with the ducking clot shots
Ep. 2219 The Absurd Alex Jones Trials
There is an easy way round this. Anonymous journalism. If Assange had kept himself anonymous he would be free still. Publish with an alias, use the blockchain. You can’t fine someone you can’t identify.
But the reputation of an anonymous whistleblower is hard to pin down.
People don’t trust anonymity, just as some of us here on OffG don’t trust each other…
The freedom to use the language of a deranged teenager is sort of nice at times, but if one’s friends and relatives knew about one’s alter ego…
So, if Assange had been called MVV the Whistleblower, for example, he would surely have been shrugged off as a joke from the start.
Off topic but ….
Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane – possibly most famous for playing Hagrid in Harry Potter – has died. No mention yet of the cause. Whilst trying to find out more I noted this curious comment at the top of his Wikipedia page:
Info wars?
Don’t use wikipedia use
Hey, Wilhelm, thank you for that. I didn’t know it.
Why was it made so obvious?
Sandy Hook: Robbie Parker’s CNN press conference (full)
i’m no psychologist but I’ve been in stressful situations and, let me tell you, you don’t act like you think you will.
It is clear that people lost children.
It is not clear how you will react.
I hope to God you never have to find out for real.
Actions, in this case facial body language, speak louder than words.
People don’t have the right to free speech; people do have the right to free life. And until the latter is understood and asked for; you just hammer your head on a wall of stone.
Speech comes with attachements, offence, comfort, indifference. When you speak you take your chances; and you pay for them and are paid for them.
Every relationship; now; has been financialised. And that is what is destroying the soul of every single one of us.
P.s. So called alzheimers is caused by the western diet.
And; there is no such thing as mental illness; it’s just social isolation caused by relationships throughout a society based on financialisation.
Find out about the elderly outside the West. Dementia exists everywhere.
Alex Jones frequently falls right into the “too much” territory discrediting himself and the Conspiracy Realists community… as if he was payed to do so…
Amazing what ppl write about Alex Jones.
More truth comes out of Infowars than it does the MSM.
Not denying it
So true! Even if 50% of what AJ says is false, that’s still 100% better than the MSM’s batting average.
They also going to have to go after Florida and Alberta
Obvious question here: so why does OffG now moderate so many comments?
If you want to be taken seriously you have to walk the walk.
We are taken seriously. 🙂 A lot of alt. medi is taken far more seriously than many would care to acknowledge. I suppose the counter question is, are you taken significantly more seriously to qualify your offhand (and rather smug may I say) admonishment as legitimate criticism? Or perhaps you think you’re talking to a bunch of fools? I admit I’m struggling to get my head around what you’re aiming for, other than being simply disparaging in a sort of petty, playground way. A2
In support of what you said of the alt media: