Voodoo Vaccine
Todd Hayen

“Voodoo Vaccine” seemed like a catchy title, but a more apt title for this article would be something like, “How the Covid Vaccine is More Like Superstition Than Science.”
Voodoo has a superstition basis, so this title works as well. So, what is voodoo, or superstition, and how is the Covid vaccine, its reverence, its effect, the fear that it is supposed to assuage and the relationship between the people pushing it, and the people taking it superstitious?
The word around town is that the fancy named third booster, the Bivalent booster for BA.4 and BA.5, is not being received all that well. There is also a “third shot” that is different than the “third booster”—don’t ask me how, but apparently is best taken by those who are immunocompromised.
For a virus that is rumored not even to exist, and/or been accurately isolated, they sure do know details about the pesky little thing.
I am no scientist (woo hoo) so obviously I cannot comment on the genius minds that put all this stuff together, but gosh dang it is like stuff you’d see a wizard do, it is so complicated and magical.
That comment is probably closer to the truth than not. Now, I am sure the minds that put all this together are indeed brilliant. And I am sure there is a boatload of science in all of this.
But hell, the damn things don’t even work, and they sure as hell are dangerous (if you talk to the right people) so why are so many people taking them, one after the other?
Yes, it is true the mad fervor for the latest jab is waning. But a lot of people are still yakking on Facebook about getting them, “I have an appointment to get the latest super booster! I am so excited!” “Me too!! Yahoo!!”
And of course there is a plethora of arm selfies with two, not one, little round Band-Aids covering the booster entry as well as the annual flu jab. Yahoo indeed! Double your money folks!
It reminds me of the good ol’ days when teenaged girls were blubbering on their pink princess phones about some current heartthrob they got an autographed picture from. Screams and giggles.
What is this crap?
The people that seem totally mesmerized by all of this and are frantic to get in line for the latest jab are the true believers. But I think there are still many who would act the same if the propaganda machine starting spitting out the usual hockey-poo.
I have a very close shrew friend who is a freedom fighter. He says Covid is dead, that even if the authorities scared the bejesus out of the general public again, few would take any new poke they laid on us.
I’m not so sure.
Actually, how much do any of us know these days about stuff we put into our body to ward off the evil spirits of disease? With all the science out there, who in the common pool of educated human beings really know the scientific mechanism of pharmaceuticals, or even anything about the diseases they treat?
Not me, said the flea. So for the most part we are relying on hocus-pocus at best.
Yeah, the guy/gal in the white coat said it works, so what the hell. I just know if I refused it because of some remote chance there was an unpleasant side effect that would get me, I would be worried all day and night about the boogey man it was supposed to ward off. Better just take the meds.
Doesn’t a rabbit’s foot do the same thing, ward off boogey men? Oh, right, but that isn’t science. The medicine is science. Right…science.
People have been taking antidepressants for years believing in the science and the white coat wizard writing the prescription. And look where that got us.
Hey, I have nothing against lucky charms. But if you are going to rely on that stuff pick a charm that doesn’t cause any harm. I don’t think a rabbit’s foot has side effects, antidepressants do.
But I digress. Let’s talk about voodoo.
Voodoo is a specialized form of science, oops, I mean religion, that is practiced in a variety of locations around the world. Known primarily in Africa and parts of the Caribbean and South America (as well as the southern USA), it relies on a lot of strange (to a non-voodooer) rituals and practices.
It would be safe to say that the custom of voodoo relies heavily on superstition—defined usually as an “irrational” belief. I would refine that a bit and leave the “irrational” out of it and just say superstition is a belief that is usually found outside the realm of materiality.
So what does that mean?
Well, I would venture to say that taking a vaccine that has shown to do very little of what it is trumped up to do and is in fact quite dangerous at the same time it is touted to be “safe and effective,” borders on superstition. And it certainly is treated by the people taking it as having magical powers. Very few vaccinated folks know how it does what it is supposed to do, even in a very elementary way.
Fewer still are adequately informed about its safety and efficacy (isn’t that called “informed consent”?). Yet it is gobbled up like cotton candy on a hot afternoon at the county fair.
If people just took it and shut up about it that would be one thing. But they don’t. They dance about it, sing about it, give high fives about it, take pictures of it, dream about it, maybe even have orgasms about it (I wouldn’t be surprised).
It is the thing to do, like having a Pet Rock in the ‘70s. This is voodoo.
I used to travel a lot, before my un-vaxxed status ended that (oh, happy, happy, joy, joy, they are again allowing me on a plane!). Years ago I was obsessed about getting all jabbed up for my trips. I would find a special travel doctor and get a list of CDC recommended medications and vaccines specially aligned with whatever strange primitive country I was going to that still grew amongst its primitive population various weird outer-space-type diseases.
This was fun. I felt responsible, intelligent, and all properly voodoo-ized for my trip. “No weird outer space invader type critter is going to get into MY veins, no sir-ee.”
Did I know anything about any of these diseases? Or how to naturally prevent them from wreaking havoc on my helpless unhealthy body? Nope. I had the crucifix around my neck and a silver bullet in my pocket. Ain’t no fleas on me, I was protected.
Peace of mind. Yeah, that’s what they call it. Peace of mind. Rub that rabbit’s foot in your pocket and get the mark, the “shot card,” the “proof of Covid vaccination,” no problem at all. Side effects? Never heard of ‘em.
What a world.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Coronaviruses are lipid-encapsulated, single-strand, positive sense RNA viruses. Now, RNA is far less stable than DNA & every virion is manufactured in the individual host’s body, so Coronaviruses mutate constantly. Two people infected with the same virus are unlikely to produce virions with identical genomes, that’s how Coronaviruses have lasted so long, they’ve been around for a millennium, at least, they mutate & reinfect people who’ve been infected with an earlier variant of the virus.
This means a vaccine to inoculate against a Coronavirus is a complete scientific impossibility. You’d get vaccinated & 2 days later, a mutated variant can infect you & the variant that everyone is inoculated against becomes extinct. You might as well take a picture of a cloud, then try to locate the cloud, using that picture, an hour later (on a windy day).
Instead of a vaccine, Big Pharma came up with a drug that produces an antibody response by making cells in your body appear to be infected, the body develops antibodies & all the cells that have appeared to be infected are killed, no matter where they are in your body, every one of them will be destroyed.
Antibody response is the last line of defence against infection in the body, most infections never produce an antibody response, they are eliminated by the innate immune system, billions of lymphocytes in a million different forms, designed to have one that’s just right to kill whatever has turned up. The dead virion will be presented to the lymph nodes, which will remember that virus & if it reappears, will produce the lymphocite best suited to killing it.
Vaccines work, one person was found to be immune 70 years after having an inoculation, no 2nd dose or boosters are really required but the mRNA shots are not vaccines, they are gene & cell therapy, they didn’t work in 1984, when first trialled & they still don’t but just like in ’84, they are “too toxic for multi-dose treatments.
Ironically, the immunocompromised & the elderly are the last people who can benefit from vaccines, even real ones, their immune response is weak, so their reaction to inoculation is also weak, this is evidenced by the failure of annual flu shots to have much effect on infections & deaths, during the annual flu season.
Every year, a few weeks before flu season, Coronavirus season starts & every year it randomly kills some sick & elderly people, because nobody dies of old age & every year, this will continue, for ever, probably.
FUCKING ANTIVAXXERS…they need a good kick in their damn ass and a good bonk on their head maybe their mind returns…
How dare you!
Anyone who uses the term “antivaxxer” is a retard.
What a stupid bullshit, FUCK OFF, off-guardian!!!!!!
Well-monikered, Jeff, you might try to master English before embarrassing yourself, in the future. That or take your own advice & well, fuck off.
For particular at-risk groups, such as people over 75, the obese, people with diabetes or COPD, etc., the reduction in disease severity provided by the covid “vaccines” is a no-brainer.
It’s not “voodoo” to decide that, since you’re 75, overweight and alcoholic, you should take a drug that reduces your chance of death if you catch covid by 90%.
However, I agree with the writer that most people seem to be making emotional decisions about the vax, not rational ones. This is similar to (most) people’s emotional decisions about climate change, Darwinism, etc. There is no person these days who is more fanatically religious than an atheistic, vegan, Tesla-driving, BLM-addicted, trans-friendly leftist.
Face it: people are not rational. Most of them are emotional, irrational, impulsive, lazy and impatient. This is why advertising works, and why propaganda works. (Advertising is merely economic/consumerist propaganda.)
Ok people are not rational… fine. But the only way I can make a “rational” decision about taking a drug is if I have the PHD, the staff, the budget and the talent to make it myself… in this day in age… Why trust an authority that is constantly sending us to our perish. If you’re not qualified yourself, why do you believe the things you just said? Why do you simply trust what you heard in mainstream. Are you being emotional? Cuz you’re not being rational, sorry.
There are several different types of Covid vaccine with widely different properties. This makes discussion difficult. For example, a lot of people (probably English) refer to the vaccine as the ‘clot shot’ because of some side effects of the early (?) AstraZenica vaccine. We in the US don’t have access to this vaccine, the ones on offer here are Pfizer. Moderna and (quite rarely now) Johnson and Johnson, the later being a non mRNA type. I have a relative that lives in Argentina and her vaccine was Sputnik, the Russian one.
As for the virus not been seen or isolated, that’s flat out not true. Viruses are mostly very small so you can’t see them with an optical microscope, you have to use different tools. But then we’re all familiar semiconductors; many — most — of these have structures that are too small to see with an optical microscope. We have the tools to not just see these structures but build them — mass produce them. (Compared to a microelectronic structure a virus is huge, BTW.) I am confident that people who work with viruses not only know what they look like but know how they work. Its complex so it might appear to be a form of magic, but then computers are magic to most people too.
The “vaccine,” or whatever it is, is not medically necessary for “Covid,” or whatever it is.
There is no legitimate reason whatsoever for anyone, of any age or background, to take any of these so called “vaccines.”
True. Covid 19 is the ‘flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma. Vaccines can never do any good whatsoever against the ‘flu or indeed against anything. I explain what the ‘flu is on my site.
Lmao. Bacteriophages have been isolated and shown to exist with electron microscopes. These are way smaller than imaginary viruses
Youre delusional
Bacteriophages are viruses, in fact. Every living thing, including Bacteria, have viruses, in fact the first virus ever discovered was a plant virus.
All vaccines ever are, were and will be utterly pointless. Unless you are big pharma and like money of course.
But they do also cause harm and sometimes death. This is what poisons do.
Of course there may only be saline in the vials as no one can tell which testing each one.
The virus is, if anything, the exosome, part of the bodies own defense system, otherwise it is the various toxins in the environment, food air and water..
And vaccines and most big pharma drugs.
Well, Martin, it’s quite telling that you mostly differentiated the fake vaccines by their side-effects, which have, of course, killed & maimed huge numbers of people. Individual Coronavirus virions are as small as 0.04 microns, making the wearing of masks with 10 micron breathing pores & 2,500 micron gaps at the side an absolute joke. Virions can be detected via electron microscopy but not identified. That requires sequencing the genome & I haven’t seen any real evidence that that has been done. At this stage, it’s irrelevant, too much of what we’ve been told has proven to be untrue, nobody can trust any of those responsible, ever again
Are you saying that atheist and vegan ect. are all in a hive mind? I could make that same generalization about racist fanatic christians who believe in some invisible sky daddy. Yeah religion never inspired people to act on their EMOTIONS. By the way, there are some medical professionals that do not think that the hot shots are good for anyone no matter what their age.
Atheists are blind fools who can’t see for looking. Can an atom in a body see the whole body? No of course not. Do get a grip.
Vegan is fine, but not essential. the trouble is food has been poisoned by the Nazis in numerous ways, whilst the Marxists have been poisoning the mind.
And both came out of Germany originally. I believe Germany has been slightly problematical in more recent years.
And there is no such thing a racist as we are all part of the human race.
Here’s one more example of what OffG’s readership has already discerned: namely, that the benefits of the “vaccine” are a voodoo induced euphoria; whereas the real effect are anything but beneficial.
Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Oh dear. That’s the effects of neuro-toxicity I suppose. They were blinded in mind and spirit to take the vaccine and now it seems they are physically blinded too. Very sad.
Philosophically, IF one believes in VIRUSES, THEN they have to believe in EVOLUTION. They are one and the same: viruses add/subtract genetic information “creating” new viruses, proteins, etc.–virology claims they are constantly mutating. Thus, if one believes in viruses they are inherently believing that a created thing can create (sorry Descarte), no immovable mover (sorry Aquinas), and that a rock (aka molten lava, aka primordial soup) given enough time will turn into a human being.
How can you possibly reason with anyone who holds such irrational beliefs? Logic left “science” long ago. The search of truth has been replaced by emotional manipulation. People no longer use in conversation, “I think…” rather they substatiate their claims by “I feel…” (again, sorry Descarte). Society has traded the God revealed in the Bible for other false gods. One religion, for another–the opposite. Instead of God of truth? We have god of lies. Instead of God of love? We have fear. Instead of the God who is: united, logical, peaceful, free, provider, sound-minded, and slow to anger? We are increasingly becoming more divided, illogical, chaotic (*side rant: climate change? Another undefinable term. People, I’m biochemist AND meteorologist. Fyi, storms are result of difference in temps–delta t–NOT by a rise in global temps–no delta t! One of many problems), hateful, slaves, hungry, crazy and violent.
But not to worry, we’re told. Fear is merely a vessel. A proverbial train to a promise land of everlasting utopia. Tickets are purchased by injections. All aboard! Delicious snacks of crickets and other bugs will be served for free! On board entertainment will be hairy chested drag queens. Make sure to sit according to your race! This train also comes with its own doctors who in order to protect life will kill any of your babies free of charge!
My two cents and contribution to off-g rant;).
What a rambling mess. It does not follow at all that if viruses evolve (which they clearly do, as do all replicating organisms) that they must eventually “turn into a human being.” Who says they won’t turn into little green men, instead? Have you not heard of (or imagined) local maxima? Try again.
Mutate into what exactly? Evolution states a rock will turn into a human. Have you not heard of primordial soup, aka molten lava? A created thing can not create. Try and come up with something that doest exist? You can’t. So what would a virus mutate into? Fact is there are no viruses, one God who is creator, its the only way to logically explain your existence. You think, therefore you are. You can conceive if a creator God and since you’re a created being who cannot create anything new, God must be. –Descarte.
“What a rambling mess” –right back at you, babe;).
Worth more than two cents in my book. The viruses are probably the exosome, part of the body’s defense system which I explain on my site, otherwise they are chemical poisons. The truth on the matter is confused by evolutionary theory which is a load of rubbish to put politely..
Amen. Well put, Todd! I think you hit the nail on the head.
Medicine men thrived also on the placebo effect in their clients’ brains. A bit of waiting also helped: if a body cures itself after 2 weeks just claim that your medicine did it and collect the gratitude. Deaths after ‘treatment’ are inconvenient and should be hushed up.
Some modern medicine does work: antibiotics for example, to stop a fast spreading infection in an unhealthy person. Obviously a healthy lifestyle can prevent a lot.
Antibiotics are not the invention of modern medicine. Nature has provided people with penicillin and aspirin and many others.
The use of penicillin as an antibiotic is called “medicine.” Your statement is therefore nonsense. No one claims that penicillin was synthesized rather than discovered. Your statement is like claiming that F = MA is “not physics” because “Newton did not create gravity.”
God, there’s an awful lot of cranks on this site.
Placebo comment well made. Antibiotics work on bacteria but nothing else.
I would add that most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and ultimately harmful. vaccines, all vaccines ever, are utterly pointless at best..
“must read” article
I am sad about the damage that has been done to the concept of science recently. I am a scientist, and there are many wonderful people doing great research, but calling the recent shenanigans “science” has done irreparable harm in the everyday person’s mind to the reputation of a valuable and necessary activity for our society. Let’s not conflate the two.
Scientist in what field?
Science is now subsidiary to narrative & this is reflected in research methods which start out with a conclusion, then torture the data til it screams out the required answer. Science, in fact, no longer proceeds using the scientific method.
The only thing you need to be frightened of is people start dropping dead in front of you from some virus.
Deaths from covid were mostly in the old and according to the CDC, 95% had 4 other serious diseases. Pfizer only did 4% of testing in the over 70s and none on people with serious diseases. Doubtful the vaccine did anything.
There were NO deaths “from COVID”. COVID as a definable new disease does not exist. It’s just a new name given to the symptom cluster previously called by numerous names including the flu. It’s a scam, nothing more
I agree, just for the sake of explaining what testing was done.
The clue was the unbelievable worldwide disappearance of influenza. The conspirators tried claiming that this was solely due to their “measures”.
So a paper or cloth mask, which no one in their right mind would wear for the removal of asbestos, worked a treat on a virus that was 5000 times smaller than asbestos.
Thanks to a never ending psycho ops campaign, the renaming worked a treat.
Staff in operating theaters do not have to wear masks- this was based on the Cochrane report that found masks have no effect.
Yes, I’m astounded to see people still wearing masks, especially cloth masks, which literally do nothing and may be a net negative (due to Peltzman effect AKA risk compensation.)
Why is it difficult to believe that when people stay home and isolate in order to avoid catching covid, they also don’t catch the flu?
This seems obvious to me.
In “normal” years, something like 20% of people catch flu every year. In 2020 it was less than 1%. This is based on testing of respiratory samples, not some “conspiracy.”
News flash: since they’re both respiratory viruses, what impedes transmission of one likely impedes transmission of the other. Avoiding people, esp indoors, does a better job of this than just about anything else. It is nearly impossible to transmit covid (or the flu) to anyone outside. This is one reason why flu cases go up in winter: more people are crowding together indoors.
Which single “flu virus” do we “catch” exactly? No doubt you’re aware microorganisms are said to outnumber our own cells 10:1. We’re literally covered with millions and millions. If they were the cause of illness and wanted us dead, we’d be dead. Good grief, isolation…how you going to isolate when you’re covered in this? Bet you think the trees “catch” a virus and loose their leaves every year too? There’s as much proof of viruses as there is for unicorns causing illness. Learn a little.
Lol there is no CATCHING anything. Your body does a cyclical detox – there are no invaders making you ill. Did you still not figure this out?!
Well said. No infectious diseases at all. It took until I was 60 years old in 2020 to see this when some one made a comment on YouTube. I researched eventually, realizing I had been fooled by appearances and deception by liars and fools.
One can pass on fungal spores and bacteria if one is not careful, but even then the individual’s immune system status is key to how the body reacts.
People didn’t stay isolated though, did they? They drove, they took public transport, they shopped. It’s highly likely that, once infected with influenza, you will become infected with other viruses, it’s very common. If you test someone for Sars02 (not that you actually can) & they later die from influenza, they’ll be counted as a “Covid victim”, so the disappearance of the flu is very suspicious.
Well said. I find it unbelievable that people could be so dumb to think that the ‘flu ‘going’ and Covid 19 ‘arriving’ was mere coincidence.
Of course renaming has been going on for decades. All the types of ‘flu for example.
A scam certainly, but also a wake up call to the wise to start looking at everything they have been taught and re-examine it critically.
As regards “Doubtful the vaccine did anything”. It has harmed people and killed a few at least. How many difficult to truly ascertain.
And it has made exceedingly large amounts of money for big pharma etc.
I think the delivery method may be a little overstated. https://www.science.org/content/article/researchers-turn-mosquitoes-flying-vaccinators
I look at my insulin injections now like,” How easy it could be to slip me a few nanites.” Would I even know? Only the people that are out of the experiment could possibly tell without bias. Should we be wary of EVERYTHING that we put into our bodies?
As you can see the real weapon here protecting these narratives is the cognitive dissonance that is created in pursuit of answering even some of the most basic questions-“Do I take my life saving insulin?” of coarse I do, but should I not learn everything I am capable of now that I am dependent on this “mystery serum”. You would think so(and I do), but that isn’t the general consensus out there. “If it drags me away from my stimulation I dare not pursue it.”
The purple pill becomes more tempting with every consideration, or I guess turning into a tinfoil hat wearing prepper living off the grid, raising pigs for insulin(and BACON!), and trying to stay away from the zombies as much as possible. Can we do both? Probably not…
That’s what worries me about Iceland’s new announcement recommending those travelling abroad to get a polio jab, because a couple of people in New York and London seem to have got the disease from having less-than-optimal personal hygiene…
It looks to me as if they sense that people are not too keen on a 9th or 10th covid jab, so they’ll get them with a polio shot instead, since everybody knows that polio shots are ‘safe and effective’…
They want us all jabbed, or dead, or both…
My quick answer to your question is that we should, indeed, be wary of EVERYTHING that we put into our bodies, but it’s far too difficult to assess exactly what is in these damn jabs.
One can of course buy a microscope, but the magnification of optical microscopes is more limited than one might think at first, and electron microscopes (available, even used ones, on eBay) are prohibitively expensive and extremely complicated to install and house safely.
We certainly have a problem, Beanz.
I, too, am wary of everything (but then, being a dyed-in-the-wool hypochondriac, I’ve always been). But at the same time I realize I’m playing right into their hands.
All they really want from us is to be afraid, be very afraid, OF THEM. Ascribe super-human powers to them. Believe they can zap us six ways to Sunday and they say “Gotcha!”
So they can zap us: food, drink, medicine, even clothing, appliances (smart appliances), shelter. What else is new? They’ve always been able to zap the people. As long as they exist, and people need their services, they will always have that hold on us.
An asteroid could crash into the Earth; an earthquake could strike; or a tornado. Or an ass hole could poison something we use. It’s part of life.
Which is why I’ve never been an optimist.
People get polio from “less than optimal hygiene”? And it it is a coincidence that a certain jab can be repurposed to prevent polio?
No, it is far more likely that polio came from (a) the covid jabs or (b) bio-terrorism in the service of capital.
Re polio, could be jabs or bio-terrorism. Or something in the water, fluoride for example. Or they made it up. Or vitamin D deficiency as this looks suspiciously similar.
Well said. Of course no shots were safe or effective ever, except at making money for big pharma. I sometimes wonder why some people like being shot? I suppose some people like the Adrenalin kick from Russian roulette. Poor things.
Polio inoculation on adults is a complete waste of time. If you don’t catch it by adolescence, you’re unlikely to.
The most unfortunate thing this has all taught me is that in order to function in a community based culture you do need to trust SOME things. Your insulin injection is such a good example…you trust, as I do, that Pharma isn’t going to try to experiment on you or even kill you with insulin…this sort of trust has always been taken for granted. And even bigger trusts, such as trusting our government not to kill us…all of that is dissolving now (trust in doctors…ha….just announced this week in Ontario that if a patient refuses the Covid jab the doctor is to refer them to a psychologist/psychiatrist or put them on psychotropic drugs…refusing this vaccine is now identified as a mental illness in Ontario)
really ..? link would be nice.
As this sounds similar to them basically refusing you treatment if you dont do xyz
If a doctor tries to force a patient to have a Covid jab the doctor should be referred to a psychologist/psychiatrist as they are clearly barking mad.
Psychotropic drugs are neuro-toxic like most big pharma drugs and will do nobody any good.
Justin Trudeau’s official home is in Ontario. He has allegedly had the vaccines, probably just saline. But he is mentally ill or worse.
You say “Should we be wary of EVERYTHING that we put into our bodies?”.
Yes indeed. You have referred to bacon. I ate bacon which had sodium nitrite (E250) in it as a preservative (but not at all necessary). E250 is neuro-toxic and has ultimately been responsible for the facial palsy I have had since 2018.
Remember this lot?…
Don’t take the booster – take this incredibly expensive Israeli teeatment instead! Think they might just be controlled opposition?…..
America’s Frontline Doctors @AFLDSorg
The Trusted Name for Independent Information
AFLD far better than the government in the USA which is certainly sold out to big pharma.
Everything is being controlled, all is going to plan. We are all part of the final act of the pantomime. I am rather enjoying it all despite the many fools who wear masks when they don’t need to, worship the vaccine etc. etc.
Oh aye take ‘The Shot’ Better not!
Always wise to an earner / a man with a Bunsen burner
Made up a good story / that covered him in glory
We’ve all been taken in / by Mr Medi-sin
The shot has made us ill / just like his magic pill
Now we need some new shots / must have the latest version
If we get them we’ll be free / I think that’s called coercion
A shiny new passport too / won’t that be a plus?
It’s only a little chip / stop making such a fuss
Immune suppression / a monstrous profession
The spectrum or big C / the shot is never free
Take the shot, Take the shot, Take the shot, Take the shot
Better not, better not, take the shot
Are we free or are we not?
We can see what’s going on
Let us not fall one by one
Kill the virus and stop climate change – turn off the TV.
(and the radio…)
“Voodoo Vaccine”
– it doesn’t stop the infection.
– it doesn’t stop the transmission.
and it doesn’t seem even to be trying to do either of these things.
so why call it a vaccine?
Comrade GR-Watch, I propose the name: voodooxine
“Vaccine” now only means wealth transfer, has nothing at all to do with health improvements and most definitely is at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to helping public “safety”.
““Vaccine” now only means wealth transfer .. and most definitely [it] is at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to helping public “safety”.”
Great quote. Thanks MattC!
Oh it means more than that. We’re way past following the money. It’s try to follow the genes now… and the deaths
No suvh thing as infection or transmission so what fo you mean? All vaccines are poison so this is a vaccine too
Indeed. Except perhaps that big pharma are not beyond putting saline in some batches as this make more profit. Bit like paying £15 for a sugar cube. Great value for money – not!
Because all vaccines ever have been pointless that’s why. It doesn’t matter much what poison they put in, assuming of course it is poison as saline is cheaper and makes more profit. Gives the appearance of effectiveness, whilst the truly poisonous batch will add to the potential big pharma client base.
if it hasn’t killed them in which case the undertakers will do good business. A win-win for the money men.
Real vaccines don’t stop infection or transmission, either, nothing can do that but inoculation lets the body become familiar with which lympocites are the right ones to fight off a particular virus. However, the immune response can’t actually start until you’re infected.
Everyone who said the fake vaccines could stop infection & transmission was lying or bullshitting. Everyone. That’s basic Virology.
Globally shared voodoo.
Part of the article:
“More and more people in Europe are sick with COVID-19. Yes, again. The main thing about the pandemic from foreign media (October 7)
“In Europe, the incidence of COVID-19 is growing again. Ars Technica and The Guardian write about new waves and problems that did not exist before.[…] At a press briefing on Wednesday, Maria van Kerkhove from the World Health Organization noted that viral genomes are decoded more than 90% less often than at the beginning of the year. Because of this, it is more difficult to monitor different variants of SARS-CoV-2, but, according to her, even the available data cause concern. The virus is evolving and widespread. There is no doubt that there will be new waves of morbidity.[…]The sluggish revaccination complicates the matter.[…]But computer modeling done at Yale University showed that by March 2023 booster doses could have prevented 75,000 deaths and 745,000 hospitalizations in the United States if at least as many people had been vaccinated as from the flu in the 2020-2021 season. …
A variety of influenza viruses disappeared during the pandemic (!! 😯 !!)
In recent years, four groups of influenza viruses have been circulating among people: two — influenza A (H1N1, H3N2) and two — influenza B. One of them, B/Yamagata, has not been caught by scientists since April 2020. It’s probably because of the restrictive measures that were introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now researchers are trying to understand whether the viruses of the B/Yamagata line have died out or are hiding somewhere. Ars Technica writes about this.
According to the researchers who checked the databases, it is necessary to search more carefully for B/Yamagata, and WHO should determine the criteria by which the viral line can be recognized as extinct, and decide what to do in this case.
When the mass vaccination against COVID-19 began, complaints were heard every now and then that women’s menstrual cycle was disrupted due to vaccination. Taking advantage of this, opponents of vaccinations began to intimidate women with speculation about infertility. In a new study, scientists analyzed how vaccinations affect the cycle. The Economist tells about the work.
(+ https :// www)economist.com/science-and-technology/2022/10/05/a-study-allays-fears-that-covid-vaccines-harm-menstrual-cycles
“A study allays fears that covid vaccines harm menstrual cycles. Those swayed by contrary anti-vaxxer propaganda should take note”
In a nutshell: what, quite rightly, the conscious people of the world accept as a power-Science-Media crime against humanity, through a huge lie – about which billions of articles and comments have been written – is recognized as a completely true and immutable way of development (for example in the international system of biosecurity) by the Russian authorities, science, business and media. But many people outside Russia – including a vast part of those who have written a total of millions of just posts against the dirty globalist organization WHO – believe in Russia as an enemy of the Western Kabbalah and wholeheartedly support it in the struggle.
Yeah, really. Like the Chinese curse “to live in interesting times.”
And real voodoo magic (which is just its beginning; such global magic is not done just like that)…
Those raving rna reviewers may well be shills and the use of rabbit’s foot charms definitely has a harmful effect on the rabbits.
Locked in his dark workshop, forever,
Trying with endless recipes
To make things opposite flow together.
In a mix of colors, in the glass,
There was the medicine; the patients died.
And who recovered? No one asked.
So he roamed, with his hellish pills
Among the valleys and the hills.
Worse than the plague itself they were.
I myself have poisoned thousands; that’s quite clear.
And now from the withered survivors we must hear
Praise for shameless murderers.—Faust I (unexpurgated version)
Prophetic indeed, as well as being an informative ancient story about shameless murderers.
Could Fauci be the world’s most hated man?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best selling book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.
On October 18, 2022, this movie will be released to the world.
Register to watch it for free.
Fauci wasn’t the problem. The person who hired Fauci was the problem. Of course that was Trump. Trump invited Fauci to attend the first White House Covid meeting then made him a star by putting him on tv for hours on end and deferring to him as if he were a saint. Big Brave Trump later said he declined to fire Fauci because he was afraid “the left” would make a big deal about it.
Re “Trump later said he declined to fire Fauci because he was afraid “the left” would make a big deal about it.”
Yes, and then they wouldn’t take the clot shot perhaps. I believe the left are more in favour than the right.
The bizarre thing is that Trump got the vaccine programme going and the left who hate his guts somehow trust the shots. Truly bizarre.
The voodoo vaxx vendors know that people are suckers for superstition. Count up the times you hear supposedly educated, even learned people chant one of those well known talismans: “fingers crossed” “knock on wood” and “break a leg”. These, plus “good luck” are applicable to getting the vaxx.
Good observation…thank you for posting!
I’m a bit superstitious myself, so I can assure you it cuts both ways. My superstition adds to my observations (based on dozens of articles I’ve read) that the vaxx is pure poison period. It would be extremely my “bad luck” to have an adverse reaction to it.
Superstition isn’t always a hook they can use to get a person to do something against his better interest and judgment.
You could start by referring to it as jab, shot, etc., not vacine, injection or treatment. Even the most common scientific medicines may have ‘adverse” effects. Propaganda, censorship, action against dissident doctors, etc. protects them. This and subverted education is what got billions of people to take the jab – repeatedly, indemnifying the government each time – with no hope of compensation for any harm.
Do the boosters give people a boost. People seem happy enough.
Most of the trusting and desperate public naturally assumed that the term “booster” signified a “boost” to the jab recipient’s personal immunity to whichever Phantom Menace the jab was ostensibly formulated to target.
I suspect that it was an in-house term that leaked out, or was adopted by the Big Pharma marketers as an inside joke. It’s obvious enough that the only “boost” coming from the jabs is to pharmaceutical industry profits.
If the shots contain saline then no problem and ‘hey, I’m great!’.
If they contain poison then its ‘If there is no pain, there is no gain’.
If they go blind, arms/legs become useless then it is ‘At least I’m not dead!’
If they are dead, well, I haven’t heard a dead person exclaim anything yet.
Although I gather they still can vote in the USA (I am from the UK).
I wouldn’t exactly say there’s no benefit at all to the covid “vaccine.” I can’t say if it’s the graphene or some as yet unidentified ingredient…but it seems to make people psychic.
I know several people who got the “vaccine” then came down with “covid” (or so they were told). And every single one of them was absolutely certain they would have “had it much worse” had they not been jabbed.
So there you have it: the jab somehow awakened their incipient psi ability. Now as much as I’d love to be clairvoyant, I don’t think the risk is worth it; so I won’t be getting the jab. But that’s just me.
Has anyone done a study these injections cover a range of illnesses. Just saying from a different angle.
At various levels, the gatekeepers ensure that no inconvenient research sees the light of day, e.g., (a) threat or local relevance of a disease (b) other likely causes of the symptoms or illness, e.g., malnutrition, poisoning or pollution (c) benefit, cost or danger of a new treatment.
You are right, it is impossible to tell if there is any benefit…there actually may be…but considering all the negative aspects to this…not just scientifically, but in the fact that there was so much lying about it all, I also wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccine did absolutely nothing positive…
“I also wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccine did absolutely nothing positive…”
Good. It can’t, it didn’t and it never will do. No vaccine ever did. I used to think they were of some use and then at last researched properly. I changed my mind.
There are psychological aspects in that thinking they do good will remove fear (a major disrupter of the immune system), but unless the shots contain saline as some no doubt do, the shots will only damage the immune-system.
How can a fake vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine have any effect on a fake virus that was completely made up? I think you’re tying yourself in knots. There’s an old saying, “keep it simple stupid – KISS”
It doesn’t hurt now and again to skewer people whimsically. Honest, it really doesn’t.
Yeah, there’s something really weird.
Now imagine that there were about 500 personal and carefully conducted experiments with 500 different people to see if a magnet sticks to the punctured spot. Then, I’m sure once you saw the result, outside of speculative claims and personal opinions, it would have been a lot weirder.
(Or, for example, imagine that you have about 5 times as many of the far easier and not disturbing experiments with macadresses, some of them done in the presence of technologically literate people, even some specialists, outspoken skeptics of the subject, working for years with data transmission networks and other kinds of things. And, imagine all this, the whole idea came to you because of strange, funny and seemingly fake videos from Russia, at first glance, rationally, produced for rating purposes.
Then it could be even weirder.)
Do you claim nanotech is a Russian hoax to discredit the West.
😅 😂
I would argue that, just in case all this “scientific development and know-how did not come primarily from Western-based research centers. But, since that is not the case, I would say that it is a highly shared event of transformation on a global scale.
For most of Covid I have said I have a magic chicken bone necklace that protects me as much as the vaccine
Where could I purchase such a bone necklace
Pfizer are working on it!
Damn! And here I spent all of my disposable cash purchasing a magic rock that keeps tigers away. I learned about it from an old “Simpsons” episode.
No tiger has ever been seen roaming around in Southeastern Pennsylvania, where I live– not even a circus or zoo escapee, to my knowledge.
But I guess I got sucked in by the old “better safe than sorry” reflex. In my defense, it’s a powerful reflex. After all, it turned out to be the flywheel for the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic! 😠
Underestimating the power of the mind can be a distancing strategy by which to limit (awareness of) the mind, so as to SEEM to stand outside, apart in judgements given acceptance as fact.
Superstition is magical thinking by which to ‘make safe’ or mitigate fear of threat given acceptance as fact. So the ‘novel virus’ is already part of an externalisation or projection of unowned, unfaced inner conflict, so as to dump out responsibility as blame, hence the righteous war on viruses, the magical solutions and the willingness to feed such a market mechanism because it ‘makes your safe’ from aspects of your life and self that are unrecognised or excommunicated and denied.
The nocebo component of disease by any means is some reiteration of such denied unconscious fear and guilt. In this sense the curse may be cast be ‘experts say’ or ‘tests show’ or media suggests, but we are the active agent in our own undoing regardless the suggestions or assertions of others.
Human society can be seen to collude in masking over guilt so as to evade penalty, and boost the mask by accusing guilt in the Other. Narrative control is then power struggle by which to set ‘who pays’ The accumulation of toxic debts, guilts and conflicts is a fragmentation to complexity of obfuscation. At some point a mass resistance to necessary change becomes a tectonic shift or breakdown of the apparent order.
The mind in the service of self evasion is ingeniously devious. Its remit is to deny direct awareness or recognition of feared truth, or demonised self or life. This temporary ‘security’ is at cost of healing, but buys more time in which to resolve conflicts that may be too fearful to accept, such as to induce psychosis or breakdown of a capacity to hold a consciousness.
The stories running as to what is happening or about to happen are expressions of narrative identities. If we believe in pathogens, broken genes, demons, or malignant mind control by aliens, then regardless what we think we believe, our reactions will testify to what is in fact active at the moment of being triggered. Watching our mind and emotional react is thus valuable feedback to level of our own mind that are in effect blindsided or running unseen as a result of our ‘story’ or narrative identity.
The covid operation is a naming magic, by which to assert and insinuate fear of contagious and deadly plague against which we had no defences. There is no specific disease or specific ‘pathogenic virus’ outside the invested belief set by emotionally driven reactions – all of which ‘make it real’ by defending against it, be that masking, distancing, or the injections.
The other aspect of any magical solution is that it repackages conflicts or debts in such a way as to seem to generate a credit, asset or virtue to offset guilt & penalty. A temporary ‘escape’ gives way to a plethora of ‘new’ conflicts, or rather the same conflict expressing through more complex and fragmented appearances.
The ‘reset’ running as a top down operation can be seen as setting the conditions by which people lose their spirit and either give up and die or mindlessly comply. while those set to fight are pitted against their own hates or shadow self. Existential threat generates subordination of all else to ‘survival’. But the truth of existence is masked over by invested self-illusion, hence those most deeply invested will automatically align in what appears to be mutual self-interest, while being led to ever more destructive measures as if a means to ‘save’ themselves or their world.
Magical thinking proceeds from wishful or fearful predicates.
Living Thought is a whole in all its parts, such as to operate outside time or space, as synchronicity of recognisable appreciation for being. releasing the ‘mind-control’ is first owning it, which means some willingness to abide its experience, as the condition in which need for truth becomes obvious as the basis for any healing perspective or integrative resolution.
If you do not accept the curse of another as yours, it remains with them as their own conflict to resolve rather than dump out or use others to support a dis-integrity of being.
But if you allow ‘thinking’ to run as your own, without conscious discernment, you are already split or fragmented and susceptible to negative suggestions – often framed as positive defences or actions set against evils and threats.
No one else makes our choices, but while we effectively outsource our freedom to external symbols, we give them power over us. Freedom to discern the specific nature of any situation that arises for us is what meanings we are moved to give that situation.
The mind is not locked down, genes are not fixed determinants, the body is not a limit on our true mind, butonly a living presence can reveal this. Assertive attempts to leverage belief belie the self-lack that feels need to do so. Yielding to presence or the true movement of our being is not so much an act that we can ‘do’ as a recognition of active blocks that we no longer choose to persist in, now they have risen to awareness.
And of course is only gifted or extended to us now; not then or when.
Why ‘gifted’?
Because we do not manufacture, win or leverage it by any action or intention.
This is how we recognise truth as distinct from pattern matching to current thinking.
Masking conflicts hide but can not change or defile truth.
Nor can we bring it into lies or self-illusion but we sacrifice truth to illusion and generate a ‘reversal’ in which
This is excellent. Thank you! I at one time, earlier on, was working on an article on the nocebo effect…it definitely factors in here when the hospitals were (supposedly) bursting with Covid patients.
Genes are in essence words, information within which there is a fair amount of latitude.
Tiring of waiting for an official announcement for the cause of Robbie Coltrane’s death I thought I’d look “from the other side” and typed in his name accompanied by “vaccine”.
First up:
“It looks like the results below are changing quickly
If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information
Check the source
Are they trusted on this topic?
Come back later
Other sources might have more information on this topic in a few hours or days
Get more tips”
Then this:
Note the customary WAAAAAAFFFFLE! i.e. vast reams of verbiage which needs sifting. So let’s sift.
“Fact #1 : Robbie Coltrane’s Cause Of Death Is Unknown”
Well there’s a thunderclap.
“His family and his doctors likely know his cause of death. But just because they don’t reveal his cause of death, does not give anyone the right to falsely claim he died suddenly from vaccine SADS / VIDS.”
But it does give us pause to wonder why his family and doctors either don’t know or aren’t telling.
“Fact #2 : Robbie Coltrane Was In Ill Health
“…..he had osteoarthritis…..” Umm …. that’s it. Well not quite. I can’t believe they’re trying on this:
“Coltrane appeared to be aware of his mortality, reflecting on it in a HBO special for the 20th anniversary of the Harry Potter franchise: “The legacy of the movies is that my children’s generation will show them to their children, so you could be watching it in 50 years’ time. I’ll not be here sadly, but Hagrid will.””
Coltrane knew he was going to die …. well, don’t we all. Which proves ……?
“Fact #3 : Unknown If Robbie Coltrane Was Vaccinated Against COVID-19
For all we know – he may not even be vaccinated!”
And then again he might. NEXT!
“Fact #4 : SADS Is An Inherited Heart Condition”
SADS = Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome
So is this an admission that RC died from a heart attack? Is this something we “know”? OOPS! (Quick stick in a chart! And there it is!)
“Fact #5 : Vaccine-Induced Death Syndrome Does Not Exist”
Well we know the term does not exist. That doesn’t mean the condition doesn’t.
“After social media filters started clamping down on SADS, anti-vaccination activists have coined a new term – Vaccine-Induced Death Syndrome (VIDS or VDS).”
News to me. Did we coin such a term? And does it matter? Introduce as many terms as you want. We are arguing about the truth here. And the truth doesn’t care about snappy acronyms.
Then this:
“Despite what anti-vaccination activists claim, COVID-19 vaccines do not cause people to suddenly die.”
Thus do they pronounceth!
“Fact #6 : Vaccine Side Effects Appear Within Hours / Days”
Yes we’ve seen this one before.
“Even if Robbie Coltrane was fully-vaccinated against COVID-19, he would have received all of his vaccine doses many months ago.”
Would he? And even if he did…
“He cannot possibly have died from a vaccine side effect, because they appear within hours or days, not many months later.”
Zat so? More holy pronouncements!
(Oh dear – some credibility problems here! Let’s stick in some medico-gabble. How about “spike protein”? Yes there it is!)
“Fact #7 : Deaths / Injuries From COVID-19 Vaccines Can Be Proven”
This one is downright bizarre.
“Despite anti-vaccination activists chalking up celebrity deaths to the vaccine; death or injury from rare vaccine adverse effects like anaphylaxis, myocarditis and VITT can be proven.”
So? Was it proven?
“Fact #8 : Claims Of Celebrities Injured By COVID-19 Vaccine Proven False”
We’ve seen this one before too. There follows a link to a large number of other cases which mimic Coltrane’s case here and have exactly the same list of question begging bollocks. For example, and at random, the one dealing with Netflix star David Arnold tells us that “doctors have ruled the cause of death due to natural causes” …. without telling us what the natural causes were.
And after that,
“Fact #2 : Unknown If David Arnold Was Vaccinated”
“Fact #3 : Vaccine Side Effects Appear Within Hours / Days”
And of course the favourite,
“Fact #4 : COVID-19 Vaccines Do NOT Cause SADS”
At which point it becomes obvious that this entire site is a huge hall of mirrors.
Astonishingly, after typing in “Robbie Coltrane” with “vaccine”, that bullshit gatekeeping site is the only one dealing with the vaccine death claim that comes up. The second is the BBC and says only,
“Actor Robbie Coltrane, who played Hagrid in the Harry Potter films, has died aged 72. … 2Could Covid vaccine technology crack cancer?”
The third is somebody called “kxan” and says,
“Texas Coronavirus Vaccine · Vaccine Rollout Investigations · Set for School … FILE – Robbie Coltrane arrives in Trafalgar Square, …”
Well these search algorithms have certainly got the case sewn up!
The implications of these gatekeeping algorithms are quite devastating: We have a totalitarian information “service” that is the product of clandestine software operations. And in a way you really have to hand it to the rulers: they have created the appearance of a vast sea of info but the reality of a tiny little box of almost nothing – and what there is, is shit.
You keep forgetting We HARDY Got injected for ANYTHING!
What’s your Bloody Game George!
george blethers on certainly, but he’s funny at times too and can be astute, even concise ; )
maybe he’s a bot, yet I think not.
I’m not sure which us more terrifying, how quickly the Internet is becoming like the corporate MSM or how nobody seems to notice?
The internet died on the day the first pop-up ad popped up. I’ve mined its entertainment value ever since.
I’m going to the dentist tomorrow for three big fillings, I’m so excited and can’t wait. Yippee. The week after I’m having a heart bypass, wow, bet you’re all jealous.
Good luck my friend…hope it all goes well…Unless you are joshing us…still, I hope it goes well!!
Well, reluctantly I must confess that I was hinting that the gung ho vaccine endorsements were so bizarre that they were, um, not to put too finer point on it-fake.
I need screw in dentures $15k plus. Self pulled two teeth in 3yrs broke off another two. Rinsed my mouth with iodine cotton wool.
Medicare don’t cover …sorry…you were saying…about what exactly.
that’s brutal, you shoulda brushed more or eaten broccoli ; )
i got the biggest tooth in ma heid pulled this time last year, i just got fed up with them failing to fix it over 8 odd years..
been a disaster tbh, ruined my chomping for months, ruined eating : /
that tooth was massive, its removal has left me a dimple, should made a talisman outa it….
keep teeth if ye can : )
for some light entertainment – Bulgakov(?) has a tale of teeth pulling in “Country Doctors Notebook”, or some such work…
enjoy : )
I think I am jealous. I’m kind of ready to go 😀 … Good luck Mr. President
Hey theobalt, I like your sense of humour. I’ve been reading OG since April of 2020 but don’t comment. I come here for the comments especially, looking for validation and confirmation that I’m not nuts about what we’re facing. I think you’re in the Montreal area if I remember correctly. Anyway, I’m in Lanaudiere and wondering if you want to have a chat at some point. I liked your comment about Don Cherry. It (he) finally makes sense, what a schmuck. Anyway, if you’re up for a “real life” chat, fais-moi signe !
Je ne saurait meme pas comment faire ca ici (?)… Pourront-nous vraiment communiquer? Entrer en messagerie privée? A part ca j’ai pas d’objection. essayons archerbach@hotmail.com (?)
Je parlais de jaser en face à face et non pas ici, haha, puisque tu n’es pas tellement loin je crois. Je vais t’envoyer un msg sur le compte indiqué un peu plus tard auj. Bonne journée!
What news, Nix! I envy you too, of course. By the way, metaphorically speaking, maybe fate is telling you to stop “talking a lot” on alternative sites. Mm? 😄
Fate is not being kind to me recently – my euthanasia appointment has been put back yet again by the hopeless NHS.
😄 😅 😂
Really, you can be bored to death by the long wait.
No no, martyricide must be visible.
Ah, sorry to hear that you are suffering from “long euthanasia”. It’s the worst kind!
Locally, all visible indications of the ‘covid’ police state have gone. The posters and stickers on local buses and trains and stations have all disappeared…The place has been wiped clean…It’s as if ‘covid’ never was…
Reality has been adjusted…
Those who continue to obsess about ‘covid’ will be met with the indifference, or hostility, the same responses as those who still go on about JFKs murder, or 9/11, receive…
“You Still Going On About THAT ?!!”
Prisoners always make do, make themselves comfortable with the limitations of their circumstances…
So What’s Next ?
Break free from prison. Release everyone else.
I wonder– WHEN in your life did you begin to think critically? About abstract ideas or the culture or “public knowledge?” Was there an event or age that triggered it?
When did you begin to analyze just the simple everyday things, and to CARE whether your understanding of it was accurate?
I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years (I’m 63). I was aware, way back then, that the world is run by evil, corrupt people/organisations. Was genned up on such organisations as the Bilderberg Group, CFR, Club of Rome, Tavistock Institute, etc etc.
The rest of my family here in the UK, and all bar a few of my [already ‘awake’] friends, take everything at face value, and thus blindly believe the ‘official narrative’/’orthodoxy’, whatever the subject matter. More fool them.
what coward would downvote you on this w/o leaving a comment
Over the last few months, here on Off-G, I’ve seen quite a number of comments [comments which I’ve made, and those of other posters] that have been thumbed-down, where there’s no justifiable reason for so doing. In every case, no response is ever posted by the ‘thumber-downer’; I’ve therefore come to the conclusion that they’re being done by what I term ‘bot-trolls’.
Try over the last few years
Thanks for answering Christine. Do you think that the people you know who just “take everything at face value” don’t care in general about what constitutes knowledge, or don’t regard themselves as responsible for finding knowledge, or have no confidence in their mind’s ability to find it, or something else entirely?
Can you describe or postulate a psychological or other difference between yourself and them?
I’m not asking just idly; I think we might be able to more speedily reach some of those who are reachable if we had an actual idea of what goes on in those minds.
I think the attitude of my family members (mainly here in the UK, but also some cousins who live in Australia) can be summed up with the statement that they naively choose to ‘blindly believe’ what they’re told on their beloved TVs, no matter what…
I’ve imparted to them all (for quite a number of years, not just since early 2020) the fact that the Mainstream Media is owned and, therefore, controlled by the corrupt, psychopathic Globalists who run/control the world, and that therefore the vast majority of what’s disseminated by that MSM is mere propaganda, as opposed to actual facts/truths (whatever the subject matter). But it seems to make no odds with them all; they still choose to accept the Establishment’s ‘pronouncements’.
My family members and most of my friends have allowed themselves to be brainwashed, unfortunately. They don’t seem to care about what the actual facts/truths are, they simply assume that they’re being told ‘the actual facts/truths‘ on ‘that box in the corner of the lounge’!! Oh, how misguided can they be!
One of my first cousins in Australia (two sisters, they emigrated to Brisbane in 2006 or 2007, with their respective husbands; each couple now has two young daughters. The elder sister and family returned to the UK in 2018, the younger one remained ‘Down Under’) subjected me to vile abuse in 2012 when I tried to impart to her that what she ‘believed’ (from the MSM) re. two very big subject areas were, in both cases, totally false. She ordered me, on behalf of her sister and herself, “never to talk about the subjects again”! They were just not open to learning that the Establishment does not tell the truth [re. many big subjects/events].
And with regard to what’s been taking place on Earth since March 2020… I’ve been providing family members and friends with a veritable wealth of trustworthy information, information which would make anyone with even a modicum of intelligence realise that the ‘official narrative’ is wholly false. I started providing them with information right at the start. For eg, I learnt of ‘Event 201’ very early on – in April 2020, I think – and told my relatives of that, also providing links to the videos of that event, and explained its significance, in the scheme of things.
I also provided them, prior to their ‘roll out’, with trustworthy information from honest doctors from around the world re. the then approaching injections; the said doctors were issuing dire warnings to people not to go anywhere near the ‘jabs’. I’ve provided them with information since then, re. the now known horrific effects of the injections.
And yet all my family members (and all bar two already ‘awake’ friends) chose to ignore those warnings from wised-up doctors, and ignored the documented dreadful effects of the ‘jabs’, and have all submitted to them. Each having had [so far…] three each. My sister’s husband [75] and two friends [in their late 80s] each having had four…
My eldest niece [33] and her Albanian husband [46] themselves work in the Medical Establishment… (they know exactly what I think of them…).
They don’t have their own minds; they’ve just obeyed the instructions; have complied, like the gullible fools they all are.
My relatives are all (in the ordinary scheme of things) intelligent people, many of them qualified in different aspects of science. But they don’t use their intelligence to question the Establishment, more’s the pity. They don’t want to accept the fact that this world is not run by good people who have the populace’s best interests at heart. They assume that “everything in the garden’s rosy”. When of course it very much is not.
Since the tender age of just 10, I’ve been a passionate researcher into many big subjects in life (at that tender age of 10, I was researching astronomy and cosmology, reading a lot of books on those subjects that were intended for adults! How many 10-year-old girls would have been doing that?!?).
I’ve always questioned ‘orthodoxy’; I never ‘blindly believed’ what the Establishment spew out (re. so many, diverse, subject areas). I’ve carried out extensive, in-depth research into many fields. And have thus discovered that the Establishment/’officialdom’ does indeed disseminate a pack of lies…
So that summarises the difference between myself and my family members and (most of) my friends! They feel no need to research for themselves; they simply want to be spoon-fed by the Establishment, and don’t want to learn that that Establishment is not telling them the truths.
My longtime partner left Earth in early 2019. He was 70. I have a feeling that he too would have fallen for the ‘official narrative’, and would thus have also ‘rolled up his sleeve’. He had a life-threatening lung disease, and hence would have been told by his doctor that he was ‘vulnerable’, and thus should submit to the injections. He might have seen through the scam; if he had, I’d have been pleasantly surprised. But I have a feeling that he, too, would have fallen for it. He used to regularly have the flu vaccine, without question, so the odds are he’d have complied with what’s going on now.
My brother’s wife is 19 years younger than him; she’s 37, and comes from Trinidad. They married in 2008. In August 2020, she told me that she’d had the [fake…] ‘swine flu’ ‘vaccine’ in 2009, and that it had caused her to be ‘seriously ill’. Well, on hearing that, you’d have thought that she’d have said a resounding “No!” to these current ‘jabs’. In mid-2020 I’d gifted several family members and friends with a copy of the excellent “Dissolving Illusions” book, by Dr Suzanne Humphries, which provides a wealth of evidences that vaccines are indeed a medical scam. My sister-in-law read it, and responded to me saying “What an eye-opener!”. Even more reason, I thought, for her to refuse these current injections. But she fell for the propaganda from their beloved TV… and has had three so far. The day on which she had the first, in Feb. 2021, she said “First vaccine day, yeah!”. (Words fail me…)
My brother subjected me to the vilest ridicule and abuse, re. what I’ve told them re. the current world situation. He started doing so in Sept. 2020, and did so until March this year. There’s been rather a lot of silence from him, of late… maybe it’s slowly seeping into his mind that what I’ve been telling them all is the truth?
My sister (61) took the same attitude, ditto her husband.
Sorry for this lengthy reply!
The lengthy reply was exactly what I wanted, thank you Christine. It’s interesting that so many of your True Believers (of the false narrative) are angry to be presented w an opposing view. They don’t just confidently laugh at you & say, “She’s a bit of a nut on this topic.”
I wonder if the anger is that you’re stirring their secret doubts about the vaxx, or challenging their entire comfy worldview.
Another off-putting factor in acknowledging a fact contradictory to one’s worldview is that it condemns you to effort: If a person believes A-Z squared and you present them with L, which contradicts about a third of what they believe, then cognitive dissonance will sentence them to measuring so many other beliefs– and will take so darn much energy.
Which brings me to one of the ways that you are different than the True Believers. You were at least from the age of 10 unwilling to just latch on to the teat of general belief, but insisted on judging it and on extending your knowledge by studies IN THE SCIENCES. i always think that kids who are interested in science WANT reality.
Surely we can say of those who push away, unexamined, anything that violates their worldview, “They don’t want reality.”
We have senses and a brain, and so much pleasure in using it fully to apprehend reality, to build the widest context of noncontradictory knowledge of which we’re capable. What must it be like NOT to have that pleasure in being USED?
Even as a child when I accepted the challenge of finding out why one little bit didn’t fit with the rest I felt I was doing something profoundly MORAL
To accept the responsibility of finding the truth is a moral imperative; I wonder if their anger at us is GUILT.
Thanks for your input, Christine. It was helpful.
Have only just seen your reply, Penelope!
Yes, I’m sure that the ‘true believers’ in my family and friends don’t like their blind beliefs being challenged.
They simply choose to accept what the Establishment tells them, and elect not to investigate matters for themselves. More fool them.
My first IQ test… I’m lying. The test came when I was wondering if I was the one being crazy or dumb.
theobalt, apparently you decided that you weren’t being crazy or dumb. Would you answer the same question that I asked Christine? I’m seriously cogitating on how to reach people more quickly & it wd help me to see what you think about the people around you, that you know personally.
I THINK they’re pitiful. I FEEL jealousy of their carelessness and happiness (displayed on their FB page). In reality, I’m the most cheerful and resilient of the bunch, even if I’m pissed off sometimes, I always seem to find the exit door… and I show them… they rarely take it. I stopped wondering. It’s a fucked up society, and it was engineered that way. No use to blame them.
Decided? No the test decided. I know now.
Message to administrator. When I hit upvote button with my iPad it seems to be creating an unpredictable number of upvotes all at once.
I don’t know if this is the correct explanation, because the voting feature seems to occasionally malfunction.
But when a vote is cast, the vote total refreshes and picks up new votes that were cast since the page was first accessed. This results in the perception that “your” vote caused multiple votes to appear “out of nowhere”.
Absolutely correct – thank you
It looks like the number of people lining up to be jabbed is dropping sharply. While the ‘revelations’ from the lady from Pfizer in the EU parliament were not news, we can hope that the resulting furore is because increasing numbers are realising that they have not been told the truth.
We can indeed hope, but people still are not talking openly about this…
Many are ashamed of admitting being unjabbed in polite company, and many who might now be suspicious of the scam are afraid to bring up the topic for fear of admitting to having previously been gullible and stupid…
True enough WD: not me though, like a bull in the most fragile of China shops: because, like it or not ‘it’ was designed as a measure of intelligence test, hung with blind obedience …Piers Morgan & Rachel Maddow confirmed their journalistick capacity as…
“WHACK-JOBS” ready to beat the drums for all Whackjob Doctors conspiring with WHO lobbyists, Hill+Knowlton+M3Communications ( especially Maxim Behar) and their
respective Pharmaceutical Clients, receiving MASSIVE FUNDING from the FED, because
The FED KNEW that bailing out BANKS directly again was a no-no after 2008 ! So the only avenue the Fed had to inject Trillions of U.S. $$$ into their failed FIAT ponzi monetary scheme, was , if you’ll excuse the poetic license,
‘HANGING DOCTORS STREET’ saving Wall Sreet’s corrupted psychopathic behaviours,
For another day …
what’s your source on the drop?
Taking responsibility is something that doesn’t come easy to most people. We are surprised by that because we never property tested them. Nevertheless, it is clearly true. It’s preferable to follow the crowd and die with them than it is live alone without anyone to tell then what to do. This indicates that ego has more power than the fear of death. I think this is a key point.
Never forget that many, many women were cruelly burnt to death simply for using natural, holistic, medicine.
Purely to support a superstition that insisted on only a (Managed) supernatural power over well being.
We like to think that we are over this ……………..but we are not.
People are still metaphorically burnt at the stake for refusing to drink the Kool-aid.when we’re told to.
Maybe a $1BN fine is the new version of the stake?
Very good points….
Yep teacher in qld are still having their pay docked for refusing to obey orders to have the needle…criminal govt still operating
Still never had Covid? Thank your genes: Three in 10 people have a genetic quirk that blocks infection
People escaping Covid infection might have a special gene to help them
The gene HLA-DQB1*06 will give people more antibodies after Covid shots
Roughly 30 to 40 per cent of people have the lucky gene, scientists said
It’s the flu.
No it’s a detoxification.
No, it’s Superman.
Don’t drag me into this
You have to get jabbed to prove if you have the golden ticket…….. Really ???
Don’t laugh. I have two colleagues who seem quite proud they survived it.
Out goes Germ Theory, it’s Gene Theorys turn to shine…
And like germ theory, gene theory will be embraced, swallowed hook, line, and sinker…
Scientism Rules !!
What a load of garbage. Come on man. Why you do dat? Do you actually believe this garbage or are you just fucking with people?
That’s one point of view, but I’m gonna have to downvote you… and I’m not just following the crowd… I never do even here
I don’t know why they jumped on you like that, Henry. I understand that you are simply telegraphically reprinting here a piece of the article for us to laugh at, without adding your own approving comment to it. Looking at your comment, according to my theory, I give you a green thumb.
We jumped at it because after trying to decrypt your comments we don’t have time to really read other comments… 😏
That’s how my comments work: you sink into the cipher and lose track of the rest. You can call me Stirlitz. 🕵
Jeez… at least don’t qualify them as “working”… Come on, I’m sure you have interesting things to say. I can detect a glimpse of it sometimes… 😀 Just promise me you’ll work at summarizing. Because you like humanity and you don’t mean to hurt anybody… (?) 😐
No, I promise nothing. In fact, I plan to extend my comments considerably. Seems like a great solution! 😃
it’s the jab-free (hopeful figure!).. that “lucky” “gene” hilarious
Yea Henry, bottom line European GenX have influenza immunity.
Back in the 1890’s those with mild to severe influenza if you omit Great War deprivations and not base the results on age, you’d find people middle elderly age groups did not necessarily fall victim to the Great Influenza epidemics collectively known as the 1918 “flu”.
That 1890 Industrial Generation were our grandparents, industry farming fishing building..etc. Another factor overlooked were our close knit street housed coastal industrial communities, and the vitual essentials to Public health.
Nice try agent
Canadian doctor claiming there are metals in the so-called vccines:
Too much evidence from too many sources to deny something is there.
nonostructures seem to be sci-fi stuff but this very media was but a dream 30 years ago.
They’ve had 80 years and squillions of quids to get to this point.
NOTHING is beyond their capabilities.
God, how I hate these people
“BMW to axe UK production of electric Mini and relocate to China”
Are the sheep beginning to get the picture now ?
I have been constantly surprised by my 87 year old unvaxed mum’s intuition on the covid scam. Early on when I used to get worked up in arguments with my brothers over the scam, my mum would say to me “Sofia, you shouldn’t argue with your brothers” and then she would get closer and whisper “besides it won’t do any good, they are believers” and later when the nonsense vaccines came out and all her friends were pressurising her to get poisoned, and some of them actually refusing to see her until she was cleansed, she finally had enough and in a busy cafe got up and said to her friends, “look, this is like a religion, some believe and some don’t, get your vaccines that’s your choice and my choice is not, you have your belief and I have mine respect my decision” – she got a round of applause for that from some of the cafe patrons with some shouting out “viva la republica!”
my mum had a point, i had been trying to convince friends and family with arguments and logic but have come to the realisation that none of it works and at the end of the day even though there is an objective truth here it boils down to belief, intuition and emotion and that is a reflection of your own life experience and your character
Good on her! The story reminds me of my mother. Tough yet intuitive. She allowed differences of opinion, but never compromised herself.
Always find a way to agree with what is agreeable. But don’t compromise your truth.
I think you’re on to something Todd. I was in a hardware store yesterday, a busy one near my home. Usually a bit of a line to check out that forms down an aisle in the middle of 4 registers. This one dude with a mask, the only one in the store with a mask that I could see, walks up to one of the registers with his item, waiting behind the guy who was checking out. One of the store clerks told him there was one line and pointed to it. I was in it, second in line. The dude looked confused, exasperated, and walked over to another register and stood there. Someone else said something and he just stood there. So I, being who I am, told him pretty loudly, “dude, the line is over here”. He looked at me and got pissed and slammed his item on the display beside him and stormed out of the store.
He did look like he was possessed.
I’ve seen more like that, they all wear masks.
…- Whadya suppose the Venn diagram for “*Complete And Total* Karens” and “People Still Wearing Facemasks”‘d look like?…
driving these days? mental.
and generally, a lot of people look bewildered, haggard, frequently both
man, argh.
A State polite variable in America is to ‘distance themselves’ at checkout. With covid I’d say this tripled beyond what would be considered normal a further 10 to15 feet.
European Member of Parliament Mislav Kolakusic says COVID-19 Vaccines are “FAKE” – Do no Good – Terminate Contract and Prosecute Pfizer!
According to the latest report on the Hal Turner Radio Show, horrifying developments in the COVID-19 situation have recently arisen in Europe. A member of the European Parliament says the Pfizer mRNA “vaccine” for COVID-19 does not work, and the European Commission should terminate the contract for more vaccines and hold Pfizer accountable for fake medicine.
In the video below, from a meeting of an EU Parliament committee, with sub-titles, you will hear MP Mislav Kolakusic lay out the facts for yourself:
Politicians worldwide have suddenly woken-up ?
On Friday 14 October in Australia all ‘covid’ justified restrictions were officially ended…
Big Announcement by the Prime Minister…
Politicians worldwide are looking for scapegoats…
Like Pontius Pilate washing his hands of The Affair…
Heads may roll, but Big Pharma wont be The Sacrificial Lamb…
Big Pharma is too powerful, too many politicians are owned…
Rule out Truth & Reconciliation Commissions.
Rule out the miscreants being slapped on the wrist.
Rule out “Promises” by the miscreants to not do it again…
Sorry not all gone…still want masks in hospitals, dr practices etc. at least in qld
Muzzle use is very widespread where I am despite mandated having been lifted. The sheeple will keep the faith alive. The propaganda mills are still predicting “surges”. The infrastructure is still in place. They could easily thrust us back into the depths of dystopia and mandated needle rape.
And they will.
Yes. The house of cards is beginning to fall. Thanks for posting.
Here’s a new one from Slavsquat about the farce of “voluntary” vaxx in Russia. I’m not quite clear if it still applies after the latest “maybe reversal.”
The reversal only applies to reservists I think
Lucky us that when the next PCR kit “pandemic” is deployed to HELP reaching the 2030 GOALS we’ll see this all again… Sort of Season 2 of OPERATION COVIDIUS!
PROPAGANDA already being prepared and fine tuned!
I am hearing that a mRNA jab for cancer is coming out soon.
Anyone else?
I can only imagine the number of sheep, probably many that refused the current jabs, that will line up for that pretend magic (pharmakia).
Not to mention the mRNA jab directly into the heart to repair damage.
I bet those will have a very high demand…
The market is prepped and ready.
Yep…isn’t the new shingles vaccine mRNA? Lots of folks on board from that one…pharmakia….I wasn’t aware of that…will have to do some study!
Better yet, pharmafia.
That seems to be what they’re selling, completely healthy and long lives for everyone. Just take a shot for this and a shot for that, and before you know it, you’ll be 100 years old with a full head of hair (because of an mRNA shot for baldness) and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Makes the overall agenda even more insidious, if that’s possible.
Here, in France, you get an invite for a flu jab with two parts. One for the pharmacy where you collect the prefilled syringe to store in your fridge until the nurse jabs you with it.
So, you have time to check up the history of the contents and decide whether you want to proceed.
If you live in a country where this doesn’t apply, you MUST ask if it’s a traditional attenuated vaccine or one of the clot-shot types.
Calling one type of jab clot-shot and the other traditional is another false dichotomy.
Not sure if this is mrna but yea vaccines fast becoming our new saviours.
Saviours in quotes.
I gather it is a form of gene therapy which apparently can also be applied to cancer and other types of treatments and not just vaccine applications.
Are you suggesting we should trust the people that make those jabs?
Where is the testing and laboratory proof of success? Is that when they pull the 8 rats out?
The only difference between modern medicine and poison, is dosage.
All jabs are poison.
If you think big pharma isn’t a criminal cabal, feel free to get jabbed more.
In the case of mRNA, your body manufactures the poison.
Not at all. I have a profound distrust of all these products and of the uses of the various other technologies being foisted upon us.
The problem is that our govts have fallen to the psychopaths, as has the media. Many normal people have not yet realized the enormity of the evil deception.
Really: if you have a busy life and are not old enough to realize that it’s not normal to have this much difficulty sustaining your standard of life it is quite possible to BELIEVE the news and your govt. This is particularly so if you feel yourself to BELONG to the power-structure/social class of those who are lying to you.
But increasingly the facts and the truth are getting through to them– about the vaccine & the govt’s weird insistence that people take it. There was already much doubt about the govt’s wars, and certainly much doubt about the media’s politics: (People voted for Trump largely BECAUSE the media were against him.)
If those of us who understand what is happening would craft simple, non-deniable comments & post them on mainstream, popular sites we could raise the level of doubt overnight:
“Have you seen this baffling report by Britain’s Office of National Statistics?” Give them the statistic and the link. Don’t try to persuade em the virus doesn’t exist; you want to express, nondogmatically, a simple, provable fact– something they can easily pass on to others.
In speaking w others in person always ask what they think first. This establishes that you are interested in the truth whatever it is rather than just wanting to prove your point of view. When the person you are speaking to becomes oppositional, repeat THEIR argument to indicate that you heard them. Try to express less dogmatism about your own position, “Well, I don’t know. . . what bothers me is. . . .”
I live in an area that’s a shade below middle-class & nearly everyone knows the truth here– the smarter ones know considerable DETAIL about the truth. It’s the more educated (more propagandized) that we need to reach, and expressing a dogmatic full-blown conspiracy theory will not WORK; it’s too big a step to ask someone to change their entire worldview in a single conversation or posted comment: Don’t give em your conclusions, just plant a strongly proven fact; they have to arrive at their own conclusions.
The psychos OWN the media.
Grafter, Of course. You need control no more than 5 or 6% of the stock to be able to name the board of directors who hire the editors/managers. Whoever owns the largest block of stock names the board of directors.
I think one of the major issues is that the younger generations are so mesmerized by technology they believe that anything “new and exciting” that comes out in medicine only a fool would not jump on and take advantage of. It is like a new iPhone coming out…”the new vaccine for blah blah blah just came out!! Oh goody, lets go get it! Wouldn’t want to be left behind!!”
Todd, it’s that the youngsters do not read newspapers or watch the tell-lie-vision news. Instead, everything comes through their phone. It’s directed “news” to wrap the youngsters in a cosy blanket.
I mean, when they grade their lives by “likes” from people they’ll never meet, what hope is there ?
They love their smart phones more than their parents.
I was mesmerised by all the latest technology when younger: when mono recordings were replaced by stereo; 78 rpm was replaced by 33 1/3 rpm Long playing record speeds; reel-to-reel tape recorders were replaced by cassette tape recorders…
Exciting Times, indeed !
And there was always The Latest Dance cCaze…And who can forget Beatlemania ? That was an unrepeatable First for My Generation…
When i want help with my “smartfone” or laptop i get it from the Old Folk regulars at my Local…They are all Plugged-in, and have the latest gadgets…
After all, The Young are living in The World us Oldies allowed to come into existence…(Maybe The Tech should be re-named “Pacifier Tech” as the young dont seem to be as rebellious as We were Back Then.)
Todd, I have no contact w teenagers or early-20s. My fleeting impression is that they are low thyroid, and especially low testosterone as a result. The physical difference in this age group between now and the 1960s is incredible.
There’s fluoride in the water in much of the US; its a tranquilizer & it displaces Iodine in the thyroid. You need thyroid to make your hormones. You also need cholesterol hence the war on cholesterol. Above all, you need to avoid all those vegetable oils.
If you compare the high school yearbooks from the 60s to today’s you can see the lighter bone structure in the young men and less marked secondary sexual characteristics. It’s even more obvious looking at those from the 40s– especially if they are dressed in shorts & t-shirts for track or wrestling.
Shanna Swan wrote a book about it, Count Down– about the fertility consequences of some of the chemicals in our environment. It’s quite specific, citing even the decreasing distance between penis & rectum. (sorry to be graphic)
She is interviewed several times online. Here’s one:
You’re right they’re mesmerized by technology; they’re often looking at their phones as they walk by. They’re also passive.
The decreasing distance between penis and rectum? Is this an actual physiological thing or some sort of metaphor? Either way you’ve engaged my curiosity. A2
Yeah it is an actual physiological thing. I’ll write something that puts it in context & submit it next time there’s a health-related topic.
“Pacifier Tech” ?
Blaming the Victims…
Didnt the Nazis discover that fluoride added to drinking water dumbs-down and pacifies ?
And there were published scientific studies that backed-up claims that America’s dark skinned citizens had lower IQs than its White citizens. But when lead-based paints were banned, houses scraped clean of such paint, this “Genetic Fact” went “POOF !”
And then there’s schooling, one of it’s functions is to dumb-down…
I’m always bothered by the smugness of those who refer to the Unsaved as “sheep” or “sheeple”…Their arrogance is the same as expressed by all those Born Agains with their claim of being among The Saved !
(It would be a business damaging rumour if put about that eating take-away burgers was known to shrink penises; no Black Magic Woman involved.)
“It would be a business damaging rumour if put about that eating take-away burgers was known to shrink penises”.
Actually, the wrappings in takeout food, pizza boxes, etc have an ingredient which is a hormone disrupter.
That nice white coating that you sometimes see inside cans also contains a disrupter.
There is excellent research that fluoride lowers children’s IQ. 76 studies:
Like Sam here (although I’m pretty sure that was NOT a metaphor) I’m curious. Can you recall the consequences, or physiological importance…. of this distance between… er… I’m thinking I’m thinking but… nothing. Did you just want to say penis. (It’s a fair question!)
what’s the distance between your penis and anus? give us a measure so we can put all that in context ; )
interesting post, nonetheless.
Some of us have not been fluoridated, maybe until pretty recently (pers comm, haven’t checked it out myself in a few years).. who knows? WHO probably does know. but they did change the hypochlorate shit so that it remains residual in water, for our safety, 6 odd years back..
teenagers? the further you are from suburbian dystopia, cities, middle-class-puke-villes mimicking yankee land and their craven underclass appendages…
they get better. Give some of them a break ffs.
there’s plenty big, strong, raw youths at large, of both genders, away from urbanville, up for a fight, a gemme, a foray. in the countryside certainly.
honestly, built-up areas here are over represented with fukt-in-the-heid youth, moreso lassies in the current time?, but not a majority, saw that in my short-lived job last year… if you go beyond these hives, fades to nothing..
the reach of phones… what can we say? mesmerised? no, addicted through inclusion issues.
people need to loose dem mirrors. not just teens.
Here’s what happened to me. At work there was that kid, early twenties, slave to construction, breathing nasty stuff, vapours dusts… Since I never mind my own damned business, and always seek to abduct the young in a fatherly way, I asked if he was vaxxed… I explained (of course) everything I know of the rumours of all that sh.. stuff and he was smiling and really interested. He said, “we’re doomed…”.. Then his face changed… He became serious and sad. Obviously he was one of those kids in the spectrum. I realized it and kinda felt like an idiot. I like that kid, and he’s looking up to me. I’m good with kids. … what do we tell them? I can’t see my son, so I always rehearse in my head the narratives I would use with him. It starts with a lot of questions… trying to understand where he is exactly. I’m chocking thinking of all this, what else. Obviously, knowing you’re a psychoanalyst, I’m looking for a freebee… kidding, don’t even answer. I know, sounds like a Tony bit.
Admit it, that’s what this whole comment was about. You just want Todd to give you a discount, like a friend from the comments here.:)
I have a feeling he won’t answer… what do you think
He’ll probably pretend he didn’t hear you. (You know those Quebec numbers) 😉
If you want to know whom we grew up with, do a search on Don Cherry, a hockey commentator. Try to get his comments on “the frenchies” being a bunch of irrelevant cowards on almost every game. He attacked Jacque Plante, a goalie who was the first to wear a mask to protect his face. He also liked to call the French a bunch of Nazis. He was serving the agenda of division in this country for decades, right there in national tv. He was recently fired when he attacked the Spanish community. Because the Spanish community is loaded in our countries to CREATE more division, so this would not do.
In paradox, they also envy our creativity and cleverness… they don’t advertise that. We envy their power. That’s ok, we’re all going down now, such divisions having worked so well.
Great advice!
Here’s a 24pp article from the excellent Global Research site:
“Why society needs ‘conspiracy theories’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’. It’s no secret that we’ve been lied to”, at:
Speaking of voodoo. An excerpt quoted from Mr. Blaylock: >
“One must also keep in mind that this event never satisfied the criteria for a pandemic. The World Health Organization changed the criteria to make this a pandemic. To qualify for a pandemic status the virus must have a high mortality rate for the vast majority of people, which it didn’t (with a 99.98% survival rate), and it must have no known existing treatments—which this virus had—in fact, a growing number of very successful treatments.”
An absolute tour de force submitted by Dr. Russell Blaylock:
The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? Dr. Russell L. Blaylock
By Dr. Russell Blaylock
September 10, 2022
The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? Dr. Russell L. Blaylock – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
As Mr. Hayen speculates: Voodoo magic is all about the “belief” that magic is at work…
And I do believe there is magic in the world…but this is fake…the vaccine is not a magic cure, and its danger is not magic. It does what it does based on materialist science…
The problem is not with magic, but as you say a “belief” that it is magic…people pumping the vaccine can know it no other way because they don’t see the science.
Thanks for your comment!!
There is only one anti-magic: never, under any circumstances don’t say white on the black. Which also leads to a setup for careful color observation, which makes it harder to confuse black with white.
When you start choosing colors according to your heart – the job is done, the devil is in, the magic is done.
all yon gibberjabber ye spiel plino, but aye,
I always asked “what colour?”
whose blue/red/yellow? what individual perception of colour (even if you describe tone?) ; )
who tells who what is what colour, i see green! how many shades blahh of green.. etc. jeepers creepers ??
fair point.
Hello Todd Hayden: Yes. There is magic in the world. The fact that life is comprised of trillions of symbiotic molecules in any given life form, should inspire awe and quiet hubris and ego… Materialist science murders life for a penny…
Thank you for your well considered article.
This is exactly the same as:
“Russia’s opposition to globalists is all about the ‘belief’ that Russia is opposed.”
And speaking of WHO:
But, no doubt, as they constantly do, Global Research will make many more vudu-tricks with investigation of banking families in which Putin does not participate. All about the “belief” that magic is at work…
Pure voodoo, even at a very low level, successfully performed to supposedly smart people: If I dig in here and find all the posts against the WHO, and count the number of likes, I’ll count a huge amount. But here, tied to Russia – zero 😄
If it’s not magic, what is it?
Yes, and let us not forget that they changed the definition of “vaccine” so that the gene therapy injections would qualify as a vaccine even though they don’t prevent the disease they are designed to prevent.
Last week a friend proudly posted on facebook a photo of her arm with two bandaids…she had just received her flu shot and covid booster. I wanted to write: “why why why?” But I did not comment, having lost so many friends to my stance on the vaccine. I was a coward. However, in my defense, I am becoming increasingly outspoken these days and wish that I had been a loud voice at the very beginning. I think that is why we are in this situation now…not enough loud voices early on (except in Off Guardian of course!). To me this article describes this present situation pretty clearly. And I had not really thought of the similarities between voodoo and this crazy time! Yes, it is a voodoo vaccine.
I lost many friends because I was the loud voice. My wife lost lifelong friendships because she refused the jab. No amount of evidence has been able to convert any of our former friends. VAERS reports? The CDC says those are not verified. The Israeli MoH on video? Leaked videos are illegitimate. Research reports in credible journals? Anyone can write a research report. The whistleblower about the faulty trials? Disgruntled employee. Pfizer managers admitting the drug was not tested on transmission? They did not need to because no vaccine is 100%. The jab is to prevent severe illness. Besides, Fauci says it works.
No matter what you say, you will convince very few people because it is too hard for people to admit they were duped. My father-in-law just took the “Omicron specific” jab. This is his fourth shot. I asked him, “You know, they never tested that drug. And since Omicron is so mild, why take it?” His answer, “The FDA says it is safe and my doctor says I should get boosted. Do you think you know more than a doctor?” To which I replied, “I know I am not on Pfizer’s compensation plan.”
I would say you are not a coward. Chances are if you were a loud voice, then no one would have listened anyhow. Do not tilt at windmills.
so so true…check out https://www.shrewviews.com/p/frankly-dear-shrew-i-dont-give-a for another perspective.
Thank you so very much for your comment to my comment! I appreciate your saying what you said. And so well said. I continue to be so torn about sending more information to beloved people in my life who are very much on the side of doing what Fauci has advised. Every time I see an especially well done video or article I sit there debating…should I send it to my sister and brother-in-law…knowing in my heart that the information will not be taken as true and knowing it will widen the gap of misunderstanding between us.
Some people do come to believe, belatedly, that the jabs are dangerous. My nephew and his (ex) wife did — but only after their son (a young man in his 20s with no previous heart problems) died abruptly from a swollen heart just before last Christmas, a week after getting his second jab. Personal loss can bring some to understanding, but it is a tragedy it takes this to do it.
If someone said this to me I’d have to say “Yes”!
The good news is they were not your friends and never were.
They were willing to chuck you under the bus in order to save social credit. Make no mistake they will have a very uneasy feeling about what they have taken. They just need to get rid of you to put it out of their minds for a while.
I resolved not to lose friends and family, not sure by keeping quiet you lose any essential part of your relationship with them. It felt like that at first and they know where I stand. I keep going with the thought they are adults and there is more to life (if they survive the lottery and so far they have). Grandchild is different, but I have no say.
“since omicron is mild…”
Why do you still talk as if it exists ??
It’s amazing too how much farther than bombast a little truth will go. When the jabs came out, I told relatives and neighbors that I had read – even before they came out – that people with cardiac issues should not take the “vaccine.” And for going on three years I’ve stuck with that reason.
I don’t find it necessary to tell everyone how dangerous the jabs are or that they don’t work anyway. I simply tell them what pertains to me; and that has prevented them from censuring or otherwise harassing me about it.
Without totalitarian restrictions and demands, including propaganda and censorship, this vodoo would not have lasted beyond a couple of months.
i’ve no truck with allopathy anymore. ok, very rarely a pain pill.
It seems to be coming to that…I am almost there myself. When I was growing up I was exposed to the religious movement “Christian Science”…no one went to the doctor and prayed for healing and only supplemented with natural remedies….needless to say lots of controversy around that! Modern medicine are good at mechanics…other stuff….not so sure…
Completely agree with you.
Primetime show in India exposes how Pfizer bullies and blackmails countries for the shot (video).
Maybe the Indian mainstream media need to focus equally on the doings of their own vaccine companies.
Have they done so?
Highly unlikely.
They are making outsourced jabs for others. Just like elsewhere, domestic uptake of the jab is falling.
Sure, in spite of the exciting free booster offer from the government in September.
While local authorities think it is OK to jab kids without parental consent.
Now, there’s a subject the Indian media could address. But they won’t.