All of Us Are in Danger When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition
John & Nisha Whitehead

“If you can’t say ‘F@#k’ you can’t say, ‘F@#k’ the government.’”
Lenny Bruce
Anti-government speech has become a four-letter word.
In more and more cases, the government is declaring war on what should be protected political speech whenever it challenges the government’s power, reveals the government’s corruption, exposes the government’s lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.
Indeed, there is a long and growing list of the kinds of speech that the government considers dangerous enough to red flag and subject to censorship, surveillance, investigation and prosecution: hate speech, conspiratorial speech, treasonous speech, threatening speech, inflammatory speech, radical speech, anti-government speech, extremist speech, etc.
Things are about to get even dicier for those who believe in fully exercising their right to political expression.
Indeed, the government’s seditious conspiracy charges against Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, and several of his associates for their alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots puts the entire concept of anti-government political expression on trial.
Enacted during the Civil War to prosecute secessionists, seditious conspiracy makes it a crime for two or more individuals to conspire to “‘overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force’ the U.S. government, or to levy war against it, or to oppose by force and try to prevent the execution of any law.”
It’s a hard charge to prove, and the government’s track record hasn’t been the greatest.
It’s been almost a decade since the government tried to make a seditious conspiracy charge stick—against a small Christian militia accused of plotting to kill a police officer and attack attendees at his funeral in order to start a civil war—and it lost the case.
Although the government was able to show that the Hutaree had strong anti-government views, the judge ruled in U.S. v. Stone that:
[O]ffensive speech and a conspiracy to do something other than forcibly resist a positive show of authority by the Federal Government is not enough to sustain a charge of seditious conspiracy.”
Whether or not prosecutors are able to prove their case that Rhodes and his followers intended to actually overthrow the government, the blowback will be felt far and wide by anyone whose political views can be labeled “anti-government.”
All of us are in danger.
In recent years, the government has used the phrase “domestic terrorist” interchangeably with “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” to describe anyone who might fall somewhere on a very broad spectrum of viewpoints that could be considered “dangerous.”
The ramifications are so far-reaching as to render almost every American with an opinion about the government or who knows someone with an opinion about the government an extremist in word, deed, thought or by association.
You see, the government doesn’t care if you or someone you know has a legitimate grievance. It doesn’t care if your criticisms are well-founded. And it certainly doesn’t care if you have a First Amendment right to speak truth to power.
What the government cares about is whether what you’re thinking or speaking or sharing or consuming as information has the potential to challenge its stranglehold on power.
Why else would the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies be investing in corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?
Why else would the Biden Administration be likening those who share “false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information” to terrorists?
According to the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorism bulletin, “[T]hreat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”
By the government’s own definition, America’s founders would be considered domestic extremists for the heavily charged rhetoric they used to birth this nation.
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would certainly be placed on a terrorist watch list for suggesting that Americans should not only take up arms but be prepared to shed blood in order to protect their liberties.
“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms,” declared Jefferson. He also concluded that “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Observed Franklin:
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
Thomas Paine, Marquis De Lafayette, John Adams and Patrick Henry would certainly be labelled domestic extremists for exhorting Americans to defend themselves against the government if it violates their rights.
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government,” insisted Paine.
“When the government violates the people’s rights,” Lafayette warned, “insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”
Adams cautioned:
A settled plan to deprive the people of all the benefits, blessings and ends of the contract, to subvert the fundamentals of the constitution, to deprive them of all share in making and executing laws, will justify a revolution.”
And who could forget Patrick Henry with his ultimatum: “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Conduct your own experiment into the government’s tolerance of speech that challenges its authority, and see for yourself: stand on a street corner—or in a courtroom, at a city council meeting or on a university campus— and try denouncing the government with some of the founders’ rhetoric.
My guess is that you won’t last long before you get thrown out, shut up, threatened with arrest or at the very least accused of being a radical, a troublemaker, a sovereign citizen, a conspiratorialist or an extremist.
Or maybe you’ll just be fined.
It’s happening all across the country.
In Punta Gorda, Florida, for instance, two political activists were fined $3000 for displaying protest flags with political messages that violated the city’s ordinance banning signs, clothing and other graphic displays containing words that the city deems “indecent.”
During the first month of the new ordinance being enacted, Andrew Sheets was cited four times by police for violating the ordinance by displaying phrases which said “F**k Policing 4 Profit,” “F**k Trump,” and “F**k Biden.” Richard Massey was cited for violating the ordinance by displaying a sign which proclaimed, “F**k Punta Gorda, trying to illegally kill free speech.”
Coming to the defense of the two activists, The Rutherford Institute challenged the City of Punta Gorda’s ban on indecent speech as unconstitutionally vague and a violation of the First Amendment’s safeguards for political speech that may not be censored or punished by the government.
We won the first round, with the Charlotte County Circuit Court ruling against the City, noting that the ordinance was “designed to cause the preemptive self-silencing of speakers whose messages are entitled to constitutional protection.”
In other words, as the court recognized, the ordinance was clearly designed to chill political speech, which is protected under the First Amendment.
You see, the right of political free speech is the basis of all liberty.
No matter what one’s political persuasion might be, every American has a First Amendment right to protest government programs or policies with which they might disagree.
The right to disagree with and speak out against the government is the quintessential freedom.
Every individual has a right to speak truth to power using every nonviolent means available.
This is why the First Amendment is so critical. It gives the citizenry the right to speak freely, protest peacefully, expose government wrongdoing, and criticize the government without fear of reprisal.
Americans of all stripes would do well to remember that those who question the motives of government provide a necessary counterpoint to those who would blindly follow where politicians choose to lead.
We don’t have to agree with every criticism of the government, but we must defend the rights of all individuals to speak freely without fear of punishment or threat of banishment.
This is how freedom rises or falls.
As comedian Lenny Bruce, a lifelong champion of free speech, remarked, “If you can’t say ‘F**k’ you can’t say, ‘F**k’ the government.’”
Bruce, foul-mouthed, insightful, irreverent, and incredibly funny, was one of the First Amendment’s greatest champions who dared to “speak the unspeakable” about race, religion, sexuality and politics. As Village Voice writer Nat Hentoff attests, Bruce was “not only a paladin of free speech but also a still-penetrating, woundingly hilarious speaker of truth to the powerful and the complacent.”
Bruce died in 1966, but not before being convicted of alleged obscenity for challenging his audience’s covert prejudices by brandishing unmentionable words that, if uttered today, would not only get you ostracized but could get you arrested and charged with a hate crime.
Hentoff, who testified in Bruce’s defense at his trial, recounts that Lenny used to say, “What I wanted people to dig is the lie. Certain words were suppressed to keep the lie going. But if you do them, you should be able to say the words.”
Not much has changed in the 50-plus years since Bruce died. In fact, it’s gotten worse.
What we’re dealing with today is a government that wants to suppress dangerous words—words about its warring empire, words about its land grabs, words about its militarized police, words about its killing, its poisoning and its corruption—in order to keep its lies going.
What we are witnessing is a nation undergoing a nervous breakdown over this growing tension between our increasingly untenable reality and the lies being perpetrated by a government that has grown too power-hungry, egotistical, militaristic and disconnected from its revolutionary birthright.
The only therapy is the truth and nothing but the truth.
If the government censors get their way, there will be no more First Amendment.
There will be no more Bill of Rights.
And, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, there will be no more freedom in America as we have known it.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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Strange insurrection where the insurrectionists forgot to bring their guns.
It’s spelt FUCK not F@#k.
If anyone wants to read a virtual manual of how so much of present day society operates, venturing on over to page of quotes from Joseph Goebbels ( is the one I’m using) is a worthwhile venture, as it is all laid out in his quotes.
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” (Climate change gun control, compulsory government education, shutdown mania, the list goes on.)
“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.” (Trump supporters, ‘conspiracy theorists’, CV ‘deniers’, etc)
“There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be “the man in the street.” Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.” (Of course, many that are considered ‘intellectuals’ in present day society seem to in fact be more susceptible to propaganda than working class. The true intellectuals are those that are able to remove themself out from the ocean of propaganda so as to be able to see the whole charade more clearly.)
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” / “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” (I feel that repetition is the most powerful form of indoctrination. Thousands of hours of listening to NPR, for instance, seems to render a mind so hopelessly lost in propaganda as to be nearly impossible to save.)
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.” / “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” / “A media system wants ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.” (Earnest examination of the modern media-industrial complex (MSM – Social Media – Government/Political Tandem) reveals how this happens. Thousands of supposedly independent media outlets are owned by a handful of interests, and as such can be arrayed like a kaleidoscope to present many seemingly differing viewpoints that play off of one another to induce the target population to arrive at the desired outcome.)
If anyone wants to penpal to talk more about this and other relevant subjects to modern society please reach out to me at [email protected], as I am always looking for like minds to connect with. Best, Joe
Censorship laws are also being used to antagonise people, with the hope of trying to ferment violence, which can then be used by the globalists to usher in more police powers. My latest: don’t fall for their divide and rule games
So don’t fight them and they win, or do fgiht them and they win.
As a refresher attached is brief video on how the federal government is structured.
Congress has the power to stop a tyrannical president by simply refusing to fund his (or her) executive orders. Nancy Pelosi pointed this out this year when Biden announced he was forgiving student loans. Congress is in charge of spending (over spending and wasting, that is) our money. Of course, the problem is Congress has been overrun by crazed-maniacal-extremist-leftist-lunatics. When combined with a whacked out Cabinet and a President who is overcome by dementia this is what we get.
The is only one way to fix the problem and I know you know. All of you know. It is time to face reality. Otherwise, say goodbye to our country (and the world, for that matter).
Story in Daily Wire: State of Arizona (a blue swing state) has asked the department of justice to investigate the not-for-profit that produced the documentary 2000 Mules.
True The Vote people have been trying to get the DOJ to investigate the well documented voter fraud in Arizona for months.
As you may recall, several weeks ago, Congress voted to make it illegal for cell phone carriers to sell ping data to private enterprise. This ping data is the basis of the documentary that provides irrefutable evidence of ballot box stuffing by paid mules who consistently traveled back and forth from not for profit (funded with Zuckerbucks) ballot harvesters to ballot boxes multiple times at all hours.
2000 couriers (mules) were documented but it estimated that there were tens of thousands of additional mules but the cost of harvesting and analyzing the cell phone ping data was prohibitive. Zuckerbucks also paid for the installation of new drop boxes that were, in most cases, un monitored and without video security. If you have not seen the movie 2000 Mules, you should soon before it disappears through censorship.
Daily wire is about as trustworthy as the BBC.
For example……….. Don’t make me laugh. My lips are chapped. Unbelievable. You think the story is false? What makes it false? You think the 2000 Mules documentary is false? Was it false when Congress voted to stop cell phone service providers from selling ping data? Is it false that the department of justice is investigating and intimidating people across the country with even a hint of leaning to the right? Is it false that Big Tech is conspiring with Democrats to censor information that conflicts with their narrative? We are referring to every narrative presented by Off Guardian. So is Off Guardian telling nothing but lies and propaganda? What the fuck. You must be an “official fact checker” for the left. Anything that goes against the narrative of the left is a lie. Spin away. Then go away. I will keep my wristwatch high in the air to protect it from your bullshit.
Wayne – am not left nor right that is for the mind-control lot who think in 2022 voting is real.
Daily wire is a intelligence out fit ben slerpio was quite happy for mandatory vaccines then uproar happened then he kind of changed his-tune a little said it should be for children.
It is aimed at thoses who think politicians and voting is real and your s/ elected is voted in by you. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
grow up.
Hello Hemlockfen: Yes. The election was a for profit venture by persons such as George Soros, etc. >
2020 ‘Zuckerbucks’ dumped in eight states, 90% to Biden counties
2020 ‘Zuckerbucks’ dumped in eight states, 90% to Biden counties | Washington Examiner
Legal actions in Arizona and other affected States have been blocked by corrupted DOJ courts and high-end players from the “left”. Thank you for your post.
2020 ‘Zuckerbucks’ dumped in eight states, 90% to Biden counties | Washington Examiner
The author is a Constitutional attorney and thus a member of the BAR and must stay within their ‘Overton window’.
Medical doctors face a similar dilemma with their controlling agency eg. AMA.
Medical Doctors could have refused to administer the ‘warp speed’ vaccine until the raw data had been released so as to make sure the product was safe but most chose to jump on the gravy train and serve up the magic sauce.
The biggest agitators to government functioning as it should are the military and corporate Keynesians. The fundamental root of all civic disruption is the fact that government has failed to use its public money authority (which is now in the hands of Wall St) to invest in its own citizenry, which is the only way to maintain a healthy society.
Freedom of Speech ?
It doesn’t exist. There are so many things you can’t question. You can be jailed for questioning certain historical details. Convid made it abundantly clear that freedom of speech was a completely unattainable ideal and one the banskters were quite contemptuous of.
the tudors did this well. i bet good king richard would have never and the world would have been different.
all governments are the same
communism, capitalism, totalitarianism
all isms
simply different forms of human livestock management
america, like all countries, is a human farm, your owners are human farmers
the word government means mind control
govern, to control or limit, ment, mind (MENTal)
everyone you will ever meet or know is a slave, on a farm
That may well be but totally giving them more power. I say Fuck them and do on a daily basis. Slowly people responding to my call and ‘we’ will see a new dawn sans all these control freaks, but sadly I probably wont get to say I told you so.
Control freaks need a 4ft crowbar slapped across their knees. Limping around on one leg for the rest of their lives will teach them a little humility…
they might turn open psycho, lol, as if ; )
The American ‘government’ is a totally corrupt institution and is controlled by obscenely wealthy individuals. The puppet show of Democrats v Republicans is a token offering to their citizens to provide the illusion of choice. The same ‘system’ now applies to the UK also.
It started in the UK as part of the Crown empire and was extended into the US.
Yes and now we are allowed to vote the result is the same.
Government is engaged in one big Pageant.It’s sole purpose is to grope towards one deception after another.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-10-15. Cause of death has not been released. Only 1 MP calling Pfizer out. PayPal’s $2,500 ‘Misinformation’ Debacle (blog, gab, tweet).
As I write, I’m looking out upon a sky greyed by chemical engineering and weather warfare. Who knows what doses of aluminum or what lethal agents those of us in this corner of a prison planet are ingesting? If that’s not enough to mutate people into experimental cyborgs, there’s all the injections to keep up with the latest scariant concocted by the Pharmafia eugenicists. Pretty soon, I expect to look out my window to see 5G trees silhouetted against dead sky.
The Whiteheads here turn to another front in the war against humanity that’s now coming full circle with the great reset. Speech is basic to our humanity. Its erasure is basic to totalitarian social systems. In the plans of psychopaths out to rule human history, the time is ripe to move “beyond freedom and dignity” (Skinner) once and for all and deliver the death blow to us, and all our relations among the still living.
We’re under siege to an endgame to ‘civilization’ based on control over the conditions of existence for us and every living being. The very nature of life on earth is now undergoing mutation into synthetic simulacra of a megamachine into which we have disappeared. If we fail to fight on all the fronts of this armageddon, the end of humanity will be announced in dead, meaningless silence.
Hello niko: No one wishes to address 5G health related issues and known symptoms of electromagnetic poisoning. They remain fixated on vaccines which aren’t vaccines, and rights which don’t exist…
They also knee jerk at any mention that their skies are not their own. Atmospheric poisoning and runaway chemical pollution are occurring somewhere else. >
Extensive List of Patents | Geoengineering Watch
Right on, and thanks for the link. I’ve also appreciated “The Dimming” doc from Geoengineering Watch,, and the work of Arthur Firstenberg (e.g., The Invisible Rainbow) on electromagnetic poisoning, including radio waves and 5G (Download as PDF).
Just finished watching Andrew Doyle on GB news live in Westminster.
Sorry, this is today’s
Constitutionally protected speech doesn’t mean that ‘they’ aren’t going to listen, read and take notes. Government agencies have been doing this ever since government was invented.
Thanks. The oppression of Palestinians in their homeland appears to be, by and large, outside OffGuardian’s purview.
I find myself wondering about that often lately.
I’m wondering if perhaps the lack of interest is because that struggle is simply another false binary? Or perhaps because it isn’t?
Real oppression of the majority or a minority doesn’t exclude planned, false binaries. Just as the planned and orchestrated world wars (WWI and WWII) or the staged European wars before those, still resulted in real deaths.
It’s just that the premise is faked Every. Single. Time. That’s how the parasites maintain control, racketeer and cull, generation after generation.
Divide and conquer is the way that unlawful, deceptive authorities (on both sides) exert more control over their mind controlled populace.
All of us are in danger if there are no people….
The UK birth rate shows no ‘post-covid bounce’ and continues to decline steadily. That’s on top of a death rate showing over a thousand more excess deaths a week than the past-five year average recently .
Under the conservatives
fakerule as well and why doesn’t that surprise us.For a brief moment, we almost had a (post Boris) Conservative Government, with some actual Tory policies. Then ‘wham’ the the EU, IMF & WEF, coordinated their collective war machines, belching & vomiting their rhetoric, via every MSM outlet, to convince the ovines of the clearly impending disaster, should the UK pursue it’s own economic policies, that may actually benefit the UK economy and give some unwelcome advantage over the West’s managed economic decline. Had the Truss Gov, not had the ‘thou shall not deviate’ memo? Sadly, rather than give the ‘middle finger’ in response, Truss capitulated at the first hint of negativity from the focus groups, then finally imploding by sacking KK and (appallingly) installing a Blairite, EU disciple, to ensure that the Globalist status quo were reinstated and any silly thoughts of an independent UK were banished fir another decade.
These politicians are powerless puppet actors, far more literally so than most people imagine. The same way that reporters are puppets, simply republishing the press summaries they’re sent, rewording things to fit their style and little else. It’s all keeping up appearances. Post-covid it’s been very clear we’re on a whole new level… The UK script is rolled out much higher up, at a supranational level. Hidden hands correct our course. So they’ve recast a few minor actors because they forgot their lines. Big deal.
I suspect the main reason we left the EU is so we could lead the way in deflating the Western bubble, unfettered by pesky EU human rights legislation etc.
We are powerless to make any important decisions in the UK, even if those notionally in power wanted to. A2
Reporters or Presstitutes?
Now that covid has passed its becoming real clear how whacko off-guardian is. Fucking echo chamber full of whackos and anti -semites.
Oh, Jeeves, clean that mess up, would you, please?
Somebody let the trailer-park trash in again…
Don’t feed the trolls…
Antisemites? Really? Is that the best argument you have, a made up ad hominem attack? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Since you think Israel is so awesome, lets talk about the following:
King David Hotel Bombing
Deir Yassin Massacre
Operation Susannah (AKA – Lavon Affair)
USS Liberty Incident
Robert Maxwell and Promis Software
Jonathan Pollard and theft of nuclear tech
Talpiot Program and Unit 8200
Dancing Israelites on 9-11
You forgot Ethel & Julius Rosenberg how very remiss of you 🔯
The events I have listed all occurred after Israel was established as a nation, or an event that lead to the nation of Israel.
IE, modern history.
Well if those two $astards hadn’t been involved in espionage they could have settled in Israel and lived happily ever after instead of being fried in the electric chair.
The Vela incident. The Plumbat Affair. JFK.
Interesting and a new one.
I would guess it was Israel testing military ordinance.
All the events I have listed are directly, by evidence and facts, linked to Israel.
The Vela incident has several potential perps.
I disagree w your words but defend your right to say them. I guess you disagree w that.
Well Ray I like an infantile outburst as much as the next guy. But yours doesn’t make any sense.
“Now that covid has passed ….”
Covid was never here. The media going “Boo!” was here. They’re still here. They’re not going anywhere.
“Now that covid has passed its (sic) becoming real clear how whacko off-guardian is ….”
OK assuming your initial premise, why would the passing of covid make it real clear how “whacko” we all are? If covid has passed then doesn’t that prove it wasn’t much anyway?
“Fucking echo chamber full of whackos and anti -semites.”
In such a short post it’s disappointing to see repetition of a word that was already a cliché anyway. I’m referring to the word “whacko” and not that other word which is just so boring that I can’t say it straight. So …. Auntie Semantic, Antique Cemetery, And Teas Emetic?
I’m guessing the above remark is a troll-induced provocation in a futile attempt at eliciting actual anti-semitism here. Not worth entering into an argument about.
My granddaughter still can’t go to college, RAY. I went to apply for a job the other day with the government, I’m a Vietnam Era Vet, submarine service, with 35 years of government service. Now I can’t even apply unless I get the jab. What “over” are you talking about? When I go to the doctor’s office or a medical facility in my area, I have to wear a mask and they ask me if I want a fake jab. What for, Ray?
I also saw an article just this morning warning everyone that a newer more resistant strain is coming. It’s not over Ray, it’s just starting.
its and whackos should have apostrophe’s
and whacko’s
OK, I’ll type really, really, slowly
Becoming real clear ? Oh deary, deary me,
Becoming really clear is the correct way to spell things
Anyway, glad to have sorted things out for you.
Please don’t take umbrage by this comment, nor regard it as supportive of Ray’s childish outburst, but whackos is the plural of whacko, not whacko’s. You’ve used a possessive apostrophe where none is needed. The same goes for apostrophe’s. The plural is apostrophes.
No one would have believed that this world was being watched keenly and closely by an intelligence as great as Ray’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
Ray, I can’t even give you another red arrow because it’s just not fair.
Please come back with some more priceless gems soon.
Always amusing when non-semites invoke the anti-semite angle as distractors. Get your hand off it …
Make sure you’re in bed by 9pm and don’t forget to put your toys away also.
Anti-semite: against Yemenis and Palestinians.
Except it hasn’t passed and nor should we allow it to. In some Countries, officials are trying the ‘move-on’ – ‘nothing to see here’ tactic and yet in others, they are still playing the ‘special measures’ game. We should all ensure that the globally coordinated scandal, is exposed as exactly that. I don’t blame governments, it’s in their nature to obfuscate facts, to their advantage. What I do find unforgivable is the media’s complicity in spreading falsehoods and blatant censoring of real facts. I now find myself wondering, – for how long have I been stupid enough to happily accept the word of ‘trusted media’ sources? I feel such a mug. 😳
It’s perfectly normal to mandate lies, whilst sanctioning truth. Right?
“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.”
– William Shenstone –
(November 18, 1714 – February 11, 1763)
Exactly what Alex Jones has done?
Hello Derek: I think he’s smoked a lot of cigars. Other than that, I can’t blame him for anything he’s said or done...
I love this barebones, pre-podcast podcast taped in 1989, a decade into the weird Reagan/Thatcher era that began our collective fascist descension:
Who Rules America: The Elite People and Institutions That Control the United States (1987)
very precise, and elequqent in both clarity plus wit. Good link. thanks
Typo “Taped in 1989”. States recorded summer 1986 at 1:28:14
Interesting video. Thank you for providing the link.
Bodybuilder chooses suicide as guinea pig for vaccine mafia. His almost superhuman will (in connection with a death wish not to be defined in detail) had led him to want to be wrong at all costs.
I have a list of “revolutionary” quotes by Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Marquis De Lafayette, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and other freedom patriots.
They also warned against the establishment of false agencies. The FBI, CIA, NSA and other constructs are incorporated – privately held businesses. Their business is racketeering and their method is extortion.
“And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale”
Thomas Jefferson cited in a letter to John Taylor
– May 28, 1816 –
Wading through oceans of data. What can it all mean?
See here:
“with –
It looks like we already have more than enough evidence to make the claim that Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to depopulation.”
I then type “pfizer pregnant vaccine trial” into the most commonly used search engine i.e. the mighty Google and I am directed to this:
Which after telling me
Delivers its verdict far below:
Guess which one of these the mainstream, not to mention “The Science”, is trumpeting!
Ain’t it wonderful? Technical writers who write for publications such as the Lancet, are trained in language manipulation and use of rhetoric. In other words: They are trained to obfuscate and confound data for any desired effect.
Generally, the public accesses this data utilizing tiny cellular phone screens, which ARE designed to displace context and confuse cognitive processes..”They” called them “smart” phones for a reason…
“The Science” is such a fucking con. The World Health Organisation staged the entire covid Dawn of the Dead scenario. And editor-in-chief of The Lancet, Richard Horton, has served with the WHO zombie franchise production team. So all that remains to be asked is who is set the task for providing the medico gabba gabba texts. Two possibilities: first, it could be software generated. Or second, it could be a now habitual spew automatically belched forth by our King-Is-In-The Altogether choreographers.
I’m thinking the entire charade is a computer generated hack. Even profiling the alleged “virus” was an in silico ghost analysis. Statistical analysis can be weighted to reflect any specified conclusion.
Assholes like Richard Horton know damn well this was no “pandemic”. Pretty clear – unless you reside in Disneyland…
Complicity in Murder is Protected Speech
Pfizer states that of the 270 vaxxed pregnancies they have absolutely no idea what happened in 238 of them. Of the 32 they continued to follow 5 were listed as “pending,” so of 270 vaxxed pregnancies the report covers the outcome of only 27.
The outcome? 1 living child. All the rest were miscarriages, death in the womb, 1 death of a premature babe, and 1 neonatal death.
They describe 1 surviving baby out of 27 vaxxed pregnancies as “safe & effective.”
Thanks for posting the expose-news coverage of the FOIA’d Pfizer docs, George.
Total free speech can be a problem, lets understand why. The Nazis were elected in Germany through the propagation of hate against the Jews, the left, and the weak Weimar government.
All the tools they used to get elected were very powerful and were impossible to fight because they resonated with the population………I would say hate & victimization are popular, very very popular.
I would say the same happened in the UK in 2016, when Brexit was achieved through the weaponization of xenophobia in US controlled social media.
I grew up knowing the power of xenophobia and so did the politicians and statesmen of my youth, which is why it was instantly condemned when used by any political party.
We knew it was a dangerous weapon. That awareness vanished after 2001 for some reason and became common political currency perhaps as the forces behind our state wanted to shift us politically to the right.
To simply say we cannot fight this speech will lead us inevitably to the same results. That is the problem & not so easily dismissed by declaring a love of free speech.
Also it must be noted that without free speech we have no democracy, because opposition is essential. This is the dilemma .
There’s no dilemma. There’s instead today a paucity of leadership teaching how free speech, properly defended, functions to protect against these alleged “problems”.
you want to deny that lies work……they do work, and dark forces know how to use them to best effect at home and from overseas.
Who decides what is a lie?
I don’t deny lies will work on a portion of the public, and, as now and at most times, can work on a majority. But as I pointed out earlier, what I do deny is that “free speech, properly defended” is occurring.
It has never been defended fully, there have always been restrictions on speech especially in the UK.
In theory, the U.S. version codified by the short and simple language the First Amendment is absolute. (That is, regarding government action, but not necessarily for “private” environments such as school campuses and websites.)
In practice, free speech wasn’t defended much until the 1960s, and various courts have both at times enforced it and at times whittled away at it somewhat.
This is a familiar sound. The liberal left concern about the manipulation of the masses and their basic barbarian tendencies all of which come down to that old xenophobia and racism etc.
…. umm ….
And what does any of that have to do with what’s happening now? It’s not racism that’s the problem. (Though I have no doubt our invisible troll armies will keep that ethnicity baiting thing up.)
No, it’s any departure from the covid / vax / climate change paradigm. Also any suggestion that there are actually bastards up there manipulating the masses will be dismissed as “conspiracy theory” which is always taken to be a sign of “radicalisation”. There is no problem with free speech. Except of course that those up there don’t like it and mean to deprive us of it.
You are playing the poor little Nazi victim of oppression. Of course racism & victimization for political ends is real, it is the far rights bread and butter. That has not changed.
Actually it has changed and quite a bit. The rulers – smart lot that they are – know how to turn every meme to their advantage (especially when they created a lot of these memes themselves anyway). So instead of having direct racism they now have indirect racism via that pathological pedanticism known as political correctness.
Quite a lot has changed. Spoiler: the Cold War is over. The post WW2 world is in a state of collapse. And the nice little media defined “Leftism” of that world was exploded by covid.
Ultimate spoiler: “Left” and “Right” – along with the various add-ons e.g. “Far” and “Extreme” are now pure mind manipulation.
Listen dimwit. I speak fluent German and lived there for 10 years. I have tremendous respect for the decent Germans I met and there were many of them. I still keep in touch with some of them. I also worked for a various multinational companies for 25 years across Europe and elsewhere. I met thousands of decent people in that job of all races and creed. I voted for leave because I object to the tyranny of the EU. This has nothing to do with the Europeans. What kind of dimwit thinks it does?
Your stupid rant has nothing to do with my comment……you revolve your guilt over Brexit in your own time, it has nothing to do with what I said. I pointed out xenophobia was used to achieve Brexit………that is simply a fact.
What you call “xenophobia” is actually the first law of nature: Self Preservation. It’s normal, natural and healthy.
Britons could stand to be a little more xenophobic.
So did immigration into the UK stop? Yes it did, White Christians stopped coming from Europe and the numbers of Muslims and east Asians increased. So it worked did it?
That wasn’t how it was supposed to work. What you described is the result of a having a leadership in place that actively hates its people.
The Nazis got elected because of what had happened to most Germans: imperialism and destitution. Brexit happened due to similar exploitation of most Brits.Capitalism is now trying to survive its expiry date.
My point is that the Nazis got elected on a sea of lies that worked. We cannot pretend that that is not a problem it is.
“We cannot pretend that that is not a problem it is.”
“We cannot pretend that that WAS not a problem it WAS.”
The forces around us now are far more subtle and insidious.
Freedom of expression, like Western civilisation, would be a good idea.
P.S. Lenny Bruce was an obvious op to degrade the culture. He’s no hero – and no comedian. Does real opposition get Dustin Hoffman films made about them?
More to the point: does the public even know the names of any “real opposition.” (That is, except for the ones who get butchered by the state.)
Not only was Lenny Bruce not real opposition; he wasn’t even funny.
Lenny Bruce was an op on the ascendant side of modern free speech in the U.S. Remember, pragmatically in the U.S. speech was not really so free for most of the country’s history — books were banned, people were silenced all along; the First Amendment was quite dormant.
What changed was the rise and loudness of the complaints made by the New Left for change using as one of its tools the First Amendment as the defense, in numerous court cases, mostly from the early 1960s through the mid-1970s.
So what’s different now in the 2020s is that these same counter-revolutionaries have largely achieved their goals, and are shutting down free speech, as it provides them no benefit.
Why? Because they never did give a damn about free speech — it was not a core value, but a means to an end.
You use “the culture” like Authority uses “the Science”…
I’m no fan of any Bruce, but one of Hollywood’s functions is to de-fang radicals or their ideas…
Turn them into Entertainment (propaganda as Entertainment)…
They’re licensed to do such by the State …It’s called ‘Artistic License’.
When young i thought ‘culture’ was made collectively; was collectively created meanings…But the word became popular, its meaning diffuse…Now it can be applied to anything, you can even buy Culture…
Yesterday i saw young teens outside a large ‘entertainment’ centre utilising the building’s mirrored large glass windows to watch themselves perform the types of dancing back-up dancers do behind pop singers…”Great ! A Youth sub-culture !” i thought, then disappointed they were only mirroring what they’d seen on the Culture Box (TV)…I gave them an ‘A’ for effort, and a ‘Z’ for originality…They were Well Adjusted, not studying Juvenile Delinquency, or Revolution…
Never heard of this guy before. Apparently he used a lot of foul language. Is the freedom to use obscenities the same as the freedom to question the forcing of graphene oxide injections on the whole of the world’s population ?
Here is a new(ish) development. The media was always full of bullshit. But now it seems as if the broad categories themselves are bullshit i.e. utterly artificial constructions. The present main page of the Graud has these titles for the sections:
The first one (presumably) refers to actual events but presented in a totally fraudulent way. The third one is definitely real (as we are about to find out big style!) but contrived. The other two are fantasy.
The Fraudian
Who made a Freudian spelling mistake?
No “long covid” (damage) from the jab?
When the author makes an unquestioning reference to the “January 6 Capitol riots” without putting the word “riot” in scare quotes, he’s either voluntarily censoring himself or mindlessly repeating deep state propaganda. Not a good look either way.
Hello Jonathan K X: Excellent point. The capitol “riots” were not riots at all. They were carefully orchestrated operations designed by intel agencies and “democratic” interests. The 2020 election was a complete fraud…
The playbook of coup d’état actions have taken place in countless South American countries in the last 60 years. Protests are infiltrated by intelligence operatives, and lawful civil actions are turned into murderous fiascoes. Most readers here know the agencies which perpetuate these actions.
Well, unfortunately part of it was a riot, or devolved into one. Just admit it.
But, of course, the assertion this event was an intentional coup by the administration, and an actual insurrection by the crowd against democracy rather than in defense of it, are sheer Machiavellian entrapment in private and insane discourse in public.
If we of the opposition don’t stay disciplined, we’ll lose the war here.
January 6th could be described as “all of the above” — a rally, a riot, an insurrection and even a tourist visit to the Capitol. It depends on who you were, where you were and what you were doing. I’m pretty sure that most of the people involved were not there to take over the government, they just acted as useful cover (and muddied the water) for the group that was. Remember, the entire scheme, hare brained or not, relied on gumming up the constitutional works so January 20th. would arrive without any winner being certified for the Presidential election.
The whole point of the January 6th commission is to get on the record the who/what/when/how of the entire event.
As for people saying the election was fixed, it was in a sense but that sense was just registering and encouraging the vote of people opposed to Donald Trump. He had also lost a lot of support from a segment of Republicans who, to put it simply, couldn’t stand him.
Hello Martin Usher: The election WAS FIXED. Not just “in a sense”.The evidence was overwhelming before the protest was even organized.
The Democratic National Committee has been a tool of banking and trade since well before 1933. Both “parties” are little more than proxy organisations for international trade and mercantilism. Mercantilism is a form of economic nationalism to increase the prosperity and power of a nation through restrictive trade practices.
Mr. Trump (not a fan) won the election by a landslide. The rest is theater.
” ( not a fan ) ” will not be construed to mean preferring the alternative, to be gracious.
The problem is that many who voted against Trump are quite pleased and satisfied that the election was stolen, from him they reckon though it was actually stolen from the American people along with the nation itself.
Hello TomUSA: My vote went to Tulsi Gabbard – the only valid candidate prior to the fake election. I was extremely disappointed that she was forced to drop out of the race.
The American system of government has been ceded to corporate constructs and international banking. Biden is an asshole.
No, “[t]he whole point of the January 6th commission” is to justify criminalizing all dissent from the long-ascendant authoritarian establishment. It takes either propaganda, or preposterous naivete, to consider this a good faith “search the truth”. (The new Alex Jones precedent was another angle on that, effectively attacking all alt media.)
The monsters and their dupes are working furiously to cement a story with sufficient scapegoats to fool the majority. We’ve already seen this movie many times, each time more nakedly contemptuous of the ordinary public — and thus actual democracy — than the previous. Believe it or not, they are slowly waking up.
Turning a demonstration or protest into a riot is just what Paul raised. In the heat of the moment, those who follow or imitate the provocateur are unaware that the that the latter will get special treatment from the enforcers.
Yes, they were duped. But it is not deniable that some people were committing crimes, and a subset of those undeniably consciously so (breaking into offices, smashing windows, etc.). In those limited cases, IMO it’s really hard to demand giving them a pass. What does it do for our credibility? Don’t stoop to the level of the BLM crowd.
Hello mgeo. Yes. Evidence of agent provocateurs was demonstrated in a number of cell phone camera shots, and to some degree in media coverage. Of course, the professional camera shots were edited in short order. Thanks for posting.
When real riots that happened with the BLM were painted as mostly peaceful protests and never given the same scrutiny as what happened at capitol hill.
Hello Arsebiscuits: As “some” persons know, he BLM protests were managed by the same covert operatives who managed the January 6 events. The same playbook has been used over and over to destabilize sovereign governments all over the world. I think you know the score re: capitol hill.
You’re right. Soros funded BLM and used actors as well.
But but but wasn’t that shaman with the bison headwear carrying a spear?
Thanks for pointing this out. My guess is that the authors chose this fraught characterization as a simple, passing descriptive term without considering the implications.
This is the peril of “bumper sticker” (or “meme”)-level perception and knowledge, especially with elaborated morality-tale vignettes and tableaus. It calls to mind the bogus 1989 Tiananmen Square “Tank Man” episode– not the factual version, the imposed mendacious narrative that “Tank Man” was a courageous Everyman “David” resisting a monstrous and reprehensible Goliath.
After September 11, 2001, I coined the term “pernicious factoid” for distorted, inaccurate, and otherwise false statements that are repeated casually, carelessly, or deliberately in support of a false narrative, e.g. “Oswald shot JFK.”
Speaking of which: a few years ago, my New York Times-loving sister, M., sent me a link to a relatively trivial NYT article– sort of the NYT’s version of “News of the Weird”. It reported on the history of controversies and litigation swirling around Lee Harvey Oswald’s gravesite. The lede was something like, “When Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963…”.
When I replied to my sister, of course I couldn’t resist mentioning, in effect, that the lede “triggered” me. I didn’t use my “pernicious factoid” term, but I did say that it was a good example of how conventional mass-media “innocuously” continuously reinforces and re-seeds mendacious narratives.
I didn’t contact the NYT to express my objection to the bogus lede, but it didn’t go unchallenged: several days later, M. sent me a follow-up article by the young reporter who’d written the article– his response to the considerable blowback he’d gotten. Apparently a significant number of readers saw fit to register vehement disapproval.
This sequel actually ticked me off even more than the original sin. The reporter began quasi-apologetically, explaining that he wasn’t even born when the assassination occurred, and didn’t appreciate how “emotional” it was for some people; he said he only wrote the lede to set up the Oswald gravesite topic, and didn’t realize it would be so inflammatory that it would provoke such harsh feedback.
But then he went on from there to suggest that, after all, the statement isn’t that outrageous– it’s considered reasonably accurate by authorities and much of the public. So the follow-up amounted to saying, “Gee, I’m sorry for stirring up such controversy with my choice of lede. But I really don’t see where what I wrote is so wrong, so maybe it’s just that the critics are a bit oversensitive.”
M. triumphantly referenced the follow-up article the next time we got together. “See? It was just a kid innocently writing something that he thought was accurate enough– there’s no big NYT conspiracy or ‘narrative’ enforcement going on.”
(Given her perspective, I don’t know why I was so surprised when M. bought into the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic narrative hook, line, and hypodermic.)
Pernicious factoids, among other things, are the grace notes played by the “Mighty Wurlitzer” of overclass propaganda– although they’re not necessarily created by state-security (“intelligence”) agencies, they are always relentlessly promoted by orthodox mass-media.
I somewhat facetiously proposed an “Ort’s Law”: “truthy”-sounding assertions, if repeated often enough, become generally accepted as truthful and reliable; just as Gresham’s Law holds that bad money drives out good, Ort’s Law holds that pernicious factoids drive out facts (truth).
The blithe acceptance and reflexive propagation of seemingly minor, incidental false terms results in discourse and analysis becoming undermined and poisoned with pernicious factoids.
The one thing I loved best about the Jan. 6 bash was seeing cowardly US lawmakers scared shitless, cowering under their desks … priceless.
And yes, these are more or less the same individuals who send billions of dollars around the world so folks can kill each other and live in perpetual fear. They do it everyday. But their true nature is that of sniveling, narcissistic cowards. And that will always follow them.
There is a darkly humorous side to this. See here for an example:
When on GB News, Naomi Wolf offered some serious vaccine critique,
See? Wolf must be silenced! …. but not by any shady state operative. Oh no! It’s all down to that ever so concerned “general public” who insist that “we” must be protected from “harmful material”.
And when the Graud gleefully declared GB News “lost half its value” (, they sneered at the comment from one of the buyers Sir Paul Marshall: “As investors we’re proud of what GB News is doing for media plurality in the UK, bringing fresh perspectives to the national conversation.”
After which our Graud gives an example of the sarcastically referred to “fresh perspectives” i.e. nothing less than that aforementioned Wolf interview.
Thus (and though they will never come out and say this) – no plurality! Plurality is dangerous! And who decides this? Well, “the public” demanding to be “protected” from “harmful material”!
I think Naomi Wolf’s subject matter was the effect of the ‘vaccines’ on women’s fertility. If the info you provided in your 4:30 bulletin is true, then GB News has nothing to worry about.
Clearly, the government does not trust its own propaganda. The kind of speech protected by the First Amendment (which should be anything and everything), if spoken to most Americans, would garner a shrug and an abrupt exit – or worse.
Look what happened when Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks spoke against Mr. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003; or when Linda Ronstadt spoke in favor of Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 911.”
Yet still the government does not trust the people’s brainwashing enough to give critics free reign.
We say government by this, or by that, or by the other. I say “Government by chicken shit.”
Probably because their agenda is still far from completed.
Just give them a few more years, and nobody will even remember what brainwashing is…