The Gaslighting of the Masses

CJ Hopkins

For students of official propaganda, mind control, emotional coercion, and other insidious manipulation techniques, the rollout of the New Normal has been a bonanza. Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale.

In a little over two and a half years, our collective “reality” has been radically revised. Our societies have been radically restructured. Millions (probably billions) of people have been systematically conditioned to believe a variety of patently ridiculous assertions, assertions based on absolutely nothing, repeatedly disproved by widely available evidence, but which have nevertheless attained the status of facts. An entire fictitious history has been written based on those baseless and ridiculous assertions. It will not be unwritten easily or quickly.

I am not going to waste your time debunking those assertions. They have been repeatedly, exhaustively debunked. You know what they are and you either believe them or you don’t. Either way, reviewing and debunking them again isn’t going to change a thing.

Instead, I want to focus on one particularly effective mind-control technology, one that has done a lot of heavy lifting throughout the implementation of the New Normal and is doing a lot of heavy-lifting currently. I want to do that because many people mistakenly believe that mind-control is either (a) a “conspiracy theory” or (b) something that can only be achieved with drugs, microwaves, surgery, torture, or some other invasive physical means. Of course, there is a vast and well-documented history of the use of such invasive physical technologies (see, e.g., the history of the CIA’s infamous MKULTRA program), but in many instances mind-control can be achieved through much less elaborate techniques.

One of the most basic and effective techniques that cults, totalitarian systems, and individuals with fascistic personalities use to disorient and control people’s minds is “gaslighting.” You’re probably familiar with the term. If not, here are a few definitions:

“the manipulation of another person into doubting their perceptions, experiences, or understanding of events.” American Psychological Association

“an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity.” Psychology Today

“a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.” Newport Institute

The main goal of gaslighting is to confuse, coerce, and emotionally manipulate your victim into abandoning their own perception of reality and accepting whatever new “reality” you impose on them. Ultimately, you want to completely destroy their ability to trust their own perception, emotions, reasoning, and memory of historical events, and render them utterly dependent on you to tell them what is real and what “really” happened, and so on, and how they should be feeling about it.

Anyone who has ever experienced gaslighting in the context of an abusive relationship, or a cult, or a totalitarian system, or who has worked in a battered women’s shelter, can tell you how powerful and destructive it is. In the most extreme cases, the victims of gaslighting are entirely stripped of their sense of self and surrender their individual autonomy completely. Among the best-known and most dramatic examples are the Patty Hearst case, Jim Jones’ People’s Temple, the Manson family, and various other cults, but, the truth is, gaslighting happens every day, out of the spotlight of the media, in countless personal and professional relationships.

Since the Spring of 2020, we have been subjected to official gaslighting on an unprecedented scale. In a sense, the “Apocalyptic Pandemic” PSYOP has been one big extended gaslighting campaign (comprising countless individual instances of gaslighting) inflicted on the masses throughout the world. The events of this past week were just another example.

Basically, what happened was, a Pfizer executive confirmed to the European Parliament last Monday that Pfizer did not know whether its Covid “vaccine” prevented transmission of the virus before it was promoted as doing exactly that and forced on the masses in December of 2020. People saw the video of the executive admitting this, or heard about it, and got upset.

They tweeted and Facebooked and posted videos of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, the Director of the CDC, official propagandists like Rachel Maddow, and various other “experts” and “authorities” blatantly lying to the public, promising people that getting “vaccinated” would “prevent transmission,” “protect other people from infection,” “stop the virus in its tracks,” and so on, which totally baseless assertions (i.e., lies) were the justification for the systematic segregation and persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” and the fomenting of mass fanatical hatred of anyone challenging the official “vaccine” narrative, and the official New Normal ideology, which hatred persists to this very day.

The New Normal propaganda apparatus (i.e., the corporate media, health “experts,” et al.) responded to the story predictably. They ignored it, hoping it would just go away. When it didn’t, they rolled out the “fact-checkers” (i.e., gaslighters).

The Associated Press, Reuters, PolitiFact, and other official gaslighting outfits immediately published lengthy official “fact-checks” that would make a sophist blush. Read them and you will see what I mean. They are perfect examples of official gaslighting, crafted to distract you from the point and suck you into an argument over meaningless details and definitions. They sound exactly like Holocaust deniers pathetically asserting that there is no written proof that Hitler ordered the Final Solution … which, there isn’t, but it doesn’t fucking matter. Of course Hitler ordered the Final Solution, and of course they lied about the “vaccines.”

The Internet is swimming with evidence of their lies … tweets, videos, articles, and so on.

Which is what makes gaslighting so frustrating for people who believe they are engaged in an actual good-faith argument over facts and the truth. But that’s not how totalitarianism works. The New Normals, when they repeat whatever the authorities have instructed them to repeat today (e.g., “trust the Science,” “safe and effective,” “no one ever claimed they would prevent transmission”), could not care less whether it is actually true, or even if it makes the slightest sense.

These gaslighting “fact-checks” are not meant to convince them that anything is true or false. And they are certainly not meant to convince us. They are official scripts, talking points, and thought-terminating clichés for the New Normals to repeat, like cultists chanting mantras at you to shut off their minds and block out anything that contradicts or threatens the “reality” of the cult.

You can present them with the actual facts, and they will smile knowingly, and deny them to your face, and condescendingly mock you for not “seeing the truth.”

But here’s the tricky thing about gaslighting.

In order to effectively gaslight someone, you have be in a position of authority or wield some other form of power over them. They have to need something vital from you (i.e., sustenance, safety, financial security, community, career advancement, or just love). You can’t walk up to some random stranger on the street and start gaslighting them. They will laugh in your face.

The reason the New Normal authorities have been able to gaslight the masses so effectively is that most of the masses do need something from them … a job, food, shelter, money, security, status, their friends, a relationship, or whatever it is they’re not willing to risk by challenging those in power and their lies. Gaslighters, cultists, and power freaks, generally, know this. It is what they depend on, your unwillingness to live without whatever it is. They zero in on it and threaten you with the loss of it (sometimes consciously, sometimes just intuitively).

Gaslighting won’t work if you are willing to give up whatever the gaslighter is threatening to take from you (or stop giving you, as the case may be), but you have to be willing to actually lose it, because you will be punished for defending yourself, for not surrendering your autonomy and integrity, and conforming to the “reality” of the cult, or the abusive relationship, or the totalitarian system.

I have described the New Normal (i.e., our new “reality”) as pathologized-totalitarianism, and as a “a cult writ large, on a societal scale.” I used the “Covidian Cult” analogy because every totalitarian system essentially operates like a cult, the main difference being that, in totalitarian systems, the balance of power between the cult and the normal (i.e., dominant) society is completely inverted. The cult becomes the dominant (i.e., “normal”) society, and non-cult-members become its “deviants.”

We do not want to see ourselves as “deviants” (because we haven’t changed, the society has), and our instinct is to reject the label, but that is exactly what we are … deviants. People who deviate from the norm, a new norm, which we reject, and oppose, but which, despite that, is nonetheless the norm, and thus we are going to be regarded and dealt with like deviants.

I am such a deviant. I have a feeling you are too. Under the circumstances, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, we need to accept it, and embrace it. Above all, we need to get clear about it, about where we stand in this new “reality.”

We are heading toward New Normal Winter No. 3. They are already cranking up the official propaganda, jacking up the fabricated “cases,” talking about reintroducing mask-mandates, fomenting mass hatred of “the Unvaccinated,” and so on. People’s gas bills and doubling and tripling. The global-capitalist ruling classes are openly embracing neo-Nazis. There is talk of “limited” nuclear war. Fanaticism, fear, and hatred abound. The gaslighting of the masses is not abating. It is increasing. The suppression of dissent is intensifying. The demonization of non-conformity is intensifying. Lines are being drawn in the sand. You see it and feel it just like I do.

Get clear on what’s essential to you. Get clear about what you’re willing to lose. Stay deviant. Stay frosty. This isn’t over.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 4, 2022 12:34 AM

The core problem in society, for a long time, is that there is a continuum of mind control. I distinguish between age old kinds, such as abusive parents psyching their kids, or vice versa (as in elder abuse) and mean only what is institutionally established: advertisement, misinfo, disinfo, and misdirection by media, the warmakers incessant propaganda for a culture of “total war” which is a distinguishing trait of fascism, and then there’s the really gnarly kind, such as MKULTRA “coercive hypnosis” such as Sirhan CLEARLY was dealt, and the fact that for years he doesn’t remember what happened at key moments, except under the last ten years or so of deep hypnosis “retrogression” that is covered in “The Real Manchurian Candidate” (2018 documentary, available free at Youtube).

But you add it all up and you get a culture whose “pseudo-reality” (as Dave Martin puts it in “The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton” and other commentary at dcdave.com) is relentlessly maintained by what salesmen call “the presumptive close” of high pressure sales.

Or, in this case, “Believe it, OR ELSE.” That is kind of the constant ultimatum given by our government and corporate perps.

And that is the plan, 360 degree Mind Control. About the only escape, when feasible, is to simply not play the game, and cooperate as little as possible, or is legal, or whatever works, which I have been doing since about the age of 13 or so. Over a half century. I check in now and again to see what opportunities exist, but it seems like a tightening noose, so I simply recuse myself, mostly. As much as I can, and more politely than ever, but constantly.

It’s not really a solution, but it helps some.

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Oct 25, 2022 2:08 AM

I’ve lost friends, others have put up with me but think I’m a bit mad (they may have thought that before all this), worse, I’m completely estranged from my family, no rows, no nastiness, I just cut off all contact with them.
The worst thing of all might be this:
I absolutely don’t care.

K. Hyuane
K. Hyuane
Oct 19, 2023 3:00 AM
Reply to  K. Cavan

Your story is exactly like a movie I watched recently.Everyone else found the main character annoying, and he nearly stopped communicating with his family. But he finally met someone who could warm his estranged soul. He’s not different from other people, he’s just special and he still deserves to be loved. I hope you will too

Dallas Beaufort
Dallas Beaufort
Oct 22, 2022 8:17 AM

I bought 2 books in the early 80’s, The Non Conformist and the Games People Play, Alas they have both gone missing.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Oct 21, 2022 12:20 PM

Gaslighting only works on those without boundaries; emotional and mental. In UK people have been brought up without boundaries; emotional and mental (the television for example invades a childs boundaries, as does isolation from a living community). If you leave childhood without boundaries its difficult to build them later. You need to get emotional, the brain becomes like plasticity, emotions flow, truths must be accepted, pain is accepted, then you can rebuild boundaries but the British people are severely emotionally repressed. The subversion of their societal institutions (marriage, family, gender, masculinity) by satan; has achieved this.

Remember Trump’s ‘build the wall’; its all about BOUNDARIES; emotional and mental.

Oct 21, 2022 10:58 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

Remember Trump’s ‘build the wall’; its all about BOUNDARIES; emotional and mental.

From a Psychology point of view, Is not ‘building the wall then pretending to need the money to ‘build the wall’ then Steve Bannon stealing the build the wall money which was given by mainly venerable people and then Trump’s pardoning of the perpetrator. Isn’t that considered Psychology abuse, Malicious manipulation, Thief and emotional blackmail.?
Wouldn’t that be the opposite of BOUNDARIES.?

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Oct 25, 2022 2:10 AM
Reply to  ophiaps

Oh shut up about Trump, you fool. Go and have a look at Biden.

Oct 21, 2022 8:21 AM

I stopped reading as soon as the author drew the idiotic parallel with the sacred cow of the 20th century. A very bad sign when a truth is said to tell a lie.

Oct 21, 2022 1:34 AM

Great summation. I’m glad I’m a deviant.

Nov 6, 2022 11:59 PM
Reply to  TheFloydster

Once a deviant, always a deviant.
HAIL, the beautiful deviants!

Oct 20, 2022 8:38 PM

Great summary, and that’s how all the various PSYOPS flow into and out from each other. They need you to be dependent on them for everything from money, food, jobs, heat, and water to medicine, entertainment, education, and a basic grasp on reality so that the “New Normal” covid gaslighting works. Thus, they’re wrecking supply chains, disrupting food production/distribution systems, clamping down on energy supplies, and sabotaging entire financial systems for maximum chaotic effects. Then, they fire up the military industrial complex to stoke fears of war and of Russian boogymen and of white supremacist domestic terrorists so that you’ll clamor for them to nuke and round up the “enemy.”

It’s no hyperbole to say we are being ruled by the most psychopathic, shameless, degenerate, authoritarian, gormless elites that have ever existed on this planet.

Jan J
Jan J
Oct 20, 2022 5:20 PM

I found this interesting comment to this article…


Is Miles crazy? A Genius? A CIA asset? Who knows, but it sure was an interesting read 🙂

Oct 20, 2022 3:33 PM

Join us for a conversation about Sudden Cardiac Arrest

This was the heading of an email I just received from the University of Maryland Medical System. There will be a “Conversation” on Oct. 26th from 12 to 1 P.M. EST.

This happens to be very good news in a macabre sort of way: it says the mainstream culture is having to really take the issue seriously – and try their best to cover up the obvious link to the “vaccine.”

I probably should sign up for it just to see how many pretzels they create from on-the-ground and in-you-face facts.

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
Oct 20, 2022 10:41 AM

One of the goals of the Gaslighting is to convince people that they must self-censor for reasons of self-preservation. Faked ‘incidents’ of people being arrested shown on MSM and social media are designed to intimidate people, so they stay silent and thus support the latest globalist narrative

Oct 21, 2022 5:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

 I have often suspected phone-captured footage of police brutality etc. was either semi-staged or was being deliberately promoted by social media platforms which should otherwise have been censoring such things. Why, I wondered? It was that which made me think they were not designed to inspire anger, but to intimidate, to inculcate in people a sense of mass futility and helplessness, witnessing throngs of impotent people doing nothing but ineffectually waving their phones like passive children as jackbooted storm troopers wade through them, pushing them around. It’s a very disempowering image. Yeah, you might have to pay out on a few lawsuits (if some of these events were even real), but you can’t buy applied psychology like that and you know your target demographic of NWO non-conformists will distribute it for you, for free XD.

Your explanation was elegant.

Literally 2 or 3 of us in the comments section have been saying that the fake arrests / fights etc during the demonstration/s where fake or police visiting so called very dodgy alt media personalty s (i.e rebel media) and the police telling them to stop posting was lies..

The video footage was so dodgy.

Respectfully you and your article writers in the past have been always pro believers of them videos. .CJ posted them so have Kit and others.

Glad you finally come on board to truth.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗚𝗕 (regulars on U.K column during the lockdown)

Oct 20, 2022 2:21 AM

Link to Wikispooks/TFD article, i.e. summary of WEF/WHO psy-ops
URL: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg
or https://thefallingdarkness.com/category/health/

Oct 19, 2022 8:52 PM

Lots of good comments already (plus a few not so good). As usual I agree with most of what Hopkins says, when and where I can understand him, but I do have a question: if the gaslighter has to have a degree of power over people to gain control of their minds, what do we call those who come to believe in the deception for other reasons? I mean the people who just follow the herd (over the cliff), who don’t “want to think too hard” about anything, or are just too lazy to be bothered to investigate? Or even those who are just not able to look into things because of intellectual impairment, disability, or whatever cause that is not their fault?

Oct 19, 2022 7:34 PM

Robert Kennedy Jr. has made a video summary of his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, available on Rumble. It will be free for 9 more days. Mostly what we already know. Great synopsis of how Fauci handled AIDS and his first abuse of the PCR test with AZT trials. Lot of good videos. Great for sharing with leftist deniers who revere the Kennedy family.


Oct 23, 2022 7:01 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Embedded into RFK Jr’s presentation is the insinuation that Covid-19 is a new and dangerous virus that escaped from a lab.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2022 6:20 PM
Reply to  John

I get the idea that he allows the virus into the conversation from a need to pick his battles, that he wants to address the psyops sequentially, and that the whole pandemic narrative as a battlefield in its totality is maybe a “bridge too far” for the time being. There are strategic considerations.

That’s just a fact. The other issues can wait, they aren’t going anywhere, after all. They are fully ensconced, at least at this time.

Oct 19, 2022 7:00 PM

A little early to be airing reruns from the covid show so hear is
front lines of WW3, Ukrainian “soldiers” form a conga line as they dance towards Lyman.
War is hell if you have two left feet.

Oct 19, 2022 5:35 PM

Gaslighting article then closing certain comment thread LOL
love it- new alt media ‘hypocrite of the highest order’ !

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 19, 2022 8:01 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hopkins’s article includes definitions of gaslighting such as “The manipulation of another person into doubting their perceptions, experiences, or understanding of events” where gaslighters are, “seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.”

If three core components of the H narrative are questionable/ false (the genocidal intent, the industrialised killing processes, the huge death toll) then surely the holocaust industry (Finkelstein) is gaslighting on an unparalleled scale ? It is a simple argument.

It surely is hypocritical if you ask questions then close comments for reply on such a subject matter. Your reasoning is reminiscent of those who try to close debate in other areas. When you write about the ‘granular details’ getting lost through distracting red herrings it reminds me of examples from the 911 era like, “stopping the invasion of Iraq/ Aghanistan is what is important, not getting lost in the weeds of who did 911”. But of course it is important to know what happened on 911 if you are serious about stopping war. When you write that it is offensive to try and discuss such things, I am reminded of Jeremy Scahill’s much circulated comment (to close the debate) that discussing 911 was “offensive to people who had lost family members”. Controversies are unsettling and so are the uncovering of lies, but truth is crucial, no? (It’s in your banner). When you remind us that other alt media sites are less tolerant, it reminds me of Monbiot calling for us all to stay with the ‘sensible Guardian’ which is so much more broad in its opinion than ‘the rightwing press’. This is all relativising free speech or range of opinion.
If the discussion steers well clear of incitement, then what (morally) can be wrong with going there ? Nobody is denying that Jews were dehumanised and denied their rights, subject to appalling conditions and were targeted for killing en masse. I have never read any such denial anywhere.
What is at issue is whether we can all understand our history, whether we can discuss it as a means of understanding our present. If we have been gaslit for eight decades with a story- the essential aspects of which are untrue, would that not be massively significant in terms of the power relationship mentioned at the top of this comment ?

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Oct 20, 2022 6:00 AM


Ian Bell
Ian Bell
Oct 19, 2022 4:28 PM

I encourage readers to spend some time on the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website (CODOH.com) for comprehensive reviews and data about the fairy tale know as the Jewish Holocaust, another mythical/invented history. Chuckle, the irony is CJ engages in gas lighting with regards to the Jewish Holo-hoax.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Oct 19, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  Ian Bell

I have heard about the The Haavara Agreement, and how this isn’t covered correctly, if at all.

I have heard about how the production required to come even close to the numbers quoted for the holocaust, is fantastical.

I have heard how many of the photos that claim to be concentration and death camps, are really from The Rheinwiesenlager

Funny how not a single popular historian / channel, will cover these subjects with any objectivity what so ever.

Steph Amson
Steph Amson
Oct 19, 2022 3:17 PM
anthony murphy
anthony murphy
Oct 19, 2022 1:28 PM

The first paragraph could also apply to that very long-lasting fairy tale – Christianity. As Fred N told us, God died. This is the inferior replacement…not even trancendence, after-life or sainthood is on offer. Just a boring digital shit hole.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Oct 19, 2022 6:31 PM
Reply to  anthony murphy

The alternative to God, is evilution.

Another “scientific theory” that has been debunked, by exposing “artist renderings” of transitional species, that have no basis in factual evidence in the fossil records.

Do you seriously believe that we developed, that everything developed, from an ameba?

Do you think modern automobiles design, engineer and manufacture themselves?

Complex systems don’t just appear from nothing.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 20, 2022 4:24 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

The god of creation and the man made god of corporate religion are not the same thing.

Oct 19, 2022 11:16 AM

Holocaust? The gaslighting by gas-chambers.
I propose a compromise: holycaust. An event not to be criticised.
On the one hand Anne Frank did not kill herself, on the other,
she never was a literary genius.

Butbutbut the 2nd ww narrative: If the allies had never, then we would be speaking german, russian…!!
Where would we be without Hollywood and mass media infotainment!
No amazing Desmond, no twerking, no forever war, no neoliberal politicians… oh the humanity, the yuge manatee!

Oct 19, 2022 2:45 PM
Reply to  Mishko_

I felt Hopkins had a particularly poor argument about the ‘holocaust’ the compulsory belief in which is a classic example of gaslighting and totalitarianism

Oct 19, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  Mishko_

I thought this thread was closed??

Oct 19, 2022 7:55 AM
Oct 19, 2022 7:36 AM

Joe Biden is the dim bulb in the dark waste lands after the gaslighting of all other views:
even a retard can see that he is not in control of anything. Exposes the Anglo-saxon cabal.

Xi Jinping is the deadly supernova at the other end of the spectrum: controls everything in the Chinese universe.

Personal power lust eclipses common greed and so silicon addicted Homo sapiens is back to its original flint loving tribal status. At least some opportunity for different original experiments to discover a way out of this Kali Yuga.

Oct 19, 2022 11:24 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Politicians on autopilot. Dead man walking.
On the one hand our society refuses to let kids just be kids,
and on top of that there is this policy of old people not retiring.
No going fishing, no spending time with their grandchildren.
Another word for boomers? Gerontocracy.

Ray Este
Ray Este
Oct 19, 2022 4:32 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I agree with you about Joe and Kali Yuga, age of materialism and hipocrisy, wars, decline…
but Xi, somewhat dynamic, obviously, in comparison to Joe, is still under control, fully, let me assure you. ( China is nwo playground, blueprint. )

Politicians are nothing but marionettes.
More inteliggent beings ( Right, to avoid calling them : humans ) are hidden deep and pull the strings of those who pulled these of politicians.

But you know it.

Greetings from Polska.

BTW : Silicon addicted…you mean PC chips or “beauty enhancement” of females haha ?

Oct 19, 2022 6:17 AM

There’s a part of the narrative that we are leaving out, and it’s the most believable part: –the ways in which they stole from us.

All the world’s assets, at home and abroad, were produced by the labor of the people. They were stolen by just a few tricks. We need to explain each of those tricks and give each a name.

People understand theft, and they understand injustice. They have a tough time making real to themselves a conspiracy to murder most of the population and enslave the remnant.

In the ’50s when I was a child a man with a high school education could easily support a wife, a house, and five kids. We were talking about reducing the work week to 30 hours.
Today it takes two salaries– 80 hours minimum– to support the same standard of living.
What happened was theft.

We need to understand it, explain it, and name it. It’s not enough to say there are evil people who plan this terrible (and somewhat fantastic) conspiracy. We need to show what they’ve ALREADY done. We need to expose them as evil in a less overwhelming way first.

Oct 19, 2022 1:42 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Please don’t take my comment to in any way doubt that the “elites” have been systematically robbing the people since forever – that’s a given.

However, growing up in the 50’s also, I remember very well how few “conveniences” (consumer toys) there actually were. A toaster was a very big deal.

I point this out to note that the cost of living back then was much lower than it is today in large part because there were so many fewer contrivances a family found it necessary to have in order to feel they were “living well.”

And sending the kids to college was a luxury reserved for the very smartest, not for everyone – because, as you note, back then a high school education garnered its possessor a very good living.

As a side note, perhaps a large part of the “Red Scare” was convincing the American worker that good old capitalism was the way to go.

Oct 20, 2022 6:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard I don’t remember a toaster being a big deal, and we had TVs and stereos, but you’re right we didn’t have cell phones and computers. Nor GPS. However I can’t see that these things– which are pretty cheap– should have made your standard of living cost 80 hours labor instead of 30.

No, it was the tacking of interest onto everything that explains a good part of the theft. Alas, I don’t understand it very well.

I know there’s massive fraud in medical expenses– it’s the most profitable industry in the US. Not just Big Pharma, but just about every part of it is controlled by TPTB & their profit-taking is robbery. We’ve the most expensive medical care w a falling life expectancy.

Oct 19, 2022 4:53 PM
Reply to  Penelope

It’s called the credit card. It didn’t exist in the 50s. FFS, not till the 70s was there the gas card. It’s called not paying people in cash (and you can forget about a pension from the companies and corps that robbed you of your life, liberty and labor, but they gave you lines of credit, i.e. it’s not yours, it’s a debt that’s got to be repaid. This is just one tiny, weensy aspect to the whole charade, or conspiracy, that’s my, uh, theory.

Oct 20, 2022 6:47 AM
Reply to  jimbojames

jimbojames, actually retail credit cards began in the 50s, altho they didn’t become popular til the 60s.

Nevertheless, you’re right debt in general was the driver for using credit cards, and debt is the product of falling standards of living– or wages failing to keep up w inflation.
It has a lot to do w Fed policies which cycle through boom & bust cycles, and a lot to do w the enrichment of the FIRE sector.

I have a couple of economist Michael Hudson’s books & I’ve listened to many of his online presentations– but I just haven’t mastered economics.

I only know a few of their tricks:
–the savings & loan debacle
–the bail-outs of the “too big to fail”
— a process where they buy a company, sell off its assets, declare bankruptcy & tell the employees “Too bad about that company-held retirement fund.”

Jan 11, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Penelope

You are right that debt is the driving force behind credit cards and the resulting falling standards of living. However, it’s also important to note that the Federal Reserve’s policies of boom-and-bust cycles and the enrichment of the FIRE sector have significantly contributed to this problem as well. As Michael Hudson has pointed out, other factors such as predatory banking practices, like the savings & loan debacle and bailouts of too-big-to-fail firms, also play a role in creating economic instability and draining retirement funds away from workers. It’s important for all of us to stay informed about these issues so we can take action and protect our financial security.

Jan 11, 2023 6:43 PM
Reply to  Penelope

You are right that debt is the driving force behind credit cards and the resulting falling standards of living. However, it’s also important to note that the Federal Reserve’s policies of boom-and-bust cycles and the enrichment of the FIRE sector have significantly contributed to this problem as well. As Michael Hudson has pointed out, other factors such as predatory banking practices, like the savings & loan debacle and bailouts of too-big-to-fail firms, also play a role in creating economic instability and draining retirement away from workers. It’s important for all of us to stay informed about these issues so we can take action and protect our financial security.

Oct 20, 2022 10:22 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Great comment

Oct 19, 2022 4:16 AM


If it isn’t the “nazi’s” it’s Manson. The poor bugger was innocent.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 19, 2022 6:33 AM

Why do you think this?

Oct 19, 2022 8:44 AM

I’d need a very long post to answer that question. Lets start with the “motive” that the fraud Bugliosi (the prosecutor) concocted for Manson. He wrote a book called Helter Skelter to elaborate on this and that volume sold 7 million copies. He plagiarised this mad race war motive from a 50’s California cult figure with the adopted name of Krishna Venta. In a strange twist Krishna Venta was killed by a suicide bomber who was one of his followers because Krishna was molesting his wife. This happened in the 1950’s. Manson had no real motive.

The coroner and his team determined that the wounds were very deep and most probably caused by bayonets. The murder team were alleged to be a man and three slightly built young women. Thrusting bayonets into rib cages repeatedly requires more physical power than these stoned chicks had. The team had correctly identified and cut telephone wires leading into the house in the dark and then scaled a high automatic gate. All this points to a profesional team. A pair of spectacles were found at the scene and these were analysed and the prescription sent to optometrists in the area. Intriguingly an optometrist in a town near San Diego received a visitor who requested glasses of an almost identical prescription. The prescription was very unusual.

(to be continued if possible).

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Oct 20, 2022 4:36 AM

Polanski did not want the child that his wife Sharon Tate was carrying. This has been documented. He demanded an abortion which Tate refused. There is a possibility that the foetus was not his. Tate had an affair with a rising star of the time, a chap who acted in the movie Ryan’s Daughter (?). This was while carrying the baby. This actor disappeared from the scene after the murders and surfaced decades later with his story. Polanski forced Tate to travel while very pregnant from London to Los Angeles. She had to sail the Atlantic being too pregnant to fly. Polanski stayed in London until after the murders.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 2, 2022 7:30 PM

Polanski has been targeted since just forever by Intel. I mean, there”s a bullseye tattoed on his bloody back. He saw a lot in Hollywood of its rotten foundation, as a young filmmaker prodigy, and rebel malcontent, and has been dropping sly clues in his films, like, forever. That plays right into “their” motives, means, and madness to take him “down town to Chinatown”. (As they did Mort Sahl and his later friend Robin Williams, another homicide) Besides the obvious CIA-unfriendly clues in his 2010 “The Ghost Writer” co-written with Robert Harris, Polanski also released 2019’s “J’Accuse” (“An Officer & a Spy”) about L’Affaire Dreyfus, one that I cannot even find here anywhere, although it’s available from France (with only Dutch subtitles!)! I have been digging into all that glaring subterfuge, and the results are revealing. It reminds me so much of Paul Manning’s book of 50 years past “Martin Borman, Nazi in Exile”. Manning went far in digging up the final destination of so much Nazi gold that Borman (another surprisingly active charred corpse, much like Hitler’s) smuggled out of the Axis countries, in 1945, and that has been funding the 4th Reich ever since. The fact that for decades you could not get that book in Allied countries speaks pulped volumes, by the trilogies. Shady agents slinked around the world buying them up or out when they appeared in the stacks. Seriously. (Oh, and Manning, who had been one of (Edward R ) “Murrow’s Boys”, as a war correspondent in WW II, had a son who was mysteriously murdered in those years.) It’s not easy to miss the parallels with Polanski’s plight. The parallels with what Émile Zola was writing about, especially its fecund aftermath and fallout in deep state terms over ensuing decades in French society, and what is going on today within our global power structures, must have REALLY hit a nerve. This time! Because it’s dammed hard to get that DVD. ( I made several inquiries to the head of Reference at our excellent Newport Beach Library, which hosts lectures by many world-renowned luminaries, and I got some unusually long explanatory emails of how their road has chronicly been blocked repeatedly in acquiring any copies of it in English, since they are just unavailable!) As of now, I’m trying just to get one from France, or anywhere, in French without translated subtitles, and one that will play on USAmerican players. Almost all of those available won’t play here! Last I looked, I believe I saw one available from Korea or far away over there somewhere, that played on our equipment, but figured I’d wait. I’m not joking, and all of it points to a concerted, coordinated putsch, globally, against Monsieur Polanski and, more incidentally, this film. Much like the one against the Kennedy bro’s. Uncanniness personified. Now, of course, a guy like me (or maybe you) wants to know absolutely everything about this. Meanwhile, “back at the ranch”, (as they use as a trope in early cowboy films) I have every bad word ever said about Polanski flagged in the file as instantly suspect, as his whole career since he arrived in Hollyweird of the 1950s has “fingerprints of Intelligence” on every square inch of it, and in multiples. [I just finished a book which describes so much of the intrigue from those days, so much that I can personally decipher to varying degrees, depths, and the pivotal part that “MPH” (my father’s client) played in much of backstage, or -door, Hollywood, back in those years, culminating in a page of chapter 7 (of “Master… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Nov 3, 2022 3:52 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The only reason you can get an $8 kindle version of “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” now, and some others at Amazon, etc., is because our man Dave Emory ( spitfirelist.com ) put up a free copy online since many years ago, at no doubt some serious personal risk, since the great lady whose whole research he took over, as heir apparent, Mae Brussel, died rather young, in her mid-60s, after years of being almost the sole voice muckraking against hidden history of modern Nazism in the USA Inc., such as its connections to the JFK assassination (check her work out on that one!) when she passed away in the mid-1980s. Before the WWW (aka Masonic 333) got into full swing, Nazi operatives had been making the rounds through every English language bookstore the wide world over, and their world wide web of great tensile strength, scarfing up every available copy.

That’s just a fact. Until relatively recently (10+ years ago?) for decades, time out of mind, you had to pay like $200 to get any few extant copies, from GB or wherever. You couldn’t even find it here. I know, I tried often.

Now with Project Gutenberg, etc., at least all that is, at least for the time being, getting harder to pull off, since you can get so many older books free online.

Oct 19, 2022 11:36 AM

White trash to be publicly paraded. The utter ridiculous nonsense of the press releases and court cases.
The several layers of mind control. The Tate murder has been picked apart and said to be found wanting.
The overarching connection to drugs and organised crime.
Christopher Knowles from the Secret Sun blog calls events like these “The Never Ending Ritual”.

Oct 20, 2022 6:36 AM

Yes, Placental, I think it was a hoax, an intell op. The target was “patriot groups,” and “hippies” generally. They became less attractive if you connected them to cult-murder.

However, don’t shed any tears over Manson; I doubt he was actually in jail. I remember pictures of him after he’d supposedly been jailed for years. He had a beard!! Not in an American jail– nope: It could be used to hide a homemade weapon.

I’ve forgotten the details, but somebody did a pretty good expose on the murder scene; may have been Miles Mathis.

Here’s a link that I’ve not reviewed, but starts out pretty good

Oct 19, 2022 3:36 AM

File under . . . Conspiracy Theory, urges the Deep State:



Oct 19, 2022 2:24 AM

Reading that Reuters gaslighting article is enough as far as I’m concerned for ALL MSM journos to be shot. On sight. Cunts all of them.

Oct 18, 2022 10:13 PM

couldn’t make up it.

Moderna CEO confirms new mRNA ‘injection’ to repair heart muscles after heart attack

‘Stephane Bancel announced today that his company has a program that now involves injecting messenger RNA (mRNA) into people’s hearts following a heart attack.’


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 19, 2022 1:25 AM

mRNA is a technology, not a type of drug or vaccine, Its actually a protein production technique, the protein being produced by a person could have all sorts of uses from simulating an infection to targeting a pathogen directly or even regenerating damaged tissue. This technology could be the most important advance in medicine since antibiotics so you are likely to hear about other uses that are nothing to do with diseases and vaccines.

(The term ‘mRNA vaccine’ rolls off the tongue a bit easier than ‘Vaccine designed to cause a person’s body to generate antibodies to a signature protein of Covid”,)

Oct 19, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 19, 2022 7:22 PM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

If you stopped and thought about this for a minute you’d realize that the implications of this technology go far beyond its use to produce a vaccine. mRNA is part of the mechanism that cells use to convert information on their DNA into proteins, the basic building blocks of life. We’re hijacking that information for our own purposes. The potential — and implications — are huge.

I know its natural to deny things that are outside your everyday experience but this one truly is huge. We humans are approaching the point were we can alter the nature of living organisms (including us) and even create new organisms as a technology. What used to be called “Playing God”. If this isn’t done carefully and responsibly then we’re going to cause all sorts of trouble (and based on past form with other technologies the portents aren’t good).

The Covid vaccines were just a side show. Just wait for the main event.

Oct 19, 2022 8:45 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

And you can bet your bottom dollar it won’t be done carefully and responsibly!

Adair Brion
Adair Brion
Oct 31, 2022 9:02 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

You remind me of someone…. https://youtu.be/FiG-ZfnYkl0

Oct 22, 2022 8:29 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

This is the Transhumanism Trilogy:

1)Give up natural immunity;
2)Give up body-sovereignty;
3)Fear nature in all its forms.

Build Back Better by Mammon worship.

“The Mystery” has no money in it!

Adair Brion
Adair Brion
Oct 31, 2022 8:55 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Ask the developer of mRNA technology Robert Malone about how big Pharma is abusing it and is causing more harm than good. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/joe-rogan-robert-malone-interview-covid-vaccine/

Papi Phonic
Papi Phonic
Oct 21, 2022 9:05 AM

So this is a variation on killing the messenger.

Oct 18, 2022 8:52 PM

For those who have or haven’t read the book:


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2022 8:26 PM

As an indication of the now all-pervasive “reputable scientific community” i.e. the façade adopted by the deep state intellectual goon squad, see here:
This is an attack on “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) described as “a term I’d never heard before”. Cheeky! As if the highly questionable term “transgender” and the downright oxymoronic term “transgender children” are not to be doubted. 
The villain of the piece is physician Lisa Littman, who, in the journal PLOS One, “argued that the increase in the number of children who are openly questioning their gender identity isn’t just a result of broader acceptance of trans and nonbinary people” but that “gender dysphoria is spreading among children through peer networks, almost like an infectious disease”.

Littman’s ideas went viral: Joe Rogan devoted an episode to these concepts, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling blogged about it, and Fox News’ Tucker Carlson called transgender identity among children an “epidemic.””

However “(s)ocial scientists …. were skeptical of the study from the get-go: Chief among the methodological problems they identified were that Littman had interviewed parents, rather than transgender children themselves….”
An interesting statement since it submits to the apparent fairness of letting these children speak for themselves whilst implying that the parents could not be trusted on this. But then children are, by definition, pre-pubescent and cannot themselves make any kind of informed choice on the matter i.e. the term “transgender child” is, as stated before, an oxymoron. (And that is of course allowing the benefit of the doubt regarding the entire dubious matter of transgenderism itself.)
Another methodological problem was that “she had recruited participants in the study in online communities that weren’t supportive of transgender people”.
A tautological matter surely. The transgender issue can only be examined by those who support it. And furthermore who support “transgender children”!
But then the “proper authorities” moved in and
“the journal issued a lengthy correction and apology. Major medical organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the Society of Behavioral Medicine, and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, have rejected ROGD as a theory.”
But ….
“that hasn’t stopped parents’ rights groups from advancing their feverish crusade to rid schools of anything remotely friendly to the LGBTQ community, lest the “contagion” spread.”
After which the piece follows the drearily familiar pattern of painting this utterly artificial “persecuted minority” as being under threat by Right Wing fundamentalist gun nuts. And the synthetic progressive arm of the Mafioso deep state asserts its mind warping delusion again under, as always, that “proper”, “scientific”, “concerned” and, above all, “reputable” veneer.

Oct 18, 2022 8:22 PM

Sorry CJ, but I have to take issue with your identification of us, the unvaccinated, as ‘deviant.’ We are not deviants. We have stood our ground and remained true to ourselves, no matter what political, religious or cultural values we may individually hold, and no matter what it has cost us. What unites us is not deviancy, it’s the recognition that we are at war with a real deviancy – the evil minds behind the scamdemic.

Oct 18, 2022 9:35 PM
Reply to  Amyus

um I think that’s exactly what he said and went to some lengths to explain. He even wrote ” devaints” in inverted comments.

Oct 19, 2022 8:24 AM
Reply to  Camille

Umm, the term is “inverted commas.”

Jeff bridges
Jeff bridges
Oct 18, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  Amyus

He is implying that because we deviate from the new norm’ we are seen as Deviants by society at large.

Oct 19, 2022 2:27 AM
Reply to  Jeff bridges

Don’t explain simple things to simple people they still won’t catch up

Oct 19, 2022 2:27 AM
Reply to  Amyus

Can tell you have a high degree of narcissism and very low ability to see the blatant inverted commas.

Oct 19, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  Amyus

Just replace deviant with dissident and you won’t feel so insulted.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2022 7:44 PM

Something strange is going on. I keep getting burps of a resurgence of the covid propaganda via my smartphone but nothing has surfaced for definite in the most visible realms of the mainstream channels. It’s as if the media theatre is “flexing its muscles” and preparing its script – behind the scenes as it were. The actors are rehearing their lines in the backrooms, waiting for their cue.    

Oct 19, 2022 2:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Give it until December they’ll roll out the new zeta variant and tell the herd to stay indoors

Oct 18, 2022 7:33 PM

So covid was a scam but the hollow co$t is real? Interesting

Oct 18, 2022 10:20 PM
Reply to  Dminor

Germany laws on that, are 1000 x worse than covid.
c.j is German based, so he even wear a mask and take a jab and booster and gaslight as that area is no go for 99.% of new media including his little covid controlled outbursts.

Oct 19, 2022 2:29 AM
Reply to  Dminor

Same way the claims Stalin killed X million are also made up?

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2022 7:21 PM

I just heard the “concerned” voice on the news fretting over the “dreadful toll of the cost of living crisis”.

And then it struck me.

Word War 1. The media whips up patriotic fervour to send millions of young off to their deaths in a miserable mud pool for a contrived “cause” and then this same media weeps over the young lives lost.

Just over a century later the media whips up a phony fuel shortage and then weeps over the coming death avalanche. It’s the most caring compassionate and tenderly expressed genocide ever.

Oct 19, 2022 6:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“the welfare of Humanity has always been the alibi of Tyrants” Albert Camus

Oct 18, 2022 5:56 PM

‘We are heading toward New Normal Winter No. 3. They are already cranking up the official propaganda, jacking up the fabricated “cases,” talking about reintroducing mask-mandates, fomenting mass hatred of “the Unvaccinated,”

I am not so sure.

What I see is that people of young age are getting sick, really sick for prolonged times without having the covid. And since they don’t want to talk about the cause (vaccine), I assume that it scares them more than they like to admit.

That plus inflation, job loss and a cold winter may be something more to worry about than vaccination.

Actually, employers in NL now say one can come to work with ‘mild covid’.

I don’t think the vaccinated want to ‘scientifically’ discuss the issue of vaccination with the unvaccinated anymore. Vaccination has become a taboo word..

The speed of science and all has taken care of that…

Oct 18, 2022 6:46 PM
Reply to  Willem

Where i live they talk about reinstating mask mandates. I heard the same of other countries as well like Ireland.

Oct 19, 2022 12:56 AM
Reply to  Willem

Agree about the V word – word non grata. Young people do get more ill more often -but they recover.

Look at the skies and the lies – this is eye off the ball territory now. We are bombarded with falsity day in day out and no-one really does anything except protest against one or other of the lies/serfdom mandates.

We say but we don’t do.

As many people realise – this place is not enough. It’s also probably policed already passively.

They want to know what we think and say – it’s just a heads up. More than that, some of it is even set up to get data.

We are being studied via data – the privacy laws are a sham. Everyone has noticed this – most people do not care.

No-one talks about it much – they are full of hope that the instinct driven file/spirit of mind we all have is wrong.

Hope – mine is outside this internet Pandora’s Box.

Oct 19, 2022 12:25 PM
Reply to  Willem

they have implemented 5G at full throttle everywhere, we should not forget it,
is not a cure-all, it is devastating to all life on earth …

Oct 18, 2022 5:42 PM

Sometimes ludicrous eye witness accounts and Nuremberg confessions invalidated through torturous duress is all the so called holocaust has to back it up.
Those seeking hard evidence are disappointed- there is none. Period.
The author has been subjected to a relentless gaslighting to the point where “of course” requires nothing of substance.
Of course the virus exists!
Everybody knows!
They could not and would not defraud the public!
Everything is being tipped upon it’s ear, from the holocaust, space-time and the atom, through to the virus fraud and germ theory- the entire world view is altering.
The same people who brought you the holocaust brought you fractional reserve banking, are the same people who bring climate change, the virus, germ theory, the great pyramid constructed with hemp rope and copper chisels, who bring germ theory, the virus as a cover for environmental harm and vaccines which are neither safe, effective or necessary.
Of course the Germans used diesel engines from captured Russian tanks to gas people- eye witnesses said so.
Of course the virus exists- science says so.
Of course the covid vaccines stop transmission!

Oct 18, 2022 6:29 PM
Reply to  Ronald

Yep, agree entirely!

Oct 18, 2022 6:53 PM
Reply to  Ronald

Spot on Ronald.

Oct 18, 2022 7:11 PM
Reply to  Ronald

And yet the truth always remains the truth…
Odd, that…

So I’m investing in those stubborn scientific facts – not the ones Matt Hancock used to lie about, but the ones that remain after they have been through the digestive systems of a hundred Hancocks.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  Ronald

The media hold the power since they decide what is “reputable”. Covid has blown that scam wide open and now all is up for re-evaluation. Just because certain items of information and even entire lines of study have, as it were, been dressed up in the smartest suits and have the most impeccable manners, this doesn’t indicate that they are trustworthy. Indeed it is starting to look as if the opposite is the case. The more a certain informational line is highlighted and decorated with accolades, the more suspicious it now appears. As someone* once said, “It is no achievement to be healthy in a sick world”. Likewise, it is no sign of worth to be feted in a world of criminals.
*I was going to insert a “prestigious” name here but that would be contrary to the spirit of my point.

Oct 18, 2022 5:36 PM

chat up line in 2022, if you come back to my place, I will put the heating on.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 18, 2022 8:19 PM

Better … come back to my place, I turned the heat on at noon …

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 18, 2022 5:36 PM

Since the “Collective Waste (West)” is going to ‘function’ amongst itself and not the Global South for the foreseeable future it stands to reason that the passive mention of the Holocau$t as fact, even within the argument of the authorities gaslighting, is to gain some demented ‘social credit’ from the authorities.
The ZioGloboHomo attack only worked on the “West”. The “West’s” overlords will continue the gaslighting adventure.

Thanks CJ for a perfect illustration!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2022 4:57 PM

I noted that CJ had drifted close to the truly unmentionable and was prepared to turn a blind eye. But since others have brought it up, then I will too.
Here’s what CJ says:

The Associated Press, Reuters, PolitiFact, and other official gaslighting outfits immediately published lengthy official “fact-checks” that would make a sophist blush. Read them and you will see what I mean. They are perfect examples of official gaslighting, crafted to distract you from the point and suck you into an argument over meaningless details and definitions. They sound exactly like Holocaust deniers pathetically asserting that there is no written proof that Hitler ordered the Final Solution … which, there isn’t, but it doesn’t fucking matter. Of course Hitler ordered the Final Solution, and of course they lied about the “vaccines.”

So there isn’t proof that Hitler ordered the Final Solution “but it doesn’t fucking matter” because “of course” he did (?!)
As I recall, it was always assumed that there was no reference in Hitler’s writings to the Final Solution because Hitler wanted to distance himself from it. That was something I always took for granted. Until I realised that this is one case where the very absence of any evidence is taken as evidence!
And Hopkins’ absolute certitude about this is an indication that his “of course” relates to an event that is entirely presupposed and therefore doesn’t need evidence.
Of course the whole matter of anything to do with the Holocaust is strictly off limits. It is the ultimate taboo. But I now realise that if you want to know about how any society’s propaganda functions, the most direct way to go is to look at that society’s taboos. And the most severe taboos are the ones that usually even the most astute critics will avoid.

Oct 18, 2022 6:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yeah, George – as the saying goes (something like): If you want to know who rules over you, ask about whom you can’t criticize.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2022 7:31 PM
Reply to  Ian

Also, ask about the taboos i.e. the doors you’re not supposed to look behind.

Wally Jasper
Wally Jasper
Oct 18, 2022 9:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, I guess I’m going to wade into this Holocaust discussion. I was born and grew up in a Jewish family in the decade after WWII. I’m wondering why now, around 76 years post Nazi era the reality of the holocaust is being denied. That’s very interesting. After all, not only was it well documented in (pre-photoshop era) photos, personal evidence of populations in proximity to the concentration camps, speeches of German officials from that era, etc. but also from the millions of family stories of survivors, family members, the numbers tattooed on arms, the psychological impacts carried forward to succeeding generations, the precipitous decline of certain populations (Jews, gays, Roma, to name a few). It’s almost as if, since the whole world has been gaslighted about COVID then everything that most people believe is true must be false. All part of the rampant insanity of humanity right now. What is up must be down. What is right must be left. Or, more accurately, there is no more up or down, right or left. The world is topsy turvy. History is meaningless and reality is only how we interpret things based on what information we receive and whether or not we believe it. This is how things are now and it’s not right or wrong; it’s just how it is as humans are dealing with witnessing so much sham and deceit everywhere we look. Certainly nothing to trust in this human constructed mind-world. Well, time to head out into the forest for my daily dose of sanity.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 19, 2022 6:59 AM
Reply to  Wally Jasper

The Wikispooks site raises the issue and puts forward the case for doubt very well. What strikes me is that, if I subtract the interminable series of Holocaust movies, the one “proof” I have seen is those horrific shots of massed corpses being rolled into pits. But these bodies are all emaciated and clearly died of disease or starvation. You don’t gas people who are dying anyway.

Furthermore the very (furiously) emphatic insistence that we should never doubt it is also …. well hugely dubious.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 19, 2022 7:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Here’s another way of looking at it: the wall to wall covid propaganda right now is seamless even at a time when it’s supposed to be happening and is clearly not. Imagine decades have passed. It would be so much easier to lie about it once it had faded into the past.

Oct 19, 2022 8:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You got persuaded to defend yourself. The issue is not the claims, but whether anyone can question, investigate or reject them. “Democratic” laws say you can’t.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Oct 19, 2022 11:02 AM
Reply to  Wally Jasper

WW11 killed tens of millions and some of them were jewish. The problem is not that we deny the ”holocaust” but that the holocaust has been co opted by Israel and many in the jewish diaspora to justify abusing anyone who criticises Israel and totally ignores the tens of millions of others who died.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 19, 2022 7:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Interesting to read that George Mc. I have seen this subject come up here on this comment board many times, but its notable that such a regular comment writer should dare to tread. I have been following its surfacing in general Covid skepticism with interest too, remembering an article in The Light some months back which asked ‘Why can’t we question this?’.
I agree, that if we apply the same standards of logical reasoning, demand for evidence (particularly physical evidence), and common sense that we would use to evaluate any number of other controversies past and present, then we would arrive at least at the position that legitimate skepticism of the details of ‘the big H’ is warranted. If we apply a certain mental tool kit when trying to untangle, say 911, then why not use that same toolkit to look at the events of WWII ? If Western Powers lied about all wars, then that must include the ‘righteous war’ too.
But this is not what we read. Time and again, in the realm of serious media criticism, as much as anywhere else, we have an emotive enforcement of taboo. It is hard to think of another subject matter that simply is off the table. (There are of course legal implications, so it is not just social conformity that enforces the taboo.)
I remember making just these points above a couple of years ago to a prominent media skeptic, and the reply was (paraphrasing) “Ok, go and delve into that deep dark hole if you want, but don’t complain at the company you will find there”. When I read reasoned argument break down from another, I don’t assume (like the paranoid Mathis below) that people are ‘agents’. Rather that I have stumbled upon the effects of another layer of gaslighting. Taboos define the limits to political and historical debate, and if ever there was a time to challenge those, it is now.

Oct 19, 2022 7:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

If CJH questions the holyhoax from where he is, he will go straight to jail. As you know well.

Oct 18, 2022 4:12 PM

Interesting. I’ve just been to Miles Mathis’s site and his latest paper is on this Gaslighting piece. He confirms my initial thoughts on reading it – it is gaslighting while discussing gaslighting, hence my earlier questions to CJ Hopkins about his reference to The Holocaust. Readers of this site might find what Miles has to say of some interest.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Oct 18, 2022 4:15 PM
Reply to  Ian

My opinion is that you’re being gaslighted by “Miles Mathis”. I could make some stuff up to support this opinion but I’m not him.

Oct 18, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

If you read my post you will see that I formed thoughts on the article before I read what Mathis had to say several hours later, so I’d suggest your opinion is wrong. When you say “I could make up some stuff to support this opinion but I’m not him” this is a pretty weak reply (putting it very politely). I’m not of the view that Mathis is 100% right in all he says, but he offers a different perspective on many issues.

Oct 18, 2022 8:56 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hi Sam

Your response is poor, exceedingly poor. As a person who visits your site regularly let me say you have destroyed your credibility totally in this instance. You purport to be a site where facts are meant to be “sacred”, yet you dismiss Mathis’s perspective as to be “largely his navel”. Why don’t you give your readers facts (the sacred ones), not low-down smears. Your reasons for not providing the link do not become clear at all at the end of your comment. Would you care to explain a bit more?

Why don’t you refute his claims by showing that your independent authors are not CIA-linked? Facts ( the sacred ones). So, Miles is a “smart guy” but, later, “Perhaps better ignored”. I don’t have a dog in this fight but I’d say, right now, Mathis 1 (maybe 3), Off Guardian 0. I may be wrong and, if so, I’m not afraid to admit it.

My guess is, reading the comments (including yours), is that this piece by CJ Hopkins has backfired badly, unfortunately for you. It brings to mind the saying that Karma’s a bitch – – -.

I look forward to your reply.


Oct 19, 2022 4:53 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Well played… and how the fuck do you prove an individual is NOT part of a sophisticated International secret organization… (some nerds I tell you)

Oct 19, 2022 2:41 AM
Reply to  Ian

If you can handle facts can you handle the facts on Stalin? Like he was not a dictator (CIA admits it in internal documents) that only 18 million people went to the gulag in a 42 year period and that there were 799,455 executions between 1921-1953 this includes the military as well and that their are millions of documents from the old USSR and the other Soviet states all pertaining to the famine not one of them has any mention or inclination of starving anyone whatsoever. None

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Oct 20, 2022 6:31 AM
Reply to  Ian

So, you’re either Mathis or one of his groupies. I’m guessing the former. Hilarious. He literally just named virtually every alt news site as CIA just because they get more visitors than he does. 🤣🤣

Oct 19, 2022 9:04 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Just looked at Mathis’ web page and a few of his posts. He is clearly a nut case. Virtually everything is just a CIA front according to him, including Off Guardian. If anyone says anything he disagrees with, he condemns it totally as a front.

Oct 20, 2022 10:03 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You’re publishing a piece on gaslighting that gaslights. MM is right to add you to the list of controlled opposition fronts. Your reponses kinda confirm that aswell.

I also note that you’ve lost this battle. You guys are starting to lose control of the narrative which is very funny.

Oct 18, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hi Sam

They can search for “The art and counter-criticism site of Miles Williams Mathis” and go to the “Updates” section. His paper on your article is top of the list.


Geoff P
Geoff P
Oct 18, 2022 6:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2
Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 18, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  Ian

Oh dear, Miles has realized everyone is CIA except him. 😱

Oct 19, 2022 4:54 AM

That must have reassured him

Oct 19, 2022 8:43 PM

I know you closed the holocaust denier thread, Sophie, but just wanted to thank you somewhere for doing so. Your long comment explaining why you felt it necessary to do so was right on target. Thanks.

Oct 19, 2022 12:55 PM
Reply to  Ian

Question: Is Mathis actually claiming that CJH is secretly and directly responding to Mathis’s own work in the above article? If so then, clearly, Mathis is insincere in some way, a run around (gaslighting). Doesn’t mean CJH is sincere though, they could be working separately or together. And how does OffG fit in there? The whole shebang is a runaround. Entertainment. Distraction. (Guilty as charged, yes, I am participating) I tend to look at it this way. Whatever is presented somewhat cogently and sensically on the internet is gaslighting. Doesn’t matter the source. Sometimes its unfuckedwith other times its been spun to all getout. Anytime anyone blithely references facts or forgone conclusions or historical givens or data or the like (to any extent) they are being fools. Until we take on the uncomfortable work of dealing with this elephant we are getting nowhere in this room. Its a runaround. (more descriptive than gaslighting).

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Oct 20, 2022 6:23 AM
Reply to  Ian

Mathis is an intel creation. He’s a “smart guy” created to appeal to idiots. He was better a few years ago but now he mocks his own gullible readers with every even more stupid thing he produces. I mean why bother doing any real research when all you need to do is say “X faked their death” or “Y is a hoax”, and “prove ” it by finding out one of the people involved had a granny with the same last name as the Duke of Marlborough?

That’s it. That’s what passes for research on his site these days.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 18, 2022 4:04 PM

Before OPERATION COVIDIUS (and the use of a PCR kit to manufacture a PNEUMONIA event) I had to accept a tiny margin of UNCERTAINTY in regard to the level of Irresponsibility, Ignorance and Idiocy that are the major traits of the global herds of modern moron slaves, so I used to Think that ~5% of the global herd didn’t let those traits to evolve and dominate their Thought process and Life.

So, when I said and wrote before March 2020, that we were[are] easily manipulated due to those traits, I was many times censored and accused of being too pessimistic and to put everyone in the same pen!

Lucky me the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires deployed OPERATION COVIDIUS (after careful planning – last organizing meeting took place in Oct 2019 in NY city) and so I can today declare with PROOF and easy verifiable FACTS that those ~5% are now ~0,01% (with luck).

Can’t wait for the next one!…

Oct 18, 2022 4:03 PM

During those initial days of mass maskage there were countless, in fact non-stop, confrontational and surreal experiences for those of us who refused to go along with the program.

I would often be the only person in the grocery store to be walking around without a mask. At times it felt like I was living in a real-time episode of the Twilght Zone episode. At other times it just pissed me off.

In one instance one of the managers came up to me saying I had to wear one and I confronted the guy with legal documentation, which I always brought in. He quickly walked away. Thereafter I was left alone. I was certainly easy to spot.

Another time as I was checking out, the cashier, who was painfully overweight, offered me a mask and said I needed to be wearing one to shop at that store. I asked her if she had a medical license as she was offering a medical intervention. She said she didn’t. I told her she just violated federal law and if she ever did it again I would be suing her, which I had no plans on doing. I also cited the law she violated. She went mute and continued to get me through the check out line.

I’m sure most here have similar tales of the stupidity and surreal nature of those days. I’m not suprised by the overall compliance that occurred but I am disturbed by how nearly universal it was where I live and how long this went on.

I was raised to stand up to authority if it didn’t make sense. I don’t think that happens much these days. Kids are trained towards passive obedience.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 18, 2022 4:10 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

C’mon Maxwell… Be fair! Not just kids. around 99.8% of the global herd of modern moron slaves behaved like that meaning that they also were trained for that meekness.

Oct 18, 2022 4:25 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

My experience was the same. At one store I was unmasked and asked to leave. I told them I would just stand there at the checkout until they rang me up. The threatened to call police. I told them to go for it. At that point the other customers started mocking me including two who I thought were friends. The police refused to come so they were forced to ring me up and let me go. That was one of the worst of many experiences.

Oct 18, 2022 6:51 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

I had a good one.. i was in a store and cashier refused ti let me pay until i buy a mask of her. I then bough a mask of her and she let me pay without me even having to put the mask on lol

Oct 19, 2022 2:44 AM
Reply to  dude

Should have just left

Oct 19, 2022 4:54 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I was raised to stand up to authority if it didn’t make sense. I don’t think that happens much these days. Kids are trained towards passive obedience.

And what about your passive submission to the propaganda counter-narrative of “war” (which, let us not forget, continued the rise of the global transformation of elites, whose final phases they began with the plandemic deception), propagated by the same global power elites through a cooperative venture between mass media and selected alt-media and individual experts? So, in the most important time for a deep understanding of the deception, you personally volunteer to help the deception survive and advance. A little insignificant “giving a shoulder to the globalists” from you, a little drop in the sea of deceit; but still a drop. (You’ve heard “drop by drop – becomes sea”)

After that topic – a red thumb from me for you. for all your comments. (You have enough greens anyway; but if you don’t put extra, you only have 20-30, not 40-50-60;))
With the best feelings, of course.  🙂 

Oct 18, 2022 4:00 PM

Let’s take that in consideration,A tv presenter calling a free thinker a disgusting conspiracy theorist?. He gets fined 1 billion dollars even if he was wrong I can’t say I wasn’t there you can’t get fined for free thinking and speach it’s ridiculous, Imagine I said to someone in the pub yea you leant over the bar and stole a pint but I didn’t actually see you doing it and I got fined £1000 quid it’s insane.

Oct 18, 2022 4:07 PM
Reply to  Annie

I’m talking about Alex Jones not the presenter the presenter should be fined for slander.

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Oct 18, 2022 3:09 PM

Am I crazy? I have heard this clip over and over and never noticed until this morning that the Pfizer exec does not actually say anything about transmission in response to Roos’ question.

She says ‘did we know about stopping IMMUNIZATION before entering the market?’

Do you think she let slip a bigger truth? That they should have stopped the shots before they put them on the market.

How did we all hear immunizations don’t stop transmission. She clearly says immunization. Her response is at about 4:00 in on this video. Question precedes it. We know they don’t stop transmission obv. And we also know how criminally dangerous and deadly they are.


Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 18, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

Yes you’re crazy… Go get another round of booster!

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Oct 18, 2022 6:01 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Seriously? No vax household here.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 18, 2022 6:21 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

Well “no vax”… THEN you should know that when that scoundrel and terrorist says “stopping immunization” it’s just a clever “expert” way of saying “stopping transmission”!

Oct 19, 2022 2:46 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Christ only knows what you’re going on about

Oct 18, 2022 2:21 PM

As a therapist in private practice I have spent the past two and a half years saying to my clients “…and what do YOU think?” That’s always a pretty standard thing for a therapist to say, but the ‘gaslighting’ as they call it really has had a profound impact on many people. One of the unforgivable aspects of this is that it is divorcing people from their instinctual feelings about life and themselves. The conflict creates a lot of mental health issues. I also found it interesting that a few of the people I work with who are very ‘in touch’ with their bodies (gym-bunnies as one young client described the tribe) had absolutely no problem in refusing to swallow the narrative. I’m sure that’s indicative of a wider divorcement people have from their bodies which opens them up to manipulation. Although I’m sure there are exceptions.

Oct 18, 2022 5:20 PM
Reply to  Chris

I have one vaxxed friend who is very anti-GMO, plastics, chemicals of any kind. She simply refuses to see that what she rushed out and got shot up with is very similar technology. I took her out to a nice dinner one night for a steak, and she actually had the nerve, or cognitive dissonance or whatever we want to call it, to complain how the beef was corn fed and that’s a no go as it could cause cancer…. She simply does not see that the vax could very well cause cancer, along with several other nasty things. We do not discuss it. But it amazes me still that she will not make that connection. Of course she has been manipulated, and I think she may be starting to see that, but she would not ever admit that to me.

Oct 18, 2022 2:19 PM


Oct 18, 2022 2:05 PM

I prefer the term deviate to deviant.

Oct 19, 2022 8:45 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

What about deviator or even deviater?

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Oct 19, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  Christine

Deviate was the term we used when we bullied each other in the 70s. Friendly bantering type bullying. Not intentionally mean. Although some were more sensitive than others. Others were plainly deviates and deserved the label. Rule breakers of all kinds: Armed robbers. Twinkie pilferers. Pumpkin stealers. Bathroom smokers. Street fighters. Rock throwers. Truants. Etc.. Maybe the rule followers were the real deviates, now that I think about it. Kids tended to pick up on derogatory terms quickly. Deviate sounds more sinister and sexual, I think.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 18, 2022 1:44 PM

As soon as the Pfizer revelation was made I looked to see how the fact-checkers were spinning it. At that point I couldn’t see any spin. I’m like, bit slow, where’s the spin, what’s going on, don’t tell me they can’t find a way to spin this? I couldn’t see a way myself but I’m of limited imagination. Interestingly, Reuters simply reported the admission … but it didn’t take but 24 hours or so …

Oct 18, 2022 5:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Massive few weeks for the revelation of obvious, this guy Adam Wagner J*wish human rights barrister, a member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s panel of counsel.. In 2019 he represented the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA). 

During covid he Adam was massive on twitter about the laws and how we was being treated by them. A term I call pretend.

A colleague referred a few discrimination cases to him. They received a polite thank you and fuck of from his assistance.

Controlled op like Lord Simpleton sumption. for the believers.

Boris Johnson’s Covid laws took away our rights with flick of a pen. Don’t let that happen again by Adam Wagner


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 19, 2022 12:52 PM

Oh of course he’s at Doughty Street Chambers where they do so very, very much for human rights.

Where was the outcry when the measures were being implemented? Where was Adam and The Guardian then? In any case, of course, they choose to fight at way above the level of truth. The fundamental issue is being LIED to about a fake virus, not the measures, the fundamental issue is the BIG FAT LIE.

Oct 18, 2022 1:35 PM

The new normal (i.e., our new reality”) described as pathologized-totalitarianism, a societal sized “psychological controlled cult” The “Covid-19 threat required people to join the Cult of the cured by injection of mRNA gene vector into their veins”. Those saved were injected and they were part of the totalitarian cult like system where the dominant (were cult members) and minority,the non-Covid cult-members where the “deviants.”  

We d/n want to see ourselves as “deviants” (because we h/n changed, the society has), and out instinct is to reject the label, but that is exactly what we are ..deviants. People who deviate fe norm, a new norm, which we reject, and oppose, but which, despite that, is nonetheless the norm, and thus we are going tb regarded and dealt with like deviants.

The global-capitalist ruling classes are openly embracing neo-Nazis. There is talk of “limited” nuclear war. Fanaticism, fear, and hatred abound. The gaslighting of the masses is not abating. It is increasing. The suppression of dissent is intensifying. The demonization of non-conformity is intensifying. Lines are being drawn in the sand. You see it and feel it just like I do.

Your description of totalitarian control system maintaining psychological control by gaslighting the masses is very useful. I think it to be a contribution to the psychology of continuous feed MSM propaganda.  

But there is a physical layer to this totalitarian control phenomena; the digital platform layer. All expression has been directed to the digital platform. No one can conduct business with a government or a business without submitting oneself to the direction of allowed actions and to the surveillance found on the digital platform.  

Just to remind, the digital platform is not the Internet.. The Internet is a system of wires connected together end to end to provide electrical connectivity to each and every node; but no one can communicate on the Internet except in on off fashion. This is where the digital platform comes into play. it is privately owned (copyrighted software and patented hardware devices distributed on to of and over the Internet).  

So we are looking at your layer which is psychological control and at the digital layer which is physical and location control and at the communication layer (which is the communications layer conducted on the digital platform).

There are at least three layers of totalitarian control.
thanks for this very informative article. 

Oct 19, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  eman

The top cult leaders may only pretend to participate. Even for Hitler, some have expressed doubts as to whether his body was burnt beyond recognition after suicide, or whether he escaped to S. America.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2022 1:12 PM

George Orwell:

I remember saying once to Arthur Koestler, ‘History stopped in 1936’, at which he nodded in immediate understanding. We were both thinking of totalitarianism in general, but more particularly of the Spanish Civil War. Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories, and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.


Debunking claims that Ukraine staged injuries following Russian missile strike on Kyiv
FRANCE 24 English
Oct 17, 2022
Pro-Russian accounts claim that Ukrainian “propaganda” and mainstream Western media are showing fake victims, following a Russian missile strike in Kyiv on October 10. AP and Reuters reporters on the scene were able to confirm that the civilians in the viral posts are real victims of the war in Ukraine. We tell you more in this edition of Truth or Fake.

Oct 18, 2022 5:16 PM

George Orwell:

I remember saying once to Arthur Koestler, ‘History stopped in 1936’, at which he nodded in immediate understanding. We were both thinking of totalitarianism in general, but more particularly of the Spanish Civil War. Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories, and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.

Only if you applied that to Trump fighting the deep state / draining the swamp or Q droplets.
You do make me smile Mrs lost in the dark wood.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2022 6:24 PM

Only if . . .

It’s universal. However, the quality varies greatly. And the key point is to understand their real objectives.

We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had whole training courses!

Oct 19, 2022 2:48 AM

George Orwell was a spy and snitch for Britain’s secret police. Ratted on most of his “comrades” while in Spain.

Oct 20, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  Koba

The original mr Bliar.

Oct 30, 2022 1:35 AM

AP & Reuters = Operation Mockingbird: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american public believes is false.”
Wm. J. Casey, Dr. of Central Intelligence Agency 1981-1987

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 18, 2022 1:11 PM

Since the evil racist Europeans have been strictly forbidden by the new and old (and always the same) “world rulers” ever again to breed their own race by selection, one has proceed vicariously to transfer one’s grafting desires to animals of all kinds. Cows are considered sacred in India. In EU-rope, only cows that yield economically recognizable profit as meat products and milk machines are considered sacred.

Which bizarre effects meanwhile the total commercialization of each area of life brings forth, can probably produce only in the ill brains of incorrigible capitalism worshipers something like “euphoria”. Today we make acquaintance with “Krista”. She has won several awards as “Germany’s most beautiful cow”. Her sire is “Canadian”, although he belongs to the pure Aryan Holstein breed (obvious from Krista’s beauty).

Despite Krista’s gigantic udder (the only survival insurance of a Lower Saxony farm), she doesn’t seem to make any real progress when it comes to reproduction by native Holstein bulls. So all that remains is a trip to faraway Canada to help Krista achieve motherhood through artificial insemination and to successfully pass on and commercially exploit her valuable genes. Will the young peasant family be able to defend Krista’s rank?

“Atom Heart Mother: Lebensborn of the Aryan Supercows”

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 18, 2022 4:38 PM
Reply to  Mad World

Only real cowboys know about the benefits
of cow cuddling. In fact, unlike our “human-
like” oppressors – cows are quite adorable
& lovable creatures that do us some good.

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Oct 18, 2022 1:10 PM

Whenever I have a discussion with normies about what is going on in the world and where we are headed, my short answer is, “Look to China, this is the model for where we are headed.” I also point to the beginnings with Kissinger/Nixon, the transfer of technology and manufacturing over the decades (from the west) that has brought China (and the west’s dependence on them) to this point in history.

I am always met with blank stares…

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 18, 2022 8:34 PM

Why don’t you try saying, “Look at any inner city in the US of As, that’s where we’re headed”?

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Oct 19, 2022 8:16 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Of course, we must include a US model (for at least some reference) for where the world is headed – What was I thinking?


Oct 19, 2022 2:52 AM

Just for the record China’s social credit score isn’t a be good and don’t complain thing or we will come and get you. It’s for your CREDIT! It’s a financial thing to stop people getting credit when they can’t afford it. Just keep repeating the MSM and pretend you actually don’t believe a word they say while repeating them almost word for word

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Oct 19, 2022 8:05 AM
Reply to  Koba

Hmmm…never mentioned anything about Social Credit Scores. Did you happen to read it in my post? Nope. Not sure what you are going on about with that one…

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Oct 19, 2022 9:43 AM
Reply to  Koba

Just keep repeating the MSM and pretend you actually don’t believe a word they say while repeating them almost word for word

Really? Not sure you are coming from with that one.

Amazing you were able to glean so much from my three sentence post.

As much as the MSM is spewing propaganda, these days, they are basically publishing the general roadmap.

BTW, with regard to the Social Credit BS, it is not so much what it is at the moment, but what it could (and most likely) will become in the future, in the hands of the G3P. That is the story we should pay attention to. The future ramifications of it all.