“Experts” now admit you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated”
Kit Knightly
We at OffG – and many of our fellow alt media sites – have been reporting for over a year now that the Covid “vaccination” campaign will never end.
In short, you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated”.
That much was obvious once health institutions around the world started “updating” their definition of the term.
Israel. America. Britain. New Zealand. Australia…they all did it, and it came as no surprise.
From the beginning, the “pandemic” has been created, policed, enforced and perpetuated through nothing but rhetorical tricks and manipulative language. News names for old things. New definitions for old words.
“Covid” has always been nothing but a pandemic of terminology. The fluid nature of “fully vaccinated” is just another example.
It has already ballooned from “double-jabbed” to “boosted” and “double-boosted”, and with new “vaccines” expected for all the variants, it doesn’t look like any end is on the horizon.
As I said, you’ll never really be “fully vaccinated”…and now they’re admitting it.
In yet another attempt at control through language manipulation, there’s a push on to completely scrub the term “fully vaccinated” from the Covid discourse.
Yesterday NBC News ran this piece, which headlines:
It’s time to stop saying ‘fully vaccinated’ for Covid, experts say—here’s why
Before going on to claim:
If you still say “fully vaccinated” for Covid, it’s time to stop. With new boosters on the market and an ever-evolving virus, experts say the term no longer means being the most protected you can be. They point to two, far more appropriate alternatives to use in this current phase of the pandemic
They also recommend “adjusting your vocabulary” with their suggested new alternative: “up to date”, a frank admission that the Covid boosters will keep on coming, potentially forever.
Essentially, having spent 18 months convincing millions of people to get “fully vaccinated”, they’re now messing with language again to reverse course and strip that designation away.
Meaning all those people who dutifully took their clot shots are not only no longer considered “fully vaccinated”, but never will be, and are now not even allowed to use that phrase because it creates a false impression.
The good news is that vaccine uptake is slowing – it has been for months – and this transparent effort to lay the ground for future booster campaigns will likely fall flat on its face.
And finally, to all the (formerly) “fully vaccinated” out there, we are sorry…but we did try to tell you this would happen.
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Great innovations with a long view into the future are never appreciated in their time and remain misunderstood; as happened with Leonardo, Tesla. As with NosyX in 2020. It was such a good idea…
I remember this. Came out in the middle of the insanity of covid response. At the time I thought – yet more gaslighting, all designed to drive us batty. Seeing it again only re-affirms.
If you are an organized decision-making group with a well-oiled network of executive structures, acting in an army style, and you can offer or impose something from which you can derive several benefits, why would you give up and limit it to just one of the benefits? As it may be for gaslighting, so it may also be for predictive programming, so it may be for other things; and from each of them there may also be benefits in different directions.
Agree 100 Percent
Vaccines, nuclear weapons and digital surveillance all come the same group and are justified as innovations.
While we are at it…. I started looking at the nations that were LEAST vaccinated, wondering how bad it got, looking at the DEATH RATES of those nations.
What I found was that 1) no websites had those two statistics on the same page, and 2) that the nations with under 10% vaccinated had the LEAST deaths from Covid, relative to population.
Central Africa, for example, hardly anyone got vaccinated, but they did not die off at the prescribed rate for the unvaccinated. This kinda goes against the “unvaccinated people are filling the hospitals and graveyards” narrative,
But my sources of info are just Google searches. Maybe the Guardian could nail this crazy idea.
Is it true? Did the least vaccinated nations have lower death rates than the US, or even Canada, Europe?
yes, they had a lower death rate, probably because the people in those African countries take one Ivermectin pill a week to protect them against malaria. HUH? So one Ivermectin (at 2 pennies a pill) a week protects against the dreaded Covid-19?
So, since we now know that “viruses” do not exist and virology is bogus science, when are we gonna start calling this for what it is? Genocide.
If you’re paying attention to the news then you’ll learn two new things about Covid 📧
1) Its starting to resemble colds/flu in most people. A lot of people have now had it but the infection is relatively mild, just like other seasonal infections.
2) It is thought that precautions against Covid have contributed to the early and rather large spike in RSV cases among children because all the anti-viral precautions have left their immune system less primed for defending against other common viruses.
The first was anticipated a while back — this is what happened with other pandemics throughout history. The second, let’s just say its another case of ‘unintended consequences’!
Covid 19 is the ‘flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc.I have known this since June 2020.
There are no such things as infectious disease, it merely appears so, but in reality it is principally a vitamin D deficiency, prevalent in urban societies living and working away from the sun.
The vilification of going out in the sun has been part of the problem.
Reading the Sun is not consider a problem however, although this probably is dangerous in other ways. “Freddie Starr ate my brain” or something like that.
Not sure why but the news of an inhalable vaccine booster has scared me more than anything previous. Perhaps I have thoughts of them putting into the air systems of buildings, or other methods of involuntary distribution. Perhaps if people accept this they will accept anything and maybe the ‘zyklon gas’ of the new millennium will be odorless and tasteless. Perhaps I’m being paranoid.
To be honest, there’s enough crap in the atmosphere already, so not sure about it really.
Anyway, there are lots of toxins in food and water too, and vaccines and most big pharma drugs etc.
Probably fear campaign designed to keep the morons side over the winter as they shiver to death from the ‘flu/Covid 19 the vaccines, starvation, stupidity etc. etc. etc.
If lockdowns not going to work this time around, try a different fear angle.
But the Nazis are up to their old tricks, so ‘zyklon gas’ in the spirit of things. Like fear and surprise. Should you need a lift ever, you could do worse than this of mine. Monty Python sketch the best though.
Yes thanks that does help. It is good to be reminded of the One who overcame all. The sketch is classic. These clowns do deserve our laughter for their insane plots. 😜
Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet?
January 13, 2013
Chemtrail Flu – Have You Got It Yet? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Note the date. Don’t think you’re being inoculated with aerosol releases? Think again…
Chemtrail activity in Cornwall today, before the artificial cloud took over, was a fairly comprehensive grid pattern. I have previously posted on various websites over the past 10 years of normal contrails in the same sky as other chemtrails are being released but even our local MP would not discuss it or even acknowledge what he was being shown. What a shower of shit they all are, bought and paid for by the WEF, WHO, WWF, big pharma, so called royals, bankers and the carbon zero scam presently being hyped. I can also remember that green scammer Caroline Lucas being ushered of very quickly by her minders when asked about chemtrails and also that useful idiot Tim Peake after his fantasy trip in the ISS.
Yes. “Geoengineering” accounts for over $200 billion dollars in expenditures (per year) in the US. No real congressional investigations since about 2003, and totally hushed from public debate. Let’s kill everything!!!
Body of Evidence Suggests New US Biological Warfront Opening Up | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on “Civilian Population” – Global Skywatch
(a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)
(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.
(b) EXCEPTIONS.—Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:
(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.
Complete article: http://globalskywatch.com/chemtrails/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=45#Post45
Another Body Murdered – YouTube
Dragons’ Den star Drew Cockton, 36, found dead after winning £50k …1 day ago
DRAGONS’ Den star Drew Cockton has died at home aged 36, his mother has revealed. The TV star who pitched his scented candle business on the BBC had secured a £50,000 invested from…
I recommend watching the film The Giver, about how a group of “elders” decided it wise to inject the emotions out of people, leading to a very dull, grey existence. Grey is the favored color of the Technocracy believers.
Fascism was also rebranded:
“Only, this time, it’s called instead by such names as “libertarianism” or “neo-liberalism,” no longer “fascism,” so that only the true-believing fascists, the aristocrats, will even know that it’s actually fascism. It’s their Big Con. It’s their Big Lie. Just renaming fascism as “libertarianism” or “neo-liberalism,” has fooled the masses to think that it’s pro-democratic. “Capitalism” has thus come to be re-defined to refer to only the aristocratically controlled form of capitalism: fascism. The ideological battle has thus apparently been won by a cheap terminological deceit. That’s all it takes for dictatorship to be able to win.”
Here’s another:
“President Biden and his State Department neoliberals accuse China and any other country seeking to maintain its economic independence and self-reliance of being “autocratic.” Their rhetorical sleight of hand juxtaposes democracy to autocracy. What they call “autocracy” is a government strong enough to prevent a Western-oriented financial oligarchy from indebting the population to itself – and then prying away its land and other property into its own hands and those of its American and other foreign backers.
The Orwellian Doublethink of calling oligarchies “democracies” is followed by defining a free market as one that is free for financial rent-seeking. U.S.-backed diplomacy has indebted countries, forcing them to sell control of their public infrastructure and turn their economy’s “commanding heights” into opportunities to extract monopoly rent.”
I think it’s encouraging to know that the vaccine uptake is slowing down. Maybe at some point, the excess deaths will drop, and the life expectancy will go back up.
Yes, I too have been saying this since “Vaccine Day One”…and also that Covid will never end, even if only replaced by another “virus.”
I am curious to know how they will keep the vaccine compliance up…the no brainer method is just to start up the mandates again–no travel, no restaurants, no gatherings, etc….or bring in another scare bomb…I am so excited to see what these clever folks come up with.
Covid 19 is the ‘flu re-branded. Big pharma like doing this to keep up business in pointless drugs. Better to be excited than fearful of course. I find it’s all getting rather silly….
With new boosters on the market and an ever-evolving virus, experts say the term no longer means being the most protected you can be.
Yeah, that ship sailed the day you got your first jab. Being unjabbed is the most protected you can be, apparently.
The only ever evolving virus is the lies. Whatever will they come up with next, I wonder?
Good test of the nations IQ levels though. Do you think we are below 50 yet?
Or put another way, how dumb will people have to be when they roll out the 7th round?
My sister said she wouldn’t have another jab but then had the booster and flu jab, she’s complaining about not feeling well. There really is no hope for the stupid!
I’m assuming that plino has managed to “stick” his comment to the top of the thread. Or did the Admin do that?
tis an odd yon thae conspire?
It’s not “news”. It’s just repetition of a meme to hypnotise everyone.
“Climate crisis poses ‘growing threat’ to health in UK, says expert
Exclusive: Prof Dame Jenny Harries warns of dangers to food security, flooding and insect-borne diseases”
Repetition. “Threat ….. dangers ….food security…flooding ….diseases …..”
On scanning, the occasional (presumably unintended) laugh breaks the monotony. As in,
“The heatwave this summer really brought home to people the direct impact…”
No, the heatwave brought home to people the chance to get their kit off.
“Referring to the recent floods in Pakistan …. the UK needed to build resilience….”
Really? Does that work for everything else?
“Referring to the recent freezing temperatures in Antarctica …. the UK needed to build resilience….”
Oh wait a minute! This is new (to me anyway!):
“In the UK, Asian Tiger mosquito eggs have been detected in the south-east and the Culex modestus mosquito, which can transmit West Nile virus, is present in parts of Kent and Essex.”
But who’s going to believe a mere newspaper – even one as prestigious as The Graud. What we need is … “Science”, nay “The Science”!
It’s a most splendid show isn’t it? Drink in the maps, the genetic tree diagrams, the really big words like “morphological”, “cytochrome” and “phylogenetic”. Then note that the website Parasites & Vectors is a peer-reviewed open-access medical journal published by BioMed Central. And that BioMed Central is a United Kingdom-based, for-profit scientific open access publisher that is now owned by Springer Nature who have been involved in certain “controversies” involving “dubious peer-review process” (Wiki)
Finally note this quote from Richard Horton, former Editor of the medical journal the Lancet:
“The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer review was any more than a crude means of discovering the acceptability — not the validity — of a new finding. Editors and scientists alike insist on the pivotal importance of peer review. We portray peer review to the public as a quasi-sacred process that helps to make science our most objective truth teller. But we know that the system of peer review is biased, unjust, unaccountable, incomplete, easily fixed, often insulting, usually ignorant, occasionally foolish, and frequently wrong.”
Even the Cochrane Collaboration – the “gold standard” in the biomed research world – agrees that peer review is not synonymous with quality of research undertaken (i.e. validity of research outcome).
” At present there is little empirical evidence to support the use of editorial peer-review as a mechanism to ensure quality of biomedical research, despite its widespread use and costs.”
Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studiesJefferson T, Rudin M, Brodney Folse S, Davidoff F
Published Online:
April 16, 2008
Editorial peer review is used world-wide as a tool to assess and improve the quality of submissions to paper and electronic biomedical journals. As the information revolution gathers pace, an empirically proven method of quality assurance is of paramount importance. The increasing availability of empirical research on the possible effects of peer review led us to carry out a review of current evidence on the efficacy of editorial peer review. We found few studies of reasonable quality, and most of these were concerned with the effects of blinding reviewers and/or authors to each others’ identity. We could not identify any methodologically convincing studies assessing the core effects of peer review. Major research is urgently needed.
Court Review for criminally intentioned reports produced about biological and medical science and findings would be no 1.. on my list. I don’t believe any non evidenced based claims. and I don’t believe the evidence unless a court reviews it . Do you?
Fair, under the circumstances, but one can do one’s own research and come up with logical conclusions if one is thorough and humble enough to seek wisdom..
It would be simpler to say medical rather than biomedical, but less scholarly.
The general selection of threats to blame include Russia, Chinna, pandemics, anti-vaxers and climate change.
He’s the current Editor-in-Chief at The Lancet.
I’ve heard climate change is to blame for myocarditis, Covid 19, everything in fact.
Including Greta Thunberg. But don’t tell her I said that, she might shout at me and then I might get angry.
And then as the Incredible Hulk say “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”
The last sentence in the essay is the best:
“And finally, to all the (formerly) “fully vaccinated” out there, we are sorry…but we did try to tell you this would happen.”
OMG! You can’t imagine how many times I’ve said that over and over again to my vaccination-enthusiastic fellow human beings. Everything I got in response varied between slurred verbal aggression (you fucking covid idiot) and a reproachful look like I was a deranged and hopeless “conspiracy theorist”. Sometimes, almost in a stalking-like manner, acquaintances and relatives who were “concerned about my health” kept calling me and tearfully asked me to “finally let me jab”, then I would be rid of all my worries immediately and could go to cinemas, restaurants or hardware stores again.
Now most of them are “formerly fully vaccinated” which means “unvaccinated”, some have had more or less severe adverse vaccination effects and most of them begin to doubt efficiency of “vaccinations” because they got covid despite being “double boosted” (in some cases repeatedly).
But still a small number of those who will get the fourth, fifth, tenth, hundredth jab remain. I don’t care a fuck about the latter ones. There ain’t no cure for the moonstruck.
A friend volunteered to wash and disinfect beds in a covid hospital. When I later (a year or more back) met him in a restaurant, I told him there would be no end to jabs. His response was to turn to another person at his table (where I could not sit) for assurance that “that cannot be”.
Well said.”There ain’t no cure for the moonstruck” It would seem not to date. Death may be the only solution.
I call the moonstruck as having Stupid 20, to contrast with Covid 19 of course. By my reckoning we are now on the Moronic variety. For further details of upcoming variants I have my suggestions here if you have nothing better to do. it rather mad, but the the whole world went barmy in 2020 except the select few.
Off course you will never be fully vaccinated against adaptable and evolving virus. Like you are never fully vaccinated again flu — every fall, millions of people get “booster” against flu, and that’s normal.
And every fall, I am going to get a booster against prevalent strain of COVID virus. I have no intention of losing a week laying in bed, or, worse, dying from something which can be prevented with a simple, quick shot. I still may get COVID occasionally, but it would be two days of sneezing and taking Tylenol, not dying like my friend did in beginning in pandemic.
Thanks for this clever parody of a vax-thrall! It reads exactly like a fully-indoctrinated conformist, submissive Normal– except for the opening tipoff: “Off course…” 😉
You need help mate.
It does look like it, doesn’t it. He may have a very severe case of Stupid 20. This can be fatal I gather.
By your logic, you should be getting boosted every quarter, because (a) this new virus is unaffected by sunlight and temperature, and affects both hemispheres around the year and (b) a few months after the last jab, you enter ‘negative efficacy’ territory.
Yeah. Of course, those 30K people who died after taking that vax (SO FAR) aren’t here today to rebut your faith in the vaccines, but they too had faith just as you seem to. Too bad, so sad, right? I’m sure you could not care less about those people, but they are in point of fact quite dead….. But hey, at least they didn’t get the covid? Or did they? Where I am, it’s the vaxxed who keep on getting it, while I do not. Funny how that works, ain’t it?
On the assumption that you are serious (one can’t be sure nowadays with Stupid 20 going round) the only truly evolving virus is the lie, really lies from big pharma, big government etc.
The flu is an internal poisoning of the body due to metabolism of food etc which cannot be transferred to someone else except perhaps by blood transfusion.
Vitamin D deficiency the true pandemic and main cause of ‘flu in winter months but big pharma and many doctors don’t want you to know that otherwise you would no longer require their very expensive services/products.
Tylenol is neuro-toxic. May help you sleep. Honey and lemon better though. Large doses of vitamin C and boost your vitamin D.
Covid cure is in the name. C Or VItamin D, stress on the capitals. Easy to remember.
(2849) New documentary THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI – watch it, download it, share it – YouTube get it before they can it
Their website has now been taken down.
I hope you downloaded it, I sure did
I even bought the book.
gasp! other channels exist.
The fact this charlatan has not been thrown in prison shows how complicit the US government is in this Evil.
I didn’t get any and I consider myself “fully vaccinated.”
that’s odd, I didn’t get any either, and I consider myself fully unvaccinated.
Erm… “Meaning all those people who dutifully took their clot shots are not only no longer considered “fully vaccinated”, but never will be, and are now not even allowed to use that phrase because it creates a false impression.” >>>>> Maybe because they’re dead…
‘Shocking’ V-Safe Data Confirm COVID Vaccines ‘Dangerous in the Extreme’
The vaccines are bio-weapons. Hello?
Vaccines were and are essentially chemical weapons which are far more effective. We should never have had any at all ever.
And wouldn’t ya just know it? Pfizer announced they will raise the price of their vacc8nes by 400% right after the cdc all but mandated vaccines for all school children. The left scream about collusion, but ignore the 70000 lb elephant in the room.
You’re missing the point. You see, there are good/smart/sane people, and there are bad/stupid/crazy people. Big Brother tells us who is which through the TeeVee.
For example: “Bad/stupid/crazy people complain about hypocrisy. This complaint is bad/stupid/crazy, because good/smart/sane people are, by definition, good/smart/sane.”
In the UK that would be the £70,000 elephant, a White Elephant. Looks good but utterly pointless. More likely to trample people to death if startled.
But look on the bright side. The left love the vaccines for some inexplicable reason. Trampling will be the least of their worries.
It’s very sad an I feel for those who fell for the lie.
Now hopefully they will join the anti-vaxxers. I prefer the term non-vaxxer.
Now take heed.
Your government hates you ~ John Waters. “The world’s governments have waged a two-year war on behalf of rich, powerful interests seeking to destroy the sovereignty and futures of their own peoples.”
Never forget this eiher “The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress.”~ Murray Rothbard
Governments acquiesced to the central banks and transnationals. They gave up control of public policy and handed it over to Wall St, which is why we now have peak private debt which can never be repaid. Their banking economy is the source of all that is wrong in the world.
“The financialized American economy and State are now totally dependent on a steady flow of lies and propaganda for their very survival. Were the truth told, the status quo would collapse in a putrid heap.
In other words, lying, fraud, embezzlement, misrepresentation of risk, material misrepresentation of facts, half-truths, the replacement of statements of fact with propaganda and spin: these are not the work of a scattered handful of sociopaths: they represent the very essence and heart of America’s economic status quo.
Can any of the tens of thousands of people working on Wall Street or in the bowels of the Federal Reserve, Treasury, Pentagon, etc. truthfully claim they “didn’t know it was wrong” to mislead the citizenry, the soldiers, the investors and the buyers of their fraud? On the contrary, every one of those tens of thousands of worker bees and managers knows full well the institution they toil for is doing evil simply by hiding the truth of its operations.
The entire status quo of the American Empire is built on lies. Now the dependence on lies, fraud and misrepresentation is complete; Wall Street and the Empire itself would fall if the truth were finally revealed and properly identified as evil.”
We really need to sort out this so called anti-vaxxer bollocks. I have never had the jabs of any sort and never will but I am not an antivaxxer, if others want the jabs its their choice, it use to be called freedom, anyone remember that?
If others want the jabs it’s there choice but I have no wish to pay for it personally via taxes as i do in the UK.
It is however possible that eliminating the terminally dim via vaccines may be good value in the end, but I would have thought there were cheaper ways.
Like an advert telling the terminally dim it Covid 19 will be over by Christmas if everyone jumps off a cliff. I did this in the hope that people would wake up. Perhaps I should post yet again. Anyway it might amuse.
Sad indeed. Personally, I prefer sensible to non-vaxxer. I never thought I was that clever. It seems I underestimated myself. Or the stupidity of the herd of lemmings.
There are crackpots who seem to think ”airborne” viruses are like smoke hanging around in the air waiting for an empty face, but only if you are inside – beyond absurd. Now the other crackpots are claiming that triple jabbed people are the people with ”long covid
Yeah, the advert telling us to open windows really made me laugh as it implies to the hard of learning that the non existent virus only flies out of buildings and not into them. You have to give TPTB some credit for knowing that the average thicko has no ability to apply any logic.
20 Million Killed By the Clot Shots
Hello Placental-Mammal: Yes. Even if quoted estimates are off by 50%, what’s taking place should be considered mass murder. I happen to live in a small rural community. I can’t help but notice population signage in surrounding communities list an approximate population decline of 10-12% in recent months. Why?
Pfizer Documents & Official Real-World Data prove the COVID Vaccines are already causing Mass Depopulation
AUGUST 7, 2022
Whilst fools and bots argue about the existence (or not) if viral pathogens, millions of persons are suddenly dying of heart attack, stroke, atrial fibrillation, and a host of other non-specified autoimmune disorders. Let’s dance…
They will blame every injury or death on (a) long covid (b) failure to jab/boost (c) even failure to adhere to restrictions.
The last shred of excuse for the jab ended when governments approved the proprietary versions of IVM or HCQ. Yet, through the dogs bark, the caravan goes on.
Their goal is a centrally controlled, global cybernetic system which will require a constant stream of software updates for all the ‘nodes’ in order to ‘transact & participate’.
Another one for the “will” files:
One technique of conmen is to tell an immediate big whopper – if the dupe doesn’t walk away at that point they know they’ve got something to work with. This is a good example, the immediate claim that the vaccine is that has been a great triumph. Of course it’s also an example of placing truth in plain sight by deceiving people into thinking they mean something one way when they mean it in another.
Perused this quite briefly and no wonder The Atlantic is no longer relevant.
Hope they go under and disappear. And for me to say that when I mourned better liberal publication when the were forced to close due to financial constraints or censorship is saddening.
Ah the Atlantic never fails to make me smile. Still grinding away the monkey nut malarky. Vaccines as a triumph of modern modernity since “we” developed them with more breathtaking speed than Doc McCoy in the average Star Trek episode. etc etc etc
Much thanks for this link. I think anyone who is wondering what in the hell is going on in people’s head that causes them to not see blatant insanity that is covid and covid response should read Edwige’s link. See, we need to remember most normies believe that without the measures taken to combat the dread disease, things would have been much worse. Furthermore, although a great response with many victories, the battle is not over. So face palm all you want, these folks are nowhere near seeing another interpretation to the story.
I realize I sound preachy. Sorry, I’ll just clam up. I’m stating the obvious anyway….
I think stating the obvious is worth while. One just has to find new ways of saying it, preferably in a humorous way. Even if no one else laughs, if you think its funny you will feel better.
Anyway, you are quite right about the victories and that the battle is not over. Maintaining morale with a sense of perspective is the correct course. Keep going, your doing fine.
Imagine what a state the world would be in if it weren ‘t for experts.
To be fair, there are experts and experts. There are those who think they know it all, tell everybody, but don’t know very much and those who know an awful lot and don’t brag about it, knowing there is an awful lot more they don’t know.
they said, the mRNA part helps the vaccine spread quicker in the bidy.
so how long will it take for the mRNA component of the vaccine to stop being active inside the human body?
is there any way to reverse the effects of the mRNA component of the vaccine?
is there a way to de-vaccinate?
Lipid nanoparticles do that.
Nobody has bothered to study when the injections cease to produce their effects.
Trust the ‘science’.
Some health pros are recommending vitamins C and D, quercetin, elemental zinc and ivermectin to offset the effects of the jabs.
Also taking NAC can help. The fact the CDC tried to ban it indicates it can be a force for good!
mRNA in BNT162b2 vaccine (comirnaty; BioNtec/Pfizer) remains at least 2 weaks undegraded in the vacicinees organism. This is much longer than during an average infection with 2019-nCoV. Reasons for this extremely long ‘biological survival rate’ of artificial mRNA molecules is most probably the excessive usage of so-called modified nucleotides as m-pseudouridine.
The problem with all mRNA vaccines is the – under normal circumstances – short biological half-life time of free and especially extracellular RNA in tissues as injected RNA that is applied to patients is normally degraded very fastly (within hours or a few days).
Therefore in the synthetic mRNA in vaccines the normally occuring nucleotide Uracil is replaced by the modified m-Pseudouridine which increases biological half-life time dramatically.
The biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of lipid nanoparticle modified RNA particles of the current generation of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are of great interest, as they directly impact the immunogenicity and potential toxicity of these platforms.
Another point is that the translated Spike protein which is encoded in the artificial and highly stabilized mRNA is not the same as the Spike protein that is expressed by virus particles under “normal” circumstances i. e. after an infection.
The Spike protein encoded in mRNA from vaccines is also a highly stabilized synthetical construct that does not occur in the course of a normal infection. It is stabilzed or fixated in a so-called “pre-fusion” form because this form of Spike is the most immunogenic form that means it ellicits a maximum of Spike specific Antibodies.
How long Spike protein (which is the true cause of severe adverse reactions) circulates in a human organism post vaccination?
Search me. I haven’t got the slightest idea. But I guess it circulates very long, much too long. And while circulating it can cause a lot of damage.
De-vaccination is not possible but natural de-vaccination will most probably occur after a couple of weeks or months because even this highly stabilized mRNA and even this still more stabilized artificial Spike protzein will most surely undergo natural degradation as time passes by. So I think that when a person has survived for a couple months or so without adverse effects I guess (or hope at least) that there won’t be irreversible damage.
It’s a mess to inject that venomous concoction into the arms of billions of people though. It’s an unforgivable crime that they “launched” a “vaccine” that does not protect from infection but can cause such a plethora of adverse effects.
Here’s a paper that is quite interesting. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/10/7/1538/htm?fbclid=IwAR2G6o2QQaY0eInAySO0Cs4emuZOMpa7JeGHrjXi6KR9wvSG55sx-VLAs5c
It’s not just the synthetic mRNA injected that’s the problem.
It’s also the self-assembling nanotech and other undeclared components in the shots that may never be eliminated from the body:
“New Zealand scientists found that there is an undeclared nanotechnology in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines that assemble into microchip circuit boards – which can be used to track people – when exposed to heat over time.
The SGT Report channel on Brighteon.com shared a video of Hope and Tivon from Fix the World Project Morocco discussing the technology in the Pfizer vaccine.sThe video showed small, basic shapes of rectangles, squares and circles that are floating within the company’s vaccine samples, which were found to form more complex structures when put in a car and exposed to heat.”
Apparently, injected people have been shown to emit Bluetooth codes!
Read the full report on vaccine dot news.
I think there may be some translation errors in the report!
I am suspicious about the mRNA issue in any event, but I have the following simple way to consider the issue. Childish it may be, but beats the so-called experts who want us vaccinated. My link.
Vits C and D are not the only things the body needs, but these should go along way to helping people. The key is to remember that each person is an individual with an individual immune system in varying condition.
Observation from John Steppling in his latest podcast – that the fictional Dr Kildare of the 60s (played by Richard Chamberlain) was receiving letters from viewers asking him to diagnose conditions as if he were a real doctor. And then there’s the well-known incidence of Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds radio broadcast which vast numbers of Americans took at face value and went into a panic over invading Martians. The media has a substantial part of the public who believe every word – and consider how much more potent this phenomenon becomes when the media is delivering “news” programmes rather than blatantly advertised entertainment.
A segment of the people being gullible is one thing. Oligarchic government crime is something else.
A designed vaccination plan for a designer virus.
have they admitted that it’s not a vaccine :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
obviously it is not a vaccine.
it doesn’t stop infection. it doesn’t stop transmission of the virus.
i believe this is another great humiliation mankind was subjected to!
I’m ok with it being called a vaccine. Maybe then people will start to question what other toxic poison injections they have been subjected to in the past, and whether they will ever trust another one again.
Yup, all vaccines ever pointless at best along with most big pharma drugs
Humility, now there’s an old fashioned human quality. Us conspiracy truthers have tried to warn the thicko’s who fell for this, and more, and they still book their so called flu jab etc. Darwin Awards apply.
A good question to ask the lame brains is how does, for example, the NHS have the flu vaccines ready before they supposedly know what strain is going to be prevalent next winter? Clever ain’t it? The so called Covid tests did not have the ability to identify a different strain like Omicron so how did they know, because the test just said you have covid or you do not have covid. In other words, you have a cold or flu or don’t be such a fanny.
…and of course there are no strains of ‘flu, only the straining of big pharma to think of a new name to call the same thing to get people to take their largely useless products. All vaccines are useless at best of course.
NHS is down the pan in my books.
It is a vaccine because no vaccine ever did any good, period. I used to think otherwise. In 2020 after detailed research I changed my mind. I explain further here.
Perhaps uncharitable of me – since the mentally challenged should not be sneered at – but the topic of that marvellously gifted actress Jennifer Aniston came up via John Steppling’s twitter and so I had a little look to see how this brave Hollywood liberal was coping. On her twitter page I find her self-description:
“I’m an actress who loves sunsets, beaches and beautiful music.”
Obviously a sensitive soul. But we already knew that from the way she excommunicated “anti-vaxxers”.
And she asks such penetrating questions as
“Have you guys started shopping for Christmas?”
And she includes a link to “5 fitness and beauty rituals that keep Jennifer Aniston zen” though unfortunately the link didn’t work. (Perhaps I have software that is trying to protect me?)
But all is not well in Aniston Land. She stumbled on “a rather disturbing article” from the Huffington Post:
Ah Jen – I feel your pain! When will the world listen to us?
That’s what liberalism and so-called women empowerment does to the female emotions and soul; it destroys it and there-on destroys any childs ability to bond, that she may bring into this world; because she sacrificed her real power for a false devilish hipster lie.
As shallow as her toilet bowl.
With a floater that will cause sea levels to rise!!
I love sunsets, beaches and beautiful music and a lot more besides, but I am not stupid enough to be injected with something when I don’t know what’s in it.
Except I did have immuno-therapy which I suspect may have been the equivalent of 9 vaccines in as many months in 2020. But that was before I worked out why I had the facial palsy I still have, no thanks to the NHS and why vaccines were at best a waste of time and money.
So I am wiser now. I trusted doctors; no more I will.
Never mind fully vaccinated, I’m proud to be fully protected… against vaccine side-effects.
Still waiting for Pfizer executives like Bourla and Gottlieb to be arrested for fraud….
You never know miracles happen sometimes 😃
it’s coming
You’ll be waiting a long time until hell freezes Edwige if its left to the cops under the present corrupt legal and political system which has not only usurped the true Law of the Land but has also subverted any semblance of justice for the people.
However, the people still have a choice of sitting on their assess and doing nothing or taking their power back, becoming organized and restoring the common-law, together with informed common-law communities, and common law courts – there is no other peaceful way to eventually prosecute these criminals. Any other peaceful suggestions are welcome if there are any!.
Off topic:
For all their covid spookery, the WSWS can still deliver a decent article:
And that paragraph sums up the appalling asymmetry of the scandal mongering process i.e. that the real debate took a mere hour but the build up of MeToo rage porn took place over 5 years and will certainly remain the stronger impression on the public mind. Indeed, I have no doubt the accusations will continue anyway with the attack clones already getting prepared to denounce the verdict.
Curious observation from the above article:
I reckon a film biography of Gore Vidal – one of the most astute critics of the official 9/11 account and so much else – would not have been welcomed by the ruling faction. So the trashing of Spacey would have been handy for them for that alone.
Ahahahaha, you found something big…this is nothing new and true for any vaccination, especially for those against pulmonary diseases.
If you were an intelligent person, you would not be splitting hairs about full vaccination like that.
It’s actually important to document these admissions as occur, tacit or otherwise, since they help to corner the faulty logic which people use to push jabs. If I can give you a piece of advice, try an attitude adjustment, let your natural charm shine through. A2
Well Dick, you see the thing. Your name rhymes with what the vaccine syringe needle does to the skin. Intelligent people avoid vaccines and try to make clear to others to do the same. Pointing out that ‘fully vaccinated’ means one thing one day, and another the next is an intelligent thing to do.
But people who don’t see this are being a bit thick. Which rhymes with your name and what the vaccine syringe needle does to you skin.
There were three kings of England called Richard. They were not very good kings. I daresay the population called them Dicks too.
Meanwhile, the bafflement continues:
The Scottish inquiry into the huge increase in miscarriages and still births, have already ruled out the vaccines!!
Apparently there is no point including the jabs in the inquiry because its been decided its definitely NOT them.
This is a a good indicator of the level of corruption we are dealing with…can’t just blame the globalists…
Interesting candidates for the culprit “being mooted” (subjectless mode again there!).
“an ageing population”: So …. are we now permitted to admit that – shock horror! – old people die? This was strictly taboo when covid started its surging surges!
“heatwaves”: Of course! Climate change meme ever at the ready!
“and a resurgence of covid-19”: Of course of course! The ever ready ever reliable covid 19 standing in the wings and surging here surging there surging everywhere! And note:
“What could be behind these worrying figures? Several researchers told New Scientist that it is too early to say for sure, but they point to a range of possibilities.
Perhaps the most obvious one is the coronavirus.”
The “most obvious one”?
WELL …..
No mention at all of the murderous vaccines, the interminable scare mongering, the very much intended deprivation of livelihoods, of social networks, of public services, the very much intended skyrocketing price of fuel and, in its wake, the skyrocketing price of everything else etc.
But the sleazy mind fuck is encapsulated in the tension between these two lines:
“Could the coronavirus again be throwing things out of whack and pushing up the death rates?”
“We may never know for sure what is causing the increase in deaths….”
“We may never know” ….but…. “could it be…”
Oh you little tease!
“New Scientist” indeed! This is the “New Science”!
Ageing population, eh? I thought all the old people were killed by ‘the covid’ in spring 2020. Maybe by ‘ageing population’ they are stating the bleeding obvious that we all get older as opposed to younger over time.
And look! Of all the culprits being mooted, they fail to include the obvious one.
Likely Because the who and ilk scared the crap out of folks who then didn’t get treatment they needed ecause they were afraid they would get covid at the hospitals.
They say this is so since April 2022, and is probably more related to the ‘treatment’ that was given to people from 2021 on.
Um, I am not sure how this is news.
One only needs to look at the clinical trial documents filed by Pfizer by April 2020 to see that they were all about the “boosterability” of the vaccine. The “third” shots were in clinical trials by the end of 2020, before the first two shots had been thrown into the market.
They were already planning for infinite doses long before the scamdemic narrative was launched. The European Union has been planning vaccine passports for at least ten years.
All the technical specs for the app were ready long before 2020. That’s how the green pass was launched at the “speed of science”. Normally it takes the EU five years and 50 million to change a lighbulb.
The documents of vaccines Europe, the lobby group are interesting. They mention how
For those of us who old enough to remember the hype around genome sequencing 20+ years ago, it should be obvious by know that the whole paradigm around genome sequencing and virology has more holes than swiss cheese in a pasta strainer. None of the breathless predictions from 20 years ago have been met.
All virus genome sequences vary widely depending on the equipment, software, models and research protocols used. That is not science. It’s just scientists making lucrative careers while playing with expensive toys; a bit like particle physics.
Viruses have little to zero clinical relevance for human health. It’s not like bacterial or parasitic disease which are resolvable to a large degree. I’m not saying it’s a scam, just an incoherent paradigm. There is a very interesting debate hosted by Fullmich (on Rumble) between Wolfgang Wodarg and Kaufmann / Stefan Lanka. I truly respect Wodarg, he was one of the first to expose the scamdemic and did so around a previous “pandemic” as well. Yet he truly believes the virology paradigm. The debate is interesting not because any side wins but because it exposes all the problems in the logic.
Robert Kennedy has done a phenomenal job of exposing the HIV / AIDS fraud and if you don’t believe him, just pick up any research article in any respectable medical journal to see exactly how they have “proven” the mechanisms of HIV transmission. The amount of confusion that still exists after 40+ years of “research” is shocking.
I used to believe that one shot of a yellow fever vaccines was 99% effective if you lived in those areas. And probably worth it. But now I am discovering that outbreaks keep occurring and there are no real “effectiveness” studies….so now I am confused….
how healthy people are a far bigger market.. than sick people
Many of the healthy jabbed change categories by becoming sick. Also, the the argument that the “most vulnerable” must be first in line for the untested vodoo is staggering.
scientists making lucrative careers
Science is another industry. It produces results that its paymasters want. Medicine is a leader in this.
“now I am confused…. ”
Remembering the image of Goldman Sachs telling a conference of doctors “are you sure curing your patients is a viable business model?” tends to help clarify matters.
I’ve not seen anything about yellow fever specifically – but I know Hollywood made a film in the 1930s about the heroic vaccine which is always suspicious (entrenching those narratives) and scarlet fever disappeared without any vaccine.
Yellow Fever
I had to have a yellow fever injection to get a Ugandan visa. The clinic wouldn’t give me one until I got a letter from my rheumatologist since I was on a immunosuppressant. However the rheumatogist had no problem approving my convid pricks two years later. I travelled to Africa in 2019 ,contracted the deadly falciparum strain of Malaria and nearly died on my return. There is no vaccine against malaria. It now appears that vaccines are meant to kill or maim rather than save lives.
Covid has certainly been a testing ground not only for how unified the media are but how chronically malleable the public are. From the “conversations” I’ve had I keep wondering at the apparently bottomless depths of their eager gullibility.
“Two and you’re done” Yep, well and truly..
Interesting to note too, as the scales fall from the eyes, is that, in Europe, the need for travel documentation is slowly being dropped for all travellers whether vaccinated or not.
Spain finally saw sense on 21 October 2022.
Heading inexorably to their coup de grâce Treaty on Pandemics.
On the back of Communitarian agenda ‘for the greater good’
Perpetual Vaxxination joy, brought to you by those who brought you Windows. 🙃
There will soon be vax reminders coming up through your toilet every time you flush.
Classic! 🙂
On the bright side: “Covid19” was one of the most effective campaigns for destroying the cult status of official ‘experts’.
Unfortunately only for one part of the population. I appreciate your optimism but I have so many friends who still believe the “experts”. In my observation, the more degrees a person has and the higher their professional standing in the “intelligentsia”. the more they are going to cling on to the scam.
There are a lot of deep psychological issues at play. To accept that the expert was wrong means that you’re an idiot who took several shots of toxins for no good reason…..it’s easier to keep believing the expert than accept that. Or deep down you know you are only doing it to keep the lifestyle and the well paid bullshit job etc.
It must be hard to look in the mirror every day. What do I know.
“the more degrees a person has and the higher their professional standing in the “intelligentsia””
There was a survey during lockdown (can’t remember the source – a US periodical I think) that showed the least vaccinated were PhDs and scholl dropouts. In other words, it’s the middling educated who are most prone to brainwashing.
Thanks for that info. It’s nice to know that some folk with a PhD level of education can critically assess data. I wish the PhDs I know were like that. As for school dropouts likewise avoiding being pumped full of stuff that is dubious in principle, useless in practice and probably harmful: it raises interesting questions about the school syllabus and its effect on spirited children.
“While studious boys went on to study Latin and Greek, Winston Churchill stayed in the lower class and learnt English.” — Readers Digest, circa 1945.
For some people, the song by Mac Davis applies:
“it’s hard to be humble
when you’re perfect in every way
can’t wait to look in the mirror..”
It’s easy for them to look in the mirror if they are only seeing the surface of themselves.
Oh Covid 19 was the most effective campaign for destroying the public status of a lot of things – actually just about everything really: the Left/Right paradigm, the whole received wisdom re: science, history, economy etc., the true nature of our celebrity driven culture with its high priests of moral demonstration, the blathering vacuity of the media allied to its viciously promoted propaganda, the utter uselessness of “dissident groups” who, with hindsight, have been misdirecting opposition for decades now, the embarrassing gullibility of the masses etc.
The list is not exhaustive.
The thing is though there are “official” experts who completely disagree with the mainstream narrative. When I say “official” they have the same qualifications as those touting the official line – Kary Mullis, Peter Duesberg, David Resnick, Jessica Rose and numerous others – they’re “official” in terms of their qualifications but because their voices are dissident their qualifications are ignored and they’re treated as if they’re “conspiracy theorists” living in their mother’s basement. They’re not theorising about conspiracies, they’re saying the purported science is rubbish like others not so qualified but who’ve educated themselves on the subject independently.
“Up to date”—which evokes technocracy much more than “fully vaccinated” could ever hope to—likely will be supplanted by yet another unattainable status: “fully up to date.” And on and on—until perhaps the end to this terminological duplicity one day arrives in the form of “fully patented,” or some iteration thereof.
Perhaps, they will want to call us up for audits – not just medically.
You speak figuratively, don’t you? Because there were some rumors, interpretations and speculations about certain broadcasts. But it’s good to have tech-savvy people around you, like an engineer I know with a long experience in hardware, who scoffed at these theories, stressing that the main argument against them is that there should be an antenna, and there isn’t such a small antenna. Then I calmed down regarding this.
Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells (2018)
(Jan 2021)
“Recent advances in nano-materials and nanotechnology have paved the way for building integrated devices with a nanometric size, named nano-nodes. These nano-nodes are composed of nano-processor, nano-memory, nano-batteries, nano-transceiver, nano-antenna and nano-sensors, which operate at nano-scale level.
They are able to perform simple tasks, such as sensing, computing and actuation. The interconnection between microdevices and nanonodes/nanosensors has enabled the development of a new network standard, called Wireless Nano-Sensors Network (WNSN). This paper provides an in-depth review of WNSN, its architectures, application areas, and challenges, which need to be addressed, while identifying opportunities for their implementation in various application domains.”
You cannot catch viruses and no-one has ever proven you can. It’s just a carry-over from the superstition age; it’s not based on science and it never was. All pandemics are fake.
There was a tv program on about 1665 plague; people apparently got sick in a over-populated polluted ghetto in London with no clean water or sanitation. Of course it wasn’t the plague. But the media blamed it on that at the time and the historians just repeat it ever since.
The ancient word for plague meant pestilence or calamity; caused by a lack of food or supplies; flood or drought Etc. these possibly led to dis-ease when not prepared for.
Plague isn’t caused by a virus you dolt, it’s caused by Yersinia Pestis. It’s a gram-negative bacterium that is a parasite to the rat flea, which means that it is spread to humans via rats.
I’m very happy to carry out a scientific experiment on you if you claim that Y. Pestis doesn’t cause plague. It’ll have to be done under extreme containment, because the rest of us don’t want to die of plague you know.
Even mainstream sources admit the rat narrative is dubious – where are the piles of rat skeletons or the contemporary reports along the lines of “hey, all ye rats seem to be dying”?
Yeah; its all nonsense; problem is modern people don’t realise the propaganda system and religious-science institutions that supported the elite in medieval times; were just as established as they are now; even more so.
I’m afraid the word, “endemic” is crucial to informed debate on this issue.
Now; here, you display no discernment; ask yourself did everyone die of the plague? No; so why not? And this bacteria; bacteria develops for a reason, not out of spite to kill everything; usually the bacteria develops to eat a poison in the environment; when that poison is gone the bacteria also goes. Look at the diet of the people who suffered; I’d bet it was high carbohydrate; low good animal fats and protein; that destroys the human gut and it develops bad micro-flora which develops to eat the poison growing in their guts because they’re eating the wrong food. Again; poisoning the environment. And if you believe the official statistics from 400 or 700 years ago; I can’t help your closed mind.
The Great Plague was a great reset, a pandemic of people impoverished by their rulers into a poor state of living; its that simple; and its happening again.
In nature there are neither rewards or punishments; there are consequences
There may have been factors in addition to infection such as horrendous conditions of work, other poisons and malnutrition.
Younger folks, those who were born during the COVID scam and after, will know little or nothing about natural immunity, natural and effective alternatives to the kill shots unless their parents were “pure bloods” and nonconformists. The ruling elite’s constant changing of vocabulary and meaning of words is so Orwellian, always moving the goal posts will continue to work as more and more older folks transition to the spirit world and those who remain become acclimated to the gaslighting and propaganda.
The globalist overlords have been working on this for over twenty years https://thefreedomarticles.com/9-simulations-drills-laws-prepared-for-the-coronavirus/ and they’ve finally gotten their program up and running. They plan to milk the COVID and Climate Crisis scams until the masses stop going for the flim-flam an falling for their okey-doke which given the present state of mind in most of the West won’t be any time soon.
I actually don’t think this is true.
I’m quite involved with the Health Freedom Movement in the US and have never seen so many people of all ages interested in natural remedies and alternative treatments.
I’ve also never seen so many people openly profess that they will not be getting any vaccines any further for themselves or their children.
Yes there was and is an incredibly large swath of people who blindly fell for this nonsense but there was and is a very large number who did not fall for it and have been openly against these injections. Remember that the “vaccine program” in the US was not going as expected even into the summer of 2021 which was why they went full blast with mandates.
There are also large numbers who have witnessed first hand the damage these things have and are causing which is the reason for the low, low “booster” numbers.
This road only goes one way- noone jumps back on that vaxx wagon once off.
Please read this book and introduce it to your aquaintances at the HFM if you would; thankyou:
Gut and Physiology Syndrome by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride
Thank you- I shall.
I’m guessing that many are familiar with it as I see reviews and praise for the book from some of the folks at The Weston A. Price Foundation who is having a conference as we speak in Knoxville.
Yes; it uncovers a truth we all once knew.
I hope you are correct but from my perspective and this is purely anecdotal; my friends and social network drank the COVID Kool Aid. I was ostracized because I didn’t take the shot even though I explained to them the “vaccines” weren’t adequately tested for long term effects. Now that the fearmongering is not as intense, I hear some of my friends saying they took the boosters and the flu shot as recently as two weeks ago.
How can you still be friends with people who ostracized you for not taking a poison injection for something non-existent?
You deserve better. Regards
Maintaining as wide a support network as you can is vital in these times.
not very supportive then
That’s good news from the U$A. Reality has a way of outlasting superstition because Reality is God’s Creation while superstition exists only in the minds of some humans — be they ever so many. Humans come and go like the grass that withers and their superstitions fade with them.
“A moderate house of cards the greatest wit,
Though he can start it cannot finish it” — Wolfgang von Goethe, 18th century German scientist.
“To the sure ground of Nature trusts the mind that builds for Eternity” — William Wordsworth, 18th century English poet.
Kit is careful to put “Experts” in quotes, because regime tools like Fauci and Ferguson are given that title by political appointment (or in Ferguson’s case, by Royal Appointment at Buckingham Palace) rather than for scientific achievement. Any first year virology student knows that the flu virus has a peculiarly untidy genome (“heap of sticks”) that makes flu unusually infectious; and any practicing GP knows that you can’t stop the annual flu epidemic with the annual flu vaccine. Our natural protection against the flu comes from an age-old covenant which our proto-human ancestors made with ancestral flu viruses: we will host the viruses and cough and sneeze to spread the viruses on their way refreshed and renewed; in return, flu viruses will not kill us in large numbers because that would be killing their genial hosts.
“Voila l’Anglais avec son sangue froide habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold”) — Fractured French
I’ve decided not to get angry at your ‘type’ anymore, or to engage you with rational argument and evidence; just to laugh at you loudly and patronisingly.
That’s the spirit. Laughter is the best medicine; better for the blood pressure than adrenaline. Here’s wishing you a long and cheerful life.
By the way, what made you angry and what is my ‘type’?
Again a hat tip is owed to Ryan from TLAV. Kit and Off-G may have figured this out a year ago, but Ryan was already reporting in 2020 that an internal document in the US city of St. Louis talked about needing new jabs every six months.
Not just a hat tip but a regular posting of Ryan’s The Last American Vagabond shows up top like you do with James Corbett’s shows. Ryan’s the best!
Which is undoubtedly why they’re so eager to get the children involved in this danse macabre.
Yes, of course, to perhaps alter the kids genetically – or even do away with them. But even more so to get them used to the notion that “vaccination” (which should be outlawed entirely) is always an ongoing procedure and never a once-only deal.
“And when mommy and daddy talk about ‘fully vaccinated,’ just smile and remember they’re getting old and senile and can’t help themselves.”
It’s foolproof – until Junior slips up and calls mommy or daddy senile – “my teacher said you were!”
The best laid plans….
If you can’t get them with cigarettes, get them with Coca-Cola, sweets, biscuits and chocolate. If you can’t get them with that, get them wiith alcohol, burgers, greasy fries and no exercise. If you can’t get them with that? Forcibly vaccinate them.
And if we refuse vaccines?
Well, we should be thinking about our enemies’ thoughts right now and what they might try and force on us next.
They are emotional and spiritual rapists after all and there’s no therapy on earth that seems likely to stop them right now.
“get them used to the notion that “vaccination” (which should be outlawed entirely) is always an ongoing procedure and never a once-only deal.”
They want vaccines regarded as equivalent to vitamins.
Not surprising; can you even prove any vaccine actually works? It’s based on germ theory and that theory has already been disproved over a hundred years ago. Like all tyrannies; it is all based on a fundemental lie ‘that this world is anti-life; and without modern biotech so-called medicine we would all die’. An inversion of the truth.
96 doctors in Quebec call for an immediate end to vaccinating children for COVID
80 young doctors in Canada have died since the vax rollout.
Only 16% in Ontario have gotten the booster.
“I’m not sure what the officials there will do now. Perhaps switch ad agencies?” — Steve Kirsch
Off-topic but important for all the Aussies out there.
In another foretaste of potential future ‘carbon allowance’ limits, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia has introduced a new feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the average.
I suspect that this warning will become a fee taken without your permission. Watch other banks jump on to this ‘bankwagon’. Its yet another way to make money out of the climate change scam.
Find another bank. There may be a time soon when we have to found our own banks and they may have to be unlicensed, with all users signing consent forms that they approve of this bank and don’t care what the Government thinks, because they don’t approve of the Government.
Goes for government too.
Welcome to the new paradigm of a subscription-based immune system.
‘Every time we make a deposit inside you, you lose 2% of your immune capital’.