Biotech Giants Using GMOs to Build Food Tyranny
Colin Todhunter

The article below was written the day before India’s state-run biotech regulator, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), approved genetically modified (GM) mustard for commercial cultivation. This decision was taken on 26 October 2022.
The regulatory clearance for GM mustard means the crop is fit for environmental release. However, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on the matter and government stated a while back that it would wait until that ruling is in.
What follows provides insight into the deceptions and scientific fraud that underpin this decision as well as the consequences for food and agriculture.
We are currently seeing rising food prices due to a combination of an engineered food crisis for geopolitical reasons, financial speculation by hedge funds, pension funds and investment banks and profiteeringby global grain trade conglomerates like Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, ADM and Bunge.
In addition, agri firms like Bayer, Syngenta (ChemChina) and Corteva cynically regard current circumstances as an opportunity to promote their agenda and seek commercialisation of unregulated and improperly tested genetically engineered (GE) technologies.
These companies have long promoted the false narrative that their hybrid seeds and their GE seeds, along with their agrichemicals, are essential for feeding a growing global population. This agenda is orchestrated by vested interests and career scientists – many of whom long ago sold their objectivity for biotech money – lobby groups and disgraced politiciansand journalists.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to deflect and sway opinion, these industry shills also try to depict their critics as being Luddites and ideologically driven and for depriving the poor of (GE) food and farmers of technology.
This type of bombast disintegrates when confronted with the evidence of a failing GE project.
As well as this kind of emotional blackmail, prominent lobbyists like Mark Lynas– unable or unwilling to acknowledge that genuine food security and food sovereignty can be achieved withoutproprietary products – trot out other baseless and absurd claims that industry critics are Kremlin stooges, while displaying their ignorance of geopolitics.
Indeed, who would you turn to for an analysis of current US-Russia relations? An advocate for GE foods and pesticides who makes inaccurate claims from his perch at the Gates Foundation-funded Cornell Alliance for Science. Or a renowned academic like Professor Michael Hudsonwhose specialist field covers geopolitics.
But it would not be the first time that an industry activist like Lynas has ventured beyond his field of claimed expertise to try to score points.
However, dirty tricks and smears are par for the course because the agri biotech emperor has been shown to have no clothes time and again – GE is a failing, often detrimental technology in search of a problem. And if the problem does not exist, the reality of food insecurity will be twisted to serve the industry agenda, and regulatory bodies and institutions supposedly set up to serve the public interest will be placed under intense pressure or subverted.
The performance of GE crops has been a hotly contested issue and, as highlighted in a 2018 piece by PC Kesavan and MS Swaminathan in the journal Current Science, there is sufficiently strong evidence to question their efficacy and the devastating impacts on the environment, human health and food security, not least in places like Latin America.
A new report by Friends of the Earth (FoE) Europe shows that big global biotech corporations like Bayer and Corteva, which together already control 40% of the global commercial seed market, are now trying to cement complete dominance. Industry watchdog GMWatch notes these companies are seeking to increase their control over the future of food and farming by extensively patenting plants and developing a new generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
These companies are moving to patent plant genetic information that can occur naturally or as a result of genetic modification. They claim all plants with those genetic traits as their “invention”. Such patents on plants would restrict farmers’ access to seeds and impede breeders from developing new plants as both would have to ask for consent and pay fees to the biotech companies.
Corteva has applied for some 1,430 patents on new GMOs, while Bayer has applications for 119 patents.
Mute Schimpf, food campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe, says:
Big biotech’s strategy is to apply for wide patents that would also cover plants which naturally present the same genetic characteristics as the GMOs they engineered. They will be lining their pockets from farmers and plant breeders, who in turn will have a restricted access to what they can grow and work with.”
For instance, GMWatch notes that Corteva holds a patent for a process modifying the genome of a cell using the CRISPR technique and claims the intellectual property rights to any cells, seeds and plants that include the same genetic information, whether in broccoli, maize, soy, rice, wheat, cotton, barley or sunflower.
The agri biotech sector is engaged in a corporate hijack of agriculture while attempting to portray itself as being involved in some kind of service to humanity.
And this is a global endeavour, which is also currently being played out in India.
GM mustard
A recent report on the Down to Earth website stated that the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), India’s apex regulatory body, might approve the commercial cultivation of GM mustard. In response, concerned citizens have written to the government, objecting to the potential approval of unsafe, unneeded and unwanted GMOs.
The decision whether to allow the commercialisation of what would be the first GE food crop in India has been dragging on for years. COVID delayed the process, but a decision on GM mustard now appears to be close.
However, serious conflicts of interest, sleight of hand and regulatory delinquency – not to mention outright fraud – could mean the decision coming down in favour of commercialisation.
The bottom line is government collusion with global agribusiness, which is trying to hide in the background, despite much talk of Professor Pental and his team at Delhi University being independent developers of GM mustard (DMH 11).
GM mustard presents an opportunity to make various herbicide tolerant (HT) mustard hybrids using India’s best germ plasm, which would be an irresistible money spinner for the seed and chemical manufacturers.
In 2016, campaigner Aruna Rodrigues petitioned India’s Supreme Court seeking a moratorium on the release of any GMOs into the environment pending a comprehensive, transparent and rigorous biosafety protocol in the public domain conducted by agencies of independent expert bodies, the results of which are made public.
In her writ, Rodrigues stated:
In 2002, Proagro Seed Company (now Bayer), applied for commercial approval for exactly the same construct that Prof Pental and his team are now promoting as HT Mustard DMH 11. The reason today matches Bayer’s claim then of 20% better yield increase (than conventional mustard). Bayer was turned down because the ICAR [Indian Council of Agricultural Research] said that their field trials did not give evidence of superior yield.”
The petition says that 14 years later invalid field trials and unremittingly fraudulent data now supposedly provide evidence of a superior yield of 25%.
Rodrigues continues:
HT DMH 11 is the same Bayer HT GMO construct – a herbicide tolerant GMO of three alien genes. It employs, like the Bayer construct, pollen sterilisation technology BARNASE, with the fertility restorer gene BARSTAR (B & B system) (modified from the original genes sourced from a soil bacterium) and the herbicidal bar gene in each GMO parental line. The employment of the B & B system is to facilitate the making of hybrids as mustard is largely a self-pollinating crop (but outcrosses at rates of up to 20%). There is no trait for yield. HT DMH 11 is straightforwardly an herbicide tolerant (HT) crop, though this aspect has been consistently marginalised by the developers over the last several years.”
In order to produce a hybrid, two parent lines had to be genetically modified. Barnase and barstar technology was used in the parent lines. And the outcome is three GMOs: the two parents and the offspring, DMH 11, which will be ideal for working with glufosinate (Bayer’s ‘Liberty’ and ‘Basta’).
According to Rodrigues:
… the plan is that the official route for the first-time release of a HT crop and a food crop will be through HT DMH 11 and/or its two HT parental lines by stealth. Since the claimed YIELD superiority of HT DMH 11 through the B & B system over non-GMO varieties and hybrids is quite simply NOT TRUE…”
In her numerous affidavits submitted to India’s Supreme Court, Rodrigues has set out in some detail why GE crops are a threat to human health and the environment and are unsuitable for India. She briefly communicated some of her concerns in a 2020 interview titled GMO Issue Reaches Boiling Point in India: Interview with Aruna Rodrigues.
Moreover, various high-level reports have advised against introducing GM food crops to India: The ‘Jairam Ramesh Report’ of February 2010, imposing an indefinite moratorium on Bt Brinjal; The ‘Sopory Committee Report’ (August 2012); The ‘Parliamentary Standing Committee’ (PSC) Report on GM crops (August 2012); and The ‘Technical Expert Committee (TEC) Final Report’ (June-July 2013).
These reports conclude that GM crops are unsuitable for India and that existing biosafety and regulatory procedures are inadequate. Appointed by the Supreme Court, the TEC was scathing about the regulatory system prevailing in India, highlighting its inadequacies and inherent serious conflicts of interest. The TEC recommended a 10-year moratorium on commercial release of GM crops. The PSC also arrived at similar conclusions.
According to eminent lawyer Prashant Bhushan, these official reports attest to just how negligent India’s regulators are and to a serious lack of expertise on GM issues within official circles.
Aruna Rodrigues long ago noted the abysmal state of GMO regulatory oversight in the country and the need for the precautionary principle to be applied without delay. But not much has changed and the regulatory position basically remains the same.
Rodrigues asserts that the two parent lines and the hybrid DMH-11 require full independent testing, which has not occurred. And it has not occurred because of a conflict of interest and regulatory delinquency.
Rodrigues notes:
India is suddenly faced with the deregulation of GMOs. This is disastrous and alarming, without ethics and a scientific rationale.”
GM mustard is said to out-yield India’s best cultivars by 25-30%. The choice of the correct ‘comparators’ is an absolute requirement for the testing of any GMO to establish whether it is required in the first place. But Rodrigues argues that the choice of deliberately poor ‘comparators’ is at the heart of the fraud.
In the absence of adequate and proper testing and sufficient data, no statistically valid conclusions of mean seed yield (MSY) of DMH 11 could be drawn anyhow. Yet they were drawn by both the regulators and developers who furthermore self-conducted and supervised the trials. Without valid data to justify it, DMH 11 was allowed in pre-commercial large scale field trials in 2014-15.
For an adequate basis for a comparative assessment of MSY, Rodrigues argues it was absolutely necessary for the comparison to include the cross (hybrid) between the non-modified parental lines (nearest isogenic line), at the very start of the risk assessment process and throughout the subsequent stages of field testing, in addition to other recommended ‘comparators’. None of this was done.
Deliberately poor non-GMO mustard varieties were chosen to promote prospects for DMH 11 as a superior yielding GMO hybrid, which then passed through ‘the system’ and was allowed by the regulators, a classic non-sequitur by both the regulators and Dr Pental.
The fraud continued, according to Rodrigues, by actively fudging yield data of DMH 11 by 15.2% to show higher MSY. In her various Supreme Court petitions, she has offered a good deal of evidence to show how it was done.
Rodrigues says:
It matters not a jot if HT DMH 11 is not approved. What does matter is that its two HT (GMO) parental lines are: HT Varuna-barnase and HT EH 2-barstar will be used ‘for introgressing the bar-barnase and bar- barstar genes into new set of parental line to develop next generation of hybrids with higher yields” (according to the developer and regulator).”
She says this extraordinary admission confirms that the route to any number of ‘versions’ of HT mustard DMH 11 is invested in these two GMOs as parents – India will have hundreds of low-yielding HT mustard hybrids, using India’s best mustard cultivars at great harm to farmers and contaminating the country’s seeds and mustard germ plasm irreversibly.
In effect, according to Rodrigues, India faces a three-in-one regulatory jugglery in a brazen display of collusion to fraud the nation by regulatory institutions of governance.
Moreover, HT mustard DMH 11 will make no impact on the domestic production of mustard oil, which was a major reason why it was being pushed in the first place. The argument was that GM mustard would increase productivity and this would help reduce imports of edible oils.
Until the mid-1990s, India was virtually self-sufficient in edible oils. Then import tariffs were reduced, leading to an influx of cheap (subsidised) edible oil imports that domestic farmers could not compete with. This effectively devastated the home-grown edible oils sector and served the interests of palm oil growers and US grain and agriculture commodity company Cargill.
It came as little surprise that in 2013 India’s then Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar accused US companies of derailing the nation’s oil seeds production programme.
Whether in India, Europe or elsewhere, the industry’s agenda is to use GE technology to secure intellectual property rights over all seeds (and chemical inputs) and thus gain total control over food and farming. And given what has been set out here – they seek to achieve this by all means necessary.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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The Hindu newspaper (ex-communist): Explained | The new hybrid variant of mustard
India imports anywhere from 55-60% of its domestic edible-oil requirement.
This is primarily due to low productivity — of about 1-1.3 tonnes/hectare — that has been stagnant for over two decades. On the other hand, hybrid mustard and rapeseed are the dominant form of oil seeds in Canada, China and Europe. So, proponents say, the only way to improve India’s productivity is to have more mustard hybrids.
Endorsement of Colin’s article:
“If the west is selling medicines or crop seeds to other countries, it tells them to kill their pharmaceutical industries and selection [of crop seeds].” … “This is not progress, it is enslavement and reducing economies to primitive levels.” — President Putin at Valdai.
Words are cheap. What does Russia actually DO?
Helps little countries like Syria to resist rape of government, robbery of resources and physical dismemberment by the West’s strong-arm goons. Syria was the first “stone in the road” where Russia stepped in to halt the NATZO juggernaut. Ukraine is the second.
“There was a stone in the middle of the road
In the middle of the road there was a stone…”.
The same stubborn Russian stone wrecked 80% of Hitler’s hitherto invincible Nazi Wehrmacht when I was a boy. And when my grandfather was a boy, those same stubborn Russians defeated Napoleon’s hitherto invincible Imperial army.
“Able was I ere I saw Moscow” — Nappy Lion.
“First rule of world domination: never march on Moscow. Also the second rule” — Monty.
You are correct of course. We have many articles about Russia’s role in Syria etc. But you talk stubbornly of pre-2020. Things are changing. Globalism is now in ascendancy and it’s multipolar. What does Russia stand for in this evolving environment? It’s in lockstep with the West over all the main globalist platforms. Don’t views need to be updated?
OffG is fighting the good fight against the great evil that is currently called “Globalism”; ie, the struggle to rid the globe of what is also called “the 0.1%: a “mighty handful” of conspiratorial “Plutocrats” or “Oligarchs”. These words are Greek, and the evil of Plutocracy and Oligarchy was already rampant in ancient Greece; therefore the views of OffG, in fighting this good fight, do not “need to be updated”. But looking at the big picture one is liable to miss significant detail. Two significant details are: Putin has jailed more Oligarchs than the rest of the world combined; and Russia is under attack by NATZO, with genocidal targeting of Russian-speaking Ukrainians being merely NATZO’s casus belli.
The same lofty viewpoint was current among the Left during the War, and was called Trotskyism. Certain high minded Communists decided it was less important to fight Nazism than to fight Global Capitalism. They were wrong and Stalin was right: because Global Capitalism uses Nazism as a tool; as happened in Russian Ukraina and Polish Galicia during the War — and is happening again in Ukraine since the genocidal, anti-Russian Biden/Nuland coup of 2014. Putin’s struggle against NATZO in Syria and Ukraine is the latest phase of Stalin’s struggle against Nazism in Europe.
“Those who dismiss History are doomed to repeat it” — Proverb
If Putin is 100% on board with every major aspect of globalism, does it matter how many oligarchs he jails?
It mattered to Russians because, after Gorbachev’s ineptitude and Yeltsin’s coup that installed a Western style Oligarchal regime, Putin pulled Russia out of its deadly downward economic spiral by jailing some Oligarchs and exiling others to Anglo Land. For Putin to achieve that much required courage and craftiness greater than any “Western” Leader has shown. And, by choosing to follow Putin as Leader, the Russian people have shown more common sense than people in “the West”.
Yes, it does matter how many Oligarchs Putin jails; the more the better. Most “Western” peoples (starting with Ukraine) secretly wish that Putin to save them from their own Oligarchs. Especially now that “the West” is entering its own (self made) downward economic spiral.
Europe’s downward economic spiral is made worse by our Euro-clots abruptly cancelling cheap and reliable piped gas and oil from Russia. Euro-clots are blithely unaware that our refineries are critically tuned to use “sweet diesel” from the Urals, and cannot easily adjust to oil from other suppliers — even if Europe could find them.
No offense but you are just recycling slogans and not addressing the point or even really saying anything.
Putin is a globalist. He is promoting the same globalist agenda as the West. The idea he would “save” people from the very system he is promoting is clearly delusional to the point of insanity.
You just keep ignoring this elephant sitting right in front of you
reading the great sober comments
i perceived there is a troll down here
a paid imbe cile from one of those greedy creeps that contaminate humanity
as for me i stand with nature, permaculture, family farming, organic food, leave me alone, and so forth
greed is destroying our world
nature took hundreds of millions yrs to perfect food and these for profit $cienti$t$ think that with 50yrs or so of private funded universities “re$earch” can outperform nature
these co’s and their foundation$ are at the minimum criminals against nature and humanity
Now that human beings themselves have probably been genetically modified with the jabs how are they going to get worked up enough about food gene modification to stop this further madness.
Grains are not physiologically digestible by the human gut; so no-one should be eating them. As for the biotech gibberish; I don’t want to understand any of it; it’s not going to help me deal with this situation, it doesn’t make you more intelligent, so why keep printing all their genetic nonsense, so you can scare the people even more, it seems designed to confuse unless you’re a complete a-moral sociopath, as many so-called scientists seem quite willing to be.
I’ve spent time with tribal peoples; and shamans and they show you a spectacular side to nature that is completely understandable to a materiality indoctrinated westerner, without this so-called scientific gibberish. You wanna resolve this; its a moral issue; don’t confuse those concerned with made-up intials and fancy terminology. These people who mess with nature are not geniuses; they lack perspective and awareness; many have low iq; no, not clever, they’re just morally bankrupt.
30 years of this stunt!
Claiming “better yields, farming methods and quality, all it is really for is owning the food supply. I stated that back in 1990 at an Agriculture Canada/Monsanto seminar, and was told a good number of ad hominems and vitriol and even an assault!
Our most educated, entitled, credentialed and compensated are the parasites of the planet.
The tried and true methods for survival will have to be employed – if indeed survival is even on most people’s radar.
GMOs are going to become the only food source – a done deal, a fait accompli. They are the progeny of corruption – and “We The People” have turned a blind eye to corruption for too long to even try to renounce it at this late date.
But there is one last trick the people have up their sleeve. And that’s to nationalize all the GMOs once they’ve taken over. No further profit for the GMO-ers – and that means no further incentive.
Then the long – perhaps impossible – process of undoing the damage to both food and nature can begin. That’s assuming natural food/seeds/etc. remain somewhere on planet Earth.
And if it comes to that, we’ll get to see if life really does imitate cartoon: if a species which jumped off a cliff can magically jump back up in mid-flight. (Time will tell.)
beep beep!!
or even eep! eep!
some cartoons are real ; )
how to describe that air-scramble noise.?.. there’s a fun challenge..
There are no valid excuses for tampering with genetic codes, period. Nature has been evolving genetic sequences and producing the building blocks of life for over 700 million years.
The minds of men have been perverted with disrespect for all that was created before us.
Aminoacyl-tRNA Aminoacyl-tRNA – Wikipedia
“Due to the degeneracy of the genetic code, multiple tRNAs will have the same amino acid but different anticodons. These different tRNAs are called isoacceptors. Under certain circumstances, non-cognate amino acids will be charged, resulting in mischarged or misaminoacylated tRNA. These mischarged tRNAs must be hydrolyzed in order to prevent incorrect protein synthesis.”
Also from Wikipedia:
“Ribosomes also called Palade granules, are macromolecular machines, found within all cells, that perform biological protein synthesis (mRNA translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by the codons of messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules to form polypeptide chains. Ribosomes consist of two major components: the small and large ribosomal sub-units. Each sub-unit consists of one or more ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules and many ribosomal proteins (RPs or r-proteins).
The ribosomes and associated molecules are also known as the translational apparatus.”
They “know” what they are doing, and they need to be stopped.
They cannot know what they are doing. They are only drunk on greed, hubris and a little knowledge. This knowledge covers just a tiny portion of genetic structure, stability and function. Even if CRISPR is accurate, they do not know what to change, or the impact of such a change.
Isaac Asimov speculated that warfare (under escalating technology) may have wiped out other civilizations in the universe, this being an explanation of why they have not tried to communicate with us. Perhaps it was science instead that made them suicidally insane.
Yes. I read most of Isaac Asimov’s books years ago. My conclusion is that discovery and application of radio electronics leads to mental instability and cellular chaos within living biota. Electromagnetic induction of living cells causes mutations of cellular function and signals processing. Insanity is only one facet…
See: Biocoenosis >>> Biocoenosis – examples. Natural and artificial biocenoses (
sunak= theleme partners, abbey of thelema….=
just sayin…
Scientists Sound Alarm as Gates, WEF Promote Gene-Editing Technology for Everything From Fake Meat to Designer Babies
Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are among the biggest promoters of CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology, but scientists interviewed by The Defender warned about the technology’s flaws and risks.
It’s very easy to design lethal applications for CRISPR technology: I propose that pilot progtrammes for those lethal gene-edits are tried out on Bill Gates and the ‘Young WEF Leaders’.
They’d soon change their tune then.
mRNA 4-Eva: Detection To Injection Now Set At 100 Days
The assault on humanity continues to be institutionalized with strategic precision by the Biden Administration. The intent is to waive all testing for Big Pharma on future mRNA/DNA injections: “Develop vaccines within 100 days; manufacture enough vaccine for the population of the United States within 130 days.” That is, detection to mass injection in 4 months. ⁃ TN Editor
Same 100 day approval of new Rx from our ‘enablers’ (their own description) MHRA in UK.
Johnson also approved introduction of GMOs, graphene in water treatment, investments in life sciences (Frankenstein gene manipulations even saying how great 10 year old Crispr tech is.) and no doubt aerosol ionospheric spraying and solar radiation management programmes as the lines began appearing more noticeably since start of C1984.
After all, Johnson like Gates Jr comes from a lineage of Malthusians. Gates: Population Council renamed from Eugenics Society. Johnson Snr was from USAID (BioLabs GOF too) that exchange population control demands with aid.
As for Cabal(ist) Satanic Thelema Sunak, he like Fauci remind me of demonic gnomes. Is it the protruding ears?
What’s really troubling is that nearly everywhere I find links to Eugenics/NZ Ubermensch ideology. Like Addidas and Puma (HT youth trainers to war machinery to crimes against humanity.
Like. Scwab Neuland and many Ukrainian Brits that didn’t get sent back due to risk of violence (justice for war crimes) if they returned.
Then if we go to US Op Paperclip we find them at Naza, DoD Plum Island.
We obviously are the flotsam that must be removed by sickening as we’re viruses to Mother Earth.
It’s a demonic plan in the design and planning of ##decades?
who knows what will happen post pole shift.
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) is a $20 TRILLION industry that no one talks about. Unregulated patents are at the source of most of society’s problems. New Rule: If the product causes harm in any way, it should not be considered “intellectual” by any definition.
A Kremlin stooge- basically anyone with a different opinion to the corrupted MSM.
my father, who was an agronomist, knew categorically that grain silos were being infected/tainted with small samples of gmo seed back as far as the 1960
s and more prevalently in the 70
sso if they knew about perceived resistance/contamination/infection of nature 50 years ago, then where do we envisage ourselves in another 50 years? ? ?
all we can do now is resist every form of this evil, vax, gmo, cbdc with every fibre of our beings, let “fuck them” be your mantra, let your erect middle digit be your guide,
as someone with “grown up” kids, trying to explain why the old man is so hell bent on making them aware of whats going on is highly frustrating, but given decades of brain washing and compliance tuition by the institution we only have ourselves to blame..
some further reading on maurice strong, the “wizard of bacca grande” and joint architect of our appaling situation:
If the ‘virus’ don’t get ya, the fungus will. Be scared. Very scared.
The synthetic seeds of natural agricultural seeds is a travesty.
The current ruling regime of India, whose face in front of the world is its PM Modi, is a malevolent one under substantial control of the global oligarchy and technocracy.
Global oligarchs-technocrats tamperied with India’s election voting machine and the entire election machinery wherever digital/wireless/chip intervention was possible to allow the BJP party (whose top most figures are Modi and his henchman Amit Shah, India’s home minister since 2014) to steal a win in the elections.
BJP paid back first by the cruel imposition of demonetisation on the country’s population at the end of 2016, followed thereafter by the GST (goods and service tax).
During Mar-Jun 2020 the BJP was an enabler of brutal nationwide lockdowns and in 2021 it made government agencies force vaccines on their employees and looked the other way when state governments and private companies forced vaccines on citizens and employees.
And now this.
Of course, had Congress or any othe political coalition been in place the things may not necessarily hve been different (for Congress-UPA regime from 2004 to 2014 had given approvals for GM cotton and tried desperately to allow it in other crops).
A small section of people and a decent-sized section of farmers in India are already aware of the dangers of GM seeds.
When the awareness spreads the devious moves by the government and behind-the-scenes Indian agents of global oligarch-technocracy will be reversed.
Most of the Globe is on GMO food production, but crickets about that from Colid Modihunter: there is only one ‘fascist’ on Colin’s planet. Hidden in the middle of this article he had to admit the truth:
The decision whether to allow the commercialisation of what would be the first GE food crop in India has been dragging on for years. COVID delayed the process, but a decision on GM mustard now appears to be close.
I see the pro-Modi shill has arrived. Yes – what you point out is ‘the truth’. It has been dragging on for years and a decision is close – what’s your point? And the truth is also – most of the world is NOT on ‘GMO production’. But facts are inconvenient to your political agenda. Never let them get in the way of a good rant – never engage with the points before you and always throw in a few ad homs. Same old from you every time.
We can save seeds. We can colletc them in the state parks and in our backyards. My partner and I are growing a large amount of edible and medicinal crops. We are saving the seeds. Weeds like plantain, mullein, dandelion, chickweed, nettles etc are highly nutritious and do indeed grow like weeds. All of us can do this. We can help each other. We can stay under the radar. Don’t ever register anything. Don’t ever try for organic certification. Stay under the radar. You can propagate many herbs and weeds by cuttings in water on the windowsill. By cuttings in sandy dirt also.
we got this. We can do this. All of us together. We can help each other. We can create an underground type situation where anyone in dire need can contact us and we can hook them up with help.
We can do this. We got this.
Thank you for this article. It strengthens my resolve that the parasite class will not win.
People who Rent can’t grow FOOD. You people Never understand anything with your WE Rubbish.
Good for YOU so WHAT.
Take it to a bloody Gardening media Programe!
You Private CRONIES really are the Limit!
WHERE? What about OUR Co-operatives. Local Farmers Fruit and Vegetables in the Street Markets. High Street Shops. And stop saying FUCKING ORGANIC!
“My Partner”! ARE YOU that Far GONE.
You Bloody FOOL!
and some people who used to “rent” got off their sad arses, scraped a few sheckles together, bought a useable, largish vehicle, equipped it with a woodstove and a bed and…. got the fuck out,
then after many potato campaigns, scrap metal and other shitty jobs found they had enough mullah to buy a small, but adequate piece of land, got their hands dirty and quit their moaning like a sissy
you always have a choice, relinquishing choice is what they want you to do
agreed however on the “O” word a fucking symbol for money talks derogation here in the uk, more anti bios in “organic” milk than conventional, fact
if you have money and thus pay into SA or OF&G more highly than small producers you do what you want, to keep the “mark” (their mark) on your produce
you could say “mark of the beef”…….
You do realize, don’t you, that TPTB are taking actions to make sure people can’t do what you blithely suggest is easy peasy for anyone to do?
Among these actions: 1)new zoning and inspection rules to limit “back yard” farming; 2)creating housing bubbles so as to burst them when the time is right, driving even more people to the rental market; 3)raising the cost of everything to limit the amount people are able to save; 4)allowing hedge funds and other big investors to buy up houses and parcels of land en masse, thus preventing even the most conscientious from buying land to farm.
Count on one thing: anything you can see “they” can see better.
youre talking usa, im talking uk, i am free to do as i please, as is everyone else, for now at least and it has been this way all my life…
whilst i sympathise re the usa situation, myself if i were there i would head south, imho your “big social experiment” has expired, sad to say..
uk has limited “options” re-location wise, scotlands fucked, wales is fucked, Ni is a possible, but outside of daydreaming im “stuck” with what i have.. my own water, leccy, cider, wine, veg, firewood, meat as and when it suits, total freedom and 100% privacy to garden and farm butt naked..
im polite when out and about, but as and when some fucker has the stupidity to try to enter my realm, uk law (for now) still supports my right to…. leave em with something of a speech impediment..
so you read it here and its true as true, if you can raise the cash and buy a patch of land in blighty, there is less than diddly squit the ptb can do to stop you living and farming on it, you just need the kahunas.
im speaking as i find, whilst not the biggest landowner in my neck of the woods, by a long, long way, i do speak for most of my neighbouring farmers in saying you take my tracker, n my pitchfork when you wrench em from my cold dead, grubby fingers
whilst cold comfort for youze across the pond, tis relevant here.
and one last thing “easy peazy” it aint, ive worked “the life” since 1998, holidays consist of an afternoon at the beach and a “lie in” is usually misinterpreted as a beast of the savannah…
so much for the land of the free then??
over simplified.
try that without at least 70k tucked sparely away, in some extra benevolent pocket that suddenly grew on your leg…. around here; and that was 15 years ago..
money talks, never good intent.. always conditional questions for that “adequate piece of land”, which, if was any land-use change, squared the initial price.. blew a lot of folk out the option.
was a nice idea..
choices? realities?
i bought 2.5 acres for £6.5k, no handouts, no silver spoon, living in a vehicle meant everything i earnt was mine to save for buying a piece of land and whilst not exactly intellectual i earnt well doing the jobs no one else wanted to do, septic tank emptying, swede/potato harvesting, demolition..granted that was 1998 and land is more pricey now..
i do however know of a group of 20 or so folk in the s/w who recently clubbed together and bought a 35 acre farm with 12 converted “barns”, largest stake 250k, smallest stake 2.5k, some have the houses, others caravans “round the back”
its a question of effort, for me living in a town/city could not, would not work, id be dead of an overdose by now, i had to get free, so i got free, first a transit, then a 5 tonner, then a bus
listening to what is said here sometimes im reminded that we all have something to fight for, but perhaps having a place to fight from is something else?
food for thought
aye man, good for those who have got there, honest.
just giving local perspective : I
ps, the land use/reform issue is irrelevant (uk anyway, cannot speak for scotland)
they may try to con you that they have “law” on their side, but they do not, criminal law does not apply to occupation of your OWN land, in whatever form you see fit, moveable structures (caravans) and fabric dwellings (yurt, teepee, bender) are exempt
once the “authorities” see that you aint for moving, it is then their responsibility to assist in helping you meet the criteria that authorises your occupation…
asking sweetly is not an option, they will try to con you, gently but firmly infroming them that you are exercising your rights however does yield results, a decade or two of being itinerant does help with the ingrained attitude, pikey is as pikey does
its a choice as i pointed out from the start, you all have a choice, if you are not content being contained in their servitude trap then fkn change it
if my existence as nearly fully self sufficient is an insult to others, then so be it, come try and change me and see what happens, i prefer to inspire than to insult
all the best
Apparently random words in capitals = a form of acrostic writing used to encode messages by a certain secret society.
I know, I apologise it’s just not that long ago we also had small allotments where we’d go say on Sat/Sunday morning, and I’ve always loved the Counryside and our Farming families.
Coupled with being born on the North sea coast I just don’t see why there should be a problem re: people easily having enough to eat drink in the total British Isles.
Something further, when we go visit family in Manchester, as a young boy I liked People from India.
Agree with Duchman, this whatever dates back decades imo.
A starting point for equality globally is land reform. It is not widely broadcast that the trouble in Afghanistan [which was moving forward in the 70s] was attempted land reform, which old money and the CIA didn’t like, so civil conflict, then the USSR [their neighbour] attempted to help, and the CIA hooligans escalated..the rest is history.
Yes, you can, at least in the UK you can. You can RENT an allotment for £25 a year or so, and you can grow enough vegetables to feed yourselves, plus some fruit as well.
Good to hear thx
That reaction seems a little over the top.While it’s understandable that you don’t feel you are in a position to grow anything, there are those living in apartments who do find ways to grow things. Have you tried sprouting? Windowsill herbs? Container gardens on a balcony? Perhaps organizing a community garden in your complex? Just because someone has optimism, there is no reason to be rude and call them a bloody fool.
Hello Cathy: Your advice was appropriate Prior to the destruction of our habitats with nuclear radioactivity, genetically altered herbicides, petrochemical pesticides, sewage pollutants spewed upon the land, and genetic alteration of essential food crops.
Our farmlands are rapidly becoming mono-cultured dead zones, and private land ownership of title is nearly extinct. There is no efficacy in “staying under the radar” The Earth is being murdered.
“We” got this??? It’s too late for dreaming. Sorry…
lay down and die then?
A real food underground black-market.
Between the bio tech giants, the big pharma corporations, the oligarchy controlled media, the medical industrial complex, and the military/security/law enforcement industrial complex, I wonder how many people work for them? It’s like how the MIC spreads out their operations so as to get as many states, cities, etc., hooked on the employment and taxes. How many are really on the side of the fascist technocratic totalitarians? Then add up the totally clueless, the incapable, and the socio/psychopaths among us. Are we the only ones left? And who are we anyway?
Open letter to all genetic researchers:
Dear Sirs: You are savagely mutating the essential building blocks of life. You are raping your mothers and grandmothers, and all the mothers that came before them. You are murdering your children and grandchildren for a fist full of pennies. You are sick in your minds, and evil in your hearts. If I were your God, I would send you to Hell forever…
– Paul Vonharnish –
It’s a sophisticated form of stupidity. They know exactly what they’re doing with money and technology, but they haven’t a clue what they are doing to the integrity of our species – or any other species, for that matter.
Hello wardropper: My assessment is that ALL genetic research is a deep insanity. There are no valid reasons for man to destroy essential life forms (mRNA-DNA) which predate the human species, and which took 700 million years to perfect our genome. These sick bastards need to burn in Hell…
not sure about all that 700 million year shtuff P,
but otherwise i agree.
what they are doing is evil, and suicide. genocide.
young folk imagine augmentation as “cool”,
: (
The Origin and Evolution of Cells
Published by: Geoffrey M Cooper (2000)
Reprinted by: National Library of Medicine
The Origin and Evolution of Cells – The Cell – NCBI Bookshelf (
The young folk need to augment their brains…
Indeed Paul.
The whole notion of ‘scientific’ research into ‘life’, basically by killing living things, then studying their dead remains, is certainly a deep insanity.
I’d say it’s sheer arrogance and extreme narcissism.
Good one Paul Vonharnish
Totally expected from an organisation motivated by greed and without scruple.
Aussie gubmint has just decided on a huge land grab.
“Behind the Green Mask – Under the guise of saving nature, the Albanese government has signed Australia up to one of the biggest land grabs in history.
Dubbed 30 by 30, the goal is to set aside 30 percent of Australia’s land mass within a National Reserve System by 2030. Also included is 30 percent of Australia’s oceans.
Thirty percent is just the beginning. 30 by 30 grew out of a thesis by the eugenicist Dr Edward O Wilson of Harvard University, who maintained that humans should occupy no more than one half of the earth – and not the best half either.
It’s a ‘bait and switch’ aimed at removing people’s private property rights and placing control in the hands of an elite band of unelected technocrats, NGOs and their billionaire sugar daddies.”
The surviving human population will be herded into ‘smart cities’ (ie digital prisons), and there will be geo-fencing to keep us out of the stolen land. We won’t know what happens on this stolen land – organic food-growing/raising (for the globos), hunting parties, luxury residences in the best places, etc. They will tell us it is for saving wildlife, averting climate change, etc. etc.
That’s the plan, anyway.
The idea of the “15 Minute Cities” is that everything you need will be only 15 minutes nearby…
Everyone will be crammed into the 15 Minute Cities to Save The Planet, just like in a prison wherein everything is 15 minutes nearby… Everything , that is, except the Gate to Freedom…
“Synthetic Salvation – On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality.” Singularity Weekly…
Our Elites want to live forever. The rest of us will make for rich compost…
All cities in the C40 Cities initiative are committed to abolish car ownership by 2030. That includes London. Paris is in the process of scrapping nearly 3/4s of its parking.
Meanwhile, can oligarchs only travel 15 minutes?
Of course, everything people need can be only 15 minutes away if “needs” are a) homogenized and b) reduced.
The limitations and prohibitions do not apply to VIPs with the right permits or clearances.
The reserves will be subject to mining and “national security” uses, as in the U$. Ask the natives.
Neoliberalism (created by libertarians) has been a 40-yr war on all things public. Central banks want to eradicate the very idea of “public money” and replace it forever with private digital credit. For posterity’s sake, we must preserve our public spaces, parks and beaches.
“From the 1980s onward, both parties… have been committed to neoliberalism. This doctrine regards the private market as the preferred vehicle for service provision.
This economic doctrine has failed badly. On the one hand, private providers have proven inept and inefficient.”
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
‘CRISPR Technology is a ‘Recipe For Disaster’ – Not A Solution For World Hunger.’
CRISPR Technology: Prince Philip had better hurry up and come back as a Virus before they find A Cure…
Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee Says COVID ‘Vaccines’ Can Glow Blue, Likely Contain Luciferase, Graphene Oxide, Nanotech, and Parasites
Is the “food” CHEAP?
That’s ALL that matters for the herds of COVIDIUS JABBED ones…
There’s Genetic Modification (GM), and there’s Selective Breeding (SB)…
Tony Fauci is an example of a GM organism , Prince William is an example of an SB program…No one has filed for Intellectual Property Rights for either of them…
Correction: That should read “Prince Andrew…” though it applies to both.
Prince William’s was an induced birth to coincide with the Summer Solstice. The doctor in charge just happened to be the husband of Jill Dando, a still unsolved “murder” (except we all know it was the Serbs wot done it really).
The author is completely clueless about “GMO”.
Improving crop plants by “traditional” methods, for the last 60 years, has included putting seeds next to a strong source of ionizing radiation (often an artificial cobalt isotope) long enough to shred the genome.
The seeds are then planted. Most are not viable, but some plants come up, with new characteristics, and these are used in selective breeding programmes.
This procedure introduces a large number of unknown changes in the genome. Almost anything can happen.
Genetic engineering, in contrast, introduces one or a very small number of known changes in the plant genome. While food safety is important, it is much more likely that “traditional” breeding will produce something harmful. Yet nobody is asking for safety testing on that!
Concerns about patents are valid. Concerns about the underlying technology are not.
true the radiation does create genetic chaos.. but CRISPR does not do any better.. even so the change in just one bit of a gene can cause catastrophic changes in human and plant metabolism.; it takes centuries to discover what those changes mean.
If it were within my power, I would genetically engineer every one who seeks to genetically engineer anything that has to do with food stuff of human biology into a rocket and shoot him or her into the next galaxy.
Patents are monopolies and they enjoy tax free status.. Why? Because they are monopolies they are weapons of war.. those who pull the purse strings of genetics are using patents to deny the world food to eat, air to breath, and water to drink..
Humanity needs not to give anyone a patent on any invention, discovery or whatever, because every living human should be the beneficiary of that invention, discovery or whatever.
‘If it were within my power, I would genetically engineer every one who seeks to genetically engineer anything that has to do with food stuff of human biology into a rocket and shoot him or her into the next galaxy.‘
maybe that has already happened and these cyborg morons have infected our galaxy after being ejected from somewhere else
The main problem with CRISPR tech is that it uses graphene oxide as the “glue” to bind the spliced parts together again. The body recognizes that as a foreign intruder/pathogen and immediately begins to break it down, as it does with all of the toxic ingredients used in all vaccines.
I’ve read Altered Genes, Twisted Truth – How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public by Steven M Druker.
A breathtaking expose of all the lies, deceit and dangers of genetically engineered food.
From inside the cover: “The FDA enabled the commercialization of genetically engineered foods by COVERING UP the warning of ITS OWN SCIENTISTS, repeatedly lying and deliberately breaking the law.
Laboratory animals have also suffered from eating the products of GE, and tests with GE crops have yielded many troubling results, including intestinal abnormalities, liver disturbances and impaired immune systems.
Experts who publish such research or express doubts about the foods are fired, denied tenure, or subjected to smear campaigns.”
A book well worth reading.
Somehow I doubt pleb above will bother to read that book. I think pleb is a true believer in all the wonderful tech of our brilliant sold out “scientists” and probably would call the author of the book clueless as well. Never mind that pleb seems completely and utterly clueless as to the intent of the PTB. But that cluelessness won’t last forever, although I imagine once pleb has a real clue it will be far too late, if it isn’t already.
Perhaps you’re right. And isn’t condemnation without investigation the ultimate in stupid?
This certainly cannot be said about the author, Steven Druker, whose book Altered Genes, Twisted Truth reads like a detective novel. He makes no claims but lets all the scientists, etc. speak, and provides verbatim quotes from politicians, ‘experts’ and official reports to show the twisted story of corruption in letting GMOs loose on the public.
Humans have been genetically modifying domesticated crops and animals for millennia. Until relatively recently its only been done by selective breeding, building on natural mutations by encouraging those we want and weeding out those we don’t. The problem with GMOs isn’t that we’re manipulating living things — done carefully its just an extension of what we’ve always done — but rather we’re trying to build monopolies from this. This type of behavior causes more problems than it solves — most famines throughout history (and even today) aren’t caused by a lack of food, for example, but rather by the target population being unable to afford to eat. That is, they are artificial, a consequence of how our society is organized with profit seeking being the primary, if not the only, motivation for getting anything done.
One touchy subject is eugenics. This is merely applying the same principles and methods we use to optimize crops to ourselves. Its touchy because people on the whole don’t like to be classed as ‘unwanted’, ‘redundant’, ‘unnecessary’ or just plain ‘undesirable’. We have to be aware that this is already built into our societies — partner selection occupies a lot of our (and our relatives’) time with gender selection often coming a close second. It is a fact, though, and our entire history is colored by it. Its best to face the fact and learn to deal with it than to complain that its ‘not fair’ (which is entirely correct but the people on top of the heap only care enough to keep the ‘great unwashed’ passive or suppressed).
(Soylent Green, anyone?)
Soylent Green the movie was set in the year 2022.
GMO’s made by Monsanto, Bayer makes pesticides, suicides and all sorts of other -cides. Bayer is based in Germany. Where the Nazis come from. And the Marxists.
Monsanto is based in Missouri. This is because it brings Misoury (sic) to the nations.
And your reference to Soylent Green a nice flourish at the end.
More than that – Bayer was formed out of the fragmentation of IG Farben. It was the same model of “ending” the Rockefeller oil cartel that singularly failed to end it at all and let it continue in slightly veiled form.
Let’s throw in a reminder that Monsanto were the manufacturers of Agent Orange as well.
I read several years ago, in fact as part of my studying the Great War now decades past., they also came up with turning powders into pills, ie: aspirin, and artificial chemical sweetners later renamed diet. to replace the cost of sugars. These subtitutes require constant vigilance by independent regulatory researchers under Poisions. The People who work in these fields, Chemistry, are just as much a part of us as anything else naturally eccuring on the Planet.
so, engineered genocide is just fine? ffs man,
touchy subjects? Hubris? self derived entitlement, fuck off..
These “people” are not concerned about lining their pockets. Money from their perspective is a total non-issue. They want us dead, that’s it.
They also want to defy God’s creation – they believe they can do so much better and are willing to die trying.
They’d rather rule on Earth than serve in Heaven.
They want complete control, period. If they have to kill most of us off to achieve that, they’ll do it, they’re already doing it albeit somewhat slowly at this point. They don’t want ALL of us dead though, I mean, someone has to do the real work to feed and house these sickos. Sure, robots may do that in the future, but even with all the hype about robotics I doubt it’s really up to providing all they need, yet. They also like lots of long term illnesses due to their poison, why not book some nice revenue streams off of that until it does kill. While money isn’t their prime motivator, they sure as hell aren’t going to forego a quick buck.
They want POWER. You are dead right money is no longer enough for them, if it ever really was.
Using to build?
I would call that they have already taken control of food production via money and buying assets.
The GMO / Climate movement(s) is the next step, to stop We the People from growing our own food without their permission, and control.
India is going to experience the continued economic destruction of their agriculture, followed by massive famine. Something that India has in their history.
Between the death jab, climate enforcement, closing of food production, and CBDC, all leading to reduced living standards, lack of good health care, and famine, will cull the herd.
In the UK the NHS has been doing a good job on lack of health care for years and is now scrapping the bottom.
I was misdiagnosed for cancer and given neuro-toxic immuno-therapy plus an unknown ingredient. To say I don’t like the NHS is a gross understatement..
The NHS is a disgrace to our country and the principles that it was founded upon. It was for many years and in this current mess it is writ large. Time after time I hear acquaintances tell of incompetence and systemic failures. Yet others (fewer these days) applaud it’s existence simply because it’s “free”!
I dread going near it.
The NHS was always built on the principles of central control and compulsory allopathic medicine (compulsory in the sense of having to fund it).
Those on the left are stuck in a kind of cognitive dissonance where they’ve believed for years that all that’s wrong with the NHS is “Tory underfunding”. Like the BBC, they never ask why the Tories never quite get around to scrapping it. It’s the issues where there’s a political consensus that one finds the crucial parts of the agenda. People have been systematically misinformed how healthcare was provided before the NHS and what alternative models exist now – they think the NHS and the US model are the only two options. They aren’t. If you believe the “vaccine” was a kill shot (or at least nothing good), who administered it?
The postwar Labour government is something people need to stop clinging to. Sorry, it wasn’t what we were told. PM Clement Attlee was a Freemason who’d defeated another Freemason Arthur Henderson in 1935 for the leadership. They were all about centralising control and cementing the Anglo-American coalition.
Copay in the US can mean bankruptcy so Americans you could say have a greater problem than the UK.
Would that be a fair assessment?