The Benefits of a Chaotic World

Todd Hayen

It seems there is a clear global effort to make information uniform, and in particular, to make science uniform—One Science, Under Singular Rule, For the Good of All…I’m not making this up (well, I did just make up that phrase, but I’m not making up the central gist of it). Here is a quote from an article on the UN claiming to “own the science” on Robert Malone’s substack:

The thing is – when you listen to the full panel discussion linked above, the UN speaker -Ms. Fleming is not just saying that the UN is censoring speech on climate change. She also suggests that the UN with the WEF is censoring many scientific discussions, such as the topic of COVID-19, and the UN is in the process of setting up the tools to censor ALL misinformation that the UN deems unhelpful for a “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.

Let me repeat: “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.”

You know, common sense (there’s those two pesky words again) tells me that there has never been a time when all humans all agreed on one thing. That has always been considered healthy—debate, discussion, picking apart opposing ideas, new ways of seeing old things, etc. etc.

So how in tarnation does anyone think censoring information that the “UN deems unhelpful” so there is only one “harmonious” truth, for a singularly “united world,” is a good thing? Are people really buying this?

This is what Hitler wanted, Lenin wanted, Stalin wanted, Mao wanted, Saddam Hussein wanted, Osama bin Laden wanted, to name just a few recent ones (and maybe I am not being accurate here because what these men really wanted could have easily been manipulated by the media…but you get my point I am sure).

Since when has weeding out the misinformation from the real information ever been a job of the government, and using censorship no less…i.e., we are not allowed to even SEE what they are sorting out. If they just told us, “this is good, this is bad” but we still got to see it, which would be one thing (still not a good idea, but they have basically always done that, “We suggest, or recommend, or approve of, or whatever”).

But censoring??

Are people really that daft that they think it is best that some authoritative body should be trusted to tell us what is good and bad and leave us entirely out of it? What would the government’s (or in this case, the UN’s) incentive be in doing this? Duh, really? Control? Dominance? Ya think?

When I say there is a concerted effort to flatten the world out into a one thought pancake, I am not meaning that any of the people doing this think it is a good idea for the people who largely inhabit the planet. It isn’t some ideological “perfect way” for all of us. It is instead much like the Great Reset mantra “in the future you will own nothing, and be happy.”

The point is to get as many people as possible on the same page so they are easy to manipulate and manage…one truth, one medicine, one science, one currency, one religion, one way to be a human—one way for all. Easy peasy, eh? No one has to think, no one has to deal with much of anything. We will all be a clone of one another and as such follow one rule, one government, one ideal.

It is funny how all of this is cloaked in a “diversity, equity, inclusion” bullshit sound bite. They don’t want “diversity and inclusion” any more than they want us to “be happy.” Just like they don’t want the climate stabilized so we can enjoy a healthy planet. None of this is as it seems; what they are pushing has zero benefit to the masses.

The UN statement is the same, they don’t want a stable, harmonious, united world, they want a controllable world, a world where the people are like numbers, faceless, uniform, NOT diverse, NOT unique, NOT inclusive. They do not want troublemakers, they do not want thinkers, they do not want diverse, interesting, and creative minds.

Once again I point you to Orwell’s brilliant 1984. Take a look at THAT culture if you want to see what “they want.” It is a pretty good example.

The world is supposed to be chaotic, filled with diversity, different species, different ways of taking the essential elements of physical reality and making something of it in a dissimilar and special way.

There is unity in diversity, as all living creatures seek an expression of life often in very unique ways, but they all have a common goal to express life. Humans, in particular, have an even greater variety of expression.

This is one of the unique things about us as a species. We create outside of the limitations of our instincts. We create music, art, dance, cuisine, architecture…in fact the variety of our creation is unlimited. We have active critical minds that think and think of all sorts of things. We make decisions about what is good for us, individually and collectively, by putting our minds into action with very few limitations.

We can create a nearly perfect life if left to do this on our own resources without some elite criteria to meet set by an individual or a small group of individuals that benefits only them.

This is tyranny. Without tyranny we live in a chaotic world, but a world where the very chaos is what brings mystery, purpose, and meaning to our lives and spawns creativity. Chaotic confusion cannot be nailed down, it cannot be easily controlled nor is it easy to exert our singular, unifying, will onto it. It has a spirit of its own.

Carl Jung, the eminent Swiss Psychologist, stated many times in his work that the truly expressive life is lived in the tension of the opposites.

The “in between two clear objective stances.” This is where mystery lies—chaos, uncertainty, and non conformity. This is the grey area, the unknown. This is the antithesis to singularity, the antithesis to “stable certainty of unilateral living.”

The effort to destroy our uniqueness and our diversity in thought and perspective is the absolute worst thing that could happen to humanity—we cannot dismiss our thinking minds, and our individual compulsion to find meaning in a world that may seem chaotic and unharmonious due to its refusal to be controlled.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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John Doeyo
John Doeyo
Nov 2, 2022 7:31 AM

Next time you are searching for names to list as examples of anti human despotic maniacs….how about changing it up to be more contemporary, at least e.g Rochelle P. Walensky (CDC), Larry Fink (BlackRock), Susan Wojcicki (You Tube), Albert Bourla (Pfizer)….but be careful with such lists as it might be considered noticing…

Nov 1, 2022 9:33 PM

blah, blah, blah. The censors are the international jews, and the solution is national socialism. By ending globalization, national debts, illegal invasions, and nationalizing banks and breaking up mega corporations, we go a long way toward ending this deliberately engineered “chaotic world”

Skinny Mouse
Skinny Mouse
Oct 30, 2022 4:12 PM

Ok…I think this article captures perfectly what is happening now. It is so perfect to me that I am going to share it with friends who are on the other side of my fence. Thank you Todd!

Oct 30, 2022 2:44 PM

I have written some words on Freedom is Sloppy…we are all different. To try to make us all the same is tyranny and foolish. And stifles all creativity.

Oct 30, 2022 1:57 PM

The benefits of a chaotic world are many, Nature is always experimenting in order to avoid stagnation, & to create beauty.
The current social, economic & governmental ‘chaos’ is unnatural & is being engineered in order to ‘generate’ acceptance of the UN2030 agenda towards a centralized ‘solution’ of cybernetic e-Governance, CBDC & digital-twinning of everything in the MetaVerse panopticon.
It is a militaristic approach towards full-spectrum dominance but they need us to ‘want’ it, our solution is obvious.

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Oct 30, 2022 12:23 PM

I am so incredibly sick of hearing about Ukraine.

If you are in the US, think about your government allowing 16 million Ukrainians to come into the country (320,000 per state) and give them a financial allowance each month, free health care and all social benefits – for an indefinite period of time.

This is what is happening in the Czech Republic at the moment. In a country of 10 mil people, 500,000 Ukrainians have been given ‘refugee’ status with all social benefits an money. At the same time, the CR is taking away benefits and making the cost of living out of reach for most Czechs.

I am all for helping people in need – I have campaigned for it. As a photojournalist of more than 25 years, I have covered many injustices in this world. The refugee crisis in the EU in 2015, being one of them.

Speaking specifically about the Czech Republic, back then they refused to accept ANY refugees from Syria or Afghanistan – even though the CR was took part in exercises that destroyed their countries. But now, they open their arms to ALL Ukrainians.

Interestingly enough, no Ukrainian had to have COVID vaccinations or even be tested to come into the country. This, on the heels of one of the hardest lockdowns in the EU by the Czech government.

As a US citizen I am also appalled that my wife (who is Czech) cannot come to the US to help to care for my disabled brother because she is not ‘vaccinated.’ But, ANY Ukrainian that wants to come to the US can come without vaccination (and also get benefits from the state).

Some people say WWIII has already begun. I am starting to believe them.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 30, 2022 6:45 PM

Let’s hope that retarded vaccination policy ends soon!

Oct 31, 2022 7:51 AM

You should know that there is something in it for CR: a big chunk of Ukraine. The new Ukrainian guests may have to serve as a fifth column.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Nov 2, 2022 6:20 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The Ukie refugees will become a terrorist force, not a thorn, in Western Europe.
Expect many refugees to be ex-Azov, Pravy, Right, and whatever miscreant subgroup.

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Nov 7, 2022 3:14 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Maybe they will be recruited for Gladio 2.0?

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Nov 7, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Not so sure about an actual ‘physical’ chunk for the CR, since they do not share a boarder. But, the politicians are trying to make sure that the country’s businesses and corporate interests are rewarded with ‘reconstruction’ contracts (mainly large infrastructure projects), in addition to a piece of the energy pie.

Support from the CR is very important in this war (for those who are engaged in it), currently holding the EU presidency, as well as being a key hub for NATO air support, chemical/nuclear weapons detection teams and, more importantly, a center for intelligence gathering further east (the US has relied on the Prague location as a key position for intelligence gathering for decades) it is pivotal.

With regard to the bigger picture, the CR is just doing ‘what it is told’ and the current government, unfortunately, is doing its best to go above and beyond what is asked of them to assure their part in the NWO.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Nov 2, 2022 6:17 PM

And Canada!
Sox on Monday declared that 500,000 refuges will be coming to Canada.
I asked on CBC how many are rescued Ukrainians.
Comment suspended!

Oct 30, 2022 10:25 AM

Very little mention is given to the UN horror the UN Global Compact for Migration. the effect of which is to add to the chaos,( contrary to its stated aim of enabling orderly migration). There is a 2 part article in Independence Daily “Marrakesh: what’s it all about” which I strongly recommend.

Oct 30, 2022 10:25 AM
Reply to  mcc
Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Oct 30, 2022 12:43 PM
Reply to  mcc

Very interesting how governments (and media) manipulate the terms ‘migrants’ and ‘refugees’ to their benefit.

Oct 30, 2022 9:31 AM

They call Christ “The Prince Of Peace,” Yet all the popes through out history have been going on crusades, religious wars, blessing all criminal wars, destroying villages, murdering people, fighting continuously, burning people alive; burning living women for the simple reason that somebody suspected that the woman was a witch – a wise woman, a threat to the unholy church. Thousands of people have been killed by these people who represent “The Prince Of Peace.” And what peace have they brought to the world? Christianity is still the foundational support for the whole western power structure. You can see that the two world wars have been fought in the Christian section of the world; and the third world war will also be fought in the Christian section of the world. These soul-less criminals are representatives not of peace but of death. The time is right, for the collapse of these retarded political and religious illusions, to end all these great lies, before humanity comes to an end. Only a great spiritual revival can remove all these pseudo rulers from their counterfeit thrones of absolute power that creates global enslavement to prevent a global suicide, If individuals don’t start taking the responsibility, if they don’t desert all their so-called great political and religious leaders and their churches and their propaganda and holy books, the world is not going to survive very long. All the religions have been destructive to your religiousness. They have been destructive to your search for truth. They have been teaching you to believe, not to enquire. They have been giving you ready-made formulas of hearsay narratives passed down from ignorance and imagination so you need not bother about any individual enquiry. What about all the so-called great political beliefs of Marxism now destroying the last remnants of… Read more »

Oct 30, 2022 8:48 AM

Positioning another narrative into place should they decide to go that way:


This could have the same consequences as a fake EMP attack but would be easier to manage.

Oct 30, 2022 6:55 AM

If the “United” Nations really wanted to make a big difference then all they have to do is take the “You will own nothing and be happy” concept and demand it applies solely to billionaires. These people are wealthy not by working harder, but by corrupting the system and by dodging taxation. Remove the billionaire class and bring on a more peaceful world.

But the UN is already “owned” by the Uber wealthy and is merely a mouthpiece for a fraudulent system. So just like the billionaires, it too needs to be purged.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Oct 30, 2022 9:26 AM
Reply to  MattC

i agree, there should be a maximum wage limit as well as a minimum

Oct 30, 2022 2:47 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

Oh gee….and who decides??

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Nov 2, 2022 6:21 PM
Reply to  carolyn

Certainly NOT you.
Mammon worshipping sociopath.

Oct 30, 2022 11:37 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

wage limits?

minimum wages? don’t start me ….

as soon as that came in, I said they then had to globalise the “…wage”, as if.


wages should be decided by local supply and demand, in any healthy (micro) economy…

maximum wages?? limits? for fkn who, WHO?

tis the system we doth adhere to that fucketh us..


and yet i slag anarchy?

Oct 30, 2022 11:15 AM
Reply to  MattC

Despite the pious talk of open competition, creation (creativity), etc., manipulation (rigging) and corruption are essential for capitalism to be lucrative enough for the very richest.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 31, 2022 12:06 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The thing is we’ve never had true capitalism; we have crony-capitalism. You know, socialism for the corporations, austerity for the individuals.
Add to that the self-regulation rights of big industry, while the rest of us are stifled through over-regulation.

Oct 30, 2022 5:40 AM

Does the author believe Bin Laden took down the buildings and did he really just quote Malone?!
What the heck is this ContrOpp site? 😅

Oct 30, 2022 11:19 AM
Reply to  Berr

He added a politically correct clause: that the media may have tarnished the villians he named.

Oct 30, 2022 5:34 AM

Putin: “The situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary” Pepe Escobar, widely cross-posted, on President Putin’s far ranging speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club: In an all-encompassing address to the plenary session of the 19th annual meeting of the Valdai Club, President Putin delivered no less than a devastating, multi-layered critique of the “Western unipolar world” . From Shakespeare to the West’s assassination of an Iranian general; from musings on spirituality to the structure of the UN; from nuclear dangers to that peripheral Western peninsula of Eurasia “blinded by the idea that Westeners are better than others”, Russia’s President painted a crowded and lively Brueghel-esque canvas of recent “historical milestone” in the most dangerous decade since the end of WWII.” Putin even ventured that, “the situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary” because “the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not want to live like this anymore”. So everything is in play, and “the future of the new world order is being shaped before our eyes.” Way beyond his catchy slogan about the game the West is playing — “bloody, dangerous and dirty” — Putin’s formal address and at the subsequent Q&A should be analyzed as a coherent vision of past, present and future for the globe. Here we offer just a few of the highlights: “The world is witnessing the degradation of world institutions, the erosion of the principle of collective security, the substitution of arbitrary unipolar Western ‘rules’ for International Law”. “Even at the height of the Cold War, nobody denied the existence of Russian culture as part of World culture. In today’s unipolar West this view is declared subversive.” “The Nazis burned books. Now Western self-styled ‘liberalism’ is banning Dostoevsky.” “There are at least two ‘Wests’. The first is traditional, with a rich culture.… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 30, 2022 2:10 PM
Reply to  NickM

Mr Putin says quite a lot in his address, but the picture boils down to:

“The world is witnessing the degradation of world institutions, the erosion of the principle of collective security, the substitution of arbitrary uni-polar Western ‘rules’ [???] for International Law”.

The “uni-polar” model is spearheaded by the United Nations (and franchised agencies) acting as financial sponsors through world-wide corporate syndication. “International Law” is enforced by Maritime Rule.. Armies slouch toward the front and never turn their guns on their own masters…

The syndication model is subversive and terrorist by design, and has archived great success since the earliest establishment of corporate institutions.

No one wants to deconstruct the corporate beast, because their entire personal net worth is tied to its “arbitrary” dictates. Corporate/capitalism is typically dressed up as “free enterprise” which actually translates to Free-dumb.

Oct 31, 2022 7:56 AM

As Iain Davis’s article here a few days ago showed, the multi-polar world being prepared is no better.

Oct 30, 2022 2:45 AM

‘This is what Hitler wanted, Lenin wanted, Stalin wanted, Mao wanted, Saddam Hussein wanted, Osama bin Laden’ – etc etc – very interesting how almost every day, in ‘alt’ publications as well as official deep state publications, we see these people continually demonized, it’s like a lie that is easily exposable that has to be continually reinforced so the brainwashed marks never get a chance to think about things calmly and rationally. Actually what these people wanted, and many others continue to want and fight for, is freedom from the western capitalist marauding and looting and bombing hegemon. people who haven’t figured this simple basic fact out aren’t likely to have many useful insights on what’s going on in the world, as this is one of the fundamentals

Oct 30, 2022 1:32 AM

From the NZ horse’s mouth. From now on, THEY are the only source of truth.

Oct 30, 2022 1:43 AM

“The point is to get as many people as possible on the same page so they are easy to manipulate and manage…one truth, one medicine, one science, one currency, one religion, one way to be a human—one way for all”.

This will be easy because most people fear true freedom. Psychologist Erich Fromm theorises with the insight that: “… that freedom itself can sometimes be the cause of fear and anxiety, forcing us to find ways to “escape from freedom”. Authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity are, according to Fromm, three ways how we try to cope with the freedom we fear.

On the other hand Jesus Christ nailed the paradox of freedom in that episode outlined in John 5:6 where he says to the invalid at the pool of Bethsaida “Do you want to get well?” at which point the long-time invalid offered up excuses for why he couldn’t make it to the healing waters. Jesus knew that this man found security in his miserable existance where he knew his place and would find the freedom of being able bodied a cause for new anxiety of unknown proportions. Anyway, in verses 6 & 8 we read how Jesus empowers true freedom for the indigent:  “Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk. At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked”.

The big awakening for us is that the Deep State et al want us to remain indigent and beholden to them for our life blood. The payoff is that we give up our freedom and they provide us with security from independant thought in decision making.

Oct 30, 2022 1:28 AM


Oct 31, 2022 10:26 AM

“one truth, one medicine, one science”

Reminds me of the Nazi slogan:

“Ein volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer”.

And another: “The New World Order”.

Now where have I heard that one recently?

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 30, 2022 12:53 AM
Mad World
Mad World
Oct 30, 2022 1:30 AM
Reply to  Mad World

Now that I’ve listened through all the tracks, I’ve
chosen what I think are second and third place.

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 30, 2022 1:02 AM
Reply to  Mad World

In electronic music, real versus “virtual” ins-
truments (I’m talking about analog sound ge-
nerators here) can produce much more pres-
sure, especially in the bass range, as shown in
this example. But of course they cost a fortune,
especially if they are now rare on the market.

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 30, 2022 12:33 AM

Why a European named “Alexander” costumes himself
with a Negro avatar with an artificially enlarged drum
machine will remain a mystery to me. At least his track
“Somatik Machine” should be my music tip for today.

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 31, 2022 10:26 AM
Reply to  Mad World

comment image

Same guy under different names.

As I found out, these funny Kraftwerk
substrates under the name “Robot”
originate from a solo entertainer from
Münster named Carsten Weidenhaupt.

Mr. Weidenhaupt, a well-behaved family man and
employee of the German Federal Railway (note his
vest with the “DB” sign) can also play acoustic music
in all styles with mostly ironic and socially critical lyrics.


Was he even the author of these two alle-
gedly “new” Kraftwerk songs, which were
never officially confirmed by Kraftwerk?


Also nice. At that time, Bill Gates was
still considered a hero and not a fraud.


Mad World
Mad World
Oct 31, 2022 3:58 PM
Reply to  Mad World


The nice remix of “Terminus (Cos-
mic Baby)” was made by a German

Whole album https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l42j8FCyh4Yye5_TyjqP_EzkAyJht8mwg

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Oct 29, 2022 11:59 PM

They are a corporation, their mentality is to operate like a business.

The point is to get as many people as possible on the same page so they are easy to manipulate and manage…one truth, one medicine, one science, one currency, one religion, one way to be a human—one way for all.

These are their products.

To be successful as a business it helps to have a focused product range. Too much clutter and accommodating the fringe is a drag on profit.

In time though their plan will fail. And it will fail because they are going to choke the number of inputs into the system that is humanity. Either people will reject it or the system will collapse because there are insufficient probabilities for enough events to happen that make a successful humanity. It is all very similar to other animal species dying out as a direct result of a diminishing gene pool, for example. Or indeed any other complex system for that matter, restrict the inputs and the system will collapse.

The Mouse Utopia experiment is also a very good example.

Oct 30, 2022 1:09 AM

You do have to make a decision when “acting like a business” goes against the people, and you’re going the nine yards to “buy your way out of liability”… Making the whole “oh we act like a business… you guys understand business right?”… a bit irrelevant.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 29, 2022 11:44 PM

But there IS one harmonious, united truth: They lied to us.

Oct 30, 2022 1:23 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

lied, lying, will lie.

Oct 29, 2022 11:38 PM

There’s chaos, and then there’s anarchy.

Chaos, or rather confusion, complements oppressive powers’ imposition of uniformity. It hides the purposes of such power behind apparently random and disconnected (pseudo)events (shit happens) so that coordinated agenda, like that of the Great Reset, may maneuver us along until the trap closes and it’s too late to escape the final solution. Unlike monarchial and monolithic powers past, elite power in the modern world abhors visibility, which is why multiple discourses and disciplines of (pseudo)science and anonymous bureaucracy, a la Foucalt (or Kafka), rule over us and our false consciousness of democratic, pluralistic society. If the 99% should threaten to turn their attention upon the 1%, watch the police state repression, and then the (pseudo)revolutionary politics of identity or other controlled opposition come along to replace it.

Anarchy, by contrast, realigns power to the people, where it belongs by virtue of our birthright as inalienable and free beings. The order of anarchy arises from sustained cooperation to build a truly human society from each according to ability to each according to need, where an injury to one is an injury to all. Anarchy is precluded when we take our cues as to what counts for information and knowledge from means of communication and education already controlled by oppressive power. Which is why we must rediscover one another again outside the matrix in communities of resistance and solidarity. Rather than looking to elites like Elon to restore (semblance of) free speech – while implementing digital IDs and other parts of the Panopticon – it’s our own embodied existence which must be reclaimed from the parasites and predators.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2022 11:26 PM

So another country sliding towards “the far right” – this time Israel. And I lost count of the number of times the BBC announcer said “far right”.

I think I see what’s happening here . The rulers know a backlash against their bullshit is coming and they’re preempting it under the label “far right” to present it as a new Nazi uprising.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Oct 30, 2022 1:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

That bothers me too. These are not stupid humans. They have had to have anticipated resistance so whatever happens will have been orchestrated to meet some hidden step along the way. OR, they are stupid. OR, there is no agenda and we’re all being silly. OR, when and if climate initiatives fail, people who were against the over-reaching agenda will be blamed for causing the failure and be more willing to accept draconian punishment for their evil ways. Nah… I’m gonna stop thinking again.

Oct 30, 2022 5:09 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

too much informed imagination is a nightmare! what an open script… arghhh! wtf?

i’m trying to focus on soil and shrooms again to cleanse ma heid!!

Oct 30, 2022 7:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think you can throw in some Tavistock programming with the ‘far right’ label being used to herd everyone into a homogenous middle area with shades of the right and shades of the left. Being anti-multiculturalism and ongoing level of immigration is enough to have you labelled ‘far right’, which makes you wonder where a neo-nazi Ukrainian anti-Russian, anti-Jewish group would be placed – ultra far right maybe? I agree the term is used preemptively to manipulate opinion against a backlash.

Oct 30, 2022 5:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

whilst openly supporting self-stated nazis!

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Oct 29, 2022 11:01 PM

The point is to get as many people as possible on the same page so they are easy to manipulate and manage’

Professional, televised sports in America is the biggest marketing tool in the country. The trend in the last several years has been for everyone in an arena to wear the same color t-shirt. It’s supposed to be intimidating. To me is always looks like a really big room filled w a lot of average people. But the plot: we used to be a bunch of individuals rooting for the same team. Now they want us to believe we’re the same individual rooting for the same team, and while once what that single individual believed most in was the righteousness and ultimate victory of US armed forces on whatever illegal, unwinnable mission they’re sent was effortlessly turned into I’ve been vaccinated, we’ve all been vaccinated, and we’re wearing the same t-shirt to prove it. (Oh look! Over there! Someone’s not wearing a t-shirt!)

Oct 30, 2022 11:30 AM
Reply to  Nick Baam

In other countries, the marketing may instead be based on religion, politics, race, etc. The purpose is the same.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Oct 29, 2022 7:38 PM

Briliant Todd. Here’s something I’m wrestling with. Your sentence on “not having to think.” Do you suppose this is the reality some of us can’t face, which is that people, the vast majority possibly just don’t want to think. That in fact, this (to us a dystopia) is entirely what they might want? That keeps me up at night. That stray thought. You hear it all the time from people, how they won’t watch the news or think about controversial issues. They’ve been taught to discard the notion? Probably more likely they’re too stressed or overwhelmed to be able to think at this point.

Oct 29, 2022 9:03 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Don’t mean to answer for the author but here are a couple of quotes on point to your query.

“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
~Thomas A. Edison

“If people think you make them think, they’ll love you – if you *really* make them think, they’ll hate you…”
 ~Don Marquis

Oct 29, 2022 9:14 PM
Reply to  DavidW

“Nothing is good or bad but thinking that makes it so…”
-Billy Wobblestick

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Oct 30, 2022 1:33 AM
Reply to  DavidW

You ever think about how thinking is changing these days? We used to have to memorize things and know how to add numbers in our head but we are now free to think beyond rote and no one wants to. Not thinking is a bit of a luxury or a decadence even… and i don’t know what i’m saying here so I think I’ll just stop thinking. 🙂

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 30, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

You are merely trying to define what thinking is and that is a noble pursuit.

Oct 29, 2022 11:13 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross


Me thinks you nailed it!!!!!

Any who have been in any sort of battle in the (Real) activists’ category —- volunteers who are concerned citizens, know this to be so very accurate!

Today we see all these endless useless idiot types (was that from Trotsky or Lenin??) who are nothing more than mindless minions of the WEF, City of London Corporation, or Wall Street!

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Oct 30, 2022 1:28 AM
Reply to  sgt_doom

Yes. Seems that way. Well I also think about the fear factor. People aren’t necessarily mindless but more afraid. Sometimes courage is a luxury of upbringing and personality. A destiny perhaps of the extremely fortunate or the extremely unfortunate.There IS safety in herds but it is hard to be a groundhog in a herd of lemmings.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 30, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

I am leaning towards the stressed and overwhelmed theory…. But thinking takes many forms.

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 29, 2022 7:37 PM

Chinese author analyzes National Socialism.

If a Chinese “state-owned corporation” is allowed to
own quarter of Hamburg container terminal, this cer-
tainly has to do with Germany’s alignment as a pure
export economy dependent on world market, deter-
mined after war by “American” “economics advisors”.


Oct 29, 2022 7:31 PM

So, this appears to be the doorway to the implementation of the Transhumanist agenda. Of course, whether or not the information contained in these videos is credible is open to debate. But I think it certainly bears some serious consideration and further investigation.

Note: There are some references to Christian belief in these videos. Personally, I’m not an adherent of any “religion.”



Oct 29, 2022 11:24 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

Well, the WEF have been almost broadcasting it to the masses from their online posts these past 10 years: that Russian central banker back in 2010 who rebuked the WEF (albeit in an eloquent manner) at the St. Petersburg form!?

Herman Gref, CEO of Sberbank (main Russian bank), before the World Economic Forum in 2010 held in St. Petersburg, Russia

(Sidebar: 2010 was the year the Rockefeller Foundation published that interesting study forcasting a future pandemic around 2020 to 2025.)


I recall reading articles on the WEF sight years back by Dr. Melanie Walker —– senior WEF member, former science advisor to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein (deceased), now a member of the Gates Foundation, a Rockefeller Fellow, and on the faculty of the University of Washinton medical school, in an NIH–funded position (if that doesn’t touch all the bases???) —– regarding nanoteching the brain so,humams could be connected to the Internet —- the Internet of Slaves . . .

Oct 29, 2022 6:18 PM

Outstanding piece! Thank you so much.

Oct 29, 2022 6:07 PM

The ego loves stability.

Oct 29, 2022 9:19 PM
Reply to  CD3

Ego is manifested by fear and fear is the perception of lack; lack is the idea of imbalance; imbalance is instability.
Ego is instability.

Oct 30, 2022 1:35 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Sorry, I didn’t mean the ego *is* stable but it seeks an environment that it feels safe in ….the known.

Skinny Mouse
Skinny Mouse
Oct 30, 2022 4:21 PM
Reply to  CD3

Yep, I understood what you meant…a great point!

les online
les online
Oct 30, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Surely the Ego is the captain of a Slave Ship?
Ever confronted by stormy seas, and dark weather,
Ever terrorised by a possible uprising from below deck…

Oct 30, 2022 5:19 PM
Reply to  les online

or was that The Terror ?

good wee show.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 30, 2022 7:42 PM
Reply to  les online

Ego is the imposter or the notion that the little me is somehow separate from the great I am.

Oct 30, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Aye, the older I get I agree, but I did declare in my 30s that I had no ego!

; )

seriously, what you say is probably right.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2022 4:36 PM

Mystery solved!

Robbie Coltrane’s death certificate lists six causes including sepsis

Sounds a bit like overkill!
And I can’t list the six causes since every tabloid I click on causes my computer to crash from pop-up overload. (Be careful with the Express link. There are more pop-ups than stars in the night sky.)
Oh hang on – here’s that awfully nice Wiki:

Coltrane died at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert, Scotland, on 14 October 2022, at the age of 72. He had been ill for two years prior to his death. His death was registered by his ex-wife Rhona Gemmel, the death certificate listed the causes as multiple organ failure complicated by sepsis, and a lower respiratory tract infection, and heart block. He had also been diagnosed with obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Not the vax!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2022 4:22 PM


Before the attack, the suspect is said to have asked, “Where is Nancy?” – the phrase harkening back to the 6 January assault on the US Capitol, when a man roamed the halls of the Capitol, calling out: “Where are you, Nancy? We’re looking for you.”

They’re obviously going large on this meme. So I predict that in the near future, there will be a movie called “Where are you Nancy?” charting the “disturbing, sinister, hateful rise of the QAnon Right conspiracy theorist anti-Semitic ….” etc. etc.

Oct 30, 2022 5:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Some interesting insights from “Hugo Talks” on the way this pantomime was reported.

Hugo Talks

Oct 29, 2022 4:13 PM

comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 29, 2022 11:45 PM
Reply to  Violet

Don’t forget Billy Eugenics – he has infiltrated / bought off all the MSM across the world to disseminate the Settled Science.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2022 4:00 PM

The Pelosi files:   http://web.archive.org/web/20221029010114/https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/28/paul-pelosi-nancy-pelosi-attack-san-francisco-home   “San Francisco police said that they were called to the Pelosi house in San Francisco on a “wellbeing check” at about 2.27am local time on Friday morning. They found an adult male confronting Paul Pelosi, and a hammer was being grasped by both men.”   Sounds farcical but I suppose it could have happened.   “The suspect pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it.”   Would it not have made more sense for the intruder to assault Pelosi with the hammer already in his own hand?    Now the usual: The intruder, one David DePape, had “posted rightwing and conspiracy theories online, including content promoting the lie that Donald Trump was deprived of victory in the 2020 election because of voter fraud”.    Another of those Evil QAnon Jan 6 fiends who is “out of touch with reality”. Yes well …   “DePape is also believed to have managed a blog to which he regularly posted screeds concerning the “ruling class”.”   Do Right Wingers normally rant against the ruling class? Isn’t that more of a Left thing?   And now get prepared for a HUGE plot creak:   “A person briefed on the situation told AP (Associated Press) that the intruder had confronted Paul Pelosi while demanding to know where his wife was. A similar chant of “Where’s Nancy?” was made by insurrectionists during the assault on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021.”   AHA Gotcha! As I’m sure the guy who found that Muslim passport in the ruins of the twin towers must have said. Or was it a Koran he found?   After a few paragraphs of darkening clouds, this:   “Nancy Pelosi had just returned to Washington this week from a security conference in… Read more »

Adair Brion
Adair Brion
Oct 29, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A member of the vast right wing Qanon conspiracy attacked poor Paul and if you say otherwise PayPal will fine you $2500. 🤣 in other news Elon took over twitter and now the blue anons are in total panic along with their blue check supporters in the media.🤣 BTW bot infested twitter was a microcosm of what “inclusion” according to the UN would look like.

Oct 29, 2022 11:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Members of Congress & Staffers received the following security memo today:”

Be on the lookout for Paul Pelosi’s gay prostitute

Adair Brion
Adair Brion
Oct 30, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Yep just posted a link on that https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index4078.htm

Oct 29, 2022 3:31 PM

It is NOT spam.
It is a comment which appeared, and I then edited a couple of words for clarity’s sake.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 29, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I suggest avoid editing too much until we get the overzealous spam algorithm under control. I’ll fish your comment out now. A2

Oct 29, 2022 5:31 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Many thanks, Sam.

Oct 29, 2022 5:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

None of us seems to have this little problem of yours, wardropper. Maybe it’s time to change your ISP?

Oct 29, 2022 9:09 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Sam has just stated that their algorithm is overzealous and needs to be brought under control.
This isn’t exclusively my problem. My ISP is fine.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2022 9:15 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I experienced the exact-same thing a week or so ago, here on Off-G: a comment of mine appeared, and I edited just one word. To my shock, it then said “pending: spam”!

The algorithm is most definitely ‘overzealous’!!

Oct 29, 2022 3:30 PM

Great article – but in describing what humans can do, please don’t claim uniqueness. Animals play, create art, create architecture, create music, dance and who knows what is in the imagination of species other than us. Other animals have language, mores, social interactions…. Hubris is the downfall of humanity. We should celebrate life in all its diversity. We don’t need to claim specialness for human beings. All life is special – that is why it should be treated with respect and apart from self interest why we shouldn’t trash the planet. And no I’m not referring to global warming but to the destruction of vital habitats which are good for us as well as all the other creatures we share this planet with.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 30, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  Ruth

Thank you for eloquently writing what has been on my mind for a long time.

Oct 31, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Ruth

I was on a bird watching outing yesterday. Some local authority had wiped out a substantial portion of the small reserve. The portion deforested had hosted quails and other birds. Sadly there is no protection for nature. Early this year I was stunned by the destruction of a local park near the company I work for. It now looks like a mining site. We lost 40 old trees almost overnight.

Oct 29, 2022 3:26 PM

It’s not that people are that daft . . .
It just never occurs to them to investigate what’s going on.
Rather like the schoolkid who simply isn’t interested in mathematics.

If he’s bright, he’ll do something else with his life, and perhaps even branch out from there into a general interest in world affairs.
If he’s not too bright, he’ll watch football on TV, go drinking with his pals, make a few babies, become obese and develop a heart condition, and eventually die, none the wiser for any of those experiences.
Of course the equivalent of all that exists for women too.

Is that “daft”?
I fear it’s just what being alive currently means for most people, and I only hope it won’t take a few generations of totalitarian existence to snap them out of it.

One does one’s best, but overturning totalitarianism isn’t a solo act.
Something has to happen to focus large numbers of people on what really matters.
Decent education could really help, but where do you find that today?
Probably only in old books – always assuming that libraries will still be a thing in 20 years’ time…

Oct 30, 2022 11:46 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The manipulators have almost finished taking care of education. Soon, there will be no such thing as a maverick teacher, because eduction will come via an online channel.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 30, 2022 7:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The only possible flaws I see in your theory are: What if sports are a joyful way to build community? Also, what if drinking isn’t all bad?

Oct 30, 2022 9:21 PM
Reply to  Gordon mcrae

Well, I was thinking of the extreme cases… 🙂

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 29, 2022 3:25 PM

From the cited article:

“Welcome to yet another graphic instance of the “rules-based international order” at work. The Hegemon always decides which rules apply, and when. Anyone opposing it is an enemy of “freedom,” “democracy,” or whatever platitude du jour, and should be – what else – punished by arbitrary sanctions.”

Everybody Wants to Hop on the BRICS Express
October 27, 2022
Everybody wants to hop on the BRICS Express, by Pepe Escobar – The Unz Review

The United Nations (and all associated agencies) need to be exorcised from the planet…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 29, 2022 3:12 PM
peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Oct 29, 2022 3:01 PM

We need to be capable of thinking critically, in a world that is dangerously blind to the fate that awaits it. It is an issue that concerns me too and fills my writing (link to a free e-book for anyone interested). History shows patterns that elites and governments are blind to, those responsible for the coming world war.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Oct 29, 2022 3:01 PM

The UN is the tool of the globalist overlords who want to control the world, its resources and essentially alter its very nature with GMOs and ecocide using advanced technology. Part of this altering is to change humanity to take away our uniqueness, our divinity and our very essence. They want to cull the herd using vaccines and pharmaceuticals, gene altering therapy and technology turn us into hybrids, chimeras, cyborgs, automatons and literal Zombies.
Is this the type of world you want to live in? Do you want to see their Brave New World Order manifested in our lifetime? We are not powerless and hopeless we do have agency to resist! There can be no neutrality in this scenario, you are either on the side of right/humanity or you are collateral damage for the globalists.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 29, 2022 2:50 PM

comment image

“To enliven THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (indoctrination experience) they could all dress up like NASTY NAZI [Pelosi].”


Oct 29, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The punchline is that she still has her kids in state indoctrination camp school.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 29, 2022 5:23 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

Hmmm…I thought the punchline was that the kids have been wearing filthy, useless, health damaging surgical masks for the last two years.

You ain’t wrong, though.

Oct 29, 2022 11:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Branding Nancy a NAZI is an insult to NAZIs.

Oct 29, 2022 2:41 PM

A censored scientific discussion is not a scientific discussion.
Then they closed George Mc comment.

Some one is playing a joke. very funny  😀 

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 29, 2022 4:51 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

That was a simple mistake. When viewed in context it was an innocuous comment and he’s made loads on this thread which were all open as normal. So maybe lighten up and resist casting aspersions, if you possibly can. 😀 A2

Mad World
Mad World
Oct 29, 2022 2:39 PM

Mongol-face Poo-Teen claims our sneaky cousins
from “Monkey Rock” in the North Sea destroyed
our energy supply. What is missing is solid proof.


Mad World
Mad World
Oct 29, 2022 2:52 PM
Reply to  Mad World

Or is this just another cheap propaganda trick from the Kremlin? https://odysee.com/@EugenRichterAudiobooks:2/putin's-marxists-i-%E2%80%93-pushing-cultural:7

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 29, 2022 4:02 PM
Reply to  Mad World

Knowing the Royal Navy’s handling of nuclear submarines, they probably crashed into it by mistake.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 29, 2022 4:07 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

And then reversed into the other one.

Oct 30, 2022 5:27 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

drowning a few fishermen as they went …. : (

Oct 29, 2022 1:37 PM

“What do you make of it – this business of the UN preparing to censor non-conformity?” you may ask Joe Six-Pack or Soccer Mom Jane.

“Hold that thought while I finish this text,” you will be told. “Now then, what were you saying?”

Sorry, but the very idea of chaos, order, rule by one big Rule, conformity versus non-conformity – it’s all a bridge too far, as in way way too far, for most people. Not too far for them to comprehend; but too far for them to care about.

For them to get involved, the UN would have to ban text messages. Never gonna happen.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Oct 29, 2022 1:36 PM

Well, what was the point of these past decades of turbo-privatization if not to be King Rulemaker? Capitalism has deteriorated into the ownership race. Once fascism, I mean “neoliberalism”, became the world economic order, privatization kicked into high gear. There has been such a wealth transfer since then that everything from human genes to farmland to all of nature itself is up for sale. That’s the real war taking place. How can we hold onto what little of “public” remains for posterity, to be able to walk freely in a national park, sit on a public beach? Roam freely in a car without encountering restriction zones at every turn?

This ownership craze has driven capitalists insane, who think that patenting life is just another market to get in on. There’s no need to bridge our way to transhumanism, because they already have synthetic brains, “Synth Heads”. They’ve lost their humanity entirely. The desire to possess the planet creates fortune’s fools. It’s like King Midas and the Golden Touch. Once you put a price tag on everything, it all turns to poison for profit – medicine, food, soil, weather, air, communication airwaves (media) – none of it is fit for the continuity of a healthy world.

Oct 30, 2022 5:36 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Its such a small word, “o w n”.

Oct 30, 2022 11:55 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

You will be free to walk, drive, etc., provided you first log your plans using the requisite app.

Oct 29, 2022 1:21 PM

Gosh, how could they seek to weaponise this piece of chaos?….


The timing, just before a bunch of ‘difficult’ midterms, is fishier than a shoal of haddock.

Oct 29, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It is the internet’s fault.!

Oct 29, 2022 3:32 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

Only Putin’s internet.
The rest is okay.

Oct 29, 2022 12:59 PM

Think this is one of Todd’s best polemic.

I would not call the opposite of tyranny chaos. It is nature itself.

Homogenizing the human living arrangement is tyrannical, is unnatural and is likely extinctual. This path is imperialism writ large.

Anarchism is a return to our natural existence, something feared by the rulers more than anything.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 29, 2022 12:28 PM

Talking about chaos!

Back in 2018…
comment image

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 29, 2022 12:27 PM

Well… There are many benefits. For a simple example I can use INFLATION!

Their (Owners & Billionaires) FAVORITE benefit is to use “chaos” to hide the FACT that They were the ones that caused the current level of INFLATION.

comment image

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Oct 29, 2022 12:16 PM

Reading the article, my mind was immediately drawn to the C1984 idiom: flattening the curve.
Equality: All to be Equal to the other. No extreme data points.

They want intelligence to no longer be a natural bell curve but the smart to become dumber. Hence educational attainment targets within schools to assure all obtain average scores. And no grammar schools or top tier streaming as that becomes too competitive.

Income: all to be just survivable (sustainable) with UBI. All except the 1% to have equal income. They tried it before and it was a BIG fail. Why bother studying engineering for 4 years for the same wage as the road sweeper?

One Health: global AI generated health care means equal quality from 3rd world to 1st. Basically as 3rd world doesn’t have an NHS neither should UK except for the 1% who receive private care (organs for sale?)

It’s making a world of the average. No entrepreneurship that competes with GloboCap. No middle class shops that competes with Big Four (in UK) or better yet, food only from one provider. With the best food retained from the masses for the 1%. N Korea!

Learn how they survived under communist rule. We will need to start living that way if they, GloboCap, get their way.

THEY ARE NOT ELITE BUT PSYCHOPATHS. Do not call them ‘elite’ less you want to refer to yourself as ‘dross’ or ‘untermensche’.

Oct 30, 2022 12:39 PM

The overlords’ specialised servants will enjoy additional education and perks.

Oct 29, 2022 11:25 AM

‘This is tyranny.’

No, this is bureaucracy. Bureaucrats really believe in rules and that rules should be ‘protected.’ They make rules for own good and protect rules like they protect their children.

For the bureaucrat’s task they only need… money

Best way to overcome the tyranny of bureaucracy is to defund bureaucrats, starting with ‘the science’.

All this reminds to Queen’s vision of one vision, of one fried chicken. Which people loved. Queen is the greatest rock band of all time, eh?

Frankly, it’s not only the bureaucrats, it’s also the population at large who love rules and love to be ruled. So if we start the blame game…

Guess, I wouldn’t do any good as a politician…

William Sabre
William Sabre
Oct 29, 2022 10:39 AM

The truth of life on Earth; health and disease; the structure of matter; so-called space above and even the shape of the Earth; is so different from what is taught in modern scientific establishments, shown in entertainment and media, it truly is a rabbit hole. Our modern perceptions are basically a physicalistic determinism philosophy backed up only by well established interpretation goggles; this philosophy profits the rulers; if you take those goggles off, every single scientific study can be seen to show that the established scientific explanations of phenomena here on Earth and space, are a complete fantasy. No wonder they want to outlaw debate; the entire materialistic consumerist mindset and allopathic model of so-called healthcare is reliant upon it.

Oct 30, 2022 5:41 AM
Reply to  William Sabre

I do agree William. We have been told so many lies but it is exciting to at last discover some real facts. Thank goodness for the internet – I know its filled with lots of crap, but you can find jewels with selective research. No wonder the globos want to censor it.