WATCH: Simple Sabotage #SolutionsWatch

Most people think of sabotage as explosive and sometimes deadly acts of violence against property and machinery.

But from lying flat and quiet quitting to water-level tinkering and other subtle acts of mischief, there are many nonviolent and potentially extremely effective ways to fling our sabots in the gears of the New World Order.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Nov 5, 2022 12:10 PM

when I hear the word “Sabotage” these days,
my first thoughts run to Nordstream,
what Liz Truss has accomplished for the UK economy,
and what the world has done to our lives over the past couple of years..

JC probably can’t spell out genuine interference without getting deplatformed
(his example – reducing the fluoride flow because it came from China – is presented as one of misguided altruism, rather than mischief, though that may be the clever excuse)

Still, in another era, samizdat like that risked defenestration, not deplatforming,
though of course the former still happens..

Speaking of China, one thing that amazes me is that in such a regimented society (from the perspective of the west),
a bit less than 10% are still unjabbed (*official figures),
which is a hell of a lot of people.
I can’t imagine what they have to go without to survive in such a society,
but it gives hope.

qr codes are a fun instrument of the new world order;
they are pretty tamper-resistant, even with a marker, unless you know the vulnerable points.

More effective (& amusing) would be to create new codes (they’re simple enough to generate), print on sticky paper..

comment image

comment image

if you get caught doing this, it’ll probably land you in similar hot water as those folk pasting “I Did That” stickers on gasoline pumps

Nov 6, 2022 7:31 AM
Reply to  antitermite

Shops in China uses QR codes extensively. They faced the problem of rogue codes some time ago, meaning that they may have resolved it.

Nov 5, 2022 9:51 AM

“My salad days, when I was Green in judgment, Cold in blood” — Shakespeare.

Links describe European Greenies “as being particularly easy to manipulate into running errands for U$ Imperialism. Germany fell into this trap via its dominant Green Party ideologues. The German environmental movement is a highly dogmatic, even fanatical, movement, which makes it quite easy to get them to ignore economic and physical reality.”



2nd link says: “The key objective described in the [leaked U$ Rand Corp] document is to divide Germany and Russia and weaken the European economy [relative to U$A], by placing useful idiots in political positions.”

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 6, 2022 9:14 PM
Reply to  NickM

I’ve read that one of the key aims of the planned Ukraine event was to weaken any alliance between Germany and Russia.

Nov 5, 2022 9:07 AM

England as Chief Saboteur [my comments]:

British General Hastings Ismay — the first Secretary General of NATO — defined the purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as, “to keep Russians out, Americans in, and Germans down”. Ismay also proposed that NATO “must grow until the whole [so-called] free world gets under one umbrella.” Today EUrope, through its own fault, is ruled directly by the USA [Anglo-America].


For 8 years, after the Biden/Nudelman “cookie” coup of 2014, Ukraine’s [systematically Nazified] Armed Forces were trained by NAT{Z]O while Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine were genocidally intimidated and bombed; with NATZO members proudly supplying the Ukrainian Armed Forces with heavy weapons, military advisers and military intelligence.


Last month, Europe’s brand new pipeline for reliable and cheap gas from Russia was sabotaged. Within a minute of the pipeline’s sabotage, Europe’s Anglo Prime Minister reported to America’s Anglo President: “It’s done”.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 6, 2022 9:17 PM
Reply to  NickM

N A T O = north atlantic terrorist organisation.

Nov 5, 2022 7:18 AM

Europe: Sabotage Centre of the World.

“During its past century of supposed “superior values”, Europe and colonists of European origin have:

(1) enthusiastically fostered World War I – “the war to end all wars”.

(2) cradled and fully developed Nazism

(3) hence instigated and deployed World War II

(4) allowed the firm establishment of “King Dollar” by willingly accepting the 1971 US unilateral default on Bretton Woods and thus “exhorbitant privilege” for a fiat US dollar

(5) established the ticking Euro currency time bomb

(6) fully participated in NATO, with the US as sole un-elected “world cop”, in rape and robbery of small countries.

(7) and now, in 2022 Western Europe [led by England as Chief Saboteur] has unilaterally declared its stupid, self-harming divorce from Russia.”


les online
les online
Nov 5, 2022 1:11 AM

It’s Guy Fawkes Day in Sydney Australia and no one remembers…
Memories of Cracker Night have been sabotaged – by age ? Or by Something in the Water ?

Meanwhile Arthur Firstenberg wants us all to Throw a Spaniard in The Works, wants us to discontinue using our cellphones by The Vernal Equinox 20 March 2023…
Sabotaging the Worldwide Total Surveillance Society based on 5G sounds like a good idea…


Courses on sending smoke signal messages, and using Tom Tom messaging drums, should prove popular…

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 6, 2022 9:20 PM
Reply to  les online

My local group already have our citizen’s band radio phones as part of our self-sufficiency preparations.

Nov 5, 2022 12:44 AM

Here’s a Chinese example of “Lying Flat”– a bit more complicated actually.


Nov 5, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Next step, move production to the quaranteen camp. Don’t they know anything?

Can I change my name to Pending?.

Nov 5, 2022 6:57 PM
Reply to  martin

Martin, actually, they did that: They quarantined the production site & the link tells you what the employees did about it.

Nov 6, 2022 2:17 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks Penelope, that seems to have been the intention, but murky because loss in production was due to workers who were not living in the overcrowded dormitories were being kept out. Can you imagine the same nasal swab being used on 20 people? You wouldn’t want to be # 20…!

They probably didn’t think of it as a Labour Camp of old but the workers did! That’s heartening, I worked in China in the 1980s and have great respect for the tough people I worked with.

Nov 6, 2022 6:12 PM
Reply to  martin

Martin, Labour camp w employees living in dormitories is common in China, according to James Corbett.

I don’t think they meant they used one nasal swab on 20 people, but rather that they processed the 20 swabs with only one of the reagent or whatever they use– the “PCR part.” The Q-tip’s the cheap part; it’s the other part that could become scarce or time-consuming.

Yeah, 20 people using the same Q-tip does conjure up yechh.

Nov 8, 2022 3:05 AM
Reply to  martin

Martin, you worked in China in the 80s? Tell us more please.

Nov 4, 2022 11:35 PM

Pending. Again.

I really don’t know if its worth the trouble…

Nov 4, 2022 9:09 PM

When we make an effort in trying to “wake up” other people to the “reality” that we pretend to have discovered, are we genuinely interested on their wellbeing or are we just trying to recruit enough allies so we can feel stronger against the bully?
And how many allies are enough to make us feel capable of a counter-offensive?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 4, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  nylon

I bought some stuff in a shop in 2005

The service was shit.

I said to the bloke “the service is shit, it shouldn’t be like this !!”

He said “the service is shit, it shouldn’t be like this !!”

I bought some stuff in a shop in 2022

The service was shit.

I said to the bloke “the service is shit, it shouldn’t be like this !!”

He said “the service is shit, it shouldn’t be like this !!”

Nov 5, 2022 2:19 AM

Full of shit and with a mirror?
That was the toilet mate

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 4, 2022 5:32 PM



Why is this great news ?

Europe is worried about the truth getting out so they ban the messenger.

They must be really scared to pull a dangerous stunt like this which could so easily backfire.

I don’t buy the reptile thing but the assassination pieces by the MSM are quite a thing !


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 4, 2022 8:59 PM

I’m just reading his latest book The Answer. Very revealing.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 5, 2022 4:55 AM

UK Column goes into detail with this event – watch video starting at 9m 19secs.


Nov 5, 2022 6:31 AM

Some writers host wild-eyed stories as either (a) camouflage to stay under the radar or (b) tacit arrangement not to be shut down.

Mad World
Mad World
Nov 4, 2022 4:09 PM

This is the money-grubbing guy
who was largely responsible for
the dumb “Love Parade” disaster.

Over a million Ukrainian “refugees” live
now from German welfare, but they like
to go on holiday in their evil homeland.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Nov 4, 2022 2:42 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-02. Safety signal for myocarditis 10 weeks post-rollout, hidden from public. Sewage into ‘fossil’ fuel in 2 days (blog, gab, tweet).

Nov 4, 2022 2:10 PM

I was doing some concreting this morning in the bright nov sunshine… and i thought to myself it is time to call a spade a spade. Now we all know that the current dire state of affairs is being pushed forward by a certain group and when we look further we find easily enough that they too are being steered by another certain group. Now we can call the NWO puppets whatever names we want, call for their trials and incarceration, but when we join the dots and reveal those who pull the puppet strings we have been “educated” to tread more carefully. We can trace the schemes of the second mentioned group back accurately enough to the formation of the fiat currency and so on, if we delve a little further we can examine the history of the khazaars and the slight pickle they goyt themselves in back in the 11th C But just to clarify here im being openly encouraged to verbalise my dissent and displeasure against the puppets, but must be more careful when wording my bile against the string pullers So given that “type a” (they would say the more genetically refined version) has fewer numbers but a better clarity on schemeing, murdering, prostituting and otherwise fucking over the more cow like “type b” who in the main just want someone else to make the shitty decisions, brought about by the shitty scheming of “type a”, but not withstanding that “type b” have many more in numbers and in truth have spotted the evil shitty doings of “type a” before on more than one occasion. So, understandably “type a” need to feel “safe”, safe to do “what they do”, inc the trafficing of children for sex and murder by the puppets who they have installed to… Read more »

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Nov 4, 2022 8:00 PM
Reply to  Duckman

It certainly resonates with me mate, from one grubby unwashed pikey fella who builds stuff whilst thinking about reality to another.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 4, 2022 9:03 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Change the station/channel and our reality/our connections will entangle with a better reality, or something like that, says David Icke.

Nov 4, 2022 1:25 PM

British government “war gaming” emergency plans to deal with week long power outages (C#&TS).


George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2022 1:13 PM


“Some of what Schwab describes is frankly very disturbing, such as when he talks about technological devices becoming “implantable in our bodies and brains” and about us being able to “manipulate our own genes, and those of our children”.”

Synchronicity strikes! I was thinking about an old childhood favourite book series: the Tripods trilogy of John Christopher in which an alien species invade the Earth and create a new quasi-medieval society in which every child at the age of 14 is “capped” i.e. has a wire mesh fitted to the skull which “interacts” with the brain to ensure that no “troublesome” thoughts occur. I read those books in the early 70s i.e. over half a century ago but they still embody a projected programme of dominance that – I have no doubt – was very much being considered back then and constantly mooted in high circles ever since. Population implants. What better way of ensuring docility?

Nov 4, 2022 1:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I wish Satan Klaus would implant a technological device up his jacksy and go and f himself aaargggg 😏

Nov 5, 2022 6:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Congenital diseases that propagate over multiple generations have already been identified. The Empire had 1,300 bio-weapons labs in 2007, employing ~14,000 scientists. It has 336 more in 30 other countries, 26 in Ukraine alone.

Nov 4, 2022 12:52 PM

As long as we think in terms of war, the underlying sense of self-lack set in fear and guilt will never rise to awareness or healing, but always be repackaged as blame-hate and attack or denial. Yet even with this is the capacity to seek and set order against a chaos-as yet unable to be more truly discerned to a higher or more embracing order than set by masking orders in which to contest, redistribute or collectivise sacrifice. The seeking for obstacle or enemy outside is the mindset and narrative justifictions for ‘eradicating’ whatever flagged threat or scapegoat for guilt and penalty can be displaced to. This is not to say there is no call to meet lawlessness with an embodiment of lawful with-ness and worth-ship, else we play doormat for abuse. The saying assigned to Jesus of ‘resist ye not evil’ could be taken to mean passivity in the face of abuse, false witness and socially masked blame-hate. But nothing in the story of Jesus supports that excepting if the Cross is interpreted as sacrifice to sin instead of sacrifice of the mind from which sin and sacrifice arise in place of love’s with-ness and worth-ship. What we resist, persists – is not obvious as appearances, but is revealed to operate by stealth. If we take or boost an identity of self-lack and division by ‘righteous war of hate made ‘holy’ by War on perceived and believed ‘evil’ (whatever hated or feared evil), then we become secret worshippers of the thing we say we hate or even die hating, for it would make us ‘right’ by the sacrifice of the wrong. If you don’t get the pattern that pervades our collective thinking, you are not paying attention! A wrong or error does call for correction and healing, but not… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 5, 2022 5:09 AM
Reply to  Binra

Thank you Binra, for your eloquence. I also recommend this answer to disclosure by Charles Eisenstein:

“The exchange of amnesty for disclosure is not a gesture of conciliation. It is in fact the most powerful way to make sure nothing like this happens again.

First, it initiates a chain reaction of confession by putting conspirators in a prisoners’ dilemma situation. If, for example, Anthony Fauci believes his colleagues or underlings will reveal his role in ramming Remdesivir through the approval process, or confess that “We knew all along that the vaccines were harming people and we instructed the CDC to ignore it,” then he may preemptively confess himself.

The principle at work here is the same that informs the plea bargain in the criminal justice system. Ostensibly, the plea bargain aims toward the prosecution of bigger fish, but there is an unconscious moral impulse in it as well. When someone comes clean, forgiveness is natural, and punishment becomes superfluous or even socially counterproductive, if it doesn’t offer the offender has chance to mend his ways and earn back the trust of society.”

See the full article here: https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/amnesty-yesand-here-is-the-price

Nov 4, 2022 9:51 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Recommended or Mandated ?

Surprisingly little reaction to this amazing news.

Nov 5, 2022 5:39 AM

I think it’s what it -covid-was all about-normalizing jabs in children-starting ‘‘em young “-if you look at the cdc schedule of jabs for kids in the USA-it starts at 3 months-and by 18 they can have from 45+ jabs per year.You would almost need a personal assistant to keep track of the inoculations .That’s when I looked up “anti-vaxxer-to find out what they were all about-instead of following along with the news media’s interpretation of what an anti vaxxer was.If I had had children in the States, I would have been an anti vaxxer too.

Nov 4, 2022 11:46 AM

I remember at one time I read that David Icke referred to presstitutes as “repeaters” always repeating different versions of the same old story. In the light of all that’s happened so far in this quiet war being waged against us with its silent weapons – vaccines, lockdowns, masks, propaganda etc,- I too have become a “repeater” I keep on repeating an important question that people seem to be loath to answer.

The question is rather simple, namely, what can We the People do to stop the onward march of this silent war with the ultimate goal of establishing a tyrannical NWO and “new industrial revolution” plus all that goes with it. I have made some peaceful suggestions in previous posts regarding re-establishing the common law. I would like to know what other suggestions people can come up with which are non-violent. Or am I asking too much AGAIN?

John Dena
John Dena
Nov 4, 2022 1:38 PM
Reply to  -CO

In reality, what we are experiencing is much bigger then just what we see. Humanity and it’s problems/solutions/ lack of solutions is relatable to a warfare much larger than any war presently or historically. This world is engulfed in flames because of the war between Christ the creator of all there is and a created angel Lucifer. Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near.

Nov 4, 2022 3:08 PM
Reply to  John Dena

John, the type of situation we are now experiencing is always much bigger than we see!

In occult terms both Lucifer and Satan are personifications of elemental forces that work within human beings. The Christ forces struggle to hold the balance between them. At this juncture the Luciferic and Satanic powers at work within humanity have facilitated the introduction of dangerous technology etc prematurely which is of a special electromagnetic nature because they have got the upper hand in a portion of human beings who have ignored the Christ impulse. It’s now up to human beings themselves by their own free will to put things right and redress the balance by accepting the Christ impulse and work toward restoring the balance.

Those who believe that the Christ will save them by doing nothing can only await their karma.

Brian of Nazareth
Brian of Nazareth
Nov 5, 2022 8:35 AM
Reply to  -CO

Described by Rudolf Steiner as Lucifer and Ahriman, with Christ mediating between the two.

Nov 6, 2022 8:10 PM

Yes Brian!

Nov 4, 2022 9:55 PM
Reply to  John Dena

Corporate religion was creaed by the very forces that created convid. The actions and words of Bergoglio and the Archbishop of Canterbury are proof of that.

Nov 4, 2022 1:56 PM
Reply to  -CO

From my limited experience the forums isnt the place for any organization like this to happen.
There forums providing there version of msm alt media and I am slightly perplexed why there is this mindset from commentators to presume the site owners, forum hostess etc should.
Unless its is one of them meet up places then maybe.
-C O, we the people is quiet a big statement.

Nov 4, 2022 2:37 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

Opihaps, We the People is probably the only viable peaceful solution using the common law courts if enough people are involved. I am simply asking for ideas that other people may come up with (non-violent) other than what I have suggested.

I don’t think there is any such “mindset from commentators to presume the site owners, forum hostess etc should” as you put it, to be a place for any “organization like this to happen”. Nor am I suggesting that any such organization should take place either in or on forums as you seem to imply.

You mention “organization” but what sort of organization do you suggest that’s peaceful?

Nov 4, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  -CO

The day is fast approaching, if it’s not already here, when “the people” must make the ultimate choice: Your Money Or Your Life.

We hear so much about digital currency, crypto currency, alternate currencies that the larger question is completely drowned out. Namely, why do we need any currency? More specifically, what makes currency crucial to human survival?

The answer, of course, is because we think we need money to survive. But all we’ve done is pile consumer goods and corporate/governmental services atop the three absolutes of human existence: food, clothing and shelter.

Without that ever present “Middle Man” we need no money. The Middle Man takes from Peter and, for a price, gives to Paul. Period, end of Economic discussion.

Nov 4, 2022 3:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Let’s hope the people make the right choice Howard and stop it.

The dark forces already have control of the fiat money supply backed by nothing other thin air. However, that does not satisfy them, as they now want total control by introducing forms of “money” issued electronically that you describe as “digital” etc. Although money is just a convenient medium of exchange Will Shakespear referred to it as the “universal whore” which has now been well bedded!

Some sources now are recommending the re-introduction of the Bradbury pound in the UK backed by gold and controlled by the government as opposed to private banks.

Nov 5, 2022 12:55 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, don’t be silly, man. If Mrs. Smith needs a new roof, A needs tomatoes, B needs a thigamajig to complete his wine-making apparatus, C needs a midwife, and D needs a babysitter, then you better hope they have some version of money to permit the computation among themselves and the 100 or so other people involved.

The cure for “controlled, digital money” is “physical money independent of The Fed.”
It is NOT “all money is bad.” Use your head, man.

Nov 5, 2022 6:14 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Ellen Brown and others have written on local money.

Nov 5, 2022 7:01 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Thanks, mgeo, she’s also written on Postal Banking. She ran for treasurer of CA, she’s written on primary water, she writes about a book a year on economics– quite an accomplished and productive person!

Nov 4, 2022 5:03 PM
Reply to  -CO

Are you looking for a group’s brainstorm on possible solutions to our problems? 
It makes sense, that is what you would expect in a face to face interaction with people facing a common dilemma.
But this is not a face to face situation and if you came here for answers you may end up even more confused. 
Between you and any forum there is not game, the forum will always win. 
They will win because they will manage to steal your attention, your most valuable asset atm. It will be done by professional confusers, to prevent you from forming any good plan. 
We are on our own, each one of us.
Where your attention goes, there goes your energy. 

Nov 4, 2022 8:12 PM
Reply to  nylon

Nylon, you wrote:

Are you looking for a group’s brainstorm on possible solutions to our problems? 

No, there are people who post here on a regular basis who obviously know or believe they know what’s really going on. I am curious to see if any of the posters here can come up with anything better as a peaceful solution to the problem that I have put forward in previous posts regarding the common law etc. Nothing significant has been proposed to date.

Your second comment:

But this is not a face to face situation and if you came here for answers you may end up even more confused. 

Your comment presupposes that you really know what people come here for and that I will somehow “end up even more confused”, if by some happy chance, I just happen to receive answers to the question or questions that I pose and get answers from other posters! I think not. But thanks for the advice!

Thirdly, answers forthcoming to my questions (if any!) regarding peaceful solutions has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the “forum” always wins to “steal” my “attention”. Anyone can make such an obvious assertion -potayto, potahto! In fact, you yourself have ‘stolen’ my attention by responding to my post, hence my reply, but I have obviously stolen yours as well – otherwise you would not have replied yourself! But so what?

It’s not just a question of where your attention goes, there goes your energy – energy also follows thought, and as you think, so you become!

Nov 4, 2022 11:13 PM
Reply to  -CO

In alt forums and telegram groups any serious discussion of realistic solutions is neutralized. Not forbidden, neutralized.

Good night

Nov 5, 2022 12:57 PM
Reply to  nylon

If that’s the case, in effect you are saying that why bother to post anything on this forum if everything that’s discussed regarding “serious discussion of realistic solutions” is “neutralized” (I take it, apart from violent solutions!). But who does the neutralizing and gets away with it?

Nov 4, 2022 8:02 PM
Reply to  -CO

Mass non-compliance is a good start, crash the systems by total overload of disobedience. This would have stopped the covid bollocks in its tracks, no distancing, no masks, no tests, no house arrest, but sadly the average person is a coward rolling over to government terrorism with barely a whimper and then turning on the free thinkers who refused to worship the so-called vaccine. I think millions in the UK let alone the world deserve what’s coming. So glad I was born in the 50s with parents who knew what life was about..

Nov 4, 2022 8:38 PM
Reply to  semaj

What you say semaj may yet come to pass when the TS really hits the fan this time. There are situations like the one that we are now having to face that we may not be able to get out of or resolve by peaceful or any other means and that people may well deserve what’s coming in terms of karmic law.

But that does not imply that we all sit back and do nothing we have to try our best to stop what’s happening using the law of the land (not their statute law) by peaceful means wherever possible otherwise chaos will rule among the people and that’s precisely what the dark forces want for a number of different reasons, as one of their mottos happens to be “ordo ab chao” – order from chaos.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 4, 2022 9:08 PM
Reply to  semaj

Mass non-compliance. We’ve been saying this for at least the past 2 1/2 years. It’s too late now. Around 70% of the west is c-vaxxed / compliant.

Now it’s up to us, the few, to tune into another reality (David Icke) and face infinity without flinching (Max Igan). Come what may.

Nov 4, 2022 10:27 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

There is a need for a practical pathway that can deflect the draw of the powers set against us. A good start for most of our brothers and sisters is to switch away from the bile that is churned out to us through mainstream media and to an extent alternative media. We should practice this ourselves and advise others to do so. I actively avoid it, have done since the start of this in 2020 and I’m not missing anything important. Significant ditties still percolate through via friends or on sites like this but they are not relevant to my life in any meaningful way. A royal dies, inflation blah blah, I don’t actually need to know this, it’s effect if any will happen to me anyway and I don’t suffer from the other muck they and their masters through at us. Otherwise I live an ordinary life, career, family and so on.

None of us have a definitive answer but for me, I sense there is a need for us, the people, to feel into the opposite of what drives our enemy. They have been diminishing it’s power progressively over time until even the word “God” is almost repellent to many.
Ignore that instinct, it’s been conditioned over generations.
The enemy is evil. The antidote is love. Love for the good in our hearts.
Call it what you want, the Entity, the Universe, a Higher Power or God, although that word’s association with religion can resonate negatively with many.
I believe we need to connect to this un-understandable phenomenon that has always been there for us, loving us and combating the opposite force.
How? I don’t have an answer but try to connect consciously: talk, feel, reach out in any way you want and keep doing it. Share it.

Nov 6, 2022 4:01 PM

You make some interesting points, but I am amiss when you state the following:

Significant ditties still percolate through via friends or on sites like this but they are not relevant to my life in any meaningful way.

If that is the case, and they are not relevant at all to your life in any meaningful way then how come the “significant ditties” that do “percolate through” are significant to you and do have or express a meaning?

If the situation was otherwise, then why bother to reply to any “significant ditties” in posts on “sites like this” as you would deem them irrelevant, and meaningless with regard to your life. We can also, talk, feel, reach out in many different ways and share things right here on offG. What say you?

Nov 4, 2022 11:24 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

VT, it’s still up to us -the People to change things and that can’t be done by simply tuning “into another reality” or facing an abstraction such as “infinity without flinching”! Insofar as mass non-compliance is concerned it has not worked on the scale required, because it has never really got off the ground, so you are quite right about that.

The question remains – are things going to change in that department as there are now more people that are pissed off than ever before and there will be more to come in the coming months, when the economy finally crashes and is in its death throes thanks to the NWO cabal.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Nov 4, 2022 11:54 PM
Reply to  -CO

Just remain mindful of the dynamics at play and employ as much wise discrimination as possible, so as to make sure we avoid the traps and stay tuned with higher intelligence.. Transforming repetitive patterns can be difficult, but ultimately it’s an invitation to rise up and play the game at the next level, and the more people who engage in that, then dynamic changes occur in the collective field.. The ones who are deluded and insane with power, have been digging these holes to entrap humanity for a long time, completely unaware that they’re digging their own graves.. The sides are about to cave in on them, and bury their smug expressions, and all we must do is witness their demise and look out for each other amidst the intense siege… Whilst accomplishing our own shadow work with these same forces which exist within us.

Nov 6, 2022 7:49 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

Yeah, I’ve always been of the opinion that we must work on ourselves and change our ways which means changing our vices into virtues and that means tuning into the Higher Self (Atma). The Higher Self is never at war with our lower self or ‘ego’ it is usually the other way round! One of the highest and noblest things that can happen is the transformation of the evil that rules this planet but that won’t happen without a struggle. As I have stated many times its down to humanity now to see that happens by peaceful means if possible. No doubt there will be others who strongly disagree!

In esoteric terms, if violence and deadly force is used, you only shift the problem back onto astral plane and those dark souls who end up there, are likely to reincarnate again on earth quickly since they have not learned from their previous mistakes and you’re back to square one, and a dark erroneous agenda is likely to be repeated setting humanity on a different course of evolution.

In other words, wrongs done to people on the physical plane must be put right at the physical level, hence, reincarnation under karmic law – the Law of adjustment and causality – nothing necessarily to do with conventional religion – but you are held accountable for your actions whether they are good or bad in this, or another life and there is no way out of that, even though you may be deluded into thinking otherwise!

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 5, 2022 5:25 AM
Reply to  -CO

Co, I have researched Common Law and three other methods for “getting out of the system” and setting up an alternative government based on common law principles.

These various methods (in Australia) are very complex and they all want your money. For now, I have decided to withdraw and wait, and do more research on this important topic.

There is a very different approach I have heard, from an Aussie barrister, who claims that we need not “get out of the system” because we’re not in it. We need only to be aware of the law of contracts and agreements – that is, if you do not know about an agreement/contract or you don’t understand it, it is null and void. The verbal agreement is more important than the written one.

Would be interested in your opinion.


For those who have not heard of Common or Natural Law, this man gives a great summary:


Nov 5, 2022 3:27 PM
Reply to  May Hem

MH, that approach sounds interesting and may be a workable possibility.

The first reference you gave I cannot access as it has been ‘blocked’ (but not by offG). The video by Alan of Salsbury (AS) is a very good introduction to common law and how corrupt and dispicable the current legal system is and how we have all been hoodwinked by it.

Although AS mentions our legal fiction that was created at birth and how we have all become bonded slaves when our parents registered our birth certificate with the state. There was not full disclosure of the terms and conditions which means that the contract made was fraudulent and void and therefore a crimel.

In the UK you can submit your birth certificate to the commonlawcourt.com, by doing so it provides you with proof that you as a living man (or woman) actually exists, whereas the legal fiction (person) does not.

The courts (business corporations) can only deal with your fiction and try to trick you into accepting your legal fiction title i.e., your name: as MR JOE BLOGGS. By submitting your birth certificate to the common law court (CLC), you can also now apply to own your legal fiction and choose who you allow to use it. The declarations you make to the court are free of charge, if you want the copyrighted court sealed documents you are charged at cost.

Their courts by the way have never challenged these documents. I mention this because the set-up in Australia sounds like it’s somewhat different. The CLC I’m referring to is now international and the more people that join the better to find out firsthand how corrupt their current national legal systems really are. The AS video is a good start!

Thanks for your input.

Nov 5, 2022 3:31 PM
Reply to  May Hem

My reply to you has gone into spam again.

Nov 4, 2022 10:37 AM

i used to think interrupting ”vaccine” production/distribution was a good idea. ultimately it’s realising who we really are.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Nov 4, 2022 10:51 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Yeah.. We have to do what we’re guided to do on this worldly stage to bring about justice and eliminate evil, but ultimately, as you say it’s all bringing us to the choice which brings about true inner freedom.. Free from the identity constructs of the dualistic mind, forged in states of developmental ignorance, instilled by the illegitimate authority figures of dominant enculturation algorithms, which by their very nature, build walls around the True Heart Self… From that place of freedom and power we can genuinely transform the dynamics of the game and also our relationship to the seemingly invincible dark force which grips the planet..

Nov 4, 2022 11:42 AM
Reply to  Captain Spock


Nov 4, 2022 9:39 AM

“What do they know about fighting for a cause? What do they know about bravery and sacrifice? What do they know about brotherhood?”

“Justice comes from the barrel of a gun” — Mao.

Nov 4, 2022 9:59 PM
Reply to  NickM

Mao was a tool of the banksters. It is his heirs that are driving the scamdemic.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 4, 2022 9:22 AM


I tried to access UK column from France. The video says French Gov has demanded creators be removed.

Odysee, too, is blocked. Ostensibly for relaying RT broadcasts and pro Russian stance.

I have just come across this so sketchy details.

Just going to put on my deerstalker and get my magnifying glass

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 4, 2022 9:36 AM

More on this:


I wonder what Elon will do ?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 4, 2022 9:57 AM

Can you access via VPN?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 4, 2022 1:01 PM

Exploring that.

Update: Odysee isn’t blocked. My mistake.

Nov 4, 2022 10:10 AM

Wouldn’t put it past U.K column to do something like that them selves for controversy to boost number$ and also add credibility.
Anyone listening to them still really needs a listen in how psyops work.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 5, 2022 5:36 AM
Reply to  ophiaps

Please explain.

Nov 4, 2022 9:08 AM

Next Phase – Extended periods of electricity blackouts over winter.

Impact – Home Heating , ATM’s , Fridges , Freezers , Petrol Stations , Public Transport , Phones………

Nov 4, 2022 10:38 AM
Reply to  Johanne

is that what you want?

Nov 4, 2022 6:12 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I highly doubt that. Why is it when anyone mentions what will probably happen there’s always someone who thinks they’re wishing FOR it? Why would anyone immediately jump to such an assumption?

Personally, I am expecting power outages and a very bad winter as our geoengineering friends can indeed help that along and make people really suffer when they work to freeze us out. Funny thing, up here in Eastern WA we’ve just had our first “snow” event, at 34 degrees….. The MSM keeps on bleating about just such a nasty winter, and I look at that as predictive programming. I am trying my best to somewhat prepare for a long ugly power outage. That IN NO WAY means I want that to happen, and really I hope that if I prepare for that worst case it will not happen.

Our owners will use any tactic they can to get people to demand full totalitarianism. Freezing and starvation will do that for them or at least get the ball rolling. But I certainly am not wishing for that, and I highly doubt Johanne is either. But it can happen, and I would put nothing past the psychos who rule us.

Nov 5, 2022 10:56 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

because our language matters. unless we’re clairvoyant we don’t know but what we believe and affirm affects things.
i agree that preparing is good, i’ve been prepping for years, knowing that something is camming.
I AM also affirming positive things.
we do NOT have owners. what’s happening now is the collective conscious being channeled + a great spiritual renewal.

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Nov 5, 2022 6:24 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Yes. I actually want that. The masses won’t wake up until they are shocked very hard. The more this fake return to normal continues, the more prone they are to forget all the warnings and just consider us nuts. Exactly what we don’t need right now is a prolonged economic crisis that can create the illusion of legitimacy and give an opportunity to governments to “help” the ones in need. We need the system to keep attacking us and the sheep hard at every stage. Not this lethargic lull where the ones semi awake will soon fall back to sleep.

Nov 5, 2022 10:58 AM

that is of course why it is all happening, to awaken US.

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Nov 5, 2022 6:45 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Xavier, is that you?

Nov 6, 2022 12:05 PM

who’s xavier? someone i would like?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2022 7:35 AM

Time headline is a giveaway:

“Health officials are now tracking covid 19 variants at airports”

Both “health officials” and “variants” are code. The goon squads are watching all of us.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 4, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think the code analogy fits everything. By this time the vast majority of the public must be at least subliminally aware that what is being presented and what is truly happening diverge vastly until you realise that the connection between them is a code whereby the virus is the people and the “protections” are all attacks. The fascist takeover has been presented as a “health issue” and so the restrictions which would have been unbearable and even unthinkable otherwise are in truth the initiations of a totalitarian state.
But there has been a conscious resistance to this knowledge and that results in increasingly aggressive assertions of the viral paradigm with increasingly ferocious denunciations of “covid deniers”.
The Ukraine manoeuvre has caused a hiatus and a slight diffusion of the covid strategy which has ironically worked out to the rulers’ advantage in that the hysteria necessary for the viral show could not be indefinitely maintained and has now been replaced with a kind of weary fatalism. My mothers’ decision to “just go along with them” is probably widespread. Thus we are now at the stage presented by Orwell at the end of 1984. An inebriated Winston stares up at Big Brother and feels “love” for the image.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Nov 4, 2022 2:30 AM

Boycott elections. We can’t just “not vote”, we have to demand the corrupt political systems be abolished and new ones take their place. ALL political systems at this point are completely captured and corrupt. Quiet water level tinkering or little shit ain’t going to do it man. Put your cell phone down James.

Nov 4, 2022 3:04 AM

“Oh, but Boris is so much better than that Truss woman was… I’m going to vote for him…”

That’s what we’re up against.
People just can’t handle the thought that elections are meaningless. After all, they always worked before, didn’t they…?

Nov 4, 2022 4:37 AM

One has to disengage with it all if we want anything close to a fix. Stop buying the personal gadgets that enslave you. Stop consuming the poisons they sell you.

Further, no need to worry about what they might do to us as “they” don’t have to do anything at all. “They” just provide you with the rope to hang yourself.

Most are addicted to the poisons they provided on tap custom designed to keep you stupid and compliant.

The majority can’t think of a life without these things. Imagine giving up takeaway food, alcohol, caffeine, anti depressants, porn sites, movies and all the other shite they supply on demand for you at the push of a button. They want you weak, overweight, unmotivated and dimmed. Until people stop acting like teenagers, roll up their sleeves and pull their socks up it will continue.

Instead of blaming the next installed, corrupt, political leader, perhaps it’s time for some house keeping of our own.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Nov 4, 2022 7:08 AM

I think you’ve pretty much summed up the way I feel about it there. It’s incredibly hard to get normies to fully break out of the trance though, they always end up getting pulled back in to technology and poisons for the mind and body, because being weak willed has been taught to them as a way of life from birth, and making excuses for yourself is perfectly acceptable to them.

Nov 4, 2022 8:48 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

The amount of time and effort they spend on studying us and on propaganda suggests they don’t have confidence that people are that far gone.

One of their biggest weapons has been how busy and exhausted they keep most people. I don’t think it was coincidence that the truckers led the most successful protest movement and they have the time to listen to podcasts. The incipient great lay-off offers some opportunities here (and no, of course I’m not saying lack of time is an excuse).

Nov 4, 2022 10:21 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Truckers led the most successful protest movement

19 months late to the party. Its seemed controlled to me.
Especially as it was towards to the end of the lockdowns in most countries and things started opening up.

It just as shilly as the “Pandemic Amnesty” lot saying they’ve made some mistakes which also includes certain factions of the MSM alt media.

Nov 4, 2022 9:12 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

If it gets main stream air time it’s because it benefits them or is part of the program. It really is that simple.

Nov 4, 2022 10:40 AM


Nov 4, 2022 12:43 PM

I still don’t understand why we need any form of governance, its only raison d’être is to control the herd

Nov 4, 2022 12:29 AM

It struck me today how astonishing it really is that we cannot see – staring us in the face as clear as day – the blackness in the souls of so many of our criminal ‘representatives’.

Apart from the normal, logical conclusion that they are dangerous psychopaths, you’d think that after these few years of catastrophic, blatant fraud we would all have developed a kind of herd clairvoyance and be able perceive such a life-threatening phenomenon in the same way as a domestic animal can sense certain oncoming disasters…

Nov 4, 2022 1:53 AM
Reply to  wardropper

they dont have the sense, especially as their development was fashioned to the blind pattern of habit

Nov 4, 2022 5:37 AM
Reply to  wardropper

We all have that animal sixth sense going on now. No-one is asleep anymore – they are looking away as it isn’t pretty. Many people look away when they see lambs in fields because they like lambs but they like eating them too. People look away even if they know there is wrong.

There is everyone awake but most looking away. Still, those people won’t argue with you – they will abstain and continue being – I don’t know – what is the name for someone awake morally but refusing to look?

Edit: hypocrite & coward – it came to me in the end. Shame we’re like that really.

Nov 4, 2022 11:20 AM
Reply to  Ravensara

Cognitive dissonance indeed and like the animals we are heading down the road towards the slaughterhouse. One might also compare our MP’s similar to the Kapos in concentration camps.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Nov 4, 2022 4:32 PM
Reply to  Ravensara


Nov 4, 2022 8:52 AM
Reply to  wardropper

That QAnoners couldn’t see that about Trump is incomprehensible to me.

BTW an op like Trump isn’t going to be wasted and running in 2024 looks a foregone conclusion. It’s the Teddy Roosevelt (another utter stooge) scenario – split the vote against Biden/Wilson and get the desired occupant in (not that I’ve any confidence De Santis is genuine).