More twitter censorship for OffG…maybe Elon Musk isn’t going to save free speech after all.
Censorship and OffG are old friends at this point, across most social media platforms but especially Twitter.
Aside from the covert actions – shadow-banning, follower trimming, the sort of tactics everyone in the alternate media is familiar with – for over two years now anyone who clicks on one our articles on twitter sees this warning:
What really galls us about this is the dishonesty – they choose to imply OffG is “violent”, “spammy” or “malicious”, none of which are true, rather than honestly say they disagree with our content.
But all that’s going to change now, right? Sir Elon is coming along on his white horse to save free speech, right?
Well, maybe not…
Yes, since Musk’s acquisition of twitter we’re not only still seeing the same fake warning every time people click on our links, we’re now seeing a new warning every time someone shares our content (not even the memes are safe!).
Still, that 8 dollars a month for a blue tick…that’s a big deal, I guess.
If you enjoy OffG's content, please help us make our monthly fund-raising goal and keep the site alive.
For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.
Share archived links to bypass these warnings? Will it work? I dont know i’m not on twitter! I know it works on facebook
Mr Musk is just a replacement for Mr Gates since the latter doesn´t have any impact on the younger generation , the kikes are continuously creating new tech idols for them.
Whitney Webb pointed out recently that Musk does business with military industrial complex. Hence Deep State. I would add so does Bezos. That fact alone should be sounding alarm bells for us. Also, this on Substack
Whitney Webb = WW=33. SHE’S controlled opposition trying to sell Elon musk as something other than a paid actor. She’s a shill. Sorry to break it to you.
Look what Cass Sunstein did to you!
Whitney Webb is a shill
Honey trap for the younger generation, he is totally compromised , very naïve to think he is not. they are just passing the ball.
Elon Musk is a massive throbbing, bell-end. That’s all you need to know!
The only freedom of speech Mr. Musk is interested in is his very own one.
Musk is already ‘backpeddling’ on his pronouncement on Censorship. Read another article on this a few days ago! Look at the group he belongs to–the Elite Cabal are his friends.Loo at his background. He also owns a company that uses Animals as Guinea Pigs. I’ve signed several petitions on this one! Never trustd this guy from the 1st time I heard his name.
Let’s not even go down the robotics and transhumanism side of his “creativity”
Nothing has changed with me either. I do not trust any of the donation interfaces Off-Guardian has made available. I announced this position via email with a request for a snail mail address for sending a paper check. Up to this point no one has responded to my request for a physical address. I feel obligated to donate but not with the options that have been made available. It is just a matter of time before the data is shared with radical tyrannical world leaders who will use it as an excuse to break down my door in the middle of the night. And they are all radical tyrants.
Off-G can open a bank account in most countries. Instruct the bank to send balances above a certain sum to the home bank account, subject to minimum balance.
Hello there,
Thank you for your inquiry and your willingness to donate, and sorry we haven’t replied to your email yet.
We’re not currently accepting cheques I’m afraid.
I wonder, however, since you need a bank account to write a cheque, would OFFG’s direct bank transfer option be helpful to you? Details HERE, scroll down to ‘Bank Details’.
You can either make a one-off donation or set up a recurring payment via direct debit, directly through your bank, the way most people pay their utility bills.
Either one-off or recurring donations are very welcome indeed.
Thank you once again for your willingness to support Off-Guardian’s work and thanks for your inquiry! A2
Thank you. Sorry about airing the laundry in public. Direct bank transfers don’t excite me either. I will think about it.
Many thanks for considering it and all the best to you. A2
Not sure how Off-G can seriously complain about this while banning and deleting comments on a regular basis?
Posted a perfectly reasonable comment germane to this subject regarding the MSM attack on Richard D. Hall. A combined media / state attack that has seen a BBC attack through Marianna Spring and a Panorama planned hit piece, consecutive hit pieces in the Mail all designed around the Manchester ‘attack’ and the council yesterday closing his business stall in Merthyr.
Post gone and even though I raised this in subsequent ‘pending’ post never appeared. This now seems a regular event especially in the evenings.
I feel your pain. I have been declared as a spammer myself more than once.
The number of comments we receive on a daily basis outnumbers our staff by many magnitudes. Even though we appreciate your comment is important and unique to you and is therefore irreplaceable, regrettably comments do go astray sometimes. Therefore we urge all commenters to copy their comment into a text editor before hitting ‘Reply’.
Sometimes our spam filter diverts messages into ‘pending’ or sometimes straight to SPAM! While we do check regularly sometimes people feel upset, but this is an algorithm, not any reflection on you personally.
Admin also needs to remove certain comments where necessary. Contrary to popular opinion this isn’t based on who are friends are, who donates to us or who we have a personal vendetta against, but rather to maintain basic functionality of the site by removing spam, or the comments section would quickly become choked up and unusable.
If some of your comments get lost in the mix please, firstly, be patient, and secondly, try contacting us at [email protected] and we will get back to you.
Thank you, A2
Musk is now laying off swathes of the Twitter workforce whilst “turning the site into a Far Right anti-Semitic hate gathering” – this being the propagandist line being pumped out by the WSWS – who I still look in on to see what the designated Left are saying. Don’t forget that this “Left” are significant since they serve as the mainstream after the “Covid revolution” made us all comrades.
Musk is a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s “Future Tyrants of the World” school. Smoke and mirrors. Just wait.
Sure this has circulated, but needs to be read more:
(h/t Jimmy Dore Show)
Boy oh boy, what a world!
You preferred Twitter under Jack Dorsey?
Never happy, not even with small change.
Twitter was as much under Dorsey before as it is under musk now. The real owner is still the same. The American deep state and globalist mafia.
Of course. If one imagines that this willless trance Elon can solve something important (just by looking at it…), he deserves all the neo-communist social restrictions. Which, when you think about it, applies to almost the entire spoiled and degraded West, and especially to pseudo-alternative people who are not bearers of any deep moral values, but only whine “my freedoms, my rights.” Laughter.
seems a bit unreasonable to expect him to fix everything overnight …
What does he want to fix? To put an access identifier with a binding agreement to switch to an implanted identifier and later a Neuralink, maybe?
The exact same mind control bollocks, I hear from people that vote.
You really dont get it.
I looked at my old photography from 2016, before the shit hit the fan. I intend to use the same camera tomorrow, even if it is pissing down with rain.
My monopod will be my walking stick as I hang on with my wife through the laser fest at 18:30.
The fireworks start at 19:00
Some of our friends might turn up
We normally get about 20,000 people
Best Fireworks Display in London , but hardly anyone can afford the £7.50 to get in…
kids under 5 free
but anyone can watch outside our park for free…
and everyone is lovely – nice and friendly and kind
This past week my daughter sent me an announcement of a new course at the university where she’s precariously enrolled again after leaving due to the covid coup’s first wave of plandemic biosecurity. It’s entitled “Responsible Digital Citizenship In the Age of Information Disorder.” Its description hits typical triggers of fake news weaponized by partisan agenda as associated with Trump derangement syndrome. And it promises to condition students within the next wave of the school’s now normalized safety and health protocols, as with extending a digital ID system, TIA-style, already gradually being imposed under such Orwellian pretext as identity protection. The university is embedded within the medical-military industrial complex, closely collaborating with elite, deep-state institutions like Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and MIT in cutting-edge R&D for pandemic preparedness. It served as a concentration campus for draconian measures of lockdown and dictatorial authority, only relaxed since in some limited cases but never renounced in part or whole and thus subject to immediate recall: mandatory courses to trust the science of the Pharmafia, endless public promotions which amounted to free corporate advertising for the same by school officials who may as well have been its employees (or goodfellas), all-out biometrics from facial recognition aboveground to poop patrols of sewage underground convergent upon a 5G control grid, forced isolation in a quarantine hotel for students proving false positive at the citywide testing (and subsequent vaxx) center, a disciplinary committee to reeducate students failing to comply with what counted as responsible care of others as well as themselves, and so much more. But with all this phucked-up shyte occupying their lives, current controversy preoccupying the campus community consists of Musk and Twitter, or Trump, a reminder of the news’ effect if not design as a weapon of mass distraction. As the news in general is… Read more »
The Press is NEVER free. The Daily Mail are a classic case – they constantly censor within-the-rules comment but are never ending in their ‘denunciation’ of Qatar for this, that and the other. Of course, the fatso Martin Samuel will be going on an all-expenses (very high expenses) trip to Qatar, to an event where normal people are now excluded and he will do so because he has zero principles, zero interest in anything or anyone but Martin Samuel and as a 35 stone lardy arse, you do have to ask why he should have the right to report on high level sporting encounters where lardy arses like him would die of heart attacks due to gross obesity, absolute lack of fitness and a lifestyle which is the absolute anthesis of anything a high level sportsperson would live.
A new insipid front for the same data collection mission, so they can program their AI technology.. Staying away from Twitter is wise as we don’t know how they’re planning on using personal profile content against people in days to come.
Yep. Not on it and no plans to get on it. No Fakebook or Screwtube either. Radical leftist end of the world bullshit. Not interested in having my data and opinions gleaned from their pages and then handed over to tyrannical leaders when they start purging conservatives from the voter roles and looking for an excuse to grab your guns.
What Gargoyle wants above all else is your phone no. It uses that as the key to build a map of relationships across the world.
Good old psyop. Nothing new, here.
Good old psyop. Nothing new, here.
To be honest this whole Musk thing coming to save something is absolutely no different to the whole Putin thing coming to save something else. Eye-watering naivete.
I really have no patience for the speculation, the hope, the yearning to have “some kind of normal” back again. It’s not going to happen. Get over it.
It’s like watching someone behind the wheel of a car that has no brakes starting to roll down a hill, and trying to stop it by putting one leg out the door and braking it with the sole of their foot, instead of accepting the inevitable and crashing it off to the side of the road, because that’s what’s going to happen anyway at the bottom, only much much worse.
People need to understand the trajectory we’re on takes us to a place called totally fucked, and it’s time to crash the car so you’ve still got a chance of walking away.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-02. Safety signal for myocarditis 10 weeks post-rollout, hidden from public. Sewage into ‘fossil’ fuel in 2 days (blog, gab, tweet).
Looks as though a friend of mine (2 x jabbed) is in this category but I don’t want to scare him into what might be a sudden death. All the signs are there but his Doctor dismissed it as Anxiety.
Elon Musk is a fictional billionaire. He’s a psyop to give tech bros and the youth hope of being a “maverick” themselves when in reality we are all pawns and slaves of monopoly capitalism. Musk and Trump are both controlled opposition. Neither Trump nor Biden were ever elected president to represent the monopolies. They are both psyops. Obama never left office. FYI Zuckerberg is also a fictional billionaire. FB and Twitter are controlled and owned by the state apparatus
me, I kind of lean to the idea that people accusing Trump of being ‘controlled opposition’ are actually the real ‘controlled opposition’
Me , on the other hand is quite convinced that the people accusing people accusing Trump of being controlled opposition for being controlled opposition are themselves controlled opposition etc,etc… Oh my doG , this will never end.
Sci-fi maverick straight out of the movies, like SpaceX
The mainstream media (especially the left part of it) have been railing against Musk sacking people at twitter. Aren’t these the same source publishing endless articles on how dreadful it is to go to work? Tavistock long ago reckoned that deliberately contradictory messages were effective propaganda – they demoralise people into giving up.
Meanwhile, the 15 minute city moves closer to reality:
It’s not just Oxford – Canterbury is planning it too (which looks like a deliberate joke about returning to feudalism).
And Musk obviously makes the mind turn to microchip implants:
I’m in a quandary, so I’ll attempt my usual dubious tactic of trying to escape it by saying something that’s better left unsaid.
I was once romantically involved with someone who objected to my beginning a difficult subject (or proto-argument) with elaborate disclaimers. She called it “pre-defending”, and would bark, “Stop all the ‘pre-defending’ and just make your point!”
Well, I can’t stop altogether, so I’ll condense my pre-defending into one run-on sentence: I’m not a fan of Musk, don’t trust Musk, and am not justifying or defending his Twitter stewardship per se. Oh, and I might as well add that I eschew Twitter and don’t know or care exactly how it operates; as anyone who reads (or scrolls past) my prolix comments might expect, when Twitter first launched I was pleased to quip that “anything that can be said in 140 characters or less isn’t worth saying”.
But– and it’s a big but– even if one regards Musk as a superhuman go-getter and administrative dervish, isn’t the cliché that an ocean liner needs time to change or reverse course applicable to a bloated entity like Twitter?
It’s easy enough to assert that Musk has had his hands on Twitter for so long that he had plenty of time to develop a rigorous and sophisticated scheme for reforming it as promised. But I actually think it’s giving him too much credit to hang on every word he’s said about his intentions, and/or pounce upon every unsatisfactory early tweak as proof of chicanery or malfeasance.
Even as a Musk anti-sycophant, the expression “rush to judgment” comes to mind.
‘anything that can be said in 140 characters or less isn’t worth saying” – I don’t know, a good ‘fuck off’ now and then is hard to replace …
More entertainment here:
“Censorship and OffG are old friends at this point”
Tight ship here tonight.
I reckon about 50% of all the posts have already been deleted.
I didn’t have a problem with any of them.
What are you talking about? The last comment deleted on this site was at 8.18 am today GMT, when George Mc asked us to remove one of his.
And also, “you never ban people.”.. except for some, like me. (I know, I know: “no animal sleeps in a bed” after the revolution became “no animal sleeps in a bed with sheets”;) )
Only the good pioneers have a say.
You get a virtual tour of the Kremlin.
You aren’t banned. There is no vendetta against you, we aren’t censoring you, however most of your posts appear to be intoxicated off-topic repetitive rants merely attacking Off-g. You appear to be having a tantrum because a few of Plino’s comments got held up.
We don’t censor. Meaning we don’t ideologically silence people or ban people who take the time and effort to express mature, nuanced, well-reasoned opinions within the bounds of reasonable good taste. This is not the same as a free-for-all for every narcissist or troll who wants to turn up and post indiscriminate, poisonous, lazy drivel.
Sorry to be harsh but I hate to see you wasting your time stalking offg Admin trying to needle us with technicalities which aren’t actuality technicalities at all. Please, invest your energy more wisely.
Oh and please don’t post under multiple monikers. A2
Basically twitter has been openly acquired (for “fun”) by an American Military contractor, who, in an effort to makes things “better” and “more free”, consulted only with a panel of “civil leaders” that, BTW, was outrageously over-represented by ADL / Jews (at least 3 out of the 8 named people) who were quite positive about what he had to say. Tell me I’m wrong, and I’ll show you a liar.
You’re wrong. Now prove I’m a liar.
Save yourself some grief and post links to your claims.
Anyone who fancies Musk as a saviour will deserve what’s coming. The guy is the devil in disguise.
No disguise there as he dressed himself up as Bephamet. If the conservatives are unable to get his own blatant message that he’s one of the legion of demons (inspired or possessed) they deserve to be locked into his plan for All in One Beast system.
Great PR though to mark him out as anti-progressive to capture the Gb, Tele, and substack crowd, when in reality he is simply a bad actor that lies inefficiently. See Rogan interview when he can’t explain how he’s in control over so many companies. He isn’t.
Well then, he’s an idiot too. Hardly shocking.
Something more insidious than a mere idiot.
ahhh yes tiffany dover…….whatever happened to you!?
did you ever exist in the first place, i guess we will never know
That’d make a good song: The Ballad of Tiffany Dover.
“ahhh yes tiffany dover…….
whatever happened to you!?
did you ever exist in the first place,
i guess we will never know”
What about “The Bollocks of Tiffany Dover” ?
Anyway second verse goes
“I´s wondering over and over
was there ever a you… ?
a needle into your shoulder… ?
was there ever a flu… ?”
He’s the next big thing —- meaning the stick is coming out
I’m not sure why anyone thought that about Musk, was it something he said? I thought he was a billionaire, isn’t that like, enough evidence.
that’s more than enough evidence. In fact, this could be the first case in history that we have “too much” evidence….case dismissed!!!!
Elon Musk consults with ADL and other pressure groups on combatting “hate” and preserving “election integrity”
There are only two sides. Right and left. Anyone who criticizes them both is just dangerous and divisive….apparently.
If you try gliding or diving, there is also up and down.
anyone who criticizes both of them is….”rational”.
I figured Elon was a bluff. The old renegade who gets the old school upset, gains some rebel credentials…. and turns out to be every bit as repressive – as planned.
Elon’s coming, better hide your speech.
He’ll turn to mush like anyone else after his allotted time has run out.
Another wasted soul.
This is really interesting.
I did a search re: Icke
And look what turned op.
EVERY lead statement was EXACTLY the same,+who+has+made+%22anti-Semitic+and+offensive+statements+in+the+past%22&client=firefox-b-d&filter=0&biw=1920&bih=899&dpr=1
Musk was never going to save anything. He just wore a costume as Baphomet and his mom sports the one-eye everytime a photographer looks her way.
He’s a puppet who has business and profits driven his way to make him a useful tool.
The company his string-pullers operate, SpaceX, is putting up the grid for the internet of bodies called Star-Link. They’re also creating “NeuraLink”, which is the enslavement companion the will connect people’s brains with the IoB.
If I remember correctly, Musk once stated that his biggest challenge, at the time, was to reach an electrode count in his Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) to be competitive with BlackRock’s BMI garbage.
Key thing to note is that they are planning to use electrodes. So, what could it be that the electrodes will be reading and linking to? The answer is biosensors and nanotubes and its not a big mystery how those will wind up in people.
Don’t forget that woman with whom he supposedly had a child and her creepy song….
No you no, how some of us feel! when the spam filter spam what ever turned in to pending then censoring.
most people (even running blogs like this) can’t handle much more than the length of a twit.
Yep and TLAV is still banned and they blocked a message about Ukraine from Scott Ritter…
obviously Elon was put in to appease the fake opposition
First of all Elon Musk doesn’t own Twitter, Tesla or anything else. He probably doesn’t even understand how a Tesla works nevermind a rocket. He’s an actor fronting for corporations like black rock and vanguard and the biggest corporation of them all….the us government and intelligence apparatus. They own these companies. If you’re arguing over musk you are arguing over a freemasonic creation. He’s basically playing tony stark 365 days a year. He’s not the richest man in the world either. Whoever believes this stuff deserves to be taken for a ride. This is how the elites control you. They get you arguing over things and giving your attention and energy to things that are NOT REAL
Robert Esbrandt,
Brilliant post, but I don’t get this freemasonic bit…and the wiggly hand stuff…There maybe some truth in it. but most of the Free Mason pubs I have been to in Dorset..well the people seem quite normal – chipping away and stuff…(they have annual stone carving festival)
Many years ago, I was working with a bloke who claiming to be a Mason, in his spare time, and invited me to his lodge.
If he had had a decent band on, I might have turned up. I had recently escaped from the cult of the Catholic Church. The last thing I wanted to join was another Cult
“Freemasonry or Masonry refers to fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local guilds of stonemasons that, from the end of the 13th century, regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. Modern Freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups:
“no women be admitted”????
They even allow Americans in now, if they are well behaved.
FYI: The US was founded by Free Masons.
… for better or for worse.
U$G merely serves the oligarchy which serves global capital.
‘Elon Musk isn’t going to save free speech after all.’
Who would have thought…
Naive modern moron slaves expecting that a Billionaire would care about such idiocy as “on-line free speech”!
Can’t stop laughing…
Musk isn’t a billionaire. He’s an actor. Wake up
Good luck with that! Keep sleeping.
He is a front man for the death cult that rules the world – pos.
By those factors there are no billionaires! Nice nap…
Actually, the moronic notion is that anyone will come and save us. We’ve been waiting for 2,000 years after all. We are our own saviours, if we want, and damn the consequences. As they say, better to die with a stiff upper lip than to live on your knees.
Clearly that’s NOT the CHOICE of billions of modern moron slaves!
Don’t worry about Twitter… Just STOP using it!
Compared to this:
that twatter crap is just that…. crap!
I’m skeptical, but maybe give the guy a chance? You expect anyone to come in and fix a company like that in a week? He’s still working out labor issues.
Musk said today “nothing changed” and he will have a “content moderation board”. So yeah Musk won’t save free speech.
I have never used Twitter, but you can hardly blame Elon Musk.
He has only just now, fired the people who banned you, if the “news” is to believed.
He was quoted as saying it would take some weeks to unban “the banned”
If you believe the news why are you here?
Read the word “if”
If I had believed the news, 2 years ago, I probably wouldn’t be here.
I would have been jabbed, had a heart attack, a stroke, gone mad (even worse than normal) that one of my surviving jabbed friends, in hospital for 9 days, texted me about, this week, when she got home.
I just wish I had done more to try and convince my friends not to get jabbed. I succeeded with my wife, son and grandkids.
This man wrote how I feel far more eloquently than I could write.
The Train Strike has been cancelled for tomorrow…which is good.
Some of our friends might be able to turn up.
Thanks Tony, great article.
Very sadly we wailed our warnings like Cassandra but they did it to themselves anyway.
Nightmare I had after seeing Musk dresses up as his alter ego Bephamet-
First group I warned not to watch the film with the invocation/summoning of Bephamet.
they listened.
Second group watched anyway out of curiosity. I woke as Bephamet was taking form within the swirling smoke.
Wondered meaning. Concluded it’s how I feel. Was on SM at start and shared Frailty scoring system targeting elderly and disabled for DNRS. Sent emails of evidence to Amnesty, and UK Column May 2020. Warned all after reading entire leaked Pf application to EU.
Only my children listened. Everyone else went on to 3! Even sharing studies on cancer and V to relative now with no longer 20 year old dormant cancer. Going forward with 4th.
FYI Gary Sidley (a psych as I am) sent a letter to The British Psychological Society with many signatures from other members to get the Psychologists involved in the Behavioural insight team, SPi-B and the nudge unit struck off as they violated the professional oath for ethical, and moral behaviour.
the BPS said they would do nothing as it was an EMERGENCY you know. And anything goes, even the immoral, in such situations.
I am not surprised. Any psychologist watching The Mind of Men from Truthstream Media should/ought to be sickened learning of the field’s start — Ger Many, US Dod, and UK. How about UK Tavistock. They began the push for ‘recovered memory’ of abuse that destroyed families. And now gender confusion.
Even if Musk had absolute dictatorial power over everything it would still take time for whatever policy he dreamed up to be implemented. If anything changes within a couple of months then I’d be surprised. I am confident that he will do what he says based on his track record — if he thinks Twitter should be an open platform then it will happen. Just not overnight. There needs to be some kind of pushback against censorship. I notice that OffG needs money but they’re being starved by the usual payment mechanisms (credit card, PayPal) for some reason, probably for not toeing the Party Line. Yes, some of the articles on this site can be excruciating but that’s the price of free speech — its going to be seething mass of disinformation. They key, though, is to weed out the machines and their manipulators — I have no objections to people saying any old crap but if its a PR company masquerading as genuine opinion or an operative’s bot army, that’s just plain wrong. I notice there’s a pile of people who think that because Musk has made a lot of money that he’s tainted in some way, apparently successful people can’t have genuine opinions outside of a narrow window. Looking at his track record he’s been successful despite ‘the system’, he’s been the subject of numerous attempts to make him fail (not least because companies like Tesla have been shorted to the max — there’s real money involved). He’s toughed it out and I daresay that he’ll prevail with Twitter. The result might be a crock but its not going to be any worse than the current version and it might even be better. (PS — for OffG….can’t you just make an innocent “I like cats” site that needs… Read more »
Maybe I’m behind the times, but does anyone really give a fuck about Twitter? Really? Genuine question.
I thought this was good
The power of the small
It controls most people to some extent.
But at least not those who completely ignore it.
There’s hope.
Studies show low engagement with the general population- single digit percentages.
But the psychopaths running the West, and the rest of the wealthy elitists, use it and follow it.
This is the mistake the good guys make over and over- ignoring the things they don’t care about that the enemy is using.
It’s why conservative didn’t conserve anything. They wrote long winded books for the choir, went on cruises, had contests to see who could put the most italicized Latin phrases into their articles, and sat around their own spaces thinking popular culture was beneath their notice.
I once asked on a conservative site what Rush Limbaugh actually accomplish other than getting rich? OMG, you’d think I’d suggested the worst blasphemy in the world, but Rush spent all those years preaching to an audience of believers, and the country still turned into an atrocity filled cesspit.
Oh El Rushbo accomplished quite a lot really. My mother was an absolutely devoted follower of Rush, and follower is completely appropriate for many ditto-heads. He helped with divide and conquer, he blamed all ills on the “other side” which both sides love to do ad nauseum, and I’m sorry but the man was just fucking hateful most of the time. My mother learned very early on, if she was going to listen to that while I was in the room, she’d best put her ear buds in otherwise she wasn’t going to get to enjoy the show with me screaming back at that asshole. While I am no longer a liberal politically, I will NEVER be a ditto-head and I’m glad that asshole is off the air for good.
There are some very angry people on twit.
And they have a lot of followers.
I wouldn’t have thought it would be that easy to shut them down, and OffG’s reputation is probably the result of idle gossip, rather than the result of serious scrutiny by the twit’s twotterators.
You know the sort of thing: “Somebody said OffG promotes misinformation, so it must be true…”
Anytime I’ve looked in at what is going on at Twitter it is always just someone either venting their spleen or making a snide, shitty remark. I’m pretty sure I’ve missed absolutely nothing of value on that platform.
“twotterators” – classic, thanks!