Stoned Screaming Caterpillars

Sylvia Shawcross

I know we’re really all tired of the types of people in the world but really there are only two types of people in this ghastly world: the optimists and the pessimists. And it has been this way since time immemorial… or at least since the 1600s. And the reason we know this is because of the Hunger Stones.

(Now the Hunger Stones were messages carved into rocks at the drought level line in the rivers of Europe by people who lived through famines hundreds of years ago. For some reason, these images of these stark greyish rocks are compelling. Or maybe sobering. Or maybe the name reminds us of the culturally-familiar series “The Hunger Games.”)

Nevertheless, there is something about these stones that crawls into your brain and sits there like a vulture about to feast. We are seeing images on the media of rivers drying up all over the world but we don’t ultimately want to see it so we forget it. But we don’t.

We hear of famines (already and again and as ever) in the world and the leaders raving about food shortages and bug-eating enterprises and prices are going up and even as we say we won’t eat bugs, we probably will. We will eat the bugs because if that is all there is to eat, then that is likely what we’ll do. Because it has been engineered that way perhaps. Because it has been decreed. And because we’re human.

Humans have this strange but wonderful need to survive if only to see how it all turns out because we love perhaps or because we want to finally know if aliens really do exist or if its the globalists or the sovereigntists who win in the end or if only to finish Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” or to finally finish that “thing” we were going to do before we die.

The letters there carved on the stone are so unlike the fleeting blips and bleeps of a screen. Because history, as much as this new culture may want to erase it, well… it’s there. All of it—with all its seething and poignant lessons dribbling down to us because time sometimes goes backwards, not forwards and the child we will know tomorrow is the child of our ancestry looking back at us with wide stricken eyes.

But they’re more than that, these stones… it is the image we have of some poor bastard dragging their ragged bedraggled skeletal feverish body down to the river bed with chisel in hand to warn a Future they will never see.

Was it an act of kindness to the Future or a bitter warning? Maybe it was both. Maybe they were the last one standing and had to say something if only to communicate one last time. That’s what humans do. And that is the determination of one human being that once lived during terrible times.

Today, messages are written at the speed of light on a screen ephemeral, but these letters on stone, these words were a considered thing: a history of thought and feeling and memory and pondering. Not a blip of passing emotion forgotten in the scurry.

It asks us all if we had to carve our words in stone to a Future unknown, what would they be?

But nevertheless, this is where we can easily discern the optimist versus the pessimist.

Because for heavens sakes there’s always the ones that tell the worldly truth and the ones that spin a honeysunny narrative.

And depending on where you happen to be sitting in your life, we certainly can hate one or the other because when it comes to world views there is no in-between. (Even though, of course there is.)

Right now the world is inching from ghastly to horrific and we are left to consider the stones and their messages. One, near Bleckede in Germany, reads: “When this goes under, life will become more colourful again”.

Another says “Who once saw me, he cried. Whoever sees me now will cry.” And there it is, carved in stone—the two types of people in the world.

It is clear that one of them was on some kind of psychedelic. Who in the middle of a famine sees a colourful future?

Obviously stark raving mad. Or maybe they were blessed? Or maybe they were just hopeful. Or maybe they had faith.

This is what we grapple with now, each of us late at night when the crickets chirp and the moon hisses and the sunrise seems far away. But it does always come up, the sun. Every single day.

We never know what will wash up on the shore.

But that is besides the point. The point is, we repeat history every single time. And we never learn. We just make it more complicated and end up back at the beginning usually.

For example, academics have recently published a paper entitled “Longitudinal analysis of sentiment and emotion in news headlines using automated labelling using Transformer Language Models.”

(Imagine carving this onto a stone. That’s the thing about stones, they have a finite end and coloured blips on screens have none which tells us all we need to know about messaging really.)

In this paper, among other probably more important things, they’ve concluded that right-leaning media is dark and left-leaning media is kinda sunny. And we are living those in extremes right now. As the world grows darker so the rhetoric on both sides entrenches their respective stances.

But tell me how this is any different than the hunger stone messages? That slow motion convincing. It is nothing more than that revisited with more words and statistics added. What to do with all this “knowing.”

Instead of writing a paper they just had to go for a wander by a river in Bleckede where the ghosts whisper.

No amount of explaining changes what is. History repeats. And sometimes that fact is carved in stone. And it ain’t complicated. Courage comes by listening to ghosts who have lived it all before. We never know what we are capable of until we do what ends up being done and sometimes surprise ourselves in the process.

But never mind all that.

I know I have said we should promote eating bugs because it is the only thing we can discuss with full-flushed-uncensored-freedom and without raging arguments nowadays, but then I came across the caterpillar that screams.

Where the hell are the Insect Rights Groups?

And speaking of whatever it is I was talking about (or not) here’s an earworm:

Stand for peace. You’re welcome.

Sylvia Shawcross lives somewhere by a river in Quebec, Canada. A river which is still fine. I might buy me a chisel though. Just in case.


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Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Nov 10, 2022 4:33 PM

Very telling how the guy poking the caterpillar to make it scream keeps doing it over and over again.

Thanks Sylvia…

Nov 8, 2022 10:10 AM

The thin end of the large Agenda 21 wedge of moving populations away from coasts:


Except millionaire mansions.

Nov 8, 2022 8:28 AM

‘If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” George Orwell

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 7, 2022 6:20 PM

Most, if not all, of our problems stem from there just being too many of us. We are at our most basic level no different from rats — we’ll continue to expand our population until some catastrophe comes along and reduces our numbers. Unfortunately, unlike rats we’re able to manipulate our environment so we’ve been able to stave off the effects of natural disasters and let our numbers grow exponentially until the inevitable happens — the disasters never went away, they’re just bigger than ever. Our economic system fails to manage or mitigate these because the enemy of profit is forward planning. (It shouldn’t be but in our world ‘enough’ is never good enough, we have to crave ‘more’.)

As for who might see color in a famine, there’s lots of reasons but one relevant to Europe is spoiled rye. Cerial crops, especially rye, are prone to a fungus, ergot, that renders the grains inedible because ergot is poisonous. However, it doesn’t actually destroy the crop, it just contaminates it, so when food is short people will be tempted to find ways to use it. Depending on the circumstances — specific type of fungus, area its grown in and so on — the effects of ergotism may include an experience similar to a LSD trip.

Nov 7, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Feels like people are dropping like flies. No way birth rates are beyond replacement rate in most places. 50, 75 years from now pop should be down very significantly. (30 40 50 percent?) This is what they want and this is what they will get. (Not based on data, just a gut guess of mine).

Nov 8, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Another in the seemingly unending series of “usher talks utter shite” …..

Nov 7, 2022 6:13 PM

Cat Stevens helped me get through college chemistry………. Takes me back………

I say the glass is half empty and my wife would say it was half full.

We were a perfect match……. Damn.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2022 4:32 PM

The arrogance is jaw-dropping:


“Vaccine confidence ‘another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic’, study finds”

Note the absolute inability of these hacks to admit to any querying of the vax. Instead, this:

“While vaccine hesitancy is not a new phenomenon, COVID-19 vaccines have been met with particular hostility despite the overwhelming scientific evidence of their safety and effectiveness.”

The same old one note symphony battered out yet again. No hesitation, no variation, no merest glimmer of any questioning.

Oh but a new development in the perceived opposition here:

“This isn’t just among conspiracy theorists though, but also those who don’t consider themselves ‘anti-vaxxers’ and had supported other vaccination campaigns in the past.”

Troubling indeed! But there is a now unavoidable tension in the entire meme that “vaccine confidence may be yet another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Vaccine confidence” could never be an effect of the pandemic. That is, if the pandemic really was that terrible and if the vaxxes actually worked.

But these are lies and everyone now knows it.

Nov 7, 2022 4:13 PM

oops. nevermind.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 7, 2022 3:02 PM

About carvings on stone:

“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know” 

– Ani Pema Chödrön –
– (1936 – xxxx) –

Nov 7, 2022 2:56 PM

As to ever actually finishing War & Peace…

Nov 7, 2022 2:55 PM

I would carve in the rock…FJB..!! That says it all…!!

Nov 7, 2022 9:32 PM
Reply to  Scoopais

Carve the rock just above the water line of Lake Mead………… Just wait. Once it’s dry and down to the original riverbed it’s going to get interesting.

I am thinking a pipeline from Lake Superior to Lake Mead would be the secret plan soon to be unveiled. The administration will abandon the Great Lakes treaty we have with Canada and start the diversion under some “emergency declaration”.

Dumping all that money into green energy instead of a desalination program off California’s coast was the dumbest thing ever. Given that 7/8ths of Lake Mead is diverted to southern California it would only make sense to desalinate the water there. Given that only 1% of the Great Lakes is renewable, it won’t take long to drain them too.

But it will be an “emergency”.

These people running our country have NO FUCKING CLUE. The amount of power needed to desalinate that much water will require the construction a new nuke plant or two. The dumbass Democrats are still bragging about shutting the fucking things down and replacing them with wind turbines and solar panels.

All those birds getting killed and all that photosynthesis being lost will only lead to the draining of the Great Lakes. Then what? It is sheer madness.

Just wait.

All to try and stop climate change.

A theory being promoted by the United Nations sponsored climatologists that are being paid to lie so that the oligarch funders can take over the world. And if we keep heading in the direction we are going, it will appear to be justified.

Not looking good for “our team”.

The United Nations is the cause of all our problems.

They should be defunded and disbanded.

Nov 7, 2022 2:53 PM

I know what I would carve in the rock…FJB…F__K JOE BIDEN…!!

Nov 7, 2022 2:25 PM

entrainment camps not far off.

Sources: Nets have delivered Kyrie Irving six items he must complete to return to team:

– Apologize/condemn movie
– $500K donation to anti-hate causes
– Sensitivity training
– Antisemitic training
– Meet with ADL, Jewish leaders
– Meet with Joe Tsai to demonstrate understanding

Nov 7, 2022 12:18 PM

Gosh, they’ve changed their tune –


Think it might have anything to do with the US midterms with the ‘war party’ facing the electoral consequences? And what’s the betting that post-election there’ll be some ‘event’ that shows “we can’t negotiate with Putin”?

It’s also worth considering if the stories about collapsing infrastructure in Ukrainian cities might not be prepping for moving people into camps?

John Wood
John Wood
Nov 7, 2022 12:08 PM

I like the live version from just before Cat Stevens sold his guitars

Nov 7, 2022 11:52 AM

Thank you for the uplifting column! I’m off to finally finish the “thing” I was going to do before I die.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 7, 2022 12:42 PM

Not to worry. Back to the humour next column. I indulged in the tears of a clown for a piece. Happens. Being human and all….

Nov 7, 2022 10:55 AM

The “left” are optimists?…


They are using the word “scary” because NLPers have told them to. And they’re using it now because there’s a climate conference on.

They sometimes show signs of cincern that all their fear-mongering will only cause defeatism… but I’d estimate that still the fear outweighs the hope by at least 100 to 1.

A good antidote is to look at all their past prognostications on this topic. Paul Ehrlich reckoned we’d all be dead by I think it was 1982.

Nov 7, 2022 3:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

How do you know we’re not all dead?

Mr. Liberty
Mr. Liberty
Nov 7, 2022 5:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

Because we can respond on Your question!

Nov 9, 2022 5:34 AM
Reply to  Mr. Liberty

How do I know you’re the one responding?

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Nov 7, 2022 10:39 AM

What would I carve in stone?

“Do not trust any government.
They have never been and never will be on the people’s side.
They aim always to continue the posterity of only the richest.”

Or Maybe a Bible quote
“ I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Your government works only to preserve the Richest.

Nov 7, 2022 3:31 PM

I wouldn’t carve anything into stone. I’m just “woke” enough to imagine maybe rocks and other inanimate objects are living beings. Who knows? Maybe we should actually respect our “non-living” fellow occupants of Earth.

(BTW, that Bible passage about the eye of a needle: if you hold the needle a certain way, close to your eye, then the camel can appear to pass right through. God is nothing if not a trickster.)

Nov 7, 2022 8:28 PM
Reply to  Howard

well, i wouldn’t leave my mark in stone, agreed, maybe a a wee spiral lol,

camels arms needles? perspective? aye, maybe

Nov 10, 2022 1:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Nothing to do with a sewing needle. The Eye of the needle was/is a gate in the Walls of Jerusalem

Nov 8, 2022 9:55 AM

It was rich men that commissioned the writing of the gospels. The eye of the needle bit was meant to make the poor content with their lot.

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Nov 9, 2022 4:46 PM

‘ Give up everything you have to be my disciple’ said Jesus to them. They may have been Rich but became poor.

most theologians would interpret the statement to mean, it’s not the wealth person se, else no rich man would get into heaven, it’s the love of money. And what that love causes people to do to make/keep more of it.

just look at our 1% ers- ever so happy to depopulate the planet and keep all their foods to make even more money renting those assets to the remnant poor.

it was the rich who pushed eugenics just like it’s them pushing climate change today.

Watch the treasures of Sierra Madre to see what I mean. The man from Texas with those peach trees with the love of his family was the richest.

Nov 7, 2022 10:38 AM

It’s interesting that all the dates on the “hunger stone” illustrated are from the 20th century. So just normal graffiti then?

Nov 7, 2022 10:31 AM

a helpful “thought for the day” i came across on makow

The following two occult secrets are found within Christian mysticism: Jesus taught that the future of humanity is to co-create Heaven on Earth and live in peace and harmony, free from old age, sickness, and death. His promised Second return to Earth was referring to the time when humans would come into awareness that the qualities that He possessed are already within their own nature. The Cabal has inverted these truths by creating a false reality that states that, following three World Wars, Jesus will make a literal return to Earth for the Battle of Armageddon. For a secular audience, a false reality was created stating that a totalitarian New World Order is the future of humanity. These false realities function as predictive programming and are the scripts in the Cabal’s playbook that will continue to be acted out until humanity chooses to wake up. 

neat and snappy huh?

Nov 7, 2022 8:25 AM

Here is a nice introduction to the bbcs fake news/misinformation/disinformation output.

Read the article, see if any of it makes sense, or if the quotes seem to be from “real” people.
Then see the “33” indicator, a sure sign the story is fake.

LINK to story: Welcome to the most “trusted” news on the Internet…….

Nov 8, 2022 8:25 AM
Reply to  banana

More than 165 MPs declare for ex-chancellor after Johnson said he would not run despite claiming he had 102 supporters


Yep you got it 😜

Nov 7, 2022 12:01 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

It’s incredible how quickly the investigations, reports, conclusions and tv shows are completed in this ‘war’.

The Russians apparently left Mariupol in May and already we know what they did, where they did it and where the bodies are buried (based on ‘witnesses’ and our friendly Ukrainian Officials of Truth and Honesty). The investigations are complete, it’s written into history and there’s a bbc show to prove it.

Now contrast that with pretty much every event or conflict you can think of where people have demanded inquiries and the years, often decades, it takes just to get to the stage that it’s even being looked into, then compiling the data, interviewing the relevant persons, producing the reports…

Then there’s the complete joke of a situation where words spoken by captured ‘allied’ prisoners are deemed to be nonsense spoken only under duress, yet the ‘enemy’ prisoners words are blasted around the media sphere to highlight just how terrible the enemy is treating everyone and what blatant murdering rapists they all are.

Are we yet tired of this shit and the fools who believe it? This ages old game of bombarding the plebs with propaganda and hoping they get in line behind the latest parasite cause? Fuck them.

In case there’s anyone here with any doubt: Everyone with significant power is your enemy. The system demands it be so.

Is that optimistic or pessimistic, Sylvia?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2022 8:09 AM

The phony debate heats up at The Telegraph:

“Pro-lockdown fanatics don’t deserve an amnesty
It’s not just in retrospect that we know the Covid measures were a disaster. We were vilified for pointing it out at the time”

Overall message: “Whoops we made a mistake. Oh well never mind. It’s too late now!”

Nov 7, 2022 6:26 AM

Echoes from the past: along with Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa there was also a Hunger Plan. The German Armies invaded Russia and then the occupied people would be starved to death. That was 1941, roll forward to the present day and the invasion has been under way for nearly three years and now hyperinflation and “supply chain issues” have brought in the shortages. Meanwhile, the Uber wealthy are flying to COP 27 in their private jets.

Nov 7, 2022 10:24 PM
Reply to  MattC

Why not uranus is back at the same degrees…a version of history repeating and we humans never appear to learn it does.

Nov 7, 2022 6:11 AM

Nice piece, but no emaciated European was “dragging” these stones down to the river using the last ounce of their strength. The rocks were carved in situ.

James R
James R
Nov 7, 2022 6:58 AM
Reply to  Sam

Respectfully, that’s not what the author says.

Seem to remember an old science fiction story where remnants of humanity survive on huge boats moving in for the krill with giant nets. Perhaps we have a future where plucky survivors skateboard across Saharan solar panels with their mouths open swallowing hordes of locusts…yummy!

I pass by the site of the Yacht Inn most days and often think of Swift. We’ve graduated from modest proposals to the maddest ones.

James R
James R
Nov 7, 2022 7:55 AM
Reply to  James R

Oh, and I am not referring to eating our young, but ‘vaccinating’ them to buttress the likes of Pfizer’s pharmaceutical Babel of lies and oleaginous legalise.

Nov 7, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  Sam

She actually said “dragging their ragged bedraggled skeletal feverish body down to the river bed with chisel in hand”

Debbie Took
Debbie Took
Nov 7, 2022 5:20 AM

Be a pessimist. Then life is full of nice surprises.

Nov 7, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Debbie Took

And what do you do when optimism has been weaponised?… because if the left are the optimists then that’s clearly what’s going on.

Of course it isn’t as simple as left equals optimist and right equals pessimist. What greater act of optimism is there than having children and who are the great de-populators? What could be more pessimistic than the official climate change narrative and who buys that?

It’s not a case of optimism vs pessimism but what one is optimistic or pessimistic about. I’m optimistic humanity isn’t facing an imminent existential crisis from mass-casualty terrorists or tiny pathogens or climate change – but pessimistic about the intentions of the elite and the media and academic they control.

BTW Germany’s birth rate is now over half a century of decline excluding immigration.

BTW2 It’s pretty obvious how “aliens” will turn out – they’ll be declared to exist but to be inter-dimensional beings. They’ll have been trying to contact us for ages but dumbass Christians kept mistaking them for demons. It requires a world government to negotiate or fight them and a world religion to combat dumbass Christians. It’s predictively programmed in multiple sources from Klaus Schwab’s book to the main plotline of STRANGER THINGS.

Nov 7, 2022 11:17 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Germany must perish ~ Theodore N Kaufman springs to mind.

Nov 7, 2022 8:34 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

argh, disregard, post edit fail.

Nov 7, 2022 5:06 AM

“Humans have this strange but wonderful need to survive”

So have ants, so have microbes; they’ve been surviving for billions of years, Welcome to the club!

Nov 7, 2022 8:21 AM
Reply to  NickM

Goes to show how long it takes to an entire species to finish War & Peace

Nov 7, 2022 9:10 AM
Reply to  Blowtech

Perhaps we should all be good Luciferians and nominate the day when we’re going to die in advance because we hate God so much and this will be our final act of defiance. How else did Aldous Huxley just happen to die on the day of the Kennedy assassination?

Or better still, have a death panel of Luciferians to do it for us….

Nov 7, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  Blowtech

We may never finish War and Peace; at least, not till the End of Days because:

“All things arrive from strife” — Heraclitus.

Nov 8, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  NickM

No I was… referring to the article linked to bugs… they want to survive to finish war and peace… of course it takes only one human to finish it… (did one human really finished it?)… anyway, long shot

Nov 7, 2022 3:40 AM

It wasn’t long ago the media was promoting Vegan as the way to go. Now it’s bugs?

Or is that a ploy to scare people into becoming Vegan?

I’ve reached a point in my life when I wouldn’t put it past them to try and pull something like that.

Does that make me a pessimist? Or an optimist that I’m just now noticing it?

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Nov 7, 2022 11:01 AM
Reply to  Howard

Chitin: the exoskeleton of an insect which humans cannot digest.

Don’t eat them.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Nov 6, 2022 11:53 PM

Stay away from the legacy media Sylvia, the world they’re trying to project into your mind is not real. If all of the types of people in the world done that, there wouldn’t be any types of people at all, just people.

Nov 7, 2022 8:23 AM

Simpler when there is only two types

Nov 6, 2022 11:27 PM

When I heard in the MSM about those messages in the stones, I didn’t believe they were real. Anything that fits in with the mainstream fear-porn narrative seems suspect to me. Life becomes much simpler when you start to realise most of what we read or hear has been manipulated to get a reaction from us.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Nov 6, 2022 11:01 PM

Being a pessimist, really makes you an optimist, because you hope you will never be disappointed in humanity’s ability to make a mess of anything.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 6, 2022 9:33 PM

Any article that ends with a Cat Stevens song can’t be all bad – but this one seems to be implying that what is written in the media is actually sincere. And we ought to e.g. face up to eating insects because that’s all we can do. I would say that any genuine feeling in the media (already minimal pre-covid) certainly disappeared after the “dreaded bug” emerged. And, if anything, the honesty of the media just went down and down until I now tune in and am greeted with

Experts say this is the covid symptom you need at look out for right now

And I don’t even bother clicking on it. Why would I? I have “deconstructed” this screaming shit so many times and it just keeps coming anyway. I also keep getting scary big CGI pics of tentacled nasties shoved at me and I don’t even bother to read the accompanying words.

So – NO! These wretched items are not “being pessimistic”. They are psycho-warfare. They are the news equivalent of the Barney theme played at maximum volume at Waco. The media no longer uses language at all. It’s just a kind of hieroglyphic noise.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 6, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dear heavens George, did I imply that? Let me unimply. The legacy media is a monster. An absolute monster right now. I know this because I’m watching the trucker convoy Freedom inquisition and how it is being reported. it amazes me how outrageous they can actually get. And then I think, well that’s the purpose isn’t it? Outrage. It can’t possibly be that we are to believe it, is it? Really?

Nov 6, 2022 10:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Since he got sucked into the vortex of belief George he’s been calling himself Yusef Islam.
A Covid state of mind you could say.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Nov 6, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Cat Stevens is the kind of hippie running the world atm. He would likely be a Climate Activist.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Nov 7, 2022 4:51 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

never trust a hippy
malcomb mclaren

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Nov 7, 2022 10:47 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

Mc Karen. Father of Punk.
As an ex/old punk I’d agree. The hippies sold out and are now the ruling class. And once you realise their leaders were all from intelligence families, and their meds part of some operation…

As for punks, we never grew out of our philosophies. They’ve merely been reinforced by events.

We used to talk about taking out ATT as reckoned it was the most dangerous of all. We knew they could record conversations after trigger words were spoken. So concluded loss of privacy and sovereignty would be via phone.

How right we were.

FYI no more heroes anymore. Not Trumpet. Not Desantos. Don’t expect a person to be our saviour.

My grandma once told me I was born a rebel. Haven’t changed much then!

dom irritant
dom irritant
Nov 7, 2022 12:57 PM

aye punk is from the heart

Nov 7, 2022 8:39 PM

i ken many “punks” who got a jab so they could “go tae gigs/iberia”,

whit punks? whit decade?

Blackwater River
Blackwater River
Nov 7, 2022 11:33 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

The original decades 1976-1983 NYC, Berlin and London.

What I’ve seen since 2000’s is more akin to grunge with dressing up.

Nov 8, 2022 8:47 PM

them old timers, there it is perhaps…? true

Nov 8, 2022 11:08 PM

The hippies started and grew the green movement, which had a great practical ethos in the 70s/80s.Back then it wasnt something to make a great deal of money out of, it fostered a DIY belief towards life experience.
Later the movement , originally about living in nature, got hijacked by big science, investors and politicians.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 7, 2022 8:12 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

The same Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, that wanted to burn Salman Rushdie alive ?

Peace man !

Nov 7, 2022 9:05 AM

Exactly! Well spotted!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 7, 2022 12:09 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

He’s now a Moslem named Yusuf Islam.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Nov 7, 2022 3:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Emotionally repetitive over career news readers is a bit silly. Poppy Steven’s is very fittingly exceptionally bad for quite some time. Your choice, my choice would be Everything Counts in Larger Amounts, an EP by DM.
The Handshake oh! Excuse me…The Elbowshake Seals The Contract…The Contract No Turning Back…
Course, if your into hanging out at the beach cooking a fish or two over an open fire deal me in.
Problem being it’ll require A Mission not a 60’s-70’s natural enjoyment.
Anyway it’s probably Banned now, like just letting your dog go running leash free enjoying himself also.