“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale”

Stefano Scoglio, top expert in microbiology and Italy’s most prestigious and best-known critic of the Corona policy, interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht

Torsten Engelbrecht: Everybody seems to agree that the mRNA injections work by teaching our cells to make spike proteins. The only dispute is whether these spike proteins produced are harmless or harmful. But in your opinion, it is not the spike proteins that do these health damages. In fact, you say that the idea that spike proteins are produced is a kind of a chimera. What evidence is there to support your thesis?

Stefano Scoglio: This is scientifically evident already from the fact that it’s impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and produce anything. Anybody who talks about spike proteins and embraces the story diffused by the pharmaceutical companies just accepts that as given. But nobody is reading the damned scientific literature.

In my book Apandemia: Dalla Falsa Scienza alla più Grande Truffa della Storia (“No Pandemic: From False Science to the Greatest Scam in History”, cover see below), I report all the scientific literature up to 2021. That is at the same time that the Corona “vaccines” were released.

TE: Why, then, is it impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and cause it to produce spike proteins?

SS: The first thing the researchers in the field state is that the living cell is a “formidable barrier”, very difficult if not impossible to penetrate. And then they list 5 factors that prevent the mRNA to enter cells, getting into the ribosomes where the spike protein is supposed to be produced:

First: As soon as the genic material is injected, it is attacked by specific enzymes called extra-cellular ribonucleases, which degrade any foreign genetic material. Pharmaceutical companies claim that the lipid nanoparticles are supposed to protect the mRNA from the enzymatic attack: But nobody knows how much protection is offered. As the Pfizer “vaccine” injects 30 micrograms of mRNA, let’s say that about half, 15 micrograms, survive.

Second: At this point, the mRNA/lipids blend has to enter the cell, supposedly through endocytosis, i.e. the cell is forming an external pouch that brings in the material. But, the researchers state, often instead of endocytosis the cell produces exocytosis, that is the pouch is used to keep the foreign material outside: Let’s say that half enters and so we now have 7.5 micrograms inside the cell.

Third: At this point enters the endosomes/lysosome system: all scientists in the field know that this enzymatic endocellular system attacks, degrades and eliminate at least 98 percent of any foreign material entering the cells. We are now down to 0.15 micrograms, that 150 nanograms, an infinitesimal quantity.

Fourth: If this were the end, you could at least claim that a very minuscule dose would enter the ribosomes. But alas, the ribonuclease enzymes are also inside the cell, they are called endocellular ribonucleases, and they would dispose very quickly of the minuscule amount of mRNA.

Finally, the researchers mention a fifth element, the most important, the one that makes all the processes described so far completely useless and unnecessary. And that also explains why this material is so toxic without needing to introduce any spike protein. They indicate that these “vaccines” are so highly immunogenic. Indeed, they use this word immunogenic.

Immunogenic means able to irritate the immune system so much that it reacts very violently. So immunogenic means highly toxic. In fact, they describe the mRNA and synthetic lipids as “self-adjuvants.”

Whereas in other vaccines such as the ones for children, you have to introduce aluminum, for instance, to make the immune system respond. But here, you don’t need to add anything because this material is as toxic as aluminum or worse. It’s so highly toxic that as soon as you inject it the immune system attacks it and then it explodes into millions of nano-particles in the body.

This is actually what has been proven afterwards. Because the only study that has evaluated the biodistribution of the Pfizer Corona “vaccine” is a Japanese study done by the government in co-operation with Pfizer.

Pfizer tried to secrete this study, but it was released through a Freedom of Information Act, in short FOIA, request.

And in this study they found that in the mice into which they injected the material, especially the lipids were found unaltered, unmodified, unchanged. That means, if they had entered the cells, they would’ve been metabolized and you wouldn’t have found them in the same way you have injected them. That means they have not entered into any cell, but they diffused in all organs of the body, and particularly liver, spleen, female ovary and kidneys.

TE: But even Robert Malone, for example, considered the inventor of the mRNA technology or gene injections, sees the danger in the spike proteins.

Or let’s take the US cardiologist Peter McCullough – just like Malone a widely known critic of the Covid policy and gene injections – who recently published a study together with other researchers concluding that not only the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a neurotoxin, but the mRNA “vaccines” are also capable of delivering the protein to the brain, increasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. So how can it be possible that even these known critical scientists talk “bullshit”?

SS: I would say that 99 percent of the scientists today talk bullshit essentially because they adopt a methodology that is bullshit methodology that has been there for a long time. Only nobody questions it.

Robert Malone might have been the inventor in the 1980s, which is 40 years ago, but hasn’t worked on mRNA for decades. You don’t find any article of him in the last 10, 15 or 20 years. So it’s not really an authority in what’s been going on with that. But apart from that, the point is how do they find the spike protein in the body?

Isolating a protein from the blood is a simple task. The methodology has been known since the 1980s. There are technologies, machines that you can buy and isolate proteins from the body. So we have hundreds of millions of people injected with the Corona “vaccines.”

So how much spike protein should be in the world? Like tons of spike proteins that you could actually be taken from the blood and be isolated. Did they ever do that? No!

When they say that there’s spike protein, the only way they do it is through antibody tests. And the way the antibody test is being applied is a fraud. I can also explain why it’s a fraud.

They take the blood and the serum of a patient who let’s say has been vaccinated. Then they test it through this ELISA antibody test and they put it in touch with a spike protein in this case. But it’s a spike protein made in the laboratory. It’s an artificial one, they call it recombinant spike protein. It’s a synthetic spike protein.

Now, the problem with antibodies is that they’re really not specific. In other words: If we want antibodies to be specific, we should have like thousand or even tens of thousands of different antibodies, one for each disease. Instead, we only have five immunoglobulins, i.e. antibodies, and only two are tested: IgG and IgM. So how could you show that they are specific?

What you’re supposed to do is you take this serum from a patient, which has a lot of antibodies because this person has been vaccinated, which means he or she has been injected with a very toxic material. And the immune system has reacted by generating a lot of antibodies. So you take this serum with a lot of antibodies.

Then you wanna do a proper test to see if it’s specific. You take it and you put it in touch with the spike protein, with aluminum, with the original mRNA, i.e. with different toxins – and if it only responds to the spike protein you could see that it’s specific. But has is this test ever done? No, it has never been done.

Instead, they take the material with the immunoglobulins, they put it in touch with the synthetic spike protein. And it reacts because it reacts to any toxin, so it’ll react also to the synthetic spike protein. And then they say: “Ah, that means there are specific antibodies for the spike protein. That means the body’s full of spike protein.” But it’s a fraud.

TE: However, a recent study shows that the spike protein from the Covid gene injections remained in a person’s tissue and immune cells for months after injection.

The study examined blood samples from 50 vaccinated individuals who continue to suffer from persistent symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, or headaches for weeks or months after “vaccination”. These samples were compared with blood samples from 35 vaccinated individuals who had no such symptoms. And the researchers found significantly elevated levels of the spike protein in the blood immune cells of those who suffered from symptoms after vaccination. So doesn’t that counter your view?

SS: That’s explainable. They compared people who were sick and people who were not sick. And of course, the people who were not sick did not produce a lot of immunoglobulins, that is antibodies. Whereas the sick people intoxicated by the “vaccines” produced a lot of antibodies. And they kept doing the antibody test. So in fact, they did not find the spike protein.

The challenge to be mastered consists of two things, though I know, of course, they would never accept it. First, isolate a spike protein as such from a “vaccinated” person. It’s possible to do it. There are machines to do it. Why don’t you do it? Why don’t you take the blood and isolate the spike protein as such – and why do you do it indirectly through an antibody test instead?

The second thing is: If you wanna be a proper scientist using the antibody test and if you wanna show that it’s specific for this spike protein, then test it together with other toxins and see if it is actually specific to that or if it responds to all the five toxins, which is exactly what will happen because antibodies are universal.

And not only that. Antibodies are so efficient that they actually are able to attack any antigen, any foreign antigen, any toxin in less than an nanosecond. So they don’t even need to memorize anything because they’re so fast in getting anything new that arrives in less than a nanosecond which is an in unimaginable short period of time.

So all necessary things are there if you really wanna prove what is being claimed, i.e. that there is spike protein. So first, just isolate it physically from the blood. Two, if you do the antibody test, do it with the control by testing other toxins as well. Otherwise, it’s all fraud.

And to conclude: The problem with mRNA and synthetic lipid nanoparticles, like the ones where the surface has been coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), is that there’s a huge literature showing that they’re the most toxic material existing today on earth. They are inflammatory, they generate edema in all the membranes. They generate blood clots. They generate autoimmune reactions and lipodystrophy, i.e. a change of the subcutaneous fat tissue.

There’s a huge list of what toxicologically they can do to the body. So anything that happens after “vaccination” doesn’t need at all a spike protein as a cause. mRNA and synthetic lipids are more than sufficient to explain these health damages.

TE: But someone showed me a laboratory report claiming to have found a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. On the test result it says “the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S test measures the adaptive humoral immune response against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.” So what do you think about that?

SS: That’s exactly what I’m saying. They do not measure the spike protein itself. They measure the humoral immune response. In other words, again, antibodies, immunoglobulins, that’s what they test. They all do that indirectly.

That’s what humoral and humeral immune response means, it’s antibody tests essentially. So it goes back to what I said before. Nobody finds the spike protein as such. While, other proteins like the C-reactive proteine is tested directly. So why don’t they do it with the spike protein?

And just to add one comment. My position is more radical than whatever is proposed by the people who promote the idea of the spike protein. Because if I’m right – and I think I’m right because all the literature shows that – these injections cannot even be called “vaccines.” They’re just toxic bombs. Because if they’re not able to produce any viral antigen, that means they don’t perform as vaccines. So they’re not vaccines, they’re, again, just toxic bombs.

The criticism is much more radical and goes to the fact that they knew that because as I said, all the literature up to the time when they released the „vaccines“ shows what I said, that they are not capable of entering the cell. So when Pfizer and Moderna released the “vaccines” they knew very well that no spike protein would be produced and they would only intoxicate people.

TE: Are you alone with your view? Or is there at least a certain number of people thinking the same way you do and expressing it also?

SS: I think I’m pretty alone. This is actually my first international interview in this area. There are some people I know in Italy, some researchers who agree with me, but of course, we are a minority.

TE: What about the other experts saying that SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses have not been proven, like Andrew Kaufman, Samantha Bailey, and so on?

SS: I haven’t talked to them about this. Maybe this interview will be a way of getting in touch with them and involving them in this debate. But I think I’ll try at least to translate into English the section of my book that talks about this.

So there will be also the bibliographical indications of the scientific studies that I’m quoting about this showing that it’s not just my idea, that this is based on the literature.

I have no interest in doing that differently. If there was production of spike proteins, I would probably join the group that says: “Well, the spike protein is toxic and generates harms.” But the thing is: When I went to look at the literature, and that’s what I do, I found that this is just a fairy tale.

TE: And the spike protein itself, does it exist in nature in your view, or is it definitely only an artificial lab or in vitro product?

SS: It is an artificial laboratory product, absolutely. Also because the virus doesn’t exist. And the virus doesn’t exist because it has never been proven to exist, has never been isolated. We have made almost 250 FOIA requests around the world asking “can you show me the documentation about the isolation and therefore of the identification and therefore of the existence of the virus?” – and we got the same answer 250 times: “We do not have it.“

TE: But regarding the virus, it is said that it has not been proven, but the particles claimed to be viruses are real. And they may be particles being produced by the body itself. So the particles claimed to be spike proteins, what are they then?

SS: It’s a spike protein produced in the laboratory which doesn’t exist in nature because the spike protein is supposed to be a part of the virus that has never been isolated and therefore doesn’t exist. So in nature, there’s no toxic spike protein, it has never been found, never been isolated, never been found in the blood.

As I said before, I repeat: All they do is that they take a synthetic lab made, lab created protein that is toxic and they put it in touch with the antibodies and say that the antibodies are specific, which is just fraud, as I said before. And then they claim that therefore there must be spike protein in the body. But if the virus has not been proven to exist, there is no spike protein of the virus, either. And that’s actually the case because the only spike protein existing is the one made in the lab.

In fact, sometimes I advance a challenge to the people, who support this thesis. When I then confront them with my criticism, they react by saying, “Oh, but there’s a lot of studies showing that the spike protein is toxic.” Then I say, “just go and read them!” The truth is that there are only studies on the recombinant spike protein, on the protein made on the laboratory.

So again, the challenge is to find this spike protein directly in the blood. If this has been done, then we talk. But such a thing has not been done yet. There’s not a single study of this kind. It’s only indirect through antibodies and an artificial spike protein. It’s always the recombinant protein made in the lab, mainly in Chinese labs.

TE: Regarding the lipid nanoparticles that you say are the actual toxic component, fact checkers of the German television network ARD reported that a study showed that these lipid nanoparticles in fact caused inflammation in mice, but that the nanoparticles studied are not identical to the ones used by BionTech and Moderna in their mRNA “vaccines.“ And therefore, as an expert named Gregor Fuhrmann, quoted by the ARD, said, one should be cautious about drawing conclusions about other vaccines.

Also, the study was on mice, so the results cannot be directly transferred to humans, as Fuhrmann who is a full professor of pharmaceutical biology at the university Nurnberg-Erlangen adds. Moreover, local inflammation may well be desirable in a vaccination.

SS: I could agree with professor Fuhrmann, but then we would have to close toxicology. In other words, toxicology should be closed tomorrow because toxicological studies are always done on animals. Why don’t they do it on humans? Why don’t inject poison on humans to test it?

Well, they’ve done it with the Corona “vaccines.” But, in terms of toxicological studies, the standard is animal studies because the idea is that if something is toxic to the body of an animal, it may be toxic to a human, too. There are parameters like the safety reduction standard. So when you use a dose on a mice, then you reduce that by a factor of 10 because of inter species variation.

These are mechanisms to transfer the effect on an animal to that on a human. That’s the standard of toxicology. If you don’t accept that, then toxicology should close tomorrow.

And the other thing is: I would ask this Mr. Fuhrmann: If the toxicological studies on animals are not valid – which, as mentioned, would actually mean that toxicology has to be closed tomorrow – why would the study that Pfizer did on the new omicron “vaccine” and which has been done on eight mice should be valid?

In fact, that shouldn’t be valid, either. Moreover, it is not just the lipid nanoparticles that are toxic, the mRNA is toxic in itself as well. In fact it is more toxic than the lipids.

TE: So what, in your view, is the hardest evidence that the lipid nanoparticles are toxic?

SS: There are a lot of studies in literature showing that PEG and the other lipid nanoparticles are toxic. It’s in the literature, done on mice or other animals because you don’t do toxicological studies on humans by definition.

TE: recently, a globally unique study has been published showing that the toxic components, mainly metal elements such as cesium, barium, titanium, and aluminum, are contained in all samples of of covid gene injections from AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. And another ingredient of concern mentioned by critics of these gene injections is graphene oxide.

But the European Medical Association EMA writes us that “it has not seen any credible evidence from its evaluations or from ongoing testing that any Covid-19 vaccine is contaminated with graphene oxide, which is not a recognized excipient in medicines.“ What is your knowledge about graphene oxide?

SS: I don’t exclude that besides this two very toxic components that are declared, i.e. synthetic mRNA and synthetic lipid nanoparticles, that there may be something else.

We had the Japanese government sent back 4 million doses of Moderna because they found particles of steel in the vaccine, though this may be also due to contamination. So it’s possible that there’s something else.

But other toxic components are not necessary to explain the toxicity, as I said, because synthetic mRNA and synthetic lipids are enough to explain all the toxic results of these “vaccines.” But there may be something else, may be some other metals.

As to graphene oxide, I tend to be suspicious in the sense that I believe that so far there’s no credible evidence of the presence of it. I’ve seen studies by a few researchers like the ones from Spain or other researchers doing dark field microscopy. And dark field microscope is a very good tool. I use it, too.

In fact, I’m a certified dark field microscopist among other things. And in fact, you can see the blood that is like rotten. You can see these images of blood really reduced and with a lot of blood clots and a lot of dark material. It looks really bad after you have been vaccinated with these “vaccines.”

But the thing is, that in the studies from the Spanish researchers and from the ones from Italy that I saw dark particles have been found that look like graphene oxide, that resemble graphene oxide. But this is not a conclusive finding. These results from Spain are saying that they tested the presence of graphene oxide also with a vibrational methodology and that the vibration of this thing seemed to correspond graphene oxide as a whole.

But here we’re entering a field that is not really solidly scientific anymore. And why do we need to get into this very shaky ground so that we are more liable to being accused of being charlatans or anything like that? We don’t need that.

If you really wanna work on graphene oxide, take the blood, take the particles that are dark and test them chemically to find if it’s graphene oxide or not. You cannot come up by saying “Oh, it looks like graphene oxide,” and then everybody is saying, “Oh, there’s graphene oxide in the vaccine.” This is not the way it should work. It’s not a serious way of proceeding.

TE: There are also fears that “vaccinated” people are contagious. Biomedical expert Philippe Van Welbergen, for example, recently claimed that unvaccinated have graphene and nanoparticles in their blood that are transmitted by people who have received the gene injections against Covid. Are fears that“vaccinated” people are contagious justified?

SS: No, they’re not contagious because for one thing, since there’s no production of spike protein, how can they be contagious to anybody else? And again, there’s no proof that there’s graphene oxide in these Covid injections. And all these stories about the graphene being a transmitter and so forth are all in the stage of storytelling, but there’s not really anything substantial that has come out yet. Furthermore, I personally I don’t believe in the contagion theory in general.

TE: But Van Welbergen is also referring to the nanoparticles. So, again, can something toxic from the “vaccines” transmit from the vaccinated person to another person?

SS: No. In fact, all the scientific literature explains that these nanoparticles, they’re deposited. An example is the mentioned Japanese biodistribution study that showed that lipid nanoparticles are deposited in all the organs and that it’s very difficult for the body on its own to take them out of the organs and the tissues where they are stuck. So they cannot be transmitted to anyone.

In fact, I’ve seen people getting sick after getting close to a “vaccinated” person. But who are these people? People who listen to people who are saying that the “vaccinated” people are contagious. They get into paranoia and two days later they’re sick. Why? It’s the mind.

Thank you, Stefano, for this conversation.

Thank you very much.

The interview first appeared on Transition News.
Dr Stefano Scoglio is an expert in microbiology and naturopathy, coordinating scientific and clinical research on Klamath algae extracts and probiotics in collaboration with the Italian National Research Center and various universities. He has completed all coursework for his Master of Science (M. Sc.) in medical microbiology at Birkbeck College, University of London, and will submit his thesis in a few weeks. His book „Apandemia: Dalla Falsa Scienza alla più Grande Truffa della Storia“ („No Pandemic: From False Science to the Greatest Fraud in History“) was published at the end of 2021. He is also co-author of the book „Virus Mania“ and he has published quite a few articles in international journals. In 2018, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Torsten Engelbrecht is an investigative journalist from Hamburg, Germany. The significantly expanded new edition of his book „Virus Mania“ (co-authored with Dr Claus Köhnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD & Dr Stefano Scolgio BSc PhD) appeared in 2021. In 2009 he won the German Alternate Media Award https://www.alternativer-medienpreis.de/preistraeger-2009/. He was a member of the Financial Times Deutschland staff and has also written for OffGuardian, The Ecologist, Rubikon, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and many others. His website is www.torstenengelbrecht.com.


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Mar 11, 2024 5:29 AM

Great interview. Would love to get Steffan‘s PDF of this which he offered to Transition TV. Does anyone have?

Matt kelly
Matt kelly
Sep 11, 2023 12:26 PM

There seemed to be transmission early on in the roll out, with many reports of unvaxed partners experiencing bruising shortly after being exposed to their vaxed partners. This was happening simultaneously, before people heard about it, so it could not of been psychologically willed upon one’s self, via expecting to experience such.

Dominique Guillet
Dominique Guillet
Dec 24, 2022 8:35 AM

Mik Andersen’s 39 articles: Graphene injections and intra-corporeal nano-communications network. Summary, with links, of Mik Andersen’s 39 files : graphene injections and intra-corporeal nano-communications network.http://xochipelli.fr/2022/11/mik-andersens-50-articles-graphene-injections-and-intra-corporeal-nano-communications-network/

Toxicity of Graphene nanoparticles to the reproductive system of insects, fish and mammals


Feb 1, 2024 6:46 AM

The Moderna “ vaccine “ lists SM102 as an ingredient. BroadPharm.com states that SM-102 is a synthetic ionizable lipid which is used in combination with other lipids to form lipid nanoparticles (LNP) for drug delivery. These are used for the delivery of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines. SM-102 has one chargeable nitrogen atom which can be protonated under physiological pH to form an ammonium cation, it allows the nanoparticle to bind to the negatively charged backbone of mRNA Reagent grade, for research use only. It’s available for purchase ; 50 MG is $320

Dec 16, 2022 12:13 AM

Z większością stwierdzeń można się zgodzić. Z jednym jednak stanowczo się nie zgadzam. Z tym, że “osoby zaszczepione nie zarażają”. Na to nie ma żadnych dowodów. Pfizer nie robił badań, co stwierdziła przedstawicielka firmy. Poza tym są ponoć dwa rodzaje szczepionek na covid – te z mRNA i jakieś “klasyczne” z fragmentem wirusa – tak mnie uświadamiają zaszczepieni. Jak oni zrobili te szczepionki z fragmentem wirusa, którego nikt nie wyizolował, nie sfotografował, to pytanie, którego nikt nie zadaje, szczególnie ci wszyscy przekupieni przez firmy farmaceutyczne naganiacze-zbrodniarze.

Translated by Deepl (please try to post in English, thanks for your comment. A2

Most of the statements can be agreed with. However, I strongly disagree with one. With the one that “vaccinated people do not get infected.” There is no evidence for this. Pfizer did not do a study, as stated by a company representative. Besides, there are supposedly two types of vaccines for covid – those with mRNA and some “classic” ones with a viral fragment – that’s what the vaccinated make me aware of. How they made these vaccines with a viral fragment that no one has isolated or photographed is a question no one is asking, especially all those bribed by the drug companies’ rewarders.

Dec 16, 2022 3:29 PM
Reply to  Allina

Nie spróbuję pisać po angielsku. Sens tłumaczenia jest zupełnie inny niż oryginału. Więc uproszczę zdania:
Jedno stwierdzenie jest fałszywe: to, że osoby zaszczepione nie zarażają.
Pfizer nie badał osób zaszczepionych czy przenoszą wirusa na innych.
Są ponoć dwa typy szczepionek: z mRNA i bez mRNA.
W jaki sposób producenci szczepionek stworzyli szczepionki z białkiem wirusa, skoro wirusa do tej pory nikt nie wyizolował?
Dlaczego dziennikarze i politycy nie badają dokumentów z produkcji szczepionek? Czy wszyscy są już przekupieni? Są więc naganiaczami i zbrodniarzami zupełnie jak dr Mengele w niemieckim, hitlerowskim obozie koncentracyjnym KL Auschwitz.

Nov 17, 2022 11:01 PM

Thanks for the post as we need more truthful independent science .
Only a society based on objective truth will get humanity out of this mess,

There has been too much false information posted in most other alternative media.
Many so called’ scientists ‘and doctors have presented more bad science.and astonishingly proved to be scientifically illiterate,
Unfortunately 99% people , including scientist and doctors do not understand the science and the scientific method, also reflected in some the comments.
Cellular Biology was disproven 40 years ago( see Harold Hillman) , genetics was disproven 20 years ago. Unfortunately people fail to their research and just repeat dogmas disproven science both in the official and alternative circles.

Sam Spade
Sam Spade
Nov 14, 2022 6:37 AM

While I can’t knowledgeably opine about the validity of the theories posited here, watching these two very eccentric European Doctors discuss these counter narrative issues was most entertaining.

Jan 11, 2023 5:15 AM
Reply to  Sam Spade

Why do you say they’re eccentric? Their looks? Accent?

Don Alexander
Don Alexander
Jan 16, 2023 11:41 PM
Reply to  mayanthen33

How about “…personally I don’t believe in the contagion theory in general.”?

Nov 12, 2022 12:38 AM

The natural immunity from Covid infection results from the 25 (or over 50) viral proteins (or cleaved proteins) from the SARS-CoV2virus. Infection results in activation of many immune processes including mucosal immunity (which blocks nasopharyngeal infection and thus spread), cellular immunity (shown for SARS by Singaporean researchers to last 16 years and ongoing), and antibodies for all 25 proteins (which for coronaviruses fade relatively quickly; in many coronavirus infections the virus becomes latent, such as with hepatitis, and the immune system continually keeps the virus from ‘blossoming’ into an infection.)

The goal of the mRNA vaccines (besides making beaucoup money!) is to make a fairly stable mRNA that can get into the syncytial muscle in the arm and produce ONE protein, the spike protein (John Campbell believes myocarditis results from inadvertent injection into bloodstream rather than muscle; lymphatics can also carry the injection away from the IM injection site). To argue that no spike protein is formed from the mRNA vaccines, you have to ask what is evoking the high titers of spike protein antibodies (again the short-lived antibodies in response to this one protein is deficient compared to the 25 or more antibodies that appear with SARS-CoV2 infection). Gazit et al (2021) looking at Israeli databases found that prior Covid infection produced 27-fold better protection against symptomatic Covid breakthrough or re-infection than the Pfizer mRNA vaccine double jab. The concern is NOT whether the mRNA vaccines produce the short-lived increased titers of spike protein antibodies, they clearly do, but why the response is so variable, and how much the vaccines may be contributing to the massive increase in excess deaths the West is presently observing, along with other adverse effects like myocarditis (which is the only area where levels of spike protein MAY be important)..

Immunity from a one-protein vaccine vs a full viral protein complement also results in poor efficacy in the vaccinated against new Covid variants which bypass the antibodies to the original Wuhan spike protein (the only immunity you get from mRNA vaccines in use). There is no protection against nasopharyngeal mucosal infection (and thus spread) since the mRNA vaccines only stimulate short-acting systemic immunity, not much, if any, mucosal and cellular immunity. A recent Veterans Administration study (Bowe et al, 2022) noted that repeat re-infections (suggesting a faulty immune response) increased lethality of Covid; there was no protection from mRNA vaccines (all that is presently used in the US) relative to unvaccinated.

The mRNA approach should have been worked out first in terminal cancer or in gene-replacement for people with serious genetic defects. The idea/ technology is powerful but the execution poor. Rather than quibbling on the mechanisms of the “leaky” mRNA vaccines, the focus should be on stopping the insane mandates and use of vaccination status for access to venues. By now almost everyone has been infected with some variants of Covid, and the disease is only a major concern in the Elderly and seriously ill.

Nov 16, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  michael888

I have not even had a common cold, let alone the Flu, since this whole absurd fairy story of
CovSars2-Covid19-Delta-Moronic-Variants-BA.2.0-Omicron blah blah Black sheep began: and
Until now have Largely avoided all articles AND whenever possible ANYBODY VACCINATED, Given that ‘technically’ speaking, ACCORDING TO YOU, I’m in danger… in reality of getting exceedingly angry with you and your mindset – michael888 ! Are you taking the micky , Michael ?

Fortunately I understood, before this shitstorm started, not just something of the Science on this bullshit topic, but also have a very good first hand understanding of the media, harmonised with Corporate & Military intelligence in the field, with working models, quite fascinating… in reality. I have had to work with so many supposedly ‘infected’ people, and yet, by thinking like a child in school with sick classmates, somehow I managed to dodge the bullet and suss out every hypochondriac skiver lazy bugger surrounding me and my wife, also unvaccinated and in danger, according to you!

Your comment is riddled with scientific inconsistencies ‘et al’ and it would not surprise me in the slightest if you have been vaccinated, at least once. Before I say one further word , please let us be clear & honest. Have you ever been vaccinated against this scandalous Plandemic ? ? because if so, I am highly likely wasting my time, as your brain is likely badly damaged already, as well, not just your heart >>> not just Myocarditis ! ! Many other symptoms of the vaccinated are coming to see the light of day! My wife’s school director died in no time after being jabbed with his first dose. I must accuse you of Fraud ! ? Or plain scientific ignorance and you just believe
what others are paid to spew in your direction …? The focus should be on examining
Every single Batch and Bar Codes and the contents of same and prosecuting any
corporate body that refuses to give an EXACT detail of all constituents for an untested
Drug that does fuck all to prevent Transmission, by Pfizer’s ADMISSION !!!
ARE YOU FULLY COGNISANT ? LOGIC DICTATES, that I ask you most directly ,
Because of your wholly failed assumptions !

Marion Haughton
Marion Haughton
Jun 29, 2023 8:07 PM
Reply to  TDj

Finally some common sense!! Thank you! So exhausted dealing with these ridiculous minded people.

Nov 28, 2022 8:40 AM
Reply to  michael888

This is a very strange comment. It’s like you haven’t even read or listened to the article. What are you saying here? You don’t challenge any of the article’s points, you don’t contribute to a debate. I think you’re taught in your first year of a Bachelor degree to actually read the question before you write the essay.

The interveiwee here is challenging the notion of viruses, and spike proteins, and indeed the very basis of claims that this is at all ‘scientific’… and you’re writing about the ‘variants’ and ‘original Wuhan spike protein’ and so on as though you’re producing a brief précis for the government.

Dec 19, 2022 5:37 PM
Reply to  michael888

There are no 25 antibodies. The human body is only ever is capable of producing 5 antibodies and they are not unique in any way to an inflammatory response of toxic poisons such as vaccines or drugs or from any infections such as an alleged virus or bacterium. It is clear you lack any comprehension and do not have basic reading skills. You are good at repeating what you have read and brainwashed though.

Dec 19, 2022 5:41 PM
Reply to  michael888

Seen as you are so ignorant I will share with you the 5 antibodies that the human body is capable of producing:
IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA, and IgE
They are non specific to any unique alleged infections or sources for cause of inflammatory responses.

dr death
dr death
Nov 11, 2022 4:07 PM

it has taken some time for the eminently sensible and those not laboring under the impositions of statist imbeciles to get their voices heard.. (and not so statist imbeciles)..

one must view this as a victory for intellect and reason…and pertinent inquiry..

and of course for those that value ‘evident fact’.. and reject the ‘notion’ of amnesty for murderous criminals..

toad like peddlers of noxious ‘witches brews’.. the oldest tool in the murderers box.

plain old POlSON… dished out by the gallon with malice aforethought..

Nov 11, 2022 11:58 AM

Quite a courageous posting in light of all of the other research of the last two years, and admittedly, also quite the challenge to my own cognitive dissonance acquired in that period.
You’re undoubtedly aware that this breaks a certain narrative that so many have been following, throwing a monkey wrench into a lot of the, let’s call it evidence, that has emerged regarding the Covid scamdemic.

I’m all for critical scientific debate, but why present this, and why present it now? There must be a million just like it. Is it because he wrote a book you got paid to endorse? (Do you see where I’m going with my comment?)
I can only hope you know what you’re doing, because of the clout you have…

I remain your discerning reader.

Nov 9, 2022 8:05 PM

What is even more insanity inducing is that the debates on the science are not of primary importance. What is of primary importance is that the masses allowed their “democratic” govenrments to cancel democracy and perform mandatory medical interventions on them, and allowed themselves to be muzzled and injected with whatever that shit is, not because they were afraid of a bad cold, but because they were afraid of being ostracised, being fined or losing their access to survival tickets (money). Even if the threat of insanely contagious disease was real, if “democracy” was what it says on the tin then the role of governments would have been ADVISORY.

But such fine points are lost on people dumbed down by a decade of infantilization via “social” media.

The facade of “democracy” , “human rights” and “homo sapiens” has never been thinner.

Nov 9, 2022 7:41 PM

all i can add is if OG continue to put comments in pending then that’s all you need to know bout them

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 10, 2022 6:32 AM
Reply to  NoIt

In response all I can say is you’ve clearly never done much moderating, especially not in a, shall we say, ’vibrant’ commenting community like this with a very small team. XD A2

Nov 10, 2022 10:58 PM
Reply to  NoIt

Putting comments in ‘pending’ first wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t censoring sincere comments that they disagree with, but in fact they are censoring. I experienced being censored here, which is why I don’t respect OffG any longer, and don’t comment here anymore except to raise awareness of their censorship.The censorship is the problem, and the size of the OffG team has nothing to do with it.

Nov 16, 2022 11:33 AM
Reply to  David

Hi David: I have to disagree with you completely and I reckon I know more about this site than you, because wholly independently of interested ‘parties’, I have tested this website and their various personnel, in a multitude of ways that you and most others cannot possibly imagine…

So, I want you to give me very SPECIFIC examples of what you feel was Censored.

Otherwise I can add you to my list of those that are PAID,
To talk BOLLOCKS … verstanden?

Nov 9, 2022 7:40 PM

all i can say is just keep on with the distractions whilst the parasites have a real good laugh at your expense – it’s what they do – and so long as you engage they are happily looking after themselves

Nov 10, 2022 4:02 AM
Reply to  NoIt

I see no harm in analysing what is going on. Better tha a whole article on “elections”.

Johan Eddebo
Johan Eddebo
Nov 9, 2022 10:41 AM

A lot of pretty iffy claims here. I don’t dispute that the nanolipids or mRNA are problematic, but certain statements on immunology above are obviously incorrect.

“If we want antibodies to be specific, we should have like thousand or even tens of thousands of different antibodies, one for each disease. Instead, we only have five immunoglobulins, i.e. antibodies, and only two are tested: IgG and IgM. So how could you show that they are specific?”

This is off. An antibody like IgM collaborates with memory cells that get “trained” to recognize foreign antigenic proteins (of e.g. pathogens). You don’t need a specific antibody for every disease since the system adapts to recognize the new pathogen.

And not only that. Antibodies are so efficient that they actually are able to attack any antigen, any foreign antigen, any toxin in less than an nanosecond. So they don’t even need to memorize anything because they’re so fast in getting anything new that arrives in less than a nanosecond which is an in unimaginable short period of time.”

This is really quite preposterous. No biochemical process that is predicated upon several steps of intercellular communication is going to take “less than a nanosecond”.

And the notion that antibodies “don’t need to memorize anything because they’re so fast in getting anything new”? How does that identification take place? How does this person explain the emergence of specific post-exposure immunity to pathogens? This is nonsense.

Nov 9, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  Johan Eddebo

Johan, here’s part of an interesting ‘note’ regarding vaccinees and antibodies from ex virologist Dr Stefan Lanka quoting:

Note: As there is still no scientific proof of the measles virus, the question naturally arises as to how the claim of protection from measles by antibodies can be claimed when the pathogen has not yet been proven. A fallacy. So the horse is being put before the cart here. I’m measuring some “antibodies”, so I’m indirectly claiming to have a pathogen.
The measurable antibody titers after vaccination only shows the conflict of the immune system with the antigens, which are mostly coupled to adjuvants. Without these adjuvants there would be no antibody formation. Here it becomes clear that the immune system is much more complex and does not function exclusively through antibody formation…….

The hypothesis of antibodies does not work from start to finish. If they can offer protection, how is it that people who have a sufficient titer still fall ill? How is it possible that the logic of antibodies in HIV was turned 180 degrees, where high antibodies are deemed counterproductive?

No antibodies are required, protection by vaccination is always assumed without evidence. The phantom is always assumed, they don’t even want to think in other directions! It’s not science.

From German article https://telegra.ph/Die-Fehldeutung-der-Antikörper-07-12.
Translated and edited by Northern Tracey and John Blaid.

Nov 9, 2022 8:14 PM
Reply to  Johan Eddebo

An antibody like IgM collaborates with memory cells that get “trained” to recognize foreign antigenic proteins (of e.g. pathogens). You don’t need a specific antibody for every disease since the system adapts to recognize the new pathogen.

You a re regurgitating nonsensical science dogma. Collaboration and training are human activities and are poor metaphors to describe any microbiological process. The “system” is a THEORY.

Stefano Scoglio
Stefano Scoglio
Nov 11, 2022 11:39 AM
Reply to  Johan Eddebo

@Johan Eddebo

Your comment shows the typical acceptance of mainstream pseudo-science with no critical appraisal, and a lack of knowledge of more recent scientific findings. That antibodies take less than a nanosecond to adapt their structure to any new antigen, is in the literature, and is easily foundable. If instead of using the typical offensive posture of those who have no arguments, one would spend some time adjourning his or her knowledge, discussions would be more interesting.

Also, if antibodies do not need to be specific and need memory T cells to recognize an antigen, then they could only work in a living metabolism, and in vitro test (that what an ELISA is) on antibodies contained in a semi-dead serum could not detect any specific antibody, deprived of their living relationship with memory cells.

I say this as a counterargument, because in fact the standard theory states that antibodies change their physical structure over time through repeated encounters with antigens.

Finally, of course my position runs counter standard immunology, that is exactly the point, to show the shortcomings of a theory that defines itself as very sketchy and incomplete anyway.

Stefano Scoglio

Nov 9, 2022 3:48 AM

I’m very late getting round to reading this article, but it appears to have some weak points:

–Author says the vaxx’s spike protein can’t replicate in the cell cuz cells are too well-defended; but since we know that entire viruses like measles are able to replicate in cells, isn’t it contradictory to say that this viral part is unable to enter cells? In order to establish this, surely he must indicate what characteristic of the spike protein distinguishes it from the many other viruses which DO enter the cell. He has not done this.
Further we know that viruses and viral products can exert harm by attaching to receptors on the cell’s surface.

–Author faults other virologists for using the recombinant (artificial) spike protein in determining the causes of the ill-effects of the vaxx. But that’s what the vaxx contains. Surely it wd be an error to look for vaxx ill-effects in the spike protein of the virus itself.

–Author is critical of others for studying the spike protein of the vaxx only through antibodies. Perhaps he is speaking of those “establishment scientists” who are pushing the vaxx. Perhaps he isn’t aware that many researchers have studied the presence, durability & effects of the vaxx’s recombinant spike protein directly– certainly not through the antibodies produced (if any).

–Author seems unaware of the work of other virologists regarding the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles. I know that these began within a few weeks of the vaxx roll-out because I commented on their work on another site.

–Finally, the author apparently disbelieves in contagion. Like all the others, he has no other explanation, of course.

If anyone on this site is actually interested in researching any aspect of this article, or of the virus or the vaxx, I highly recommend that you use a search term beginning with “Pubmed” followed by the specific subject.

Steven Avery
Steven Avery
Nov 9, 2022 2:53 PM
Reply to  Penelope

“we know that entire viruses like measles are able to replicate in cells”

Error begets error. There is no replicable science that would have been the breakthrough study c. 1950 that demonstrated this supposed hijacking of cell replication by inactive/dead RNA-DNA . It became theory only by peer osmosis.

This is one major reason why you can say that viruses, as officially defined, do not exist. There is no science behind the wild and wacky conjectures!

Steven Avery

Nov 10, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  Steven Avery

Steven, the “alternative explanation” for the commonly observed phenomenon of contagion is “It must be some toxin.”

In other words, the observation, evidence and successful explanation of contagion and illness are all set aside as being lacking in precision or rigor. And in its place is set “It must be some toxin.” An explanation even MORE lacking in precision and rigor.

One may set aside a scientific theory under two sets of circumstance:
— If one proves that the theory contains actual logical contradiction.
— If one has a superior theory to put in its place.

“It must be some toxin.” is not even a theory. Those who prefer it to the science of virology imagine that the mere ability to point out shortcomings which surely exist magically paints “It must be some toxin” with rigor and precision.

It is analogous to flat earth, which was put forth by Intell as method to cause self-discrediting.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 25, 2022 10:53 AM
Reply to  Penelope

This is a good comment and I agree.

“It must be some toxin.” is not even a theory. Those who prefer it to the science of virology imagine that the mere ability to point out shortcomings which surely exist magically paints “It must be some toxin” with rigor and precision.

Agreed. It really does frustrate me to see the level of self-satisfied smugness exhibited by some in the comments who do this.

I would add that I do think there are problems at the centre of virology which need to be answered, and I am completely open to a debate on that. That should happen. But that debate shouldn’t simply be geared around ‘disproving’ something, which is claimed not to be the job of those who most vociferously criticise virology BTL but still seems to be the only discussion of any content ever engaged in.

I think it needs to be born in mind, absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence necessarily. A void in the scientific process is being left, a rejection of the ‘orthodoxy’ taking precedence over everything else, as if this somehow liberates us from our virologist oppressors. But if we’re trying to avoid another Covid situation there’s always going to be another set of dogmas our oppressors can use against us, so I disagree entirely with this approach.

The discussion seriously lacks content.

We need more threads on viable alternative theories for observable contagion, involving detailed mechanisms and which take into account all observations, past and present, don’t we? Huxley/Darwin didn’t sit around simply demanding people prove the existence of God, they submitted a counter hypothesis and the scientific debate began. This hypothesis in turn developed problems so people submitted refinements and the debate continued… etc.

A new workable hypothesis is required in order for these discussions to meaningfully continue, in my opinion. ‘Some toxin’ is getting really old.

Merry Christmas, A2

Art Costa
Art Costa
Dec 26, 2022 4:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Cowan, Bailey, Kaufman, et al offer alternative hypotheses. They are not simply refuting “germ theory” (which if you’ve followed the history was done long ago, except $$$$ gets in the way of proceeding, not debates.)

My guess, given your comments Sam, is that you either haven’t done a deep dive into this, and realized that science is not about simply agreeing but questing hypothesis and theories or raising an issue which you do not have an inkling of evidence to the contrary you’d like to present. Cowan, et al have publicly outlined what would be needed to demonstrate the existence of a pathogenic virus. No takers.

It is dogma to push a never proven “theory” and run an entire medical establishment on the basis of this very problematic notion.

Nov 11, 2022 5:31 PM
Reply to  Penelope

recombinant (artificial) spike protein [is] what the vaxx contains

It is what the jab is said to produce with the essential help of ribosomes within cells reached by the injection (i.e. breached by a quasi-infectious process of the lipid mRNA envelope).
The burden of proof is rather large. It is certainly something to scrutinize with all skeptical methods. These are the foundational biomechanics of this gene therapy platform.
I believe the political forces that authorized running this experiment on vast masses of human population are aware that the prospect of perfecting a delivery vehicle for genetic material holds immense value for our species (and of course immense danger as well).
Having ran this unethical experiment, we are surely owed as complete an account of its outcomes as it is possible to construct.
Furthermore, the results need to be presented accurately and yet in layman’s terms so as to finally provide the ‘informed’ status that was skipped when seeking our ‘consent.’

Nov 8, 2022 8:07 PM

Dr Stefan Lanka’s “New” Biology https://www.bitchute.com/video/CIUsHgYigZXa/

les online
les online
Nov 9, 2022 12:05 AM
Reply to  Bri

“Something is happening here
and you dont know what it is,
do you, Mr Jones.”
(1960s folksinger)…

“You can teach an Old Dog New Tricks, it just takes ’em a bit longer.” (anon)…
“I’ve gotta lot of Catching Up to do !” (anon)…

Nov 8, 2022 7:55 PM

A couple of Sars-CoV-2 Isolation Claims are here, there are many more:
All such claims would have to be strictly analyzed and proved or disproved. Given the widespread fraud in concocting this fake pandemic, including the abuse of the PCR test that is not diagnostic, and the fraud in changing the names of things, like calling an mRNA injection a “vaccine”, the fraud of governments forbidding autopsies by their own medical labs, the fraud of financial incentives to impose the injections, to impose the “Covid” diagnoses, to impose the fake death certificates, it seems the fraud has no limits, therefore the alleged instances of isolation of Sars-CoV-2 are also open to fraud and financial incentives, and to other factors.
As for FOIAs, it seems to me that you cannot prove something does not exist by sending out inquiries. All you can prove is the incompetence of governments and organizations who terrorized their populations for 2-1/2 years to force them to take lethal injections when these governments and organizations had no objective proof in hand that the alleged virus exists. They simply had not done there homework. Apparently, the virus exists in computer models and laboratories because it’s synthetic, not a new thing created by nature by leaping from one species to another. The mess and confusion used to carry off this destruction of the world economy on the pretext of a virus and the pretext of an injection to combat it, will likely take decades to sort out.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Nov 9, 2022 2:50 PM
Reply to  TINP

Vaccine has always confused me. Perhaps it likey propagated with the Web, or whatever to stick on a label. It would more helpful, finally, if everyone would sweep this word gaming Anti- out the door along with ‘vaxx’,
I like the above article because it mentions Specific and Blood testing.

Jill Herendeen
Jill Herendeen
Nov 9, 2022 3:22 PM
Reply to  TINP

The FOIAs INDIRECTLY prove fraud by showing that (whoever) used incorrect methodology in their “proofs” that the virus exists.

Dec 19, 2022 6:04 PM
Reply to  TINP

Scientists and doctors have already analysed the paperwork claiming to have isolated an alleged virus and found the claims to be false. Do catch up. Unfortunately you won’t hear about this in the news or even on YouTube as the scientists get banned and censored but what they show cannot be refuted by any other scientists.

Nov 8, 2022 5:38 PM

Here is an article from February which questioned this very phenomenon about the vaccine mechanism.

Nov 8, 2022 5:31 PM

If you have an ELISA test (an immunulogic test) for a number of things like , for instance, a VIH test, it would not be usefull if it was so unspecificc as the interviewed said.
So, even if there are some chances of false positives, because the specificity of this test is not absolute, it is nevertheless something reliable to a certain extent.
Otherwise, all doctors a personel in labs are dishonest. Impossible to admit that.
Of course, we can always be doubfoul whether the tests are properly callibrated, if they following strictly the protocol, etc. but the test in itself being such an useless thing as he states, no; it’s not possible to accept.
He should give much clear experimental proof, of what he says. For instance, he should perform an immunological test for another protein (not the spike one) and then show that such test is also positive (clearly positive) for another protein, different from the one it was designed for.

Nov 9, 2022 10:46 AM

They are all dishonest but don’t know it- they are simply repeating lies (fake science) on good faith. The money is too good to question too much, and that’s how you advance in a career.

Nov 8, 2022 4:57 PM

The burden of proof isn’t on this guy; the burden of proof is on those making the far-fetched claim that these rushed products represented an amazing, science-fiction-like breakthrough–an injectable substance that hijacks your bodies cells and turns them into little factories producing and emitting toxic proteins. There is no evidence for that.

The propaganda assertions HAVE hijacked the brains of both vaccine enthusiasts and vaccine skeptics. Almost everyone accepts the outlandish claim that vaccinated people are “making” spike proteins–the enthusiasts think that’s a good thing “the spike proteins I produce stimulate a tailored immune response” and the skeptics think it’s bad “the spike proteins you produce are attacking your body.”

That’s how well-crafted propaganda works. You feed the two sides their debating points, slipping in the assumptions you want them both to accept.

While vaccine skeptics are freaking out about “spike proteins made by your body” instead of about basic toxins and mystery ingredients, they are reinforcing the false narrative that vaccines are based on “advanced science” and the false narrative that “there’s a new virus out there—with spike proteins!”

Stefano’s got this one right, and the fact that this is surprising to most of us skeptics demonstrates how difficult it is for even skeptics to avoid being brainwashed by the propagandists.

Mike Chappelle
Mike Chappelle
Nov 9, 2022 12:18 AM
Reply to  Charlie

Right on, Charlie. Everything Stefano says rings true.

Nov 9, 2022 2:28 AM
Reply to  Charlie

TPTB own and control the MSM but they’re also flooding the alternative media with disinformation. I still trust scientists like Mike Yeadon and Scoglio but increasingly I think many of the prominent people on “our side” are actually controlled opposition who appear to be anti-vaxxers but are actually promoting the pandemic is real/SARS-COV-2/spike protein narrative.

Nov 9, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  CK_

This is what Dr Mike said in an interview in The Daily Expose May 9, 2021 quoting:

“The most likely duration of immunity to a respiratory virus like SARS CoV-2 is multiple years. Why do I say that? We actually have the data for a virus that swept through parts of the world seventeen years ago called SARS, and remember SARS CoV-2 is 80% similar to SARS, so I think that’s the best comparison that anyone can provide.

“The evidence is clear: These very clever cellular immunologists studied all the people they could get hold of who had survived SARS 17 years ago. They took a blood sample, and they tested whether they responded or not to the original SARS and they all did; they all had perfectly normal, robust T cell memory. They were actually also protected against SARS CoV-2, because they’re so similar; it’s cross immunity.

The alleged “SARS” virus of “seventeen years ago” was never proven to exist in and by scientific practice and the same applies to the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus! Unless Dr Mike has radically changed his views entirely on the evidence for the existence of both benign and pathogenic viruses that exist only in theory as in silico computer generated models then he is probably “controlled opposition”. But I could be wrong.

Nov 12, 2022 10:48 PM
Reply to  -CO

You are not up-to-date. Dr. Mike has for some time now maintained there may be no virus in this game.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 13, 2022 11:36 PM
Reply to  Charlie

That’s how well-crafted propaganda works. You feed the two sides their debating points, slipping in the assumptions you want them both to accept.

If only people realised how prevalent the fake binary is in the propaganda mechanism.

I didn’t really give spike proteins much thought but there seemed to be a hyped element to them which made me suspicious – for good reason I see now – and I was also a little dubious about graphene oxide although more believing of that.

Thank you Stefano and Torsten.

Nov 16, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

You were also exceedingly slow to reflect upon the real Goals of 11th Sept 2001.

In fact, though I told you most specifically to focus upon the contents of WTC 7 and the Pentagon wing (nuts & bolts) – When you were writing under the pseudonym of Flaxgirl, you still to this day always have avoided this inextricably most important aspect of everything-everything to do with mind control and Geo-engineering of 🎭
The Weather. Only you can know why you have written volumes, going down infected rabbit holes and yet always avoided the most important issues: well, you and your Slob Boss Milosevic, now known as CovIdiot-Slob-Milosevic-Knight in shining armour, leaping to protect you … sigh, how pathetic such obvious teamwork at the 77th Brigade of
Gaslighting Gung-ho Mofos…

Petra, if that is your real name, it is not just that I know how the 77th Brigade of Military intelligence functions as a team: therein, indeed your purpose and role…
Also, your Slob Milo’s thought processes of contributions BTL here@OffG, a few others noticed ages 🥑 ago, the nut jobs that Milosevic always employed to bolster his own credibility as controlled opposition… you remember Reinertorheit ? Or Reinefrecheit, as I used to call him ? Do me a favour and tell your knight in shining armour that his gaming habit as Covidiot is really quite sick and I know who he really works for, namely K.P.M.G. not just the 77th Brigade nor the accountants… you, Petra have been played and used, even feasibly unwittingly, working for the Khazarian PayPal Mafia Group, Imagine that Flaxgirl ! KPMG like Zelensky & Madame Liverani working for AshkeNazis.
Best stop thinking Binary and hoping that Kit-Katte & Co. Will help you keep your job.
Best start thinking what two thirds of the world already know@G20: your trajectory
Is Destination Fuk’d, like OzzyMan reviews … the question is NOT what you discuss,
With Plausible Deniability, but what you REFUSE to INVESTIGATE, let alone discuss …

(N.B. Sam & Sophie, ask yourselves why Petra/Flaxgirl did not reply in person to me, after posting that ridiculous distrationary diagram, absent red colouring… and yet,
Milosevic/Covidiot did… check Petra’s Posts ! And have a nice day, now.)😏

I think I may as well add 3 links, out of courtesy to Sam & Sophie, just to be sure
that this time Petra knows for sure what I think of her contributions, after these many years, of distraction and her refusal to focus on WTC 7 & Geo-Engineering, just like Covidiot & Team. Best get wacky . . . And open minded.
Destination Pending, easy , no rush Flossgirl.




Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 16, 2022 11:05 PM
Reply to  TDj

Each of us has their own special interest, no? but just because you’re interested in the contents of the destroyed buildings and I’m not particularly doesn’t mean that what I say is bollocks. What EXACTLY do I say that you think is bollocks? I don’t understand your point.

Bill Travis
Bill Travis
Sep 22, 2023 7:37 PM
Reply to  Charlie

Then what is causing all the death and injury in all the vaccinated on a an unprecedented scale?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 8, 2022 4:40 PM


Writers in Scotland have voiced concern over a new code of conduct imposed by a national book charity that may infringe on the free speech of poets and authors who do not agree with “gender identity theory”.

The trust declined to divulge who is on their equality, diversity and inclusion advisory group, which works on making sure “that our principles are more proactively embedded in all aspects of our work”.

A writer’s behaviour is often “down to the individual” but if they the group is “presented with… evidence of serious public misconduct, it reserves the right to address that misconduct”.

So – no-one knows who is in this “equality, diversity and inclusion advisory group” and they say the writer’s behaviour is “down to the individual” and yet the writer must beware of giving “evidence” of “serious public misconduct” in which case that “misconduct” may be “addressed”.

So … another shadowy group – oh let’s cut the crap, it’s always the same shadowy group i.e. the parasite class who, in spring 2020, revealed how much control they have over the media. Frankly they have absolute power. They never reveal themselves. And they have any amount of weasel wordage to facilitate their takeover.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 8, 2022 4:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Here is the code from the horse’s mouth:


Yet another charity. Yet another “public minded” body. Every time I hear the words “charity” and “philanthropy” I smell something foul.

Nov 8, 2022 11:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

WTF does this comment have to do with the SCIENCE, Carefully considered in Italian, German and
EXTRA in English, for twat Court Jesters like GeorgeMc to consider ?

Take a fucking serious look in the MIRROR MAN, from one Celt to another, you begin to annoy me with your ever present bollocks, just like Petra Liverani / Flaxgirl used to be , in fact !

You never fucking shut up typing, to even consider what is trying to be very seriously scientifically evaluated and communicated to you, out of some perverse desperate need to be heralded and appreciated by ill-informed people , who never needed dumb cunt GB news. You are so constantly off-topic and not interested in learning anything, whatsoever >>> B A N Z A I …
You need MODERATION ! IMHO very insulting ! !

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 14, 2022 12:07 AM
Reply to  TDj

TDj I have put five cases for what I believe with corresponding challenges on my website and so far no one has responded to my challenges. I think that’s testing my hypothesis as well as I can. You claim I speak bollocks but where is your case against what I say? Where is your response to any of my challenges?

Where most people who accept the terror event narratives as BS disagree with me is that I say we are fed a fake binary – Catte wrote an article on the fake binary and Charlie in his comment above states “That’s how well-crafted propaganda works. You feed the two sides their debating points, slipping in the assumptions you want them both to accept.”

So fake binary is a thing, OK, you accept the fake binary, don’t you? After all, nothing could make more sense could it? Have the believers and disbelievers alike both get it wrong. I mean, it could not make more sense as a propaganda mechanism.

So if you accept the phenomenon of the fake binary why do you think I speak bollocks when I say the propaganda strategy for 9/11 is a fake binary (assuming this is one point you disagree on)?

What’s interesting is that it’s so easy to propagandise health professionals to inject people with a toxic jab because there is a century of fraudulent medical science to base it on … but not so easy to propagandise demolition professionals to semi-evacuate buildings before destroying them. Perhaps you can explain to me TDj how that would be done? Or perhaps you don’t think it was demolition professionals who effectively destroyed all seven buildings at the WTC on 9/11 – while only three were razed to the ground all seven buildings (and a couple of others) were massively damaged. Perhaps you don’t think it was demolition professionals, it was – as is hinted at – five dancing Israelis who played a big role in it? You tell me. What’s your sensible explanation opposing my bollocks?

Nov 8, 2022 3:55 PM

It would be interesting to confront Dr. Stefano Scoglio with Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt who has carried out autopsies on a significant number of persons who died from covid as well as histologic analysis of biopsies from living persons.
Prof. Dr. Burkhardt has a quite different view of the situation based on evidence he has already presented.

Nov 9, 2022 3:03 AM
Reply to  Adi

I don’t know about a confrontation but a tech discussion I’d love to hear.

Nov 9, 2022 1:07 PM
Reply to  Adi

Some are saying the “evidence” by Burkhardt (and othe pathologists) of spike proteins infesting all sorts of tissues may be invalid. Those proofs are based on dyes said to stain spike proteins, but there’s apparently no good proof that the dyes work as claimed.

Aug 17, 2023 12:43 AM
Reply to  Adi

The assignment to spike protein is more plausiby the PEG & LNPs.
I see psyoperative deceit as the nature of bent bought science into media hyped risk models, directing funding & enabling regulatory capture while the money sets the incentive to align or comply for along with framing ‘further research’ in line with invested parameters.
Belief is set by reaction as emotionally invested ID – which is then protected as self against perceived threat.

Nov 8, 2022 2:29 PM

In 2015 there was a story that the mrna technology could be used to lengthen telomeres thus increasing longevity. Has anyone studied to see how the Covid vaccinations affect telomeres?

Nov 9, 2022 3:11 AM
Reply to  Eric

The Israeli study showed that the spike proteins interfere with telomerase synthesis. That leads to cancer, CVD, vascular dementia, diabetes and a dozen other bad things.

There was also one out of the Netherlands about the spike proteins and increased aging in alveolar cells.
SARS-CoV-2 spike and Telomerase RNAs compared to arrive at an explanation for increased ageing in alveolar cells in severe COVID-19.
Han Geurdes1 – GDS Appl Math BV Den Haag/Doetinchem, The Netherlands

As well as suspect in both natural and injected exposure:

Victor G.
Victor G.
Nov 8, 2022 2:17 PM

The unverifiable hyperbole used in the sub-headline is unnecessary. In fact, it does damage to an important interview.
Editors, what happened?
I believe there are numerous individuals in the OG a community who can help out when it comes to Italia. You have their emails. They will be delighted to collaborate and verify.
Apart from that, thanks for publishing this interview.

Nov 9, 2022 2:00 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

I have to agree with you. Particularly because, though it is not my mother tongue, I still find German to be quite probably the best language for expressing and accelerating a very specific comprehension of all matters scientific & engineering wise: simply the best. Whilst they were discussing even, I was reading every word, just to be sure that I had understood precisely their reasoning in German, so that nothing was lost in their live efforts to Translate ‘Alles’ into English.
Ich war begeistert 😂 Try expressing that in English, in so few words …
Technically speaking this headline is fluffy and lacks lustre. ⚡ 👍

Nov 8, 2022 12:43 PM

comment image

Big Pharma just got greedy and wanted a way they could make a lot of money in the same way those charlatans did in the past. Synthetic crap which is cheap, quick to make and expensive to sell. No marketing needed as the government does it for you.

Nov 8, 2022 5:40 PM
Reply to  Hank

Yup. Big Pharma was also told by financial analysts in late 2018 that unless they came up with some fantastic new drug that brought with it a constant revenue stream, they would cease to be a for profit enterprise. Funny how that works, ain’t it?

Nov 9, 2022 8:20 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7
Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 8, 2022 8:53 PM
Reply to  Hank

Perhaps it’s time to change this common meme: Snake oil, meaning bogus medicine.

There are studies published in PubMed showing that snake oil may be beneficial to health (therapeutic properties of sea snake and boa constrictor lipids — snake oil! — for inflammation and infection) – unlike petrochemicals based synthetic medicines which impair the body’s ability to truly heal, such as NSAID anti-inflammatories which degrade cartilage and thereby perpetuate the inflammation and joint destruction.

The new meme could be something like ‘Pharma quackery’ or whatever. Just saying.

Nov 8, 2022 12:14 PM

Cute piece of mockery utilising the dual meaning of “stuck”:

MSN loved this so much they recommended it this morning. Layered meanings is known as masterful speaking in Freemasonry and 29 just happens to conceal a Freemasonic master number (2+9 = 11).

BTW Labour are engaging in some kite-flying about whether they can at last bring in a UK ID card, another brick in the technocratic wall. Their selling it as the means to defeat immigration is particularly cynical even by their standards and will hopefully be their undoing.

Nov 9, 2022 8:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige



2*3=6, etc. etc.

Everything conceals “Freemasonic master numbers” if you look at it hard enough.
In fact there are 6 (six) 33rd degree Freemasons hiding under your bed!

Nov 8, 2022 11:55 AM

Interesting and who knows eh.

It’s a bit too much on the scientific side, if you would ask me, where you have to know what exosomes, ribosomes are and what mRNA is. Interesting stuff, but is it really necessary to know?

My question is: why is there excess mortality (and since the government/ pharma makes it impossible to scientifically study that question, my answer is: the vaxx)

And if the vaxx leads to excess mortality (which it by Sherlock Holmes type of deductive reasoning does), then: how lethal is the vaxx over time?

That boosters are needed suggests that the lethality of the vaxx is temporary (and this is to be hoped).

But mRNA at least suggests that it is not temporary, so might nano particles, etc.

So in the absence of evidence all I can do is wait and see what happens.

Anecdotally, I see a lot of vaxxed people getting sicker and sicker by the day. Some of them I know are boosted. Others were only vaxxed once or twice. This suggests to me that the vaxx, for whatever reason is lethal for a prolonged period of time.

But I am willing to reject that hypothesis when people are no longer boosted and excess mortality disappears.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 8, 2022 8:40 PM
Reply to  Willem

Dr. Paul Thomas, an Oregon pediatrician, did a study of his own practice (this research, peer reviewed and published, got him his license revoked). He found that the healthiest kids were the unvaccinated. And not surprisingly, the frequency of health problems correlated directly with the number of vaccines the kids had. Also, among the unvaxxed kids, there were zero cases of autism.


The video is 6 1/2 minutes long.

Nov 9, 2022 3:13 AM
Reply to  Willem
Nov 9, 2022 8:27 PM
Reply to  Willem

“suggests that the lethality of the vaxx is temporary”

Does not compute….

Aug 17, 2023 12:51 AM
Reply to  Willem

I suspect the goal of the medical psyop is to incept the belif in genetics as a platform and operating system via the narrative of genetic damage. A regenesis to original sin under the god of genetic dispensations.
The context is shock, the narrative shapes its charge.

Nov 8, 2022 11:54 AM

What about the info from Ryan Cole saying that the jabs switch off part of the immune system via some gene or something called CD8 – he said it disables this part of the natural immune response to foreign matter and that is how the crap tricks its way into the cells, by turning off the mechanism which would usually prevent this from happening. Then I believe the couple who discovered this “amazing technology” (because obviously switching off part of the immune system is the fast track to good health especially if it’s for something really dangerous like the common cold) were up for a Nobel Prize. A sure fire Clown World blockbuster in the making.

And what about the pathology reports and presentations from Sucharit Bhakdi where he claims they are proving the mechanism of the spike protein in the organs, with images provided by the pathologists. It would be interesting for opposing scientists of integrity to start making real headway in answering these questions properly like grown ups. I think the money could be raised worldwide to fund the research into proving and disproving all this controversial stuff once and for all, about Virology and Flat Earth etc.

They’re bamboozling the world with junk science. It is time for humans to build something in retaliation to this evil. Enough talk and venting of anger. Good people need to start funding a truth revolution.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 8, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  Mucho

https://off-guardian.org/2022/11/07/that-mrna-vaccines-cause-cells-to-produce-spike- proteins-is-a-fairy-tale/

Ryan Cole is one of the “good guys.” But even the good guys have been contaminated by a century of Rockefeller medicine and fake science. Images of the Spike Protein? Obviously impossible by any form of optical microscopy. And even with the best electron microscopes, an “object” of that size at best would appear as a dot at their highest resolution possible.

Electron microscopes were a direct outcome of the quantum revolution when they discovered that “physical” particles had a wave length. The wavelength of light and of an electron determine the maximum resolution possible. But to reduce the wavelength of an electron they have to juice its kinetic energy which has a tendency to damage the object under study. These objects are often coated with metals which produce other artifacts. Don’t believe anything you hear and little of what you see.

Scaglio is absolutely right. You want to prove the existence of the spike proteins in the bodies of the jabbed. Then test directly for these proteins. Why do they test with phony antigen tests when they have automated machines now that can separate and purify proteins in low concentrations? When I was in graduate school 30 years ago, it was somewhat tedious running the proteins through gels in an electrostatic field. But today, as Scaglio says, they have automated machines. So I assume they are not testing for spike proteins because there aren’t any and they need phony tests to cover it up. Just like the fake PCR test. Hope Scaglio has his life insurance paid up.

Nov 8, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Yes but like Ryan Cole, Sucharit is one of the real good people, putting everything he has into countering this with his knowledge.

Here is a recent post from Doctors For Covid Ethics which is one of Sucharit’s projects in this:

Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality – Doctors for COVID Ethics (doctors4covidethics.org)

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 11, 2022 5:46 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Of course Scoglio, like Cole, is also stating that the “mRNA vaccines” are creating all this health damage to the vaxxed. He is stating that the damage is not caused by the spike protein hoax but rather by the body’s immune system freaking out against the ingredients in the fake vaccines, namely the PEG and the actual synthetic mRNA and not some phantom spike protein.

Nov 15, 2022 4:39 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Absolutely agree. So much division in the truth movement…on purpose. I tend to side with the Pathologists/embalmers finding concrete evidence. Graphene, AI, luciferase, 5G are all entertaining but without damning evidence…conjecture at best. Let’s get to the bottom of this…so called “toxic bomb”. The agenda is clear….depopulation.

Nov 8, 2022 11:46 AM

Glad to see this here. The foundation of science was in a sense hijacked way back before it globalised. I say in a sense, because a true foundation is only obscured and substituted for by a false. That there IS a true foundation for awareness and appreciation of life is always distorted filtered or ruled out – ie denied – by the wish that something else by true because we think to WANT it so. Or from such an invested stake want NOT to be true if it ‘threatens’ our possessive controls under permission of the false. This is not to automatically assert that Torsten or Stefan are necessarily true in all they say, but that they witness to truth by their willingness to question and seek verification of funded and securitised narratives running protection for stakeholders to vested interests that would set communication out of boundsso as to rule from a black box, a dark op, a Notional Security Interest, a Private Keep Out!, a no user access sealed unit. The stamping out of a templated ‘mind’ or reality is a way of seeing acquired inheritance, where fear set controls boot up to replicate an operating system that resets itself whenever the light starts to come into the mind, so as to run on gaslight. Within the matrix of such thinking, there is no way to communicate to others, because communication has been weaponised or repurposed to prevent moving without permission. But Communication is our true foundation regardless the mind-hijack, and is restored by the willingness to put down such a ‘mind’, to receive of truth anew. Always anew – lest a template runs the golem blind to the life that can be painfully awake to unresolved fears grievance or conflicts, and so address them truly, instead of repackaging toxic debt to complex instruments to mask as ‘virtue’ to trade in as outsourcing risk of pain, but also abnegating responsibility for life to such ‘systemic ingenuity’. Inheritance can be mis-taken and run as Garbage in; garbage out. True Inherence is then seen as threat to the garbage recycling syndrome playing musical chairs while passing the toxic parcel. But truth is not destructive to who and what you are, only the lie is threatened. And truth is thus not IN the world we templated from a mistaken premis – but leads us from our deeply invested reactions in its dogma – which is backwards, for your thinking does not create the creator of thought, even if it can spin out a yarn and buy into its own image. Uncovering the Biofield offers a living embrace or our world in a new light, but our first reaction is to seek to hack and attack it. Or rather, that is the template that runs without a fresh and current connection to the field of relational communication. In tangent I read this today: The view of Carolyn Merchant, in The Death of Nature (1982, p283) was as follows. Leibniz stressed that there was a life and perception animating all things and criticised the new philosophy for ‘maintaining the inertness and deadness of things’. For Leibniz, the world of substance was really organic, with every being in the universe, from living animals down to the simple monad, alive and composed of living parts. ‘Thus there is nothing fallow, sterile or dead in the universe,’ he wrote. ‘All matter,’ he said, ‘must be full of animated, or at least living, substances.’ He could never reconcile himself with the atoms-and-the-void philosophy emanating from England. He coined the word ‘dynamics’, which concept was for him part of… Read more »

Nov 9, 2022 2:31 AM
Reply to  Binra

Ironically, I just wrote to Victor G above , saying how matter(s) scientific & engineering wise, (let alone philosophy 😉) are simply better expressed and easier to comprehend in German.
Good comment Brian.
Thanks & regards,

Nov 9, 2022 10:52 AM
Reply to  Binra

Modern domesticated humanoids are secretly envious of inanimate objects.

Sanjoy Mahajan
Sanjoy Mahajan
Nov 8, 2022 10:32 AM

A really important article. It shows how deep the fraud goes. Sadly, most of the health-freedom community, if one can call it a community when three-fourths of it smears one-fourth of it “virus deniers”, propagates the spike fearmongering.

The sociopaths who ordered the op, or more likely their shills who planned the details, likely chose the word “spike” for its fear-mongering potential and crafted CGI pictures of the fake virus so that they looked like medieval maces. Then, like after 9/11 with repeated images of planes flying into towers blasted into everyone’s psyche as trauma-based mind control, the media blasted the word “spike” and mace images into everyone’s psyche.

And most people fighting this fraud just keep reinforcing it! It’s like a self-tightening knot where the more you struggle, the tighter it gets. But pointing out this problem to most people, even people who agree that the “vaccines” are dangerous, will probably just lead to being called a “spike denier.”

Nov 8, 2022 11:15 AM
Reply to  Sanjoy Mahajan

The problem is even deeper. The pandemic narrative stuff is fraud but 90% of what passes for scientific research today, while not being “fraud” by a technical definition, is fraudulent in practice, at least in the sense of ripping off the taxpayer who pays for it.

It is conducted with methodologies that are invalid and unreliable (going by the research methods definitions of “valid” and “reliable”). 90% of research has no practical relevance to our planet and our lives. Of the remaining 10%, 1% is truly useful and the other 9% is harmful. Obviously, these percentages are off the top of my head, but I don’t think I am far off.

The OECD spends a huge amount on research in the natural and social sciences and the main purpose of it is to provide ranks of professionals with well paid jobs and turn them into tools of the system. These are what you might call David Graeber’s “bullshit jobs”.

Just because someone claims to be a “cancer researcher” does not mean they’ve done anything useful in a 40 year career to prevent or cure cancer. On the contrary, they’ve likely contributed to the development of toxic drugs and therapies whiile squashing natural alternatives.99.999% of scientists and researchers out there are professionally successful bureaucrats not superheroes and certainly not geniuses. The problem is that all this comes at the expense of the non-bullshit job taxpayer: the cleaners, the farmers, the factory workers and so on.

I would go so far as to say that in the 20th century the scientific bureaucracy suddenly ballooned at the expense of real science. All the big discoveries and inventions pre-date 1950. The rest of it is alll marginal: doing pointless calculations more quickly on supercomputers to create explosive financial products. Having 1,000 friends on social media and being able to update them by the minute on the inanity of one’s life. And so on.
I am amazed when I read books written in the 19th century to see that people did everything that we do today in terms of travel and communication with people around the world. We’ve made some huge advances in providng more people with access to hygene and nutrition and that has been responsible for increasing standards of human health.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 8, 2022 9:42 AM


I must have dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They’re moving into the street
Now, did you read the news today?
They say the danger has gone away
But I can see the fire’s still alight
They’re burning into the night
There’s too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there’s not much love to go around
Can’t you see this is the land of confusion?
This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we’re given
Use them and let’s start trying
To make it a place worth living in
Oh, Superman, where are you now?
When every thing’s gone wrong somehow?
Men of steel, these men of power
I’m losing control by the hour
This is the time, this is the place
So we look for the future
But there’s not much love to go around
Tell me why this is the land of confusion
This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we’re given
Use them and let’s start trying
To make it a place worth living in
I remember long ago
When the sun was shining
And all the stars were bright all through the night
In the wake up this madness, as I held you tight
So long ago
I won’t be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We’re not just making promises
That we know we’ll never keep
There’s too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there’s not much love to go around
Can’t you see this is the land of confusion?
Now, this is the world we live in
And these are the hands we’re given
Use them and let’s start trying
To make it a place worth fighting for
This is the world we live in
And these are the names we’re given
Stand up and let’s start showing
Just where our lives are going to

Nov 9, 2022 4:18 AM

This is more my style and mindset: Veteran of the Psychic Wars

Nov 8, 2022 9:24 AM

ala Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos scam

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 8, 2022 1:12 PM
Reply to  banana

The only reason why Holmes got in trouble at all is because she tried to con the conners (Henry Kissinger et al.).

Nov 8, 2022 7:54 AM

Helpful article, but I notice a contradiction by Stefano (my summary):
– mRNA cannot enter cells to produce anything as it would be destroyed at 5 levels outside/in cells.
– mRNA is more toxic than the lipids.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Nov 8, 2022 9:06 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I also noticed the apparent contradiction.

Nov 8, 2022 11:00 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I don’t see any contradiction at all! What he is saying is that the mRNA cannot enter into the cell but they spread all around the body attacking some organs!

“That means they have not entered into any cell, but they diffused in all organs of the body, and particularly liver, spleen, female ovary and kidneys.”

Nov 8, 2022 1:13 PM
Reply to  Watchtower

But aren’t the organs also composed of cells? Cells = tissue = organs. If the mRNA can’t enter a cell, how does it get around that barrier to enter organs?

Nov 8, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

Cells make up tissues that make up organs! Something can be on the upper layer of an organ without entering into the fundamental structure the organ is based upon i.e. tissues/cells because of some protection mechanism in place… That thing might damage the surface of the organ though.

Nov 8, 2022 3:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

Look at it like this, your skin is an organ it’s just on the outside so when a Melanoma starts on the outside it spreads to other organs and lymph nodes where the damage really starts. Like putting poison mRNA on your skin, it gets inflamed and spreads all over your body. Only its injected and spreads internally to organs and the body attacks itself.

Dec 19, 2022 7:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Blood goes into organs and that would be the likely penetration method and nano lipids on a minuscule scale may help to speed up this process somehow…but the antibodies are meant to wipe this stuff out as it is alien. The problem is if they really do enter cells and produce a synthetic protein then it creates many trillions of them. If he is right though then these toxic materials will cause inflammation as they circulate through the bodies organs and do more and more harm if they cannot be cleared fast enough.

Nov 8, 2022 12:01 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Because Lipods were not metabolized they never entered the cells.

I think he is saying it’s the inflammation (auto response) from the synthetic poisons in the mRNA/Lipids that damage the organs. That’s what is doing the damage.

Nov 9, 2022 12:21 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Poison can kill cells, but that’s not code hacking them to make shit!

Nov 9, 2022 2:48 AM
Reply to  Binra

Life, is so simple, when you understand it,
fully… ☺

rik myers
rik myers
Nov 8, 2022 7:43 AM

let’s see this guy debate Dr Judy Mikovits until then he’s proven zero

Torsten Engelbrecht
Torsten Engelbrecht
Nov 8, 2022 8:06 AM
Reply to  rik myers

The question in my view is whether Judy Mikovits would be ready/willing to debate Stefano Scoglio. If yes, I think we could arrange such debate. Would you please be so kind asking Judy Mikovits?

Nov 8, 2022 2:54 PM

Thank you for your interview with Mr. Stefano Scoglio! Always good to have a firm debat about “the science”! As long as you’re allowed, that is…

But, i find it a bit abusive of him to call the impressive careers of co-researchers like Malone and McCullough “BS”.., still, the reasoning from this guy is quite intriguing!

Mr. Scoglio also states that there are 5 specific reasons why the human cells aren’t entered by the mRNA.

He says: “And to conclude: The problem with mRNA and synthetic lipid nanoparticles, like the ones where the surface has been coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG)..”

And then he says: “..all the literature up to the time when they released the „vaccines” shows what I said, that they are not capable of entering the cell.”

When browsing the internet i came accros an article which states that the PEG are used in pharmaceuticals as “cell-penetrating enhancers in vaccines”.
Remarkable and opposing statements, wouldn’t u say? ( https://www.faim.org/is-polyethylene-glycol-peg-toxic )

Anyway, i wanted to ask you about something else:
Could you do an article on the dangers of the ‘tainted’ vaxxed blood?

What kind of blood and in what condition are the blood banks doling out this “life-saving” essence??

There is a study going on with artificial blood. Could that be part of plans to ‘deliver’ vaxxed patients with ‘lab-grown’ blood? ( https://newspunch.com/lab-grown-blood-given-to-humans-in-worlds-first-clinical-trial/ )

Thank you in advance!

Nov 9, 2022 10:58 AM
Reply to  Gerard

Graphene oxide apparently has something to do with cell penetration.

Nov 9, 2022 3:36 PM
Reply to  Viridis


But, this is ‘debated’ by Stefano, i believe?

“Pfizer tried to secrete this study, but it was released through a Freedom of Information Act, in short FOIA, request.
And in this study they found that in the mice into which they injected the material, especially the lipids were found unaltered, unmodified, unchanged. That means, if they had entered the cells, they would’ve been metabolized and you wouldn’t have found them in the same way you have injected them. That means they have not entered into any cell, …”

Nov 8, 2022 8:29 PM

With all due respect, when I began seeking “alternative” information challenging the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic narrative in 2020, Dr. Mikovits was one of the first critics I encountered. I found her books informative and enlightening.

I respect her, and am deeply sympathetic to her, if only because of the abuse and victimization she suffered at the hands of the public-health “Establishment”, especially the odious “Doctor Doom” Fauci.

However, over the months Dr. Mikovits seems increasingly difficult to follow– both in her perspective and her ability to communicate clearly. Even if “ready and willing”, I have my doubts about “able”. I think an attempted debate would be disastrous, sorry to say.

Dec 19, 2022 7:21 PM

I don’t think her position has changed, she was adamant of the germ theory while doing a video conference with Andrew Kaufman. Admittedly this was a year or two ago now, she did concede S2 was not isolated but insisted all other viruses (including S1) she worked on were true and unique as claimed. She would not listen to what he presented in his debate or the information offered and failed to address any of his points in anyway. This is awful because it shows closed mindedness. Science should never be like that. We should always be able to discuss things, especially those we may disagree with.

Stefan Lanka, Tom Cowan, Samantha Bailey, Andrew Kaufman and numerous other scientists and doctors are far more knowledgeable in my opinion in this area and it is sad to see others cannot debate them because what they say is valid and needs to be acknowledged and further validated because no studies are able to refute what they discovered.

There is no incentive for the career scientists that rely on funding for any flawed science based studies as anything they say to upset the accepted narrative and fraudulent standard would abruptly end their funding and career. What we need is some form of crowdfunding community in science to do vital research in such areas and similar. There is a lot of info proven to be wrong which the industry continue to ignore many decades on. “Science” is very corrupt and this is systemic.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 8, 2022 7:02 PM
Reply to  rik myers

I listened to a debate between Mikovits and Andy Kaufman when the moderator was neutral. Kaufman wiped up the floor with her, very politely and logically of course. What I would really like to hear would be a discussion between Stefano Scoglio and Andy Kaufman on the topics Scoglio introduced above. That would be educational.

Dec 19, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I watched that same video and it was terrible how she refused to engage or answer anything he asked her and it showed her ignorance on this. I just think is sincerely another fooled scientist, of which there is an overwhelming over supply of. She is right in some areas but very wrong in others. I wish she was more willing to debate and offer new research to verify the terrain because germ theory has not been proven any way whatsoever, actually the industry own studies always debunk their own findings.

It would be nice to hear what Kaufman and Scoglio had to say on this. Hopefully we will see more collaborations going forward between these great people and their shared experiences along with other terrain proponents. They are far more open to genuine science and are rational, reasonable and calm, they want answers.

Nov 9, 2022 7:42 AM
Reply to  rik myers

Stefano seems to be saying that some dissidents are undermining their cause. Among the worst are those claiming to have demonstated graphene. Where is the research (not videos)?

Graphene is a form of carbon. Can it exist as an oxide?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 8, 2022 7:02 AM

Washington Post now warning:

“If you’ve had covid, watch out for stroke symptoms”

The innermost ring of Hell awaits these ghouls.

Nov 8, 2022 7:00 AM

” In fact, I’ve seen people getting sick after getting close to a “vaccinated” person. But who are these people? People who listen to people who are saying that the “vaccinated” people are contagious. They get into paranoia and two days later they’re sick. Why? It’s the mind.”

Thank you, Stefano, for this conversation.
Thank you very much.

Saved the best for last.

Thank you Stefano indeed!

Nov 8, 2022 7:40 AM
Reply to  Hank

This is just the start. As the many manufactured crises and needless disasters escalate, irrationality including traditional cults will spread.

Nov 8, 2022 12:26 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Humans find it hard to live in the here and now. Looking to the past and future only produces anxiety and superstition.

Have faith in your own ability to use your God given senses.

Don’t judge or look at things as good or bad but what they are then your awareness will grow and you will better be able to see what is and what isn’t. Labelling things as good or bad distorts reality and you lose focus. As an example stress tightens the muscles around the eyes and the lens distorts.These imperceptible things happen with all our senses when stressed and tightened.

Awareness is not something that is switched on or off but is like a light. A 500 watt light shines brighter than a 20 watt light.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 8, 2022 7:06 PM
Reply to  Hank

It is called the reverse placebo effect. Can be very powerful and immediate.

les online
les online
Nov 8, 2022 5:54 AM

‘In 1986 US President Reagan signed into law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which gave complete liability protection to vaccine manufacturers if a vaccine is on the recommended childhood schedule…
‘In December 2005 US President George W Bush signed into law the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) a controversial tort liability shield intended to protect vaccine makers from financial risk in the event of a declared public health emergency…
‘Since covid-19 was and still is a declared public health emergency vaccine manufacturers and administrators of the shots are shielded. If these laws are repealed, all mass vaccination campaigns would immediately stop.’


I’m no military genius, but i’m sure Sun Tzu and Carl Von Clausewitz would agree that when engaging an enemy, to weaken if not defeat the enemy, one should attack the enemy’s weakest spot…The complete liability protections given by the Acts are weak spots ..

1.. If vaccines are Safe and Effective why do the manufacturers need such blanket protection from having to pay for vaccine caused injuries and deaths ?
2.. If vaccines are Safe and Effective why does the taxpayer have to foot the bill for any vaccine caused injuries and deaths ?
3.. If vaccines are Safe and Effective why do insurance companies refuse to cover injuries and deaths resulting from employer coercions to “get vaxxed or lose your job” ?

Raising such questions at every opportunity is bound to erode the claim that vaxxes are Safe and Effective…

Nov 8, 2022 7:44 AM
Reply to  les online

The party on which to focus and demand restitution is the government, not any business or industry.

Nov 8, 2022 9:41 AM
Reply to  mgeo

So taxpayers pay the compensation while Big Pharma keeps the profits?

That is the current situation.

Nov 8, 2022 11:26 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Correction: Hold the government leaders making the decisions personally responsible.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 8, 2022 7:15 PM
Reply to  mgeo

That would be great if by “government” you are referring to suits against individual politicians and bureaucrats like Fauci, Walensky, Collins, and Cuomo.

Nov 8, 2022 9:16 AM
Reply to  les online

why doesn’t Malone/Kirsch/RFK etc, spend their money lobbying for this eh?

Nov 8, 2022 5:48 AM

As many as 28 out of 29 pregnant women who get “vaccinated” lose their babies
According to Dr. James Thorpe, a Florida physician who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine, the contents of the leaked email are consistent with the findings of more than 1,300 peer-reviewed papers that have been published in the last 15 months. {Pfizer document submitted to FDA]

“This shot was designed to cross into the ovary; this shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere,” revealed Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker in a powerful speech on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada.

“And that’s why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, and the numbers are horrific. Sixty-seven percent of people who get the vaccine while pregnant lose the pregnancy.” –more–


Nov 8, 2022 9:45 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“28 out of 29… Sixty-seven percent…. “.

Somewhat contradictory? The first number in particular is wildly implausible..

Nov 8, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The 28 out of 29 comes from a PFIZER document that was an appendix to paperwork they submitted to FDA. I posted a link to it a few days ago, will look for it to post again. From memory:

The Pfizer document says there were more than 2,000 pregnant women in the study, but they “had no idea” of the outcome of most of the pregnancies. However at the time of writing the document they were still following a few of the pregnancies, 4 of which were “pending” (still pregnant). Of the 29 completed pregnancies which were documented in the report a number were miscarriages, several died in the womb, a couple were stillborn, one was born live but died imm’y. Of the 29– the only ones which Pfizer had followed to term in the report– there was only ONE viable, live baby.

RAIR Foundation is one of the sources for the globalresearch link I gave above:

RAIR Foundation USA previously reported that stillbirths in fully vaccinated women were exploding in Canada. For example, in Waterloo, Ontario, 86 cases had been reported in six months, compared to typically five to six per year, stated doctor Daniel Nagase.

The lower % o 67% was submitted from a different (earlier) study, first week of September.

Edwige, most people, including pregnant women, get their knowledge of what’s happening from the news media. Even you, who follow the alternative, web media didn’t know about this.

I personally fear (speculate) that the vaxx is sterilizing many children. Baby girls, at birth, already have every egg that their ovaries will ever produce. The eggs will mature later, but no new ones will be created.

Nov 9, 2022 7:51 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Using the “tetanus vaccine”, WHO and others managed to sterilise 150 million women and girls.

Nov 9, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The tetanus vaccine was spiked w something that made the women allergic to sperm, if I remember correctly. There are many, many instances of the US and/or UN being caught sterilizing people. I ave a file of more than TWENTY such incidents.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Nov 8, 2022 5:41 AM

In my third year of immunology my professor would come into lab to check up on things. I was the one who always came in early to prep the mice…. to kill them…. I eventually changed my major and went into engineering.

The main thing that stayed with me was what he told me one day and that was never inject anything into your blood stream ( meaning vaccines) unless your on a death bed and feel like giving up.

Immunology to him was the study of the immune system and how beautiful and elegant the system is.

Today I can not understand these so called doctors – the education system has changed. Its not about anything other than pushing drugs by poorly educated doctors onto an equally poorly educated populace.

The WHO is a mess. Their agents who have infiltrated government positions are all flawed and they continue to profess that wearing a cloth mask will save you from infection.

Absolute stupidity. If there is ever going to be a severe outbreak of illness by disease, that is not of cause according to the theory of Bechamp, it will come from the most deadly side of the equation – plants. Then these so called professionals will be the last ones to see it coming. What utter fools people listen to.

Nov 8, 2022 5:59 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

I was thinking today about if science has ever actually enhanced human life and wellbeing. I think most things people would think of when posed that question would actually be thanks to engineers, rather than scientists.

Nov 8, 2022 6:15 AM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

By the looks of it science seems to enhance depopulation and profits, not our wellbeing.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 8, 2022 9:13 AM
Reply to  Violet

What makes you think that is science, Violet? That’s ‘The ScienceTM’.

Nov 8, 2022 3:37 PM

Science being a man-made discipline, it can be or become anything man wishes it to be, rife with any schlock man chooses to call scientific data.

But that’s man for you: forcing reality into the straight jacket of his beliefs and calling it “Science.”

Nov 8, 2022 9:18 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

never inject anything into your blood stream ( meaning vaccines) unless your on a death bed and feel like giving up

Great advice

Nov 8, 2022 9:47 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

“The WHO is a mess”.

A body headed by an Ethiopan Marxist? Surely not!

Nov 8, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Interesting. I noticed that all of the leaders who had their injections on camera, especially Justin Trudeau were administered something without any aspiration of the needle. For these shots especially, it is bad enough going into a muscle, but even worse going directly into a vein. The two videos of Justin’s two doses are comical. The nurse uses a one handed stab technique without even marking the spot, never mind aspiration. She also takes a pre-prepared syringe out of a sealed packet so it cannot be anything from a “vaccine” vial. I asked an emergency room nurse (thrice vaccinated with Pfizer in order to keep a job she desperately needed for economic reasons and to keep her family fed) if she had ever seen that technique and her answer was “I suppose it is theoretically possible”.

I only hope that nurse stays healthy and never takes another such injection again.

Nov 9, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  yippydee

WHO “advised against” aspiration. The great leaders on video want to show that they are not getting special treatment.

The fact remains that they have not explained the champions of the jab who dropped dead.

Nov 8, 2022 1:51 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

The criminals call it “The Science” and the UN made very clear that “We own the science”…

The rest is just walking along with the genocidal mass murderers! “protected” from any criticism or cancellation.

Nov 8, 2022 3:00 AM

a leading British Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen brought up, in the UK parliament no less, the relationship between vaccination and excess deaths.

Even a casual glance at the data shows that there’s a VERY STRONG CORRELATION between excess DEATHS & the level of vaccine uptake in that country. Surely we must have an investigation? These are 10s of thousands of PEOPLE who are DYING.


Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 8, 2022 7:01 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Scotland have started an inquiry into the huge rise in still born babies.
It excluded the jabs at the outset as clearly not responsible!.
Just proves it’s orchestrated, State sponsored democide…

Nov 8, 2022 7:51 AM
Reply to  Penelope

a leading British Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen  😂 

I have never heard of him, it is populism talking points via scouts on the internet given to the clerks at downing street who feed this in to the scripts for MP’s question time.
So people like you think Isnt it amazing we have Conservatives who cares.
I bettcha if, I looked at his twitter feed last year he would of told his constitutions make sure you go get the vaccine and 5 boosters.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 8, 2022 9:15 AM
Reply to  Ananda

“would of” – ?

Nov 8, 2022 7:45 PM
Reply to  Ananda

Ananda, a great many people were fooled at the outset of the vaxx. Instead of imm’y slandering him, why don’t you reinforce his calling for an investigation? His contact info is on the web.

Greg Cantin
Greg Cantin
Nov 8, 2022 2:43 AM

A fantastic Interview! One of the best I’ve ever read. It all fits in perfectly with my overall take on Covid jabs and “vaccines’ and Health in general. Bravo!

Nov 8, 2022 10:01 AM
Reply to  Greg Cantin

My working hypothesis is that the so-called vaccine is a chemical rather than a bioweapon. It’s proven tech and relatively simple to concoct and administer. Whether the chemicals include graphene oxide is still an open question as is, if so, to what purpose.

This approach admits malice while not overestimating their capabilities and not paralysing one with fear which was the aim of the whole ‘shedding’ narrative. All I can absolutely say is I’ve not avoided the vaxxed over the last two-plus years and have had no ill health.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Nov 8, 2022 2:32 AM

What to Do If You Are Sick | CDC http://www.cdc.gov › coronavirus › 2019-ncov › if-you-are-sick › steps-when-sick

Steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick


Stay home for 5 days and isolate from others in your home. …


Take care of yourself. …


Stay in touch with your doctor. …


Do not travel and avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis if possible.

Nov 8, 2022 12:21 AM

A while ago, at the start of the COVID vaccine rollout, I remember listening to an interview with Sucharit Bhakdi where he was warning about blood clots, etc. The interviewer kept asking about the spike protein, to which he responded “I don’t care about the spike protein”.

I’d maybe have to find it again and watch it, but was he also early on talking about this same idea as this interview?

Nov 8, 2022 12:04 AM

As an astrologer it was obvious from the beginning we were in a great fraud.,,.neptune in difficult aspects to eclipses for a couple of years…and that there would be great difficulty breaking the fraud simply because of the arrangements…similiar arrangement with neptune for the AIDs game and that the same entity was heading up US response made it even easier to see…

other planetary arrangements made it that great destruction of economies was to happen and what better way to do it…. It seemed so easy to convince so many of the fear and bullshit of an imaginary virus with a tale fit to have come from Hollywood…well they had been making movies with these themes and had run AID s very successfully…

I still have to grimace my way through days as people do a rave about the dreaded covid and their joy of a needle that does nothing but potentially damage them…that they were forced to have to keep a job or worse still silly enough to have to go travel…

we may see some reckoning of justice when uranus reaches the same position as that of Nuremberg trials but I am not holding my breath…

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Nov 8, 2022 12:19 AM
Reply to  Edith

we may see some reckoning of justice when uranus reaches the same position

Let’s hope so. I’d really love to see some anuses kicked right out of alignment.

Nov 8, 2022 1:11 AM
Reply to  Edith

What has paganism to do with the price of rice?
Astrology is paganism.
And by the way, the Nuremberg trials werre a travesty of justice because they didn’t allow the germans to have defence lawyers. Why? because if they have had, the world would have known all the atrocities committed by the allies, which were bigger in number and deeper in gravity.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 8, 2022 9:24 AM
Reply to  Luís

You’ll have looked into astrology deeply, I take it, Luis. All those who debunk it so easily usually seem to have the same (complete lack of) knowledge of it…

Nov 9, 2022 11:08 AM
Reply to  Luís

For those here who are constantly moaning about “paganism”: Yahweh is the real Satan. Stop worshipping the fake god of a fake tribe, who rule over you.

Nov 10, 2022 1:45 AM
Reply to  Viridis

LOL, I totally agree with you.
God was never called “yahweh”, that is another ruse from the jewish luciferian cabalists to fool protestants.
God is called God, God the Father.
But if you want to make such a comment, at least say which is the genuine God for you.

John milton
John milton
Nov 8, 2022 9:17 AM
Reply to  Edith

As an astrologer

I stopped reading there!

Nov 8, 2022 3:46 PM
Reply to  John milton

Pity you stopped: you missed some valuable information – valuable in that it’s based on real entities performing real activities.

You can argue whether these activities affect what happens here; but you can’t argue their existence.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 7, 2022 11:37 PM

Overall, a great article with new information to ponder. I didn’t know the spike protein is not generated by the body when there’s a general turnover of sick or dead cells but that it’s just a production coming out of a lab.

As to graphene oxide in these non-vaccines, perhaps there is no credible evidence that they’ve been included in these toxic cocktails, as Stefano Scoglio says, but there IS evidence of INTENT: 

In the abstract of this paper “Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant”, the authors state “Graphene oxide (GO), widely employed for the delivery of biomolecules, excels in loading and delivering antigen and shows the potentiality of activating the immune system. However, GO aggregates in biological liquid and induces cell death, and it also exhibits poor biosolubility and biocompatibility.” 

And: “Our work describes the surface modification of graphene oxide and for the first time summarizes that functionalized graphene oxide serves as a vaccine carrier and shows significant adjuvant activity in activating cellular and humoral immunity. In the future, it is expected to be introduced into vaccine research to improve the efficacy of vaccines.”

Talking about graphene oxide in “vaccines” is not being a charlatan, as Scoglio thinks.

This was published in 2020. I wouldn’t put it past the Pfizers et al to have included graphene oxide in their toxic C-shots – despite its “poor biocompatibility.” After all, that’s what they’re aiming at. Kill those that are too weak to deal with this toxic load and install the requisite technology to hook them up to 5G etc and make them even more programmable.

Not only the field of toxicology but also the field of virology / vaccinology should be shut down. 

Has nobody noticed that MSM (here: mainstream medicine) has for decades pushed humanity and, in fact, domestic animals too into never-ending chronic disease?

Nov 8, 2022 6:21 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Yup, never ending chronic disease is a money maker any way you look at it. All those toxic “treatments” are profitable as hell.

Nov 9, 2022 12:39 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Toxicology could call out many of the causes of diseases Virologists claim monopoly over. Poisons can be isolated, identified and treated as well as bringing polluters/poisoners to account

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 12, 2022 11:04 PM
Reply to  Binra

Bringing them to account? Keep dreaming!

Dec 19, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The Chinese have a patent for a Graphene Oxide based mRNA “vaccine”. The UK Thames Water company now has a desalination plant that uses Graphene Oxide based filtration to remove salt. This “Perferene” is developed and patented by Lockhead Martin. Graphene Oxide is toxic and destroys human DNA. It cannot be removed from the body. Graphene is easy enough to remove from the body, drinking alcohol or starting autophagy is meant to remove this. The problem is once Graphene is in Oxide or Hydroxide form it is then no longer bio-soluble and becomes next to impossible to get rid of. Highly toxic to life.

Nov 7, 2022 11:31 PM

The alleged “bio-weapon virus itself wasn’t particularly dangerous, according to the official stats. Which tells you something about how “advanced” the “science” is. So why would we assume that the same people are able to hijack your body into producing spike proteins. That’s even more far-fetched than “the deadly virus.”

Stefano is clearly correct, using just basic logic. They aren’t testing for the virus and they aren’t testing for the “spike protein” allegedly produced by your own body in response to these “high tech” vaccines. There is literally NOTHING, other than assertions from charlatans, propagandists, and useful idiots, to suggest that there was some recent breakthrough in “vaccine technology” that hijacks human bodies and causes them to GENERATE toxic “spike proteins.”

Covid skeptics, in our eagerness to demonize the vaccines, get sucked in by propaganda suggesting that amazingly complex technological bioweapons have been created, that “hijack our own bodies” into hurting ourselves. But this is a standard propaganda trap–where your enemy “admits” that he is an all-powerful villain you should fear. The propagandists have EVERYONE fooled–the Covid enthusiasts think the virus is real and the vaccines are benevolent miracles, and the Covid skeptics think the virus is fake and the vaccines are works of complex dastardly genius. Both sides are wrong. The primary “technologies” used in all this have been human psychology and propaganda.

Even all the stories of vaccine damage are mostly unverifiable assertions from the media, both mainstream and “alternative” (i.e. controlled opposition). I do suspect that some of the vaccine damage is real…I’ve seen more evidence in my direct circles of post-vaccine damage than of post-“Covid” damage. But still, for 98% of people I know, they vaccines had….zero effect. Didn’t prevent respiratory symptoms, but didn’t cause other visible health problems either. I suspect that many vaccines administered were inert.

But in those that DID do damage, Stefano is absolutely right. The toxins in them are sufficient to do damage. No futuristic “gene therapy” required.

Nov 7, 2022 11:07 PM
Nov 7, 2022 11:04 PM

’All they do is that they take a synthetic lab made, lab created protein that is toxic and they put it in touch with the antibodies and say that the antibodies are specific, which is just fraud…’

I’d like to see this stood up against a couple of official experts and debated. There isn’t a more pertinent point than this to be resolved that would help convince many more people and to prompt much needed consideration of the implications.

An extraordinary pandemic resulting in millions of deaths and phenomenal global disruption, yet not a single council of scientists (experts in their field from around the world and with opposing views on the main aspects of the vaccine/virus debate), has been publicly convened to debate and interrogate these points.

In the context of what the world has apparently been through, this alone should be a wake up call that something is very seriously wrong with the examination of the issues and the resulting scientific response to them.

Nov 8, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  Observe

Many dissident experts have tried. One way or another, they have all been neutalised.

Consider the average doctor “in the trenches”; he does not dare to mention any dissent to patients he has known for years, and may even push the jabs.

Nov 8, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Observe

It all boils down to the same problem and this is the ONLY issue the human race needs to focus its attention on – THE WORLD IS CONTROLLED BY SCUMBAG OCCULTIST CRIMINALS. That’s it. That is the ONLY issue we should be discussing. Who they are. How we are going to get rid of them. Everything else is just an image of what they have manufactured. Because the public is so lacking in thought they give these people the power to do this and then dance to their tune. Religious people OF ALL RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS need to start very publicly calling out their leaders as agents of The Devil and understand that faith itself has been hijacked – then unite against the real enemy, the criminal rulers. I thought religious people were well educated and studious. They seem like a bunch of duped morons to me, for the most part. Where are they? Still just doing the rituals, being obedient controlled subjects. Same as the British religion of the poppy, and all the “proper patriots” who sport and peddle them. All these hypocrites who think that being patriotic is about saying and doing the right thing – the stuff the Establishment tells you to do – and then frown at anyone who doesn’t do the same. Getting all welled up because “they fought and died for our freedom”, while simultaneously allowing and enabling a bunch of Communists to run the country into the ground and shit on freedom. But they’re too regimented and mind controlled to ever say or do anything about it. Protecting freedom in real time means nothing to these people. It’s ONLY about wearing the poppy and flying the flag. Anyone who does that is a PROPER PATRIOT. Anyone who doesn’t is the enemy. That’s the attitude. The establishment have removed God from not only the lives of common men, but also of people who are religious. They’re all jabbed. Waiting for orders. They do not consider the infinite possibilities of their minds. They just do what is expected of them. I think God had higher hopes for our kind when He made us and gave us all this potential. People need to snap out of this belief in authority and fast. But just wait, as the hoards of fucking idiots queue up to stick it to the Tories by voting Labour into power. Starmer and Milibland (another UN climate change peddling verminous deceitful smirking on every side of his face stooge) are two of the most repugnant human beings I have ever witnessed in any setting, ever. Although Banker scumbag RIshi is odious in the extreme as well. You could go through every one of them and find nothing but corporate filth running through their veins. We have to start voting these people out and getting rid of them and then begin sentencing them. And I learned recently that COMMIE KISSINGER fanboy Jeremy Hunt is another Bullingdon Boy scumbag. After watching the KAY GRIGGS INTERVIEW again on Youtube, the Mother of all Truth Bombs, I started wondering whether this possibility that the secret societies in the top universities are actually COMMUNIST RECRUITMENT AND GROOMING CENTRES could be right. And from reading the ANTI COMMUNITARIAN MANIFESTO we also learn that COMMUNISM has DEEP ROOTS IN THE UK, due to the LONDON COMMUNIST LEAGUE. The UK is a mecca for Communism. Do the math. Maybe this is why we are home to so many Russian Oligarchs, why they are so comfy here. They’re all in it together. Laughing in our faces all the way Communist League – Wikipedia… Read more »

Nov 8, 2022 3:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Also on this issue of Communism being bred via secret societies at the top universities, possibly other societies outside of the education system too, inspired by the testimony of Saint Kay Griggs on Youtube, this would maybe explain how it is possible for the USA to not doing anything about being so heavily subverted and transformed into a Communist shithole (see New York for example – formerly the greatest city on earth, now a dystopian Commie hellhole) and also how US transference of technology and building up of China and Russia, formerly the USSR, with US tech and intel, is not only possible but has been achieved in such openly treasonous fashion. There has to be some kind of oil lubricating this machine, for people in power to agree to make such big moves and build up defacto COMMUNIST COUNTRIES which are sold to the public as enemies, counter to national interests, without much resistance, and I am really starting to think that Communism, what with its designs for the creation of a One World Government system, now rebranded and updated as Communitarianism, is the system that binds them and provides the platform and framework – the narrative and ideology – on which those at the top operate to recruit and groom their minions like those we are forced to suffer from the Bullingdon Cesspit of Human Beings. The Communism platform gives them the drive and opportunity to screw populations over so badly and deliberately ruin culture and freedom and destroy everything that is good, which is what they are doing/have done – intentionally – to build the Communist dream of the Satanic One World Government System – and they will be part of the most powerful elite ever to exercise the most control over the world ever – a seat with the (fake Satanic) Gods, if you like. I reckon this is the kind of crap they pump into their heads to massage their pre-vetted egos to get them on board, acting like the f***ing traitors and filth that they truly are. Painting everything grey, installing evil military surveillance and radiation emitting devices everywhere, weaponised LED blue light emitting streetlights, furthering their experiments with power over people as they did with such hideous consequences in the Soviet Union, and now trying to roll out the most evil Satanic system of money and restrictions on freedom you could ever imagine. They’re road testing this crappy evil new system of tyranny in Australia, another Communist-Communitarian country with a Union Jack and a picture of the Queen on their money, as we speak. The UKSSR is creepy as, what with its rampant CCTV and surveillance culture, which is now taking the form of a growing tsunami of body cameras – being worn by everyone from the police to supermarket shelf stackers – and which is now also being normalised in the home as tools for the vigilante curtain twitchers that they formerly only ever dreamed of. They are now living the dream in their surveillance dystopia, in Not So Great Britain, the UKSSR, birthplace of the first ever Communist political party, which was internationalist in nature, now the capital of the UKSSR is so international it is unrecognisable as an English city. We’re living under covert Communist-Communitarian rule, with COMMIE KISSINGER and the gang running riot, which openly seeks to dissolve national borders to facilitate the creation of the One World Government system – a digitally controlled dystopian nightmare soulless shithole world, controlled by a bunch of Commie scumbags. We have laws to prevent this, aka TREASON. Serious moves need to be… Read more »

Nov 9, 2022 11:23 AM
Reply to  Mucho

If you think it’s bad in the UK you should try living pretty much anywhere else…. which involves ID cards that HAVE to be carried on your person at all times (no ID means the police can drag you off to the station for “identification”), armed police (even traffic police is armed) and often the govenrment being able to simply take money from your bank account….

Nov 9, 2022 11:16 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Religious people OF ALL RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS need to start very publicly calling out their leaders as agents of The Devil and understand that faith itself has been hijacked –

This fallacy is at the heart of the problem.
“Faith” has not been “hijacked” — IT WAS A MISDIRECTION FROM THE START.

There is no genuine “true essence” in established “faith-based” religions- they are ALL social control schemes of spiritual (and physical ) SLAVERY.

This is not a call to materialism and atheism- just an observation that what has been served as “religion ” is nothing but. Billions served, and billions quite literally worship Satan ( ths Abrahamic false god in his various guises)…

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 8, 2022 9:32 AM
Reply to  Observe

An extraordinary pandemic resulting in millions of deaths“.

Really, Observe? Which planet was that on? (Here on Earth ‘covid’ has an IFR<0.5%, it seems; about the same as any other flu).

Nov 8, 2022 11:42 AM

Hi RG.

That’s not my opinion. It’s what the main narrative says. In fact, you’re on the other end of the spectrum from me. I don’t believe there was/is a 2019 novel coronavirus and the only way I could be convinced otherwise is a comprehensive, independent review of the testing regimes, vaccine studies, death and hospitalisation metrics and more. In other words, all the stories that have gaping holes in them.

Your IFR (any IFR in this case) becomes a fantasy once those holes are subject to more than a cursory examination.

Nov 9, 2022 12:44 AM
Reply to  Observe

Death by all causes didn’t significantly change when ‘covid’ was hyped.
Deaths to mostly those at end of life were hastened or brought about by ‘treatments’. But there was no pandemic outside the ‘Media captured mind’.

Nov 9, 2022 12:41 AM
Reply to  Observe

‘Debates’ are never allowed unless arranged as a show trial.
What we need is not debating contests but open dialogue.
Trained and invested stakeholder are the last to question the ground beneath their feet.

Nov 7, 2022 10:36 PM

Articles like this, with important scientific critique, spelled in the way that those with non-scientific backgrounds can digest,
make me wish that there is a way to create a print friendly version on this site.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 7, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  antitermite

copy and paste into your own document and send it to your circle of friends.

Nov 8, 2022 1:55 AM
Reply to  antitermite

The other year I figured out on a Mac, hit command P (print), then select save as PDF, then cancel print. You get a replica of the page without all the HTML.

Nov 7, 2022 10:18 PM

So happy to hear that the jab isn’t transmittable from the jabbed to the unjabbed by ‘shedding’!

Not that i didn’t hug my mother, shake hands with family or others, but i have to admit there was a little naggin doubt…

Nov 7, 2022 10:04 PM

There are so many holes in the entire paradigm of virology. The clinical treatment of viral diseases seems only remotely and very loosely connected to the genome sequencing and phylogenetics side of it. The fact that various scientists disagree with each other on the details of practically every aspect of this pandemic is a good thing as science is all about debate.

The methods and equipment used in genome sequencing are all over the place and that is the foundation for virology. That’s why the scientists on the WEF payroll like Andrew Rambaut from Edinburgh set up the ARCTIC network in the first weeks of Jan 2020 to define the acceptable protocols and equipment to be used in sequencing “sars-cov-2” genomes of which there are now over 13 MILLION. Without these protocols the sequences would be all over the place. It’s like telling scientist that if they want to boil an egg and analyze it, they can only do so if they buy their chickens, saucepans, chickencoops, chickenfeed, water and egg timers from specific companies only.

The thing that most seem to agree on is that:
a) the clinical aspects of covid-19 and its dangers were exaggerated out of all proportion
b) the coordinated global government measures (lockdowns, injection mandates, injection passports and denial of basic treatment) did harm and no good
c) the mRNA (P, M) and DNA viral vector (JJ, AZ) injections are harmful and should not have been rushed through, much less mandated. The traditional inactive virus vaccines are not very useful but are marginally safer or at least have known adverse affects. The Indian company Bharat Biotech which produces a traditional “covid vaccine” did not ask the government to be free from liability for adverse effects.

All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks is all political theatre and bread and circuses for the sheep.

Nov 9, 2022 11:31 AM
Reply to  yippydee

The traditional inactive virus vaccines are not very useful but are marginally safer or at least have known adverse affects.

Known adverse effects?? Where is the long-term research? Up Rockefeller’s arse?

Nov 10, 2022 9:51 AM
Reply to  Viridis

There is a lot of research on adverse effects of traditional inactive virus vaccines. One of the big problems are the adjuvants. I did not say there were no adverse effects. I said that the adverse effects are known, or at least they have been studied for decades. There are many such vaccines for various diseases. They have different safety records.
The other problem, especially for children in the “free world” is that they are mandated too many vaccines over a short period of time.