Maternal mortality in Russia tripled in 2021
Why? Take a wild guess
Riley Waggaman

Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) recently released maternal mortality figures for 2021. The numbers raise some questions.
482 expectant mothers died in Russia last year—up from 161 in 2020, an increase from 11.2 to 34.5 per 100 thousand live births. 90% of the recorded deaths in 2021 were due to causes not directly related to pregnancy.
Officials “attributed the sharp increase in maternal mortality to coronavirus, but the cause could also be genetic COVID vaccines, which in Britain were recently recognized as unsafe for pregnant women. Mass vaccination in the Russian Federation took place in 2021, but not in 2020,” Russian outlet Nakanune reported on November 8.
The same outlet revealed in September that Russia’s birth rate had plummeted nine months after compulsory vaccination decrees were adopted nationwide in autumn 2021.
“Despite all the assurances that new gene vaccines cannot affect reproductive performance in any way, the numbers indicate that this issue may be much more serious than anyone would like to imagine,” Nakanune wrote.
(Russia’s natural population decline in 2021 was the highest in decades—even worse than the devastation recorded in the 90s.)

But returning to maternal deaths: How many of these poor women were injected?
The Health Ministry won’t say, because:
publishing information on the number of deaths among vaccinated individuals … does not objectively reflect any relationship between deaths and vaccination and may cause a negative attitude towards vaccination.”
And of course, there’s no VAERS-like system for tracking suspected vaccine-related injuries or deaths in Russia. To make things even more transparent, the latest clinical trial data for Sputnik V is a closely guarded “trade secret.”
We’ll probably never know how many Russians were culled by their government’s shameless AstraZeneca knockoff—but we do know that benevolent health authorities were begging pregnant women to inject themselves with unproven genetic slurry.
In March 2021, Health Minister (and WHO Executive Board member) Mikhail Murashko urged all women who were planning a pregnancy to get injected.
In October of the same year—when every region in Russia imposed some for of mandatory vaccination—Murashko reminded pregnant and lactating women of the “importance” of getting Sputnik’d.

source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta
He regurgitated the same instructions in November 2021.
“Pregnant women should be vaccinated, today it is in the guidelines … And women planning a pregnancy should also be vaccinated,” Russia’s health minister declared.

source: Kommersant
And the murderous vomit keeps coming.
“A new coronavirus infection can complicate the course of pregnancy and its outcome. To date, vaccination is the only way to prevent negative, including long-term consequences of COVID-19,” Murashko said on January 18, 2022.
How does this end?
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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Apparently the anti Russian world is able to assassinate political figures they don’t like within the heart of Russia. I wonder who trains the Ukrainian secret police and other covert agencies. I refer specifically to the liquidation of a young woman named Daria Dugina (I think), a couple of months ago in a car bombing.
The ominous non transparency is… telling: Blanket jabbing is…nationalistic, collective amnesia is…monolithic! What else went into the cocktail?
Cut’n’Pasted from another thread:
Penelope Nov 12, 2022 12:44 AM
James A Thorpe, Obstetrician: a few post-vaxx statistics from his article:
Increase in miscarriage 75-fold [NOT 75%; 75 TIMES as many]
Increase in fetal malformation 20-fold
Increase in fetal cardiac disease 16-fold
Increase in Fetal death 38-fold
Increase in fetal growth restriction 25-fold
[I have seen reports that the placenta changes color & texture as a result of the lipid nanoparticles carrying the vaxx into the placenta. The changes make it unable to support the baby.]
The article links to studies.
Anyone notice that pre-invasion (and forever before) the English-language media spelled the Ukrainian capital Kiev? Now it is Kyiv. Zelensky must have made some phone calls 😂
Transliteration has always been pretty arbitrary, but who’d have considered it a political tool…
Zelensky makes plenty of phone calls… best to put him in the spam folder where he belongs.
It’s Kiev for those who know better and Kyiv for those that pretend to know better.
Slightly OT:
Hats off to anyone with a good handle on what’s going on in Kherson. Must confess I’m thoroughly confused by that one. No idea what’ going on.
Though I would suspect it’s a good litmus test of the whole conflict.
A Russian withdrawal? A Russia still in control, whilst letting Ukrainian flags have their little flutter??
A backroom deal? Give those Nato-ists their little propaganda ‘counter-attack’ victory in return for a consolidated peace deal??? Maybe.
The mind boggles at the alternatives. Any help ‘unravelling’ appreciated…
Алена Апина – Узелки (or “How to Unravel Knots” for the uninitiated)
See comments on “Kherson: Sun Tzu City” by Pepe Escobar:
After initial confusion, opinion is settling down to Reculer pour mieux sauter.
A Russian strategic withdrawal with Russia still pushing back NATZO whilst letting Blue&Yellow flags have their little flutter for the EU$A elections.
Good article and comments. Opinion seems divided over whether there was a deal or not.
A “Fall back, Spring forward” manoeuvre also sounds plausible.
time lines are very important as are some important items to consider that;
But but but Putin
And and and the anti globalists
And and he is a little bit religious
And and and he doesn’t like Joe Brandon
And and he will end the oligar……
Yeah yeah yeah. Roll your fucking sleeves up naroda
I rolled ’em up… what gives?
Great humble work as usual, Riley.
Do you have any data from the Russian Donbass that can correlate? I’m presuming their vaccine uptake, given the calamitous recent years, is significantly less than for other regions of the RF? That would really make it obvious, no?
Also, how are folks in the recently enfranchised regions feeling about the fact that they can now be vaxxed to the max on Sputnik? Or rather, that they will be mandated to vax up? They may even wish they were back in the former Ukrainian Donbass!
Thanks for the inside info!
I believe the Russian/Donbass authorities are quite aggressively promoting the toxic sludge jab.
I believe I’d like some evidence of that assertion … Could you please, for the OG community, try getting in touch with Giorgio Bianchi or even Eva for some info? Thanks.
Link to Lentv24 article announcing DPR starting to jab 12-17 year olds.
Edward Slavsquat is Riley. That’s evidence?
Please try to get some data from either Giorgio Bianchi or Eva. Thanks!
It’s Riley sharing a link, you silly 🙂 Or do you think he’s faked that link?
From a wiki …Own description”I’m originally from California but spent my adolescence and regrettable college years in Massachusetts. Then I moved to Washington, DC to pursue a career in Writing. Huge mistake.
After about a year I was completely burnt out and ready for something new. Something a bit different. Yadda yadda I ended up in Russia around 2013 and now I live 25 km outside of Moscow and write a blog called Edward Slavsquat. Life comes at you pretty fast.
Riley Waggaman
Silly me.
In spite of my silliness, do you have any additional evidence?
Stop attacking the man, this is clearly immaterial since he was sharing a link. If you can’t acknowledge this distinction then, yes, you are being a bit of a nincompoop. 😅 A2
the jab is needed for smart city integration via self assembling nano bot bluetooth structures.
no need for mobile fone or wallet built in tracking if some mossad guys kidnap you for the sex slave trade
the future is babylon baby
I’ve asked before, but I’ll ask again. Given your constant ‘jab’ snipes; Do you and your website support the full withdrawal of every Covid 19 vaccine?
Yes. Unequivocally.
Bit of a given.
They have always been medically redundant and the coercion to take them completely unethical. They appear to be far more dangerous than anything previous called a vaccine. Given proper informed consent no one should be forbidden to take it, I guess. But I have a feeling not many people would if they were presented with the unbiased, transparent facts.
Hi Sam,
Thanks for your clarification on the matter.
May I ask for further clarification why scientists continue/even accelerate the development of MRNA vaccines/treatments if it is so dangerous as you and your website suggests?
As you can see from above article, using MRNA for general flu vaccines in the future will mean even more people having and continuing to have MRNA. So what are scientists up to if you say it’s so harmful/deadly? Didn’t the covid vaccine kill/harm enough people so they need to up their efforts? Isn’t there the slightest chance you are wrong after all and all your articles are as I’ve suggested in the past simply clever twisted, convoluted, anecdotal out of context collections of detail and opinion?!?!?!?
It’s not simply us suggesting this, many people, including many very qualified people, are flagging up some extremely troubling safety data which is emerging more and more as time goes on.
Why do scientists continue to work on MRNA injections? Well if it was purely for people’s benefit that would be nice and this story would have a happy ending, but is it sensible to assume this, especially given big pharma’s proven track record?
The wheels of an industry might simply be turning, tooled at this point in time to develop MRNA tech, regardless of what it does or whether it works. Funding is available and labs, eager to receive more funding, are churning out agreeable research and products, all enabled thanks to Covid which effectively jumpstarted and injected lots of nice cash into a hitherto stagnant MRNA niche.
Perhaps it’s the product of a deranged system, a bit like China’s ghost cities, which someone linked to BTL today. XD
To quote the movie Cube:
Quentin : Why put people in [this cube]?
Worth : Because it’s here. You have to use it, or you admit it’s pointless.
Quentin : But it, it *is* pointless.
Worth : Quentin… that’s my point.
With respect, your website has said itself many times, you can manipulate data practically anyway you want, and you guys selectively choose the data that suits your narrative.
Track record of Pharmas? Sure they make mistakes, and? Doesn’t prove anything. Just the expected strawman arguments from you. Planes crash, does that mean you shouldn’t use planes?
So come on, we both know if MRNA was really killing/harming people in the numbers you imply and plant in your gullible readers minds, they wouldn’t be allowed. New drugs get refused every day and MRNA has actually been used for years. (And if you think this is rude to your readers I have kopped a lot worse so no excuse to not publish).
So instead of your “perhaps”…. what about mine….. perhaps your readers should accept you are making a fool of them?
Well you’re entitled to your opinion, which seems to be that big pharma is essentially a benevolent entity, trying its darnedest despite the likes of us hurting its feelings, asking all these unnecessary, self*indulgent questions about ‘safety’ and ‘efficacy’ and whether there was ever any epidemiological justification for coercing mass uptake, and the safety trials which these mrna injections skipped were not a very dangerous risk at all, or a very dangerous precedent, and these injections haven’t killed or injured anyone, except the people it has killed or injured but that is totally, totally normal, and everything is OK and if you have any concerns or questions whatsoever this makes you a fool.
I mean, good luck getting many people to agree with you. You’re welcome to try but, at a guess, I think most of them would tell you that your sycophancy toward an industry which has shamelessly misled people, fudged safety trials and paid huge settlements to the people it’s injured in the past is frankly nauseating and intellectually bankrupt and if you want to suck your thumb and drift off to sleep reassuring yourself with this drivel then fine, but sling your hook.
Thats just a guess, exact wording may differ.
I never once purported MRNA or any other vaccine is perfect, when human nature is like it is, how can anything be? Please re-read my post. I’ve stated before 346 people perished taking the flu jab in the UK in 2018 (25million administrations) (I’m sure they got settlements as well… as did the passengers in plane crashes!)…… I’ve never seen any articles on your website about this!
And although you think your put-downs enforce your arguments, it simply serves to denounce them.
My point again, if MRNA is as dangerous as your website articles say it is, why and how can multiple pharma’s realistically spend (more) billions researching/testing and finally rolling it out (as they’ve done for over a decade now) for many more treatments under the noses of the world without ‘unnoticed’? Your respect for the Medical world I see is rock bottom, yet undoubtedly all the treatments you have had in the past and future you will accept (as well as stepping foot on planes when it suits)?
Many qualified people state these mrna injections have performed much, much worse, even using conservative estimates.
However, no injured people will be receiving any compensation from big pharma for these mrna injections. They have no legal liability.
The ‘Covid’ shots were the first mrna injection for humans. They weren’t properly trialled but pushed through on Emergency Use Authorisation (or equivalent). This is indisputably true and your appeal to incredulity changes nothing. Just because you can’t conceive of something doesn’t mean that the injections must therefore be safe, effective and necessary. There is much mounting evidence that none of these three conditions were met.
I support complete withdrawal of every RNA jab. Leaving SinoVac as the only traditional and relatively safe flu vaccine (made from whole Corona virus) on the Con-19 market.
In other words, statistically insignificant. A rise from 0.0112% to 0.0345%. A blip on the year-to-year horizon. Yet there can be a Russophobic story in there if you wish there to be.
Russophobia can still triumph if you just can frame statistics correctly.
Gotta avoid those mainstream narratives at all costs (including that of perspective).
Hear hear Vagabard!
Russia didn’t administer MRNA vaccines. Completely different technologies! Is nakanune one of your sister sites, full of anecdotal convecture and strawman arguments/connections?
That’s exactly what I was thinking, sir, thank you for noting it! Since Russia does not administer mRNA vaccines, there is no way the mortality rate is from the safe and effective Sputnik!
The deaths were most likely caused by the deadly globalist virus developed by the Americans in Ukrainian laboratories. The highly respected professor Jeffrey Sachs, unlike the deniers of Nakanune, defends this theory of the origin of the deadly virus.
Thanks you and very interesting, but what credible evidence is there to support the virus being developed in a Ukranian Lab?
Can’t be. We know the Russian shots are great. They have to be great, because Russia good US bad. 😀 😀 Even when they are fighting, they are still all in it together, pushing their Great Reset/4IR agenda.
At least you got it 50% right (and I’m not talking about the shots).
Wether you like it or not the worst nation on earth and the biggest threat to mankind IS AMERICA AND ITS INCREDIBLY FUCKING STUPID POPULATION
They hate us, because we were made in God’s image. For decades, we’ve been asked to swallow & repeat utter nonsense, such as the Big Bang’ and the theory of evolution. In my view, it’s now time for us to get off the fence and start calling this Satanic nonsense out for what it is
Everything IS “God’s” image.
Keep our narcissism out of religious spirituality.
The latest clinical trial data for Sputnik V is a closely guarded “trade secret.”
There really are only a few things that spell the difference between life, liberty, true bottom up democracy, and respect for the inalienable rights our maker has attributed to mankind and the every day surveillance and imprisonment which most of us experience during every day of our lives.
Among those few things are the global prison system(some call it the nation state system), state secrecy (a often hidden Oligarch society that directs the affairs of the state from behind closed doors), and the device of money management and credit as opposed to state issued currency that has no rent value to anyone (the money changers of the temple). and elections with candidates and procedures that no one but the wardens can monitor or control, the rule of law, courts appointed by members of the state, to rule on the constitutionality and its applications to specific cases (where as everyone knows courts appointed by the state never rule against the states that appointed the justices, and no way for the governed to veto the laws made by the state conscription to man the armies that protect the interest of the Oligarchies, and media to propagate the propaganda.
Another anti-Putin Russophobic Riley propaganda!
He couldn’t teach that 5D chess…
At the end of 2020, the President of Russia issued a decree that 2021 is the Year of Science and Technology in Russia.[…]Each month had its own theme: new medicine, space exploration, climate and ecology, artificial intelligence, energy of the future[…]Special attention in the Year of Science and Technology, of course, was paid to medicine, since it was from doctors this year that the most pleasant news was expected: an increase in collective immunity, the end of the coronavirus pandemic. ..”
“Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference “REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: INTEGRATION OF SURGERY AND MORPHOLOGY” dedicated to the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation, which will be held on May 27, 2022″
Let the club of Rome and Rockefeller first think that Russia is in the game, and then… All will be regenerated after the victory!
He only went to Davos to keep an eye on tem!
Depopulation by design, of course. All of the world “leaders”, including Putin, are in on it. The only question is whether it’ll be a stealth depopulation or if they really have a deadline of 2030.
Once China’s population policies are seen as part of the globalist plan for de-population overseen by a technate, postwar history looks very different from the official version.
I understand that there are 2000 excess deaths every week in the UK which is sending billions to Ukraine.
Betchtya it is more.
The US has already sent more $ to Ukraine than the entire annual military budget for Russia. Plus, they are paying the salaries for all the politicians and of course, Zelensky.
Elsewhere the pregnant women aren’t noticeably dying, but babies in the womb are. Possibly the difference is in the medical care the women are receiving.
Increased miscarriage and stillborn is being reported everywhere.
Dr Naomi Wolf advises “Vote Like A Woman.”
Ms Wolf rails against the US Democrats but is beating a Dead Horse ?
The manipulators have many approaches. In most countries, poor (non-viable) sperm is a major factor in falling fertility. Apart from the pervsive poisons in pollution, additives and medicines, they are even promoting cottonseed oil which is a specific poison for sperm.
Here is 47 years of monthly birth rates in Australia
Here was…
Oil may be abiogenic but that doesn’t matter if it takes centuries or longer for it to reach the upper (easily accessible) sediment. So Peak Oil, the decline of cheap oil, is a valid concern:
Peak Oil in 5 minutes:
The concept of peak oil must defended at all costs.
Seconding CK. This short vid tells it exactly. It’s been known for a couple of decades or more, ever more obviously. Doesn’t matter how many upvotes the cornucopianists gathered btl here give to the ‘No-shorgages! Growthforever!’ hallucinations, the brief given in this video is the reality.
I used to believe in that but we are at peak oil for almost 20 years now.
Can you point to anywhere in the world, Thinktwice, where – allegedly-abiotic – hydrocarbons are re-filling recently-emptied crustal reservoirs at any noticeable rate? Anywhere at all? Hmmm?
Doesn’t matter a damn whether oil is fossil life-forms or an abiotic mineral, if their isn’t enough of it to go around.
“…the second most prevalent liquid on Earth…” indeed! That’ll be Meta-Earth 2, somewhere in a galaxy far away, I take it? And there’s all that nickel-iron down in the Earth’s centre too – so they say. But we shan’t be getting at that any time soon either, shall we?
This sort of hallucinating reality-denial – ‘It MUST be so, because I WANT it to be!’ – doesn’t do a damned thing to help us get ready for the new era of universal economic shrinkage (aaaagh! Foul taboo word! Blasphemy against the Holy Growth! Send him to the Inquisition!) that’s already begun its early stages, as petroleum products become ever more difficult to secure; they being the only energy-source anywhere on the horizon which can hope to fulfil our current unsustainably-extravagant demands. (Nuclear? Oh yeah, right; and would you like some fusion-fries with that…? 😂 )
And sure, idiot geo-realpolitik is creating artificial shortages right now. But that’s just one passing blip on the real long-term downward trend, which has nothing to do with human politics, and everything to do with geophysical processes entirely – and permanently – beyond human control.
Always remember: wherever energy-supply goes, the whole rest of economic activity follows inexorably: nothing happens without energy to drive it.
Economic shrinkage. > “Blasphemy against the Holy Growth!” Well said. I agree.
Regenerative hydrocarbon phenomena have been studied for decades. >
The evolution of multi-component systems at high pressures: VI. The thermodynamic stability of the hydrogen–carbon system: The genesis of hydrocarbons and the origin of petroleum
J. F. Kenney, Vladimir A. Kutcherov, Nikolai A. Bendeliani and Vladimir A. Alekseev
PNAS 2002 August, 99 (17) 10976-10981.
Communicated by Howard Reiss, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (received for review April 3, 2002)
These analysis will never save human populations from industrial excesses. We are murdering the planet for entertainment purposes. Period…
Scientism is big in Russia too. Masses of human beings are quite literally dying to be rational about human health. Because, you see, they are more advanced than those pagan witch doctors of the past…
Scientism wrecked Soviet agriculture under Stalin and Khrushchev. By the 1970s the USSR had to be rescued by cheap grain imports from the USA under Carter financed by shorting the dollar. THis was at the same time as the Cold War was being re-heated after a period of so-called detente but contradictions never worry them.
Hmmm Stalin ENDED famine. Best part about everyone’s “Stalin facts” is that they’re just made up.
Vaccination should be abandoned, like blood-letting of a bygone era.
But Putin!
I suppose that means Putin actually wants the Russian population to decline…?
Just joking…
Coming up next: Giant Crickets in the Sky
So this is the ‘new’ Musk Twitter – David Icke account will be permanently blocked. I told you he is a Cult-owned fraud

Twitter ‘COVID-19’ misleading information policy (which of course does not apply to anyone promoting the fake vaccines that have already killed fantastic numbers of people)
DuckDuckGo can FuckFuckOff.
This has been the case for at least a year. Also – Weinberg….
The tweet’s headline, or caption, “DuckDuckGo officially joins the dark side” has no literal meaning, except as an exasperated judgment call.
DuckDuckGo has had at least one foot firmly planted in the dark side since it was launched; it is just another compliant search engine.
DDG made a big splash initially by promoting itself as the “anti-Google”, or “UnGoogle”, but AFAIK never claimed that its content is independent and influence-free; rather, it purported that its chief merit or advantage, i.e. superiority, is that it’s not intrusive like Google et al; it allegedly doesn’t invade user privacy, and it still touts its ethical refusal to harvest and market user data.
But the actual search engine results are, or became, virtually identical to Google’s. As I’ve mentioned many times, DDG even copies Google’s format, including the reprehensible practice of featuring a prominently-displayed summary box importing Wikipedia smears and slanders in searches for “controversial” figures.
I guess Gabriel Weinberg decided that they’d milked the marketing strategy of being the “cool” alternative search engine dry, so they might as well switch to the more conventional appeal of being a “socially responsible” search engine. 😠
First they were essentially Yandex (a Russian indexing engine), now it is another portal to Microsoft Bing. Which is from the same place, more or less, as Google.
Well, it always did quack like a duck…
StartPage. Plus VPN.
If you think VPNs hide anything you do you’re in for a surprise when you find out they get military help
This health minister Murashko certainly is a f WHO agent bribed by certain foundations B&M which aim to cause as much harm as possible thus killing comrades is benefitial to the Agenda 2030 of the sinister WEF
Gosh and I tought Russia and Mr. Putin were smarter…
Russia: NO vaccines is good; if you provide clean water, sanitation/sewage system and so there is no need for this western cash cow from only-for-profit big pharma!
Especially this genetic experiment they mischiefly call “vaccine” of the CONvid… Wake Up Motherland!
Stay away from the biggest scam ever produced in our world.
‘Father Abraham’ (not the Smurf) might find that last sentence gets his goat a little bit when it comes down to global mind viral machinations and their requisite boosters.
And this totally trashes any notion that Russia represents any kind of alternative to the culling elite who are a global entity. They have the power, they own the media, they have no conscience, no shame, and they are relentless.
So capitalists act like capitalists, what new there?
You might recognize this quote:
Capital eschews no profit… just as Nature was formerly said to abhor a vacuum. With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent, will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent certain, will produce eagerness; 50 per cent, positive audacity; 100 per cent will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it will freely encourage both.
– Karl Marx, Capital Vol.1, Chapter 31
Very good. Now tell that to the Left.
You mean the WSWS?
I noticed what I am about to say in March of 2020: An analysis of capitalist political economy – Marxism – would be the most fecund for the revolution in capitalism that is taking place now (at our expense). Yet, the people most likely to employ a Marxist analysis have embraced/championed capitalist propaganda like no cohort (with very, very few but notable exceptions: Simon Elmer, Fabio Vighi…). The opposition to this program, let just use their term, the Great Reset, have been guided into the traditional ideological stronghold of the capitalist ruling class – the Right. The best tool – Marxism – for understanding what is happening has been totally discredited by the actions of who are labeled Marxists by the Right but are in reality nominally adhere to a “Marxism” that has been gutted of anything genuinely Marxist.
It’s brilliant really.
True. But it is sad that so few Marxists have sussed out what’s happening. Elmer is a notable exception – though I have doubts as to his constant harping on about “Fascism”. The trouble with the “F” word, along with so much of the traditional Left terminology e.g. “anti-Semitism”, is that it has been hijacked in favour of the covid agenda i.e. precisely through that labelling of covid rejectors as “The Right”.
I feel that whatever we are headed towards here can no longer be contained within the traditional terms as ossified in current academic Leftism. What seems to be staring us in the face is something like neo-feudalism.
Everything nowadays is either Post-something, or Neo-something…
Like when we stopped being slaves and we became wage-slaves – what really changed !
Are they just The Emperor’s Neo-clothes ?
Trying to understand What’s Going On in Russia through the prism of what we think is Putin’s personality & drives, does it really tell us anything about What’s going on politically in Russia ?
Maybe i’m just post-youth, post-middle aged, only semi-old, on my way to being neo-old…Newly Minted Old Age ?
Are The Dead dead, or Post-life ?
Elmer goes into lengthy detail about his use of term fascism to apply to what’s going now, first by acknowledging (because of the rhetorical landmine in how its used now – what you refer to – where it is vacated of any meaning) that previously he only used the term in its historical context. He has a new book out now (which I have) where he fully fleshes out his argument. (It’s not just a compilation of his former essays). However appealing the term “neo-feudalism” might be, it is inaccurate. I see its use as both a misunderstanding of feudalism and of capitalism. The social-political-economic relations we have now are not feudal and if the program of the Great Reset is successful it will be either a new form of capitalism or something else, but not feudalism.
I agree we must dispense with the left/right divide (which need I say is not a Marxist distinction).
Snap! I just bought the Elmer book – and that was assuming it was just a reprint of what he’s already written on his site. I wanted it in book form since I always prefer the actual printed page. But if it’s not just a compilation of his previous then all the better.
Incidentally. Philip Roddis was initially impressed by Elmer – but only when stripped of the “conspiratorial” trappings. Thus PR demonstrated a common failure of the recent Marxist approach i.e. that it was happy analysing broad motions in a highly theoretical mode but always retreated when considering actual maneuverings by actual groups.
Jacobin comes to mind – petit bourgeoisie and they don’t even realize it.
They represent the pinnacle of capitalist accommodation. It’s stunning that they think of themselves as radical. Like the current way the term fascism is thrown around, “radical” has become vacated of any meaning.
Modern wannabe revolutionaries are so anti corporations that they run off to them all the time to police words. The west’s “left” is a massive joke. The right has always been a joke but the modern left is just weird.
Capitalism comes into the world “dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt”. So concludes Marx after a lengthy account …
This was the blood of the Iruqois and the Gadigal and the Caribs and others too many to list here. Marx’s cousins have a lot to answer for/
And nations act like nations and they pursue their interests. They are not ‘in it together’, quite the contrary. And if they are it is only on a temporary basis. So what’s new is the end of the Treaty of Westphalia and the prevalence of war. It happens, and it will continue to happen, COVID or not.
If they are all in it together why are they at war with each other? After all Russia is in a shooting war with NATO, and China is gearing up for a US naval war over Taiwan. They are in fact engaged in a global conflict which is quite real and will get even deeper. They are relentless as you put it. Are you suggesting it is all a big hoax? That seems a very long shot, to use your phraseology, ‘they are relentless.’ It seems to me that this is a type of denialism. Or is this a fake war to fool the masses, not a million miles away from this publication.
To use Harold Pinter’s’ phrase, ‘Even while it is happening, it is not happening.’
You need to read 1984. It will answer your question.
Their is only so much one can glean from a grass of Britain’s secret police who was ratting on his “friends and comrades’
George Orwell was all the things he said he hated
“….publishing information on the number of deaths among vaccinated individuals … does not objectively reflect any relationship between deaths and vaccination and may cause a negative attitude towards vaccination.”
That reminds me of that scene in Liar Liar where Reede the lawyer, now bound to tell the truth, has this interchange with the judge:
Reede: Your honor, I object!
Judge: And why is that, Mr. Reede?
Reede: It’s devastating to my case!
Judge: Overruled.
Reede: Good call!
I remember that film fondly. The best one was when the opposing attorney to Reede objected ” Your honour, hes badgering the witness”
The judge replied
” Its his witness”
On fertility in general. VAERS. x10-100 for underreporting.

It’s interesting to compare the 2020 maternal mortality rate for Russia, 11.2 per 100,000 live births, to the US figure of 23.8 (reported at To my knowledge, US has not yet published data for 2021.
Of course I do not know know whether definitions in the two countries are identical.
A bit like what they did in Scotland, where it was found that knowing if the mothers were injected or not was not helpful for determining the reasons for higher stillbirth rates.
Just evil.
And therein lies the whole scam though is has to be altered:
The sharp increase in ALL mortality is constantly attributed to coronavirus. But only a miniscule amount of these deaths – if any at all – were caused by this virus. Had no-one anywhere said “covid 19”, no-one would have noticed anything odd at all for the simple reason that there would have been nothing odd to notice.
The meme “covid 19” was always and everywhere an excuse to kill large numbers of people. As well as, of course, destroying the economy, collapsing all services, relentlessly pumping endless amounts of wealth upwards at an unprecedented rate etc.
So the noise “covid 19” is a kind of intermediate assassin. The powers can slaughter as many people as they want as long as they attribute it to “covid 19”.
If “Corona” were the cause, we’d all have seen excess deaths, miscarriages and still births, disability, etc. during the “pandemic year” 2020.
Why on earth someone would downvote this comment (instead of disputing the argument with a better one) is beyond belief.
The jab takes time to do its work. Some have said it may take 1.5 years, others 3. Forget “covid” itself.
Fauci’s commie dopplejabber
The “commie” in your comment is so unnecessary, rather ignorant. Russia has been a capitalist country like most countries in the world since the 90s. I’m sure you know that, don’t you? China is too, even though the ruling elites have the best of both ideological economic extraction systems there: unfettered Capitalism with a totalitarian ruling elite rooted in historical communism, Maoism. Only Americans and very silly Europeans still use the old “commie” slur. But yes, it is a doublejabber or Doppelspritze😄
RE: The “commie” in your comment
People don’t realize how they are being manipulated by right wing (alt?) media which has positioned itself as opposition. Avoiding the scourge of “left” wing propaganda should not be the embrace of right wing propaganda (which has been vociferously claiming communists under every rock for more than a 100 years). The people doing this are not communists. I can see how the MSM meme of “we are all in this together” (that Liberals fall for) may seem “collectivist” and therefore derive “communism” from that…but this is a patently false propaganda campaign orchestrated by capitalists.
Yep – and the predator class doesn’t seem to quibble about Ideology for the most part – w/e gets the job done. They seem to be synthesizing the worst elements of 20th century totalitarianism whether fascist or communist.
These terms are obsolete. Even at its best, communist theory is degrading to the human spirit – in a subtler way than fascism which is more overt.
If you can describe communism without looking it up you will so well
I think all the labels no longer serve us. We’ve got this evil unknown force that has captured all our politicians, the courts, medical establishment, news media, industry heads, etc. We will not find any solution within the established system. We must build our own communities.
But how to do this when the majority have fallen for the manipulation or are going along to get along?
The modern update of Communism is COMMUNITARIANISM – a synthesis of Communism and Capitalism. Using the Hegelian Dialect, the Communitarians – led by Communitarian “guru” Amitai Etzioni – claim they have synthesised the ultimate form of government/governance. Their plan which is well underway and advanced, is to create a Communitarian Earth – sold with all the bullshit laden comfort language of the WEF and the UN, enforced by authoritarianism and brute force. The EU is built to a Communitarian model – what with the unelected, unaccountable dictatorship leadership structure, you have “The European Community” (that’s the Communitarian definition of Community, not the Common Man definition. In Communitarianism, the Community is an unelected bunch of braintrained regional controllers enforcing their mantra, going up the food chain. It is nothing to do with consulting local people on anything although they do hold agenda-driven meetings where the outcome is pre-determined and anyone who tries to disrupt their plan or has real objections are shut down or ignored. This is achieved using The Delphi Technique and here is a video highlighting it in real meetings).
Communitarianism is being built into every country’s legals sytem on Earth. Communitarian Law supersedes all international, national and local laws. They’re working in all the councils and we see this strange shift in culture that has happened, certainly in the UK. Common Purpose in the UK is a Communitarian brainwashing outfit which has co-opted a big chunk of top level management in GOVUK and all its treasonous Orwellian departments and branches. David Cameron’s Big Society failed project was Communitarian in nature. Not surprising coming from the COMMSERVATIVE Party, who appear to be a right bunch of Commie snakes, as we have clearly learned and seen in the past few years, they’re not even pretending to be whatever Conservatives are supposed to be – even going so far as to appoint defacto Communists to key government positions ie Susan Michie. Big players are on it and they’re all keeping schtum about it, as per usual. It is the model of law the Occultists who pull the strings intend to run the world on/are running the world on.
You will own nothing and you will be happy is Communitarianism – an update of the old Communist desire to abolish property. It’s really important that people look into this because it has such enormous implications for our lives and future. We can only counter what we can see and articulate. If we don’t know about Communitarianism, we cannot oppose it. That is how it has been thread into our legal systems, councils and governments – by stealth – because these rats don’t want the light of truth shone upon their insidious project, because they know that what they are doing is wrong and would never be accepted or welcomed. It’s evil and we need to set it on fire.
Here is a link to a free pdf of the Anti Communitarian Manifesto. A flat out must read book. Please read it and share it because it is top quality research which covers what people need to know and which can wake a lot of people up to the true reality of what we are facing.
Some extracts from The Anti Communitarian Manifesto by mother and daughter Niki Raapana (R.I.P) and Nordica Freidrich:
Schizophrenia in a post. Or a brain fart in written form.
Russia was State capitalist before the dissolution of the USSR; China has never been socialist – regardless of what Our Rulers want us to believe…
Don’t take an aspirin when pregnant but it’s fine to take an experimental gene therapy..
LOL – that’s a winner.
Yep and had a cousin telling me about all the birth defects in her branch of the family…wall given anti nausea drugs when preg….these issues are not addressed either and are we hearing about defects from the corona needle? I can bet there are a few which will have a long term cost as well.