Lab-grown meat & nuclear yeast vats: COP27 reignites the war on food
Kit Knightly

We’re a week into this year’s UN climate summit, COP27, and the various agenda planned to roll out on the back of it are coming into focus.
None more so than the autumn offensive in the establishment’s war on food. There’s a big push on that front.
Today was “Adaptation and Agriculture” day at COP27, and you probably don’t need me to tell you what was on the agenda – a lot of talk of “sustainability”, “innovation”, “climate-friendly production” and so on.
As usual with these global meetings, the closed-door discussions and po-faced newspeak presentations are accompanied by a wave of synchronized propaganda.
One angle this propaganda is taking is that COP27 “refused to discuss” meat or farming in general, and therefore those people insisting we should kill all the cows in the world and eat lab-grown paste instead are somehow rebels speaking truth to power.
That’s how George Monbiot is arranging the narrative for his piece in the Guardian.
It’s nonsense, of course. COP27 literally had an entire day dedicated to discussing farming, “food security” and “innovations” to “reduce methane” (that’s code for “getting rid of cows” by the way).
Further, COP27 is being used to launch the UN’s new Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) initiative. Which, according to Forbes, will promote:
[A] shift towards sustainable, climate-resilient, healthy diets would help reduce health and climate change costs by up to US$ 1.3 trillion while supporting food security in the face of climate change.
As well as the AIM initiative, which intends to channel 8 BILLION dollars into “farming innovations”.
But, in another example of the fake binary, while COP27 members were inside discussing “adapting agriculture”, “protestors” were outside demanding they discuss adapting agriculture.
The protesters even used the platform to announce the launch of a new campaign “Reboot Food” which assures us that all we need to feed the world is giant nuclear-powered fermenting vats:
The cornerstone idea is swapping animal agriculture, where possible, for a technology called precision fermentation, which would involve brewing yeasts and bacteria to make protein. It could create biologically identical animal proteins using genetically engineered micro-organisms fermented in tanks. These factories would be powered by solar, wind and nuclear.
That’s just the broadest most ambitious “food reform” propaganda coming out in the last few days though, there’s a lot more where that came from.
Earlier this week it was announced that synthetic meat company GoodMeat would be unveiling their new lab-grown meat products at the COP27 summit.
On a similar theme, EuroNews asks:
Companies are making slaughter-free meat – so why isn’t it for sale in shops?
It’s not just lab-grown meat or nuclear-powered yeast paste hitting the headlines either, edible insect stories are suddenly all over the news again.
The I has a piece from a “journalist” who didn’t like the idea of eating insects, but then tried it for a week and found out it was actually great.
The academic journal PNAS published an article unsubtly titled “How to convince people to eat insects”, which suggests we need to “create a new norm”.
Healthline News has an article “What Science Says About Eating Insects”. Spoiler alert – “science” says that eating insects is great and everybody should do it as much as possible. Who knew, right?
At the same time, the UK’s Food Standards Agency published a startingly well-timed report on the safety of edible insects (turns out they’re safe, shocking isn’t it?)
But the prize of the clumsiest propaganda of the week goes to the Independent, which boasts an article with the headline:
Eww world order: How the right-wing became obsessed with eating bugs
This opens with a screed about how lunatic right-wing conspiracy theorists think we’re all being programmed to eat insects…and then seamlessly blends into half-a-dozen paragraphs about how eating insects is actually really good for you though, and good for the planet too:
The reality is that there are a multitude of good reasons to eat insect protein, not least the environmental impact. Breeding insects such as crickets and grasshoppers requires less feed, land and water than farming traditional livestock like pigs and cows, and results in the production of much less greenhouse gas.
Great job guys, real smooth.
UN summits – especially climate summits – always provide a little sneak preview of the upcoming narratives. And while “food reform” may not be the only, or even the biggest, item on the agenda…it’s definitely a major part of the plan. And it’s probably coming soon.
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The human brain requires fat to function. Looks like they all stopped feeding their brains already.
Here’s an interesting link:
Redefine hopes to reach thousands of restaurants by the end of next year with its plant-based whole cuts of alternative meat. Their product, which mimics meat, or as they say, flank steak, is a mix of soy and pea protein, chickpeas, beetroot, nutritional yeasts, and coconut fat.
What is the point of it all? I often eat a meal containing soy beans, chickpeas, beetroot, etc.
It gets mixed up and processed in my intestinal tract and helps me maintain my aging flesh. There is absolutely no need for the cosmetic processing. If anything it degrades the nutritional benefits of the ingredients.
Just trying to emphasise a point I made further down the thread.
And another point: Anybody who has traveled in Thailand or Cambodia knows that these two cultures (and many others around the world) are happy to eat fried insects of all sorts and have been doing it for centuries if not millennia. It is obvious that they cannot be poisonous. And they don’t need processing. So many dietary preferences are culturally acquired. I have a theory that people just love to eat food that they ate before puberty and that it’s very difficult for most of them to change their diet. I was shocked when I went to the UK and found them eating “chip butties”. Given a choice between chip butties and fried insects I’m not sure which one I should choose.
Go and kill yourselves then you don’t have to eat insects, you stupid assholes!!!
I’d like to share this cartoon I did on COP27, aka CROCK27:
About as safe and effective as that gene syndrome. Insect eating is not safe as we are not designed to cope with their skeletal toxins. And those with shellfish or fish allergies are likely to have allergic reactions,
Insect and a pure vegan diet, are not effective at providing nutrition for child development, foetal gestation (neural tube defects), muscle and nerve health nor brain function.
But hey, UK Govn’t is now doing a great job of removing poultry from the diet by doing another foot and mouth scam. Thanks to the ancient computer modelling aka Ferguson, if even one animal in a herd PCR TESTED POSITIVE with foot and mouth then ALL ANIMALS WITHIN THREE MILES WERE SLAUGHTERED.
After an inquiry into foot and mouth where they found that slaughtering and burning pyres was not necessary and isolating positive tested animals until confirmed as a case was the way to go.
But lessons were learnt.
So they’re doing it again with bird flu. Even a single positive test allows them to slaughter all flocks on a farm. And then quarantine for all flocks in 3 mile range. All fowl to be kept in.
Nice. Just in time for Christmas dinner.
FYI if farms decide to slaughter all to go in freezer after defrosting May still get sold as fresh (according to my village farm who keeps up with agro news for shop/order stock.)
“What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Christian breaks The “Absolute Zero” plan and how governments are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopian goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery.”
Technocrats are so uncomfortable in their human skin, unable to appreciate humanity and all of its idiosyncratic beauty that they are hellbent on creating Synthetic World, where fake people eat fake food, listen to fake interpretations of events, while more fake events are manufactured for our distraction pleasure. What is this love affair with denial? Would actually seeing their trail of destruction and dysfunction be too much mirror for them? Too much humility? Too much evidence of mediocre intelligence? Better to treat people like animals to justify their positions of power, but in so doing, reveals the more beastly.
Better get used to the idea of eating bugs and fake meat… or go vegan. Either way, grow your own food!
For the vast majority that go to box stores to et their food and eat fast take aways and think frozen fish is good and that tilapia is sustainable, these degenerates already for the most part consume and partake in “lab grown food”.
Money in the bank cant buy you affluence, intelligence nor sophistication. In my opinion these vaccinated twats eat shit on a daily basis.
Im particularly fine with it because it means my farmers have more for people like me.
Inflation on purchasing of proper ingredients has been 10x for the past 20 years so really feel for these people when they can’t afford a bag or can of dung pretending to be nutritious food. The reality is they have been lining up at the feeding trough for some time now and never noticed it until the trough got pricey too. Well now what? Starve or eat veggie meat and be happy. Idiots.
Only in the Wonderful Land of Oz:
Snake swallows a sausage at barbecue party.
Cambodians were forced to eat insects to survive a genocide that killed a 3rd of the population in the 70s. It seems fairly clear that this is what is planned for the world.
There’s a feeling I get
When I look to the WEF…
‘Cause they say now
More bugs must be eaten
There’s a sign on the wall
that they want to be sure
That they don’t feed the
unvaxxed heathen
And just found this article:
A new peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that Increased consumption of ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) was associated with more than 10% of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019.
The findings are significant not only for Brazil but also for high income countries such as the U S, Canada, the UK, and Australia, where UPFs account for more than half of total calorific intake.
(Article on junk food on Global Research)
Compared to the baseline risk of 6% of colorectal cancer, consuming highly processed (“junk”) food or sweetened drink increases the risk to 8%. -in BMJ, c. 2022-09, study of 160,000 women and 46,000 men for 25 years.
In middle-aged people, highly processed food increases the risk of developing dementia later by 43%. -in US Neurology, 2022-07, study of 72,000 people for 10 years; risk increased when the proportion of highly processed food exceeded 225 g (9%) per day. Those at the highest levels of risk consumed ~814 g (28%).
change the words,
same shitshow across the boards.
but aye, indeed. and some funt has stolen every shroom on the horizon…
i will qualify a little…
the same media shite across the spectrum, whatever angle,.. bugs, jabs, wars, this thing, that thing…..
all their fads, etc blurhh,
as this piece shows in the bugtext, not slagging article ; )
I will believe that eating insects is safe when I am shown a video of a slaughterman slitting open the belly of a locust and removing the stomach, intestine, bowel and colon. Unrill then, steak, chops, chicken breasts and fish fillets for me (with some veg that grew with its roots in soil of course.)
Though everything we eat has probably been excrement at some time nature has lengthy but wonderfully efficient recycling processes to make stuff we intentionally put into our bodies safe to eat. curtailing those processes so that a few billionaire psychopaths can get richer is just asking for trouble.
And the slaughter man checks the health of those organs before passing the meat from that animal as safe to eat.
Don’t think they’ll be doing it with insects. But you better start reading ingredients. They’ll be passing it off as crunchy protein powder or something distinct from what it actually is.
Purina has been putting that protein into nature type pet food. Hmm. Cats don’t eat insects. Dogs don’t eat insects. THEY ARE CARNIVORES. Hence BS propaganda that pets need to go for climate change control.
After that, recipes for mouse and rat pies?
If we continue like this we won’t be eating “zhee bugz,” bugs will be eating the remains of us.
As in the film: “Solyent Green” . . .
“Soylent Green” oops
Here is a biologist who argues that you ought to be more afraid spinach and broccoli than of Lab-grown meat and vat-grown microbes; because:
“Plants are Trying to Kill You”, by Dr.Anthony Chaffee
Reminds me of a WW2 survival guide for airmen downed in the wild: “If it walks, runs, crawls, creeps, flies or swims, the chances are you can eat it raw.” Unkown plants are riskier food than unknown animals because stationary greenstuff evolves poisons to defend itself against a mobile predator like you.
It not how the food grows that counts, it is your ability to digest it.
“The proof of the pudding is in the eating” — Proverb
those who know, know
those who don’t ? ? steal and kill?
bitter greens will keep you alive,
The artificial protein goo and insects Mr Global is developing is not presently on supermarket shelves because people are not desperate enough to consume it and it would be roundly ridiculed. However they are working on creating desperation by the wilful destruction of the livestock industry and supply chains. The UK had half its pig herd destroyed by Prof Neil Ferguson’s modelling during the foot an mouth crisis and relies on importing 50% of its pig meat from Holland which is now having its own livestock industry destroyed by its own globalist government. Add to this the ongoing destruction of the UK egg industry that is being hit by a suspiciously virulent and pathogenic H5N1 virus and a crazy culling strategy. The egg industry is particularly exposed as the Blackrock/Vanguard owned supermarkets forced egg farmers to move to free range in recent years which also makes you wonder what the true reason was for this policy. The result is a free fall in the UK egg laying flock so we will likely see shortages of eggs and pig meat in the UK in coming months and they will easily kill off the beef and lamb industries with their BS Net Zero targets.
So when they are in a position to ration meat and eggs on supermarket shelves sometime in 2023 that’s when you can expect the roll out of the artificial crap they stand to make billions from.
biohazard road signs upcountry of late – avian flu, indeed.
eggs? some dude posted the other day on the reality of no real shortage, beyond that the cost of production now exceeds the return…as prices rise on the shelf… so no point in them producing..
Yes. I am actually an egg farmer and believe whilst H5N1 is causing a reduction in bird numbers and supply chain issues it is being used as a front for the economic destruction of the industry by the cabal. Farmers have been offered 2-5 year cost of production contracts slightly below the cost of production and I fear that those that are holding out for better deals will be the ones they take out financially, potentially reducing the national flock from 38 million laying hens to 25 million in the next 12 months. That’s a lot of protein that will need replacing…
Was told my a local farmer that they’re using the dubious PCR test. If even one tests positive then all fowl on the farm are destroyed.
Some Turkey farmers are slaughtering now to go to the freezer and defrosted for Christmas shelves.
Suggestion. Keep your best breeding stock elsewhere. Any flock under 50 does not require to be registered. Defra wrote ‘owners SHOULD register flocks’ NOT ‘MUST’.
As for foot and mouth fiasco: all the herds in my village and next had their animals slaughtered and burnt on a hill! NO ANIMALS WERE SICK.
I live between two bird sanctuaries (Natura 2000 plan). So if there was rampant bird flu I ought to see birds dropping dead and sick from the sky. Only dead bird seen had no neck or head – bird of prey kill! (I’ve lost birds to them!).
Maybe it’s a good thing… how do we know the Globalists won’t pull the plug on this one… then again they could incorporate the “vaccine” in it easily targeting the unaware (for a moment)… not going to McDonald’s ever again
Processed foods are not healthy, even vegetarianism is suspect…
If they cant kill us off with The killer Jabs they have other ways !
Two US senators are doing their darndest to put heavy restrictions on vitamin
supplements…We know they’re not concerned for our health, they’re doing it for ?
little billy gates ? Is he out to close down the vitamin supplement industry because
such might ameliorate the health destroying effects of his fake ‘meat’ ?
The Supplement Industry exposure was way back. You had to search like hell and wade through garbage for, you hope, a legitimate product.
They’ll be alot more to this I’d forget the US belch farts and tag Ninth Gate Ferguson Inc.
The bill you refer to is the Durbin-Braun “Premarket Approval Proposal.” Here’s a link to a recent global research article.
Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Arguing the respective merits of insect v animal protein or the supposed virtues of natural as opposed to synthetic foods is a diversion. In a free market, all possible options should be available. What really matters is for consumers to be able to choose what to buy and eat.
No authority – and particularly not one captured by the corporatocracy – has the right to tell someone what they should or should not put into their stomachs any more than their in their arms. If we haven’t learned that from the experiences of the last couple of years then we deserve to be force fed whatever frankenstein pseudo food the ag oligarchs are lining up for us.
‘Privacy glasses’ can make you invisible to facial recognition
A great documentary that came out in 2020 called ‘Kiss The Ground” narrated by an engaging Woody Harrelson is well worth a watch. It describes the concept of regenerative techniques in farming and ranching which actually draws down the carbon in the atmosphere when practicing ‘no till’ farming along with raising diverse crops (who knew nature could fix our problem!). A very well produced and convincing film. But, of course, this type of farming isn’t going to make any corporation money which is probably why it’s never mentioned as an actual solution.
The CO2 as a problem in the atmosphere is bullshit. Yes to raising diverse crops in a small area with anyone of a diverse number of farming methods. “No till” farming is also promoted by the globalist gmo/chem ag criminal network. The fields are sprayed with “round-up” and the gmo seed along with the chem fertilizers are drilled into the ground, thus “no-till”, very easy for them, and “no till” is where big ag is headed.
When you till the soil, oxygen is added to the soil and this is what combines with the carbon that releases carbon dioxide into the air. Worms and many other critters also oxygenate the soil with holes and tunnels, this oxygen also combines with the carbon in the soil and carbon dioxide is released into the air. Where do plants get the carbon that makes up most of their dry mass? From the air. The plants breathe in carbon dioxide.
Farmers growing marijuana in greenhouses often will pump CO2 into their greenhouse. This extra rich CO2 air helps their plants grow bigger. The high value of the marijuana plant negates for the extra costs of pumping in the CO2 as the plants value increases dramatically with its size.
Will we ever see full legalisation of cannabis in the UK, or are they making so much black money out if it that they don’t want to ruin their cash cow? And of course cannabis being illegal gives Satan’s Helpers a chance to justify their increasingly pointless but extortionate existence (unless turning the UK into a technology driven Communist-Communitarian shithole is considered to have value) by spending time money and resources policing this plant. Oh no sorry Satan’s Helpers aren’t pointless – they maintain the Freemasonic hold over society so these Agents of Satan can rule and tell everyone what to do. Makes me feel sick to my stomach to know that these f*cking scumbags have so much sway over our God created world. Worshipping the Devil, doing all the Satanic rituals that are obligatory if you want to be a Freemasonic traitor.
It cannot be said enough – THE HUMAN BODY IS CUSTOM BUILT BY GOD TO CONSUME CANNABIS – the endocannabinoid system which runs throughout our bodies is only activated by cannabis, it regulates and nourishes our bodies for optimal health.
But the scum don’t like it. They don’t want free people or free societies. Everything they are currently doing is designed to destroy such a thing. They want people injecting experimental genetic weaponised poison from their lowlife scumbag criminal friends at Oxford University and Pfizer. They don’t want people to consume things which have very positive health and spiritual effects which could massively invigorate the economy and create a whole new industry to be enjoyed by millions. No. Not allowed. Inject our poison and be grateful. Allow the Agents of Satan to control everything, paint everything grey, destroy freedom and produce nothing but worthless garbage.
The ruling class has been obsessed with lowering the population. They still listen to the “wisdom” of people who lived during a time when consciousness was less evolved than today. Aristotle, Malthus, Descartes and his “universe is a mechanical clock” theory… it all needs to be left in the dustbin of history.
Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about how the focus of depopulation is fundamentally wrong:
“No till” farming is also promoted by the globalist gmo/chem ag criminal network.”
Not so at the time when I studied and worked. No tillage does not mean – although it can – the use of herbicides, it can mean planting cover crops during times when fields are left fallow, or direct seeding into the residues of the previous crop. There is also minimum tillage, disturbing the soil only shallow using harrows or discs instead of ploughing. Can be also used in fallow fields to control weeds.
I realize you studied long ago. Here is just one article of many promoting no till by big ag. You can see in the photo a larger tracker seeding into a terminated cover crop. What is planted after termination? Round-up ready gmo soy.
Tilling also means more (a) loss of carbon and biota from the soil (b) run-off (c) proprietary agro-chemicals to fix the created problems.
It was an important part of Paris Agreement. As it is not exploitative enough, most of the governments seem to be ignoring it as ordered by their masters.
I studied international agricultural management and production from 1975 to 1979 in Germany, and already then the green revolution was heavily criticized by our profs, and the emphasis was on using and enhancing local crops and livestock by locally or nationally controlled breeding programs, to enhance self-sufficiency and resilience, in conjunction with planned crop rotations to re-establish soil fertility. Nothing new here. And no-tillage has been around equally long or even longer.
One of the principal goals of UN agencies including WB and IMF was to destroy domestic food security. The criminals responsible are the subverted politicians who accepted such proposals and dismantled the capacity of their nations to produce food.
“Any change is a change in the topic.” (Cesar Aira)
Control the narrative, control the world. Global summits, government studies, regulatory agency reports, scientific commissions, pandemic preparedness plans, Davos, Bilderberg, and more are to a great extent exercises in perception management, propaganda, and PR for ruling class agenda.
In regard to controlling food to control the world, now that the post-WW2 ‘Green’ (Dollar) Revolution has run its rigged course of death and destruction across the world, it’s time for our masters to reset the story of progress. Lo and behold, what’s been sold to us proles in the past has now become in the new abnormal the story of our undoing, as both real and imaginary problems manufactured by the previous paradigm are now spotlighted for manufactured solutions both provisional and final.
Don’t expect the storytellers to spend much attention on post-2020 realities like lockdown and war providing pretexts for collapsing the food chain, or sabotage of energy resources and an explosion of fires at food distribution centers. But be sure to stay tuned to continuing plot developments, like the latest mad cow plague to cull herds according to prognostications of Neil Ferguson and other experts for hire. (I bet betting on futures is booming on Wall Street.)
If not controlled, most opposition nibbles at the edges of the coordinated strategy and goals of a post-industrial revolution for ushering in neofeudal technocracy, in which proles become Hunger Games plebs. Professionally monopolized discourse remains rooted in career criticism of parts of the whole, as class consciousness remains un/disorganized among working class poor and powerless.
Already announced in such grand narrative as the Great Reset, the ruling class is fighting, and winning, a war upon all humanity to remake us and virtually every living thing into synthetic adjuncts of the machinery of (re)production for their kind alone, climaxing the death march of class rule throughout ‘civilization’ from ancient to modern pyramid schemes. Changing their narrative construction of reality means mounting popular revolutionary levels of resistance by reclaiming enough reality back from those who have robbed us to retell our own story, in our own voices. It’s the reality of the commons which remains to be told.
Are they winning? Not so, says Alex Krainer:
People in Brisbane Australia are being ‘encouraged’ to wear masks. Seems there’s another ‘covid’ wave breaking – or is local 5G network about to be activated ?
oye ve
Desperate globalists stirring up fear about “tripledemic” of covid, flu and RSV
Directly from those evil propagandists from RT and South Africa!
It seems that one of the only viable solutions to tackle “MANWOMANMADE CLIMATE CHANGE” is for us to start eating uman animal meat*… This might work wonders!
*We need to make a small change on the sanitary requirements to allow mRNA infected meat to be consumed, of course!
All Humans are MAN ! Every single human that has ever existed is MAN. Man-kind, Hu-MAN-kind. MAN is not a sex, it is a species, there is no difference between male and female, ALL ARE MAN.
‘one of the only’ ? What does that mean?
Monobot is obviously not a farmer. Agriculture is a social, cultural and economic question, but not an intellectual one. Only those who know what it means to grow wheat, potatoes or raise and work with animals are truly in a position to speak on this. Check out Simon Fairlie or Chris Smaje to hear what such people are saying about this. The idea that cows get blamed when the industrial-military-climate complex is menacing free people worldwide is insane.
The US military is also one of the biggest polluters in the world.
Being upfront, I am a plant-based food eater. However, I do not agree that cow, pig, chicken farts are the environmental problem.
It’s the land clearing (in the case of cows that are allowed to graze) and the effluents from animal factory farms (chickens, pigs and, in Europe, cows) that are polluting the land, the water table and rivers, and which contaminate food crops when the slurry of excrements and water is applied to growing crop plants. You should take a walk in the European countryside – the air is disgusting.
Eating anything to do with cabbage in Europe can give you gastro (and when cooking, you can smell the shit); salads have been found to transmit e-coli, etc. etc.
Animal farming is harmful in so many ways. Not to mention the enormous cruelty to animals involved.
But I agree that this drive to stop the general population eating meat is political. It’s to do with wanting to impoverish and weaken the people by coercing them to eat insects and GMO crops for their protein intake (while the upper crust continue to eat the choicest cuts of meat).
The 4th Industrial Revolution proponents don’t give a damn about the environment. Otherwise they would stop the big corporations, the military and the medical-industrial complex ruining all of life on earth.
Patent profits drive unhealthy practices like GMO crops and lab-grown meats. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) is a $20 TRILLION industry! This is why they’ve decided to turn all of nature into an asset class. Steal the real and sell us back a synthetic version.
By the time this BS from Satanic pedovore elitist filth is sorted out the rich will be the main item on the cannibal menu.
Let’s start by replacing London with Nuke fueled protein vats and see how it goes. It could he the prototype. Klaus can be in charge. Keep the rest of the world going on normal food. Let the public decide which food they prefer and whether or not it’s worth trying to stop climate change.
Kind of telling that nuclear energy is going to be needed to create the food calories needed in the artificial food.
I used to understand what was said here… what happened to me
The majority of people will do exactly what they are told, as the last 2-3 years have proved.
I see the alleged Red slaughter didn’t happen in the USA.
Alternative media hype it up as much as Msm.
As corrupt an election and 2019.
Whilst @ cop 27 they eat caviar, lobster, finest meats and fish from around the world.
Washed down with wine which one bottle costs more than yearly average wage.
The same people who cancelled school dinners.
Only f**king idiots would believe this is about a greener plan net.

Besides the climate hysteria i don’t buy into.. eating meat is barbaric!
The irony is that fake meat has been around for decades already. It’s been marketed under the name Chicken McNuggets. 😜
Ages ago, when “KFC” was still “Kentucky Fried Chicken”, they introduced “Popcorn Chicken”. I’ve long since drifted away from fast-food establishments, but at the time I was tantalized: the advertisement made it look like juicy deep-fried chicken morsels.
I was aghast to find that the real thing looked and tasted exactly like tray sweepings from their other menu items: crusts and crumbs of “breading”. Perhaps the conveyor belt passed by a picture of a chicken to encourage the crumbs to simulate authentic chickenhood. 🐓
Ah, so Colonel Sanders was practicing Spontaneous Generation in his kitchen and got a dud. A true scientist!
Let me state unequivocally, I will NEVER be brain dead enough to eat their bugs and paste…FU..and the insect you rode in on…!
You already are. Maybe get a food book and find out what the alternative names for insects are in food labeling law.
E numbers disappeared to become another name.
Sugar has 60+ different names.
Jan. 27, 2006 — — “Beetlejuice” is more than just a movie name — foodmakers regularly use crushed female cochineal beetles to dye food, particularly certain yogurts, juices and candy, The Wall Street Journal reported.
While shocking, it’s perfectly legal, the paper reports. Foodmakers don’t have to list the bug-based ingredient, because beetles are part of nature. Only man-made dyes, like FD&C Red No. 40, have to be listed.
But that may change soon. The Food and Drug Administration may recommend that companies list beetle additives as “carmine” or “cochineal.”
Yes, they’ve been doing that for decades. Which is why the old timers used to call coffee “Bug Juice.”
So….When does Soylent green go into production…?
Food from air purportedly comes before that:
“Wednesdays are Buy One Get One Free Day at Elon Motors”
“Buy one Exploding Death Mobile, get the second one free.”
Christian columnist Rod Dreher used to say that libers had a Law of Merited Impossibility, which went like this: ‘Oh, that will never happen. And when it does, won’t you deserve it!’
Curious Monbiot. The old sleight of hand whereby one totally absurd claim is “sneaked through” by linking with a claim already familiar and having attained some credibility:
“There are just two actions needed to prevent catastrophic climate breakdown: leave fossil fuels in the ground and stop farming animals.”
Can you imagine Dear George delivering that bombshell, say, 5 years ago? “Stop farming animals”?
So a bit of hand wringing over the fossil fuel bit and then
“The other omission is even starker. Livestock is mentioned in only three agreements, and the only action each of them proposes is “management”. Nowhere is there a word about reduction. It’s as though nuclear non-proliferation negotiators had decided not to talk about bombs. You cannot address an issue if you will not discuss it.”
Well George I admire your theatrical skills here – posturing with such hyperbole over … cutting down on the farmyard? Well… I suppose it could work with a few other things? “Oh my God! People are still blowing their noses into handkerchiefs! This now scientifically proven planet threatening activity …” etc. etc.
“The call to stop farming animals should be as familiar as the call to leave fossil fuels in the ground. But it is seldom heard.”
Not really surprising George! Still, I have to admire your balls in taking on the job. (Imagine the behind-the-scenes banter: “Now look here! We need someone to go out and pose in a truly threatening way over this bunk. Who’s it going to be? How about you, George. You’ve got the roguish lock of hair to get away with it!”)
But George is clearly feeling he has reached a stressful point in his rhapsody and so … the customary fallback: The Statistics! Ooh let’s roll out that “%” sign! Followed by the power of repetition:
“This issue has become even more urgent now we know the heating impact of methane is rising. Livestock farming is the world’s greatest source of methane released by human activities. Yet there is no mention of it in the global methane pledge launched at last year’s climate summit.”
“… only 12 nations name emissions from farm animals in their official climate commitments, and none seeks to reduce livestock production.”
Fancy that. I daresay none of the countries mentioned sales of handkerchiefs at all and none will be reducing same.
“What accounts for this determined silence?”
The fact that it’s shite?
“… the misleading claims of the livestock industry have scarcely been challenged in the media.” What claims? That farts are OK?
“A scandal broke last week …. funded by livestock lobby groups.” Defending farts!
“… the false assertion that pasture-fed meat farming sequesters more greenhouse gases than it releases.” You can’t hide farts!
“In reality, grass-fed meat is by far the most damaging component of our diets, as a result of its massive land requirement, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon and ecological opportunity costs.” The devastation of farting!
“Famous authors propose that everyone eats the food that they like, promoting diets that couldn’t be scaled unless we had several planets and no space on any of them for wild ecosystems.”
Farting requires several planets!
And now …. deep breathe! George is going to make his big point! Shakespearean tone in place!
“We urgently need to put these foolish things aside, to follow and understand the science, and press our governments to focus on the major causes of the climate crisis. They had two jobs, and have so far mentioned neither of them.”
So George – I’ll be right behind you! With my frown and placard and determination to convince the government to do …. whatever their media tells me to want them to do!
And George will never address the military “activities” of just the US alone, THE biggest single source polluter on the planet – and that ain’t limited to just CO2 Georgie-boy, lets discuss those depleted uranium rounds blasted all over those war zones, shall we?
He’ll bleat on about the methane cows spew but never discuss the methane blowing out of the ground due to some rather nasty thawing of the permafrost in formerly almost year-round frozen regions. Forget him discussing things like Solar Radiation Management and all the nasty chemicals THAT uses and just how that effects those methane blowouts.
He will NEVER address all the pollution that mining the minerals for solar panels will produce, nor will he discuss how to dispose of those solar panels when their limited life span gives out. And I’m sure he will not discuss all the chemicals that will be used to farm all those yummy bugs, or the massive amounts of energy farming those bugs might use.
I know, I am blowing a fart in the wind for all that kind of thing matters to George and his stupid readers, who’ll nod along with whatever idiotic bullshit he “writes” about, spewed out like methane from the asses of our owners. “Only two things” to address climate change, what an asshole. But he follows The Science to a tea, and that’s all that matters to those who have no idea what real science is, and do not care to ever know either.
Like bollocks listening to bullocks while hens discus cocks?
Sworn meat eaters will never own up to the problems of eating meat. Clue: it’s not about methane.
Oh thanks for the clue… opening a can of worms are you
Monbiot actually mentions grass. A major reason ruminant animals produce methane is that they are fed grain instead of grass and hay. The tyrants want to ratchet the process of taking existing pasture away from small farmers, and building up the density of animals in big CAFOs where they are fed grain (plus antibiotics for the diseases from crowding). It is insanity.
“The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 empowers the police to impose conditions on demonstrations, including where they are held, and that they do not cause ‘unease’, ‘annoyance’ or ‘disruption’, all of which are now a criminal offence punishable by up to 10 years in prison, effectively banning protest in the UK in contravention of the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 11, Freedom of Assembly and Association).”
Although we can rest assured that those highly publicised media-sanctioned “protests” will continue with a few tweaks to the current draconian rules.
Similarly …
It also permits the police to have access to our private education and health records, criminalises trespass on privately-owned land, and increases the maximum sentence for damaging a memorial from 3 months to 10 years.”
Although we can, once again, rest assured that some damage to the “right” memorials will somehow manage to “slip through”.
Do the handouts say which day was devoted to discussing the perils of geoengineering?
Or did the Pentagon remind them that it has a nice big bomb in its arsenal with their name on it in case they feel inclined to make an issue of its Full Spectrum Dominance?
Or should I be asking this of Mr. Monbiot?
Persons attending the COP27 meetings are obviously delusional. Yet not nearly as delusional as governments and civil populations which allow these hi-brow brands of delusional activity…
Any educated person who tracks global insect populations, would be aware that bird and insect populations have been plummeting for over twenty years. As in: Over a 70% decline in insect populations – across the board.
This is specifically due to the use of pesticides in in large scale agricultural activities. Combined this reality with delusional increases in digital broadcast, and the realities of environmental collapse become quite obvious.
The above articles do not overstate the evidence…
What I don’t get is the need for fake meat.
I’ve been a vegetarian for more than 40 years. Well lacto-vegetarian really, interspersed with numerous vegan stints usually lasting for a few months at a time. I’m in frail old age now but I have outlived almost all of my carnivorous peers. I have eaten a few fish in that time but they made up a insignificant part of my overall diet. The meat I have eaten in forty years would fit in a cup…I’ve traveled a great deal and sometimes in foreign countries the first week is a bit tricky.
It is effortless. I find vegetables, pulses, nuts etc completely delicious and the idea of eating slaughtered animals is abhorrent. Can’t imagine why anybody does it.
Forget about the fake meat just become a vegetarian …zero processing needed other than simple cooking.
By the way there was some early research which showed that people with high ferritin levels were much more prone to infection by Covid. Not been vaxxed and have so far never caught it. I imagine I have low ferritin.
I worry about the fate of the millions of factory farm animals if humanity chooses to forsake slaughtering them for food. They won’t simply be escorted to a big pasture somewhere to live out their remaining years.
I’m not trying to be facetious. There was a segment in the documentary “Planet of the Humans” about fat based “green” energy. It showed live animals – goats, of course (we’ve made goats our symbol of way too many things) – being forced into huge grinders to be reduced to their fat content for giant generators.
This would be a major moral dilemma…except we seem to have dispensed entirely with morality.
As bad as slaughtering animals for food may be, it doesn’t compare to grinding them up for fuel.
(It sure was nice of “God” to give man dominion over everything else on the planet.)
When you learn that the fake meat is made with fetal bovine syrum, which is taken from killed baby cows, then what is the point, really???
Millions of these animals are artificially bred into existence every day. These animals are all just babies when they are slaughtered to become someone’s cheeseburger. I’m 50 years old and quit eating animal products 6 years ago to recover my health. It’s easy for anyone who has taken a close look at the industry to see that the question of morals and dominion is more about what five minutes of a certain taste pleasure amounts to.
I’m sure PETA will be right onboard with that…they are flunkies for the NWO…!
I hope your last sentence WAS being facetious. God did no such thing.
Modern human’s are domestic animals like the cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens they consume. These creatures are man made, created by breeding from natural animals. It is telling that corporate religion uses domestic animals so extensively in their mythology. The sacred cow in India, the faithful referred to as “flocks” in Christianity. The gods of corporate religions, especially the big monotheisms, have been designed to shape and reinforce materialist accumulation. The creator created a dazzling array of creatures, many of them insanely beautiful. To the materialist the grey crowned crane , Debrazzas monkey and the Giraffe are wastes of space, to be decimated and replaced by “useful” creatures like cows and pigs.
The ‘goats’ are actually cattle. And they’re dead. Ghastly image, even so.
That’s kinda like saying why do we need free speech when everybody thinks like me?
Go away, ignorant troll…!
How so?
Virtue signal much…?
Ironically, the greater the pressure in the media for us all to give up meat, the more I want it. And as a borderline vegetarian myself and with a long term vegetarian daughter who has also moved towards meat eating, we both feel and look much healthier as meat eaters than we did a year ago. I do feel bad about the way in which livestock is treated so I try to eat the more ethically sourced meat, but it feels to me that my body was deficient and now it isn’t.
Eat whatever you want. But leave others to eat what they want to eat. Don’t tell them what they want or need; don’t patronize. A big part of what fueled my own initial anger at the lockdowns/mandates around Covid was that I was being told what to do with my body. Forced medical intervention is a violation of freedom, and so it forced feeding with stuff you don’t want. And, as many of you will know, different people have different needs. There is good evidence that a ketogenic diet (very low carb) benefits people with certain chronic health problems such as diabetes and epilepsy — I know! And while it is possible (but very difficult) to go ketogenic without eating meat, it is much more difficult. Eat plants if you want to, hell, eat bugs if you want to. But keep your hands off my plate!
Look, I’m not virtual signalling and I’m not trying to dictate your dietary choices.
I’m merely pointing out that there is no need for the mass production of fake meat.
The “feedstock” for the fake meat will probably be grains, legumes, etc. It will be a totally wasteful process both in terms of energy consumption and land usage. Just more over-processing..
Humans have a built in mini-factory to enable them to live on a plant diet. It’s called the digestive tract!
Respect, Toranon. But – because people are different – some of us do seem to thrive with a bit of meat in the diet. Sad for the animals, but unfortunately true. Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks.
You are right that the process will be moire wasteful than what we have currently.
*more, not moire
That’s the problem with capitalism – it always leans toward monopolization and centralized control. Blanket policy decisions for the global population can never work. This is why Rockefeller medicine has been a century-long health disaster for The Individual. Each body is unique, factoring in emotional chemicals, age, diet, environmental influence and any substance use/abuse.
Absolutely true. It is supposed to foster competition and free enterprise, thus providing lower costs and more freedom of choice; in reality in tends toward doing just the opposite.
This is the most sane statement I’ve seen in some time. What you are talking about is freedom. Food freedom in this case, stemming from personal, individual freedom. But as we all know, our freedom poses a threat to our corporate overlords, and so freedom of anything cannot be tolerated.
All of our freedoms are being threatened, but here we are quibbling amongst ourselves over which diet is best for everyone (not aimed at previous poster). That is exactly what they want us to do about EVERYTHING! How about we quit buying into it and join forces – vegans, carnivores and insect-eaters all, to defend our personal rights from the PTB to eat what we want to eat, to put into our bodies what we see fit.
This is a consequence of high iron intake: “several lines of evidence have demonstrated that ferritin is a multi-functional protein with possible roles in proliferation, angiogenesis, immunosuppression, and iron delivery. In the context of cancer, ferritin is detected at higher levels in the sera of many cancer patients, and the higher levels correlate with aggressive disease and poor clinical outcome.”
However, the crazy, tunnel-visioned conclusion of the study was to develop a drug that would target the ferritin, LOL.
But that could all be globalists financed studies… ask Cave Man what he thought of ferritin… And don’t tell me you read a study stating that none of them actually ate spring bucks… I know there are
LOL. Sounds about right. Too much of anything in your system? Here use this drug to reduce it! So much better than just putting less of whatever it is into your system!
That said, I get a complete blood work-up yearly, as I’m managing some auto-immune conditions. I’ve been extremely low in iron / feritin, along with magnesium and several other things including certain hormones, for years. As I’ve taken steps to correct my deficiencies – including supplements, using iron cookware, and paying closer attention to my diet to be sure I get a good balance of both red meat and vegetable proteins, my levels have improved. It has taken a multi-faced approach to get there. I would hate to have any of my options for feeling better limited by the reigning oligarchs who have decided we shouldn’t be taking supplements or eating red meat. Of course they will still be doing whatever makes them feel good.
So again I’ll say – our focus needs to be unification of the people to defeat the ruling class’ self-centered plans for us, regardless of what we all choose to eat or put into our bodies.
Imagination is good… write a novel
Good post. But the corona virus is a mythical beast.
” … the idea of eating slaughtered animals is abhorrent. Can’t imagine why anybody does it.”
None of your meathead detractors here on OG have even touched an animal destined to be consumed let alone slaughtered one. And I wager very few of them have ever patronized a butcher … they just head down to the meat section of the local superbmarket and stock up. The idea that they will be eating slaughtered animals from industrial sources for their pleasure never even enters their mind.
I’ve had to kill animals myself occasionally; and believe me, it’s horrible. I still seem to need a bit of meat in my diet, though: thoroughly intractable ethical problem. I’ve never seen a way round it. Life, as evolution has made it on this planet, involves just about every living thing NEEDING the constant death of other things just to stay alive. Think about it: can you think of anything that doesn’t, green plants and all? I don’t know of anything that’s exempt. It’s a bad dilemma.
Patently not true. I wouldn’t touch factory-farm meat with a ten foot pole, the only meat and dairy we eat comes from a small local organic farm. The real trouble is, there aren’t many of those left. Real food is becoming harder and harder to get, not to mention more and more expensive.
I don’t doubt that much of the general public is deluded into thinking big macs and kfc are actually food, but I would also hazard a guess that most people on this forum are better informed than that; many being preppers, homesteaders and such; rendering it a real stretch to say “None…”
Let’s not get distracted and start battling and belittling each other because we choose to eat differently than each other. Food Freedom is at stake here.
Patent profits!!!
Monbiot gives the game away:
“to follow and understand the science”
This is an unfailing bullshit indicator. But then again, if we get rid of the livestock, the term “bullshit” will become obsolete. Which would be handy for George.
Then let’s replace the word with a new one:
In the anarchist circle I was tangentially associated with back in the mid 1980’s, there were two books that seemed permeate everyone’s consciousness: Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb and Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation. In my mind back then, both books seemed to demonize the majority of humanity. I saw both as deeply anti-working class. It was hip to go vegan and get a vasectomy.
Unfortunately, not enough of them got that vasectomy…
Another Malthusian huh?
This is just the beginning. look for more widespread propaganda touting “insect protein” vs. animal protein. It’s all part of the climate crisis campaign, the save the planet canard. Upon completion of the COP27 conference marching orders will be given to the media, the duped and manufactured celebrities and bureaucrats to keep repeating the UN globalist talking points. No opposition will be tolerated, anyone who dares question “the science” will be demonized, ostracized, marginalized and made an example of by the overlords and their minions.
Climate change and omnipresent viruses/pandemics will be in the news 24/7/365 from now on. They will compete with war, saber rattling and economic implosion for space in the media narrative. Fortify your minds against the coming onslaught to maintain your sanity!
Old George Orwell was quite the visionary, was he not?
Tell me how the farming of insects will happen. How many millions of insects would be needed to replace the protein in one cow? That cow is in a field (or barn) with thousands of other cows. The insects don’t usually go above ground level. Maybe this sounds stupid but I can’t visualise how a 1.5 metre high animal can be replaced in the same land space with a one centimetre cricket or whatever (and presumably the insects eat grain not grass?). Please help me understand in what way this helps the planet (and I never did fall for the cow-fart bullshit).
Sadly spot on.
When they really start pushing this, watch out for planted stories about vegans upset at having to sit near meat-eaters in restaurants followed by demands that meat-eaters be segregated and eventually banned.
Almost all chain restaurants would go out of business overnight if they bowed to the demands of non-meat eaters. Not gonna happen.
I would have thought the same thing about being forced to serve only takeout and shut down for weeks at a time.
You’re not wrong.
In this backward, FU’ed dystopia…never say never…
Wise words.
Just remember the global hegemons who want to feed the world realise the value of scarcity. If something is cheap and affordable there is little profit in it. The bugs in the system are there to make you scared. Eat your bugs darlings!
There’s not enough oil, or fossil fuels are bad for the environment all feed into the corruption of consumption for profit. Most normal people don’t want to over consume, but many are driven to it by the insatiable appetite for profit of the globalists. Corporatism is only sustainable with captive consumers, otherwise self sustained individuals and communities are not useful for profit through the technocrats green agenda. See the scam? Big pharm, see the scam about saving humanity?
If saving Ukraine could bring peace and democratic prosperity to the world most would be for it, but it is not so. It’s only about the sustainability/ profitability of war. And war is the most environmentally damaging activity humans have ever devised. But you won’t hear a peep about that from the MSM or our so called leaders!
I would gladly sacrifice some loss of the environment…for a total nuclear devastation of Washington DC…in fact let’s make pudding brains residence ground zero…!
Somebody here made the interesting observation that the new world order is not about us eating bugs or even being all being locked up in an electrical grid, but that it’s about peak oil, ie that the world is running out of energy and cannot be sustained when all have the ‘luxury’ of consumption like the west currently consumes.
If so, what should a world controller (like a Mustapha Mond) do:
A. Reduce consumption
B. Reduce the population or
C. a combination of A with B
But since Mustapha Mond can’t state the above in public, as that would frighten the public at large, they introduced all these ludicrous stories about virus, evil Russia, man made climate change, and so on. These ludicrous stories cannot be held up forever, but they will be held up for as long as needed.
The WEF, with Schwab and all these young global leaders etc, seem to be the decor that is used for narrative sake only. I get this feeling that, while they keep up the narrative, at the same time it is asked from us to see through the narrative. They want the WEF to be stopped, because what the WEF proposes is insane. They can’t do it themselves, however, for that they need us, like Rutger Hauer (in the Hitcher) needed an innocent young motorist (Thomas Howell) to kill him, since he couldn’t kill himself. And to accomplish this from Howell, he became increasingly cruel up until the moment Howell killed the hitcher.
This is the film that we’re in or…
Peak oil is just another distraction that will keep us busy, while the parasites continue to rip off the population for the simple reason that they can be ripped off.
Who knows eh?
There is and never will be a shortage of nuclear energy that could be produced. With that in mind everything else is bullshit!
Nuclear energy is dangerous. There was Fukushima and Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Remember the plant in Oklahoma that had to be sandbagged against floods ? There was a book called “We nearly lost Detroit” which detailed a close shave.
“The greatest shortcoming
of the human race is our
inability to understand
the exponential
function.” – Prof. Albert Bartlett
Do try to wake up from your startrekkytechietechie delusions, Scoopals. Just grasping – thoroughly – the nature of the exponential function will do it for most mooncalf cornucopianists: NOTHING grows forever on a finite planet; and NOTHING never runs out.
And, btw, nuclear doesn’t produce diesel. Let’s hear you describe – in actually-workable, practical detail – how a world with a diesel (and bunker oil) famine goes on shipping stuff about – at current rates (absolutely critical proviso; sure, you can still use sailing vessels and mule-trains; but – at current rates…?)
This is true. However, it is human arrogance to think we can or should do anything to control it. That is what natural disasters are for. The global elite are fooling themselves, right along with everyone who believes they have a solution.
Live and let live, until nature decides to take you out. Planetary and social engineering is nothing but hubris.
And I will add, it was technology – the arrogance of humans – that got us into this mess. How foolish to think more of the same can get us out of it.
The very definition of insanity.
Well… if it’s nonsense then WE WILL DO IT.
They just need to find the proper catalyst [brain code] to infect the weak O.S. of the herds of modern moron slaves.
Until now they’ve not been able to write that code… but it’s FUN watching them trying.
They are doing well with the source code…free stuff
If they’ve spoken about it now, it has already started and happened and been happily tested on the general populas.( horse meat scandal 2013 )
If the FDA allowed fake meat 10/15 years ago, then your chicken and chip’s, Maccy d’s, KFC’s etc and low cost super market meats and processed treats has been lab grown for some time.
Lets be honest, you can feel it when your looking at it. (doesn’t look or feel right that before the cooking part starts it and yes it doesn’t even cook correctly)
Cut the crap in pretending this is something new.
They have been training us to accept fake foods to be what the labels say they are. This has been the trend for decades in supermarkets, fast food outlets, and even some “fine dining” under the term “molecular cooking”.
My autistic son likes to record programmes off the radio and TV. I’m listening to one now with an interview with a couple who have “broken away from the rat race” by moving to another country and they would “never go back to the UK”. You see “back in the UK you always had to work but here you don’t!” Wonderful! The answer to everything!
Where did they go? Where are potential destinations for people who want to live free?
Perhaps there’s a reciprocal arrangement with Albania whereby they put up Brits in 4-star hotels paid by Albanian taxpayers.
I laughed hard at this one
Spain apparently.
There may be more to this story than meets the eye. Living off-grid and tilling the soil for one’s sustenance is not viewed the same way as “working for the man” (i.e., expending energy for someone else’s benefit).
There are a number of homesteader and prepper sites on YouTube featuring those who have abandoned traditional “work” and settled for something else.
No way is it a free ride; but to them it is freedom.