WATCH: One Nation Under Blackmail with Whitney Webb
Whitney Webb of joins James Corbett to discuss her new, epic, 900-page, two-volume tour de force, One Nation Under Blackmail.
In this conversation, Webb and Corbett dive into the sordid tale of Jeffrey Epstein and his compatriots and begin to unravel the incredibly complex web of the intelligence/organized crime/blackmail syndicate.
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Kay Griggs Interview 1998
Katherine Pollard Griggs, former wife of Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs learned about her husband’s job. Her husband would drink too much and he started talking openly about the real workings of the U.S. military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins. His stories were about murder, corruption, assassinations, and government lies. After he disappeared for a short time, she began receiving threats and decided to tell her story.
Kay is a professing Christian and was married to Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs in the late 1980s, who raised to an influential position as Chief of Staff. She came to realize that he was entirely mind-controlled. He abused and battered her when he drank.
Uploaded: Apr 18, 2021
Channel: Will Hunt
24:50 cherry marines, existentialists, freemasons, opus dei, brooklyn/nj mob, nato
28:00 judges in the courts are military officers, they follow chain of command
38:20 chesty puller
49:00 biologicals / fort detrick
53:40 ed wilson, best friend of my husband
55:20 members of The Firm, rising stars
1:08:28 chaplains are intel
1:28:11 seal shirt
1:44:51 its a six piece puzzle to me now
1:55:43 break / malcolm kerr “got rid of”, al gray
1:59:57 mary clark yost halab / geo.griggs’ handler
2:04:16 david saterfield / changing names, pollard, aaron david miller/mueller
2:05:16 i’m the 8th katherine in a row from scotland
2:10:00 state dept weapons sales / ron brown murder
2:19:00 caddock, saudis, russell house, aramco
2:20:00 princeton, french teachers, albert camus
2:24:00 ferrie, clay shaw
2:28:00 kissinger
2:30:10 i prevailed, developed the pictures, wrote a very nice SOUTHERN letter
2:31:01 this is nothing compared to okinawa, you just have to get used to it
2:33:20 george bush and his wife came to her shop and were looking at her.. t parker host
2:35:00 colonial dames, barbara bush
2:37:57 start of photos
3:22:47 interview restarts
jerry unruh, john engler
colin powell, col john ryman, peace college
3:31:30 deborah von trapp
3:33:00 cia vs military intelligence
3:36:00 letter frm mary clark yost halab, anne bushew
3:42:00 halo / assassin program / delta force
4:37:30 break
5:22:29 break
6:14:05 break
Says it all!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but from past experience I predict: In the video, Whitney Webb and James Corbett will not identify the jews that their report must be full of. They won’t even identify Epstein, Maxwell, Wexner, and the Rothschilds as jews. Right? Remember a couple of years ago, WWebb talked on a recorded phone call with Maria Farmer, victim of Epstein-Maxwell, and Maria went into details about them being jews and expressing their hatred of Whites and other nonjews. And WWebb immediately diverted the conversation away from that vital subject at the core of it all.
…and almost everyone mentioned in that synopsis of what must surely be the most extensive and corrosive crime web in the post war world. (Gergen, Roy Cohn, Wexner, Goldsmith, Weinstein, the Rothschilds, as well as the Maxwells and Epstein of course).
0.2% of the world’s population. Does that not demand a conversation ?
Whitney, in summing up says, “The conversation that needs to be had after reading this book is, ‘the government, the CIA, all of these people here, need to be investigated, but the government is incapable of investigating it itself, so what do we do’ ?
organised crime is in charge”.
Is that a fair and contextual summation of what she has uncovered in her book ?
(Ask a nearby rapper, maybe)
I thought they were all Mormons or Moonies.
You learn something every day.
But I’m sure this is all pure coincidence.
Like a very funny black man said, you get a herd of elephants, a mob of Italians, a gang of blacks, and a coincidence of Jews.
Just because Hollywood is 100% Jewish and Biden’s government is 75% Jewish doesn’t mean they are controlled by Jews, does it?
Why would or should they reduce the whole debate to jews vs non jews!
they’ve given enough hints and It’s up to everyone to draw the conclusion that they see fit. James and Whitney do not have to spell it out for you to underststand that certain ethnic groups seem to be more involved and these malfeasance than others… I hope they will never go there!
Is it not a matter of degree ?
If the FTX scandal reveals a list of actors that are from the same ethnic background as those who dominate the Epstein/ Maxwell scandal, and then we consider the Zalenski-Nuland-Blinken warmongering lies,or, the ADL-Twitter-free speech issue…is it wrong to start to generalise ? Is it always wrong to generalise in such a manner ?
I’d say these people are not evil because they are Jews. There are a lot of Jews that think as highly of those characters as you do.
What irks me is the accusation of “child abuse” when the women recruited by Epstein and co. were mainly around 17 or so. Seventeen year olds know what’s what and if they get ogled and even “deflowered” by the likes of Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew or (for the unluckiest girl) Alan Dershowitz, so what? Some of the women went on to marry these very rich guys. Or, worst case, Epstein later on blackmails these guys, I don’t know, threatens to tell their wives their hubbies had been cavorting with gorgeous women. Ouch. Sue me but I, along with Epstein, grew up in the era of Playboy when the parties at Hef’s place were not just cool but the coolest! And, man, if I were offered a seat on the Lolita Express, hoo boy.
not politically correct
Some of them were 14 and younger. There was a big paedo element in this.
A real degenerate.
Looking so much forward to a good read! Bravo Whitney for your tireless yet risky undertaking to call out these monsters on their hideous crimes. James did a tremendous job, as always!
And… the Pulitzer Prize 🏆 for perseverance, in the face of paparazzi presstitutes goes to …
Whitney Webb & Co.
No question 🙋 surely ! ?
Some-Body is gonna’ appear highly corrupted,
Pretty darn soon, should this not be the case 😉
Not forgetting that Assassination attempt on Imran Khan, most recent … logic, why ?
Well, just verify who he was married to, back in the day.
Did Whitney mention the name Goldsmith ?
Were there not an audience on the ready with pitchforks and torches, blackmail of public figures would be a failed industry overnight.
And since not all sexual escapades involve underaged boys and girls, if the masses just limit their outrage to that alone, the blackmail quotient might be cut in half.
Prudes are without doubt the single biggest consumers of pornography – real, true porn, not simulated casting couch auditions.
But, alas, the prudes have grown bored with ordinary trysts, so now business – as it always does – has responded by presenting all sexual escapades as a roll in the hay with children. And when that too becomes old hat, they’ll come up with something else – guaranteed.
Utterly Divine Comment Howard: God bless…
? those are simulated?
Another way they try to contain the Epstein story is by de-historicising it. It’s never happened before! Oh, there was North Fox Island:
Then there was the case of Rosemarie Nitribitt. She was a prostitute found murdered in 1950s’ Frankfurt and subject of the film ‘Das Madchen Rosemarie’. What most ‘nornie’ accounts don’t mention are the cameras behind the two-way mirrors in her aparatment.
Or what about the stories that swirl around the Conservative Party and that house in Barnes in the 1980s? It’s funny that in all the Left’s rage at Mrs Thatcher, they never seemed to notice her apparent fondness for paedophiles. In addition to rumours about her father and her well-known association with Jimmy Savile, why did she choose a known pederast (and known at the time – Edwina Currie wrote about it) as her campaign manager when she lost the leadership (a job at which he was singularly useless)?
Going back even further, it’s seldom mentioned that there were allegations in WW1 that the British elite were deliberately dragging out the war because they were sexually compromised. Allegations were published by independent MP Noel Pemberton Billing who was sued for libel by the actress Maud Allan who’d been cited as an association of the conspirators. Billing’s usually dismissed as a right-wing crank – but he founded the company Supermarine that went on to build the Spitfire. The case looks like a deliberate ruse to discredit a genuine question by associating it with nuts and wrapping it in sexual sensationalism.
One example looks like an isolated case; this number plus the many others starts to look like a mode of government.
Not to forget Dutroux in Belgium, holding at least half a dozen girls captive over the years. The authorities’ efforts to contain his story were so obvious that a few hundred thousand people took to the streets demanding justice. They wouldn’t buy the lone criminal story.
The Irish didn’t warm to Mountbatten’s behaviour either.
Not to forget the Catholic church.
This is the first interesting Corbett video in a long time. Adnan Khashoggi was in the initial planning for Iran Contra along with Miles Copeland of the CIA and others. This operation bled Iran and Iraq and fattened Israel and the West. It was on Khashoggi’s yacht that the plans to murder Rajiv Gandhi were hatched. I read a book by Khashoggi’s American son in law who became a CIA agent and also was Muhammad Ali’s inner circle.
Roy Cohn was Don Drumpf’s mentor.
I might consider buying this book.
so what im suggesting is that the all pervading insidious satanic death cult thay has worked the strings of humanity for thousands of years also created for us “organised forms of religion” as well as “goverments” etc
these organised forms of religion have been used to invert humanitys better nature and by deceit and trickery convince humanity to worship the dark…
more than that, becuase they have known for millenia that at a pre-appointed place in the time line, yet again humanity would benefit from an “astral download”, powered by forces we do not understand, because such knowledge is hidden….
Thus we have humanity acting out and visualising the SCRIPT-URE that allows the satanic death cult to claim dominion over all humanity, just as they were told it would be
and we are doing exactly as we have been told… still not all of us eh?
i have not had to do too much digging since inspired to up my game mid 2020 to decipher what i say as evidenced and accurate, nor would you.
if the two unarmed/unloaded “nuke” capable missiles sent to kiev in the last few hours are anything to go by, the next stage of this “fiendish” plan may yet come to pass…
and here we sit as the evidence piles up around us, a corrupt administration in america, funded by a “crypto” white wash openly flaunts its paedophilic, gender bending, satanistic tendencies in our faces whilst pushing for the oblivion of Europe, assured as it is that its own interests will only marginally be affected…
err? fuck you
Today the new religion is economics.. The digital platform(running on top of the Internet) filters all behavior just as did the religions of old, and directs the politics of Oligarch controlled democracies. The new blackmail schemes are derived from artificial intelligence searches of each persons private communications. The results of these searches are used to blackmail, imprison, or deprive (access to college, jobs or politics) anyone not conforming to the global plan which is to manage under one world government all humanity with a result to be able to manipulate humanity by increasing the control over the humans trapped in the social and moral molding crucibles called nations within the nation state system. The nation state system is what keeps humanity differentiated and propaganda tailored to the nation state, is what keeps one nation of nation state people hating the people governed by another nation state.
Perhaps David Icke is more on the money with his theory that we worship and are addicted to the light, not the dark, as in this projected simulation we all live in. (The so-called elites do worship Lucifer, the light-bringer, don’t they? And what about the “Illuminati”, the illuminated/enlightened ones?).
Duckman said: “these organised forms of religion have been used to invert humanitys better nature and by deceit and trickery convince humanity to worship the dark…[sic]”
All organized forms of religion being equal of coarse which of coarse they are not.
Maybe just maybe the wide variety of organized religions (of which Judaism, Atheism and Science are not to be excluded from) are the reason humanity is worshipping the dark. You need to be more specific if you’re going to save the world by nullifying Jesus Christ.
Duckman said: “more than that, becuase they have known for millenia that at a pre-appointed place in the time line, yet again humanity would benefit from an “astral download”, powered by forces we do not understand, because such knowledge is hidden….[sic]”
You give the thems way too much credit. They were/are narcissistic enough to let their hubris run unchecked for so long and are now trapped in a recursive coil of hate which they want to pull you into. Or have you already been pulled into it?
How the MSM spun the Epstein affair is Exhibit A that they are malicious and controlled.
Is it really credible that not one of them could ask “who were these children trafficked to?”. Trafficking is inherently a two-way process. They’ve tried to pass the whole thing off as the sexual perversions of one person, then two people.
The one exception is Prince Andrew. They hope to drain all interest in the story on an endless fight about him, he’s the breakwater for everyone else (the same trick tobacco performed for all the other toxic industries). I’m starting to think he’s right that that photo of him with Giuffre is indeed faked with Andrew’s head placed on someone else’s body. This is not of course to argue that Andrew is a good guy.
BTW if anyone missed it, Giuffre dropped her case against Dershowitz recently.
Let’s hear it for “brave dissident” Jane Fonda:
When she called covid, “God’s gift to the Left”, for one gullible moment I thought she was going to launch into a sarky satirical attack on the covid crap. It wasn’t to be.
Her father was in naval intelligence.
Her brother pimped LSD in films like ‘The Trip’ and ‘Easy Rider’. He was one of a group of actors called ‘The Young Turks’. The original Young Turks were (like all C19th ‘Young’movements) Freemasons – and when in powere they oversaw the Armenian genocide. Another ‘Young Turk’ was Bruce Dern who was from a Washington bloodline family with relatives who’d been cabinet ministers.
Jane Fonda herself posed as anti-war to discredit the proper anti-war movement with stunts like her trip to Hanoi and the film ‘FTA’. Then she married billionaire eugenicist oligarch Ted Turner – like any good countercultural figure would….
One link for you especially , Edwige.
I was about to explode like Chester, until you mentioned TED !
Right at the last : good timing brother, instead I’m
Laughing at myself 😂
You’d think that after 40 years of “profits over people” junk economics, she’d – EVERYONE – would realize that it’s a corporate uniparty – The Washington Consensus as they call it now. Monopolize corporations and banks, underfund then privatize the public sector, neglect the industrial economy while financializing it with out of control speculation, stock buybacks, predatory financial schemes. That’s neoliberalism, aka fascism. And now the same people who made such a mess need a Great Regret, just more bad ideas… Technocracy, rule by appointed (bribed) experts only, already failed at the gate with Conjob 19.
Well said!
Has a single Hollyweird figure spoken against the scamdemic ?
Didn’t Anne Heche try?
Off Topic totally George: let me count now how many times ( 5 x off topic) ! Are you drunk ? Get a grip on your tiny sized brain capacity, after previous warnings, you never listened, let alone challenged your brain scientifically; so my “Towering Intelligence” as you like to call it, will prove to you how tiny minded & distracted you are; bring it on, Mr. Wise guy. (Chuckle)
* Look yourself in the mirror * first; and then let me demonstrate to you precisely where & how there IS actually some connectivity to Covid, within this video from Whitney Webb …
NOT that you understand that YET ! In fact, I do not believe you have even watched the video !
So, consider yourself challenged AFTER WATCHING WEBB & try listening carefully for once, because I reckon you will be too busy typing to even spot the connectivity to this Covid Plandemic…
Prove me wrong George, spot the link to Covid.
Huge Compliments to Whitney Webb, I actually learnt more than a couple of things from these books & video, rather like James, connectivity to old times, completing the loop to characters I already knew about, back in the 80’s, but could never quite complete the 360° circular nature of,
Same shit, new day syndrome. FYI George, I have no idea how old you are, but let me say that my intelligence always towered over Trump’s, proven by my actions long prior to Trump being placed into Chapter 11, knowing full well back then, what Soros was going to do… I moved every penny I had and voted with my feet, turning my back on Britain, moving to 🇨🇭 Die Schweiz and began investigating Credit Suisse and their takeover strategies, which included Bank Leu ! A story for
Entirely another day and pretty brutal for me personally…
No Jesting George. Spot the link to Covid, above !
And in future, place your bum-fluff where it belongs !
Well here’s a new angle for you, T, every time you tell me I’m off topic you are including yourself in that category.
Are you capable of reading and comprehension simultaneously, seriously.?
This comment from me has challenged you to WATCH THE VIDEO , first
Knock yourself out. Spot the connectivity.
That simple George …
The lord is my shepherd I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters….
“Lord”, “Creator” not the same thing, not at all the same thing, once understood you will understand that satans dominion has been being pushed right under your nose
I wonder: will they have to torment lab grown “meat” to get it to the market?
thats funny :0) thank you x
If the original animal from which the cells were taken was tortured properly, then, no.
Belligerent BBC mind bending boredom:
“Long Covid: What’s changed, and what we know now”
Nothing has changed and “what we know now” is what we were badgered with from the beginning.
Here’s an interesting thing. I searched using that “Long Covid: What’s changed, and what we know now” as directive and, instead of being directed to the BBC site, I was directed to this:
The blurb for this site goes:
Upshot: forget the BBC. Forget every outlet. Forget every “independent” outlook. All is now the “Vaccine Alliance”.
Usually when you type in a string with quotations marks, you are directed to very few sites. But this time there were four sites before I even got to the BBC. There was also this now familiar notice:
Which may be a hopeful sign i.e. that they can no longer blandly assume they can just get away with this crap.
There must be wordplay and/or numerology going on with this phrase “we now know” because they use it everywhere.
Of course they would have road-tested it with focus groups and found it the most effective formula:
we- tells the reader s/he’s part of a group.
now – the reader is up-to-date and modern
know – implies to the unwary something is true without actually saying it.
Such articles are invariably simply reprints of official press releases.
Off Topic again George: do Illuminate us what could even remotely feasibly convince you, (not me with my “Towering intelligence” , as you say), that this is a hopeful signal, of no further bland assumptions on escaping this Covid19 crap, when you continually reverberate this O.T. crap, like a dumbstruck dear frozen in my headlights, Focussed on Corporate & Military intelligence ? ?
I’m surprised your Towering intellect wasn’t up to figuring ot out. If they have to put up a sign saying “Don’t trust anyone yet!” then they are obviously getting oppositional info coming in.
Correction: chuckle bunny 😂 you have no idea how Tedious I can be, yet…
Think Reinertorheit and his boss, Milosevic !
Present pseudonym being Covidiot & Co.
Carry on typing, instead of paying any respect to Whitney Webb,
You insulting Scottish Tosser , that distracts from and derails any
Conversation that RELATES to CHILD ABUSE !
Just Cause >>> Jester George, as Johnny Mc would say…
“You cannot be serious” for one moment, georgi boy !
Off Topic again George: Did you actually watch & listen to ANYTHING on this fine due
Dilligence from Whitney Webb ? I guess not !
I listened to the opening bit and figured it was another minute connector of dots which I daresay is valuable but I’ve never been interested in all the intricate tracings of these networks especially now that the revelation of operation covid has made it clear that every channel of this slimy media is under control from a tiny group. I may get back to it but as that infamous Bush aid quote said, by the time you’ve figured it out, they’ve already moved on.
Off Topic boy oh boy, George: this is getting truly Tedious. This comment and ALL YOUR comments
HERE & Now belong , as extra fluff, to an article that discusses Covid ! Press the wee house button at the top and you will find the relevant article for this fluffy bollocks, in a mere matter of a second.
Stop derailing & monopolising comments sections, with wholly off Topic Fluff.
Or are you stressing yourself to become the man with the most prolific comments total,
Ever in the history here@OffG ?
I can safely assume that, since you have now attacked me three times for being off topic and for the same comment (!), that you are now launched on a vendetta. Now THAT is tedious.
TDJ, could you stop doing the Admin’s job and calling people out for being off-topic? The comments section is a dynamic place and we only call out off-topic behaviour if it’s in danger of hijacking or derailing the thread.
Ironically, you are getting close to hijacking this thread with your prolific and confrontational posting, demanding people stay on topic. It’s unnecessarily controlling so please would you tone this down? Thank you.
And George, for the sake of fairness since I’ve given a note to TDJ, although you haven’t been OTT like TDj you do admit you haven’t watched the video above, so could you please save anymore off-topic covid discussion for one of our many covid-related pieces? Thanks, A2
Fair enough, Admin.
I followed WW’s unravelling of the Epstein /Maxwell blackmail project a year or so ago ~
* the big question is not who was blackmailed, nor what they did with those girls
* the big question is What did those big shots do, in exchange?
~ the (partial) answer being, global surveillance, such as Palantir
Excellent comment, antitermite. For many decades I have thought the same as W.W. and on both sides of the ‘Pond’: it is not just the culpability of the C.I.A & N.S.A. , but also that of British Military intelligence , specifically M.i.5/6 + Mossad and their accountants, K.P.M.G. 🎭 the Khazarian PayPal Mafia Group (My nickname for the AshkeNazi ‘influencers’ of whole nations in reality, not the Jews, whose religion has been ‘adopted’ as subterfuge ).
From the beginning of W.W.2 onwards, Irgun became highly active within the aforementioned intelligence agencies, even before the state of Israel was created and long before Mossad ever existed, Irgun was their forerunner. I know this for a fact, from my Grandfather, who signed up to British Military intelligence in1938, to design and build the first Military Radar & Radio Engineering,
And he worked with Menachim Begin throughout & after the War, in N.Africa on Black Ops. & then in Egypt & Palestine, until the day that Begin & Irgun turned on him and his war torn colleagues,
Blowing them all up in the British Military H.Q. in the basement of a hotel in Jerusalem ! Luckily,
Grandfather was on duty at that moment, in a Pyramid as the Radio fell silent, prior to establishing Israel … and he threatened to walk & talk all the way home, in utter disgust & disbelief unless he was put on the next available Ship Home ! I mention this because Dr. Alan Turing was treated appallingly after the War, as well… software designs from 1938 in the Archives of M.i.T. Still today,
But you cannot copy them , ever … so, leapfrog onto the 70’s, after the Golan Heights were Stolen from Syria, about the time of Colin Wallace and M.i.5. USING & ABUSING ORPHANED BOYS in the KINCORA Orphanage in N. Ireland: young lads had a truly bad start to life, compounded !
The boys had zero chance of any justice, back then, even Colin Wallace was imprisoned on Bum charges of Murder, having worked for the ‘intelligence’ services AND to this day STILL the now old men, my age, seek Justice … Gary Hoy, Richard Kerr & Clint Massey to mention a few…
The Guardian has had the same journalist covering this all up, hush hush with M.i.6. Agents within,
For the last decade and as you so poignantly observe, the Big question really is WHAT did those Big Shots, who were fucking young boys (and fucking the lives of those young boys permanently for life), have to do in Exchange…? Of course, the names of the responsible cunts at M.i.5. Should be made public and join Ghislaine Maxwell in prison, along with revealing every name of every
Fucker, that visited Kincora and have them publicly shamed, like in China 🇨🇳 we can perhaps hope, For Gary HOY & Co . . . but, for the grace of a god, controlled by the AshkeNazi with accountants like… K.P.M.G. it’s still an uphill struggle against their MIGHTY MEDIA MOGULS and PR MARKETING MANIPULATORS of public minds, focussed on Ukraine presently, to distract from their strategy of
Apart-heid & seek Justice… with Netanyahoo back at the helm, now ? ! I’ve challenged gormless George above, to establish the connectivity to Covid and the video that W.W. has made… I very much doubt he will spot the connectivity, but let us see how he manages, if he can stop himself typing bum-fluff, for a moment. I’ll give you a clue and promise to get back to you before responding to GeorgeMc and by linking this person, Sam & Sophie will find this comment
First in Pending. Again, fine simple comment, antitermite and sense of priorities…
Good luck trying to connect the dots between Covid & Robert Keith Gray…
(all logical, honestly)
Best wishes,
“The big question is What did those big shots do, in exchange?”
A partial answer being all the big shots kept absolutely mum about Israel’s non-stop oppression of Palestine.
Your starter for 10 >>> Fully Correct.
But, thurs’ more… I’ll wait to see
If antitermite responds, first,
Respectfully ,
See a list of 50 detailed studies/proofs that the vaxx is lethal. Just scroll through them; they show you why people are waking up. They’re really quite interesting– like the one where Wayne Root follows the fate of his 200 wedding guests.
Steve’s list is over 100 now & here are a few stunning highlights:
#25 UK causes of mortality Spring 2020: acute respiratory 32%; heart disease/failure 21%.
UK causes of mortality Spring 2022: acute respiratory 10%; heart disease/failure 61%.
#40 Just 1.3% of eligible US children under 5 have received one or two doses of a vaccine, according to data from the CDC.
#43 I [Steve Kirsch] now have 25 doctors in California willing to risk their careers to speak out to members of Congress in California. These doctors work at hospitals all over California. It’s not local.
#52 The US public is NOT permitted to know what is inside the COVID vaccines. A FOIA to the British government confirmed “the full quantitative composition of all COVID-19 vaccines is exempt from FOIA disclosure.” In Uruguay, a judge has ordered the vaccines halted until they disclose the contents.
#65 Haiti vaxx rate is 1.4% — yet country has one of lowest COVID death rates in the world.
[What I have been reporting forever in small-town America and blue-collar America is now known by the doctors, and will soon break into the big cities and the well-educated
“The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is facing a class-action lawsuit for allegedly using Google technology to covertly install tracking apps on over one million Android phones as part of the state government’s efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 through contact tracing.
“In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), a nonpartisan civil rights firm, accused the Bay State’s health department of “brazen disregard for civil liberties” by installing “spyware that deliberately tracks and records movement and personal contacts onto over a million mobile devices without their owners’ permission and awareness.” The class-action suit claims DPH is in violation of both the Massachusetts and U.S. Constitutions.”
Reclaiming our govts is the way to recapture & safeguard our rights.
I dare anyone that thinks they wouldn’t bother with this video, to instead read Whitney’s books, then try to prove the information being provided isn’t accurate.
Otherwise you should just STFU.
Fuck yeah: indeed I cannot even imagine how so many dumb fuckers have voted your comment down ! So, I immediately tipped the balance in your favour AND were I a moderator, I would verify and keep a record of the present 8 thumbs down, purely because logic dictates that I know who the fuck is who, including their IP & ISP… in such critical times as this !
With you all the way, Thomas.
Always against any form of child abuse. Simples. wtf ?
Seems to be that every wave of people being hospitalised or dropping dead not long after the latest booster jab is labelled another “covid wave”. Brisbane and Sydney people are asked to wear masks as the fourth wave of booster deaths has arrived.
Curious: how do the experts know this “4th wave” wont ‘peak’ until mid-December ?
The doctors are baffled by cash from Big Pharma.
We cant let the sheep enjoy christmas.
I think we can assume that Christmas is a thing of the past. Actually everything is a thing of the past.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-16. 39% INCREASE deaths from irregular heartbeats May this year. WEF at G20: health passport. Brazil rising (blog, gab, tweet).
The herds of modern moron slaves DO NOT CARE about any of this… One excellent example is Willem!
Too much trouble in the world… Too busy!
And lets not forget that, according to a contributer here, that anything past “Epstein was a lone wolf” makes you a QANON freak.
Yeah, well… even if I had all the time in the world… then still no.
But that’s a pure hypothetical since I don’t have all the time in the world.
Before wasting my time, I ask myself
A) how I find out about some story and
B) how it can be verified.
If both answers are: through the media and the media only, I conclude that the story is a complete waste of time.
If both answers are: through the media and the media only, I conclude that the story is a complete waste of time.
Now you are lying to yourself to rationalize your earlier statement.
You wouldn’t be reading this site and have made many excellent comments over the past two years on some of those very same stories that are covered, “through the media and the media only”, if your statement was consistent with your actions.
No worries Willem, you’re just not making any sense here which is a departure from your usual self as far as I know.
This tale has all the fingerprints of fairy tale on it.
The story is too obvious or too good to be true. Like the Assange saga or the Snowden escape. And now I have to read 900 pages to see that what looks like a fairy tale to me actually isn’t?
Sorry but won’t do.
Or listen to Corbett???
– Well, if it’s an either or question, then maybe I should read those 900 pages.
But no, I still won’t read the 900 pages or listen to Corbett.
I remember when this citizen 4 documentary on Snowden from Laura Poitras and the amazing Glenn Greenwald was aired on tv here. Same playbook. Some amazing fact that came to light with thousands of potential implications and millions of datafiles (they said), and which led to… absolutely nothing. Looked fake to me then, as this Epstein thing looks fake to me now.
But what do I know eh?
Anyway, there is plenty of trouble in the world to think about and try to do something about and, as you may have noticed from this comment, Epstein isn’t on my list.
Has there yet been any photos or video of Ghislaine Maxwell from the last several years surface?
Funny how the angle they’ve taken fits into the usual left-right dialectic i.e. ‘right-wing’ newspaper reports prison is too soft. They’ll never report the big question – who did Epstein/Maxwell traffic children to because that will show it was ‘right’ and ‘left’ figures,.
More generally, although I don’t agree with Willem the circumstances of Epstein’s re-arrest are highly peculiar (he was safely abroad and chose to fly back to the USA). I wouldn’t rule out further layers to the whole business.
Fair comment in some ways, but you made it way too easy for ChairmanD.
Additionally, you have neglected the most important PRIORITY factor, as highlighted by ‘antitermite’ above. It is less important who did what to whom, than…
What did they have to do in EXCHANGE, to protect themselves, subsequently !
And how many times & on which specific issues… Never, in the field of HUMAN conflict, has so much been owed, by so FEW, to so many…
Your comment is a clear admission that you have not watched the video…!
Why bother commenting?
Thank God for Meme Monday right?
LOL, yeah apparently some people just know stuff and can absorb it straight out of the air.
Or maybe the facts are actually cognisant and know who to attack, kind of like how Sars-CoV-2 knows when people are standing closer than 1.5m from each other, or whether they’re in a hospital, or not.
A fairytale? Sexual blackmail isn’t a thing?
This type of blackmail works fool proof on power thirsty fools. Sex can be so satisfactory if used in the ‘right’ way by well funded organizations. Why don’t the drug cartels, mafias etc. use it too?
Ant. The C.I.A is a drug cartel and functions exactly like any other Mafia, for example the Khazarian Mafia and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men and women, like Christa Freeland are extremely well funded, backed by the WEF and their young global leaders are well known for their power thirsty behaviours… we can only hope that after the Chinese win the OPIUM Wars, (finally a forgone conclusion), that they refuse to follow the Sex-Trafficking behaviours of sick Westerners, for favours,
By abusing children ! Because Confucius say , you will be shamed & publically.
Anyone for Tennis ? Before China finishes off self cleansing ?
Just to pre-empt your obvious response … 😉
Obviously you are not on the side of the people.
Do you think we are useless eaters too?
Is Klaus Schwab your daddy?
The information presented and the fact that it led to absolutely nothing are two separate issues.
That these sorts of exposes do not gain traction or lead to wholesale prosecutions is a larger political problem not an indictment of those exposing these crimes.
If, indeed, the Snowden thing was a psy-op, there are two opposing results: 1) the psy-op allowed the “spys” to get a feel for the public’s reaction; or 2) it portrayed the “spys” as omniscient, omnipresent and all powerful.
Same with the Epstein saga: it presents world leaders as pedophiles, sadists and deviants; and it issues a warning: they’re coming for your kids, so you better lock them down.
(And since most commenters on this forum view everything as a psy-op, these two fit right in, don’t they?)
Willem, normally I quite enjoy your comments. Howsoever, this comment from you is utterly ridiculous and absurd. If you are not interested in watching W.W. After exhaustive research
And a mighty effort to formulate everything-everything, not just from W.W. . . . In a Coherent
And cohesive fashion, why bother commenting ?
I ask myself ? Bad day at the office, maybe… ?
Because, I assure you this is no tale for a Fairy 🧚♀️
“Its appetite and maw are seemingly insatiable.”

“Cull Juice the World!”

“Another question one may wish to ask, how many (if any) of the other G20 attendees were honestly and democratically elected?”
Don’t insult harmless girl toys.